Hammer do-it-yourself drawings. What is a reverse hammer for auto body repair? Structure, principle of operation

Reverse hammer is essential tool, with which you can fix dents in hard-to-reach places on the car body. These are parts of the car where it is impossible to squeeze out a dent with reverse side.

These mainly include arches, sills and car pillars. Such equipment is used for minor damage to a certain area, which does not require the replacement of the entire fragment.

This tool does not represent complex equipment and does not have a large size. It is about the reverse hammer that will be discussed in this article.

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What is this device

If you are at least a little familiar with plumbing, then creating such a tool at home will be quite simple for you.

Self-production of such a device does not take much time, and does not even require special equipment or knowledge. For a more visual understanding, we present a primitive drawing that will not be superfluous.

As noted above, the design of such a hammer is very simple. A metal sleeve is mounted on a steel bar 50 cm long with a diameter of 10 to 20 mm, which should be comfortable for gripping by hand.

The diameter of its hole should allow it to slide freely along the hammer rod without creating a large backlash. A handle for holding the tool by hand is installed on the upper part. A shock washer is tightly fastened to the rod in front of the handle.

Another safety washer is attached at the bottom, which does not allow the bushing to fly off the rod during operation, thereby causing additional damage to the leveled surface. And at the very tip of the tool there should be a hook for grabbing the staples.

If you decide to make such a hammer yourself, and not buy it in a store where the price will be much higher, then it is desirable that the hook and bottom washer are removable. Since for convenience when working it is better to have a set of hooks of different lengths, as well as several bushings of different weights.

How to use

The principle of operation of the reverse hammer is as follows:
  1. First of all, you should inspect the damaged area of ​​the car, select the appropriate hook based on the location and main dimensions of the dent, in order to then correctly calculate the accuracy of the application force.
  2. Then the repaired area of ​​the body surface must be thoroughly cleaned from the excess paint layer and primer to the metal.
  3. Next, you need to weld special repair brackets (washers) onto the metal surface of the dent using a welding machine. If the electric spotter comes with a reverse hammer, then only a change of nozzle will be needed during the alignment process.
  4. Then you need to hook the hook of the auto-tool onto the brackets, after which, with gentle and light strokes, begin to pull out the dent.
  5. Alignment is recommended until the complete elimination of the damaged part of the body surface..
  6. To get rid of dents in your car, you must first weld a few brackets and pull a hammer rod through their holes to remove the damage.
  7. After that, the corrected surface defect should be treated with a primer and again covered with paint to match the body.

Good to know: reverse hammer for body work is one of essential tools designed to remove bumps in hard-to-reach areas of the car.

However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that such a device has its drawbacks, due to which, along with a dent on the car body, a layer of paint that has not even been damaged is completely removed. In addition, areas of extensive dents in the hood, roof and trunk surface of a car cannot be straightened with it. Welding staples can severely deform the metal, which will eventually lead to a complete replacement of the part.

Vacuum device

I would like to add a special type of the described device - a vacuum reverse hammer.

It is interesting to know that the vacuum straightening of the body has a characteristic feature that makes it possible to repair a considerable area of ​​the damaged surface of the car.

The advantage of such a reverse hammer is the vacuum suction cup, with which it will not be necessary to remove the thickness of the paintwork from the car before starting the body repair. When working with a reverse vacuum hammer, it is not necessary to drill or weld brackets onto the body section to be leveled.

In this case, caps of any shape and configuration are used. With the help of a suction cup, the material is held firmly while leveling the dent. Working with such a tool reduces labor costs and production time.

Restoration of the body with the help of vacuum straightening takes place in several stages:

  1. Cleaning the surface of grease and warming up the area for leveling.
  2. Two specially selected adhesive caps are glued in the center and along the edges of the dent.
  3. The piston is hooked with a vacuum hammer, gently acting on the area to be leveled.
  4. Repeat the previous two steps until the surface takes the desired shape.
  5. Thoroughly refine the leveled surface with a minilifter, which is sold in a set with pistons.

Take note: to level irregularities in difficult places, hooks of the same shape and different lengths are used to eliminate the defect in various parts of the surface of the car body.

However, the vacuum extraction of dents is also not without drawbacks, which consist in the fact that it does not completely eliminate the defect. In addition, if the damaged areas of the car have cracks, then such straightening can damage it more. Therefore, great care must be taken in the way body repair and selection of appropriate tools.

However, when doing body repair work to remove dents in difficult places where there is no access from inside the car, only a reverse hammer will help you. Such a reliable tool for leveling dents is a must have for every car mechanic who deals with car repairs.

How to make a reverse hammer from improvised materials, see the following video:

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Any type of body work is expensive and requires special skills and tools. However, it is possible to save money on buying some by building them yourself. For example, a do-it-yourself reverse hammer can be done in an hour. This will allow you to independently do and control the process of leveling a dent on the body in hard-to-reach places.

There are several options for the structure of the reverse hammer:

  • vacuum;
  • with pneumatic pulling mechanism;
  • devices with multiple weights;
  • models with an adhesive base or interchangeable nozzles.

The first of the presented types has a unique advantage over similar devices. Vacuum suction cup allows you to carry out repairs without damaging the paintwork. Depending on the power of the vacuum reverse hammer, it is possible to pull out small and medium-sized damages on various parts of the body. However, when working, it is necessary to observe a special technology: pulling must be carried out from the edge of the damage to its center. Otherwise, a dangerous stress for the metal occurs, which can lead to a fracture or unpredictable deformation.

Pneumatic reverse hammers are convenient in that they require reduced effort when performing work. Also, the area where this tool is indispensable is the work under the hood, including the extraction of stuck parts.

A homemade reverse hammer can be built from the simplest components:

  • a metal rod of suitable thickness and about half a meter long;
  • steel washers of the appropriate diameter for installing stops;
  • weights to increase the force of impact;
  • rubber handle (can be replaced with any other convenient material);
  • a hook or a metal plate with a holder - depending on the design of the proposed hammer.

It depends on the condition of all components whether grinding and cleaning of metal parts is required. To do this, you can use sandpaper or a metal grinding disc, and special compositions may also come in handy. It will depend on the design features whether a welding machine is needed or only a threading device is required. However, in most cases, welding is indispensable, since the fastening of the lock washers on the reverse hammer shaft is best done using a reliable seam.

You need to choose an iron rod, which will be 3-4 cm thicker than the base of the reverse hammer, and saw off a piece 5-7 cm long. A hole is drilled inside for the thickness of the rod. The thread is cut inside at a right angle so that the plate welded on is strictly perpendicular to the working handle. This area must be well sanded and cleaned, and on outside a ribbed texture is artificially created so that the sticky base interacts better with it.

Homemade Velcro sealant for reverse hammer can be made from various materials. The adhesive composition must meet several characteristics:

  • it should not leave marks on the paintwork of the car;
  • its degree of interaction with the surface should provide reliable adhesion;
  • the composition must be sufficiently elastic.

For this purpose, you can choose any household composition. For example, scrape it off the parts from which they are made plastic windows or use resin, which can be purchased at a hardware store.

Do-it-yourself sliding hammer with additional nozzles is also easy to do. To make it, you just need to thread the base. At the same time, future reverse hammer nozzles will need to be made with a diameter larger than the rod by several centimeters - this will ensure reliability during operation. If there are already nozzles and they are all designed for different rods, it is possible to make an adapter for a reverse hammer with your own hands or purchase a ready-made one at any automotive store.

The use of a reverse hammer in dent removal work has proven effective on arches and sills where available. inner space small. Also, its use is possible with minor damage to the doors and body if the stiffener is not affected. Self-manufacturing a reverse hammer will save a significant amount.

Reverse hammer for body repair is used when straightening cars. This design allows you to pull out dents in the work with the body before painting the car. In this material, in addition to information, photos of the assembly of the reverse hammer are presented, which independently allow you to weld it. Please note that this hammer is designed to straighten dents by welding, not suction cups!

To make a do-it-yourself reverse hammer, we need some metal. Below is a drawing with dimensions; diameters and lengths are given for this particular slide hammer. You can apply your sizes, use your pipes - the main thing is that it works!

By design, the reverse hammer should have a rod with a hook, a striker, an emphasis and a handle: with our right hand we hold the handle, with our left hand we bring the striker into translational motion, hitting the stop.

So, we will need: pieces of two pipes of different diameters (we will call them a small and a large pipe), while taking a small pipe a little longer than a large one; a piece of rod; a pair of pieces of iron from sheet iron and one of iron is thicker and another handle. I don’t indicate diameters and lengths in the text, they can be any at your discretion, but mine, see the figure above.

We cut out a round nickel from sheet iron of such a diameter as the diameter of a large pipe (the diameter is shown by the red circle in the photo above). We drill a hole in a piece of iron with such a diameter as the diameter of a small pipe. We weld a small pipe (photo above). clarification. I first cut a square a little more, drilled a hole, welded a pipe, and then made a circle out of the square - I cut it out with a grinder along the red circle.

And you can immediately cut out a circle, drill and weld it - as you wish (in the photo below there is another option for starting work).

What we got, we insert inside a large pipe and boil in a circle (in the photo above and below, shown from different sides).

We make another penny, the same as at the beginning. I did this: I cut out a larger square, drilled a hole, put it on a small pipe (see photo above), marked the diameter along the large pipe with a marker - the cut line and cut it off with a grinder. What came out is below in the photo.

We cut off a small pipe, leaving a margin of a couple of millimeters for welding - an approximate cut line in the photo below.

We fill the pipe with sand. We take dry sand. We tamp it like this: we just knock on the floor, the sand “sits down”9, add sand and tamp again.

We hammer the sand to the top and cover with a nickel (photo above). We scald everything: along the inner diameter to a small pipe and along the outer diameter to a large one.

Here's what happened (photo below), it's a striker.

At this stage of manufacturing a reverse hammer, we need a bar, a piece of iron for emphasis and a handle (photo below).

Bar. When cutting off the bar, do not forget to leave a tolerance for the bend of the hook.

Emphasis. It can be from a piece of flat iron, for example 4 mm. The emphasis should hold the impact of the striker and not bend. Nuance: I came across a piece of iron 2 mm thick - not very thick, but in the form of a bracket (Fig. Blue below).

Pen. It could be from anything. From an old grinder, from old kitchen utensils. Can be in last resort even weld a piece of the same small tube.

We bend the hook from the rod. About we put a striker on a bar. We insert the other end of the rod into the stop hole and weld it from the back of the stop (picture above). Then we attach the handle and also scald on the same side. Thus, all welding is carried out from the side of the hammer handle, but not from the side of the striker.

So, here's what happened, the assembled reverse hammer is ready with your own hands.

For work, you can buy cheap washers of large diameter and weld them - here in the photo below we draw out the middle rack: we welded the washers and are going to straighten the body element with a reverse hammer.

What do you need to make a reverse hammer with your own hands?

Body repair is a complex operation that requires certain knowledge, special tools and fixtures. One such device is the reverse hammer. This is a simple tool that is easy to make with your own hands. For this, there are many photos and videos on the Internet. You can also download a drawing of the simplest version of the device.

What is a reverse hammer and what is it for?

This tool is a device that allows you to apply a certain force to a section of metal with limited access. A device is used to level small areas of a deformed car that have suffered from minor accidents.

Some areas of the car body can be leveled with a conventional rubber mallet, applying blows from the back. However, most surfaces do not have such access. In such cases, a reverse hammer is needed. Its tip is fixed at the place of deformation, and with the help of the load, which is located at the other end of the device, a retracting jerky force is transmitted to the surface.

Before you make a reverse hammer, you need to describe the varieties of this tool. You will need this to make a drawing of the device you need, and then make it.

Varieties of reverse hammer

Despite its simplicity, this device has acquired several versions over time. Each option is used in individual cases, which depend on the type of damage and the skill of the specialist. In general terms, the design of this device is the same, as is its principle of operation. The differences are only in the method of attaching the tool to the body.

The most common reverse hammer is a metal rod, at one end of which there is a hook, and at the other end there is a load with a stop. The hook is hooked onto a washer welded to the place of deformation by welding. Applying shock forces to the load, the deformation is extended to the desired moment.

The second, equally simple version of the reverse hammer differs from the previous one in that at the end, instead of a hook, there is a regular thread. To level the surface with such a device, it is necessary to make a hole in the center of deformation, insert the threaded end into it, and fasten the washer and nut on it from the reverse side.

The most complex type of this device has a vacuum device at the end, which is fixed on the surface of the deformed part with the help of rarefied air. The suction cup can be actuated either by a compressor or by a conventional method. This type of fixture allows the leveler to repair minor damage to the bodywork, while preserving the paintwork of the area, if it is not damaged.


Making a reverse hammer at home with your own hands is quite simple. It doesn't take long and doesn't require special materials and tools. For a better understanding, you can watch a video on the Internet. A primitive drawing will also not be superfluous.

To make this tool with your own hands, you will need the following:

  • metal pin about 50 cm and 20 mm in diameter;
  • cargo that has an internal hole;
  • threading tool (optional)
  • welding machine;
  • Bulgarian.

If it is decided to make a reverse hammer with a hook type of fastening, then a hook is made at the end of the pin. You can do it with a vise or pliers. Or boil welding machine a ready-made hook from another device.

If the tool is made with a threaded grip, then a thread is cut at the end of the pin with an appropriate tool. You should not cut a lot of threads, since the metal of the body is quite thin.

After the tip is made, a load is put on the pin, which is limited to the back of the tool. This can be done by welding, or using a threaded stop. The second method is preferable, as it will allow the use of loads of different weights depending on the required force at the end of the reverse hammer.

Again, to visually understand how this happens, the easiest way is to watch the video. If this is not possible, then the procedure for working with this device is approximately as follows:

  • the tip is fixed on the deformed section of the body;
  • by hitting the load on itself, the part is aligned to the desired position;
  • if the effort is not enough, then the load changes to a heavier one.

When stretched relatively large area metal, you can weld several washers in one line and thread a pin through them. To do this correctly, it is advisable to watch a video on this topic. Then this pin is hooked with a hook, which is welded to the fixture and pulled along with the metal, aligning it to the desired state. When using this method, be careful, as welding a large number of washers can pull the metal excessively and ruin the body part.

Sgdubrovsky › Blog › Reverse hammer. The dream came true.

For a long time I wanted to make myself a reverse hammer, but there was no way.

Yesterday I freaked out and rushed to the base for metal.
1. Round rod d=10mm

1.5 meters;
2. Round rod d=16mm

1.8 meters;
3. Nut M10 - things 4;
4. Nut M10 long - 2 pcs;
5. Nut M12 - a couple of things;
6. Washer for 10 - 2 pcs;
7. Washer for 12 - 2 pcs;
8. M10 plate, step 1.5.

Not all nuts and washers came in handy ...,

“By eye” we choose the length of the bar by 10 - it will be the base of our hammer and we saw it mercilessly.

Then at the end of the rod we cut the thread with a die.

I cut it, attached it to the main rod, tightened it around with masking tape and grabbed it with welding. Then he took it off, boiled it tightly.

After we put the moving part in place, we screw the nut onto the thread by 10 and scald it - we get the upper limiter.

How to use a reverse hammer for straightening a car

One of the indispensable tools for straightening a car is a reverse hammer for body repair. Its purpose is to correct small dents on the pillars, sills, arches, i.e., in areas where there is no access from inside the body. This device will be discussed in this article. First, let's talk about how this device looks like.

What does he represent?

By design, the reverse hammer is quite simple. Its base is a metal rod with a diameter of 10-20 mm and a length of about 50 cm. A steel bushing (weight) is put on the rod.

At one end, the rod has the shape of a hook, at the other, a washer is welded so that the weight does not fly off, and the impact force of the device is transferred to the rod. Often, in the configuration of industrial hammers, there are several different-shaped hooks that are needed to capture staples welded to the repaired area. There are also reverse hammers on sale with two or three bushings. This makes it possible to adjust the impact force when leveling dents.

How to use a reverse hammer?

  1. First you need to inspect the repaired section of the car in order to select a hook according to the shape of the dent and calculate the degree of application of force.
  2. After that, the area of ​​the body surface that needs to be repaired must be cleaned from paint and primer to metal.
  3. Next, special repair washers (brackets) must be welded to the dent.
  4. Then the hook of the tool is hooked onto the staples.
  5. Then, with light and gentle blows, you need to start pulling out the dent.
  6. This process must be continued until the damage is repaired.
  7. In order to remove the elongated edges and dents, it is necessary to weld several brackets, and then, by inserting a hammer rod through their holes, remove the defect.
  8. After that, the straightened area can be primed and re-coated with paint matching the body color.

Among the disadvantages of this device, it should be noted that the paint has to be removed from the dent, even if it has not been damaged. In addition, large damage with its help can not be repaired.

Conventional slide hammers are highly discouraged for large dents when repairing the central sections of the hood and roof, as well as the trunk lid of a car. The result of welding staples can be a strong deformation of the metal and its stretching. As a result, the part will have to be replaced completely.

There is a special kind of described device - reverse hammer vacuum type. His distinguishing feature in that with its help it is possible to repair a vast area of ​​the car body. In addition, before working with it, you do not need to remove the paint.

How to make a fixture yourself?

  1. To make this device with your own hands, you will need an iron, or even better, a steel (stainless) rod 50 centimeters long and a cross section of 10-20 millimeters, as well as a steel sleeve (weight), a hook and an ebonite handle.
  2. You can either purchase a ready-made hook-grab or make it yourself from steel with a thickness of 4 millimeters.
  3. To make a vacuum version of a reverse hammer, you can use a suction cup from some tool, such as a conventional plunger, instead of gripping.
  4. After you assemble the fixture, carefully process all its elements, first with a file, and then with an emery cloth in order to remove all notches and burrs.
  5. After that, try out the new tool on some unwanted car part.

Special tool for straightening a car
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Reverse hammer for straightening metal - how to do it yourself and how to use it for its intended purpose

The contact of the tool with a crumpled body is a couple of millimeters, but this is enough to level the dent

No car service or body repair shop is complete without reverse hammers or similar devices. I will talk about what a reverse hammer is, how to work with it and how to assemble it with your own hands. I am sure that such a tool will take its rightful place on the shelf in your garage and will be useful for body repair.

Everything you need to know about the tool

To straighten such a dent, you need to remove the entire bumper, and this is long and difficult - it is much faster and more convenient to pull the plastic towards you

If a dent appears on the car body, then it's time to purchase a reverse hammer or make it yourself. After all, it is this tool that will help level the metal surface to its original state.

This tool is a type of hammer that strikes not like a jackhammer, but from the surface, pulling it towards itself. The device of the tool is extremely simple - a weight freely walks along the rod, and the rod is equipped with a handle.

The drawing shows the main elements in the design of the straightening hammer - the blue arrow indicates the movement of the load

The rod is made of a metal rod or a metal thick-walled tube with a diameter of 2 cm and a length of 50-80 cm. A weight is a cylinder 15-20 cm long and weighing 300-500 grams. passes through the cylinder through hole along which the rod moves freely.

  • A handle is rigidly fixed at one end of the rod. The handle is made of metal or a metal guard is provided on it, which accounts for the impact;
  • At the end opposite the handle is a suction cup or point for spot welding. Despite the simplicity of the tool, the price of the fixture starts at 2 thousand rubles (prices are current for the spring of 2017).

Why is not an ordinary impact hammer used for straightening body parts, but a reverse one? Given the nature of the damage in a dent, it is possible to eliminate the defect by exerting a mechanical load on the metal in the right direction. It is impossible to get behind the damaged body element in order to knock it out in the opposite direction.

By choosing an impact tool, the damaged metal on the body element can be pulled out easily and quickly. Moreover, the body element does not even have to be removed, since all the work can be done directly on the machine.

Disassembling the drum brake assembly is not an easy task until you try to use a reverse hammer on the spotter.

An alternative way to use the tool is to remove brake drums from soured studs. There is no other tool to approach here, and by welding a reverse-action hammer or screwing it with a bolt, dismantling can be done simply and quickly.

Varieties of the tool according to the method of attachment to the surface

Types and their description

Surface preparation. The damaged surface of the body is treated with a wire brush on a grinder, until the paint is completely removed. After rough removal, the metal is skinned with coarse sandpaper.

Before you start working as a spotter on the body, be sure to remove the negative terminal from the battery!

Pull out the metal. The tip of the tool is set at the beginning of the dent, that is, where the metal is just beginning to bend. Here you need to put a mark and grab the limit switch with spot welding.

We give the metal to cool, then with a weight we strike the handle with force. Repeat the blows until the metal bends.

We break off or cut off the welded limit switch and weld it again 1-2 cm further along the dent, and continue to pull it out.

metal cleaning. After the entire dent is pulled out, we clean the protrusions from spot welding with a grinder. We regularly apply a wide spatula or ruler and, if necessary, additionally remove the protrusions.

Application of a spotter hammer. Everything is simpler here - an electric limit switch is applied to the metal, a button is pressed on the handle and you can strike.

At the end of the metal drawing, the body element also needs to be cleaned from the welding relief.

Body repair is a complex operation that requires certain knowledge, special tools and fixtures. One such device is the reverse hammer. This is a simple tool that is easy to make with your own hands. For this, there are many photos and videos on the Internet. You can also download a drawing of the simplest version of the device.

What is a reverse hammer and what is it for?

This tool is a device that allows you to apply a certain force to a section of metal with limited access. A device is used to level small areas of a deformed car that have suffered from minor accidents.

Some areas of the car body can be leveled with a conventional rubber mallet, applying blows from the back. However, most surfaces do not have such access. In such cases, a reverse hammer is needed. Its tip is fixed at the place of deformation, and with the help of the load, which is located at the other end of the device, a retracting jerky force is transmitted to the surface.

Before you make a reverse hammer, you need to describe the varieties of this tool. You will need this to make a drawing of the device you need, and then make it.

Varieties of reverse hammer

Despite its simplicity, this device has acquired several versions over time. Each option is used in individual cases, which depend on the type of damage and the skill of the specialist. In general terms, the design of this device is the same, as is its principle of operation. The differences are only in the method of attaching the tool to the body.

The most common reverse hammer is a metal rod, at one end of which there is a hook, and at the other end there is a load with a stop. The hook is hooked onto a washer welded to the place of deformation by welding. Applying shock forces to the load, the deformation is extended to the desired moment.

The second, equally simple version of the reverse hammer differs from the previous one in that at the end, instead of a hook, there is a regular thread. To level the surface with such a device, it is necessary to make a hole in the center of deformation, insert the threaded end into it, and fasten the washer and nut on it from the reverse side.

The most complex type of this device has a vacuum device at the end, which is fixed on the surface of the deformed part with the help of rarefied air. The suction cup can be actuated either by a compressor or by a conventional method. This type of fixture allows the leveler to repair minor damage to the bodywork, while preserving the paintwork of the area, if it is not damaged.


Making a reverse hammer at home with your own hands is quite simple. It does not take much time, and does not require special materials and tools. For a better understanding, you can watch a video on the Internet. A primitive drawing will also not be superfluous.

To make this tool with your own hands, you will need the following:

  • metal pin about 50 cm and 20 mm in diameter;
  • cargo that has an internal hole;
  • threading tool (optional)
  • welding machine;
  • Bulgarian.

If it is decided to make a reverse hammer with a hook type of fastening, then a hook is made at the end of the pin. You can do it with a vise or pliers. Or weld a ready-made hook from another device with a welding machine.

If the tool is made with a threaded grip, then a thread is cut at the end of the pin with an appropriate tool. You should not cut a lot of threads, since the metal of the body is quite thin.

After the tip is made, a load is put on the pin, which is limited to the back of the tool. This can be done by welding, or using a threaded stop. The second method is preferable, as it will allow the use of loads of different weights depending on the required force at the end of the reverse hammer.

Again, to visually understand how this happens, the easiest way is to watch the video. If this is not possible, then the procedure for working with this device is approximately as follows:

  • the tip is fixed on the deformed section of the body;
  • by hitting the load on itself, the part is aligned to the desired position;
  • if the effort is not enough, then the load changes to a heavier one.

When pulling a relatively large piece of metal, you can weld several washers in line and thread a pin through them. To do this correctly, it is advisable to watch a video on this topic. Then this pin is hooked with a hook, which is welded to the fixture and pulled along with the metal, aligning it to the desired state. When using this method, be careful, as welding a large number of washers can pull the metal excessively and ruin the body part.

Many drivers, faced with the concept of "reverse hammer", do not understand what it is. Although, if you have not had to deal with body repair yourself, with a high probability you have never seen such a tool. But if you still have to repair the body, you can’t do without a reverse hammer. In this regard, the purpose of the article below is to tell not only what a reverse hammer is, but also how to make a reverse hammer for do-it-yourself body repair.

What is a reverse hammer for body repair

In the process of working with a car body, the most difficult and critical part is straightening, that is, leveling the surface of the body. To accomplish this task, even specialists need to have on hand professional equipment, which includes the reverse hammer.

IN classic version the reverse hammer is a pin made of metal and having a length of 50 centimeters. The diameter of this pin is only 2 centimeters. There are only two elements on the pin: on the one hand, a rubber bushing, and on the other, a small metal washer. The task of the latter is to hold the sleeve and not allow vibrations from impacts to pass to the hammer body.

In addition to this, many reverse hammers also have hooks with which the device can grab the brackets welded to the body, and thereby hold it securely on it during straightening.

Purpose and types of reverse hammers

Often, a reverse hammer is used to remove small dents in metal parts of an automobile body that either cannot be directly accessed or need to be leveled from the back. With the help of a reverse hammer, it is very convenient to work with car sills, wheel arches and pillars.

Important!The reverse hammer is designed to work with small areas, so it is not suitable for straightening large dents in the roof or trunk. This is due to the technology of work that is used during the use of the reverse hammer, and to its dimensions.

There is a classification of reverse hammers for body repair, which includes:

Vacuum hammers.


With kettlebells(two and three are used).

Reverse hammers, working thanks to a pneumatic mechanism.

The peculiarity of the straightening work depends on the type of reverse hammer. To level the surface of the body of a new car, it is better to use a vacuum hammer, as only it allows you to perform such a complex job without first removing the paintwork. In the same case, if you are going to use one of the remaining types of hammers, the part of the body where the dent is located will first need to be carefully cleaned with sandpaper. Otherwise, the paintwork will still be damaged by the reverse hammer.

How to use a reverse hammer

The entire process of straightening dents on a car body using a reverse hammer should be performed in the following order:

1. Rinse the entire work surface with water to remove all dirt, and be sure to treat the entire surface with a degreaser.

2. If necessary, remove the paintwork from the work surface. To do this, it is more practical to use a grinding machine.

3. Weld round repair washers to the dented area.

4. Attach a special hook to the opposite end of the hammer, which should come with the tool.

5. Attach the hook to the puck.

6. Holding the tool with one hand on the handle, grab the kettlebell with the other hand and point it towards the handle. In this case, your movement should be as sharp as possible.

Due to the fact that the reverse hammer is tightly coupled to the body surface, with each movement of the weight, the reverse dent is leveled. At the same time, the stronger you strike with a weight, the faster the process of straightening the car body will go.

Attention! It is necessary to work with a reverse hammer very carefully, since when it is used in the middle of the body, the opposite effect can be achieved. We are talking about the fact that very often when leveling one dent, new defects can form. Therefore, in such areas of the body it is more rational to use more professional equipment.

When working with a reverse hammer, you must be extremely careful. In no case do not rush and after each blow evaluate how the dent has changed. This will help you avoid creating new dents at the edge of an existing defect. But if you work slowly and follow all the instructions correctly, you can fix a small dent in just a few minutes.

It is often impossible to repair a car body without a reverse hammer, although each time it is necessary to soberly assess the situation, and if the work area is too large, resort to using other tools. As for the reverse hammer, fortunately, such a tool for bodywork can be made by hand.

We are engaged in the independent manufacture of a reverse hammer

Reverse hammers can be bought at any auto shop today. It is worth noting that they can be sold both as a separate unit and as part of a set of tools specifically designed for body repair. But since there are no complicated mechanisms in the reverse hammer, it can be done at home.

To make a do-it-yourself body repair tool, you will need to prepare some materials:

A pin made of durable steel, 50 cm long and 2 cm in diameter.

Important! For the manufacture of a reverse hammer, you can use a pin of a smaller diameter, however, in this case, its service life will be significantly reduced, since under the action of constant blows the thin base will rapidly collapse.

A handle or nozzle that can be put on a steel pin. The handle should be made of ebonite or rubber.

Welding machine and protective devices for it (gloves, mask).

Steel hook no more than 0.5 mm thick.

16 cm kettlebell about 6 cm thick.

Steel washers in the amount of 2 pieces (diameter 2.5-3 mm is suitable).

We recommend that you carry out all other work on the manufacture of a reverse hammer for body repair with your own hands in the following sequence:

1. If necessary, we clean the metal pin from rust by grinding and process a perfectly flat surface with any degreasing agent.

2. A hook must be attached to one end of the pin. If the hook is threaded on one side, it can also be threaded on the pin, creating a removable connection. Otherwise, you will have to use welding to attach the hook.

3. At the base of the hook, it is imperative to place a washer, which will prevent the weight from moving to the working surface and causing accidental damage.

4. To put a weight on a metal pin, it is necessary to make a hole in it, the diameter of which should be 1 millimeter larger than the diameter of the pin. Thanks to this, the kettlebell will be able to move freely, and you will be able to give it any possible acceleration.

5. The weight is put on the pin, and steel sheets are attached on top of it, which will allow it to be gripped as reliably as possible to strike the body. On top of it, it is also worth putting on and welding another washer so that the weight does not hit the handle.

6. Proceed to fix the handle. Please note that it should sit on the pin as securely as possible, therefore, if possible, it must be welded to the base of the pin.

This completes the manufacturing process of the reverse hammer. As you can see, if you prepare materials and tools in advance, all the work will take no more than 40 minutes. With your own hands, you can even make a reverse hammer with a vacuum suction cup, which will greatly simplify the implementation repair work by body. To do this, instead of the hook with which the tool is attached to the work surface, it is necessary to use special suction cups that can provide the same fastening reliability.