Pink mushrooms on stumps. Edible mushrooms growing on stumps: types and descriptions

Edible mushrooms often grow on trees, but there are not many varieties. Many of them are well known to mushroom pickers, as they have a pleasant taste and are nutritious. Allocate such mushrooms growing on trees, edible:

  1. Grifola curly. It has fibrous flesh. It has a whitish tint and a pleasant persistent aroma. The hat is very bushy and dense, there are pseudo-caps that are intergrowths. The leg is clearly expressed, has a light color.
  2. Chicken mushroom. It may also be called sulfur yellow tinder fungus. The pulp differs in elasticity and density. She is very fat. The young mushroom is very juicy. The hat is teardrop shaped. It has a yellow and orange tint. The leg is also yellowish, it is poorly expressed. Sometimes it turns out to grow such a fungus with your own hands.
  3. Horn-shaped oyster mushroom. The pulp has a whitish tint. Very fleshy and elastic, but does not have a pronounced taste or smell. The hat has a funnel-shaped or horn-shaped shape. Has a whitish-gray color. Plates are located on the leg. With your own hands, such a mushroom can be grown at home, using wood and hemp.
  4. The polypore is scaly. This is another mushroom that grows on trees. The pulp has a pleasant smell. It is juicy but dense. The leg is short, has scales of a brownish shade. The hat also has such scales, but it itself is yellowish and leathery. This tinder can also be eaten.
  5. Polyporus cellular. The hat of this mushroom has an oval or half round shape. She is covered in scales. Distinguished by yellow-red flowers. The leg is short, located as if on the side. She is white and smooth. You can grow polyporus with your own hands, but this is not easy to do. The pulp is white. It is harsh, does not differ in expressive taste, and its smell is barely distinguishable.
  6. Winter honey agaric. It can also be grown by hand. The pulp has a delicate taste and a light mushroom aroma. Distinguished by white color. The hat is slippery and convex. It has a brown tint, and in the center is even darker. The foot is velvety and hairy to the touch. It also has a brown color.

Edible mushrooms often grow on trees, but there are not many varieties.

poisonous mushrooms on trees

  1. Fluffy trametes. It has thin flesh. It has a leathery texture and a white tint. The hat has furrows, which are covered with grayish bristles at the top. The leg is the same color.
  2. Postia knitting. This is a mushroom that can grow directly from a tree. Its flesh is fleshy and juicy, but the taste is bitter. The white leg is short or absent altogether. The hat has a semicircular, shell-shaped, triangular or kidney-shaped shape. The surface is white.
  3. Piptoporus oak. It can grow directly from trees. The hat has a fan-shaped or round shape. Differs in velvety. Cracks often. Has a brown tint. The leg has the same color, but is weakly expressed. The pulp is juicy, soft and white.
  4. Ischnoderma resinous. It can often be seen next to trees. The hat is round. She sits tightly, and her base is downward. Has a reddish or brownish color. But the leg is lighter than her. Differs in smoothness. Average in size. The pulp is fibrous and juicy. Has a light brownish or white tint.
  5. Ganoderma southern. It grows from a tree. She has practically no legs, and her hat is flat. Sits tight, slightly convex. The wide part grows directly to the ground or wood, if it is on the trunk. The flesh has a dark red or chocolate hue. Very tender and soft.

How to get rid of tinder fungus on a tree (video)

Medicinal varieties of mushrooms on trees

A mushroom that grows on a tree may have medicinal properties. There are several varieties, parts of which grow directly into the tree trunk. Many mushroom pickers actively collect such products and prepare medicines from them at home. Here are common organisms that have healing properties:

  1. Lacquered tinder. It can also be called Reishi mushroom. It has a strong antitumor effect. In addition, it has immunomodulatory properties, stabilizes blood pressure, improves fat metabolism. Actively used in case of loss of strength.
  2. Trutovik bevelled. It is also called chaga. It has an antispasmodic effect, and also fights bacteria. It also has reparative and diuretic properties. Can grow on a birch. It has a gastroprotective effect, accelerates the healing of erosions and ulcers in the stomach and intestines. Able to maintain normal intestinal microflora. It normalizes the work of the entire digestive tract.
  3. Larch sponge. This is another 1 mushroom growing on trees. It has a pronounced laxative effect. In addition, it stops bleeding, has a hypnotic and sedative effect. Helps reduce sweating. Tinctures are made from the leafy sponge.

Mushrooms that grow on trees are useful as food for people with the following problems:

  • elevated levels of cholesterol in the blood;
  • the presence of anemia;
  • high blood pressure;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • weakened immunity.

By the way, medicinal mushrooms, like some edible ones, can also be grown independently, but this is a rather complicated process. So it's much easier to collect them in the forests.

How do fungi infect trees?

Xylotrophic fungi are those that destroy wood. Infection occurs through damaged areas of the bark: broken or cut branches, dry sides, wounds, frost holes, mechanical damage. Spores that disperse in the air enter the bark and then germinate in the wood. Gradually, the mycelium spreads along the trunk, destroying it. Some varieties of xylotrophs prefer to settle on wood that has already been machined. For example, these are boards, poles, logs. In such places, tinder fungi, brownies, fence, pillar, sleeper mushrooms grow. There are separate varieties of organisms that grow on root rot. They are also considered xylotrophs, but spread not only by spores, but also by contact with a healthy root system.

Various signs can indicate that a wooden trunk has rot inside. For example, this is the presence of dry bogs, fruiting bodies of mushrooms, swellings in the lower part of the trunk. The rate of linear growth is also decreasing. However, there are cases when rot is present, but outwardly this is not expressed in any way. To determine the presence of a mycotic disease, you can use special devices that allow you to study the tree from the inside, but there will be practically no harm to it.

For example, this is a resistograph. They need to drill into an unhealthy tree trunk. A special thin drill is used. At this time, the sensors register various indicators, including the density of wood in terms of its resistance to drilling. Then, using a computer program, the internal state of the plant is determined.

You can use another device - arbot. This is a kind of tomograph. The principle of its operation is based on the fact that the speed at which the sound impulse of the equipment passes through the wood is measured.

After the diagnosis, a decision is made on whether to remove or leave the plant. However, in addition, it is necessary to take into account the architectonics of the crown, the slope of the tree, the features of the tree species, soil, land plot, the presence of other objects next to it. Depending on how neglected the state of the plant is, measures are taken to remove the tree if it is recognized as emergency. But sometimes it can be cured or at least stop the spread of rot. The hollow is treated by removing those parts that are affected by mycelium. Then they need to be treated with fungicidal agents. Next, fittings are installed, which are closed with an insulating layer. Then the tree is sealed, and the seal itself is masked. All these works should be carried out only by a specialist.

But it is best to carry out the prevention of mycelial damage. It is best resisted by healthy and strong plants, so it is necessary to remove dry sides in time, heal wounds, fill hollows, and remove dry and diseased branches. Saw cuts should be treated with a special sealant, pitch or paint. If there are diseased plants in the garden, then they must be removed in time.

The ability of mushrooms to interact with trees is a unique phenomenon. Most often, symbiosis occurs with the root system of plants, forming mycorrhiza, which in translation into Russian means mushroom root.

Symbiosis promotes the production of compounds that protect the tree from pathogenic organisms. It has been established that thanks to those who settled at the base of the tree, they stop getting sick or do not become infected in the future.

The ability of mushrooms to interact with trees is a unique phenomenon.

  • honey mushrooms;
  • real chanterelles;
  • sawflies;
  • flakes;
  • mushrooms;

Depending on the characteristics of the tree, certain ones settle on them. If you cut down a tree, then the mushrooms growing at its base will also disappear.

How to grow an oyster mushroom on a tree (video)

For example, a tinder fungus can live on a tree for more than one year, killing it. Then, after the death of the plant, he lives on a fallen tree until it is completely processed.

A tinder fungus can live on a tree for more than one year, killing it

Edible species of mushrooms growing on trees

A small number of edible tree mushrooms are known and are well known among mushroom pickers.

Grifola curly

Grifola is characterized fast growth and voluminous fruiting bodies, the weight of which reaches 7 kg. Since the plant is very sensitive to separation from the stem, careless harvesting will result in no fruiting for several years. In view of this feature, the mushroom is listed in the Red Book.

This population has a variety of colors, the spectrum of which varies from pale green to silvery pink, depending on the amount of sunlight. The bottom of the cap and the top of the stem have a finely tubular spore-bearing layer. It is noteworthy that the fungus is not infected by pests.

Grifola curly

Sulfur-yellow tinder fungus, or chicken fungus

The habitat of the fungus, similar to red-hot lava, are areas with mild climatic conditions. The tinder fungus feeds on the wood of dead trees.. Being detrimental to the host, the fungus benefits humans. Its value lies not only in dietary qualities, but also in taste, therefore it is actively used in fungotherapy and cooking.

The pulp of the fungus is loose-fleshy, forming fused fan-shaped hats that have a common base. For young individuals, smooth edges are characteristic, for older ones - wavy. The caps are orange with a touch of pink, which fades with age, turning into a dirty ocher. The sizes of individuals are able to grow up to 40 cm, gaining in weight up to 10 kg. On young specimens, yellowish droplets stand out, and the body itself is covered with a light cream fluff.

Sulfur-yellow tinder fungus, or chicken fungus

Oyster mushroom

Occurs from late spring to mid-autumn. Ra stet in groups on fallen deciduous trees, windfalls and stumps. The size of the depressed funnel-shaped cap with wavy edges varies from 4 to 15 cm. Its color changes depending on the weather: from grayish to pale yellow. The surface is smooth or matte. The rounded leg has a length of about 5 cm and a diameter of up to 1 cm.

The flesh of the body of a young oyster mushroom is fleshy and white, which, as it grows older, hardens and loses its taste. It has a slightly pronounced floury odor. In cooking, mushrooms are used in salted, fried, pickled and boiled form.

Oyster mushroom

Winter honey agaric

This population is found in middle lane Russia in the last months of autumn. Since he is not afraid of frost, it occurs even in early December. The culture is suitable for salting, frying, boiling, pickling and drying. Due to its antiviral and antitumor properties, it has been widely used in use.

The population pours out on fallen trees, comes across even in hollows. The cap grows up to 9 cm in diameter, has a convex shape at the beginning of its life, which straightens out over time, becoming flat. Its color is distinguished by the saturation of the yellow pigment.. Mushrooms are pale yellow, rusty yellow or golden honey, often covered with mucus.

The fleshy flesh of a yellowish or creamy hue is characterized by a pleasant mushroom smell. Due to the fact that the thin leg is hard, it is not used. Therefore, when harvesting mushrooms, only hats are collected.

Winter honey agaric

tiger sawfly

The fungus, which causes white rot on dead wood, prefers to settle in damp and shady places. On healthy plants, the sawfly does not appear. The composition of the pulp includes protein in large quantities. But as old bodies harden, they become unusable.

Juveniles have a convex cap, which becomes funnel-shaped with a downwardly curved edge during growth. The surface of the cap is dry to the touch. The color of the entire fruiting body is off-white with dark brown scales.

How to collect tinder fungi (video)

Poisonous and inedible types of mushrooms on a tree

  • ishnoderma resinous, having a round shape and red-brown color;
  • astringent postia, characterized by a white tint and various shapes: from round to triangular;
  • fluffy trametes with a furrowed hat of a grayish tint;
  • piptoporus oak brown color with a velvety surface and a rounded hat;
  • southern ganoderma with a stalk tightly adherent to the trunk.

Ischnoderma resinous

Influence of tree fungus on the development of walnut and fruit trees

Usually trees become infected with spores during the warm period of time, which settle on damaged areas of the bark. Then, germinating, they form a mycelium penetrating into the wood. Developing over several years, the mycelium negatively affects the growth of the tree, slowing it down. Hollows may appear in the trunk, branches and roots may die. During the ripening period, spores are carried by the wind to neighboring plants.

2018-01-25 Igor Novitsky

Any reproduction different cultures mushrooms includes several basic ways of growing. One of the easiest and most effective methods is the cultivation of mycelium using waste from the forestry industry. The most practical is the use of stumps of different types of trees on which it grows in nature. This method of cultivation is called extensive. It implies the flow of the process of growth in natural conditions, in the open air. In rare cases, this can be done in a basement. With this option, cash investments and material and technical base are minimal, and the yield is quite high. However, this will depend on the climatic conditions in which you are.

Growing mushrooms on stumps at home

The extensive reproduction technique is well suited for home use. Given the peculiarities of this technology, it is possible to achieve large production scales, but it is often used to meet only household needs. Landings of several dozen families will regularly supply you and your relatives with a quality product. Industrial production volumes can be achieved through high optimization and the use of the most productive genera.

What mushrooms can be grown on stumps?

Under certain conditions, mycelium of almost all types is capable of growing on wood. Mushroom yields will vary greatly. In practical crop production today it is customary to cultivate two types edible mushrooms: oyster mushroom and mushrooms. However, it is most advisable to grow oyster mushrooms. This genus of wild plants gives largest harvest and cyclical throughout the year. reproduction technology different kinds of this realm of botany on woody chocks is identical. Only the natural ability of various variants of mycelium to bear fruit in a woody environment differs.

Preparation for planting mycelium

To perform the procedure for infecting a wood blank with a seed mixture, a minimum amount of materials is required:

  1. Wooden log.
  2. Mycelium.
  3. Auxiliary equipment.

For the purpose of cultivation, any type of low-grade wood can be taken. But it is better to prepare those varieties on which spores prefer to grow in natural conditions. Logs should not be older than 1-2 years. It is advisable to choose options with minimal signs of destruction, since fungi wear the tree very aggressively and your growth medium will quickly exhaust its resource.

It is best to cook wet and fairly fresh breed. The diameter of the blanks can vary from 15 to 30 cm. The best option is 20-25 cm. As mentioned, the most cost-effective family for home and industrial production is oyster mushroom. Mycelium of this genus is sold in several forms: various containers, plastic bags.

The main nuances that you should know about is the substrate on which the mycelium is grown. The main types include: cereal grains, sawdust, bars, corn cobs. There is an opinion that the most promising option is the sowing medium grown on grains. However, there were no significant differences in the modifications of the bases. Storage of the substrate for cultivation should not exceed 6-7 months. Otherwise, the prospect of spore reproduction is reduced. It is better to plant fresh, healthy material.

The main requirements for storing mycelium include temperature (+2°C) and humidity. A high-quality substrate for planting is a white conglomerate, hard to the touch. If it is significantly changed, then there will be no harvest. The extensive method involves the use of mycelial slurry or water, which is easy to pour into the nests of the seedlings. The tools with which you will prepare logs for infection can be varied. Best to have:

  • drill;
  • chainsaw;
  • industrial film;
  • locksmith staple gun;
  • container for sterilizing logs.

Mycelium cultivation technology

For sowing oyster mushrooms or other genera, wooden logs are harvested, which are sawn into logs of 30-40 cm, after soaking them in plain water for 1-2 weeks. If the blanks are freshly cut logs, then soaking them is not required. The entire infection algorithm boils down to the following basic manipulations:

  1. Digestion of wooden blocks.
  2. Sawing niches of primary growth.
  3. Preparation of the seed medium.
  4. Infection.
  5. Log wrapping.

To prevent the competitive growth of various microorganisms with fungi in the environment of wood and the destruction of antifungal substances, the method of heat treatment of the bar is used. To do this, place the logs in boiling water for 15-30 minutes.

For a better invasion of the spore into a wooden blank and its protection from adverse external influences, it should be correctly placed in a log. For this, several methods are used. The first, and the simplest, is to place the mycelium on the end of the bar and lay the next one on top. Thus, an artificial trunk is formed, in which each next tier protects the mycelium of the previous one. Straw or sawdust is laid on the surface of the topmost.

The second method is the imposition of holes on the log, which perform the function of protection. For this conventional drill several holes are drilled up to 1-15 cm in diameter to a depth of 10 cm. The method of sawing off the upper layer of the bar is also used. For its implementation, a 4-centimeter layer of logs is cut down. A mycelium is placed on it and covered like a lid. Then fix it with nails.

To achieve the desired consistency, the mycelium is ground by hand and tightly placed in niches for cultivation. After that, they are tightly sealed with wooden valves or paper wads for the purpose of better incubation.

Micellar media constantly requires a certain water content for growth. Logs must be kept at 80% moisture for growth to be successful. To preserve this environment, the hemp is wrapped in plastic wrap and fixed with staples. For good incubation, the blanks are placed in the basement or in a building with minimal direct sunlight.

Where to place a plantation?

The bars overgrow in 2 - 2.5 months. After about this time, the first traces of young shoots appear on them. This is a good sign. Now the logs can be installed in their place of permanent residence. This is best done in a shaded garden. There they are buried to a depth of 10 cm. Now that your mushroom garden is ready, you need to periodically water it in very dry weather and harvest it.

Successes of the mushroom industry in Russia

Given the traditional use of oyster mushrooms, white and other types of this plant organism in the Russian diet, the cultivation of mushrooms is one of the most promising areas in crop production. Every year the share of Russian companies in the segment of this type of production increases significantly.

In 2015, the supply of such food products increased by 22%. The departure of foreign importers from the Russian market provides an excellent opportunity for domestic producers, whose supply volume covers only 10-15% of the Russian market. The companies involved in this segment show successful and stable economic growth. Some of the most successful mushroom growing enterprises in Russia are the industrial groups of the Moscow region and the Upper Volga region. Constant growth in production and high profits are shown by companies that occupy a large part of the Russian market: Zapadny cold storage facility (TM 4 Seasons), Ledovo (TM Snezhana), Ice World (TM Smak), Khladokombinat No. 1" (St. Petersburg), "Elikom".

Mushrooms growing on trees have different morphologies and belong to different botanical groups. In this article, they are united only by the place of growth.
Inedible wood mushrooms predominate, since most of them are tough and have a bitter taste, many are also poisonous. A much smaller part of these mushrooms is edible, but this article is devoted to them.

Mushrooms growing on trees, their edible representatives, as a rule, do not have a high nutritional value, but, despite this, among them there are such types delicious mushrooms like mushrooms.

Some facts about tree mushrooms

This type of mushroom grows not only on the trunks and stumps of trees, but also on different types of soil. They have a smooth and soft texture, and taste more like seafood. Their hats are large and fleshy, and the legs can be short or long. The color of the cap depends on which family and variety the mushroom belongs to, but the environment in which it grows also affects it.

The color of young mushrooms can vary from grayish to blue, but with age they become grayish-brown. Despite the fact that the color of the cap can be gray, white, brown, yellowish or pink, their flesh is always white.

Those parts of the mushroom that can be eaten have a pleasant taste and have a beneficial effect on the body. They contain a large amount of protein, vitamins C and group B. They also contain many trace elements necessary for humans. And they contain more iron, calcium and phosphorus than any kind of meat. As for the content of vitamin B3, mushrooms contain 5-10 times more of it than greens and vegetables.

For whom are tree mushrooms especially useful?

Tree mushrooms are a useful component of nutrition, especially for the following categories of people:

Having high cholesterol levels in the blood;
suffering from anemia;
wishing to improve immunity;
ill diabetes and obesity;
having hyperacidity gastric juice;
those suffering from high blood pressure.

The most common types of tree mushrooms

Tree mushrooms grow on stumps and on the sides of trees away from the ground. They are often leathery and large. Consider the most common mushrooms growing on trees.

Mushroom-ram(Tinder leafy, Grifola curly) has a fruiting body in the form of many branching legs that end in flat or semicircular caps. They can reach 20 kilograms in weight and 70 centimeters in diameter. It grows mainly at the base of chestnut, hornbeam, oak, beech and other hardwoods. Edible.

Polypore scaly(Hare, Pied) has a whitish or cream-colored hat with scales up to 50 centimeters in diameter, often with a folded and thinner edge. The leg is whitish-cream, almost black at the base, up to 8 centimeters long.

Tubular layer white. The pulp is whitish, dense, has a floury smell. Grows on living or dead branches and trunks of broad-leaved and fruit trees. It is conditionally edible, consumed at a young age.

Tinder fungus winter has a hat up to 10 centimeters in diameter, covered with hairs or small scales. Color brownish or yellowish. Leg up to 4 centimeters long, naked, has the same color as the hat. The flesh is white, as is the tubular layer, which becomes brownish when dry. Grows on deciduous trees. Conditionally edible, consumed at a young age.

Sulfur yellow tinder fungus has a fleshy loose body, a semicircular hat, up to 40 centimeters in diameter. The color is grayish yellow or orange. The tubular layer is also sulfur-yellow, the flesh is yellowish-white, soft. Grows in groups in deciduous forests (sometimes in coniferous) on living or dead tree trunks. Used at a young age.

Birch polypore has a flattened lateral fruiting body of a yellowish color, which eventually turns brown. The pulp is white. It grows on dead, and sometimes on living birch trees. Conditionally edible, consumed at a young age.

Fistulina(Liverwort, Tongue, Ox Liver) has a semicircular, tongue-shaped lateral fruiting body of orange or blood-red color. The flesh has a reddish color and lighter streaks arranged radially. The tubules are whitish, cylindrical, becoming brownish-yellow when touched. Grows on live trunks of deciduous forests, in hollows of old chestnuts and oaks. Conditionally edible.

Psatirella Kondola has a wrinkled bell-shaped hat with a diameter of up to 7 centimeters of cream or brownish color. The plates are gray-blue, becoming almost black with time. The tubular leg is up to 10 centimeters long, has a whitish color, a fluffy top from small scales. Grows in small groups on living trees, hardwood, on the ground. Conditionally edible.

Scales golden has a cap with a diameter of up to 15 centimeters of a dirty golden color with flaky reddish scales. It grows in large groups on the trunks of poplars, willows and other hardwoods. Conditionally edible.

Oyster mushroom steppe- grows at the base and on the roots of dead stems of some umbrella plants. Edible.

Oyster mushroom grows on poplar, beech, aspen. Also an edible fungus!

I'm not talking about any harmful, inedible mushrooms .... for example ... if an oyster mushroom grows on an apple tree, is it no worse for a tree ??

What is the name of a forest mushroom growing on a tree - edible, grows in Moldova (maybe in Ukraine), not chaga?

Mushrooms on trees - mushrooms on stumps - mushrooms - and description

The section includes descriptions and photographs of mushrooms growing on living and dead trees - mushrooms on tree trunks, mushrooms on stumps, deadwood, wood rotting in the ground. Mushrooms on trees, tree mushrooms belong to different botanical groups, have different morphology, and are united here only according to the place of growth, not taking into account classifications based on other principles. Among the mushrooms, inedible ones predominate, due to stiffness, bitterness, etc., mushrooms. A much smaller proportion of tree fungi is edible. As a rule, they do not have a high nutritional value, although among them there are mushrooms such as honey mushrooms, and some others. poisonous mushrooms, among mushrooms growing on trees, on stumps, on rotting wood are extremely rare. Many tree mushrooms have a shaped stem and a hat (with a lamellar or tubular layer), in others the entire fruiting body is a hat that has grown sideways to the substrate, and others have unusual shapes.

Descriptions of tubular and agaric fungi, and other morphologically distinct fungi growing on the ground, are posted in other sections.

All presented photos belong to the authors of the site, and the use of these photos, as well as their fragments or collages with their use, is permissible only with the obligatory ACTIVE link to the borrowing source -

When distributing the described types of mushrooms into sections (for example: by the predominance of certain colors in the color of the body of the fungus; or by the place where the mushrooms grow: tree mushrooms, mushrooms on trees, mushrooms on stumps; or by fruiting period), the description is placed in all possible sections, even if the reason for this is the rare forms of this type of mushroom, or the nuances of subjective perception. Therefore, many types of mushrooms can be in several sections at the same time.

To go to the descriptions and photographs of the mushroom species of interest, click on the corresponding image.

mushrooms growing on trees

When in little-known mushrooms, such as white, boletus, boletus, do not be discouraged. There are many other mushrooms in the forest, and mushroom pickers do not collect them, because they are not familiar with them and consider them toadstools. Many of them are suitable for eating only when they are young, they cannot be dried, they cannot always be salted, but they can always make a good first course, roast or sauce.

Grows on dead wood, on stumps and trunks of elm, maple, aspen, poplar, linden in September - October. Mushrooms in groups, often growing together with legs, one above the other, forming something like a roof.

The hat is one-sided, often elongated, tongue-shaped, up to 15 cm long, up to 8 cm high, in young mushrooms it is gray, gray-brown, later dirty-ocher, for which this mushroom is also called willow pig. The pulp is white, loose, odorless. The plates are descending, white at first, becoming dirty grayish-brown with age. Leg up to 2.5 cm long, 3-4 cm thick, dense, somewhat pubescent, sometimes completely absent.

Grows on stumps mainly of hardwoods or on dead wood, sometimes in large groups from June to October. Hat up to 10 cm in diameter, funnel-shaped, with a wrapped edge, white, covered with brown scales. The flesh is white, dense, slightly reddish when broken. The plates are descending, creamy, narrow, serrated. Leg up to 8 cm long, about 5 cm thick, brown, dark brown below.

Mushroom edible at a young age, it can be boiled, fried, stewed.

flake grows everywhere on dead and living trunks of deciduous, less often coniferous species in large groups, appears in summer and autumn. yellow. Young fruiting bodies have a spathe, which later breaks, and its remnants may remain on the edges of the cap or form a ring on the stem. The cap and stem are densely covered with rusty-brown scales wrapped up. The pulp is yellow, has a rare smell and taste. The plates are frequent, yellowish in a young fungus, later rusty. The leg is cylindrical, up to 12 cm long, narrowed towards the base, dense, of the same color with a cap.

Mushroom little-known, conditionally edible, 4th category. After boiling, it is eaten fresh and pickled.

mushrooms growing on trees

Much has already been said about mushrooms growing on trees. But given that Belykh, Maslyat, Boletus and other representatives of this kingdom have passed, I want to talk a little more about those that are found on trees in the forest. gardens, parks and even cities ... Here the story will go not only about those mushrooms that grow on trees, but also about those that grow at the base of the tree.

mushrooms growing on trees from the Polypore family:

Tinder fungus winter- hat up to 10 cm, covered with hairs, naked with age, maybe a little with scales. Brownish, yellowish, with a fringed, and then a bare edge. Leg up to 4 cm, central, naked, of the same color with a hat. The tubular layer is whitish, brownish when dried. the pulp is white. Spore powder is white. Used at a young age. Grows on branches, stumps, trunks deciduous trees in December-March. Conditionally edible mushroom.

Fistuliaceae family:

  • genus Fistulina: (Tongue, Liverwort, Bovine Liver) - the fruiting body is lateral, semicircular, tongue-shaped, orange-red, blood red. The pulp is reddish with reddish juice with lighter streaks arranged radially. tubules cylindrical, whitish, brownish-yellowish when touched. Spore powder rusty-brown. It grows in broad-leaved forests on living trunks, in hollows of old oaks and chestnuts, from August to November. Conditionally edible mushroom.

Family Hymenochetes:

  • genus Inonotus: Trutovik beveled(Birch fungus, Chaga) - prostrate fruiting body, develops under the bark, the entire surface consists of inclined tubules. The color after being freed from the bark is whitish-woody, then black-brown. Forms strong outgrowths on birch. Occurs rarely. Grows on living or dead hardwood trunks. Chaga extract is used for medicinal purposes.

Dung family:

Psatirella Kondola- cap up to 7 cm bell-shaped, wrinkled, creamy, brownish. The plates are grey-blue. then almost black. Leg up to 10 cm, tubular, whitish, fluffy at the top from small scales. grows in groups on the ground, deciduous wood, living trees in summer and autumn. Conditionally edible mushroom

Strophariaceae family:

  • genus Stropharia: - grows in large groups on hardwood trunks. Hat up to 15 cm, dirty golden, with reddish flaky scales. grows on the trunks of willows and poplars from July to November. Conditionally edible mushroom.

Family Catatelasma:

  • genus Oyster mushroom: - grows on stumps, hardwood trunks. Sometimes on conifers. From August to November. Edible.

Oyster mushroom- grows on beech, poplar, aspen from August to December. Edible.

Oyster mushroom steppe- on the roots and at the base of the dead stems of some umbrella plants from August to September. Edible.

  • genus Flammoulina: Winter honey agaric- on wood, in hollows, stumps of deciduous less often coniferous from October to December. Conditionally edible.

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Boletus fungus growing on trees

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Boletus mushroom growing on a tree (t * u * n * k) 7 letters

  • Gandhi
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  • learned mason
  • the trumpeter inserts it into the socket of the pipe
  • master of playing with words
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  • reverse alias
  • national hero of mexico
  • sailor military overshirt
  • natural polyhedron
  • magician with a talking donkey
  • Indian people (******)
  • portion of material for the blast furnace
  • detective element
  • black with a gray tint

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Boletus mushroom growing on a tree (*r*t***k) 8 letters

  • Gandhi
  • room in the theater
  • learned mason
  • the trumpeter inserts it into the socket of the pipe
  • master of playing with words
  • main part of the temple
  • 911 on wheels
  • Shia colleague of the bishop
  • Indian people
  • gloominess gloominess
  • kiln in the middle east
  • reverse alias
  • national hero of mexico
  • sailor military overshirt
  • natural polyhedron
  • magician with a talking donkey
  • Indian people (******)
  • portion of material for the blast furnace
  • detective element
  • black with a gray tint

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Polypore sulfur yellow - Wikipedia

When young, the mushroom is edible (boil 30-45 or fried). It has a pleasant mushroom smell, sour taste. Young and elastic used in salads, fried, salted and marinated. Mushroom mince is delicious stuffing for pies. Minced meat from dryish pulp is suitable for egg casseroles. In Germany and some regions of North America, sulfur yellow tinder is considered a delicacy, the fungus is called "tree chicken" or "mushroom chicken" (Eng. chicken of the woods, chicken mushroom). As a substitute for chicken, it can be used in vegetarian cuisine. Polypore sulfur-yellow long time frozen.

It is mentioned in some sources as poisonous, in particular, having a slight laxative effect, can sometimes cause swelling of the lips, nausea, vomiting and dizziness. There are references to the possibility of allergic reactions when eating the mushroom, cases of ataxia and visual hallucinations in children. A toxic effect can be exerted by specimens of the fungus grown on coniferous trees, or old ones in which the decomposition process has already begun. To avoid poisoning, only young mushrooms should be used, which have not yet acquired an unpleasant odor and do not grow on conifers.

Medical use[edit]

The fungus is known to be a source of several antibiotics active against resistant forms of staphylococci.



  1. ? Laetiporus conifericola at
  2. ? 1 2 (English) POISONOUS AND HALLUCINOGENIC MUSHROOMS by Michael W. Beug, The Evergreen State College, Olympia WA
  3. ? (English)
  4. ? Laetiporus sulphureus causing visual hallucinations and ataxia in a child R. E. Appleton, J. E. Jan, and P. D. Kroeger CMAJ 1988 139: 48-49.
  5. ? Kapich A. N., Gvozdkova T. S., Kvacheva Z. B., Nikolaeva S. N., Shishkina L. N., Galkin S., Khatakka A., Konoplya E. F., Vereshchako G. G., Khodosovskaya AM, Rutkovskaya Zh. A. Antioxidant, radioprotective and antiviral properties of extracts of the fungus Laetiporus sulphureus // Advances in Medical Mycology. 2004. 3: 146-148.

See also[edit]

  • Fungal lesions of wood


  • Lesso T. Mushrooms, determinant / per. from English. L.V. Garibova, S.N. Lekomtseva. - M.: "Astrel", "AST", 2003. - S. 215. - ISBN 5-17-020333-0


  • (eng.) Taxonomy and scientific descriptions at
  • Nice photo of the mushroom
  • A collection of photographs of the sulfur-yellow tinder fungus from the site
  • Dishes from sulfur-yellow tinder fungus