Monthly care plan Cosmetologists have made a weekly skin care schedule

Each of us has a morning and evening skin care ritual. How complex is your beauty program? Are there any extra steps in it - or maybe, on the contrary, something important is missing? Here is a French beautician-approved facial and body care program that makes life so much easier.


Wash your face with a mild cleanser, rinse with warm water and spritz with cool thermal water. Cornflower blue water is a completely natural, alcohol-free “water” that many French women use after washing. It also helps shrink pores. Rose water is another secret French water that gives the skin a subtle glow as well as a divine scent.

Another secret to a good mood: dark blue bottles of cornflower blue and rose water decorate the bathroom very much. (And just think that Marie Antoinette and the Marquise de Pompadour probably had the same ones.)

Now it's your turn day cream. I recently switched to a cream with a high content of hyaluronic acid. In our body, it is responsible for skin density and water retention. It is with the help of injections that deep wrinkles are filled. If you use this acid as an external agent, the procedure is not frightening. The molecules of this acid are too large to pass through the skin when applied topically, but they help the penetration of other substances such as vitamins A and C. This acid has particularly powerful moisturizing properties and helps to restore the turgor, or firmness, of the epidermis. Ideally, hyaluronic acid products should also contain retinoids, which many experts believe stimulate collagen production and keep skin supple.

I interviewed four of my girlfriends on the subject of application eye creams.

Both Marie-Claude and Claudine and Marion and Dani all told me that although they are very picky about creams, they do not use any eye cream. special means. My dermatologist and her absolutely stunning assistant also told me that they don't use any eye creams, day or night.


In the evening, you need to carefully and gently remove all traces of makeup. Then rinse your face and spray again mineral water. Tap water is sometimes very hard, high in calcium, and dries out the skin.

Want to eye makeup remover? It is not necessary to buy a separate tool. Both the Vichy 3-in-1 cleansing cream recommended by Joel Siocco and Dr. Ser's favorite ABCDerm H2O, with which I alternate it, are real champions in removing even the most waterproof mascara. The second product is micellar, which means no rinsing is required.

Both products can be bought in pharmacies, they last for many months, and they cost only a few euros.

Now you need to apply serum with vitamin C. Wait a couple of minutes for it to be absorbed and apply on top. night cream. The whole procedure takes from three to four minutes, and the results, as they say, are obvious. A serum and cream combo isn't an absolute must, but it's definitely a good idea.

Although vitamin C serums promote collagen production, they do not have a moisturizing effect, so if you have dry skin, a night cream will be a great addition.

Since a perfectly clean surface is ready to absorb anti-aging products, the evening is most suitable for retinoid creams and formulas with moisturizing ingredients such as glycerin. Our body temperature rises slightly during sleep, which makes it easier for creams and serums to penetrate deeper.

Once a week

Gommage (exfoliation, mechanical peeling) gently removes the top dead skin layer and makes the surface of the skin of the face flawlessly clean and pink. (“Gommage” is French for “erasing,” and “gom” is a rubber eraser used to erase a word.)

Gommage can also be carried out for slightly weathered lips.

After gommage, it would be good to make a very soft moisturizing mask.

If you leave a moisturizing mask on your face all night instead of a night cream, you will wake up stunningly beautiful. Checked. (You can do this once or twice a week, no more.)

Moisturizing masks are not very viscous. Once you've found the one you like the most, try lying your head on a pillow after fifteen or twenty minutes (with a clean, fresh pillowcase, of course) and you'll see great results.

Body care

Cosmetic care does not end with the neck. French women take care of their bodies with the same zeal and care, trying to keep their skin soft, smooth, hairless and smelling good.

For them, gommage and daily hydration are golden rules. You can use the same scrub, as for the face, but I and my acquaintances prefer a more substantial exfoliation. The body tolerates it well and the results are much better.

Exfoliating massage of the whole body creates the feeling that you have died and gone to heaven. In an ideal world, I would put it on my list of things to do every month.

To make your own scrub, one beautician advised mixing almond oil with sea ​​salt medium grit. Sugar will do if the salt is too coarse for you. Take one tablespoon of salt (or sugar) and add oil to get a nice and fairly liquid consistency.

The French are very fond of adding a little of this, a pinch of that. You can add some table salt to your facial scrub for a great body scrub. Be especially careful to rub the salt crystals on your elbows, knees and heels.

Sometimes I use a paste of lemon juice and baking soda on my elbows. I apply it in the shower with a pre-boiled bath mitt.

On those days when you have a lot of things to do and absolutely no time for multi-stage procedures, just apply on a boiled bath mitt body cream and make a light gommage, and when you get out of the shower, apply moisturizer.

A moisturizer must necessarily contain urea, since this is a very important component that promotes deep hydration and creates on the surface protective film to keep moisture inside. This is another substance that is found in the human body. Creams with a urea content of 10 percent or more remove keratinized scales from dry areas of the skin, making its surface smooth and elastic. Also, urea relieves itching that occurs due to overdried skin.

Dr. Valerie Galle recommends a concentration between 5 and 10 percent, depending on the condition of the skin. Again, the more the better for the elbows, knees, heels and sometimes the hands. Of course, it does not look glamorous, but it gives results.

“If a woman has not become beautiful by the age of 30, she is simply stupid,” this saying cut my ear many times, causing many questions. And what can you become beautiful, even if you are not like that by nature? How to learn this and what does it mean to be “beautiful”? These questions haunted me for a long time - and by the age of 30 I decided to embark on the path of knowing the science of self-care. It turns out that you can plan everything - even your own beauty!

Beauty, of course, comes from within, and our appearance is a reflection inner world. And no appearance correction without internal changes will not bring sustainable results. Have you had such that a woman seems not to be beautiful, but is so attractive and pleasant in all respects that you involuntarily fall under her charm?! I had such a teacher at the university - the students simply froze when she entered the audience and the whole lecture did not take their eyes off her! Clever, beautiful, stylish, radiant, sincere, she could laugh loudly with students, but also harshly besiege - always winning with her wit and impeccable manners in intellectual duels with upstarts. It seemed that everyone around was in love with her: from students to teachers ...

I always wanted to unravel the mystery of such attractive women - how do they do it ?!

The answer I found for myself is: the secret of attractive women lies in the harmony of inner and outer beauty .

We have already talked a lot about inner beauty and we will talk more - after all, my blog is devoted mainly to rewriting and finding our own formula for happiness and. But I believe that the outer shell of a rich inner world should not be neglected - you need to strive to look the way you want and dream! When a woman becomes more beautiful and well-groomed over the years, this is undoubtedly an indicator of painstaking work on herself and the result of self-development!

At 20 you have the face that nature has given you; at 30 you have the face that life has fashioned for you; and at 50 you have the face you deserve. Coco Chanel

How to plan your own care?

“I have neither the time nor the extra money for all these procedures” - these are the most common excuses for women who deny themselves regular care. In fact, such women lack something else - self-love. If “love” is a verb denoting action, then “love yourself” means taking time for yourself, feeling your needs and satisfying them in time, voicing your desires and certainly fulfilling them.

After all, if you yourself do not allocate time for care, then who will allocate it to you? If you do not take care of your beauty - who will do it instead of you?!

And about the “extra funds” that are allegedly required for self-care, I will say this - there is never a lot of money and there is always not enough money (even the wealthiest people always lack money!). Expenses speak, first of all, about priorities. If you feel sorry for the money for a quality cream that you have been dreaming of for several years, think about your priorities ...

You need to learn how to spend money on yourself - afford a good face cream, amazing shampoo, quality clothes, regular personal care and the necessary procedures from the appropriate specialists.

For some, these are, of course, common truths - but not for everyone, believe me, far from everyone. Someone had an example of a mother, a sister before their eyes or another favorable female environment from childhood, while someone has to learn how to take care of themselves on their own. And in general, life is like this: the fact that for some it has long been a banality, for others it is still news - it's all about personal experience.

So, back to the topic - how to paint detailed self-care plan.

Any adult woman, of course, there is a self-care plan - when to go to the hairdresser, for a manicure or to a beautician. But often we forget to do the procedures on time, and even more often, due to constant worries and responsibilities, there is simply not enough time to take care of ourselves. Therefore, I suggest that you make a schedule of self-care procedures - for a week to start.

The point of this schedule is to make self-care regular and systematic - and then you will be amazed at what results your body will thank you for! In order to be well-groomed and beautiful, it is not necessary to go to a beauty salon every day. Moreover, any cosmetologist will tell you that he will not solve your problems during consultations - your beauty depends, first of all, on your regular efforts and self-care activities at home.

A woman's self-care begins at home in the bathroom, and experts can only correct, guide, and advise something.

Self care plan for the week

Such a plan is very useful for those who have decided to take their beauty and appearance seriously, but do not fully understand where to find time for themselves and how to practice self-care. And for a woman, this is extremely necessary - after all, self-love begins with paying attention to your needs, taking care of your body and inner comfort.

Daily self-care procedures perfectly fill the energy that women so generously distribute to their loved ones. It is impossible to give all the time (after all, we don’t need exhaustion and depression?!) – we need to replenish the expended energy in time. For me, for example, it is enough 15-30 minutes before bed for a procedure for yourself, in order to feel a surge of strength and feel renewed, filled, calm.

The weekly self-care plan is not my invention. I first heard about it from the Fly Lady system, but I reworked it and decided to create a project to implement it. But first things first.

The plan itself is designed to ensure that you do not forget to regularly carry out self-care procedures. In order not to miss anything, care for each part of the body is divided into days of the week.

So, in addition to the basic daily morning and evening care, on certain days we will carry out procedures (at home or with specialists - if desired) for the following parts of the body:

  1. Monday - Facial. Procedure options: peelings, cleansing, masks, eyebrow correction, sponges, eyelashes - everything that your face needs. (Interview with a beautician about facial care can be read)
  2. Tuesday - hand care. Treatment options: peeling, masks, oil baths, manicure, masks.
  3. Wednesday - foot care. Procedure options: baths, peelings, body wraps, pedicures, heel moisturizing.
  4. Thursday - body care. Treatment options: body wraps, peelings, massages, moisturizing - whatever you think of or suggested by our experts. (Rules for body care can be found)

    Friday - hair care. Treatment options: masks, nutrition / recovery, coloring, going to the hairdresser, etc. Or maybe it's time to try a different way to style your hair or do your favorite hairstyle? (Interview with a hairdresser about proper care behind hair)

  5. Saturday - bath. Options: spa, sauna. Or maybe it's time to organize a bachelorette party in a bathhouse with herbal teas, fresh juices and scrubs?!
  6. Sunday is the day of renewal of the soul. When the external order is put in place, it's time to take care of the inner beauty! It's time to analyze the past week, plan for the next, listen to inner voice, do your favorite hobby or read an interesting book - in general, everything that your heart desires! Listen to yourself, to your feelings - are you calm? Is there any discomfort? If yes, where and why? Eliminate from your life everything and everyone that brings negativity - strive for lightness! After all, the main duty of a Woman to herself is to be Happy!

Of course, one Weekly Self Care Plan is not enough. Self care requires a systematic approach. - it is necessary to draw up self-care programs for the day, week, month, year. When compiling such programs, it is necessary to take into account many factors: create daily self-care rituals (morning and evening), observe the seasonality of procedures and self-care, include work with wardrobe and style, select nutrition and lifestyle that are optimal for beauty, form a personal Must- have personal care funds and replenish them in a timely manner, plan a budget for self-care, etc.

I have long been looking for a universal tool for self-care, which would take into account inner beauty, and work with style, and nutrition, and lifestyle; would contain expert advice and specific recipes for self-care. And when I did not find such a tool, I decided to create it myself.

Meet this - “Beauty Planner”🙂

beauty planner is a printed notebook that contains:

  • tables for drawing up personal programs and self-care plans (for a year, a month, a week, a day);
  • sections for each area of ​​the body (face, arms, legs, hair, body);
  • expert advice (beautician, hairdresser, nutritionist and stylist);
  • pages for the soul and inner work;
  • and many other useful self-care planning tools!

Marathon #7days_for_yourself

My dear readers, I am glad that you have read the article up to this point - this means that we are on the same wavelength and the topic of regular self-care is relevant to you!

I am sure that you, just like me, want to develop and become more beautiful, and not just read articles on self-development. After all, any information in itself has no meaning - until it is embodied in concrete actions!

That is why I run Beauty Marathons. On October 2-9, 2017, the first Beauty Marathon #7days_for_yourself was held. The participants completed self-care tasks for 7 days in a row, shared tips, life hacks and beauty recipes. Together it is easier to stick to the chosen path and, definitely, in the company of women - fun and interesting! Results of the last Marathon and helpful tips participants can be read.

If you have a desire to take part in the Beauty Marathon, you can join us at any time. Now the Beauty Marathon operates on an ongoing basis - all the details on

And now I invite you to download a short version of the self-care plan for the week - a "reminder" that you can print and hang in the bathroom:

I send detailed information to those who wish Self care checklist Want to? Leave your mail and the Checklist will arrive to you in a minute.

How to make basic daily care? Write down five tips from a pro makeup artist Anastasia Cherenkova on a sticky note.

Anastasia Cherenkova Visagiste

Student of Elena Krygina

First step

Drinking a glass of water early in the morning lemon juice, put oatmeal on a slow fire and go to wash. Daily care behind it means mild cleansers - no peelings and scrubs.

In the morning, only breakfast should be hot - to invigorate the skin of the face, turn on refreshing cold water.

Second step

I suspect you haven't slept yet. Morning "bags" under the eyes and a dull complexion will save ice from clean filtered water.

For this folk care routine, freeze the cubes in the evening (preferably in molds with funny figures - to start the morning with a smile).

Third step

Fourth step

A modern care plan is hard to imagine without a couple of patches. We dreamed about this before school tests - to relax eyes tired of books in 15 minutes.

My advice: put on eye patches before breakfast, post selfies on Instagram Stories (I love how gold or blue gel options look), and dream of an unexpected end to the day.

Fifth step

The finale of daily care is a light moisturizing cream. How to pick it up? I recommend making an appointment with a good dermatologist and find out for sure what type of skin you have. Remember - everyone needs hydration (yes, even if your nose is shiny under a layer of powder). The way the cream "works" depends on the type. If there is no time for a dermatologist, and you need a cream right now, choose a product from a trusted brand marked for all skin types (“for any skin type”).

Text: Dilara Telyasheva

Similar materials from the rubric

Absolutely any representative of the beautiful half of humanity wants to look gorgeous, shine with health and beauty. But, unfortunately, not everyone is half the force. Daily fuss, sometimes, does not leave us time, strength, desire, in order to devote quite a bit of time and take care of ourselves.

A huge work falls on the shoulders of a working woman, because homework must be done daily, and if there are still children who need attention, then it makes no sense to talk about a free minute for yourself. But let's not talk about sad things. There is always a way out and that is planning. The reason you don't take care of yourself is because you don't have an orderly plan of action. I will show by my example how to compose your daily beauty routines.

How to plan your day to read.

Daily self care plan

This is done very easily and simply. First of all, think carefully about what you want to achieve. For example, to lose weight, tighten the skin of the face, remove the stomach, restore the normal condition of the hair, and the like. On a separate piece of paper, write down all your self-care goals.
Next, on a separate piece of paper, we write all the procedures that you want to do, based on your goals and mandatory daily and weekly activities.
The next step is to determine a part of the body for each day of the week. Sounds very strange, but here's an example:

  • Monday we devote time to our face and neck.
  • Tuesday - take care of the hair.
  • Wednesday - we take into account the hands and body.
  • Thursday - again dedicate all of ourselves to the face and neck.
  • Friday - cosmetic procedures for hair.
  • Saturday is foot care.

If you do not want to bother yourself on the weekends, you are welcome, but I do not advise you to miss a single day, after all, these classes are very pleasant and necessary.

So, here is my list of self-care goals: hair, skin and hands care, get rid of the tummy, prevent cellulite, tighten the butt. Everything is clear with my desires, now let's think about what is needed for the prevention of cellulite. As far as I know, these are massages and body wraps. Our skin, in addition to daily procedures (cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing), also requires application and. We will do this twice a week. The same applies to hair. I hope you got the basic idea of ​​drawing up a transformation plan. Now consider each day separately in detail. I'll start with the mandatory and elementary actions that you need to perform every day, regardless of your mood, employment, day of the week, and so on. This, as they say, is the foundation of the foundations of beauty. For convenience, I will divide the procedures by time of day.

Daily self care

morning plan

  • Charging - 10-15 minutes.
  • Brushing teeth, washing, shower (if you want, then contrast).
  • Wiping the skin of the face, applying the cream. Makeup.
  • Hairstyle or simple combing of hair.

Evening plan

  • Make-up removal, face and neck cleansing.
  • Shower.
  • Teeth cleaning.
  • Nourishing and moisturizing the skin of the face and neck.
  • Combing hair.

All this may seem banal and stupid, but believe me, sometimes even half of the above is not always possible to do, since there is no clear and consistent plan of action. Let's move on to self-care by the days of the week.

Weekly self care

Monday - pay attention to the face and neck.

Cleansing and exfoliation of the skin of the face and neck with a scrub.
Steam bath for the face with herbs.
Face and neck mask.
Cream application.
Face and neck massage.

Tuesday - cosmetic procedures for hair.

Scrub for the scalp.
Hair Mask.
Washing head.
Aroma combing.

Wednesday - body and arms.

Bath for nails.
Scrub for hands and elbows.
Application of a cream or nourishing hand mask that does not need to be washed off.
Body Scrub.
Anti-cellulite wrapping or.

ThursdayEverything is the same as on Monday.

Friday- everything is the same as on Tuesday, only instead of aroma combing, do self-massage.

Saturday is foot care.

Foot bath.
Removal of dry calluses.
Epilation or shaving of legs.

Sunday - wellness treatments.

intensive exercise stress- running, skipping rope, swimming, etc.
Anti-cellulite wrapping or cupping massage.
Taking an aroma bath with salt.

This is only a rough beauty plan that you can refer to. Naturally, it can be adjusted by you depending on your goals and capabilities. For example, if you like to go to the bathhouse, swimming pool, fitness club or gym, then be sure to display everything in a weekly and daily self-care plan. And if money allows, some procedures can be done in beauty salons.
All this, with regular performance of actions, will soon give its results. But be that as it may, remember about, healthy sleep and the dangers of bad habits. I wish you to be beautiful and happy!

Interested in becoming your own health and beauty secretary? Just grab a pen, notepad, and make a self-care plan—a schedule of activities just for you, along with a to-do list. This will help you find some free time in each busy day and improve.

Whatever the daily routine, it is simply necessary to devote at least half an hour or an hour of time for yourself. It does not mean elementary washing, brushing your teeth and combing, although this is also self-care, but it should not end with daily putting yourself in order. Therefore, let's talk about several other procedures that help to become more beautiful every day, it is from them that a weekly self-care plan should consist.

Here is an indicative list of those activities that are mandatory:

  • mask for the face - 2p. in Week;
  • Hair Mask - 2 p. per week (this also includes scheduled haircuts, dyeing, and other salon procedures with hair);
  • epilation (as needed, depending on its type and speed of hair growth);
  • facial massage - at least once a week;
  • foot massage (feet) - at least daily, especially if the shoes are on heels;
  • Anticellulite massage - once a week, it would be nice to combine it with a visit to the bath;
  • relaxing back massage - once a week;
  • sports - 2 times a week (at least once a week it is useful to dance, but it depends on the abilities, desires and opportunities);
  • jog - two times a week. Again, it all depends on the state of health, weather conditions. In any case, running can be replaced by a long walk, skating or skiing, etc.
  • Mani Pedi . The frequency of treatment depends on the way the nails are covered or not covered at all, but often women, like cats, sharpen their claws daily. It is no secret that in society a person is also evaluated by the condition of his hands, in particular, nails - do not forget about it.

And then, out of everything you want, you need to draw up a schedule for a week of restoring beauty on a computer or by hand - it doesn’t matter. There are many examples of such arrangements on the Internet. So your own self-care diary is ready. In it, you can also indicate the very recipes for masks or pharmaceutical products that you need to try.

An example of simple plan self care below :

A daily self-care plan will always be at your fingertips. By following the points in your diary, you can not only become more organized in terms of self-care, but also noticeably improve appearance and well-being.

Sadness, sadness and blues simply should not have a place in everyday life. If everything is negative, including laziness, try to squeeze out days from the schedule and fill them with more useful things, the quality of life will begin to change markedly.

Finally, I would like to remind you that you absolutely should not be “touched”, upset and made to suffer by those circumstances that you cannot change. As soon as you succeed, much more space will be freed up in order to fill it with something truly necessary.

Be healthy and beautiful!