Wallpaper for walls with a turquoise pattern. Wallpaper in turquoise tones

All shades of blue and blue are actively used by designers in the design of apartments and houses. And turquoise wallpapers are no exception. With what to combine turquoise wallpapers, how to choose furniture and textiles for them, will be discussed in this article.


Turquoise color is very beautiful and unusual. In translation, the name of this shade means "Turkish stone." The versatility of this shade has been intriguing and delighting artists and designers for many centuries, because it cannot be unambiguously called either green or blue. It combines all the best of these two colors and shimmers with their different shades.

Bright turquoise obi look very beautiful and fit into any interior. If you're looking for a solid color wallcovering to furnish a cozy bedroom, buy a light turquoise wallpaper and pair it with pastel colors. And you can add bright colors to the interior of your plain apartment using the most saturated shades of turquoise.

What colors go with?

Turquoise color goes well enough with many tones: it can be shades of both warm and cold palettes. Most matching colors for combination with turquoise:

  • Light shades. The turquoise color itself is quite active and saturated. Therefore, designers recommend using it in a ratio of 1: 3. The rest of the walls should remain lighter.

  • Orange. Bright turquoise color combines surprisingly well with the same catchy and juicy shade as orange. This color combination looks very fresh and interesting.

In order for this combination to play correctly, you need to combine turquoise with light shades in the base, and use orange only to place accents in the interior.

  • Yellow. A bright sunny combination of turquoise and yellow is also suitable for decorating children's or youth rooms. Unlike the previous option, you can be a lot bolder with these two colors and use more yellow.

  • Light green. This shade is advantageous because it is very natural and refined. Delicate light green walls go well with turquoise and create an atmosphere of spring lightness in the room.

  • Terracotta. This color is also borderline between the other two. Terracotta is a combination of orange and brown. It is not very saturated and looks more comfortable. If you combine it with stripes of turquoise wallpaper, you get a beautiful and harmoniously decorated room.

True, do not forget that under the terracotta wallpaper you should look for muted turquoise additional stripes.

  • Pink. Most consider this color to be girlish. Therefore, it is used most often in the design of nurseries or rooms for romantic girls. But if you combine pink with turquoise, it will no longer seem so sugary. The shade of blue definitely refreshes the interior.

  • Pastel shades. Additional pastel colors also look advantageous against the background of turquoise. This color can be safely combined with plain vanilla, cream or coffee wallpapers. This combination looks calm and sets in a peaceful mood.

You can use this color tandem in nurseries, as it will have a positive effect on the baby and soothe the baby before bed.

  • Chocolate. If you want to create a noble interior that will look really expensive, pay attention to the combination of turquoise with a rich chocolate shade. It can be done different ways. Most often, this shade of brown is present in furniture. And the walls remain turquoise. Monochromatic wallpaper with gold, or rather, with exquisite gilded monograms, also looks interesting.

  • The black. An eternal classic is a combination of turquoise and black. This interior looks stylish and concise. Black in combination with shades of turquoise no longer seems so gloomy and strict, and turquoise looks more stylish and interesting.
  • White. Another classic shade that can be "friends" with turquoise is white. This combination looks very gentle, especially if you choose the most delicate and light turquoise wallpapers. This color combination is perfect for bedrooms.

  • Gold. Like furniture in chocolate tones, gilding ennobles the turquoise hue. Dark golden color looks luxurious and rich. You can pick up decorative trinkets with gilding or choose wallpaper with gold patterns or inlays.
  • Silver. Another "metallic" shade is silver. It is also very elegant and stylish combined with a turquoise base. It should be borne in mind that silver inserts and decorative elements make the room feel cold. In addition, there should not be too much silver in the room, otherwise the surface will glare under the rays of light.
  • Red. A less obvious option is a combination of a turquoise hue with red. Although they seem completely incompatible at first glance, if you find the right shades, you will get a bright and unusual interior.

decorative design

If you are already tired of plain wallpaper, then you can choose something more interesting, for example, wall coverings with a pattern. There are a huge number of drawings and prints, so you can pick up something that suits your style.

  • Graceful monograms. So, for example, if you are looking for elegant wallpaper for an interior in a classic style, then beautiful aged wallpaper with gold monograms will suit you. They will look great in a room with vintage furniture and luxurious sofas.

  • Delicate flowers. For a gentle romantic interior, light turquoise floral wallpaper is suitable. It can be wall coverings with orchids or delicate wallpaper, which depicts cherry blossoms. These wallpapers look equally good in an oriental-style living room and in a cozy bedroom.

  • simple geometry. A win-win option is simple wallpaper with a geometric pattern. Colored circles on a solid turquoise surface are suitable for a bathroom, while elegant wallpaper in a thin light strip is suitable for decorating a simple living room.

But such a design is far from all that modern wallpaper manufacturers can offer. To dilute the simple interior of your room, you can use beautiful colored photo wallpapers. Of the paintings in turquoise tones, landscapes with images of mountain peaks or deserted beaches with translucent water can be distinguished.

The choice of wallpaper is difficult task. After all, you need to consider not only whether you like this color or not, but also how organic and stylish the combination of turquoise wall coverings with furniture and decorative details placed around the room turns out.

Pay attention to the texture of the new wallpaper. The simplest and cheapest paper wallpaper they are cheap, but poorly suited for rooms that do not have ideal conditions. They can be glued to the hall or hallway. But for the living room it is better to find something more elegant and graceful, for example, non-woven or velvet wallpaper in a delicate turquoise color.

In the kitchen or in the bathroom, you will need resistant to high humidity wall coverings. It can be washable wallpaper or neat turquoise tiles.

If you choose the right wallpaper, they will last you much longer, while maintaining an attractive appearance.

In addition to texture, you need to be able to choose a shade. Brighter tones of turquoise are suitable for playrooms, hallways and kitchens. And calm and muted tones are best left for rooms in which you want to relax both in body and soul. For example, for a cozy office or a small bedroom.

Use turquoise the right color, combine it with the right shades, and you will be surprised at how beautiful the resulting room design will be.

Stylish ideas in the interior

Designers advise using turquoise in a 1:3 ratio with other shades. So you get an elegant, but not too bright interior.

Let's look at a few examples of how this rule can be made a reality.

  • Kitchen. All shades of blue and green contribute to raising the appetite. In such a room, it will be much more pleasant for you to gather for food with your family. Furniture of noble brown and chocolate shades will complement the turquoise base of the kitchen. Pastel curtains in shades such as cream, coffee or vanilla will also look good here.

Modern interiors are often created using the most unusual colors. Nowadays, coloring technologies have reached unprecedented heights; with the help of a computer, we can find and use exactly the color and shade that we need in the interior. Wallpaper factories are already actively using such developments, releasing colorful and unusual collections, the design of which is simply amazing.

This article will focus on turquoise wallpapers and the practice of using them in the interior. various rooms. We will tell you about the basic rules for using this tone, select the optimal companion colors, and consider the features of using turquoise for various rooms.

Successful combination of wallpaper in the bedroom

Color Features

Turquoise is not the most popular color, few people will agree to use it in the living room, bedroom, kitchen, hallway, nursery. Most often, turquoise-colored wallpapers are chosen for their rooms by people with an original taste, able to see all the splendor, depth and richness of this unusual color even at the moment when the design is just being developed.

This tone was created by merging two individually popular colors:

  1. blue, responsible for calmness, relaxation and depth;
  2. green, which adds energy, promotes relaxation, and brings in natural motives.

Depending on the proportions in which these two colors are mixed, a very wide range of shades is obtained. One of the popular tones of which, in addition to turquoise, can be distinguished, which is also used to decorate various rooms.

The color of turquoise can be described in different ways: deep, clean, fresh, cheerful, energetic, extraordinary, bright. This tone is able, by its presence in the interior, to refresh the temperature in the room, increase or decrease its visual dimensions, influence the mood and inner feelings of a person.

Combination of striped pattern and monogram

Many professional designers believe that the turquoise color is a chameleon, because surrounded by its progenitors, it can change its appearance. For example, if blue is heavily represented in the living room, then placing turquoise will look more like a shade of blue, while against a green background, it will appear as a shade of green color scheme.

It should be noted that the color of turquoise can change greatly under different levels of lighting, so its use in the interior should be thought out and worked out as much as possible at the level of a design project.

Most often, monochromatic options in this color are used to decorate the walls of rooms, but the pattern is quite acceptable. Curtains look especially harmonious, where the pattern is similar to wallpaper.


Turquoise is not the most social color. It can be extremely difficult to choose a worthy partner for him, then you have to turn to his ancestors and create a monochrome design. However, there are a few tips for this:

The use of textured plain wallpaper in the living room
  • White colors may well be combined with turquoise. Only you should not use pure white, but its soft shades. Any room from the placement of such a color tandem will only benefit from it, it will become a little larger visually, it will seem lighter than it actually is, a good, cheerful mood will soar in it. Turquoise wallpaper paired with white is perfect for the bedroom, although it would be appropriate to place them in the living room, nursery. But in the kitchen, such a couple will look bad, because instead of awakening the appetite, it will extinguish it. To distribute points of attention and some accents within the room, it is permissible to use bright, saturated colors in a small amount.
  • Another classic color would also be appropriate, but with the help of black and its shades, the design will be noticeably heavier. Such combinations are welcome in oriental interiors, in which people want to accumulate and use internal energy and the potential of their body. White curtains, a light ceiling will help to dilute the colors.
  • A very popular combination of turquoise and beige tones. This couple shows itself perfectly in bedrooms, when it is necessary to bring notes of warmth and comfort into a cool and calm atmosphere, or vice versa, when excessive warmth should be diluted with notes of lightness and freshness. Very often, beige curtains are used in turquoise interiors, and vice versa. At the same time, the curtains are made of light, airy materials.
  • An interior in gray tones can be successfully diluted with a turquoise accent so that it does not look too gray and dull. You will get an exclusive design in which modern styles, such as hi-tech, minimalism, feel great. This pair of colors can be used in the interior of the bedroom, where extra freshness for good night never hurt. You can build an interesting living room design project. Even in the corridor, these gray-turquoise colors will be appropriate, but then good lighting will have to be established in this room.
  • If you like a rich design, then you can use turquoise wallpaper along with coral, and create an accent with juicy red. You will get an interesting contrast of passion and calmness, effort and relaxation.
  • A softer contrast, on which the color of turquoise looks very beneficial, is obtained by using brown, or its bright brick shade. In such an interior, you will feel the warmth of the house, its comfort, but turquoise will be responsible for the beauty. It is worth noting that these colors are very bright, so some people will find this design heavy. If you are not inclined to such feelings, you can use this pair in the living room, office.

Modern wallpaper in floral theme
  • Pairs well with turquoise. In many wallpaper collections from well-known factories, there is such a color.
  • A very cheerful combination is obtained by combining turquoise with purple. However, purple must be used in a cool shade so that it does not confuse the overall cool concept of the room. This tandem is perfect for a nursery, living room, you can try it in the bedroom.

In principle, you can try to pick up other colors, but you need to do this very carefully, and try to choose cold tones.


Best of all, we can say that it is simply designed for this room, but in other rooms it may be quite appropriate.

Wallpaper with a geometric pattern in the bedroom

Living room

Turquoise wallpapers for walls can be used in the living room, and in a well-designed interior both saturated shades and light, airy ones will look great.

  • You can use rich wallpaper in this original color as the main background for the walls of the living room. In this case, furniture, curtains, interior items in lighter colors will help to dilute the color.
  • If the walls of the living room are covered with wallpaper in delicate, light, turquoise colors, then accessories, furniture and curtains, on the contrary, should be chosen in a darker palette, you can even take a similar color.

This splendor will be complemented by white, which may be present on the ceiling, some household items. Furniture and curtains can also be made with this color, but it is better to try to add pastel shades. In such a living room it will be easy to be and breathe calmly, which means it will be possible to gather a large number of people.

Contrasting interior of the great hall

Using a turquoise palette to paint the walls, you can vary the dimensions of the room, make the living room larger or smaller. More often, of course, we need to make the space of the room larger, so we should use lighter shades, and fine-tune the artificial light.

Note that very often turquoise is used as a pleasant accent in beige interiors. In such a calm design, it can be interspersed with a pattern on pillows, rugs, curtains.


Many colors of the pastel palette feel great in the bedroom, and turquoise is just right here. In combination with white, it will give your bedroom unsurpassed freshness, cleanliness and tranquility. When you are in such a room, the body will gravitate towards sleep and relaxation. The atmosphere will be so peaceful that no outside influences will prevent you from relaxing.

You can introduce turquoise into the bedroom design in many ways, it can be wallpaper, furniture, curtains, bed textiles, decorative elements. It is almost impossible to overdo it with these colors in the interior.

Themed bedroom design

Using turquoise walls in the bedroom can influence the overall temperature of the room, which is just great if your room is facing south. With such a finish, it will be possible to maintain the necessary balance of temperatures.


In the kitchen, turquoise is found exclusively in the form of accents, although its presence is quite frequent. Of course, he can play the role of a background, but then he will bring excessive calmness and freshness, which does not fit into the general energy of this room at all. He will feel much better when decorating furniture, wall apron, curtains, household items.

In the dining area, it is better to completely abandon the presence of turquoise, since it does not contribute to appetite in any way, but rather, on the contrary, reduces it. If you really want to put this color palette in the kitchen, find a place for it in the cooking area. Firstly, with its freshness, it will compensate for temperature changes, and secondly, with its cleanliness, it will emphasize the sterility of the kitchen.

Successful interior large kitchen

Other rooms

Given the fact that turquoise is a fairly calm color, it can be placed in a nursery. Scientists have proven that this tone has a fruitful effect on a person’s emotions, calms him down, and reduces mental stress. That is why this option is good enough for a child's bedroom. But as you understand, it should be used in the sleeping area, and not in the game corner.

The nautical style has long and firmly rooted in the bathroom, and one of its main colors is obviously turquoise. Created from the main colors of the ocean: green and blue, it gives us an indescribable freshness and purity. Turquoise looks great with classic white plumbing. It can be advantageously presented on a tile or wallpaper. At the same time, we can always complement the interior with appropriate accessories, and leave the ceiling white.

combination finishing materials in the bathroom

You can glue turquoise canvases in the corridor. A worthy option will turn out if the room is too small. With the help of turquoise color, and good lighting, the visual representation of this room can be changed, making it large in size.

I would like to note that in the corridor you should use high-quality vinyl wallpaper or paintable options that can withstand the proximity to moisture, a full wash, since this color is very easily soiled.

In order for the wallpaper to always look neat, they will need to be washed from time to time. By the way, the highest quality, moisture-resistant and mechanically resistant finishing materials are always used in the corridor.

Placement in the hallway of wallpaper in this color can be built according to the same principle as the corridor. In addition, another important point can play a role here. The fact is that the turquoise color placed in the interior helps to improve mood, which will be very useful when you go home after a hard day's work. Just imagine how the spirit of the first room lifts your spirits.

Some experts recommend pasting over working home offices. similar wallpapers. It is believed that the color of turquoise improves well-being, both physical and emotional, which means that it is comfortable to work in such an atmosphere. If you believe the treatises of the teachings of Feng Shui, the maximum effect is achieved by combining turquoise with pastel colors. Curtains will help introduce pastel colors into the interior, the room will become light and light.

It is believed that when used in the interior of turquoise colors, the room takes on a gentle, feminine look. This should not bother you at all if you want to make a light, calm and fresh interior that will predispose you to relaxation and peace.

Finding the perfect combination for the tone in question is easier than it seems! Many users think that turquoise is only compatible with white companions, but this is not the case. Great options combinations in one room will become:

  • burgundy
    If you want to breathe the real flavor of the East into the atmosphere, you should buy turquoise wallpapers along with wall paintings in burgundy or terracotta tones. Subdued red colors, combined with refreshing bright blue, convey the spirit of luxury and love for rich colors, inherent in the interiors of the palaces of the padishahs.
  • Orange
    Recommended as an accent complement to turquoise wallpaper for walls. A few splashes of cheerful orange (you can also use bright yellow) will bring into the room sunny mood and full of light. In addition, this combination is reminiscent of the azure waters of the sea running onto a sandy beach.
  • Pastel shades
    A palette of soft watercolor shades will balance the brightness of the turquoise wallpaper, so it's worth buying them together for creating calmer design solutions. Light pink, light green, cream wall decors and interior textiles will be ideal companions.

Important! There are several colors that design experts do not recommend combining with turquoise: bright red, dark blue, olive.

Turquoise wallpaper will breathe a breath of freshness into the interior of the apartment. Light pastel colors will make the design elegant, light and delicate. Saturated dark shades emphasize the style and character of the house. Turquoise color is formed as a result of the perfect combination of blue and green, which will not leave anyone indifferent.

Design features

The turquoise color is very beautiful and eye-catching more than many other shades. Turquoise tone has a calming and calming effect.

  • Turquoise wallpaper will become ideal solution for a sunny, well-lit room;
  • Azure turquoise is best paired with sand, white, and any pastel shade;
  • Turquoise wallpapers in a dark palette are best used for accent;
  • Light turquoise wallpaper will make a small room visually larger.

Pictured is the dining room glass table in turquoise shades. One of the walls has patterned vinyl wallpaper that matches the plain turquoise wallpaper on the rest of the walls.

What types are there?


The material is a dry mix that must be diluted in water before use.

The main difference, in addition to the composition itself, for liquid wallpaper is the possibility of application to the surface without a single seam.

Although the coating cannot boast of a wide variety, it still has an interesting texture.

Wall mural

An effective way to decorate a space. Wall mural will give the room a personality and turn an ordinary renovation into something bright and bold. Photo printing can be applied to almost any coating, but most often produced on paper basis. Wall mural good way for visual magnification space and zoning.

The photo shows a bathroom in the style of the underwater world. One of the walls is decorated with a large photo panel that sets the style of the room.


Wallpapers are produced in two variations, completely finished from a non-woven base and an external coating, or intended for further painting. The latter have a textured surface and consist entirely of non-woven fabric.


Two-layer wallpaper of non-woven base and outer layer. Vinyl wallpapers are popular due to their wide variety and good technical performance, they are durable, can be wet cleaned and are not afraid of sunlight.

They are made in several ways, resulting in completely different canvases, such as silk-screen printing, foamed vinyl or embossing.


Wallpaper is not durable, can not boast of strength and moisture resistance. Their main advantage is low price and a wide variety of colors. Great solution for a budget renovation.

Pictured is a Scandinavian-style living room.


Really nice solution for interior decoration. Textile wallpapers are distinguished by their texture, the surface is soft and pleasant. In addition, this is a good way to improve heat and sound insulation qualities.

Textile wallpapers are expensive and require careful handling when working with them.

Design options and drawings


Always the right choice. Monochromatic turquoise canvases successfully harmonize with other wallpapers, the same monochromatic or with an ornament. You can focus on the texture of the wallpaper or “dilute” them with decor from unusual materials.

The photo shows a bedroom in a classic style with a plain wall in turquoise tones.

geometric pattern

The most commonly used geometric shape is stripes. Striped wallpaper is a good way to visually adjust the space. The vertical direction of the stripes will "stretch" the wall, and the horizontal direction will make the room wider. Geometric patterns are great for modern and trendy designs.

The photo shows a stylish living room with dark turquoise accents.

With flowers

Flowers can also show character. For example, orchids and peonies will look incredibly gentle and airy. Tulips or wild flowers create a positive summer mood, while classic roses create a romantic atmosphere.

The photo shows a sleeping area in a classic style.

With silver or gold decoration

Shiny patterns in gold or silver will add luxury to the design of the apartment. Such wallpapers will be good in classic and neoclassical designs. A golden or silver ornament on a beautiful turquoise background will perfectly emphasize oriental motifs.


Damascus patterns are most often used in the design of a classic interior, although they can become an elegant “highlight” when creating more modern trends. Turquoise wallpaper with ornate damask patterns can highlight an accent wall, this will become the main decoration, for example, a living room or bedroom.

The photo shows a neoclassical bedroom with gray-turquoise walls.

Under the brick

Brickwork has long and confidently been used to create stylish interior. Real brick requires a professional hand when laying out, wallpaper with its imitation is much easier to work with and has a more pleasant cost.

Brickwork is most often used in a modern interior loft, Provence or high-tech.

With birds

Birds can strew the wallpaper around the entire perimeter or become an elegant decoration on the photo wallpaper in only one area of ​​the wall. Cute little birds can decorate a nursery, bedroom, kitchen or cozy living room. Predator birds suitable for decorating a modern room.

rear mural

3D drawing is often used to "enlarge" the area, the image can create the illusion of open space. The drawing is chosen according to the taste of the owner. In the nursery, it can be favorite cartoon characters and fashionable graffiti, in the living room landscapes and abstractions, and the bedroom will be decorated with flowers and birds.

How to combine with other colors?

With white

The interior will be filled with light, a suitable combination for a small room. Both shades will be good as dominant or accent.

With blue

Shades close to each other will overlap, shimmering from one to another and associated with the endless sea surface.

With blue

The blue color will make the turquoise hue layered and deeper. The combination will look fresh and concise. Best of all, such wallpapers will look in a room with abundant sunlight.

with brown

The combination of cold and warm shades create an incredibly cozy atmosphere in the room. The chocolate-turquoise combination is suitable for decorating a stylish living room and a cozy bedroom.

The photo shows a stylish room in chocolate turquoise. The emphasis is on the round lounge area.


Stylish combination looks pretty cool. This combination of colors is suitable for finishing a sunny room. You can add a third color, which will become a bright accent on the gray-turquoise background.

With black

The black tone will highlight the juicy turquoise shade and bring it to the fore. The combination is stylish, suitable for interior design with a modern design.

With gold

Golden elements on a turquoise background will create oriental motifs. Both shades are chic, while not looking vulgar or tasteless.

With pink

Delicate yet versatile combination. The combination is suitable for Scandinavian, Provence, shabby chic, nautical or neoclassical style.

With beige

A sand or beige hue combined with a turquoise tone create a calm and harmonious combination that is suitable for decorating any room.

The photo shows a bedroom with beige-turquoise wallpaper in the style of Damascus.

with yellow

Summer colors will look good in a nursery, kitchen or living room. The association with a sea beach or a clear sky will calm and cheer you up.

with green

Shades close to each other form a rich warm combination. To brighten the interior, you can add a white tone.

with purple

Especially luxurious these colors will look in rich colors, both have a rich deep tone.

Shades of turquoise in the interior

light turquoise

The shade is close to blue, but has beautiful green notes. Visually it resembles a mint color. Combine with a pastel palette and refresh the interior well.

bright turquoise

A pronounced turquoise color will become the basis in the design of the apartment. The shade is juicy, a combination of pure blue and green is clearly visible.

Bright turquoise will be good to focus on itself on a more calm background.

Dark turquoise

A deep tone with a predominant blue color, otherwise called the color of the sea wave. Dark turquoise would be good for a secondary color, like decor or an accent wall.

Examples in various styles


Turquoise wallpapers are more suitable for the new classics. The color is refreshing and calm, yet elegant and not vulgar. Hue saturation can be either weak, closer to pastel, or vice versa, thick, for example, dirty turquoise.


Turquoise wallpapers are a frequent choice for Provence style. You can use both pastel shades and saturated colors. Wallpaper can be decorated with patterns of flowers or birds. The picture will be complemented by artificially aged natural wood furniture.

The photo shows a Provence-style bedroom with natural motifs in decoration and decor.


IN modern design You can experiment with bright colors and different textures. When creating an interior, you can use companion wallpapers, stone, wood or glass finishes.

Sea style

Monochromatic, striped wallpapers and an unobtrusive thematic ornament or pattern (for example, fish, algae, etc.) will look harmonious.

Photo ideas in the interior of the rooms

On the kitchen

Do not forget the rule of small rooms, the best color is white or blue. Light turquoise will perfectly cope with the task of "expanding the boundaries." The walls can be decorated with small ornaments. In a spacious kitchen, you can use bolder shades, create combinations with dark colors and large patterns.

The photo shows a stylish kitchen-studio in modern style. The main accent of the room is a kitchen apron decorated to look like a diamond.

In the bedroom

Light turquoise wallpaper will be associated with the sea breeze. In combination with a light color, the room will turn out to be very light and delicate. A dark shade of turquoise can be a decoration for the wall above the head of the bed.

The photo shows a cozy small bedroom with an accent on a turquoise wall imitating painted wooden boards.

In the hallway and corridor

Turquoise wallpaper is a neutral yet beautiful shade for an entryway. If the room is small, then a light tone is more suitable. It will also help large mirror and bright lighting.

In the children's room

Turquoise wallpaper is suitable for both a boy and a girl, in this respect the color is universal. In addition, by diluting it with other colors, you can create a stylish, delicate and cute nursery.

Pictured design in nautical style, which was created using many thematic elements.

In the living room

When decorating a living room, many restrictions are removed. Here you can safely use complex colors, combine different materials and use unusual decor. Turquoise wallpapers can frame the entire room or decorate only an accent wall. Both classic monograms and an unusual three-dimensional print will look appropriate.

Rules for choosing colors for interior elements


White or milky tulle will look win-win. Curtains can either maintain the brightness of turquoise wallpaper, or vice versa "calm" them. Curtains can echo in color with wallpaper or interior items, such as carpet, pillows, accessories.

The photo shows a tiffany bedroom with white curtains and a turquoise gradient on the walls.


With turquoise wallpaper, furniture of any shade will harmoniously look. Light-colored furniture will visually make the room more spacious, such as a white leather sofa or kitchen set grey. Dark color will stand out, while looking very stylish.

The photo shows a white and turquoise bedroom in the style of a new classic. Mirror, chrome and crystal elements add volume to the room.


A white ceiling will be appropriate when decorating walls in any color. It can be decorated with large ceiling plinths or complex lighting. An unusual solution would be to continue the turquoise color on the ceiling.

The solution is original, but light color it will look very delicate.

In addition, the design can be designer, for example, with photo printing or decorative compositions from mirrors.


In combination with turquoise wallpaper, parquet or laminate made of light and dark wood, long pile carpets or marble imitation tiles will look good. Stylish solution there will be a contrasting black floor.

Photo gallery

Turquoise color can create different moods, elegant interior in the style of "Breakfast at Tiffany's", gentle Provence or trendy high-tech. And the combination with other colors forms a unique and stylish design.

Turquoise has long been valued thanks to the spectacular tandem of blue and green. The saturation and versatility of shades fell in love with interior designers. They borrowed from nature the color of the sea and the southern sky to create stylish and original interiors. Turquoise wallpapers refresh the room, allow you to feel the spring coolness and cheerfulness of the sea breeze. Despite the "activity" of the color, it goes well with other shades. In the article we will talk about the features of wallpaper and successful color combinations for different rooms. A selection of photos of turquoise wallpapers in the interior will inspire you to be bold design solutions.

Color combinations

The breeze color is quite bright and “active”, therefore, in order not to overload the room, it is used in combination with other tones. Decorators recommend adhering to the 1/3 rule when decorating walls with turquoise wallpaper: 1 part - turquoise, and 2 parts - basic shades. Muted pastel shades of turquoise can be used throughout the walls. With the right lighting, they will visually expand the space.

Turquoise color wallpapers are wonderfully combined with shades of blue and green. Such a tandem is win-win, since the colors are very close in the spectrum. They complement and dilute each other, creating a feeling of coolness and freshness in the room. The main rule for such a combination is one bright color for accents, the rest are muted pastels.

Yellow, orange, terracotta

The combination of yellow and turquoise will make the room bright and stylish. This is a great solution for kitchens and nurseries, as well as living rooms with windows to the north. The presence of yellow should be accented so as not to overload the interior.

Dynamic orange and calm terracotta look advantageous against the background of muted blue-green hues. If you should be careful with orange details and observe the measure, then soft terracotta can be used in equal proportions with turquoise. The combination of light turquoise and bright orange details is suitable for the living room, kitchen, nursery. Juicy accents will favorably emphasize turquoise walls and make the interior warmer. To create a harmonious interior, decorators recommend using no more than three basic shades.

White, beige, brown

Turquoise wallpaper in a white interior has become almost a classic. Turquoise against a white background acquires a special depth and brightness. However, here you need to observe the measure: a bright white color can turn a room into a hospital ward, so it is important to combine different shades: milky, ivory, cream. White goes well with both dark turquoise and aquamarine, as well as muted tones. Light turquoise with white looks especially gentle. This combination will be appropriate in any room, whether it is a living room, bedroom or office.

A tandem of turquoise and beige will visually expand a small room, make it bright and warm. Beige well compensates for the coolness of the blue-green hue and makes the interior more comfortable and calm. The use of several shades: vanilla, coffee, cream - will emphasize the depth of turquoise and make the room more harmonious.

A combination of turquoise wallpaper with dark brown and chocolate color will help to make the room warm and cozy. Dark wood furniture and textiles dilute and muffle the "active" turquoise color, thereby creating an atmosphere of calm and tranquility. Such a tandem will make the room stylish and elegant.

Grey, black and metallic

The shades of gray balance the intensity of the turquoise well. This combination looks fresh and original.

At first glance, the combination of turquoise and black in the interior looks too depressing. However, black effectively emphasizes the depth of blue-green hues, and turquoise dilutes black, making it not so gloomy. Special chic to the interior gives accent decor "silver". This combination looks concise and stylish.

The union of turquoise and silver greatly ennobles the interior. Despite the fact that both shades are cold, a living room or office made in such colors sets up a calm mood and looks elegant.

The combination of turquoise wallpaper for walls and gold looks stylish. Such a combination will dilute the coldness of turquoise and make the room warmer without weighing down the interior. In the past, this combination was used to decorate palace living rooms. Pale gold makes the interior nobler, and bright gold is suitable for oriental style.

Red, pink, purple

The combination of pink and turquoise wallpaper looks original. Cold turquoise muffles the expressiveness of pink shades and refreshes the interior. This combination is suitable for a bedroom or girl's nursery.

Quite unusual is the combination of turquoise with red. The red color is considered rather "capricious", and it is not so easy to "make friends" with turquoise. However, well-chosen shades will make the room incredibly stylish and original.

The combination of turquoise wallpaper with purple decor looks restrained and neat. Such a tandem will look good in the office, hallway. For the living room, close to pink color fuchsia, and for the bedroom - a more delicate lavender.


Most often, plain turquoise wallpapers are used in interiors. However, if they seem too boring, you can choose options with a pattern.

Geometric wallpaper patterns are firmly rooted in interior design and have become classics. They allow you to give the room avant-garde, dynamism and visually change its proportions. A simple vertical strip will help visually stretch the room with low ceilings, and horizontal - to expand the space. A large geometric pattern makes the room smaller, so it is not recommended to use it over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls. However, it looks great as an accent decor of individual zones. Fine geometry gives the space airiness and lightness. Psychologists recommend using it in rooms where households are most of the time, as such a pattern calms and sets in a peaceful way. Turquoise wallpapers with small polka dots look romantic and playful. They are perfect for bedroom and nursery decor.

Natural motifs never go out of fashion. Delicate orchid flowers or sakura branches will look great at the head of the bed, while neutral bamboo on a light turquoise background will decorate the living room. Similarly with geometric patterns, large flowers visually reduce the room, while small ones expand it.

Photos of turquoise wallpapers confirm that elegant monograms are suitable for a classic interior. They look especially advantageous in combinations of turquoise with gold, silver, brown and white. These wallpapers will emphasize the sophistication of the interior and focus on vintage furniture.

Living room

The living room is a relaxation room for the whole family and a place for receiving guests, so the interior of the room should set up a friendly atmosphere. Turquoise wallpaper is the best suited for these purposes. When choosing the main shade, you should consider the size of the room and the side that the windows face. For small rooms, it is better to choose wallpaper in light shades with a small pattern. They will visually expand the room. If the area allows, you can decorate the walls with wallpaper with a large ornament. The selection of a zone behind a sofa or one wall with wallpaper with a large geometric or floral pattern looks very stylish. Dark turquoise wallpaper will emphasize the elegance of simple-shaped furniture in natural colors. In the living room, whose windows face north, turquoise should be complemented with inserts or accessories in warm shades: yellow, orange, pink, red. In the southern rooms, turquoise wallpapers with silver decor will look great. They will freshen up the room.


The interior of the bedroom should be calm and promote relaxation and rest. Turquoise wallpaper in the bedroom is better to choose delicate shades. Combinations of pale turquoise with warm white and beige shades will be appropriate here. Natural wood furniture looks stylish against a turquoise background. Bright colors can be used to highlight the wall at the head of the bed. By complementing rich wallpapers with matching textiles, you can get a stylish and original room. good choice for the bedroom there will also be combinations of turquoise with terracotta and brown. They look noble and do not irritate the eyes. For a romantic spring room, turquoise wallpapers with light floral patterns, complemented by light green curtains and accessories, are suitable. Waking up in such a room will cheer you up and give you a boost of energy for the whole day.


Turquoise wallpapers are a godsend for a nursery. They charge with positive and contribute to the development of creative abilities. For a youth room, both pale and bright shades are suitable. The first is preferable for the area next to the bed. They soothe, relax and help you fall asleep quickly. And the latter are ideal for the play area. By diluting bright turquoise with light green, yellow or orange, you can emphasize the saturation of colors. Such combinations are very popular with children. Turquoise wallpapers in deep shades are suitable for the desktop area. They help focus and unleash creativity.

A combination of turquoise and pink will fit into the girl's room. Moreover, the intensity of the latter can be anything: from delicate shades of sakura to bright fuchsia. And turquoise is better to choose light colors. It visually expands the space, makes the room light and airy.


Turquoise wallpapers are great for decorating the kitchen. Marine tones energize and awaken the appetite. A light set in vanilla-beige tones will fit well into the turquoise kitchen. For the cooking zone, it is better to choose deep saturated shades. They help you focus and don't get too dirty. For the area next to dining table light colors are suitable. Complemented with bright, appetizing orange or yellow accessories, turquoise wallpapers will sparkle with lightness and positive. The combination of light turquoise and bright red looks stylish and original in the kitchen. Saturated scarlet details will attract attention and help turquoise play with special grace. For dark and small kitchens, it is better to focus on the classic combinations of turquoise with beige or white. They will visually expand the room and make it brighter.

Turquoise-colored wallpapers in the interior create a feeling of freshness and spaciousness, therefore they are widely used in interior design. The palette of shades is very diverse, which allows you to combine turquoise with many colors and fit it organically into interiors of different styles.