What temperature can you plant zucchini. Planting zucchini with seeds in open ground and for seedlings terms and planting scheme proper care

The main feature of zucchini is versatility and simplicity. And we are talking not only about culinary characteristics, when grown, it also does not cause any trouble at all. To reap a good harvest, gardeners need to work a little physically and apply some agrotechnical knowledge. Next, we will talk about how to properly grow zucchini in open field, which neighbors to choose for them, how to fertilize, and whether the plant needs it.

Sowing zucchini seeds in open ground

The successful cultivation of this variety of pumpkin depends largely on the quality of the seeds, the chosen site and the complex of preparatory work. It consists in pre-sowing seed treatment, plowing and its enrichment with nutrients. Let's look at all the subtleties in more detail.

When to sow seeds outdoors

As soon as the threat of spring frosts passes, and friendly shoots of other crops appear in the garden, you need to sow zucchini in open ground. This usually happens in the last decade of May and at the beginning.

Did you know? For a long time, zucchini was grown as an exotic crop exclusively in greenhouses, and only in Mexico - in their historical homeland - they consumed seeds for food. The Italians were the first to dare to try the whole vegetable.

How to prepare zucchini seeds

All the worries about the future harvest begin with the choice of seed material. Some housewives collect it from their own, while others prefer purchased. It is important to check home seeds for germination.

To do this, they are soaked in a very weak solution of potassium permanganate, after which the settled specimens are kept for about 20 minutes in a growth stimulator. This stage of preparatory work is completed by rinsing and wrapping the selected grains in a damp and warm cloth.

Important! Zucchini grains, homemade or purchased, except for hybrids, are suitable for planting for 5-8 years. Quality specimens remain viable for longer.

After the seed swells, but does not yet take root, it is stratified for 48 hours at a temperature of about 0 ° C. Then the bundle is placed on the southern windowsill for a week, periodically wetting with water.

The material is ready for planting when root processes up to a third of the grains long have developed on it. Not all summer residents are engaged in the germination of zucchini. Many plant seeds in open ground, processed only either.

Choosing a place for planting zucchini

When looking for a suitable bed for pumpkin crops, take note of the thermophilicity of zucchini and their main requirements for growing agrotechnics. Plants will be very comfortable in an open, well-lit area, where there are no buildings or trees nearby.

It is desirable that the vegetables were in the sun throughout the day. It is also important to consider the landscape of the site: avoid cold lowlands, drafts and windy areas.

Don't be in a hurry to plan your garden: in this case, it is important to understand, after which and with what it is better to plant zucchini.

Experts consider ideal predecessors for culture:, all types, and. For 3-4 years, it is not recommended to cultivate representatives of the pumpkin family in the same area. Also, do not sow where they grew before.

Important! Almost all imported zucchini seeds from stores are hybrids. They are not suitable for collecting next year's seed.

Wrong crop rotation and neighborhood will make it difficult for the development of zucchini. This is because the grains end up in depleted soil, and an unfavorable pathogenic environment has remained from the predecessors.

In no case should you plant and next to zucchini. Cucurbits and melons have a common nutritional requirement and the same sensitivity to pathogens. As a result of such an experiment, you will get crop failure on both beds.

Preparatory work on the plot for zucchini

What exactly needs to be done on the site before planting depends on the physico-chemical characteristics of the substrate on it. Many, when asked what kind of soil is needed for zucchini, without hesitation, answer: “Warm”. This important nuance, because in a cold environment the seeds will not sprout, but not the main one. First, determine the soil composition in the garden and adjust it with fertilizers.

Did you know? Zucchini has a diuretic effect, removes sodium salts from the body, improves bowel function, improves metabolic processes and digestion.

If you have:

Did you know? Scientists have proven that people who regularly eat zucchini dishes practically do not turn gray. This happens through the activation of melanin, which is responsible for the pigment of the hair.

The scheme and depth of sowing seeds

The technology of growing zucchini in open ground provides for significant distances between adjacent bushes. Experienced vegetable growers are advised to retreat in rows of 1 meter and leave one and a half meter aisles. Sowing should be carried out in moist soil, preferably in cloudy weather or in the morning.

The holes are made shallow, but wide. A soil mixture with an organic preparation Effekton is added to the bottom (1 tablespoon in each hole), 3 grains are sown at a distance of 2-3 cm.

If it is necessary to save crops from frost, seedlings are covered with hay, film or cut bottles (each plant separately).

How to care for zucchini outdoors

The subsequent care of the squash bed in the garden consists in timely feeding and weeding. Let's deal with everything in order.

Soil irrigation mode

Watering zucchini is carried out only under the root, since water should not fall on the foliage. Before the appearance of flowers, it is advisable to moisten once a week, and when the ovary is formed, the amount of moisture should be doubled. Under each bush, it is desirable to pour from 5 to 10 liters of warm water.

Always collect water for irrigation in advance, otherwise you will have to observe a lot of festering greens on the site. Do not overdo it - excessive watering exposes the root system of the zucchini, which leads to its death. Plants need to be saved with a mixture of peat and compost. It is enough to pour a layer up to 5 cm high around the bush.

Important! If there are no bees flying in the garden, and zucchini are in full bloom, pick a male-type flower, tear off the petals from it and put it with a pestle in a female flower. So you can pollinate up to 3 stamens.

Loosening and weeding between rows

For zucchini, as for all other plants, the condition of the soil in the garden matters. A pumpkin culture will not be able to fully develop if nutrients growing nearby are taken from it. Therefore, it is very important to process row-spacings with a hoe in time and manually remove unnecessary vegetation from the bushes.

Fertilizer for zucchini

You can feed the squash bed with root and foliar methods.

For the season you need to carry out 3 top dressing:

Did you know? In cooking, not only the fruits of zucchini, but also flowers have found application. They are also fried, boiled, baked, added fresh to salads. And in Greece, you will be treated to rice and cheese baked in zucchini petals.

Foliar top dressing for zucchini in the open field can be carried out, if desired, during the period of fruit ripening. For these purposes, the plant is treated with drugs and Ross.

Prevention and protection against pests and diseases of zucchini

Cucurbits are susceptible to attack,. They can also be affected by rot, mold, and. In order not to lose the harvest, it is important to take preventive measures in time. To combat harmful insects, experts recommend insecticides (

It is difficult to imagine a garden without zucchini. The vegetable has firmly won its place under our not always hot sun. Juicy fruits are real storage useful substances and fiber. It is always important to know when to plant zucchini seeds: in or seedlings. Since the timing is very different. The culture is easy to grow, but some subtleties and nuances are worth observing.

Varieties of zucchini

Thanks to breeders, the list of types of tasty and healthy vegetables is increasing every year. Do not underestimate the issue of variety selection. The whole success of the event often depends on it. In addition, this affects when to plant zucchini seeds in open ground or seedlings, because they have different ripening periods. Traditionally, there are several groups.

  • Early-ripening squash: they are most optimal for regions where summers are short and cool. Ripening times vary, but in general they are about 45 days. The most popular and recognized varieties: Aeronaut (has elongated dark green fruits, in the first photo), Belogor F1, F1 Waterfall, Tsukesha, Gribovskie, Anna, Zebra, starling, etc.
  • Mid-season varieties (ripen in 50-60 days): handsome, Macaroni, etc.
  • Late-ripening varieties of zucchini (maturing period - from 60 days): Long-fruited, Walnut, etc.

If you want not only to get an early harvest, but also to keep it during the winter, experts recommend planting varieties with different ripening dates. Choose two or three that you like best. Zucchini will grow in stages, and you will provide yourself with fresh fruits for an extended period of time.

When to plant zucchini seeds for seedlings?

You will not find accurate information on this issue. You can plant zucchini even in January, but the fact is that after 25-30 days they must be planted in open ground. Therefore, calculate the time based on when the earth thaws and warms up in your region. Basically, seedlings are planted in the garden at the end of May, therefore, sowing seeds should be carried out in the second half of April.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

  1. Separate pots are required for zucchini. These can be milk bags, yogurt bags, plastic cups or peat ones, but it is still desirable that their size be 10 by 10 cm.
  2. Seeds before planting should be wrapped in a damp cloth and allowed to hatch. You can use a weak solution of "Ideal" for soaking. Knowing how and when to plant zucchini with seeds, you will get strong seedlings, and this is already half the battle.
  3. Fill the pots with nutrient soil, consisting of a mixture of humus, soddy soil and peat, you can add a little wood ash (0.5 cups per bucket), urea or ammonium nitrate, 7-8 g each.
  4. The earth in pots should be shed properly hot water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  5. Seeds are planted to a depth of 2-3 cm. The temperature for germination should be maintained at 18-25°C.

Growing seedlings

Zucchini will begin to sprout in about 7-10 days. If the seed does not fly off the sprout, then sprinkle it a little on top with water, but do not try to tear it off with your hands. Care of seedlings consists in its regular watering and fertilizing with fertilizers. As a rule, drugs such as Bud or Agricola are used. Top dressing is done twice: as soon as shoots appear and again after ten days. Watering is done as the substrate dries out.

When to plant zucchini seeds outdoors?

In the event that getting an early harvest is not the main goal, or if you want to get zucchini later and save them for the winter, the option of planting seeds directly into the ground is suitable for you. Dates vary: the beginning of May - the first decade of June. The main factor is the warmed earth, it is not recommended to plant seeds in cold soil, as this is ineffective and there is a risk that the plants will get sick for a long time. In this case, it is better not to rush.

Soil preparation

Zucchini is demanding on the structure and fertility of the soil, therefore, knowing what soil composition you have, certain components should be added.

  • For peatlands, it is recommended to add several kilograms of humus or compost per 1 m 2, a bucket of loamy soil.
  • A bucket of soddy soil, peat, humus and sawdust should be added to the sandy substrate.
  • loams and clay soils dilute with peat (2-3 kg each), humus, sand and sawdust.

Knowing the approximate timing of when to plant zucchini with seeds in the ground or seedlings, prepare everything in advance and dig up the site so that the earth stands for at least a few days or a week. Choose a sunny and warm place for the vegetable. You can plant zucchini in different areas. Empirically determine where the plant will feel best.

zucchini care

When planting, the distance between individual plants is kept within 1 m, and between rows - 1.5 m. This will provide them with enough living space and facilitate access for weeding and watering. Knowing when to plant zucchini seeds in open ground and seedlings, you will also have no difficulty in caring for the plant. The whole process of growing consists in timely weeding, loosening the soil, watering and top dressing. The soil should easily pass moisture and air, so it is necessary to prevent the appearance of a crust after rains.

To feed the zucchini with useful minerals and organic matter, use complex preparations and mullein infusion. Periodicity - at least two times (during flowering and during fruit ripening). Such activities significantly increase the level of productivity.

Experts also advise spraying zucchini with a weak solution of honey early in the morning during the period of the most active flowering in order to attract pollinators. To prevent the appearance of pests, pollination with wood ash will help, as well as the timely removal of dry or damaged leaves.

Knowing everything about zucchini (growing from seeds, when to plant and how to care), you will always have fresh vegetables on your table, not only in summer, but also in autumn, and even in winter. The culture has a high keeping quality. For storage, select even, ripe, intact fruits.

Plant marrow (Cucurbita pepo var. giraumontia) is a bush variety of hard-barked gourd and belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family. It is a vegetable with oblong fruits of yellow, green, white or black-green color with delicate pulp, which is eaten raw, fried, stewed, pickled and canned. The zucchini vegetable comes from the Oaxaca Valley in Mexico, from where in the 16th century, along with other outlandish products for the Old World, it came to Europe, where it was first grown in greenhouses as rare plant and only in the 18th century did its unripe fruits first hit the table. Since then, zucchini, due to its low calorie content, easy digestibility and excellent taste, has been a popular ingredient in European cuisine and diet food, they are included in the menu for children and patients on the mend, used for salads, hot dishes and preparations for the winter.

About how zucchini is grown in open ground, when to plant zucchini seedlings, how to grow zucchini seedlings, how zucchini is planted in a greenhouse, how to plant zucchini in open ground, how to water zucchini, how to treat zucchini from diseases and pests, how to collect zucchini , store them in winter and much more you will learn from this article.

Planting and caring for zucchini

  • Landing: sowing seeds in the ground - from early May to early June, sowing seeds for seedlings - from early April to early May, transplanting seedlings into the ground - on average a month after germination, that is, in late May or early June.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight.
  • The soil: seasoned with organic fertilizers light loam or chernozem of neutral or slightly alkaline reaction.
  • Predecessors: good - peas, tomatoes, lettuce, parsley, cabbage, carrots, radishes, onions, garlic and green manure; bad - all cucurbits.
  • Watering: regular and plentiful, in the evening: until the moment the leaves close up - daily, after - once every 5-6 days in cool and cloudy weather and once every 2-3 days in the heat.
  • Top dressing: solutions of organic fertilizers: two weeks after transplanting seedlings into the ground, then another week later, and the third - during the formation of ovaries. Before making solutions, the area is watered.
  • Reproduction: seed.
  • Pests: slugs, melon aphids and whiteflies.
  • Diseases: powdery mildew, black mold, bacteriosis, white rot, anthracnose and root rot.

Read more about growing zucchini below.

Zucchini vegetable - description

Zucchini (short for Ukrainian word kabak, which means "pumpkin") - an annual herbaceous plant with a well-developed root system up to 1.5 m in diameter, the central root of which is able to penetrate 1.5-1.7 m deep, although the bulk of the roots are underground no deeper than 40 cm. Stems with large five-lobed leaves on slightly pubescent petioles form a powerful bush with a large number of both male and female flowers.

The vegetative period of zucchini is short, the yield is high, curved, rounded or elongated fruits of all shades of green, as well as yellow, white and striped, ripen quickly and in large quantities. Several varieties of zucchini are not planted in one area, since this plant is cross-pollinated.

Growing zucchini from seeds

Sowing zucchini seeds

Growing seedlings of zucchini allows you to get mature fruits earlier than sowing seeds in open ground, but the disadvantage of zucchini grown through seedlings is that they are not suitable for storage, and you will have to quickly eat or process the entire crop. If you need zucchini for storage, you need to sow seeds in open ground from the first days of May to early June, when the soil at a depth of 8-10 cm warms up to a temperature of 12-13 ºC.

Before sowing, zucchini seeds must be prepared: soak for a day or two in a liter of warm water with the addition of a tablespoon of ash (instead of an ash solution, you can use solutions of trace elements, Zircon or Epin, potassium humate) or warm them in the sun for a week, or by soaking them for a day in warm water, then wrap in a damp cloth and keep for 3-4 days at a temperature of 22-25 ºC. But the most reliable way to prepare planting material is to harden it: you need to alternately place the seeds for 14-16 hours in the bottom drawer of the refrigerator, and then keep them at room temperature for 8-10 hours.

The soil on the site for zucchini is also prepared in advance: they dig it up from autumn to the depth of a spade bayonet, adding 10-15 kg of compost, 50-60 g of superphosphate and a handful of wood ash per 1 m². In spring, the surface of the plots is leveled, rows of holes are made about 10 cm deep according to the scheme 70x50 cm (no more than 3 holes per m² of plot), a tablespoon of ash and humus is laid out in each hole, fertilizers are thoroughly mixed with the soil, the holes are well shed, then they are laid out in 2-3 zucchini seeds each and fill the holes with soil so that the seeds are at a depth of 5-7 cm if the soil in the area is light, or no deeper than 3-5 cm if the soil is heavy. When all the sown seeds germinate, leave only one plant in the hole, and transplant the rest.

Growing seedlings of zucchini

If you want to get zucchini as quickly as possible, you will have to use the seedling method seed propagation. Pre-sowing treatment of seeds is carried out in the same way as when sowing in open ground - the main thing is that they swell before sowing and have tiny sprouts. The soil for seedlings of zucchini should be neutral or slightly alkaline and consist of 50% peat soil, 20% humus with the addition of 20% soddy soil and 10% sawdust.

If there is a need to lower the acidity of the substrate, ash or chalk is added to it. The stores sell a ready-made mixture called "Exo" - you can successfully grow seedlings in it.

The soil mixture is laid out in peat pots with a diameter of 8-10 cm, spilled for disinfection with hot water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate, then zucchini seeds are laid out in pots, deepened by 2 cm and covered with film or glass. Planting zucchini for seedlings is carried out 3-4 weeks before they are planted in open ground - depending on climatic conditions, this may be the beginning of April, or maybe the beginning of May.

Until the seeds germinate, the temperature in the room is maintained within 20-22 ºC, and when shoots appear, the covers are removed from the pots and transferred under bright diffused light to a cooler room (this may be glazed balcony or loggia), in which during the day the temperature will be kept within 15-18 ºC, and at night it will not fall below 13-15 ºC. Restore the old one in a week temperature regime(20-22 ºC). This is done so that the seedlings do not stretch out, and that is why there should be a lot of light in the room where the zucchini grows.

Water the seedlings as needed with settled water at room temperature, preventing the topsoil from drying out.

Caring for seedlings of zucchini involves at least two fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers. A week or ten days after germination, squash is fertilized with a mullein solution (1:10), pouring 50 g of fertilizer under each plant, or with a mineral composition, dissolving 2-3 g of urea and 5-7 g of superphosphate in a liter of water and spending half a glass of solution for each pot. A week later, seedlings are fed with a solution of one teaspoon of nitrophoska in a liter of water at the rate of one glass per seedling. Never use a chlorine-based zucchini fertilizer!

Picking zucchini

When asked by readers how to dive zucchini, we answer: no way. Zucchini are among those plants that do not tolerate picking, so they are immediately sown in separate pots. If there are two or three shoots in the pots, leave only one plant in each container, and transplant the rest. You can think of this process as a pick if you like.

Planting zucchini in open ground

When to plant zucchini in the ground

Planting zucchini in the ground is carried out on average a month after germination. This usually occurs in late May or early June, when the threat of a return frost has passed.

Soil for zucchini

A place for zucchini is chosen sunny, on the south or south-west side, protected from the wind, with a low occurrence ground water, with a neutral or slightly alkaline soil reaction. In areas where pumpkins grew (all types of zucchini, cucumbers, squash, pumpkin), zucchini cannot be grown for at least three years, otherwise the risk of disease typical for pumpkin plants will be too high.

Peas, tomatoes, parsley, lettuce, cabbage, onions, garlic, radishes, carrots, potatoes, green manure are considered good predecessors for zucchini.

Since autumn, after the disposal of the predecessors, the site is dug up to a depth of about 30 cm with the simultaneous application of 5 kg of organic matter (compost or humus), 20 g of potassium sulfate, 30 g of superphosphate per m² of area. In the spring, the soil on the site is loosened to a depth of 10 cm, adding 15 g of ammonium nitrate per m², after which the surface is leveled.

How to plant zucchini in open ground

Seedling holes are made at such a distance that there are no more than 3 plants per m² of plot, the distance between rows is left within 1-1.5 m. Before planting, a little ash and humus are placed in each hole, mixing them with the soil, then planted seedlings with a clod of earth, deepening it along the cotyledon leaves, add soil to the hole, ram it and water it.

Planting seedlings of zucchini in open ground is carried out in warm cloudy weather. If you have concerns that the cold may return, cover each seedling with a plastic bottle or install metal arcs on the site and cover the seedlings on top of them with polyethylene. The next day after planting, it is necessary to loosen the soil on the site.

Growing zucchini in a greenhouse

It is necessary to plant seedlings in a film greenhouse in cloudy weather or in the afternoon 2-3 weeks earlier than in open ground, which means that you need to sow seeds for seedlings earlier by the same number of days. Add to round or square holes about 30 cm deep and about 50 cm wide, located at a distance of 70-80 cm from each other, a pound of peat-manure compost with 30 g of potassium sulfate and 50 g of superphosphate, spill the holes, plant seedlings in them, fill holes with earth and water again.

The daytime temperature in the greenhouse should be within 23-25 ​​ºC, the night temperature should be about 14-15 ºC, the soil temperature should not be lower than 18 ºC, and the air humidity should be maintained at 60-70%. Caring for seedlings of zucchini in a greenhouse includes regular airing and moderate watering of seedlings, timely loosening of the soil, weeding and top dressing. If the plants grow leaves too intensively, this can increase the humidity of the air greatly, and the zucchini will drop the ovary. To prevent this from happening, cut off 2-4 leaves at the bottom or middle of the stems, and also ventilate the greenhouse regularly.

zucchini care

How to grow zucchini

Caring for zucchini in the open field includes regular watering of the site, followed by loosening and weeding between rows, timely feeding of zucchini, as well as the fight against diseases or pests, if such a need arises. Sometimes, if the flowering of zucchini has already begun, and there are no bees in the garden, you have to help the plants pollinate: you need to pick a male flower (on its reverse side no ovary), remove the petals from it and mark the stamens in the open female flowers. One male flower can pollinate 2-3 female ones. In addition, it is necessary to remove ready-to-eat fruits on time.

Watering zucchini

Watering zucchini is carried out in the evening with water well warmed up in the sun. In hot weather, before the leaves of zucchini close up, watering the beds should be daily, and after the leaves cover the soil, they switch to watering once every five to six days, if the weather is cool and cloudy, and once every 2 -3 days if it's hot. You need to pour water under the root, and so that ripening zucchini do not rot, put something under them that does not get wet - a board, a piece of slate. If the leaves on the zucchini become sluggish from the heat, they are watered in the evening through a nozzle with small holes.

Top dressing of zucchini

Zucchini love organic. Here is a recipe for preparing a herbal infusion for seedlings of zucchini planted in the ground: after weeding or mowing the weeds, fill the barrel with them almost to the top, add water and, stirring the contents daily, let it brew for a week, then strain, dilute with water in a ratio of 1: 8 and pour over the zucchini two weeks after transplanting into open ground, trying to ensure that the infusion does not get on either the leaves or the stems. A week later, the seedlings are re-fertilized with herbal infusion.

And you can alternate “green” top dressing with slurry fertilizing squash: manure is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10, insisted on the sun for three days, and then the soil around the root of the plant is watered with this composition, protecting from getting slurry on the leaves and stems of plants. The third time it is advisable to fertilize when the ovaries begin to appear: a tablespoon of double superphosphate and a glass of sifted wood ash are added to 10 liters of herbal or manure fertilizer. However, before fertilizing zucchini, it is advisable to water the site.

Zucchini processing

It can be very disappointing when the crop in your garden or vegetable garden disappears due to the fact that the plants are affected by some kind of disease or pests. To avoid such surprises, gardeners and gardeners resort to preventive treatment of plants with drugs that can prevent insect attacks or death from the disease. How to process zucchini from probable diseases and pests, And what preparations are better for this purpose to use?

Against fungal diseases, zucchini is treated a week after planting in the ground with a one percent solution of Bordeaux mixture or copper oxychloride, and against pests - with Karbofos. In addition, in the fall, after harvesting and disposing of plant residues, the site is deeply dug up and, observing crop rotation, prepare it for another crop.

Pests and diseases of squash

However, despite preventive measures and proper care, sometimes zucchini still get sick. In order for the fight against zucchini diseases to be successful, you need to know what hurts zucchini, and What pests can affect your crop? Of the insects, cucurbits most often infect aphids and whiteflies. Slugs can also cause problems for zucchini.

melon aphid appears on squash in wet and warm weather. It sucks juices from the ground parts of plants, damaging the stems, leaves, flowers and ovaries. Of the folk ways to deal with aphids, a triple treatment of zucchini with an interval of a week with a solution of 300 g of soap or liquid dishwashing detergent in 10 liters of water gives a good result. If this measure does not give the desired result, you will have to resort to treating zucchini with insecticides - Karbofos, Phosphamide, Decis, Metaphos, although this is undesirable.

whiteflies can cause serious damage to the garden. Their greatest number is observed in the second half of summer. They settle on the underside of the leaves, and traces of their vital activity - sticky sugary secretions - become an environment for the development of soot fungi, from which black marks appear on the plants, subsequently leading to leaf wilt. The easiest way is to wash the whiteflies from the leaves with water, after which it is necessary to loosen the soil around the bushes to a depth of 2 cm. If this method of pest control does not work, you will have to resort to treating the zucchini with a solution of the insecticide Commander in the ratio of 1 g of the drug per 10 liters of water. This amount should be enough for 100 m². Spray the zucchini after picking the fruit.

Slugs they are collected by hand, and if there are too many of them, baits are placed around the site: dark beer is poured into the bowls and, when the slugs crawl to the smell, they are collected.

Of the diseases for zucchini, powdery mildew is the most dangerous, as well as bacteriosis, white and root rot, black mold and anthracnose.

powdery mildew covers the ground parts of plants with a grayish-white loose bloom, which eventually becomes brown, the leaves dry under it, the fruits are deformed and stop growing. The disease develops in conditions of sharp fluctuations in humidity and air temperature. At the first signs of the disease, it is necessary to treat the area with a ten percent solution of fungicides - Topsin or Bayleton. After two weeks, if necessary, the treatment is repeated.

Symptoms black mold look like angular or rounded rusty spots on the leaves of zucchini, on which a dark coating with spores of the fungus appears over time. Parts of the leaf plate under the spots dry out and crumble, leaving holes in the leaves. The fruits shrivel and stop developing. Sick plants must be immediately removed and burned, and after harvesting, all plant residues are removed from the site.

bacteriosisinfection, manifested by oily spots on the leaves, which gradually darken, and in these places the integrity of the foliage of the plate is violated. Watery spots and ulcers form on the fruits. Most often, the disease affects plants in wet, warm weather. A measure to combat the disease is the treatment of plants with one percent Bordeaux liquid.

white rot, or sclerotinia, covers parts of the plant with mycelium - a dense white coating, under which they become soft and slippery, and then hard and black tubercles form in these places, the leaves dry out, the plants wither. Usually the disease affects too dense plantings of squash in cold, wet weather. Sick plants are removed immediately. You can treat the zucchini with a fungicide, but this is unlikely to help.

root rot- a disease from which zucchini turn yellow, their lower leaves wither, the stems turn brown and turn into a washcloth in the lower part. This usually happens due to planting plants in unheated soil, watering cold water or overnutrition of plants. Eliminate deficiencies in care and treat zucchini with copper-containing preparations.

Anthracnose looks like rounded, yellow-brown spots on the leaves, turning into holes when dried. Leaves curl, zucchini dry, all terrestrial parts of plants are affected. Most often, the disease attacks zucchini in rainy hot weather. You can defeat the disease by resorting to the treatment of plants with one percent Bordeaux liquid or dusting with ground sulfur at the rate of 15-30 g per 10 m² of planting.

Collection and storage of zucchini

Zucchini are harvested as they ripen, that is, the first zucchini ripen enough for food already one and a half to two months after sowing. Actually, zucchini, like cucumbers, is harvested by unripe greens that have reached a length of 15-25 cm, while the seeds inside the fruit are small and tender. Picking not quite ripe fruits stimulates the formation and fast growth new zucchini. However, if you decide to put zucchini in winter storage, then you need to collect ripe fruits with a hard, thick crust.

The fruits are cut with a pruner or a knife along the stem. Young zucchini, intended for immediate use or canning, are cut off at the very base, and on mature fruits that you are going to store, the stalks should be long, with an even cut, because the shaggy ends of the stalks quickly deteriorate, affecting the entire fruit with rot.

Young zucchini of milky ripeness can be stored at a temperature of 0 to 2 ºC for two weeks - then they begin to fade or coarsen, and sometimes rot. Ripe zucchini is stored for up to five months, like pumpkins - in a dry, cool room with good ventilation. Do not lower them into the cellar, as there is usually high humidity, which stimulates the development of putrefactive processes, especially if there is damage in the fetal cortex. Put the zucchini in a box lined with straw or pine sawdust so that the fruits do not touch each other. For reliability, the stalk of each vegetable is dipped in molten paraffin - this measure guarantees a longer shelf life of zucchini.

If you do not have a utility room in which you can store zucchini, place them in the apartment in a dry and dark place, for example, roll them under the bed or place them near the door to the balcony. Zucchini also keeps well in the refrigerator if placed in perforated plastic bags and folded into the vegetable section.

With proper storage, zucchini can lie until the next harvest, but already in March, their seeds begin to germinate inside, and the flesh acquires a bitter taste.

Types and varieties of zucchini

Zucchini are divided into zucchini and white-fruited (ordinary) zucchini. Zucchini has heavily dissected leaves, often with white spots near the veins, which inexperienced gardeners may mistake for symptoms. powdery mildew. The fruits of zucchini are more diverse in color than white-fruited zucchini: yellow or green shades of different intensity.

Zucchini includes, for example, varieties: Black handsome, Astoria, Aeronaut, Gray, Yellow-fruited, Caserta, Marquise, Zebra, Tsukesha, Negritenek, as well as hybrids Jan, Golda, Vanyusha, Jade, Diamant, Defender, Candela and Masha. White-fruited marrows are represented by varieties Anchor, Roller, Spaghetti, Belogor, Gribovsky 37, as well as hybrids Cavili and Sangrum.

According to the shape of the bush, zucchini are divided into bush and semi-bush, forming a short whip, and according to the shape of the fruit, zucchini are usually oblong or round, although varieties with fruits of other shapes are known.

In terms of ripening, zucchini are early, mid-ripening and late-ripening.

In addition to many varieties of zucchini, there are also their hybrids, bred mainly by foreign breeders. The advantage of imported hybrids can be considered a thinner skin and a smaller seed chamber of the fruit. In addition, they can stay on the bushes longer without overripe, and the presentation of imported varieties is better. However, domestic varieties are more suitable for canning, and the frost resistance of our zucchini is higher.

We present to you the best varieties zucchini of domestic and foreign selection, which will surely arouse your interest:

  • Aeronaut- This is a bushy, compact zucchini with a small number of lashes. The flowers are mostly female, the fruits are smooth, thin-skinned, dark green with white or light green spots, cylindrical, with creamy, slightly sweet pulp. The yield of this variety is high, as is its popularity among gardeners. It can be grown both in greenhouses and outdoors. Zucchini of this variety are suitable for cooking and canning;
  • White- unpretentious, early ripening, productive variety, ripening in 35-40 days with oval fruits of almost white color, medium size, with dense and very juicy light cream pulp. The variety is suitable for cooking, canning, pickling and long-term storage;

  • yellow-fruited– early high-yielding bush zucchini for cultivation in open ground with slightly ribbed yellow cylindrical fruits of universal purpose with a high content of carotene, which makes them indispensable for baby and diet food;
  • zebra- also an early, cold-resistant bush zucchini, compact, with a short main shoot, with slightly ribbed cylindrical fruits of light green color with wide longitudinal dark green stripes and yellowish, juicy, not very sweet pulp. This one of the highest yielding varieties is suitable for both food and canning;
  • sangrum- an early bush hybrid for open ground with a large amount of sugars in whitish-green fruits of a cylindrical shape;
  • Helena- an early single-climbing bush variety with smooth, cylindrical fruits of even golden color with yellow flesh. It is suitable both for cooking, and for canning and pickling;
  • Black handsome- high-yielding compact bush variety of zucchini for open ground with a long fruiting period. The fruits are so dark green that they look black, their flesh is white, dense, tender and unsweetened. The variety is used for cooking and canning;
  • Negro– early high yielding variety zucchini for open ground with black-green fruits with juicy, tasty green flesh. The variety is resistant to powdery mildew;

  • Kavili- bush, ultra-early, very productive hybrid of a long fruiting period with straight, greenish cylindrical fruits with white pulp of a delicate taste. The variety is suitable for growing both in open ground and in a greenhouse, resistant to powdery mildew;
  • Kuand- bush and semi-bush mid-season high-yielding zucchini for open ground and film greenhouses with cylindrical fruits of pale green color with intermittent stripes. The variety is resistant to rot and powdery mildew;
  • Gribovsky 37- a strongly branching mid-season bush for open ground with ribbed short-cylindrical light green fruits with a hard bark in the stalk area. A time-tested, all-purpose grade;
  • group of spaghetti zucchini- completely unusual zucchini with pulp, which, after thirty minutes of cooking the whole fruit, turns into a dish of dense thin flagella, reminiscent of Italian pasta. The most famous variety is Raviolo with cylindrical yellow fruits.

If you are concerned not only with the taste of zucchini, but also with the degree of their decorative effect, you should pay attention to varieties such as Zheltoplodny, Yellow Banana, Zolotinka, Goldena, Miracle Orange, Zebra, Winter Delicious, Tapir, as well as Zephyr and Festivalnaya hybrids - these zucchini are distinguished by their elegant coloring of fruits that will decorate your garden.

For zucchini lovers unusual shape Pear-shaped, Mystery club-shaped, as well as varieties with round fruits Myachik, Mother-in-law, Tintoretto, Ronde de Nice and hybrids Hospitable, Cook, and Botsman will be interesting. Also attractive are the round fruits of the Watermelon variety, which outwardly almost do not differ from this gourd, as well as the giant marrows of the Amazing Giant variety, reaching a weight of 10 kg with a meter length, in addition, they can be stored for up to two years. The fruits of the Bicolor Miracle variety are painted in two colors with a clear border between them, and the Ascension variety zucchini have such a bizarre shape, as if they were bent by the hands of a sculptor.

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Growing zucchini through seedlings has its pros and cons. I would like to taste delicious vegetables from my own garden as early as possible, but the main part of our country is located in a cold climate zone. The southern plant does not tolerate frost, it is not warm enough until June, it cannot be planted, which means that the first fruits will appear only by the end of July. But if you start sprouting at home, the crop can be harvested for a whole month. ahead of schedule. It is important to properly plant young plants in open ground: it's a shame if the sown seeds do not sprout; it is doubly insulting if the seedlings, to which so much strength was given, die.

Soil preparation

When the seedling bushes are already turning green on the windowsill, it is too late to choose a place where you will plant it for permanent residence. It is advisable to plan this from autumn to snow preparatory work. Locate an area where there were no cucurbits in the previous 3 years. It is better to plant in beds where legumes or cruciferous crops, potatoes, carrots, onions or garlic grew. The place should be well lit and protected from the wind. They don't like zucchini acidic soils, they are best planted in slightly alkaline or neutral soil, preferably in light sandy loam and loam. If the soil is acidic, add chalk or ash to it.

In the fall, after harvesting, dig the site deeply, adding the following components per 1 m 2:

  1. humus or compost - 5 kg;
  2. superphosphate - 30 g;
  3. - 20 y.

When the bed overwinters and processes fertilizers, sprinkle it with ammonium nitrate (15 g per 1 m 2) in the spring, loosen the soil to a depth of 10 cm and level it. More than 3 plants cannot be planted per 1 m 2. Mark the holes according to the scheme: 0.7x0.9 m for varieties with long shoots; 0.7x0.7 m for bush zucchini. Do not save space, it is better to plant few bushes that will give a good harvest than to place them closely and not get full-fledged fruits. Install arcs so that in the event of a sharp cold snap, you can quickly cover the seedlings with a film or non-woven material.

If you want to grow pure varieties of zucchini, provide for each type separate plot. These plants cross pollinate easily from each other, and a crop from a garden where a mixture of varieties grows can surprise you with absolutely incredible shades and shapes. Fans of experiments can plant bushes with long green and round yellow fruits nearby and see what kind of “offspring” they get.

Choose the right time to prepare the bed so that it is ready to receive seedlings, but does not stand empty for a long time and does not dry out. The weather should be warm outside without the threat of frost. best temperature for zucchini - 18–23⁰, in different regions it could be May or June. Plants should be planted in open ground at the age of about a month, 3 true leaves should form on the sprouts.

Zucchini are demanding on heat, so it is advisable to plant them on warm beds or special mounds. Prepare the hole and fill it with layers of 1 bucket:

  1. sod land;
  2. fertile soil.

You will get a small rise, which you need to cover with a film to keep warm. Cut a hole in the top for planting.

How to transplant zucchini?

A week before placing in the open ground, accustom the plants to life on the street. In the morning, take the seedlings to fresh air, in the evening return to the room. Keep an eye on the forecast, start planting when it's warm but cloudy outside. Preferably - in the late afternoon or early morning, but then cover the plants from the sun for a day.

Dig holes about 10 cm deep, pour them well with warm water. Put a little compost and ash in each hole, mix with the soil. Zucchini roots do not recover well, so remove the seedlings from the container carefully, trying not to destroy the earthen ball. The most convenient way to carry out such an operation is to plant seeds in special cups with a rising bottom. Place the sprouts in the holes, cover with earth to the cotyledon leaves, and lightly compact the soil. After planting, the ground around the roots must be watered at the rate of 1 liter of water per 1 seedling. The liquid must not get on the leaves, do not use watering cans with a grid and sprinklers. The next day, loosen the soil in the holes and mulch it with rotted sawdust or compost.

In order not to injure the roots when transplanting into open ground, it is better to plant zucchini in, which can be completely buried in the ground.

Until the plants get stronger, cover them overnight with a film in arcs or non-woven material. In areas where frost can occur, each bush can be covered with a plastic bottle with the bottom cut off. In hot weather, the caps are removed from the necks, and the zucchini is aired, at night the corks are screwed back. Do not forget to remove the film for a day so that the seedlings do not overheat.

Seedling care

Zucchini is not very demanding on moisture, but the soil should not be overdried either. Water the seedlings in the evening with warm water that has warmed up well in the sun. Do not pour on the whole plant, water should only get under the root. Until the leaves grow, it is advisable to water daily on very hot days - about 2 liters of water per hole. When the green mass will shade the adjacent soil, it can be moistened once a week, but plentifully. Do not allow a crust to form on the ground, keep it loose. When the plants release the fifth leaf, they need to be spudded.

2 weeks after planting in open ground, seedlings should be fed with organic fertilizers. Prepare an herbal infusion: Fill a container with weeds or grass clippings and fill with water. Mix the composition daily, after a week you can drain the liquid. For top dressing, take 8 parts of water for 1 part of the infusion and water under the root. After another 2 weeks, feed with slurry. When the ovaries appear, spill the earth with one of these compounds, adding a glass of ash and a tablespoon of double superphosphate to 10 liters of liquid.


To taste at the beginning of summer fresh vegetables, you can plant several bushes of zucchini on the windowsill. Such fruits cannot be stored for a long time, they must be immediately eaten or prepared. Pumpkin crops hardly tolerate transplanting into open ground, damaged roots are poorly restored. It is better to plant seeds in peat pots, which are buried in the ground along with the sprout.

Landing in open ground is the first stage, now you need to properly take care of your green pets to help them quickly settle down in a new place. Timely watering, fertilizing and loosening will create the necessary conditions, seedlings will get stronger and begin to develop well. It is advisable to treat young plantings from pathogens and pests for prevention: when problems arise, it will be much more difficult to deal with them. Spare no effort, take care of the zucchini, and very soon you will be full of fresh tasty fruits.