Bear's ear for kidney stones. Bearberry for kidney pain

An alternative to surgery for kidney stones is to dissolve them and clear them naturally. Treatment is carried out at home with traditional medicine. This is a long process that requires a lot of patience and strict adherence to prescriptions, recommendations of a doctor who will control your actions. But efforts will be rewarded by getting rid of kidney stones without surgery and unnecessary expenses for expensive drugs.

How effective are herbs for kidney stones?

Herbs, destructively acting on kidney stones, cause them to break up and decrease in size over time. The result of home treatment for nephrolithiasis appears 20-30 days after the first intake of herbal infusion. It manifests itself in the form of cloudy urine. The duration of the course depends on the size of the stones - the larger they are, the longer the treatment will be. It usually takes several months to fully recover.

Herbs do not have the same effect on different kinds stones:

  • Phosphates and urates dissolve well;
  • Worse amenable to destruction are cystine and struvite stones;
  • Practically insoluble oxalates. If you have this particular type of stones, then it is hardly possible to do without surgical intervention. Herbs can only help if the amount of oxalate is very small. But even so, the treatment will be very long.
  • After a few months, the stones are so reduced in size that they leave the kidneys through the urinary tract almost painlessly. In the future, herbs can be used to prevent or re-treat kidney stones. To prevent the formation of new stones, it is necessary to eliminate the causes that lead to the deposition of minerals in the kidneys. A urologist will help identify them.

    Only under control!

    With kidney stones, treatment at home can only be started with the permission of the attending physician. The procedure is as follows:

  • Visiting a urologist for the purpose of prescribing an ultrasound scan and passing the necessary tests;
  • Determining the size and types of stones, their location;
  • Consultation with a urologist about herbal treatment;
  • Following the advice and recommendations of the doctor.
  • Usually the urologist gives permission for treatment folk remedies if the stones lend themselves well to dissolution, and their size is small.

    The danger lies in the fact that they can start moving, causing renal colic. This explains why regular visits to the doctor are essential. Even frequent ultrasound of the kidneys will be sufficient: by referral or for a fee.

    Folk recipes

    People use diuretic herbs to break up kidney stones. These include:

  • Rosehip roots;
  • Birch buds;
  • Hoof;
  • Licorice;
  • Cowberry;
  • Thyme;
  • Couch grass roots;
  • Bloodroot;
  • Horsetail;
  • Juniper;
  • Madder root.
  • Madder dye Potentilla Rosehip root Hoof

    Treatment is performed using any one herb or in combination. Diuretic fees are compiled so that the effect of each component is enhanced.

    Collection number 1 (universal)

    The collection includes the following diuretic herbs:

  • Melissa;
  • Hypericum perforatum;
  • Knotweed;
  • Sage;
  • Oregano.
  • Dry herbs with rosehip roots are mixed in equal proportions. The remedy is prepared as tea: 2 tablespoons of the collection are brewed with 150 ml of boiling water. The cooled infusion is filtered, 1 teaspoon of honey is added to it (optional). It should be taken three times a day before meals for 30 minutes in 3/4 cup, which is equivalent to 150 ml. This means that you need 6 tablespoons of the collection per day, from which 450 ml of infusion will be obtained.

    A week later, 5 drops of fir oil are added along with honey. This treatment continues until complete recovery.

    Attention! All infusions should be drunk through a tube to protect the teeth: they are much weaker than stones that are to be dissolved directly in the kidneys.

    Collection number 2 (against urates)

    With urates, a collection prepared from taken equally fights perfectly:

  • Rose hips;
  • strawberry leaves;
  • Flax seeds;
  • birch buds;
  • Ground part of parsley.
  • To prepare the infusion, you will need a thermos, in which 2 tablespoons of the collection are placed. Pour 500 ml of boiling water inside, close the lid and leave for 6-7 hours. It should be taken 3-4 times a day for 100-150 ml. Stones are usually removed in an average of 3 months.

    Collection No. 3 (for dissolving oxalates and phosphates)

    This is one of the most effective remedies for helping with oxalate in the kidneys, which are practically not amenable to dissolution. To prepare it, take in equal proportions:

  • Lingonberry (leaf);
  • Sweet clover (grass, flowers);
  • Immortelle (flowers);
  • motherwort (grass and flowers);
  • Madder root.
  • An infusion is prepared according to the recipe described for collection No. 2. However, it should be taken only 70-80 ml at a time, but up to 5-6 times per day.

    Collection #4 (Designed Against Oxalates)

    This collection includes the following diuretic herbs:

  • Wintergreen;
  • Mint;
  • bearberry;
  • Inflorescences of cornflowers.
  • An infusion is prepared according to the recipe described above (in a thermos). Take it 80 ml 5 times a day. The duration of one course is no more than 4 months. If during this time the oxalates have not dissolved, then after 2-3 weeks the treatment can be repeated.

    Rosehip + bearberry

    You can treat kidney stones with the help of rosehip and bearberry roots according to the following scheme:

  • In the morning on an empty stomach, drink 1 glass of decoction prepared from the roots;
  • An hour later, take the same amount of bearberry infusion;
  • Repeat in the same sequence at lunch and before bed.
  • Per day you will need:

  • Rosehip root - 6 tablespoons;
  • Bearberry - 6 tablespoons;
  • Boiling water - 6 cups.
  • You can prepare decoctions in the morning for the whole day. It is enough to brew the rosehip root and bearberry separately from each other (6 tablespoons of raw materials in 3 cups of boiling water). But for the best effect, the roots should be kept in a water bath for 15 minutes.

    Other fees

    Try to get rid of kidney stones with herbal infusions taken equally:

    1. Madder root, cinnamon rosehip (fruit), juniper (fruit), drooping birch (leaves);
    2. drooping birch (leaves), prickly steelwort (root), creeping wheatgrass (roots), juniper (fruits), odorous rue, goose cinquefoil, celandine;
    3. Rosehip cinnamon (fruits), adonis, juniper (fruits), prickly harrow;
    4. Juniper (fruits), rosemary officinalis, field horsetail;
    5. Highlander bird, horsetail, lingonberry leaf, dyeing gorse, juniper (fruits);
    6. Naked licorice, European hoof, birch leaves, cowberry (leaf);
    7. Celandine, perforated St. John's wort, creeping thyme.
    8. Attention! Be sure to visit your doctor for a consultation before starting herbal treatment. Perhaps some of them are contraindicated and will do more harm than good.

      During the removal of stones at home, monitor the excreted urine. If it is clean even a month after the start of the course, then the remedy does not help. Change the fee. Cloudy urine with sand or flakes indicates that the herbs have begun to work. Keep taking them until the remnants of the stone come out. Treatment can be ended when the doctor confirms that the kidneys are clear.

      Healing plants, donated to man by nature, are an excellent and inexpensive remedy for the treatment of many ailments. Regular use of decoctions and infusions of useful herbs can cure inflammatory processes and get rid of calculi (dense salt formations - stones) in the urinary organs. There are a large number of medicinal plants that help improve the functional activity of the excretory system. All of them have different effects on the human body and are used in certain cases. Let's see what herbs for kidney stones are considered the most effective.

      In the environment modern man nature has a fairly large group of herbs to improve kidney function. However, it is necessary to know their types and therapeutic effects on the body.

    9. St. John's wort;
    10. corn silk;
    11. bearberry;
    12. elecampane.
    13. juniper;
    14. knotweed;
    15. field horsetail.
    16. Herbs from urolithiasis- these plants dissolve calculi and remove them from the body with urine, these include:

    17. polpala (considered the best drug for cleansing the kidneys);
    18. burdock root;
    19. goose foot;
    20. According to statistics, the presence of sand and kidney stones is observed in 1/3 of the population of our country, the development of urolithiasis (nephrolithiasis) can be caused by various factors.

      Causes of salt deposits in the kidneys

      The kidneys are a kind of filter of the human body, their main function is to excrete metabolic end products from the body, including salts. Any violation of the urinary system leads to the formation of salt crystals in the kidneys - "sand". Over time, these deposits gradually turn into calculi, which can cause kidney failure. The formation of stones causes dysfunction of the proximal renal tubules, leading to an increase in the level of the following salts in the urine:

    • ethanedioic (oxalic) acid leads to the formation of oxalate crystals;
    • orthophosphoric acid - amorphous phosphates;
    • the end product of the breakdown of purine bases (uric acid) - amorphous urates.
    • The appearance of crystalluria (salt diathesis) occurs when:

    • malnutrition;
    • physical inactivity;
    • insufficient amount of fluid in the body;
    • violation of metabolic processes;
    • genetic predisposition to kidney stones (nephrolithiasis);
    • hormonal changes;
    • prostatic hyperplasia in men.
    • The appearance of crystal-like masses in the urinary organs can be manifested by frequent inflammatory processes in the kidneys, ureters, bladder

      With kidney stones, the characteristic symptoms are:

    • pain during urination;
    • subfebrile condition;
    • change in the color of urine;
    • decrease in daily diuresis;
    • the appearance of blood in the urine.
    • The most informative methods for diagnosing the appearance of stones are:

    • general clinical examination of urine - its result allows you to timely detect an excess concentration of salts in the kidneys;
    • a biochemical blood test for the renal complex, which allows you to determine the concentration of urea and creatinine;
    • Based on the results of a comprehensive examination of the patient, a qualified nephrologist prescribes an appropriate course of therapy, including:

    • Folk remedies - in traditional medicine, medicinal herbs are widely used for urolithiasis. It is necessary to purchase them in the pharmacy network - state pharmacology guarantees the freshness of raw materials, the absence of foreign impurities in it, provides an opportunity to prepare a medicinal decoction or infusion according to the methodological instructions of the instructions.
    • In order not to harm your body before use medicinal plants you need to determine the composition and size of stones, study the effectiveness of healing fees, get advice from a qualified phyto-therapist.

      It is necessary to use medicinal plants only after making an accurate diagnosis and determining the type of stones in the kidneys.

    • black elder flowers;
    • fennel;
    • flax seed;
    • For the breakdown of phosphates use:

    • rosehip root;
    • currant leaves;
    • wintergreen leaves.
    • potato broth;
    • alcoholic infusion of yarrow;
    • rowan and viburnum leaves.
    • To monitor the size of the stones, every 3 months it is necessary to do an ultrasound of the kidneys.

      Use of medical fees

      Folk healers, when using a variety of medicinal plants with different active substances, came to the conclusion that in order to achieve the maximum effect, not one, but several herbs are required. Thus, medicinal herbal mixtures appeared, the use of which leads to the complete cure of many diseases.

    • hypericum;
    • sage;
    • knotweed;
    • medicinal melissa;
    • To prepare a decoction, you need to take an equal amount of all plants, pour freshly boiled water, leave for a quarter of an hour and take it before each meal.

      The set of herbs to be used in the presence of urate stones includes:

    • parsley root;
    • Read also:

      For the breakdown of oxalates use:

    • peppermint;
    • The infusion is prepared in the same way as collection No. 2.

      Take 6 tbsp. l. rosehip root and bearberry, pour 1.5 liters of boiling water. Insist and take before meals.

      Mix 2 tbsp. l. cranberries, lemon balm, horsetail, nettle, immortelle and 1 tbsp. wheatgrass, madder, rosehip root. Pour freshly boiled water and insist for 10 hours. Accept by? glasses 4-5 times.

    • juniper, madder root, rose hips, birch leaves;
    • juniper fruits, celandine, wheatgrass roots, rue, goose cinquefoil;
    • thyme, prickly harrow, celandine, St. John's wort.
    • knapweed;
    • bearberry;
    • When purchasing a synthetic drug in a pharmacy network, some patients are wary of it. However, people believe in the absolute safety of herbal medicine - many people can drink a medicinal tea recommended by a colleague or neighbor without thinking about the possible consequences at all.

      Apply any medical fee during the period of bearing and feeding a child, it is necessary with the utmost care - its composition must be carefully studied and discussed with a qualified obstetrician-gynecologist and pediatrician

    • constipation;
    • endocarditis - an inflammatory process in the inner shell of the heart muscle;
    • What can treat bearberry

      Bearberry is a medicinal plant from the Vereskov genus, which has been used for more than a century to treat various diseases, mainly of the genitourinary tract. Traditional medicine uses bearberry leaves and its shoots. An infusion and a decoction are prepared from them, which should be taken, like any medicine, strictly in accordance with the instructions, taking into account all possible contraindications and side effects.

      What does bearberry look like

      The plant has a second popular name, bear ears, because of the shape of its leaves - it is obovate. The leaves are covered with a network of capillaries. The grass blooms in late spring and early summer, the flowers are whitish-pink. In place of the flowers, a small red berry is formed, which has a tart taste. Grass doesn't burn.

      Leaves should be harvested before flowering or after the fruits have departed. The brown color of the raw material indicates that the collection was incorrect, and such leaves cannot be used. You should not tear the plant from the root, as this will lead to the death of its thickets.

      What grass can do

      The medicinal properties of the plant are due to its chemical composition:

    • The diuretic effect is due to the presence in the composition of the plant of glycosides arbutin and methylarbutin, flavonoids.
    • The combination of arbutin with gallic acid methyl ester and hydroquinone has an antiseptic effect on urine, and has an antimicrobial effect (urolesan has the same properties). It is hydroquinone that ensures the destruction of such microbes as Escherichia coli, Enterococcus, Staphylococcus aureus, Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Mycoplasma, Listeria and Ureaplasma. It also kills bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics.
    • Antifungal, anti-tuberculosis and at the same time anti-inflammatory properties of the plant are due to the presence of tannins in its composition. The anti-inflammatory activity of bear ears is especially pronounced in relation to the urinary system in a dehydrated body.
    • The stability of the membranes of the kidney cells and the antioxidant effect is provided by the glycoside arbutin.
    • Grass provides better resistance of the tissues of the genitourinary system to a small amount of oxygen.
    • In shock situations, bearberry increases blood pressure.
    • Hydroquinone, contained in leaves and shoots, improves the absorption of glucose by tissues, reduces the degree of ketoacidosis, a complication of diabetes.
    • Astringent effect on the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines due to tannins.
    • Choleretic properties.
    • When to Use Bear Ears

      The main properties of this plant - anti-inflammatory, diuretic and antimicrobial - determine its use in the treatment of diseases of the urinary system and kidneys, but only necessarily - after receiving a urologist:

    • in the treatment of cystitis - acute and chronic
    • for the relief of urethritis
    • for the treatment of urolithiasis
    • as a first aid for detecting blood in the urine.
    • In all of the above cases, bearberry can only be used at alkaline urine pH (therefore, before using the drug, it is necessary to pass a general analysis). Otherwise, the glycosides arbutin and methylarbutin will not be able to break down and exert their effect.

      The herb can also be used in the treatment of:

    • diarrhea
    • externally - in the treatment of wounds and ulcers, clean and purulent
    • topically - to lighten hyperpigmentation of the skin
    • together with some other herbs - in therapy bronchial asthma, rhinitis, cough
    • a decoction in milk is used in the treatment of gastritis.
    • Proper use of the plant

      Instructions for use indicate that the herb can be used in the form of a decoction, infusion and tea. You can also use the leaves of this plant and other herbs to prepare a diuretic collection.

      A leaf decoction is prepared as follows:

    • 1 tablespoon is placed in glass or enamel dishes.
    • pour 200 ml of boiled hot water
    • placed, covered with a lid, in a water bath
    • boil for half an hour
    • removed from the bath
    • 10 minutes at room temperature cool
    • strain and squeeze out the rest of the leaves
    • bring the resulting volume to 200 ml
    • the instruction clearly indicates that such a decoction should be shaken before use, and drink - 1 tbsp. 40 minutes before meals, preheated decoction, 3-5 times a day
    • Treatment of kidney stones folk remedies

      Urolithiasis is one of the most common urological problems faced by many people. Stones can form anywhere in the urinary system, but they are most often found in the kidneys. The disease has a relapsing, often severe course. Therefore, when stones are found in the kidneys, each person begins to think about possible methods getting rid of them. The basis of the treatment of urolithiasis is a conservative stone-dissolving therapy, which must necessarily be supplemented with phytotherapy. In this case, various herbal remedies come to the rescue.

      The use of medicinal herbs accelerates the removal of sand and small stones, prevents the formation of new stones, and allows the metabolism to return to normal. Therefore, the treatment of kidney stones with folk remedies is possible, but only subject to certain rules.

      Firstly, any methods of traditional medicine can be applied only against the background of complete remission of the disease. If the kidneys are inflamed, then self-treatment not allowed at home. Be sure to consult a doctor, find out the cause of the inflammation and eliminate it. The possibility of using folk remedies for the treatment of kidney stones must be checked with a urologist.

      Secondly, before starting treatment, it is necessary to find out the size of the stones. If the stone in diameter exceeds 5 mm. then medical advice is required. The fact is that after taking decoctions and infusions, the stones begin to dissolve and there is a possibility that they can set in motion. And this can provoke serious complications (blockage of the ureter, hydronephrosis of the kidney, etc.).

      Thirdly, all decoctions and infusions must be prepared and applied correctly. It is necessary to strictly follow the indicated recipe, it is not recommended to change the dosage or frequency of administration on your own. It should be noted that some infusions and decoctions must be drunk through a straw to prevent damage to tooth enamel.

      Rosehip root for kidney stones

      Rosehip is a unique plant. For medicinal purposes, you can use not only its fruits, but also the roots. Particularly active ethnoscience Rosehip root is used to treat kidney stones. Sometimes even in hospitals, patients with urolithiasis are prescribed a rosehip decoction. An important condition for treatment with this folk remedy is diet.

      Indications and contraindications. Rosehip root is used to treat people with urolithiasis, not only in folk, but also in official medicine. Sometimes, thanks to this plant, it is possible to avoid taking antibiotics and refuse surgery.

      Indications for the use of rosehip root:

      The use of a decoction allows you to normalize metabolism and speed up metabolic processes in the body. Medicinal effects are achieved due to the rich chemical composition of the rosehip root. It contains vitamin C, P, K, D, D, B1 and B2. Moreover, there is 100 times more vitamin C in rose hips than in lemon. The use of the fruits of this plant can increase the body's defenses and prevent the development of many diseases.



      The use of rosehip root effectively allows you to get rid of kidney stones. This is one of the most effective remedies used in folk medicine for the treatment of urolithiasis.

      Bear grass or bearberry: medicinal properties and contraindications, use as part of complex therapy for diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys

      Bearberry is a medicinal plant whose leaves are often used in the treatment of urinary tract diseases. In combination with other herbal remedies, bear grass has a positive effect on the tissues of the kidneys, urethra, and bladder.

      Medicinal properties

      The leaves of a medicinal plant contain many valuable components. The basis of the therapeutic effect is associated with arbutin - a glycoside that breaks down in the body into glucose and hydroquinone. It is the impact of the second component that leads to a pronounced antimicrobial and diuretic effect.

      Arbutin is actively cleaved in the urinary tract. For this reason, traditional and folk medicine confirms the effectiveness of the use of compounds with bear grass in the treatment of many urological pathologies. Bearberry also helps with ulcers and wounds on the skin, diarrhea, with the appearance of age spots, to improve the condition of bronchial asthma, suppress cough and runny nose.

      Other Beneficial Components in Bear Grass Leaves:

    • gallic acid ester;
    • tannins;
    • flavonoids;
    • organic acids.
    • Learn about the reasons for the increase in amorphous phosphate in the urine and about methods to bring the indicators back to normal.

      How to prepare and how bladder instillations are performed for cystitis is written on this page.

      The action of the herbal remedy

      Herbal remedies with bearberry leaves have a complex effect on the affected urinary tract. To achieve a positive result, you must strictly adhere to the rules of application, do not exceed the dosage and frequency of administration.

      Benefits of bearberry herb:

    • diuretic;
    • dissolves kidney stones;
    • relieves inflammation;
    • reduces the number of pathogenic microorganisms;
    • normalizes the composition of urine;
    • improves blood circulation in the kidneys and tissues of the bladder;
    • increases the level of absorption of sugars by tissues;
    • exhibits antioxidant properties.
    • Indications for use

      Herbal remedies with bear grass are used for many urological diseases and negative processes:

      Bear grass shows an active effect with an integrated approach to treatment:

    • purulent wounds, ulcerative lesions on the skin;
    • in the treatment of cough, runny nose, bronchial asthma (in combination with other medicinal plants);
    • decoction in milk is suitable for patients suffering from symptoms of irritation of the gastric mucosa;
    • stool disorders (to combat diarrhea).
    • Herbs for kidney stones

      Types of medicinal plants used in kidney diseases

      Anti-inflammatory - plants have a bacteriostatic effect, relieve the inflammatory reaction, lower the level of protein in the urine. These healing herbs used in acute and chronic pyelonephritis, these include:

    • lingonberry leaf;
    • Decongestant or diuretic herbs that reduce the functional load on the kidneys and remove excess salts from the human body. These plants include:

    • Birch buds;
    • spiraea;
    • birch leaves;
    • cocklebur leaves.
    • excess protein in the diet;
    • uncontrolled use of diuretic, cytostatic, sulfanilamide drugs;
    • drinking water containing dissolved salts;
    • false urges to miction;
    • Methods for diagnosing and treating nephrolithiasis

      However, it is dangerous to drink weed on your own - under the influence of a medicinal plant, the stones present in the kidney can clog the urinary duct and cause a serious pathological condition - a painful attack of renal colic

    • fluoroscopy and ultrasound - using these methods, you can detect the crystallization of salts in the kidneys at the initial stage, which allows you to reduce treatment and improve the prognosis of the course of the pathological process.
    • A specially selected diet - limiting salt intake, excluding fried and smoked foods, alcoholic beverages, strong coffee and tea.
    • Drug therapy - the use of drugs for crushing, dissolving and removing stones: Kanefron; Phytolysin; Cystenal; Blemaren; Cystone.
    • The principle of action of medicinal herbs

      Small urate and oxalate crystals crush well:

    • sunflower root;
    • strawberry leaf;
    • cowberry;
    • wheatgrass;
    • kupena officinalis (popular name - wolf's mouth);
    • anise fruit.
    • To remove salt deposits of any type, decoctions are used from:

    • half-pala;
    • hops;
    • sweet clover herbs;
    • There are some other natural remedies that crush kidney stones and have a slight diuretic effect:

    • fir oil;
    • Let's look at some of the most effective folk recipes used in the presence of kidney stones.

      A universal mixture that dissolves any type of calculus and has a diuretic effect, consists of:

    • oregano ordinary.
    • dog-rose fruit;
    • strawberry leaves;
    • flax seeds.
    • You can prepare the infusion as follows - pour equal proportions of herbs with boiling water, insist for 7 hours, take 3 times a day.

    • cornflower inflorescences;
    • round-leaved pear.
    • To split stones and remove sand, medicinal teas are prepared from equal proportions:

    • wild rose root, adonis, field harrow;
    • During application medicinal fees it is necessary to observe the color and transparency of urine - its turbidity indicates the removal of sand from the kidneys, in the presence of transparent urine, it may be necessary to change the components of the medicinal decoction

      When moving sand and small stones through the urinary tract, the patient may experience slight pain - this phenomenon indicates that the healing herbs "work". To exclude the development of the inflammatory process and relieve unpleasant symptoms, you can prepare a therapeutic anti-inflammatory tea, which includes:

    • mint;
    • heather;
    • wild pear;
    • lingonberry leaf.
    • In the treatment of nephrolithiasis, it is strictly forbidden to use medications without control, including medicinal herbs! The use of any drugs must be coordinated with a qualified nephrologist.

      Contraindications when using kidney teas

      Unfortunately, not all medicinal herbs are harmless and contraindications to their use have always existed, these are:

    • thrombocytosis - an increase in the number of platelets in the blood;
    • hypotension - low blood pressure;
    • gastritis, gastric ulcer, duodenitis;
    • osteoporosis;
    • individual intolerance.
    • It is necessary to apply medicinal infusions within 30 days. Between courses of procedures, two-week breaks are taken, during which it is recommended to undergo a second examination. The treatment is completed when all the calculi come out and the attending physician confirms their absence in the kidneys.

      The benefits of herb bear ears for the kidneys: how to be treated with bearberry

      Bearberry is an evergreen shrub that bears spherical fruits of bright red color.

      The plant is mainly distributed in middle lane, often found in pine forests, and in places where the soil is sandy and well lit.

      Bearberry by outward signs easily confused with cranberries. but their main difference is that the bearberry spreads, and its berries do not have black dots.

      The leaves of the bear's ears are obovate in shape, on which the veins are clearly visible. Bearberry blooms in spring, the flowers are whitish-pink.

      The properties of bear ears are very diverse. For treatment, the whole plant is used completely - from the leaves to the roots. Bear Ear Herb Tincture has the following scope applications :

    • has an astringent property
    • stops the blood
    • relieves spasms,
    • removes microbes,
    • often used as a diuretic
    • relieves inflammation well
    • used for disinfection in the kidneys.
    • In Germany, there are even patented recipes using bear ears to treat inflammation of the urinary tract.

      A number of studies have shown that this method of using bearberry allows you to maximize the preservation of all beneficial features plants.

      The plant is also used in veterinary medicine for the treatment of artiodactyls.

      Before using the herb bear ears, be sure to read the instructions for use.

      Urological diseases that bearberry treats

      Urolithiasis disease

      For cooking tinctures or decoctions Leaves are the raw material.

      To prepare infusion, you need to do the following:

    • it will take about 10 g of leaves, which are poured into 1 liter of boiling water;
    • then the resulting mass is placed in a water bath and boiled for several minutes;
    • leave to insist for more than half an hour, after which the resulting broth must be filtered through several layers of gauze;
    • add as much water to the resulting volume as it was originally.
    • The tincture is consumed half a glass a couple of times a day, about an hour after the meal.

      Also for getting rid of kidney stones you can use the following recipes:

    • mix 15 crushed leaves of bear ears, add a couple of tablespoons of wormwood, horsetail and dill seeds; a few tablespoons of wild carrot seeds are added to the resulting proportion. All you need to pour 3 liters of boiling water and insist throughout the night. In the morning, the resulting tincture is boiled, then cooled and filtered. It is recommended to take in the amount of 50 ml, the required number of times a day, after meals. Better to store in a cool place.
    • decoction. which is prepared on the basis of the same calculation, but the mass must be boiled for 30 minutes and immediately filtered, not allowing to cool.
    • alcohol tincture- prepared in proportions of 20 g of leaves per 100 ml of 40% alcohol. Let it brew for 14 days, after which it is filtered and consumed a couple of dozen drops about 3 times a day after meals.
    • Urethritis

      As you know, urethritis is a chronic inflammation of the urinary tract, but it can also manifest itself in an acute form. This disease affects both men and women.

      When used in the course of treatment of bearberry, you can achieve the desired results. Thanks to the substances contained in bear ears, tinctures and decoctions from the plant help get rid of infections, which quickly restores urinary function.

      Here are some useful recipes :

    • mix 100 g of each herb - poplar buds, knotweed, elderberry, bearberry, horsetail, juniper and lingonberry; brew and drink three cups a day;
    • we take up to a dozen pieces of bean leaves, 15 leaves of bearberry and the same number of birch buds, knotweed and cornflowers. Brew and drink like tea.
    • Grass bear ears with cystitis

      Many people know that cystitis is an inflammatory process that forms in the bladder, and it is caused by the penetration of an infection. Unfortunately, no one is immune from this disease, the main thing is to start treatment on time. In this case, bearberry is very useful.

      For the treatment of kidney diseases, our readers successfully use Galina Savina's method .

      In the absence of exacerbation take a few grams of ordinary bear's ears leaves and the same number of birch leaves and juniper fruits, add 5 g of horsetail grass and saxifrage root.

      Everything is crushed and poured with running chilled water, about 1 glass. Let it brew for 6 hours and then boil for a few minutes, after which it is first filtered and cooled.

      For treatment, it is required to consume 50 g 3-4 times a day.

      Can be taken chilled infusion from 40 g of the leaves of the main plant and 10 g of celandine, add 10 g of parsley seeds to the mass.

      Mix the resulting assortment and take from it the volume of one tablespoon; pour a glass of cold water and leave for 6 hours; after a while, boil for about 10 minutes. Use the same way as the previous recipe.


      The positive properties of bear ears in the treatment of pyelonephritis are to relieve inflammation and antimicrobial action. The infection leaves the body with urine.

      To combat this disease, the following is used recipe :

    • take 3 tablespoons of leaves of bear ears, sage, succession and lingonberry leaves, then add a leaf of kidney tea, horsetail, herb shiksha - 2 tablespoons each;
    • mixing everything together, add dandelion root - 4 tablespoons, adonis grass - 1 spoon and licorice root 5 tbsp. l.
    • Pour the resulting mixture with boiled hot water- 1 l, let it brew overnight.
    • In the amount of 50 ml, use 5 to 8 times a day.


      This disease affects men over the age of 40 years. Many are sure that everything will go away on its own, but this is a delusion, since prostatitis goes into a neglected form, which gives many complications.

      Suitable for the treatment of prostatitis bear ears in combination with other herbs .

      To begin with, take one part of such herbs as sage, nettle, horsetail, yarrow, chamomile; add half the weight of mint, plantain and motherwort; bearberry add two parts. All available herbs are carefully ground.

      From the prepared mixture of herbs, take only 2 tablespoons and pour half a liter of boiling water. Within a couple of hours, the mass is infused. Next, you need to strain the broth.

      For the prevention of diseases and the treatment of the kidneys and urinary system, our readers advise Father George's Monastery tea. It consists of 16 most useful medicinal herbs that are extremely effective in cleansing the kidneys, in the treatment of kidney diseases, urinary tract diseases, and in cleansing the body as a whole. Doctors' opinion. »

      Drink half a glass half an hour before tomorrow, lunch, dinner or snack. Doctors recommend a 3-week course of treatment.

      To remove accumulated salts from the body and set the body tone. for example, after winter, you can use the recipes described below.

      Approximately 4-6 leaves of bear ears are placed in a thermos and poured with a glass of only boiled water. Insist and drink the resulting infusion throughout the day. Prevention should last at least 2 weeks.

      Formations of the urinary system

      Many people are faced with such a problem as malignant and benign tumors. Cancer of the urinary system can be treated through surgery, or you can use traditional medicine.

      But folk remedies should be used in combination with medicines.

      It should be noted that medicinal plants can speed up postoperative rehabilitation or relieve pain.

      About 6-8 components can be combined with each other, for example, parsley seeds, chamomile, cornflower flowers, add a few birch buds, violet grass, juniper fruit, but bearberry is an obligatory component.

      Herbal collection from several plants, pour 400 ml of just boiled water, leave under a closed lid for an hour and a half, and then strain. You can drink half a glass several times a day.

      Other kidney diseases

      There is an opinion among the people that with various diseases of the kidneys, especially with hematuria, the bear's ears plant helps best of all medicines.

      It can be used to prepare decoctions and tinctures either alone or in combination with other herbs.

      Depending on the initial amount of herbs, the mass is boiled for about 15 minutes, insisted for about half an hour, filtered as a standard and drunk several times a day in small quantities.

      Possible contraindications for bear ears herbal treatment

      As with all medicines and herbs, this plant has a number of side effects, due to which it may be contraindicated to use bearberry.

    • first of all, bearberry is contraindicated for pregnant women, since the plant irritates the smooth muscles of the uterus and can lead to miscarriages;
    • since bear ears are a good diuretic, it is worth abstaining from the plant during lactation, as consumption can lead to milk deficiency;
    • if you suffer from indigestion, then it is not recommended to take bearberry leaves, as they irritate the mucous membrane, which leads to diarrhea and nausea;
    • as you know, the plant contains tannins, which in turn have an astringent effect on the intestines, so taking bear ears for constipation is contraindicated.
    • Any medicine can both cure you and bring new diseases and pathologies. It is necessary not to neglect your health and start treatment on time.

      And in order to achieve the desired effects, it is necessary to seek help from qualified specialists, and not self-medicate.

    Traditional medicine shows that bearberry as a diuretic effectively copes with the manifestations of diseases of the urinary system. Its beneficial properties are also used in traditional medicine, combining decoctions and infusions with medications. Properly prepared infusion disinfects, knits, relieves inflammation.

    What is useful bearberry?

    In folk medicine, all parts of the plant are used - flowers, fruits, and especially leaves. Bearberry is rich in vitamins, tannins, flavonoids, organic acids. What effect bearberry has, what elements are involved in the patient's recovery, is indicated in the table:

    The use of an infusion or decoction with bearberry in a short time will eliminate the microbes that attacked the kidneys and caused inflammation of the urinary system. The decoction washes out bacteria due to the diuretic effect and flavonoids in the composition. The recipe for most decoctions uses bearberry leaves. With a long course, it is possible to stain the urine green.

    The herb is used to treat the following diseases of the urinary system:

    • cystitis;
    • bladder catarrh;
    • urethritis;
    • urinary tract diseases;

    The dosage and duration of the course of therapy should be determined by the doctor. An incorrectly selected dose leads to an exacerbation of inflammation and dehydration, which has an extremely negative effect on the kidneys.

  • iron - determines the content of hemoglobin and saturation of tissues with oxygen;
  • vitamin B - is responsible for the condition of the hair and skin, as well as the nervous system;
  • The benefits of millet in terms of proper nutrition are obvious. As for its use at home as a means of treating and cleaning the kidneys, this issue needs to be dealt with in more detail.

    How to understand that there are problems with the kidneys?

    Only a doctor can make a final and correct diagnosis, but each person should know the signs by which kidney problems can be suspected. First of all, this is appearance, namely puffiness mainly in the face area, yellowness of the skin, their dryness.

    Weakness, fatigue, headaches also indicate the disease. If there is an inflammatory process in the above organs, then pain in the lumbar region, urination disorders will disturb. In the presence of stones, a strong pain syndrome will appear. It is important to understand that a timely visit to a doctor is a guarantee of a successful recovery. The doctor will prescribe the right treatment, which, of course, can be fixed with the use of millet.

    The medicinal properties of millet are that it is able to change the level of acidity of urine. Also, millet groats have a slight diuretic effect, removes excess salts. The main key to success is the regular intake of millet porridge.

    Traditional medicine includes many recipes for millet as a folk remedy for correcting kidney pathology. This article presents the most effective and time-tested recipes.

    Millet grains are laid out in one layer on a plate, abundantly moistened with water, then they should be covered with moistened gauze. Next, you need to germinate millet grains. Then rinse them and dry a little, then cook without salt. In case of problems with the stomach, it is better to eat porridge in a pureed form.

    Some of them are formed directly in an alkaline environment, and millet alkalizes urine. Therefore, it cannot be used with these types of stones. And to understand what kind of stones are in the kidneys, you can use litmus paper. Normally, urine has a slightly acidic reaction (from 6 to 7.5). A pH above 7.5 indicates alkalinization of urine and is a pathology.

    Among the inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, the most common are pyelonephritis (the pathological process mainly affects the renal parenchyma) and glomerulonephritis (mainly the glomeruli of the kidneys are damaged).

    With pyelonephritis, millet has an anti-inflammatory effect

    Recipe for a decoction: pour two tablespoons of millet groats with boiling water in the volume of two glasses, keep it on low heat until it boils, drain the water into a separate bowl. The resulting broth should be consumed according to the following scheme: on the first day, one tablespoon every hour, then on the second day, increase the number of spoons to three per hour, and on the remaining days - half a glass before meals. It is very good to combine this method with taking diuretic fees. This is the oldest recipe that people have been using for many years.

    Even more common than the two above diseases is inflammation of the bladder (cystitis).

    Cystitis occurs more often in women due to the peculiarities of the development of the urethra

    Strict contraindications to the use of the above cereals are:

    The use of millet in urolithiasis is permissible only with small sizes of stones and in the presence of sand. For this reason, before starting treatment, an ultrasound of the kidneys should be done. Sometimes large stones do not bother their owner, but when using drugs that remove them, they can begin to move along the ureters, causing unbearable pain.

    Reviews on the use of millet

    Six months ago I learned from the doctor that sand was found in the urine, I decided to clean the kidneys, but I'm already afraid of pills, I used too many of them because of a sick heart. I read in a magazine about the good effect of millet. I brewed it the way it was written in the magazine. She poured boiling water over half the jar, insisted and drank this broth almost every hour. The course of my treatment was three months. Now the tests are in perfect order. I removed my sand from the kidneys.

    My mother advised me to use millet. I had severe inflammation of the bladder. I drank an infusion of millet, along with it I took Monural, prescribed by a doctor. Relief came very quickly, but I just don’t understand whether it was millet that helped, or still pills.


    If you have kidney disease, try to eat millet porridge more often. Millet as a medicine has a number of important properties:

    When treating kidney pathologies with millet, you need to understand that it should be used only with a well-composed treatment by a specialist. Remember that self-medication leads to aggravation of diseases.

    What can treat bearberry

    Bearberry is a medicinal plant from the Vereskov genus, which has been used for more than a century to treat various diseases, mainly of the genitourinary tract. Traditional medicine uses bearberry leaves and its shoots. An infusion and a decoction are prepared from them, which should be taken, like any medicine, strictly in accordance with the instructions, taking into account all possible contraindications and side effects.

    What does bearberry look like

    The plant has a second popular name, bear ears, because of the shape of its leaves - it is obovate. The leaves are covered with a network of capillaries. The grass blooms in late spring and early summer, the flowers are whitish-pink. In place of the flowers, a small red berry is formed, which has a tart taste. Grass doesn't burn.

    Leaves should be harvested before flowering or after the fruits have departed. The brown color of the raw material indicates that the collection was incorrect, and such leaves cannot be used. You should not tear the plant from the root, as this will lead to the death of its thickets.

    What grass can do

    The medicinal properties of the plant are due to its chemical composition:

  • The diuretic effect is due to the presence in the composition of the plant of glycosides arbutin and methylarbutin, flavonoids.
  • The combination of arbutin with gallic acid methyl ester and hydroquinone has an antiseptic effect on urine, and has an antimicrobial effect (urolesan has the same properties). It is hydroquinone that ensures the destruction of such microbes as Escherichia coli, Enterococcus, Staphylococcus aureus, Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Mycoplasma, Listeria and Ureaplasma. It also kills bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics.
  • Antifungal, anti-tuberculosis and at the same time anti-inflammatory properties of the plant are due to the presence of tannins in its composition. The anti-inflammatory activity of bear ears is especially pronounced in relation to the urinary system in a dehydrated body.
  • The stability of the membranes of the kidney cells and the antioxidant effect is provided by the glycoside arbutin.
  • Grass provides better resistance of the tissues of the genitourinary system to a small amount of oxygen.
  • In shock situations, bearberry increases blood pressure.
  • Hydroquinone, contained in leaves and shoots, improves the absorption of glucose by tissues, reduces the degree of ketoacidosis, a complication of diabetes.
  • Astringent effect on the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines due to tannins.
  • Choleretic properties.
  • When to Use Bear Ears

    The main properties of this plant - anti-inflammatory, diuretic and antimicrobial - determine its use in the treatment of diseases of the urinary system and kidneys, but only necessarily - after receiving a urologist:

  • in the treatment of cystitis - acute and chronic
  • for the relief of urethritis
  • for the treatment of urolithiasis
  • as a first aid for detecting blood in the urine.
  • In all of the above cases, bearberry can only be used at alkaline urine pH (therefore, before using the drug, it is necessary to pass a general analysis). Otherwise, the glycosides arbutin and methylarbutin will not be able to break down and exert their effect.

    The herb can also be used in the treatment of:

  • diarrhea
  • externally - in the treatment of wounds and ulcers, clean and purulent
  • topically - to lighten hyperpigmentation of the skin
  • together with some other herbs - in the treatment of bronchial asthma, rhinitis, cough
  • a decoction in milk is used in the treatment of gastritis.
  • Proper use of the plant

    Instructions for use indicate that the herb can be used in the form of a decoction, infusion and tea. You can also use the leaves of this plant and other herbs to prepare a diuretic collection.

    A leaf decoction is prepared as follows:

  • 1 tablespoon is placed in glass or enamel dishes.
  • pour 200 ml of boiled hot water
  • placed, covered with a lid, in a water bath
  • boil for half an hour
  • removed from the bath
  • 10 minutes at room temperature cool
  • strain and squeeze out the rest of the leaves
  • bring the resulting volume to 200 ml
  • the instruction clearly indicates that such a decoction should be shaken before use, and drink - 1 tbsp. 40 minutes before meals, preheated decoction, 3-5 times a day
  • Bear grass or bearberry: medicinal properties and contraindications, use as part of complex therapy for diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys

    Bearberry is a medicinal plant whose leaves are often used in the treatment of urinary tract diseases. In combination with other herbal remedies, bear grass has a positive effect on the tissues of the kidneys, urethra, and bladder.

    Medicinal properties

    The leaves of a medicinal plant contain many valuable components. The basis of the therapeutic effect is associated with arbutin - a glycoside that breaks down in the body into glucose and hydroquinone. It is the impact of the second component that leads to a pronounced antimicrobial and diuretic effect.

    Arbutin is actively cleaved in the urinary tract. For this reason, traditional and folk medicine confirms the effectiveness of the use of compounds with bear grass in the treatment of many urological pathologies. Bearberry also helps with ulcers and wounds on the skin, diarrhea, with the appearance of age spots, to improve the condition of bronchial asthma, suppress cough and runny nose.

    Other Beneficial Components in Bear Grass Leaves:

  • gallic acid ester;
  • tannins;
  • flavonoids;
  • organic acids.
  • Learn about the reasons for the increase in amorphous phosphate in the urine and about methods to bring the indicators back to normal.

    How to prepare and how bladder instillations are performed for cystitis is written on this page.

    The action of the herbal remedy

    Herbal remedies with bearberry leaves have a complex effect on the affected urinary tract. To achieve a positive result, you must strictly adhere to the rules of application, do not exceed the dosage and frequency of administration.

    Benefits of bearberry herb:

  • diuretic;
  • dissolves kidney stones;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • reduces the number of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • normalizes the composition of urine;
  • improves blood circulation in the kidneys and tissues of the bladder;
  • increases the level of absorption of sugars by tissues;
  • exhibits antioxidant properties.
  • Indications for use

    Herbal remedies with bear grass are used for many urological diseases and negative processes:

    Bear grass shows an active effect with an integrated approach to treatment:

  • purulent wounds, ulcerative lesions on the skin;
  • in the treatment of cough, runny nose, bronchial asthma (in combination with other medicinal plants);
  • decoction in milk is suitable for patients suffering from symptoms of irritation of the gastric mucosa;
  • stool disorders (to combat diarrhea).
  • Herbs for kidney stones

    An alternative to surgery for kidney stones is to dissolve them and clear them naturally. Treatment is carried out at home with traditional medicine. This is a long process that requires a lot of patience and strict adherence to prescriptions, recommendations of a doctor who will control your actions. But efforts will be rewarded by getting rid of kidney stones without surgery and unnecessary expenses for expensive drugs.

    How effective are herbs for kidney stones?

    Herbs, destructively acting on kidney stones, cause them to break up and decrease in size over time. The result of home treatment for nephrolithiasis appears 20-30 days after the first intake of herbal infusion. It manifests itself in the form of cloudy urine. The duration of the course depends on the size of the stones - the larger they are, the longer the treatment will be. It usually takes several months to fully recover.

    Herbs do not equally affect different types of stones:

  • Phosphates and urates dissolve well;
  • Worse amenable to destruction are cystine and struvite stones;
  • Practically insoluble oxalates. If you have this particular type of stones, then it is hardly possible to do without surgical intervention. Herbs can only help if the amount of oxalate is very small. But even so, the treatment will be very long.
  • After a few months, the stones are so reduced in size that they leave the kidneys through the urinary tract almost painlessly. In the future, herbs can be used to prevent or re-treat kidney stones. To prevent the formation of new stones, it is necessary to eliminate the causes that lead to the deposition of minerals in the kidneys. A urologist will help identify them.

    Only under control!

    With kidney stones, treatment at home can only be started with the permission of the attending physician. The procedure is as follows:

  • Visiting a urologist for the purpose of prescribing an ultrasound scan and passing the necessary tests;
  • Determining the size and types of stones, their location;
  • Consultation with a urologist about herbal treatment;
  • Following the advice and recommendations of the doctor.
  • Usually, the urologist gives permission for treatment with folk remedies if the stones lend themselves well to dissolution, and their size is small.

    The danger lies in the fact that they can start moving, causing renal colic. This explains why regular visits to the doctor are essential. Even frequent ultrasound of the kidneys will be sufficient: by referral or for a fee.

    Folk recipes

    People use diuretic herbs to break up kidney stones. These include:

  • Birch buds;
  • Hoof;
  • Licorice;
  • Cowberry;
  • Thyme;
  • Couch grass roots;
  • Bloodroot;
  • Horsetail;
  • Juniper;
  • Madder root.
  • Madder dye Potentilla Rosehip root Hoof

    Treatment is performed using any one herb or in combination. Diuretic fees are compiled so that the effect of each component is enhanced.

    Collection number 1 (universal)

    The collection includes the following diuretic herbs:

  • Melissa;
  • Rosehip roots;
  • Hypericum perforatum;
  • Knotweed;
  • Sage;
  • Oregano.
  • Dry herbs with rosehip roots are mixed in equal proportions. The remedy is prepared as tea: 2 tablespoons of the collection are brewed with 150 ml of boiling water. The cooled infusion is filtered, 1 teaspoon of honey is added to it (optional). It should be taken three times a day before meals for 30 minutes in 3/4 cup, which is equivalent to 150 ml. This means that you need 6 tablespoons of the collection per day, from which 450 ml of infusion will be obtained.

    A week later, 5 drops of fir oil are added along with honey. This treatment continues until complete recovery.

    Attention! All infusions should be drunk through a tube to protect the teeth: they are much weaker than stones that are to be dissolved directly in the kidneys.

    Collection number 2 (against urates)

    With urates, a collection prepared from taken equally fights perfectly:

  • Rose hips;
  • strawberry leaves;
  • Flax seeds;
  • birch buds;
  • Ground part of parsley.
  • To prepare the infusion, you will need a thermos, in which 2 tablespoons of the collection are placed. Pour 500 ml of boiling water inside, close the lid and leave for 6-7 hours. It should be taken 3-4 times a day for 100-150 ml. Stones are usually removed in an average of 3 months.

    Collection No. 3 (for dissolving oxalates and phosphates)

    This is one of the most effective remedies for helping with oxalate in the kidneys, which are practically not amenable to dissolution. To prepare it, take in equal proportions:

  • Lingonberry (leaf);
  • Sweet clover (grass, flowers);
  • Immortelle (flowers);
  • motherwort (grass and flowers);
  • Madder root.
  • An infusion is prepared according to the recipe described for collection No. 2. However, it should be taken only 70-80 ml at a time, but up to 5-6 times per day.

    Collection #4 (Designed Against Oxalates)

    This collection includes the following diuretic herbs:

  • Wintergreen;
  • Mint;
  • bearberry;
  • Inflorescences of cornflowers.
  • An infusion is prepared according to the recipe described above (in a thermos). Take it 80 ml 5 times a day. The duration of one course is no more than 4 months. If during this time the oxalates have not dissolved, then after 2-3 weeks the treatment can be repeated.

    Rosehip + bearberry

    You can treat kidney stones with the help of rosehip and bearberry roots according to the following scheme:

    1. In the morning on an empty stomach, drink 1 glass of decoction prepared from the roots;
    2. An hour later, take the same amount of bearberry infusion;
    3. Repeat in the same sequence at lunch and before bed.
    4. Per day you will need:

    5. Rosehip root - 6 tablespoons;
    6. Bearberry - 6 tablespoons;
    7. Boiling water - 6 cups.
    8. You can prepare decoctions in the morning for the whole day. It is enough to brew the rosehip root and bearberry separately from each other (6 tablespoons of raw materials in 3 cups of boiling water). But for the best effect, the roots should be kept in a water bath for 15 minutes.

      Other fees

      Try to get rid of kidney stones with herbal infusions taken equally:

    9. Madder root, cinnamon rosehip (fruit), juniper (fruit), drooping birch (leaves);
    10. drooping birch (leaves), prickly steelwort (root), creeping wheatgrass (roots), juniper (fruits), odorous rue, goose cinquefoil, celandine;
    11. Rosehip cinnamon (fruits), adonis, juniper (fruits), prickly harrow;
    12. Juniper (fruits), rosemary officinalis, field horsetail;
    13. Highlander bird, horsetail, lingonberry leaf, dyeing gorse, juniper (fruits);
    14. Naked licorice, European hoof, birch leaves, cowberry (leaf);
    15. Celandine, perforated St. John's wort, creeping thyme.
    16. Attention! Be sure to visit your doctor for a consultation before starting herbal treatment. Perhaps some of them are contraindicated and will do more harm than good.

      During the removal of stones at home, monitor the excreted urine. If it is clean even a month after the start of the course, then the remedy does not help. Change the fee. Cloudy urine with sand or flakes indicates that the herbs have begun to work. Keep taking them until the remnants of the stone come out. Treatment can be ended when the doctor confirms that the kidneys are clear.

      Does bearberry really help: testimonials from those who have experienced it

      Evgenia Polevich, 44 years old, Vinnitsa

      With the help of bearberry, I cured chronic cystitis. In parallel, I used special female dietary supplements. I heard a lot about bearberry leaves, read different reviews on the Internet, decided to try it and was not disappointed. For half a year, the condition of the bladder returned to normal, pain ceased to torment. Today I continue to drink it for prevention.

      Valeria Mamontova, 27 years old, Novosibirsk

      I had big problems with excess milk after giving birth. I simultaneously fed the child of a neighbor in the maternity hospital and still had to express a lot. I was afraid that my chest would drop. I started drinking bearberry and in just a week the amount of milk decreased. The good thing about bearberry is that this process can be regulated with it: it became a lot - I drank, it decreased - I stopped drinking. I have not been feeding for a year now, and my breasts have become like those of a twenty-year-old.

      Alexander Matushkin, 36 years old, Moscow

      Diagnosis: chronic pyelonephritis without exacerbations against the background of a large accumulation of kidney stones. I heard that bearberry helps a lot. Reviews of colleagues did their job and I began to drink tincture in parallel with the medicines. He followed a diet: a lot of fruits and vegetables, frequent drinking, without salty and fried foods. In four months, the inflammation completely disappeared and most of the stones came out. I have given up medicines, but I continue to drink bearberry and follow a diet. Already more than a year no problem.

      Ekaterina Seis, Kaliningrad

      After suffering from jaundice, my daughter (8 years old) developed blepharitis, her eyes constantly became inflamed and her eyelashes dried up. We were afraid to use strong medicines because the child was weak after the illness. We were very interested in bear ears, grass. Reviews on the Internet said that it helps with inflammation of the eyes. We made a decoction and dripped for three weeks. My daughter recovered and after that her eyes never became inflamed.

      Alice Lace, 31 years old, Vladivostok

      Used bearberry to treat an inflamed bladder that she had a cold in camping trip. She did not use other medicines. The grass helped, pain and inflammation disappeared in a month, urination returned to normal.

      Alexander Petrov, 51 years old, Donetsk

      Bearberry began to be used in the treatment of prostatitis in 2009. After being discharged from the hospital, she still had difficulty urinating and pelvic pain. Together with medicines he drank bearberry tincture. With her, the recovery accelerated significantly, besides, urination returned to normal almost immediately. Now I continue to drink it as a prophylactic and have never experienced any problems in the last 5 years.

      Svetlana Borovkova, 51, Volgograd

      A year ago, I developed cystitis. The doctors said it was some kind of infection. I never liked medicines, I preferred to do with natural preparations and herbs. I read a lot of reviews about bearberry and started drinking its tincture. In just three weeks, cystitis was completely gone, there were no complications or problems. The doctors said that I somehow recovered too quickly. Today I always have a bag of dry bearberry leaves at home just in case.

      Perhaps, everyone in the kitchen has millet, but few people know about the uniqueness of this product, and even more so about its role in the treatment of kidneys. Millet is a valuable cereal, obtained from millet. It is a source of vitamins, microelements, a large number of amino acids, healthy vegetable fats. Also, millet is a source of slow carbohydrates, which provide a feeling of satiety for a long time, which is important for a diet menu.

      The composition of millet includes the following important components:

    17. leucine and histidine - improve the condition of connective tissues;
    18. phosphorus - regulates metabolic processes in the bones;
    19. potassium - improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
    20. manganese - participates in all metabolic processes, accelerates metabolism;
    21. folic acid is an important component for the normal functioning of the nervous system.
    22. Renal edema is localized mainly on the face

      How is millet groats used for kidney diseases?

      It is difficult to say exactly why millet has such a positive effect on the kidneys. But the effectiveness of this cereal in terms of treatment is obvious. Millet has an anti-inflammatory, cleansing effect, and also does an excellent job of dissolving kidney stones.

      Best Recipes Using Millet to Remove Stones

      When it comes to kidney stones, it is important to understand that millet is unable to remove stones. large sizes. It works great in the presence of sand and small stones.

      For three liters of boiled water we take one glass of millet, then we insist, having previously wrapped it. The readiness of the broth can be judged by the appearance of a white suspension in the container. You can drink at a convenient time, while it is possible to use cereals several times.

      With the correct use of millet medicine, small stones will dissolve after 2-3 weeks from the start of use.

      When treating stones with millet, do not forget that there are different types of them (phosphate, oxalate stones).

      There are types of kidney stones in which treatment with millet is strictly prohibited.

      The correct tactic for the treatment of urolithiasis in parallel with the use of millet is diet therapy. You need to drink plenty of fluids, exclude salty and smoked foods, as well as spices, chocolate, coffee drinks, alcohol.

      How to use millet for inflammation of the kidneys

      With these two diseases, as well as other inflammatory processes of the urinary system, there are many great recipes millet based.

      If the outflow of urine is disturbed during inflammation, then we take half a glass of millet, cook it for about seven minutes, remove and insist. It is recommended to drink in the amount of one tablespoon every 15-20 minutes until the urination returns to normal.

      A quick method is that millet tincture should be consumed within a week. It is prepared as follows: you need to fill half a jar with a volume of three liters with cereals, pour boiled water and leave for 24 hours. Drink at your convenience.

      Another express method. It is necessary to brew 1 tablespoon of millet with one glass of hot water, cover with a lid and cook for 5 minutes. Cool the liquid and leave for two hours. After that, you can drink it 1/3 cup half an hour before meals.

      There are proven ways to fix it. In the presence of cystitis, the following recipe helps well: soak millet in water with a volume equal to two glasses, after placing the cereal in a three-liter jar. Shake vigorously for three minutes, then drink in unlimited quantities. It is good for such a disease to take cranberry juice along with a decoction of millet, because. cranberry is an excellent antiseptic. The collection of lingonberries and bearberries complements the action of millet very well.

      In addition, you can prepare a suspension that will perfectly help in the fight against cystitis. 100 grams of millet groats should be washed, and then pour a glass of boiled water. This infusion must be ground to a homogeneous substance, after acquiring a whitish hue with this mass, it can be taken. The multiplicity of reception is 4 times a day for up to a month.

      When should millet not be used?

    • disruption of the intestines, namely constipation;
    • the presence of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
    • decreased acidity in the stomach;
    • disease thyroid gland, because there is an opinion that millet prevents the absorption of iodine;
    • kidney stones formed from phosphates and oxalates;
    • large stones;
    • pregnancy.
    • Maria 28 years old

      16 informative reviews about kanefron

      I recently published an article about kanefron. which received thousands of views. Many are also interested in people's opinions about him.

      "Canephron reviews" - this is how they look for information about the drug on the Internet. I looked, the situation is similar, the reviews are numerous, but scattered across many sites.

      It was not my task to collect positive or negative opinions. All reviews are taken from various sources on the Internet. They were written by different people.

      Like any drug, kanefron also helps someone, does not help someone, because each person has his own body. By the way, this article can also be found on the Internet on request - kanefron n reviews. and someone will find by the word kanefron drops reviews .

      One kanefron helps with swelling and bags under the eyes. others treat cystitis and pyelonephritis very well, others noticed the result only when the drug was combined with antibiotics. And there are those for whom the drug not only did not help, but also brought side effects in the form of a rash, vomiting and fever.

      I will write about all medicines on the pages of my website, as always, from your point of view, follow the news. And today, in continuation of the topic of kanefron, I will act as a collector of reviews about him, both good and not so good. You can read them and draw your own conclusions.

      Kanefron review Jadwiga

      I liked the drug, very good. A nephrologist prescribed him for the treatment of acute cystitis. There were severe pains, which I removed with antibiotics, and then I treated the urinary system itself with kanefron. I like that it is herbal, no chemicals. Now it is constantly in my first aid kit, if it is a little cold, and I feel that an exacerbation of cystitis is on the way, I drink kanefron.

    “For many years my husband suffered from kidney stones. About 30 years ago, he was even operated on by a very good surgeon, but he immediately warned that over time, both sand and stones would still form, ”my old friend Elizaveta Mikhailovna Starostina from the Kaluga region told me. - In my youth, both my husband and I took the doctor's advice lightly, for which we paid: my husband began to suffer pain again, and I had to look for recipes to remove sand and small stones from his body. Over the years, a whole range of measures has been developed, including preventive ones, which allowed her husband to successfully exchange his eighth decade. I think our experience can be useful to those who suffer from kidney stones. But before engaging in herbal medicine, I would like to warn you: only an accurate medical diagnosis can be the starting point for self-treatment.”

    Next, I will return to the story of Elizaveta Mikhailovna, but for now I will dwell on some features of nephrolithiasis, a disease associated with a disorder of metabolic processes, in which calculi are found in the renal pelvis or ureters. It can be asymptomatic, secretive, and may be accompanied by severe attacks, urination disorders, changes in the urine, stones and other painful symptoms. Stones can be of very different structure, physical structure and chemical composition, different color and size.

    For the prevention of kidney stones, therapeutic exercises, long walks, sufficient movement, varied and proper nutrition, vitamins and urinary tract infection control. An important role in the prevention of nephrolithiasis and the fight against attacks is occupied by a diet, a healthy lifestyle. After all, stones are formed due to metabolic disorders. Therefore, in such cases, it is necessary to exclude or severely limit the use of meat products, strong coffee and tea, spicy and salty foods, sweets.

    Returning to the letter of Elizaveta Starostina, I will list the main points of the system of treatment of her husband developed by her in the postoperative years.

    1. Every morning, on an empty stomach, the patient ate a teaspoon of natural honey and washed it down with half a glass of purified water. It has become as much a daily routine as brushing your teeth.

    2. Everyone in the family drank freshly squeezed or canned pumpkin-carrot or apple-pumpkin juice every day. Moreover, fruits and vegetables were grown in their own garden without the use of pesticides.

    3. The patient drank at least 100 ml of strawberry juice every day during the summer. Strawberry juice was prepared with a minimum sugar content: 100-150 g of granulated sugar per 1 liter of squeezed juice. Fresh or canned juice can be diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1:1.

    4. It is very important to drink 100 ml of strawberry juice during exacerbations of the disease 15 minutes after taking the herbal infusion.

    5. During attacks of renal colic, therapeutic baths were taken. For them, they took the following composition: 10 g of linden flowers and chamomile, birch leaves, grass cudweed marsh, oregano, medicinal sage. Grind everything, mix and brew 4 liters of boiling water, insist under a lid and a blanket for 2 hours. Strain the infusion into a warm bath. Take such a bath for 10-15 minutes lying down so that the heart area is above the water. After the bath, you need to lie down in a warm bed for at least 2 hours.

    6. To stimulate the release of sand and small stones during attacks of renal colic, a renal infusion should be taken.

    Compound: 10 g each of black currant leaves, lavender spike, ivy-shaped budra grass and white birch, juniper fruits, common hop cones, Crimean rose petals, medicinal chamomile flowers, 20 g each of a leaf of lingonberry, common bearberry and large plantain, herb initial medicinal, according to 30 g of nettle grass, 20 g of cinnamon rosehips, 60 g of wild strawberries and horsetail shoots.

    Preparation and application: 1.5 st. spoons of crushed raw materials are poured into 750 ml of boiling water, insisted for 30 minutes, filtered. Drink warm 150 ml 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals or after each urination. In a glass of infusion, it is useful to add 2-3 drops of mint basil oil. After the stone has passed, the dose is reduced: 5-6 g of the mixture per 0.5 l of boiling water.

    In addition to the above, such infusions and decoctions were also used.

    Compound: 10 g each of juniper and cinnamon rose hips, 20 g of madder root.

    Preparation and application: 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of the crushed mixture into 2 cups cold water, insist 10 hours, boil for 5 minutes, filter and cool. Take 1/3-1/4 cup 3-4 times a day.

    When cooking, juniper fruits, rosemary and yarrow leaves, cumin, lovage, parsley, and anise were often used. Vitamin teas were prepared with the participation of rose hips, lingonberry leaves. Soaked lingonberries and cranberries were harvested for the winter.

    As you can see, the system for treating kidney stones, developed taking into account the people's experience by Elizaveta Mikhailovna for her husband, is not so complicated. The main thing is that there should be an order and a systematic approach to treatment, an accurate diagnosis is no less important, because, for example, with oxalate stones, it is not recommended to take strawberry juice and strawberries in general.

    It is useful to introduce into such a system treatment with wormwood, the juice of which contributes to the dissolution of stones and their gradual removal from the kidneys. Men are happy to drink fresh wormwood juice mixed with alcohol (15 drops per 50 g of vodka). The recipe for sweet wormwood syrup is very good: soak 100 g of fresh wormwood herb in water for a day, then bring to a boil, strain and add 400 g of sugar. Boil until the broth thickens. Cool, store at room temperature. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

    Herbal treatment is most effective during an exacerbation of the disease. If you start taking the infusion for prevention, then acute attacks and exacerbation of the disease may occur, but you should not be afraid of this.

    One of my readers from Yakutia wrote that in distant villages they still relieve attacks of nephrolithiasis with the help of jelly from dried bearberry berries ground into flour. Unfortunately, she did not send the recipe for this jelly. But in old books I found this advice: lean jelly can be made from both oatmeal and bearberry (flour from dried bearberry berries). For this, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of bearberry should be diluted in a cup of cold water, then pour 2 cups of boiling water and bring to a boil over low heat, stirring constantly. For taste, you can add a teaspoon of honey or 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cranberry juice.

    Bearberry is a plant that is widely used in the treatment of many pathologies. In a simple way, this small shrub is called bear ears. Bearberry is especially well used among the people for the kidneys. It is worth knowing that this plant is evergreen and is able not only to bloom, but also to produce berries appearance reminiscent of cranberries. However, in the treatment of kidney diseases, only the fleshy leaf of the bush is used. About what are useful features bearberry and how to properly prepare medicines from it, we understand below.

    The chemical composition of the plant

    Bearberry (leaves) contains a lot of healing and valuable minerals and trace elements, which have a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole and on the kidneys.

    Bearberry (leaves) contains a lot of healing and valuable minerals and trace elements, which have a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole and on the kidneys (urinary system) in particular. So, the value of a plant is due to its following components:

    • Ursolic acid. It has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect on the patient's body.
    • Gallic acid. Stops the aging process and prevents the development of oncology.
    • Arbutin. It has an antiseptic and diuretic effect.
    • Tannins. Gently and beneficially affect the human intestines.
    • Hydroquinone. Especially good for outdoor exposure. Rejuvenates and brightens the skin.
    • Flavonoids and organic acids. Neutralize toxins in the human body.
    • Vitamin C, essential oils and quercetin. They take care of the normal functioning of all body systems.

    Beneficial features

    It is worth knowing that bearberry leaves are an excellent diuretic.

    It is worth knowing that bearberry leaves are an excellent diuretic. Therefore, regular intake of decoctions or infusions from this plant allows you to quickly cope with renal edema. In addition, it is the diuretic properties of the plant that well cleanse the kidneys of accumulated mucus, pus and pathogenic bacteria. It is also worth noting that bearberry also works as an antispasmodic, relieving spasms of smooth muscles. And this means that all drugs from this plant will perfectly relieve kidney pain. That is why bearberry helps well with various diseases of the urinary system such as cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis, hematuria, prostatitis, pyelocystitis, etc.

    Important: treatment of the kidneys with bearberry not only quickly restores the organs, but also improves their function.

    Also, the bear's ear is also indicated for diseases of the digestive tract. The plant is taken for colitis, ulcers, gastritis, heartburn, etc. Decoctions and infusions of bearberry improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines. As for the external use of fleshy leaves, here bearberry significantly reduces wrinkles, relieves skin inflammation, softens and brightens it. It is also worth noting that it is bearberry that is indicated for diabetes, gout, rheumatism, heart failure and other chronic diseases that will sooner or later lead to kidney failure.

    Important: bearberry can also be used to treat certain types of sexually transmitted diseases.


    Despite the fact that the plant has a wide spectrum of action, pregnant women should categorically refuse to use it.

    Despite the fact that the plant, known as "bear berry" or "bear's ear", has a wide spectrum of action, it is absolutely worth refusing to use it for such categories of patients:

    • Persons with acute renal failure;
    • Patients with glomerulonephritis;
    • Patients under 20 years old;
    • breastfeeding mothers;
    • Women during pregnancy.

    Important: it is worth remembering that pregnancy is a categorical contraindication to the use of bearberry. The fact is that the plant tones the muscles of the uterus, as a result of which a miscarriage or premature birth (in late pregnancy) can occur.

    We determine the quality of the plant

    You can buy bearberry leaves in a pharmacy or on the market.

    You can buy bearberry leaves in a pharmacy or on the market. But if the pharmacy purchase does not raise doubts about the authenticity of the plant, then on the market the buyer can simply slip lingonberry leaves under the guise of bearberry. If there is a desire, then the bazaar product can be checked for authenticity in this way:

    • From the existing plant and water, a decoction is brewed in a ratio of 1:50. In the finished liquid, you need to lower the crystal of copper sulfate. If the plant is real, then the water will first turn red, and then, at the end of the reaction, a purple precipitate will be visible at the bottom.

    Recipes for the preparation of bearberry as a medicine

    For the treatment of renal pathology, the bearberry plant or bear's ear is used both in its pure form (traditional medicine) and as part of medicines (traditional medicine). We will consider options for preparing potions using the leaves of the plant in its pure form.

    Oatmeal tincture

    This remedy is especially good for kidney stones. But it can also be used as a drug for alcohol addiction, CNS disorders, sleep disorders, and also as an analgesic. Also, the tincture is excellent for gout (which is important for preventing the development of gouty kidneys) and for oncology.

    To prepare an alcohol tincture, you should take 40 gr. plant leaves already crushed on a blender. They are filled with glasses of vodka and the glass container is removed for 14 days in a dark and cool place. When the tincture is ready, it must be filtered. Liquid drink 15 drops half an hour after eating three times a day.

    Oatmeal decoction

    This remedy helps well with puffiness, chronic nephritis and cystitis, with urethritis and diathesis.

    This remedy helps well with swelling, chronic nephritis and cystitis, with urethritis and diathesis, with diabetes, as well as with severe uterine bleeding.

    Preparing such a tool is very simple:

    • Bearberry leaves (tablespoon) should be crushed.
    • Then the plant is poured with boiling water (1 cup) and placed in a steam bath.
    • It takes 15 minutes to cook the drug.
    • After - the broth is removed and insisted for another 40 minutes.
    • Now you should strain the liquid and bring it to the initial volume with boiled water.
    • Ready broth drink 50 gr. daily after meals after 30 minutes (three times a day). The therapy lasts until the fluid runs out.

    With cystitis

    With this pathology of the urinary system, it will be most effective to mix bearberry with other plant components. So, you can perform such a drug combination:

    • Gryzhnik - 20 gr.;
    • Bearberry ordinary - 20 gr.;
    • Dried celandine - 5 gr.;
    • Dry parsley - 5 gr.

    All components should be crushed into powder and pour a glass of boiling water. The drug insist hour. Then the liquid is filtered and drunk 50 g each. three times a day after meals (after half an hour).

    Oatmeal infusion from cystitis

    In this case, you need to use only 10 gr. plant leaves and two glasses of boiled cold water

    In this case, you need to use only 10 gr. leaves of the plant and two glasses of boiled cold water. Pour the bearberry with liquid and defend for 12 hours. Then we heat the infusion over low heat for no more than 5 minutes, but do not bring it to a boil. Tsedim broth and take it 30 gr. half an hour after eating. The infusion should be drunk three times a day.

    Important: the finished product can be stored in the cold for no more than two days, then a new one is prepared.

    For gout

    In the case of gout, bearberry works very effectively. To treat the disease, you need to prepare a remedy according to this recipe:

    • In 0.5 liters of water, immerse 3 tbsp. plant spoons.
    • Bring water to a boil over low heat.
    • Now you need to simmer the broth for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.
    • Remove the broth from the stove and keep it under a covered lid until it cools.
    • We drink the drug.

    The finished product is drunk twice a day after meals, 50 ml each. You can also moisten gauze with the product and apply to the affected areas of the body. The drug is drunk until the final disappearance of soreness.

    • Be sure to know that bearberry treatment can only be carried out at an alkaline pH level of urine. With acidic urine, treatment with a plant is prohibited, since bearberry oxidizes it.
    • To keep the pH level of urine in the alkaline zone, you need to give up protein foods and switch to a plant-based menu. And to be sure, before taking bearberry-based products, you can drink soda water (1 tsp of soda in a glass of water).
    • It is forbidden to combine decoctions and infusions of bearberry with products that contain alkali or alkaloids.
    • It is strictly forbidden to change the dosage of the plant in decoctions and infusions, since an overdose is possible. Its symptoms are nausea and vomiting, body aches and chills, fever. In this case, you should immediately go to the hospital for gastric lavage and relieve symptoms of intoxication.

    Important: you should know that in the fight for your own health, all means are good. However, any therapy (even folk ways) should be carried out with the consent of the attending physician. Here the main principle will be - do no harm.