List of search portals for construction crews. How to find good builders

You can leave an application for measurements on the company's website, after which the manager will coordinate the time and place of the measurer's departure as soon as possible. In the presence of a ready-made design project or sketch, the term for compiling a complete estimate documentation does not exceed 1 working day.

The measurer's visit to you to determine the scope of work, as well as to draw up an estimate is free of charge, and the consultation of a professional estimator will allow you to decide on the best option carrying out repair finishing works.

The company's specialists have in their arsenal the whole set professional equipment and tools from leading manufacturers, which allows you to perform construction and finishing work at a high level. Control of all activities is carried out by a qualified foreman and head of the site.

A personal manager is also ready to answer all questions related to ongoing repair and finishing work. If necessary, you can independently monitor the progress of the repair thanks to the provided “photo-report” service. It should be noted that all personnel have the citizenship of the Russian Federation, possess highly qualified, and is allowed to work only after special training and certification.

In 2010, there were changes related to the mandatory licensing of the activities of companies involved in construction and finishing works. Currently, such organizations are classified as SROs and are required to have a permit allowing the implementation of plumbing and electrical work. Thus, repair work is carried out in accordance with the ISO-9001 standard, SNiP and SRO approval.

The tariff scale provides for both the use of your materials in the work, and the purchase and delivery of all consumables by the company itself. When choosing materials, special attention is paid to quality and the availability of relevant certificates. The works always use exclusively high-quality materials from leading, well-established manufacturers, and the quantity and main parameters must be fully specified in the estimate documentation.

As practice shows, it is advisable to entrust the selection and acquisition of draft materials to professionals. Decoration Materials can be purchased directly by you. If necessary, the company's specialist will advise you on their selection and acquisition.

These services are included in the list of tariffs, and must be prescribed in the contract. If necessary, the company's specialists will take care of all the problems that are associated with the procedure for the removal and storage of interior items or furniture.

After the entire volume repair work, the masters will take out all the garbage, after which dry and wet cleaning of the premises is carried out. It should also be noted that the phased repair allows you to minimize all the inconvenience that may arise in the process of performing work.

After signing the contract, you make a standard prepayment for the purchase of materials. All work performed is paid only after the fact, after you sign the acceptance certificate. Staged payment involves making Money after the acceptance of each stage of work. If you need to make a non-cash payment, you must obtain the details from your personal manager.

An important nuance is that the full cost is prescribed in the contract and remains unchanged at all stages. Changing the cost is possible only at your request, with a change in the amount of repair work performed. The ability to pay for all materials after delivery and repair work after their completion completely eliminates any risks.

Repair work begins with the preparatory and dismantling stages, during which the removal of all old finishes and high-quality surface preparation are carried out. The entire process of repair work conditionally includes several main stages, represented by design, budgeting, procurement of materials, preparation, finishing, as well as furniture placement and equipment.

Rough and fine finishes are complemented by work on plumbing fixtures, heating and water systems, and electrical wiring, so repairs are carried out by fitters, electricians, plumbers, plasterers and carpenters.

Cosmetic repairs do not involve replacing windows and doors, leveling wall or ceiling surfaces, as well as replacing electrical wiring and plumbing communications. Implementation overhaul consists in carrying out a large amount of work, represented by the removal of the old finish, the alignment of all surfaces and the replacement of communications, as well as redevelopment.

Euro-renovation belongs to the category of completely professional and high-quality repair works, distinguished by the use of the most modern equipment and the latest technologies. Such repairs include the most complete set of activities carried out in accordance with a professionally developed design project.

The cost of repair work is an individual indicator. The formation of the final price is influenced by several main factors, including the volume of all necessary work, the general condition of the premises and the complexity of the repair.

Of course, the total cost of cosmetic repairs will be an order of magnitude lower than the implementation of major repairs. A well-designed design project and cost estimate documentation allows you to correctly and accurately determine the final cost.

The company's specialists are able to perform work at a high level, regardless of their degree of complexity and volume, therefore they are ready to offer both turnkey repairs and certain types works. However, a comprehensive repair is always more profitable solution, allowing you to save about 25-30% of the total cost.

Before finally deciding on the scope of partial repairs, it is recommended to get advice from qualified specialists of the company.

The development of a design project includes the preparation of a measurement plan and a draft drawing, as well as a list of building and finishing materials and visualization. If you wish, you can provide the company with a self-made sketch, which should show the desired location of furniture, lighting fixtures and electrical outlets as accurately as possible.

The company takes a responsible approach to all stages associated with the repair, therefore, the contract that is concluded between you and the company as a contractor provides a guarantee not only for the used components and building and finishing materials, but also for all types of repair and finishing work performed.

The act of delivery of the object is signed by you only after acceptance of the work. If necessary, experts service department and technical support, an operational visit to the facility and the rapid elimination of all problems or malfunctions that have arisen during the operation are carried out. You can familiarize yourself with the template of a standard contract at the request sent to email companies.

Contractor scammers are commemorated with an unkind word in most of the "construction" letters and questions received by the editors. Take at least. And if the owners of houses, writing to us about the problems and shortcomings of the new building, are not yet sure of the sources of their troubles, then the specialist can always see that it could not have done without sloppiness or ineptitude of the performers.

This recurring situation in different parts of the country requires attention. That is why in this article we will take a closer look at selection algorithm workers for the construction of a country house.

Let's talk "in an adult way" - about choosing a qualified team of builders to build a new house with all modern attributes. This task is very, very difficult.

Some terminology

  • Person, who decides to build, must have the appropriate resources for this and have the necessary documents for the land where the construction is planned. This face is called customer or customer-developer.
  • The company that organizes the work as a whole is called general contractor.
  • Enterprises that perform certain types of work are called subcontractors.
The company you choose must first of all become organizer of the entire construction process. Traditionally, the general contractor undertakes civil works: excavation, construction, erection and, internal. The level of his direct participation in the subcontract is determined only by current resources and material interest in individual stages construction. The general contractor "fights" for the amount of work. Moreover, he simultaneously performs several projects, shuffling specialists and equipment around the sites, depending on the financing and technological situation at the sites.

So what to choose - a general construction or a highly specialized organization? The answer is clear: independent work it is better to entrust the company - the master of their craft.

For instance, companies operating only on the zero cycle, equipped with expensive earth-moving equipment and their own vehicles. They have materials for reusable panel formwork and concrete mixers for erection monolithic foundation.

Modern mansard roof - these are several layers of high-tech materials, and each one is stacked taking into account only its inherent features.

Therefore, we can say that the real roofing companies stood out in a special caste, whose members are in great demand during the warm season. In addition, they have established relationships with manufacturers of the entire complex over the years. roofing materials and accessories, so their prices are set with good discounts.

Stand apart in the construction labor market cutters of wooden houses. They have their own assembly features, their own calculations of the natural shrinkage of the house and their own operating rules after construction. And only those men who know how to hold an ax in their hands take up this business. By the way, this is the most deficient construction profession, and real cutters - "go and find it." But such a specialized company can take on the functions of a general contractor and be sure to provide a guarantee for all work, as well as perform post-warranty service.

TO indisputable advantages of the general contractor must be attributed to he is responsible for the object as a whole accepting work from subcontractors. And one more important aspect: general contractors have sufficient experience in the design of a house ready for commissioning.

Contract required!

In suburban construction, the concept of "general contract" can be used when the customer and the contractor sign one contract for the full scope of work. The contract stipulates:
  • thing,
  • terms,
  • price,
  • payment order,
  • the responsibility of the parties
  • penalties for unfulfilled work and their delay.
We can talk about such a scheme in the case when the customer has complete design and technical documentation. Only if there is a project a detailed and transparent estimate is prepared.

Usually, when designing, the price of an object is determined per 1 sq. m. In the vast majority of cases, the real, final cost exceeds the original calculation. This applies not only to cottages, but also to grandiose construction projects. This is the essence of construction - price increase in the process. In connection with possible changes in the wishes of the customer, the scope of work may also change. So it is necessary that the estimate detail the composition, footage and cost of each work.

I want to draw the attention of beginners to such a craft concept as executive documentation. Traditionally, it is simply called "executive". This is especially true of acts of hidden work. What is this wisdom? This is a document signed by both parties to the contract, indicating the quality of the construction element, which is subsequently closed at the next stages of construction. The most common example is checking the quality of concrete in the foundation, which will subsequently be closed by the box of the house.

You, as the person concerned, should be aware of this and prevent the formal signing of acts "with closed eyes". And even more so - in hindsight.

What to talk about at the first meeting with the contractor

A thorough check of a possible contractor will help avoid contact with a one-day firm. Familiarize yourself with the charter of the organization and take an interest in the period of its activity. Of course, it is worth getting to know the real country houses, built by potential applicants for your object. Serious consideration should be given to the first meeting with the contractor's representative. Consider the sequence of the conversation, make a list of the questions that are most unclear to you.

Should be delivered to a potential contractor a number of conditions necessary for the conclusion of a contract:

  1. Mandatory preparation of a detailed project for the production of works (term - PPR) and estimates indicating the types of work and monitoring of each stage both by the customer himself and by a third party - an independent construction specialist.
  2. Step by step financing of the project. Providing an advance for the purchase of building materials.
  3. Provision of the contractor with permanent qualified personnel.
A few more topics for discussion:
  • Estimation of the volume of construction financing.
  • The list of events - from obtaining a building permit to putting the house into operation.
  • Consulting on modern building technologies.
  • Project expertise. In this place, the contractor always has a lot of complaints about the project and the desire to modernize it. This may be due to some “cloudy thinking” of the creative architect, and the desire to simplify the algorithm for constructing a dacha.
  • Ways to select potential subcontractors.
  • Related issues of construction support. For example, the organization of the place of resettlement of builders in change houses and related integral aspects of their life for several months.

An experienced representative of the contracting company will answer all your questions on the merits and will not evade clear answers.

A special conversation is the regulation of inevitably arising claims and ways to resolve them. After all, your relationship with this construction company can continue after the completion of the work.

After the construction of the cottage, it is better to take care of the problems of its maintenance and modernization of the same company that built it. Annual audits by a specialist are undoubtedly useful: they allow you to identify and eliminate the problem at the very beginning.

Of course, all of the above implies that you will visit the office of not one construction company, but several, and independently form an idea of real opportunities candidates.

How much is it?

As a rule, construction companies seek to reduce costs in order to increase profits. Tempting prices attract customers, the number of construction contracts is increasing. True professionals improve the management structure, work organization, employee training, technologies, tools, etc., carefully calculate labor costs, and reduce costs.

However, there are other companies on the market of private construction contracts that do not bother with accurate calculations, but ensure their alleged solidity only by high prices. Along the way for the "zero" years cottage construction became noticeably more complicated, acquired new technologies and materials, its cost increased significantly. Builders-contractors are forced to lay a solid financial reserve to compensate for the costs. Officially, these costs and inventory are hidden under the term "overhead." Of course, they cannot be. The only question is their size. Here you will need to compare the offers of several building contractors.

Not knowing all these building subtleties, the customer fully trusts the contractor, entrusting him with the ability to manage the funds. And is it necessary to do so? Therefore, I would suggest using a "third party" - an experienced specialist involved. Best of all - a foreman. Hire an experienced civil engineer you trust to help you.

He will become your construction "lawyer". By paying for his work, you will save on possible future alterations. Of course, provided that he does not collude with the contractor.

For most people, the determining "trump card" when choosing a contractor is the cost. But the seductively low prices should be more alarming than encouraging. Traditionally, such promises hide a catch, or even a direct swindle.

How to control construction

Not every summer resident is able to control the quality of construction work, the technology for their implementation and compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents. Therefore, as I said, it is worth trusting a third party - an experienced specialist or an organization that (under an independent contract) will carry out technical supervision of construction. She will also be able to give an objective assessment of the feasibility of expenses, inspect the quality, use them for their intended purpose, and much more. Although in the case of attracting a special company, overhead costs that have already set the teeth on edge arise. By entrusting control functions to such an organization, you have every right to expect detailed compliance of the work performed with the project. In reality it should look like this:
  1. First of all, you need to pay attention quality building materials (so to speak, input control). It is reflected in official certificates of conformity. These documents in the form of photocopies should be checked very carefully. It would be useful to personally look at the brought blocks,. Moreover, inspect the latter for moisture, the absence of blue and other organic imperfections.
  2. The contractor submits a specific stage of work to the representative of technical supervision. This stage is made acceptance certificate. It is preceded by a professional conformity check, including concrete quality tests, which can only give an accurate answer after a few days. Upon completion of all stages of work, the customer is presented with the relevant acts signed by a representative of technical supervision, which indicate the scope and cost of work performed.
How to follow the builders in a modern way, this photo shows. Look at the mast above the change house and what it is crowned with:

The diligent owner of the future house installed a panoramic video camera on the pin, which broadcast the situation at the construction site in real time. In this way, he could monitor the hard work of the hired builders from his office. Here you have a peculiar use of IT-technologies in construction.

I would like to hope that all these tips and tricks will help you find worthy professionals and protect yourself from hacks. Good luck!

Need an electrician to complete electrical work. The facility is a children's clinic. Located in Shushary. Complete cable laying without chasing. Installation of sockets and switches about 30 pcs. Installation of fixtures in Armstrong 44pcs. Collect the shield. Payment in stages. Call until 20.00

Geographically Shushary

29.10.2019 Customer

A team of 10-15 people is required for the installation of gypsum boards - Walls in one layer - 1000 sq.m. / 280 rub. - Partitions in two layers - 550 sq.m. / 410 rub. - Ceilings in one layer - 450 sq.m. / 430 rub. We give out the tool, we give out the material. Piecework payment.

Geographically St. Petersburg

29.10.2019 Customer

Finishers needed for refurbishment of apartments in Kaluga. The walls are putty, primer, wallpaper-186r.m2. The floors in the bathrooms in the corridor and kitchens are tiles-300r.m2. Tiles on the walls-380r.m2. Laminate on the floor 135r.m2. Installation assembled door 500r. Box from gkl-265r.m2. Stucco strobe 8t.r floor. Installation of floor plinth 22r.m.p. Slopes for painting. 130r.m2. Volume of 13 floors with 5 apartments per floor. 2 apartments 3-room and 3 one-room. Deadlines until March 1st. Payment every 2 weeks by any means. We need a team of at least 15 people.

Geographically Kaluga

29.10.2019 Customer

Painters are required, painting walls and ceilings, we will consider only those who are ready to go out and paint. Accommodation on the spot is possible, a day from 2500 rubles

Geographically Moscow

29.10.2019 Customer

It is necessary to repair a room of 140-150 sq m in Moscow. Aperture in the ceiling with the device of a monolithic staircase, tiles on the stairs and the floor, plastering of the walls, installation of partitions from tongue-and-groove plates with total area 126 sq m, electrical, ceiling painted black and suspended ceiling, arrangement of a toilet 4 sq m, laying tiles at the service entrance. accommodation is possible. The total cost of work without materials is 350,000 rubles.

Geographically Moscow

29.10.2019 Customer

It is necessary to change the input cables to the apartments. Requires cable pulling and pipe installation. Punching holes in the apartment, installation of the cable channel. Disconnect all electricians with a permit. Accommodation in a rented apartment.

Geographically Kirishi, Volkhovskaya 6

28.10.2019 Customer

I am looking for a team to carry out a major overhaul in a room with a total area of ​​​​320 sq.m. (15 rooms + utility rooms). List of main works: alteration of interroom. foam block partitions - 30 sq.m; plastering and Painting works- 1000 sq.m.; wall tiles 200 sq.m.; floor tiles 140 sq.m.; laminate flooring 170 sq.m.; suspended either stretch ceiling 320 sq.m.; construction of a concrete ladder with 5 steps and a mezzanine of 3 sq.m. Installation of doors, skirting boards, window sills, repair window slopes, installation of plumbing fixtures (17 bathrooms) - the whole range of repair work, with the exception of the screed, electrical and water communications. Start of work - in the coming days. Without intermediaries and advances! Payment is phased, in cash in the hands of the workers!

Geographically Moscow, Aviamotornaya street

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Now many people think that it is very easy to find a team of builders. The range of firms allows you to really think so. But in practice, the customer faces a number of difficulties. And despite numerous advice on the choice of specialists, it gives preference to insufficiently qualified workers. Construction and repair work is now expensive, is it necessary to pay twice? After all, not only self-taught builders are to blame for poor work, but also customers who were negligent in choosing a team. On our website you can find a team using the service for the selection of proven specialists.

  • We learned about the brigade thanks to the announcement at the bus stop.
  • The company offered a very low price.
  • The project of construction and repair work was not provided.

The first mistake of the customer is a negligent attitude to the search

First, let's look at the first point. You can find builders very quickly, but why such a rush? After all, you can fall for the bait of scammers. If there is a desire to find a really reliable company, it is better to start the search as early as possible, at least six months in advance. It should be noted that professionals are always busy with work during the construction and repair season. Therefore, the customer should be surprised that everyone in the company sits idle in the summer, waiting for a new order. Only by agreeing in advance with the administration of the company, you can expect that active work will begin without a queue at the right time in the summer.

A good team can have a schedule even six months ahead, and this should not be forgotten.

Regular orders for construction teams that really have excellent qualifications are the norm.

The second mistake of the customer is the search for the cheapest prices. Construction companies with an excellent reputation, of course, can offer attractive discounts to their customers. But at the same time, the prices will not differ much. If a team of builders asks for very low payment for their services, you should seriously think about it. Free cheese only happens in a mousetrap. Therefore, you should not cooperate with dubious companies that are trying to lure customers with low prices.

The third reason is that there is no clear plan. If the customer begins to cooperate with a construction company, but he is not provided with a project for the upcoming construction work, then you need to seriously think about it. The presence of drawings is a mandatory component; without it, the processes for arranging the premises will not begin. The company should offer not only its own options, but also listen to the customer, take into account his wishes and, of course, if necessary, make changes to the project. By previewing the sketch, the customer will be able to avoid unpleasant situations that may arise at the end of all work. In order to avoid disagreements, you need to familiarize yourself with the drawings before starting and make changes if necessary.

How to find quickly

Different situations arise, so many people have a question, is it possible in principle to find qualified workers quickly? Naturally, there are practically no chances to start cooperation with the best market players. However, there are still several ways to find suitable option as soon as possible.

Firstly, to search for a brigade, it is better to use specialized sites, the so-called construction exchanges, where construction companies offer their services. For example, the site, here you can find a construction team in almost any region.

Secondly, you need to familiarize yourself with the site of the construction company. Having entered the resource, it is worth viewing not only the sketches that are presented as an example, but also photographs that illustrate the entire process of building a house. By the way, if there are builders in the pictures who will work on the customer’s project, this is real luck. After all, now on sites you can rarely find photos of employees, projects are often presented by models.

When getting acquainted with projects, it is important to review the work in order to assess the level of complexity of the processes being performed. For example, if the company is engaged only in the repair of apartments, will the workers in this company be able to cope with the construction of a cottage? Even if the manager assures that the team will be able to cope with all the processes at the proper level, you should not trust him. If there are no examples of work already completed, then there can be no confidence that the result will meet expectations.

Thirdly, in order to determine whether a construction company offers a low cost, it is worth talking on a specialized forum. Many community members have already built a house or made repairs and are not too lazy to share their impressions.

And fourth, construction company may already exist for a long time on the market, but at the same time have employees without work experience. For example, if the number of orders increases, you need to create new teams - no one wants to lose money. Therefore, the customer has the right to view the portfolio of each employee of the team and make sure that real professionals will take up the work in case of cooperation.

It is not difficult to find a team of builders, however, in order not to be disappointed in the work of specialists as a result, you need to be smart about choosing a company and follow simple tips.