How to eliminate smell from an electric kettle. How to get rid of the smell of plastic in an electric kettle: an overview of the best tools

At least once in a lifetime, every person has come across the fact that a new kettle smells like plastic. Sometimes this smell and even taste are transmitted to the water boiled in it. What to do in this case, why this happens and what the neglect of this problem is fraught with, we will consider below.

Where does the unpleasant "aroma" come from and what is it fraught with

To understand whether the use of a “flavored” teapot is dangerous in any particular case, you need to delve into the problem a little deeper. Let's analyze the most common causes the appearance of an unpleasant odor, namely:

  1. They didn't ventilate. The first and safest cause of odor is tight factory packaging. The smell of plastic simply does not have time to disappear from the new product and enters your house along with the purchase. Of course, at the factory, no one will be engaged in airing kettles in the fresh air, but you can do it at home with ease. If the smell is gone - the product is of high quality.
  2. Low quality materials. A foul-smelling kettle can be made from poor quality plastic. It is clear that products from highly quality material They cost more, but health is priceless. Some unscrupulous manufacturers try to save on materials at the expense of consumer health. Food-grade plastic, from which such products must be made, does not have any smell, but it also costs more. In addition, the kettle is constantly exposed to high temperature loads, and in order to extend its service life, many plasticizers and dyes are added to the plastic composition. Without the last appearance leaves much to be desired. If these impurities are of poor quality, odor is also inevitable. The most unpleasant thing in this story is that this cocktail, when heated, safely dissolves in water, making it a slow poison for any human body.
  3. It's time to change. It happens that the kettle has served you faithfully for some time, giving no reason to doubt its safety. And it does not matter - a week or five years - such symptoms can appear at any time. There was no smell, and then suddenly once - and appeared one fine morning, spoiling the user's mood and appetite. This phenomenon indicates that the plastic of the teapot has already served its time and began to gradually disintegrate, dissolving directly in the water. In this case, you need to go for a new kitchen assistant as soon as possible.

Like any chemicals, plastic particles dissolved in water can be hazardous to health. We are talking, of course, about cheap raw materials, which at the same time have their own specific smell. Food plastic, as mentioned above, does not smell and does not pose a health hazard.

Solutions to the problem

Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is to immediately get rid of the smelly enemy of health. If you bought this kettle yourself and the warranty is still valid, there should be no problems with an exchange or return. From a legal point of view, a foul-smelling new kettle is classified as substandard goods and must be returned within two years from the date of purchase. With the check, you must provide an application indicating the problem and articles 4, 18 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights". In this case, you have no right to refuse a refund or exchange of goods.

If you really want to leave the kettle or for some reason there is no way to change it, you can resort to folk remedies. After their application, it will become clear for sure whether high-quality plastic was used in the manufacture and whether the “patient is recoverable”.

  1. Citric. Cut directly into the teapot into large slices of 3-4 lemons or a couple of bags citric acid, fill with water up to the maximum mark. Then boil and leave the resulting cocktail overnight. In the morning, after re-boiling, pour the resulting mixture into the sewer. In the best scenario, the smell should go away or be greatly reduced. If after three such procedures there is no result - "the patient is more dead than alive." By the way, scale is removed perfectly and safely in the same way.
  2. Acetic. In a 1:1 ratio, use vinegar with water. Actions and result as in the previous paragraph. You just need to be ready for a blend of boiling vinegar and plastic, it is better to do this procedure in the summer with open windows.
  3. Soda. Half a glass of ordinary baking soda is taken for two liters of water. Boil once, let cool. Pour out the liquid and rinse the kettle thoroughly with plenty of water.
  4. Laurel. Boil a full kettle with a few leaves of parsley.

If none of the above actions brought the desired result, you need to immediately and without regret get rid of the harmful purchase.

Now we will try to deal with the question: how to remove the smell from the kettle, which is very relevant for many buyers.

According to statistics, more than half of all electric kettles sold in the retail network are made either from low quality materials or brought to us from China, which also indicates their low quality. Most often, such teapots are made of low-grade plastic in violation of production technology.

And then the question arises: how to remove the smell from the kettle? During operation, especially when boiling water for the first time in such a kettle, you may feel a sharp chemical smell.

But even in good quality, a metal teapot, after a while you can feel an unpleasant aroma. Most often, housewives have to remove the smell from the kettle, which occurs when using poor-quality, untreated tap water. All this cannot but affect the taste properties of your favorite drinks until this time. But, as you know, all problems are solvable, you just need to know how to remove the smell from the kettle.

Let's try to understand the methods of removing the smell from the kettle

There are ways to effectively get rid of these problems forever.

1) To solve the problem, you will need: Ingredients lemon, more precisely, its juice and peel, citric acid (in sachets), vinegar or vinegar essence, if you find it, baking soda and bay leaf.

2) To quickly remove the smell in an electric kettle, pour one or two bags into it citric acid, fill up to the maximum level with water and boil. If you carry out this procedure in the evening, then you can leave the contents for a greater effect until the morning. In the morning, boil the left solution again, let it cool a little, pour it out and rinse well with water. The smell in the kettle should be removed with ease using this method.

3) The same can be done with fresh lemon. You will need three or four of them. Squeeze out the juice, pour water, boil, leave to cool completely. Pour out and rinse with running water.

4) In much the same way, you can remove the nasty smell from the kettle with lemon peels. The only negative is that you need to stock up on them in advance and you will need quite a lot of them. The crusts need to be finely chopped and filled with a large free part of the kettle. Then repeat: boil, cool, rinse.

5) If you don’t have the listed at hand, you can use the 9 percent acetic acid to remove the smell from the electric kettle. Pour it, about half a glass into the kettle, turn it on and wait for it to heat up. Do not bring the resulting composition to a boil. Since with excessive heating, a reaction will occur, and all the contents will pour out without benefiting the kettle. This procedure can be carried out repeatedly. That is, until the smell is completely eliminated.

6) You can also try to get rid of the annoying smell from the kettle, using the usual drinking soda. Pour two or three full tablespoons of it, fill it with water to the maximum, boil, cool, rinse.

7) Well, the easiest, but no less effective way- application of bay leaf. Take half a packet of leaves on a kettle of water, boil, cool, pour, rinse.

We examined the most humane, non-hazardous ways to get rid of an unpleasant smell from a kettle. Of course, you can try to get rid of it in other chemical ways, using detergents and other equally dangerous ingredients, but it's hardly worth it.

If all the methods listed above have not helped, it is better to purchase a new, more expensive version of the kettle. Fortunately, their business is now in abundance on store shelves, for every taste and budget. And it would be more correct if you buy a kettle in a specialized store, where the seller can provide you with a quality certificate about its safety for your health.

So, teapots made of stainless steel or glass never have an extraneous smell, are durable, safe to use, which is important, again, for health.

But it happens that with a long service life, you can smell a musty smell and their quality kettle and then you have to remove it using the methods presented above. Most likely, here the problem will be already in the water. Use only fresh, filtered, purified water for making drinks. And to eliminate the smell, put a few pieces of sugar on the bottom of a dry kettle and leave it overnight. Sugar will absorb the unwanted smell.

It's nice to have a cup of tea!

The joy of buying an electric kettle is overshadowed by its unpleasant smell. To solve the problem, manufacturers recommend repeatedly boiling water, each time pouring it from the tap. It doesn't always help. Today we will talk about why the new kettle smells like plastic and what to do in this case.

The main causes of odor

The smell from the remnants of technical oil and dense packaging will easily disappear if the kettle is thoroughly rinsed.

They can be different, for example:

  • Factory packaging. Manufacturers wrapped the teapot too tightly in the container, which is why the aroma of plastic was concentrated in the body.
  • Low quality plastic. This is the most common and dangerous reason. Household containers that come into contact with water and food should be made of special, food-grade plastic. Unscrupulous manufacturers in an effort to save money ignore this rule.
  • plasticizers and dyes. They are added so that the product lasts a long time and looks beautiful. If these materials are of low quality, they can also be the cause of a peculiar smell.
  • Traces of technical oil. It is used in the manufacturing process, so residues are sometimes found on the finished product.

Clean water should not smell of anything - this is a rule and a sanitary norm that should not be neglected.

How could it be dangerous

To remove an unpleasant smell from the kettle, boil 2 liters of Sprite in it

The toxins emitted by a fragrant electric kettle are dangerous whether they are inhaled in the air or consumed in water. The health consequences can range from allergies to cancer.

Many chemical additives elevated temperatures ah dissolve in water, giving it a plastic flavor and making the liquid filled with various compounds. The use of such equipment for heating water is hazardous to health.

What to do

If the problem is not low-quality plastic, then lemon will help get rid of the smell.

It is worth trying to give the device freshness. Exist different ways do this:

  • Fill the kettle with water, add the juice of 3 lemons, boil and leave overnight. In the morning, turn on again and bring to a boil, then drain the water. If the smell has decreased, but not disappeared, you can repeat.
  • Dilute a couple of large spoons of vinegar essence in a small amount of water, pour into a teapot, fill with water to the top and turn it on. After boiling, drain, then rinse the plastic tank.
  • Pour 2 liters of water, stir in it 0.5 cups of baking soda, boil. Wait until it cools down, drain everything and rinse the kettle well.

As a rule, the smell then disappears.

If all the methods did not have the desired effect, you can try to boil the kettle with a solution of water with detergents containing surfactants. In this case, after the procedure, it is necessary to rinse the kettle very thoroughly.

When purchasing low-quality equipment, it can be returned to the store within two years or exchanged for new equipment.

If, despite the manipulations, the kettle still exudes a plastic spirit, it is better to part with it - return it to the store or throw it away. Alternatively, you can use the device to heat water intended for household needs.

But when boiling water, they can exude an unpleasant odor. How to remove the smell from the kettle so that there is no characteristic taste of plastic is always an urgent question. There are several ways to solve it, more details about which you will learn from this article.

Where does the smell in the teapot come from?

Before proceeding directly to solving the problem of how to remove the smell from the kettle, it will not be superfluous to understand where it comes from in principle. The causes of odors and their level of harmfulness are as follows:

  1. Oil residues (technological). You can easily get rid of this problem by washing.
  2. The smell of chemicals and plastic, as a result of tightly, almost hermetically packed equipment at the manufacturing plant. Washable and odor neutralized.
  3. Poor-quality cheap plastic, where plasticizers were added in excess. When heated into water will be released harmful substances that you will consume with food. It is better to get rid of such a kettle as soon as possible.
  4. In a new kettle, the dyes that are in the plastic can also smell bad. If such a teapot is not washed thoroughly, then drinking from it is also harmful.
  5. The smell may appear with prolonged use of the equipment and indicates that it is time to change it. The plastic breaks down and the particles end up right in your tea or coffee.

Important! A logical question arises: is it possible to use plastic teapots at all? Yes, you can, but there are some tips for adequate use of them:

  • Do not leave boiled water in the kettle.
  • Don't boil the same water twice.
  • Only fill this dish with the amount of water you will use at one time.

If you have made sure that your kettle is made of quality material, and you have read all the precautions for operation, you can remove unwanted “aromas”.

How to remove plastic smell from teapot?

Since this is a specific dish, and when high temperatures chemical reactions occur, it is advisable to use only natural ingredients. To bring the kettle to “combat” readiness will help you:

  • soda;
  • lemon or citric acid;
  • drink "Sprite";
  • Bay leaf;
  • ground coffee;
  • sauerkraut;
  • vinegar;
  • Activated carbon;
  • sugar.

Important! To apply any of these ingredients, you will need water. How much depends on the size of your kettle.

How to remove the smell of plastic from the kettle?

If the usual washing of new or long-used dishes does not help to cope with the problem of how to remove the smell from the kettle, it's time to move on to drastic measures and get to grips with it.

To start:

  1. Boil the water.
  2. Drain the used fluid completely.
  3. Then proceed with one of the following methods.

Method number 1

Soda is an excellent absorbent and in such a case it will be quite appropriate. Apply it like this:

  1. Fill the kettle up to the maximum mark.
  2. Pour in 30g of soda.
  3. Boil and leave to cool.
  4. Drain and repeat with a new batch of soda.

Important! After you have carried out the procedure three times, rinse under running water.

Method number 2

Vinegar can be found in every home. It is suitable not only for food, but also for cleansing procedures. Here, this acid will also be useful. Use it this way:

  1. First, pour 100 g of vinegar into the kettle.
  2. Fill the remaining space with water.
  3. Heat the kettle, but do not boil.
  4. Do this manipulation several times.
  5. At the end, pour out the water and rinse the equipment.

Method number 3

One more interesting option using bay leaf. The instruction is:

  1. Place 20g of leaf in a bowl completely filled with water.
  2. Boil twice with a break for 3 hours.
  3. Remove leaves and bring to a boil already clean water.
  4. Rinse the inside of the dishes under the tap.

Method number 4

If you have sauerkraut or sauerkraut at home, feel free to use it in this case - in terms of its properties, sauerkraut is somewhere in the middle between lemon and vinegar. Proceed like this:

  1. Fill the bowl with cabbage by a third.
  2. Fill with water and boil.
  3. 2 hours after turning off, wash thoroughly.

What and how else to remove the smell from the kettle?

Citric acid is famous for its cleansing properties. In this case, you can use lemon juice, citric acid in the form of powder and citrus peel. Accordingly, there are three methods to solve the problem of how to remove the smell of plastic from the kettle.

Method #1

With the help of citric acid in powder form. It looks like this:

  1. Collect water.
  2. Add 50g of acid to it.
  3. Boil and rinse well.

Method #2

This method is considered relatively expensive. It will need the juice of three lemons. It is done like this:

  1. Squeeze lemon juice into a household appliance filled with water.
  2. Bring to a boil and leave overnight.
  3. Change the water in the morning and boil without acid.
  4. Wash the kettle and it is ready for use.

Method #3

If you have prepared a different fate for lemons, then their peel will come in handy. Use it like this:

  1. Half fill the kettle with crusts.
  2. Fill the other half with water.
  3. Boil the crusts and leave for 12 hours.
  4. After the time has elapsed, boil the same water again.
  5. Wash the inside of the kettle with warm water.

Important! You can alternate these methods, then you will achieve great results.

How to remove the smell of plastic from the kettle?

There are several other ways to solve the problem of unpleasant smell in the kettle. At first glance, they are eccentric, but effective.

Solution #1

For this procedure, you will need to purchase the Sprite drink and use it in this way:

  1. Fill the glass with drink to the brim.
  2. Bring it to a boil.
  3. Rinse off any residue with running water.

Solution #2

You will need activated charcoal. It perfectly absorbs unpleasant odors. It operates under the following conditions:

  1. Place 10 charcoal tablets on the bottom.
  2. Try to seal it tightly.
  3. Leave for 20 hours.
  4. Boil clean water and wash.

How to permanently get rid of the smell in the kettle?

At the end of each procedure, you can use any of the following, fixing the result, means:

  1. Tool number 1 - coffee:
    1. After all boiling and cleaning, pour ground coffee on the bottom of the kettle.
    2. Let it lie there for 12-13 hours.
    3. Wash the dishes at the end.
  2. Remedy number 2 - sugar:
    1. Boil clean water.
    2. Turn off and add 2 tablespoons to the water. Sahara.
    3. Wait a little
    4. Drain and rinse in clean water.

It takes ~2 minutes to read

When buying a plastic electric kettle, few people think about chemical reactions that occur when water is boiled in new appliances. Such material releases harmful substances during exposure to elevated temperatures. From our article we will learn how to get rid of the smell of plastic in an electric kettle, consider the causes and methods of dealing with this negative phenomenon.



Before you remove the smell of plastic from an electric kettle, you should understand the causes of its occurrence. There are several of them:

  1. Unwashed process oil on the inner surface of the device.
  2. Long-term storage of the kettle in hermetic packaging.
  3. Use of cheap plastics with plasticizers as the main raw material. The price is household appliances significantly lower than high-quality analogues. In this regard, it is better to give money once, but choose a quality product.

The smell of plastic in an electric kettle indicates the release of substances toxic to humans during heating; drinking water from it is dangerous for human health. In a household appliance, the paint that was used to cover it often remains. inner part corps. This is indicated by the technique, painted in bright colors. At proper care the period of operation of the electric kettle reaches 7 years. During this time, the device may break down, which also leads to the release of unpleasant odors.

How to get rid of the smell of plastic in the kettle will be described further. Similar procedures can be carried out for all models of equipment, except for cases where low-quality raw materials are used. With intense release chemical substances and an unpleasant aftertaste of water after several boils, it is better to return the goods to the store. In kettles made of glass or stainless steel, unpleasant odors appear due to improper transportation or storage, as well as as a result of foreign parts getting inside the bowl.


Using a plastic electric kettle - harmful or not

Boiling liquid in an electrical appliance is not harmful, but water that has stood for a while is saturated with harmful secretions from plastic and can affect human health. In this regard, it must be poured to a certain level for one tea or coffee, just above the minimum mark (this depends on the number of residents). After buying a new electric kettle, a subtle smell of plastic will be felt in it, which must be removed by any available method.

The instructions indicate the following information - before drinking tea, boil water three times in a new kettle. If this does not help, you need to use other methods for cleaning household appliances from a specific aroma. Next, we will learn how to get rid of the smell of plastic in the kettle.


Methods for dealing with unpleasant odors

Prepare the device before use. Pour water into it, turn on the button and wait for it to boil. Next, drain the liquid and wait for the body to cool completely. If the user feels an unpleasant odor, then it will have to be eliminated using folk remedies or other methods, if not, then the device is ready for further operation. Next, we will learn how to get rid of the smell in a new kettle.

Lemon acid

To use this tool, you must pour the maximum amount of liquid into the appliance. After that, 15 grams of citric acid powder are poured into a container. Thoroughly mix the active substance, press the button and wait for the boil, then drain the water and rinse the case with inside. It is best to boil a new kettle with a solution of citric acid. This tool is added to the liquid at intervals of 10-15 days. Citric acid allows you to remove scale from the walls of the household appliance, which greatly simplifies its cleaning and increases the heating efficiency.



Before you remove the smell from a new electric kettle, you need to prepare baking soda. The container is filled with water, pour 50 grams of soda and bring to a boil. The cooled liquid is drained, then the device is washed clean water. To achieve the best effect, this procedure must be repeated.


Lemon juice

Lemon juice is often used to clean the kettle from scale and unpleasant odors. To do this, you need to fill the tank to the upper mark and squeeze the liquid from three medium-sized lemons into the water. Boiling is carried out in the evening, and the water is drained in the morning. After that, new liquid is poured and boiled back. Similar processing household appliances allows you to completely get rid of unpleasant odors of plastic.



Pour 30% cabbage into the kettle, top up the rest with water. Boil the liquid and leave to stand for 3 hours. After that, drain the water and rinse the device, the smell should disappear.


Bay leaf

We put 10 pieces of bay leaves on the bottom of the device, pour the liquid to the full volume. We turn on the button and wait for the equipment to turn off. We insist for 2-3 hours. When the liquid cools down, the operation is repeated again. Now we know how to remove the smell of plastic from the kettle, let's get acquainted with other folk methods.


citrus peel

We lay a thin layer of orange or lemon peel on the bottom of the appliance, pour water and turn on the button. After boiling, the liquid is left for 12-15 hours, then boiled again. When the kettle has cooled, wash the container well.



The musty smell in the kettle will help remove the sugar. A couple of spoons of this product are poured onto the bottom of the device, the lid is tightly closed and left in this state for 10-12 hours. After this time, 50 grams of citric acid is poured into the bowl and water is poured, the ingredients are stirred. Next, you need to bring the kettle to a boil, but do not boil, wait until the liquid has cooled. Now you can drain the water and rinse the device, the unpleasant smell of plastic should disappear.

Other Methods

How to Remove Plastic Smell from an Electric Kettle If You Don't Want to Use It folk remedies? You can use other methods, for example, pour Coca-Cola or Sprite into the bowl of the appliance and boil.

A good effect is the use of activated carbon. 10 tablets are lowered to the bottom, after which the lid of the device is closed and wrapped with a cloth. After a day, the coal is removed, poured and put on a boil with clean water, then the container is washed.



We learned how to get rid of the smell of Chinese plastic with simple means(soda, vinegar, bay leaf and activated charcoal). When choosing any of these methods, it is necessary to dilute the active substances with water in the required proportions.