Is it possible to get pregnant during the period of application of Yarina. How to get pregnant after canceling Yarina Plus: how long can you plan, and will pregnancy occur in the first cycle after cancellation

Family planning is a tricky business. Some women use various oral contraceptives to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Others, on the contrary, take contraceptive medications in order to restore fertility. How Yarina works - one of the oral contraceptives most beloved by young girls, how to restore the possibility of conception and whether it will be possible to get pregnant while taking Yarina, more precisely after discontinuing the drug.

Yarina is one of the most popular combined contraceptives containing hormones intended for oral administration. The tablet is a combination of ethinyl estradiol and the progestogen drospirenone.

Synthetic drosperenone is good in that it has a pharmacological profile almost similar to natural progesterone, which means it does not have gluco-antiglucocorticoid, as well as estrogenic activity and has a moderate antimineralocorticoid and antiandrogenic effect.

Previously, women were very wary of contraceptive pills, since the action of previous generations of contraceptives was accompanied by significant side effects.

Yarina and its analogues are monophasic drugs with a low content of two hormones, completely different contraceptives. In addition to high efficiency, they have a number of other advantages. For example, after taking Yarina:

  • not typed excess weight and most women even lose weight;
  • a woman's body does not retain water;
  • getting better appearance- acne and other rashes disappear, the quality of hair improves.

The essence of the contraceptive action of the drug is as follows:

  • inhibition of the maturation of the follicle and, as a result, the absence of ovulation;
  • cervical mucus becomes thicker, which makes it difficult for sperm to move to the fallopian tubes;
  • changes in the endometrium that prevent implantation, i.e. even if ovulation occurred and the spermatozoon managed to fertilize the egg, the zygote will not attach to the uterine mucosa, which means that pregnancy will not occur.

However, women using oral contraception should not worry about how to get pregnant after Yarina. During the time of taking the drug, the endometrium does not become thinner, to which the zygote should attach. Accordingly, after a short course of administration (no more than 6 months), reproductive function does not decrease.

Despite the fact that "Yarina" is considered a "soft", "adapted" drug, there are still a number of conditions in which its appointment is contraindicated:

  • coagulopathy and venous or arterial pathologies that carry the risk of bleeding or thromboembolism;
  • neurological diseases;
  • disorders of cerebral circulation;
  • decompensated diabetes;
  • high blood pressure;
  • violations of the liver;
  • acute or severe chronic renal failure;
  • hormone-dependent tumors;
  • vaginal bleeding;
  • intolerance or high sensitivity to any component of the drug.

Accordingly, no medication that has a contraceptive effect should be taken if a possible or confirmed pregnancy is suspected.

As a rule, a woman who controls her fertility on Yarin manages to get pregnant within 3 monthly cycles after cancellation. However, if pregnancy did not occur during an unprotected sexual life, and before using an oral contraceptive, the lady had gynecological problems, for example, polycystic ovaries, diseases thyroid gland, hormonal or metabolic disorders, you should immediately seek qualified medical help.

When can you get pregnant after Yarina

Women taking oral contraceptives long time a longer period is also needed until the full restoration of reproductive abilities. If pregnancy after the abolition of Yarina does not occur within a year of regular sexual activity, it is advisable to contact your gynecologist or a family planning center. But so far there are no serious reasons for concern - in women over 35 years of age, metabolic processes begin to slow down and therefore pregnancy within 2 years after stopping the contraceptive is considered the norm.

And long-term use hormonal pills, secondary amenorrhea may appear - the absence of menstruation after discontinuation of the drug. This is due to the fact that the body is accustomed to receiving hormones from the outside, gradually reducing their own production. Therefore, hormonal imbalances can be significant and require the intervention of an endocrinologist. In this case, conception becomes absolutely impossible, because ovulation does not occur. In this situation, a complete examination and consultation with a reproductologist are simply necessary.

To avoid such a situation, you should strictly adhere to the recommendations of the doctor who prescribed the drug, and do not take it continuously for more than 1 year. The break between courses of taking any hormonal contraceptives should be at least 3 months. How long the long-awaited pregnancy will take depends on many factors, and the implementation of medical recommendations is one of them.

Rebound effect on Yarin - is it possible?

It is believed that one of the positive properties of oral contraceptives is the rebound effect. The literal translation of this term from in English means "recovery". The essence of the rebound effect lies in the therapeutic effect of the hormonal drug, which allows the ovaries and uterine mucosa to “take a vacation”, relax and get to work with renewed vigor.

As a rule, for patients with impaired ovulatory function, for further successful conception, Yarina-plus is prescribed for 3 months. This drug has proven itself as a stimulant of receptor sensitivity at all levels, i.e. it simultaneously affects both the hypothalamic-pituitary system and the ovaries. Allegedly, while a woman drinks Yarina, she retains her ovarian reserve, which is activated upon completion of the course.

Theoretically, the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy is associated with a sharp release of one's own hormones in response to the cessation of their intake from the outside: ovulation resumes, a regular monthly cycle, fertilization becomes possible.

However, it should be understood that the rebound effect is not a clinically proven phenomenon. Even if it is possible, it is only with temporary violations of ovulatory functions.

With organic causes of infertility, for example, polycystic ovaries, obstruction of the fallopian tubes, or pathologies of the uterus itself, combined oral contraceptives are powerless.

On the other hand, if a woman does not have any serious pathologies of the reproductive sphere, the rebound effect after the abolition of Yarina can give a strong “push” and activate the simultaneous maturation of the follicles in both ovaries, which can cause the development of multiple pregnancy.

Modern medicine offers various ways protection against unwanted pregnancy. One of them is hormonal contraception (HC).

Many women and men are interested in the question: "Is it possible to get pregnant using hormonal contraception?" No drug can give a 100% guarantee against unwanted pregnancy. But hormonal contraceptives are closest to the cherished 100%, so they are considered one of the most reliable methods of protection. In addition, the effect of hormonal contraceptives has been studied almost thoroughly.

After reading this article, you will know:

Is it possible to get pregnant on hormonal contraception;
why is everything in the world more women switch to this method of contraception;
how soon you can get pregnant after the abolition of hormonal drugs;
answers to other questions most often asked by women and men.

What are the types of hormonal contraception?

Hormonal contraceptives for women contain synthetic analogues of estrogens and progesterone - female sex hormones. Unfortunately, hormonal contraception for men is still under development.

There are two types of hormonal contraceptives: combined and progestin. Estrogen is included in the form of ethinyl estradiol (or estradiol valerate in new generation COCs on natural estrogen), progesterone is in the form of progestin.

Combined oral contraceptives, or COCs, contain estrogen and progesterone.

Depending on the amount of estrogen, drugs are:

High-dose (35 micrograms, or mcg, for example, "Diana-35");
low-dose (30 mgc, for example "Yarina");
microdosed (15 and 20 mcg, for example, Qlaira).

Progestin oral contraceptives contain only progesterone. They are usually prescribed to nursing mothers and those who are contraindicated in taking estrogens.

Previously, hormonal contraception was produced only in the form of tablets. To date, medicine provides several ways to introduce hormones into the body:

vaginal ring "NovaRing";
body patch "Evra";
intrauterine device"Mirena".

How does hormonal contraception affect the body?

To find out what is the possibility of getting pregnant with GC, you need to understand how it works. So, HA performs the following functions in the body:

Suppresses ovulation, that is, the maturation of the egg;
makes the mucus in the cervical canal more viscous, which makes it difficult for sperm to move up into the uterine cavity;
does not allow the egg to gain a foothold in the uterus in case of fertilization.

If a woman or a man is interested in the question "Is it possible to get pregnant using GC?", then we have for them good news: the possibility of getting pregnant tends to zero.

Advantages of hormonal contraception

If you are taking, for example, "Yarina" or "Janine", is it possible to get pregnant after canceling them? One of the main advantages of HA is its reversibility. That is, you can use HA for several years, and as soon as you decide that you are ready to become a mother, just stop taking the drug.

GC is good way protect against unwanted pregnancy (the possibility of getting pregnant, by and large, exists only in case of missed pills or improper intake).

Other benefits

1. After a year of admission, the probability ectopic pregnancy decreases by 90%.
2. The likelihood of developing gynecological diseases is reduced.

Research results show that HA helps prevent the following diseases:

Cancer of the endometrium (mucous cavity of the uterus), ovaries, breast;
endometrial polyps;
erosion of the cervix;
uterine myoma (with a diameter of 1.5 cm stop growth);
inflammation of the pelvic organs.

The likelihood of not only gynecological diseases, but also rheumatoid arthritis and anemia is reduced.

3. The menstrual cycle is normalized.
If earlier the cycle length fluctuated, then when taking GC it will be constant.
4. The amount of menstrual flow decreases. If earlier you suffered from long and intense menstruation, then during the period of admission they are reduced in duration and quantity. A small amount of menstrual blood reduces the chance of developing bacteria that cause inflammation.
5. You can independently adjust the cycle if necessary and push it back for any period.

Who are contraindicated hormonal contraceptives?

If you want to control the possibility of getting pregnant with GCs, then know that there are contraindications to them:

High blood pressure;
tendency to form blood clots;
cirrhosis of the liver;
malignant neoplasms of any organs;
smoking in combination with age over 35 years.

Depending on the drug, contraindications may vary.

Do hormonal contraceptives affect weight?

Since modern GCs contain very low doses of hormones, it is safe to say that they do not affect body weight. Sometimes there is an increase in weight, sometimes a decrease. Body weight can increase by 1-2 kg, but only in hormone-dependent zones: these are the chest, hips and buttocks. Men most often like this change in figure.

Does the body need rest from hormonal contraception?

The myth that the body needs rest from GC is widespread among Russian women. Gynecologists often prescribe GC intake intermittently: you need to take the drug for a year and a half, and then take a break for three months. In the USA and European countries, they do not take breaks - the interval in taking GCs does not benefit, but more often harms. Low doses of hormones do not create any load on the body, from which he would need to "rest".

Which OC regimen is better: short or long-term?

Exists different schemes receiving OK:

1 pack - break 7 days;
3 packs - break 7 days;
6 packs - break 7 days.

Some contraceptives need to be taken without interruption - in this case, several placebo tablets are included in the package.

According to the latest research results, a long-term regimen is most preferable. If you take OK according to an extended scheme, menstruation is much easier and the number of side effects from the drug. And men do not have to worry about the poor health of their beloved on critical days.

Why hormonal contraception provides ALMOST 100% protection against pregnancy, or How can you get pregnant while taking oral contraceptives?

Is it possible to get pregnant while taking GCs, such as Janine? The possibility of getting pregnant on GC is approaching zero.

When does the chance of getting pregnant increase?

First, the chance of getting pregnant increases if you miss a pill. If the delay is less than 12 hours, then the contraceptive effect is not reduced. If the break is more than 12 hours, then the chances of getting pregnant increase.

Secondly, the likelihood of conception increases with problems with gastrointestinal tract. If a woman has vomiting or diarrhea shortly after taking the pill, gynecologists recommend that the man use a condom to ensure reliable contraception for the next 7-9 days.

How soon can I get pregnant after stopping hormonal contraceptives?

If you are wondering how soon you can get pregnant after stopping taking GCs, then you should know that you can get pregnant as soon as you ovulate. This can be in the first, and in the second, and in the third cycle after the cancellation.

Having stopped taking the drug "Janine", is it possible to get pregnant after six months? The greatest chance of getting pregnant persists for 3 months. But there are times when pregnancy occurs after 6 months. If pregnancy does not occur within six months, the reproductive health of the man and woman should be checked.

Is it possible to get pregnant in cases where "fire" contraceptives were used?

Is it possible to get pregnant if you use emergency or emergency contraceptives? The means of emergency contraception include "Ginepristone", "Escapel", "Postinor", "Mifepristone-72" and others. These drugs should be taken as soon as possible after sexual intercourse, preferably immediately after it. If you took the first tablet of the drug immediately after unprotected intercourse or within 24 hours, the effectiveness of the drug is 95%.
Means of emergency contraception should not be taken often - these are potent hormonal drugs that are not intended for regular use.

How can you get pregnant after taking hormonal contraceptives?

How you can get pregnant - without a man by insemination or in your own bedroom - taking hormonal contraceptives does not affect in any way.

Is it possible to get pregnant after childbirth during the first two months?

Many men and young mothers are interested in whether it is possible to get pregnant during breastfeeding? As practice shows, this is quite real, so consult your doctor about taking hormonal contraceptives.
In the first three weeks after childbirth, it is necessary to use progestin preparations (without estrogens) to avoid the formation of blood clots. If a woman is not breastfeeding, then from the fourth week you can start taking COCs, for example, Yarina or Janine.

"Janine": is it possible to get pregnant?

Many men and women want to know: "Taking Janine, is it possible to get pregnant?" The answer in most cases will be negative, but in some situations the contraceptive effect may be reduced.

1. Is it possible to get pregnant while taking Janine without missing a single pill?
If you take Janine according to the instructions and do not miss a single pill, then the probability of pregnancy is zero.

2. Is it possible to get pregnant while taking Janine after missing one pill?
If you delay taking the pills for less than 12 hours, then the effect of the drug is not weakened. If the delay is more than 12 hours, then additional protection methods, such as a condom, must be used for the next 7 days. Taking "Janine", you can get pregnant with the highest probability due to skipping the first pills in the package.

3. Is it possible to get pregnant while taking Janine due to problems with the digestive system?
If you have taken Janine without gaps, you can become pregnant if you vomit or have an upset stomach in the first few hours after taking it. During this time, the drug may not have time to digest.

4. Is it possible to get pregnant while taking Janine due to taking other medications?
Taking "Janine", you can get pregnant with parallel treatment with antibiotics (tetracycline, penicillin and others). In addition, contraceptive protection may decrease due to the use of barbiturates and other drugs.

5. Taking "Yarina" or "Janine", is it possible to get pregnant after cancellation?
If you stop taking Janine, you are most likely to get pregnant in the first three menstrual cycles.

"Yarina": is it possible to get pregnant?

All answers to the above questions regarding Zhanin are also true for Yarina.

What to do if you become pregnant while taking an oral contraceptive?

If you become pregnant while taking Yarina, Janine or another COC, stop taking it immediately and consult a doctor.

To avoid unplanned pregnancy, women of childbearing age usually use oral contraceptives in the form of hormonal pills. How reliable is this method, and, for example, is pregnancy possible when taking Yarina - popular birth control pills?

In Europe, the United States and Latin America, this monophasic contraceptive from Bayer Schering Pharma (GmbH AG) is tradenamed Yasmin and in France Jasmine.

Pregnancy while taking Yarina

To assess the possibility of becoming pregnant when using these drugs that prevent conception, there is the Pearl Index, used in clinical trials of the contraceptive effectiveness of drugs in this group and calculated by the number of cases of pregnancy in one hundred women who took them for 12 months in a row. For Yarina, this index is 0.57-0.9%, that is, the probability of pregnancy is less than 1%.

The principle of action of hormonal contraception with estrogen-progestin preparations is to suppress ovulation - the monthly process of rupture of a mature follicle in the ovary and the release of an egg ready for fertilization into the fallopian tubes. It also plays an important role in blocking the concomitant ovulation decrease in the viscosity of mucus in the cervical canal.

Pregnancy when taking Yarina and other hormonal contraceptives can occur when a woman violates the rules for their use. Therefore, you need to carefully study the instructions for the drug and clearly follow its instructions.

According to the instructions, Yarina is taken daily for three weeks (21 days) - one tablet at a time to ensure the desired concentration active ingredients to achieve adequate suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian regulation within 24 hours. After three weeks, it is supposed to take a 7-day break (during which there are similar to menstruation bloody issues, so-called withdrawal bleeding). And when this does not happen, then this may be due to fertilization and the onset of pregnancy.

As a rule, pregnancy can occur when taking Yarina in the following cases:

  • ignoring additional "safety net" methods of contraception in the form barrier means(for example, a condom) during the first 14 days after the start of taking Yarin tablets;
  • missed taking the next pill, provided that more than 12 hours have passed since the previous dose;
  • skipping two or more doses of the drug within one week;
  • the occurrence within 3-4 hours after taking the pill of severe vomiting or diarrhea (then the absorption of the drug may be partial, so this case can be considered as a missed pill);
  • drinking alcohol, which neutralizes the effect of the active components of the drug;
  • parallel treatment with penicillin and tetracycline antibiotics, barbiturates, sorbents or enzyme preparations (since the degree of intestinal absorption of synthetic analogues of estrogen and progesterone in such cases is significantly reduced).

The use of Yarin during pregnancy

Obviously, it does not require clarification that the use of Yarina during pregnancy is prohibited.

But a woman may not know about the onset of pregnancy and continue taking birth control pills. As soon as the fact of pregnancy is confirmed, taking Yarina, as well as other hormonal contraceptives, is stopped.

It is believed that in such situations, women have nothing to fear, and pregnancy is normal. However, as animal studies conducted by Western experts have shown, undesirable effects due to the hormonal action of the active substances of these drugs during pregnancy cannot be ruled out. Although to date there is no evidence of a teratogenic effect of combined oral contraceptives on pregnancy in women.

Pregnancy after the abolition of Yarina

When does pregnancy occur after the abolition of Yarina? As soon as the normal process of maturation of the follicle in the ovary and ovulation resumes, that is, a couple of months after stopping the pills.

But gynecologists note that the process of egg fertilization is influenced by many factors, including the individual characteristics of the body of women, their general hormonal background and fertility rate. So pregnancy after the abolition of Yarina can occur literally immediately or after a longer period of time. And if the planned pregnancy does not occur more than six months after stopping the use of hormonal contraceptives, you should consult a doctor and undergo an appropriate medical examination.

Yarina should not be taken during pregnancy. But sometimes it happens that a woman does not immediately find out about pregnancy and continues to take a hormonal contraceptive after conception. What threatens this, maybe you need to immediately terminate a pregnancy that has just begun?

What is the danger of taking Yarina during pregnancy

In order to answer this question, you need to know the mechanism of action of Yarina. Yarina acts on the same principle as all other modern hormonal contraceptives. This drug contains active synthetic hormones - analogues of natural sex hormones - estrogens and progesterone, which are more active than natural sex hormones. An excess of sex hormones inhibits the synthesis of pituitary hormones, under the influence of which the egg matures and leaves the ovary. Without a sufficient amount of pituitary hormones, the egg cannot mature, rupture the follicle in which it was located, and leave the ovary, that is, ovulation does not occur.

In addition, > Yarina contributes to the thickening of the mucus in the cervical canal and most spermatozoa cannot overcome this barrier. But the most important action that can lead to the termination of a pregnancy that has come against all odds is a change in the state of the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity - it becomes less loose, it is difficult for the egg to penetrate into it.

Thus, during the onset of pregnancy, the main danger is that the fertilized egg will either not be able to attach to the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity, or attachment still occurs, but is fragile, which at any time can end in spontaneous miscarriage. Spontaneous miscarriage is the main threat that occurs if a woman takes yarin during pregnancy.

If the pregnancy is not interrupted, then do not worry - there are no dangers directly to the fetus when taking Yarina. During the first week after conception, the embryo generally develops autonomously - it is in no way connected with the mother's body and any toxic effects on it from the mother's body are impossible. A week later, the embryo is introduced into the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity and grows into it with vessels. From now on, toxic effects on the embryo are quite possible.

But numerous epidemiological studies (based on the results of interviews with women who have already given birth to children and a study of the medical records of the children themselves) did not reveal any negative impact on the child when the mother took Yarina in the initial period of pregnancy. However, clinical studies of this kind have not been conducted and this does not allow us to draw a final conclusion about the safety of taking Yarina in the first weeks of pregnancy.

And yet, if the pregnancy has come and continues to develop, you should not be afraid of serious consequences for the child and terminate the pregnancy - in practice, there are cases of teratogenic (developmental anomalies that are not inherited) and mutagenic (changes in the body that are inherited) effects on fetus was not identified. You just need to calm down and tune in to pregnancy.

Is it possible to have children after long-term use of Yarina?

Some women worry about whether they will be able to have children after taking Yarina for many years. These fears are usually groundless, if Yarina was taken by a healthy woman, then one to three months after stopping the drug, her natural > menstrual cycle is restored, and she can begin to conceive a child. But conception does not have to occur within the first menstrual cycle. The norm is the conception, which took place within a year after the drug was discontinued.

But sometimes, after the abolition of Yarina, quite persistent amenorrhea (absence of menstrual bleeding) may occur, in which case you need to consult a doctor and establish its cause. Most often, this reason was before the start of taking Yarina, and the hormonal failure simply revealed it. Different causes of this pathology require different treatment.

Often the menstrual cycle is not restored due to the constant anxiety of the woman about the fact that she will not be able to become pregnant. It is best to calm down in this situation and not think about pregnancy at all for a while. For most women, it is the absence of anxiety and fear that contributes to the restoration of the menstrual cycle, that is, the ability to have children. But this should not exclude the fulfillment of all doctor's prescriptions, because it is quite possible that the cause of amenorrhea is still serious. If pregnancy has occurred, then you need to regularly, in accordance with the schedule, visit an obstetrician-gynecologist antenatal clinic- this will relieve complications during pregnancy and\u003e childbirth.