Kremlin diet: nutrition system for weight loss. The famous Kremlin diet: menu for a month, stages

The Kremlin diet is the famous protein diet with a minimum carbohydrate content, which allows you to lose weight in just a couple of weeks. In the first week it takes up to 5 kg, after a month - up to 15 kg. The result is determined by the individual characteristics inherent in the body, the menu, the initial weight of the person and the presence of physical activity.

Nutrition according to the "American astronauts" system lasts from 2 to 8 weeks. Often, at the end of the “test”, losing weight completely changes their lifestyle and begins to eat right, controlling the amount of carbohydrates consumed. Adhering to the strict requirements of the first weeks of the diet, it is recommended to carry it out no more than 1 time per year.

The main nuances of the diet

The essence of the Kremlin diet is a sharp reduction in the consumption of foods that contain carbohydrates. As a consequence of this fact, the body will begin to use its own available energy reserves located in fatty tissues. Due to this, the weight is reduced. The fatter a person, the faster he loses weight. The amount of meat consumed is practically unlimited. But this does not mean that you need to eat one meat all day. With such a diet, you can seriously ruin your health.

To easily calculate the required amount of carbohydrates per day, the principle of scoring has been created. They are also called units, points. Each product means the exact number of points. 1 "Kremlin point" is calculated per 100 grams of the product. For example, 100 grams of buckwheat is 62 USD.


There are three stages of the Kremlin diet:

  • Stage 1 - input. Lasts 1 to 2 weeks. The daily standard determines 20 points or 20 units. At this stage, the body adjusts to changes and changes in metabolic processes. A person begins to notice how kilograms leave every day.
  • Stage 2 - main. Lasts 6 weeks. The daily standard is determined by 40 carbohydrate points. At this stage, the body is restructured, losing weight feels light, excellent results appear. If the weight goes off too quickly, you need to take on increased physical activity to prevent sagging skin. External changes are very noticeable. The face becomes gray, bags appear under the eyes, as the kidneys do not have time to work with the abundant use of proteins. Therefore, you will most likely need cosmetics to hide imperfections.
  • Stage 3 - day off. The goal is to help the body get out of a low-carbohydrate diet. This stage lasts from 7 days. The daily standard is 60 points. This stage can be maintained throughout life if the state of health is good, and the weight is optimal. But do not reduce the amount of carbohydrates, as this can lead to serious problems with the body in the future.

What can you eat and what can't?

It is recommended to use:

  • an increased dose of vegetables, fruits with a low dose of carbohydrates;
  • fish (can be oily);
  • eggs;
  • meat;
  • cereals.

Should be avoided:

  • flour products (buns, muffins, cakes);
  • sweet foods;
  • sugar;
  • potato dishes.

Each food product has its own value, which is denoted by 1 point, 1 USD, 1 point. Thanks to this, it is very easy to create a menu for the day. At the same time, nutrition should be rational. You should not completely exclude fats, the Kremlin diet does not prohibit olive oil. On the contrary, it will help you lose weight properly.

Kremlin diet menu for the week

The diet can be changed, other dishes can be added to it, dishes can be replaced, but more than 40 c.u. carbohydrates per day.

    do not add potatoes, cereals, vermicelli to the first dish;

    do not use potatoes, cereals, vermicelli as a side dish for second courses;

    we eat meat, fish with a side dish of vegetables;

    when approaching normal weight, you can add potatoes, cereals to the diet.

We have breakfast: one hundred grams of cheese (1 c.u.), fried eggs - fried eggs from two chicken eggs with the addition of ham (1 c.u.), a glass of unsweetened tea (0 c.u.);

We have lunch: one hundred and fifty grams of vegetable salad with the addition of champignons (6 c.u.), a plate (portion = 250 grams; 8 c.u.), a steak (0 c.u.), a glass of unsweetened tea (0 c.u. .);

Snack: fifty grams of walnuts ($6);

We have dinner: one tomato ($6), two hundred grams of boiled chicken ($0).

Result: $28 in a day.

We have breakfast: one hundred and fifty grams of cottage cheese ($5), two boiled eggs stuffed with mushrooms ($1), a glass of unsweetened tea ($0);

We have lunch: one hundred grams of vegetable salad with the addition of vegetable oil (4 c.u.), a plate of cabbage soup in meat broth with meat and sour cream (portion = 250 grams; 6 c.u.); one hundred grams of barbecue ($0), a glass of unsweetened tea ($0);

Dinner: one hundred grams of boiled cauliflower ($5), fried chicken breast ($0), a glass of unsweetened tea ($0).

Result: $23 in a day.

We have breakfast: three boiled sausages ($0), one hundred grams of fried eggplants ($5), a glass of unsweetened tea ($0);

Lunch: one hundred grams of white cabbage salad with vegetable oil (5 c.u.), a bowl of vegetable soup with processed cheese(portion = 250 grams; 6 c.u.), one hundred grams of lean pork chop (0 c.u.), a glass of unsweetened coffee (0 c.u.);

Snack: ten black olives ($2);

We have dinner: one tomato ($6), two hundred grams of boiled fish ($0), a glass of low-fat kefir ($6).

Result: 36 USD in a day.

We have breakfast: one hundred grams of cauliflower salad (5 c.u.), four sausages (3 c.u.), a glass of unsweetened tea (0 c.u.);

Lunch: 150 grams of vegetable salad with mushrooms (6 c.u.), a plate of chicken broth with a piece of chicken (5 c.u.), one hundred grams of lamb kebab (0 c.u.), a glass of unsweetened coffee (0 c.u.);

Snack: two hundred grams of cheese ($2);

We have dinner: two hundred grams of leaf lettuce (4 c.u.), two hundred grams of fried fish (0 c.u.), a glass of unsweetened tea (0 c.u.).

Result: $25 in a day.

We have breakfast: scrambled eggs from four chicken eggs with the addition of grated cheese (3 c.u.), a glass of unsweetened tea (0 c.u.).

We have lunch: one hundred grams of grated carrots (7 c.u.), a bowl of celery soup (8 c.u.), escalope (0 c.u.);

Snack: thirty grams of peanuts ($5);

We have dinner: a glass of dry red wine (portion = 200 grams; 2 c.u.), one hundred grams of cheese (1 c.u.), two hundred grams of boiled fish (0 c.u.), two hundred grams of lettuce (4 c.u.). e.).

Result: 30 c.u. in a day.

We have breakfast: one hundred grams of cheese (1 c.u.), fried eggs - fried eggs from two chicken eggs with the addition of ham (1 c.u.), a glass of unsweetened green tea(0 c.u.);

Lunch: one hundred grams of salad ( White cabbage+ beets + sunflower oil) - 6 c.u.; a plate of fish soup (5 c.u.), 250 grams of fried chicken (5 c.u.).

Snack: fifty grams of pumpkin seeds ($6);

We have dinner: one hundred grams of leaf lettuce (2 c.u.), two hundred grams of boiled fish (0 c.u.), a glass of low-fat kefir (10 c.u.);

Result: 31 USD in a day.

We have breakfast: four boiled sausages (3 c.u.), one hundred grams of zucchini caviar (8 c.u.);

Lunch: one hundred grams of cucumber salad (3 c.u.), a plate meat hodgepodge($5), two hundred grams of grilled chicken ($0), a glass of unsweetened tea ($0).

Snack: thirty grams of walnuts (4 c.u.);

We have dinner: one tomato ($6), two hundred grams of boiled meat ($0), a glass of low-fat yogurt ($10).

Result: 31 USD in a day.

Kremlin diet for a month

Every week you need to increase the amount of carbohydrates consumed. Each new week - + 5 points. If you stop losing weight or worse, start gaining it, change your menu. You may be eating foods that make you feel better. Each organism is individual, so you need to take into account their own characteristics.

The Kremlin diet menu for a month is created based on the weight that a person wants to lose. The more extra pounds, the less you need to eat foods high in carbohydrates. Conversely, you should give preference to foods that contain a lot of fiber.

You can find it on different sites sample menus for a month. Download yourself and follow it. You can make some adjustments, taking into account the individual characteristics of your body. Not a single pill can help you lose weight and stay at your optimal weight! Results require effort, patience and willpower. Reviews only confirm this. The Kremlin diet does not help if you do not adhere to the basics of nutrition for a month.


This diet is prohibited for people who have:

  • chronic diseases;
  • problems with the stomach, blood vessels and heart;
  • diseased kidneys.

Also, it should not be used by pregnant women. Before you go on a diet, you should consult with a nutritionist.

Complete table of the Kremlin diet

You can independently build your diet in accordance with the full table Kremlin diet(while one conventional unit is equal to one gram of carbohydrates in one hundred grams of the product):

Grocery list y. e. Grocery list y. e.
BREAD Beans2,5
Wheat50 Corn14,5
Rye34 Olives5
Borodinsky40 tomatoes4
Riga51 cucumbers3
Lavash Armenian56 Squash Cavier8,5
Diabetic38 Eggplant caviar5
Grain bread43 Beet caviar2
Sweet buns51 Salad with sea ​​kale 4
Bagels58 Peppers stuffed with vegetables11
Drying68 tomato paste19
Sweet straw69 SWEETS
Cream crackers66 Sugar99
Rye cakes43 Honey75
Wheat flour premium68 Paste80
Wheat flour first grade67 Halva55
Seeded rye flour64 Biscuit cake50
Corn flour70 Cake almond45
soy flour16 cream cake62
Potato starch79 Butter cookies75
Corn starch85 Custard gingerbread77
Pasta69 Fruit waffles80
egg noodles68 Waffles regular65
CEREALS fruit ice cream25
Buckwheat62 popsicle ice cream20
Buckwheat (prodel)65 Creamy ice cream22
semolina67 lollipops70
oatmeal49 milk chocolate54
"Hercules"50 bitter chocolate50
Barley66 Chocolate with nuts48
Millet66 Chocolate candies51
barley66 candy fudge83
Rice71 Marmalade76
Peas shelled50 Filled caramel92
Beans46 Condensed milk56
MEAT, POULTRY apple jam66
Beef, veal0 strawberry jam71
Lamb, pork0 Raspberry jam71
Geese, ducks0 Jam68
Rabbit0 jam diabetic3
Chicken0 Apple jam65
Meat in breadcrumbs5 Jam diabetic9
Meat with flour sauce6 FRUIT
A heart0 Apricot9
beef liver0 Quince8
chicken liver1,5 cherry plum6,5
Steak0 A pineapple11,5
Beef sausages1,5 Orange8
Pork sausages2 Banana21
Dairy sausages1,5 Cherry10
sausages0 Pomegranate11
Sausage "Doctor"1,5 Grapefruit6,5
Loin0 Pear9,5
Salo0 figs11
Pork tongue, beef tongue0 Kiwi10
Pork legs0 Dogwood9
Eggs in any form (piece)0,5 Lemon3
Fresh fish, frozen (river, sea)0 Peach9,5
Boiled fish0 Nectarine13
Fish in breadcrumbs12 Rowan8,5
Smoked fish0 Rowan chokeberry11
Crabs2 Plum9,5
fish in tomato6 Dates68
mussels5 Persimmon13
oysters7 Cherries10,5
squids4 Apples9,5
lobsters1 Raisin66
Shrimps0 Dried apricots55
Black caviar0 Prunes58
Red caviar0 dried pear49
sea ​​kale1 Dried apples45
MILK Dried apricots53
Pasteurized milk4,7 BERRIES
Baked milk4,7 Cowberry8
Cream4 Grape15
Sour cream3 Blueberry7
Fat cottage cheese2,8 Blackberry4,5
Low-fat cottage cheese1,8 Strawberry6,5
Cottage cheese diet1 Cranberry4
Curd mass sweet15 Gooseberry9
Curds glazed32 Raspberries8
Kefir, curdled milk3,2 Cloudberry6
Yogurt without sugar3,5 Sea buckthorn5
Yogurt sweet8,5 White currant8
Cheese of different varieties0,5 — 2 Red currants7,5
Butter1,3 Black currant7,5
Margarine1 Blueberry8
Table mayonnaise2,6 Rosehip fresh10
Vegetable oil0 Dried rosehip21,5
Watermelon9 walnut12
eggplant5 Cedar10
beans8 Peanut15
Swede7 Hazelnut15
Green peas12 Almond11
Melon9 pistachios15
Cauliflower5 Cashew25
White cabbage5 Coconut20
kohlrabi cabbage8 Sesame seeds20
red cabbage5 Pumpkin seeds12
Green beans3 sunflower seeds18
Pumpkin4 Mineral water0
vegetable marrow4 Tea, coffee without sugar0
Daikon (Chinese radish)1 Apple juice7,5
Tomatoes4 Orange juice12
Sweet green pepper5 grape juice14
red sweet pepper5 Tomato juice3,5
fresh cucumber3 grapefruit juice8
Leek6,5 Mandarin juice9
Onion9 pomegranate juice14
Green onion3,5 plum juice16
Parsley (greens)8 Plum juice with pulp11
Parsley (root)10,5 cherry juice11,5
Radish4 apricot juice14
radish6,5 carrot juice6
Turnip5 Apricot compote21
leaf lettuce2 Compote of grapes19
Beet9 Cherry compote24
Celery (root)6 Pear compote18
Celery (greens)2 Apple compote19
Asparagus3 Compote on xylitol6
Horseradish7,5 ALCOHOL(1 tablespoon)1
Boletus fresh1 White wine vinegar (1 tablespoon)1,5
Dried boletus13 Red wine vinegar (1 tablespoon)0
mushrooms0,5 Mustard (1 tablespoon)0,5
Morels0,2 Cranberry sauce (1 tablespoon)6,5
Russula1,5 Capers (1 tablespoon)0,4
Champignon0,1 Ginger root (1 tablespoon)0,8
SOUPS (for 500 g) Horseradish (1 tablespoon)0,4
Chicken broth, meat0 Ketchup (1 tablespoon)4
tomato soup17 Soy sauce (1 tablespoon)1
vegetable soup16 Barbecue sauce (1 tablespoon)1,8
Pea soup20 Sweet and sour sauce
goulash soup12 (1/4 cup)15
Mushroom soup15 Tomato sauce (1/4 cup)3,5
Shchi green12 Tartar sauce (1 tablespoon)0,5
CANNED FOOD Meat gravy (broth based, 1/4 cup)3
Fish0 Spicy herbs (1 tablespoon)0,1
Green pea6,5

Advantages and disadvantages of the Kremlin diet

Advantages of the presented power supply system:

  • no restrictions. You can eat everything, only in limited quantities. Losing weight will not have to exclude fats from the menu, and even more so proteins;
  • you can eat a large amount of protein foods. Thanks to this, not only weight is reduced, but the figure is also preserved, especially in combination with physical exercises;
  • simplicity. Making a menu for the week is not difficult. Foods are simply selected, and the number of points that must be consumed during the day is taken into account. For example, fish and chicken are very low in carbohydrates, so they can be eaten very often;
  • cheapness. There is no need to buy expensive products. After reading the reviews of people, you can understand that the dishes are prepared quickly and are cheap. You choose the foods you want to eat, which allows you to manage your budget.

The Kremlin diet contains flaws. Among them:

  • there are categorical contraindications. We wrote about them above;
  • With insufficient intake of carbohydrates in the body, a large amount of ketone bodies is formed in it. This causes the departure of the organism;
  • dietary fiber deficiency. It occurs due to the restriction of the use of plant foods;
  • deficiency of vitamin C, K, folic acid, beta-carotene, bioflavonoids. This may result in poor performance. nervous system, decreased immunity, poor health;
  • calcium deficiency. Due to the limited consumption of dairy products, calcium deficiency is observed in the body. As a result, hair, nails and bones weaken;
  • high consumption of protein foods. Excessive consumption of meat often leads to the formation of kidney stones that do not cope with their function. Together with meat products animal fats and cholesterol enter the body, which adversely affect the liver, blood vessels and heart;
  • weight return. Throughout the diet, the body is under stress. He is forced to work on his own fuel. In the end, a person often breaks down and begins to eat those foods and dishes that he is used to. The result - kilograms will return, taking with them "friends".



The Kremlin diet isn't perfect. It excludes the use of the amount necessary for the body fresh vegetables and fruits. This leads to a deficiency of important vitamins, minerals, trace elements, pectin, fibers, polysaccharides and other substances. Why do people who are on this diet often break down? Watch videos on YouTube and read reviews on the forums. You will understand that protein nutrition leads to spoilage appearance. In addition, there are problems with interruptions in the heart, liver function, and the quality of blood worsens.

In order for the Kremlin diet to be effective, you need:

  • consume an increased dose of water;
  • include days in which the number of points will be 40 units;
  • take breaks between courses;
  • reduce meat consumption, increase the amount of vegetables and fruits;
  • take multivitamins;
  • control your condition at all times.

Thus, you can independently adjust the diet and eat those foods that will be most beneficial to the body and contribute to weight loss.

Kremlin diet has been walking around the world for many years. Millions of people around the world have sat and continue to sit on the “Kremlin”. Why does the diet owe its popularity? Initially, the diet was classified, and was used American pilots and astronauts to maintain good physical shape.

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Later, she received publicity and immediately gained an army of followers. The Kremlin diet is called due to the fact that representatives of the Moscow city administration tried it on themselves and confirmed its effectiveness. One of the famous officials who experienced the miraculous effect of the diet - Yuri Luzhkov.

The principles of the Kremlin diet

Many of our compatriots liked the diet, first of all, because losing weight should not deny themselves everything, and they can eat allowed foods until you feel full. During the diet, you can continue eat sausages, fish, meat, and even drink alcoholic beverages, which is prohibited by the vast majority of known diets (see the rating of diets for effectiveness in 2017).

The Kremlin diet begins to work when in the diet of a losing weight dramatically the number of coming with food carbohydrates. Since the usual rate of carbohydrates decreases, the body begins to produce energy from the fat reserves that are in the body.


In order for the body to begin to lose weight, in the first two weeks you will need to eat no more than 20 g of carbohydrates per day. You can calculate them using a special complete table of the Kremlin diet, which we will provide for your convenience below. After 2 weeks, you can expand the diet to consumption 40 g of carbohydrates per day. And after leaving the diet to maintain weight, use no more than 60 g of carbohydrates per day.

The editors of the portal emphasizes: the effectiveness of this diet is confirmed only if physical activity is increased. We have prepared for you a set of video lessons for losing weight in problem areas. They are available for free on our server. Click the button below (opens in a new window).


You can eat as much as you want. This item, for sure, will please most losing weight. However, in this matter, you need to know the measure. If you eat a few kilograms of allowed foods a day, then losing weight is unlikely to be effective. Try not to overeat. Eat a small portion of allowed foods, and wait a while. If hunger still continues to torment you, then eat some more. Do not transfer or overstretch the walls of the stomach. Also try to eat no later than 3-4 hours before a night's sleep.


You will need to eliminate certain types of foods from your diet, including potatoes, flour dishes, bread, rice, sugar, sweets. Try not to sweeten anything, learn to drink tea without sugar and sweets. IN last resort use sweeteners (see how to choose a sweetener).


Allowed to eat fish, cheese, eggs, meat, vegetables and other low cost products. In the table you will be able to find the products that are worth the least amount of points.


Sausages, sausages, sausages you have to look for high quality. Cheap sausages contain a lot of soy and chemicals, so you need to eat such products with caution.


If you want to gain weight, then use more than 60 units per day.

Kremlin diet table

Products Points (conventional units) Products Points (conventional units)
Beans 2,5
Wheat 50 Corn 14,5
Rye 34 Olives 5
Borodinsky 40 tomatoes 4
Riga 51 cucumbers 3
Lavash Armenian 56 Squash Cavier 8,5
Diabetic 38 Eggplant caviar 5
Grain bread 43 Beet caviar 2
Sweet buns 51 Salad with seaweed 4
Bagels 58 Peppers stuffed with vegetables 11
Drying 68 tomato paste 19
Sweet straw 69
Cream crackers 66 Sugar, refined sugar 99
Rye cakes 43 Honey 75
Wheat flour premium 68 Paste 80
Wheat flour first grade 67 Halva 55
Seeded rye flour 64 Biscuit cake 50
Corn flour 70 Cake almond 45
soy flour 16 cream cake 62
Potato starch 79 Butter cookies 75
Corn starch 85 Custard gingerbread 77
Pasta 69 Fruit waffles 80
egg noodles 68 Waffles regular 65
fruit ice cream 25
Buckwheat 62 popsicle ice cream 20
Buckwheat (prodel) 65 Creamy ice cream 22
semolina 67 lollipops 70
oatmeal 49 milk chocolate 54
"Hercules" 50 bitter chocolate 50
Barley 66 Chocolate with nuts 48
Millet 66 Chocolate candies 51
barley 66 candy fudge 83
Rice 71 Marmalade 76
Peas shelled 50 Filled caramel 92
Beans 46 Condensed milk 56
apple jam 66
Beef, veal 0 strawberry jam 71
Lamb, pork 0 Raspberry jam 71
Geese, ducks 0 Jam 68
Rabbit 0 jam diabetic 3
Chicken 0 Apple jam 65
Meat in breadcrumbs 5 Jam diabetic 9
Meat with flour sauce 6
A heart 0 Apricot 9
beef liver 0 Quince 8
chicken liver 1,5 cherry plum 6,5
Steak 0 A pineapple 11,5
Beef sausages 1,5 Orange 8
Pork sausages 2 Banana 21
Dairy sausages 1,5 Cherry 10
sausages 0 Pomegranate 11
Sausage "Doctor" 1,5 Grapefruit 6,5
Loin 0 Pear 9,5
Salo 0 figs 11
Pork tongue, beef tongue 0 Kiwi 10
Pork legs 0 Dogwood 9
Eggs in any form (piece) 0,5 Lemon 3
Mandarin 8
Fresh fish, frozen (river, sea) 0 Peach 9,5
Boiled fish 0 Nectarine 13
Fish in breadcrumbs 12 Rowan 8,5
Smoked fish 0 Rowan chokeberry 11
Crabs 2 Plum 9,5
fish in tomato 6 Dates 68
mussels 5 Persimmon 13
oysters 7 Cherries 10,5
squids 4 Apples 9,5
lobsters 1 Raisin 66
Shrimps 0 Dried apricots 55
Black caviar 0 Prunes 58
Red caviar 0 dried pear 49
sea ​​kale 1 Dried apples 45
Dried apricots 53
Pasteurized milk 4,7
Baked milk 4,7 Cowberry 8
Cream 4 Grape 15
Sour cream 3 Blueberry 7
Fat cottage cheese 2,8 Blackberry 4,5
Low-fat cottage cheese 1,8 Strawberry 6,5
Cottage cheese diet 1 Cranberry 4
Curd mass sweet 15 Gooseberry 9
Curds glazed 32 Raspberries 8
Kefir, curdled milk 3,2 Cloudberry 6
Yogurt without sugar 3,5 Sea buckthorn 5
Yogurt sweet 8,5 White currant 8
Cheese of different varieties 0,5 - 2 Red currants 7,5
Butter 1,3 Black currant 7,5
Margarine 1 Blueberry 8
Table mayonnaise 2,6 Rosehip fresh 10
Vegetable oil 0 Dried rosehip 21,5
Watermelon 9 walnut 12
eggplant 5 Cedar 10
beans 8 Peanut 15
Swede 7 Hazelnut 15
Green peas 12 Almond 11
Melon 9 pistachios 15
Cauliflower 5 Cashew 25
White cabbage 5 Coconut 20
kohlrabi cabbage 8 Sesame seeds 20
red cabbage 5 Pumpkin seeds 12
Green beans 3 sunflower seeds 18
Carrot 7
Pumpkin 4 Mineral water 0
vegetable marrow 4 Tea, coffee without sugar 0
Daikon (Chinese radish) 1 Apple juice 7,5
Tomatoes 4 Orange juice 12
Sweet green pepper 5 grape juice 14
red sweet pepper 5 Tomato juice 3,5
fresh cucumber 3 grapefruit juice 8
Leek 6,5 Mandarin juice 9
Onion 9 pomegranate juice 14
Green onion 3,5 plum juice 16
Parsley (greens) 8 Plum juice with pulp 11
Parsley (root) 10,5 cherry juice 11,5
Radish 4 apricot juice 14
radish 6,5 carrot juice 6
Turnip 5 Apricot compote 21
leaf lettuce 2 Compote of grapes 19
Beet 9 Cherry compote 24
Celery (root) 6 Pear compote 18
Celery (greens) 2 Apple compote 19
Asparagus 3 Compote on xylitol 6
Horseradish 7,5
Cheremsha 6 Dry red wine 1
Garlic 5 White dry wine 1
Potato 16 Beer 250 g 12
Spinach 2 Liquor 60 g 18
Sorrel 3 Whiskey 0
Vodka 0
White 1 Cognac, brandy 0
White dried 7,5 Rum 0
Milk mushrooms fresh 1 Tequila 0
Chanterelles fresh 1,5
Butterfish fresh 0,5 Cinnamon (1 teaspoon) 0,5
Honey mushrooms fresh 0,5 Ground chili pepper (1 teaspoon) 0,5
boletus 1,5 Vinegar (1 tablespoon) 2,3
Dried boletus 14 Apple cider vinegar (1 tablespoon) 1
Boletus fresh 1 White wine vinegar (1 tablespoon) 1,5
Dried boletus 13 Red wine vinegar (1 tablespoon) 0
mushrooms 0,5 Mustard (1 tablespoon) 0,5
Morels 0,2 Cranberry sauce (1 tablespoon) 6,5
Russula 1,5 Capers (1 tablespoon) 0,4
Champignon 0,1 Ginger root (1 tablespoon) 0,8
SOUPS (for 500 g)
Horseradish (1 tablespoon) 0,4
Chicken broth, meat 0 Ketchup (1 tablespoon) 4
tomato soup 17 Soy sauce (1 tablespoon) 1
vegetable soup 16 Barbecue sauce (1 tablespoon) 1,8
Pea soup 20 Sweet and sour sauce
goulash soup 12 (1/4 cup) 15
Mushroom soup 15 Tomato sauce (1/4 cup) 3,5
Shchi green 12 Tartar sauce (1 tablespoon) 0,5
Meat gravy (broth based, 1/4 cup) 3
Fish 0 Spicy herbs (1 tablespoon) 0,1
Green pea 6,5

Sample menu of the standard Kremlin diet for a week with a diet of up to 40 points

The first day:

  • Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs(2 points), 100 g of cheese (1 point), tea or coffee without sugar (0 points);
  • Dinner: chicken 200 g (0 points), cucumber and tomato salad 200 g (7 points), tomato juice(3.5 points);
  • Afternoon snack: 200 g cheese (2 points);
  • Dinner: green pea canned (6.5 points), steak (0 points), tea without sugar (0 points).

Total: 22 points.

Second day:

  • Breakfast: fried eggs from two eggs (1 point), sausage (0 points), tea or coffee without sugar (0 points);
  • Dinner: mushroom soup(15 points), 2 cucumbers (3 points), tea without sugar (0 points);
  • Afternoon snack: pumpkin puree (4 points);
  • Dinner: cottage cheese diet 150 g (1 point), sour cream (3 points).

Total: 27 points.

Day three:

  • Breakfast: two-egg omelet (5.7 points), tea or coffee without sugar (0 points);
  • Dinner: fried or baked fish (0 points), coleslaw with sunflower oil (5 points);
  • Afternoon snack: apple (9.5 points);
  • Dinner: barbecue 200 g (0 points), 2 tomatoes (4 points), tea (0 points).

Total: 24.2 points.

Day four:

  • Breakfast: cottage cheese with sour cream (4 points), a few slices of sausage (0 points), tea or coffee without sugar (0 points);
  • Dinner: chicken and egg broth (1 point), fried zucchini(4 points), tea (0 points);
  • Afternoon snack: salad with seaweed (4 points);
  • Dinner: baked meat with flour sauce (6 points), a glass of dry white wine (1 point).

Total: 20 points.

Day five:

  • Breakfast: fried egg(0.5 points), boiled fish (0 points), tea or coffee without sugar (0 points);
  • Dinner: pepper stuffed with vegetables and meat (11 points), a portion of boiled shrimp (0 points), tea (0 points);
  • Afternoon snack: a bowl of raspberries (7 points);
  • Dinner: meat baked with bell peppers and tomatoes (9 points), tea (0 points).

Total: 27.5 points.

Day six:

  • Breakfast: boiled sausage (0 points), 2 boiled eggs (1 point), tea (0 points);
  • Dinner: vegetable soup(16 points), a piece of baked pork (0 points), tea;
  • Afternoon snack: diet cottage cheese (1 point);
  • Dinner: seafood salad: shrimp, oysters, mussels (12 points), tea (0 points).

Total: 30 points.

Day seven:

  • Breakfast: two-egg omelette (5.7 points), sausage (0 points), a glass of milk (4.7 points);
  • Dinner: chicken broth (0 points), chicken liver (1.5 points), watermelon (9 points);
  • Afternoon snack: yogurt without sugar (3.5 points);
  • Dinner: grilled chicken (0 points), lettuce (2 points), a glass of dry red wine (1 point).

Total: 28.4 points.

The results of the Kremlin diet. Reviews of those who have lost weight

With proper diet, the process of losing weight will begin immediately. The greater the initial body weight of a person, the easier it is for him to part with it. For the first 8-10 days of the diet, you can lose an average of 5 kg. And in a month and a half you can get rid of 10-15 kg. The results of your weight loss will depend on your willpower and your desire to acquire a slim figure.

Rita, 29 years old:
Thanks to the "Kremlin" I managed to lose weight well. I sat on it strictly for about 2 months. The first week I ate so that I scored 18-19 points per day. Basically it was meat and eggs, cottage cheese and some other dairy products. Then she began to expand the menu, and tried to keep within 30-35 points per day. Kilograms left quickly at first, then a little slower, as I began to allow myself a little more varied food. I think the advantage of the diet is that you almost do not feel hunger on it. Yes, sometimes I wanted sweets, but I was able to endure the lack of baking in my diet. Moreover, after 2 months I already got used to eating like this, counting points. For 2 months I got rid of 15.5 kilograms and I think the result is amazing.

Inga, 35 years old:
Sat on the Kremlin diet with a friend for exactly a month. Both are satisfied with the results. I lost 8 kilos, she lost 6.5 kilos. But initially my weight was higher than hers. I was pleased with the diet that I did not have to completely give up alcohol. It was during the Easter holidays and we could afford some wine. And they could also eat eggs almost without restrictions. Recommended.

Olga, 51 years old:
Great diet. I learned about it from the newspaper, immediately cut out a table of products with glasses, and began to lose weight. The first days it was difficult to make a menu and count everything. But after a week I remembered all the designations, and I could easily create a menu for myself. If you wanted to treat yourself to fruit for lunch, then for breakfast and dinner I tried to eat foods with 0 points. It is a pity, of course, that I had to completely abandon cereals and sweets. But then I lost 14 kg in 2.5 months. A year has passed since then, and my weight has not returned. Although I still try to sometimes count points and out of habit I eat like I'm on a diet.

The Kremlin diet and the essence of diets:

Book: Kremlin diet. Meat and fish dishes

Pages: 28

The Kremlin diet, the main advantage of which is a minimum of restrictions and a maximum effect, is by far the most popular and most effective weight loss program.

In this book you will find the best recipes for low-carb dishes from the Kremlin diet, made from meat, poultry and fish. Among them are those that you can easily cook when you come home from work in the evening, and those that will decorate your festive table. Each recipe is accompanied by detailed cooking technology and information on the amount of y. e. in this dish. Eat for health - and lose weight, and the book "Kremlin Diet" will help you with this.

Bonus: a book from the series "Kremlin cooking" - "50 most best recipes"in the archive!


If you have firmly decided to use the well-known Kremlin diet for weight loss, then you should first familiarize yourself with its rules. Any self-activity in such an important issue as diet will either not give you any significant results, or even cause you to feel unwell. delighting millions of women.

General recommendations of the Kremlin diet - what you need to know in advance

Where can I find out the weight of carbohydrates in foods? Tables of conventional units

In order to make it easy for adherents of the Kremlin diet to navigate the world of products, selecting only the most useful for their diet, special tables of the Kremlin diet, in which you can see both the carbohydrate content of the most popular foods and their calorie content. The amount of carbohydrates in the tables of the Kremlin diet is given in arbitrary units (1 gram of carbohydrates per 100 grams of product ).

Large list of products with points (conventional units)

Table of carbohydrate content in berries (calculation for glasses)

Table of allowed and prohibited foods, dishes for the Kremlin diet

We make a menu. The rules of nutrition according to the Kremlin diet

  • As we have already mentioned, the daily intake of the amount of carbohydrates for a person who wants to lose his excess weight, should be limited 40 conventional units .
  • For a person who has already lost weight, but wants to maintain his achieved weight, the amount of carbohydrates consumed daily should not exceed 60 conventional units .
  • Most strict restriction in the Kremlin diet concerns sugar, sweets, foods rich in carbohydrates (White bread).
  • If a portion of meat meat dish- zero conventional units according to the table, this is not at all does not mean that you can eat any amount of it up to several kilograms per day. The same should be known about alcohol - you can take it, but in moderation. Moreover, alcohol often provokes an increase in appetite, which will invariably lead to diet breakdowns.
  • Over time, you will notice that the feeling of hunger is significantly reduced, and the amount of food eaten per day decreases. Continue the diet, following the rules, but in no case - do not shorten them further .
  • So that the dishes do not seem fresh and tasteless to you, add a small amount of greens, ginger, mustard, garlic, onion, various peppers, horseradish .
  • As a snack, according to the Kremlin diet, you can use a small amount nuts and seeds, olives, boiled eggs, potato chips grilled cheese(without flour), boiled meat with cucumber or herbs, shrimps, bacon cracklings, raw vegetables.

Sample menu for a week according to the Kremlin diet

How quickly do they lose weight on the Kremlin diet, and how long should it be followed?

Weight loss on the Kremlin diet can be 5 to 8 kg per week . But such a nutrition system must be treated very reasonably, not trying to force events, and significantly limit your diet. Very sharp weight loss is fraught with health. In addition, the rapid disposal of extra pounds does not allow the skin to acquire tone , and it can just sag. The most reasonable weight loss on the Kremlin diet - from 2 to 4 kilograms per week .
Weigh before dieting write down your weight in a notebook. Weighing must be done daily in the morning, after the morning toilet, recording the data in the same notebook. Daily weight loss should not exceed 300-400 grams otherwise the diet will be unhealthy.
How much to follow the Kremlin diet time is an individual question, and there is no single answer to it. It depends primarily on have you reached your ideal weight , or are still on your way to it. It also depends on your well-being and health. Basically, healthy man without any contraindications, he can use this diet to maintain his own weight for as long as he wishes. Proper implementation of all recommendations of the diet will avoid complications and deterioration of well-being. An example for adherents of the Kremlin diet is well-known doctor, cardiac surgeon Leo Bokeria - for more than twenty-five years he has been eating according to the Kremlin diet system, and feels excellent, having a good physique, high performance and excellent health.

Important warnings for adherents of the Kremlin diet

  1. Your body has received a full range of nutrients from food for many years, including a large amount of carbohydrates. Due to the sharp limitation of this amount to 40 conventional units per day, the body may react weakness, lethargy, fatigue, tendency to depression, tearfulness, passivity . But as soon as the body gets used to this diet, everything will return to normal.
  2. This diet is not as harmless as it seems at the very first glance. The fact is that in the process of protein digestion, a large number of ketone bodies are formed in the body . These bodies can cause intoxication of the body, and their significant accumulation in the body can cause significant harm to health. Ketone body poisoning is ketosis, the signs of which are the appearance of a specific smell of acetone and a taste in the mouth. If you notice the presence of a persistent smell of acetone in your mouth, you should stop this diet, and be sure to consult a doctor .

Assessment of the Kremlin diet by experts

Cardiac surgeon Leo Bokeria approves of the "Kremlin diet"

Evaluation of the Kremlin diet by a nutritionist

The site site warns: all the information provided is for informational purposes only, and is not a medical recommendation. Before using the diet, be sure to consult your doctor!

Good day to all! In continuation of the dietary theme, and was previously considered. There is another no less popular - the Kremlin diet. Moreover, it appeared much earlier and attracted many supporters. Although initially this diet was intended specifically for the Kremlin civil servants, from which it got its name.

The basis of the diet is the elimination of any carbohydrate food from the diet, and to the maximum.

For the convenience of calculating the content of carbohydrates in products, they are given conventional units of points. So, 1 g of carbohydrates is equal to 1 point (or 1 point). Each product on the menu has its own number of points. Those who go on this diet need to score a certain number of points per day. Based on this, a person chooses the right products for himself, so as to meet the given number of points.

If you follow the diet correctly, then in two weeks you can lose up to 10 kg. Below, for example, an excerpt from such a diet is shown - a menu where numbers are indicated opposite the products, which are these same points.

Thus, it turns out that you, say, need to score 25 points per day. You select from the menu list those products that will gain a total of right amount points.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Kremlin diet

Like every diet, the Kremlin has its pros and cons. One of the disadvantages, which, however, is common to all diets, this diet is not universal, that is, suitable for everyone.

Before you go on a diet, you need to find out if it suits you or not. And secondly, if other diets have a ready-made menu and you decide to sit on this menu or not, then here you need to calculate your points every time.

For example, if you decide to go to the dining room to have breakfast, then from the showcase you select only those products that make up the required number of points for breakfast. And this means that you must remember all the points. Or carry a book with you. where everything is written down. However. Compared to the result, this is not such a minus.

The advantage is. When carbohydrates are excluded from the diet, as a result, the body begins to break down its own reserves of fat. In addition, you can eat protein foods without any restriction, but only those where there is no fat.

Thus, you can not eat foods such as various sweets, flour products (pasta, buns, etc.), cereals that are high in starch, as well as fruits and vegetables with a high content of sucrose.

But vegetables such as cabbage or cucumber are necessary. The fiber they contain is able to support normal digestion. Unlike, for example, Japanese diet, where physical exercise are not recommended, here, on the contrary, they are necessary so that muscle tone is normal.

Complete food table for the diet

With the features of the diet decided, now what always worries anyone who goes on a diet. Namely, what you can eat and what you can’t. In the table below, you can get acquainted with the products and the carbohydrates they contain. This is the so-called scoring table.

First, based on the tables, choose on your own the points for the products that you will eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner, or use the ready-made menus, which we will consider later.

Menu for the week

The Kremlin diet is of two types: weekly and 10 days. The table below shows the menu with product points for the week.

As mentioned, you can not strictly adhere to this menu, but vary according to points. The main thing is that the number of points should be constant. If you need to use, say, 30 points per day, then you choose a menu for yourself within this amount.

In addition, once a day you need a hot meal, even meat broth will be enough. It is also important to drink water. You need to drink about 7 glasses of water per day.

Remember that the first three days the body is still getting used to the diet, and therefore it is necessary to score no more than 30 points per day. Then you can increase the rate to 35 points. We sit at this rate for two weeks, after which we add another 5 points.

The first two weeks, which are the initial stage, are difficult. At this time, the body gets used to the diet. At the next stage, which lasts 1.5 months, we bring the number of points to 40, if the weight decreases, then you can go to the third stage. Here, a few more points are added, bringing the total to 60. And the fourth, final stage is a gradual exit from the diet. At this point, you can already gradually consume ordinary food. But the amount of carbohydrates should be limited.

As for the meal time, it will look like this:

  • Breakfast - from 08:00 to 10:00 hours.
  • Lunch - from 12:00 to 14:00.
  • Snack or afternoon snack - from 15:30 to 16:30.
  • Dinner - from 18:00 to 19:00 hours.

If you do not know what dishes you can eat, then the recipes below will help you navigate. You can also cook your own meals based on them.

Several recipes


Let's start with the traditional scrambled eggs. The total number of points is 2. This dish is well suited for both breakfast and dinner.

For cooking you will need:

  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs.
  • Ham - 100 g.
  • Cheese - 100 g.

Heat up a frying pan, pour oil, fry the ham. After that, break the eggs, sprinkle with grated cheese. Now close the lid and cook for 10 minutes.

You can cook scrambled eggs with crab meat and tomatoes. The number of points will be 4.7.

Omelet with green onions

Another delicious recipe for breakfast. In this dish points

smaller - 2.

For cooking, take:

  • Milk - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Egg - 3 pcs.
  • Green onion.

Mix eggs with milk and herbs. Now beat this mass with a whisk or fork, fry in a pan.

Curd mass with cumin

Another great breakfast recipe. This dish contains 4.6 points.

For cooking, take:

  • Cottage cheese - 0.1 kg.
  • Cumin - 2 g.
  • Sour cream - 10 g.
  • Butter - 15 g.

Cottage cheese is rubbed through a sieve, then mixed with sour cream, butter and cumin. Everything is mixed up. Before use, you can spread a little more sour cream on top.

Good for lunch dishes soups. It can be vegetables, meat.

One of the nutritious soups is chicken bouillon , in which to add pieces of meat and greens. Add to soup vegetable salad with pickled mushrooms. The total number of points for such a dinner will be 11.

If you are on a diet in the summer, and it is very hot outside, then salvation will be okroshka. This dish contains 7.8 points.


To prepare okroshka, take:

  • Water - 250 ml.
  • Cucumber, potatoes - 1 pc.
  • Sorrel, onion, dill - 30 g.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Boiled meat - 30 g.
  • Sour cream - 1 tsp
  • Salt to taste.

We wash the greens and finely chop. We pre-cook the sorrel for 10 minutes, throwing it into boiling water. After that, pour the broth through a sieve into a cup. Boiled potatoes, cut into cubes. The cucumber is peeled, also cut into cubes. Finely chopped egg. After the broth has cooled, pour all the prepared ingredients into it.

Fish soup

For dinner, you can cook seafood fish soup. It will be 7.2 points.

To prepare it you will need:

  • Fish: cod - 0.2 kg. and salmon - 0.1 kg.
  • Mussels - 0.2 kg.
  • Shrimp - 0.2 kg.
  • Tomato juice - 250 ml
  • Pepper, salt and herbs.

The fish is washed, cleaned, cut into pieces. Boil in salted water, adding pepper. When the water boils, add seafood, then pour the tomato juice and pour the greens.

Chicken kebab

From the second courses, you can try to cook, for example, chicken skewers. Its value in points will be - 2.6.

To prepare such a barbecue, take:

  • Chicken fillet - 0.7 kg.
  • Mushrooms - 0.3 kg.
  • Ketchup, mayonnaise, spices - to taste.

Chicken meat cut into cubes, salt. Cut mushrooms into slices and cook. Next, take skewers, string meat and mushrooms on them. We preheat the oven, put the strung shish kebab there. We fry until ready.

As for the dishes for the afternoon snack, everything is simple here. You don't need to prepare anything special. You can cut, for example, 10 olives and 100 grams of cheese - it will cost 3 points. You can get by with a glass of yogurt - 6 points or tea with peanuts (30 g of nuts) - 5 points.

Baked fish

For dinner, you can cook baked or steamed fish. The dish will be 4 points.

We take 200 g of fish, salt, pepper, wrap in foil. Bake in the oven for about 30 minutes. After readiness, put lettuce leaves on a plate, and fish on them.

Contraindications for use

What is the reason for the diet? It is, of course, overweight. But there are some contraindications for the use of this diet.

These include diseases of the kidneys, pregnancy, diseases of the urination, digestive organs, as well as problems with cardiovascular activity.

If you do not have such problems, then you can try the diet on yourself.

Those who want to lose weight like to stick to the Kremlin diet, because it does not have strict restrictions and you can safely lose weight by 5-6 kg in a week and by 10-15 kg in 1.5 months at the expense of your own resources.

The Kremlin diet for weight loss limits the consumption of foods that are high in carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are the main suppliers of energy for human life. If carbohydrates from the outside cease to enter our body, then to ensure metabolic processes, it begins to use carbohydrates from internal fat resources. At the same time, fatty tissue is broken down and excreted from the body, and the person loses weight.

Otherwise, the diet allows you to eat any food, including meat, that is, the protein found in meat, sausage, sausages, fish, as well as vegetable protein.

In order for the Kremlin diet to help get rid of excess ballast, cellulite and cleanse the body of carcinogens and salts, and at the same time health is not only preserved, but also improved, you must first study the contraindications to its use, then adapt the diet for yourself, and not adapt yourself to the diet , respecting simple rules:

  • If health permits, it is best to diet first. 10 days.
  • If there are minor health problems, but contraindications have not affected you, then you need to be on a diet first. one week.
  • Gradually partially replace animal protein with vegetable protein, consuming more stewed and fresh vegetables, cereals, fruit salads.
  • For three days of the first week of being on the Kremlin diet, you need to eat foods with a score of 40, the remaining four - eat those foods that add up to 60 points
  • Drink water before and after meals, but do not drink water during meals. If we drink water before meals, we remove stagnant gastric juice from the stomach, contributing to the processing of food with new gastric juice. If we drink water 1-1.5 after a meal, then we wash out the remnants of food from the stomach, preventing acidification, and make room for new food, activate the production of new gastric juice. If you drink food during a meal, you can dilute the gastric juice, then the food will not be digested to the right extent, it will not be absorbed and undigested will be excreted.
  • It is necessary to activate the excretory organs with vitamin teas, using herbs, rose hips, ginger or hawthorn.
  • Throughout the diet, in addition to fruits and berries, use a complex of vitamins.
  • Between diet courses arrange 15 day breaks with a maximum reduction in animal protein foods and an increase in vegetable.
  • It is important to continue diet courses only when you feel good. With exacerbations of chronic diseases, it is necessary to switch to a sparing regimen or stop being on a diet.

Contraindications to the diet

The diet is not used in the presence of:

  • exacerbations of chronic diseases;
  • with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys (including urolithiasis), liver, heart and blood vessels, blood and infectious diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • oncological disease;
  • pregnancy;

It is advisable to consult a doctor and take a blood test, undergo an ultrasound of the kidneys, liver and gallbladder before you decide to stick to the Kremlin diet.

Kremlin diet - features

The uniqueness of the diet is that you do not need to spend time calculating traditional grams and calories. Everything is simpler here, because the diet helps to use points: all products - meat and fish, bakery and cereals, dairy and fat, vegetables and fruits, mushrooms and berries, canned and sweet, nuts and seeds, spices and seasonings, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, ready-made soups are enclosed in separate tables indicating points per 100 grams of the product. The points table allows everyone to make a detailed menu for themselves in accordance with the required number of points (40 or 60).

Advice: if the results of losing weight are not satisfactory and the weight “stands still”, you need to switch to a diet with a score of 20 for 1-2 days. If the weight loss effect is achieved, then the menu of the day can be increased to 60 points.

Allowed to use 40 g / day. carbohydrates, they are best obtained from vegetables, and not from sweets and buns.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that in the tables of points (per 100 g of the product - its own number of points) there may be a number 0 (zero), which means its consumption is not limited.

You will find more details on the number of points for products for the Kremlin diet in the table [to view the tables, click on the "+"].

Scoring table for the Kremlin diet: dairy products

Unsweetened yogurt 1.5% - 6%3,5
Yogurt sweet8,5
Yoghurts with fruit flavors16
Kefir low-fat up to 2.5%4
Table mayonnaise2,6-5
Sterilized milk 1.5%-2.5%4,8
Milk sterilized 3.2%4,7
Cheese Adyghe1,5
Cheese Biyskiy0
Dutch cheese0
Cheese Sausage (smoked)4
Cheese Kostroma0
Cheese Poshekhonsky0
Cheese Russian0
Sulguni cheese0,5
Sweet cheese curds 8%12
Sweet cheese curds with vanillin 16%9,5
Cheese curds for children 23%19
Low-fat cottage cheese3,3
Curd 2%-5%3
Curd 18%2,8
Cottage cheese soft dietary 4%3
Baked milk 1%4,8
Baked milk 4%4,7
Pasteurized low fat milk4,9

Scoring table for the Kremlin diet: meat and poultry

Products Points per 100 gr. products, c.u.
Veal, beef0
Pork, banana0
Geese, ducks, turkey0
rabbit meat0
Chicken, ham, legs0
Sausages (boiled, half-smoked, raw-smoked, servelat)0-0,5
Sausage "Doctor"1,5
Pork legs0
Pork tongue, beef tongue0
beef liver0
chicken liver1,5
Beef sausages1,5
Pork sausages2
A heart0
Dairy sausages1,5
Eggs in any form (piece)0,5

Scoring table for the Kremlin diet: fish and seafood


Scoring table for the Kremlin diet: vegetables and legumes

Products Points per 100 gr. products, c.u.
Green pea8
vegetable marrow4
white cabbage5
Brussels sprouts4
kohlrabi cabbage8
Green onion3,5
greenhouse cucumbers2
Pepper green, red sweet5
leaf lettuce2
Dill (greens)4

Table of points for the Kremlin diet: fruits and berries

Products Points per 100 gr. products, c.u.
A pineapple11,5
Rowan chokeberry11

Scoring table for the Kremlin diet: drinks and juices

Products Points per 100 gr. products, c.u.
apricot juice13
Quince juice11
Pineapple juice12
Orange juice13
Grape juice16
Cherry juice11
Pomegranate juice14
Grapefruit juice8
Bread kvass5
Coca Cola10,6
Diet Cola0
Lemon juice4
tangerine juice10
Mineral water0
carrot juice13
pepsi cola11,8
Peach juice17
beetroot juice14
plum juice15
Tomato juice3
Tea, coffee without sugar0
Chokeberry juice11
Blackcurrant juice7,5
Rosehip juice16
Apple juice10

Scoring table for the Kremlin diet: bread and cereals

Products Points per 100 gr. products, c.u.
Peas shelled50
Corn grits71
Lavash Armenian56
egg noodles68
Wheat flour second grade65
Wheat flour premium71
Wheat flour first grade69
Oats (grain)55
Barley porridge66
Wheat (grain)57
Rice Basmati77
rice wild70
Long grain rice78,5
rice brown72
Steamed rice78
rice black68
Rye (grain)55
Barley (grain)56
Barley porridge65

Kremlin diet - prohibited foods

So that a piece of the “wrong” product does not force you to switch to hungry days, it is recommended to refuse some foods for the duration of the diet:

  1. sugar, sweets, chocolate, confectionery;
  2. bread and buns, cakes and other pastries;
  3. butter, margarine, beef and pork fat;
  4. pasta and chips, salty fatty crackers with a taste of meat, fish and bacon;
  5. bananas and very sweet fruits and berries: grapes, persimmons, dates, pears, figs, sweet varieties of apples and pineapple;
  6. sweet dairy products, cheese masses with raisins, desserts and cheese curds, whole milk with high fat content;
  7. sweet lemonades, milkshakes, Cola and other carbonated drinks and sweet fruit juices;
  8. liqueurs and beer;
  9. carbohydrate cereals: wheat, oatmeal, barley;
  10. legumes and peanuts;
  11. starchy vegetables: potatoes;
  12. meat products: fatty sausages, smoked meats;
  13. semi-finished products;
  14. fatty and processed cheeses;
  15. products containing stabilizing chemicals (dyes, emulsifiers, EEE additives).

To lose weight well, it is recommended to reduce consumption of: young shoots of germinated cereals, any cabbage, eggplant and asparagus, spinach and zucchini, green peas and tomatoes, avocados and artichokes, onions and bamboo shoots, dairy products and sweet and sour fruits and berries: orange, cranberries and sea buckthorn, cherry plums and plums, juices and compotes.

Kremlin diet - pros and cons

Benefits of the diet:

  • The Kremlin diet is effective: you can quickly lose weight on it.
  • There is no product restriction.
  • Multiple meals available.
  • It is easy to create a menu according to the points tables, which will bring its own “hormones of joy”.
  • A long course of the diet is easily tolerated.
  • There is no feeling of hunger and stressful state of the body.
  • The diet can be followed in stages.

Since the diet is protein, it is considered the most effective, because with a minimum of carbohydrates and fats, the body destroys its own fat reserves. Multiple meals (rhythmic) contribute to weight loss, as the body spends the most energy on digesting food, and takes energy from its own resources. In addition, frequent meals prevent the annoying feeling of hunger, which leads to stress and "breakdowns" in nutrition.

In order to avoid talking about the disadvantages of the diet - loss of muscle mass and lack of vitamins and trace elements, it is necessary: ​​to go in for sports, swim, take massages, spa treatments, visit saunas and baths, pools, use scrubs and masks to nourish the skin, and so on.

Step-by-step adherence to the Kremlin diet

Stage one .

Diets are followed for 1-2 weeks to adapt the body to a new diet - the lipolysis regime, that is, the use of fats and proteins as energy instead of carbohydrates. The number of points is 20-40. Prohibited foods are excluded from the diet and dishes of their natural products are recommended. In the presence of constipation, you can eat more vegetables with a high content of fiber and flax seeds, dairy products. Physical exercises are introduced.

Seafood dishes, turkeys, skinless poultry, meat without visible fat, eggs are welcome. In small quantities, you can eat cheese, sour cream and mayonnaise, vegetable fats. You can eat salads of cucumbers, radishes, radishes with the addition of olives and olives, sorrel and garlic, herbs as much as you like. A little less can be included in the diet of asparagus, rhubarb, daikon, celery root, eggplant and zucchini, pumpkin and onions.

Stage two.

You can gradually introduce "semi-carbohydrate" products, prohibited at the first stage, adding 5 points per week. This requires weight control. You can add dishes with nuts and seeds, a variety of dairy products to the menu. Alcoholic drinks are allowed in minimum quantities.

Prohibited - sugars and starches. If the norm of carbohydrates was exceeded, and the weight began to be gained, then you can return to the number of points again - 20-40. Physical exercise with increased load is introduced to accelerate weight loss and increase carbohydrate intake by expanding the diet, which is the main task of the second stage of the diet.

Stage three .

Continued increase in carbohydrate intake by 10 points per week. When you stop losing weight, you can go to the previous stage of the diet with a set of carbohydrates - 5 points per week. The load of physical exercises is activated. You can include starchy vegetables, nuts and cashews, sesame and pumpkin and sunflower seeds, sour cream, legumes, citrus fruits, forbidden cereals in the menu.

Stage four.

At this stage, you need to save the achieved result of losing weight. A low-carbohydrate diet continues, which is recommended to continue in the future. If the weight starts to rise, go to the previous stages of the diet. For the menu, natural products with the maximum set are better suited. useful substances and vitamins. Attention is paid to proteins and fats, vegetables, berries, fruits and dried fruits, whole grains. Do not eat foods that retain fluids in the body and allow you to gain weight. It is advisable to take massages, visit saunas and steam baths, swimming pools.

Gradual adherence to the diet will allow you to gently exit the diet.

Kremlin diet menu:

For those who nevertheless decided to go on the Kremlin diet, we offer the menu of the Kremlin diet for a week:

Day meal Dishes Number of points, c.u.
MondayBreakfastTwo scrambled eggs and ham3
DinnerChicken soup: chicken breast 100 gr., onion, 20 gr. spaghetti and spices.14
afternoon tea1 apple or orange9
Dinner1 serving of salad "Kremlin": 50 gr cheese, 1 boiled egg, 150 gr. chicken fillet. Dressing - low-calorie mayonnaise1
Total points per day 27
TuesdayBreakfastA glass of kefir or yogurt10
Dinner200 g of broth with meatballs (6 c.u.): add onion and 1 egg to 150 g of minced meat, form meatballs, boil meatballs in boiling broth.
vegetable salad with olive oil(4 c.u.)
afternoon tea30 grams of peanuts5
Dinner200 gr of steamed fish - 0 c.u.
Cabbage and cucumber salad - $8
Total points per day 33
WednesdayBreakfast150 gr. low-fat cottage cheese4,2
DinnerCanned mackerel salad (half a jar), 1 egg, dill, 1 tablespoon of low-fat mayonnaise - 1.5 c.u.
1 orange or apple - 9 points
afternoon tea30 grams of walnuts4
DinnerBaked chicken with tomatoes and cheese ($4 for 1 serving - 250-300 gr.) - half breast, 1 tomato, a little grated cheese, spices. Cut and beat the breast, fry for 2 minutes on each side in a pan, put on a baking sheet, put tomato slices and grated cheese on top. Bake 5-7 minutes.
1 cucumber - 3 c.u.
Total points per day 25,7
ThursdayBreakfastProtein omelet (2.5 USD) - 2 egg whites, 1/4 cup skimmed milk, 1 small tomato, 30-40 grams of grated cheese, spices. Mix everything and pour into the pan. Keep covered for 4-5 minutes.
1 glass of kefir - 10 c.u.
DinnerEar - 250 gr. (3 c.u.) - 250 grams of fish, 0.7 liters of water, parsley, 1 onion, bay leaf, salt, spices. Boil the fish for 15-20 minutes, add spices and herbs.3
afternoon tea1 orange or apple9
Dinner200-250 gr fried chicken breast (0 c.u.).
boiled cauliflower(5 c.u. per 100 gr.)
Total points per day 29,5
DinnerVegetable soup with chicken (200 gr.): boil half of the breast, add 1 carrot, onion, bell pepper maybe a little broccoli.8
afternoon tea2 pcs. dried apricots or prunes5
DinnerChicken breast or thigh (200-250 gr) in an orange marinade (0 c.u.) - soak the chicken in a marinade from the juice of half an orange and spices (from 40 minutes to 4 hours). Then bake in the oven or fry.
Fresh vegetable salad - half a cucumber, half a tomato, cabbage - $6 per 150 g of salad.
Total points per day 29,7
SaturdayBreakfastOmelet from 2 eggs with cheese and ham3
DinnerBraised cabbage (150 gr. - 7.5 c.u.) and 2 sausages (0 c.u.)7,5
afternoon tea1 orange or apple9
DinnerSteamed fish - 200 gr (0 c.u.). Spring salad of lettuce, cucumber, tomato, dill, seasoned with oil - 2.3 c.u. per 100 gr. lettuce2,3
Total points per day 21,8
SundayBreakfast150 gr. low-fat cottage cheese (4.2 USD) and half an apple (4.5 USD)8,7
DinnerCheese soup - $8 for a serving of 250 gr. It will take 1-1.5 liters of water, vegetables, 2 potatoes, 100 grams of processed cheese, 1-2 boiled eggs. Pour vegetables and potatoes into water and cook until tender. Grate cheese and add to soup, stir. Add chopped chicken breast. When serving, add diced eggs.8
afternoon teaA glass of kefir or yogurt10
DinnerCaesar salad without croutons - 100 gr. boiled chicken fillet, lettuce, tomatoes, hard cheese and low-fat mayonnaise - 1.5 USD, per 100 gr. lettuce1,5
Total points per day 28,2

You can create a similar Kremlin diet menu yourself, using the Kremlin diet table and your own imagination.

What do nutritionists fear?

Some doctors are concerned about the strong bias of the diet towards proteins and the rejection of carbohydrates, even vegetables and fruits, since they are saturated with starch, pectin, polysaccharides and fibers, vitamins and trace elements. It turns out that they just pass by the body. In addition, it is known that fats will not leave the sides, waist and buttocks without the help of carbohydrates. Therefore, the Kremlin diet introduces phased compliance.

Doctors are also concerned that the body is losing not only fat, but also muscle mass. To prevent this from happening, we introduce physical exercise. The reviews show that many people who successfully lose weight on the Kremlin diet abruptly leave it. It is believed that the deterioration of a person’s appearance is due to prolonged meat nutrition, which leads to incomplete protein breakdown, lack of vitamins and deterioration in the functioning of the kidneys, liver and gallbladder, blood quality, heart failure and increased blood cholesterol, the formation of stones.

Diet allows you to make a menu with the right set of vitamins and minerals, nutrients. And physiotherapy, exercise, swimming, outdoor walks, vitamin complexes, nourishing body masks will help improve the appearance.