Why did cyclamen drop leaves and flowers. What to do if cyclamen wilts and why does this happen? Seed propagation of cyclamen

Causes of cyclamen wilting

You have chosen a healthy flower, but after a few days you begin to notice how the cyclamen fades. There may be several reasons. Due to changes in temperature and humidity, the plant can be stressed, just try spraying it with a stimulant. For this, epin or zircon is suitable. If this is the reason, then after a few hours the leaves of the flower will rise and the turgor will be restored. Another reason why cyclamen withers may be its depletion. To increase flowering and accelerate growth, flowers are fertilized with very powerful stimulants and hormonal drugs. Cyclamen withers because it simply gave all its strength and begins to weaken. To try to save him, feed the cyclamen mineral fertilizer. You can remove part of the flower stalks so that all the forces of the plant go to its restoration.

As a rule, they try to put the flower they like in the brightest place, closer to the window. Spray regularly and water frequently. Some time after such care, the leaves turn yellow and fall down, the question arises: why, despite all your efforts, does cyclamen wither? Each plant has its own habitat, so their care is different. Cyclamen prefers the Mediterranean climate, so it does not tolerate heat and direct sunlight. This cold-resistant plant prefers a temperature of 15-18 ° C. Cyclamen does not tolerate chlorine-containing fertilizers. If not all the leaves are gone and the tuber is tight, without mold, the plant can still be saved. First of all, remove all yellow leaves and soft, rotten flower stalks. It is advisable not to cut them, but to pull them out by scrolling clockwise. This will help keep the plant from rotting. Move the flower to a cooler place with diffused light, without direct sunlight. If necessary, you can seal part of the window with foil. If the air in the room is too dry, you can put a container with water, or wet expanded clay. Cyclamen should be watered sparingly, but regularly, as cyclamen withers due to the drying of the soil. There are two ways of watering: bottom, through the pallet, and top. With bottom watering, there is no risk of tuber rotting if excess water is drained. When top watering, make sure that water does not get on the tuber. Both waterings can be used at once. Put the flower in a container and carefully pour over the edge. Water will fill the substrate with oxygen and remove salts.

Cyclamen has a pronounced dormant period. After flowering, you need to remove all the leaves, reduce watering and stop fertilizing the plant. You can move it to a darker place. At proper care you will admire its beauty for many years.

How does cyclamen react to adverse growing conditions? His leaves curl, dry or turn yellow. What to do in such cases? The main thing is to notice the indisposition of the flower in time, establish the cause of the disease and immediately begin its treatment. This is where expert advice comes in handy. So, I have cyclamen, but its leaves wither, turn yellow, stretch out or curl. How to cure a flower? Photo consultation.

Withering leaves of cyclamen

Why do cyclamen leaves wither? Leaves and buds wither if cyclamen goes to rest, from an excess of moisture in the soil or from a lack of water. All problems with the photo are described in detail below.

Cyclamen leaves wither and turn yellow if the plant begins a dormant period. If cyclamen sends to rest, then its leaves wither gradually. This happens in early June, sometimes in mid-July, when the temperature in the room where the flower is located rises above +20 degrees. New leaves no longer grow, buds too. Old leaves begin to gradually wither and turn yellow. The plant is cleaned in a dark, cool place with good ventilation. It must be remembered that the cyclamen, which was recently bought, the dormant period can begin at any time. The explanation is simple: a flower can have a life rhythm, and therefore you should not be surprised if new flower will begin to collect for rest in the middle of winter.

More about how cyclamen goes to rest.

If the leaves and flowers wither massively, cyclamen is sick. Many novice flower growers mistakenly assume that the plant has gone to rest. But it's not. Cyclamen prepares for rest gradually. If he suddenly lowered the leaves, this indicates problems with the root system. It can rot from improper watering. Watering should be carried out only after the topsoil has dried. Watering only top. Bottom watering is not suitable here. There is a high probability of soaking the bottom layer of the earth, which leads to rotting of the tuber. If a cyclamen tuber rots, it is removed from the ground and inspected. If it is slimy, and the roots are flabby and brown, the flower cannot be saved. If the tuber is elastic and the roots are flabby, the latter are removed, and the plant is rested.

Cyclamen leaves wither if the plant lacks moisture. The flower is watered after the top layer of the soil has dried. Timely watering is important if the plant is kept at temperatures above +20 degrees. In this case, you can not wait for the complete drying of the soil in the pot. Cyclamen grows well and develops with moderate soil moisture in a pot and air.

The leaves of cyclamen turned yellow

The leaves turn yellow and wither if cyclamen is struck by pests, or it lacks sunlight at a high temperature. The reason may be low humidity.

If cyclamen grows in shade or partial shade and its leaves turn yellow, then the reason is the lack of sunlight. Experts recommend placing a flower in spring and autumn on windows that are oriented to the east. In winter, south-facing windows are well suited. Bright, diffused lighting is an important condition in growing cyclamen. However, direct sunlight can burn the plant. It is also recommended to arrange artificial lighting for cyclamen with a fluorescent lamp or an ice lamp.

The leaves turn yellow and wither if the cyclamen is in a stuffy room where there is poor air circulation. Carbon monoxide and tobacco smoke can harm the flower. The plant needs a regular supply of fresh air. However, it is forbidden to put it under an open window in winter, as cold air currents can destroy the flower. The leaves also turn yellow and the flowers wither if the cyclamen is in a too warm room. Optimal temperature regime for him +12...+17 degrees. If cyclamen leaves turned yellow after flowering from March to May and this happened slowly, while the tuber remained elastic and healthy, cyclamen went to rest.

Very often, inexperienced flower growers buy a weak or diseased plant in the store. In most cases, it does not live long at home. It dies immediately after flowering. The only way to save a purchased, sick flower is to send it to rest, but again, only if the tuber and root system the plants remained intact. Healthy cyclamen is different abundant flowering and lots of green leaves.

share personal experience for cultivation.

If cyclamen leaves turn yellow, then the flower is too hot, for example, it can be kept in winter at a temperature of +20 degrees and above. At the same time in the room low level air humidity. Comfortable conditions for keeping the plant +12 ... +17 degrees. If the temperature is higher, then cyclamen sheds leaves and buds. To fix everything, you need to move the flower to a cool room, increase the humidity there and organize artificial lighting.

Why do cyclamen leaves curl?

Why do cyclamen leaves curl?
Reasons: simultaneous action high temperature air and low humidity. It is necessary to reconsider the conditions of the flower.

More about how to care for cyclamen at home.

The second reason why cyclamen leaves curl may be cyclamen mites. They settle on reverse side sheet plate. Their presence is evidenced by a light, whitish coating on the reverse side of the leaf plate. At the same time, the flower itself slows down growth, the leaves of cyclamen curl up. Causes of the appearance of cyclamen mites: too humid environment and lack of sunlight. Treatment of the disease: send the flower to quarantine, normalize the conditions of detention, treat with acaricides. Insecticides will not help in this case.

Rotten cyclamen tuber

Why did the cyclamen tuber rot? There are two reasons. The first is regular waterlogging of the soil. Watering cyclamen is carried out when the top layer of soil dries up. Watering is carried out top, carefully, along the edge of the pot, so. so that moisture does not get on the tuber. The second reason is that during watering, moisture got on the tuber. At low temperature content, this leads to rotting of the tuber. The first signs of rotting of a tuber in cyclamen - the leaves of the flower turn yellow and wither, the tuber itself smells untidy.

What to do? You need to take the plant out of the pot. First, without destroying the integrity of the earthy coma, inspect the tuber. If it has soft spots and dents, then the tuber is freed from the soil. If the cyclamen tuber does not rot, then a violation of the integrity of the earthy coma around its roots can cause severe damage to the flower. So, the tuber is cleaned from the ground, soft places are cut to healthy tissue, the cut points must be dried and treated with crushed, activated charcoal. Next, they take a small diameter and shallow pot (an acceptable pot diameter is the diameter of a cyclamen tuber plus 1 cm), pour cactus soil into it, mixed with perlite in a 1: 1 ratio. The tuber is immersed in the ground, having previously sprinkled its roots with root. It is necessary to plant a cyclamen tuber so that its "wounds" are not covered with earth. If this does not work out, then the soil in the pot is moistened very carefully along the contour of the pot.

The plant is transferred to bright room, but without direct sunlight (if the tuber is rotten in winter, then in the conditions of a short daylight hours, artificial lighting is organized for it). The temperature of the content should be within +12 ... +17 degrees. Watering is carried out very carefully, after drying the top layer of soil. It must be remembered that perlite perfectly retains moisture.

The flower grows in bushes, each 30 cm high. Other varieties are slightly smaller, their height is 15 cm. The leaves are dark green in the form of a heart or rounded. Juicy and rich colors of the leaves go well with reddish petioles.

REFERENCE! Breeders are developing other varieties of Cyclamen. They are even more beautiful than before, have a bright color. Flowers are red, pink, orange, variegated, purple.

As home plant two types of cyclamen are more often used - European and Persian. To grow any of them, you need to work hard, as the alpine violet is very picky. Often, novice flower growers complain that the flower quickly turns yellow and fades. To prevent this from happening, you need to know about plant care from the very beginning, that is, from the choice of a flower when buying it.

First, take a close look at the tubers. They should not be damaged and rot, they should be smooth, and the leaves shiny and bright. If the foliage of cyclamen is sluggish or dried up, then this indicates a flower disease. Therefore, make a purchase of a flower in the autumn, when there is already flowering and you can determine whether the plant is healthy.

Bringing home a flower, you need to be able to properly care for it. Otherwise, it will lose its former appearance, the leaves will begin to turn yellow or wither. The temperature in the room plays an important role. So, if you notice, then the air in the room with the flower is too dry. So you need to increase the humidity in the room.

For a flower, the most comfortable temperature is 17 ºС, no more. Alpine violet does not tolerate direct sunlight or lack of moisture. These factors affect the inflorescences, flowering becomes rare and not so lush. If watering is regular, and frequent feeding, then cyclamen will delight you with its flowers again and again.

Why are there problems with leaves and flowers?

A flower may have an unhealthy appearance due to the fact that its leaves and inflorescences wither. There are always reasons for this.

Leaves may wither for the following reasons:

  1. if the flower is cramped in a real pot;
  2. if the kidney has not been fertilized for a long time and there is a lack of nutrients in it;
  3. Availability ;
  4. illness.

ADVICE! When the flowers wither along with the leaves, you should pay attention to the soil in the pot and sniff it. If you smell mold and acid, and the ground for the flower is covered with a greenish coating, then better plant transplant into another soil.

The reason for the wilting of a flower can be associated with a number of diseases:

  • The presence of gray mold. At first, a whitish coating forms on the leaves, which eventually develops into brown soft spots. The infected flower is transplanted into new soil and treated with a fungicide.
  • Late blight disease. There is a gradual drying of the lower leaves and peduncles, then the disease passes to the tubers. Treatment is based on transplanting the plant and treating the soil with a fungicide.
  • Fusarium. Yellowing occurs and gradual. The disease is not detected for a long time, since the tuber does not give itself away, it is the same as usual. To save the flower, you need to water it with water with the addition of funzol.

Read about other common cyclamen diseases, how to recognize them and how to deal with them.

What to do if the leaves and flowers withered - detailed instructions:

How to save?

You can try to save the plant by taking the following emergency measures:

  1. Change the place for the pot. Move it to another room where the conditions meet the standards.
  2. Spray the butterfly flower with a stimulant. Usually this may be necessary after buying a flower and adapting it to new conditions.
  3. Add some extra fertilizer to the cyclamen pot.
  4. If you see a clear disease or notice pests, then dig up the tuber, free it from the remnants of the earth and transplant the flower into good fertilized soil.
  5. The leaves can be treated with a medicine that is used to control pests. To have a positive effect, do this several times after a certain number of days. Approximately every 3-5 days.

Read about how to save cyclamen if it dies.

Preventive measures

To prevent the plant from wilting or other negative consequences, it is worth taking preventive measures, or knowing how to properly care for this variety of indoor flowers:

  • The room where the plant is located should be cool. If the air temperature in the room is kept within + 6 ... + 12 ° C, then cyclamen can bloom for up to six months.
  • You should not make the lighting too bright, it is better to try to make it diffuse.
  • The soil must be prepared loose, with a weak reaction and good drainage, for example, ready-made soil is suitable for plants such as violets.
  • Do not pick up a large and deep pot.
  • Cyclamen transplantation is done 1 time in 2-3 years, while the capacity should be chosen more than the previous one.
  • Planting depth will depend on the type of plant.

You should not bring the flower to a state where he will need emergency help. In order for cyclamen to grow and bloom normally, it is necessary to fulfill the minimum number of requirements for caring for it. If you follow all the rules, then cyclamen will, on average, grow for another 15 years and delight the household with its lush flowering.

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Cyclamen is a plant that blooms beautifully in winter, and the entire cycle of its vegetation is subject to this feature. In summer, during a hot period of time, cyclamen is at rest, which is pronounced in this flower. In autumn, the plant comes to life again, grows new leaves and releases buds on long peduncles twisted down (why?).

Why does the problem occur and how to fix it?

Leaves dry

Cyclamen leaves wither for various reasons. This is not always a reason for excitement - you just need to carefully observe the flower. If, gradually getting rid of old leaves, then it is time for a seasonal holiday. In this case, there are no health problems. If the branches of the flower are exposed in a matter of days, then the plant is sick.

If you purchased a flower and it was healthy at the time of purchase, Decay can be caused by several factors.:

If you decide to purchase cyclamen, then when buying a plant, carefully inspect the flower. The soil should be mold-free, homogeneous and without rotten leaves. You should also check inside leaflets - they should be pest-free and not twisted.

Also, the flower you like is usually placed in the brightest place, closer to the window. Too often sprayed and watered (how to save?). This can lead to the drying of leaves and flowers.

Reference! Cyclamen prefers a Mediterranean climate, not tolerating heat and direct sunlight.


  • excessively wet soil;
  • insufficiently humid air in the room where the plant is located;
  • wrong choice of soil;
  • the wrong size pot;
  • wrong choice of location of the plant in the house.

You can read more about cyclamen diseases, and we wrote about pests that can attack your plant in.

What to do if the plant dies?

If the cyclamen flower has withered, then first of all it is necessary to pinch off the yellowed and dried leaves at the base, as well as dry flowers.

Attention! Do not use a knife or scissors. This can lead to further progression of the disease.

The flower should not be kept near heating appliances, cyclamen must be moved away from them. Direct exposure to sunlight should also be avoided. In summer, cyclamen will feel much better in a shady corner. On hot days, you can overlay the flower tubers with ice.

If it so happened that cyclamen stood for a long time in the sun, then you can place the pot in a basin with cold water from the tap. Thus, the plant will be able to revive.

Sometimes the flower begins to turn yellow and dry due to infection. To get rid of the Fusarium fungus, it is recommended to water the ground with a 0.1% solution of foundationol or spray the plant with a 0.1% solution of Topsin-M.

Wet rot can also lead to wilting. With this type of lesion, the plant is very unpleasant, smells fetid. Bacteria enter through cracks in the tubers. Often, infections occur through the places where the leaves are torn off. Sometimes the cause can be infected water or soil. If your plant has been exposed to this bacterium, then it is no longer possible to save it.

Gray rot or Botrytis - causes a gray bloom, after which the leaves begin to quickly turn yellow. The affected areas should be removed with a sharp blade and the entire plant should be treated with a fungicide.

Read more about the causes of flower death and resuscitation at home.

How to save in a state of disrepair?

Sometimes it turns out that the plant looks withered and dead. In this case, you can try to revive it. To do this, you need to get a rhizome from the ground and look at its condition.

Even if the small roots have died off, you need to feel the tuber - it must be elastic, otherwise the plant cannot be helped. It is necessary to thoroughly wash the rhizome from the ground and treat with a fungicide. Then dry for a short time and plant again in sterilized soil.

Preventive measures

In order to maintain the health of cyclamen, useful recommendations should be followed:

  • If the leaves of cyclamen turn yellow, but the flowers remain healthy, you need to check the temperature in the room. If it is above 18 degrees, you need to lower it. At low temperatures, it is necessary to check whether the soil has dried out.
  • The plant needs frequent but moderate watering with room temperature water.

    On a note. With excessive watering, the roots rot and ticks attack; with insufficient watering, they turn yellow and.

  • To reduce the risk of gray mold, high humidity in a room with a low temperature should be avoided. Frequent ventilation will help solve the problem.
  • During the flowering period, it is worth additionally fertilizing the soil, about 2 times a month. Cyclamen does not like a large amount of mineral salts in the soil, so this should be closely monitored.


Cyclamen pleases caring hosts decorative look and regular flowering. Many flower lovers mistakenly believe that caring for this plant is too difficult. In practice, this is far from the case, if you follow all the recommendations for proper care.

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Cyclamen is considered a capricious plant. But this did not prevent him from winning the hearts of Russians and firmly taking places on their windowsills. For large, bright flowers that bloom in the middle of winter, flower growers are ready to create ideal conditions for him.. In any other, it can begin to show character: it will stop blooming, it will begin to shed rapidly yellowing leaves. How to find out what the plant is dissatisfied with and what can be done to save cyclomenia from death will be discussed in this article.

Cyclamen can drop leaves for several reasons. You can understand whether this is a reason for excitement if you carefully observe the flower. If it starts to turn yellow and wither slowly, and then just as slowly gets rid of old leaves, then it's time for seasonal rest. In this case, there are no health problems.

Cyclamens are native to Northeast Africa. The sunny humid climate of this part of the world allows the flower to grow to incredible sizes and at the same time bloom profusely. However, recreate ordinary apartment ideal conditions are incredibly difficult. If this does not work out in any way, the plant turns yellow and sheds leaves. In this case, you need to analyze what exactly could upset the plant so much. It could be:

  • too high or low air temperature. Cyclamen prefers to grow and bloom at home at 12 - 17 degrees above zero. In winter, he feels great on glazed balconies, however, during severe frosts it is better to bring it into the house.

Do not place cyclamen near heaters. Heat and dry air are detrimental to the plant.

  • improper watering. Most varieties of cyclamen have a moderate appetite. They should be watered about once a week, when the substrate dries out almost completely. It is necessary to ensure that the entire earthen lump is moistened, without turning into a swamp. Drought is also detrimental to the flower. The earth in a cyclamen pot must not be allowed to remain dry for several days;

  • direct sunlight. Cyclamen loves diffused light. Rays falling directly on the delicate leaves of the flower can cause burns. As a result - yellowing and falling off;
  • nutritional deficiencies. Special fertilizers should be applied regularly: after transplanting into a new pot once every two weeks, after the appearance of buds once a month.

To feed cyclamen, it is better to use a fertilizer with a minimum nitrogen content.

natural process

Cyclamen is a cyclic plant. After flowering, which can stretch for several months, it goes to rest.. At this time, his leaves also begin to turn yellow and dry. They must be removed by unscrewing at the base.

A dormant flower is either left in a pot or a tuber is dug up. In the first case, the plant is rearranged in a shaded, cool place and watering is severely limited.

In the second onions are cleaned and stored in a dry, ventilated place at a temperature of 10-25 degrees above zero. They are planted in a new substrate in late summer - early autumn.

The plant after transplantation will grow rapidly and in 2-4 months will delight with flowers.

Cyclamen can also get sick and shed leaves due to changes in his life.: after transplantation or moving to another place. If the new conditions meet the needs of the plant, then all that is required of the owner is to remove the yellowed leaves and wait until the flower comes to its senses. Of course, without ceasing to carefully care for him.

plant pests

Yellowed cyclamen leaves may indicate that v flower pot pests appeared. How to recognize exactly who is preventing a plant from living when it begins to disappear and what to do to revive it can be found in the table.

Fungi Fusarium The plant turns yellow and dries out gradually, the process begins with the tops of the leaves. The flower is taken out of the pot, cleaned, the affected areas of the tuber are removed, treated with a fungicide and planted in fresh calcined soil.
gray mold or Botrytis First, a gray coating appears on the leaves, and only then they begin to quickly turn yellow.
Erwinia The leaves turn yellow and die very quickly. The affected areas are removed with a sharp blade and the entire plant is treated with a fungicide.
Ticks Red tick A cobweb forms on the underside of the leaves, then the plant turns yellow. Affected leaves are removed, cyclamen is treated with an insecticide.
Cyclamen mite The process of damage begins with the deformation of the leaves. Having changed shape, they turn yellow and fall off. All means are powerless, it remains only to destroy the plant.
Viruses Bronzing of leaves The leaves are first deformed, then turn yellow and dry. Treatment is impossible. The flower must be destroyed to prevent infection of other plants.
circular mosaic Round light spots form on the leaves, which then crack and turn into holes.

Disease prevention at home

The best treatment is prevention. Simple measures will help maintain the health of the flower and prevent the appearance of diseases. About once a month, the plant is watered with a weak solution of one of the following products.:

  • phytosporin;
  • fundazol;
  • copper sulfate;
  • hamair;
  • alirin B;
  • potassium permanganate.

These funds will not leave a chance for pests and make the flower stronger, strengthening its immunity.

What to do if cyclamen gets sick, how to reanimate a flower

If it was not possible to prevent the disease, the flower began to turn yellow and lose leaves, then you should immediately begin to treat it. Action plan next:

  1. Carefully inspect the aerial part of the plant and with a sharp blade, all affected areas are removed leaving only healthy green tissue. The cut sites are treated with any disinfectant.

  1. Now it's the tuber's turn. He is taken out of the ground and also remove all questionable parts.
  2. The plant is left for several days in a dry, ventilated room to stop possible decay processes;
  3. Then the flower is planted in a new, pre-calcined earth. For several days it is placed in the shade and watered sparingly. After a week, the plant can be returned to its usual place.

Disease is not yet a sentence for a plant. This is just another, rather difficult, stage of his life. Whether the flower will be able to cope with it depends entirely on its owner. Thanks to perseverance, patience and responsibility, even a rather weakened plant can be reanimated., so that it will delight with flowers of stunning beauty for a long time to come.