The global financial elite. Bilderberg Club - the world's elite

world ruling elites. From Adam to the present day
Article 2

V modern research political elites, the authors use a number of concepts that not only do not clarify the understanding of what elites are, but completely confuse the reader. Therefore, before we start thinking about elites, it is necessary to deal with the very concept of “political elites”. For analysts and journalists writing on this topic, the very concept of elites is so vague, and there are so many elites that representatives of the main elites, and especially political ones, are lost in this multitude. They have everything from cockroaches to robots. And if someone starts talking about political elites, they usually talk and write about secondary and even tertiary political elites, but for some reason they avoid even mentioning the true rulers of states and the world, that is, those who make decisions. It seems that someone has created an information vacuum in this matter. The names of Obama, Sarkozy, Clintons and other politicians who are presented to the reader or listener as the arbiters of the fate of mankind are constantly heard at the hearing of the world community. This is probably a tribute to an old tradition, but with all due respect to their positions, they are more likely to be executors by their purpose and can only make current decisions, in line with the general policy direction already dictated to them. But who determines this direction?
So what are elites, political elites and ruling elites?
Confucius wrote that the human elite is the best of the best people, that is, it consists of those who possess the highest virtues, such as wisdom and justice.
The Russian philosopher L. Karsavin noted a very interesting situation with governance in a democratic state. In his opinion, in such a state, the people do not govern at all, the parliament almost does not govern, the cabinet of ministers governs a little, and the bureaucracy governs most of all, the only permanent and enduring element of power. That is, the ruling elite, according to L. Krasavin, does not exist at all, but there is an immortal bureaucracy that rules everything and everyone.
G. Mosca introduced the concept of a political class and deduced the law that society is always controlled by a minority, and even with a change of power, it is transferred from the hands of one minority to the hands of another minority. The minority has historically sought to close itself off from the rest of society and pass on its power privileges by inheritance, which then leads to the inevitable degeneration of the elite. In order to avoid degeneration, the wiser elites are updating themselves by admitting influential representatives of other strata of society into it.
Then V. Pareto officially introduced the term "elite". According to V.Pareto, the promotion of people to the elite is facilitated by their ability to foresee and express the hidden inclinations of the masses, that is, the possession of the qualities of a leader. The elite is not immutable and is in continuous transformation. This allows you to maintain social balance in the state, as it ensures, at the right time, the coming to power of elites with qualities demanded by the new social situation.
As follows from the above opinions, the concept of elite in human society initially included the assumption that these are elected people who stand out among others in that they have higher moral criteria for the individual, a high level of intelligence, and the talent for foreseeing social processes.
This concept would have been valid for all stages of the social formations of mankind, but only the need for just such qualitative criteria gradually disappeared. Public morality has been so transformed over time that those qualities that were once fundamental for the elites ceased to be valued in society and were replaced by new qualities demanded by the time. And since our reflections on modern politics and politicians, the original concepts and definitions of Confucius and other authors about the elite cannot be used, because current politicians do not use the concept of morality in their work, and the main advantage of a modern politician is unscrupulousness in achieving the goal . This has been formulated since the time of Machiavelli - the end justifies the means to achieve it. It may only be worth leaving a sense of foresight of the political situation. Taking into account the devaluation among politicians, high moral qualities, in modern political science, the analysis uses an altimetric approach, which is accepted among foreign scientists as the main one, and which evaluates belonging to the elite only by the fact that a person has real power and political influence. That is, the fact of possession of these categories is taken as a basis, but it is not considered mandatory that a person be in power and political structures. Such qualities as the presence of intellect, morality and conscience in the political elite community, we will leave out of brackets, or we will attribute them to the secondary qualities of the elite.
Considering that all modern political scientists recognize the term "political elite" and the very fact of the existence of many political elites, the purpose of our reasoning will be to achieve an understanding of the main circumstances that led to the emergence of the highest component of political elites - the world ruling elite, and its connections with other political elites who created it, but currently play a secondary role, serve it and are closest to it.
Political scientists in their analyzes operate with many categories of political elites, but, in my opinion, at the moment they deserve attention, those whose activities are visible and obvious:
- the world ruling elite - the leading elite, has real power, is not homogeneous in composition, consists of representatives of the financial elite and the industrial elite. It is a non-state shadow formation of a mafia type, its actions are not accountable to anyone, but these actions, unlike a simple mafia, are always legal. The legitimacy of actions is explained by the fact that other political elites, which are also the governing state elites, provide legislative support for the actions of representatives of the world ruling elite. The prominent representatives of the world ruling elite are the Rockefeller and Rothschild families;
- state governing elites - the oldest political elites, have power delegated to them by society. Usually this happens in the process of democratic elections, but the Western world is characterized by the delegation of these rights by the world ruling elite and legislated in the process of pseudo-democratic elections. The elites are represented by the highest power positions in the states - presidents and leading ministers, their duty is to organize the activities of their states in such a way that businesses, including those belonging to the world ruling elite, feel comfortable in their states;
- transnational elite - the youngest political elite, has power delegated to it by state governing elites. Represented by senior officials of supranational entities, such as the European Union, the UN, etc. Their duty, like that of the state elites, is to organize the activities of the international structures subordinate to them in such a way that the actions of the world ruling elite are constantly supported by international legislation. The transnational elite does not include top managers and other senior employees of transnational monopolies, who are the professional production elite.

Considering the initial multi-layeredness of the political elite, the purpose of this article is to consider the processes of the emergence of human elites, how they changed and, as a result, created the very elites that we currently have.

The ruling elites from Adam to our time.
The human world is voluminous and infinitely heterogeneous. If we were all the same, we would live in harmony, each would love his neighbor and would not want more than everyone has. This, probably, should have been the world that the Creator conceived. A world in which all living beings would come into the world and leave it according to the laws of nature and in harmony with it. The human world is heterogeneous, but for all its heterogeneity, it has one common and inalienable feature inherited by us from our ancestors - it is suggestible and manageable. The biblical tradition says that the first thing our forefathers did was to heed the guiding advice of the Devil and ate the apple of knowledge that settled in a person, the desire for knowledge, and with it the uncertainty about the lack of their own knowledge, and uncertainty requires a mentor and guide. So humanity began to live in a world full of doubts, which Adam and Eve left us after their fall, and the Devil in it, became the first leading and guiding force - the progenitor of all elites.
Adam and Eve, as good parents, gave birth to children, those other and the very first generations of our forefather laid down the concepts: the elder who led the younger ones and the eternal confrontation between Cain and Abel.
Gradually, people, guided by these principles, created a world in which all principles have remained unshakable to our time, the elders led the younger ones, the brother killed his brother in an effort to become a leader and be the first.
Time passed. Man settled in the world that the Devil opened to him. And since God, expelling a person from paradise, did not take away his mind, which makes a person god-like in terms of his ability to navigate the world, the person began to actively use it, and came to a conclusion that is completely undivine. He decided that he was chosen by the Creator, for something more, unlike other living beings inhabiting the earth. And since he is elected, then all other living beings are not elected, that is, below him and must obey him. Reason, a person seeks the essence for the benefit of himself. And reason justified for man the right to proclaim himself the ruler, that is, the king of nature, and declared all other creatures subordinate to him. So a man, guided by the mind in which the concepts of good and evil are mixed, appointed himself the first ruling elite of the living world.
Time passed, a reasonable man spread over the earth, exterminated the species of other people who, for some reason, did not have such a mind. He used the living world at his own discretion, and everyone around could not compete with a man armed with a sophisticated mind. A man, as a stronger one, received from the living world everything that he needed and in quantities that even exceeded this need. But the presence of a doubting mind laid the foundation for the first doubts in oneself and one's own kind. Thoughts have appeared about why it turns out that although all people receive from the living world the same means that ensure its vital activity, quantitatively some receive less and others more. Reason explained that one of the people was more capable and more successful than others, and due to these personal qualities, his family, and then the families of his children, and then the tribes flourished. So, thinking and doubting, the people around began to listen to the opinion of a successful person, and gradually recognized his supremacy. There were foremen and leaders who were entrusted with ensuring the well-being of the tribe. Time passed and everything that a person received from the living world became insufficient for him, and the mind made new discoveries for him. The development of fire was the most progressive step in the development of human society, it is like the discovery of steam energy in later times. Hot food appeared, which was easier to digest and made a person stronger. Through fire and hot food, man's power supply has increased many times and raised him to an unattainable height, in comparison with the animal world around him. Fire was followed by the discovery of metals, the creation of objects from them that strengthened it and made life easier for it, but at the same time further removed it from nature. The creators of weapons and household items also became respected people and could already compete in authority with the leaders. So, among those elected, along with the first politicians - leaders, gradually included production workers - artisans. The life of the tribe began to depend on more people.
The more numerous the tribes became, the more difficult the processes of their life support became and the more difficult it was for them to survive next to their own kind. There were territorial conflicts. This was the reason for the migrations. In the process of migrations and the development of new territories, the enlargement of tribes, a part of human society was finally formed, which was no longer engaged in ordinary work, but was looking for ways to ensure a more successful existence of its growing community.
So, gradually, the life of the community began to depend on the collegial decisions of a small number of smart and successful people, who became the first real governing elite. The elites that emerged served the tribes, then the unions of the tribes, then the states, and for a long time were one with their community, which maintained the appearance of democratic government. However, representatives of the elite were also people and, guided by the same dual mind, did not forget about their own benefit and, at some initial stage of development, they not only ensured the life of society, but also began to use society for their own purposes. Thus, an elite reasonable person laid the foundation for the separation of public and private interests. Time passed, the emergence and development of religions allowed the elites to justify their supremacy, consolidate their position and finally break with the simple world. A new human world has emerged - the world of the ruling elite, justified by religion and philosophy. The process of the emergence of royal, and then imperial dynasties, even legalized the fact of the unearthly power of the ruling elites. Along with this, the ruling elites constantly reduced the ability of society to control their activities, introducing and developing various forms of democratic governance.
The power forms of government of individuals or dynastic families, at some stage, ceased to suit that part of the community that had capital, which was often lacking among the ruling elites and that gave them this capital, but in return wanted to have power. This forced the ruling elites to constantly invent for their salvation, instead of totalitarian forms of government, special democratic forms of government, which at one time or another corresponded to the desires of the ruling elites and owners of capital. The meaning of the changes usually consisted in the fact that totalitarian management in the form of one person or a group of persons from one family clan was replaced by the management of elected representatives from several clans that had been formed by that time and were an influential part of society and were responsible for certain areas of activity. communities.
So the elites, after lengthy transformations, acquired the following form:
- the political elite - including members of hereditary monarchies, elected leaders of the state, members of the government, deputies of the legislative body, that is, everyone who is directly involved in political decision-making.
- economic elite - a group of people that controls the capital and basic economic resources of society and whose representatives were part of the political elite.
- military elite - a group that controls the means of suppression and destruction of people, ensuring the security of the state.
- bureaucratic elite - represented by the highest officials of the state apparatus. Their task was to implement the most important political decisions.
- ideological elite - representatives of the community that form the ideology of society.

Power was divided into levels, divided, and with the introduction of such a government, the elites became multidisciplinary, but the right to make a decision remained only with the elite that was at one time or another more in demand. Political, economic and military elites competed and succeeded each other. And in our time, such a distribution of elites is true for developing countries. The more developed political systems of today are characterized by the cooperation of two political and economic elites, and the military elite in such states acts strictly within the framework of their functions. First country recent history, which had the only ruling elite, was the USSR and this elite became the political elite, behind it all the states of the socialist camp became the same countries. And the first country where the economic elite came to a dominant position was the United States. So far, history does not confirm the correctness of the choice of one or another ruling elite as the only guiding force. The USSR, with its ruling political elite, has disappeared, but China remains, which successfully exists, controlled by a single party elite. The United States, in which the economic elite is more than 200 years old, still dominates the world, but within it there has been a split into the financial elite and the industrial elite, and the coexistence of these elites is far from peaceful. Since the world's ruling elite is concentrated mainly in the US and Europe, it is precisely its path to power in these countries that is interesting. Electoral democracy was also improved along the way to the creation of a ruling elite. The countries of the Western world are characterized by a system in which directly elected or appointed representatives from all elites participate in the approval of decisions. This type of participation in the government was called representative democracy, although it has nothing to do with democracy, but bore and still bears all the signs of a gradual transition to oligarchic rule. A minority of the political and economic elite owns virtually all economic resources and this minority rules the state. The processes of appointing representatives of the authorities, with the indirect participation of members of society with the right to vote, received a universal right to exist and gradually shaped the structure of the elites, corresponding to the modern one.
But the representative form of governing societies was not new, it was used in the states of Ancient Greece and Rome, in state formations in the Middle Ages, and since it is used in a transformed form for most states of our time, it brought with it all its historical shortcomings.
As befits any society, the interests of the political ruling elites of various states became, under certain circumstances, antagonistic, which led to wars over the redistribution of spheres of influence in the markets within countries and world markets.
Using this scheme of government, the ruling elites, and accordingly the states they ruled, survived in continuous wars until 1913. There were even centennial wars. The outbreak of the war of 1913 was the last war that bore all the obvious signs of a war for the redistribution of spheres of influence and which, after its completion, opened new page in the history of the development of the ruling elites, and most importantly, it was the first global world war. It may not have been the last world war in the struggle for spheres of influence, but the worldwide dissatisfaction with the ruling elites, by the end of the war, became so powerful that in one of the warring countries, it led to the complete destruction of its state structures created by the ruling elite for several centuries. The result of the war was the emergence of a new state, accompanied by the total destruction of the ruling elite and all the elites accompanying it.
This had a sobering effect on the ruling elites of European states, and the fear of following the Russian elite forced the state ruling elites of Europe to start developing a new, non-military concept for eliminating contradictions between them and providing conditions for their own further peaceful coexistence. Agreements were reached, as a result of which interstate political bodies were created, designed, according to the ideas of their creators, to smooth out contradictions between states. Outwardly, it seemed that everything was resolved and the European ruling elites were no longer in danger.
RSFSR, successor Russian Empire, weakened by war and revolution, did not participate in conflicts clarifying the post-war boundaries of the world, it stood apart from all European states and did not present territorial claims to anyone.
But the European state ruling elites were alarmed by the fact that during the revolution, in Russia, firstly, the ruling elite and other elites were completely destroyed, and secondly, the slogan was voiced - “all power to the people”, that is, the new Russian government was outlined the path to the introduction of popular government, which is fundamentally different from European representative democracy. And besides, the Soviet leadership began to actively implement this slogan, while finding numerous supporters in the societies of Europe.
The introduction of the new government in Russia was accompanied by a general nationalization of property, which was the exact opposite of the right of private property common throughout the rest of the world, that is, it undermined the very foundations of the Western world.
The elites could not help but be alarmed by the fact that in the process of implementing the ideas of democracy, the theorists of socialism had the idea of ​​a global proletarian revolution. The International was created - a kind of forge for the preparation of new European popular elites.
Before the state ruling elites of the capitalist states, in the implementation of Russia's planned projects, the threat of losing power over all the communities they control again loomed. And there was something to lose, because with the end of the First World War, the state ruling elites of the Western world were already fully formed, and the world was divided among them.
Of course, the borders of their own states still remained cramped for the implementation of the plans of local ruling elites, and the colonial markets, according to some states, were divided not quite fairly, but after the events in Russia, none of the European elites could decide on a war for redistribution markets. In addition, a solution was found to get around the remaining contradictions, and it consisted in the fact that at the beginning of the 20th century a transnational business program was launched. It was the first project of a new nascent political structure - the world's ruling elite, which was no longer satisfied with the conditions of business within the framework of the laws of independent states. In America and Europe, as the leading countries, transnational financial institutions, transnational monopolies, and after them, the first signs of connections between the state ruling elites and the new transnational elites, whose interests these state elites were forced to protect by creating new interstate laws, grew up and appeared. After the adoption of these laws, transnational elites could already conduct business outside their own states without any special risks, and representatives of state elites, after leaving power structures, joined the ranks of the transnational elite .. So it seemed that the last main reasons for wars gradually disappeared.
By the middle of the twentieth century, state ruling elites and transnational elites had practically united, together with them financial capital and industrial capital were united in a common interest. In the process of merging state and economic elites, the structure of the world ruling elite was also taking shape.
This was also facilitated by purely human relations. The initial rapprochement of state political elites began much earlier and took place along the path of cross-dynastic marriages, which mixed families so much that they actually created a single European political dynasty, and this is especially pronounced in the family ties of the American and English elites. All the rulers of the countries were brothers or cousins. Then the same situation then repeated itself in the economy, where financiers and industrialists created dynasties that own banks and enterprises in all countries of the world. Then, in the process of marriages, the state ruling and economic elites mixed up. And if marriages were just beginning to unite all the elites, then transnational business consolidated this union. So, at the beginning of the 20th century, a new transnational, interstate, uncontrolled world ruling, almost family elite arose, which, as expected, began to create conditions for ensuring its existence in this new capacity. The first step of the world ruling elite was the beginning of the development of a unified system of government through the further transformation of "democratic" parliamentarism, by creating one in which presidents and governments of states would no longer be chosen by society, but could be appointed by this world ruling elite by "democratic" methods, and she herself could remain in the shadows.
The first such "democracy" began to be introduced in the United States. Gradually, at the beginning of the 20th century, the US election process was worked out to the smallest detail, and it did not matter which of the presidential candidates won, since both of them were already agreed between the American political and world ruling elite. Thus, in one state, the plans of the world ruling elite were realized, and it, without personally participating in political state structures, began to manage the most powerful economy in the world.
The experience with American representative democracy would be successfully implemented further, but on the way to the implementation of the spread of "democratic parliamentarism" throughout the transnational world, the problem of the ideological heterogeneity of the world surfaced, and for the successful implementation of the plans of the world elite, the whole world must be politically uniform, that is, liberal, as America.
The main obstacle to the implementation of the plans of the world ruling elite was the existence of the USSR, where the socialist slogan “all power to the people” was still operating and being implemented, and, which was especially alarming for the Western elites, it was implemented very successfully under the leadership of Stalin, and which, just as successfully did state the entire economy, and along the way he created a new Soviet political elite, the basis of which was to be people brought up in the Soviet era. But the creation of a new Soviet political elite provoked resistance from the Bolshevik Jewish elite, which was international and took an active part in the October coup. She could not come to terms with her gradual removal from real power in the new state. Stalin, in response to their resistance, began the systematic destruction of the representatives of the old Bolshevik elite. The reason for this was not only the resistance of the old Bolsheviks to the creation of a new Soviet elite, but there was also the main sin of the Bolshevik elite, and it was that it was international and was looking for ways to get closer to the ruling elites of the West, who pushed it in every possible way, and this did not suit Stalin at all.
But, besides the USSR, there was a second problem. The results of the First World War prepared another unpleasant surprise for the new ruling elite - the emergence of the Third Reich in Germany, which they defeated. The Nazis, unlike the ruling European elites frightened by the First World War, openly demanded a new redistribution of the world, and besides, their slogan sounded very menacing to the ruling elites - "Germany for the Germans." It was very similar to the slogan of the Bolsheviks - "all power to the people", only on a smaller scale. In addition, the Third Reich had a very strong position in relation to the Western world. Unlike the USSR, German financial and industrial capital had long been transnational and actively participated in the activities of other transnational monopolies. This position of Germany was so beneficial for the Western industrial elites that they subsequently surrendered all of continental Europe to Hitler practically without a fight, and only so that their business interests in European countries would not suffer. The industrial elites of European countries and the United States did not want to fight Hitler. However, Hitler's further actions, namely his desire to destroy England, which at that time was, like the United States, the backbone of world financial capital, alarmed the world elite. At the same time, the world elite was not so much worried about the process of genocide against the Jews that began in the Third Reich, which in itself was recognized by them as not so original and was carried out even in the ancient world, when preparing serious plans. Yes, and in later times, in the same England, which back in the 12th century was the first to use yellow identification marks and expelled the Jews from the island. The world elite was alarmed not so much by the expulsion of Jewish bankers from the Reich, but by the subsequent nationalization of their banks, that is, the actual destruction of the old financial elite in yet another state. There was an association with Russia, where this has already been implemented in the most radical way. Everything indicated that the same thing could happen to England, the stronghold of the world's Jewish financial elite. So the problems that arose threatened the very existence of the Jewish financial elite, which was already dreaming of sole power.
In addition, the Jewish financial elite itself was aware that the war with Hitler would be lost by Europe, since the transnational industrial monopolies, and, accordingly, their owners, were not very interested in destroying the already established European production mechanism, and even more so in a confrontation with Hitler. And the industrial elites were not going to oppose Hitler only in the name of protecting the Jewish financial elite. It didn't really matter to the industrial elites who owned the banks, a Jew or a German. These fears of the financial elite were confirmed by the fact that the industrial elites of Europe and the USA, at the very beginning of the Second World War, surrendered without a fight both the Czech Republic and Austria and Poland. So for the first time, disagreements appeared in the world ruling elite, and which the financial elite, in the future, will remember the industrial elite when, in the 60s of the 20th century, it creates and implements a monetary system in the world economy, and then with its help, pushes the industrial elite to secondary roles in world governance.
But that was yet to come, and then the Jewish financial elite urgently needed to save themselves, that is, to find a way to reorient Hitler towards an enemy that could destroy him, and this only force was the USSR. Thus, the financial elite solved both problems at once, destroyed both the USSR and the Third Reich.
History confirms that the Jewish financial elite was able to do this.
The war was unleashed, the USSR was involved in it and Hitler lost. But after the destruction of the Third Reich, the most dangerous enemy - the USSR did not disappear, but during the war it became even more powerful and, to the surprise of the whole world, most successfully emerged from the post-war crisis. In addition, on the ruins of Europe, suddenly for the world ruling elite, new states arose, where the slogan "all power to the people" was also implemented. Stalin's death, which is still a mystery to many, made it easier for the world's ruling elite to prepare for the collapse of the USSR and separate pro-Soviet puppets from it.
The long cold war, planned by the world ruling elite, was mediocrely lost by Stalin's heirs, who inherited undivided power, but did not become a real ruling elite. They did not inherit Stalin's ability to run the state, but secretly, like the old Bolshevik elite, in the destruction of which they took an active part, they dreamed of integration into the Western economic community, hoping for the help of this community.
The financial elite, which by that time had finally gained a foothold in the United States, reminded the industrial elite of its warm relations with Hitler, and took revenge, practically removing them from participation in decision-making on the development of the world economy. It blocked all attempts by the world industrial elite to establish economic relations with the USSR, which, in its opinion, would lead to an unnecessary strengthening of the industrial elite for it, and, most unpleasantly, to an increase in the power of the USSR. Having eliminated the industrial elite to secondary roles, the financial elite, through its representatives in the European financial system, introduced a monetary project in Europe to create a bureaucratic superstructure - the European Union, which was completely under its control. The next and unexpected success for her was the collapse of the USSR, and in this she was helped by the mediocre actions of the elderly Soviet elite.
But by the time of the collapse of the USSR, the founding fathers of the world financial elite, as well as the Soviet party elite, became mentally decrepit, and its top managers made an unforgivable mistake for themselves, and missed an opportune moment for the integration of Russia and the states that emerged on the site of the former USSR into the European "democratic" community. And if this were implemented, then Russia would completely fall under the control of the world ruling elite. However, the world financial elite, due to the inertia of the Cold War, continued the senseless confrontation with Russia, the successor of the USSR, seeking its complete destruction. But if she had thought with the same brains that sent Hitler to the USSR, she would have understood that Russia's integration into Europe would be a boon for Europe and for the financial elite itself, would subsequently lead to Russia's complete economic dependence on the United States, and how result in the loss of state independence. But the top managers of the global financial elite, who acted on its behalf, preferred to receive dividends from the plunder of the collapsed USSR, that is, to engage not in politics, but in financial scams, acting through the Russian oligarchs created by it. But the confrontation between Russia and Western world ended, the proceeds of plunder disappeared, and the pro-Western puppets who temporarily came to power in Russia completely discredited themselves and the Western economy began to slide into the global financial crisis. The oligarchs, implanted and patronized by the global financial elite, were forced to flee Russia, and those who remained, outwardly, were forced to accept the terms of the game that the new Russian government offered them. Time has been lost and now the rapid revival and strengthening of Russia is again a headache for the world ruling elite, and especially the fact that the new rulers of Russia continue to pursue a policy independent of the West and prove to the whole world that it is possible to exist without the tutelage of the world ruling elite, and this is a bad example for other countries.
In addition, after the collapse of the USSR, unexpectedly for everyone, the second economy of the world arose - an independent China in behavior, which, led by its political elite, will eventually become an even greater headache for the world ruling elite. Today it is already clear that China has always played and continues to play its own game and even now does not take into account the plans of Western monetary theorists.
But in addition to Russia and China, problems arose in the conduct of transnational business, which, after the scams of thorpe managers of the financial elite, led to a global crisis. The ruling elite's new idea of ​​world globalization was put under attack. Globalization, in the opinion of the world financial elite, was supposed to represent a step forward compared to the transnational economic management that still exists. It was to become a worldwide process of economic, political and integration and unification. Globalization, instead of a collection of national economies linked to each other by a system of international division of labor, offers a single world market, with the simultaneous destruction of the national sovereignty of states, and this is very important for weakening the economies competing with the West. However, on the way to the globalization of the world, the heterogeneity of state political systems again rises, as before the Second World War, which can greatly limit, if not completely destroy the very idea of ​​globalization.
Time shows that although the political games of the world ruling elite are still going on, but already in the endgame and in a disadvantageous position for it, and given that its players are far from being grandmasters, the outcome for the entire world ruling elite can be very sad. The contradictions that still exist between the financial and industrial world elites cannot be dismissed from the account. Information leaked to the press on the negotiations between them shows that they have so far ended in vain and, by all indications, that the financial elite does not want to share power with anyone. But, while recognizing the contradictions within the world ruling elite, we must remember that the ruling elites have existed since the emergence of tribal relations and they will not disappear even if the existing world ruling elite is weakened or even disappears. It is impossible to predict what the new ruling elites will be like, but only one thing is clear, that none of them will be able to claim world domination, there will be several elites, and where there are many interests, there are many contradictions. And how the contradictions between the elites are resolved, the world has already experienced more than once.
The eternal question - what to do?
Firstly, humanity must realize that the leadership of the modern world ruling elite, which is still strong and has not abandoned its claims to rule the world, consists of elderly, absolutely unprincipled people. The younger generation did not inherit the grip of their parents, but they are much more aggressive than them.
Secondly, it will be impossible to agree on something with representatives of the world ruling elite, because they live in a different human dimension, because they have learned over the past centuries what unlimited power is, and most importantly, they have felt the taste and sensations of possessing this unlimited power. power and feel impunity for any of their actions.
Thirdly, we must understand that elites are eternal and as long as humanity exists, elites will also exist, and a new one, which is not always better than the old one, takes the place of the disappeared one.
Fourth and most important, the modern world ruling elite has worked and will continue to work only in its own interests, the interests of states and peoples do not exist for it.
The only weakness of all elites is that they want to live long and continue to rule. It is pointless to set ourselves the task of destroying the modern world ruling elites - they will quickly resurrect in a different guise, because it is impossible to destroy what brought them to power - capital. So it is necessary to put the modern world ruling elites in a situation in which, for all their unscrupulousness, they must realize that changes are needed for the sake of continuing their own existence and preserving capital.
And these changes are to restore the independence of the states that have become dependent on them, then to establish a dialogue between independent states and the world ruling elite, representing the interests of financial and industrial transnational monopolies. Without this dialogue, there will soon be no modern world ruling elite in the form in which it now exists. How difficult it will be to implement is shown by the example of today's Germany, which is trying to maintain its independence, being within the framework of the European Union, but it is alone fighting for its independence.
It must be remembered that confrontation in societies, between states is always beneficial for the world ruling elite, because it will always win in a confrontation, even if one of the parties wins.
Only independent state elites can contain and oppose the actions of the modern world ruling elite. The strengthening of the ruling elites of these states leads to a weakening of the influence of the world ruling elite, and, consequently, makes it more susceptible to concessions and changes. (to be continued)

Sergey Romanov Strogalov

Alexander Nagorny

Over the past three years, the Izborsk Club has conducted a series of studies on modern global elites: both the most important meta-regions (USA, China, Europe, the Islamic world, India, Russia, Latin America), and “sectoral” ones: financial, military, religious, media, criminal, etc. The results of this work were presented in the materials of the Izborsky Club magazine, including two thematic issues of 2016 (No. 1 and 4), in book editions, and other publications. In the course of this undertaking, a group of the most prominent social scientists, political scientists, economists, country studies and publicists was assembled, who ¾ each, with their own specifics, but extremely objectively, ¾ carried out a system-dynamic assessment of this issue, which is a priority for the positioning of the Russian Federation in the international arena , as well as for its further existence and development in the current crisis conditions. Based on the material obtained, the following preliminary conclusions can be drawn:

First. The global elite as such is not yet a single political, ideological, financial and economic complex with the near prospect of forming a single control center in the form of a "world government". In this regard, it can be concluded that the nation-state principle is still dominant, although transnational factors and common financial assets have a strong impact on local and regional groupings, an example of which is the European Union project.

Second. The formation of a unified elite system is dominated by the United States, which, as a result of two world wars and the transformation of the elite systems opposing them, including the Soviet party-state elite and the elite of the Old World, managed to come close to the line of leadership of the world community through national elite groups that are brought up under the strongest ideological influence of Pax Americana.

Third. The very political and financial elite of America, acting on the basis of the Anglo-Saxon and Jewish elite groups, is experiencing growing difficulties at the beginning of the 21st century in maintaining its “global leadership” ¾ as a result of both internal systemic degradation and the rapid development of new “centers of power” , ¾ such as China, India and Brazil. The real geostrategic (ideological, economic, financial, military, informational, etc.) potential of the United States and its closest allies in the formats of the "golden billion", the "Big Seven", NATO, the "collective West", etc. is rapidly declining and has begun to yield to the geostrategic potential of the rest of the world, which inevitably leads to tectonic upheavals both within Pax Americana and around the world. In the United States itself, there is already a conflict between the three main elite groups: financial, military-energy and "neo-technological", which finds vivid expression in the campaign for the election of the 45th President of the United States.

Fourth. Despite the internal systemic conflict, the American elite groupings in the United States maintain a consensus on the "global leadership of the United States", which implies, first of all, their privileged status compared to other countries of the world. “The greatness of America”, “an exceptional nation”, “no one should dictate the rules of the game but us” and similar theses are not just communicative attractors of the election campaign. These are the “target indicators” of the American geostrategy aimed at slowing down the development of all its competitors and even allies by “exporting chaos”, “exporting inflation” ¾ in order to concentrate the maximum financial, resource and creative potential, thereby ensuring a competitive advantage in the transition to a new global technological order.

Fifth. In the present conditions, the strongest opposition to the American movement towards the formation of a single and controlled "global world" is provided, first of all, by the Chinese People's Republic, which retains a rigid combinatorial communist ideology, synthesized with the traditional forms of Chinese civilization. China has already become the “number one economy” of the modern world and plays the role of an “attractor” for all “non-American” and “anti-American” forces of the modern world, including India, Iran, part of the ASEAN and Latin American states, as well as Russia.

Sixth. Neutralization, weakening or capture of the geostrategic potential of Russia, standing on the "three pillars": military parity, the richest natural resources and the ideology of the Russian world, ¾ of the United States and its allies in the current conditions consider it their priority, since Military establishment The Russian Federation prevent them from fully using their military advantage over the rest of the world and carrying out modern version“gunboat policy”, the lack of “free access” of Western TNCs to the riches of Russian subsoil imposes serious resource restrictions on their actions, and the ideology of the Russian world does not allow establishing complete dominance in the system of values ​​of modern mankind. At the same time, in Russia itself, at all levels of government, over the past quarter of a century, a pro-Western and pro-American “influence agency” has developed and operates, closely tied to the comprador socio-economic model and acting as a “fifth column” for the United States and its allies.

So, seventh, all sovereign-patriotic forces of the Russian Federation as a state object, Russian society as a social subject and the Russian world as a civilizational project are faced with the task of preserving their commonality, integrity and unity in the face of the aggression of the "collective West".

Describing the current global situation, it should be noted that in history there are seemingly random, but strange, inexplicable and, one might say, symbolic coincidences.

So, according to the records of Arab and Chinese astronomers, on July 4, 1054, light from a supernova explosion flew to our planet, in the place of which the Crab Nebula is now located. The flash was visible for 23 days with the naked eye, even in the daytime.

Apparently, this “false sun” was supposed to shine over Constantinople on July 16, 1054, when in the Sophia Cathedral of Constantinople, the legates of Pope Leo IX declared the Constantinople Patriarch Cerularius deposed and excommunicated, which marked the beginning of the “Great Schism” and the formation of the so-called. n. "western civilization".

Its "incubation period" can be considered the era of the Crusades, which began in 1095 and was marked by the first fall of Constantinople in 1204. However, a hundred years later it became clear that the attempt of Western "crusaders" to establish themselves in the Eastern Mediterranean, which was then the main center of world trade, led to the Islamization of almost all Eastern Christian states that did not support the Roman Holy See. The point in this process was put by the Ottoman conquest of Constantinople in 1453. After that, the only non-Catholic Christian state (taking into account the personal Union of Kreva of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in 1385, and then the Union of Vilna-Radom in 1401) remained only the Grand Duchy of Moscow.

Under these conditions, as we noted in the report “Elites” and the global world of the XXI century” (“Izborsk Club”, No. 1, 2016): “ The main tasks facing humanity today can be formulated as follows::

Prevent a global catastrophe;

Minimize current losses during the global systemic crisis;

Find a new "trajectory of development" of human civilization.

Rather, these are not even three different tasks, but one triune task - a project for the implementation of which there is obviously no adequate subject yet - neither on the scale of the entire planet, nor on the scale of any states or interstate associations.

Based on the materials of the studies conducted (which are far from finished and will continue), it can be assumed that such a subject is being formed today on the basis of two interrelated processes: the formation of a Russian-Chinese strategic alliance, which has so far only reached the political level, and the confrontation of the two " elite" anti-crisis scenarios in the "collective West", which have already entered into open conflict with each other. Moreover, as is almost always the case in the conflict interactions of "large systems", "fire" goes from their periphery to the centers, "border battles" are replaced by "seizures of capitals". This provision can be illustrated by the example of the current US presidential campaign.

Starting positions

After the destruction of the Soviet Union in 1991, the “collective West”, led by the United States, proclaimed the victory of the “unipolar world” and the “end of history”, once predicted by the classics of Marxism - however, in the “communist”, and not in the “liberal”, as it happened in fact, a variant. The United States has established itself as the sole "global leader", defining not just the "rules of the game", but also "to be or not to be."

This "global leadership" meant the formation of the Pax Americana ("American world", or "American world"), being the reincarnation of the old Pax Romana ("Roman world"). Over the past quarter century, the US has increased its debt from $3.2 trillion in 1990 to $19.2 trillion in 2015. The total accumulated trade deficit of the "global leader" for the same period is approaching $13 trillion. And if you ask yourself what America has been "selling" to the outside world all these years, then the most general and most accurate answer sold its "global leadership", receiving real goods and services in return.

By the beginning of 2016, the previously obtained reserve of "global leadership" of the United States, one might say, was completely spent: not only in the "positive" aspect, as it was before 2001, but also in the "negative" aspect, when "global leadership" was maintained through the proposed and the export of "controlled chaos" carried out by "neoconservators" ("neokons") to various parts of the planet.

Of course, today America has more formal military-political allies than anyone else on the planet, but these allies - allies not even "out of interest", but out of fear - choose this status primarily so that they themselves do not fall under the crushing blow of the “American baton”: there is no question of any joint development or even hopes of gaining something from the new prey of the “bald eagle” for them after Iraq and Libya: just not to lose anything, and let “ "they" will die today, and "we" - later... Few, very unpleasant and very short-lived exceptions such as ISIS (a terrorist organization banned in Russia. - "IK"), Ukrainian neo-Nazi Bandera or Erdogan only confirm this rule. "Food" America already lacks itself.

At the same time, one should not forget about the inevitable "inversion" of patron-client relations within the concept of a "unipolar world", when various groups of the American "elite" are associated with various groups of "elites" of the near and far periphery of Pax Americana, which turns out to be a significant factor in the emergence and deepening conflict in the metropolis itself. So, in ancient Rome, civil wars were preceded by the Yugurtin War, and the parties of "optimists" and "populars" with a slight correction of "historical optics" can well be correlated with the republican ("red", "elephants") and democratic ("blue", " donkeys") by parties in the modern USA.

Of course, all analogies or projections of this kind will not be an adequate model of reality, but they give a certain "Ariadne's thread" in the labyrinth of the current global systemic crisis, and more can be expected from them.

USA: down the stairs leading down

One of the signs that the United States is losing its position as a “global leader” is the deepening split between the American political elites after the 2001 consensus (9/11 events), which resulted in an unprecedented 2016 presidential campaign, the main watershed of which lies not at all by parties and states, and according to the adherents of the former "status quo" and, relatively speaking, "revolutionary populists" - with the growing advantage of the latter.

If at the beginning of 2016, Donald Trump among the Republicans and Bernie Sanders among the Democrats looked like typical “spoilers”, the function of which was to concentrate and subsequently channel the protest moods of the American society: both the “right” and the “left”, - in favor of the “systemic” candidates like Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton, today, when the election campaign of the 45th President of the United States approaches the key point of the party conventions, the political landscape looks completely different, as if after a typhoon or an earthquake.

Donald Trump, the scandalous New York multibillionaire who made his fortune in the construction business, gambling and show business, by the beginning of May remained the only candidate of the “reds”, not only by knockout “thrown over the ropes” of all his many opponents, from Jeb Bush to Ted Cruz, but also, despite a rabid defamation campaign, overcoming the resistance of a significant part of the Republican party machine, many of whose functionaries declared: “Anyone but Trump!” ¾ up to promises to vote for Hillary Clinton. This nomination means a breakthrough into the US top political league of a representative of hitherto "marginal" groups of the American "elite" - apparently, with the support of the "peripheral" elites of the "collective West". Fewer than a hundred deputy positions separate from the guaranteed nomination of the "Reds" in Cleveland, scheduled for July 18. He will receive them no later than June 7, when California, Montana, New Mexico, North and South Dakota vote. Since Trump was born on June 14, 1946, this will be a good gift for him for his own anniversary ...

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that the Republican elites will somehow try to sabotage the final nomination of Trump at the party congress, but these attempts are unlikely to be successful - The Donald can only be stopped by some physical means, as has happened more than once in the United States in the past. . But do the real masters of America's political and financial world need to stop Trump's "upstart"? Isn't he just a dummy figure in the political theater, where the script, direction and acting (not only of the main character, but also of his rivals) are aimed at successfully promoting a new political product both within American society and in foreign markets? We have yet to receive answers to these questions: both during the further election campaign and after the November 8, 2016 elections.

It is worth noting that in his triumphant primaries campaign, that is, primary elections within the party, Trump played on the most serious dissatisfaction of a significant part of the US population, the so-called middle class, and WASP (white Anglo-Saxon Protestants), with a drop in living standards, which have now actually returned to figures for 1958. Another component of the protest vote of the broad masses of Americans is their rejection of the ideology of "political correctness and tolerance", under the flag of which the dismantling of the usual way of life is carried out.

The eight years of Barack Obama's presidency became the peak of the intra-American "color revolution", with privileges for the "non-white" population, immigrant refugees, sexual and religious minorities, primarily Muslims.

Let us repeat: all these processes took place against the backdrop of falling real living standards, real employment, and real income levels for the majority of the population of the United States. Add to this the gigantic increase in the debt of all structures of the American state and society, from the federal budget to households, so it is not surprising that the most outspoken and “politically incorrect” critic of the current status quo, and the critic from the “right”, received such a stunning voter support.

At the same time, we must not forget that Trump himself is not at all the flesh of the flesh of the middle class and "vasps". He is a multibillionaire, the son of a multimillionaire, and his long-standing and strong ties with the "non-systemic elites" who control the gambling business in the United States (and everywhere in the world) are an indisputable fact. It is impossible not to take these points into account when evaluating Trump's success and predicting his further actions. Now in Russia - primarily in circles around the Kremlin - there is a certain "Trump-mania" United States, spoke quite positively about Russia and President Putin. And if so, the “trumpomans” believe, it will be possible to agree with him “on the terms”, as they once managed to agree with George W. Bush. Amazing myopia! Perhaps it is reinforced by the fact that Russian, European, and other liberals, and many authoritative American Republicans, prefer to demonstrate their rejection of Trump as a “racist” and “unpredictable” politician by speaking out in favor of Hillary Clinton.

But Trump even opposes Clinton only until their "sponsors" agree among themselves. Trump is ready to be friends with Russian elites in order to put joint pressure on Clinton's "sponsors" - that is, only as long as they are stubborn and hope either not to share with those who stand behind Trump at all, or to share some kind of secondary assets .

Therefore, those propaganda schemes and promises that can be heard from Trump today should not be taken seriously - he will do exactly what his sponsors tell him to do.

Hillary Clinton, "the winner of Nixon and Gaddafi", who is considered the main "systemic" candidate of large transnational capital, the situation is much less favorable. Her main and only intra-party rival, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, despite a seemingly disastrous gap in parliamentary positions, continues to win one primaries after another.

Yes, before a guaranteed victory at the Blues convention (July 25, Philadelphia), there is just nothing left for Mrs. Wow: less than a hundred "authorized", while Sanders - more than 800, and in the remaining states a little more than 700 will be "played out" connected votes. But this is precisely the main intrigue: over 600 "free" "superdelegates" of the Democratic Congress (the Republicans do not have such a privileged layer of apparatchiks with the right to vote), 590 of which are still listed as Hillary Clinton's supporters, may well change their position - to do it basically doesn't stop them.

The above-mentioned confrontation between the "tops" and "bottoms" during the Democratic primaries showed not only unexpectedly wide, but also constantly growing support for the quasi-socialist Bernie Sanders, who in his statements and documents openly challenged Wall Street and its representative Hillary Clinton. And I must say that this popular demagoguery (since Sanders also “plays a role”) not only still retains electoral intrigue within the formally “government” US party, but may well affect the formation of Hillary Clinton’s final electoral platform, demanding from her “ drift to the left". It is possible that Sanders himself will join her team, who not only won in more than half of the states that voted, but can become a kind of “democratic anti-Trump”, capable of countering the incendiary “right-wing conservative” rhetoric of the New York billionaire with no less bright "left socialist" rhetoric, its middle class and "waspam" - its "lost meat generation".

A series of intra-party defeats in the states, plus a clear inability to conduct public discussions and “take a hit” make the wife of the 43rd US president an outsider in the alleged battle with Trump. And the fact that, for example, after losing the primaries in the state of Washington, Clinton refused to debate on Fox news with Sanders, citing the fact that she does not intend to waste time and wants to focus on preparing for the "Trump test", by the standards of American politics, is generally if not a manifestation of arrogance or banal weakness and cowardice, then a bad tone, which is all the more unacceptable for a politician who claims to be president.

So if Mrs. Clinton intends to continue in the same spirit, then Sanders is left with the maximum margin to win in most of the remaining states, primarily in California, where 475 seats are at stake, reducing or even overcoming the current, not at all catastrophic backlog in "bound" votes (about 150). And then, at the congress in Philadelphia, surprises, to put it mildly, will not be ruled out.

At the same time, not only Bernie Sanders, but also a certain third force, which is increasingly called the current US Vice President Joseph Biden, can become the official candidate from the “blues”. Of course, “old Joe” is up to his neck in the affairs of the “Obama team” and his own (take, for example, the current Ukrainian epic or the affairs of the Halliburton company - in Iraq, Syria and the entire Middle East). Of course, he represents the state of Delaware, the unspoken capital of the American offshore business, which, through its main lobbyist, is waging a tough global war with all competitors: from the Swiss "gnomes" and the Vatican cardinals to the British queen and the Chinese "tangerines".

But Biden's nomination is, in fact, the only chance to "stop Trump" without resorting to the help of the left-wing radical Sanders, that is, preserving the US status quo from the threat of any sharp turn: both "right" and "left", as "white", as well as "color". Hillary Clinton, even in the inevitable connection with her husband, who, if the first woman president is elected, will play the role of “prince consort” with her, simply does not pull on this function - every day this truth, unpleasant for oligarchic America, becomes more and more obvious. And it will inevitably have to take some measures to overcome this imbalance.

If, like seismologists, we pay attention to “small shocks” - “foreshocks”, as a rule, preceding the main shock, then their totality: from the transfer of the post of commander-in-chief of NATO forces in Europe from Philip Breedlove to Curtis Scapparotti to the change of ambassador in Kiev, where the creator and Euromaidan curator Geoffrey Pyatt makes room for Marie Yovanovitch, who worked here under George W. Bush, - rather indicates that on November 8, 2016, a representative of the Republican, not the Democratic Party will celebrate the victory in the elections.

The shadow forces behind the New World Order (NWO) are consistently implementing a plan to establish complete control over humanity and the resources of our planet. David Icke called this process "totally creeping on tiptoe" as "they" take small steps towards our complete and undeniable enslavement.

The plans of the shadow forces behind the NWO

Somewhere near the top of the pyramid is an ultra-elitist organization, better known as the Council of 13 Families, which controls all the major events taking place in the world. As the name implies, the Council is made up of the highest representatives of the 13 most powerful families on the globe.

A growing number of people are beginning to realize that 99 percent of the world's population is under the control of the "elite" one percent, yet the Council of 13 Families is made up of less than one percent of the "elite" one percent, and no one on the globe can apply for membership. this Council.

In their opinion, they are entitled to rule over us only because they are direct descendants of the ancient gods and consider themselves kings. These families include:

Rothschilds (Bayer or Bower)
Cavendish (Kennedy)
Sinclairs (St. Clair)
Warburgs (del Banco)
Windsor (Saxe-Coburg-Gotha)

(Most likely, this list is not final and some very influential clans are still unknown to us).

The Rothschild dynasty is undoubtedly the most influential and famous dynasty on Earth, and its fortune is estimated at approximately 500 trillion US dollars!

They exercise their power through a global banking empire that is almost entirely theirs.

The most important organizations that go out of their way to establish the NWO and completely enslave us include:

Downtown London (Rothschild controlled finance) - NOT part of the UK;

US Federal Reserve (Finance - a private bank owned by the Rothschilds) - NOT part of the US;

Vatican City (indoctrination, deceit and scare tactics) - NOT part of Italy;

Washington DC (military, mind programming, brainwashing and genocide) - NOT part of the US;

All of the above organizations function as separate states, act in accordance with their own legislation, and therefore there is no such court of general jurisdiction on the globe that could ever hold them accountable.

There are many secret societies in the world today that operate as branches of a mega-corporation owned by the Council of 13 Families.

Although they receive significant remuneration for their work, the members of these secret societies are not members of the "elite" dynasties, they have no idea who their masters are, and they have no idea what it really looks like. real plan.


Another method of mass enslavement they use against us is the so-called education system. Schools have ceased to be what they used to be, and children learn to memorize in them without thinking and blindly obeying.

In fact, this education system is too expensive and out of date to be maintained in the Internet age.

Why is it irrelevant? you ask. Because the Internet gives us free access to an almost unlimited amount of information.

So why are we still spending huge sums on public education? Because the world "elite" demands that our children learn to obey unquestioningly and think in stereotypes.

What can we do about it?

Right now the faith of humanity is hanging in the balance as the control of the NWO octopus spreads wider and wider. On the one hand, we are one step away from our complete enslavement, but, on the other hand, we could easily destroy the pyramid of their power simply by uniting against their deceit and bringing about a peaceful revolution in the minds, hearts and souls of people.

For years I have been asking myself what is their most powerful weapon that they use to enslave us. Is this weapon a poor-quality education system, coupled with a constant impact on our brain? Or is this weapon the fear generated by religion? Or is it the fear of being punished by the system (being imprisoned or being killed), or is such a weapon invisible enslavement using the monetary system?

In my opinion, all of the above combined has had a huge impact on our community and the way we think, but their strongest weapon is the inheritance of the financial system!

Currency slaves

The financial system has imperceptibly enslaved humanity and now we are being used as currency slaves. We work every day from 9 am to 5 pm, in boring and oppressive conditions, without any creative or constructive incentive.

In most cases, our only motive for going to work is getting our next paycheck—and no matter how hard and hard we work, we never have enough money.

Have you ever wondered why mega-corporations (with multi-billion dollar revenues) pay tens of millions to their top executives and minimum wages to the rest of their employees?

This approach has been carefully designed to ensure that a person who is constantly “on the edge of the abyss” never has the opportunity for self-education, introspection and - ultimately - for spiritual awakening.

So isn't that the main purpose of our stay on Earth? To become spiritualized beings (obviously, spirituality does not mean religiosity) and complete the cycle of incarnation?

"They" are not going to educate people who are capable of critical thinking and have spiritual goals. No, such people are dangerous for these families!

"They" want submissive "robots" who are smart enough to operate the machines and keep the system running, but stupid enough to ask questions.

Money is the devil's eye

The roots of all the most significant problems inherent in our world are deeply in the field of financial problems: wars, diseases, plundering the Earth, enslaving man and creating inhuman working conditions bring profit.

Our leaders are corrupted by money, and the universal mission of mankind on Earth has also been replaced by money.

So why do we need a financial system in the first place? In fact, we don't need it (at least we don't need it anymore). Our planet doesn't charge us a dime for using its natural resources, and we have the technology to extract them without the use of physical labor.


More to the point, there are "brilliant minds" who have been talking about a resource-based economy for decades. One such example is Mr. Jacques Fresco, an eminent industrial designer and applied sociologist who has spent most of his life designing the future.

The cities proposed by Mr. Jacques Fresco will be built by autonomous construction robots and will be environmentally friendly and self-sufficient, resistant to earthquakes and fires.

Others are already discussing a transitional plan to a future economy where there will be no need for money and all people will be offered the best conditions to reach their highest potential, all for the benefit of all mankind.

So my question is, are we ready to accept the future and get rid of the control of the "elite" in a world without money, or will we allow the New World Order to emerge?

The Western modern elite is an absolutely unprecedented thing in the history of the earth. And this is one of the fantastic achievements of both capitalism and Western civilization at the capitalist stage. Because in its sophistication, in complexity, in the combination of financial, information, political technologies of such an elite as the modern Western has never been in history.

Therefore, it makes sense to look at how this elite arose in general, who stands at the base. The midwife of the modern elite was Venice. When the Ottomans blocked the way to the East for the Venetians in the 16th century, an idea arose among the Venetian families. We take control of one of the European countries and this will be our new Venice. But what country - opinions are divided. First, the representatives of the old families said the Vatican. Representatives of young genera - Holland. And they moved to Holland. But it turned out that Holland is very vulnerable from the side of the continent.

And it was decided to move to England. From the 16th century, the Venetians began to reformat the English elite. First of all, in relation to the lower classes. Tens of thousands began to execute people who were driven off the ground. It was the first absolute record. Even in France, during the religious wars, the lower classes were not so cruelly treated. The Venetians had amazing intelligence, both economic and political, they transplanted all this onto English soil.

Three institutions played a decisive role in the creation of modern Europe. This is the East India Company, the British Empire. And those supranational structures that grew out of it.

In the middle of the 18th century, a turning point occurred in history. History from spontaneous began to acquire a design character. A mass society began to emerge. Communities are hard to manipulate, but masses of atomized people can be manipulated. For this you only need finance. And at the same time, the development of financial capital starts. First of all, these are the Rothschilds, but then others pulled themselves up.

The Encyclopedia of the Enlighteners was the first lethal informational weapon. For 40 years, the encyclopedia has propagated the top of French society so that it became ready to accept the revolution. They did not understand that their revolution would send them to the guillotine, but they were ready to accept it.

And from now on history begins to take shape. Here, another line begins to be added to the political elite. We take the old structures, Masonic, for example, we reanimate them, and in the form of Masonic organizations, the top of European society received a ready-made secret organization. It was good for the Rothschilds, because they had a kindred-Jewish system that could solve a number of problems, while others did not have this system. And Masonic organizations solved this problem for a while.

The Jesuits understood the danger of the Freemasons. And they tried to create an alternative organization of the Illuminati. But they got out of control and the Illuminati had to be extinguished. But they left for America and we now have the Skull and Bones Yale Illuminati led by fellow Bushes.

The whole 19th century is the movement of financial capital to power. Financiers financed wars and industrialization. But at first the financial and aristocratic lines did not coincide. A significant part of the aristocrats was against this. But at the beginning of the 20th century there was a turning point. Queen Victoria dies in 1901. She was a resolute opponent of the marriages of aristocrats with financiers. The European aristocracy has waited a year and is going to a congress where fateful decisions are made. A new stage in the formation of the North Atlantic elite begins. They begin to be closely intertwined in a kindred plan. The Anglo-American establishment began to take shape.

In 1949, the "Leote Program" was adopted by the British intelligence service MI-6 and the CIA - an indefinite struggle against the Soviet Union. First of all, in the sphere of ideas, information, culture, psychology. The first results were supposed to be summed up in 50 years. And these results turned out to be terminal for the USSR. In 1989, at a meeting in Malta on December 2-3, Gorbachev actually surrendered to the elder Bush.

One of the most striking and typical manifestations of the "Leote Program" was the CIA's instruction to Ukrainian nationalists in the early 1950s. It proposed to stop the armed struggle as having no prospects. Ardent nationalists were advised to lie low, and uncompromised youth to pretend to be supporters of the authorities, work and study conscientiously, gradually penetrate the Komsomol, and be active. Become functionaries in the Komsomol, and then become employees of the Soviet and party apparatus, in which they should have taken leadership positions. In order to seize power in Ukraine in 30-40 years and organize separation from the USSR. Which, as you know, happened. In full accordance with the "Leote Program".

Gorbachev was deceived. But traitors are not paid. This once again speaks of how naive, how bastard the Soviet elite was in the 60s and 70s. They didn't know who they were dealing with.

Neither Nicholas I, nor Alexander III, the Russian, and then the Soviet leadership, except for Stalin , very poorly understood with whom it was dealing.

In battle, the one who lowers his eyes first loses first. We lowered our eyes to the 60s, 70s. There were objective reasons for this. Vulgar Soviet Marxism looked much less attractive than Western political science and sociology. And when you read the so-called assistants to the leaders, they write in their memoirs that they allegorically entered some things from Western political science into the reports of the general secretaries.

There is no neutral knowledge. If you look at the world through someone else's eyes, then you look at the world in someone else's interests. The West managed to create here a layer of people who looked at the world with Western eyes. Many people warned about this, but they were called Stalinists, conservatives. Although 91 years showed that they were right. Everything turned into a collapse of the system, country and civilization.

Kennedy was assassinated in 1963 and Nixon was impeached in 1974. America has undergone a creeping upheaval that has taken America from a state-dominated system to one dominated by a cluster of transnational corporations. Nixon was the last president of the United States as a state. In 1976, Carter was already a direct protege of the tripartite commission of supranational structures.

No matter how strong and sophisticated the world elite is, the processes taking place in the world are so complex that it is very difficult to manage them from one center. The favorite strategy of the world elite is controlled chaos strategy, but it can also work against whoever launched it.

The modern world elite is, of course, a civilizational achievement of the West. But already the Chinese elite is opposed to the global one, and an interesting and exciting battle awaits us. Moreover, for the first time the West has encountered a non-Western elite with a global swing.

The Soviet elite was part of the Western project. After all, what was the Bolshevik revolution? It was the realization in Russia of the left project of modernity - the Jacobin one. And that was part of the geo-enlightenment culture.

The modern Chinese elite is different. This is a global elite with a non-European face. At the same time, the Soviet elite was a remake. And there is a very powerful segment in the Western elite, which gives it very great strength. This Jewish segment with Judaism and financial capital.

The Chinese elite, in terms of life expectancy, is no less old than the Jewish one and also owns a lot of technology. Another thing is that the Chinese elite has only 20 years of experience in global games.

The Russian elite wants to be a peripheral part of the central elite. The Western elite promised Gorbachev and Yeltsin that they would not accept the former socialist countries and republics of the Soviet Union into NATO. But they deceived them.

Our elite of Gorbachev's time was promised a place in the center of the elite. But no one was going to give this place. And the further in time, the further and further the Russian elite moved into the background. About 10 years ago, Chubais was invited to a meeting of the Bilderberg Club. And at the last meeting there was only one Russian - Mordashov. But he represented Sweden. Our elite is on the periphery. Everything will depend on how the global crisis develops.

The age of the masses is over. Bets are placed only on the elite, - Christopher Lash "The Rise of the Elites and the Betrayal of Democracy." And the masses are barbarized. This is dangerous, they can demolish the chessboard and the game will start again.

In the 21st century, the ruling elite that uses this barbarian mass as a social flail in the struggle can win. But it is necessary to have new knowledge about society, the world and man. Necessary creation of fundamentally new knowledge .

The problem of modern Russia is that any Russian project that concerns only Russia will be of no interest to anyone. Russia must formulate a project that positions it as an international player of a certain type. But this requires an understanding of the modern world. And this requires modern science.

The French Revolution, which was the beginning of modernity, it required 50th intellectual effort and the creation new paradigm. When the Bolsheviks decided to fight for power, they created a new power of knowledge. The Third Reich, when they took up the struggle on a global scale, they began to develop New knowledge, not socially oriented, but racially oriented. And a whole scientific system, unsurpassed in many respects so far.

And here in 1991, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, third-rate, sloppy works of Western sociology and political science poured in. In intellectual terms, Russia is like a cook who wears out-of-fashion hats for her mistress. Until we design our hats and use them as psychohistorical weapon in the struggle for power, information and resources, to think about how not only to win the world struggle, but to participate on an equal footing in it, there is nothing to think about.

The correct formula remains: Knowledge is Power. And who will create this knowledge? And there is no need for huge institutions.

They now rule the world, gradually moving to the complete enslavement and total control of every person on the planet, regardless of his location and nationality.

World government, single money, total control - the goal of these people.

The Bilderberg Club is a structure that brings together politicians, financiers, representatives of transnational corporations (TNCs), secret services and the media belonging to the "global elite".

The direct initiators of the creation of the club, the first meeting of which took place in May 1954 in the Dutch city of Oosterbeek at the Bilderberg Hotel, were the US intelligence services. Back in the late 40s. In order to maintain American control over the European elite, organizations such as the European Movement, the American Committee for a United Europe, the European Youth, and a number of others appeared on the CIA's payroll.

Since, however, the methods of direct US interference in European affairs aroused certain discontent among the public, it was decided to ensure control over Europe through TNCs, with the help of pro-American-minded representatives of the Western European elite. For these purposes, the "Alliance" was created, later called the Bilderberg Group, planned as a "thinking club" for representatives of the ruling circles and largest corporations of NATO member countries.

The chairman of the club was Prince Bernhard of Holland, husband of Queen Juliana, in the recent past - an SS officer who served Hitler, who in the early 50s was the main shareholder of the Rothschild oil company Royal Dutch Shell.

Among the 80 people present at the founding meeting of the Bilderberg Club, the main role was played by D. Rockefeller, head of the Rockefeller Foundation G. Heinz, president of the Carnegie Endowment D. Johnson; the steering committee created at the same time included representatives of the Rothschilds, the Schroeder Bank, the New York Times, the London Royal Institute of International Affairs and the US CIA. The real leaders of the Bilderberg Group were Baron Edmund Rothschild and Lawrence Rockefeller, who chose the members of the club.

One of the main goals outlined immediately after the formation of the group was the creation of a European superstate with its own central bank and single currency, under the "natural" control of the United States. The ultimate goal of the Bilderbergers was formulated as the creation of a transnational government.

The Bilderberg Club is built on the principle of the Masonic lodge, its structure includes three circles.

The "outer circle" is quite wide and unites up to 80% of the meeting participants. Members of this circle know only part of the real strategy and true goals of the organization. The second circle, much more closed, is the Steering Committee, consisting of 35 people who are about 90% familiar with the tasks of the group.

The narrowest circle is the Advisory Committee (Advisory Committee), consisting of about ten people who thoroughly know the true goals and strategy of the organization and have full authority over the affairs of the group between its annual meetings. As the Italian magazine Europeo wrote in 1975, “despite the diversity of their composition, on the whole, the Bilderbergers are a kind of super-government, reshaping the governments of the Western countries in their own style.”

Currently, the regular members of the club are Edmund de Rothschild, David Rockefeller, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Paul Wolfowitz, Henry Kissinger, Richard Holbrook, Etienne Davignon, Henry Heinz, Romano Prodi and some others. It is believed that the club's asset unites 383 people, a third of which are Americans - representatives of the US President's office, the State Department, major corporations, banks and business circles.

The bulk of the funding from the TNCs and Western secret services that run the Bilderberg Group comes primarily through front companies and banks located in the Bahamas, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg and Switzerland. The names of those who finance the club cannot be precisely established. It is only known that astronomical amounts are spent on financing the activities of the Bilderberg Group.

Club members gather once a year for 4 days, usually in May - June in different cities, either in castles or in expensive hotels in complete secrecy. Each meeting, in which about 120 people participate, is held in an updated composition. All discussions are conducted behind closed doors, only "their" journalists are allowed there. No information comes out: it is forbidden to write down anything at Bilderberg meetings; it is forbidden to make statements to the press and disclose the discussions taking place at these meetings.

Leading media moguls either attend club meetings or send their representatives and are well aware of the meeting program (for example, The New York Times, Financial Times), but never talk about it in their publications.

The words of D. Rockefeller, said in 1993, when he thanked the editors of the largest Western media for keeping silent for almost forty years, are known: “It would be impossible for us to develop our plan for the whole world if it were made public in those years. But the world is more complex and ready to go to the world government. The supranational sovereignty of the intellectual elite and bankers of the world is undoubtedly more preferable than the national self-determination practiced in past centuries. Thus, we must keep the press in the dark about our convictions, which constitute the historical future of our century.

However, it is impossible to hide the activities of the Bilderberg Group, and from time to time information breaks out from certain members of the club or people involved in its activities.

One of the first serious studies on the Bilderbergers was a book by former Western intelligence agent L. Gonzalez Mata, published in 1979. More recently, David Rothkopf's book "The Superclass: The World Power Elite and the World It Builds" and a two-volume study by historians Pierre and Daniel de Vilmare and William Wolf Facts and Events Hidden from the Public. Currently, the activities of the Bilderberg Club are actively monitored by independent researchers, Englishman Tony Gosling, creator of the website with detailed information about the activities of the club, and American Jim Tucker, editor of the conservative newspaper American Free Press, who receives information from people on a regular basis. those present at the meetings of the club as assistants and assistants, but who are not its members. Tucker's posts are published at and

At its meetings, the Bilderberg Group makes strategic decisions on key issues of financial, military and social policy, bypassing the government bodies of the leading countries of the world. As British economist Will Hutton said, at every meeting of the club, "consensus is the backdrop against which political decisions are made around the world." Thus, it was at the meeting of Bilderbergers in Sweden in 1973, which brought together representatives of the largest oil companies, that a specially developed scenario for raising world oil prices was approved and a plan was laid out to control the world's flows of petrodollars.

At meetings of the Bilderberg Club, future US presidents and British prime ministers are "elected" (confirmed by the participation in the Bilderberg conferences of Bill Clinton in 1991 and Tony Blair in 1993).

In June 2006, at a meeting of Bilderbergers in the town of Kanata, a suburb of the Canadian capital Ottawa, the focus was on energy issues, policy towards Russia, the situation in the Middle East, "terrorism", the forced settlement of white countries by other races, the unification of Canada, the United States and Mexico into a single state, the invasion of Iran, the concealment of the developed fuel-efficient car with the consumption of gasoline 1 gallon per 200 miles, the creation of a world government on the economic model of the Middle Ages. Here it was decided to raise oil prices to $105 per barrel (at the suggestion of H. Kissinger).

In 2007, the Bilderberg conference was held in Istanbul, where the problem of global climate change, geopolitics in the Middle East, Turkey's role in the European Union, World Bank reforms, and the Iranian nuclear problem were discussed. Once again, one of the most important topics was the development of a common strategy and policy of the West towards Russia, whose position on energy issues aroused extreme dissatisfaction among the representatives of the group.

In 2008, among the participants of the Biederberg Conference in Chantilly were Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, US Federal Reserve President Ben Bernanke, Condoleezza Rice, Richard Perle, European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet, OSCE Commissioner for the Rights of National Minorities Knut Vollebaek, Paul Wolfowitz, NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, former German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer, ex-president Aleksander Kwaśniewski of Poland, Czech Foreign Minister Karel Schwarzenberg, his Turkish colleague Ali Babacan, Irish Advocate General Paul Gallagher (he was persuaded to find a way to change the Irish “no” to the Treaty of Lisbon to “yes”), Fleming Rose (department editor culture of the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten, famous for its "cartoon war"; it is believed to have been used to provoke Muslim outrage in accordance with the Clash of Civilizations project) and others. Russia was represented by Dmitry Trenin of the Carnegie Moscow Center.

This time the Bilderbergers discussed issues of the general chipization of Americans, policy towards Iran and oil prices. It was no coincidence that the group's meeting took place in the United States, where the presidential election is coming up. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama were reportedly secretly present at the Chantilly meeting on June 6. What is certain is that they had a private meeting that evening in northern Virginia. To select a candidate for the role of the future vice president, Barack Obama invited a member of the Bilderberg Governance Committee, James Johnson, who had already acted in this capacity during the election campaigns of John Kerry and Walter Mondale. D. Johnson is a vice president of the private bank Perseus LLC and a member of the board of Goldman Sachs, Gannett Company Inc., Target Corporation, Temple-Inland and the United Health group, is a member of the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations.

Some members of the club

Heads of State, Government and Crowned Persons - Participants of the Meetings

Bill Clinton, former US President

Margaret Thatcher, former Prime Minister of Great Britain, former leader of the British Conservative Party

Tony Blair, former British Prime Minister, former leader of the UK Labor Party

Prince Philip (UK)

Juan Carlos I, King of Spain

Queen Sofia of Spain, wife of Juan Carlos I, King of Spain

Beatrix (Queen of the Netherlands)

Valéry Giscard d'Estaing former French president (and editor-in-chief of the EU constitution)

Government members

The permanent members of the Bilderberg Club are

Henry Kissinger - statesman, diplomat and expert in the field of international relations, 56th US Secretary of State

David Rockefeller is a banker, statesman, globalist and current head of the Rockefeller house.

Nelson Rockefeller - American politician and banker, Vice President of the United States in 1974-1977

Robert McNamara - entrepreneur, politician, US Secretary of Defense from 1961-1968, President of the World Bank from 1968 to 1981

Donald Rumsfeld - politician, US Secretary of Defense in 1975-1977

Zbigniew Brzezinski – political scientist, sociologist and statesman

Alan Greenspan - former head of the US Federal Reserve

Condoleezza Rice - Former US Secretary of State

US Politicians

Richard Perle - politician, US Deputy Secretary of Defense (1981-1987)

Paul Wolfowitz - politician, former US Deputy Secretary of Defense from 2001 to 2005, ideologue of American hegemony in a unipolar world

Politicians of Russia

Anatoly Chubais, politician

Grigory Yavlinsky, politician

It should be noted that the creation of the Bilderberg club is only a formal association of the elite, necessary to achieve more global goals. The origins of the birth of "our" world elite are connected with the emergence of the United States of America. In the future, the development of this state, as an instrument, is inextricably linked with the enrichment of the world elite and the establishment of world domination in the world: both military and financial. The United States is the only country that has made huge profits as a result of world wars and other local conflicts, and even after the end of the conflicts has expanded its dominance in the world. It created the dollar as the only world currency, making many states of the world financially dependent. Participated in the development (artificially) of all financial crises.

Any major event, be it presidential elections, financial crises, military conflicts, revolutions, etc., does not appear by itself and is not the will of the majority of citizens - this is the activity of a small group of people who are guided only by the principles of power and money.