Birthday script in dow for a girl. Celebrating a child's birthday in kindergarten (photo report)

Nadezhda Kovalchuk


Birthday- a nominal holiday of each child, a special event in his life. This is a celebration that unites educators-children-parents. Birthday people and their friends are looking forward to surprises and adventures: sweet and creative gifts, unusual treats; fun games and creative ideas. On the other hand, teachers and parents preschool show their creativity in preparing and holding the birthday of children in order to make the holiday exciting and unforgettable.

Target: the development of active communication and gaming activities in the process of celebrating children's birthdays in kindergarten.


To form an idea in children about the celebration of a birthday in a children's team, while maintaining the traditions of their favorite holiday.

Develop creative and playful abilities of preschoolers; emphasize the importance of each child in the group.

Cultivate friendships between children and their mentors.

1. Parents and educators at the parent meeting at the beginning of the school year discuss and decide what gifts to give to children according to their age and interests, gender. For example, for older preschoolers: encyclopedias for girls about flowers, cooking, and for boys about ships, military equipment.

2. Coordination with parents in advance of the date of the event, if the birthday falls on a weekend or vacation.

3. Making paraphernalia together with parents for the holiday:

birthday symbol - a beautiful figure that announces to everyone how old the child is;

birthday outfit or birthday girl;

a chest of surprises - it contains a gift for the birthday man, sometimes gifts for guests, for example, coloring books;

winding pencils for competitive play and so on.

4. Decorating a child's locker with balloons, a postcard.

5. Joint design of the booth in the reception “Congratulations”, which may include different headings - “Happy Anniversary! - 5 years”, “Poems for the birthday man”, “Our wishes”, “Congratulations from the family”, “My name”, “Congratulations from friends” and others.

In our group, for 4 years, our own traditions of celebrating the birthday were born and took root.

In the younger and middle groups we highlight autumn, winter, spring and summer birthdays. We decorate the stand accordingly autumn leaves and photographs of a child, or snowflakes, or spring and summer flowers. The child remembers what time of the year his birthday is. In the senior and preparatory groups, we celebrate the name days of "Sentyabrinka", "Oktyabrin", "Noyabrinka", "Dekabrinka" and so on, so that the child remembers the month of his birthday. We write the day and month on the card.

Round dance game-congratulations "Loaf". We can hold it in a group, in a music hall, on the street - always in different ways.

We go on a trip with younger children, we sing the song “We are going, we are going, we are going ...” about friends. And as a gift for all children we give a fairy tale or a puppet theater.

With older preschoolers we hold "Loaf", then we dance to the song "Kalinka". Then a chest with surprises awaits us - gifts and treats. They are always different!

The guys say their wishes, the teacher writes them down in a basket of wishes on a sheet and places them in the album “Our Birthdays”, and then add them to the portfolio.

Parents are direct participants in the child's birthday - they drive the Loaf, play games, show a puppet theater with educators.

Our favorite birthday games are Winder and Extra Four. We play these games only on the day of the birthday.

Celebrating the birthday of teachers in kindergarten.

Creation of the album "Our birthdays". It contains photos and congratulations of children and educators. These are our memories of the joyful days of the holiday.

Such holidays bring together and unite both friends and the team as a whole.. In the senior and preparatory group our children not only celebrate their birthday together in a group, but invite their friends home for the continuation of the banquet!

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Scenario of the holiday "Kindergarten Birthday"

Children come out to the music, become a semicircle
There is one country in the world
Can't find another like this
Not marked on the map
And the size is small.
But he lives in that glorious country
wonderful people
And wherever you look,
A friend is walking with you!
In that country, the order is:
Everything is in the hands of the guys
And they all live together
Like a family - one unit.
Leading. You probably guessed what country it is?
All children. This is our home garden!
Many times we celebrated the holiday in this hall,
But we didn't know anyone like this one!
The best holiday - all congratulations are sent,
Because kindergarten is celebrating a birthday!
Our "Sunshine" today
Birthday is celebrated!
He has a holiday today!
And our garden welcomes guests!
Anniversary - what is the word
It's a holiday, it's a celebration!
This is the day when there are so many friends.
And joy and warmth rule in the house.
happy birthday congratulations
Our favorite kindergarten
We wish you happiness, joy
To you on behalf of the guys.
Happy birthday "Sunshine"
We congratulate you now.
Our song for you
We give from the heart!
The song "Early in the morning kindergarten" (then they sit on the chairs)
Song "Good mood"
(performed by kindergarten staff)
1. Dear guests, we are very glad to see you.
We gathered in the hall, in the festive one again,
Smile amicably, no need to frown.
After all, today the garden is only 35!
And a smile, no doubt
Suddenly touches your eyes.
And good mood
Will not leave you anymore!
2. We invite you all to our program.
Look, there are so many kind eyes in the hall!
Smile guests, rejoice - you are with us,
After all, today we are only 35!
Children read poetry
This is how we live in a fairy tale,
We chew sweet gingerbread! We drink tea!
We invite you all for your birthday!
two storey bright building
Every day he invites the guys.
Here, with a fairy tale, their date awaits
It's been for many years now.
The world is beautiful, a little mysterious
Here the guys will open.
This kind, colorful world and fabulous
The song of childhood for many sounds
Here we learn the value of friendship,
Here we are taught to think and create.
Our kindergarten, children need you,
It is very difficult for us to live without you.

Mysterious children's country!
How often is she remembered
And we want to look there,
To return your childhood even for a moment.
Song birthday. Denis, Lisa, Lyova, Masha, Anya.
1. Adults have a birthday,
There are, of course, the guys.
And today is my birthday
Notes kindergarten.
Kindergarten, kindergarten, Why do they say so?
Because day after day, Like flowers, we grow here!
2. Happy birthday congratulations
Our favorite kindergarten.
Let the songs not stop here
Many, many years in a row.
- Which date "Thirty-five" is serious and important,
And someone wants to tell us: "It's time for you to grow up, citizens!"
But we will seriously tell you that who communicates with children,
"Child" should be himself, or someone doubts?
Three plus five equals eight years, and eight years is:
Joking, laughing and playing, or someone doubts?
Today we'll show you what's up with jokes and songs
It is easier for all of us to live in the world and life is more interesting for everyone!
The soundtrack of the song sounds "Little country". Against the background of music, a slide film with photographs of the existence of a kindergarten is shown on the screen and read opening remarks.
For many years, people who are currently on a well-deserved rest have worked in kindergarten. How much mental strength and patience have been invested in the development of the kindergarten!
Not to grow a weed
The raft should be built like this,
Don't miss anything
Don't forget about anything.
Cozy, kind, green kindergarten,
How much effort and effort you need to make,
To actually become like this.
We are talking about the director and employees of the kindergarten who worked in different time and with dignity supported the life of a small island of childhood.
These are Kalashnikova V.F., Zhdanova V.N., Sayapina M.P., Panfilova N.N., Klenova V.P., Mikhailova T.V., Kalzhanova N.N., Chichenkova Val. Petrovna, Sayapina Natalia Viktorovna, Sayapina Lyudmila Nikolaevna, Shcherbakova Lidia Vas. and many others.
Graduation Song different years"Childhood"
What kind of Chukchi without deer, and gypsies without horses.
What, tell me, is this, without ditties anniversary.
We will sing about kindergarten
About toys and kids
How we live together here
We dance, we sing songs.
2 Leva
Mothers bring us in the morning
And we are stubborn.
We'll fuck in the locker room
And then we go to play.
3 Lisa
Our educators -
kind, beautiful,
They love everyone
Playful child.
4 Leva
We are charging in the morning
We go with the mood
And it ends -
We leave with regret.
5 Lisa
I'll go out, I'll go out to dance
In brand new shoes
All the guys say
What am I like a picture!
6 Leva
Children are fed in the kindergarten
Like in a restaurant
I know the recipes
I'll bring them to my mom.
7 Lisa
And our manager
The most active
And therefore her
The work is efficient.
8 Leva
Children in our kindergarten
Most skillful:
Who draws, who sings
Who runs the fastest.
9 Together
We sang ditties to you -
Is it good, is it bad.
And now we ask you
For you to clap.
Song-sketch "Kalinka-Malinka"
In the meantime, our artists are changing clothes, the word for congratulations is given ...
Song "Oh, how good" Liza, Leva, Cyril, Denis
Presentation "Kindergarten today"
I love my kindergarten!
I love adults and kids!
And now for the anniversary
We'll dance merrier!
Dance "We are little dolls"
Leading- On holidays it is customary to launch fireworks. And we invite you all to the festive fireworks!!! (guests are invited to the playground)
While everyone was happy with the fireworks, robbers entered the kindergarten.
Atamansha (Tanya)
We are from a terrible, terrible fairy tale
Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!
So let's start our dancing!
Uh-ha-ha! Uh-ha-ha!
2 robber (Vitya)
We will spoil the holiday for children,
Their-ha-ha! Their-ha-ha!
Let's break everyone in the world
Uh-ha-ha! Uh-ha-ha!
Who came to visit us?
Yes, it's a robbery company!
Right! Guessed! We came to your birthday without an invitation.
2 robber
Yes, take away gifts from children, and scare them.
We will not let children be offended, we will not let spoil the holiday. Do not worry, dear guests, do not worry, children, now I will drive them out of here with a broom. (I take a broom and swing)
Wait, wait! If you drive us away now, you will never know where one very important item is located, without which any birthday will be ruined.
Guys, did you guess what the robbers stole from us while we were blowing balls?
Children: cake
2 robber
We have it, we have it well hidden!
Give us the cake!
We will give it back only if you allow us to stay on the holiday.
2 robber
And if your kids can beat us in the "Fastest" contest
Well guys, accept the challenge?
Blindfolds with robbers
OK OK! Let's give up! You beat us! (running for cake)
We won't brag now
We know what we're talking about.
Get a birthday cake
We'll treat you all to cake.
(They bring in a cake, the children sing “Loaf”, we treat everyone with a cake).

And the kindergarten chooses everyone:
Such funny and beloved kids,
Such caring and patient mothers.
And everyone can verify this for himself.
Kindergarten"Solnyshko" is not just a kindergarten:
The house of joy, the house of creativity, the house of happiness for children.
Here the team is a big, friendly family,
Able to do good, create comfort
And every special "I"
Here, tremulously, with love, cherish.
Photo for memory with guests

Antoshkina Tatyana Yurievna,

music director

MDOU №100


Scenario of the holiday "Happy Birthday Kindergarten"


Continue to teach children to observe the traditions of the kindergarten (celebrate holidays, entertainment on various dates - the birth of children, anniversaries, public holidays.

To develop a cognitive interest in the history of our kindergarten, to cultivate respect, pride in our successes and small achievements, respect for the work of employees of a preschool institution.

To develop the musical and creative abilities of our pupils.

Holiday progress:


Hello guys! Hello dear guests! Today we have a holiday! Birthday of our kindergarten!

Happy birthday congratulations!

Our favorite kindergarten!

Let it be in it for many years in a row.

Kindergarten is your second home,

How warm and cozy it is!

You love him kids

The kindest house in the world!

Kindergarten is our home!

Our house is cheerful, joyful, fabulous, thanks to our wonderful manager ...

Fanfares sound! Congratulations to the manager.

Cheerful music sounds, two clowns run out.

- Birthday:

Hello kids!


- Girls and boys!

- I'm a clown Congratulations - did you recognize me?

-birthday party:

- And I'm a birthday girl, but did you recognize me too?

birthday party:Now let's get to know you!

Repeat after me:

Here gnomes, gnomes are walking along the path,

Elephants stomp their feet loudly.

congratulations: One hand, two hands, fingers, fingers.

Come on together, come on together: girls, boys!

When I say one, two, three, tell me your name!(children scream their names)

Birthday:Nothing is clear, but come on, shout your names louder!(children scream their names)

congratulations: Now it’s clear, all the boys today are called BU-BU-BU, and all the girls are SU-SU-SU

There is a chanting game.

birthday party: Are you going to a birthday party?


congratulations:Shut up and mourn?


birthday party: Play and fool around?


congratulations: Let's sing songs together?


Birthday:Can we all start crying?


congratulations: Let's have a delicious cake, shall we?


birthday party: Maybe we'll give the pussy?


Congratulations:Shall we congratulate the kindergarten?


birthday party : And who will start?


congratulations: We are very happy that you invited us! Today we are celebrating the birthday of our kindergarten and we have come to celebrate and have fun with you. Do you agree?

Children: Yes!

Cheerful music sounds, children dance according to the show of adults.

birthday party:Congratulations! And the guys have prepared their gifts-poems!

Children read poetry

happy birthday congratulations

Our favorite kindergarten.

We wish you happiness and joy

For guests and children!

Everyone loves the manager

And, of course, for good reason!

Look at the garden

It's just beauty!

Our educators

It's simple top class!

Put on heels

Like fashion models.

I will tell you from the bottom of my heart

Our nannies are good

Even though you go around the whole garden,

You won't find a speck!

We say to the chefs

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Go around the whole world

There is no better porridge

We love music very much.

And we dance and sing

We lead round dances together

In general, we have fun!!!

birthday party: Guys, do you know the song about kindergarten?


birthday party: Then let's sing it together.

Children perform song "Kindergarten" music. sl. E. Aseeva

Fun music sounds. Pinocchio appears, runs over and claps everyone on the palm!

Pinocchio: Hi guys! Glorious, funny, funny, excellent, cute! Hello dear guests! I was walking along the street, I heard your songs. I decided to visit you and bring gifts. Oh, how fun you guys have. What is your holiday today?

clowns: Birthday of our Kindergarten!!!

Pinocchio:Please accept my congratulations on your birthday! What a wonderful kindergarten. I often come to visit different kindergartens, but I have never seen one like yours!!! And how do you live here?

Children:Who is responsible.

Pinocchio: Gotta put it forward thumb and say, "That's it!"

be held game like this

Pinocchio: Let's try again. So tell me, how do you live?

Children: Like this!

(the hero asks the children questions and shows the movements)

Pinocchio: How are you doing?

Children: Like this!(show thumb)

Pinocchio: How are you going to kindergarten?

Children: Like this!(depict walking in place)

Pinocchio: How do you run home from kindergarten?

Children: Like this!(run in place)

Pinocchio:How do you make noise without a teacher?

Children :Like this!(stomp feet)

Pinocchio: How do you sleep during quiet times?

Children: Like this!(put palms together, apply to cheek)

Pinocchio: How do you laugh at jokes?

Children: Like this!(grabbing his stomach, laughing with the heroes)

Pinocchio:How do you cry when mom doesn't give you chocolate?

Children: Like this!(rubs eyes with fists)

Pinocchio: How are you kidding?

Children and all adults: Like this!(puff out cheeks, slap them)

Pinocchio:How do you dance?

Cheerful music sounds, children dance according to the show of adults.

Pinocchio: Well done boys!!! But you don't go to a birthday party without a gift! And I have gifts for you. And where are they. And here!(points to a pre-prepared bag)

Pinocchio approaches the bag. Opens. Baba Yaga comes out of the bag!

B.Ya.Ah-ah!!! They wanted gifts. Don't get it! I ate them bye-bye!

Pinocchio:(Surprised along with the Clowns.) And what are you doing here B.Ya?

B.Ya: I heard that you all gathered here dressed up, beautiful, with gifts.

congratulations: Oh, and you are harmful Baba Yaga. You don't want the kids to be funny. She left us with no gifts. What do we do?

B.I:And I’m harmful because in my long, long life, no one has ever said a kind word to me.

Pinocchio :Guys, let's say kind words to Baba Yaga.

Children and adults:Granny, beauty, dear!

B.Ya: Well, enough, enough, and then I'll follow. What nice guys, and how they all look like me!

B.I:(dancing) Look at me,

How pretty am I

All girls and boys

Similar to me! Wow!

Congratulations:You know, Baba Yaga, and our guys also know how to sing and dance.

Fun music sounds. Children dance as shown by adults.

B. Ya.:Wow, how fun! I even wanted to dance! Nice birthday party!

B.I:So be it, I will give you gifts.

Baba Yaga takes out a slingshot from her pocket, pretends to shoot.

B.I:Excellent thing, modern, the latest model, easy to manage. It used to be that you walk past the windows - bam! - and to smithereens! (laughs)

Congratulations:Are you a grandmother? Is it good to break windows? Especially in kindergarten.

B.Ya.:It's right. You are too small for such a gift. Well then here it is! (takes out a spray bottle, starts spraying in all directions)

Pinocchio:Stop, stop, Baba Yaga. What are you pissed off? These are not our gifts.

B.Ya:Ah, well, well! Now let's conjure. Help me guys?

B.I:Let's all join hands and at my command at the count of three, we will shout together: “Happy birthday, Kindergarten” ... Are you ready? One two Three.

Everything :Happy birthday Kindergarten!

B.Ya.: Hooray!


B.I:Now let's clap loudly!(children clap their hands)

B.I:And now let's sink!(children stomp)

B.Ya:And let's scream! "A-A-A" ( everyone is screaming)

Baba Yaga conjures against the backdrop of fairy-tale music.

Against the background of the music of Barbarika "Happy Birthday" they bring out a treat.

Clowns:And now together we will shout to our birthday garden “Congratulations”!

Everything: Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations!

Leading: Our holiday is coming to an end, I would like to once again congratulate the kindergarten on its birthday! Against the background of cheerful music.

The children are given treats.

Our favorite kindergarten
You are always happy with the kids.
bright, cute, friendly,
The sun shines through the windows!

May our beloved garden
It just makes the guys happy.
We wish prosperity
Happy birthday congratulations!

Kindergarten's birthday
We are very happy to congratulate
Anyone who plays with children
He cooks, cleans,
Who conducts the classes
Takes them for a walk.
Be happy, love
Tolerant of children's pranks.
Let work inspire
And all worries will disappear.

Our dear teachers, children, nannies, cooks, parents and guests, I congratulate everyone on the birthday of our kindergarten. Let parents always be sure that it is fun for little pranksters and mischievous people to play here, it is interesting to study, it is tasty to eat and it's great to walk. I wish every day in our garden for each of us to be happy, exciting, fruitful and wonderful. May our children not get sick, may adults always have the strength and means, ideas and desires to create a good fairy tale in the life of a child.

Today everyone is very happy
After all, the birthday boy is a kindergarten.
Let there always be light in it.
We congratulate everyone on this day.

Children - joy and laughter,
And for adults - in their success,
All-all - health and heat.
And be happy. Hooray!

Our beloved kindergarten
The best without a doubt.
He notes today
Nice birthday.

We wish the team
Bright days of fun.
Prepare the little ones
All the best for school.

May it always be comfortable
These walls are warm.
Decam was to here
Just always comfortable.

Kindergarten today
Celebration and holiday
birthday celebrates
Our favorite garden.

We wish that always
He was full of children.
And sounded so that on the sites
Children's laughter and hubbub.

We wish you all happiness
Good walls to these.
Let both affection and love
They give to children.

Happy birthday, our kindergarten,
Birthday dear,
Always be so cheerful
Kind, sweet and dear!

Make your kids happy
To run to the garden faster,
And remember about adults too,
Easy, labor days for them.

Make parents happy
Will always be a kindergarten
Expand, fill up
Children's laughter to the end!

Our favorite kindergarten
I am glad to all guests today -
He is in good spirits
Celebrates a birthday.

We live happily here
And we dance and we sing
And today we will be glad
We put on our outfits.

Always be young
Kindergarten dear,
Develop, thrive
And entertain the kids!

Happy birthday, dear garden,
I wish from the bottom of my heart
To always laugh here
From delight kids!

For a fairy tale to be here
For joy to live here
And love warmed everyone,
Happiness, joy bloomed!

The date today is really wonderful,
The birthday of the kindergarten has come,
We wish him many years of prosperity
And only a successful existence.

Let the children rush here as if on a holiday,
And many thanks accumulate,
And waiting for his excellent team
Stable income and a sea of ​​prospects!

An unusual birthday
This is our favorite kindergarten,
We congratulate you on your birth
Accept all congratulations!

We wish the institution
Great to grow
Thrive and advance
Wouldn't stand to be on the way!

Staff to the best
I would always work there.
So that the children do not get bored,
And they ran to get there!

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten №48

Holiday script


Compiled by: music director Danilyants A.V.


What's the news? What's the date?

Excited team.

Kindergarten is the culprit!

Kindergarten - in the lens!


    Who will answer why

So beautiful all around

And where we don't look

Left friend and right friend!

    We know today is a special day

The heart became more cheerful

We know it's kindergarten

Celebrates an anniversary.

    Look how much light

Smiles and people...

There is no secret here, of course.

It's just an anniversary.

    Lots of fun today

The songs are loud.

Because the birthday

Celebrating Kindergarten!

    happy birthday congratulations

Our favorite kindergarten

We wish you happiness, joy

For guests and children!

    Let's sing and have fun

Play noisy games

In the meantime, we offer everyone

Start the holiday with a song!

The song "Our beloved home" (children)

Children go backstage

A mournful meow is heard from behind the door, Basilio the Cat enters to the soundtrack of the hurdy-gurdy - in rags, with a crutch, with a black patch over his eye.

Cat Basilio:

Cat Basilio used to have no effort

There was an abundance of food and drink,

And now I walk around the city in the cold

And growls of hunger in the poor stomach!

The fox Alice and I pretended to be beggars,

Money was - thousands, just beauty ...

Where are the cheating friends? Here I ask for a penny!

Gift something, poor cat!(holds out hat).

(passes around the guests, then even more pitifully

speaks and approaches the leader)

Monsieur! But not mange pa sis zhur!

The host tosses a coin into the hat. Metal chime. The song of the Cat and the Fox sounds ”from the movie“ The Adventures of Pinocchio ”. Fox Alice enters - a business suit, a hat, a case, a silver fox through a paw.

Fox Alice: (sings a song)

What a blue sky!

We are not supporters of robbery! ...

A braggart doesn't need a knife.

Sing a little to him

And do with it what you want.

(Notices Basilio)

Who is begging here?

Like Kisa Vorobyaninov?(comes closer to the cat)

Ouch! And in fact, kitty!

Old friend! Did you know?

Cat Basilio: (surprised)

Alice! (looks at Lisa)

She got better, she got better...

Did you get rich?

Fox Alice: (rubbing hands)

Started my own business!

Loans, office bank account.

Business is fun!

To be successful he,

I would need a companion!

Cat Basilio:

Maybe I'll fit in too?

Fox Alice:

Business needs friends.

What is your first installment?

Cat Basilio:

Only paws, ears, tail!

Fox Alice: (looks at him)

Okay, so it will do

Just wash, clean ... Here!

He takes off the cape from the cat - "rags", under it White shirt; takes out of the case and puts on a jacket, bow tie, top hat and white gloves.

Opening a private garden

For the development of children.

You and I, and we are with you -

The garden will be in full swing!

And every child wants

To our kindergarten "Nakhalyonok"!

Strengthen the sign "Private kindergarten "Nakhalyonok" opposite the sign with the name of the kindergarten -" hero of the day "

Cat Basilio:

You, Alice, are just a treasure!

How many guys do we have?

Fox Alice: (sighing)

Competes with us

This kindergarten(indicates)

And everyone wants to go there!

Cat Basilio:

Parents and children over there go the way ...(shows)

Fox Alice:

Hiding behind a bush. Soundtrack of the melody for the film "The Adventures of Pinocchio". Papa Carlo and Pinocchio appear.

Papa Carlo:

You have grown up son

And now the time is coming

visit kindergarten,

To be able to know everything!

Basilio and Alice come out to meet them.

Fox Alice:

Here, come here!(points)

Here is comfort and beauty!

The garden is cheap, fashionable, new,

All the guys are ready to accept.

All children in our kindergarten

Cat Basilio: (intervenes)

How to scratch, bite

How to bully with friends

Respect no one

And deceive and lie!

Papa Carlo:

I remember, I remember you, heroes!

It doesn't suit us!

Let them grow in your garden

Duremar and Karabas!

Fox Alice:

Okay, okay, don't make a noise

Go your way!

Papa Carlo and Pinocchio turn to another sign.


I'm looking at this house for the first time!

This is my first time going to kindergarten!

Going up the stairs for the first time!

And I sigh on the go for the first time!

It's the first time I'm without my dad!

I'm almost crying, but I'm holding on for the first time!

Seeing twenty-five guys for the first time!

Everyone comes to kindergarten for the first time!

Papa Carlo:

Don't worry my son, you'll like it here.

tutors girls

All hands of a craftswoman,

Everyone can draw,

Sing, play and dance

Find an approach to the baby

And to spend.

Song of the Educators to the tune of the song "Blue Wagon"

Cat Basilio:

What are we going to do, Alice?

Something must be done!

We're losing clientele

So are we going to stand here?

Fox Alice:

Don't rush, buddy cat,

Look, the client is coming!

Children run to the music - “mice”, perform the mouse dance . Behind them, with bags, a tired “mouse-mouse” enters. After the dance, the children - "mice" pull it in different directions.

1 child:

Mom, tell me a story!

2 child:

Mom, show me the trick!

3 child:

Mom, I want to play!

4 child:

And I - jump on a jumping rope!

1st and 2nd child:

And yesterday you promised

Swing on the swing!

Fox Alice:

Turn to us

Calling all moms!

We will teach the kids so

What did not even dream of you!

Cat Basilio:

Bring your children to us

But first, pay.

Don't worry like that, mama

Our pay is not big.

Fox Alice:

But then the children

No one will know!

If I really want -

I will teach the kids everything!


Dear children and parents!

Do you want to choose a kindergarten yourself?

There is no better holiday

The garden is now twenty years old!

Fox Alice and Cat Basilio:

Poor, poor kindergarten!

Nothing but guys!

Perform couplets in turn, 2 lines each - first the children, then the Cat and the Fox.


    Caregivers are serious

And always responsible!

Cat Basilio:

Preoccupied with work

Never laugh!

    Halls, groups, offices -

How bright and cozy it is!

Fox Alice:

Babysitter mops all the kids

Scattered around the corners!

    Delicious food in our garden,

Breakfast, afternoon tea and lunch!

Cat Basilio:

Your food is cabbage soup and porridge,

Well, no meat at all!

    The kindergarten shines with cleanliness,

Don't take your eyes off people!

Fox Alice:

Tried for the commission

Tomorrow again dust and dirt!

    Here the authorities are all in care,

How to please people!

Cat Basilio:

When he comes, he will say something -

Lost appetite!

Cat and Fox dance to the music. Mom with children goes to the sign of the kindergarten - "anniversary".

Leading: (Fox and Cat)

You see, nothing works out for you, no matter how hard you try to put us in

bad light. So it's better to leave in a good way!

Fox Alice:

Well, here's what else you want. We will fight again!

The King and Queen appear with a child.


For the heir to the throne, we need to find a garden so that the prince is

looked after, and trained, and fed, and so that the kindergarten was ... not

too expensive!


Let them not say that we have

The loafer is growing up!

Fox Alice:

Here, come here!

Here is comfort and beauty!


Are there many toys?

And how is your process here?

Fox Alice:

All children in our kindergarten

They will know about everything in the world ...

Cat Basilio:

How to scratch, bite,

How to bully with friends

Respect no one

And cheat and lie!


No, it doesn't suit us.

Let's go to another kindergarten.

The Tsar and the Tsaritsa approach the signboard of the kindergarten - "anniversary".

Tsar: (leading)

Well, how is the pedprocess here?


For your lovely little children

The whole kindergarten works.

We cannot count all the successes:

We have our own program

We teach kids to sing

Temper, do not get sick,

love math,

Be very polite

Do sports

And not to be conceited.


This is a great kindergarten!


I am glad to bring my son.

Fox Alice:

think (mimicking) "To play sports and not be conceited"

Cat Basilio:

What can they teach? They do not look after their children, but your

they will educate.

Fox Alice:

I myself heard how their children complained about their mothers-educators.

Cat Basilio:

What are you staring at?! Do not believe me, listen for yourself, I wrote everything down here(includes

record player).

The children of the kindergarten employees come out

1 child:

We have been looking forward to this meeting.

We have prepared for you nice words,

But before you hear festive speeches,

We will reveal to you what your children's head hurts about.

2 child:

We often hear from our friends:

Lucky for the one whose mother is a teacher!

But, to be honest - the complaint of children

Listen! Let us speak!

3 child:

You're not at home on Monday!

All because you have a teachers' council.

Mom's still gone, mom's still gone

After all, on Monday you have a teachers' council.

On Tuesday and Wednesday they waited for dinner,

You called - wait until the evening,

Mom returned - and instead of talking

Immediately sat down plans to write!

4 child:

It's Thursday, well, you're at the meeting,

You teach parents how they are with their children ...

All about methods, about education,

How we missed our mom!

Friday morning, you spent

She jumped like a bunny, amused everyone.

Everyone says: you are a great artist!

At home - tired and "no".

5 child:

The children were waiting for Saturday with hope,

Saturday went by quickly

In the library, in the library

In the library, my mother was.

Do we go to the cinema on Sunday?

Mom will never be again:

"I'm composing a new matinee

Dear children, please do not interfere!

6 child:

The years have turned into days and weeks,

Daughters and sons have grown up.

Moms look at them with surprise

Moms messed around with other kids!

Dear moms, don't worry!

You don't have to tear yourself in half

Just organize your time...


Let there be something left for us!

Fox Alice:

Well, have you heard?


So this means that they give all their time to our children.


And your love, and affection, and care. It's just wonderful! This childish

the garden suits us.

Cat Basilio:

We're leaving, okay, okay

But I'm still bored.

Fox Alice:

You, Basilio, do not be afraid,

Don't worry about anything

Well then, let's go now

Let's find another way to money!

Cat and Fox leave to the music.


Anniversary birthday

Notes kindergarten,

And about this without a doubt

Everyone is talking today.

Happy anniversary kindergarten, every guest is happy to congratulate!

Congratulations from representatives of the City Hall . Guests, speeches by colleagues from other MDOUs, presentation of diplomas and memorable gifts.


Year after year passes in worries,

Rarely see you, business!

But today you are not at work,

And they came to this hall for the holiday!

You are considered, you are respected

And they call you veterans.

For the experience, for the fact that you are faithful to the garden,

For the fact that they are full of spiritual strength.

Who is always with the children, -

Forever the soul is young!

Presentation of memorable gifts to veterans.

Educators of MDOU - "anniversary" come out

1 teacher:

I'm going to change, forgetting everything,

I will plunge headlong into a world where I have no rest.

I know they are waiting, they will fly in, almost knocking me down,

And in the eyes of so much happiness! Where is this possible?

2 educator:

I teach them and learn with them every day.

We want to open the doors to the land of knowledge together.

Do not lie down on the face of doubt shadow.

How they believe me! Who else would believe that?

3 educator:

They don't have any secrets from me.

Then I will rejoice with them, sometimes they will upset.

I'm afraid of losing their trust, like fire,

How open they are! Who will open the soul like that?!

4 educator:

And meet the students! Suddenly slow down,

They do not hide the fact that the meeting is so happy!

Greetings, something to tell in a hurry.

It's nice to be remembered. Is there a higher reward?

I'm sure I'm not working in vain


I'm called "Educator" and I'm proud of it!

The final song of the educators


There are many gardens in the world,

But such as ours - one!

He is for us, like the sun shines,

Happiness, joy gives us!

happy birthday congratulations

Our favorite kindergarten!

What are rich, we treat

And we invite you to the table!