How to feed astilba for abundant flowering. Agrotechnics for growing astilbe

If you want the beautiful astilba to settle in your dacha, planting and leaving in open ground won't be too difficult. It is quite unpretentious, but very decorative. This perennial blooms profusely. Feels good even in constant shade. Astilba comfortably tolerates cold winters (down to -37 ° C), practically does not get sick, and garden pests not particularly interested in her. Let's see what are the features of planting, care and reproduction of astilba. Knowing the subtleties of agricultural cultivation, you can get wonderful results.

Photo of blooming astilba:

For originality, lush beauty, everyone loves it, professional, novice gardeners, just lovers.

Astilba - description, appearance and features

What is astilba? This perennial from the Saxifragaceae family, with openwork foliage and beautiful fluffy panicle inflorescences.

When does astilba bloom? It blooms from the first days of summer. How long does astilbe bloom? The most active plant blooms for about a month. The flowering process itself continues until August. Not only flowers are decorative, but also long-leaved dark green leaves growing on erect stems. The color scheme of lush panicles is rich in a variety of shades: white, cream, pink, lilac, red. The delicate aroma of astilba is somewhat reminiscent of the fragrance of bird cherry.

The birthplace of the flower is Japan and Asia. The number of varieties reaches 200 varieties. There are dwarf varieties, for example, Lilliput. There are tall varieties, for example, Ahrens hybrids. Compliance with simple agrotechnical rules, even for a novice gardener, allows you to grow a lush, eye-catching plant - which is why this culture is so loved by many. For perfect height, the development of astilbe needs a shadow, but not too strong. The so-called "lace" shadow from the crown of trees is what you need.

Astilba photo:

Astilba will make any corner of the garden cozy

With the onset of cold weather, the aerial part dies off, and the overwintered root gives new shoots in spring. A notable feature of astilba is that its rhizomes grow from above. Thus, buds are tied on the upper part of the root system, which are exposed, therefore, they require annual topping up of the soil. Every year their size increases, forming new roots, while the lower part gradually dies off. Panicle flowers reach from 10 to 50 cm in length, when the flowering period ends, boxes with seeds inside remain in their place.

The height of the astilba plant depends on the variety. There are tall varieties, there are dwarf varieties. For comfortable cultivation, it is preferable to give your choice tall varieties- those that grow up to 50-80 cm. They are more resilient, tolerate climate changes and temperature extremes well.

As mentioned above, there are many different types of this plant, but most gardeners liked the Japanese astilba. This variety is also called Montgomery - a hybrid bred by the German breeder Georg Arends in 1837.

Astilbe Montgomery

Arends hybrids are the brightest, most beautiful, unpretentious, they grow well on any soil, are resistant to cold, bloom for a long time (about 40 days). In addition to Montgomery, Gloria, Deutschland, Europe, Rheinland are popular with gardeners.

Japanese astilba grows up to 80 cm high, has ornamental leaves, its flowers bloom early. After the flowers fade, they do not lose their decorative qualities, do not spoil the overall picture of the garden, and are often used to make dry bouquets.

Where to plant astilba, in the sun or in the shade

Where to plant astilba in the country, in the garden? The best place- in the northern part of the site. This is the best for her comfortable place. Where to plant astilba in the sun or in the shade? Choose shady places or areas near the pool, pond (if you have one). Only some varieties of astilba prefer sunny areas. When planting, be sure to consider the proximity of plants, for example, hostas growing nearby will not only be in harmony with the leaves or flowers of the astilba, but will protect it from overheating in hot summers. Those varieties that bloom in the midst of summer, you need to select only shaded places.

The planting process is best started in early May / early June.

What kind of soil does astilbe like? It can grow in almost any soil. But he especially loves loams, fertile soil, soil saturated with potassium-phosphorus additives.

If the earth hyperacidity, before planting, it is recommended to add a little wood ash to lower the pH level, you can also use dolomite flour for this purpose.

You also need to pay attention to the variety, the timing of its flowering. Early, late varieties will feel equally comfortable in a sunny, shaded place. high lay ground water, as well as periodic stagnation of water in the area are highly undesirable for astilba. To root system did not get wet, you will need to equip drainage or plant plants on a hill.

Make sure that the planting material (roots) does not have rotten or dead fragments. Roots should not be too wet or dry.

Please watch a video selection of astilba photos.

Astilba, care and planting, growing conditions

How to plant astilba? How to plant astilba? The place on the site should be prepared before planting: dig up, uproot the roots of shrubs (if any), remove weeds, fertilize the ground with manure or add peat (about 2 buckets per 1 square meter). Pits for bushes should be about 30 cm deep. Deep into them, it is recommended to pour a little ash (a handful), mineral supplements, and then generously add water. Now you can start landing. Make sure that at least 5 cm of earth is poured over the roots of the plant, which should be carefully compacted and then covered with a layer of mulch (also 5 cm). For mulching, peat or humus is suitable.

Astilba - photo of flowers in a flower bed:

Astilbe in landscape design, a photo

How does astilbe reproduce?

Astilba can be propagated by seeds or division of rhizomes. In the second case, fragments of rhizomes or buds are used.

Reproduction by seeds

I want to note right away that astilbe grown from seeds will not always meet your expectations. And the color of the inflorescences may be different, and the brushes may be rare, not as fluffy as that of the plant from which you collected the seeds, and even it will not bloom for as long as the mother plant.

But still, I will tell you how to propagate astilba seeds. The excitement of the breeder is very clear to me.

After the plant fades, seeds ripen in boxes, they are sown in early March, but before that they are “hardened” with cold.

To do this, take a suitable container, pour a mixture of peat and sand (equal proportions), scatter the seeds on top, lay a 2 cm layer of snow on top of them. By the way, you can use snow from the freezer. The snow will melt naturally, burying the seeds deep into the soil. After the snow melts, cover the container with glass or plastic wrap, and then place in the refrigerator for 3 weeks. For these purposes, the lower compartment is perfect, where vegetables are usually stored. During this period, already hardened seedlings will sprout, which over time will turn into strong plants that are not afraid of cold and frost.

After the appearance of sprouts, move the container to a lighted place where the air temperature is not lower than +20°C. Watering the seedlings should be extremely careful, for this it is better to use a syringe to direct the stream of water to the spine. After the appearance of the first 3 full leaves, small seedlings can be planted in individual pots. It should be borne in mind that varietal crops do not propagate by seeds - hybrids do not retain their individual characteristics.

Reproduction of astilba by dividing the bush

How to grow astilba from rhizome? The division of the rhizome is the easiest, effective way breeding.

To do this, a full-fledged plant should be dug up, removed from the soil along with the roots, with an earthen clod. Then gently shake off the ground, expose the root system, take a knife, divide the root into fragments, and each piece should have at least 4 buds. After that, you need to plant the roots at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other, water daily (not too abundantly).

Astilba - cultivation and care, photo:

Astilba at the beginning of flowering

Reproduction by kidneys gives the fastest results. It is best to select seed in the spring, when the growth of new shoots is activated. The kidneys are carefully cut along with a piece of rhizome. The place of the cut is sprinkled with ash or a tablet of activated carbon crushed with a mortar. After that, they take a container, fill it with a mixture of peat and gravel. For 3 parts of peat, take 1 part of gravel. After that, the kidneys are buried there, covered with glass or film. When the plant germinates, gets stronger, it can be planted on the site using the method described above.

How to care for a young astilba after transplantation

The main thing to remember is the unusual features of its root system, to ensure that the roots are covered with earth. Provide regular watering (according to the variety). Mulching is recommended. Both overheating and waterlogging are equally harmful to all plants, and a mulch layer will help keep the roots healthy. Remove weeds, water more often during flower formation, fertilize according to the season: nitrogen in spring, potash in mid-summer, phosphorus in late summer.

Astilba should be repotted every 8-10 years. With the right approach to business, this plant will transform your country cottage area, will give positive emotions, bright colors of summer. Thus, astilba is aesthetic, undemanding. in open ground are not difficult.

What year does astilba bloom after planting? Grown from seeds, blooms in the 3rd year. And those that you planted by dividing the rhizome can bloom in the year of planting.

When to transplant astilba in spring or autumn? Can be transplanted in spring and autumn. If you decide to transplant the plant in the fall, then wait for the end of flowering. But do not delay transplanting: the plant should be transplanted about a month before the onset of cold weather (not below + 5 ° C). IN middle lane In Russia, this is approximately in the month of September, in the Kuban - in October. If you plant or transplant astilba in the spring, then this season you will be able to see flowering. Try to hold this event in April-May if you live in central Russia, and in March-April if you live in the Kuban. Astilba can not be transplanted for many years. But sooner or later, its flowering will become scarce. Fluffy panicles will become rare, lose their decorative effect. Experts believe that astilba should be transplanted about once every four years. But, if you see that your plant has not lost its fluffiness and splendor, then do not touch it for another year or two.

Astilba, photo of flowers

Flower growers appreciate astilba for a long, lush bloom, shade tolerance and resistance to high soil moisture.

A sprawling shrub with openwork leaves on reddish cuttings looks spectacular not only during flowering, but throughout the entire garden season.

Brief description of the plant

Astilba (Astilbe) is a herbaceous plant of the Saxifrage family. Japan, East Asia and North America can be considered the homeland of this decorative perennial. The genus includes about 40 species and more than 400 varieties. The height of the astilba varies from 15 to 200 cm. The flowers are collected in paniculate inflorescences 10-60 cm long. Coloring can be varied: flowers of white, red, pink and purple shades look especially attractive. Large leaves form an openwork bush of dark green, burgundy, bronze color. The fruit is a capsule with small seeds. Flowering time - June-August.

Choosing the right place and time for planting will guarantee that the astilbe will quickly take root.

Growing conditions

Astilbe don't need a lot of light for rapid growth. Best of all, she feels in a rarefied shade. In such conditions, flowering will be long and abundant.

Although varieties with white and light pink flowers ("Weise Perle", "Gloria", "Bergkristall" and others) feel great in the sun. Flowering in this case is shorter, but twice as intense.

Astilbe looks spectacular on semi-shady, rocky hills, in discounts along lawns, on the shore. This plant will help to decorate the site with taste and enliven even the darkest corners of your garden possessions.

Main varieties

Astilbe David (Astilbe davidii)

A plant with a wide-spread form of a bush reaches a height of 150 cm. The leaves are complex, wrinkled, light green in color and brownish veins. The flowers are lilac-pink with a lowered axis. Blooms in July-August.

Astilba is a perennial herbaceous plant that naturally occurs in mountainous regions where the climate is monsoon. And even at an altitude of almost 5000 meters.

Therefore, this perennial is very hardy and quite frost-resistant, and it will be quite comfortable in various regions of our country, where winters are quite cold.

How to care for this perennial in the fall, what should be done to prepare it for winter? All this will be discussed below.

Since this perennial is hardy and frost-resistant, what activities should be carried out during the autumn months to prepare it for the cold season?

This flowering plant especially needs care. in the first year after planting. In order for the young bush to get stronger and endure the winter well, you should not let its buds bloom in the first season. Flower stalks should be removed immediately, even before the formation of inflorescences on them. In this case, all the nutrients will go to the active growth of the root system, its strengthening, the formation of new buds on the roots.

The soil around the young astilba should water and loosen regularly to get more oxygen from the air to the roots. This removes weeds that prevent young flowers from developing. When the shrub grows, it will crowd out all the weeds, so there will be no need to fight them.

Particularly sensitive to autumn care are astilbe seedlings planted in this season, which are more than 5 years old - their rhizomes grow strongly (including upwards) and become more sensitive to cold if there is little (or no) snow in winter. In this case, it is necessary to cover the near-stem circle of the flower with a layer of mulch so that the root system does not suffer from severe frosts.

Thus, in the fall, caring for this perennial comes down to the following procedures:

  • top dressing;
  • mulching the soil around the stems;
  • pruning peduncles and dried stems;
  • shelter for the winter.

Each of these procedures should be discussed in more detail so that beginners who want to grow this flower on their site every year admire their active flowering.

Astilba pruning in autumn

There are many varieties of this perennial, and they bloom in different time. Therefore, usually after flowering, astilba is not cut off, only those flower stalks that have finished flowering are removed. Many flower growers believe that since this perennial is frost-resistant and unpretentious, then in the fall it does not require any care, including no pruning. When and how to prune astilba in the fall - this will be written below.

But before pruning, you should prepare the necessary equipment for this procedure. Usually cutting the stems is carried out with a garden pruner. In order not to expose the bushes to possible infection, before starting the procedure, the instrument is placed for half an hour in a pink solution of potassium permanganate. To eliminate the possibility of transferring the infection from one plant to another, it is best to disinfect the pruner after cutting each plant.

Why prune astilba in autumn

This herbaceous bush should be pruned in the fall every year. This procedure should be carried out annually for several reasons. First of all, dried stems against the background of new young shoots look very ugly and worsen the overall decorative effect of the plant. And a cut perennial is easier to cover for the winter.

Therefore, ignore the procedure autumn pruning this perennial does not follow.

When is the best time to prune astilba - in spring or autumn

Astilba should be cut in the fall, as this procedure greatly facilitates the process of sheltering the plant before the onset of the cold season. But if this perennial is from 2 to 4 years old, then it can not be covered for the winter, so gardeners often cut the dried stems of this flower in the spring.

Astilba pruning dates in autumn

The timing of pruning plants in the autumn period differs in different regions our country depending on the specific climatic conditions. The fact is that astilba stems are cut after the first autumn frosts have passed. As a result, dried shoots from frost begin to darken. In different regions of Russia, the pruning period is carried out from early October to mid-November.

How to cut astilba in the fall - instructions and diagram

Sometimes novice flower growers cut this flower incorrectly - leaving the stem cut too high. Sticking out dry stems look ugly against the background of green foliage and shoots during the summer season, and it is not very convenient to cover them.

Therefore, all dried stems are cut only at the root. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the young buds formed on the rhizomes do not become bare. In order to protect them from frost, the bushes are spudded, and a layer of mulching substance is poured on top. For this purpose, you can take high-moor peat or manure, which is completely overripe. The thickness of the mulch layer should be between 15 and 25 cm.

Video: astilbe pruning in autumn

Care after pruning: fertilizing and fertilizing astilba in the fall

In addition to pruning, in the autumn, care should be taken to fertilize under each bush.

Important! Beginners should be aware that organic fertilizers applied in the autumn will not fully decompose until spring. Therefore, all the nutrients obtained in the process of their decomposition will only come to the plant when they start growing in the spring.

To feed the astilba in the fall, a fertilizer containing potassium and phosphorus is applied under them. These minerals allow the root system to restore its strength after abundant flowering and prepare for the coming frost. Under each bush, no more than 1 tablespoon of such a complex fertilizer should be applied. In order for the fertilizer to penetrate the roots faster, it is better to apply it in the fall not dry, but liquid. If the fertilizer is applied dry, then the bushes should be watered abundantly.

Astilba shelter for the winter

If flower growers grow astilba in the southern regions, then it may not be covered for the winter - the winters are warm there, and even the root system of adult plants growing to the surface of the soil will not freeze over winter period.

How to properly cover this plant before the cold will be discussed below.

Do I need to cover astilba for the winter

In principle, the frost resistance of this perennial is quite high, so it does not freeze out even at frosts below 15 C. However, in this case, those roots that are too close to the ground surface may freeze slightly, and those buds that grow on them to the beginning of winter. As a result, next season the astilba vegetative mass will grow less actively, and flowering will be less abundant.

Therefore, sheltering perennial bushes for the winter is as important a procedure as autumn pruning.

How to cover astilba for the winter

In the first years, it is enough to spud the cut bushes and cover them with a layer of mulch on top. But older plants that are more than 5 years old need to be covered better. Especially if there is too little snow in the regions in winter, or often a thaw period in winter is replaced by a strong cold snap.

In this case, a square fence is constructed from boards around each bush, on top of which any covering material available is pulled. Dry foliage is poured inside the wooden fence. A layer of polyethylene is pulled on top, the edges of which should be pressed to the ground with stones or bricks so that a strong wind does not tear it off. Polyethylene will protect the covering material from getting wet, and also prevent moisture from entering the shelter. After all, water that has got to the roots of a plant during a period of warming can cause rotting of the roots.

What are the features of preparing astilba for winter in different regions

Although this shrub is not too picky about growing conditions on garden plot, but the above activities allow astilba to calmly survive the cold season. But there are some nuances of preparing this perennial for winter in different regions of our country.

In the Middle lane (Moscow region)

In the Middle lane (Moscow region), if the winter is expected to be snowy and not too cold, then it is enough just to spud and mulch the cut perennial. As a mulch, it is better to use spruce branches, straw and other natural materials under which air enters. In this case, the greenhouse effect will not appear under the shelter.

In the Volga region

In the Volga region, where winters are not too cold, this perennial can be covered for the winter, as in central Russia.

In the Urals and Siberia

In the Urals and Siberia, winters are colder, and the ground can freeze to a depth of 0.8-1.0 m, so astilba should be covered not only with a layer of mulch, but also around wooden frame with an indispensable pull on top of the covering material.

Typical mistakes caring for astilba in the fall and in preparation for winter

Many beginners believe that astilba tolerates the cold season perfectly, does not need any activities in the autumn - and as a result, these flowers grow worse next season, and flowering may be weak.

Basic Mistakes, which allow novice flower growers during the autumn care and preparation of astilba for winter:

  • fertilizers are not applied in the autumn;
  • dried stems are cut incorrectly (or not cut at all);
  • plants are not properly covered for the winter, as a result, the astilba's roots begin to rot or freeze;
  • do not cover for the winter at all.

Caring for this perennial flower in the fall is essential if the gardener wants to enjoy its flowering throughout each summer season. And it depends on the correctness of their implementation how astilba will grow and develop in the future.

Bright red astilbe inflorescences are already visible from afar, so many flower growers are happy to plant them. The growing popularity of this perennial flower contributes to the fact that it can be grown under trees and near bushes. Since it is these areas that usually remain bare, because flowering plants it is necessary to take away, basically, a sunny place.

Astilbe is a herbaceous plant with an interesting inflorescence in the form of panicles of small pink, red or white flowers on a tall stem and beautiful decoratively dissected leaves on brown cuttings. Thanks to spreading foliage, it is a decoration of the garden not only during the flowering period (almost the whole of July), but also the rest of the year.

This plant is considered frost-resistant, as it most often grows in natural conditions in the mountains (up to 4800 m). Therefore, many flower growers say that astilba does not need to be prepared for wintering. Which is not entirely true. The activities necessary for her depend on her age and the climatic zone where she grows.

In this article, we will consider how to prepare astilba for winter, taking into account the factors listed above.

Preparing astilba for winter

If you want to get a strong bush, then caring for astilba for the winter must begin in the summer. To do this, the peduncle should be cut off from a young plant as soon as it appears. Further, it is only required to regularly weed the ground around the bush in order to prevent the formation of a hard crust. This must be done very carefully so as not to damage the roots.

It will be necessary to cut off all the leaves of a young astilba for the winter when the first autumn frosts pass and the ground part turns black. This is usually done at the same level with the soil. Then it will be enough to make a hill 3-4 cm high above the stump and mulch the landing site with a thin layer of peat or dry leaves. You can also use finely chopped bark or well-rotted manure for this.

In the next few years, caring for a healthy astilba bush will consist of pruning it for the winter under the root and mulching it with the means listed earlier. This is very important so that the plant does not freeze. After all, the growth of the rhizome occurs upward, which means that it gradually becomes bare and becomes vulnerable to frost. Also, if this is not done, then in the spring the plant will be weak, which means that it will bloom little and not for long.

At the age of 4-5 years, astilba needs not just mulching the soil for the winter, but a full-fledged shelter. To do this, the traditional cutting of the stem and leaves is first carried out. Then a wooden frame is installed around it (it can be made from any materials). Fallen dry leaves are thrown inside it, and a non-woven material, such as spunbond or lutrasil, is pulled on top. In order to prevent water from getting into the middle, which is the cause of the death of plants in the winter, we cover this structure with plastic wrap and press it along the edges so that it is not blown away by the wind.

It is very important to make astilba as strong as possible before wintering, because it depends on this whether it will endure winter and early spring frosts. To further increase the plant's chances of survival, it is recommended to feed it in the fall. This can be done by adding potash and phosphorus fertilizers to the soil (at the rate of 25 g of the drug for each bush). You can also use organic fertilizers (for example: manure). Due to its slow rate of decomposition in the spring, the flower will receive additional nutrition in accessible form, which ensure a longer and more abundant flowering in summer.

A variety of horticultural crops requires compliance with special rules for their agroteny. There are secrets of an experienced florist that help turn any piece of land into a blooming paradise. Caring for astilba in the fall according to the rule of agricultural technology will help keep the plant in any climatic zone. Before you cover the plant for the winter, you should know how and when to transplant the shrub correctly. Astilba is a very beautiful plant and deserves timely and regular self-care. But care does not always consist in observing temperature standards, watering, etc. of things. Another very important process is transplantation. The activity of fruiting depends on it, as well as the appearance and health of the future bush. Today we will tell you how and when to transplant astilba correctly so as not to harm the flower and get the maximum benefit from it.

Astilbe transplant - how, when and why?

In fact, astilba grows in one place for up to 10 years and without any transplantation, but if you still want to admire its lush bushes and healthy appearance, then we advise you to carry out this procedure every 3-4 years. This optimal time, since it is during this period that the process of aging of the roots begins and the flowering of astilba becomes no longer so active, and the bush itself slowly fades, and the buds begin to die. Astilba transplantation may be required only with severe depletion of the soil. About how, when and why to do this, you can read about in the material. You also need to know one more specificity of astilbe - over time, its roots, along with the buds, begin to grow upwards and eventually break out. As a result, they can be severely affected by extreme heat and winter frosts. Flowering in this case may completely stop.

When transplanting, the astilba rhizome is cut very sharp knife(so as not to harm the plant) for the required number of parts. Each separated bush should have at least three buds at the base of the root system. Immediately after dividing the bush, place the roots of future plants in a container with water - this will contribute to the independent growth and development of the plant.

When you have already begun the planting process, do not forget to keep a distance between the bushes - at least 40 centimeters, so that not only the flowers, but also the foliage of the astilbe can grow to its full strength. The depth of planting is determined by the kidneys - they should be immersed in the ground by 3-4 centimeters. Then sprinkle mulch (peat or humus is suitable) with a layer of two centimeters. In this way, you can avoid the appearance of weeds next to the bush and retain moisture in the soil.

When can you transplant astilba

Since our bush constantly succeeds in moisture, especially in summer, the very best option- this is to carry out a transplant in spring or autumn, when there is still (or already) not such a scorching sun. When it is possible to transplant astilba with minimal losses for the plant - each grower decides on his own. The preferred option is the end of August - the beginning of September. The flower will transfer the procedure much easier, which means the result will be better. Some gardeners claim that transplantation can be carried out even when the first buds and flowers have already appeared on the bush - it is important to do everything very carefully here: it is necessary to transplant along with a clod of earth and water regularly. That is, even the growing season will not have a special effect on the effectiveness of the transplant. They believe that the only thing that can interfere with a quality and effective transplant is the lack of sun and lack of moisture.

When to plant astilba?

To get a beautiful and healthy plant, you need to know not only how to plant a bush, but also when. Astilba is recommended to be planted in spring or autumn. In the spring - after the threat of frost has finally passed and the sprouts can be planted immediately on open ground. In a month and a half, it will bloom (at the turn of June and July). When to plant astilbe depends largely on the climatic conditions of a particular region. If you want to get flowers next year, then you can plant seedlings only in the fall, when the summer heat subsides. Planting conditions are still the same, it just won't bloom so soon. The hole in which you plan to plant astilba should be twice as wide as the root system so that it can be prevented from being accidentally damaged and have a depth of at least 15 centimeters. The loose earth that forms near the bush will contribute to more comfortable conditions for the growth of astilba. After planting, the pit is covered clay soil(same consistency as the soil next to the bush). Also check how well packed the soil is next to the new plant to make sure all air pockets have been removed.

How to cover astilba for the winter?

In the first year, in order for the plant to survive the winter well, do not let it bloom. It is necessary to immediately cut off all the flower stalks so that all the forces of the flower go to the formation of buds in the rhizome. Also, at first it is necessary to regularly weed the bush, and after it grows, the need for this procedure will disappear by itself. How to cover astilbe for the winter and when is the best time to do it? The same layer of mulch will help to prepare and postpone the wintering, which, in addition, performs several more functions, which we have already talked about a little higher. If you live in the middle lane, then you will not need shelter for astilba for the winter - this is one of the most frost-resistant flowers among perennials that tolerate shade conditions. There is a danger of late spring frosts, but if you have met all the conditions before, then your flower will certainly retain its decorative chic and beauty. Older bushes (4-5 years old) are more sensitive to winter frosts, and that's all, because their roots are gradually exposed and remain unprotected. Install a frame made of wood or metal near the bush, and fill the space around it with foliage and stretch the spunbond from above. In order to protect our structure from moisture, we advise you to cover it with a plastic film, which is pressed against bricks for reliability.

The glossy shine of the leaves of this flower formed the basis of the name. If we translate literally the name "astilbe" from the Greek language, we get - "very brilliant." It is winter hardy unpretentious plant deserves the attention of both gardeners and professional landscape designers.

general description

This plant is perennial, has a rhizome. For the winter, the vegetative part dies off, and the rhizomes remain in the ground. This perennial came to us from the countries of East Asia, it is found both in Japan and in North America in deciduous forests, along rivers and in places where water accumulates. Can withstand temperatures as low as -37 degrees Celsius. Different kinds have a different height of the peduncle and the width of the leaves. The bush looks beautiful and unusual partly due to its leaf, which deserves special attention. Due to the pinnate leaves (there are two- and three-pinnate), the plant acquires an unusual charm. Astilba flowers are collected in panicles, the length of the peduncle itself depends on the species. The timing and duration of flowering also depend on the species. Some varieties bloom in June and are considered early, others are medium and bloom in July, the following are late with flowering in August. The color of the inflorescences is varied: white, pink, red and purple. The fruits are capsules containing up to 20,000 seeds. During flowering, this perennial is especially good. According to its shape, astilbe inflorescences are: pyramidal, paniculate, rhombic and drooping. This feature is also taken into account by designers when designing flower beds, flowerbeds and flower beds.

Astilba cultivation

Growing does not cause much trouble. A rather unpretentious plant that loves shady places with constantly moist soil. Landing time - end of March - May. Before planting, the earth must be dug up, weeds removed and compost or humus added to it, at the rate of: 2 buckets of fertilizer per 1 m2. It is best to plant astilba on the north side of the house, in the shade. Some varieties, however, have adapted to live in sunny places. Flowering in such varieties is abundant, but short. Astilbe growing in shading will still bloom for a longer time: under the crown of trees and shrubs, near the pool, in general, an ideal place, because astilbe loves moisture. Loamy soil with a pH of 5.5-6.5 is suitable for planting.

Landing and aftercare

The permissible distance between the astilba bushes is 30 cm. The depth of the planting hole is 20-30 cm. It is best to add a tablespoon of mineral fertilizers to the planting hole, then plant the astilba so that the buds are covered with earth no more than 4-5 cm. After that, it is necessary to compact ground and mulch with peat or humus. Then water generously. The peculiarity of this perennial is the death of the lower part of the rhizome due to its growth in the upper part. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the plant does not dry out, and is always hilled. Mulching helps retain moisture, and also protects the rhizomes from overheating and frees the grower from constant loosening. If the summer was dry, watering should be done twice a day. Without a transplant, astilba can grow in the same place for up to 7 years, but only if the following actions are taken: watering, timely fertilization and mulching. With such care, she can reach the age of 20 years.

The scheme and procedure for fertilizing: in the spring - nitrogen fertilizer or humus, in mid-June - add potash, and before the end of flowering - phosphorus fertilizers. After fertilization, the soil must be loosened.


To rejuvenate astilbe bushes, it is necessary to divide the rhizome and transplant the divisions to new places. You can transplant in the summer, but not at the time of flowering. If the delenka is planted in its original place, then it will be necessary to dig up and bring in peat or humus, and only after that plant it. Astilba pruning begins in the fall, before wintering. Astilba must be cut flush with the ground, and then mulched. The rhizomes need to be divided so that there is at least one bud on the delenka, this is done so that the astilba blooms next year. Delenki, which have just been transplanted, would be good to cover with spruce branches for the winter in order to protect the plant from frost. It will also give confidence that in the spring the plant will not die from temperature changes.

Reproduction of astilba

Astilbe reproduces in three ways: division of the rhizome, seeds and germinating buds.

The most common way to propagate astilba is by dividing the rhizome. Each division must be at least 5 cm long and have one to three growth buds. Well, if this delenka has adventitious roots. If you want to see the flowering of this bush in the fall, then you need to divide in the spring. Astilba can be transplanted at different times of the year, the main thing is to ensure abundant watering for several days after transplantation.

Seeds propagate "species" specimens. The seeds are very small, they are fastened well, but do not always ripen. If the seeds managed to ripen, then in September they will need to be shaken out of the inflorescences. Having prepared boxes with a nutrient mixture of sand and peat in advance, sowing can begin in March. Seeds germinate 3-4 weeks after sowing and grow quite slowly. Only at the end of the year it will be possible to see a small rosette of leaves. If astilbes do not interfere with each other's growth, is it necessary to transplant them this season? Of course not. It is better to transplant next spring to a previously prepared place. Plants grown from seeds will bloom only in the third year.

And finally, the third way: reproduction by the kidneys of renewal. This method can be used in early spring cutting out the growth bud with part of the rhizome. This method is also called reproduction "with a heel." You can keep the mother liquor for reproduction. 1/3 of the mass of the entire bush can be divided without harm to it. Rooted in greenhouses in soil similar to the soil for sowing seeds, pouring it with a layer of 5-7 cm on ordinary fertile soil. It is better to plant astilba in a permanent place in the spring. next year. It will bloom the same year.

There is another way - this is propagation by green cuttings in early spring, but it is not effective enough and is therefore rarely used.

Pests and diseases

Basically, all types of astilba are resistant to diseases. Of the pests, the plant can be affected by slobber pennitsa and strawberry or gall nematode, but quite rarely.

In the axils of the leaves, foamy secretions can be found in which the larvae of the slobber pennitsa develop. They feed on leaves, thereby weakening the development and growth of peduncles.

The strawberry nematode is very dangerous, as it affects the buds and leaves, and it is not easy to get rid of it. Complete eradication of infected plants is required. The gall nematode lives in the roots. It can be dealt with by removing the affected roots.

Diseased plants can be immediately recognized by their appearance. They develop poorly and bloom unevenly.

The use of astilba in garden design

Astilba has long won the respect of landscape designers and amateur gardeners. This beautiful plant can be planted both in groups and singly. It will grow best near water bodies or in moist semi-shady places.

Excellent classical partners of astilba are hostas, ferns, irises. But with other plants, astilbe will go well. For example, with bergenia, heart-leaved tiarella, blood-red geranium, panicled phlox, geyhera, more about which can be found here. They also look great next to astilba and complement it with doronicum, various primroses, gravel, iberis, bathing suit. If low-growing perennials are planted in the foreground: saxifrage, krupka, lamb, creeping tenacious, umbilical, then the picture will acquire an unforgettable charm. Some types of stonecrop (white and false) will also look good in the foreground.

Astilba borders are an invention of amateur gardeners from Vilnius. It is quite original and does not cause much trouble. Astilba can decorate not only your garden. Its peduncles are well suited for cutting, and dried inflorescences can be used to make winter bouquets.

As noted above, the timing of flowering depends on the type of astilba. If you apply this quality in flower beds, then you can achieve a long almost continuous flowering by selecting different varieties. You need to arrange the plants so that they are high in the background, and low in the foreground and with different terms flowering. Astilba does not lose its decorative effect even after flowering. Her openwork leaf decorates the flower bed until frost. After flowering, seed pods are formed, and they will also decorate the garden with their unusual shape and color. Panicles can not be cut before winter, they decorate a flower bed in winter and look quite original.

Astilbe. Preparing for winter

Astilba preparation for winter begins in autumn. If the plant was planted in the current season, then it should not be left unattended in any case. After working on it this year, get abundant flowering next. In the first year, it is necessary to cut off all the inflorescences before flowering so that the astilba can form renewal buds on the rhizomes, then this will have a positive effect on rooting. To prevent the formation of a soil crust and weeds, it is necessary to weed young seedlings. Over time, the rhizomes will grow and interfere with the emergence of weeds.

Pruning irises in autumn

The dream of every grower is a garden that blooms continuously throughout the season. Fill a pause from spring bulbous and ...

After the first frost, you need to cut the plant to the ground. The above-ground part will still die off for the winter. It is better to spud and mulch the stumps, thereby preventing the rhizome from freezing in winter. For mulch, peat, tree bark or compost is suitable. Careful preparation for winter requires young plants (one-year-olds) and those older than 5 years old. This is the most critical time for astilbe, as with age it rises, thereby increasing the rhizomes, and exposes it to the surface. The soil becomes not a sufficiently reliable shelter, and the plant may freeze slightly.

It will also not be superfluous to feed the plant. Potassium-phosphorus fertilizers will help astilba prepare for the cold period. They need to be brought in from August. organic fertilizers have a prolonged effect. After the autumn application, they will begin to act only in the spring, which is required. A hillock of rotted manure in late autumn will serve as additional warming in winter and nutrition in spring.

If astilbe is not planned to be transplanted after it is 5 years old, then it is advisable to play it safe and make additional efforts to prepare for winter. To do this, you will need to make a shelter by placing boards around it, and cover the structure with a covering material. Astilbe is a fairly frost-resistant plant. If the landing site is chosen south, and in general the location of the site does not allow planting it on the shady sides, then such a reinforced shelter will not be required.

Astilba is a great plant for your front garden. It can boast of different colors of inflorescences, and flowering periods. She also has varieties with red foliage (Erika, Fanal, Granat).

The soil
Astilba is more suitable for heavy loams. On them, plants bloom a little later, but they bloom longer and more magnificently.
Landing place
These plants do best in shady places - under the canopy of trees or shrubs. Such shade-loving, among other things, is explained by the peculiarities of the formation of new roots and the development of renewal buds.
Moist soil and partial shade are optimal for astilba, but the nature of cultivars is very flexible, some varieties can adapt to other conditions. Many Astilbes thrive in full sun. And they bloom profusely in the sun, but not for long, and their foliage becomes lighter.
When planting, holes are dug 20-30 cm deep and wide, 1-2 handfuls of bone meal and ash are added to each, 25-30 g of mineral fertilizers (the norm per 1 sq.m), humus is added. All this is mixed and spilled with water. Planted astilbes are covered with mulch with a layer of 3-5 cm. The distance when planting between plants is 25-35 cm.
Under natural conditions, where astilba lives, there is a constant layering of the soil due to dying parts of plants and river sediments. The rhizome grows upward, along the way "dressing" with young adventitious roots. Therefore, it is useful to add moisture-intensive and fertile soil every year with a layer of 2-3 cm. And since young roots are located in the upper layer, it is very important to maintain moisture and fertility in it.
In autumn, astilba inflorescences can not be cut off, let them hold back the snow. Winter hardiness of astilba is quite high. In the spring, break off the branches, lay around the bush, sprinkle with earth or compost. The shoots gradually rot, and organic matter accumulates in the soil.
Astilba is practically not affected by diseases and pests. But in shaded areas, it is accompanied by gout, which greatly depresses the plant. Care is this: weeding, loosening, abundant watering, which does not allow the top layer of soil to dry out, in which young roots develop, removal of faded inflorescences (if you do not want the look of the flower garden to deteriorate).
The plant's moisture requirement is medium to high. To form long inflorescences, astilbes are watered abundantly in August-September; to increase the diameter of the inflorescences, mulch the soil in May, especially if the spring is dry and hot.
Astilbe does not tolerate long drought. Poor soil, open sun, coupled with a lack of rain, can destroy the plant. To prevent this from happening, astilba should be watered 2 times a day - in the early morning and evening.
In addition to watering in the sun, plants save fertile soil, thickened planting and mulching. Astilba does not tolerate overheating of the upper part of the rhizome, while mulch helps to reduce temperature and moisture loss, keeps the soil loose, prevents the appearance of weeds and, very importantly, creates favorable conditions for overwintering.
Fertilizers and top dressings
It is important that plants have enough phosphorus and potassium in the root layer of the soil.
In one place, Astilba can grow for 5-6 years, but with careful care it can live without a transplant for up to 20 years, although the inflorescences become smaller. Annual top dressing helps to maintain the decorativeness of old plants - first in spring, after regrowth (fertilizers with a predominance of nitrogen), then immediately after flowering or in autumn (potassium and phosphorus - 20-25 g active substance per plant). Carefully loosen the soil and then mulch.

Astilba is a unique flower with lush foliage and a large number of inflorescences. It has about 40 species and even more varieties. It is distinguished by unique inflorescences different colors often pink. In addition to aesthetic qualities, it has high frost resistance, shade tolerance and resistance to moisture. It blooms throughout the summer period until autumn (usually from late June to September), filling the garden and complementing it.

General rules for caring for astilba in the open field

To plant long time grew and pleased, it is necessary to follow the basic rules of care:

  1. It is necessary to choose the optimal place for landing. Well suited loose soils rich in humus. If natural humus is not enough, manure is added to the ground.
  2. The optimal time for planting a plant is spring.
  3. In order to ensure the best development and growth of the flower, a competent supply of moisture is necessary.
  4. For good growth and better flowering, it is advisable to fertilize the soil around the astilbe several times per season. When choosing fertilizer for astilba, you need to focus on the growing season.
  5. Regular loosening of the soil and weeding will supply the flower with oxygen.

By performing all the prescribed actions, the gardener will be able to grow a beautiful flower.

General rules of care

Why fertilize plants

First of all, astilba fertilizer is aimed at preserving its unique beauty by maintaining abundant flowering.

In addition, well-chosen fertilizers will fill the soil with all the necessary nutrients, which, getting into the plant, will ensure its growth and development, improve both aesthetic and functional characteristics.

The general rules for fertilizing astilba look like this:

  • The use of fertilizers begins in the second year after planting.
  • For the first time it is better to feed astilba in April.
  • The second time the astilbe is fed at the time of ripening of the inflorescences - as a rule, this is June.
  • The third time - at the end of flowering - in the fall.

Important! Do not forget that the flower, which receives all the necessary substances from the earth, has better immunity. Accordingly, competent feeding is at the same time the prevention of diseases.

How to feed astilba after flowering

Immediately after the end of the flowering process, phosphorus-potassium composition, as well as nitrogen, are introduced into the soil. Do this, as a rule, before the first frost. The purpose of this top dressing is to saturate the soil with minerals that are useful for the flower. Such a fertilizer will help preserve the roots during the cold season, as well as ensure the growth and development of leaves for next year.

How to feed astilba in the summer? During this period, she needs minerals that can help cope with flowering and the best way- bait. It is necessary to use potassium and phosphorus types of fertilizers.

Top dressing of astilba in the summer is aimed precisely at abundant flowering, since buds and inflorescences form in the early summer months. As already mentioned, potassium-based fertilizers improve the formation of flowers and favorably affect the flowering process. Means are introduced into the soil or solutions are used for irrigation and spraying. Strict adherence to the concentration of substances and the regularity of procedures will ensure healthy plant growth.

How to feed astilba after flowering

Types of dressings and fertilizers

There are the following main types of fertilizers:

  1. Phosphorus based. Aimed at maintaining the root system.
  2. Potassium based. Promote abundant flowering due to the accelerated formation of buds and inflorescences.
  3. Nitrogen based. They affect both the development of parts above the ground - leaves and buds, and help in maintaining the root system.

In order to feed the plant, you can equally use organic and mineral fertilizers.

Fertilizers applied to the soil to improve its properties are conventionally divided into two groups:

  1. Basic. Add, as a rule, in autumn and spring, preferably early. They are mineral components based on the same nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus.
  2. Auxiliary. They are used for spraying, but cannot replace a full-fledged fertilizer and will not cope with serious plant diseases.

Bait is available in liquid and solid forms.

Note! The nutrients in both forms are in equal concentration, so the choice is purely a matter of preference.

Below are tips, from planting to nurturing, to help keep the plant alive.

  1. Experienced flower growers advise using bionics or a mixture of bone meal and humus when planting.
  2. If the soil is not well hydrated and does not cope well with water retention, hydrogel capsules will save.
  3. It is best to finish planting by sprinkling the surface with crushed sawdust.
  4. It is advisable to add humus to the soil three times a year.
  5. Be sure to feed every season according to the expected result: strengthening of the root system, abundance of flowering, etc.

With properly organized care, astilba will become an adornment of any garden and will warm the soul of the gardener all summer. Knowing which fertilizers will provide abundant flowering, every beauty lover will be able to grow amazingly beautiful flowers on his site.