Goats for sawing circular. Do-it-yourself goats for sawing firewood - how to make a sawing device with a chainsaw

Despite the fact that wood sawing goats are a very simple design, they are machine tools. There is certain rules their creations. RMNT will tell you what goats are used for preparing firewood, what and how you can make them yourself.

You should not confuse the goats for sawing firewood with construction ones. They have absolutely different purpose and design. The goats for firewood should be such that it is convenient to put a log, sleeper, or other large piece of wood. And so that during sawing with a chainsaw or a hacksaw, our log does not fall anywhere, does not move out, it is securely held on the goats, and the working person has at least one hand free. Better yet, both.

It is not difficult to buy goats for sawing firewood. There are standard, traditional metal structures in the form of a log stand. They cost from 2000 rubles, they are simple and at the same time reliable, they are quite convenient. In addition, folding goats are popular today, which are conveniently stored in a barn. Usually they allow you to cut several layers of wood at once due to the increased height of the upper part. Such goats cost from 4 thousand rubles.

The most advanced option for today is goats in the form of a stand on which a bed for a log is installed. At the same time, the wood is held firmly, with teeth that are on the upper lifting part and below. Such a design will cost from 5 thousand rubles. It is these goats that are originally intended for sawing with a chainsaw, which must be held and guided with both hands.

Having decided to save money and simply not waste time searching, many home craftsmen make sawing goats with their own hands. For this purpose, you can use:

  • Pillars made of wood, simply, quite thick and straight branches. The easiest option;
  • wooden beam;
  • old metal pipes;
  • Metallic profile.

Goats are more reliable from metal, but welding may be required to create them.

The height of the goats should be such that it is convenient for a person to work, growth must be taken into account. The standard height is from 90 to 110 centimeters. Goats can be two-, three-, four-horn. The longer the structure, the more horns should be in order to securely fix the log. Usually the length of the goats does not exceed 200 centimeters.

The most simple design- two "X"-shaped joints, in which the lower part is higher, and a crossbar between them, fastened at the joints. But such two-horned goats will not be very reliable and are not suitable for sawing hardwood or large logs. So homemade designs reinforce by installing additional horns and using strips between the crosshairs of the "X", the main legs. The angle of connection of the horns is 45 degrees.

Experts believe that the most reliable fasteners in the case of using wood will be wood screws. They are better than ordinary nails. In the case of using a profile or pipes, respectively, metal screws should be used. Or weld goats for greater reliability. True, in this case they cannot be disassembled or folded.

Of course, for the construction of goats it is better to use electric tools, in particular, a screwdriver, as well as a jigsaw for cutting pieces of metal or timber. right size. A wooden structure can be treated with a stain, having previously been sanded. And paint the metal. However, usually home craftsmen do not care about the appearance of goats for sawing firewood. The main thing here is convenience and reliability.

There is no man in the world who has not had to saw a log in order to chop wood later. If this task is one-time, then it is not difficult to cope with it. But if a person has to saw wood with a certain regularity, it is recommended to purchase or make your own goats for sawing firewood - a device that can facilitate the process and greatly simplify the task.

Functions of goats

Goats for sawing - important tool in every farm, especially in preparation for the heating season. With their help, owners can quickly and easily cut thick logs and boards.

The advantage of this product is that its craftsmen can not buy, but make it with their own hands. This will require the following materials and fixtures:

  • quality timber;
  • nails;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • carpentry tools.

If a person knows how to handle a hammer, it will take no more than 2-3 hours to make goats, and the product will last at least 5-7 years.

Professionals prefer to use metal goats, such a product is reliable and durable. But it is difficult to build them yourself, and it will take much more effort and resources to manufacture them.

Homemade goats for manual sawing

It is not difficult to make goats for cutting wood products, but before proceeding with active actions, the master needs to consider what kind of design it will be.

When completing the drawing, it is necessary to decide what size the product should have and deal with the angle of inclination of the support, the height of the horns also plays a crucial role. Experts warn that in order to work with goats for sawing it was convenient, the following points should be taken into account in their manufacture:

  • Man's height.
  • What type of wood will be most often sawn.
  • What type of tool will be used for sawing - a regular saw or a chainsaw.

The height of the log affects how long it takes a person to completely cut it. As practice shows, optimal height for support - from 90 to 110 cm, depending on the height of the person.

When all dimensions are calculated, you need to prepare in advance all the materials required during work:

  • Beam for the manufacture of the base. It is best to take a beam, the cross section of which will be 100 × 100 mm, and the optimal length is 1.1 meters.
  • The legs will require bars with a cross section of 50 × 50 mm, but a length of 360 mm. The required quantity is 2 pieces.
  • For amplifiers under your feet, you will need a beam with an inch section, length - 1.3 meters.

It will be necessary to stock up on a large number of self-tapping screws and a tool for treating wood from decay. To make goats with your own hands, you will need the following tools:

  • building corner and tape measure;
  • hacksaw;
  • pencil;
  • hammer;
  • several different chisels;
  • screwdrivers.

Work schedule

The beam for making the base must be marked for 12 cuts - 6 pieces on each side, their depth should be about 2.5 cm, they will act as grooves for horns with legs.

After that, the cuts are knocked out with the help of a chisel, sawn bars are inserted into the formed grooves, in this place everything is fixed with self-tapping screws.

On bars with an inch section, places for attaching amplifiers are marked, they will prevent the legs from divergence. With the help of a hacksaw, excess segments are sawn off, the length of the legs is selected by the master. When the wood goats are ready, they need to be stained and dried, after which the device is ready for use.

Standard goats have quite big size and weight, which does not always allow transporting them. That is why many people prefer to buy or build a mobile unit that can be easily transported.

But it is immediately worth considering that the manufacture of such a design will take more time. All they need is:

  • 4 wooden bars of medium diameter;
  • metal pipe 1.5 meters long;
  • strong rope or cable;
  • durable drill bit for wood.

The assembly of the structure always begins with the bars. On them you need to outline the place of the cut, where the legs will then be installed. After drilling the planks, the base is inserted into them, then the legs are installed in place. Finally, a limiter for the racks is made to prevent deformation of the legs.

Goats for working with a chainsaw

Cutting firewood with a chainsaw is easier and more convenient if the log is thick and wet. But you need to understand that the goats for sawing with a chainsaw must be strong and durable.

Professionals advise using a different design for their manufacture. Since sawing logs with this powerful tool requires a lot of space - one end of the log will always be hanging, the specialist will have to think in advance exactly where the goats will be located.

Some people adapt to using standard sawhorses when sawing logs with a chainsaw, but it will be extremely inconvenient to perform the actions, and the chainsaw will certainly jam when the log is almost completely sawn.

It must be borne in mind that their assembly will require not only logs and tools, but also a special mount, it will prevent the log from being outweighed at one end. In the absence of certain knowledge, it is easier for the owner to simply purchase ready-made goats in a hardware store, saving time and ensuring safety.

Features and benefits of goats for a chainsaw

Professional goats for chainsaw work have the following advantages:

  • With the help of such equipment, owners can cut firewood alone, since they do not have to move the log during work.
  • The tool chain is guaranteed not to pinch.
  • The master will be able to independently adjust the length of the blocks on which the log is sawn.
  • Sawn logs will roll in the opposite direction from the sawyer.
  • Most often, mobile goats are produced for working with a chainsaw, they are very easy to fold and they take up very little space when folded.

If a person is unable to acquire ready product, he needs to try to make it on his own. The method using a heavy base and attaching a pair of horns to fix the log has proven itself very well.

As a basis, many men use a wheel from a car - it metal carcass, but then make it heavier with the help of auxiliary materials. This design is not entirely productive, but it is quite convenient to work with it.

Features of storage and principles of operation of goats

If you make goats, taking into account all the recommendations and strictly following the algorithm of actions, the design will turn out to be strong and will last more than one season. But it must be borne in mind that the goats will have a large load. To prolong their service life, it is recommended to store the device properly.

Experts assure that the wood does not start to rot earlier, the goats must not only be treated with a special compound, but also stored in a dry room at a temperature above 15 degrees. Only in this case, the negative impact of moisture and air will not lead to the destruction of the material.

It is very important to follow the rules of harvesting, the goats should not be overloaded with too heavy and massive logs, as they may simply not withstand the excessive load and fall apart.

Goats for sawing - an indispensable device, it is necessary in every private house. If you don’t want to buy them, then the craftsmen can easily build a tool with their own hands, especially since this does not require expensive materials and tools.

But experts warn that during manufacturing, you must strictly follow the algorithm of actions and follow safety rules, otherwise it is easy to injure yourself.

Another recommendation - before you start sawing firewood, you need to check whether the goats are really strong and reliable. This rule especially applies to the performance of work with a chainsaw, the engine power of such equipment can provoke damage to goats or a person.

Video: Do-it-yourself goats for sawing firewood

Which of the men has never faced the need to saw a tree into logs in order to chop wood later? It is one thing if this is a one-time job, in nature, for a fire, where in unsuitable conditions to wave an ax is good for health.

Another thing is if this task needs to be performed with sufficient regularity. From ancient times, a device called goats was used to saw logs for firewood.

From a technical point of view, there is nothing difficult in it, and making goats for cutting firewood with your own hands is a couple of trifles. But before embarking on the manufacture of this particular goat design, it is worth considering the options.

Goats for manual sawing

It would seem that this simple device can be improved, and what parameters can be changed, except for the height, to make working on it more comfortable? In the old days, wooden logs were usually sawn by 2 people using a two-handed saw with large teeth.

They completely controlled the process and with their free hand held the ends of the log on both sides, and, if necessary, could put pressure on it so that the cut did not pinch the saw blade. And often, when sawing thick logs, they were finished a little more than to the middle and rotated 180 °. True, the cut at the same time was not very even, which created difficulties in installation during subsequent felling.

The distance between the cross-shaped racks of the goat was usually made a little less than twice the length of the furnace furnace, for which firewood was harvested.

And now such designs have not gone into oblivion, although they have been improved by adding a third cross for the convenience of working with a one-handed bow saw and reducing the distance between them to reduce the risk of clamping the saw blade.

In some metal structures the goat, cloves appeared to better fix the logs, and their more traditional types were improved by adding sharp screw adjustable stops for the same purpose.

Work has become much more convenient. And, if you have a need for regular harvesting of a not very large amount of firewood, then this option for cutting them may well suit you.

Goats for sawing firewood with chain saws

But still, when we are dealing with large volumes of firewood, then torturing yourself with manual sawing of logs is a wasteful activity, in terms of time and physical costs. Gasoline and electric chain saws speed up the process tenfold and reduce physical labor.

But traditional goats are not suitable for working with them, due to the high risk of injury and tool breakage when clamping the saw bar in the cut. Of course, you can only saw logs that go beyond the dimensions of the goat, but at the same time you cannot achieve a rational cutting of logs. Therefore, to work with such saws, other devices were invented, which, according to tradition, retained the old name, although they bear little resemblance to their grandfathers.

The most simple goats for working with a chainsaw have a similar design.

Heavy stable base and a pair of horns for fixing the log. What else is needed? Sawing occurs beyond the dimensions of the structure, and the log in it is held by the foot. The productivity of work is low, but such goats are quite functional.

For sawing not thick logs, the most suitable, in our opinion, will be goats of a similar design:

Their only drawback is the unsawn logs of the lower row, but for large volumes this design flaw will not be fundamental. And you choose the dimensions of such goats depending on the same length of the firebox of your furnace, the length of the tire and the power of your saw. Their undoubted advantage is their quick disassembly, which makes it possible to simplify and speed up the removal of lumber.

A similar goat design, but with the ability to finish beams of logs to the end, due to the presence of transverse supports that provide a gap between the woodpile and the base of the goat, is shown in this video, but the lack of the ability to quickly disassemble this advantage to a certain extent.

Although you can turn it over to the end side, however, with a little more effort for this.

For thicker logs, a similar design will work, but with them fixed in the sawing container, which will not allow the logs to pinch the saw.

And the size of the chocks obtained in such goats can be minimal.

Not the most successful, as it seems to us, but quite a workable version of the device for sawing not very thick logs is shown in this photo:

The most valuable thing in such a goat design is a stop template that allows you to withstand ideal height chock, which is extremely important for small-sized furnaces.

Other goat options

The most common for sawing single thick logs with chain saws are various designs goat with fixing the back of the log.

It is these, except for cruciform ones, that are most produced industrially.

Their designs are so simple that detailed descriptions do not need, everything can be seen in the photo. Anyone can make such goats for cutting firewood with their own hands. home master, more or less able to hold a tool in his hands. The main thing here is the ability to proportion the dimensions of the support platform to the size and weight of the sawn logs. It may not have a rectangular shape, or even completely replaced by stops. I liked this goat design for its simplicity and minimalism.

Or this option, designed for very thick, but not long logs:

And finally, we will present a very successful home-made wooden structure, which also guarantees the absence of jamming of the saw due to the small width between the stops of the goat at the place of cutting.

In such goats, the log is laid with the same offset on the sides for stability, and sawn in the middle. Then do the same with the resulting pieces.

In all cases, when self-manufacturing goat, you choose the height individually, so that, first of all, it is convenient for you.

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A goat for firewood is, of course, a rather archaic thing. But hardly any home owner can do without them. It is understandable: with this massive, but quite simple device, sawing firewood is much easier and more convenient. I do not think that the reluctance to purchase it ready-made is an expression of some kind of miserliness. By no means! Do-it-yourself firewood goats are more adapted to the needs of their owner. And yes, they are not that hard to make. This is exactly what I want to tell you in today's article.

How to make a goat for a two-handed saw

Having decided to build goats for firewood with your own hands, you should remember that their most important parameters are:

  1. Height. It is understandable. If you work in an uncomfortable position for a long time, then back and knee pains are guaranteed. It is believed that the most acceptable height is 90 ÷ 110 cm. However, its exact value depends on the height and working habits of the person who will use this device.
  2. Durability coupled with durability. This is often due to the rather large weight of the sawn logs, as well as the presence of constant alternating efforts applied by the sawyers. Since these efforts can lead to loosening of the goats, a solid beam with a thickness of 100 mm or more should be used as supporting legs.

What does it take to make a goat

To make a goat for sawing firewood, you will need a timber of the following sizes:

  • 100×100, length 1100 mm. It will become the basis of the design. If desired, it can be replaced with an even, dry, not very thick log;
  • 50×50 in four pieces, length 1100 mm. They will be used as supporting legs of the goat;
  • 50×50 in two segments, length 350 mm for the manufacture of "horns";
  • 50×50 in two sections, length 1100 mm for tying the support legs.

In addition, you need to stock up on self-tapping screws 5 × 100 mm (30 pieces), protective impregnation and appropriate tools (hacksaw, chisel, hammer, screwdriver).

A goat is a device necessary for work. But you should also think about health. To do this, it is quite possible to put a horizontal bar, which is described in the article located.

The procedure for the manufacture of wooden goats

On the beam, which forms the basis of the goat for sawing firewood, we make cuts at the rate of 2 for each of the 6 grooves, i.e. only 12 cuts. The depth of future grooves should be 25 mm. Support legs and a pair of horns will be installed in them. It is advisable that each groove be slightly narrower than the bar intended for it by 1.2-2 mm. That is, the distance between the cuts should be about 48 mm. Due to this, the bars will enter the grooves with force, which will give additional strength to the entire structure.

The selection of grooves between the cuts should be made using a chisel and a hammer. The supporting legs and horns are driven into the grooves with force and fixed in them with self-tapping screws. The lower ends of the support bars must be sawn at such an angle that the goat on the ground stands evenly and firmly. So it turns out a completely finished goat base.

The next stage in the manufacture of a goat for sawing firewood is to tie their supporting legs. The presence of strapping bars, fixed with self-tapping screws, will not allow the legs to part. If the end of any of the strapping bars protrudes, it is cut flush with the corresponding leg. Having processed the made goat with bioprotection and waiting for it to dry, you can start sawing firewood.

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How to make a metal goat

Wooden goats for sawing firewood should most likely be considered a classic option. But this device can also be made of metal. Moreover, it will be more reliable and durable.

For its manufacture, it is better to use a rectangular steel pipe 50 × 50 mm. In order to store such goats more conveniently, it is better to make the structure not welded, but fastened with bolts. This will allow it to be disassembled and stored in a suitable place for this.

Metal goats don't have to be light! The greater the weight of the structure, the better its stability during sawing.

Between themselves, pieces of pipes are fixed at 45 °. The resulting crosses are tied using the same pipe as in the main structure.

So, making goats for firewood with your own hands is not such a difficult thing. Any material can be used for this. And in the course of manufacturing, special attention should be paid to the stability of the structure, its strength and compliance with the growth of the sawyer.

Reading time ≈ 4 minutes

The collapsible firewood goat is a convenient and compact stand. It allows easy sawing of logs and thick boards. The folding stand does not take up much space and can be stored in a shed or garage. For the manufacture of the structure, you will need to prepare a high-quality timber and a board. Assembly of the stand takes about 2 hours.

Necessary materials

It is not difficult to assemble a wooden goat for cutting firewood with your own hands. But in the work it is recommended to use durable materials. To maximize the life of the structure, pre-treat the tree with an antiseptic. This will protect the materials from moisture, prevent their damage by harmful insects.

A wooden goat is made for sawing firewood with parameters of 1 × 1 m. This size of the product is sufficient for sawing both large logs and small stumps. Before starting work, the contractor will need to prepare the following materials and auxiliary products:

  • beam: 6 units with a length of 1 meter;
  • board: 4 units with a length of 1 meter and a width of about 7-8 cm;
  • bolts M8: 3 pieces;
  • nuts and washers: 3 pieces each;
  • wood screws: 24 pieces.

From these materials and consumables, you can assemble a compact folding goat, which will have increased stability. Additionally, for the work you will need a screwdriver, a saw for wood.

Step-by-step instructions for making saw goats

Work on the manufacture of goats for sawing firewood begins with the preparation of a hole for the bolts. To do this, you need to put two supports on top of each other (side ribs) and drill holes at a mark of 70 cm from the bottom edge.

It is necessary to connect the first pair of legs, tighten the bolt, install the washer and nut.

Repeat the procedure for two more reference pairs. Further work is carried out according to the following scheme:

1. Using a jigsaw, a board is cut, prepared for fastening the legs. If the boards were harvested according to the specified parameters (with a width of 7-8 cm), their sawing is not necessary.

2. On a pair of boards located on one side of the goat, two vertical holes should be drilled at a distance of 67 mm from each edge (see drawing of the goat). Additionally, holes are drilled on one side at a distance of 245 mm.

3. On the second pair of boards, you need to prepare the following pairs of vertical holes: at a distance of 22 mm from the edge on both sides, at a distance of 335 mm from one edge.

4. Prepared boards, pre-divided into pairs, are screwed to the legs: the lower ones at a distance of 80 mm from the edge, the upper ones at a distance of 535 mm from the edge (see the diagram of a wooden goat). The specified indents are measured to the extreme bottom line of the board.

When screwing in pairs, it is important to observe the coincidence of indents. The displacement of the fixation points for the left and right crossbars eliminates their screwing to one beam, which increases the strength of the structure.

Features of storage and operation of goats

Carrying out work according to the specified instructions, it is recommended to additionally use the attached drawings, photo and video materials. They will help to easily make durable saw goats. Finished construction able to withstand a lot of weight, but it is important to store it in normal conditions: dry room. Constant exposure to moisture or moist air will cause the materials to degrade.

It is especially important to consider the rules for using the workpiece. It is not recommended to overload it with heavy logs. Suitable folding goats for sawing firewood with a chainsaw and hand saw. Robust construction will become indispensable suburban area or in a private house. With its help, you can easily and quickly prepare firewood, logs for kindling a stove, or a home fireplace.

Video of making a goat for sawing firewood with your own hands