Alocasia care at home reproduction how to resuscitate alocasia from the store. Alocasia home care watering transplantation and reproduction Propagation of alocasia by stem cuttings

If the flower has taken root at home and pleases its beautiful view not only hosts, but also guests, there will always be those who want to have the same one. Today we will tell you how to propagate this at home. tropical plant to finally keep the promise made to her best friend and give her a little alocasia.

There are 4 ways to propagate this plant, but not each of them is suitable at a particular time for a particular type of plant.

How does this flower reproduce?

In nature

Under natural conditions, alocasia reproduces mainly in a vegetative way, forming daughter plants next to the mother.

There is also self-seeding from seeds that ripen in orange berries - the fruits of alocasia.

At home

It is extremely difficult to get flower seeds in an apartment, so flower growers resort to simpler and effective ways obtaining new plants:

  • The division of the bush.
  • Leaf reproduction.
  • Tubers (children).

Let's take a closer look at each of these methods.

How to propagate?


To implement this method you need to cut off the bottom leaf from the alocasia bush and root it in nutrient soil.

  1. To stimulate root growth, it is better to hold the cutting for 2-3 hours in a root solution.
  2. After that, the sheet is placed in a container with soil to a depth of 2-3 cm, the soil is well shed and covered with a transparent plastic bag or a cut plastic bottle(depending on the capacity of the pot and the size of the sheet.). It will turn out a small greenhouse, which will create the necessary microclimate.
  3. It is necessary to water in 1-2 days, avoiding drafts.

In a month, you can expect the appearance of small roots.

Important! The procedure should be performed with gloves, since the juice of the plant is a strong allergen.

Children (daughter tubers)

In the spring, from March to May, tubers form in many varieties of alocasia next to the mother plant. Often they are clearly visible on the surface and they can be separated without removing the plant from the pot.

  1. The tubers are separated from the mother plant sharp knife.
  2. For sprouting children, sphagnum moss is most often used. Tubers should be placed in it and then regularly moistened during the germination period. The required temperature is not lower than +22.
  3. To maintain the required air humidity, a plastic bag is put on the container and a mini-greenhouse is formed.

Only after the germination of the tuber and the unfolding of the first leaf, the young plant is transplanted into a full-fledged soil.

The division of the rhizome

When propagating alocasia by dividing the rhizome, it must be borne in mind that this method of reproduction is best combined with a planned plant transplant(late March - early May). This will save your pet from unnecessary stress.

  1. The plant is taken out of the pot and carefully, trying not to damage the roots, remove the soil. If the substrate is too dense, it is washed out with water.
  2. The liberated rhizome is divided with a sharp knife so that each division has a rosette of leaves, or a growth bud. The places of cuts are carefully treated with crushed charcoal and leave to dry for an hour.
  3. After the cut has dried, alocasia is planted in a suitable soil mixture and the soil is shed well.

Within a week after the procedure, the ambient temperature should not fall below +23 degrees. Besides, you need to regularly spray the plant until the leaves regain their elasticity.

Attention! During this period, it is better to shade alocasia, as bright sunlight will stimulate the growth of green mass and may interfere with rooting.


As already mentioned, the difficulty of propagating alocasia by seeds lies in the fact that it is extremely difficult to get the latter. With loss of moisture seeds quickly lose their germination capacity, so they need to be sown immediately after harvest. However, if you still managed to get the seeds or get them yourself from the fruits, then you can safely get down to business.

There is one more a modern way of germinating seeds - in plastic bags with a zipper.

  1. Fill the bag with wet perlite, put the seeds in, and then inflate the bag with air and close the clasp. Make sure that the ratio of perlite and air in the bag is 5% and 95% respectively.
  2. Air the bag daily until the alocasia seeds germinate. The percentage of germination can be increased by placing the bag in bright light and providing a daytime temperature of about 27-28 degrees. At the same time, at night, the thermometer should not fall below 20-22 ºС.
  3. Seed germination time ranges from a few days to three weeks.

Reference! The seed method of reproduction is not suitable for variegated forms of alocasia, since hybrids do not transmit their artificially bred properties by inheritance. They can be propagated vegetatively: by leaves, children, or by dividing the rhizome.

What difficulties may arise?

In addition to poor seed germination, difficulties may arise when dividing the rhizome. We are talking about extracting a plant from an old pot, since the roots practically grow into it. If you encounter a similar problem, try using wooden stick or pencil.

Aftercare for young plants

How successfully alocasia takes root depends to a greater extent not on the chosen method of reproduction, but on compliance with the conditions of care.

  • The main and basic requirement is air humidity. The optimal indicator is 80%.
  • Alokaziya does not like dust, so you need to regularly wipe its leaves with a damp cloth or arrange a warm tropical shower from the shower in the bathroom.
  • Twice a month, rooted seedlings are fed with nitrogen fertilizers in order to stimulate the growth of green mass. However, top dressing begins only when at least 3 unfolded leaves are formed on it.
  • The frequency of watering depends on the season. In summer, the plant is watered 3 times a week, in winter - once.
  • Young alocasia require an annual transplant and, as they grow, gradually move to heavier, stable pots.

Subject to all the requirements for caring for a tropical guest, she readily breeds and practically does not get sick.

The nickname "Elephant Ear" was given to Alocasia for a reason. The tropical plant is famous for the striking beauty of large leaves, really resembling a huge auricle. And for the ability to "cry" before precipitation, he is called "Weather". This talent is explained simply - there are holes on the leaves through which excess moisture. Before rain or fog, the humidity in the atmosphere rises and alocasia begins to remove it. The surface of the plates is covered with droplets that roll down - it seems that the flower is crying.

In nature, the exotic lives both in areas overgrown with trees in the form of undergrowth, and in completely open swampy areas, some species are even found in rocks. Such unpretentiousness to environmental conditions is preserved even at home.

If you are able to provide a humid habitat, you can safely start an alocasia! Otherwise, it is a completely undemanding plant that can grow almost anywhere.

Most of all, the flower is suitable for spacious bright rooms, which he will decorate without taking away a place to live from people and without embarrassing them.

Planting a plant

It is produced immediately after the acquisition of alocasia in order to place the plant in a suitable nutrient substrate instead of a temporary store.

Landing methods

Transshipment in this case is completely unsuitable - the roots must be completely cleaned of soil and inspected. Alocasia is gradually removed from the pot by tapping on the walls and pushing through the drainage holes in the bottom.

The substrate is shaken off and washed off, the roots are examined for the presence of dried and rotten ones, they must be removed.

ADVICE! Clean healthy roots after all procedures are recommended to be soaked for 15-25 minutes in any stimulant to improve adaptation and reduce plant stress.

Place alocasia in a pot and carefully cover with soil, filling all cavities. The root neck should remain open, level with the soil surface.

Optimal landing time

Ideally, planting should be done in the spring, when the plant enters an active growth phase and has time to settle down in a new place over the summer. However, if the acquisition of alocasia occurred in autumn or winter, it can also be planted. It's just that the adaptation process will be more painful and longer.

Proper soil is one of the most important conditions for the normal growth of a flower in a house. It should have a slightly acidic reaction, have nutritional properties, pass water well into the pan and dry quickly.

The basis of the substrate is nutrient soil - leafy and soddy, humus is mixed with it to enrich it with useful elements, peat to obtain an acidic environment, as well as loosening components - sand, foam plastic crumbs, chopped moss, pieces of bark, vermiculite. The proportion is as follows: for 1 part of the base, 0.2-0.4 parts of the remaining ingredients are taken.

Pot selection

The root system of alocasia grows weakly in breadth and strongly down, so the pot should be chosen appropriately - deep and not wide. There should be space in it for further growth of the roots, but not very large so that the soil does not turn sour.

IMPORTANT! The ideal material for the container is plastic or unglazed ceramic.

Alocasia care at home

When caring for the "elephant's ear", be guided by the natural conditions of its growth. Like most plants in tropical areas, alocasia is very demanding on humidity and heat.

Location and lighting

When choosing a place for a flower, look at its leaves. Monochromatic, especially colored in dark shades of green, can be kept almost in the shade. Such varieties grow even on the north side or away from windows.

Alocasia with variegated and light leaves prefer bright, but not focused lighting on a western or eastern window sill.

Air humidity

By maintaining a humidity of at least 75-80%, you provide optimal conditions for the flower.

IMPORTANT! The plant must be sprayed with warm water daily, the leaves are dusted weekly, you can arrange a warm shower every 3-5 weeks.

With increased dryness of the air, place a wide container next to the alocasia, filled to the brim with water. You can put the pot on a stand with wet expanded clay or pieces of brick.

Temperature regime

In order for alocasia to feel great in the summer, it must be warm. The ideal boundaries are 23-27°. During the period of winter dormancy, it is not necessary to lower the temperature significantly in order for the plant to fully rest, the content at 17-19 ° is enough.

Watering mode

Summer watering should be systematic and plentiful. If alocasia grows in correct soil, you can moisturize it literally in a day. This time is enough for the water to pour into the pan, and the substrate to dry out.

In winter, the plant is satisfied with the rest, reducing watering by half.

Top dressing and fertilizers

Such a large and fast-growing flower requires enhanced nutrition during the growing season. Fertilization begins in the spring, when alocasia starts to grow and is stopped by winter. Organic substances are needed no less than mineral ones, since the whole beauty of a flower lies in the growth of green mass.

ATTENTION! Organics and mineral complexes are introduced in turn, observing a break of 12-14 days.

This procedure is practically not required. The only pruning that can be carried out is the so-called cleansing. It is needed to remove dried or rotten leaves.

Trimming methods

The dead dried leaf is removed with a pruner to healthy tissues and the wound is covered with wood ash.

You can try to update the plant by cutting off all the leaves and leaving a bare trunk. This procedure will wake up dormant buds and make them grow. However, this is a rather risky procedure that does not guarantee successful completion. Yes, and not too necessary! Smart alocasia throws off old and extra leaves, renewing itself.


A vital operation that young plants require every spring. More mature specimens that have reached the peak of their development can be transplanted with a break of a couple of years.

Young flowers are moved to larger pots to give the roots room to grow. Mature plants need only a change of depleted soil.

Transplant methods

To move healthy young plants, the transfer method is often used without disturbing the roots. They are simply taken out along with a bunch of earth and planted in a new pot, which should be 2.5-4 cm more spacious than the previous one.

It is better to free mature alocasia from the depleted substrate and inspect the roots. Dried and diseased parts can be cut off, and ripe tubers can be separated for propagation.

IMPORTANT! Be sure to put a layer of stones in the pot for drainage!

Alocasia is propagated to get new plants. This is a simple operation, often performed together with a transplant. The most time-consuming method is seed, since planting material cannot be found in stores and it is difficult to grow it yourself.

Reproduction methods

There are a lot of them - for every taste:

  • Seeds. If you received alocasia seeds, sow them immediately! They are not stored at all, instantly losing their germination. Having spread the seeds evenly over the surface of the soil, they must be sprinkled on top and kept in a constantly moist environment.
  • Nodules. They form on the roots and are easily separated during alocasia transplant. You can cut off brown tubers that have matured enough. White, uncovered nodules are considered very young, unprepared for independent growth. The separated parts are deposited in a separate container and looked after as always.
  • Division of roots. The operation is also carried out during transplantation, if no suitable tubers are found. With a sharp knife, a part of the rhizome is cut off along with leaves or buds. The cut wound is disinfected with charcoal or activated charcoal, crushed into powder. After drying, both parts are planted in individual pots.
  • Propagation by cuttings. A small cutting should be cut off, about 11-14 cm long. Soak in any growth stimulant, then plant in a substrate of sand and peat. Keep in greenhouse conditions, you can cover the stalk with half a plastic bottle or a jar.

When does alocasia bloom?

Only an adult, fully formed plant can bloom, which has already stopped intensive growth, having reached the maximum possible size.

Flowering time and flower shape

Alocasia blooms in warm weather - in summer or spring. The flowering period is short - from 5 to 12 days, depending on the variety.

The plant forms an unsightly single inflorescence in the form of an ear, which is wrapped in a blanket. The color of the inflorescence itself usually differs from the color of the "blanket".

What to do after flowering?

To release its nondescript flower, alocasia tries very hard, spending a lot of energy on it. Often she throws off most of the leaves, exposing the trunk. Blooming Tropicanka often stands with 1-2 single leaves. After flowering, she recovers for a long time and needs help. During this period, it is recommended to increase the amount of top dressing, introducing mineral and organic fertilizers.

More than 65 species of plants are known in the genus Alocasia. Far from all are suitable for home cultivation - some species in nature grow 3-4 meters in height.

Alocasia Sandera

Large plant, can grow 1-1.5 m tall. The trunk is thick and short, it has long (up to 40 cm) leaves on petioles. The foliage can be heart-shaped or arrow-shaped, painted dark green, on which light large veins stand out well. The edges are cut with denticles throughout.

This species is the parent of Alocasia Polly, a hybrid very similar to its parent. Another descendant, Amazonian alocasia, has larger shield-shaped leaves. The veins on them are light green, very thick.

Alocasia large root

She's Arma, she's Indian. A very impressive gigantic plant. The stem alone can reach 2m in length. The leaves are oval or heart-shaped, meter long and grassy in color.

Problems, diseases and pests

Beautiful alocasia rarely gets sick! It is very resistant to infections and pests, it can only affect putrefactive fungi with too active watering. Any modern insecticides will help get rid of the problem.

  • Slowly growing alocasia needs to be fed with nitrogen fertilizers.
  • The tips of the leaves dry when the plant lacks moisture in the soil and air.
  • Leaf wilting occurs due to a violation of the irrigation regime.

Answers to questions from readers

In nature, plants can live 12-17 years, but in an apartment, the lifespan depends on the conditions that provided it.

Is alocasia poisonous?

Very poisonous! Its juice can cause dermatitis on the skin, so all work with the plant is carried out with gloves. And it is strictly forbidden to use inside.

Why doesn't the plant bloom?

Alocasia blooms very rarely - when it is already an adult and does not lack light, moisture, useful elements. If there is no flowering after 4-6 years, then not all conditions are fully met.

Why do leaves turn yellow and dry?

The reason may be damage to the roots during transplantation or insufficient watering.

Why aren't new leaves growing?

Alocasia suffers from a lack of lighting.

How does the plant overwinter?

In October, move alocasia to a darker and cooler room, cut off dying leaves and reduce watering. Alocasia is moved back to the windowsill at the end of winter, gradually returning the previous irrigation regime.

Alocasia is a welcome acquisition for a fan of indoor gardening. Some of them believe that several different varieties will decorate the room, fill the air with health. Care for such a home flower garden will be simple - you will need the same conditions for all plants. Reproduction of alocasia at home will be the first step towards the implementation of the plan.

Methods of propagation of alocasia

If there is one adult plant in the house, then the material for propagation is already available. Alocasia reproduces in various ways:

  • radical children;
  • separation of roots during transplantation;
  • stem cuttings;
  • reproduction by rooting the leaf;
  • seed way.

All types of reproduction are based on achieving favorable conditions for creating a healthy root system with any method of reproduction. The green parts of the plant take root in the substrate, water in this case does not serve as an intermediate. However, there are special requirements for the substrate.

General rules for transplanting alocasia

In order for the processes to take place faster, the task of the grower is to organize a constant heating of the soil, where the process of creating the first roots is going on. At the same time, the litter itself should contain perlite, sphagnum moss and sand. That is, the place for rooting should be moist, warm and breathable. However, regular ventilation is necessary.

Another common action for all types of reproduction except seed. All sections must be dried and sprinkled with a disinfectant. It can be:

  • finely ground charcoal or crushed black activated carbon tablet;
  • cinnamon powder;

Treatment with root formation stimulants is also used.

For the reproduction of alocasia, spring time is usually chosen, when intense biological activity in nature begins. But rooting can be carried out at any time of the year, except for winter. In winter, a high percentage of lunge.

All work related to touching the succulent parts of the plant should be carried out with rubber gloves. Remove children and animals from the premises while working.

The requirement for the composition of the soil for plants that have already given the first roots and are planted for a long time. For alocasia, the earth is selected loose and low acidity. Such a composition can be purchased at a specialized store or prepared by yourself. Flower growers use different soils based on peat and leafy soil.

The main thing is that the soil should be moisture-intensive, light, breathable. A slightly acidic environment ensures dissolution the right amount mineral salts from the soil. Therefore, it is important to comply with all requirements. An example of such a soil would be:

  • humus or biohumus - 2 parts;
  • leaf ground - 2 parts;
  • sod land - 2 parts;
  • peat and sand - 1 part each;
  • chopped sphagnum moss - 2 parts;
  • crushed coal, vermiculite, brick chips in total - 1 part.

Purchased soil must be supplemented with the latest components. Of great importance is the disinfection of the composition by any means. Steaming the earth for alocasia is often used. For planting plants in a permanent place, the pot must be high, the ideal shape is a bucket. It is stable and high at the same time. Expanded clay is traditionally chosen for drainage, but you can use pebbles or broken ceramic dishes.

Propagation of alocasia by tubers

When transplanting an adult plant, neoplasms can be seen in the roots. These are nodules - babies that can give a new plant in a month or two. Therefore, they must be carefully separated from the roots and placed in a special substrate for germination.

The first pot for a seedling that has given roots can be an ordinary glass of their disposable tableware with a drainage hole. A rooted nodule will throw out its first leaf and unfold it after about 2 months from the time of planting.

Alocasia calidora is propagated only by tubers; this beautiful plant does not reproduce with leaves on a long thickened root that rises above the pot.

Reproduction by leaves of alocasia

For reproduction, take the lower leaf blade along with the cuttings. For several hours, the leaf is kept, giving it the opportunity to reduce the swelling. After that, the petiole is cut, treated with a root formation stimulator and fixed in a special substrate for rooting.

A humid warm microclimate, airing is constantly maintained, and in a month young roots will come out. After that, the leaf is planted in prepared dishes with nutrient soil, but they continue to care for it in greenhouse conditions until the arrow of the next leaf appears from the ground, which means that the plant has taken root and started growing. During reproduction by alocasia leaf, you need to treat it like a baby, avoiding cooling, drafts, drying out or excessive moisture.

A plant purchased in a store must be transplanted as soon as the quarantine period has passed. Alocasia grown according to Dutch technology feed on hormones that will quickly run out and the bush will begin to starve. To prevent this from happening, the plant needs to change the soil, at the same time to plant the extra basal rosettes and nodules that have arisen. This is material for subsequent reproduction. Even a flower that has shed its leaves can be revived by transplanting the rhizome into a new substrate.

Seed propagation of alocasia

At home, alocasia does not bloom often, and seeds are very rare. They are formed on the cob in the form of red or yellow berries. Seed germination is maintained while they are in a wet shell. Therefore, you need to propagate alocasia with seeds fresh, when they are still wet. For seeds, light and sour soil is prepared based on peat, humus and sand. Close up the seeds superficially, but take measures to keep the layer moist by covering the container with glass or film. Seedlings are sprayed, dived twice and later transplanted to a permanent place. Alocasia of variegated varieties are mainly propagated by seeds. Other propagation methods do not guarantee the beauty of the leaves.

Stem cuttings are rooted in a special substrate, just like leaves.

Proper care for alocasia - video

Alocasia (Alocasia amazonica) relatively recently appeared on the flower market and immediately became a desirable plant for gardeners. It is a suitable plant for greenhouses, showcases or conservatories.

Origin and description of alocasia

Despite its second name "amazonica", the Alocasia flower has nothing to do with the Amazon. It originates from tropical Asia. Today, this plant can be found in New Guinea, the Philippines and Malaysia. The flower was first described in 1839 and, like the philodendron, anthurium or pothos, belongs to the aroid family, which is famous for flowers with beautiful leaves. This family has a total of about 70 species of plants, in which the common feature is the same structure of flowers.

Alocasia has typical, dark green, heart-shaped leaves with distinct, so-called veins. The lower part of the leaves, as a rule, has a purple hue, and the edges, depending on the variety, are smooth or wavy. V room conditions the length of the stem reaches 50 cm in height, on which leaves grow 20-50 cm long. In the tropical forests, from where alocasia came to us, it is not uncommon to find a five-meter flower with a meter-long stem. Because of his appearance and ornamental outlines of leaves, alocasia is sometimes called "elephant's ear" or "African mask". In our stores, you can most often find Alocasia amazonica and Alocasia sanderiana or its hybrid called Alocasia polly, which is bright in color and has serrated leaves. This is usually a more durable plant, it can easily withstand dry air, which cannot be said about other species.

In appearance, this is a completely nondescript flower, but those who have seen how alocasia blooms will never be indifferent to it. The plant blooms very rarely and this happens in adult units. With improper care, it may not bloom at all. Alocasia flowers are small, but fragrant. In the wild, they smell strong and very pleasant.

plant care

If you are a fan of indoor flowers, then growing alocasia will be a real challenge for you. This difficult "lady" requires special attention. Her care requirements are quite high.

Lighting conditions

Alocasia is not very demanding on light and can easily grow in the dark corners of an apartment or house. V summer time undesirable exposure to direct, sunlight, due to which burns may appear on the leaves. The ideal location for the plant would be windows facing north or west.


As a lover of tropical and subtropical climates, alocasia needs a fairly high temperature. In summer, it should be 25 ° C and above, and in winter not lower than 18 ° C.

Air humidity

This flower loves high humidity, so dry rooms are detrimental when growing alocasia. If you don't have a sprayer, periodically wipe the leaves with a soft, damp cloth. With regular moistening, alocasia successfully blooms in apartment conditions. Sometimes a bowl of water or expanded clay standing on the windowsill is enough, the moisture of which will soar in the air and settle on the leaves.


The second important indicator in cultivation is watering the plant, which should be plentiful.

Alocasia: care for a spectacular tropican

The flower should not dry out, even in winter period the substrate should remain slightly damp. Bottom flower pot should never be placed in water as the roots of alocasia will start to rot. The plant should be irrigated with soft water, preferably boiled or rainwater. When using tap water, there is a risk of brown spots on the leaves. The temperature of the water also matters, it should be at room temperature. Watering cold water the plant does not tolerate well. Too much water or drought can be deadly for alocasia, so this needs to be monitored carefully.

In winter, alocasia survives only thanks to underground tubers that nourish the plant from the inside. Therefore, at the end of October, it is necessary to gradually limit watering, let the substrate dry out a little, and the leaves dry completely. Remove them afterwards.

Every spring, young plants are transplanted into a new substrate with a high content of peat, adult flowers are transplanted every two years. It is necessary to fertilize alocasia once a week from March to October with a regular or special liquid fertilizer for deciduous plants.


Propagation of alocasia is a little tricky, but when transplanted, the plant can be divided quite easily. Propagation by leaf cuttings is more difficult, you must maintain high humidity and the right temperature.

Healing properties of alocasia

Although alocasia is a toxic flower, some species are grown as medicinal plants. The Chinese make drugs against tuberculosis from the leaves of the flower, and the stems are used to make medicines for indigestion and toothache. Alocasia tubers contain a lot of starch and are quite edible. In some parts of the world, the leaves and stems of the plant are eaten, but they must be thoroughly boiled before serving.

We most often use alocasia tincture for the treatment of joint pain, osteochondrosis. You can cook it yourself by filling the leaves with 40% alcohol. After moistening the swab in tincture and wipe the affected area.

Diseases of alocasia

Regular irrigation and proper care of alocasia at home prevents the appearance of pests that thrive in dry air. Aphids and whiteflies may appear on the leaves, red spider mites and worms can also attack the plant. In these cases, it will be better to use special sprays and pest control products. Home methods, such as rubbing the leaves with soap and water or irrigating with a liquid containing tobacco extract, have little effect.

Sometimes, after hypothermia, ugly, brown spots may appear on the leaves. Their spread and reproduction cannot be avoided, except to let the substrate dry out. Dried leaves must be removed and the watering of the flower restored. Alocasia will grow quickly with new, unspoiled leaves. All the same should be done if the leaves are scorched by the sun.


As indoor flower alocasia is not suitable for owners of cats and dogs, as well as families with small children. This elegant beauty, unfortunately, is poisonous (the exception is Alocasia microrrhiza) and caution does not hurt even when transplanting a plant. Simply touching the plant can cause skin irritation and swelling. Their tissues contain large amounts of toxic substances and calcium oxalate, which can cause irritation. gastrointestinal tract upon contact with the oral cavity. In some cases, it can also cause pulmonary edema, leading to severe breathing difficulties. A test of the leaves for taste can cause nausea, diarrhea, in the worst case, death from the entry of poison into the blood. Be careful and wear gloves with each manipulation of alocasia, and then wash your hands with soap and water.

Tropical beauty alocasia. Features of the content.

which differ in the shape and size of the leaves, their color, the height of the plant itself.

Alocasia (alocasia) is a fairly rare tropical plant in indoor culture, although in recent years it has become more popular. The genus Alocasia belongs to the aroid family and has more than fifty species,

At the same time, all alocasias have characteristics- the leaves are dense, thyroid, oval with a pointed end, the veins are pronounced. The leaves are located on long, succulent petioles and have stomata on the surface of the leaves, through which the plant sheds excess moisture.

Alocasia is native to the tropical forests of Southeast Asia. It grows wild in Malaysia, Ceylon. During the rainy season, when the plant is not able to absorb all the water that enters the soil, the leaves begin to "cry". Home alocasia begins to release droplets of water with excessive watering and excessive humidity. Since the humidity of the air rises before the rain, it is often said that the alocasia flower predicts rain.

Alocasia tuberous plants. In the people, alocasia is sometimes called "elephant's ear", "trefoil".

As indoor plants, only a few types of alocasia are grown. Some of them reach up to 1 m in length (in nature up to 3 m).

This exotic tropical wonder is deservedly recognized as one of the most magnificent deciduous ornamental plants. Alocasias are a wonderful decoration of interiors, they look good in bright halls, foyers, winter gardens, near artificial reservoirs and fountains.

Alocasia blooms very rarely. Its fragrant small flowers of pale color are collected in an inflorescence-cob of white-pink color, partially covered with a leaf-blanket. When pollinated, fruits-berries are formed with seeds inside.

It is believed that the flowers of alocasia should be removed, since leaves do not grow during flowering, but the main beauty of this decorative leafy plant is in the leaves. The cut point must be treated with crushed coal.

All parts of alocasia are poisonous. The juice of the plant has irritating properties, it is not desirable that it gets on open skin and mucous membranes. Place the plant out of the reach of children and animals.


Alokaziya odorous has healing properties and is used in Chinese traditional medicine. The stem is used to prepare preparations used for stomach pain and toothache. Leaf preparations are used in the treatment of pneumonia and tuberculosis. But since alocasia, like almost all aroids, is poisonous, you should not experiment with drugs.

Some types of alocasia are grown for their edible tubers, which are rich in krasmal.

Vydy alocasia

Alocasia amazonica

Alocasia calidora

Alocasia cucullata

Alocasia cuprea

Alocasia Black Velvet

Alocasia lowii

Care and maintenance of room alocasia

Alocasia is quite unpretentious, requires regular, but easy care. It grows well in warm and humid microclimates. If you provide your tropical beauty with conditions close to natural, then she will delight you with her exotic beauty.

If the leaves on alocasia periodically turn yellow and disappear (one by one, and not all at once), this is a normal process - a new one is already growing in place of the missing one.

Lighting. Alocasia loves bright light, but it needs to be shaded from direct sunlight in summer.

Some types of alocasia, in particular copper-red and Amazonian, need additional lighting in winter.

Temperature. Heat-loving, does not like temperature changes. In no case do not keep in a draft. In summer, the ideal temperature is about +20 degrees, and in winter it is not lower than +18.

Air humidity. Alocasia prefers high humidity. In summer, in hot weather, it needs spraying. To create additional air humidity, you can place a pot with a plant on a pallet with wet expanded clay or pebbles, in winter time when the heating is on, a humidifier will be useful.

Watering. Abundant in the summer, the earth should never dry out. It is often watered with soft settled water so that the earth in the pot is constantly wet (it is advisable to immediately drain the water from the pan). In winter, watering alocasia is moderate and very careful. For most species, excessive watering leads to root rot.

Fertilizer. In spring and summer, alocasia needs top dressing every 2-3 weeks. It is best to use a complex mineral fertilizer for indoor plants.

Transfer. The soil for alocasia must be nutritious. For good growth, a substrate that is well permeable to moisture and air and slightly acidic (pH about 5.5) is needed. Transplanted annually, usually in early spring, adult plants two years later. Soil - 1 part of leafy soil, 1 part of coniferous, 1 part of peat and 0.5 parts of sand. An earth mixture composed of sand, garden and greenhouse soil in equal parts is suitable.

For large specimens, transplantation can be replaced by transshipment into a larger diameter pot. Pots are better to take high.

Alocasia reproduction, germination from a nodule, resuscitation, rest.

Good drainage is required.

Reproduction. You can propagate alocasia different ways: seeds, rhizome division, offspring or daughter tubers, stem cuttings.

Varieties with variegated leaves cannot be propagated by seeds - variegated signs are not betrayed. Sow the seeds immediately after harvest, shallow in a light substrate (leaf or peat soil and sand). To ensure high humidity, cover with glass or film on top. Temperature 22-24°C and regular spraying. Shoots dive, then transplanted into small pots. Large leaves appear in a year.

It is much easier to propagate alocasia by offspring or daughter tubers. When dividing the rhizome and harvesting stem cuttings, do not forget to sprinkle the cuts with charcoal. For rooting, the substrate is the same as for sowing seeds. You can cover the planted cuttings with a film.

Pests and diseases of alocasia The most common pests of alocasia are aphids and spider mites. In addition, it is affected by mealybugs and scale insects. Promotes the appearance of pests dry air and heat. If pests are found, if the infection has not gone far, gently wipe the leaves and stems with a soapy sponge. In case of severe damage, you can use Actellik solution (1-2 ml per liter of water) or another similar remedy.

Other plants from the Aroid family:

Alocasia- a controversial plant, in the sense that opinions differ on the possibility of keeping this exotic beauty. Some say that alocasia does not live long in an apartment, that it is a purely greenhouse plant, others refute this opinion, successfully growing and even propagating alocasia at home. I would rather agree with the latter - alocasia has never caused me any particular difficulties in leaving. During our “collaboration” with her, I learned that she does not tolerate cold, and in combination with excessive watering, this is generally death, though not for the plant itself, but for the leaves, which, most likely, will have to be cut if you do not keep the plant warm and continue to water abundantly at the same time.

Alocasia from nodules.

During transplants can be found small nodules on the roots of an adult plant. The nodules that have ripened and are ready for germination fall off the roots themselves - you should not tear them off on purpose.
If you nevertheless become the proud owner of alocasia nodules - do not rush to throw them away, because you can get new plants from them. This process, however, is long. A nodule for prevention can be soaked in epine, keep it in solution from several hours to a day. Also, in order to protect it from rot, you can treat the nodule with potassium permanganate, a weak, light pink solution. Or you can wrap the nodules in a leaf of aloe tree cut along. In this state, they are left for a day.
Then nodules can be dug into the soil. Coco-soil can also be used for germination. For successful germination, the soil temperature should be 27-30 ° C - you can put a mini-greenhouse on the windowsill, under which the battery is located - then a high temperature is provided. Do not forget to ventilate the greenhouse and water it in a timely manner so that the nodules do not dry out.
If you used cocsoil, then after germination, the appearance of several leaves, the plants are transplanted into a light acidic soil.

Do not forget that both young and adult alocasia plants need to be sprayed frequently.

Alocasia resuscitation.

If the plant is sick, I advise in any case not to lose hope until the last. Especially if this plant belongs to the aroid. Calatheas, ctenantes, alocasias and aglaonemas are surprisingly tenacious plants, especially if the factor that has a detrimental effect on them is excluded in time.
Even if alocasia has lost all the leaves, this is not a reason to carry the pot to the trash. Firstly, it is possible to obtain new young plants from nodules (the technology is described above).

Alocasia: how to care at home

Secondly, even a plant without leaves is able to recover completely after a while. Alokaziya has a shortened trunk - it is of the main value for us, because it has dormant buds.
To begin with, inspect the plant, if there is rot on it, remove it and always with a supply of healthy tissue. Then you need to cut off all rotten and damaged roots. Do not be afraid if after this operation there are no roots left at all, the main thing is not to let the rot spread further, because for the buds to germinate, you will need to hold the plants in conditions high humidity and warm, and these are ideal conditions for the development of rot, so it must be removed very carefully. Sprinkle slices with charcoal, you can sprinkle with crumbs of activated charcoal. Next, you need to wrap the trunk with moss, and live in a transparent container. (mini-greenhouse) You can not ventilate, but be sure to moisten regularly so that the trunk does not dry out.
You will be surprised when, after a while, roots appear from a seemingly lifeless "stump", and then leaves. When the plant grows up, it can be transplanted into the soil mixture, but it is still advisable to keep the plants under a jar or in a mini-greenhouse for some time, until the root system grows.

Rest period.

Who would have thought, but peace is good for alocasia. In autumn, the leaves begin to turn yellow, they can be cut off during this period, and the plant itself can be removed from the windowsill. Watering is greatly reduced. It is possible to expose alocasia to light in January-February, watering is increased gradually until leaves appear. After such a rest, Sander's alocasia grows up to 8 large leaves.

Among the many different house plants, you can see the charming alocasia. She came from the tropical jungle. This flower has very original oblong-shaped leaves, slightly pointed at the end. The leaves can be of all shades of green, have multi-colored tints (red, brown, yellow, gray), with light or white streaks.

Reproduction of alocasia at home

Propagation of alocasia by seeds

Seeds are propagated at home quite rarely, but if you managed to get high-quality seeds, then why not try. To do this, the seeds are soaked for a couple of hours, after which they are planted in a mini greenhouse, the germination temperature is + 23- + 25 degrees, watering should be regular.

Propagation of alocasia by cuttings

Cuttings can be propagated at any time of the year, for this you need to cut off a suitable branch and sprinkle it with a moistened mixture of sand and peat in a mini greenhouse (or plant the cutting in the simplest container, and then cover it with oilcloth). After the plant takes root, it can be safely transplanted into a separate container.

Propagation of alocasia by dividing the root

This method is most often used during transplantation, the rhizome of an adult plant is divided into several parts with a sharp knife, after which the cut is sprinkled with charcoal to avoid decay.

Alocasia transplant at home

You need to transplant home alocasia every year in the spring. The main thing in this process is not to damage the roots of the plant. It is best to transplant alocasia by transshipment, leaving an earthen clod on the roots. Mature plants need to be repotted every three years.

Soil for alocasia at home

For good growth, the plant needs a substrate that is well permeable to air and moisture, preferably with a slightly acidic reaction. It can consist of coniferous, leafy soil, peat, sand in a ratio of 1:1:0.5:1. A mixture of humus, soddy land, peat, sand (2: 2: 1: 1) is also good. A soil mixture of peat soil, leafy soil, sand, charcoal and sphagnum moss (2:1:6:3:2) is suitable. Take care of good drainage. Alocasia is desirable to plant in a tall pot.

Temperature regime of alocasia at home

Alocasia loves warmth. The optimum temperature in summer for her is 21–26 degrees Celsius, and in autumn and winter it should not be less than +18 degrees.

Humidity for alocasia at home

Culture needs frequent spraying. The pot is placed on a tray containing wet expanded clay or pebbles, so you can increase the humidity. To avoid root rot, care must be taken that the pot does not come into contact with the surface of the water. It is necessary to periodically wipe the leaves from dust with a damp cloth. When the weather is cloudy and cold, spraying should be done with care to avoid excess moisture. The optimal humidity indicator for alocasia is 80%. The minimum level allowed in autumn and winter is 40%, and in summer - 50%.

Lighting for alocasia at home

A small plant will feel good on a warm windowsill with no direct sunlight. Larger specimens should be placed on the floor or stands opposite, or next to a sunny window. Consideration should be given to the presence heating batteries, and move the plants as far away from them as possible. In the cold season, between the window sill and the plant, it is worth organizing a thin foam pad or a stand with legs. From a lack of light, the leaves become pale, in this case it is worth rearranging the pots closer to the light.

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Watering alocasia at home

Since this crop naturally grows in very humid regions, it requires constant watering, in which the soil must always be moist.

But at the same time, an excessive amount of water quickly leads to decay. Water for irrigation must be defended or water obtained from snow is used. After 30-40 minutes, the water from the pan must be removed.

The best location of the plant is the eastern or western window sill, where it is impossible to burn the leaves and at the same time where there is enough light.

Alocasia fertilizer at home

In addition to watering, caring for alocysia at home will not do without regular top dressing. Can be used as mineral fertilizers, as well as organic. From the mineral compositions, you need to choose a balanced concentrate for decorative and deciduous houseplants. For growing young specimens, florists recommend paying special attention to phosphorus, it promotes the development of the root system and provides good immunity. As an organic fertilizer, a fertilizer made on the basis of the waste products of earthworms, which can be bought at most flower shops, is suitable.

Feeding frequency:

  • In spring and summer - every 15 days,
  • In winter - no more than 1 time in 1.5 months.

Diseases and pests of alocasia

The most common defect when growing alocasia in room conditions is necrosis (drying) of the tips of the leaves, and sometimes the entire edge of the leaf. This may be due to the following reasons: drafts, air flow from the air conditioner, a decrease or increase in air temperature, or its excessive dryness, stagnation of water in a pot, wetting of leaves at night or in direct sunlight.

Young leaves are reduced in size and deformed, and the growth rate of the plant also decreases - a change in the pH of the soil substrate (most likely when watering with hard water).

The lower leaves begin to quickly wither and dry out - it is necessary to transship (transplant) the plant into a larger container.

Withering leaves - too strong lighting.

The leaves are curly, crunchy to the touch - there is too much fertilizer in the substrate. It is necessary to rinse the substrate with top watering, refrain from top dressing for 1 month.

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Dry brown spots - the plant is exposed to direct sunlight, dry air. It is necessary to reduce the intensity of sunlight, increase the humidity of the air.

Shchitovka. Frequent enemy of indoor plants. This insect is somewhat similar to a turtle, as it has a shell. Scale insects are omnivorous, they settle even on poisonous plants and suck out the juices.

Shoots affected by it stop growing and turn yellow. The pest settles mainly on stems and leaf axils.

Aphid. The female sower settles it on plants. It lays on the lower surface of the leaves larvae that suck out the juices. Aphids spread very quickly. Leaves affected by it wither, dry out. You can fight aphids with tobacco. A tincture of 40 g per 1 liter of water is prepared and alocasia is sprayed with it. You can fight aphids with garlic tincture (30 g gruel per liter of water).

Alternate treatment with washing the plant, and you will get rid of this pest.