How to protect yourself during the flu. How to protect yourself from the flu and colds

With the onset of autumn and a sharp cold snap, the number of patients with colds. A common cold in everyday life is used to call all acute respiratory diseases. To protect yourself from these diseases, doctors advise you to follow a number of simple recommendations. writes about this.

Colds - illness and colds - hypothermia

A cold can be a consequence of hypothermia, which can lead to the development of the disease: conditions are created under which pathogenic bacteria in the body begin to multiply intensively and provoke the development of acute respiratory diseases (ARI). As a result of hypothermia of the body, a disease occurs caused by a malfunction of the mucous membranes in the respiratory tract, and local immunity decreases.

Rosehip decoction strengthens the immune system and saves from colds

Rosehip decoction not only strengthens the immune system and saves from colds, but also gives strength during a hard day. The main condition is that it must be properly prepared.

In no case should the rosehip broth be boiled, since most vitamins, especially vitamin C, which is responsible for strengthening the immune system, are quickly destroyed. When properly prepared, warm tea will replace vitamins, immune stimulants and lemons during a cold.

"It is important to brew rose hips correctly so as not to destroy all the beneficial vitamins and minerals that it contains. Before making tea, grind the berries along with the seeds. Three tablespoons of berries should be poured with boiling water in a thermos and left overnight. By morning, the vitamin broth will be ready. And if you add a few tablespoons of honey to the broth (not hot!) - you will get just a shock dose of vitamins, which will become a powerful shield against infection.Such tea can be drunk daily during the cold season, side effects it does not, unless, of course, you consume it in liters," says Lyudmila Babich.

At the same time, it is very important that the drink is infused for at least 12 hours, otherwise most of the vitamins simply will not have time to get into the water.

Influenza is an acute infectious disease caused by a virus. different types Viruses cause symptoms of varying severity.

Types of viruses flu:
serotype A,
serotype b,
serotype C.

In addition, different subtypes of the influenza virus appear, which arise as a result of its constant mutation. A person who has been ill with one subtype of the influenza virus will not have immunity to a new, mutated subtype.

pathogen virus transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person by airborne droplets. Droplets of the patient's saliva, with which the virus is transmitted, can spread at a distance of up to 5 meters from the sick person. The influenza virus can survive for 3-4 days on a cloth surface, as well as on furniture covered with oil paint. On glass, the influenza virus survives up to 10-11 days. To prevent the spread of the disease, it is necessary to process objects that surround the patient, because. they can transmit infection.

Symptoms of the disease may not appear from 2 to 48 hours after the virus enters the body. This period is called the incubation period.

Usually the disease begins acutely:
fever with fever up to 40ºС,
weakness and muscle pain, aches,
Strong headache,
eye muscle pain, tearing,
cough (usually dry)
perspiration and hoarseness of voice,
runny nose (may appear later).

The patient needs to call a doctor who will prescribe treatment.
The flu is dangerous complications. The disease can be aggravated by complications even with a mild course:
bronchitis or pneumonia
myocarditis, etc.

Many doctors recommend the use of vaccines to prevent influenza. However, here it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the patient's body. Some experts do not see the point in vaccinating against influenza due to the constant mutation of the causative virus. Getting vaccinated against the flu is recommended before an influenza outbreak. During the period of increasing incidence, vaccination is useless.
Medical prophylaxis of influenza must be carried out correctly. Experts note that after the uncontrolled use of antiviral drugs for the purpose of prevention, immunity decreases.

Doctors recommend taking:
rich in vitamins (infusions of rosehips, rosehip syrup),
herbal preparations with immunomodulatory properties (preparations of echinacea, eleutherococcus, leuzea, magnolia vine).

It is recommended to use foods rich in phytoncides- onions, garlic, as well as vitamins - vegetables and fruits.
Necessary flush nasal passages and eyes solution sea ​​salt(ready sprays with sea ​​water can be purchased at a pharmacy).
Need to keep an eye on microclimate at home and at work: maintain the necessary cleanliness, humidity, avoid hypothermia and especially overheating. To maintain optimal humidity, use humidifiers or hang wet towels.
useful to use ultraviolet light devices in order to neutralize the pathogenic flora in the apartment.
Also for this, it has proven itself well, having an antiseptic effect (, etc.)

During an increase in the incidence of influenza:

Avoid crowds;
more and more to be in the fresh air;
avoid hypothermia;
avoid stressful situations;
when coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with a paper tissue (after that, it is better to throw away the tissue);
wash hands thoroughly and often with soap, especially after coughing and sneezing;
protect eyes, nose and mouth from contact with dirty hands;
if there is a sick person with flu symptoms nearby, try to avoid contact with him.
in case of infection, do not drown out the symptoms with drugs to avoid sick leave (take care of others, you are the source of infection).

If there is a flu patient in the family, you need to:

Try to isolate him from the rest of the family;
provide him with separate hygiene items, dishes, towels;
regularly ventilate the room, carry out wet cleaning;
caring for a sick person is recommended to wear a mask.

Some get the flu for several days, while others last longer and with severe complications. In total, there are three types of influenza virus, which are characterized by infinite variability, while protecting yourself from the flu and its consequences is in the power of everyone.

What is the flu and what is its danger?

The flu is an infectious disease that anyone can get. The causative agent of influenza is a virus that from infected people enters the nasopharynx of others.

Most people get the flu for only a few days, but some people become more seriously ill, possibly severe, even fatal.

With the flu, existing chronic diseases are exacerbated, in addition, the flu has an extensive list of possible complications:

  • Pulmonary complications (pneumonia, bronchitis). Pneumonia is the cause of most influenza deaths.
  • Complications from the upper respiratory tract and ENT organs (otitis media, sinusitis, rhinitis, tracheitis).
  • Complications from the cardiovascular system (myocarditis, pericarditis).
  • Complications from nervous system(meningitis, meningoencephalitis, encephalitis, neuralgia, polyradiculoneuritis).

To avoid possible complications, it is important to carry out the prevention of influenza in a timely manner and to properly treat the disease itself.

The flu usually starts suddenly. The causative agents of influenza, viruses of types A and B, are characterized by aggressiveness and an exceptionally high reproduction rate, therefore, within a few hours after infection, the virus leads to deep lesions of the respiratory mucosa, opening up opportunities for bacteria to penetrate into it.

Influenza symptoms include fever, temperature 37.5-39 ° C, headache, muscle and joint pain, chills, fatigue, cough, runny or stuffy nose, pain and sore throat.

Influenza can be confused with other diseases, so a doctor must make a clear diagnosis, he also prescribes treatment tactics.

What to do with the flu?

The patient himself, at the first symptoms, needs to stay at home, so as not only not to infect others, but also to take treatment in time, for which it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor. To prevent further spread of the infection, the sick person must be isolated from healthy individuals, it is advisable to allocate a separate room.

Parents! Never send sick children to Kindergarten, school, cultural events. With influenza, it is extremely important to observe bed rest, since the disease increases the load on the cardiovascular, immune and other body systems.

Self-medication for influenza is unacceptable, and it is the doctor who must make a diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment appropriate to the condition and age of the patient.

For proper treatment, it is necessary to strictly follow all the recommendations of the attending physician and take medication in a timely manner. In addition, it is recommended to drink plenty of water - it can be hot tea, cranberry or lingonberry juice, alkaline mineral water. You need to drink more often and as much as possible.


At a temperature of 38 - 39 ° C, call the local doctor at home or an ambulance team.

When coughing and sneezing, the patient should cover their mouth and nose with a handkerchief or napkin.

The room where the patient is located should be regularly ventilated and wet cleaned as often as possible, preferably with the use of disinfectants that act on viruses.

Contact with a sick person should be limited, and when caring for him, use a medical mask or gauze bandage.

How to protect yourself from the flu?

According to the World Health Organization, the most effective tool against influenza is vaccination, because it is the vaccine that provides protection against those types of influenza virus that are the most relevant in this epidemiological season and are part of it.

The introduction of a vaccine into the body cannot cause disease, but by producing protective antibodies it stimulates the immune system to fight infection. The effectiveness of the flu vaccine is incomparably higher than all non-specific medications that can be taken during the winter months, such as immunomodulators, vitamins, homeopathic remedies, traditional medicine" etc.

Vaccination is recommended for all population groups, but is especially indicated for children from 6 months of age, people suffering from chronic diseases, pregnant women, as well as people from occupational risk groups - medical workers, teachers, students, service and transport workers.

Vaccination should be carried out 2-3 weeks before the onset of an increase in the incidence, vaccination can be done only in medical institution by specially trained medical personnel, while a doctor's examination is mandatory before vaccination.

There are few contraindications to influenza vaccination. Influenza vaccination should not be done in acute febrile conditions, during an exacerbation of chronic diseases, with an increased sensitivity of the body to egg white (if it is part of the vaccine).

Having been vaccinated against influenza, you protect your body from the attack of the most dangerous viruses - influenza viruses, but there are still more than 200 types of viruses that are less dangerous for humans, but can also cause ARVI. Therefore, during the period of the epidemic rise in the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, it is recommended to take non-specific preventive measures.

Influenza Prevention Rules:

  • Get your flu shot before flu season starts.
  • Reduce the time spent in crowded places and public transport.
  • Use a mask in crowded places.
  • Avoid close contact with people who show signs of illness, such as sneezing or coughing.
  • Wash your hands regularly with soap and water, especially after the street and public transport.
  • Rinse the nasal cavity, especially after the street and public transport. Ventilate the room you are in regularly.
  • Regularly do wet cleaning in the room in which you are. Humidify the air in the room you are in.
  • Eat as many foods containing vitamin C as possible (cranberries, lingonberries, lemon, etc.).
  • Eat as many meals as possible with the addition of garlic and onions.
  • On the recommendation of a doctor, use drugs and drugs that increase immunity.
  • In the event of the appearance of people with influenza in the family or work team, start taking antiviral drugs for prophylactic purposes (as agreed with the doctor, taking into account contraindications and according to the instructions for using the drug).
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle, get enough sleep, eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly.

Flu and other acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) are the most common infectious diseases with an airborne transmission mechanism among all age groups of the world's population. Influenza epidemics occur annually during the cold season. Often flu and respiratory diseases begin with similar symptoms - fever, weakness, runny nose, cough. However, the flu is much more likely than other acute respiratory viral infections, it is more severe and causes complications - bronchitis, pneumonia, otitis media, sinusitis, etc.

Influenza is especially dangerous for the elderly, whose immunity weakens with age, and the presence of chronic diseases increases the risk of serious complications and exacerbations of existing diseases. Every year, every third - fifth child and the fifth - tenth adult suffers the flu.

For young children, any influenza virus is new, so they are especially sick, and may need to be completely cured. long time. Human susceptibility to influenza viruses is absolute. The highest incidence rates in epidemic upsurges occur in children and young adults. Particularly high-risk groups include: infants (newborns) and children under two years of age, pregnant women, persons with chronic respiratory pathology, including bronchial asthma, chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, metabolic disorders ( diabetes, obesity), kidney pathology, diseases of the hematopoietic organs, immunosuppression caused, among other things, medicines or HIV, and persons over 65 years of age.

The danger of influenza lies not only in the difficult treatment of the disease, but also in the formidable complications caused both by the influenza virus itself (viral pneumonia, edema, lungs, meningoencephalitis) and associated with the addition of bacterial infections (otitis media, sinusitis, pneumonia).

How to protect yourself from the flu

The most effective tool in the prevention of influenza is vaccination, which is carried out annually for the population two to three months before the start of the seasonal rise in the incidence within the framework of the national calendar of preventive vaccinations at the expense of the federal budget, and can also be carried out at the expense of employers and personal funds of citizens.

The national calendar of preventive vaccinations defines the contingents subject to mandatory vaccination against influenza: children from 6 months old, students of grades 1-11; students in professional educational organizations and educational organizations higher education; adults working in certain professions and positions (employees of medical and educational organizations, transport, public utilities); pregnant women; adults over 60; persons subject to conscription for military service; individuals with chronic diseases, including lung disease, cardiovascular disease, metabolic disorders and obesity.

Vaccination reduces the risk of disease and complications by several times, as well as the socio-economic significance of infection in society as a whole. Influenza vaccines are safe and highly effective. The entire range of influenza vaccines has been registered in Russia and approved for use. Before the vaccination, each vaccinated person is examined by a medical worker.

When is the best time to get vaccinated?

The rise in the incidence of influenza annually begins in November, and the peak of the epidemic falls on the period from December to March. It is better to vaccinate in advance, given that it takes two to three weeks for the formation of immunity after vaccination. The best time is from September to October.

How is the vaccination done?

You can get vaccinated in the clinic at the place of residence, in the city centers of vaccination, in mobile vaccination points. Children older than three years, adolescents and adults without age restrictions are vaccinated once, children from six months to three years - twice with an interval of four weeks.

Advantages of vaccination.

It's safe. The only effective means of preventing influenza worldwide is timely vaccination. Since influenza viruses are constantly changing, it is necessary to be vaccinated annually in order to successfully resist mutated viruses.

It's available. Vaccination is free.

It's safe. Influenza vaccines do not contain live virus particles and therefore cannot cause illness.

Remember that self-medication for the flu is unacceptable. Your health is in your hands!

Fruits and berries in November-December are overseas guests for long-term storage and are unlikely to become a source of vitamins and antioxidants. Therefore, lean on seasonal products - that is, those that do not need to be treated with preservatives for storage. Carrot, radish, pickled and fresh cabbage, citrus fruits, winter berries (cranberries, cranberries) - they will have more vitamins than bright tomatoes and peppers. Do not forget that cereals and legumes, nuts, vegetable oil are also a source of useful B vitamins, vitamins A and E - that is, recognized antioxidants that are very important for immunity. Add spices generously to hot drinks (cloves, which have antiseptic properties, are especially useful). Do not forget about honey - especially in combination with lemon: in the latter, as in other citrus fruits, there are a lot of vitamins. There is a lot of vitamin C, which helps protect against influenza and SARS, in rosehip broth, lingonberry and sea buckthorn fruit drinks. And onions and garlic contain phytoncides, which easily neutralize microbes.

2. Drink ginger tea

There are a lot of antioxidants in this magical root, which "spur" our lymphocytes - virus-hunting cells. The antiseptic properties of ginger have also been known for a long time: it contains substances that improve immunity and slow down the reproduction of rhinoviruses.

3. Move more

Physical activity (especially when it is a joy) is one of the indispensable factors in the formation of strong immunity. Exercising for 45 minutes a day is known to halve your risk of catching a cold. For the benefit of the body, you can also dance, swim, or even just walk in the winter park.

4. Sleep as much as you want

Lack of sleep undermines the immune system more than vitamin deficiency or severe stress. If we sleep less than 7 hours a day, the level of leukocytes - defense cells - in the blood drops sharply, and the risk of catching the virus increases 3 times.

5. Have sex

Scientists have proved that the cynical phrase about "sex for health" has a right to exist. The fact is that regular sex is very important for the normal functioning of our immune system. If you do it twice a week, the level of immunoglobulin A will increase in the blood, which protects the mucous membranes from pathogens of acute respiratory viral infections and other diseases.

Important: if you are already sick with the flu, it is better to refrain from close contacts, the risk of infecting a partner with the flu or a viral respiratory disease is very high.

7. Turn on the light!

When the daylight hours are short, and monochrome prevails in nature, we fall into a painful and even depressive mood. We do not have enough light and bright colors, and instead of hormones of happiness, melatonin, the “sleep hormone”, begins to be produced in the body. At the same time, this leads to a decrease in immunity. That is why some avoid the flu very simply: they pick up household members and go to warmer climes, where there is a lot of light, warmth, and a riot of colors splashes. If there is no opportunity to leave, you will have to cheer yourself up artificially. Be sure to add bright details to the interior (curtains, pillows, rugs). Use the short winter day for walking. Do not be stingy and turn on the light in the evenings. All this will help reduce the production of melatonin.

5. Wash your hands often

SARS and influenza viruses are transmitted by airborne droplets, but then they can literally settle on any suitable surface. Therefore, in the midst of an epidemic, any doorknob, railing, table, handset become a real breeding ground for a variety of viruses, especially in public places. From the surface, the virus enters the hands healthy person, and then it is enough for him to touch his face, for example, scratch his nose - and you can safely run for a sick leave to the doctor. Therefore, during epidemics, hands should be washed frequently and with soap. And do it not only after visiting the toilet, before eating or after a walk. But just like that, several times a day - especially if you work in a crowded office.

8. Think positive

Our the immune system works better if we are calm, joyful and optimistic. Even Scientific research proves that a happy person gets sick less often, and if he does get sick, he recovers faster.

9. Drink more water

Dry mucous membranes are extremely susceptible to infections. Therefore, moisturizing them, including from the inside, will help to avoid colds and flu even during an epidemic: viruses do not like it when it is humid around. Drink at least 2.5 liters of fluid daily, irrigate the nasal mucosa with isotonic water, or humidify the air in your home and office using vaporizers.

10. Breathe in the scents

The effectiveness of inhalations of essential oils with antiseptic and antiviral properties has been proven empirically. For inhalations that will help get rid of viruses in the space around you, it is best to use essential oils mint and pine. Put a few drops of oil diluted with water into the aroma lamp, heat it up - the house will smell like a Christmas tree or fresh mojito, and there will be no trace of viruses.