What can you eat with signs of urolithiasis. Nutrition in the treatment of urolithiasis

Diet at urolithiasis both men and women have great importance as well as medical treatment. Many believe that if an operation was performed to remove stones from the kidneys, then the disease was over. Actually after surgical treatment the recovery process is actively ongoing.

Nutrition for urolithiasis depends primarily on the type, chemical composition of kidney stones. These can be oxalates (stones from calcium salts of oxalic acid), urates (from salts of uric acid) or phosphates (calcium salts of phosphoric acid). Each type of stones is formed with a certain shift in metabolism, on the basis of which the diet is compiled. Proper nutrition will prevent the recurrence of kidney stones.

Features of the diet for oxalate stones and oxalaturia

It is forbidden:

Foods high in oxalates - oxalic acid salts - sorrel, parsley, tomatoes, celery, spinach, rhubarb, asparagus, figs (vine berry);

Fatty meat, meat, poultry, fish and mushroom broths, aspic, jelly, gelatin;

Chocolate, tomato juice.

Restricted use:

Products with a high content of calcium and ascorbic acid - cheese (especially salty), cottage cheese, legumes, including peanuts, lentils, green beans, carrots, beets, radishes, radishes, bell pepper, cauliflower, horseradish;

Beef, chicken, liver, kidneys, brains, smoked meats, sausage (especially liver), pates, cod;

Fried, salty, sour and spicy foods, mustard;

Apples (primarily sour), citrus fruits, currants, plums, gooseberries, strawberries, blueberries, cranberries, raisins;

Sweets and pastries, cocoa, tea and coffee (especially strong ones), kvass,

Porridges from all types of cereals, only boiled potatoes, black and white bread, preferably from wholemeal flour;

Boiled meat, fish, poultry;

Dairy products in small quantities and only in the morning;

Cabbage, cucumbers (peeled), green pea, pumpkin, turnip, squash and eggplant caviar, butter and vegetable oil, nuts;

Pears, grapes, apricots, peaches, bananas, watermelon, melon, quince;

Mineral waters are slightly alkaline, it is useful to drink tea mushroom, Birch juice.

Meat, poultry and fish can be eaten 3 times a week in small amounts and lean.

Apples, pears, grapes, quince contribute to the removal of oxalates from the body. Potatoes alkalinize urine, bind calcium and help it to be excreted through the intestines.

Food, preferably 5 times a day, drinking plenty of water, at least 2 liters per day. It is not recommended to eat cold food.

Features of the diet for urate stones

Restricted use:

smoked, salted and marinated, concentrated meat and fish broths, offal, legumes, sorrel and spinach, chocolate, coffee and cocoa, beer and red wine.


Eggs, dairy products, oatmeal and rice porridge, yesterday's bread, fruits and vegetables, walnuts, red and black caviar, honey, marshmallow, marmalade, tea;

Meat, poultry and fish can only be eaten boiled and no more than three times a week.

Citrus juices prevent the formation of uric acid salts(urates). Juices are useful to drink in between meals. Tea is good to drink with lemon.

With urate stones it is prescribed.

Features of the diet for phosphate stones

Restricted use:

above all, calcium-rich milk and dairy products are limited, as well as spices and spicy.


Meat and fish meals in any form, soaked herring, eggs no more than 2 times a week, legumes, bread, butter and vegetable oil;

White and cauliflower, pumpkin and zucchini, unsweetened apples, red currants;

Black weak tea and coffee.

With phosphate stones it is prescribed.

The procedure for choosing a diet for urolithiasis

  1. First of all, it is necessary to determine what type of stones are located in the urinary tract. If this circumstance is not taken into account, it is possible not only not to stop the further formation of stones, but also to aggravate the course of the disease.
  2. When the first symptoms of the disease appear, you should definitely visit a doctor and undergo an examination.
  3. Based on the diagnosis, an appropriate diet is prescribed.

General principles of diet for urolithiasis

  1. Eat spicy, salty, fried and smoked foods as little as possible. In some cases, they are required to be abandoned, at least for the duration of treatment.
  2. Be sure to follow the drinking regime! You need to consume at least 2-2.5 liters of fluid daily. However, it must be borne in mind that if there is a concomitant pathology of the cardiovascular system, then drinking is limited. A stable drinking regimen helps prevent deviations in kidney function.
  3. Do not under any circumstances overeat! Fractional nutrition is shown - in small portions. The best option It's a five course meal. So your kidneys and, in general, the whole body will be able to work in comfortable conditions.
  4. In the presence of concomitant diseases of other organs and systems, the diet should be adjusted accordingly.
  5. Limit or eliminate the use of alcoholic beverages.
  6. If you are overweight, then be sure to strive for its normalization. Extra pounds will not only complicate the course of urolithiasis, but also contribute to the appearance of other unpleasant ailments. Therefore, try to select a menu taking into account getting rid of unnecessary centimeters. But remember, the diet should be sparing, no long hunger strikes and super-fast weight loss methods.
  7. Lead a healthy lifestyle. This, among other things, can be a good source of positive emotions.
  8. Reasonable physical activity. It is enough to follow simple recommendations:

Walk for 1 hour or more daily;

As little as possible to be in a "stationary" state;

Perform light exercises whenever possible physical exercise; ideally - morning exercises; movements should be simple and not abrupt, with low intensity.

And, most importantly, when choosing a diet, consider your individual characteristics and possible intolerance to some permitted foods. In case of changes in your condition and well-being, consult your doctor may require further analysis. Study urolithiasis, read available literature and publications on the Internet from reputable sources.

Pain in kidney stones occurs suddenly, as a result of which the patient urgently needs to be hospitalized. When in pain, a person can neither lie nor sit, he is exhausted and does not want anything, only to eliminate rather unpleasant and painful symptoms.
Few of the patients know that the main reason for the appearance of kidney stones lies partly in malnutrition. In addition, it is necessary to follow the correct diet after an attack of pain in order to avoid recurrence of attacks. Compliance with a special diet allows you to get rid of not only repeated attacks of urolithiasis, but also in order to be cured. Diet for kidney stones and its own issue of the disease is devoted to this material.

Why do kidney stones appear in our kidneys

Kidney stones are formed from crystals that gradually increase and at one moment make themselves felt when pain symptoms appear. The reasons for the appearance of the first crystals and the formation of stones are enough not to save yourself. Therefore, every year the number of people delivering to medical institutions with signs of ICD, increases.

What are the reasons for the development of kidney stones? These reasons include:

  1. Disturbed metabolism, which leads to changes in the composition of the blood and urine.
  2. genetic predisposition.
  3. Diseases of the intestines and stomach of a chronic nature.
  4. Insufficient drinking intake.
  5. A diet that consists of foods that increase the acidity of urine.
  6. Diseases of the urinary organs and system.
  7. Lack of vitamin D in the body.
  8. Infection in the genitourinary system.
  9. Metabolic disorders, including congenital.
  10. The use of antibiotics, hormonal drugs and other types of drugs that are poorly excreted by the body.
  11. Violation of the normal outflow of urine and gout.

These above reasons provoke the development of KSD, eventually causing the appearance of pain symptoms. You can find out the cause of the disease by passing a general urine test. According to the chemical composition of the stones, the doctor recommends the patient an appropriate diet.

What types of stones are known

As already mentioned, a diet for kidney stones and treatment is prescribed only after the chemical composition of these same stones is revealed. Depending on the chemical composition of the compounds, they are divided into types. What are these types and how are they characterized??

To oxalate stones include salt compounds of oxalic acid. They are formed due to the normal acidity of urine. Stones of this type are rounded brown shells with a prickly surface.

It is through the presence of spikes that a negative effect on the mucous membrane is carried out, leading to its injury. Compounds of this nature have one feature - they are insoluble, due to the increased density of the compound. healthy eating will not protect a person from the appearance of oxalate kidney stones. In particular, if a person's diet consists of acidic fresh fruits and vegetables, which he eats constantly for a long time, then the likelihood of the formation of such compounds is very high. Oxalate compounds are not subject to cleavage, therefore, with this diagnosis, surgical intervention is required.

TO phosphate stones include salts of phosphoric acid, formed when alkaline urine occurs. The features of these compounds include:

Therefore, the diagnosis of ICD phosphate stones is treated by introducing into the diet mineral water and sour juices. Such products contribute to the breakdown of the resulting phosphate compounds, which are excreted from the body along with urine.

Treatment and diet for oxalate kidney stones

If the patient eats properly with kidney stones, then this will be the first step towards a successful cure for the disease. From the moment kidney stones are detected, the attending physician prescribes a special diet for the patient, which he must strictly adhere to. Therefore, it is very important to determine the type of KSD in order to prescribe conservative treatment.

When diagnosing oxalate compounds in the kidneys, acidic products, in particular oxalic acid, should be immediately excluded from the diet. The patient will need to stop eating the following foods:

  • sorrel;
  • lettuce;
  • spinach;
  • chocolate.

Eat lemons and other products containing vitamin C only in metered amounts that are prescribed by a doctor.

The main treatments for oxalate urolithiasis include:

  • regulation of acidity in the body;
  • medicinal products that promote the bonding of calcium;
  • phytotherapy;
  • adherence to a special diet prescribed by a doctor;
  • abundant fluid intake, which is at least 1.5 liters per day;
  • in the presence of inflammation of the genital organs, their medical treatment is required.

The diet should include the following foods: cereals (oatmeal and buckwheat, cauliflower, prunes, pumpkins, carrots, black bread).

As a supplement for a variety of food, the diet includes: boiled eggs, not sour cottage cheese, sour cream, butter.

When detecting oxalate kidney stones, doctors recommend, in addition to medication and diet, to use fresh infusions of grape leaves and black currant. It is also useful to drink infusions of raspberry leaves, which help to eliminate minor compounds from the kidneys. When the disease worsens, it is not recommended to consume dairy products enriched with calcium. It is also necessary to exclude from the diet meat food, which contains animal protein, which contributes to an increase in salts in the urine.

In order to prevent the appearance of new bouts of pain in the ICD, it should be excluded from the diet:

  • the use of broths;
  • aspic;
  • smoked and fried foods;
  • coffee and cocoa;
  • tomato juice and tomatoes;
  • beer and other alcoholic beverages.

Diet and treatment is very important in oxalate urolithiasis, as enlargement of the stones will only require surgery.

Phosphate stones: what will be the diet

With phosphate kidney stones, everything is much simpler, but a diet is also required to get rid of them and achieve their dissolution. And in order to get rid of them, the diet must be diluted with acidic foods, which will contribute to the oxidation of urine and the breakdown of the compounds formed. So that the labors are not useless, you should not eat foods rich in calcium, as this will lead to the strengthening of the stones.

With phosphate stones, doctors introduce a taboo on the use of such products:

  • dairy products;
  • smoked, salty and fried foods;
  • salads, potatoes;
  • alcohol;
  • coffee and cocoa;
  • fishes.

These products should be forgotten indefinitely until a full recovery is confirmed. After recovery, one should be careful, since the development of new relapses is not excluded.

If phosphate stones are found in the diet, boiled veal, poultry, as well as bread, cereals, eggs, unsalted lard, green peas, sour fruits, sweets and tea can be added to the diet. It is better not to drink coffee, although its negative effect has not been proven.

In addition to following a diet, a patient with phosphate kidney stones is recommended to visit phytotherapeutic complexes: the use of various herbal infusions, teas and other types of drink. Decoctions of cranberries, viburnum, juniper, thyme have a positive effect on the removal of stones from the kidneys.

Self-medication is prohibited, especially if the diagnosis is unknown. You should definitely visit a doctor and undergo an examination, because it is possible that pain in the kidney area does not always indicate the presence of stones in the cavity.

In addition to phytotherapeutic procedures, it is also important for the patient to know that he should drink at least 1.5 liters of purified mineral water per day, which helps to remove split stones. To prevent stones from clogging the urinary duct, active treatment of KSD should be carried out.

Urate compounds: diet

If urate compounds are found in the kidneys, the doctor must prescribe a special method, a diet for urate kidney stones, from which it excludes the use of the following products:

  • broths and soups;
  • offal;
  • meat of young living creatures;
  • fishes.

From the diet, you should also exclude the use of chocolate, coffee, tea, sorrel and spinach, as well as legumes. All these products contribute to the development of the disease KSD uraturia. If you do not exclude these foods from the diet, then it will be impossible to protect yourself from new bouts of pain in the kidneys.

The permitted products that are part of the diet for uraturia include: beets, potatoes, lettuce, asparagus, vegetable and butter oils, cereals, cheeses and dairy products. From fruits, the diet for uraturia can be varied with apples, grapes, gooseberries, apricots and nuts. Of fruits, the only exceptions are acidic foods (citrus fruits). You can not eat and salt, the maximum daily dose should not exceed 4 grams, but it is better to refuse it altogether.

An obligatory item of each diet is to drink plenty of fluids. With uraturia, the amount of fluid drunk should not be less than 3 liters per day. You need to drink throughout the day in small portions. It is forbidden to drink food, after eating you can drink only after one hour. Before dinner, a patient with uraturia can drink a glass of tea with lemon or milk, which has a positive effect on the healing process.

If you follow a strict diet and not succumb to any temptations, then with its help you can achieve complete dissolution of stones and remove them from the body, which can be seen after an ultrasound of the kidneys.

Based on the foregoing, one can summarize and note that it is almost impossible to protect oneself from diseases, but when rational methods of dealing with diseases are known, then you only need to use them. Kidney stones are a disease that has been known for a very long time and during this time medicine has come to the conclusion that a rational way to treat such a disease is to follow a special diet.

A diet for kidney stones in men is one of the main treatment measures, in addition to drug therapy and a special operation for crushing with shock wave equipment.

Nephrolithiasis (kidney disease) is provoked by various reasons: poor environmental situation, stress, malnutrition, hard water, excessive use of drugs. All these factors provoke the appearance of stones in the kidneys in men and exacerbation of diseases. To dissolve stones, you need not only to use special medicines and folk remedies at home, but also to reconsider your diet.

Basic nutrition rules

Comprehensive treatment for kidney stones includes a healthy lifestyle, including proper nutrition. To achieve a sustainable result, the diet must be long-term. It is developed individually for each person, depending on the type of stones in the urine.

A diet in the presence of kidney stones will prevent their increase in size and the formation of new ones. In addition, appropriate nutrition will remove accumulated salts, improve the digestion process, and reduce the likelihood of inflammation in the urinary tract.

The basic rules of nutrition for kidney stones in men are as follows:




Eat food 5-6 times a day. Of these, 3 are the main receptions, and the rest are snacks. As a result, the interval between them will be approximately 3 hours. The last meal should be 3 hours before bedtime

Heat treatment of products

All options are allowed, with the exception of frying in oil. It is best to replace such dishes with casseroles cooked in the oven.

Meal temperature

The best option is from 15 to 60 0 C. In other words, you can not eat too hot or cold food

Salt restriction

Only 5 g is allowed per day. An excess amount causes an increase in calculi, an increase in blood pressure. It is recommended to add salt immediately to ready meals. Then it is easier to follow the daily dose. Best substitute for sea salt

Limiting the intake of foods high in ascorbic acid

In large quantities, this substance is harmful in nephrolithiasis.

If you have kidney stones, you will have to refuse foods that contain a large amount of purines. This applies to foods high in animal proteins and fatty acids saturated type.

With kidney stones are contraindicated:

  • cookies, desserts with jam, preserves, creams, halva, muffins;
  • fatty meat and fish, caviar, seafood, sausage, smoked meats;
  • jelly, coffee, cocoa;
  • citrus;
  • sour berries;
  • greenery;
  • egg yolk;
  • salted cheeses with spices;
  • legumes.

Allowed foods include:

  • whole wheat bread;
  • cereals;
  • pasta from durum wheat;
  • chicken and turkey;
  • lean fish (cod, pollock);
  • fresh fruits and dried fruits;
  • salads with pickled and sauerkraut;
  • dairy products;
  • mild cheeses;
  • honey, pollen, marshmallow, marmalade.

It is recommended to consume more foods that have an alkalizing effect on urine and dissolve. Fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products containing bifidobacteria should be added to the menu. An exception is phosphaturia, when it is necessary to form a special "acidic" environment.

It is recommended to consume more foods containing B vitamins, as they accelerate the process of removing urate and oxalate stones. To enhance the effect, you need to introduce food rich in vitamin A into the diet. It is not only useful for the whole body, but also restores the mucous layers of the kidneys and urinary tract.

Menu for the week

When compiling a diet for 7 days, you need to take into account all the secrets of proper nutrition for nephrolithiasis, exacerbation renal pathologies. It is recommended to develop the menu in advance.

An approximate diet for a week is presented in the table.

Day of the week



  • Breakfast: vegetable salad (sealed with olive or linseed oil);
  • lunch: steamed protein omelet;
  • dinner: mashed potatoes and boiled fish;
  • afternoon tea: banana or 2 apples;
  • dinner: cottage cheese with dried fruits, biscuits
  • Breakfast: buckwheat porridge, apples;
  • lunch: a handful of any nuts (you can combine different ones) and a glass of yogurt;
  • dinner: Borsch;
  • afternoon tea: millet porridge with apples;
  • dinner: carrot and prunes casserole
  • Breakfast: vegetable salad, chicken egg;
  • lunch: oatmeal with the addition of dried fruits;
  • dinner: cottage cheese dumplings (steam), a little low-fat sour cream;
  • afternoon tea: a couple of apples;
  • dinner: stewed rice, eggplant and bell peppers baked in the oven
  • Breakfast: boiled beets with chopped prunes and walnuts with a little olive oil;
  • lunch: yogurt and vegetable salad;
  • dinner: boiled fish and vegetable stew, okroshka;
  • afternoon tea: fruit salad;
  • dinner: potato casserole (spice with low-fat sour cream)
  • Breakfast: boiled egg, oatmeal with dried fruits;
  • lunch: beet-apple salad;
  • dinner: vegetable soup, buckwheat porridge and steamed vegetables;
  • afternoon tea: banana or a couple of apples, yogurt;
  • dinner: pasta, stewed tomatoes, cheese

Fasting day. It is allowed to eat fruits from the list of allowed and cottage cheese. Drink water or green tea


  • Breakfast: a mixture of grated boiled carrots and beets;
  • lunch: steamed omelette, biscuit biscuits;
  • dinner: carrot and pumpkin puree soup, zucchini pancakes (seasoned with sour cream);
  • afternoon tea: vegetable salad;
  • dinner: apples baked with rice and dried fruits

You can drink meals with black and green tea, a decoction of rosehip berries, dried fruit compote, berry juice, milk. Before going to bed, it is recommended to drink a cup of kefir or curdled milk, low-fat natural yogurt without fruit and berry additives. Additionally, it is allowed to have a snack before going to bed, cereal bread or biscuit cookies.

Features of nutrition for various types of stones

The diet may vary depending on the type of calculus. There is general rules diet food used for any kidney stones, but there are certain features indicated in the table:

Type of stones


They are common types of stones. This problem is caused by metabolic disorders with oxalic acid, which is reflected in the formation of insoluble calcium salts in the urine. main reason their formation is dehydration. That is why with oxalate stones it is important to monitor the drinking regime - you need to drink 2-3 liters of pure or mineral water per day. Fruit drinks, compotes are suitable.

The next reason that causes the abundant formation of oxalic acid in the internal organs is the use of a large number of products of purple, dark green and red shades. It is recommended to consume more raspberries, blueberries, citrus fruits, mushrooms, cucumbers, apples and leafy greens

Formed due to salts of uric acid. This disease is called uraturia. During treatment, you can not eat smoked meats, preservation, alcohol. As a prevention of the formation of such stones, it is recommended to use grapes, watermelons, green apples, black currants. Definitely need to drink more clean water

The main factors provoking the formation of phosphate stones are infections, acute renal failure, hydronephrosis, kidney shrinkage, colic. It is necessary to limit the use of nuts, alcohol, hot spices, cheese, cereals with milk, sour cream, eggs, fresh fruits and vegetables, smoked meats, pickles


Be sure to follow the drinking regimen and consume up to 2 liters of water per day.

Kidney stones are common, but unfortunately not easy to treat. Fortunately, you can gradually get rid of this disease with the help of properly selected nutrition.

The following material will discuss special diet, intended for the treatment of the body, by removing stones from the kidneys. We will learn more about the principles of nutrition and the approximate menu for the week below.

diet for kidney stones

In order to save your body from suffering in the form of such a difficult disease as kidney stones as soon as possible, it is strongly recommended to change the diet. In this case, proper nutrition means exclusion of the following products:

  • black and wheat bread;
  • muffin;
  • fatty foods;
  • salt;
  • smoked meats;
  • radish, celery;
  • alcohol;
  • products containing caffeine.

The above products contribute to the occurrence of pain in the kidney area. Therefore, replace them recommended on lighter foods, in the form of the following products:

  • vegetarian soups;
  • bran;
  • chicken, veal and rabbit meat;
  • eggs, in the form of omelettes;
  • buckwheat, barley and millet groats;
  • all kinds of fruits;
  • herbal infusions and decoctions.

The principles of proper nutrition

Perhaps the most main principle compliance with the above diets- Drinking large amounts of liquid. Recommended daily rate- three liters. The need for the above action is due to the fact that in the presence of such a disease as kidney stones, the water balance in the body is disturbed.

Proper nutrition for kidney stones involves the following: mandatory rules:


  • Diet Table number 6 - full menu with recipes
  • The principle of nutrition with a therapeutic diet Table number 9
  • drink 200 - 400 ml of pure water without gas before each meal;
  • five meals a day are recommended;
  • last meal - 3 hours before bedtime;
  • the following types of liquid are allowed: juice, tea, coffee, compotes and jelly;
  • most of the menu should consist of fermented milk products: kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream.

Kidney stones are divided into oxalate, urate and phosphate. Of course, for each of the above types of disease, it is necessary to select an individual medical diet nutrition. We'll talk about this in more detail in the following paragraphs, but for now, let's get acquainted with the classic menu for the week.

Classic menu for the week

Treatment menu for kidney stones for a week
as follows:


  • Breakfast: 250 g of cottage cheese and tea;
  • Lunch: stewed zucchini, a glass of kefir;
  • Dinner: buckwheat porridge, cherry jelly.


  • diet bread, fat-free sour cream;
  • millet porridge, milk;
  • 2-3 roasted peppers


  • cream cheese toast, unsweetened black tea with lemon;
  • buckwheat soup with herbs;
  • salad of fresh vegetables and herbs.


  • oatmeal, coffee with cream;
  • low fat stew chicken meat and tomatoes;
  • baked trout, fat-free kefir.


  • fruit smoothie;
  • low-fat fish cakes, cucumbers and tomatoes;
  • broccoli and zucchini soup.


  • omelet from two eggs for a couple, carrot juice;
  • buckwheat, fermented baked milk;
  • cottage cheese with raisins, a cup of green tea.


  • boiled egg, pineapple juice;
  • baked cod, apple compote;
  • stewed peppers with onions and tomatoes.

Treatment and nutrition for oxalate stones

Diet for oxalate kidney stones exclusion from the diet of foods containing oxalic acid:

  • fatty meat, fish and broths based on them;
  • canned foods;
  • smoked meats;
  • lettuce, sorrel, spinach, beets, lentils, radish, Brussels sprouts;
  • fried potatoes;
  • all types of mushrooms;
  • cranberries, strawberries, gooseberries, currants;
  • tomato juice, kvass and strong hot drinks.

When treating, replace the above on the the following products:

  • vegetable soups;
  • cucumbers, cauliflower and white cabbage;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • pears, apples, watermelon, melon, peaches, apricots;
  • berry and fruit juices.

In the presence of oxalate kidney stones, a daily intake of two grams of magnesium carbonate is highly recommended.

Approximate menu for the day for the treatment of the above disease is as follows:

  • Breakfast: cabbage and cucumber salad, orange juice;
  • Lunch: cabbage and zucchini soup;
  • Dinner: fruit salad.

Diet for urate stones

The diet for urate kidney stones is exclusion from the diet sour milk, and foods containing calcium and purines:

  • yogurt, cheese, milk;
  • canned fish;
  • pate;
  • salt;
  • smoked meats;
  • sorrel, spinach, beans, asparagus.

Approved for use:

  • cereals: buckwheat, millet, barley;
  • flour products;
  • mushrooms;
  • fruit;
  • berries;
  • pumpkin, carrots, cucumbers, cauliflower and white cabbage.

Based on the above list of acceptable foods, menu for the treatment of this kidney disease can be composed as follows:

First option

  • Breakfast: fruit salad, green tea;
  • Lunch: buckwheat soup, a slice of white bread;
  • Dinner: 250 g stewed champignons with greens.


  • fruit puree, carrot juice;
  • stewed cabbage with zucchini;
  • buckwheat porridge.

What can you eat with phosphate stones?

Diet for phosphate kidney stones refusal from dairy products, canned food and spices. Vegetables and fruits allowed food in limited quantities.

Most Helpful in the treatment of this disease, products:

  • fish: tuna, cod, perch, trout;
  • meat: chicken, beef, turkey, rabbit;
  • mushrooms: boletus, champignons;
  • vegetable and butter;
  • rosehip decoction.

We present to you several options for treatment menus for the day with this kidney disease.

At various diseases prescribed a different diet. This book will tell you how to eat with urolithiasis. Depending on the type of stones and the course of the disease, a special course of treatment is prescribed. Given in the book folk recipes and a properly selected diet will help alleviate the course of the disease and avoid relapses. Since there are three main types of stones: urates, oxalates and phosphates, the diet for each variety should contain a different set of products. The book offers cooking recipes and diets for every type of ailment. Bon appetit and stay healthy!

A series: Soul Cooking

* * *

by the LitRes company.

Principles of nutrition in urolithiasis

Diets are made taking into account the characteristics of metabolism, the chemical composition of stones and the reaction of urine.

General principles diet therapy:

1) restriction of nutrients that form sediment or stones in the urinary tract;

2) a change due to the nature of nutrition in the reaction of urine (pH of urine) to the acidic or alkaline side to prevent precipitation and better dissolve salt sediment;

3) abundant fluid intake to remove salt deposits from the urinary tract.

In diets, mainly with uraturia and phosphaturia, certain groups of products are limited or increased. This makes it difficult to meet the body's need for all nutrients, and the resulting monotony of the urine reaction can contribute to the formation of salts of a different composition.

A diet for urolithiasis is prescribed to provide gentle nutrition for the kidneys, promotes the removal of various metabolic products from the body. Compliance with the diet provides for the exclusion from the diet of products that include purines, oxalic acid, limits salt intake, increases the amount of free fluid (if there are no contraindications) and alkalizing products (vegetables and fruits, dairy products). In addition, the diet reduces the consumption of proteins and fats. Be sure to boil meat, fish and poultry, culinary processing of food and food temperature is normal. During cooking, half of the purines contained remain in the broth, so broths should not be eaten. After boiling, poultry, fish and meat can be used in the preparation of a variety of dishes (fried, stewed, baked), minced products. Meat and fish can be combined in approximately equal amounts. It is recommended to include dishes from these products in the diet no more than 2-3 times a week. A serving of meat should not exceed 150 g, fish - 17 g. Diet - 5 times a day. Instead of an afternoon snack, a rosehip broth is recommended.

Chemical composition therapeutic diet

- 70 g of proteins, 50% of which are of animal origin and mainly dairy;

- 80 g of fats, 30% of which are vegetable;

- 350-400 g of carbohydrates, of which 80 g is sugar;

- 8-10 g of salt;

- 1.5–2 liters or more of liquid.

The energy value of this diet is 2400-2600 calories.

Meat, poultry, fish are interchangeable. Milk - 0.5 l, meat - 120 g, unsalted cheese - 30 g, one egg, 6 slices of bread, half a cup of cereals, 1 serving of potatoes, 3 or more servings of vegetables, fruits and juices (optional), sugar or jam less than 4 teaspoons, oil - less than 2 teaspoons, weak tea, coffee if desired.


The consumption of pastry products is limited.


Vegetarian soups are allowed: borscht, cabbage soup, vegetable soups, soups with cereals, cold soups, milk fruit soups.

Soups on meat, fish and mushroom broths, with the addition of sorrel, spinach and legumes are prohibited.

Meat, poultry, fish

The therapeutic diet allows the consumption of low-fat species and varieties. A maximum of 3 times a week, you can eat 150 g of boiled meat or 160-170 g of boiled fish. Boiled meat, poultry, fish can be used to prepare stews, fried, baked dishes, as well as dishes from cutlet mass. A combination of meat and fish is allowed in equal quantities.

Kidneys, liver, brains, tongue, meat of young birds and animals, sausages, smoked products, salted fish, canned fish and meat, caviar are not allowed to be eaten.

Dairy products

You can use milk, sour-milk drinks, sour cream, cottage cheese and cottage cheese dishes, cheese.

Salted cheeses are prohibited.


One egg per day, prepared in any way, is allowed. It is better to eat chicken or quail eggs.


You can eat any food in moderation.

Legumes are prohibited.

Mushrooms, fresh legumes, spinach, rhubarb, sorrel, cauliflower, purslane are not allowed. The amount of salted and pickled vegetables is limited.


Salty snacks, smoked dishes, canned food, fish caviar are prohibited.

fruits, sweet

An increased amount of fruits and berries, fresh and cooked in any way, is recommended. It is allowed to use dried fruits, milk creams and jelly, marmalade, marshmallows, non-chocolate sweets, jam, honey, meringues.

The use of chocolate, figs, raspberries, cranberries, lingonberries is not allowed.

Sauces and spices

Sauces on vegetable broth are allowed, tomato sauce, sour cream, milk sauces. Allowed use citric acid, vanillin, cinnamon, bay leaf, dill, parsley.

Sauces prepared with meat, fish or mushroom broths are prohibited. The use of pepper, mustard, horseradish is not allowed.

The drinks

You can drink tea with lemon, with the addition of milk, weak coffee with milk, fruit and vegetable juices, fruit drinks, water with juices, kvass. Decoctions of wild rose, wheat bran and dried fruits are useful.

Cocoa, strong tea and coffee are prohibited.

Menu examples


Breakfast: cottage cheese, bread and butter, vinaigrette (sour cream dressing), tea with milk.

Dinner: scrambled eggs, buckwheat porridge, juices.

Afternoon snack: soup (vegetarian) with fried roots with sour cream, fried potatoes, sauerkraut, meat cooked in breadcrumbs, compote.

Dinner: vegetable cutlets, cottage cheese, pasta casserole, jelly.

For the night: milk with a bun.

Drink on an empty stomach rosehip broth (100 ml) or heated alkaline mineral water.

First breakfast: oatmeal with milk (liquid) 150 g, milk 200 g.

Lunch: grape juice (200 ml).

Dinner: pureed vegetable soup (150 ml), milk jelly (180 ml).

Afternoon snack: a glass of carrot juice.

Dinner: rice porridge with milk (liquid) 150 g, fruit compote (180 g).

In the evening: a glass of kefir.

For the night: a cup of unsweetened tea diluted with milk.

First breakfast: vegetable salad with butter, soft-boiled egg, apple-carrot wheat pudding, tea.

Lunch: rosehip infusion.

Dinner: milk soup with vermicelli, potato cutlets, jelly.

Afternoon snack: apples.

Dinner: cabbage rolls with vegetables and rice, tea with baked cheesecakes.

Before bedtime: decoction of wheat bran.

First breakfast: weak coffee, apple and beetroot salad with sour cream.

Lunch: fresh fruits, scrambled eggs with tomatoes.

Dinner: vegetable stew with boiled beef, okroshka, tea with lemon.

Afternoon snack: berry compote.

Dinner: salad with fresh vegetables from potatoes, cabbage casserole with sour cream sauce, tea with milk.

For the night: boil wheat bran, strain. Drink half a glass.

First breakfast: rosehip broth, beetroot salad with prunes.

Lunch: weak coffee, soft-boiled egg.

Dinner: macaroni and cheese, oatmeal milk soup, carrot cutlets poured with sour cream, tea (lemon is not prohibited).

Afternoon snack: a glass of fruit juice.

Dinner: prunes baked in the oven with cottage cheese, dumplings with cottage cheese, rosehip broth.

For the night: kefir.


First breakfast: vinaigrette with butter, oatmeal milk porridge, coffee with milk.

Lunch: berry compote, scrambled eggs with apples.

Dinner: beef stroganoff (boiled), beetroot, stewed cabbage, fruit jelly.

Afternoon snack: fruit (fresh)

Dinner: curd syrniki, beets stuffed with rice and apples, rosehip broth.

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The following excerpt from the book 100 recipes for urolithiasis. Tasty, healthy, sincere, healing (Irina Vecherskaya, 2014) provided by our book partner -