Do-it-yourself cages for outdoor rabbits. DIY rabbit cages - simple and advanced designs

Human activities such as farming and animal husbandry mean good earnings and a constant supply of quality food and fur. However, in order to get any profit, it is necessary to invest in any business not only own forces but also material goods. If we are talking about a farm, then investments are the purchase of feed, the arrangement of the territory, the construction of a shelter for animals.

Rabbits are one of the most popular pets. They require a moderate amount of effort and time, but the products they provide are really useful. In order for the animal to bring joy and not force you to invest even more money in yourself, you need to take care of its place of residence in advance. Speaking of rabbits, we immediately imagine a cage in our mind. And to save money, this same house can be made with your own hands.


As you know, rabbits are undemanding to the area of ​​\u200b\u200btheir home. This is due to the lifestyle that they lead in the wild, where representatives of the hare family are able to huddle in small burrows that serve as their permanent home or place to sleep. Therefore, on your site, you can not set aside a huge area for keeping rabbits, but get by with a rather capacious area.

The environment plays a key role in this matter. After all, if we turn to nature again, then rabbits lead a mobile lifestyle and can choose the right climate for themselves. When they are all the time in the same area, for example, on the territory of a farm, then a person should select the optimal temperature and humidity for pets. Only in the case of correctly set indicators, the animal will be able not only to show a “healthy” mood, but also quickly gain height and weight.

These indicators have a fruitful effect on the taste of meat and the quality of the fur.

Making a cage for rabbits with your own hands is not at all a difficult process, but it is important to take into account the above nuancesso that the animal pleases you, and does not cause unnecessary trouble. Homemade rabbit kennels have simple design, consisting of a frame, a ceiling, side walls, a central door, a feeder and a drinker. This is everything you need to keep your pet safe.

Before building a house for a hare family, you need to consult with a specialist. It will help you determine the materials, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe structure, and its location.

Just the area for placing animals needs to be given special attention so that it meets the basic requirements.

The best option- make a portable structure. Its essence lies in the fact that it is two-story, that is, on the lower level there is a free area without a floor, where rabbits can move freely and run on the grass. Of course, this area is fenced around the perimeter. On the upper level there is a full-fledged house for a pet, from where there is access to a feeder and drinker. This design allows you to move the shelter to the optimal place for you and for the animals in accordance with the weather.

The main classification of cages for rabbits is their location. Houses for animals can be outdoors, indoors or combined, when the pet has access to the air, while it can always be warm.

  • Specialists involved in breeding rabbits recommend exactly those cages that imply placement on the street. Their convenience lies in the fact that you can "settle" a huge number of animals there, since most often the street space is not limited. In addition, the cells need constant cleaning, and it is much more convenient to do this on the street. If it is assumed that rabbits will live on the street more often, then it is extremely important to think about the insulation of the structure. Although these animals do well in low winter temperatures, they should have a place where they can warm up during especially cold periods.

Moreover, a protruding visor will be a good addition to a standard outdoor cage, which can protect rabbits from all kinds of precipitation and direct sunlight.

  • The cages that are placed in the barn can be made of metal mesh, which is fixed on the mounted wooden frame. If you prefer this particular type of cells, then it is important to consider the availability of a convenient channel through which you can get rid of pet waste.

It is also necessary to provide for good ventilation of the room so that the animals exist in comfort.

  • The combined type of cells is ideal for summer time keep pets outside, and in colder periods of the calendar year, put the structure with animals indoors. Experts say that this is the most economical and, indeed, convenient option. As an alternative, you can consider building a cage both indoors and outdoors.

However, this solution will be quite expensive, and also impractical for farmers who breed a huge number of animals.

The design and dimensions of the cells

The structure of the cage for representatives of the hare family may differ in the number of "floors", that is, it can be single-tiered or multi-tiered. The first ones are usually raised above the ground by 70-80 centimeters. The roof for them is made of slate, which, unlike metal, does not heat up in extreme heat. In order to avoid problems with getting rid of animal waste, a so-called pallet is installed.

It can be made in the form of a drain for more convenient collection.

For the construction of the second, multi-tiered cells, bars, boards and galvanized grids are used. They are most often built on several floors, each of which has a certain number of sections. Farmers claim that this option is convenient for placing animals both on the street and in the building. The optimal solution is the construction of a two-tier structure, which allows for convenient care and close observation of the animals.

When building this structure indoors, the cage must be erected 50 centimeters, and outdoors - 70 centimeters above the ground. The space above any section should be at least 15 centimeters, where it is best to place inclined ebbs, from which it is quite convenient to remove animal waste. It is also important to provide boards on the sides of these ebbs to prevent rabbits from getting into their cages of all kinds of debris.

Necessary materials

Consider a list of materials from which you can build a three-tiered cage, where rabbits can live comfortably. The dimensions of the finished cage will be: width 1.4 meters, height - 1.9 meters, depth - 0.6 meters. So, we need:

  1. wooden beam with a section of 50x30 mm, it is necessary to purchase 27 meters;
  2. wooden board with a section of 100x30 mm, you need to purchase 10 meters;
  3. plywood (15 mm), you will need one standard sheet;
  4. metal mesh (wire 0.7 mm, cell area - 25x25 mm), it is necessary to purchase 8 m2;
  5. galvanized metal sheet with a thickness of about 0.6 mm, you need to purchase 3 m2;
  6. self-tapping screws for 50, you will need 300-500 pieces;
  7. nails for 60, you need to purchase 100 pieces;
  8. latches for the queen cell door, 6 pieces;
  9. door hinges, 12 pieces.

Instead of using plywood, a profile or a profile pipe can be preferred for finishing the body.

Dimensions and drawings

Now let's look at a detailed guide on how to securely build and install rabbit dwellings so that the building performs its functions correctly and is a great helper in the household.

Cells for okrol

These buildings are suitable for only born cubs to live in warmth next to their mother for the purpose of fattening. In such cages, there are special cases on two opposite sides, or a system with a mobile queen cell is being thought out.

The latter option, according to experts, is convenient because the mother liquor can always be placed in the cell where the okrol appeared, besides, such a design is easier to clean. The house for little rabbits looks like a box with round hole in one wall and an opening door for cleaning in the other. From the inside, such a design is insulated with dry and clean hay and shavings.

It is undesirable to put small sawdust inside, as this can harm the respiratory organs of rabbits.

If you prefer a stationary mother liquor, then the floors and walls must be made solid in order to avoid drafts and protect small creatures from death. If the round is planned for winter period, then it is extremely important to preheat the mother liquor. To do this, you need to place an electric heating pad or lamp inside so that the rabbit is as comfortable as possible to give birth and care for her babies.

If it is planned that the rabbits will be in a rather cold room immediately after birth, it is necessary to make the heating system permanent. For this, an ordinary light bulb is often used, which is kept turned on in an additional compartment of the box, enclosed by a wall. In order to fire safety it is important to sheathe the mother liquor body with a thin metal sheet.

Specialists have developed another way to help keep warm in the rabbitry. You can install a cable from the "warm floor" system. It is laid directly on the bottom of the case, and a floor panel is mounted on top, which can be removed. If the system is installed according to all the rules, then you have an excellent opportunity to regulate temperature conditions in the mother liquor in accordance with the one kept on the street.

The owner himself decides how many tiers he needs for successful breeding of rabbits. However, all sections look the same. It consists of a main compartment, where most of the life of rabbits passes, and of a mother liquor, built-in or mobile, it has a partition, behind which there is a lamp that maintains an acceptable temperature.

Each of the departments of one section has a standard length of about 100-120 centimeters, a depth of 55-65 centimeters. Since the roof is sloping, there are 40-45 centimeters from the back wall of the facade, and about 55 centimeters from the front. The minimum width of the built-in mother liquor reaches about 40 centimeters.

Cages for young animals

Their area should be suitable for keeping rabbits from 3 to 6 months in the amount of 9-18 pieces. Breeders are advised to take 0.25 m2 per animal, and provide for a wall height of at least 40 centimeters.

If as building material for the floor you use wooden bars, it is important to protect them from growing teeth of kids who are constantly striving to gnaw on the corners of the wood, you need to put a metal mesh over the tree. The best option is to make the entire floor from a similar grid, because such a design will be able to give the cage constant ventilation, and the waste is removed “on its own”. However, in this case, it is necessary to provide a warm place.

Young rabbits are just as important to take care of as newborns. The design scheme must necessarily provide for a compartment where animals can bask in winter. You can insulate such a room by turning to the help of hay or straw, laid out 1.5 centimeters up.

Bedding made from artificial raw materials is not the best option for keeping warm inside, because they negatively affect the health and development of babies.

Cages for adults

Similar cages, where matured and strengthened rabbits live, are constructed according to the same principle, however, for their facade around the entire perimeter and for the floor, it is better to use a galvanized mesh. For those animals that have medium dimensions, cages are created with a depth and height of about 60 centimeters, the length is about 100 centimeters.

Experts advise in advance to provide for the possibility of connecting two cells that are nearby, which is necessary during the mating period. For example, you can create a plywood wall that can be removed without much effort.

And also attention should be paid to the free movement of rabbits, because this directly affects their successful growth.

Cages with a territory for walking

This version of the structure is ideal for young animals or females to live in them, which are completely ready for reproduction. The layout of the cage is made up of two zones: a completely enclosed shelter built from boards and an aviary, the walls of which are made of metal mesh. There is a hole in the back wall of the cage through which the pets can enter the aviary. Consequently, pets have the opportunity to move freely around the cage, which has a great effect on their growth.

The dimensions of such structures depend solely on the wishes of the owner. However, there are certain dimensions, less than which it is not recommended to make the structure.

The depth of the cage can be from 60 to 65 centimeters, and the depth of the territory for walking can be from 80 to 100 centimeters.

Cages for the breed "Giants"

The parameters of the cage for rabbits of this species should be, respectively, larger, as well as the rabbits themselves. Individuals of this breed reach up to 60 centimeters in length, and in mass they have from 5 to 7 kilograms. Therefore, to keep one grown giant rabbit, a cage is needed, the length of which will be at least 1 meter, the depth is about 70 centimeters, and the height is about 40 centimeters.

Since the weight of the "Giants" is quite impressive, it is important to consider strengthening the floor in the cage. It is also made of galvanized mesh, but they acquire a thicker wire, about 2 millimeters. Bars are better to use those with a cross-sectional area of ​​\u200b\u200b30x30 mm, laid at a distance of 40 millimeters in relation to each other.

If the floor in the cage is solid, then a good option- buy plastic pallets that are convenient to clean every two days.

Cages for California rabbits

This species is very popular with breeders, because it is unpretentious in care and steadfastly copes with low temperatures. They are smaller in size compared to their fellow “giants”, but their weight can reach 5 kilograms, which is also a lot. Since the paws of Californian rabbits are endowed with hard hair, a floor made of metal mesh or grating is quite suitable for them.

Rabbits of this breed can be grown in conditions that are as close to natural as possible. To do this, they can be placed in a pit with a volume of 200x200x100 centimeters. The walls of such a house must be strengthened with slate sheets, boards or a grid should be placed on the floor. Around the pit, you need to build a low fence and a roof that protects from precipitation.

On one side of the pit, you can make an earthen pit, which will bring the conditions of existence closer to natural ones. Rabbits will be able to dig their own minks, breed and raise offspring.

Consequently, the owner does not have to diligently monitor the pit, as he would watch the cage.

Step by step manufacturing instructions

Let's take a step-by-step look at whether it is possible to properly assemble and build a multi-tiered structure for breeding rabbits at home.

  1. To mount the frame, the purchased boards must be divided into several parts of the following sizes: 4 pieces (100x30x2250 mm); 12 pieces (50x30x1340 mm); 12 pieces (50x30x540 mm); 72 pieces (25x30x540 mm).
  2. From the resulting parts, you need to assemble 6 identical frames with dimensions of 1340x600 mm. Mounting them is quite easy. First, one is made with precise angles, and then it is adapted as a template to create others. To assemble one frame, you need 2 bars with dimensions of 50x30x540 mm and 2 bars with dimensions of 50x30x1340 mm. The smaller ones are fastened between the larger ones with self-tapping screws.
  3. Next, 6 frames with the smaller side must be placed on boards with dimensions of 100x30x2250 mm. The distance from one frame to another is 400 mm. It is necessary that 180 mm remain between the tiers, and the first tier must be raised from the ground by 400 mm. Self-tapping screws are used for fastening.
  4. Now you need to parallel these two boards with two of the same on the other side of the frame. It is important to make sure that they are perfectly level, which will help you with the building level.
  5. Next, we select bars with dimensions of 25x30x540 mm. We use them for the construction of the floor in the form of a lattice. The distance between the two bars should be about 20 mm. They are mounted inside each frame, and with outside parties fastened with screws.
  6. Each of the tiers must be divided into two different cells. The partition will be a sennik, which resembles the letter V. It is necessary in order to lay food for rabbits: hay or grass.
  7. The frame of the sennik must be stitched inside along these installed bars using a grid.
  8. If it is planned to arrange a mother liquor on one of the tiers, then the floor must be flat, without gaps, as mentioned above. The plywood sheet will serve as a barrier from the main part of the cage to the mother liquor, but it is important to provide for the free opening of this “door”, which can be done by installing additional bars.
  9. The entrance from the rabbitry to the mother cell is in the form of a circle or a semicircle, but it is important that it is located 100 mm above the floor so that the cubs cannot move into the cage until they learn to overcome such a barrier themselves.
  10. In the mother liquor, you need to make a bottom from a plywood sheet, but do not nail it to the bars, so that you can then freely get it out and dry it before the next round. From above it is necessary to make a folding door, fixing it on hinges and providing a lock in the form of a latch.
  11. Further, in accordance with the remaining openings, it is necessary to make cage door frames, constructing them according to the same principle as the frames for the tiers. The mesh on any frame can be fixed with a construction stapler.
  12. The choice of the side where the door hinges will be attached depends solely on the preferences of the owner and the conditions in a particular room. You can install them from below, and the door will become hinged, or you can mount them on the side, and it will be hinged.
  13. Depending on the external conditions, the cage frame can be sheathed with a metal mesh or plywood.
  14. It is extremely important to provide a system of ebbs so that the waste of the tiers located above does not fall into the animals living below. To do this, a metal sheet with sides bent by 100 mm must be attached to the front lower part of the tier. The ebb is located at an angle and extends beyond the cage by about 30 mm. Consequently, it turns out that all waste is sent back, which provides free access to the front side of the cells.

Building cages for rabbits with your own hands is a feasible task for any rabbit breeder. It is easily solved if there are step-by-step instructions detailing all stages, including design selection, drawing up a drawing, preparation of materials, installation and improvement of houses.

Beginning rabbit breeders need to know that pets can be kept in two ways: internal and external. Not only the structure scheme for rabbits, but also the rules for caring for them depend on the chosen method of management.

Not among rabbit breeders consensus about what conditions of detention are most favorable for animals. In choosing, you can focus on the point of view of Professor V.N. Mikhailov. He was a strong supporter of keeping rabbits outdoors.

This method has many advantages:

  1. Absence of dampness.
  2. Sufficient amount of sunlight.
  3. Absence of hydrogen sulfide and ammonia vapors.

These problems can also be solved with internal maintenance: install lamps and a powerful hood. But this will entail an increase in costs and, as a result, a decrease in the profitability of management.

Design features

Simple cages are boxes, one side of which is upholstered with a metal mesh. It is not difficult to make such houses, but the animals will be uncomfortable in them. The owner also expects the complexity of caring for pets.

The basis of the cell is a frame, which can be made of wooden bars or metal bars ( optimal choice- reinforcement with a cross section of 6-8 mm). The next task to be solved is what the frame will be made of. This is an important choice, on which the durability of the structure and the convenience of its maintenance depend.

Criteria for choosing material for cell construction:

Double cages with mesh aviary

A do-it-yourself double cage for rabbits from a mesh can be made from available materials:

  • metal mesh;
  • reinforcement bars;
  • plywood sheets;
  • planed or not planed boards;
  • slate.

The floor of this design should be mesh, which will prevent it from rotting. In such cages, both adults and young animals can be placed. The double structure consists of two parts:

  • cells (length 200 cm, width 65 cm, height 75 cm);
  • enclosure (length 200 cm, width 100 cm, height 60 cm).

For outdoor maintenance, the structure should be raised above the ground by 70 cm. This is the most convenient height for pet care. A hole should be made from the cage to the aviary, through which the animals will go out for walking. Drinkers and feeders are recommended to be made of galvanized steel. Cages with aviaries cannot be stacked on top of each other.

For the construction of one structure of the indicated dimensions, the following amount of materials will be required:

  • reinforcement with a section of 8 mm - 22 kg;
  • metal mesh for an aviary with a mesh of 25x25 mm or 16x48 mm (all walls, floor, ceiling) - 9.5 m2;
  • lumber for the cage - 0.25 m3.

Shed bunk

A two-tier shed is a construction of two cages installed one above the other at a distance of 50-60 cm, the lower of which is raised above the floor by 70-80 cm. Shed content is beneficial in terms of saving space and servicing pets. Bunk cages for rabbits industrial type have the following dimensions:

  • width - 200 cm;
  • depth - 100 cm;
  • height - 60 cm.

Based on the above parameters, it is easy to make a drawing and calculate the required amount of materials for a bunk cage. You will need wooden blocks, sheet slate, metal mesh, plywood or OSB. Important characteristics of a shed:

  • all cells in it are the same size;
  • the upper one has a roof of slate or other material suitable for this purpose.

It is necessary to consider in detail how to make cells.

Three-tiered cage on a minimum area

Shed in 3 tiers - the best solution for a minimum area. These designs eliminate several problems at once:

  • competently organize the economy, minimizing the time for its maintenance;
  • provide pets with comfortable conditions;
  • use space efficiently.
  • When designing multi-tiered construction it is necessary to take into account the sizes of the area recommended by experts for keeping one rabbit:
  • for non-breeding - 0.17-0.23 m3;
  • for breeding - 0.1 m3.

All cages should be equipped with retractable trays, preferably a manure channel. Between the houses of one tier, a nursery is installed, in which grass or hay is laid. Feeders - bunker type, made of galvanized steel sheets. Sheds should contain devices for lighting and heating: lamps and heaters.

Winter cages

The design of outdoor cages for winter maintenance should provide for the possibility of insulation. Mesh windows should be closed with hinged plugs. The house in the cage should have a hole not with a hinged door, but with one inserted into the grooves. This will prevent the animals from running out into the enclosure without permission. If all the insulation elements are removable, the constructed structure is called all-weather.

Rabbits tolerate frost well down to -45 degrees. The most important thing in winter outdoor maintenance is to reliably protect the animal houses from drafts and lay a bedding of a thick layer of hay on the floor.

Materials and tools

Making a cage for rabbits with your own hands provides right choice materials. First of all, you need to decide what the floor will be made of. This is the most important place in the rabbitry, because it contains the animal and its waste products. Experts consider the best 2 floor options:
from wooden slats section 25x30 mm, laid at a distance of 15-20 mm from each other;
from a galvanized metal mesh with a mesh of 18x18 mm.

Cleaning a metal floor is much easier. It does not rot, does not absorb animal urine and does not emit, unlike wood, an unpleasant odor.

You can build a pet house from improvised materials. Suitable for this purpose finished goods: mezzanines, wide and deep drawers from chests of drawers and sofas. In order to build a cage, you will need tools for working with wood and metal:

  • screwdriver or drill;
  • wood saw;
  • scissors for metal or a grinder with a disc for metal;
  • screwdrivers;
  • pliers;
  • roulette;
  • building bubble level;
  • hammer.

You will need materials:

  • OSB sheets with a thickness of 6 mm;
  • metal mesh (for the floor - with a mesh of 18x18 mm, for walls and an aviary - 25x25 mm);
  • flat slate for roofing;
  • galvanized steel for the device of feeders and drinkers;
  • wooden bars with a section of 30x30 mm for mounting the frame.

Cell sizes

When planning your farm, it is important to make drawings of each design. These schemes and calculations will be required if there is a need to increase the number of livestock and increase cage sheds. When performing calculations, take into account the recommended space for the rabbit (indicated above). The dimensions of the cages should be such as to avoid crowding of the animals and allow them free access to feeders and drinkers.

Rabbit sheds, regardless of their location (inside or outside the premises), should have a manure channel that is easily flushed with water pressure from a hose. With proper management, it is necessary to provide a container for wastewater or their discharge into an autonomous sewer system.

For young animals

For young animals, single or double cages with aviaries are most convenient. If there is no way to allocate a place for walking, pets will move little. Such conditions are optimal for fattening rabbits. For young animals, houses are often made from plywood boxes with dimensions:

  • length - 60 cm;
  • width - 50 cm;
  • height - 35-40 cm.

The nest is made plug-in. In one wall, a folding door is equipped, consisting of a wooden frame upholstered with a metal mesh. The nursery is also made of mesh, but with a wider mesh: 35x35 mm. The house is installed at a height of 70 cm from the floor on legs or goats.

Cage for adult rabbits

Optimal dimensions:

  • length - 240 cm;
  • width - 65 cm;
  • back wall height - 45-50 cm;
  • front wall height - 60-65 cm.

The floor has a slight slope in the direction from the back to the front wall of the house.

Nest for a rabbit with offspring

The cage for breeding rabbits consists of two parts - a mother liquor and a feeding compartment - connected by a manhole. The nest for small rabbits is located in the mother liquor. Here is a place for a rabbit. Mother liquor dimensions:

  • depth - 65 cm;
  • length (facade) - 40 cm;
  • height - 40-50 cm.

Manhole dimensions: width 17 cm, height 17-22 cm. This hole should be raised 10-15 cm above the floor of the queen cell. Young rabbits will not be able to climb over a partition of such a height and will always be within the nest.

For large rabbits

Giant rabbits need larger cages and aviaries. Optimal dimensions:

  • length - 90-95 cm;
  • width - 60-65 cm;
  • height - 60-65 cm.

How to make a cage for rabbits with your own hands

DIY rabbit cage, step-by-step instruction construction takes into account everything important points, is intended for outdoor keeping of non-breeding adult animals. There is no aviary. Drinking bowls and feeders are not built-in, but are installed directly in the interior of the house for keeping animals.

The instruction tells how to properly make a cage with dimensions of 240x65x60 cm. It provides for the following:

Step 1. Making the legs. Since the cage will be raised above ground level by 70 cm, 2 bars are prepared with a section of 30x30 mm, 130 cm long and 2 - with a section of 30x30 mm, 120 mm long. The difference in length is due to the difference in the height of the front (50 cm) and back (60 cm) walls of the house.

Step 2. Making the top and bottom trim. Prepare 4 bars 240 cm long and 4 - 65 cm long.

Step 3. Assembly of the frame. The bars are interconnected using nails, self-tapping screws, metal corners.

Step 4. Making the walls. From OSB or moisture-resistant plywood, 2 canvases are cut out for side walls 65 cm wide, the height of one side is 60 cm, the second is 50 cm. A canvas is prepared for the back wall 240 cm long and 60 cm wide.

Step 5 Sheathe the frame on three sides with OSB canvases.

Step 6. Make a metal mesh floor. The length of the canvas is 240 cm, the width is 65 cm.

Step 7 Install the slate roof. It must be removable.

Step 8 Sheathe the front wall with a metal mesh.

The feeder and drinker are installed in the cage, removing the roof. In a similar way, they replace the bedding and clean the house. If you follow the suggested instructions, you can quickly make high-quality cages for your pets.

Breeding rabbits with properly organized content can bring good dividends.

Animal cages must be made of high quality materials. The normal life of the animal depends on compliance with these requirements.

The main advantage of rabbits is their unpretentiousness. They have a fairly high resistance to various diseases. Properly built housing creates a comfortable existence for the animal.

Nursery design

The right drawings for rabbit cages allow you to build a good home for the whole family.

Animal kennel consists of:

  • frame;
  • ceiling covering;
  • side walls;
  • central door;
  • feeders.

How to make cages for rabbits with your own hands?

If the finished nursery is located on the street, then the height of the support should be 110 cm. High dwellings for rabbits help protect animals from various predators.

The side walls are made of dense plywood or fine mesh. For feeding rabbits, it is recommended to use fine mesh or thin slats.

The presence of holes allows you to get rid of food debris, thereby preventing their rapid spoilage.

The cage roof must be made of durable waterproof material. Suitable for this: slate, roofing material; polycarbonate.

Materials for the production of dwellings should not contain sharp edges and chips.

cell types

Nursery designs have some differences among themselves.


  • cells with a queen cell;
  • nursery according to the technology of I. N. Mikhailov and N. I. Zolotukhin;
  • dwelling with an aviary for walking animals.

The first version of the cage is a tall structure with two separate sections. One of them serves for feeding, and the other for the nest.

They are separated between a dense sheet of plywood. For the normal movement of the animal, a manhole is provided.

An exit for animals is made in the side wall. The entire perimeter of the cage is fenced with a grid. This helps prevent escape from the kennel.

The sizes of cages for rabbits are calculated based on their number.


For intensive reproduction of animals, the technique of combining neighboring nurseries is used. To do this, a corridor is made along the back of the cage with additional doors for the male to move.

Industrial constructions of cells according to Mikhailov technology

They are miniature farms. There is a nest for small rabbits, a place for feeding adult animals, additional ventilation. An additional compartment for waste disposal is made along the lower border.

How to make a similar cage for rabbits? To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the design drawings. Shown here in detail exact dimensions walls and ceiling.

Nurseries using the Zolotukhin technique

Nurseries using the Zolotukhin technique are multi-storey departments that can accommodate several families. The scheme of the cage for rabbits provides for the presence of additional compartments for feeding and unhindered cleaning of waste.

The main advantage of this method is to create conditions as close to natural as possible. Little rabbits acquire immunity to various viral diseases. The female independently arranges a warm nest from her fluff and dry straw.

Stages of creating a cell

Making a simple animal cage is easy enough.


To do this, you must follow a strict sequence of actions:

  • the frame of the future cage is assembled from the bars. The thickness should be 10 cm in diameter;
  • a blank wall is installed in the back of the nursery;
  • the side parts of the cage are upholstered with mesh.

To do this, you need to use small fractions.

  • Experienced experts recommend upholstering the side walls with small slats. This will protect the animal from overheating in summer and freezing in winter;
  • The bottom of the nursery is made of a durable plywood sheet;
  • Outside the cage, feeders and additional doors are installed. This allows you to easily remove bedding and debris from the animal.

The photo of the cage for rabbits shows step by step instructions, which will facilitate the process of building a nursery.

Photo cages for rabbits do it yourself

In this article we will tell you how to make a cage for rabbits with your own hands (step by step instructions). Creating cages with your own hands may well be carried out from improvised materials, such as unnecessary boards, pieces of plywood or chipboard, etc.

The design of the cages can vary greatly, but it is best to choose one that will not take much time to build and will be suitable and practical for feeding rabbits, inspecting and cleaning them.

Simple rabbit cage design

Most effective way rabbit breeding are Mikhailov's mini-farms that can provide intensive cultivation rabbits with minimal time spent on animal care by the farmer.

The design of Mikhailov's cells is very well thought out and it provides for automatic cleaning and provision of animals with food, water heating in drinking bowls, which is really important in the cold season, as well as heating the mother liquor in order to increase the percentage of survival in newborns in the winter.

In order to start breeding rabbits, you do not need any special costs: rabbit cages, drinkers, as well as feeders can be made independently, hay and branches can be prepared in the summer season, root crops and vegetables can be taken in your garden.

Mikhailov cell design

The largest part of the costs will be spent on animal vaccination and feed concentration.

It is best to place adult rabbits and rabbits with rabbits in two-section cages. These dimensions are usually used as a guideline for building cages: a cage is one hundred and twenty centimeters long, a cage is fifty centimeters high, and a cage is seventy centimeters wide.

young growth

Young animals need to be kept in a large group cage, which, with its size, will correspond to the number of rabbits.

For example, for eight rabbits, a cage with a height and width as in the picture above is suitable. It is necessary to take into account the fact that in each cage it is necessary to place rabbits of the same sex, approximately the same age and weight.

Do-it-yourself rabbit cage step by step instructions:

First you need to make a frame from wooden beams, its height should be 55 centimeters, its length is 240 centimeters, the back is thirty-five centimeters, and the front is fifty-five centimeters;

It is necessary to provide for the presence of nesting compartments inside, where a queen cell for a rabbit will subsequently be inserted or a small house will be placed;

A partition with an opening for the passage of rabbits is placed between the nesting compartment and the stern compartment;

  • The roof is made on hinges so that, if necessary, it could rise;
  • In the nesting compartment, the door must be made solid, of wood, and
  • in the aft compartment, the doors are made of metal meshes with small cells;
  • the floor must be laid with slats, with a gap of one and a half centimeters;
  • in the nesting compartment, the wooden floor should be solid;
  • under the cage you need to install a pallet;
  • after making a cage for breeding rabbits, they need to be equipped from the inside: grain feeders are made, shelves and a nursery are installed;

If the rabbits are kept outdoors, the cages must be placed on bars so that they rise about seventy centimeters above the ground. This should keep the rabbits away from rodents and other animals.

This is how a step-by-step instruction for creating a cage for rabbits with your own hands looks like. With simple materials and a little effort, you can create your own rabbit farm and run a fairly successful farm.

There are special rules to consider when building a rabbitry, regardless of its size.

1. The size of the cage should be just such that the rabbits can move freely and do not interfere with each other to eat, sleep and especially play. If there is not enough space in the cage, then the rabbits will begin to be lazy, and this will have a very negative effect on them. It is possible that such individuals will not have offspring at all.

2. On three to four rabbits, it is necessary to allocate a separate space. However, it should be quite spacious. If a person decides to start breeding rabbits, one should keep the little rabbits with their mothers because they are in charge of feeding them.

3. One of the cages should always remain free, as not all rabbits reach the required size and weight. In order to feed them right size they are simply placed and fattened separately, and this naturally requires a separate cage.

DIY rabbit cage video compilation