How to drink table mineral water. Mineral water will bring health

... It pleasantly refreshes and invigorates. Always at hand - inexpensive, tasty, healthy. Let's talk about the benefits. The questions of interest to many will be answered by the dean of the therapeutic faculty of the Belarusian medical academy Postgraduate Marina Viktorovna Shtonda and Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Zhanna Leonidovna SUKHIKH.

They say it's better to drink more mineral water than less?

Natalia, Minsk

J.S.- This is not true, especially for those who have cardiovascular diseases accompanied by edema, violations of the excretory function of the kidneys. Everyone who has problems with the digestive system should drink mineral water under medical supervision - an unreasonable intake can only worsen the condition, especially in the acute stage of the disease.

Healthy people should remember: for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, it does not make sense to drink mineral water for longer than 2-3 weeks. After that, its effectiveness decreases. After 3-6 months, the course can be repeated. It is very useful to change the type of water from time to time. The program for a healthy person should be: 2-3 different courses per year for 3-4 weeks.

By the way, water has the best effect on a healthy body - it strengthens the endocrine system of the gastrointestinal tract, restores strength, activates the immune system ... All mineral water can be divided into three types: drinking, medical-dining and medicinal. The third type is water with a high content of minerals and salts. It is used only after medical advice. Drinking and medical-dining can be drunk by almost everyone healthy people.

What are the benefits of mineral water?

Valery, Mogilev

M.Sh.- This natural drink is a complex solution, its components - ions, colloidal particles, dissolved gases - normalize metabolic processes in organs and tissues. It has been established that mineral water is able to influence the restoration of liver function, the improvement of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, and the stimulation of bile production. Depending on the constituents, mineral waters can have a diuretic or laxative effect.

Also, various mineral waters help in the treatment of chronic gastritis with normal, increased and decreased secretion of the stomach, chronic colitis and enterocolitis, biliary tract, metabolic diseases ( diabetes, gout, obesity).

What gives the gas composition of mineral water?

Marina, Baranovichi

J.S.- Those who have been “on the waters” have seen how bewitchingly beautiful mineral springs are boiling. This effect is created by escaping carbon dioxide. It stabilizes its chemical composition, actively influences metabolic processes in the body, and also makes water taste good.

I love highly carbonated mineral water. I drink it often and a lot. Maybe it's harmful?

Pavel, Orsha

J.S.- Natural carbon dioxide bubbling in mineral water creates a feeling of rapid filling of the stomach, which makes the organs of gastric secretion work intensively. Therefore, highly carbonated waters are recommended for an atonic stomach (for example, for diabetics).

Suffering from peptic ulcer, it is better to drink non-carbonated mineral water. It is better for practically healthy people to consume moderately mineralized and moderately carbonated waters.

How to drink mineral water - before, after, during meals?

Evgeniya, Lida

M.Sh.- Many drink mineral water during or after a meal. You can do this - there is no harm to the body - however, there is no benefit from the drink.
It should be known that if we want to stimulate the function of the stomach and increase the secretion of gastric juice, water should be drunk 15-20 minutes before meals.
If, on the contrary, it is necessary to lower the secretion of gastric juice and act on the duodenum, water is consumed an hour and a half before meals.

Heard that warmed mineral water is very beneficial...

Alevtina, Zaslavl

J.S.- Indeed, for medicinal purposes, doctors usually prescribe heated water (cold water helps when it is necessary to increase intestinal motility, for example, with some forms of constipation). Healthy people can drink mineral water at a temperature that is pleasant for them.

They say various mineral waters are good during the period unloading days

Diana, Borisov

J.S.- Mineral water can be an integral part of fasting days. However, we must remember: on such days, you need to drink water an hour and a half before meals, then it will pass from the stomach into the duodenum and begin to inhibit the secretion of gastric juice. If you do this 15-20 minutes before a meal, we will only provoke the work of the stomach. But why do this if we are eating at least?
In general, instead of mineral water, it is better to drink rosehip broth - this is a more acceptable option for diets and fasting days. But if you already use mineral water, then still is better.

I have had intestinal problems since childhood. Advise what mineral water to take to normalize his work, and the stool was regular?

Svetlana, Molodechno

J.S.- Sulfate, chloride and bicarbonate-sulfate waters, as well as those containing magnesium, have a laxative effect. You can drink a glass of some water 40-60 minutes before meals 3 times a day. Before use, be sure to heat the water to 40-45 degrees.

They say that when there are stones in the gallbladder, do Essentuki help?

J.S.- Taking mineral waters that have a choleretic effect (Essentuki 4.17, Naftusya, etc.) is contraindicated in this case!

I have diabetes. Is it worth it to be friends with mineral water?

Valentina, Zhytomyr

M.Sh.- Costs. People diagnosed with diabetes experience a constant feeling of thirst, drink a lot and pass large amounts of urine. They definitely need to restore the lost fluid. Patients with diabetes are recommended to drink mineral water 3 times a day: before breakfast, lunch and dinner 45-60 minutes before meals. It is worth giving preference to waters with a slightly alkaline reaction.

Is mineral water an assistant for liver diseases?

Vladimir, Minsk

M.Sh.– There are indications for taking mineral water in case of liver diseases (viral hepatitis, fatty hepatosis, etc.). You will have to drink it quite a lot - 3 times a day, always in a heated form (40-45 degrees). The volume must be constantly increased to 1.5-2 glasses per dose. The mineral water itself must be chosen depending on the initial secretory function of the stomach.
However, all this is outside (!) exacerbation of chronic hepatitis.

My relatives are large, overweight people. My mom was diagnosed with obesity a couple of years ago. Tell me, can mineral water somehow help her?

Katya, Slonim

The results of many studies have shown that the use of low mineralization waters (hydrocarbonate-sulfate-chloride sodium-potassium-calcium composition) in the complex treatment of obesity can improve carbohydrate, lipid and water-mineral metabolism (besides, somewhat reduce appetite). However, in any case, your mother should consult a dietitian.

Which waters are diuretic?

M.Sh.- Mostly those that have low mineralization and contain calcium ions.

They say that before you drink water, you should open a bottle so that the gas escapes ...

Vladislav, Belynichi

J.S.- So many people think, however, this is not entirely true.
It all depends on the state of the secretory activity of the gastric mucosa. If the acidity is low, you can drink water with gas, because, getting into the stomach, it improves the blood circulation of the mucous membrane, dilates blood vessels, and stimulates the production of gastric juice. If the acidity of the gastric juice is increased, the gas is removed.

Is it true that mineral waters are used in the treatment of gynecological diseases?

Margarita, Zhlobin

J.S.- It really is. Mineral waters, which have an acidic reaction, act on the skin and mucous membranes in such a way that they reduce the intensity of inflammatory processes. Therefore, they are used for gynecological irrigation in inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs.

How do I figure it out: sulfate water, hydrocarbonate-chloride, etc. ... How to make a choice?

Maria, Soligorsk

M.Sh and Zh.S. - Hydrocarbonate waters contribute to the liquefaction and removal of pathological mucus from the mucous membrane of the stomach, urinary and respiratory tract, while reducing inflammation; excretion of uric acid from the body.

The intake of these waters stimulates carbohydrate metabolism, which is successfully used in the treatment of patients with diabetes mellitus.

Reception sulfate waters enhances the motor (motor) function of the intestine, improves blood flow in the liver, has a laxative effect, helps eliminate the inflammatory process in the biliary tract, and prevents stone formation.

Sulfate waters reduce cholesterol, normalize the concentration of free fatty acids. They are used in the treatment of chronic diseases of the liver and biliary tract, metabolic diseases (diabetes mellitus, obesity), chronic constipation.

Chloride water have a choleretic effect, stimulate the secretion of the digestive glands. Chloride waters are most effective for the treatment of diseases of the digestive system with a reduced secretory function of the stomach (gastritis, colitis, cholecystitis).

Hydrocarbonate-chloride waters prescribed for the treatment of chronic gastritis with reduced, normal and increased secretion of the stomach.

Sulfate-chloride waters favorably act in diseases of the stomach with reduced secretion and simultaneous damage to the liver and biliary tract, with intestinal diseases that occur with constipation.

Hydrocarbonate-sulfate waters have an inhibitory effect on gastric secretion and cause relaxation. They are used in diseases of the stomach with increased secretory function and concomitant damage to the liver and intestines.

silicon waters beneficial effect on the health of the elderly, especially those suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes and metabolic disorders. Also indicated for skin diseases. They have an anti-inflammatory effect, enhance the antitoxic function of the liver.

Hydrogen sulfide water play an important role in the process of protein metabolism. Used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, diseases of the endocrine system.

radon water good in the treatment of atherosclerosis. In addition, they contribute to the normalization of the function thyroid gland, enhance the secretory and motor functions of the stomach.
They are used as an adjunct to the treatment of dystrophic diseases of the joints, diseases of the peripheral nervous system with the elimination of pain syndrome. The analgesic effect of radon waters depends on the time of use. So, taken with or after a meal, this water has a longer analgesic effect than drunk on an empty stomach.

Many beverage manufacturers (including major brands) do not have their own artesian wells, so cooler water or bottled water is most often chemically treated tap water. It quenches thirst, but does not contain trace elements necessary for the body. Does it make sense to drink in large quantities? No. First, we already get enough liquid from a wide variety of drinks and foods throughout the day. Secondly, the statement that you need to drink 6-8 glasses of water per day is not clinically proven. Sports, hot climates, colds are exceptions to the rule, then the body really needs more water than under normal conditions. In other cases, the statement "you need to drink a lot" is better to replace the paradigm "you need to drink correctly."

Science to drink

Balneology - the science of treatment with mineral waters was mentioned in ancient works on medicine. The Soviet scientist Alexander Lozinsky in the first half of the 20th century managed to turn the direction from mystical knowledge into fundamental science. After several decades of neglect, mineral water treatment is back in vogue amid growing distrust of medicinal medicine.
Balneology involves a "soft recovery" by maintaining a balance of minerals and trace elements in the body. Previously, for this it was necessary to go “to the waters”, but today you can take a course of mineralization at home. In addition, the cost of one liter of high-quality mineral water from the Czech Republic or the Caucasus is comparable to a cup of coffee from Starbucks. Natural mineral water is the one that is extracted from an artesian well and bottled near the source. If the well number is not indicated on the label, then this is artificially mineralized water. Some manufacturers enrich ordinary running water with minerals, having previously driven it through filters. To draw up a course yourself, determine which mineral is missing in your body: calcium, iron, iodine, and so on. And then choose a brand. The fact is that the content of one or another trace element directly depends on the source where the water was extracted. Here it is worth highlighting three main regions: the Russian Caucasus, the Czech Republic and Australia.

Vegetarian food and diets

Plant foods contain only non-heme iron. It is absorbed worse than heme, which is rich in animal proteins. For comparison: only 3% of iron is absorbed from legumes, 4% from fruits, while 22% from beef. If you follow a vegetarian diet, water from the Rudolf Spring (Czech Republic) or the Darasun Spring (Transbaikalia) will help prevent iron deficiency. These waters also contain a sufficient amount of calcium, which is important when giving up dairy products.

Stress and hormonal disorders

Work rush at work, lack of sleep, anxiety do not go unnoticed. The stress hormone cortisol reduces the production of estradiol and inhibits the thyroid gland. And hormonal disorders, in turn, become a new source of stress. It turns out a vicious circle. The body does not have time to recover, it does not have enough of its own resources to cope with daily stress. If you live in a time pressure mode, drink a course of iodine-containing mineral water. Most natural iodine is contained in the mineral water from the European spring Vincentka, which today can be found in many pharmacies. Replenishment of iodine deficiency will have a positive impact not only on the state of the thyroid gland, but also on your mood and performance. In addition, waters with natural iodine perfectly accompany diets for weight loss.



Calcium is one of the main structural components bone tissue and dermis. And first of all, it is not the bones that suffer from its deficiency, but the skin, hair and nails: the skin becomes dry, bags appear under the eyes, the hair begins to fall out intensively, and the nails exfoliate and break. To prevent calcium deficiency, choose calcium-magnesium waters: "Zajechitskaya Gorkaya" (Czech Republic), "Narzan", "Izhevsk source". Magnesium absorbs calcium better. In addition, magnesium has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.


Nutritionists and nutritionists advise to cleanse the body of toxins from time to time. Regular detox improves skin condition, relieves chronic fatigue and helps to lose weight. But rigid diets and fasting from traditional detox programs are not suitable for everyone. Try a mini detox with mineral water. Firstly, mineral water will help maintain the necessary balance of salts and trace elements. Secondly, alkaline mineral waters will help to remove toxins and excess water from the body. For detox purposes, it is better to use alkaline waters with low mineralization (up to 1 g / l) - Prolom voda (Serbia) or Yessentuki No. 20 (Russia). The concentration of salts in them is extremely low, so they do not affect the electrolyte balance of the body.

Measure and regularity

With liquid minerals, it is important not to overdo it. Drinking highly mineralized water daily is harmful. If there is more of a mineral than the body needs, the balance is disturbed. As in the case of potassium and sodium: drinking large amounts of sodium mineral water leads to potassium leaching from the body and vice versa. But drinking mineral water rarely is the same as not drinking at all. You will not feel any effect, because the deficiency of substances cannot be replenished in 1-2 days. When compiling your own mineral water intake course, follow general and particular recommendations.

  • Drink 3 glasses of water a day 30 minutes before meals for 30 days. This will be one course.
  • Conduct 2-3 such courses per year.
  • Before taking iodine-containing water, warm it up a little in a water bath.
  • Before drinking water, open the bottle and release carbon dioxide to avoid stomach acidity.
  • To cleanse the body, you do not need to drink water in courses. Detox according to the usual scheme - a glass of water half an hour before meals - for 1-3 days. Then take a break of 7-10 days. To enhance the effect, give up fried foods, convenience foods and flour products during the detox.

Mineral water has been used since the 18th century.

The aristocrats of that time very often visited the eminent springs of the Caucasus.

For a long time, in fact, until today, mineral water has been used in the treatment of various diseases.

By the way, there is a science that studies the properties of mineral waters, created specifically for these purposes - balneology.

Many of us, not knowing how to drink mineral water correctly, use it simply and uncontrollably. And this gradually leads the health of everyone who does this to failures in, in the work of the heart, as well as in the kidneys.

Let's break down in more detail how to drink mineral water so that it can be beneficial, not harmful.

All mineral waters have their own specific characteristics, properties and they need to be used in different ways. By variety they are:

  • Canteens. The water should include, according to the requirements of the technology, no more than 1 gram of salt per liter of liquid. You can drink without limiting yourself in quantity. Can be used in cooking: for compotes, soups, other dishes. But there is also a certain limitation in it - it is not advisable to give it to drink to those people who have been diagnosed with chronic diseases.
  • Therapeutic dining room. In this composition, the salt content is allowed up to 10 grams per liter. it is needed already for the purpose of therapeutic and preventive measures. But before you start using it, you need to go through preliminary research in order to make sure that it really suits you.
  • Therapeutic. The salt concentration exceeds the previous indicator, in addition, it is enriched with active microelements. It is used as, but by no means for the simple quenching of thirst. Drink strictly according to the prescription of the attending physician.

Mineral water in the treatment of diseases

Mineral springs also differ in composition. Based on these characteristics, it is not difficult to establish which mineral water is suitable for the treatment of a particular disease:

  • Chloride has a good effect on metabolism, helps to cope with disorders in the gastrointestinal tract
  • Bicarbonate is very good to drink with increased acidity in the digestive tract, it perfectly lowers it
  • Sulfate is used in the treatment and prevention of diabetes (diabetes mellitus), obesity
  • Hydrocarbonate-sulfate is recommended for use in gastritis, diseases in the gastrointestinal tract ("Darasun", "Minsk" can also be used "Smirnovskaya")
  • If gastritis is accompanied by a decrease in secretion in the stomach, then hydrocarbonate-sulfate-chloride is recommended ("Mirgorodskaya", "Essentuki" or Kislovodsk "Narzan")
  • It is useful for patients with problems in consuming chloride-sulfate or bicarbonate-sulfate-calcium
  • If the kidneys are diseased, then the hydrocarbonate-sulfate mineral water (Slavyanskaya, Berezovskaya or Naftusya) is best suited.
  • There is also a mineral water, which includes iron with iodine, it is recommended to drink to patients with endocrine diseases and

How to use mineral water correctly

It is definitely better to drink mineral water from the source itself.

Therefore, many go to sanatoriums and resort areas.

There are conditions for therapy, and the possibility of daily intake of mineral water.

Often people ask nutritionists and doctors questions: is it possible to use mineral water in bottles bought on store shelves, does it lose its properties from this?

The answer of the majority is that it is possible, but only on the condition that after opening the container, water should be used as soon as possible, it is not desirable to save it.

Doctors advise to drink a medical-dining room in a warm form, not carbonated. So, mineral water does not give a big load on work, does not irritate him, does not provoke intense unpleasant belching. To simply quench your thirst in hot weather, you can use table mineral water from the refrigerator.

How much mineral water is allowed to drink

It is very difficult to answer this question. you need to start from the properties of mineral water, and from the capabilities of the body, the current state of health.

With a small concentration, you can drink throughout the day in small doses for about 2 weeks.

Some types of mineral water can be drunk only according to the program and the required amount, and only after consultation with your doctor.

Time of receipt

As for the regimen for taking mineral waters, it is best to drink it about half an hour before taking it, in small sips. The therapeutic effect in this case will be greater, the duration of action will be longer.

  • In this mode, you also need to take mineral water with reduced secretion of the stomach - it helps to increase the production of gastric juice.
  • With normal production of juice by the body itself, mineral water should be taken 60 minutes before meals.
  • With increased acidity, prem is recommended 1.5 hours before a meal, and drink the desired dose in one go, that is, in one gulp.
  • For ulcers, it is advisable to take mineral water only for medical or medical table water 30 minutes before eating.

The course should be at least 3 weeks, sometimes it can be extended up to 6 months. This will prevent the accumulation of salt deposits in the kidneys.


Depending on the type of mineral water used, the dose can be from 1 tablespoon to 1 cup. This fully depends on the salinity of the water and on the indications.

  • The optimal dose of medical-table mineral water is 600÷800 ml per day. It turns out that at one time you need to drink about 250 ml.
  • For diseases of the urinary tract, doctors recommend daily allowance increase to one and a half liters.
  • In case of circulatory and cardiovascular disorders, on the contrary, reduce to 1, in last resort up to 2 doses per day.

Borjomi: rules of admission, indications for use

Mineral water "Borjomi" is a unique water, endowed with multiple healing properties. Produced in the southern part of Georgia. For this, 9 wells have been developed and are successfully operating.

For medicinal purposes, it began to be used back in 1830 and to this day is considered the most healing.

How to drink Borjomi mineral water correctly? First of all, it is necessary to focus on the fact that it is she who is able to alleviate the condition of the patient, contributes to the treatment of such diseases as:

  • , including chronic
  • Peptic ulcers of the duodenum
  • For stomach ulcers
  • Intestinal dyskinesia syndrome and its irritations
  • With obesity
  • In case of diabetes
  • With cholecystitis
  • With pancreatitis
  • Pathological abnormalities in the biliary tract
  • For diseases of the gallbladder
  • For diseases
  • With metabolic disorders (metabolism)
  • After surgery (during the rehabilitation period)

"Borjomi" should be drunk correctly and strictly adhering to the doctor's prescriptions. An exception to the use are considered: the period of exacerbation of diseases and contraindications for use.

Mineral water "Borjomi" is a medicine, so you do not need to drink it daily. Moreover, before you decide to drink it, consult your doctor without fail.

  • "" very well helps newborns and very young children with constipation. A single dosage is: 3 grams per kilogram of body weight. Daily proportion: about 4 times a day before feeding.
  • With obvious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, you need to use it slightly heated, before releasing gases.

From this, it will become useless, losing all its healing qualities. If there is still a need for heating, then this should be done on a steam bath.

  • Half a glass of Borjomi is enough to rid yourself of. With low acidity, you need to drink it in small sips 30 minutes before eating.
  • "Borjomi" will effectively help to get rid of cough. To do this, you need to take 50 grams of mineral water and non-cold milk, mix and drink, slowly, little by little.

Of course, this one tastes very specific, but it copes well with colds accompanied by a cough.

Narzan: medicinal properties, rules of use

Mineral water is mined on the territory North Caucasus, is formed due to the melting of the Elbrus glacier (glacier). What properties are endowed with and how to drink Narzan mineral water correctly?

Varieties of mineral water "Narzan"

For use for the purpose of therapy, it is delivered to consumer counters in three forms:

  • "Narzan" common is used as a drink
  • "Narzan" dolmite with an increased content of carbon dioxide in its composition
  • "Narzan" sulfate very saturated and mineralized

"Narzan" is a kind of medical-table mineral water. It is used in the treatment of diseases, as well as a drink for drinking after eating.

All substances and minerals present in its composition are easily absorbed in the body.

"Narzan" contains trace elements (magnesium and calcium) that have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system.

  • Magnesium improves
  • Calcium is needed for bones and hair
  • Potassium with sodium is very important in water-salt metabolism.

Healing properties

All types of Narzan mineral water are used in the treatment and prevention of a number of diseases:

  • Of cardio-vascular system
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • In the presence of metabolic disorders
  • For kidney disease
  • CNS disorders

Mineral water "Narzan" is contraindicated in case of:

  • Exacerbations of underlying diseases
  • With malignant neoplasms and tumors
  • When pregnant for more than 5 months
  • For mental disorders
  • With tuberculosis in the active stage
  • Bronchial asthma, lung abscess
  • liver
  • Severe damage to the joints and bones
  • For fungal diseases

Water becomes healing only if you drink it correctly. And do not expect that ordinary drinking of mineral water will cure your sick stomach.

According to the rules

Rule one. If you decide to heal, then first of all determine what type of water can help your illness. It is not difficult to do this. Each label indicates in detail which diseases mineral water helps. The second rule. Observe water intake times. For each disease it is individual. The third rule. The water temperature can be cold, warm or hot. Rule four. Try not to stop in the middle of the path and drink as much water as necessary for the entire course.

sick stomach

In chronic gastritis with normal and hyperacidity suitable water "Slavyanovskaya", "Smirnovskaya". For treatment, drink 1 liter of water per day. It must be heated to 50 ° C and drunk 1.5 hours before meals. If you have gastritis, but the acidity is low, Essentuki No. 4 and No. 17 are your water. Drink it also 3 times a day, before meals. Water temperature room.

Ulcers are much more difficult. Not every ulcer is useful mineral water. Gastric bleeding, exacerbation of the disease - not the time for treatment with water. But when the exacerbation fades, support a sick stomach.

Essentuki No. 4, Slavyanovskaya, Smirnovskaya, Borjomi can calm the raging stomach. Drink them 1.5-2 hours before meals 1-2 times a day. Moreover, they begin to drink from 0.5 cups and gradually increase the amount of water to 1 cup.

Are your kidney stones haunting you? Medicinal water is able to remove the inflammatory process, remove unnecessary sand from the body. Water is taken only in a heated form (up to 38–42 ° C) on an empty stomach half an hour before meals. Drinking loads can be increased 1-2 times a week (if your heart is able to withstand them): every 3 hours, drink 2 cups of warm water in slow sips. With kidney stone disease, Narzan, Slavyanovskaya, Smirnovskaya waters, Essentuki No. 4 are especially helpful. But with cystitis, Essentuki No. 4 and No. 17 are contraindicated. Stop at Slavyanovskaya and Smirnovskaya. In chronic cystitis, drink water for 8 weeks in the same way as in the treatment of kidney stones. Treat again after 6 months mineral water.


Essentuki No. 17 is considered the pearl of the Caucasian Mineral Waters. Pyatigorsk scientists have proven that this water stimulates the release of insulin and changes carbohydrate metabolism in a positive direction. Therefore, treatment with mineral water can slow down the development of diabetes and associated diseases - the liver, stomach. A single dose of water should be 2 cups. It is drunk in 2 doses with an interval of 30-40 minutes. The time of admission and the temperature of the water depend on diseases of the stomach and liver.

With gout, mineral water is indispensable. It flushes out uric acid salts that accumulate in the joints and helps relieve acute pain. For treatment, waters of low mineralization are suitable - "Lipetsk Krainka", Narzan. You will have to drink more water than with other diseases: 3 times a day, always in a heated form (35–40 ° C) according to
1.5 cups for 1 dose.

With uric acid diathesis, excess salt falls into the urine, making it too acidic, which often leads to urolithiasis. Essentuki No. 4, No. 17, Slavyanovskaya, Smirnovskaya will be the medicine. Moreover, these waters not only cleanse, but also have an alkalizing effect. Keep in mind, Essentuki No. 20 does not lead to an alkaline reaction of urine, it can even contribute to its even greater oxidation.

With phosphaturia, the body catastrophically loses calcium salts. This leads to inflammation and dull pain in the lower back. Kislovodsk Narzan and Essentuki No. 20 help best of all. And the treatment regimen is the same as for gout, but it is better to coordinate the amount of water with your doctor.

* For cardiovascular diseases, you can take alkaline mineral waters containing magnesium and potassium salts. Especially after treatment with diuretics, with cardiac arrhythmias and conduction disorders, accompanied by bradycardia. Waters such as Essentuki No. 4, No. 17, Borjomi are suitable. Before use, it is desirable to free the water from gases.

* healing power mineral water, of course, is great, but it alone cannot completely cure a sick stomach or liver. If you want to get the greatest effect, it is best to improve your health at the resort. And drink water not from a bottle, but directly from the source: living water is much healthier.

To answer this question, it is worth considering in detail the classification of mineral waters. Table mineral water has a low degree of mineralization and a small amount of biologically active components. Such water can be used constantly by perfectly healthy people without restriction.

For gastritis accompanied by low acidity, sodium chloride mineral waters are recommended, which are taken for a long time in half a glass 30 minutes before meals.

Therapeutic table mineral water has a mineralization of 1 to 10 g per cubic dm. For therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, it is permissible to use such water in limited quantities. That is, medicinal table water is not suitable as drinking water.

Therapeutic mineral water has a high degree of mineralization and contains a large number of biologically active components. It is recommended to use such water only as prescribed by a doctor in a prescribed dose during the appropriate period of treatment for a particular disease. this is especially true for those who have kidneys or other internal organs.

If we look at the ionic components, we can distinguish six classes of mineral waters: chloride, hydrocarbonate, sulfate, mixed, biologically active and carbonated. All classes of mineral water can have different degrees of mineralization and for the treatment and prevention of certain diseases.

The gas composition and the content of specific components make it possible to subdivide mineral water into sulfide, carbonic, nitric, siliceous, iodine, bromide, ferruginous, radioactive and arsenic.

Calcium chloride waters with a high degree of mineralization are used for various diseases as prescribed by a doctor.

How to choose mineral water

For daily constant intake in unlimited quantities, choose table mineral water. It can be used by perfectly healthy people who do not suffer from chronic diseases.

Buy medicinal mineral water on the recommendation of a doctor. You can drink such water in a slightly warmed form without gases before or after meals. If the patient's body is depleted or weakened, treatment is started with a low dose and gradually increased to the recommended one.

Basically, mineral water is available in plastic or glass bottles pre-carbonated with carbon dioxide. Such water retains mineralization for a long time, which allows for treatment in non-resort areas.

When choosing mineral water, carefully read the label. If the mineralization is weak and the bottle says that the water belongs to the dining room, you can drink it instead of ordinary water without any harm to health.

You can talk about the dangers of "pop" for hours, but is it really so dangerous? If you carefully study its composition, you can come to consensus that it is better not to drink a carbonated drink at all.

Most carbonated drinks contain aspartame, or E951. It is worth noting that it is not recommended for children under 4 years of age. Not even aspartame itself is harmful, but the substance phenylalanine, which is its component. With regular use of lemonade, it can develop, since phenylalanine reduces the amount of serotonin in the body.

Sodium benzoate, or E211, is used as a preservative. This substance is allowed not only in Russia, but also in the EU countries. Surprisingly, it is sodium benzoate that is used as an expectorant for bronchitis and colds. E211 reacts with vitamin C, resulting in carcinogens that cause poisoning.

Some drinks also contain phosphoric acid - E338. When the substance becomes the most aggressive, so it is recommended to drink carbonated drinks chilled. Otherwise, at least gastritis will begin, and in the worst case, a stomach ulcer.

Carbonated lemonades also contain a bunch of various additives that are less harmful to the body, but in combination with the above have a detrimental effect on gastrointestinal tract. Some of them destroy the structure of DNA, which leads to cancer if soda is consumed in unlimited quantities.

Try not to give lemonade to kids, it is better to replace them with juices. The children's stomach is more susceptible to the damaging effects of food additives, so digestive problems cannot be avoided.

If you bought a bottle of a carbonated drink, but the above components are not listed in the composition, it is not a fact that they are really not there. Do not think that expensive lemonade does not contain harmful substances, because all "pops" are produced using approximately the same technology.

There is an opinion that it is necessary to include water saturated with natural minerals in the diet. There is plenty of evidence to support how mineral imbalances lead to poor health. However, it should be understood that mineral water from the store may not be exactly the product that the bowels of the earth give us.

When wondering about the benefits and harms of mineral water, you must remember that mineral water is different. In nature, passing through rocks, water is enriched with the mineral elements contained in these rocks. Depending on the area in which mineral water is obtained, it contains different minerals that can be both beneficial and harmful. Also, the quality of water is affected by the method of packaging and the conditions of its storage.

Carbon dioxide, which is carbonated mineral water, is not dangerous in itself. However, its bubbles increase acidity and can cause bloating. People with gastrointestinal diseases are better off drinking non-carbonated water.

What is mineral water

Mineral water is called water extracted from a natural source. The amount of solid dissolved substances in mineral water must be at least 250 units per million. The composition of the water is confirmed by laboratory tests by evaporating one liter of water at a temperature of 180 degrees Celsius and monitoring the resulting sediment. If the water contains up to 249 mg of solid dissolved substances per liter, then it is classified as "spring water". If the indicator is from 250 to 500 mg, then this is “weak mineralization water”. "Highly mineralized water" contains more than 500 mg of minerals per liter. Real mineral water is extracted from underground water resources in protected areas. It can be carbonated and. Normally, additional minerals are not added to such water.

Healing mineral water, unlike the dining room, should be taken as a medicine: in strictly limited doses and on the advice of a doctor.

What is the harm of mineral water

With all the advantages of mineral water and its undoubted benefits for, its use is still called into question. So what are the reasons for these doubts? Firstly, its composition may include far from useful minerals, and these are sodium, sulfur and nitrate. When purchasing mineral water in the store, look for substances such as calcium, magnesium and potassium in its composition. These minerals are especially valuable for maintaining the health of the body. Secondly, with a deficiency of minerals, it is recommended to compensate for them under the supervision of a doctor. For example, with a lack of iron, the doctor prescribes iron supplements in the required dosage. And the use of mineral water cannot be guaranteed to fill the needs of the body. Moreover, the composition of water varies depending on the source and it can be quite difficult to find the right combination of substances. Thirdly, water packed in plastic bottle, loses its properties, especially if it is stored in the sun or when high temperature air. Besides, this water is not cheap. It turns out that you overpay for water, the composition of which is approximately the same as that of tap water.


  • Useful properties of mineral water that you should know.

Tip 4: Alkaline mineral water for health: how to take

Alkaline mineral water is rich in minerals and has a detoxifying, moisturizing and antioxidant effect. It prevents disease and slows down the aging process, provides essential minerals, stimulates normal blood flow and maintains normal pH, and promotes the elimination of toxins.

High-quality alkaline mineral water, saturates the body with useful elements, and is also great for cooking, coffee and tea. The main sources of natural alkaline mineral water are in Borjomi (Georgia) and Essentuki (Russia). Mineral waters are classified as diuretic, laxative or anti-inflammatory.

Beneficial features

Mineral waters have many health benefits, aiding digestion, softening the skin, strengthening bones and teeth, preventing kidney stones, increasing immune system and stress relief.

Mineral alkaline water, sodium, potassium, calcium and other elements. At the same time, magnesium controls muscle contraction, protein metabolism, blood clotting, energy production. Lack of magnesium and calcium over time leads to hypertension and osteoporosis. Potassium is critical in maintaining proper electrolyte and acid-base balance. Sodium is involved in the water-salt balance, normalizes kidney function.

Certain diseases, such as diabetes, cause pH imbalances in the body caused by acidic conditions. The alkali in mineral water helps offset these factors.

Admission rules

The level of acidity in the body determines the rate of intake of alkaline water, which averages 3 ml / kg of body weight or 600 ml per day. With an ulcer or gastritis, it is better to drink water after eating. For the treatment of gastritis with low acidity, it is consumed 1-1.5 hours before meals. With abundant secretion of gastric juice - in the process of eating. For prevention, drink water half an hour before meals.

Proper digestion depends on the presence of hydrochloric acid in the stomach to chemically break down food. Low level acid in the stomach leads to flatulence, bloating and poor absorption of nutrients. Alkaline mineral water in large doses acts as a stomach acid neutralizer and can have a negative effect on digestion.

In addition, the use of such water in large quantities can lead to metabolic alkalosis. V normal situation The kidneys manage the acid-base balance and remove excess alkaline substances from the system. In cases where the ability of the organs to maintain balance is suppressed by a significant amount of alkaline sources, such as bicarbonate of soda, people experience edema, hypertension, clouding of consciousness, or convulsions.

Before drinking, it is important to discuss with your doctor whether you can benefit from drinking mineral water that has a high alkalinity.

For the normal functioning of the body, you need to drink 1.5-2 liters daily. pure water. Some advise drinking mineral water without gas. And how much mineral water can you drink per day, and what threatens the uncontrolled intake of mineral water?

Before you use mineral water in unlimited quantities, you must carefully study its composition on the label. The chemical composition of mineral water is due to the presence in it of three types of cations: sodium, calcium and magnesium and three types of anions: chlorine, sulfate and bicarbonate. Mineral waters, both carbonated and still, differ:

- Canteens: in such water, the mineral content is approximately 1 g per liter of water. Such water can be consumed in any quantity without harm to health. Table water stimulates digestion and has no medicinal properties.

Mineral-table: this water contains from 1 to 2 g of minerals per liter of water. Such water can be drunk by both adults and children, but it is better for the latter to pay attention to table water.

- Mineral medicinal table water: the mineral content is significantly higher, from 2 to 9 g per liter. It is better to use such water after consultation with a specialist. List of diseases for which it is suitable given water, usually listed on the label.

- Healing mineral water: the content of minerals in water exceeds 9 g per liter of liquid. In addition to the above substances, it may contain boron and arsenic. Their compounds are considered poisonous, therefore, medicinal water, both inside and for baths and inhalations, must be used strictly under medical supervision.

Daily unlimited use of mineral water (with the exception of table water) can lead to an imbalance in the salt balance in the body, lead to bloating or increase the acidity of the stomach. With a significant excess of the recommended amount of water, edema may appear, and with prolonged use of medicinal water, there is a possibility of the formation of kidney stones.