Description of the flower Zamioculcas (Zamioculcas). Zamioculcas: what the caring owner of the Zamioculcas dollar tree needs to know in the open field

Modern home flower growers are very fond of growing exotic plants. However, many "overseas" species are very demanding on care and conditions of detention, and on the windowsill they quickly lose all their decorative effect. Therefore, in most cases, preference is given to unpretentious specimens, which can sometimes be left without due attention and at the same time not be afraid for the health of a green pet. Zamioculcas can be safely attributed to the favorites among such flowers.

One of the most popular indoor plants

Zamioculcas (Zamioculcas) is an evergreen representative of the exotic plant world, belongs to the Aroid family. This species has no varieties. Zamioculcas is a tuberous herbaceous plant. Compound pinnate leaves with correct form, form a similarity of a socket. The leaf plate is dark green with a strong gloss. Height houseplant usually no more than one meter. Flowers have no aesthetic value.

This plant has a very caustic juice that causes a strong burning sensation when it comes into contact with the skin. Therefore, Zamioculcas is considered poisonous.

Photo gallery: appearance of zamiokulkas

At home, Zamioculcas blooms extremely rarely, flowering is not considered decorative.
Zamioculcas roots are tubers in which the plant stores nutrients and water.
The young leaf of Zamioculcas is, as it were, folded into a tube and has more light color
Breeders breed varieties of the popular dollar tree with variegated leaves
V open ground zamiokulkas can grow up to one and a half meters and above
In nature, if a leaf falls to the ground, it takes root, so zamiokulkas is often propagated with a leaf at home.
Zamioculcas leaves have a very beautiful gloss
Petioles of Zamioculcas leaves are very powerful, thickened

In everyday life, Zamioculcas is often called a dollar tree. This name was attached to the plant, according to one version, due to the fact that with round fleshy leaves it is somewhat similar to the "money tree" - a fat woman. Many believe that zamiokulkas brings material wealth to the house. The leaves of Zamioculcas are larger and more powerful than those of Crassula, and therefore people are associated with a larger currency than rubles. According to signs, if the plant is healthy and develops well, then this is a sign of imminent enrichment. If the flower withers, then financially, do not expect anything good.

Under natural conditions, Zamioculcas is found in East Africa.. The presence of a powerful tuberous root allows you to store a large amount of moisture. Due to its resistance to drought and the scorching sun, it is able to grow in desert areas. Therefore, indoors, the flower is unpretentious and takes root well in room conditions. However, in a closed space (however, as in nature) it blooms extremely rarely.

Video: meet the unpretentious African zamiokulkas

Another nickname for this plant is "celibacy flower". It was fixed thanks to the numerous superstitions of housewives. Zamiokulkas brought into the house should attract female happiness to its owner, but only if it blooms. And the flowering of this species is very a rare thing therefore, well-being in personal life has to wait a very long time.


Zamioculcas is a very hardy and heat-loving plant that can withstand prolonged lack of watering. Excessive care can even negatively affect his condition. Nevertheless, in order for it to feel comfortable and actively develop, it is necessary to provide the flower with certain conditions.

Table: home conditions depending on the season

Season Room temperature Lighting Humidity Watering mode top dressing
Summer25–30 °СDiffused light, indirect bright beamsInfrequent spraying or wiping with a wet spongeModerateOnce a month
Autumn16–22 °СAs the soil driesNot required
WinterNot less than 16 °СAdditional humidification is not requiredRare watering
Spring16–22 °СOptional sparse sprayingAs the soil driesOnce a month

When to Water and Feed

Zamioculcas is drought tolerant. Even in summer, it requires moderate watering.. In winter, Zamioculcas should be watered even less frequently, as the substrate dries out. Excessive moisture can lead to root rot and fungal infections.

The tubers of the plant have the ability to accumulate water and consume nutrients at a high rate. In spring and summer, fertilization is an integral part of care.. Top dressing is carried out once every 4 weeks with special nutrient substrates. It is preferable to use ready-made mineral complexes for succulents and cacti.

How to leave alone

The “sleep mode” of zamiokulkas begins in October and continues until spring. During this period, watering should be reduced to one or two times a month. Fertilization is not carried out. Zamioculcas is placed in a well-lit place with an air temperature of 16–20 ° C.

This flower prefers diffused sunlight at any time of the year.

Is it worth it to bloom a flower of celibacy

Even in nature, a money tree can bloom only in a fairly mature state and with a combination of several favorable factors. A short peduncle is formed near the leaf rosette, and subsequently a nondescript inflorescence in the form of an ear, which, according to numerous reviews on the network, has an unpleasant odor. Flowering lasts for several weeks. In the natural environment, the appearance of an ovary is possible, followed by the ripening of berries. The berry carries a single seed. However, experienced flower growers note that the flowering and ripening of seeds deplete the zamiokulkas so much that after that the plant often dies - and sorry, goodbye, financial well-being!

Landing and transplant

The dollar tree grows very slowly. A plant transplant is required if the pot is completely filled with the root system.. Optimal time for its implementation - the beginning of spring.

For planting zamiokulkas, a tall pot (preferably ceramic) is chosen so that there is enough space for the roots and tubers. The capacity should not be too big size, otherwise the plant will spend energy filling it with the root system and stop vegetative growth. There should be at least one drainage hole in the bottom of the pot.

The soil substrate is purchased at a specialized store or prepared independently. The ideal composition of the soil includes sand, peat and turf in equal proportions.

If it is not possible to prepare the soil mixture yourself, it is purchased at the store. The best option- soil for cacti and succulents.

Transplantation is carried out by the method of transshipment in this way:

Video: transplanting zamiokulkas

Most often, the appearance of the flower deteriorates due to violation of growing conditions and care errors.

Table: yellowing leaves, drying tips and other signs of care errors

Problem Cause elimination
Small yellow leaves with dry tipslack of lightingMove the flower to a brighter place
Falling top leavesUnderwatering or overwateringAdjust watering schedule
Black tubers and leavesDevelopment of rot at low temperature and high humidityEliminate the causes of the development of putrefactive phenomena
Dark spots appear on the leaves
  • Abundant watering;
  • low air temperature;
  • high humidity during the growing season.
  • Establish a watering and humidification regime;
  • move to a warmer place.

Zamioculcas is rarely affected by diseases and pests, because poisonous juice and wax on the leaves protect it from damage. But sometimes infection does occur. Therefore, it is important for flower growers to know how to treat a dollar tree.

Table: dark spots on the stem and other lesions

Some flower growers advise very unusual ways pest control Zamioculcas. One of them is spraying with a cockroach pencil solution: grind 1/3 of the pencil, mix with 0.5 liters of warm water and spray the plant and soil surface for 2-3 days until all pests die. When zamiokulkas is affected by a putrefactive fungus, tubers and leaves darken


Reproduction of zamiokulkas is carried out by dividing the tubers and rooting the leaves. It is almost impossible to propagate the plant by seeds, and besides, they are rarely found on the free market. And the seeds collected from home zamiokulkas, as a rule, cannot be called high-quality planting material.


Most often, flower growers use the tuberous propagation method.. It is considered the simplest and most effective. To propagate a dollar tree with tubers, you must follow the following instructions:

Often, a young shoot of zamiokulkas is formed in a pot. During transplantation, in most cases it is easy to separate it from the mother tuber and plant it in a separate pot.

leaf cuttings

A less common variant of Zamioculcas propagation is with the help of leaf cuttings. To do this, carry out the following procedure:

Video: reproduction of zamiokulkas

Zamioculcas - African exotic in our house

Lukyanchik Irina

This plant was first discovered in the 1830s on the sun-scorched mountain plateaus in East Africa, and it grows here and there in Madagascar. Relatively recently (a couple of decades ago) it also appeared on sale on the shelves of our flower shops, and is still considered quite rare and expensive.

The conversation will be about a close relative of Dieffenbachia and Monstera, also belonging to the Aroid family. This is Zamioculcas zamiifolia (Zamioculcas zamiifolia). It received such an ornate name for its external resemblance to a rare gymnosperm plant - zamia.

The appearance of Zamioculcas is somewhat unusual, which is not uncommon for representatives of hot climatic zones. In the soil in the form of a large tuber that stores moisture, there is directly the main stem itself - the trunk, in other words. Only 4-6 pinnate leaves rise above the soil surface. They are closely located on a short horizontal stem, as if assembled into a rosette (at first glance). Leaf petioles in the lower part are strongly developed and swollen, which is why they are often mistaken for stems.

These petioles often reach 80-100 cm in length, and dense dark green glossy leaf blades are located along their entire length. The hot African climate has turned Zamioculcas into a succulent that can grow and survive in conditions of scorching sun and drought. The leaves are covered with a dense wax coating that protects them from burns and prevents excess evaporation of precious moisture.

Zamioculcas grows very slowly, and new leaves rarely appear. It blooms, like all aroids, with inflorescences consisting of an ear and a bedspread, which appear at the very base of the leaves at a rather advanced age of the plant.

Conditions of detention. What, of course, Zamioculcas is good for is its unpretentiousness to the conditions of detention: it does not care about dry soil and rare watering, dry air, poor lighting, pests, etc. It is just perfect as a houseplant. It will grow well on a window of any orientation, but still better where there is enough light. Although far from the window, he will not be capricious either. The temperature in the room also does not play a fundamental role, but it is desirable that it is not too cold: the optimal range in summer is from 20 to 25 C, in winter - 16-18 C.

Zamioculcas are watered, like other succulents (the presence of leaves should not mislead you), that is, rarely, but plentifully, waiting for the soil to dry completely, plus a few more days. In any case, even if you forget about him for a long time, he will not suffer: after all, there are water reserves in the tuber. V winter time, of course, watering is reduced to a minimum. It is not necessary to spray the plant, but from time to time it is necessary to carefully wipe the fragile leaves from dust with a soft cloth, and in the summer a warm shower will not hurt. During the period of active vegetation, it is occasionally possible to feed with fertilizers for cacti and succulents: in spring and summer once every 3-4 weeks, in winter with a warm content - once every 5-6 weeks.

Transplantation and reproduction. When thinking about the composition of the soil for zamiokulkas, one must not forget that it is a succulent, and navigate in this direction: it must be loose and permeable. You can make a mixture of equal parts of fertile soil, peat and coarse sand, not forgetting to lay a large layer of drainage on the bottom of the pot so that there is no stagnation of water in the tuber zone. Pebbles or coarse sand can also be poured on the surface.

As the zamiokulkas grows, they are transferred to a larger pot, and shallow, better wider. Its root system is small, growth rates are very low, so young specimens are transplanted no more than once a year, only slightly increasing the volume of the pot and renewing the soil, and adults - no more than once every five years.

For propagation of Zamioculcas, the lower leaf blades from adults are used, which is called "ripened" leaves. The leaf is carefully cut with a sharp blade, the fresh cut is treated with activated carbon powder (you can even burn the match to the end - that's the coal!) And dry for 2-3 days. After that, it is buried about 1.5 cm in dry sand, which does not need to be moistened, and covered with a jar. Although the practice of our non-African flower growers shows that rare spraying speeds up rooting.

In general, nodules with roots develop after 5-6 months, now the young plant can be transplanted into the soil and carefully watered until the first true leaf appears. For reproduction, they also use the division of an old large plant into separate parts so that each new specimen has one growth point.

Possible problems. With improper care or decay of the roots, a sharp fall of the leaves occurs. In addition, you need to know that in old plants, the lower leaves partially fall off regardless of care - it’s just that they are supposed to be so by age. Of the pests, zamiokulkas can be damaged by aphids and spider mites, but this is very rare.

Attention! All parts of the plant contain highly poisonous juice! Therefore, care must be taken when caring for it.

We bring to your attention an overview of the main methods of reproduction of zamiokulkas. In this case, care should be taken, given that all parts of the flower are poisonous.

Zamioculcas propagates by dividing a bush, leaf or stem cuttings, its shoots take root well. The easiest and fastest way to get daughter plants is by dividing Zamioculcas tubers.

According to all the characteristics of a houseplant, Zamioculcas can be attributed to succulents. Homeland - East Africa. The people acquired the name: "dollar tree". Homeland and origin of Zamioculcas, general information about the plant, species, description and photo, home care.

Zamioculcas zamiifolia (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) is an exotic plant with a powerful tuberous rhizome, from the aroid family, a representative of a single species - (Zamioculcas zamiifolia).

Zamioculcas can also be planted by dividing tubers. If in your flowerpot the plant has already completely filled the pot with its root system, then it can be easily halved and transplanted. In this case, the zamiokulkas plant is taken out of the pot and its tubers, along with the stems, are separated.

We divide the Zamioculcas tubers and send the main part of the bush back to its native pot, sprinkling it with fresh earth mixed with sand or clay soil and fertilizer.

Despite the fact that Zamioculcas is characterized by increased resistance to diseases and pests, the latter still attack it, but not often. Such rare raids can be explained by the fact that the plant itself is poisonous and by the fact that its leaves have a rather dense leathery structure, which is not so easy to penetrate.

Try to inspect your pets more often in order to always be fully armed and immediately start fighting for the flower. After all, with a neglected disease or settled colonies of pests, the Zamioculcas plant can be lost forever.

Zamioculcas is ideal for home growing, it is unusually plastic to all changes in the environment. The main factors for caring for zamiokulkas: how to care for at home.

The houseplant zamiokulkas called "dollar tree" has long settled in our apartments, thanks to its exotic artificial appearance and unpretentious nature.

Zamioculcas reproduces and transplants perfectly, almost all of its shoots take root perfectly, whether it be transplanting and dividing tubers or propagating by leaf, leaf and stem cuttings.

The leaf is a petiole (rachis) with many leaf blades - its length sometimes reaches 60 cm or more. It is not always convenient to propagate zamiokulkas with a whole sheet, it is better to disassemble it into leaf blades or cut off the top of the sheet 20 cm long.

The flower "women's happiness", or zamiokulkas, is an evergreen perennial from the Aroid family, whose homeland is East Africa. The flower has complex leaves, consisting of several pairs of shiny leaf blades. Leaf cuttings converge at the rhizome, which forms a tuber. At good care in room conditions, the flower can reach a height of up to 1 meter. But the undersized variety ‘Zamicro’ grows only up to 60 cm tall. Even with a reverent attitude, it is very difficult to achieve flowering from Zamiokulkas. The plant blooms very unusually, for which it received one of the popular names "women's happiness." The inflorescence is a large cob of light green color, surrounded by a light green coverlet. It forms at the base of the leaves. Very often, zamiokulkas is sold under a different name - "dollar tree". Popular rumor claims that Zamiokulkas is excellent at “conducting money affairs”, like his “employee” fat woman (“money tree”). And Feng Shui masters recommend growing it to anyone who wants to increase their savings, especially if they are stored in dollars. In order for the flower to help overcome financial difficulties, it is necessary to determine its place in the southeastern sector of the room or house. They say that the flower that was presented best "works" a good man for any holiday. Location choice. Zamioculcas likes bright diffused light. This means that direct sunlight is not needed for it. A place near the south window will be the best "registration". But in order to protect the plant from excessive sunlight, it is better to put the pot not on the windowsill, but next to the window, on the table, shelf or even on the floor. In summer, women's happiness prefers to be outdoors. If you give him such an opportunity, the flower will noticeably increase in growth and look better.

The soil . For the plant, you can purchase a substrate designed for cacti and succulents, or pick up any light soil without clay impurities.

Watering. Excessive watering is detrimental to the flower, it can even die from it. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to water women's happiness moderately, so that the soil in the pot has time to dry out. All the water that has entered the pan must be drained immediately, as the plant cannot tolerate stagnant water and can get sick. In winter, it needs to be watered much less often than at other times of the year.

Temperature regime. This unpretentious plant tolerates any temperature, but in winter he needs to be given the opportunity to rest in a room with an air temperature of 16 to 18 ° C.

Humidity . Leaves of female happiness should be sprayed and dusted from time to time (at least 2 times a month). The flower needs to be sprayed especially strongly in winter, when the air in the apartment is usually overdried. In addition, spraying has a good effect on the growth rate of the plant. Women's happiness looks very beautiful after applying a special leaf polish.

Top dressing. Frequent feeding of the flower is not required. Feeding should be done carefully, about once a month (during the period of active growth). For this purpose, fertilizers for succulents and cacti can be used. In winter, you do not need to feed the flower. If the goal is to grow a large specimen, then during the growing season, top dressing should be regular. This procedure should include the alternation of organic and mineral fertilizers.

Reproduction. Women's happiness is easily propagated by leaf blades or by dividing the bush. The leaf blade must be carefully cut and slightly dry the place of the cut. After that, it must be deepened into the soil by a third. Noticeable changes with this leaf will not occur immediately. Most likely, it will not change in appearance in any way for about 6 months. Do not worry: a small zamiokulkas just builds up a tuber all this time. A flower generally grows very slowly, so such “freezing” is in the order of things for it. An alternative way to propagate Zamioculcas is to propagate with a leaf with a bud. The leaf stalk must be cut off at the base, leaving the kidney and dry the cut. After that, the cutting must be rooted in the substrate. The division of the bush can be done in the spring. An adult plant should be divided into two parts and seated in separate containers.

Pests and diseases. The flower can be attacked by pests such as spider mite, scale insects, worms and aphids. Due to improper care, it can be affected by diseases or lose its decorative effect. In case of excessive watering, it can get sick with stem rot. For the same reason, female happiness can dry out and fall off en masse all the leaves. If the flower does not have enough light, its leaves turn pale. The tips of the leaves dry when kept indoors with very dry air. In adult plants, the lower part of the leaves can sometimes be exposed, but this is not a sign of illness, but an absolutely normal phenomenon. Even a seriously “ill” plant can be saved. If its tubers have not rotted and are viable, then Zamioculcas has every chance of life. The tubers must be washed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and planted again.

Description of the flower Zamioculcas (Zamioculcas)

Zamioculcas (scientific name), called the dollar tree, has recently become one of the most popular plants for landscaping and decorating home interiors and office furnishings.

This flower promises wealth and prosperity to its owners. He is not demanding in care. Even a novice florist and a person who does not have the desire to learn this art will be able to care for him.

Such a houseplant has a lush green crown, which makes it an extraordinary decoration for any interior. In addition, Zamioculcas is called female happiness. Wealth, happiness, prosperity, well-being - all this emphasizes that the dollar tree has the right to settle in your home.

Description of the flower Zamioculcas (Zamioculcas)

The Zamioculcas flower belongs to the aroid family. He came to us from tropical Africa. Among people, due to its beautiful green leaves, the plant was called the dollar tree. In its properties, it is similar to the money tree. So the flower accumulates moisture inside the trunk, leaves and roots and then uses it as needed. This allows him to survive in the dry period characteristic of his homeland.

The leaves of the dollar tree are very beautiful and fleshy. On average, 10 feathers are part of one sheet. The root of the flower is tuberous. It is he who stores most of the water that the plant needs during difficult periods of drought. The height of the tree is 1 meter. Unlike the money tree, this plant can bloom. True, this event occurs extremely rarely even in the wild. Flowering at home is almost impossible to wait.

The most important advantage of this indoor plant is its unpretentiousness in care. Due to its bright appearance and high growth, the dollar tree is well suited for decorating large areas. In small rooms, this flower can also fit in harmoniously, if the rooms are not overloaded with other flowers.

Proper care of the dollar tree

The dollar tree does not require too much attention. The best place for this plant - a place with diffused light. In summer, you can put the pot on the balcony or street. In winter, you should choose a place on the windowsill closer to the glass. Excessive watering, as well as lack of light, can cause serious damage to the flower. The plant may become sick or be attacked by pests. In this case, it is necessary to provide for competent treatment that will help the tree return to its previous shape and continue harmonious growth. How to propagate and how to transplant a plant? What pests can cause serious damage to a dollar tree? Let's try to answer all these questions.

Lighting and temperature

Zamioculcas is an unpretentious and hardy representative of modern flora. However, for normal growth and development, the flower also needs special conditions. The best place to place it is on the windowsill of a south-facing window. This position allows the sun's rays to affect the leaves of the plant throughout the daylight hours. It will also grow on the north side. But the lack of the proper amount of light will affect its appearance, making the plant dull. Don't be afraid high temperatures. When it is +30 degrees outside, the dollar tree feels great. It is worth emphasizing that Zamioculcas needs a certain temperature regime.So, even in winter the room should not be below 18 degrees. At lower temperatures, the flower may get sick.

Plant pot and soil

The dollar tree does best in loose, soft, and airtight soil. This type of soil provides the proper level of entry into root system moisture and oxygen. For the normal life of a flower, it is important to use well-nourished soil. For this, a mixture of peat, sand, turf and leafy soil is suitable. Fertilizer in the form of humus will also benefit the plant. A mixture with expanded clay will help to make the soil looser. The bottom of the pot itself should contain holes through which excess moisture will escape. The bottom quarter of the pot should be occupied by drainage.

What to feed and how often to water

An adult and young dollar tree needs to be fed and watered. The best time for feeding the period from early March to mid-autumn. If the tree does not grow, it means that it does not have enough moisture. How do you know when it's time to water? After all, overflow for this representative of the flora is worse than drought. It is necessary to water the flower when the earth in the pot has become completely dry. The plant must receive enough liquid so that the soil becomes wet throughout the depth. Excessive moisture causes the development of plant diseases. Also, in such conditions, pests can start. The recovery period is very difficult and long. The plant may die, so you should avoid the formation of puddles in the subwindow and on the surface of the soil.

During the period of active growth, the plant spends a lot of energy. It is best to feed him once every two weeks. As a fertilizer, ready-made mixtures for succulents are also suitable. During winter period time it is recommended to stop watering and fertilizing the plant. Once a month you can wash the dollar tree.

Transplantation and propagation of the Zamioculcas tree

The plant needs an annual transplant. The most suitable period for this is spring. The soil must be sufficiently nutritious. The best composition: sod land, peat, sand, leaf land. Good humus is an excellent fertilizer. Adult representatives of this group require a rarer transplant - once every two years. When choosing a pot, you need to consider the size of the root system. They must be proportionate.

Reproduction can occur by leaf, cuttings or bush. Planting shoots is quite easy:

The leaf is dried before planting;
When planting a leaf or a cutting, it is worth using soil with phytohormones, which will allow them to root faster;
The rooting process can take two months.

Plant diseases - what to do and how to treat?

The dollar tree is characterized by a high degree of endurance. Due to its unpretentiousness, this flower is sick and attacked by pest attacks quite infrequently. The only way to harm Zamioculcas is inept care. The leading mistake of the florist is excessive watering of the plant. The dollar tree is no exception. The roots of this flower are afraid of a lot of moisture. They start to rot. If suddenly this happened, then the plant must be immediately removed from the pot. Next, you need to remove the rotten roots, and sprinkle the remaining parts with crushed coal. After that, the plant requires drying and transplanting into a new soil. Let us consider in more detail the main problems that lovers of dollar trees face.

Leaves turn yellow

If the leaves of the flower began to turn yellow, then it is not yet necessary to conclude that the plant is getting sick. Zamioculcas is characterized by slow growth, during which one leaf ages, turns yellow and dies, and the other appears. Do not worry if new shoots grow along with yellow leaves. If this does not happen, it is worth reconsidering the principles of care. The main causes of yellowing leaves:

A sharp change in temperature;
Insufficient amount of moisture;
The trunk turns black and the roots rot

If the roots of a dollar tree rot and the trunk turns black, then in 99% of cases we can talk about cold temperatures and excessive watering. In the autumn-winter period, care for the plant should be special. It can be watered only a few days after the top layer of soil has dried completely. At low temperatures in the room, the time between waterings must be stretched even more. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the leaves of the dollar tree do not change. They should not wrinkle and fade. In the cold season, it is best to choose the most sunny location for the flower.

Dark spots appear

The appearance of dark spots also indicates that flower care is organized incorrectly. It is necessary to make adjustments to the thermal and water regime. Do not allow stagnation of water in the pot.

Signs associated with the plant Zamioculcas

There are many signs around Zamiokulkas. First - the plant will bring prosperity and well-being. At the same time, it is important to ensure good conditions for flower growth. If the tree begins to wither, the family is threatened with financial problems. The second - a flower will bring happiness to a woman. The main thing is to try to achieve its flowering. Third - the flower cannot be accepted as a gift. If you are given it as a gift, you need to pay a symbolic amount. Only in this case, the plant will bring wealth.
