Silent Hill Shattered Memories walkthrough. Walkthrough Gas station "Deisaco Fir Tree"

Welcome to Silent Hill

Walkthrough notes

These sessions with the doctor will interrupt the flow of the story throughout the game, and depending on how you complete the tests, your psychological profile in the game will depend. The initial test forms the basis for creating a profile and your personal Silent Hill. Each time you start a new game, you can create a completely different profile that defines a new look for characters, environments, and storytelling. Also, the psychological profile will determine which of the four endings you get at the end of the game.

Due to the fact that the psychological profile is quite complex and variable depending on the behavior of the player, it is very difficult to cover all possible variations in one playthrough. Therefore, the walkthrough only covers the steps necessary to progress through the game, and will also allow you to find all possible mementos and echo messages.

car dump

After the entrance test, the game will return to Harry Mason, who is recovering from a car accident. Harry becomes worried when he discovers that his daughter, Cheryl, who was sleeping in the back seat, is not in the car. Grabbing his flashlight from the glove compartment, Harry calls for Cheryl and begins his journey through Silent Hill to find her.

When you gain control of the hero, move forward from the car and look around. It looks like Harry ended up in a junkyard of various automotive equipment. If you turn around and look inside the car, you can find Cheryl's teddy bear in the front seat.

Continuing to walk away from the crash site, Harry will comment on various objects along the way. Usually these remarks will refer to his daughter. If you press the button (A) on the Wiimote, Harry's name will be Cheryl.

Walk between the scrap metal to the fence and climb over it. On the other side, enter the green door in the wall of the building.

Petrol station "Deisaco Fir Tree"

You entered the car garage. Inside, go right and exit through another door into the hallway. Pay attention to the broken telephone and the poster with important numbers on the wall. You don't have mobile access yet, but you can call these numbers later.

Walk forward and enter through the Employees Only door. Walk along the corridor and you will meet a locked door. Remove the chain securing the bolt and slide the bolt to the right by grabbing the red handle. Exit through the door.

Shop "Clear Picture"

Head down the red carpeted stairs and through the door at the end. Walk forward to the neon sign at the back of the store. There is an answering machine on the counter with a message left on it. The tone and content of the message, like most others in the game, will depend on your profile. The back door is locked, so all you have to do is go through the service door nearby.

The service room is full of computers and video equipment. Go to the monitor of the surveillance system and take a closer look: turning the knob on the left, the screen shows the image from various cameras in the store. Turn the knob to position number 3 and press the large button labeled "door release" on the right. The light above the door will turn green. Return to the shop hall and exit through this door.

Turn left and jump over the red fence to Harry's right and enter the door ahead. In the next area turn left and climb over wooden fence to the playground.

Shop "Theresa's"

Enter the store and go to the counter. It has an answering machine with a message left on it. Listen to the message to find out that the back door key was left in Jane's jacket. Go through the door behind the counter and up the stairs.

In the room on the second floor you will find a locked door and three dressed mannequins in front of it. According to the message on the answering machine, as well as the note on the door, the key must be in one of the jackets. Unfasten the lock of any of them, no matter which one - the key will always be in the first jacket. Take the key and unlock the door.

Exit the store and go down the stairs to the snowy alley. Go straight through the next door and then through the wooden fence to the playground.


On the right, you can see a dumpster with a broken bike and, oddly enough, Cheryl's bear cub (how did he get here from the car!). There is a locked door in the fence opposite (next to the rules of conduct on the site) - you need to find the key to continue on your way.

Approach the red trailer from the other side and you will find three cans there (lemonade or beer - depends on the profile). One of the cans contains a key - pick up the cans and shake to find out which one. Turn the jar with the jingle upside down and a small blue key will fall out of it. Pick up the key, open the door and exit the platform.

There are two establishments on the next street, but only one of them will be lit and open depending on your profile. To the left is the Diner 52 cafe, to the right is the Good Old Days bar. At the bar, Harry will meet a red-haired barmaid. Inside the cafe, Harry will meet policewoman Sybil Bennett. After any conversation, Harry will have access to his newfangled phone. Check out all of its cool features:

Phone features

You can call any phone numbers that Harry can find on his way to Silent Hill. For example, you can call emergency numbers found at a gas station earlier.

The camera will allow you to take pictures of various echo ghosts to receive messages, as well as anything else you want.
Fast access: Press the right button on the Wiimote (A) to take a photo and (A) again if you want to save the photo.

Harry's phone has a GPS navigation program with a map of the entire city. While viewing the map, you can make marks and draw on it. The GPS also lets Harry know where he's going by automatically adding markers to the map.
Fast access: Press the left button on the Wiimote and then (A) for a full screen map.

Check your received text and voice messages here.

Here you can view all saved photos. Memory holds up to 10 photos.

Harry's contact list. When other characters call or send messages, their number is added to the contact list after answering the call or viewing the message.

The most important phone feature! This feature allows you to save your progress in the game (it's a good idea to do this more often).

Here you can select a melody for the call from the proposed selection.

Here you can find out the number of calls made and how much time you spent with the phone.
Echo message and photos

Throughout the game, Harry will come across "echoes" of events from the past, which shed some details on the history of Silent Hill. These echoes can be interacted with in two ways:
Photographing: Watch your surroundings for ghostly shimmering shapes. They are barely visible in the dark and hard to see in the light. Approach such a figure and take a picture with your phone's camera. After you take a successful shot of the echo, Harry will receive a message from the past on his phone.
Watch for static: Harry's phone starts to crackle and the flashlight blinks in certain places. Approach an object that causes such a disturbance - you can determine it by the amplification of this interference. Coming close to the source, the screen will blink, and the interference will stop, and Harry will receive a message from the past on his mobile.

The most interesting thing is that the content of these messages differs from playthrough to playthrough, which depends on the psychological profile.


The streets of Silent Hill are frozen, and you will not be able to go the same way as before - the way is blocked by ice... What's next? Do you hear that annoying sound of a car siren? Run to this sound and you will see a car frozen in the ice, its headlights pointing to the door ahead. This is your exit - go through it.

After a short cutscene, the first scene of the nightmare begins! These nightmares can be quite confusing, but these tips should help you get through them:

Nightmare Survival Tips

LOOK around the area: Know where you can run. Harry can climb, crawl, or open anything that has a blue border around the edges.

GPS is your friend: Don't forget that Harry's phone has a nice map function. At the beginning of each nightmare, the destination is marked with a blue X on the map. Your task is to reach this mark safe and sound. It is easy to get lost in nightmares, which is very annoying, given the crowd of monsters chasing you. The GPS map on your phone can go a long way in helping you figure out the best route to get to the mark.

You can quickly open the map by pressing left on the Wimote and then (A), for a full screen map:
- First determine where the mark is and whether you are moving towards it. If not, locate the exit in the desired direction.
Are you advancing or just running in circles? The GPS marks the distance traveled with a line on the map. If it looks like you're repeating your path, take a closer look around and find an alternative path (door, ledge, fence, etc.) that you can follow.
- While viewing the full screen map, monsters cannot attack Harry, so you can use this advantage when planning where to run next. This loophole does not apply to the minimap, which can still be attacked by monsters when viewed.

DELAY: Harry doesn't have any weapons to fight back, but that doesn't mean he's completely defenseless. Look around for objects that Harry can roll up to create a barrier between him and pursuing creatures. Objects suitable for this are marked with a white arrow at the top. When running past such objects, wave the nunchuck and Harry will create an obstacle by rolling the object.

Another useful item for delay - signal checkers. Every nightmare has at least one checker, so watch carefully. Checkers are marked with a red column of light, which is easy to see from afar. Grab a saber whenever possible, but remember that Harry can only hold one in his hand.

You can light the checker with the button (C), and while the checker is burning, the monsters will be wary of approaching Harry. The action of the checker lasts approximately 30-40 seconds. A burning checker can allow you to take a break if there are too many monsters around, and break away from your pursuers.

You can throw a burning flare on the ground with the (-) button and it will create a temporary barrier between you and the monsters. The problem is that once you leave the checker's area of ​​effect, the monsters will start chasing you again, but you can use it in narrow places.

NOTE: With the flare lit, Harry is unable to use his phone until it burns out or he throws it on the ground.

BE SECRET: Try to always turn off your flashlight. In nightmares, monsters can easily catch up with Harry, so it's best to try to slip through unnoticed. When monsters are chasing you, there is a chance that you can lose sight of them by turning a corner or jumping off a ledge while your flashlight is off. You'll know when the monsters have spotted you by their high-pitched scream and faster musical score.

You can also use hiding places. Hiding in the closet or under the bed, Harry can get rid of the monsters that run past. At this time, you can get back out and run in the other direction. Just remember to turn OFF the FLASHLIGHT while hiding, otherwise the monsters will easily notice Harry and pull him out of his hiding place.

DO NOT PANIC!: If the monsters catch up with you and pounce (and they will, believe me), try not to panic and wave the controls randomly. By doing so, you can not only go astray, but it is also not too effective method get rid of the attackers. To throw the creatures off you, you need to make a few clear pushes in the direction from which the monster attacks:
- If Harry is grabbed from behind: use both hands briefly and quickly, as if you were trying to throw someone from behind.
- If Harry is grabbed from the side: briefly and quickly swing the Wiimote and Nunchaku to the left or right (depending on the side the monster grabbed from).
- If Harry is grabbed from the front: Swing the Wiimote and Nunchaku forward shortly and quickly, as if you are pushing someone off the chest.
- If Harry is surrounded by several creatures, first push those in front and behind, and then those on the sides

When control over the hero returns to you, run forward and climb over the fence. On the other side, run towards the window ahead, turn right and enter the side door of the house.

Inside the building, run around the shelf and then through the door in the left corner. Run out of the house through the only door ahead.

Outside, you will enter an open area with a large ice block in the middle. Run around the block on the right and you should see two fences between houses. Jump over the right fence and then immediately jump over the fence straight ahead.

Run through the double doors - you will find yourself in the public pool building. Run through the double doors at the end of the corridor. In the next corridor, run through the door on the left and then run out of the next room through the door ahead.

You will find yourself in a room with an empty pool - inside it at the bottom lies a luminous signal stick. Left and right are double doors. You need the ones on the left next to the scoreboard. Grab the flare from the bottom of the pool and climb out of it next to these doors. You can not take a checker, but just run around the pool and run into the doors.

Jump off the ledge and run through the door ahead to the next room. Run through the winding tunnel and run out through the doors at the end.

Outside, jump off the ledge and run out through the double doors ahead. The first nightmare is over.

Video walkthrough of the 1st nightmare


Levin street

After passing through the nightmare, we return to Dr. K's office, who will ask a few questions related to the family, as well as give a coloring book of a happy couple outside the house. You can color it however you like, or leave it uncolored. But remember - the game is watching your actions.

After a cutscene in which Harry clashes with the inhabitants of what he thinks is his house on Levin Street, we find ourselves in the back seat of Sybil's police car, who has arrived on a call from the residents. During the trip, you can move around in the back seat and look out the window at the deserted streets of the city.

Snow and ice cover the windows of the car, and Sybil leaves Harry in the car to find out where they are. As soon as Cybil leaves the car, move to the front passenger seat, open the glove compartment and take the pack of cigarettes - memento #2 "Hidden Fire".

It doesn't look like Sybil is going to be back anytime soon, so get out onto the road through either of the front doors. Cybil is nowhere to be seen, so you're on your own again.

2nd PATH: Through the forest

If you want to collect all the mementos and messages, you will have to take the longer route. Walk between the trees to the left of the path towards the red dot on the map. This is a water tower. Jump over the tower fence and find the container. Open the hatch and take the blue ball - memento #3 "Frozen Water".

Jump back over the fence and head towards the source of the noise past the trees. You should see a wreath on a tree. Walk up to it and you'll get echo message #4 "Children in the woods".

In the next room, turn left, pull out the drawer of the nightstand and take memento #4 “Broken Guardian”- pink flashlight.

Go outside and then back into the house through another door on the porch. In the bedroom, open the closet and take memento #5 "A holiday that is always with you"- hunting knife.

Turn around and exit onto the back porch. Jump down to the path, run down the slope to the left towards the source of the noise - an animal skull on a tree trunk, and you will get echo message #6 "Cycle of death". At this point, Harry will receive a call from Sybil, who wants to know where he has fled to. Answer the call and Sybil's phone number will be added to the phone book. You can not answer and drop the call - then the number will not be recorded.


Leave the frozen house and run back down the slope towards the hunting hut "Orion". Climb onto the porch and go through the door.

Inside, run out through the other door on the right side and then exit the hut through the next door.

Turn off Harry's flashlight and run forward. Jump over the crack in the ground on the left side of it. Climb up the flat ledge ahead to grab the flare. If the monsters were able to spot you, you can turn your flashlight back on to see better in the dark and jump off the ledge on the other side.

Run towards the lights ahead on the left side. Under your feet you should see the rails for the mining carts, which will help you not to get confused where to run. Along the way, you can throw down a couple of barriers to delay pursuers if they are close.

At the end of the paths you will see the two-storey building of the Caldecott sawmill. Climb up the porch and enter the door on the right. Run through the door at the other end of the room and jump off the ledge. Jump over the crack in the floor and run out through the double doors on the other side.

There is ice and debris blocking the path ahead, so turn left and crawl under the wall. On the other side is a corridor with double doors on the left side - ignore them, keep moving forward and get out of the sawmill through the doors at the end of the corridor.

Run straight between the tree trunks and jump off the ledge. A light should be visible ahead. Run into this light and jump down two more ledges until you see trees, ice and a wire fence blocking the passage ahead. Turn left and jump over the gap. Run to the illuminated hut ahead. After entering it, run into the next door on the left. When you get inside the next room, the ice will block your way back and forth.

Riddle time

Congratulations, you've made it through the first half of the nightmare and deserve a little reprieve from the chase. But you are still in the forest and you need to find your way out of the room.

Look around and you will see the frozen figures of a family of three. A little girl is sitting on the couch, looking at her mother, who is sitting at the table with her head in her hands. Near the woman lies a broken vase and the father of the family stands with his arms outstretched forward.

In the message, you will hear how the girl is playing with a toy piano that lies on the sofa. To remove the ice barrier from the doors, you need to repeat the melody heard in the message (it will be easier for you to pick up the melody if you turn on the subtitles):

“quack” “hoot” “squawk” “squawk” “cluck”

Take a look at the piano keys. Each key has a drawing of an animal and its corresponding sound. You just need to repeat the correct combination.

Duck Key (Green)
Owl key (pink)
Parrot key (yellow)
Parrot key (yellow)
Chicken key (blue)

After the ice falls off the doors, exit through the door behind the sofa.

Outside, Harry is in danger again. Turn off the flashlight and run to the two lights ahead and slightly to the left. When Harry gets closer to the light sources, you will see the wreckage of the plane.

Run to the left side of the debris and cross the crack. Pick up the glowing stick from the ground and run through the door straight ahead. Inside, run straight ahead, ignoring the door on the left, through two doors until you're outside again.

Keep running forward until the path splits in two in front of a huge tree with a house. Take the path to the left and run into the house with the "Experience Fishing" sign near the door.

Run through the door on the right wall, and then through two more rooms forward. In the last room turn left and run out of the hut.

After the hut, jump over the rift. Run along the frozen coast until you see a ladder. Run up and through the door on the right. Run out of the nightmare through the door ahead.

Video walkthrough of the 2nd nightmare


Climb up the stairs and open the heart-shaped box on the dresser to get memento #7 "Choke forever"- beetle in amber.

Exit the building and jump to the roof of the neighboring building. Go down the stairs to the Wonderland Burger kitchen.

Follow the noise to the red apron on the wall to get echo message #8 "Choke game".

Turn around and go through the door around the corner to the restaurant hall. Follow the noise to the table near the window to get echo message #9 "Cold" and return to the kitchen.

Go to the back door and open the refrigerator door, inside which you will find memento #8 "My Gorgeous Plastic Doll"- an undressed doll - and exit through the door.

Go around the shelf and open the gray box on the wall, inside of which memento #9 "Heavenly Protection", and exit through the yellow door.

In the corridor, Harry's phone will crackle - a ghostly girl is sitting on the bench to the right, who will run away when you get closer. Approach the bench with the photograph on it and you will receive echo message #11 "Cold".

Walk back down the corridor to the classroom at the end. You can't take anything in this class, but you can see an interesting projected image on the board here, which depends on your psychological profile (from sex education to a lecture on the topic of God).

Go through the back door of the classroom and exit into the school yard. Walk towards the table with the lunch box to get echo message #12 "School ball".

Go to the chemistry lab in the next building. Inside, a ghostly silhouette of a girl will run through the next door. Go through the double doors to the biology class.

In the biological laboratory, you will find a dissected frog carcass with a protruding scalpel. Cut the amphibian to get memento #10 "Cold stone" and then exit into the corridor. Climb up the stairs.

art studio

In the art studio, as expected, several portraits on easels, which depict Harry himself (interestingly, here he looks more like himself from original game). Directly ahead is a charcoal still life titled Calling the Shadows. Behind the red curtain is the exit, but the door is locked. Now what?

Notice the still life. Note that the objects in the picture are positioned differently from those standing next to each other. Behind the pedestal with still life objects on the wall, several sheets of paper are pasted, and next to it is the number 555, which hints at a telephone number, since almost all numbers begin with these three digits.

The still life casts shadows from Harry's flashlight. Putting all the clues together, it becomes clear that with the help of still life objects you need to compose a phone number. To do this, you need to expose things as they are shown in the figure and so that they cast shadows on pieces of paper.

When you complete the necessary operations, you will receive a number on the wall: 555-8465. Ring the phone and the door from the studio will open. By the way, you can call the specified phone immediately after entering the class without manipulating the still life.


After entering the planetarium, Harry's phone will start making noise. Go to the source of the noise between the rows of seats and Harry will receive the message "Big Bear".

In the message, the teacher talks about the constellation Ursa Minor. The exit door is locked, so first you need to solve the riddle. Go to the remote control of the projector and turn it on. Images of stars will appear on the vault of the room. Posters with constellations are hung on the walls of the planetarium. Find among them the image of Ursa Minor. Memorize its shape, go to the projector and rotate it until you see a group of stars that resembles a constellation in location.

Go back to the console and press the laser button - the stars will unite into constellations, and at the same time, messages from the Big Bear will be displayed next to the constellation Ursa Minor:

Hey Mandy, be my little bear
Call me!
Big Bear: 555-2327

Call the indicated number and the door will mysteriously open. Exit through the door. The door can also be opened immediately after entering, simply by dialing the specified number.

School: building B (continued)

Go down the stairs and a ghostly girl will appear on the left and disappear around the corner. Going down, Harry will receive a message from a girl named Dahlia with a photo of her outfit. Echo is nearby. Follow the source of the noise - the poster on the wall - and get echo message #13 "School ball".

The doors to the gym at the other end of the corridor are locked with a combination lock. Pay attention to the remote control - the number "1053" is scrawled next to the keys. This is not a code, but the number of a locker in this hallway. Go to this locker and open it. A photograph of two football players with the numbers "10" and "31" is pasted to the door. The code to the door is 1031.

Before you go to the door, open another locker in the middle of the corridor to get memento #11 "Eternal rose".

Go outside and cross the small courtyard in front of the gym. Climb the stairs, approach the ball tied to the bench to get echo message #14 "School ball".

Enter the hall where you will meet Michelle Valdez on the stage. During the conversation, Michelle claims that she knew Cheryl Mason from another class and thinks she is Harry's daughter (despite his claim that Cheryl is seven years old!). Michelle takes Harry to the headmaster's office in the hope that they can hack into his computer and get information on Cheryl.

Riddle time

Luckily, Director Hermann Fischer didn't think too much about the screening questions, and all the answers can be easily found in the office around:

Question: Where did I say goodbye to the bachelor life, freedom and happiness?
Answer: Hawaii
Where?: Look at the photo of the kissing couple on the shelf to the right. It says "Married in Hawaii."

Question: The name of my ex-wife is a bitch?
Answer: Valeria
Where?: Go to the secretary's desk and look at the piece of paper taped to the monitor. It has a number written on it. Call (555-9433) to get the name from the answering machine message.

Q: I spent three years getting a degree in what field?
Answer: Geology
Where?: Look at the diploma on the wall behind the desk.

Q: Shakespeare's best play?
Answer: Twelfth Night
Where?: Look at the small shelf in the corner of the room. There are several volumes of Shakespeare on it, but the book with the play "Twelfth Night" is pushed forward a little.

Question: My only true (four-legged) friend?
Answer: Nicky
Where?: Check the dog collar on the hanger.

Question: What is my zodiac sign? Not that I believe in it.
Answer: Scorpion
Where?: On the calendar near the secretary's desk, November 12 is marked as Herman's 65th birthday. Look at the poster with the signs of the zodiac to find out which sign this day falls on.

Question: Undisputedly the greatest baseball team?
Answer: Shiners
Where?: Check the baseball cap on one of the chairs in front of the principal's desk.

Question: The name of my worthless son?
Answer: Otto
Where?: Look at the children's drawing on the boxes to the left of the computer.

Q: Is Royalsport a men's ball game?
Answer: Racquetball
Where?: Look at the sports trophy in the left half of the room.

After correct answers to three verification questions, the computer will issue the correct password: SUNDAY45. Unfortunately, you will not be able to enter the password right away - in any case, you will have to answer questions.


After the office freezes, exit the building through the door ahead. Outside, ahead and a little to the left there is a ledge, and on the right is a door. Ignore the door, run forward, climb onto the ledge. Enter the school building through the door. Inside, enter the door on the left, crawl under the wall and enter the door straight ahead.

In the next corridor on the right side there are several doors, as well as double doors at the end, through which you will run out of the building.

Go down the stairs, climb onto the ledge and run left through the parking lot. Jump off the next ledge, climb over the fence and re-enter the school building through the door. Run through the next door and run out of the room through the door at the end of the corridor.

Outside, jump down and run forward. Ahead you should see double doors to the next school block. Run through the double doors on the left, go up the stairs and exit the room to the gym through the door above.

Jump off the stage and run through the door at the opposite end of the room into the courtyard. Jump up there again and run through the door ahead.

In the courtyard, run forward and to the right. You should see a sign for "Midwich High School Main Entrance" with a large arrow pointing towards the double doors. Run inside.

Riddle time

The main entrance of the school is blocked by three female figures. When approaching them, Harry will receive a message from a girl who says that she will unlock the door if Harry agrees to play paparazzi and take pictures of another student at school.

When you return to the courtyard door, Harry will receive a message telling you where to take the pictures:

Hot spots for the paparazzi: yard, parking and locker room.

Each location is marked on the map.

Now you have two options.

Option 1 - fail the mission

You can intentionally get caught three times without picking up photos and you will get a message that the girl is tired of waiting and will open the door like this. But by doing so, you will miss some interesting bits of history.

Option 2 - Take all 3 photos

NOTE: Do not forget that the "right" button on the Wimote allows you to quickly put the phone into camera mode.

Go back to the courtyard and pick up the signal stick from the ground. Ahead you will see a red-lit window. This will be the first place for the photo. Run up to the window and take a picture of the kissing couple with your phone.

Quickly turn off Harry's flashlight and enter the door on the right and then immediately the door on the left. Run through the hole in the wall and turn left. Run through the double doors under the gym sign.

Outside, climb over the fence. There is a lighted wall ahead and a second place for a photo. Take a picture of a girl in the shower. Turn back and climb onto the ledge. Enter the school through the door upstairs.

Run out of the room through the door at the end of the corridor. Jump over the fence and climb onto the ledge ahead. Run through the parking lot to the illuminated car for the third shot.

By this point, the creatures will most likely be chasing Harry, making it difficult to photograph. You can light a saber if you still have it and drop it on the ground next to the car. The checker will create a barrier for the monsters around, and you can safely take the last shot.

Now you have two options again:
- Easy way. Let the creatures catch Harry, and Harry will wake up near the exit, which will now be open (but it's not that interesting!).
- Hard way. Make your way back to the exit.

Hard way

Turn around and jump off the ledge, jump over the fence and run into the school building through the door ahead. Jump off the ledge and climb over the fence. Go through the double doors and run to the hole in the wall. Run out through the door ahead.

Exit the school through the door on the right and through the yard to the exit. When you reach the exit door, the figures will split and release a passage.

Video walkthrough of the 3rd nightmare


Club "Balkan"

When you get out of the nightmare, Michelle will be waiting for you outside. She offers Harry a ride to Simmons Street in the boss's car, which is parked outside the Balkan nightclub.

Follow Michelle to the nightclub. After you go inside, she will receive a phone call from her boyfriend John asking Harry to retrieve the keys to the jeep from her upstairs room.

Go through the service door. Upstairs there are two doors on the sides: pink and purple. No matter which one you choose, you will still end up in Michelle's room.

The keys are not visible, but there are several places where Harry can look. In any case, the keys will always be in the third place you check.

Get down back to the hall. After a short conversation with Michelle, Harry will go to the restroom to freshen up, but upon his return, instead of Michelle, he finds a girl named Dahlia (the same Dahlia who sent him a message earlier). Dahlia acts like she's been with him before. Despite his confusion over Michelle's disappearance, Harry follows Dahlia and they head to Simmons Street together.

Dixon Bridge

The path to Simmons Street breaks off near the raised Dixon Drawbridge. Dahlia tells Harry to go to the control booth and lower the bridge.

Go to the building to the right of the road. Climb the stairs, go into the booth and go to the console. The control of the bridge looks somewhat difficult to figure out without a hint. Approach the locker on the wall and open it. Inside you will find the number of bridge manager Jimmy Capra. Call him, and he will agree to help, but the conversation will be interrupted due to interference. After a while, you will receive a voice message from Jimmy with a guide to operating the bridge. It's simple:

Press the red button on the left side of the panel and the lights at the top will light up. Depending on the color of the light bulb, you need to pull the desired lever.

blue light bulb: Middle lever
Red light bulb: Left lever
Green light bulb: Don't touch anything and wait
yellow bulb: Right lever

After a correctly executed sequence, the bridge will begin to lower. Get down from the booth and go back to the car.

After a conversation between Harry and Dahlia, the world will begin to transform and the car will fall off the bridge into the icy water.

Under the water

The jeep will slowly fill with water and Harry can't open the doors. You can try various locks, glass handles, but something will not work until the car is filled with enough water and the car sinks to the bottom.

Grab the flashlight that will pop up on the back seats. Look out the window and you will see the creature hitting it. After that, the glasses will freeze, and inscriptions will begin to appear on them. The car radio will suddenly start playing. Now you have two options:

Option 1 - do nothing: Sit inside the machine until it is completely filled with water.
Option 2 - get out of the car: Get back in the front seat and crank the radio until the song comes out clearly. When you do this, the ice on the windows will melt and you will be able to open the door and float to the surface.

Regardless of the option, next you will see Sybil dragging the unconscious Harry from the water. When Harry wakes up, Sybil takes him in a wheelchair down the corridor of Alchemilla Hospital, and wants to hear from Harry the answers to many questions.

Wardrobe change

You must have noticed the change in Harry's costume. The type of costume is an indicator of which ending you are currently headed for:

Suit: Long winter coat and pink sweater
You are heading towards the "Lost Love" ending. You were purposefully looking for Cheryl, helping others, and not thinking about drinking or women.

Suit: Green sports jacket
You are heading towards the "Drunk Father" ending, which means that you are preoccupied with alcohol and do things that are typical of alcoholics.

Suit: Black leather jacket and semi-unbuttoned blue shirt
You are heading towards the Libertine and the Sirens ending. You often think about sex and stare at erotic images.

Suit: Light coat and green tank top
You're heading towards the "Bad and Weak" ending, which means you're acting a bit arrogant and don't seek friendship (like dropping calls and not reading messages).

This does not mean that you are already guaranteed a certain ending - you can still change it by changing your behavior in the game.

Nightmare 4: URGENT

Hobble to the double doors ahead and turn off the flashlight. By now, Harry should be completely awake. Leave the room, then through the doors in the next room and you will get to the train station.

After running behind the car, turn left and run between the two cars. Jump off the ledge and jump over the crack. Pick up the red checker. Here it is worth igniting a checker and running forward through the door of the car. Monsters will approach you from the front and back, so a lit checker should help you get through this area.

Keep moving forward and run out of the train. Crawl under the train ahead and turn left. Jump onto the ledge and go through the door on the right. Exit the building through the door in the far right corner.

After exiting, turn left and climb over the wire fence. Keep running forward, turn left and climb over another fence. On the other side, ignore the door ahead and run straight up the stairs to the hospital emergency room.

Riddle time

The ice will instantly close the door you entered through, so go to the door ahead. Pay attention to the Alchemilla Radio phone (101.6 FM) on the poster in the room - you will need this information to solve the puzzle.

In the ward, you will see the ice figure of a man in an armchair next to the bed on which the girl is lying. There is a radio on a nightstand in the corner of the room. Approaching a pair of figures you will receive a message on your phone. The clue to the riddle, as always, lies in this message. In the message, dad ordered a song for the girl on the radio, which she really liked. Let's try and do it.

Go to the radio and turn the knob until you select 101.6 and you will hear the DJ announcing the number where you can order a song. Look at the poster on the wall. There are 10 songs on the poster to choose from. By choosing the correct song, the door will open.

The message doesn't mention the name of the song, but the titles suggest that we'd like the song "Daddy's Girl" at number 4. Call 555-8814 (4 indicates the song number) and after playing the song, the ice will melt, allowing Harry get out.

Video walkthrough of the 4th nightmare


Nightingale Apartments

Harry enters the emergency room of the hospital and sees a nurse with a bloody head next to a car that crashed into the premises. The nurse's name is Lisa Garland. Harry tries to get Lisa to get checked out, but the girl claims that everything is fine and she just needs to get home, where she can recover.

Harry agrees to walk Lisa to the house, which is a few blocks from the hospital, and having fulfilled his duty, is about to leave, but Lisa persuades him to stay for 5 minutes so that she can thank him.

While Lisa is changing, you can watch TV or, more interestingly, peep at Lisa in the closet mirror through the open door. Selecting an action will affect the profile and subsequent dialog.

Lisa returns to the living room, but she is suddenly seized by a severe headache. Lisa asks Harry to bring her pills of a certain color from the bathroom cabinet. Before taking the pills in the bathroom, look to the right and open the small music box with the angel in front of the mirror and take memento #12 “Infinite Jest” in the form of a ring with a skull.

Open the wall cabinet on the left - there are 4 pill jars on the bottom shelf. You can look through the jars to find the pills in the color Lisa asked for, or you can take the first one that comes across. Your choice will determine the character of the scene later. Return to Lisa and give her the pill.

The game will jump back to Dr. K, who will start talking about guilt and administer another psychology test.

After returning to Lisa, leave her to sleep on the couch and exit the building through the main entrance.

2nd ROAD: Long way - through the office with memento

After taking a picture of the advertisement, turn around and walk towards the apartment and then left down Navidson Street. Jump over the fence on the left and climb into the Goldenleaf office by climbing onto the blue container and then through the open window on the second floor. In the office, open the copier to find memento #13 “Artificial Bone”- a plastic toy for a dog.

Go down the stairs, then go through the warehouse and up the stairs at the other end. When you approach the door of the mall, Lisa will call you (I wonder how she got your number?), and you need to run back to her apartment.

Turn around and return along the same path, or through the garage opposite the main entrance. Either way, when you get to Lisa's house, you'll either find her dead or she'll expire right in front of your eyes (remember the pill choice from earlier?). Immediately, Sybil appears in the apartment, naturally accusing Harry of the murder and pointing a gun at him. Before Harry can talk to Sybil, the world freezes over.

Nightmare 5: Shopping at the Mall

Exit the apartment building. Run forward and to the left through the opening in the fence to the area of ​​the transport company. Jump over the crack and enter through the double doors in the building ahead. Crawl under the pipes, turn off the flashlight and go through the door ahead.

In the next room, jump off the ledge and climb up the wall on the other side. Enter the door. If you were lucky and you managed to turn off the flashlight in time, then the creatures still did not notice you. Exit the building through the door at the other end of the next corridor.

Climb up the ledge, pick up the glowing flare (DO NOT light it yet) and run up the stairs. Climb up the ledge under the Toluca mall sign and enter the mall through the doors ahead. In the next corridor, you can knock down the barrier on the left, if you have a lot of monsters hanging on your tail, exit through the door on the left at the end of the corridor and then through the door straight ahead in the next room.

Here you can turn on the flashlight if it was still off, and climb onto the ledge to Harry's right. Run through the door ahead. You are finally inside the mall!

On the left you will see a large sculpture of the mall's symbol, the Tuki bird. If you didn't take a picture of the shield outside the apartment, you can take off Tookie's beak now, or just memorize its colors. You will need them for the next puzzle. If you want to take a picture, you can use a saber: light it up and throw it on the floor to protect yourself from pursuers.

After that, run through the double doors to the left of the shop with the mannequins in the window, up the stairs and out through the door at the end.

Keep running forward and then right through the door at the end of the corridor to get to the roof of the mall. On the rooftop, climb up to the ledge ahead, run across the rooftop, and jump off the ledge on the other side to the right. Run through the door marked "Garage Access South" and run down the stairs. After running outside, run into the mall through the doors on the left.

Riddle time

Behind the doors, the monsters will stop chasing you, and ahead you will find another scene of frozen figures: a father and daughter are standing near a chewing gum machine. Approach the figures and you will receive a new voice message with a recording of the conversation between the girl and her father, as well as a hint to solve the puzzle in the room.

In the message, the girl asks her dad for gum, but is upset that the gum is the wrong color. You need to pick up 4 balls of chewing gum of the girl's favorite colors. What are these colors? In some versions of the message, the father also does not know this and is prompted over the phone:

“symbol, cartoon bird?”

or remembers:

“I saw the way you looked at Tuki!”

or the girl says to him herself:

"Colors of Tookie"

In general, the girl's favorite colors are the colors of the symbol of the Toluca shopping center - the Touki bird.

If you took a photo of a billboard or a bird at the mall, you can refer to it and remove the gumballs from the machine. If the ball is the color you don't want, shake until the color you want appears. The order of the balls is not important - you just need to pick up four balls of the same colors as on the beak of the symbol.

Correct colors:
Yellow, red, pink and purple.

The ice will fall and you will be able to exit the room.

Video walkthrough of the 5th nightmare


Animal store

Crawl through the open blinds and you'll be in main hall shopping center. Several cars are displayed in the middle, presumably as prizes in a karaoke contest. Follow the noise of the phone to the green trash can in the corner on the right side to get echo message #15 "Problem child".

After receiving the message, head to the opposite side of the hall and enter through the double red doors into The Family Pet.

Inside, only empty cages lined up on shelves await you. Pay attention to the noise of the phone, go to the empty cage in the right corner and get echo message #16 "Family favorite".

Go to the checkout, turn left to the shelf and pick up memento #14 "Memories Unmanifested" from an empty hamster cage. Jump over the checkout counter and go through the yellow door.

In the service corridor you will meet a shadow that will run away from you. Walk forward and enter the yellow door on the right and you will find yourself in a toy store.

A toy shop

Turn right and go to the safe. To open it, slowly turn the handle until you hear a click, after which you can open the safe. If you turn the knob further, the safe will remain locked and you will need to try again. Inside the safe you will find memento #15 "My flying lizard"- dinosaur toy.

The double doors from the shop are padlocked. You need to find the key somewhere in the store. Pay attention to the toy railroad to the left of the entrance. Pull the lever to change the path from 1st to 2nd and then press the green start button. The toy train will go and at the end crash into an obstacle, throwing the key out of the car.

Take the key and exit the toy store. Go up the escalator and go through the double doors with the red exit sign. Go along the service corridor to the next doors.

Gift and card shop

Go to the back door with a combination lock to receive a voice message with a hint to the code. The content of the message may be different, but the meaning is that instead of just saying the code, two melodies will be played to you. Look around the shop floor. On the shelves you will see various postcards. Opening any, music will play. So, you need to pick up two cards with the same melodies as in the message.

Go to the Anniversary section and open the 20th Anniversary card. You will hear the first melody. Then go to the birthday section and open the 50th birthday card. You will hear the second melody.

As a result, by combining the numbers from these two cards, you will get the number 2050. Open the back door and go out into the corridor.

Continue forward down the street and enter the Green Lion pawnshop on the right.

Like many other places, the look of a pawnshop will be very different depending on the profile. Go to the counter, turn the latch on the left, after which the shelf with the key will fall, and the key will slide onto the rotating tray. Spin the tray and take the key. Go through the back door.

Before climbing the stairs, go through the door on the right - you will find yourself behind the counter. Open the blue box and take it from there memento #18 "We are oroboros".

Climb the stairs and enter the apartment where Cheryl is supposed to live. After the cutscene, the final nightmare awaits you.

Nightmare 6: From Nowhere to Nowhere

After the apartment freezes, turn around and go to the exit. Go down the long stairs and jump off the ledge into the abyss.

After a long flight, Harry will find himself in a very dark and large room. Turn right and walk into the barely visible light, focusing on the noise. You must exit to an area with broken glass on the floor, after which you will find yourself in a corridor. Go through the door ahead.

Go straight across the room and then down the stairs to the noise from the wall mirror.

Labyrinth in Nowhere #1

It is easy to get lost in this labyrinth, so to avoid this, strictly follow the indicated directions!

You can find the right path yourself - just follow the lights on the ceiling. First, run through the door on the left, in the next room, take the door to the right. In the next room, pick up the flare from the floor and run through the door on the left. Ignore the side doors in the next hallway and run through the door at the end. In the large room, run through the first door on the right and then right again in the next room.

In the next large room with several doors, run forward past the door ahead and run through the door on the left. After you find yourself in a dark corridor, the creatures will fall behind you. Run through the door straight ahead.

Keep running forward through several rooms until Harry is on another ledge from which he will need to jump. As you fall, various images of Cheryl and her father will flash before you.

Harry will find himself in a large room with a lighted bed in the middle. You won't be able to run straight to it - invisible walls block the way. By illuminating the ground with a flashlight, you can see the edges of these invisible walls. Go left to a dead end, then right, after which the path turns left. When you get to a section where you can go either forward or left, turn left. Keep following the path until you reach a bed with a frozen Dahlia, at which point Harry will be in the second labyrinth.

Labyrinth in Nowhere #2

In this labyrinth, you need to run through the doors, around which you can see pieces of ice on the wall.

Go through the door ahead (if you get grabbed on this level and you start over, go through the left door first). In the next room, pick up the flare and run through the right door. Run down the corridor straight to the fork and then left through the door. Cross the next room and through the door ahead. In the next corridor, run forward again and then left at the fork. In the room, run through the door to the right into another corridor, in which again turn left at the end.

You will finally enter a dark corridor. Exit the maze through the door at the end of the corridor.

Video walkthrough of the 6th nightmare


Drain #14

Since Michelle and John ran off somewhere to sort things out, we will have to get to the lighthouse on foot. Before getting out of the car, sit in the front passenger seat and remove from the glove compartment memento #19 “Poetry as precise as geometry”- gold-plated fountain pen.

Get out of the car and go through the open gate on the right to get into the drainpipe. Climb down the stairs and then forward through the sewers. Don't miss the left turn where you can find memento #19 “Happy Ties”- a small bracelet - inside the fish hidden in the outgoing pipe.

Return to the main passage and continue forward. Go up the stairs and unlock the locked door by turning the handle three times. Go through the next door and up the stairs to get out of the sewers.

Weaver Street - shopping

Walk down Weaver Street towards the Lakeside Amusement Park billboard at the other end. Follow the noise of the phone to the map on the hood of the waterfront car to get echo message #20 "Trip". Turn left and walk forward to the shops on the other side of the street.

Approach the statue of an Indian holding a box of cigars in front of the Indian Runner store. Take out of the box Memento #20 “Uncaptured Memories”- a small pink camera. Enter Lakefront Souvenir on the right.

The shop is empty except for a small item on a stand. Open the glass and pull out the tray to take memento #21 “Lighthouse is the key”- keychain in the form of a lighthouse. Exit the store, opening the red curtain, behind which the back door is hidden.

Sanford Street - Annie's Bar

Climb over the wire fence and walk down Sanford Street past Annie's Bar. Approach the telescope on the embankment and turn it to the right so that the light shines through its eyepiece. Falls out of the compartment below memento #22 “Your Diamond Heart”- diamond ring Turn around and enter the bar "Annie's".

Inside you will find Michelle alone, without John. It seems that their relationship can be put an end to. Harry is still eager to get to the lighthouse, and Michelle advises him to see the boat at the pier behind the amusement park.

After the release, the game moves back to Dr. K's office, where he discusses sexual relations, and after short test you find yourself in the service corridor of the bar. Exit through the door, climb over the fence and turn right onto Craig Street. Walk down the street to the embankment.

Turn around and walk forward past the hot dog stands. Approach the slot machine stand on the right. Inside, go to the middle automaton and pull the "one-armed bandit" lever three times in a row to win memento #24 “Eva”- a half pendant with a female portrait.

Climb the wall in front of the automata and climb into the Tunnel of Love ride. Below are three swan carts, and on the right there is a door. Go down the stairs and approach the frozen wagon figures in the middle and get echo message #21 "Trip".

When you go to the back door, the ghostly girl will scream and run past Harry and then up the stairs. The exit is now covered in ice. Climb up the ladder and approach the ghostly silhouette standing near the railing. The girl will run down again. Go down and approach the first swan to disturb it again. The girl will run to the door, after which the ice around her will melt. Exit the tunnel of love and go up the stairs to the pier.


Go to the right pier and head for the Orpheus boat. Inside, we will meet Dahlia again, who apparently has been waiting for Harry. After the conversation, Dahlia will start the boat and direct it to the lighthouse, after which the couple will make love. Waking up after this, Harry will find that the world has frozen again.

Young Dahlia is gone, and next to Harry lies the frozen figure of the older version of her, whom we met in the apartment on Simmons Street. Get off the boat and go down to the ice. Run towards the light visible in the distance. Soon, monsters will start running towards Harry from all sides. There is no way to escape this time, so don't try to run away, just wait until they grab you.

When the creatures swarm around Harry and knock him over, the light from the beacon will illuminate the creatures, and they will move away and freeze in turn. The ice will break under Harry, and he will find himself in the freezing water of Toluca Lake.

Swim forward into the light ahead. You can look underwater to see various scenes of frozen figures. In the end, Harry does not have enough strength to swim to the shore, and he plunges into the water.

Fortunately, Sybil was nearby, who pulls the writer ashore. After a brief skirmish and conversation, the two part ways. Go to the lighthouse, which is actually a psychotherapy clinic run by Dr. Kaufmann.

Pick up at the reception memento #25 “Adam”- the other half of the pendant - from the head of the bust in the right corner. Enter the door at the end of the corridor to view the game's ending.

Whitney and knwlss

After watching a short excerpt from the family video archive, you will see the following scene, where Harry's car will skid on a slippery road and, losing control, he will crash into a pole and lose consciousness.

After that, you will be taken to an appointment with Dr. K, who will ask you to complete a short test.
Note: Similar psychological tests will occur throughout the game. The answers will affect the texts, appearance characters and various environments, as well as the ending.

After the test, you will see Harry again. After recovering, he takes a flashlight from the car and looks around for his daughter Cheryl.

Walk forward along the scattered debris and climb over the fence on the left. After that, go through the door of the building.

gas station
Walk to the right and enter the door. Run straight down the corridor, turn left and go through the next door. Then, going forward a little, go through the door again. There will be a red locked door on the left. To open it, remove the chain and slide the bolt. Come out.

The streets of Silent Hill
Head along the gas station, then turn left. Next, you can choose which of the two stores you will go through.

1st path: Clear Picture Cameras TV and Appliances Store
Go down the stairs and go through the door. Go to the counter and listen to the message on the answering machine. Enter the door on the right. Go to the monitor showing the picture from the surveillance cameras. Turn the knob to number 3 and press the button to open the door. Exit back and, having passed forward, you go in the door to the left. Turn right and climb over the mesh fence, then go through the red door ahead. Climb over the wooden fence to the playground.

2nd path: Theresa's New 4 You Clothes store
Go to the counter and listen to the message. Enter the door at the back and go up to the 2nd floor. After examining the mannequin, take the key and open the locked door. After leaving the store, go down the stairs. Enter the next door and climb over the wooden fence to the playground.

The door ahead is locked. Going to the right, you will see three aluminum cans, shake each one - when you hear a ring, turn it over and take the dropped key. Open the door with this key and exit.

There are two establishments to your right and left, but only one of them will be open, depending on your psychological profile.

Cafe Diner 52
At the cafe, Harry will meet police officer Sybil Bennett. After she leaves, go behind the counter and, opening the bottom drawer, take the souvenir (1/25) "Winter Lighthouse". Exit the cafe.

Bar Good Old Days
Here Harry will meet the bartender. After the conversation, go to the door and check the locker. Take the souvenir (1/25) "Winter Lighthouse" and exit.

Note: while in a bar or cafe, you will have access to your mobile phone, which allows you to call various numbers, take and view photos, navigate the map, receive messages, save the game, and so on.

Once you're outside, look at your phone - there's a mark on Harry's home on Levin Street on the GPS map. You need to proceed there along the previously passed route.

When you find yourself on the playground, look at the swings and note the ghostly silhouette. Take out your phone and take a picture of it to get an echo photo (1/9).

Go to the store through which you originally passed. In the Clear Picture Cameras TV and Appliances shop, go to the TV, and in Theresa's New 4 You Clothes shop, go to the red dress to get an echo message (1/20).

Leaving the store and being on the street, there will be a call to mobile phone from Cheryl, who asks you to run. After that, the city will be covered with ice.

Ice Nightmare #1
Go to the signaling car and go through the door of the building, on which its headlights are directed. Go forward and climb over the fence. Walk forward to the window and enter the door on the right, then the door on the left and at the end exit the building through the only door. Walk forward. You will see two fences, climb over the right one and then over the one in front of you. Enter the double door. Go through the door opposite with the inscription "Exit". Then go to the end and climb through the hole below, go through the door. Enter the door opposite. Go left and jump over the hole, go through the door. Turn left and run all the way to the double doors marked "Exit". After jumping into the pool, take the smoke bomb, get out and go through the door marked "Exit". Jump down and go through the door. Run to the end of the corridor and go through the double doors marked "Exit". Run forward, jump down and go through the last door.

Levin Street
You will again find yourself at the reception of Dr. K, who will ask you a few questions and ask you to color the black and white image with pencils.

Approaching his house and knocking on the door, Harry will find completely strangers there. After talking to them in a raised voice, they will call the police and you will find yourself in Sybil's car.

After the dialogue, Sybil will get out of the car and leave you alone. Climb into the front seat and get the souvenir (2/25) "Hidden Fire" from the glove compartment. Then get out of the car.

Walk forward and climb over the fence. Head towards the hut. Near the phone on the wall, you will receive an echo message (2/20). Go inside, on the right on the wall in the green locker, take the key. Use this key to open the door on the other wall and exit. You now have two paths to get to the Orion Hut.

1st way
Follow the path to the pond and the boat station, passing them, you will find yourself near the Orion hut.

2nd way
Walk between the trees. After jumping over the fence, open the box and take the souvenir (3/25) "Ice Water". Jump back, go towards the noise, near the wreath on the tree you will receive an echo message (3/20). Go left, climb over the fence and enter the pumping station. Go through the tunnel and turn right when you reach the end, go to the grate and take a picture to get an echo photo (2/9). Go back and climb up the stairs. Walk right to sleeping bag to receive the echo message (4/20).

Hut "Orion"
Head back along pumping station to the Orion hut. Come inside. In the kitchen near the wall, make an echo photo (3/9) with a deer carcass. Go to the next room and take the souvenir (4/25) “Broken Keeper” from the chest of drawers. Go outside and enter the hut through the other door. In the bedroom, take the souvenir (5/25) "Transitional Holiday" from the shelf. Go through the back porch onto the path and run to the left. Near the tree you will receive an echo message (5/20). After that, Sybil will call you.

bloody shack
Cross the bridge and follow the path to the hut. Go around the building and find the pink wallet on the table. Open it and take out the key. Use this key to open the door of the hut and go inside. Walk to the very end to the shadow. As soon as you are close, the shadow will run away, and everything around will be covered with ice.

Ice Nightmare #2
Go back outside and run to the Orion hut. Go inside and run out through another door. Head forward. Jump over the crevices, then, climbing onto the ledge, take the smoke bomb. Jump off the other side and run along the rail on the ground. Run into the sawmill building and exit through the double doors from the other side. Turn left and crawl under the wall. Run forward and exit through the doors at the very end. Run forward, jump off several ledges. Turning left, jump over the abyss.

Come into the hut. Go through the next door. The ice will block your way out. Approach the figures of family members to receive a message. Then go to the red toy piano on the couch and, according to the message you listened to, press the buttons in the correct sequence [details on the Riddles page]. The ice barrier on the door will disappear. Exit the hut.

Run forward on the left side. Take the smoke bomb and go through the door, run through the doors ahead until you come out. Run forward, at the fork turn left and go into the hut. Enter the door on the right, then exit through the rest of the rooms. After jumping over the crevice, run along the coast to the stairs. Climb up and go through the door on the right. Then exit through the door ahead.

Observation deck
After crossing the bridge, head towards the red car. Open the trunk and take the memento (6/25) "Anchored Beauty". Come to open door and take an echo photo (4/9). Head further, go through the kiosk and climb through the hole in the fence. Then climb over the fence of the school.

Head along the football field. At this point, Sybil will call you. After talking with her, you will find yourself at a reception in Dr. K's office. He will ask you a few questions about how you were at school and ask you to schedule the perfect school day. After that, run along the stands, go around the building on the left side and, after opening the window, take the key. Go back and use this key to open the blue door to the utility room. Walk down the corridor and exit through the double doors. Next, you have 2 paths.

1st way
Go to the restaurant, go to the kitchen. Get out and head to the school.

2nd way
Once outside, approach the leaflet on the wall to receive an echo message (6/20). Walk down the street to the Wonderland Burger restaurant. Approach the table near the window to receive an echo message (7/20). Go to the kitchen, open the refrigerator door and take the souvenir (7/25) "My Perfect Plastic Doll". Approach the red apron on the wall to receive an echo message (8/20). Climb up the stairs to the roof. Jump over to the neighboring brothel building. Go inside, open the heart-shaped box and take the memento (8/25) "Suffocate forever". Go down the stairs and take an echo photo near the sofa (5/9). After that, go back to the restaurant and go outside.

School building B
Go to the parking lot near the school and approach the blue car to get an echo message (9/20). Go left to the window of the building. After pulling out the nails, open the window and climb inside. Once in the pantry, take an echo photo near the wall (6/9). Approach the gray box on the wall and, after opening it, take the memento (9/25) "Heavenly Protection". Exit through the yellow door.

Approach the ghost girl on the bench. As soon as you get close, she will run away and you will receive an echo message (10/20). Go back down the corridor and enter the classroom. Go through the other door to the school yard. Approach the table to receive an echo message (11/20). Enter the lab in the next building. There will be a ghost of a girl who will immediately run away from you. Go through the double doors to the biology class. Approach the dissected frog, cut it with a scalpel and take the souvenir (10/25) "Cold Stone". Go out into the corridor and up the stairs. Next, you have 2 possible paths.

1st path: art class
Go left to the art class. The door to the outside is locked. Examine the still life, pay attention to the fact that the objects are not the same as in the picture. Arrange the objects in their proper places, and the shadow cast by them will form a phone number [details on the page "Riddles"]. Call this number. After that, the door will open. Come out.

2nd path: planetarium
Go right into the planetarium. The door to the outside is locked. Approach the chairs to receive a message that refers to the constellation Ursa Minor. Go to the remote control of the projector and turn it on. Spin the projector. When you see the constellation Ursa Minor in the sky, go to the remote control and press the laser button to connect the stars into a constellation. Take a look at the message that appears, call the phone number [details on the page "Riddles"]. After that, the door will open. Come out.

Get down the stairs. There will be a ghost of a girl who will run away from you again. Going down, you will receive a message on your phone from a certain Dahlia. Approach the leaflet on the wall to get an echo message (12/20). In locker 1037, take the souvenir (11/25) "Eternal Rose". Head towards the door. The number 1053 is written on the code panel. Open the locker with this number and pay attention to the picture with two football players. The numbers "10" and "31" on their uniforms are a code. Go back to the door and enter the code 1031.

Walk forward and, after climbing the ladder, approach the bench with the balloon to receive an echo message (13/20). Come in the door. You will meet Michelle Veldets. After asking questions about Cheryl, she will take you to the director's office so that by hacking the computer, you can get information about Cheryl.

In order to find out the correct password, you must correctly answer three questions [details on the "Riddles" page]. Entering the password, Harry sees only part of the information due to the fact that the computer has crashed. Harry calls the number provided and in response hears the voice of a woman named Dahlia, who says that she does not have Cheryl. After that, everything is covered with ice.

Ice Nightmare #3
Exit through the door. Run forward, climb onto the ledge. Come in the door. Enter the door on the left, crawl through the hole in the wall and go through the door ahead. At the end of the corridor, exit the building through the double doors. Go down the stairs, climb onto the ledge, run through the parking lot. Jump off the ledge, climb over the fence and go through the door. Enter the next door and exit through the door at the end of the corridor. Jump down and run towards the double doors, up the stairs and into the gym. Jump down and exit through the opposite door into the courtyard. Jump down and go through the door ahead. Run forward and turn right, enter the main entrance of the school through the double doors.

The main entrance is blocked by three female figures. Harry will receive a message telling him to take three photos of the students. The places are marked on the map. Go back to the yard. Take the smoke bomb and run forward to the window highlighted in red. After taking a picture, you will get the first picture. Then go through the door on the right, then the door on the left. Climb through the hole in the wall and go left. Enter the double doors. Climb over the fence, approach the illuminated wall and take the second photo. Turn back and climb onto the ledge. Enter the school through the door. Run to the end of the corridor and go through the door. Climb over the fence and climb onto the ledge. Go through the parking lot to the illuminated car and take the third photo.

Walk back and jump off the ledge. Climb over the fence and go through the door ahead. Jump off the ledge and climb over the fence. Enter the double doors and go through the hole in the wall. Exit through the doors ahead. Head through the courtyard to the exit. As soon as you approach the door, the pieces will split and you can exit.

Club Balkan
When you're outside, Michelle will be waiting for you, who will offer you to drive to Simmons Street in the boss's car, which is parked outside the club. Follow her to the nightclub. When you go inside and she starts talking on the phone with her boyfriend, at her request, go upstairs to her room to get the car keys. Explore the room for keys.

After finding the key, get down back. After a short dialogue with Michelle, Harry will go to the restroom to freshen up, and when he comes back, instead of Michelle, a young girl, Dahlia, will be waiting for him. Harry follows her and they get into the car together and drive off.

The road is blocked by a raised bridge. Dahlia suggests that you go to the control booth and lower it. Go right and up the stairs to the control booth. Open the locker and call the manager on the indicated phone number. He will agree to help you, but the connection will break. After some time, he will call you back and tell you how to press the levers. Having done everything, according to the instructions received [details on the Riddles page], get down back to the car.

Under the water
After the dialogue with Dahlia, everything will begin to be covered with ice and the car will fall off the bridge and end up under water. Water will begin to fill the cabin. Climb into the back seat and take a flashlight. Looking out the window, you will see a monster that you have already seen in ice nightmares. After that, the glasses will begin to freeze and inscriptions will appear on them. The radio will start playing. You can either do nothing, or you can return to the front seat and adjust the radio knob so that the song plays clearly - the ice will disappear and you will float to the surface.

You will again find yourself at the reception of Dr. K. This time he will ask you to divide the photographs of people into two parts: one will contain photographs in which it seems to you that the person is sleeping, and in the other there will be photographs in which the person is dead.

Harry wakes up wheelchair, in which Sybil carries him. It will not be possible to talk to her, because everything around will be covered with ice again.

Ice Nightmare #4
Go through the door ahead, then through the next door you go out to the trains. Run behind the car, then turn left and run between the two cars. After jumping off the ledge, jump over the crevices and pick up the smoke bomb. Run forward, crawl under the car and turn left. Climb up the ledge and go through the door on the right. Exit through the opposite door on the right. Turn left and climb over the fence. After running forward, turn left and climb over the fence. Run up the stairs and enter the room.

In the ward you will see the silhouette of the father and daughter lying on the bed. The poster shows the frequency of the radio "Alchemilla" - 101.6 FM. Go to the radio and move the slider to that frequency, then look at the poster with the song list and phone number. We need Daddy's Girl track number 4. Call 555881-4 to order this song. As soon as it sounds, the ice on the door will disappear and you can exit.

Near the broken ambulance, Harry will meet nurse Lisa Garland. She has injuries on her body and asks Harry to accompany her home. Walk with her. Once in her apartment, you can either watch TV or watch Lisa change clothes. Upon entering the room, she will ask you to bring a pill of a certain color from the bathroom. Go to the restroom and get it from the shelf on the wall the right pill from a jar. Approach the music box and take out the souvenir (12/25) "Infinite Jest" from it. Go back to the room and give the pill to Lisa.

You will again find yourself in Dr. K's office for another psychological test.

After opening the grate, exit the apartment to the street. Walk left. Take a picture of the billboard of the Toluca mall, or just memorize the color of the toucan's beak. Now you have two paths.

1st way
Go up the escalator and go through the blue double doors. Crawl under the raised shutter door. Lisa will call you and ask you to come back. Get back to her.

2nd way
Walk forward. Climb the fence on the left. Climb onto the blue container and then through the window. In the next room, open the copier and take the souvenir (13/25) "Artificial Bone". Exit the room. Go down the stairs and up the next one. Move on. Lisa will call you and ask you to come back. Get back to her.

When you enter Lisa's apartment, she will die before your eyes. Sybil will immediately point a gun at you. But here again everything will be covered with ice.

Ice Nightmare #5
Leave the apartment. Run forward and turn left into the open warehouse gate. Jump over the crevice and enter the double doors of the building ahead. In the next room, jump off the ledge and climb up on the other side, then head through the door. Exit the building through the door at the end of the corridor. Climb to the ledge, take the smoke bomb and run up the stairs. Climb up the ledge and go through the door ahead. Enter the door on the left at the end, then go through the door ahead. Climb up to the ledge on the right and go through the door ahead. Enter through the double doors on the left, go up the stairs and through the door ahead of you. Run forward and go through the door at the end to get to the roof of the mall. Climb up to the ledge ahead, then jump off the ledge and go through the door under the "Garage Access South" sign. Run down the stairs. At the end, enter the mall through the double doors on the right.

Near the exit, you will see two ice figures - a father and a daughter, who reaches for a gum vending machine. Approach the figures to receive a message. After listening to the conversation between the father and daughter, it will become clear that you need to get 4 chewing gums of the colors that make up the toucan's beak from the machine [details on the "Riddles" page]. Taking out the chewing gum, the barrier on the door will disappear. Come in the door.

pet shop
Crawl under the raised shutter door. Go forward, near the shelves you will receive an echo message (14/20). Go left and enter the double red doors. Approach the empty cage to receive an echo message (15/20). Go left to the rodent cage and after opening it, take the memento (14/25) "Unmanifested Memories". Exit through the yellow door. The shadow in the corridor will run away from you again. Read the received message. Follow the corridor to the end and enter the yellow door on the right.

Games and entertainment
Go right and open the safe by turning the handle, take the souvenir (15/25) "My flying lizard". Approach the toy railroad, switch the red lever and press the green button to start the train. As soon as it crashes and topples over, the key will fall out. Take it and open the double red doors with it. Go up the escalator.

Enter the door marked "Exit", go forward and go through the door on the right. Michelle will call you. Walk forward to the rubber ball on the bench near the wall to get an echo message (16/20). Now you have two possible paths.

1st path: gift and postcard shop
Go to the gift and card store. Go to the back yellow door. Near the combination lock, you will receive a hint in the form of a message in which you will hear some chords and jazz music. Go to the stand where the Anniversary Cards are located and open the 20th Anniversary Card. You will hear the same chords from the prompt. Next, go to the stand where the postcards of congratulations on the anniversary are located. Open your 50th birthday card. You will hear jazz music. Thus, the door code will be 2050. Enter this combination and exit into the corridor.

2nd path: hairdresser
Go to the hairdresser. Go to the back door. She's locked up. Approach the three sinks against the wall. Turn the knob to the left to flow hot water, then turn the knob to the right. The mirror above the sink will fog up and code 1789 will appear on it. Enter this combination and exit into the corridor.

Store Photographic Memory
Go to the end of the corridor to the trash can to get an echo message (17/20). Enter the yellow door in the middle of the corridor. Climb up the stairs and go through the door. Approach the merchandise rack to receive an echo message (18/20). After that, exit.

Approach the bench and take an echo photo (7/9). After that, head to the cinema.

Cinema Cine Real
Go to the toy machine and use the control buttons to get the souvenir (16/25) "Modern Prometheus". Go through the door and go down the small stairs to the auditorium. As soon as you are near the screen, you will see photos on it. Leave the hall. Read the received message and go outside.

Climb over the fence and run to the right. Near the car on the corner, take an echo photo (8/9). Around the corner, go to the Green Lion pawnshop.

Pawnshop Green Lion
Walk forward to the cage. Turn the lever to drop the key. Then unfold the round surface and take the key. Open the back door with this key and exit. Enter the door on the right. From the blue box, take the souvenir (17/25) "Are we Ouroboros?". Then exit back. Climb up the stairs to Cheryl's current home address and watch a short cutscene, after which everything will be covered in ice again.

Ice Nightmare #6
Go back and go down the long stairs. At the end, Harry will jump into the abyss. After the fall, you will find yourself in a room. Run to the right. At the end, after a flash of light, there will be a small corridor ahead of you, go through it and go through the door. Walk past the TV and go through the door opposite. Go down the stairs and turn right, go to the mirror - after a flash of light you will find yourself in a maze.

Nowhere. Labyrinth #1
Go through the door on the left. V next room immediately turn right and go through the door. In the next room, take the smoke bomb and go through the door on the left. Run to the very end of the corridor and go through the door. Go through the first door on the right, in the next room go through the right door. Walk forward to the opposite wall and enter the door on the left. Enter the door right in front of you. Once at the abyss, Harry again jumps down. After the fall, turn left to a dead end. Then go right and turn left. Turn left at the fork, then turn right and approach the frozen Dahlia. After a flash of light, you will again find yourself in a maze of rooms.

Nowhere. Labyrinth #2
Go through the door ahead of you. Take the smoke bomb and head through the door on the right. At the fork, run left and go through the door. Run to the door directly in front of you. At the fork in the next corridor, run left again and go through the door. Next, enter the right door. At the fork, take the left corridor again. Run to the last door at the end. After the scene, you will again find yourself in Dr. K's office.

After a few questions, Dr. K will ask you to pair up 3 male and female photographs.

After the psychological test, you will again find yourself in the same room. When you come to your senses, you will see Michelle. She and John are ready to give you a ride to the lighthouse marked on the map. But the path will be short, because after a quarrel between John and Michelle, you find yourself alone in the car. Climb into the glove compartment and take a souvenir (18/25) "Poetry is accurate, like geometry." Get out of the car.

Turn right and enter the open gate. Go through the broken bars of the barrier and go through the door. Go down the stairs and go through the door again. Climb down the hanging ladder and run forward. Turn left and, going forward, take out the souvenir (19/25) "Happy Ties" from the fish lying in the round recess in the wall. Go further ahead. Climb up the hanging ladder. To open the door, turn the valve three times clockwise. Then go through the next door and climb the hanging stairs to the street.

weaver street
Walk down the street to the amusement park poster. Near the hood of a parked car, you will receive an echo message (19/20). Go left to The Indian Runner store, inside the box near the statue of the Indian, take the souvenir (20/25) "Uncaptured Memories". Go to the red door of the gift shop, take out the souvenir (21/25) "Lighthouse, Key" from the display case. Pass further and, moving aside the red curtain, you go in the door. Climb over the fence.

sandford street
Run to the right. Approach the binoculars and, turning it to the right, take the souvenir (22/25) "Your Diamond Heart". Then head to Annie's Bar.

Bar Annie's Bar
Michelle is at the bar. Harry still wants to get to the lighthouse and Michelle tells him that the only way is to take a boat. There are several boats at the pier.

You will again find yourself at the reception of Dr. K, who will ask you to tell which of the proposed abstract images are sexy for you and which are not.

After the psychological test, leave the bar. After jumping over the fence, run to the right.

Craig Street
On the bench, open the cardboard box and take the memento (23/25) "Dragon".

Amusement park
Go to the amusement park entrance. Jump over the open window on the left. Unzip your jacket and take out the key. Open the door with the key and enter. Go through the next door. Turn left towards the castle and take an echo photo (9/9). Run back, to the left of the entrance, to three slot machines. Lower the lever three times and take the souvenir (24/25) "Eve". Go to the "Tunnel of Love" attraction. Climb up the ledge and then climb down, approach one and the swans to get an echo message (20/20). You will hear a scream and a running shadow, follow her up the stairs. As soon as you approach, she will run away again, go back down. Approach her, she will run away through the frozen door, the ice on which will then break and you can exit. Climb over the fence, run to the pier and climb onto the boat.

Boat "Orpheus"
Harry meets Dahlia. After a short dialogue, Dahlia will set the boat in motion and they will head towards the lighthouse. Dahlia and Harry will then bond.

When Harry wakes up, he will see the frozen Dahlia next to him, whom he met on Simmons Street. Get off the boat, Dahlia will call you. Run towards the lighthouse. Monsters will attack you from all sides and you will lose consciousness. When you wake up, the monsters will move away and become covered in ice, and you will fall into the water.

Row towards the lighthouse. You can sometimes observe various frozen figures underwater. Harry will not be able to swim and will lose consciousness. Sybil will pull him out of the water onto land. After a short dialogue, enter the building on the left.

Go right and take the souvenir (25/25) "Adam" from the bust. Go down the corridor and go through the door.

Watch one of several possible endings.

TV series Silent Hill in recent years, it has become reminiscent of a patient dying in agony - so unsuccessful, according to fans, new parts were born into the world. It would seem that a little more and over the former well-being of the cult horror will have to put a tombstone. Will Shattered Memories remake save the series? Let's try to figure it out.


Night. Raindrops fall on the cornices and, like tears, roll down. The lights are dim. I sit by the window, looking out into the bottomless night. I listen to the screaming silence. I build many logical circuits, one more incredible than the other. I can't explain this world. The world of allusions. The creation of a sick, no, alien mind that none of us can understand. This is the quintessence of all the horrors that man has ever imagined. Everything is possible here, but we cannot change anything. All nightmares come true here. Here we pay for everything we've done. Here in Silent Hill...

We encroach on the sacred

TV series Silent Hill in recent years, it has become reminiscent of a patient dying in agony - so unsuccessful, according to fans, new parts were born into the world. It would seem that a little more and over the former well-being of the cult horror will have to put a tombstone. Claimed as a "rethinking of the series" in fact, it turned out not even a remake, but a project made from scratch ...

The news of the release of the new part was initially received with admiration by the fans. But as soon as the publisher announced the name of the developer, the former enthusiasm was replaced by disappointment. Climax can be blamed with a clear conscience for all mortal sins. Created by the studio not only did not eradicate the rudiments of the series, but also managed to pick up half a dozen new problems in the gameplay. However, most of all went to the plot, which seemed to be designed to clarify certain nuances of the original. With its illogicality and excessive confusion, it simply confused the infrequent player, destroying all the bridges leading to the first part and burying the game entirely.

Having instructed in time that with such inept copying it would take a very long time to reach the finish line, the developers decided on drastic changes. Their vision for the remake was to have only a basic plot idea and familiar names. Everything else was planned to be done from scratch - even the roles played by former heroes could become completely different. Many may consider this to be blasphemy, but not the Western press, which praised the original Wii in full. We will look towards the slightly simplified PSP version and try to understand how successful the ideas turned out to be in practice. Climax .


We begin our journey in the office of Dr. Kaufman, a general practitioner who is trying to get to the bottom of the subconscious of an unknown person sitting in a chair. After passing small test the action switches to a snowy road, where our main character- Harry Mason, the same fatal writer from the original Silent Hill. Not finding his daughter Cheryl nearby, he instantly rushes in search of a child, which, as before, will stretch throughout the game.

The mechanics proposed by the developers look a lot like . If earlier solving puzzles, fighting monsters and wandering around locations were woven together, now everything is divided into two components - adventure and combat. In the first, we walk around the locations in search of clues leading to the whereabouts of our daughter. All important information is now sent to the hero's phone in the form of voice or test messages, and old notes and diaries are a thing of the past.

Riddles are banal and for the most part work according to the scheme: "If the door is closed, then there must be a handbag with a key nearby." And in order to finally sweeten the life of the player, the developers even thought of highlighting all the necessary items with an arrow. Casualness went to the project is clearly not in favor. But with the abilities of the current society and the development of the average player of 12-14 years old - this seems to be nothing surprising ...

Cold As Ice

Most of the messages you receive carry an important semantic load. After reading or listening, Harry seems to fall into a nightmare covered in ice crust. In place of rusty pipes and universal evil a severe frost comes (and hello again), for a short time turning the whole environment into one big icicle.

It seems not so scary, but as soon as the first monster appears, life ceases to seem like honey. In the world you don't have the ability to use any weapons - all you can do is run akin to Forrest Gump. And all because the times of helpless armless figures have irretrievably sunk into the past. The local creatures jump across the screen at the speed of young pioneers and do not hesitate to pounce on the hero from the darkest corners. Please such a bastard on your neck - you will have to hammer on certain buttons with lightning speed in order to quickly throw off the meticulous adversary.

However, no matter how hard you try, even if fast response it is almost impossible to avoid health losses. And in addition, there are no first-aid kits in the world. So every stay in the alternative world can be regarded as a diabolical act of a crazy play. Like a survival game where you have to find the door leading to the exit. Mistakes are not forgiven, the map on the phone can only be used in real time - a real adrenaline rush generated by developers who have played too much with complexity. In other words, by the middle of the game you will only spit from such forced marches - they are too monotonous and, as a result, only slow down the process of finding a daughter.

Having reached the right door, you will restore your health and with a 90% probability will move to Kaufman's office, where the next test will be waiting for you. So it was not in vain that the creation of the French Quantic Dream - the game really looks like an interactive movie. But, unfortunately, almost all the time we run around deserted locations, solve simple riddles and answer Kaufman's tests. It turns out that this is all that can surprise? ..

Subjectivity of perception

In truth, no - the developers still found a couple of trump cards up their sleeves. The main one is the compilation of a psychological portrait, which ultimately affects the characteristics of enemies, characters and, of course, the very ending of the game. The profile of a gamer is compiled on the basis of the results of those tests that Dr. Kaufman will offer you from time to time. For example, a black and white picture of a certain family, which can be depicted in natural colors or in a psychedelic manner - with red foliage and a green sky.

You can also make phone calls and take pictures of the area. And if the first chip is purely entertaining in nature (at the other end they will definitely answer you, but the practical value is zero), then the second will allow you to get to the bottom of secrets, since ghosts of unknown silhouettes often appear in photographs. The only pity is that the resulting images can not be saved in a conventional computer format.

Past the checkout

Complete alienation from everything connected with the world of Silent Hill - that's the main problem of the new game. The characters lack depth and former charm - almost all of them appear as empty "blanks", which you won't even remember after the end credits appear. The plot of each of the classic parts gave us complete freedom for fantasy, and even after passing through, a lot of questions still remained in our heads. It was a real art house of the world of video games, the amazing depth of which could be envied even in the cinema.

All this is not in sight. The plot is woven from the threads of one of the possible endings of the original, but it is made too American: with a minimum of conventions and psychological moments. Together with the empty gameplay, it turns out a horror movie of an average poshiba, which you hardly want to go through more than once. Is that the resilient fans of the series.

There are many ways to start a project from scratch. Before my eyes still looms, which capcom turned into a different game, but at the same time managed to leave in place a superbly crafted plot, characters and direction. In contrast, she inherited practically nothing from her ancestors. Therefore, it can only be considered as a good horror movie for a couple of evenings, but it is unworthy of the holy name of the first part ...

Designations: souvenirs, echo


After watching a short excerpt from the family video archive, you will see the following scene, where Harry's car will skid on a slippery road and, losing control, he will crash into a pole and lose consciousness.

After that, you will be taken to an appointment with Dr. K, who will ask you to complete a short test.
Note: Similar psychological tests will occur throughout the game. The answers will affect the texts, the appearance of the characters and different environments, as well as the ending.


After the test, you will see Harry again. After recovering, he takes a flashlight from the car and looks around for his daughter Cheryl.

Walk forward along the scattered debris and climb over the fence on the left. After that, go through the door of the building.

gas station

Walk to the right and enter the door. Run straight down the corridor, turn left and go through the next door. Then, going forward a little, go through the door again. There will be a red locked door on the left. To open it, remove the chain and slide the bolt. Come out.

The streets of Silent Hill

Head along the gas station, then turn left. Next, you can choose which of the two stores you will go through.

1st Path: Clear Picture Cameras TV and Appliances Store

Go down the stairs and go through the door. Go to the counter and listen to the message on the answering machine. Enter the door on the right. Go to the monitor showing the picture from the surveillance cameras. Turn the knob to number 3 and press the button to open the door. Exit back and, having passed forward, you go in the door to the left. Turn right and climb over the mesh fence, then go through the red door ahead. Climb over the wooden fence to the playground.

2nd path: Theresa's New 4 You Clothes store

Go to the counter and listen to the message. Enter the door at the back and go up to the 2nd floor. After examining the mannequin, take the key and open the locked door. After leaving the store, go down the stairs. Enter the next door and climb over the wooden fence to the playground.


The door ahead is locked. Going to the right, you will see three aluminum cans, shake each one - when you hear a ring, turn it over and take the dropped key. Open the door with this key and exit.

There are two establishments to your right and left, but only one of them will be open, depending on your psychological profile.

Cafe Diner 52

At the cafe, Harry will meet police officer Sybil Bennett. After she leaves, go behind the counter and, after opening the bottom drawer, take souvenir (1/25) "Winter lighthouse". Exit the cafe.

Bar Good Old Days

Here Harry will meet the bartender. After the conversation, go to the door and check the locker. Take souvenir (1/25) "Winter lighthouse" and get out.

Note: while in a bar or cafe, you will have access to your mobile phone, which allows you to call various numbers, take and view photos, navigate the map, receive messages, save the game, and so on.

Once you're outside, look at your phone - there's a mark on Harry's home on Levin Street on the GPS map. You need to proceed there along the previously passed route.

When you find yourself on the playground, look at the swings and note the ghostly silhouette. Take out your phone and take a picture of it to get an echo photo (1/9) .

Go to the store through which you originally passed. In the Clear Picture Cameras TV and Appliances shop, go to the TV, and in Theresa's New 4 You Clothes shop, go to the red dress to get echo message (1/20).

After leaving the store and ending up on the street, there will be a call on the mobile phone from Cheryl, who asks you to run. After that, the city will be covered with ice.

Ice Nightmare #1

Go to the signaling car and go through the door of the building, on which its headlights are directed. Go forward and climb over the fence. Walk forward to the window and enter the door on the right, then the door on the left and at the end exit the building through the only door. Walk forward. You will see two fences, climb over the right one and then over the one in front of you. Enter the double door. Go through the door opposite with the inscription "Exit". Then go to the end and climb through the hole below, go through the door. Enter the door opposite. Go left and jump over the hole, go through the door. Turn left and run all the way to the double doors marked "Exit". After jumping into the pool, take the smoke bomb, get out and go through the door marked "Exit". Jump down and go through the door. Run to the end of the corridor and go through the double doors marked "Exit". Run forward, jump down and go through the last door.

Levin Street

You will again find yourself at the reception of Dr. K, who will ask you a few questions and ask you to color the black and white image with pencils.

Approaching his house and knocking on the door, Harry will find completely strangers there. After talking to them in a raised voice, they will call the police and you will find yourself in Sybil's car.

After the dialogue, Sybil will get out of the car and leave you alone. Climb into the front seat and get out of the glove compartment souvenir (2/25) "Hidden fire". Then get out of the car.


Walk forward and climb over the fence. Head towards the hut. Near the phone on the wall you will receive echo message (2/20). Go inside, on the right on the wall in the green locker, take the key. Use this key to open the door on the other wall and exit. You now have two paths to get to the Orion Hut.

1st way

Follow the path to the pond and the boat station, passing them, you will find yourself near the Orion hut.

2nd way

Walk between the trees. After jumping over the fence, open the box and take souvenir (3/25) "Ice water". Jump back, go towards the noise, near the wreath on the tree you will get echo message (3/20). Go left, climb over the fence and enter the pumping station. Go through the tunnel and turn right when you reach the end, go to the grate and take a picture to get an echo photo (2/9) . Go back and climb up the stairs. Go right to the sleeping bag to get echo message (4/20).

Hut "Orion"

Head back along the pumping station to the Orion Hut. Come inside. In the kitchen near the wall, make an echo photo (3/9) with a deer carcass. Go to the next room and take it out of the chest of drawers. souvenir (4/25) "Broken Keeper". Go outside and enter the hut through the other door. Take it from the shelf in the bedroom souvenir (5/25) "Transitional holiday". Go through the back porch onto the path and run to the left. Near the tree you get echo message (5/20). After that, Sybil will call you.

bloody shack

Cross the bridge and follow the path to the hut. Go around the building and find the pink wallet on the table. Open it and take out the key. Use this key to open the door of the hut and go inside. Walk to the very end to the shadow. As soon as you are close, the shadow will run away, and everything around will be covered with ice.

Ice Nightmare #2

Go back outside and run to the Orion hut. Go inside and run out through another door. Head forward. Jump over the crevices, then, climbing onto the ledge, take the smoke bomb. Jump off the other side and run along the rail on the ground. Run into the sawmill building and exit through the double doors from the other side. Turn left and crawl under the wall. Run forward and exit through the doors at the very end. Run forward, jump off several ledges. Turning left, jump over the abyss.

Come into the hut. Go through the next door. The ice will block your way out. Approach the figures of family members to receive a message. Then go to the red toy piano on the couch and, according to the message you heard, press the buttons in the correct sequence [details on page "Riddles"]. The ice barrier on the door will disappear. Exit the hut.

Run forward on the left side. Take the smoke bomb and go through the door, run through the doors ahead until you come out. Run forward, at the fork turn left and go into the hut. Enter the door on the right, then exit through the rest of the rooms. After jumping over the crevice, run along the coast to the stairs. Climb up and go through the door on the right. Then exit through the door ahead.

Observation deck

After crossing the bridge, head towards the red car. Open the trunk and take souvenir (6/25) "Fixed Beauty". Approach the open door and take an echo photo (4/9). Head further, go through the kiosk and climb through the hole in the fence. Then climb over the fence of the school.


Head along the football field. At this point, Sybil will call you. After talking with her, you will find yourself at a reception in Dr. K's office. He will ask you a few questions about how you were at school and ask you to schedule the perfect school day. After that, run along the stands, go around the building on the left side and, after opening the window, take the key. Go back and use this key to open the blue door to the utility room. Walk down the corridor and exit through the double doors. Next, you have 2 paths.

1st way

Go to the restaurant, go to the kitchen. Get out and head to the school.

2nd way

Once outside, approach the flyer on the wall to get echo message (6/20). Walk down the street to the Wonderland Burger restaurant. Go to the table near the window to get echo message (7/20). Go to the kitchen, open the refrigerator door and take souvenir (7/25) "My perfect plastic doll". Go to the red apron on the wall to get echo message (8/20). Climb up the stairs to the roof. Jump over to the neighboring brothel building. Go inside, open the heart-shaped box and take souvenir (8/25) "Suffocation forever". Go down the stairs and take an echo photo near the sofa (5/9). After that, go back to the restaurant and go outside.

School building B

Go to the parking lot near the school and go to the blue car to get echo message (9/20). Go left to the window of the building. After pulling out the nails, open the window and climb inside. Once in the pantry, take an echo photo (6/9) near the wall. Go to the gray box on the wall and, after opening it, take souvenir (9/25) "Heavenly Protection". Exit through the yellow door.

Approach the ghost girl on the bench. As soon as you are near, she will run away, and you will receive echo message (10/20). Go back down the corridor and enter the classroom. Go through the other door to the school yard. Come to the table to get echo message (11/20). Enter the lab in the next building. There will be a ghost of a girl who will immediately run away from you. Go through the double doors to the biology class. Approach the dissected frog, cut it with a scalpel and take souvenir (10/25) "Cold stone". Go out into the corridor and up the stairs. Next, you have 2 possible paths.

1st path: art class

Go left to the art class. The door to the outside is locked. Examine the still life, pay attention to the fact that the objects are not the same as in the picture. Arrange the objects in their places, and the shadow cast by them will add up to a phone number [details on page "Riddles"]. Call this number. After that, the door will open. Come out.

2nd path: planetarium

Go right into the planetarium. The door to the outside is locked. Approach the chairs to receive a message that refers to the constellation Ursa Minor. Go to the remote control of the projector and turn it on. Spin the projector. When you see the constellation Ursa Minor in the sky, go to the remote control and press the laser button to connect the stars into a constellation. Take a look at the displayed message, call the phone number [details on page "Riddles"]. After that, the door will open. Come out.

Get down the stairs. There will be a ghost of a girl who will run away from you again. Going down, you will receive a message on your phone from a certain Dahlia. Go to the flyer on the wall to get echo message (12/20). In locker 1037 take souvenir (11/25) "Eternal Rose". Head towards the door. The number 1053 is written on the code panel. Open the locker with this number and pay attention to the picture with two football players. The numbers "10" and "31" on their uniforms are a code. Go back to the door and enter the code 1031 .

Go forward and, after climbing the stairs, approach the bench with the balloon to get echo message (13/20). Come in the door. You will meet Michelle Veldets. After asking questions about Cheryl, she will take you to the director's office so that by hacking the computer, you can get information about Cheryl.

In order to find out the correct password, you must correctly answer three questions [details on page "Riddles"]. Entering the password, Harry sees only part of the information due to the fact that the computer has crashed. Harry calls the number provided and in response hears the voice of a woman named Dahlia, who says that she does not have Cheryl. After that, everything is covered with ice.

Ice Nightmare #3

Exit through the door. Run forward, climb onto the ledge. Come in the door. Enter the door on the left, crawl through the hole in the wall and go through the door ahead. At the end of the corridor, exit the building through the double doors. Go down the stairs, climb onto the ledge, run through the parking lot. Jump off the ledge, climb over the fence and go through the door. Enter the next door and exit through the door at the end of the corridor. Jump down and run towards the double doors, up the stairs and into the gym. Jump down and exit through the opposite door into the courtyard. Jump down and go through the door ahead. Run forward and turn right, enter the main entrance of the school through the double doors.

The main entrance is blocked by three female figures. Harry will receive a message telling him to take three photos of the students. The places are marked on the map. Go back to the yard. Take the smoke bomb and run forward to the window highlighted in red. After taking a picture, you will get the first picture. Then go through the door on the right, then the door on the left. Climb through the hole in the wall and go left. Enter the double doors. Climb over the fence, approach the illuminated wall and take the second photo. Turn back and climb onto the ledge. Enter the school through the door. Run to the end of the corridor and go through the door. Climb over the fence and climb onto the ledge. Go through the parking lot to the illuminated car and take the third photo.

Walk back and jump off the ledge. Climb over the fence and go through the door ahead. Jump off the ledge and climb over the fence. Enter the double doors and go through the hole in the wall. Exit through the doors ahead. Head through the courtyard to the exit. As soon as you approach the door, the pieces will split and you can exit.

Club Balkan

When you're outside, Michelle will be waiting for you, who will offer you to drive to Simmons Street in the boss's car, which is parked outside the club. Follow her to the nightclub. When you go inside and she starts talking on the phone with her boyfriend, at her request, go upstairs to her room to get the car keys. Explore the room for keys.

After finding the key, get down back. After a short dialogue with Michelle, Harry will go to the restroom to freshen up, and when he comes back, instead of Michelle, a young girl, Dahlia, will be waiting for him. Harry follows her and they get into the car together and drive off.


The road is blocked by a raised bridge. Dahlia suggests that you go to the control booth and lower it. Go right and up the stairs to the control booth. Open the locker and call the manager on the indicated phone number. He will agree to help you, but the connection will break. After some time, he will call you back and tell you how to press the levers. Having done everything according to the instructions received [details on page "Riddles"] get back down to the car.

Under the water

After the dialogue with Dahlia, everything will begin to be covered with ice and the car will fall off the bridge and end up under water. Water will begin to fill the cabin. Climb into the back seat and take a flashlight. Looking out the window, you will see a monster that you have already seen in ice nightmares. After that, the glasses will begin to freeze and inscriptions will appear on them. The radio will start playing. You can either do nothing, or you can return to the front seat and adjust the radio knob so that the song plays clearly - the ice will disappear and you will float to the surface.

You will again find yourself at the reception of Dr. K. This time he will ask you to divide the photographs of people into two parts: one will contain photographs in which it seems to you that the person is sleeping, and in the other there will be photographs in which the person is dead.

Harry wakes up in a wheelchair being driven by Sybil. It will not be possible to talk to her, because everything around will be covered with ice again.

Ice Nightmare #4

Go through the door ahead, then through the next door you go out to the trains. Run behind the car, then turn left and run between the two cars. After jumping off the ledge, jump over the crevices and pick up the smoke bomb. Run forward, crawl under the car and turn left. Climb up the ledge and go through the door on the right. Exit through the opposite door on the right. Turn left and climb over the fence. After running forward, turn left and climb over the fence. Run up the stairs and enter the room.

In the ward you will see the silhouette of the father and daughter lying on the bed. The poster shows the frequency of the radio "Alchemilla" - 101.6 FM. Go to the radio and move the slider to that frequency, then look at the poster with the song list and phone number. We need Daddy's Girl track number 4. Call 555881-4 to order this song. As soon as it sounds, the ice on the door will disappear and you can exit.


Near the broken ambulance, Harry will meet nurse Lisa Garland. She has injuries on her body and asks Harry to accompany her home. Walk with her. Once in her apartment, you can either watch TV or watch Lisa change clothes. Upon entering the room, she will ask you to bring a pill of a certain color from the bathroom. Go to the restroom and get the right pill from the jar from the shelf on the wall. Go to the music box and take it out souvenir (12/25) "Endless Jest". Go back to the room and give the pill to Lisa.

You will again find yourself in Dr. K's office for another psychological test.

After opening the grate, exit the apartment to the street. Walk left. Take a picture of the billboard of the Toluca mall, or just memorize the color of the toucan's beak. Now you have two paths.

1st way

Go up the escalator and go through the blue double doors. Crawl under the raised shutter door. Lisa will call you and ask you to come back. Get back to her.

2nd way

Walk forward. Climb the fence on the left. Climb onto the blue container and then through the window. In the next room, open the copier and take souvenir (13/25) "Artificial bone". Exit the room. Go down the stairs and up the next one. Move on. Lisa will call you and ask you to come back. Get back to her.

When you enter Lisa's apartment, she will die before your eyes. Sybil will immediately point a gun at you. But here again everything will be covered with ice.

Ice Nightmare #5

Leave the apartment. Run forward and turn left into the open warehouse gate. Jump over the crevice and enter the double doors of the building ahead. In the next room, jump off the ledge and climb up on the other side, then head through the door. Exit the building through the door at the end of the corridor. Climb to the ledge, take the smoke bomb and run up the stairs. Climb up the ledge and go through the door ahead. Enter the door on the left at the end, then go through the door ahead. Climb up to the ledge on the right and go through the door ahead. Enter through the double doors on the left, go up the stairs and through the door ahead of you. Run forward and go through the door at the end to get to the roof of the mall. Climb up to the ledge ahead, then jump off the ledge and go through the door under the "Garage Access South" sign. Run down the stairs. At the end, enter the mall through the double doors on the right.

Near the exit, you will see two ice figures - a father and a daughter, who reaches for a gum vending machine. Approach the figures to receive a message. After listening to the conversation between the father and daughter, it will become clear that you need to get 4 chewing gums of the colors that make up the toucan's beak from the machine [details on page "Riddles"]. Taking out the chewing gum, the barrier on the door will disappear. Come in the door.

pet shop

Crawl under the raised shutter door. Go forward, near the shelves you will receive echo message (14/20). Go left and enter the double red doors. Approach the empty cage to get echo message (15/20). Go left to the rodent cage and, after opening it, take souvenir (14/25) "Unmanifested Memories". Exit through the yellow door. The shadow in the corridor will run away from you again. Read the received message. Follow the corridor to the end and enter the yellow door on the right.

Games and entertainment

Go right and open the safe by turning the handle, take souvenir (15/25) "My flying lizard". Approach the toy railroad, switch the red lever and press the green button to start the train. As soon as it crashes and topples over, the key will fall out. Take it and open the double red doors with it. Go up the escalator.

Enter the door marked "Exit", go forward and go through the door on the right. Michelle will call you. Walk forward to the rubber ball on the bench near the wall to get echo message (16/20). Now you have two possible paths.

1st path: gift and card shop

Go to the gift and card store. Go to the back yellow door. Near the combination lock, you will receive a hint in the form of a message in which you will hear some chords and jazz music. Go to the stand where the Anniversary Cards are located and open the 20th Anniversary Card. You will hear the same chords from the prompt. Next, go to the stand where the postcards of congratulations on the anniversary are located. Open your 50th birthday card. You will hear jazz music. So the door code will be 2050

2nd way: barbershop

Go to the hairdresser. Go to the back door. She's locked up. Approach the three sinks against the wall. Turn the knob to the left for hot water to flow, then turn the knob to the right. The mirror over the sink will fog up and the code will appear on it 1789 . Enter this combination and exit into the corridor.

Store Photographic Memory

Go to the end of the corridor to the trash can to get echo message (17/20). Enter the yellow door in the middle of the corridor. Climb up the stairs and go through the door. Go to the merchandise stand to get echo message (18/20). After that, exit.

Go to the bench and take an echo photo (7/9). After that, head to the cinema.

Cinema Cine Real

Go to the toy machine and use the control buttons to get souvenir (16/25) "Modern Prometheus". Go through the door and go down the small stairs to the auditorium. As soon as you are near the screen, you will see photos on it. Leave the hall. Read the received message and go outside.

Climb over the fence and run to the right. Take an echo photo (8/9) near the car on the corner. Around the corner, go to the Green Lion pawnshop.

Pawnshop Green Lion

Walk forward to the cage. Turn the lever to drop the key. Then unfold the round surface and take the key. Open the back door with this key and exit. Enter the door on the right. Take it out of the blue box souvenir (17/25) "We, ouroboros?". Then exit back. Climb up the stairs to Cheryl's current home address and watch a short cutscene, after which everything will be covered in ice again.

Ice Nightmare #6

Go back and go down the long stairs. At the end, Harry will jump into the abyss. After the fall, you will find yourself in a room. Run to the right. At the end, after a flash of light, there will be a small corridor ahead of you, go through it and go through the door. Walk past the TV and go through the door opposite. Go down the stairs and turn right, go to the mirror - after a flash of light you will find yourself in a maze.

Nowhere. Labyrinth #1

Go through the door on the left. In the next room, immediately turn right and go through the door. In the next room, take the smoke bomb and go through the door on the left. Run to the very end of the corridor and go through the door. Go through the first door on the right, in the next room go through the right door. Walk forward to the opposite wall and enter the door on the left. Enter the door right in front of you. Once at the abyss, Harry again jumps down. After the fall, turn left to a dead end. Then go right and turn left. Turn left at the fork, then turn right and approach the frozen Dahlia. After a flash of light, you will again find yourself in a maze of rooms.

Nowhere. Labyrinth #2

Go through the door ahead of you. Take the smoke bomb and head through the door on the right. At the fork, run left and go through the door. Run to the door directly in front of you. At the fork in the next corridor, run left again and go through the door. Next, enter the right door. At the fork, take the left corridor again. Run to the last door at the end. After the scene, you will again find yourself in Dr. K's office.

After a few questions, Dr. K will ask you to pair up 3 male and female photographs.

After the psychological test, you will again find yourself in the same room. When you come to your senses, you will see Michelle. She and John are ready to give you a ride to the lighthouse marked on the map. But the path will be short, because after a quarrel between John and Michelle, you find yourself alone in the car. Get in the glove compartment and take souvenir (18/25) "Poetry is as precise as geometry". Get out of the car.


Turn right and enter the open gate. Go through the broken bars of the barrier and go through the door. Go down the stairs and go through the door again. Climb down the hanging ladder and run forward. Turn left and, going forward, get out of the fish lying in a round recess in the wall, souvenir (19/25) "Happy bonds". Go further ahead. Climb up the hanging ladder. To open the door, turn the valve three times clockwise. Then go through the next door and climb the hanging stairs to the street.

weaver street

Walk down the street to the amusement park poster. Near the hood of a parked car, you will receive echo message (19/20). Go left to The Indian Runner store, inside the box near the Indian statue, take souvenir (20/25) "Uncaptured Memories". Go through the red door of the gift shop, take it out of the display case souvenir (21/25) "Lighthouse, key". Pass further and, moving aside the red curtain, you go in the door. Climb over the fence.

sandford street

Run to the right. Go to the binoculars and, turning it to the right, take souvenir (22/25) "Your diamond heart". Then head to Annie's Bar.

Bar Annie's Bar

Michelle is at the bar. Harry still wants to get to the lighthouse and Michelle tells him that the only way is to take a boat. There are several boats at the pier.

You will again find yourself at the reception of Dr. K, who will ask you to tell which of the proposed abstract images are sexy for you and which are not.

After the psychological test, leave the bar. After jumping over the fence, run to the right.

Craig Street

On the bench, open the cardboard box and take souvenir (23/25) "Dragon".

Amusement park

Go to the amusement park entrance. Jump over the open window on the left. Unzip your jacket and take out the key. Open the door with the key and enter. Go through the next door. Turn left towards the castle and take an echo photo (9/9). Run back, to the left of the entrance, to the three slot machines. Lower the lever three times and take souvenir (24/25) "Eva". Go to the "Tunnel of Love" attraction. Climb up the ledge and then climb down, approach one and the swans to get echo message (20/20). You will hear a scream and a running shadow, follow her up the stairs. As soon as you approach, she will run away again, go back down. Approach her, she will run away through the frozen door, the ice on which will then break and you can exit. Climb over the fence, run to the pier and climb onto the boat.

Boat "Orpheus"

Harry meets Dahlia. After a short dialogue, Dahlia will set the boat in motion and they will head towards the lighthouse. Dahlia and Harry will then bond.

When Harry wakes up, he will see the frozen Dahlia next to him, whom he met on Simmons Street. Get off the boat, Dahlia will call you. Run towards the lighthouse. Monsters will attack you from all sides and you will lose consciousness. When you wake up, the monsters will move away and become covered in ice, and you will fall into the water.

Row towards the lighthouse. You can sometimes observe various frozen figures underwater. Harry will not be able to swim and will lose consciousness. Sybil will pull him out of the water onto land. After a short dialogue, enter the building on the left.


Walk to the right and get out of the bust souvenir (25/25) "Adam". Go down the corridor and go through the door.

Watch one of several possible endings.