Flowerbeds of tires or how to make a masterpiece from an old wheel with your own hands. A flower bed of wheel tires with your own hands: photo ideas for a flower garden How to make a kettle from car tires

One of the quick and easy ways to create a pretty flower garden in the country or near the house is a flower bed made of tires that have outlived their days. Car enthusiasts have trouble finding Supplies will not arise at all, and those who do not have a car can purchase old car tires for a symbolic price at tire changers or recycling points. Of the tools, you only need a large shovel to dig in the wheels, a garden rake to loosen the earth, a sharp knife and a small shovel for planting plants.

Creating a flower bed from car tires- the process is creative, but, nevertheless, there are a number of tricks that make it easier to work with this difficult material.

Vertical flower bed of wheels

Old tires can be cut different shapes

Flower garden blank

Here are some universal tips on how to make your own tire flower bed:

  • when choosing wheels, it is better to give preference to those with thinner and softer rubber, since it is easier to work with it;
  • "Winter" rubber - more pliable in work and easier to cut;
  • it is easiest to turn out tires with the most worn out tread, since they are thinner;
  • before starting work, each tire must be thoroughly cleaned of dirt and sand clogged in the treads;
  • for painting rubber, oil, enamel, car or nitro paint is well suited. To speed up the process and obtain a more uniform coating, it is better to use a colorant in an aerosol can;
  • if you plan to cut curly parts from the wheel, then first you need to draw them with chalk or a marker so that the work looks neat.

Flower beds with minimal decor

Creative ideas for arranging flower beds with car tires

It only at first glance seems that the material in the form of worn-out automobile rubber limits imagination and gives a meager choice of forms for creativity. In fact, there are many options for products, looking at which at first it is even difficult to guess that they are made from worn-out wheels. One has only to look around carefully, look at a selection of photos or videos at your leisure to make sure that the scope for creativity is almost limitless.

Graceful flowerpot

Wheel curbs

Flowerbed in the form of a teapot and a cup

To equip a flower bed made of old tires in the form of a teapot, three wheels of different diameters are needed. The wheel with the largest diameter is laid down - this will be the bottom. Two more tires of a smaller size are placed on top of it. The top should be less than the "bottom", but slightly larger than the tire in the middle, as it will act as a teapot lid.

A spout is formed from sections of a drain pipe with bends, and a handle is made from a piece of an ordinary pipe with a diameter of 30 mm, beautifully curved in the form of a hook. To fix the handle on the flower bed, first apply it to the tires, mark the points where the pipe will be fixed, and in these places make cuts of the required size into which the part is inserted.

Teapot and cup shaped tire beds

To form a cup, you need to take two tires of the same diameter from a car and one large tire from a truck. A saucer is cut out of the largest wheel. For this, the rubber is cut sharp knife so: in the upper part of the wheel, the excess is cut off along the outer circle, and in the bottom - along the inner circle. The cut wheel is added dropwise, and two identical tires are laid on top of the resulting saucer on top of each other. Further, both forms are painted, decorated, filled with earth and plants are planted in them.

Wheeled flower beds in the form of animals

To decorate flower beds in playgrounds, flower beds made in the form of a variety of animals are ideal. Turtles, frogs, parrots, created from old tires, will bring children a lot of joy and decorate the landscape.

Flower garden in the form of a turtle for a playground or garden

The step-by-step instructions on how to make a turtle-shaped flower bed out of tires, given below, can be taken as a basis for inspiration and, according to the same principle, create other animals.

The turtle bed requires two tires and a few additional parts - an old rubber ball suitable size and a spring. One bus is used in original form, and the second, from which the legs will be formed, must be cut off. To do this, the upper and lower parts of the wheel are cut off, and the side part is cut into four identical pieces. A whole tire is filled with earth and paws are attached to it. Taking the ball and springs as a basis, they make the head and neck and attach it to the structure, after which the flower bed is painted, the details are painted, and after the paint dries, flowers are planted in it.

The frog princess guarding the garden

Flowerbeds of car tires are a vivid example of how you can breathe a second life into used things. A minimum of tools and a maximum of imagination - and a summer cottage or private plot will take on a completely new blooming look.

The desire to improve the suburban area, transforming it into an attractive cozy corner for a comfortable stay is quite natural. Favorite by many gardeners, flower arrangements are an invariably popular element. landscape design suburban areas. A worthy frame for such compositions is often tire flower beds, which are one of the easiest to create and practical products to use. Of course, you can buy ready-made flowerpots in specialized stores. But the flowerbeds made of tires created with their own hands are not only a beautiful and functional design element that gives the design of the site exclusivity and uniqueness, it is, first of all, the pride of every summer resident.

How to choose the right tire?

It's great when there is a possible choice. Choosing between old tires of a domestic manufacturer and imported products, the preference should be attributed to the latter. Imported used tires have softer and thinner rubber that is much easier to work with. If you choose between "summer" and "winter" tires, then the winter version is more suitable for work.

When deciding to create original flower beds from tires with your own hands, turning old waste tires into street vases of bizarre shapes, you must prepare in advance raw material and think over its design

In order to make a flower bed from an old tire, it is advisable to choose wheels with maximum tread wear. The worn out tread layer makes the product softer and makes it much easier to turn it inside out.

Tires contaminated with earth and sand must be cleaned. And the point is not even that it is more pleasant to work with a clean product. It's just that when working with dirty tires, the knife and saw blade dull much faster.

Step-by-step manufacturing example

Before you start making a flower bed from a tire, you need to think about how it will look ready product: a bowl with smooth edges, a flowerpot with a wavy cut line or a flower bed in the form of a large flower bordered with petals or fringe.

The drawing, along the contour of which the cut line will be drawn, is applied to the side of the product

Thinking over the shape of the cut, it is necessary to be guided by the fact that the result should be a construction according to the principle of "pan - lid": a deep lower part and a cut off upper part. Around the entire circumference, the contour is easily applied with a felt-tip pen or chalk.

The edges of the cut, made with wavy lines or decorated in the form of teeth and fringes, look interesting

Stage # 2 - Contour Cutting

Thinking over how to make a flower bed from an old wheel, decorated in the form of a large flower, it is necessary to cut out petals along the edge of the product. The size of each petal should not exceed 10-12 cm. Otherwise, when the tire is turned out in these places, the rubber simply will not bend, and the flower bed will not take an even round shape.

You can use a boot knife to cut the wheel. Well-honed tools will significantly speed up your work

You can facilitate the cutting process by applying liquid soap to lubricate the knife blade.

It's great if you have a jigsaw on hand. With the help of a jigsaw, it is convenient and quick to perform figure cutting.

Labor mechanization is detailed in the video:

After cutting the tire along the contour, it is necessary to make longitudinal cuts at a distance of 5-10 cm along the grooves of the tread.

Stage # 3 - Inverting the tire

When creating a flower bed on a leg of wheels with your own hands, the first step is to turn it out rubber tire inside out. For many craftsmen, this stage of work becomes a real stumbling block. The very process of everting out the rubber is a rather laborious process.

In order to cut the metal cord, it is necessary to make several cuts on the outside with the help of a grinder. Cut through the rubber smoothly. The contact of the disc with the cord can be judged by the bloom formed on the surface of the product and the white smoke emitted. Make the cuts at an equidistant distance of 15-20 cm.

After spending preparatory work, you can start turning the tire out. Before you start turning out the tire for a flower bed, we would like to tell you one secret: it is enough to turn at least a small piece of the tire inside out, and the work will go like clockwork.

The turning out process is well shown in the video:

The flowerbed of old wheels is ready, you can start decorating it.

Registration of the finished product

To create and grow flower beds in black forms is not entirely aesthetically pleasing. Therefore, as soon as the flowerbed has been given the desired shape, you can start decorating it. Until the outer surface of the turned-out flowerpot is covered with a layer of dust, it is advisable to paint it.

Painting is the simplest and affordable way black rubber flower bed decoration

Oil, enamel and nitro paints are excellent for painting rubber products. On a clean rubber surface, the paint lays down in an even layer and lasts for a rather long time. You can also use car paint residues to paint your flower beds. With an aerosol can, work can be done in just a few minutes.

The use of light colors of paints in the design of the flower bed will prevent overheating of the earth inside the container.

The combination of colors looks interesting when the base of the flower bed is decorated in one color, and the cloves or petals in another

Most craftsmen paint a rubber flower bed only with outside... But still, in order to make the container more attractive, it is advisable to slightly capture the upper part of the inner surface of the product.

In the design of the flower bed, you can give complete freedom of imagination. Glass aquarium stones glued to the flower bed petals will create the illusion of dew drops.

If you want to additionally decorate the flower bed, you can apply an ornament of a different color on top of a single-color layer of paint. But you should not be especially zealous: with the lush growth of flowers, the flowerbed pattern can be completely closed by hanging or creeping plants.

Minimum costs, a little free time - and a chic decoration for arranging a suburban area is ready

Such a flower bed will be a worthy addition to the interior and an element of the landscape design of the summer cottage. It remains only to fill the container with a layer of soil and plant your favorite flowers.

A lush flower garden always attracts the attention of passers-by with its beauty, and if it is made of unusual materials, then it is even more attractive and original. Tires that no one needs, which simply have nowhere to put, can turn into original flower bed, and will decorate the courtyard of a private house, a summer cottage or a lawn near the entrance. The prospect is tempting, but how to do it yourself to make it look beautiful?

What tires to choose for creating flower beds

If you have the opportunity to choose which tires to make a flower bed, give preference to used imported products. They are made from softer and thinner rubber, which is easier to work with. This is important as the tire will have to be turned outward, which is not easy with tough material. Choosing between winter and summer tires, stop at the winter version, and if the rubber is very worn out, consider it a stroke of luck - from worn tires you get the most bizarre flower beds.

You do not need to start making flower beds from car tires right away. If there are several tires and they will all be part of the same flower bed, inspect them and sort them by size, degree of wear and tread pattern. Keeping the tires free of sand and dirt will make the process of creating the tire beds easier and the cutting tools will not dull quickly. Now is the time!

We cut out tires for making flower beds

Having mastered the skill of cutting tires, you can subsequently create flower beds, modeling their shapes yourself, but the very first works are made in the form of a flower. A cut line in the form of flower petals is marked on the tire with chalk, as shown in the photo below.

The rubber is cut along the marked contour with a sharp knife with a narrow blade. To facilitate the cutting process, the knife is moistened with soapy water from time to time. The cut off part of the tire is separated, and you get such a blank for a flower bed.

Now the tire needs to be turned inside out - this is not an easy job, and it will be much easier for a man to cope with it than a woman. You need to stand with your feet on one edge of the tire, and with your hands bend the opposite side outward with effort - the main thing is to be able to turn small area, and then the process will go easier. When the cover is turned and aligned, the cut petals will open like a blooming flower.

Decorating tires for a flower bed

The black cups cut from car tires are unremarkable unless painted in colorful colors. To do this, you can use any paints intended for outdoor use.

How to paint the tires for flower beds:

  • Oil paint;
  • Enamel;
  • Aerosol car paint;
  • Nitro paint.

It is not necessary to paint the bowls in the same tone, you can come up with various patterns that correspond to the setting in which the flower beds of car tires will be installed. For example, if this is a playground, it is appropriate to make them in the form of animals: bunnies, cats, squirrels and other funny animals.

In inner space fertile soil is poured into tires, and seedlings are planted in the spring or early summer. Since the purpose of creating a flower bed from tires is to decorate the site with flowers, it is important to choose the right varieties of them.

Annuals for a flower bed from a tire:

  • Nasturtium;
  • Petunia;
  • Tagetes;
  • Gazania;
  • Mattiola;
  • Calendula;
  • Morning glory.

Most of the flower beds made from tires are made stationary, and therefore it is appropriate to plant perennial flowers in them that do not need to be updated annually.

Perennials for tire beds:

  • Rezuha;
  • Clove herb;
  • Aubrietta;
  • Daisies;
  • Viola;

Original ideas for creating flower beds from car tires

Stand-alone compositions of flower beds in car tires on the lawn look beautiful, but due to the low height of the tires, their expressiveness suffers. You can solve the problem by creating a small plot, placing two or more tires one on top of the other. For example, a flowerbed in the form of a circle will look original. A tire of a larger diameter is installed on a tire of a smaller diameter, and the resulting structure is painted in a traditional "cup" ornament.

For this composition, it is not even necessary to turn the tires out - it is enough to cut off their side parts so that they do not interfere with the growth of flowers in the flowerbed-mug. To make the flower bed more similar to a cup, it can be placed in a "saucer" cut from a tire that is larger in diameter than the main part of the flower bed. The handle of the mug is made from rubber residues and is attached to the main part with a wire threaded through the tire.

Volumetric flower beds from tires

If you have a lot of tires, you can use them to make not just a small flower bed, but even a multi-tiered flower garden. Side parts are cut off from car tires only on one side, painted in different colors, and then large-diameter tires are first installed on the ground, and soil is poured into them, and smaller tires are placed on top and also filled with soil. Landing in each tire different flowers: upright, curly, flowing. Thus, you can even create an impromptu flowering hedge, as can be seen in the photo of flower beds from tires.

We make a flower bed from a tire (video)

A cup and saucer made of tires, you say, is it not possible? Everything is possible in our time, the main thing is to have a little imagination in your head and waste materials. Good afternoon, visitors to our site, probably everyone has already begun to put things in order at their sites. And of course, we not only put things in order, but also decorate our territory with various figurines and crafts. After all, we want us to be not only clean but also beautiful. Craftsmen know how to create beauty on their site, coming up with various ideas for it.
Previously, most handicraft lovers created mainly swans from tires. But time moves forward and now you can rarely see such crafts. Comparing the needlework of people with the last year, I came to the conclusion that many began to make more animals out of tires, such as a bear, a bunny, etc. But it was also very common to see cups and a saucer made of tires. I even decided to make a video on this topic and collect a small collection of cups, but so far it is still in development))) Cups from each author turn out beautiful and interesting in their own way, someone decorates the cups with flowers, and someone just paints them beautifully. Today we will consider two small master class on making a cup and saucer with our own hands and making a teapot, the author is Irina Nikulcha and Tatiana Leksina. Irina already shared her work with us, it was. Unfortunately, there was no master class, but there was detailed description manufacturing. But last year Irina specially created a small master class on making cups from tires for our website and shared the manufacturing process not only in words. Irina also made a nice teapot out of tires, which she put next to the cup.

Cup (mug) and teapot from tires

For manufacturing we need:
* Tires different sizes.
* Self-tapping screws.
* Corrugation for electrical wiring.
* Dye.
* Artificial flowers.

Method of making cups and mugs from tires:
The cup is made of three tires (wheels). To make it, we need three tires of different sizes, the first tire is the smallest from a scooter and two tires. big size, one is slightly larger than the other. This will be necessary in order for one tire to go over the other. The tires all first need to be cut but only on one side and turned out, and then we begin to collect the cup itself.

First, we will make a saucer: for this we cut off the top from the largest tire and put it in the place where you want to make a mug. But Irina thought that the saucer was small in size and therefore she added more strips to it so that the mug would look better later. The strips were added from the cut tires, you need to cut them in small pieces about 20 cm each so that they better adhere to the main tire and fasten them with a stapler to each other.

We make a leg from the smallest tire from the scooter. Then we install a large tire on it and a little smaller into it. We fasten it in four places with self-tapping screws for strength. Irina made the handle from corrugation for electrical wiring, inside there is aluminum wire to shape it, screw it with self-tapping screws for strength.
Well that's all, it remains to paint as you wish. Irina camomiles camouflaged the joint between the tires. Chamomiles are purchased, but can be made from disposable spoons or plastic bottles, we attach them with a furniture stapler to our cup. That's all, this is such a nice cup made of tires.

DIY tire teapot

The kettle, like the cup, is made of three tires, one from a scooter, two of the same diameter. Tires need to be cut and turned out. At the very bottom we lay the cut out middle from the large tire. On it we put the tire from the scooter wide at the bottom, put the first tire on top with a cut off at the top, and the third on the second cut at the bottom. It is necessary to fasten the second and third tires together. Irina's husband laid with inside a piece of lining and screwed with front side self-tapping screws. Then put another middle from the cut tire on the very top. The handle is made of corrugation for electrical wiring, and the spout is cut from polyurethane foam... We also decorate the joint between the tires with daisies. All the tire kettle is ready.

Diy tire mug

And here is another cute mug made of tires, also made by hand, the author is Tatyana Leksina. Tatyana also told us how she made her own mug.
Tires must first be sized before use and then rinsed well. We paint each wheel separately with oil front paint. When they are well dried, we put them together. Tatyana's husband also helped with the production, he cut out a hole for the handle and then inserted it into the hole corrugated tube... Still one mug of tires is ready, you can drink tea))) I got the cup well, now Tatyana has decided to make a spoon and put it in the cup. He plans to make a spoon out of children's ski and paint it with red paint.

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Almost every summer resident strives to decorate his site as interesting as possible. Various varieties of flowers and plants are used, original ideas landscape design. And for this it is not at all necessary to use expensive materials and waste a lot of time. You can decorate the site with your own hands using improvised means. For example, with the help of tires, which can be stylish and very funny to diversify the empty space.

For many years summer residents and gardeners have been using car tires as decoration for their garden. This way of decorating has many advantages:

  • Old tires can be bought very profitably or taken from someone else for free. Surely a couple of your friends have unnecessary wheels.
  • Nothing threatens such a product. For example, moisture, bacteria, fungi are not capable of negatively affecting the product. And if the paint fades and cracks over time, it will be useful to renew it.
  • With the help of car tires, it is possible to bring to life the most daring design ideas.
  • The tire structure is compact, and, if necessary, just right, rearrange it to another place without any problems.

How to cut flower beds from a tire: step by step instructions

Do beautiful flower bed from car tires with your own hands is simple and profitable, just a little effort is enough. At the same time, it is important to follow the sequence and recommendations when performing such decorative element... Below you can learn step by step instructions for making garden decorations from car wheels.

Select shapes

The first step, of course, is to choose the idea and shape of your jewelry. And there are many ideas - in the form of a flower, a well, a teacup and much more. When determining the final version, be guided by your taste, garden features.

Choose the right tires

Of course, the ability to choose is always a plus. Therefore, it is better to select products with the greatest tread wear. the worn out tread layer softens the tires and makes them more comfortable in terms of making bizarre shapes.

If you are faced with a choice - old car tires of Russian or foreign production, then it is better to stop at the latter option. The thing is that they have a thinner, softer rubber, from which it is more convenient to make figures.

And if you have to choose between winter or summer car tires, it is better to prefer winter tires.

Draw cut lines

To draw a cut line, you need to decide what shape you want to make - a flower with sharp or smooth edges, a large bowl, a vase with wavy lines, or even a swan. It is advisable to apply the contour with a felt-tip pen or chalk.

The photo below is an example of the outline:

Note! If you just want to paint beautifully the tires for the flower garden, then you do not need to apply cut lines and cut out.

Cut to Contour

To cut a beautiful flower bed out of your tires, it is important to do everything carefully. This will help not only to get a non-standard product, but also to avoid injuries. It is advisable to use a sharp knife or jigsaw if you have one. In the video below, you can see how the cutting stage goes.

Video: how to make a flower bed out of a tire with a knife in 5 minutes.

Video: how to cut and turn out a tire using a jigsaw.

Checkout the finished product

The final step in making a flower bed from old tires with your own hands is the design, because black tires in the garden will look depressing and not aesthetically pleasing.

To paint old car bed tires, it is recommended to use enamel, oil, nitro paints, and also car paint. Their advantages include the durability of the coating and the ease of application.

There are absolutely no boundaries in decorating a product: you can use only one color or combine several of your favorite colors. It's not trivial to make beautiful drawings, ornaments.

Video: flowerbeds of tires and tires, which you can make in the country with your own hands.

Ideas for flower beds from old tires


A flower garden from a car tire in the form of a flower bed - perfect solution for those who want to achieve a feeling of rustic comfort on their site. In addition, the well will highlight the beauty of your flowers.

Instructions on how to make a flowerbed in the form of a well from rubber tires:

  • Take three old tires of the same size.
  • In each of the tires, cut with a sharp knife from the opposite side of the slot. This action will help in the future to push the support posts for the roof of the well. But the posts can be made from the outside as well.
  • Place the rubber tires on top of each other so that their slots are aligned.
  • Slide supports, such as beams, planks, into the holes in the wheels. The support must be buried in the ground. However, the ground under the structure must be smooth for the well to be stable.
  • It is better to make the roof of the well as natural as possible, that is, similar to the real roof of the well - the structure will look even more beautiful and comfortable. For this reason, the roof is best made from roofing materials.
  • It is necessary to install a support under the roof between the beams.
  • After that, boards, metal tiles, slate and other materials are attached to it. Also, the cover of the well is not a sin to make using cut tires.
  • After that, proceed with the design - paint the well as you please.

Below you will find photos of a flower bed in the form of a well made of tires for inspiration and ideas:


The turtle tire construction is very beautiful indeed. Thanks to its interesting appearance, it is able to literally revive any suburban area and make it a little fabulous.

Tea cups

Rubber teacups will look original in any garden. To make them yourself, just follow the simple step-by-step instructions:

  • Take two tires of different diameters.
  • Place them on top of each other - a smaller wheel at the bottom and a wider wheel at the top.
  • Secure them with self-tapping screws.
  • For a realistic design, make a saucer and a handle out of scrap rubber out of rubber. The latter can also be attached with self-tapping screws.
  • There are several options to paint the cups: in one bright color, or to make the design as realistic as possible and paint it in one color, and then draw polka dots.

Video: flowerbeds of tires and tires in the form of tea cups


It is clay frogs that very often decorate summer cottages. Green beauties fit perfectly into the garden surroundings. But rubber tire frogs will also look extraordinary.

See how cute the cheerful frogs look!


Flamingo birds of paradise now have the opportunity to dwell not only in exotic lands, but also in your garden! You just need to stock up on tires and pink paint. Look at the photos below to see what beautiful birds you can make out of car tires:

Video: how to make a flamingo from car tires.


Dangerous predators in nature can become cute animals from tires in your country house. Green structures will look organic next to flowers, shrubs, trees.

Photo gallery of ideas

In fact, there are a lot of ideas for creating decorations from tires for the garden and summer cottages. You can be inspired by ready-made ideas or come up with something of your own, very original and unforgettable. Therefore, we suggest you look at the photos with a variety of options for inspiration and new ideas:

Beautiful designs from old car tires will add to your garden, garden and summer cottage unique charm. They will not only delight you every time, but also pleasantly surprise your guests.

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