I slept with a guy how to behave in order to fall in love with him now. How to behave with a man so that he falls in love: important recommendations How to behave with a guy who loves you

Have you had sex, and now you are wondering how to behave with a man after sex, so that this night will not be the beginning of the end? The answers to this question are further in the article.

Sex = love?

Let's start with the fact that it takes about three months for a man to fall in love and, accordingly, want to get married. And that is why during this time it is not recommended to get close to a man. Especially on the first date.

Yes, for many this is shocking information. Three months of meetings, kisses and abstinence? But, if you endure this time, you can be 80% sure that your relationship will reach the wedding, that the man himself will want to marry you.

After just one block, a man begins to see in his companion not only a sexual object, but begins to have feelings for her. He is already afraid of losing her, because so much time and effort has been invested in this relationship. Now he is as reverent as possible to her desires, requests and whims.

If you surrender to the power of feelings earlier, in the mind of the companion you will be just a girl with whom he sleeps. Then, of course, you can also build a serious relationship, but creating them will require more effort on your part, and now you can smile sweetly and marinate it.

Pickle so that the man himself wants to marry you, and if you are not able to wait for the specified period of time, be prepared for the fact that the man may disappear for a while.

This is exactly what most men do, who do not want to belong to one woman, then such a man may appear again. And disappear again.

How to behave so that a man himself wants to marry

Such men feed on your emotions and feelings, they are sure that you are sitting by the phone and waiting for a call every minute. Be sure they feel it and really enjoy it.

Put your phone out of sight, feel like a free fairy who owes nothing to anyone. Yes, you made one man happy with your presence this night, you yourself enjoyed it, and now it's time to move on.

If you do not mentally associate yourself with a man, he will feel it and will definitely appear on your horizon after a while. This is exactly how you need to behave so that a man wants to marry.

See what happens. He is sure that you are sitting in stockings at a low start, but in fact this is absolutely not the case, and, having understood this, the man will no longer disappear for a long time, because at any moment you can forget about him and switch to another.

How to behave with a man if there was sex

The first night is not a ring on your finger or a stamp in your passport, the first night just gives a feeling of pleasure, euphoria, but does not bind you to a partner for many years, so apply the law of mirroring.

If a man has moved away from you - do the same. Just do not approach him at the same speed with which he rushed towards you.

If intimacy happened, and it was incredibly pleasant for you, but you understand that there is a freedom-loving man next to you, then tell him: “I felt very good with you. I will run to you even from my husband.

Believe me, this will be a turning point in his life and will push your man to marry you.

Because your partner will have a million thoughts in his head that you can’t even imagine him as your husband. To his question: “What do you think that I cannot be your husband?” just smile sweetly and go to the shower. Do not explain anything, do not reveal your cards to him.

How to push a man into marriage

Now an example from life. Tatyana met a guy who she incredibly liked, but this guy did not even think about the wedding. Therefore, after the second night, she uttered her signature phrase, which turned her fate around.

She told him: "To such a virtuoso of sex as you, I will run even from my husband."

To say he was taken aback is an understatement. After a while, the man could not stand it, and asked, “So you see me only as a walking dildo? Do you think I'm good for anything else?"

In response, the man did not hear anything intelligible. Then he set out to make this arrogant person fall in love with him seriously and for a long time. Six months later, this couple played a wedding.

Pulling three months, keeping him close to you is not an easy task. You can play the next game with him, as soon as your man does an act that pleases you, you take a step towards him, and as soon as you do not like his actions, you take a step back.

For example, he gave you flowers for the first time - you let him kiss you on the cheek, now presents in the form of flowers are not considered as a step forward. But you always let him kiss you on the cheek in meetings.

Then, he helped you with the repair of the car, you take the second step towards - hug him. Now he is allowed to kiss you on the cheek and hug you. If he canceled an earlier date, you take a step back and cancel the hug. Now you are at the first stage and only kiss on the cheek.

Only the next positive act will allow you to take a step forward. Such a game will gradually bring you closer. And it will give an incentive to your man to show himself more and more. Naturally, only you know about the conditions of the game. And he only gets results.

As you can see, getting a man to marry is not so difficult, the main thing is to know how to do it right. Perhaps you know some other ways to get a man to marry?

Write in the comments.


At the meeting, make a surprised face, they say, “what a surprise!”. Do not show embarrassment, otherwise he will guess that everything was set up. Be confident and at ease. If the meeting place turns out to be a cafe, then after saying hello, it is best to go to another table. If a guy is interested in you, he will gladly offer to join you or, if he himself is in a cafe with friends, he will ask you to keep them company.

  • Look from him, to yourself, to especially attractive parts of your body, such as your wrists, hips, shoulders and décolleté. It is not necessary, of course, to defiantly look at all your charms. By this you will show your readiness for closer communication, and now we are talking only about the first stage of your relationship, when everything else is still far away.

  • In order to amuse his pride, any little thing said at the right time and place will do. It is not necessary, of course, to talk about how pimples or a scar on his face decorate him, perhaps this is the main complex young man. Therefore, look, do not miss with a compliment, so as not to get into a mess.

  • "For help!". After all, every man is a knight. We will not talk now about the fact that these knights have long been crushed and now many of them are able to lift only a computer mouse instead of a sword. Awaken the instinct of a protector and assistant in a guy more often. Even if your loved one is not Alain Delon at all, this does not mean that he should not give you a hand when leaving the trolleybus or skip ahead when entering the store. Do not be shy to ask him for help, while saying how good it is when there is a man's shoulder nearby, which you can always lean on. These magic words will help turn even the most complete nerd into a real hero.
  • You are being ignored! Sometimes you need to behave slightly detached with a guy so that he falls in love: for prevention, move him a little away from the guy. All "individuals" of the male sex, whatever one may say, are hunters, and we, women, are their desired prey. Don't be easy prey. Sometimes send your boyfriend to complete ignore, let him get a little nervous, which may miss you. For example, do not call him yourself and finish phone conversation first. Refuse some dates, referring to employment.

    Try to catch the eye of the object of your sympathy as often as possible. Give him the opportunity to notice that such a beauty is walking very close to him. When he realizes this (you will understand this from his interested look), go directly to the offensive. Try talking to him, asking for help, or "accidentally" come face to face with him. If you feel strained and awkward in a conversation, end it first. In this case, the guy will most likely want to continue the conversation and ask when else you can see or ask for a phone number.

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How to behave with a guy so that he falls in love?

Today, when many guys are not better girls and real men are less and less common, unfortunately the time for serenades under the window has passed a long time ago and therefore some girls are ready to do anything, behave very cunningly “like a woman” so that he falls in love and start fighting for the heart of a gentleman.

Many girls are constantly wondering how to behave with a guy so that he falls in love with you. There are more and more options on how to seduce a guy every minute. You just need to show imagination and a little ingenuity and you will definitely achieve the desired result. We bring to your attention several ways how to get precious male attention.

1) "A chance meeting." When you hang out with a guy you like, you can speed up the development of your relationship by using various common places of entertainment. Find out from your desired object, as if by chance, quite by chance, where he likes to spend his free time, and then quite casually look there with your girlfriend. Just don't dare the very next day after talking with him to run to the place where he can be. This is not something that will alert a person, perhaps he will even be scared. So it's best to wait a while so that you don't seem intrusive.

2) Listen more than talk. The girl is ugly to talk too much, it would be better if you listen to what he tells you. I understand that this is not very easy, because all the girls are big talkers, but if you don’t want to push the guy away, but still make him fall in love with you, then you should shut up for a while and carefully listen to everything he tells you . Of course, you should not go too far in this matter either. Just respect yourself and your person.

3) Eye to eye. This is probably one of the most powerful exercises in the fight for male happiness. After all, girls are sometimes told: “you can drown in your eyes”, believe me, this is possible, you just need to look right. But even in this case there are rules. You don't have to look at the guy's face all the time. Try to catch his gaze on you and answer it beautifully, and then languidly lower your eyes down. Of course, you can’t flaunt all your charms, because by doing this you can betray your readiness for close communication.

4) Sense of humor. The most important thing to worry about is that your boyfriend is not bored with you. You need to be always in a good mood; this will show that even problems and troubles fade next to this person. Try to joke, but only if it is appropriate and in moderation. Don't flaunt your lack of sense of humor by spouting nonsense. If you didn’t understand what he said, whether it was a joke or not, then just tactfully keep silent or answer with a beautiful smile.

5) Admire his talents. All men are very narcissistic and even a little selfish, so they will be happy with any compliment in their direction. Use this knowledge in the right way. If he plays sports, then compliment him on his good physical condition. Say that you have never seen such beautiful, strong and courageous hands. I assure you, the guy will be very pleased.


How to behave with a guy so that he falls in love?

If a girl has set herself the goal of being with a young man, then nothing can stop her. There are so many secrets about how to behave with a guy so that he falls in love.

Love, as you know, inspires, which is why many people are looking forward to the moment when Cupid's arrow finally hits their hearts.

The representatives of the weaker sex, of course, are most prone to romanticism and sentimentality, which sometimes makes them, literally, "hostages of love."

Some of them are ready to go to any tricks, to behave with a guy in a feminine way so that he falls in love. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, the time of troubadours and serenades under the window has long passed, and now very often it is the ladies who have to fight for the hearts of gentlemen. But now no one will dare to reproach someone for their unfolding fate, because in the 21st century we decide it exclusively ourselves.

Many modern girls are wondering how to behave with a guy so that he falls in love. There are more and more options for seduction every day. It remains only to show imagination and a little ingenuity in order to achieve the desired result. Let's talk about the most unpretentious ways to attract precious male attention.

  • "Random Encounter" When communicating with a young man, you can accelerate the development of your relationship with the help of common places for entertainment. Find out from your potential boyfriend, as if by the way, where he likes to spend his free time, and somehow completely “accidentally” look there with a friend. Just do not need the very next day after talking with a guy to run headlong to where, as you found out, he likes to be. This will not only immediately alert the young man, but perhaps even scare him away from you. So take some time to not seem intrusive.

At the meeting, make a surprised face, they say, “what a surprise!”. Do not show embarrassment, otherwise he will guess that everything was set up. Be confident and at ease. If the meeting place turns out to be a cafe, then after saying hello, it is best to go to another table.

If a guy is interested in you, he will gladly offer to join you or, if he himself is in a cafe with friends, he will ask you to keep them company.

  • Light flirting. This is one of the main methods of seduction. The main thing here is not to overdo it, so as not to look accessible and vulgar from the outside. Connect your feminine charm, use body language and gestures. Believe me, not a single guy can resist the skillful seduction and female charms.
  • Attentive listener. When meeting a guy you like, you should listen carefully if he tells you something. Men usually don't talk idly, so his desire for communication speaks for itself about his interest.

Try to listen more than talk. I understand that this is not at all easy to do, since all of us, girls, talkers and rattles, ready to lay out all the “secrets of the Madrid court” in a couple of minutes. So if you want not to push him away, but to make him fall in love, then bite your tongue for a while and turn into a rumor. Of course, you shouldn’t go too far either, so don’t be a tame dog that catches and fulfills any word of its owner. Respect both the young man and yourself.

  • Eyes to eyes. Eye contact is perhaps the most powerful weapon in the fight for a man's heart. No wonder they say that you can "drown in these eyes." However, there are rules here too. Don't look at the guy's face for a long time. Try to catch his gaze on you and answer it, and then languidly lower your eyes down.

    Look from him, to yourself, to especially attractive parts of your body, such as your wrists, hips, shoulders and décolleté.

    It is not necessary, of course, to defiantly look at all your charms. By this you will show your readiness for closer communication, and now we are talking only about the first stage of your relationship, when everything else is still far away.

  • Sense of humor. Make sure that the object of your sympathy is not bored with you. Be always in a good mood, by this you will show that even problems and troubles fade next to him. Show off your sense of humor, but only if you have it. No need to flaunt his absence, carrying all sorts of nonsense. If you did not understand some of his phrases (i.e. was it a joke or not), it is better to tactfully keep silent or answer with a sly smile.
  • admiration for his talents. As everyone knows, men are quite proud and selfish, so they are flattered by any compliment that sounded to them. Use this knowledge in the right direction. For example, if he goes to the sports section, then pay attention to his biceps, saying that he has never seen such strong and courageous hands. I assure you, from such a statement the guy will be in seventh heaven with happiness.

    In order to amuse his pride, any little thing said at the right time and place will do.

    It is not necessary, of course, to talk about how acne or a scar on his face decorates him, perhaps this is the main complex of a young man. Therefore, look, do not miss with a compliment, so as not to get into a mess.

  • "And me too…". Find common topics for conversation. If you are about the same age, then remember some stories from your childhood. Perhaps a similar story once happened to your potential boyfriend. Share, for example, how you used to collect “Love is…” gum liners or watch “Tom and Jerry”. The commonality of interests, like nothing else, brings people together and disposes them to further, closer (in the good sense of the word) communication.
  • "For help!". After all, every man is a knight. We will not talk now about the fact that these knights have long been crushed and now many of them are able to lift only a computer mouse instead of a sword. Awaken the instinct of a protector and assistant in a guy more often. Even if your loved one is not Alain Delon at all, this does not mean that he should not give you a hand when leaving the trolleybus or skip ahead when entering the store.

    Do not be shy to ask him for help, while saying how good it is when there is a man's shoulder nearby, which you can always lean on.

    These magic words will help turn even the most complete nerd into a real hero.

  • “You can’t, you can’t ...., okay, you can.” Do not be touchy, but at the same time do not allow too much. The main thing here is not to go beyond what is permitted. If you are dating recently, then the maximum that you can allow a guy is to take his hand. In the future, it is worth gradually reducing the list of prohibited body parts, provided that he himself does not abuse your trust. It all depends on you, how quickly and what exactly you want to achieve from your lover. With a fleeting passion, you can very quickly allow him to lower his hands much below the waist, but if you still hope for a serious and long-term relationship, be more modest and chaste (at least at first).
  • You are being ignored! Sometimes you need to behave slightly detached with a guy so that he falls in love: for prevention, move him a little away from the guy. All "individuals" of the male sex, whatever one may say, are hunters, and we, women, are their desired prey. Don't be easy prey. Sometimes send your boyfriend to complete ignore, let him get a little nervous, which may miss you.

    For example, do not call him yourself and end the phone conversation first. Refuse some dates, referring to employment.

    Keep meeting time to a minimum by saying goodbye and running away on business. Let the guy know that in addition to him you have your own interesting life, and you cannot wait for a call 24 hours a day and be always at his disposal. Do not run at the first call for a date, because you are not a dog, and he is not your master. It is these independent girls that attract attention and command respect from guys. Therefore, if you are interested in the question of how to behave with a guy so that he falls in love, first of all learn to love yourself.

    How to behave with a guy if he does not notice you?

    If a guy does not pay attention to you, and you definitely want him to fall in love with you, do not despair, but act. In fact, it is not difficult to conquer a guy. Connect all your feminine charm and, of course, cunning. After all, a woman is not a woman if she does not possess this valuable quality. There is even an expression about us: "Cunning, like a fox."

    Try to catch the eye of the object of your sympathy as often as possible.

    Give him the opportunity to notice that such a beauty is walking very close to him.

    When he realizes this (you will understand this from his interested look), go directly to the offensive. Try talking to him, asking for help, or "accidentally" come face to face with him. If you feel strained and awkward in a conversation, end it first. In this case, the guy will most likely want to continue the conversation and ask when else you can see or ask for a phone number.

    Do not wait for his call, like manna from heaven. Usually young people do not call immediately the next day. Wait 2-3 days, if he does not call within a week, then you should not hope anymore.

    If a guy asks you out on a date, don't get excited right into the phone. Be silent for a while, as if considering his proposal, then announce exactly when you can meet with him.

    You should not rush into his arms on the first date. Conduct yourself calmly and with dignity. It is these virtues that will help you understand how to behave with a guy so that he falls in love

    How to behave with a guy if he has another?

    Sometimes it happens that on the way to your happiness there is an obstacle in the face of the girl of your beloved. In this case, for starters, you should make sure of the strength of their feelings, perhaps they are serious and you should not destroy this idyll at all. If it seems to you that everything is “shaky-roll”, then it is quite possible to fight for the right to be in the place of your rival.

  1. First, get the guy's attention (I've already said how to do this).
  2. Secondly, prove to him that you are much more attractive and sexier in appearance than his girlfriend, and a much more interesting and entertaining conversationalist.

Since young people love variety and novelty, this will be your main trump card in an invisible fight with his girlfriend. Of course, you don’t need to be too assertive and go ahead with the phrase about his current girlfriend: “Not a wall - it will move”, but just skillfully show your boyfriend all your virtues.

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Video: How to behave with a guy? Relationship psychology

Relationships are tricky things. Here you need to rely not only on your own feelings, because sometimes they are deceptive, but also on your skills. To achieve these skills, only your life experience will help you, so do not be afraid to make mistakes. Perhaps the first guy will not respond to your sympathy, but the second one will seek your location.

Still, it is men who should conquer women, and not vice versa, and, despite the new rules that modern life dictates to us, it has always been, is and will be so.

Attention, only TODAY!

Reading time: 4 min

How to behave with a man? There are documented and unspoken rules regarding human behavior that determine permissibility and upbringing, courtesy and observance of certain traditions - all these types of behavior tell us from childhood, but it is not always customary to tell a girl how to behave with a man, and in some this topic in general taboo. However, with a certain line of behavior, you can improve relationships or ruin them completely, choosing how to behave, you choose the future fate of the relationship.

Dealing with such a sensitive issue is to determine how to behave with a man at the beginning of a relationship, since it is better to initially build everything in a way that is comfortable for you than to spend years and thousands on your own and couples psychotherapy in an attempt to edit what happened. And difficulties usually arise due to the fact that at the initial stages people are rarely quite frank, but try to play some kind of role, certainly something similar to the true picture, but still less voluminous and real. Such behavior is dictated by the desire to please, and then you can observe how a woman laughs at not funny jokes, eats fast food, although before that she aspired to veganism, hides her aggressiveness and criticism of her companion, hides some facts of her biography (for example, radical views or extreme love).

Some try to squeeze into the replicated image and are touched by the children, portray responsiveness, rejoice in cooking as the last happiness. Such metamorphoses are due to the desire to hide their own shortcomings and exaggerate the positive qualities considered among men, but there are also moments when a woman does not express her frank opinion, confuses traces in answers to questions in order to maintain her own safety, to close sore spots that are not yet close to a loved one. I don’t want to open it, but that can significantly affect further relations. What was not the reason for such theatricalization, the result is the same - a woman cannot stand playing the chosen role around the clock, and relationships are getting closer, and if being a smiling shy woman twice a week was not difficult, then portraying it around the clock, being the director construction company, will lead to the collapse of either a relationship or a career.

Either comes out, in some families it happens after the birth of children and a fairly long experience of life together, but then the man leaves, faced with irreconcilable traits, or even reconcilable ones, but the fact of deception gives rise to such a large level of distrust that no further deep interaction is possible anymore.

How to behave with a man so that he himself reaches out to a woman - psychology

In order not to be mistaken and understand how to behave with a man at the beginning of a relationship, you should imagine that you are communicating with an old and close friend or relative, with that person who does not need to be impressed and meet standards, but you can be yourself in any state and any manifestations. Talk about your dissatisfaction, and do not swallow irritation in the hope that you will endure it; go out without make-up, if this is normal in your daily life; show your character and do not try to seem weaker or dumber on purpose - in general, behave naturally. Firstly, such sincerity captivates and turns on interest, secondly, a man immediately notices that there is a person and a living person nearby, and not a comfortable doll in a beautiful package, and thirdly, such honesty will allow you to avoid your own tension, because he who does not suit who you are will not continue the relationship. And this is perhaps the most profitable investment of such a course of action - you immediately weed out not your people, ensure your safety for the future, since terrible secrets will not be revealed, and save time for the worthy or your own pleasure.

Here is such a not cunning in voice acting, but problematic in execution rule for starting a relationship, it is easier given to those who regularly deal with issues of their own soul, mechanisms and features, since the lack of sincerity and strangers is necessary due to the presence of complexes or severe mental wounds, children's introjects, not allowing you to open up and present yourself to the world in the capacity that is actual presentation personality.

When the first stages of the relationship have been completed and everything is going well for you, the question begins to arise how to behave with a man correctly so that boredom or scandals do not gobble up the relationship, and the darling himself is constantly drawn to interacting with a woman.

How to behave with a man so that he does not go to another? It is worth starting not with the most important, but the most frequent one - this is maintaining your own external attractiveness. On the one hand, having looked at each other over the years, they will already forgive you a lot, but it is contraindicated to aggravate the situation to the point that a woman preens only before going out, and with her husband she walks in a terrible way, or forgets about her appearance and gains twenty kilograms, is contraindicated. Take care of the healthy condition of your own skin and body, keep your hair and nails in order - minimum requirements respect for oneself, namely, the interest of others begins with it. Chasing liposuction and plastic surgery is overkill, but do not forget about perfumes, beautiful underwear and stylish clothes, and sports should not be aimed at pumping a pile of muscles, but at maintaining good health and proper metabolism.

Men want attention and care. Important nuance that care should not be maternal (“put on a scarf, do not walk with the guys for a long time”) and not intrusive (when a woman has learned to guess the desires of a man by her look and fulfills them, forgetting about herself). Care should reflect male-female relations, and he has a mother, a maid can be ordered in the appropriate service. Here it is worth focusing on keeping the conversation going when he talks about his significant topics, as well as paying attention to his preferences (you can - support an intimate experiment or cook what he asked for dinner). Praise in time, notice good things even in a failed situation, wisely point out mistakes and shortcomings, is perceived as concern if it is expressed correctly and in accordance with the situation, and in the future he will increasingly want to come back for your opinion. As for the material side, sometimes pamper him with absolutely useless, but desirable things, create a cozy atmosphere at home. If you think that you and the house are different things, then know that many men note how cold and empty the house became when the wife left.

She avoids complete merging and dissolution in her adored man. Many women abandon their lives and completely immerse themselves in the life of their husband, at first it looks like supporting his interests and striving to spend time together, but as a result it turns out that they need periods of rest from each other, their own space. But by the time of understanding the need for rest, usually a woman has already lost her own hobbies, and is trying hard to impose her company or control on her husband. Respect for other people's interests is absolutely inviolable rules. A man should have time and resources for his own hobbies and friends not in common with a woman. At the same time, the requirements of the report, constant calling, surveillance of him are humiliating for both. We will not mention the inviolability of his mail, phone and social profiles once again. To keep from this kind of pressure, keep up your own non-pressure activities and learn to have a great time no matter where you are.

The way you solve problems and express your own dissatisfaction also plays a role - if you do it in a manipulative manner or make a fuss, find fault, itch every day, then the man will most likely run away. All claims and disagreements should be discussed in an open form, without trying to put pressure on feelings, from a position of cooperation, because relationships are a joint product.

And in order for a man to reach out to you even after quarrels, you will need a spiritual community, which is achieved by joint interests and activities. But people can spend a lot of time apart, work in different fields and have absolutely no understanding of each other's hobbies, but have strong relationships. The secret is in the same life goals, set priorities and unspoken mental claims, ranking the significance of events and ways to achieve goals.

In general, for a man to be drawn to a woman, she must be a psychologically adult open person, with her own convictions and the ability to build productive contact, if the man himself is psychologically formed. Infantiles will always look for mothers and none of your internal organization will force him to return, except for absorbing care, habitual control and the ability of a woman to bear double responsibility.

How to behave with a man so that he falls in love

One-sided love is an excellent inspiration for creativity, judging by the number of works dedicated to suffering, but those who fell in love with each other are no longer up to poems and paintings. If you still do not want to choose a creative path, then you can direct the energy level that has risen against the background of a hormonal surge into the channel of an indifferent object of adoration falling in love with you. A man can easily be captivated by his own beauty, an interesting meeting, some kind of proposal, but not always the hobby develops into love. The mistake is that without information about the man, having received a piece of individual attention, the woman believes that everything has come together successfully, and now he will bathe her in champagne, and the man loses his quickly sparked interest and disappears from the radar after a couple of joint evenings. So constant attention, the manifestation of active interest and analysis of his words, reactions, actions will help to translate the passion into a deeper interest. Your ability to support topics that are interesting to him, your ideas that coincide with his opinion are tools aimed at establishing a more interesting contact.

But watch your own behavior without becoming a sleuth who elicits information. A woman attracts, first of all, with her femininity, distinctive softness from the male world, playfulness and openness. Speaking of feminine manifestations, dresses and lipsticks immediately pop up in my head, but for men, feminine behavior, the ability to build phrases and own voice are much more important. The ignorance of the female world fascinates and captivates, and men strive to unravel the secrets, so naturalness is welcome, but opening all the cards and telling your full biography should not be allowed. Leave room for his fantasy, which is your most faithful assistant, because you will not be able to tell about yourself as temptingly as he can imagine. Talk freely general information, but about deeper or intimate things, try not to talk or gracefully avoid answering with half hints and smiles.

Show interest in a man, communicate, but do not impose. Independence causes a desire to do something for you, the absence of questions about his feelings pushes you to shout about it to the whole area, some coldness and lack of fear of losing him make you fight for you. the hunter works rigorously, and the more complex the prey met on the way, the more interesting the man is, therefore, the more independence you show, the more he will fall in love with you. You can skip his call, go to dinner with a friend, but do not forget to show that you are interested in him - such emotional swings make men emotionally invest in relationships, and they usually do not leave what they put a lot of effort into.

Engage in the expansion and deepening of your own special and social knowledge. The times when a woman was interesting only for her appearance are long gone and now being an interlocutor who is knowledgeable in various areas is the norm. And, besides, a rich dialogue provides opportunities for planning and building a joint further pastime, while after bare intimacy, there is no interest left, and there is nothing more to meet.

Develop your own, because talking with a man only on topics of interest to him, you risk losing his attention soon. The excitement of community passes, and the brain's need for new information remains, so the time will come when you need to gradually reveal the full depth of your own spiritual world, plunging into which a man can experience a variety of emotions. Let it be delight or a desire to convince you, a desire to join or forbid - any reaction will give rise to a further development of relations.

But not only in conversations is the power of the birth of love, but in the tenderness of touches that occur as if by chance, in passing, almost imperceptibly. This is the rapprochement of psychological distance, establishing contact with his body and imprinting in him not only as a spiritual carrier of information, but as a completely living physical object of the opposite sex.

How to behave with a man so that he is afraid of losing

Women are restless beings and at first they worry about starting a relationship, then so that the depth and seriousness of what is happening with the partners coincide, and then they are afraid to lose the existing one. This is what gives rise to the need to settle it in your man, since for the woman herself it is a proof of love and a kind of guarantee of stability and reliability in the future.

The inviolability of someone else's physical and spiritual space, as well as the ability to keep a distance, allow relationships not to wither away and save them from quarrels and scandals due to excessive control. With skillful dosing of your own presence in a man’s life, you get what you want - it is he who will show more attention and activity in your direction and be afraid to lose your disposition. A woman who does not stick to family affairs, attending various events, and both with her man and without him, does not cause cloying. If the time devoted to yourself is used to good use (and it doesn’t matter if you spent that day at the spa or at the training, visited the exhibition or did new hairstyle), then the interest of a man in such a woman doubles. Understanding her value and versatile development, a man adequately assesses his chances and understands that simply lying next to him on the couch will not be enough and someone more interesting can completely capture the attention of his woman. Getting bogged down in everyday life, you lower the bar of your significance and the bar of men's and achievements. A man strives and wins for the sake of a goal or to keep his prey, and for the sake of an ever-sticky bush, with whom you can only talk about fallen off wallpaper, he is unlikely to lift a finger and will be very worried about its presence or absence in his life.

Choose the policy of relations as between good friends, instead of the Soviet house-building and total patriarchy. When you can keep up any conversation with your man and he does not have to strain his brain, what threatens to discuss the next topic (, scandal, reproaches), then the level of frankness in the relationship increases infinitely and he will not have to go to other people for an understanding word (not necessarily a mistress , perhaps to friends, but the value of a woman who does not understand is minimal). Respect his opinion and interests, remember, because you will express your disagreement to a friend, calmly argue why, but leave it to him to decide and choose how to live on, continuing to accept him and this choice, why in relation to own man you need to build a totalitarian regime with the only correct opinion. Again, do not give in to your interests and do not let your loved one push through his own point of view, just as you do not live by friendly decrees. Listen, ask for advice, but do not let them command - such relationships are possible only in a bilateral mode and, without respecting the choice of a person, you do not have the right to demand respect for your own decisions.

Do not remain the same by choosing a line of behavior that once worked perfectly - this is a mistake, because it was not the line that worked, but the innovation that it brought. When a man gets enough of your modesty or independence, he will cease to admire it, and over time will begin to annoy, and not the quality, but the constancy and immutability of your personality. A woman, first of all in men's eyes, is a storehouse of various emotional sensations, so do not be afraid to show both your own anger and defenselessness. The more diverse the range of emotional reactions and information a man will receive from you, the more often spontaneity will appear (not to be confused with critical unpredictability that can lead to hysteria), the more you will appreciate and be afraid to make mistakes in your own actions towards you.

Do not force a person to change according to your vision of the rules and elections, accept it and when you want to show your concern, do it in the way that a particular man will appreciate. Those. if he prefers hiking and pizza while playing online, then you don’t need to drag him to an Italian restaurant to eat oysters - it will be awkward and stressful for everyone, but if you put him a tray of burgers and go to a friend while he and other players go through another raid, then you can return under his praise of you on Skype to your comrades complaining about their wives.

Do not forget about the intimate side, because men forgive everything for excellent mistresses - a mess in the house, boorish behavior, idleness and outright stupidity. And the point is not in the notorious “everyone needs one”, but in the fact that in order to deliver maximum pleasure, you will have to learn a lot in terms of techniques, master foreplay and massage, understand the intricacies of the influence of colors, smells, temperatures, products. And this is just the beginning, which must be creatively applied each time in different ways, subtly feeling the state of the man and the environment at the empathic level. Men do not need girls who spread their legs at the first hint - there are plenty of them, they need a woman who knows how to feel it and deliver the necessary psychological states- relaxation, confidence, inspiration, strength, humility, the ability to look from the other side.

The principle “if you want to keep it, let it go” works one hundred percent, because then the decision to be with you is the man’s own sincere desire, and even spurred on external factors your independence. This adds strength, joy and energy, while constant monitoring and interrogation simply kill any desire, except for the desire to quickly disappear beyond the horizon.

Speaker of the Medical and Psychological Center "PsychoMed"

Often girls aged 16-20, and sometimes even 40 years old, do not know how to behave with a guy. They are shy, pretend to be Miss Inaccessible, a calculating bitch, a little girl, a tough chick or something worse. Of course, such a mask can arouse interest, but for how long? As a rule, no. If the calculation is for a long-term serious relationship, the girl needs to express herself differently. But how to behave with the guy you like? Today I will tell you a couple of secrets, having learned that you will never be abandoned or rejected again.

healthy selfishness

Surprisingly, it is reasonable egoism that is the main secret of male success. It really doesn't matter what you look like. What matters is how you feel about yourself. Surely you have noticed couples in which he or she is, to put it mildly, "not very". Or watched as unremarkable girls successfully build relationships, and sultry beauties spend evenings alone. Does it surprise you? I'm gone.

It is impossible to love a person who does not love himself. Even if a girl is super beautiful, but at the same time she constantly finds flaws in herself, is afraid to express herself, then the guy will very soon perceive her the same way. In addition, with low self-esteem, a person often swallows insults and insults, and does not know how to build personal boundaries. It is difficult to build a healthy relationship with him.

But how to express this most healthy egoism? Just love yourself. Sincerely, with all the shortcomings. Each person is valuable in their own way. Even if you don't look or feel great right now, you don't need to focus on it. Never lower your head, keep it up high. Don't overdo it.

Keep improving and taking care of yourself. Try to do it out of love for yourself, and not to evaluate others. Remember dignity. Do not run after the guy, he must still try to get such a valuable "prize". But don't be arrogant, be open to communication.

Facial expression and body language

How do animals understand each other? That's right, body movements. This is the oldest way of communication, and between people too. So, if you constantly cross your legs and arms, then you thereby close yourself from the interlocutor. If you constantly look around, you show boredom. To win over a guy, you need to behave as follows:

manner of communication

You know what annoys guys the most about girls? Excessive talkativeness, screeching and swear words. First, guys just can't absorb large amounts of information. Especially if they are full of irrelevant details. Their attention simply turns off, they stop listening to the girl at all. Secondly, the shrill high notes that appear in the girls when they are excited, greatly cut the ear. And, thirdly, mat. Of course, this is part of our rich Russian language and sometimes it is really impossible to do without it. But if a girl uses a strong word in every sentence, then there is a feeling that you are not communicating with a beautiful creature who needs care and love, but with a rude, uncouth man.

Now about how to behave properly with a guy. There are only a few important rules:

  1. Keep it short and to the point, especially when it comes to something important.
  2. If you need to ask a guy about something, do not use hints. Ask openly.
  3. Listen carefully to him, ask, find common interests and topics for conversation.
  4. Watch your intonation. A calm, chesty voice acts seductively on the guys. Screechy, on the contrary, repels.
  5. Don't give details about former relationship even if he asks for it. All information will be used against you.

Expression of feelings

Many girls run after a guy, beat him off his rivals and, as a result, get their way. You can do this if you are not afraid that your beloved will be arrogant and will treat you with disdain. In this case, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to continue to constantly prove the “worthiness” of your candidacy. But it's better to do otherwise.

You need to express sympathy for a guy unobtrusively, using all your female cunning. For example, you can ask him to fix something at home, and use the pretext to feed him deliciously. Also, guys love when they are sincerely admired, they talk on any topic openly and honestly. Friendly unobtrusive communication, the manifestation of their feminine qualities - this is the key to success. The guy will seek such a girl himself.

Behavior in conflict situations

Often girls do not know how to behave with a guy during a quarrel or showdown. Not everyone can control themselves when they are overcome by resentment, anger or jealousy. But everything can be learned. Consider some of the most common conflict situations:

Finally, I want to touch on another burning topic. Almost all girls dream of serious attitude to themselves, while the guys just want to "walk". All vows and assurances of love remain only words. And now little advice. To make things really serious, you need to not only pay attention to how you behave with a guy, but also develop yourself and relationships. It is important to get to know your parents, to strive to create your own family. Then you will definitely succeed. Good luck!

Olga, Saratov

When building relationships with guys, it's important to stick to certain rules. Many girls feel embarrassed, shy, and someone begins to behave too provocatively and boldly, trying to mask embarrassment. Often a girl puts on some kind of mask, inventing an image for herself that is too different from herself. As a result, communication can become unpleasant and relationships too confusing. Be yourself, remember the simple guidelines and always follow them. You will quickly learn how to communicate with guys correctly, become a natural, pleasant and interesting conversationalist.

Rules for talking to guys Your Goals
First of all, think about why you are establishing a relationship with a particular guy. This will also affect communication. Try not to constantly change your strategies and behaviors, do not mislead a person. In the process of communication, you should not play a double game, try to deceive the guy. No one will like falsehood and manipulation methods. So you can accidentally push a person away from you, without even wanting it.
  1. Acquaintance. If your communication with a guy is still at the initial stage, you get to know each other, do not place any accents yourself. Sometimes girls immediately begin to establish closer contact. Someone, on the contrary, instantly makes you feel the distance, shows that only friendship is possible between them. You have not yet had time to understand what kind of guy is in front of you, how do you know how the relationship will develop later? Most often, after a while, a girl has to radically change her manner of communication when she is disappointed in a guy or suddenly sees his positive aspects. The young man will eventually decide that the girl is fickle, she herself does not know what she is striving for. In most cases, the impression remains unpleasant. In addition, the guy himself may want to outline the development of relationships. If you do everything for him, he will not feel responsible.
  2. Friendship. When you have already determined that you would like to be friends with a guy, try to gently show it if necessary. Communication should be natural, it is important to build relationships honestly. Do not leave any disagreements. If a guy has illusions, they must be dispelled. Otherwise, you will find yourself hostage to the wrong manner of communication: the longer you keep the guy delusions about your potential relationship development, the more difficult it will be later to explain to him how you really feel. It's no secret that some girls, not knowing exactly how the romance with their beloved will turn out, plan a "spare" with another guy. And then they act according to the circumstances. Don't play with fire! If you do this, you will hurt another person, sooner or later the same thing can happen to you. It is better to decide on all priorities at once.
  3. Love. Are you in love? Yes, then it is simply necessary to communicate with guys correctly! You can make some of the most common mistakes that will push your loved one away from you. Try to follow some rules so that everything goes well, and communication is always pleasant:
    • do not hide your feelings, do not show indifference or arrogance, be late for dates on purpose, etc.;
    • do not rush to "rush on the neck" of the guy;
    • behave carefully and do not try to cause jealousy, check the feelings of your loved one: why provoke a guy and worsen your relationship?
Once you've figured out what kind of relationship you're in, start building it calmly and carefully. Show care, attention, try to be yourself. Communication should be pleasant for both of you!

Learn how to properly communicate with guys. Some Tips
Follow simple rules so that your communication with guys is easy, natural and positive.

  1. Be yourself. Create your image, change styles, correct flaws and improve for the sake of your loved one. But always be yourself. Do not try to appear better, weaker, stronger than you really are. You can be genuinely interested in a guy's hobby, even start attending football with him or go hiking. Just do not change at all, fully adapting to his interests, and do not try to deceive him by saying that cars are your passion. Especially if you do not distinguish Opel from Audi. Your game will open quickly and the guy will be disappointed.
  2. Don't talk too much. Let the guy do the talking. He will probably get bored quickly if he only listens to you and fails to get a word in. You have a great opportunity to get to know the guy better, see how he behaves, how he directs the conversation, what he is interested in. Sometimes girls start talking a lot out of embarrassment, some tend to brag about their achievements. This should not be done - communication should be natural, two-way.
  3. Do not be silent. The other extreme is silence. The girl is shy and does not know how to keep the conversation going. The guy will be completely unaware: maybe you are not interested? Or have you been thinking about your own for a long time, do not listen to him? Try to keep the conversation going, and if you don’t know or don’t understand something, just ask.
  4. Let him make an appointment. It is not worth hinting at the next meeting. Much better if the guy makes the next appointment himself. The initiative must come from him. He will not only be happy with his leading role in a couple, but also feel a certain responsibility.
  5. Modesty. Many are worried about what it is - modesty. And does she need modern girl? Of course! This does not mean that you need to frown, be shy, shy away from any rapprochement. You just should not immediately agree to everything and demonstrate excessive courage and looseness. It is likely that at first the guy will even like this behavior, but then he will definitely think about whether to take your relationship as serious. Maybe this girl is just frivolous? The young man will probably decide that everything is not so important, since the relationship is developing so quickly.
  6. Cloth. Choose outfits according to the circumstances. Why shine in a gorgeous dress if you just went out for a walk? The guy is dressed simply, and you look like a Hollywood star... He will feel awkward. Perhaps he will conclude that clothes play too big a role for you.
  7. Cosmetics. Perfect option- use a minimum of cosmetics, stick to one set of natural shades. Otherwise, the guy will probably be wondering: what are you hiding under the layers of cosmetics? Why is it so necessary?.. Emphasize your natural beauty, do not make a mask out of your face. Remember that most guys aren't into artificial looks.
  8. Attentiveness and sensitivity. Does your boyfriend talk too much about himself? You wanted to point out to him his mistakes? Be careful! It is very important to be sensitive: it is very easy to offend a person, but it is not easy to correct the situation later. Try to be gentle.
  9. Positive. A positive attitude will help you communicate with guys correctly. Build relationships freely, do not constrain yourself. It is not worth discussing problems for a long time, complaining about troubles is not worth it. Let communication bring joy.
Build relationships, figure out your feelings yourself and try not to deceive guys. Save your face, enjoy every conversation and be tactful. Then communication with the guys will be pleasant!