Do-it-yourself swans from car tires. How to cut a swan out of a tire: step by step instructions for a garden product

    The swan is a beautiful bird that adorns any pond. But not everyone can afford to buy and care for real swans. But you can make your own, artificial swan from improvised items.

    Such a swan can be used to decorate a garden or playground.

    You can also make a swan, in which you can pour earth and plant flowers. One way or another, both you and the children will enjoy the aesthetic pleasure of such crafts.

    How to make a swan out of a tire

    1. Prepare old tires, preferably "bald", and mark the cut lines with chalk.

    2. Start cutting along the lines, then bend it so that you get wings.

    3. In order for the head and neck with the breast of the swans to keep their shape, it is advisable to use a stainless steel plate, which must be bent so as to give the shape of the head, neck and breast.

    4. After that, you need to screw the plate to the rubber using inconspicuous small screws.

    5. Also cut out the eyes from the rubber and, using the same screws, attach them to the swan's head. And after that cover our swans twice with white water-based paint, just make the noses red.

    6. It remains only to fix the swan in the halves of the covers, pre-painted in the color of the water (blue, light blue, green), and your swan swims in the pond.

    How to make a swan from a wheel

    This is another option for making a do-it-yourself swan from a tire. To make it, prepare, as always, an old wheel, chalk, sharp knife(just in case, still prepare a hacksaw or jigsaw) and paint.

    1. Using chalk, draw on both sides of the wheel all the details of the future swan, i.e. head, tail, wings, neck, beak.

    2. Start with a sharp knife to cut out all the details along the contour lines.

    * In case some details do not lend themselves, you can use a hacksaw or a jigsaw.

    3. Bend back the wings and neck. If the neck is difficult to bend, plywood will help you with which you can fix it.

    4. It remains to paint the swan.

    How to make a swan (video)

    Watch the video tutorial on how to make a tire swan if you want to understand some of the details. In this lesson, a jigsaw was used.

    How to make a swan out of a tire

    1. The first thing to do is to mark with chalk the places on the tire that you will cut. The images show these lines.

    * If your knife is sharp enough, then everything will take you no more than 20 minutes.

    * It is worth noting that it is very difficult to cut thick rubber, so use a sharp knife, which is periodically moistened with soapy water.

    2. The hardest part of the tire must be knocked out with a chisel or grinder. This part will serve as the head and tail of your "swan". The whole thing will take no more than five minutes.

    3. It's time to flip the tire.

    4. It is advisable to properly process the head and tail of the rubber swan, as you can get scratched due to uneven edges.

    5. It remains only to paint the swan - you can use white or a very unusual and beautiful bronze color.

    How to make a swan from modules

    Crafts from plastic bottles. Swan.

    No need to get rid of plastic bottles if they have already been used for their intended purpose. There are many crafts that you can make from them.

    For example, there are several ways to make a beautiful swan for the garden. Moreover, such a swan will not only decorate your garden, but will also benefit.

    You will need:

    Plastic bottle 5 l

    Milk bottles 300 g

    Hose with hard wire



    1. Using a marker, mark lines on a 5-liter plastic bottle, along which you will cut next.

    2. Cut off the top of the bottle first and leave a neck that you need to secure the swan's neck in the hole.

    3. For the swan neck skeleton, use a stiff wire hose. Insert it into the bottle through the neck and fasten the neck to the lower body with a wire. You have a swan frame ready.

    4. We prepare feathers for a bird. Take a white plastic bottle (usually used for milk) and cut off the neck and bottom.

    Start cutting the "feathers" - their width and shape depend only on your imagination.

    It is desirable to cut the edges of the "feathers" with a fringe to achieve an even more realistic effect.

    WITH outer side heat each candle feather.

    5. Start collecting two feathers and fix with wire.

    6. For the bird's neck, use bottomless bottles. Depending on their number, you can choose the length of the neck. V this example used 16 bottles of 300g.

    The part near the beak was made from the top of a bottle without a neck.

    7. Where the beak is located, the hose ends and to fix the structure, you need to make holes on both sides in the bottle and in the hose. Next secure it with wire.

    8. Close the lid and to prepare the base of the beak, take the cap from chemicals. This cap needs to be cut in half, similar to the letter M.

    9. Take another such cover and insert a beak into it - there is a groove inside, so that everything comes out exactly.

    10. Glue the first and second cover.

    11. Paint the beak, and place your favorite plants in the flower bed.

    How to make a swan out of plastic bottles

    This is not just a swan - this is a swan princess that will decorate any garden. It should be noted right away that the assembly of this swan is a laborious and rather lengthy process, so be patient and let's get started.

    You can call for help in creating crafts from one or more people to speed up the process.


    Plastic bottles

    Thick copper wire (if you have thin wire, fold it in half so it doesn't break)

    Stationery knife


    White and yellow paint (can be regular or in aerosols)

    1. A plastic bottle swan should be started from the head and neck. Then these parts of the swan pass into the body. First, cut a plastic bottle under the head.

    2. Cut off the parts of the neck of the craft. It is advisable to make 18 similar blanks in advance to get a neck.

    3. Use an awl to pierce each piece.

    4. Prepare the wire and thread it into the holes of the blanks, gradually stringing them to form a neck (you need to thread the bottom to the head). Attach your wire to the tip of the beak.

    5. When you have collected all the blanks for the wire (1 blank for the head and 18 for the neck), start assembling the torso. Prepare 4 bottles and cut them as shown in the image:

    6. In the same way, start stringing blanks on the wire. Insert a whole bottle into the last blank.

    7. Fasten the other end of the wire.

    8. To make the neck of a swan stronger, you must first give it the desired shape. To do this, simply adjust the depth of entry of one workpiece into another.

    Use wire to secure all the parts of the swan together.

    Start piercing holes in the bottles that make up the neck so that the wire runs parallel to the floor (you need to do this on the floor and start preferably from the tail).

    You should get a kind of "zigzag" of wire - it should "enter" and "exit" the neck where the two blanks enter each other.

    9. Draw the topmost end of the wire where the crown is attached.

    10. From a plastic bottle, cut out a crown for the swan princess.

    11. Take the crown and fasten it to your swan's head. To do this, you need to make 2 holes in the neck of the crown and thread the wire from the neck into them. Next, you need to wrap the wire around the neck and clamp it with pliers.

    12. It's time to assemble the body. The first thing to do is the stomach, which has two "sticks" and each of them is made up by connecting 4 large blanks (point 4) and 1 whole plastic bottle.

    You need to "flash" these "sticks" using wire. You need to do this in a zigzag, parallel to the floor. It is necessary to get a rigid foundation for the swan.

    13. We continue to make the body, namely its next row. The middle will be occupied by the neck of a swan, which means that you will need the help of another person - while you are "flashing" the second row, your assistant needs to keep your neck constantly in an upright position.

    Yet, to begin with, you need to prepare 2 "sticks", each assembled from five large blanks and one whole bottle (for the tail). After that, all 3 blanks must be fastened with wire, setting the neck between two "sticks".

    14. Pay great attention to fastening the curve of the neck in the front.

    15. We are preparing the third row of the body. Start collecting another "stick" - use 4 large blanks and 1 whole bottle for the tail.

    Thread your workpieces tightly into one another, and pour water into an untouched bottle to balance the neck and tail of the craft.

    It should be noted that the stick does not need to be stitched separately. All you need to do is put it on top of the neck from the side of the body and attach it with wire to the side "sticks" of the 2nd row of the swan body.

    16. It's time to make wings for your swan. To do this, you need to collect 2 "sticks", each of which contains 4 large blanks and one whole bottle. Bend the blanks as shown in the image and zigzag them again with wire.

    To make the base of the wings, you need to make 2 short "sticks", each of which consists of one whole bottle and one large blank.

    17. Start attaching the bases of the wings to the body of the swan. The image shows a top view, and on the right side is the bird's tail. To attach everything, use a wire that needs to be threaded through the bases of the wings and secured to the already installed swan parts.

    22. It's time to paint. To do this, you can use both spray paint and regular paint (but it will take more time). If you decide to use an aerosol, then you need to paint outdoors, and not indoors.

    How to make a swan with your own hands

    In this master class, you will learn how to make a beautiful flower bed out of the swan you made earlier.

    You will need:

    Plastic bottles

    Plastic bags (preferably tight, such as laundry detergent or dry pet food)


    Saw or knife



    Soil (preferably special ready-made soil from bags).

    1. First you need to firmly fix the swan in a place specially prepared for it. To do this, you need to dig a shallow hole.

    In order for the swan to keep evenly, 2 wooden pegs must be hammered in on both sides of it, in the upper part of which small incisions must be made.

    Pull the wire through the notches, which will help the craft stay flat.

    The wire is threaded, pulled together and fixed under the curved parts of the wings.

    2. Prepare one tight bag and cut it so that you get a large rectangle.

    Cover with this polyethylene "blanket" inner space between the wings.

    * The edges of your bag should protrude slightly from the wings.

    3. You have got a kind of pot in which you need to pour earth for flowers.

    4. Use a stapler to secure the front and back of the flower bed.

    * If desired, you can cut off the excess edges of the polyethylene.

    5. Now it remains only to plant something in the finished flower bed.

    How to make a paper swan

    How to make an origami swan

If your garage has old tires lying around, don't rush to throw them away. Of course, it is no longer possible to ride with such tires, but you can make interesting decorations for yard and garden. For example, it can be figures of swans with outstretched wings.

What materials and tools are needed to make a swan from a tire

It is very important to choose the “right” tire for the job. I recommend taking the one that has completely “bald” during operation: it lends itself better to cutting and processing. For the same reason, it is better to take a tire with a longitudinal pattern. Another tip: better opt for tires with a cord (a rubberized layer of fabric made from textile, polymer or metal threads) made of nylon, and not with a steel cord reinforcement (breaker). Reinforced products are difficult to cut, and the edges of the cord can stick out at the cut, which you can get hurt during work. Such tires have the word "Steel" in the marking, respectively, it is not in a tire with nylon reinforcement.

Carefully consider the choice of tires so that working with them is convenient and not traumatic

Thoroughly wash and dry selected tires thoroughly. In addition to them, you will need to work:

  • chalk for marking;
  • roulette;
  • electric drill;
  • drills 3 and 10 mm in diameter;
  • sharp knife (with a powerful shoe-type blade);
  • jigsaw;
  • "Bulgarian" with a cutting disc;
  • pliers;
  • wire for staples;
  • plastic metal rod (or thick wire) 1.2–1.5 meters long;
  • paint to give the finished "swan" the desired color.

In addition, you need to draw a diagram according to which you will cut out the swan. You can use a very simple form to get a small flower bed.

You can make a small flower bed in the form of a swan in a simple way.

When working with this scheme, it is enough to make cuts along the lines:

  • head and neck;
  • tail;
  • feathers on the wings.

After that, you need to turn the tire inside out, attach the halves of the head to each other and place a beak from a piece of plastic between them. Fix the shape with self-tapping screws and paint in suitable colors. You will get a small round flower bed.

In a simple flower bed from a tire, you can plant any low, densely growing flowers.

A little more complicated in execution, but very beautiful, you will get the original figure-decoration in the form of a swan spreading its wings.

You can make a beautiful swan spreading its wings according to the scheme to decorate the garden

The process of creating a swan from a tire

First of all, you need to mark the tire with chalk. Let's take an R13 tire. Its width is 165 mm, the length along the circumference line is 1800 mm.

Product markup

Mark up the product as follows:

  1. At the beginning of work, apply 2 strips, dividing the circumference of the tire in half along. So you outline the "neck" of the swan.
  2. After that, draw on the tread (outer) side of the tire "beak", "head" and "neck" in turn. From the first line, draw symmetrically to the “beak” axis with dimensions: length - 8–9 cm, width - 3–4 cm. It should go to the “head”, the parameters of which are as follows: 10–12 cm - length, 7–8 cm - width, from the end of this “part of the body” it is necessary to mark the “neck”, expanding to the body. Its width at the beginning is 4–5 cm, at the end it is 8–10 cm.
  3. Lastly, mark the tail. Its fork is located at the place where the "beak" begins. Draw two parallel lines 8 cm apart and up to 30 cm long.

The process of creating a swan from a tire begins with marking the tire

cutting process

Now start cutting:

  1. Cut from the base of the "neck" towards the "head". A shoe knife will surely cope with a heavily worn tire, and it is better to cut a denser tread (tire element) with a grinder. If you have a fairly powerful electric jigsaw, use it after you make the initial holes with the grinder.
  2. Cut parallel on both sides at small intervals of 4–5 cm. This is much more convenient than cutting one side completely first, and then the other.
  3. When the cutting is finished, process all the edges of the resulting parts. If there is a metal cord in the tread, cut off the protruding wires with a grinder. For nylon cord, it is sufficient to trim the edges with a sharp knife.

Remember the safety rules! Be sure to wear gloves and use special goggles.

How to turn the tire and bend the "neck"

To cut the tire into the desired shape, turn it inside out. Dealing with this is easy. To make it easier, fix the splint with your foot outside rims. The frame is ready. Now you need to fix the neck and head. To do this, you will need a steel bar to which the “neck” part will be attached. Do the following:

  1. Along the center line from the middle of the “head” to the base of the “tail”, make paired holes with a drill. Their diameter should be 3 mm, the gaps between them - 15 cm.
  2. Prepare wire staples according to the number of pairs of holes. They will attach the "neck" to a metal rod. Insert them into the holes immediately.
  3. Lay the rod from below, using pliers, twist the protruding edges of the brackets around it. Cut off the excess and give the "neck" a characteristic curve.

Instead of a rod, you can use a steel strip. Some masters find it much more convenient. In this case, do not use staples for connection, but bolts or rivets.

The neck of a swan from a tire is fixed with a metal rod attached to the tire with wire staples.

Decoration and installation

Check again if there are any sharp edges or protruding wires on the swan figure. If there are any, clean them up.

Paint the figure in white or black, characteristic of swans. You can apply a different shade or completely cover the figure with fantasy patterns. It is important that the paint is resistant to wind and moisture. Make the beak red, and where the eyes should be, screw in large bolts.

Tire swans can become an additional decoration or an independent decoration.

A made and decorated swan can be installed on a whole tire, a stump, or simply on the ground, lightly sprinkled with soil for stability.

According to the same scheme, you can create another version of the swan figure. The tire does not need to be turned inside out, it is enough to bend the “wings” more strongly so that they fall to the ground.

Do-it-yourself tire swan diagram, step-by-step instruction and master class. The swan is a beautiful, graceful bird, but it is loved not only because of such qualities. She is a real symbol of love, tenderness, inseparability, purity.

Therefore, many people often make crafts in the form of swans from paper, wood, plastic bottles, ice and many other materials. Another interesting material is a car tire.

What you will learn from this article:

Let's look at how to make a swan out of a tire step by step.

  • 1 What tools do you need
  • 2 Tips for choosing tires
  • 3 Step by step instructions
  • 4 Where and how to place
  • 5 Photo gallery for ideas and inspiration

What tools will be needed

To make a beautiful and graceful swan out of a tire with your own hands, you should approach the lesson with responsibility and prepare the necessary items in advance. You will need the following materials and tools:

  • tire without spikes;
  • jigsaw or knife;
  • paint - white or any other, as well as yellow and black;
  • brushes for painting;
  • metal staples;
  • drill or sharp nail;
  • elastic wire or metal rod;
  • pliers.

If you want to carve one swan out of a tire with your own hands, then one tire is enough, if you want to make a cute couple or a whole company, then, of course, the number of car tires should correspond to the number of "feathered" copies.

It is best to use worn, frayed, old car tires. It is with such material that it is easier and more convenient to work. It is also optimal to use domestic products.

You should not make a garden decoration with your own hands from foreign-made tires, with spikes, with a metal cord.

Before you start, you need to clean the material from dust, dirt, let them dry.

Do-it-yourself tire swan step by step

A creative event requires caution and care. Before starting work, put on thick gloves and goggles. And follow the step-by-step instructions on how to cut a swan out of a tire:

  • Take the tire and make a mark with chalk on which you will cut out a beautiful bird. The future type of decoration depends on this scheme. First you need to divide the wheel into two parts, mark the head and neck, they must correspond in length to half the wheel. Then outline the body, wings, tail. A photo with a swan layout scheme will come to your aid:

  • Then you need to cut the swan out of the tire, for this you can use a jigsaw or a sharp knife. You need to cut according to the diagram drawn in chalk.

Advice! Do not cut one side first and then try to do the other. The process will be very time consuming and inconvenient. It is recommended to cut the swan in parallel, working on each side.

  • Cut out? Let's start giving a realistic shape to the bird. To do this, lay the material with the cut side down, step on it with your foot and pull to unscrew the side elements.

  • Now you need to fix the neck of the swan from the tires, otherwise it will not hold. This can be done according to the following scheme: make two holes along the neck for every 10-15 centimeters (using a drill or a regular nail, if there is no first tool), such holes must also be made in the body of the bird, insert metal staples into the paired holes, fasten wire on the neck and torso, fix it with staples using pliers.
  • The next step is painting the swan from the wheel. It is necessary to choose resistant paints, nitro paint, oil, enamel, car paint in aerosol form are suitable. White is traditionally used, but any other color can be used to make a non-standard bird on the site. The tip of the head should be painted orange or yellow to mimic the beak, the eyes should also be black or blue, and feathers can also be painted on. Acrylic paints can be used to decorate such details.

Step-by-step instructions for making a swan from a tire

Where and how to place

And now the work on making a decorative bird is behind. Surely the question arises - where is it better to place a swan so that it looks beautiful and organic? Consider some of the most popular and interesting options:

  • V artificial reservoir. The swan is a waterfowl, so a pond is its natural habitat for it. And even an artificial tire swan craft will look organically in.

  • On a blue tire imitating water. It is not necessary to have an artificial reservoir in the country house and garden; you can make an imitation of it from a tire painted blue or blue.

  • Make a flower bed on a swan. You can place the bird in any prominent part of the garden and make a flower bed out of it with your favorite flowers.

  • Swan on a stone bed. The product will be interesting to look at any flower bed. How to make such a flower bed, read in this material.

  • The product can be placed on a bed that imitates a pond. It can be covered with sand, stones painted blue, decorated with plants or flowers.

Photo gallery for ideas and inspiration

Although all the product execution schemes are very similar, you can decorate your garden with an artificial bird in different ways. And all options will differ in individuality and style.

Do-it-yourself swan from tires photo

The photos below prove it:

An elegant decoration for the garden can be done by almost everyone. And the cost of such decoration will be very cheap. After all, old car tires can be bought at a low cost or you can get it for free. But the work requires concentration and effort, following the instructions and job description, but a beautiful bird will decorate your yard for many years. How to make other decorations from old car tires, read in this article.

Do-it-yourself workshops on making a swan from tires

Often, gardeners and motorists have several old tires gathering dust in the garage. Throwing them away is either too lazy, or they are simply stored there with the words: "What if they come in handy." One option for using old car tires is to make a swan out of them. There are two ways to make a swan out of a tire: with and without the tire eversion.

What to use for work?

From the materials we need:

  • an old tire (it is best to take a "bald" and domestic production; it is also desirable that the tire be without a metal cord, since it will be much easier to cut it);
  • elastic iron bar or wire (for fixing the swan's neck);
  • several screws;
  • white and some red paint;

From the tools we need a sharp knife, perhaps a jigsaw for the most dense places of the swan. And if you still have a tire with a metal cord, then you can’t do without an electric jigsaw. Also, from the tools you will need a drill to attach an iron bar to the swan's neck.

Tire swan: stages of work

Another version of the swan is to make it without turning the tire inside out, then the wings of the bird will be lowered more towards the ground.

Well, if you still have questions, then watch this video:

Let's figure out how we will make our swan.

First of all, you need to choose the necessary tire, the most suitable for the job. This means that it is better to find the most “bald”, for those reasons that it will be easier to cut. It is very good if there is a longitudinal pattern on it - this will also greatly facilitate the process.

Some tires have steel cord reinforcement (breaker). It is difficult to cut such a tire, in addition, there may be sharp ends of the cord sticking out at the cut site, which can cause injury both during operation and on finished product. Therefore, preference should be given to an old tire with a nylon cord (in the marking on there should be the words “Steel”).

The selected tire must be thoroughly cleaned of dust and dirt, washed and dried - it is simply more pleasant to work with clean material.

Let's get the tool ready. You will need:

  • chalk for marking;
  • roulette;
  • electric drill;
  • drills 3 and 10 mm in diameter;
  • sharp knife (with a powerful blade, such as a shoe);
  • jigsaw;
  • "Bulgarian" with a cutting disc;
  • pliers.

From additional materials:

  • wire for staples;
  • plastic metal rod (or thick wire) 1.2 - 1.5 meters long;
  • paint to give the finished "swan" the desired color.

Of course, you need to be patient - the process is quite laborious and complicated. It is better to choose a fine day for work in order to carry out the whole process in the open air - in the process of drilling or cutting, the rubber burns, which is accompanied by an unpleasant and difficult to weather odor.

Product markup

So, for example, we are working with an R13 tire, 165 mm wide. Its circumference is 180 cm.

Marking should begin with drawing two marks (lines) dividing the circumference of the tire approximately in half, this, in fact, is the length of the “neck” of the future “bird”.

We mark the future neck

Further, on the tread part of the tire, the “beak”, “head” and “neck” of the swan are drawn in sequence. Well, if the old tread pattern has a visible center line - this will greatly simplify the markings. If not, then it will not be difficult to carefully draw it with chalk.

So, from the first risk, a “beak” is drawn symmetrically to the center line, the length of which is 8-9 centimeters, the width is 3-4. The "beak" passes into the "head", 10-12 centimeters long and 7-8 wide.

It is clear that where the “head” ends, the “neck” begins, which gradually expands towards the “body”, at its beginning it is 4-5 centimeters wide, by the end it reaches 8-10. The marking of the “neck” ends on that line which divided the tire in two.

The last markup element is the tail. Partially, it is already outlined, its fork is what happens when cutting out the "beak". It remains only to draw two parallel lines with a distance between them of about 8 centimeters (along the width of the “head”), about 30 centimeters long.

Marking the tail

They learned how to make a swan, deal with now. Including :)

We plant a rhododendron in our garden.

cutting process

Perhaps this is the most time-consuming manufacturing step, requiring patience, skill and extra care to avoid injury. Probably, it would be useful to remind you that the work must be carried out in strong work gloves in order to protect the hands as much as possible.

Remember safety! Do not neglect protective equipment: gloves and special glasses.

Cutting is carried out from the base of the neck to the head.

Depending on the material of the tire and the degree of wear and tear, this can be done different ways. A heavily worn, thinned tire may give in to a cobbler's knife. A thicker tread can be cut with a grinder, but this process is quite dangerous and is accompanied by an abundance of smoke and the smell of burnt rubber.

If there is a jigsaw of sufficient power available, then, after making the initial holes with a grinder, it is better to use it.

Experience shows that it is better to choose a jigsaw file with fairly frequent teeth pointing upwards - this way the process is greatly simplified. The operation should not be carried out at a high speed of the tool, on the contrary, it should be reduced by half.

To stick the jigsaw file in the right place, you can make a slot with a grinder or simply drill holes at the edges of the "neck" with a 10 mm drill. By the way, the work will be greatly simplified if the same holes are drilled at all the turning points of the markup.

It will be a big mistake to cut one side first and then switch to the other; in this case, working with a jigsaw will be complicated by strong vibration that interferes with the process. It is better to cut both sides in parallel, small areas 4 - 5 centimeters. You can simplify cutting by resting the tire from the inside against a piece of bar (board), gradually moving it as needed.

We saw with an electric jigsaw along the marked lines

Having finished cutting, it is necessary to carefully process the edges of the resulting parts. If there was a metal cord in the thickness of the tread, you will need a “grinder” to grind off the protruding steel wires. If the cord was nylon, it will be enough to cultivate the edges with a sharp knife.

Turning the tire inside out and giving the “neck” the necessary bend

In order for the “wings” resulting from the sidewalls of the tire to gain the proper span after cutting, the cut tire must be turned inside out. It won’t be much work - a little effort with the hands and the help of the legs will quite easily turn out the tire that has lost its integrity.

We turn the tire inside out, it will take some effort of the hands and feet :)

As a result, the “swan” has already spread its “wings”, but now its “neck and head” lie limply on the ground - they need to be strengthened and bent in the proper way. For this, you will need a prepared steel bar.

To begin with, it is necessary to drill paired holes along the center line, symmetrically to it, with a diameter of 3 mm. They are drilled from the center of the "head" to the beginning of the "tail", with a distance between pairs of holes - about 15 centimeters.

We drill paired holes along the neck every 15 cm.

The required number of soft wire staples are being prepared, which are threaded into the holes made. These braces will hold the metal bar to stiffen the structure.

We insert such staples into the paired holes in the swan's neck

Insert brackets like this

It is better to start laying the rod from the bottom, twisting the protruding ends of the brackets around it with pliers. After cutting off the excess, the “swan neck” can be given a characteristic bend.

To some it may seem simpler or more affordable to use a steel strip instead of a bar - this is also a completely acceptable solution. In this case, steel and rubber can be connected using bolts or rivets.

We fix the metal rod along the neck with prepared staples

In fact, the “mechanical” part of the work is finished.

Do you love flowers? Read about