When menstruation comes, the mood has improved. The influence of the monthly cycle on a woman


First half menstrual cycle. The first day of the cycle is the day when they come. The surface layer of the epithelium, swollen and saturated with blood and nutrients, is rejected by the uterus, since fertilization has not occurred. After the end of menstruation, the body produces a new layer of epithelium, which could accept a fertilized egg. The first half of the cycle ends with ovulation. The duration of this period varies for different women, for some it is a little more than a week, while for others it can be up to 22 days. On average, it takes about two weeks.

Menstruation is a time when the body is especially sensitive to pain. Try to avoid any excessive exercise and anything that causes pain, such as waxing. The vitality at this time is slightly lower than usual, and therefore the mood is often somewhat depressed. Surround yourself with comfort and pleasant trifles, try to exclude annoying factors.

Immediately after the end of menstruation, there comes a time when the metabolism is significantly accelerated. This is due to the fact that hormonal activity tends to its peak, which falls on. This is usually the most active time, on such days women do everything much better, any sports loads are easier, and their effectiveness increases. At this time, a woman is distinguished by a particularly cheerful mood, she is sexy and cheerful, she looks at the world very optimistically.

Around the middle of the cycle, an egg is released from one of the ovaries and ovulation occurs. Shortly before ovulation and during her woman becomes the most sexually attractive. On a natural, natural level, she seems to have a craving to look as seductive as possible. The mood is upbeat, as if in a pleasant expectation.

As soon as ovulation is completed, the second half of the cycle, or the luteal phase, begins. the main task the body of a woman at this time is to accept an egg fertilized by a sperm. This phase lasts about two weeks. The body is expecting pregnancy. If it does not occur, then the epithelium layer is rejected, a new cycle begins. Pregnancy is a challenging and stressful time for the body, and it prepares for it by slowing down the metabolism and retaining fluid. You can observe bags under the eyes and some increase in body weight. The skin at this time deteriorates, closer to menstruation, pimples may appear. The blood thins, so in the second half of the cycle you should not treat your teeth or. All this greatly affects the mood. A woman is prone to depression, her strength becomes less. The closer to menstruation, the worse the mood becomes. It is in the last days before her that the so-called PMS falls - premenstrual syndrome, which is characterized by particular irritability and emotional instability.

The one who considers women capricious is mistaken. They are not capricious at all, but sensitive. Sensitive to weather changes, moon phases, and most importantly, to hormonal fluctuations that occur in the body every month under the influence of the menstrual cycle. How do they affect women's well-being and mood?

The first phase of the cycle - 1-12 days

Hormones and mood. The beginning of the menstrual cycle falls on the first day of menstruation. In the body, the level of progesterone drops sharply and the production of prostaglandins increases - substances that “trigger” the rejection of the uterine epithelium and the onset of menstruation. Under the influence of these processes, a woman becomes drowsy, apathetic, and may complain of headaches and aching pains in the lower abdomen. The latter is associated with muscle spasms, with the help of which the uterus gets rid of menstrual flow.
Fortunately, after 3-5 days the situation is a little leveled off: menstruation is coming to its logical conclusion, the mood is improving, and working capacity is increasing. This happens under the influence of estrogens - hormones that replace prostaglandins. Thanks to the same estrogens, by the end of menstruation, female libido increases, and with it, interest in awakens, reports

Advice. If the pain is too strong, gynecologists advise taking one of the analgesics. However, this does not mean that you need to swallow pills in handfuls. Walking in the fresh air or any other physical activity will help improve well-being. But bed rest at the beginning of the cycle is not recommended - in a horizontal position, the tone of the uterus decreases, and the pain becomes stronger.
By the way, at the end of the first phase of the menstrual cycle, the hormonal background is the most stable, so gynecologists consider this period the most favorable for a physical examination and research (blood test for hormones, pelvic ultrasound and mammography).

Middle of the menstrual cycle - 12-14 days

Hormones and mood. The duration of the average menstrual cycle is 28 days (although there are shorter ones - 23 days, and longer ones - 35 days).
According to the observations of gynecologists, it is in the middle of the cycle, that is, at its equator, that ovulation occurs, during which the mature follicle breaks and an egg comes out of it. So the 12-14th day of the cycle is the most successful in terms of conception. During this period, a woman feels great, her mood is playful, her libido is at its peak. And all because the ball is ruled by androgens - male sex hormones that are responsible for sexual desire. Over time, androgens are transformed into estrogens, but until this happens, the woman is sexually proactive, strong and hardy. Her sweat glands intensively secrete pheromones - substances that attract men, and the reproductive system produces a vaginal secret with triple strength, so that it is easier for sperm to reach the egg.

Advice. During this period, some women experience pain in the appendages. Gynecologists explain this by follicle rupture, which can be quite painful. However, you should not panic. It will pass in a day or two.
By the way, in order to get a complete picture of hormone fluctuations, the doctor needs a threefold blood test for hormones. The middle of the cycle is the time for reanalysis.

The second phase of the cycle - 16-28 days

Hormones and mood. The female body is actively preparing for possible pregnancy by producing progesterone, the pregnancy hormone. Under its influence, the uterine mucosa thickens, preparing to receive the egg. In parallel, the level of luteinizing hormone (LH) rises, which stimulates the exit of the corpus luteum from the ovary. That is why 1-2 weeks before menstruation, premenstrual syndrome (PMS) can occur, which is characterized by engorgement and soreness of the mammary glands, sweating, fluid retention in the body, pain in the lower back, bloating and nausea. The mood during this period is unstable, the woman is tearful and irritable, physical activity is very difficult.

Advice. To reduce the symptoms of PMS in the second phase of the cycle, reduce fluid intake to 1.5 liters per day. It is better to refuse caffeinated drinks and strong broths. Give preference to herbal teas with a pronounced diuretic effect (linden, hibiscus, raspberry, viburnum). Increased irritability will help reduce tinctures of valerian and motherwort with pronounced sedative properties.
By the way, the 20-21st day of the cycle is the time to take the third analysis to determine hormonal background.

We thank Natalia Lelyukh, a gynecologist at the Dobrobut clinic, for her help in preparing the material.

Why does my mood change before menstruation?

Premenstrual syndrome for many women is an unbearable period during which the thought appears - menstruation would begin faster. The reason for this is not just a deterioration in well-being before menstruation, but irritability, bad mood, in some cases aggressiveness and rage, which are not so easy to cope with on their own.

Moreover, with age, women who have, note an increase in their intensity - they become more pronounced.

  • Irritability during PMS. How to fight?
  • What should men do?

Why does the mood change before menstruation?

A bad mood on critical days has long turned into an occasion for ridicule and jokes. The girls themselves joke about it. So what to do? It is not possible to overcome irritability - you need to ridicule it, it makes life easier.

A bad mood before menstruation and during menstruation is the result of physiological fluctuations in the hormonal background in the blood. Analyze your relationship with a man. When do you most often "figure out" relationships, and when do you have nervous breakdowns (big and small)? I can answer you - after, in a good and upbeat. You are ready to “move mountains”, work and bring beauty to the world. It takes only a few days - and everything changes dramatically. The slightest deviation from life plans causes aggression and the point here is not in character, but in hormones. A sharp change in mood and its swings are not observed in all girls.

The period when fluctuations in the state begin is different for everyone. A change in life mood can occur a week before critical days, or 2-3 days before.

Progesterone - stimulates the growth of the endometrium, preparing the uterus for fertilization. There is pain in the lower abdomen, discomfort, there may be difficulties with the act of defecation. Fluid is retained in the body, weight begins to increase, and the mood deteriorates. There is an increase in appetite.

In the ruptured follicle (in which the egg matured), cells grow that synthesize progesterone.

That is why during menstruation a bad mood. Yes, and menstruation itself is not a pleasant phenomenon. Nevertheless, the beginning of a new cycle - the first day or two eases the condition and the mood begins to level off.

Irritability before menstruation: how to cope and what to do?

Of course, not everyone was lucky enough to have an understanding spouse who can alleviate a nervous condition and overcome irritability during menstruation, protect against "female" troubles and avoid tearfulness.

How to help yourself? First of all, you need to learn to live with it, as, for example, people live with diabetes. They adapt, they just have a different way of life.

Those who have a disgusting mood with PMS need to take into account:

  • Every woman, girl knows the time when she starts having mood swings, so plan all responsible business and decision-making for other days of the cycle. You won’t be able to plan completely, but you will be able to complete some of the important things, avoiding possible conflicts with loved ones and others.
  • Admit to yourself (if you haven't already) that your period affects your mood. Tell this to someone you trust. Support doesn't hurt. A person will always treat with understanding and, perhaps, take some of the worries upon himself at “this time”. And you just relax.
  • To overcome fatigue and reduce the severity of symptoms of approaching menstruation for a long period, sign up for fitness. Training is a great opportunity to “pour out” aggression on soulless iron, get a boost of energy and positive emotions, and normalize metabolic processes. Regular exercise contributes to the release of “joy” hormones. In tandem with proper nutrition this will help to cope with a bad mood before menstruation. In addition, muscle load helps to get rid of fluid retention in the body.

  • Remove “evil” foods from the diet: salt, caffeine, hot spices, pickles and smoked meats. Before menstruation, eat foods high in phytoestrogens: legumes and soy products, meat, fish, milk, flax seeds, red grapes.
  • Make an effort to talk to family members. First, they have the right to know what usually happens to you every month. Secondly, you have the right to understanding and support from them.
  • There are no pills for a good mood before menstruation. There is dark chocolate containing the "hormone of happiness" - serotonin and or lemon balm, which relieves irritability.

What is a man to do?

Try to accept the fact that a cute and beloved creature is not so cute after all. When they say that girls are hostages of hormones, it's true.

Aggression, irascibility, tearfulness, nervousness, bitchiness - business card PMS. Therefore, do not let a woman spoil the relationship with you. Critical days are a difficult period, the nervous state of a girl can be transmitted to everyone around her. Pay a little more attention at this time to your beloved - she will appreciate, maybe not immediately, but she will definitely understand and be grateful to you.

Is a conflict brewing? Don't walk away as if you don't notice the change. So you will provoke a new portion of bad mood. Let her know that you are aware of the fact that she is having a hard time right now. If you have kids, go to the park, circus, etc. and leave your woman alone with a chocolate bar on the couch. Let her sleep longer than usual in the morning.

Tips for each case should be individual. Therefore, it is up to you to decide how to act in a particular situation and avoid a nervous breakdown.

A bad mood a few days before menstruation in women is the subject of many anecdotes and ironic statements. In fact, an aggressive and hysterical woman during PMS is a reason to send her to the doctor, and not throw her wallet at her, as in a popular status on social networks.

According to the gynecologist of the Boris medical network Oksana Ukrainian, if the family marks the dates of the mother’s menstruation in the calendar in order to foresee when she will have mood problems the day before, then this is not the norm. To understand what to do with, it is important to understand a few of its main characteristic points.

PMS is always a hormonal imbalance. This means that there are fewer than you need. This leads to the fact that a woman may feel any symptoms. And these symptoms are not limited to just a bad mood. A woman may have a stomach ache or headache a few days before her period, her blood pressure or temperature may rise, she may feel weak and depressed, maybe even depressed. The stronger the imbalance, the more pronounced. If the imbalance is mild, then the woman may not notice its effects.

PMS depends on age. V different periods Every woman experiences PMS differently. The severe symptoms of PMS are usually characteristic of adolescence, when the correct production of hormones has not yet been established, and disappear by the age of 20, when a regular cycle is established. Then, at the age of 40-45, the gradual fading of the production of female hormones begins. This process lasts for several years, and during this period the symptoms of PMS become more pronounced.

PMS depends on lifestyle. When we are active, healthy, happy, in love, we usually do not have PMS. Or the symptoms are so minor that we may not notice them. On the contrary, there are factors that exacerbate hormonal imbalance. These are factors that interfere with the normal production of female hormones:

excessive physical activity - if a woman spends too much time in gym, she begins to produce an excess amount of the male hormone testosterone. In this case, problems with the menstrual cycle may begin;

strict diet - disadvantage useful substances, which the body experiences with severe food restrictions, leads, among other things, to hormonal imbalance;

chronic fatigue syndrome, stress can also be included here.

With severe PMS, it is necessary to eliminate the cause, not the consequences. PMS is not a disease, and the condition does not need to be treated unless it interferes with your life. If your mood or other symptoms of PMS spoil the life of you and your loved ones, you should go to a gynecologist. Depending on the type of PMS, the doctor will prescribe treatment.

What treatment is needed?

If your mood deteriorates during PMS, you know about it, but you just need to cry, read a book, watch a nice movie, chat with a friend or eat a chocolate bar, and your life is getting better, then nothing needs to be done about it. If you are hysterical and throw yourself at everyone or fall into a depressive state, then you should not justify your “nerves” by the fact that you are a woman and you have PMS, but it is better to go to the doctor to identify the cause of your inadequate condition and cope with it, having received doctor's recommendations.

depending on symptoms and possible causes that affect the symptoms, there are four types of PMS: edematous, neuropsychic, crisis and cephalgic. Mood changes such as irritability, aggressiveness, depression, loss of energy are characteristic of the neuropsychic form. In addition, sometimes women with this form of PMS may have auditory and olfactory hallucinations, memory problems, feelings of fear, suicidal thoughts, she may cry or laugh for no reason. There may also be headache, bloating, appetite disorders, breast engorgement.

To confirm the diagnosis of PMS, in addition to the patient's story, a blood test is needed to determine the level of the hormones progesterone, prolactin and estradiol, which is determined in different phases of the cycle. In the neuropsychic form, as a rule, the level of prolactin increases. Also, the doctor may recommend a consultation with a psychiatrist and a neurologist.

To correct the neuropsychic form of PMS, the doctor may prescribe sedative (sedative) drugs, as well as hormonal drugs - analogues of progesterone.

How to avoid anxiety?

To prevent a bad mood in PMS, adjust the mode of work and rest, play sports. Eat more foods rich in vitamin B6: walnuts, fish, liver, soy. Do not forget about vegetables and fruits as fiber-rich foods. But limit the use of alcohol, coffee, tea, chocolate in the last phase of the cycle.

Tatyana Koryakina

According to statistics, females are more prone to depression. This is due to hormonal changes depending on the menstrual cycle. Depression during menstruation affects not only the condition of the woman herself, but also the atmosphere in the family. It is not necessary to ignore such a condition, the sooner measures are taken to eliminate a depressive disorder, the better.

About a week before the onset of menstruation, the so-called premenstrual syndrome occurs. It is caused by sudden mood swings, tearfulness, irritability, decreased sexual activity. It is at this time that there is a change in the ratio of hormones in the blood. However, not every woman becomes depressed during menstruation; the development of such a mental disorder is more likely in unbalanced and hysterical ladies. An additional impetus to the emergence of an affective state are:

  • Increased physical activity;
  • Frequent stress and nervous strain;
  • Long term diet
  • Poor nutrition, the body receives a small amount of vitamins and minerals;
  • Lack of regular sex life;
  • Chronic diseases of the thyroid gland.

Causes of bad mood during PMS

Depression in PMS is quite common. However, it is also impossible to ignore a psychological disorder at all or, conversely, to run to the doctor at the first symptoms. It is necessary to understand the causes of poor health and try to eliminate them. Perhaps the menstrual cycle has nothing to do with it.

Keeping a daily diary for at least three months will help to understand the problem. In principle, the diary can be replaced with a regular calendar, but an important condition is the daily entry of data about your well-being. It is enough to write in front of each day: “cheerful”, “sad”, “irritable”, “tired”, “indifferent”, and so on. Thus, you can see if your mood changed depending on the approach to menstruation, or if there was no connection. If, according to the diary, a direct connection “depression and menstruation” is really noticeable, it's time to see a doctor.

Also, to independently determine whether it is time to see a doctor, positive answers to the following questions will help:

  • Do you make a scandal in the family for any insignificant reason?
  • You can not work normally and enjoy life during your period?
  • Are you experiencing sleep problems?
  • Do you change your eating habits during your menstrual cycle?
  • Are you experiencing unreasonable anxiety these days?
  • Have you been overcome by thoughts of hopelessness and the possibility of suicide?

If you have a positive answer to more than half of the questions, especially the last one, you need to seek help from a specialist.


Usually the first to notice a sharp change in mood during and after menstruation are those around them. It is the loved ones who suffer the first symptoms of depression. The main signs of a psychological disorder are:

  • Frequent headaches;
  • Tearfulness, irritability, sometimes aggression;
  • Absent-mindedness, apathy, physical weakness;
  • Fatigue, constant household troubles (everything falls out of hand, burns, cuts, etc.);
  • Inattention and lethargy (this condition is especially dangerous when driving a car);
  • Drowsiness or vice versa insomnia;
  • Increased appetite, cravings for chocolate and flour;
  • Feeling of discomfort in the mammary glands, which also leads to irritability.

It is especially noticeable to others if a sociable and cheerful woman suddenly becomes withdrawn and irritable. If you experience these symptoms over a long period of time, it will be better to make an appointment with a specialist.

Methods for dealing with depression

You can get rid of depression on your own or with the help of a doctor. If the disorder torments you for quite a long time and you cannot get out of this state on your own, it is better to consult a doctor for qualified help. The course of treatment depends on the severity and duration of the disease.

Medical treatment

To improve the overall psychological state The doctor may prescribe the following medications:

  • Antidepressants and sedatives;
  • Hormonal preparations;
  • Means that improve blood circulation in the brain;
  • Taking vitamins and minerals to improve the general condition of the body.
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

This method of treatment allows a woman to learn how to manage the current situation, and not adapt to it. For example, if a woman knows that her period is expected next week, then she should not plan important and responsible affairs for this period. Psychologists recommend that women schedule important tasks for a month in advance so that difficult work does not fall on “these days”. During the menstrual cycle, it is better to do yoga or other calming activities.

The peculiarity of light therapy is that under the influence of light rays, chemical reactions in the brain. Light therapy procedures are most relevant in winter.

General therapy

This method of treatment includes a relaxing massage, physiotherapy, reflexology, acupuncture sessions. All procedures are designed to relieve tension, calm and strengthen the nervous system.

Traditional medicine recipes

Via medicinal fees, tinctures and decoctions can calm loosened nerves. Mint, motherwort, hop cones can relieve excitability, normalize sleep. Doctors also recommend taking wormwood, bearberry and black cohosh for prevention.

Relaxing baths

According to doctors, baths with the addition of lavender oil, wormwood ether, can reduce the possibility of depression. Before going to bed, you can use foot baths with chamomile or mint. After that, it is recommended to do a foot massage using fir oil. To forget about sleep problems, you can use a time-tested recipe: put a few leaves of lemon balm, currant leaf or oregano in a pillow.

Doctors also recommend not to keep emotions in yourself, but to splash them out. Of course, it will be better if you are alone at this moment. For example, you can break a plate, scream loudly in a deserted place, do a couple of dozen squats, or something else. If there is a desire to cry, there is no need to hold back, let the tears flow in streams, after which there will be a noticeable relief.

Shopping is a great distraction for depression. It is rare that a woman refuses to update her wardrobe. Go shopping with a friend, drink a cup of coffee - and the blues will definitely recede. These days you should not give up sports, you just need to reduce physical activity. Fast walking, running, swimming will cheer you up and bring pleasant fatigue.

During a consultation with a doctor, you need to discuss everything possible options getting rid of depression. When nothing bothers us, we think that the concept of “depression” is something far away and does not concern us, and we attribute any neurological disorder to bad weather, PMS, anything but depression. A calm state of mind should always be present, and not depend on the time of the menstrual cycle.


For preventive purposes, it is worth paying attention to the daily diet. It is necessary to exclude fatty and salty foods from it, and give preference to eggs, chocolate, apples, broccoli, grapes and raisins. Nutrition should be balanced, incoming products should contain potassium and vitamin B6. To normalize the hormonal background of a woman and improve metabolism, you can take a course of injections with vitamin complex B6, A and E, as well as calcium and magnesium.

To prevent depression during menstruation, doctors recommend spending more time outdoors, doing things you love and not getting hung up on the changes taking place in the body during the menstrual cycle. To enjoy every day and endure all the hardships of the "women's share" with perseverance is the main recipe for depression.