Lacquer for an open terrace. How to cover a terrace board - processing options

When equipping a wooden terrace, one of the important tasks is to ensure maximum protection of wood from any type of precipitation and climatic phenomena, as well as to give all structures an aesthetic appearance. The use of varnishes for outdoor work is the most acceptable in such cases, as it allows you to fully preserve appearance wood texture and emphasize its texture.

Why it is beneficial to use wood deck varnish for outdoor applications

Buy terrace varnish for protection wooden structures beneficial for the following reasons:

  • increased resistance to abrasion and mechanical damage;
  • simple technology application;
  • excellent decorative properties, emphasizing the texture pattern of wood;
  • increased resistance to moisture;
  • improved fire safety;
  • unpretentiousness during operation;
  • the minimum coefficient of thermal expansion, preventing cracking and destruction of the protective layer.

The main types of varnishes for wooden terraces for outdoor use

Lacquer for terraces is a special solution that has excellent adhesion to wooden surfaces and is able to form a continuous protective film. It is made on the basis of one of the following components:

  • oils;
  • polyurethane;
  • alkyd resins;
  • solvents.

Polyurethane varnishes for decking are fast hardening compositions that within 4-8 hours are able to create a durable outer layer that is resistant to temperature extremes, mechanical stress and ultraviolet radiation. Oil formulations differ in natural composition, similar strength characteristics with polyurethane, but with an increased curing time of up to 2-3 days.

Attention! Before applying any type of varnish, it is important to properly prepare the surface: clean it of dirt, remove grease stains and dry it from water. Only in this case is formed a continuous reliable protective layer with the necessary technical and operational characteristics.

Alkyd varnishes for decking are highly resistant to chemical substances, as well as the ability to slightly darken the natural shades of wood, making its fibers more expressive. Solvent-based formulations offer minimal wood protection, have a long drying time, but at the same time their cost is minimal.

In our online store you can buy a wide range of terrace varnish from well-known manufacturers at competitive prices. All product lines are certified and fully meet modern quality standards. If necessary, our experienced specialists will help to make right choice and provide recommendations for use.

Wooden terraces or verandas are a fairly popular construction option. It is convenient to work with wood, it is affordable and brings a certain color and a touch of naturalness to the veranda. But everyone knows that wooden flooring, which will not be protected by anything, will not retain its beauty, structure and natural color for long. And the life of the tree will be completely reduced. This applies to open verandas or terraces.

The thing is that under the influence of sunlight, moisture from rain, temperature changes and biocorrosion, the tree deteriorates. That is why it should be protected. But, the question arises: how to cover a wooden veranda? You will learn the answer to this question from this material.

Use of outdoor paints for wood

  • beeswax;
  • vegetable oils;
  • animal fat.

In addition, they used pine resin, tar or saline solutions. All this protected the tree. However, today, thanks to the development of the chemical industry, we all have affordable coatings that serve as a protection for wood. They are ideal to protect an open veranda or terrace made of wood.

Note! It is necessary to treat wood with special impregnations against moisture and decay even at the stage of construction of an object.

Nowadays, very different chemical production products are available, which are conventionally divided into 3 groups:

  1. Enamel paints and varnishes.
  2. Varnishes for wood.
  3. Wax products and oils.

We are considering a list of materials that are used only for outdoor use or universal means for covering wood that is operated in adverse conditions and with a high level of stress. This is exactly the area in which there is an open terrace or veranda made of wood.

  1. Partially whitens it and endows it with the ability to resist burning.
  2. Gives the wooden surface the same degree of absorption.
  3. Prevents damage to the tree by fungus, mold and insects.
  4. Reduces the amount of topcoat applied, i.e. its consumption.
  5. Extends the life of the wood finish.

It is recommended to buy paints and varnishes and primers from the same manufacturer. For example, manufacturers such as Neomid, Senezh, Ultan and Rogneda have a line of products for a wood veranda, which consists of biocidal solutions, flame retardant primers, tar removers and even winter concentrates with a moisture repellent effect.

To begin with, let's look at the special enamels that are used to cover wooden terraces and verandas.

Enamel as a means of protecting a wooden veranda

Enamel is a multi-component tinted mixture. After its application and drying, a strong protective film is formed on the tree, which also has a decorative effect. Enamel will not only protect the veranda or terrace, but also make it more beautiful.

There are several variations of enamels that are produced on the basis of such components:

  1. Natural modified and mineral oils. The output is a well-known oil paint, which has good weather and wear resistance, has a high level of adhesion and is suitable for both wood and metal and concrete.
  2. Solvent based. This composition has already been tested by time. It is known as nitrocellulose paint, which can be used even in places with high humidity (near water: lakes, rivers, seas). After application, a smooth glossy film with high strength is created on the surface. Such paint is toxic, however, this is not important for outdoor use in the veranda, as the smell will disappear after a few days.
  3. from polymer resins. To process wood flooring in the veranda, you can use the entire range of products that are marked "for the floor". The range of products is great. This includes alkyd paints (universal and narrow direction), urethane-alkyd compounds, polyurethane-acrylic, etc. All of them are divided into compositions containing acetone and water-based. Those made with water are practically odorless, safe, have high spreadability and wear resistance. But acetone-containing compounds have increased resistance to light, shock and are abrasive-resistant. Enamel on the solvent is thicker, has a pronounced smell, which disappears rather quickly.

Almost every foreign or domestic manufacturer has a series of alkyd, urethane-alkyd, cellulose ether or polyurethane-acrylic enamels used for wooden floors. They are suitable for covering verandas and terraces.

Note! If we talk about the color range of products for wood coating, then domestic firms have it limited: from yellow to dark brown. But such giants as "Tikkurila", "Nobel", "Zobel" and "Akzo" can boast of a rich assortment. There are white shades and many others. There are even base paints that can be tinted with any of the 5 thousand tones.

As you can see, there are a lot of coating options for an open wooden terrace or veranda. All you have to do is choose one of them and get started. It is worth noting that immediately before covering the boards on the veranda with enamel, we recommend that you read the instructions on the package and read it carefully. The main principles are as follows:

  1. The tree must be smooth, dry, sanded, free of defects, rot and mold.
  2. Application is carried out with any painting tool: brush, roller, sponge or spray gun.

Lacquer for decking and floor boards

If you ask what is the most capricious composition among all paintwork materials, then we can say with confidence that this is varnish. This is a complex transparent or translucent solution, which includes a film-forming resin, solvents (organic and inorganic), other additives and pigments. The use of varnishes is resorted to if it is necessary to emphasize the beauty and texture of the tree, highlighting its pattern and pattern.

You can use floor varnish only on the basis of polymer resins - polyurethane, alkyd, polyurethane-acrylic, urethane-alkyd, or parquet varnish. As for the scope of use, it is not suitable for use in open wooden terraces or verandas. The fact is that the lacquer film does not have elasticity. As a result, with a seasonal change in the linear size of a terrace or floor wooden board, the varnish will crack and peel off. Parquet varnish on outdoor verandas and terraces will last a maximum of 2 years.

Why are we considering outdoor deck varnish? It's simple: on the forums and on the Internet in general, "experienced" craftsmen advise using varnish for a tree in an open veranda. But, that's not really sound advice. Others advise resorting to covering the floor with yacht varnish. Despite its weather resistance, it does not have impact, abrasion or wear resistance. It can not be used for an open veranda or terrace.

Waxes and oils for wood floors

Well, here we come to the most popular products for covering the wooden floor of the terrace and veranda. Oil and wax is an affordable and simple material that can be found anywhere. This is a multi-component mixture consisting of organic and synthetic components with a fat content. The basis is vegetable oil of flax, rapeseed, sunflower or soy, as well as bees, candelilla or carnauba wax.

Oil and wax are applied to wooden planks by rubbing, due to which the composition is absorbed into the pores. Thanks to this, the tree becomes protected and acquires natural beauty and brilliance. No film appears after processing, just the wood becomes oiled. Due to such impregnation, the tree will not be afraid of water and moisture, dirt and abrasion (partially). The compositions can be colorless, tinted and pigmented.

As for the coating of the veranda, terrace or pier, a special line of products is produced, which includes special additives. They make the surface of the wooden floor of the veranda frost-resistant, non-slip and resistant to bacteria and other microorganisms. Due to this, the boards will retain color longer, do not darken, do not crack. So, you can increase the life of the boards for the veranda.

Advice! Oil on the board can be applied using a special pad. It is very fast, high quality and convenient. Wood processing work on the veranda is done without any effort.

When choosing wax or oil for wood, consider the type of wood that was used for the veranda or terrace. Often the labels indicate whether the product can be used on resinous or exotic woods. In addition, the approximate consumption of the compositions and the recommended application method are indicated there:

  • sponge;
  • rags;
  • brush;
  • scotch brite.

And before buying, do not hesitate to ask the consultant for a sample of the material on wood. Thanks to this, you can choose the product and its shade, focusing on the original readings. Pay attention to the cost of products. In this case, you do not need to save money, since the result can be deplorable, well, buying the most expensive tool is also an extreme. You can ask a consultant for advice.

Summing up

In this article, you learned what tools can be used to protect a wooden open veranda. This is a special place where it is pleasant to spend time on warm summer days. And to make it also durable, protecting the tree and decorating it, you can use protective impregnations, enamel or wax oil. They have the properties you need.

Owners country houses and cottages try to make the atmosphere as comfortable and attractive as possible. This is not always easy to achieve if you do not use wood, because ceramics or concrete do not look so profitable.

Often, it is wood that is taken as the basis of the floor, which is covered with special compounds for a long service life: varnishes, waxes, oils. Here it is important to take into account the fact that the material must necessarily breathe and prevent mold from developing.

Advantages of oils for facades and terraces

Terrace oil is a versatile remedy with a huge number of benefits. It reliably protects the surface from moisture and UV rays. In the process of processing, the wood becomes matte or glossy, resistant to dirt and mold.


  1. Does not blister when coated.
  2. Excellent resistance to moisture.
  3. Does not peel off.
  4. Resistant to dirt.
  5. Effective protection against aggressive factors.
  6. Highlights the texture of the wood, making it beautiful.
Experts recommend purchasing oils for wooden facades in order to protect them from deformation, dirt and decay as much as possible. After treatment with the composition, the varnishes for the terrace lie much more evenly on the surface.

Varieties of finishing coatings

To date, there are many varieties, so the choice should be approached with all responsibility. Allocate species with:
  1. natural wax;
  2. colorant;
  3. antibacterial effect;
  4. specialized additives.

If the choice of oil for facades or terraces is implied, then the composition with an antibacterial effect and a colorant will be the best. In this case, the surface will be protected from mold and will become the most attractive. In addition, it is better to buy gazebo wax and oils with anti-slip ingredients that will create comfort in winter.

High-quality wood deck oils, as well as varnishes and waxes, must meet a number of requirements. There are several recommendations that will help you make the right choice and make the coating durable in operation:
  1. What is the intended purpose? They are functional, decorative and protective. The first increases resistance to wear, takes care of the exclusion of deformation of the tree. The decorative option highlights the relief, hides flaws and evens out. Protective protect the surface from external influences.
  2. Apply oil to wooden facade better with a sponge, brush, roller on a dried surface.
  3. Particular attention should be paid to the ends, because durability directly depends on quality.
  4. The composition of the oil is advised to interfere before painting and during it.
  5. The oil will begin to show its functional features in about a week.

Effective security wooden surfaces in the form of facades and terraces significantly increases the operating time. When choosing a terrace oil, it is worth considering the type of coverage, that is, furniture, veranda and floors need improved protection from moisture and sunlight. In this case, it is better to choose oil with wax.
For interior decoration premises, materials with decorative parameters are purchased, for example, gloss, colorant, gloss. It is also worth paying attention to the basis of oils from natural ingredients.

Outdoor furniture all year round, as well as terraces and piers, it is recommended to treat wood oil: Valtti, or Valtti Aqua.

  • Heat-treated surfaces can be coated with oil, glaze antiseptic or other products designed for wood. Tikkurila glazing compounds and oils can be tinted to match 318R heat treated wood.
  • Rust-prone parts of the berth above the water are recommended to be treated with Rostex Super and Miranol compositions, or with a special alkyd helmet Unica.
  • It is recommended to always choose a tinted material, as a glazing antiseptic, colorless varnish or oil does not adequately protect the wooden surface from sunlight.
  • The oil treatment brings out the natural color of the wood.
  • Furniture that is outdoors all year round, as well as terraces and piers, it is recommended to treat with oil and wax 1-2 times a year.
  • Previously oiled surfaces should be treated with oil.
  • Attention! Observe safety precautions when applying protective compounds for wooden surfaces. Before use, read the instructions on the label and technical specifications product.

Before painting

  • The moisture content of wood should not exceed 18%. Too high moisture content of the wood leads to poor absorption and adhesion of the paint, which can subsequently lead to peeling of the paint layer.
  • The optimum temperature in the room to be painted is + 15-20 °C, and the relative humidity is 50%. The moisture content of the treated wood should not exceed 20%.
  • Wash moldy areas with Homeenpoisto diluted 1:3 with water. Apply the solution from bottom to top. Let the composition work and rinse with plenty of water using a brush from top to bottom. After washing, the surface requires technical repair. Protect glass surfaces before washing.
  • Before starting work, carefully read the instructions on the label.
  • The optimal weather for painting work is windless, warm and cloudy.
  • When processing wood with glazing compounds, the final color of the surface depends on the type of wood, its hardness and initial shade, as well as on the number of layers. To determine the final color, it is recommended to carry out a trial painting!
  • When using glazing compositions, the surface is varnished continuously from edge to edge in the direction of the wood fibers in order to achieve a uniform final coating.
  • A new pressure-impregnated board is recommended to be kept outdoors for no more than six months before processing.
  • Check the condition of the surface and repeat if necessary.

During coloring

  • Paints and varnishes are recommended to be thoroughly mixed before use and during painting. Allow Miranol and window paint to reach their thixotropic consistency before applying.
  • To prevent moisture from entering the wood, carefully treat the end ends with both a primer and a top coat.
  • For temporary storage paint roller or the brush can be placed in a plastic bag and tied tightly.

After painting

  • Allow enough time for the painted surface to dry. Drying of the surface layer of varnish or paint does not mean final drying. Materials usually require from several days to a month to completely dry, depending on the type of material and the thickness of the layer.
  • Inspect the condition of the treated surfaces annually and carry out the necessary technical repairs in time.
  • If the paint is not completely used, wipe the edges of the can and close it carefully so that the lid fits into the can to the brim. Turn the jar upside down for a short time, this will ensure that the lid closes tightly. Long-term storage of paint in incomplete or loosely closed containers should be avoided.
  • Liquid paint residues are recommended to be taken to a hazardous waste collection point. Empty dry containers can be recycled or taken to a public landfill.

Wood flooring without proper protection does not retain its natural color and beauty for long. Rain, snow, direct sunlight, temperature changes, biocorrosion processes significantly reduce the life of the material. Therefore, it is necessary to know how and with what to cover the wooden floor on an open veranda, terrace, private pier and other similar structures.

Since ancient times, people have tried to preserve buildings and wood products in their original form. To do this, they were treated with any available fat-containing agents (vegetable oils, beeswax, animal fats), tar or pine resin, soaked in saline solutions, including sodium and sulfate (vitriol). The modern chemical industry produces many compositions for covering wooden floors in the gazebo, on the terrace or veranda. This is a whole range of tools that can be divided into three large groups:

  1. Enamel paints.
  2. Lucky.
  3. Oils and waxes.

All of the above products labeled "outdoor" or "universal" are designed to cover wood exposed to harsh weather conditions, as well as heavy foot traffic. Manufacturers recommend using them only in combination with special indelible primers. These are special impregnations that:

  • partially bleach the wood, give fire resistance;
  • level the degree of absorbency of the surface,
  • prevent infection of wood with fungi, mold, damage by bugs.
  • reduce the consumption of the finish coating;
  • increase the life of the coating.

It is advisable to buy primers of the same brand as the varnish. It can be combined taking into account the characteristics of the wood and the desired effect. Manufacturers such as Senezh, Rogneda, Ultan, Neomid and others have developed a whole series of wood products, including simple biocidal solutions, flame retardant primers, deresiners, and even winter concentrates with a hydrophobic effect.


They are multicomponent tinted mixtures, which, after drying, form a strong protective film with decorative effect. For outdoor work, they are produced on the basis of:

  • natural modified and mineral oils. It turns out the so-called oil paint, which has good wear and weather resistance, fits perfectly on wood, concrete and metal.
  • Solvents. The time-tested nitrocellulose ink can be used even in permanent high humidity(on the coast, etc.), creates a smooth, glossy, durable film on the surface. The material is considered toxic, although this is not essential for external use - the smell will disappear in a few days.
  • polymer resins. For processing floor coverings you can use the whole range of products marked "for the floor." These are alkyd universal and specialized paints, alkyd and urethane-alkyd, polyurethane-acrylic and others. They are divided into aqueous and acetone-containing compounds. The former have a low odor, are safe for others, are characterized by high spreadability and wear resistance. But the latter are considered the most light-, abrasive- and shock-resistant. Enamels on solvents are thicker, have a pronounced smell of petroleum products, which quickly disappears.

Almost every Russian and foreign manufacturer has a series of alkyd, cellulose ether, polyurethane-acrylic or urethane-alkyd floor enamels. Domestic factories produce a limited palette - from yellow to dark brown. Zobel, Tikkurila, Akzo Nobel and other giants of the chemical industry can offer a richer choice, including white shades and special base colors for tinting in any of the 5,000 tones.

Before you cover the wooden floor with paint, you must carefully read the instructions for use of the finishing paintwork. The surface must be dry, smooth, sanded, free of foci of rot, mold and other defects. Enamels are applied with any painting tools: brush, roller, spray gun, sponge.


Lacquer compositions are considered the most capricious among paintwork materials. These are complex transparent or translucent solutions consisting of film-forming resins, solvents (of organic or synthetic origin), various additives and pigments. Varnishes are chosen in cases where it is necessary to emphasize the texture of wood, highlight its pattern.

For floor coverings, only parquet varnishes based on polymer resins are suitable - alkyd, urethane-alkyd, polyurethane, polyurethane-acrylic. Products are produced, as a rule, for indoor use. This material is not suitable for external processing - the varnish film does not have sufficient elasticity. Therefore, as a result of seasonal changes in the linear dimensions of the floor board, the top layer will quickly begin to crack, peel and peel off. The service life of parquet varnish on the veranda is no more than 1-2 years.

Note that on the forums you can often find recommendations from masters about using yacht varnishes for finishing the floor in the gazebo or on the terrace. Yes, this type of product is weather-resistant, but does not have the proper wear, impact and abrasion resistance. Therefore, it is not suitable for floor wood flooring, especially with increased foot loads.

Oil and ether-cellulose compositions work on joinery (doors, windows, lining, panels, railings) and furniture. It is undesirable to use them for the floor.

Oils and waxes

We can say with confidence that this is the most popular type of wood coating in Russia. They are multicomponent mixtures of organic fat-containing and synthetic components. The basis, as a rule, are vegetable oils (linseed, rapeseed, sunflower, soybean) and waxes (bees, candelilla, carnauba).

Oil for wood processing on the terrace, veranda.

Oils and waxes are applied to the surface of the wood by rubbing and are literally absorbed into the pores, emphasizing the natural beauty of the floor. In this case, the film does not form, rather the tree turns out to be oiled. Such impregnation protects against water, dirt, partial abrasion and the formation of dents from impact loads. They produce colorless, tinted and pigmented formulations.

For the treatment of terraces, verandas, piers, a separate series is produced with the addition of special additives (anti-slip, fungicidal and frost-resistant), thanks to which the terrace board will not crack, darken and rot for a long time, and the operational period will increase significantly. These are finishing Pinotex Wood & Terrace Oil, Tikkurilla Valtti Puuöljy, Osmo Antirutsch Terrassen Öl and others. Used in combination with water or hydrocarbon based primers or impregnations.

Applying oil with pads.

When choosing the right oil and wax, the type of wood must be taken into account. The label usually indicates whether the coating can be applied on exotic or resinous varieties, as well as the approximate consumption and method of application - with a brush, sponge, pad, rag, scotch brite. When buying, ask sellers to show you professional colors - this will help you decide on both the product and the shade.

When choosing a wood preservative for outdoor decks, verandas or balconies, remember that outdoor floor enamels, oils or waxes are the most durable. With proper application, they will save you from the hassle for at least 5-7 years. But it’s better not to mess with varnishes - it’s too problematic and unreliable.

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