What is urea as a fertilizer. Urea - fertilizer, use in the garden and in the garden

From year to year, the land can give a rich harvest of vegetables, fruits and everything else that grows in a garden or vegetable garden. Carbamide or urea makes up for the loss of nitrogen (N), inevitable after harvesting fruits and tops. The granulated fertilizer is applied to all agricultural and ornamental cultures, on any soils.

Urea is considered a chemical "bridge" between inanimate nature and living organisms. The chemical formula of the compound is CO(NH2)2. Carbonic diamide or urea is a solid crystalline substance, colorless and odorless, highly soluble in water, non-toxic.

A highly concentrated source of amide nitrogen is converted in the soil into ammonium compounds.

Synthesize urea in industry from ammonia and carbon dioxide. The crystalline reaction product is granulated to improve the physicochemical properties.

Useful properties of fertilizer for plants

Plants need nitrogen to create amino acids and proteins in their cells. However, after each harvest, the amount of the battery on the site is steadily decreasing, and it is necessary to make up for the losses. Gaseous nitrogen from the air, organic molecules containing the element N, are not assimilated by either roots or leaves.

Urea is used to increase the yield of all crops. The fertilizer is especially effective on acidic soils.

Signs of nitrogen starvation of plants:

  • growth retardation;
  • yellowing and falling of leaves;
  • poor development of flower buds;
  • small sizes of fruits;
  • yield reduction.

The roots easily absorb ammonium and nitric acid salts (nitrates). They quickly dissolve and are absorbed by the roots, but can be washed out of the soil after the application of appropriate fertilizers.

The most nitrogen-rich fertilizers:

  • urea - more than 46%;
  • ammonium nitrate - 35%;
  • ammonium sulfate - 21%.

Urea contains nitrogen in the amide form. Urea dissolves in the soil, with the help of soil bacteria that secrete the enzyme urease. The compound is successively converted to carbonate, then to ammonium bicarbonate and ammonia gas. Nitrogen from the composition of carbamide is absorbed gradually and has a positive effect on the vital activity of the entire plant organism.

Carbamide: instructions for use

Urea is an effective and affordable fertilizer. It is applied to the main introduction and top dressings.

How to properly dilute carbamide

Urea granules dissolve easily in water, there are no problems with preparation and use. Heating and adding any other ingredients is not required. For root dressing of vegetables and flower and ornamental crops, a solution of 20–30 g of urea (2 tablespoons) in 10 liters of water is prepared. Liquid consumption - from 4 to 10 liters per 1 m2. Under each adult plant, up to 1 liter of solution is applied.

Spraying and treatment of plants

Liquid foliar top dressing with a solution of urea is carried out in the first half of the growing season before and after flowering. Carbamide is used to quickly replenish nitrogen reserves in plant tissues. During budding, they are treated with a solution prepared from 5 g of urea and 1 liter of water (50 g per 10 liters).

Carbamide penetrates the leaves faster than other fertilizers, provides a significant increase in the yield of strawberries and vegetables.

Spray with carbamide no more than once a week. The last top dressing is carried out no later than 2 weeks before harvest. The previous application of nitrogen and complex fertilizers to the soil should be taken into account.

A more concentrated solution of urea causes yellowing of the leaves. You can use this liquid to control weeds and pests. Plants are treated with a concentrated solution of urea until buds open.

Dilute in a bucket of water from 300 to 500 g of carbamide, spray garden and vegetable crops from aphids, weevil. To combat the Colorado potato beetle, it is required to prepare a solution of 900 g of urea in 1 liter of water.

Features of the introduction of urea in autumn, spring

It is irrational to apply carbamide fertilizer in the fall, as the granules dissolve quickly and will be washed away by rain and snow. The main application only once before the start of the growing season will not provide the plants with enough nitrogen.

It is necessary to carry out additional root and foliar top dressing at least 3-4 times.

The instructions for use provide for the consumption rates of urea for the main application in the spring for various crops, g / m2:

  • berry bushes (per 1 plant) - 50–100 when planting, 25–30 for top dressing;
  • fruit trees(per 1 plant) - 200 when planting, 25–30 for top dressing;
  • cucumber, tomato, flower and ornamental crops - 15–20;
  • vegetables and flowers (protected ground) - 25–35;
  • cabbage, carrots, beets, potatoes - 20–30;
  • onion, radish, lettuce - 5–10.

With the main application, the consumption is from 50 to 350 g of carbamide per 10 m2. Granules are scattered and embedded in the soil when loosening in the spring to a depth of 10 cm. If urea is left on the soil surface, ammonia and carbon dioxide are released, and the fertilizer is destroyed.

Carbamide is applied directly into holes, grooves or planting holes for trees and shrubs. The fertilizer is thoroughly mixed with the soil to avoid contact of the tender roots with the granules. The application rate is 4–5 g of urea per well. During the growing season, grooves are made in the soil around the stem of the plant. Urea is embedded in the soil to a depth of 5–7 cm.

Combination with other fertilizers

Not all fertilizers can be combined with urea.

Urea is not recommended for use together with alkaline compounds. going on chemical reaction, ammonia is released and volatilizes, along with it the nitrogen necessary for plants disappears. Do not mix with ash, calcium nitrate, lime. You can make urea with compost, superphosphate, phosphate rock.

Pros and cons of using carbamide as a fertilizer

Urea has the highest nitrogen content of any nitrogen fertilizer available. Due to the high concentration, smaller doses can be used, which saves on transportation and application. Granular fertilizer almost does not cake, does not lose properties during storage.

Urea does not cause burns to plants if the dosages and application rates are observed.
Do not overuse fertilizer.

The negative aspects of carbamide include a decrease in seed germination with an excessive content of fertilizer in the soil. The problem of nitrates in agricultural products also remains relevant. Urea breaks down to form ammonium carbonate. After some time, nitrification occurs, the soil is acidified, nitrates and nitrites appear. The latter are toxic to humans, cause unwanted changes in the blood.

One of the ways to reduce the nitrate load is the use of complex fertilizers, for example, potassium nitrate, ammophoska.

Urea is an amide of carbonic acid, which is a colorless, odorless crystal. Among gardeners and gardeners, urea () is often used as a versatile, highly effective granular nitrogen fertilizer.

The use of urea contributes to the development and growth of plants, their abundant fruiting. has proven itself among amateur gardeners.

1 How to use urea?

When using urea as a fertilizer in gardening or gardening, it must be borne in mind that in a few days it changes and transforms under the influence of bacteria that are in the soil.

The best results are obtained by applying urea not only to horticultural farms, but also to greenhouses or greenhouses. To achieve the most beneficial effect, it is necessary to quickly incorporate carbamide into the soil in order to minimize the loss of ammonium carbonate. This action significantly increases the level of nutrients, namely nitrogen, in the plants.

Urea can be used on any soil as a fertilizer or top dressing for garden and fruit plants. Although this preparation has versatility, it is still worth remembering that different crops need different amounts of fertilizer. Therefore, the nutritional supplement must be applied in certain doses depending on the plants.

Urea treatment of the garden and vegetable garden as a fertilizer during the growing season is used:

  • for processing cabbage, peppers, onions, beets, tomatoes, potatoes and 19–23 g/m²;
  • for top dressing of peas or for cucumbers, about 6–9 g / m² are applied;
  • for zucchini, eggplant and squash 10–12 g/m²;
  • for cereals 300 grams per hundred square meters in granular form;
  • for protection against pests and diseases in the garden, foliar feeding vegetable crops 9–15 g. for every 10 liters. water;
  • for . Fertilizer is applied to the soil before planting berries. Before the appearance of ovaries and buds, spraying with urea 10 gr is used. for 2 liters of water. To increase the yield, top dressing is carried out with a concentrated solution of 60 gr. per 20 liters of water in early September or late August.

1.1 Application features, properties and consumption of urea as a fertilizer (video)

2 Fertilizing plants

To get a full harvest of cucumbers, you need to feed them. Without top dressing, plants are prone to poor fruiting and early leaf fall.

Cucumbers can be fed from the beginning of seed germination to the period of their fruiting. Plants are saturated with organic substances and useful elements. Urea as a top dressing for cucumbers is applied in the amount of 7-8 grams per meter of plot.

Fertilizer should be applied twice during the entire growing season. To increase productivity, cucumbers are fed with a concentrated mixture: 60 grams of urea per 20 liters of water.

2.1 How to dilute urea for garden treatment?

With the use of granules, everything is clear, you just need to measure the desired weight, and then apply fertilizer to the soil. Therefore, dilution of urea requires special attention, because many, especially beginner farmers, are interested in the question of how to properly make a solution of the desired concentration from it.

2.2 Spraying the garden against pests in the spring

Spraying the garden in the spring can be carried out using, it is recommended to break the treatment in March, when the air temperature is plus 5 and above.

Every summer resident wants a cozy and beautiful garden all year round For this you need to keep the trees healthy. From pests and their larvae need to be sprayed in early spring fruit trees. To begin with, pruning, inspection of trees and cleaning of old bark and lichens are carried out.

You need to spray before the awakening of the kidneys, because the purpose of this event is to destroy pests that are in the wintering stage: sucker, aphid eggs, apple blossom beetle,. Early spring spraying of the garden using the double action method allows you to achieve the maximum effect.

To do this, use the proportion: urea (urea) with 3 percent copper sulphate in proportion to 10 liters of water, stir 700 grams of urea 50-100 grams of copper sulphate. Such a solution will get rid of overwintered pests of the garden and give sufficient top dressing to bushes and trees in the form of nitrogen fertilizer. Sprayed trees will have a great spring start.

2.3 Autumn garden treatment with copper sulphate and urea

Every garden, even the most well-groomed, is not immune from diseases and pests. This is especially true of the defeat of apple trees with scab. Insects and wind carry disease-causing spores, and damp weather promotes infection.

Scab damages leaves and shoots, it disfigures the crop.

From scab next season, the destruction of pathogenic spores in the fall will help.

The tree is sprayed with a solution that has the original name - Bordeaux mixture. It is used by gardeners to combat a large number of infections. You need to spray apple trees with a solution that is prepared from 400 grams and 300 grams of lime diluted in 20 liters of water. Autumn processing of apple trees will save trees and crops from diseases and pests.

Also in the fall, currants and grapes are treated with urea. Currants are treated with urea in autumn to kill pests and to prevent root rot. With the onset of cold weather, humidity rises, which is the optimal environment for the onset of diseases and common infections. To do this, the autumn treatment of the garden with urea in the form of spraying is carried out.

Processing grapes in autumn effective method pest control. Spraying with urea will rid the grapes of leafworms and phylloxera. Any solution can be added to enhance the effect.

Treating the garden with urea will help gardeners protect their plants and fruit trees from pests and roots from rotting. For best results, use the drug in correct proportions and within a certain period of time. The processed crop will be plentiful and rich. Carbonite is a universal top dressing, it will help garden and garden plants grow.

Carbamide - the oldest fertilizer, one of the most effective and inexpensive, is used both on personal summer cottages, and in the cultivation of agricultural crops on an industrial scale. This substance was discovered by the chemist Ruel in 1773. It is noteworthy that urea was the first organic substance obtained from inorganic. This successful experiment was carried out by the scientist Wehler in 1828. Of course, when using urea as a top dressing, a certain technology should be followed.

Fertilizer Description

It is a carbamide, the use of which in the garden and in the garden can significantly increase crop yields, a white crystalline powder that dissolves well in water. It is obtained by mixing carbon dioxide with ammonia at a pressure of 200 atm. and temperature 200 gr. Its main active substance is nitrogen (46%).

Being introduced into the soil, urea is converted into ammonium carbonate within a few days. Store this fertilizer in an airtight container. The fact is that it is quite hygroscopic, quickly gaining moisture and at the same time being compressed into lumps.

There are several varieties of carbamide produced for different purposes: treating people, industrial production, feeding animals, etc. In agriculture, urea grade "B" is used.

Where and how is it used

Loams, sandstones, peat, calcareous - urea can be used on all these types of soils. Its use stimulates the development of plants, increases their frost resistance and resistance to diseases. You can treat with urea any garden and garden crops.

One of the absolute advantages of urea is that it practically does not burn the green parts of plants. However, it is still necessary to observe the concentrations of this fertilizer laid down by the technology. In case of an overdose, the plants begin to gain green mass very quickly to the detriment of fruiting.

General application rules

How to use carbamide correctly? The use of this product in the garden or on the fields of large agricultural enterprises is possible both as foliar and regular top dressing. Before use, the powder is diluted in water in the proportions prescribed for a particular culture. Next, the plants are watered or sprayed. It is also allowed to simply scatter urea on the ground, followed by watering the plantings. But it is still better to close it in the ground. The fact is that ammonium carbonate is volatile, moreover, it quickly decomposes in air.

A feature of urea, among other things, is that it is able to slightly acidify the soil. Therefore, it is usually used simultaneously with slaked lime (0.8 g per 1 kg). Spraying with it is carried out at a temperature of at least 10 gr. and not more than 25 gr. in evening time. Under such conditions, nitrogen is absorbed by plants especially intensively.

Spraying horticultural crops

Fruit trees and berry bushes are often treated with urea to prevent disease and insect infestation. In this case, urea is most often used, which is intended specifically for the treatment of horticultural crops. It is sold in a box in the amount of 700 g, complete with copper sulfate (50 g). This dose of fertilizer is diluted in 10 liters of water. Use the resulting solution in the spring, before bud break. Sometimes they also carry out autumn processing.

In terms of efficiency in terms of preventing diseases of trees and shrubs, such a mixture surpasses even Bordeaux liquid. The fact is that urea not only protects horticultural crops from pests, but also feeds them, and also slightly delays the development of the kidneys. As a result of its application, the trees bloom later, at a time when the danger of night frosts has already passed.

Since urea leaves, the use of which is thus more than justified for horticultural crops, does not burn, spraying can be carried out plentifully. However, after bud break, such a concentrated solution, of course, should not be used for processing.

Carbamide: application for cucumbers

Under pumpkin, urea can be applied both during flowering and during fruiting. In the first case, foliar top dressing is usually carried out. Treatment of cucumbers with a solution of carbamide during flowering helps to prolong the fruiting period. Urea should be diluted in a proportion of 15 g per 10 liters of water. Do not exceed the dosage. Although carbamide acts on the green parts of the plant in comparison with other nitrogen fertilizers softer, it can still burn them.

During the fruiting of cucumbers, they are root fed. In this case, urea is diluted in an amount of 50 g per 10 liters of water.

Use for tomatoes

Urea fertilizer can also be very useful for tomatoes. Its use for this culture, of course, involves the observance of a certain technology. In this case, urea is usually used immediately before planting seedlings in open ground. Add a tablespoon to each well. You can also add a little superphosphate there.

In the event that urea was fertilized in a similar way, during the season, experienced gardeners do not advise her to fertilize tomatoes anymore. If the planting of seedlings was carried out without the use of urea, then foliar spraying is carried out. At the same time, a teaspoon of fertilizer is taken for ten liters of water. Perform processing two weeks after planting seedlings.

For the second time, urea, the use of which can significantly increase the yield of this crop, is used during the period of mass ripening of fruits in combination with other fertilizers. The most effective mixture is considered to be of the following composition: urea, potassium sulfate, potassium magnesia, a teaspoon per 10 liters of water.

Carbamide: application to wheat

IN agriculture urea is one of the most commonly used nitrogenous fertilizers. Wheat is fed to her several times a season:

  • In autumn, during pre-sowing preparation of the soil in the amount of 30-60 kg, depending on the composition of the soil.
  • In spring - after the snow melts in the amount of 45 g per hectare.
  • Spraying is carried out at the stage of trumpeting of plants.
  • Irrigation is carried out at the heading stage. At the same time, 65 kg of fertilizer is dissolved in 150 liters of water and consumed in such a way that 30 kg of urea is consumed per hectare of soil.

physical characteristics

In the table below, you can see what specific properties urea differs in. Perhaps this information will be useful to someone.

Urea intended for agricultural work in accordance with GOST should differ in these characteristics. 70 rubles per kilogram - approximate cost carbamide fertilizer. Its use for agricultural, horticultural and horticultural crops is therefore not too expensive.

How else can you use

Productivity as a result of the use of carbamide increases significantly. But some summer residents still prefer to use only natural organic matter for feeding fruit and vegetable crops, considering chemistry to be harmful. However, it is also worth buying urea for such conservative gardeners. At least to fertilize the lawn. The fact is that six to ten years after planting, the grass loses its decorative qualities. In some places, it begins to turn yellow even earlier as a result of depletion of the soil. If a neat clearing in front of your house suddenly begins to change color, treat it with a solution of this fertilizer (1 Matchbox per bucket of 1 m 2) and pour well with water. The result will be noticeable in a few days.

All farmers, both experienced and beginners, know about urea (urea). This is a versatile and highly effective fertilizer for gardens and gardens. Today we will tell: what is carbamide, about the rules for using it as a fertilizer, and how to deal with pests in the garden with urea.

What is urea

Carbamide (urea)nitrogen fertilizer in granules, which is widely used in horticulture and horticulture, moreover, it is inexpensive and affordable.

If you use the correct dosage of urea as a fertilizer for a particular crop, then the plant will grow well, develop, and produce many fruits.

Pure carbamide is round white or transparent granules, and it is precisely the fact that it is produced in granules that prevents it from caking during transportation and storage. (NH 2) 2 CO - chemical formula carbamide, in which almost half, namely 46% of the total volume is nitrogen.

Did you know?E927b - food additive - a urea, used in the production of chewing gum.

Urea dissolves in many popular solvents, including ordinary water, which makes it possible to use it both in pure form (in granules) and in the form aqueous solution the desired concentration.

Important!Carbamide should be carefully protected from moisture during storage, as it is highly moistened.

Signs of nitrogen deficiency in plants

In outdoor soil, seedlings are exposed to various factors, even if they were strong at the seedling stage. When there is not enough nitrogen in the soil, then you will definitely see it in plants, according to certain signs:

Important!An excess of nitrogen in plants is also very harmful, it can then be converted into nitrates, and an excess of nitrogen fertilizers in the soil leads to intensive growth of plants with the formation of abundant greenery, but fruiting suffers.

The use of urea as a fertilizer

Urea is suitable for all terms and methods of application (during sowing, before sowing, during the vegetation of plants, foliar feeding before fruit set).

Urea is used as the main fertilizer before planting on all types of soils and for feeding vegetable, ornamental and fruit crops. It can also be used in protected ground conditions.

Interesting fact!The name of the football club "Amkar" from Perm is an abbreviation of two chemicals - ammonia and urea.

Root top dressing

Often, the root treatment of plants with urea implies that it is applied superficially to the ground, with further incorporation to different depths.

Simply scattering urea granules in the rain won't do much good., therefore, it is best to use local application - a pre-made urea solution for garden seedlings is poured with a watering can as close to the roots as possible.

For strawberries, cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, the solution is made at the rate of 20-30 g of carbamide per 10 liters of water, for gooseberries - 10 g of carbamide per 10 liters of water, and for currants - 20 g of carbamide per 10 liters of water.

The second method is also used - digging holes or small pits into which urea granules are thrown, covered with water and watered. The first option is better to use in dry weather, and the second - in rainy weather. For fruit and berry plants, urea is applied according to the projection of their crowns.

Important!If the trees are young and not yet bearing fruit, then the amount of urea should be halved, and if organic matter is used, at least a third.

Foliar processing

As soon as the first signs of nitrogen starvation in plants, it is necessary to carry out foliar spray treatment plants with a solution of carbamide using a manual sprayer in the evening or morning.

If there is no sprayer, then you can do the treatment with a simple broom. A solution for fertilizing vegetables is made at the rate of 60 g of urea per 10 liters of water, and for fruit and berry crops - 30 g of carbamide per 10 liters of water, and this solution does not burn the leaves, which cannot be said about ammonium nitrate.

Important!If there is precipitation on the street (for example, rain), then it is impossible to use urea for foliar top dressing.

Urea against pests in the garden

Carbamide has found its application in the garden and horticulture also as a good helper in pest control, and if there is no desire to use different pesticides, then it will be just right.

Nitrogen fertilizers are needed to feed garden and ornamental crops. With their help, plants intensively start growing, acquire large leaves of saturated color. This article is all about the application of urea, which improves the growth of green spaces in the city and rural greenhouses. You can practically get acquainted with the correct feeding of plants with urea by watching the video.

The first of the synthesized protein compounds is urea. This scientific name is urea - a fertilizer for feeding garden and ornamental crops, which is used to accelerate growth. Carbamide belongs to the group of nitrogen fertilizers and has been used in agriculture since the 18th century.

The product is produced by the method of synthesis from inorganic substances, it is a granular mass consisting of rounded milky granules, sometimes translucent. At present, industrial production of carbamide has been established in the form of tablets.

Urea can be purchased in the form of granules

In terms of chemical composition, almost half of urea consists of pure urea, which dissolves without residue in any liquids, including water.

When applied to the soil, granular urea gradually dissolves in the water that the plants receive when watering. Slowly entering the plants, dissolved urea nourishes the roots for a long time, gradually, throughout the entire period of growing the crop. In the soil, nitrogen changes its chemical composition, from the amide form to the ammonia form, and then to the nitrate form. slow change chemical composition guarantees prolonged nutrition of plants with substances necessary for growth.

Nitrogen starvation is manifested in plants in growth retardation, yellowing of leaves, inhibition of plant development and complete death. The introduction of urea is shown when fruit trees and berry bushes form unnaturally thin and short branches with small discolored leaves. The lack of nitrogen is expressed at the beginning of leaf fall in the summer, when most of the leaves on plants turn yellow in more early term than it should be in nature. In spring, plants with a lack of nitrogen form weak, underdeveloped buds.

It is allowed to feed fruit trees and shrubs with urea, effective fertilizer for strawberries, strawberries, all vegetable crops, including carrots, etc.

Urea - how to apply fertilizer correctly

When fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers, in particular urea, several types of plant nutrition should be distinguished:

Pre-sowing treatment– urea granules are applied during spring plowing into the furrows. The depth of embedding urea in the ground is at least 4 cm.


Top dressing with urea during planting eventsthe best option is the use of the composition in combination with potash fertilizers. At the same time, it is not allowed that the granules are mixed with seeds, it is necessary to provide a layer of soil between the granulated fertilizers and the seed.

Fertilization during growth- most effective method is foliar feeding of plantings. To do this, carbamide is dissolved in water, spraying on the green mass is carried out in the early morning hours or at sunset, in calm weather.

Important! Foliar top dressing with urea is not recommended on days when precipitation is observed.

An aqueous solution of carbamide does not burn the leaves, it is convenient to spray the plants with the help of special pumps. The usual rate for diluting the solution is from 9 to 15 g of carbamide per 10 liters of water, and it matters which plants are planned to be treated - herbaceous plants are sprayed with a more gentle composition, trees and shrubs - concentrated. Adult apple and pear trees need top dressing in the ratio of 200 g of dry urea per bucket of water. For cherries, plums and apricots, the consumption of urea will be 120 g / bucket.

Important! One st. a spoon holds 10 g of urea; matchboxes - 13 g; faceted glass - 130 g of urea.

Treatment with urea from pests

Spraying with urea effectively helps in the fight against plant pests. Spraying is carried out in the spring, when a constant average daily temperature of +5 C is established. It is important to carry out the procedure before the awakening of the kidneys, then all pests wintering in the scales and under the bark will be guaranteed to be destroyed.

A solution of urea for pest control is prepared at a concentration of 50 to 70 g per 1 liter of water. Spraying with urea helps to destroy aphids, weevils, copperheads and a host of other pests.

Nitrogen treatment of the garden can be carried out both in autumn and in spring.

In autumn, at the time of the first stage of leaf fall, it is useful to spray trees with a solution of urea on which traces are seen. infectious diseases: scab, all types of spotting, rust and others. Trees are treated with a solution along the crown and leaf litter. This processing is very effective remedy from infectious diseases garden trees, garden on next year will not be affected by infections. Simultaneously with the treatment, the urea solution fertilizes the plants.

Pros and cons of feeding plants with urea

The positive properties of urea are:

  • When fertilized with carbamide, plants easily absorb nitrogen, which has a positive effect on their growth and the growth of green mass.
  • Treatment with a solution of plant fertilizer on the leaves does not cause burns of the leaf blade, this foliar top dressing is an effective and gentle remedy that, along with plant fertilizer, can effectively fight pests in the garden and vegetable garden, as well as pathogenic infections.
  • The urea solution is quickly assimilated by plants sensitive to elevated soil PH values.
  • Excellent results were noted when fertilizing plants with urea in irrigated areas, as well as when applying under crops grown when filling beds with water.

It is very important to observe the dosage when fertilizing
  • Guaranteed increase in yield in the garden or in the garden when feeding plants with urea.
  • Ease and simplicity in foliar treatment of plants and the introduction of urea into the soil.
  • Availability of fertilizer at a price and the possibility of acquisition.

The disadvantages of feeding with urea are the following aspects:

  • A strong concentration of fertilizer when applied to the soil when sowing seeds can affect the reduction in seed germination and delay their germination.
  • Urea requires careful storage.
  • The use of urea in a mixture with phosphate fertilizers is possible only when mixing absolutely dry substances, hyperacidity from the effects of mixed top dressing must be neutralized by introducing chalk into the soil.

Advice! It is necessary to store granular urea in a dry place, otherwise the fertilizer absorbs moisture strongly and turns into lumps.

The size of the harvest depends on each gardener. Timely and competent application of fertilizing is able to ensure soil fertility and the full return of horticultural and garden crops to the nutrients received on time.

Spraying the garden with urea: video