Do-it-yourself construction hoist: how to lift a load on the roof. Rigging devices, tools and mechanisms The simplest devices for lifting loads with your own hands

Lifting heavy loads to a height, even if not very high, is a very difficult task for a person. However, quite a lot of different mechanisms and devices have been invented to facilitate this process. Among these mechanisms, without fail chain hoist should be attributed. In our article, we will talk in more detail about this device, and also talk about the technology for creating a chain hoist at home.

How to make lifting easier

The chain hoist is a system that consists of fixed and movable blocks connected to each other by chain or cable drives. This device was invented a long time ago, because even the ancient Greeks and Romans used similar mechanisms. Over the next millennia, the components of this apparatus and its purpose have not changed much. To date, this device is used almost in its original form, with only minor changes.

Scheme of operation of the chain hoist

Polyspasts are mainly used in boom mechanisms of building cranes. For chain hoists, despite all their diversity, there are two main requirements: an increase in speed (high-speed mechanisms are responsible for this) and an increase in strength (the so-called power chain hoists). Elevators usually use the former, while the latter have found use in cranes. It should be noted that the important fact is that the circuits of power and high-speed devices are almost completely mutually inverse.

A conventional chain hoist is a device, the main components of which are:

  • system of blocks with movable axes;
  • blocks with fixed axes;
  • wrapping drums;
  • bypass blocks.

Due to the effective interaction of blocks and ropes, it becomes possible to significantly gain in strength. In strength, we win as many times as we lose in length. This is one of the fundamental rules of mechanics, thanks to which an ordinary person can easily lift heavy masses with a minimum of physical effort.

It is much more profitable to purchase this device or make it yourself, rather than renting cranes or similar mechanisms. The peculiarity of the device is that one of the sides, which is fixed on the load, is in a movable state, while the second side, attached to the support, is static. It is the movable blocks that provide such a significant gain in strength. Static blocks are required to control the trajectory of the rope and the load itself.

Exists different kinds chain hoists, which differ in multiplicity, parity and complexity. The multiplicity indicator determines how many times you will gain in strength using this device. So, buying a mechanism with a multiplicity of 6, you theoretically have a gain in strength of 6 times.

Simple and complex chain hoists - we understand their design

First, let's talk about simple mechanisms. You can get such a device by adding blocks to the load and support. An even chain hoist is a device in which a rope is attached to a support. If an odd number is required, then the rope is installed on the moving point of the object being lifted. Adding a block increases the instrument's magnification by two points.

So, in order to manually make a chain hoist for a conventional winch, the multiplicity of which is 2, it is enough to use only one movable block attached to the load. The rope is attached to the support. As a result, we will have an even chain hoist with a multiplicity of 2. Complex chain hoists include several simple mechanisms. Naturally, such a device gives a significantly greater gain in strength, which can be calculated by multiplying the multiplicity of each of the chain hoists used. At the same time, one should not forget about the friction force, due to which there is a small loss in the power of the device.

There are several ways to reduce the friction force of a rope. The most effective is to use rollers with as large a radius as possible. After all, the larger the radius, the less friction force has on the rope and the lifting mechanism as a whole.

How rope affects work efficiency

You can avoid pinching and twisting the rope if you use additional devices, for example, mounting plates, which allow you to spread the rollers relative to each other. We strongly do not recommend the use of stretchable ropes in chain hoists, since, in comparison with conventional static products, they lose very seriously in efficiency. When assembling a block for lifting loads, specialists use both a load and a separate rope, which are attached to the object independently of the lifting device.

The operation of individual ropes offers some advantage. The bottom line is that a separate rope provides an opportunity to pre-assemble or pre-assemble the entire structure. In addition, the passage of knots can be greatly facilitated, since the entire length of the rope is used. The only drawback is the inability to fix the load in automatic mode. Cargo ropes, on the other hand, can boast of just such a feature, so if it becomes necessary to auto-fix the load, use the cargo rope.

The reverse is important. This effect is inevitable, since at the moment of removal, as well as when intercepting the rope or stopping for a rest, the load will certainly move in reverse side. The quality of the blocks used, as well as the entire device as a whole, determines how much the load will go back. You can prevent this phenomenon from occurring if you purchase special rollers that allow the rope to pass in only one direction.

Let's talk a little about how to properly attach the cargo rope to the lifting mechanism. Far from always, even the most prudent master has a rope of the required length, which is required to fasten the dynamic part of the block. Therefore, several methods of fastening the mechanism have been developed:

  • With gripping knots. These knots are tied in five turns from cords, the cross section of which does not exceed 8 mm. The use of such nodes is the most effective and, accordingly, common. According to experts, the knots are very strong and reliable. Only a load of more than 13 kN can lead to slipping of such a node. The important thing is that even when slipping, the knot does not deform the rope in any way, leaving it safe and sound.
  • The use of general purpose clamps. These devices can be used even in difficult climatic conditions, for example, on wet or icy ropes. A load of 7 kN can cause the clamp to slip, resulting in damage to the rope, although not very severe.
  • Personal clips. They are used only for small jobs, since a load of more than 4 kN causes the clamp to slip and subsequently break the rope.

Reservation - we study the most popular schemes

This technological operation is designed to change the distance between the blocks, as well as to change the position of these blocks. The need for reeving is due to a change in the height or speed of lifting objects by setting a specific scheme for the passage of the rope through the blocks and rollers of the mechanism.

The scheme used depends largely on the type of lifting device. Reserving for winches is carried out only for the purpose of changing the length of the boom. It is performed by changing the relative position of the guide blocks. Very often, such an operation is carried out in cargo cranes, where it is required to prevent such an effect as the curvilinearity of the movement of weights.

Stocks, depending on the schemes used, are divided into the following categories:

  • Single. This type has found application in shooting type cranes, where the hook must be brought on one rope rope. After that, it is required to sequentially carry out static blocks. In the final stage, the hook is wound on the drum. As practice shows, this type of reeving is the most inefficient.
  • Double. This type is used in cranes that are equipped with a beam and a lifting boom. In this case, it is required to install fixed blocks on the boom head, while the other end of the rope is attached to the cargo winch.
  • Quadruple. It is in demand among chain hoists, which are used to lift objects of huge mass. Usually, one of the reeving schemes that were described earlier is used, with the only difference being that they are used separately for each hook block.

We make a chain hoist from paper cups and gears

The devices used in construction are very complex, which is logical, because here you need to lift large loads to a sufficiently high height. understand them design features is very problematic. What can not be said about home chain hoists, which are used in everyday life. They are so simple and understandable that anyone can build a chain hoist with their own hands. To do this, we need the following devices:

  1. 1. several glasses of paper;
  2. 2. scissors;
  3. 3. lace or strong thread acting as a rope;
  4. 4. plasticine;
  5. 5. plastic hangers.

First of all, you need to make a basket in which the cargo will move. For these purposes, we will use paper cups through which we thread the rope. We collect the pulley block from hangers. We fix the rope or thread on the top of the hanger, after which we wind it around the crossbar several times. The basket obtained from the glasses should be hung on the bottom hanger by the hook. In principle, this collection of pulley blocks can be considered completed. To lift loads, you just need to use the mechanism correctly. To do this, you need to pull on the free end of the thread, which will lead to the connection of the hangers. Now you can try to lift heavy objects to a height.

There is another way to make a chain hoist with your own hands, which is somewhat more complicated, but differs in greater efficiency and reliability of the design. Here we need bearings, a gear, a hook, cables with blocks, and a threaded stud. First, we fix the bearings on the stud, after which we install the gear on the end of the stud, so that it is more convenient and easier to use a home-made chain hoist. It remains only to throw the cable over the gears and fix it, while the free end will be equipped with a hook, which is necessary for lifting objects.

Finally, we recall that when working with any chain hoists bought in a store or made at home, be sure to remember safety precautions. It is necessary to carefully check the design for strength and integrity. The loads themselves should be lifted smoothly and carefully, without being located under a suspended object at this time.

Making homemade lifting mechanism- this is a forced measure necessary to solve some acute momentary task. On the other hand, a well-built mechanism continues to exist and performs its working functions. Therefore, after weighing the pros and cons, let's get to work.

Consider when there is a need for such a device:

  • Firstly, for lifting and moving weights that are inaccessible to one or two people.
  • Secondly, during repair or construction work in the garage, suburban area, private house.
  • Thirdly, as a mobile mobile device installed on a car or tractor.

How to make a homemade hand winch with your own hands

Before starting the design of the device, it is necessary to realize what it will be needed for and how it will be useful in the future.

  • Then it is necessary to develop a layout drawing, albeit not with detailed dimensions, but all the main components and parts must be indicated on the diagram.
  • The next step will be the selection of the necessary parts, assemblies, materials. Quite often, amateur inventors start from what they have - a winch, a cable, a channel, a pipe, and start construction from them. And further construction continues around the resulting structure.
  • If problems rarely arise with the design of the support, then with the choice of a lifting winch they are often encountered.
  • So, many are not satisfied with the quality of purchased mechanisms, or they are simply not available for sale, so their independent production is practiced.

Again, you need to immediately warn the Edisons - it’s worth reinventing the wheel when it is planned to build something solid, such as a crane or a mast. In other cases, it is easier to buy a finished product, it will be more profitable in terms of money and labor costs.

Manufacturing instructions

Let's figure out how to make a homemade winch. As you know, the main element of a hand winch is a drum and a ratchet mechanism with a hand brake. Many people use the armature of an electric motor as a drum. It is enough to attach the side cheeks and the gear to it. In addition, two bearings are already installed on the rotor, which will be useful in the future. There can be many options for attaching the drum to the frame, and everyone will have their own most rational one.

You can set the drum in action with a hand crank or an electric motor, but you need a gearbox to lower the shaft speed, and an electric brake for braking. Therefore, quite often, the inventors of the crane prefer to get by with human strength and innate ingenuity, using chain hoists.

The manufactured winch can already be used on the farm for its intended purpose - to lift the load to a height, fix it and move it to the right place. But all the same, it will still not be very convenient, since the issue of its permanent basing - a lift on a beam or a crane - has not been resolved.

Do-it-yourself crane drawings

The most common crane scheme can be found on the Internet. It was developed in a special design bureau and has passed the test of time. The main idea of ​​such a crane is a low turntable with a motor winch and a counterweight. Attached to this platform is a lifting boom with a pulley through which a cable with a hook is passed. Raising and lowering the boom can be done with a separate winch, but quite often it is fixed in a fixed position, because it is more reliable from tipping and overturning.

In such designs, the fewer moving parts, the better. The crane frame itself can stand on a tripod or have four support points, unless, of course, a mobile version was made.

Unfortunately, most homemade inventors little knowledge of the theory of resistance of materials and machine parts. For objective reasons, they work intuitively, they saw something on TV or the Internet, and somewhere they peeped at their neighbors. Therefore, they are unlikely to succeed in creating a masterpiece, but a mechanical assistant - a home-made crane from a winch - yes. Just do not forget about your own safety and your assistants. If we already undertook to develop a lifting mechanism for 100 kg, then the lifting hoist must be taken much more powerful.

Same with lifting boom - no need to use wooden beam as a basis, because everything happens suddenly, including accidents. If the metal can be calculated with great confidence for bending and reinforce the pipe with a corner, then the beam will simply burst into chips when overloaded, and there the consequences are unpredictable.

Also using cables or ropes to lift the load. And here the extra supply does not hurt, and if it is customary to use a metal cable, you do not need to change it to a synthetic rope or parachute sling, no matter how reliable they may seem. Therefore, a home-made crane for lifting loads must be made with a huge margin per ton of lifting capacity.

Ropes and lifting devices

Ropes, depending on the material, are divided into steel (cables), hemp and cotton. Steel ropes are made of a single lay, when the rope is twisted directly from the wires, and a double lay, when the wires are twisted into strands, and the strands into a rope. According to the type of lay of wires and strands, steel ropes are of a cross lay, in which the directions of twisting wires into strands and strands into a rope are opposite to each other, and one-sided, in which these directions coincide. Cross lay cables are less susceptible to untwisting than single lay cables.

Compared to hemp and cotton ropes, steel ropes are more reliable and durable, and therefore are mainly used in lifting and lifting devices. Hemp and cotton ropes are used only for braces or for lifting small loads (supplying tools and fixtures, lifting garlands when installing outdoor switchgear busbars, etc.).

The disadvantages of steel cables include their relatively low elasticity (flexibility). The flexibility of the ropes depends on the diameter of the wires: the smaller the diameter of the wires in the rope strands, the greater the flexibility of the rope. Rope made from thinner wires wears out faster and costs more. Therefore, the choice of ropes should be made depending on their purpose.

Steel ropes are stored in coils or on drums in closed dry rooms on wooden linings. Each rope must be tagged with the type, diameter, length and weight of the rope. Ropes in operation should be lubricated with rope ointment at the following times: cargo (poly-spast) - 1 time in 2 months, pull and slings - 1 time in 1.5 months, braces - 1 time in 3 months. Ropes stored in a warehouse are lubricated once every 6 months.

The choice of ropes for lifting mechanisms and load gripping devices is made according to the value of the actual breaking force of the rope in N (the load at which the rope sample breaks when tested on a tensile testing machine). This effort is usually given in the passport (act-certificate) of the rope. If the passport does not indicate the actual breaking force, but the total breaking force of all individual wires (Rsum), then the actual breaking force should be taken equal to 0.83 Rsum.

When operating ropes, it is necessary to monitor the degree of wear and discard ropes that have dangerous wear. Dangerous wear of the rope is determined by the number of broken wires at the lay pitch (the length of the rope, during which the strand makes a complete revolution around its axis). On the section of the rope, where the largest number of broken wires was found, the lay pitch is noted and the number of breaks is counted on it.

If the diameter of the rope wires decreases by more than 40% of the original size as a result of surface wear or corrosion, the rope is rejected.

Steel, hemp and cotton ropes, slings of all types and lifting devices must be subjected to periodic inspections during operation by the person responsible for their maintenance, and also undergo static load tests.

Slings are used to secure the load to the hook of the lifting mechanism. Slings are made from steel ropes. Depending on the purpose of the slings and on the elements of electrical equipment to be lifted and installed, slings are used various designs. The connection of the free end of the cable with the main branch to form a loop of the sling is made with a braid. Rope braiding is a complex operation that requires highly qualified performers, and must be performed by special braiders.

The choice of the standard size of the sling is made depending on the weight, configuration and places of equipment and cargo slinging. The load per one branch of the sling is determined by the formula S \u003d Q / (n x cos α) ,

where S is the load per one branch of the sling, kg, Q is the mass of the lifted load, kg, n is the number of branches of the sling, α is the angle between the vertically lowered axis and the branch of the sling (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Schemes for slinging cargo: a - with a single-branch sling, b - with a two-branch sling.

Slings must be chosen so long that the angle between the branches of the sling and the vertical does not exceed 45 °. When lifting, electrical equipment elements must be suspended from parts specially designed for this purpose (frames, brackets, mounting loops). In the case when technical conditions or factory instructions prohibit subjecting load-gripping devices (rings) to tension with a sling at an angle, lifting should be carried out using traverses (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Traverse for lifting electrical equipment with a carrying capacity of up to 10 tons. 1 - pipe, 2 - coupling, 3 - sling with two loops, 4 - detachable suspension (spider), 5 - pin, 6 - straight bracket.

Each sling must be provided with a token, on which the brand of the sling and the date of its testing are applied. Tokens are attached by weaving into a strand of cable during the manufacture of a sling.

Only riggers and electricians who have undergone special training and have a certificate for admission to the production of slinging work may be allowed to work on slinging and lifting equipment and other goods. Responsible heavy loads should be lifted under the direct supervision of the foreman or foreman.

Blocks and chain hoists

Blocks are used when performing rigging work to change the direction of traction ropes (branch blocks) or as part of chain hoists. Take-off blocks are made mainly with a folding cheek, since in this case there is no need to drag the rope through the block.

The tap-off unit is selected according to the formula Q = PK,

where Q is the load capacity of the block, N, P is the force acting on the rope, N, K is a coefficient depending on the angle between the directions of the rope (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Forces acting on the tap-off block

The value of the coefficient K is taken depending on the angle α: 0 o - 2, 30 o - 1.94, 45 o - 1.84, 60 o - 1.73, 90 o - 1.41

Rice. 4. Blocks

The chain hoist is used to lift or horizontally move loads when the pulling force required for lifting or moving exceeds the carrying capacity of the traction mechanism. The chain hoist consists of two blocks, movable and fixed, interconnected by a rope, which is attached to the eye of one of the blocks, sequentially goes around the rollers of both blocks and is attached to the traction mechanism with the other end.

The magnitude of the effort at the running end of the chain hoist rope is determined by the formula S = 9.8Q / (n)

where S is the magnitude of the effort, N, Q is the mass of the load being lifted, kg, η is the efficiency of the chain hoist, n is the number of chain hoist threads. The pulling force S must not exceed the lifting capacity of the pulling mechanism. The choice of the chain hoist scheme depending on the mass of the load being lifted and the carrying capacity of the traction mechanism (tractor, winch) can be made according to table 1.

Winches and hoists

During the operation of winches and hoists, constant supervision of their condition and serviceability of all parts, periodic preventive inspections with the elimination of noticed malfunctions and a note of the person responsible for the condition of winches or hoists in a special journal, as well as their periodic testing at least once a year for special test bench or on the installation site with a static load exceeding the nominal by 25%. The test data must be recorded in the protocol stored in the passport of the mechanism.

A plate shall be affixed to the winch or hoist indicating the date of the test and the date of the subsequent test. Winches and hoists that have not passed a timely regular test must be withdrawn from service until the test is carried out.

Winches are widely used in loading and unloading operations, rigging of transformers, circuit breakers and other indoor switchgear equipment, switchboard panels and outdoor switchgear busbars. Depending on the type of drive, the winches used for electrical installation are divided into manual, electric and unified. Hand winches are used in the production electrical work mainly of two types - drum and lever.

Lightweight drum winches and winches with lever drive are mainly used due to their small dimensions and relatively low weight. Manual winches are recommended for use with a lifting capacity of not more than 3 tons due to the bulkiness, large weight and significant effort on the handle of manual winches with a lifting capacity of more than 3 tons.

Manual lever winches work on the principle of pulling a working traction rope, which has a clip. The forward drive handle is mounted on the end of the leash shaft, which is a two-arm lever with an axis of rotation in the middle. To thread the rope into the traction mechanism, the guy is moved towards the handle. In this case, both pairs of clamps will disperse and will make it possible to push the end of the traction rope through the fitting hole until it exits through the fastener hole.

Rice. 5. Lever hand winch

Manual winches are recommended for use when performing small amounts of work, in the absence of a source of electricity and in the absence of mechanized lifting devices on the site (forklifts, cranes, electric winches).

An electric winch consists of the following main components: a frame, a drum, a gearbox, a brake device and an electric motor. Engine voltage 380/220 V. The frame serves to accommodate all winch units on it. The braking device with an electromagnetic drive is interlocked with the winch electric motor and operates automatically when the latter is turned off. Torque is transmitted from the engine to the winch drum through a gearbox. The clutch of the drum with the gearbox shaft is carried out by a gear or cam clutch.

The kinematic diagram of the electric winch is shown in fig. 6.

Rice. 6. Kinematic diagram of an electric winch: 1 - drum, 2 - 7 - gears of the gearbox, 8 - 10 - gearbox shafts, 11 - brake device, 12 - electric motor.

Talyu is called a lift hanging type with manual or electric drive. Hand hoists are made with a worm and gear transmission, they are used in the installation of reactors in switchgear cells, in the revision and disassembly of electric motors, etc. The hand worm hoist consists of upper and lower units connected by a cargo chain. The upper assembly contains a housing, a worm pair, including a wheel with a load sprocket and a worm with braking device, endless chain traction wheel and upper suspension hook. The lower assembly consists of a clip, a load roller and a lower hook.

Tal is suspended from a fixed support by the upper hook. When the traction wheel rotates with the help of a chain, a worm rotates, the shaft of which is rigidly connected to the traction wheel. The worm drives the worm wheel with the load sprocket, while selecting the load chain and causing the lower hook and the load suspended from it to rise or fall. Hand hoists with gear transmission are manufactured with a load capacity of up to 5 tons.

The electric hoist is designed for vertical lifting and lowering, as well as for horizontal movement of goods along a single-rail track along which the hoist moves. The TE electric hoist consists of two main units: a hoisting mechanism and a running trolley, to which the hoisting mechanism is suspended.

The hoisting mechanism consists of a body with a drum and an electric motor built into it, a gearbox, an electromagnetic brake and a suspension device (a block with a hook). The brake is applied automatically when the motor is switched off and is released when the motor is switched on.

Rice. 7. Electric hoist type TE

The undercarriage consists of two cheeks, on one of which two axles with freely rotating wheels are attached, and on the other - two driving wheels, on the flanges of which gear rims are cut. The start of the motors of the hoists is carried out by reversible magnetic starters. Control of lifting, lowering and horizontal movement to the right or left Greatest Application electric hoists are found in rooms for the pre-assembly of equipment parts into blocks and assemblies, as well as for the revision of parts of switches (separator chambers, quenching chambers) and other equipment in mobile inventory rooms and devices. TE electric hoists are manufactured for lifting heights of 6, 12 and 18 m.


Jacks are mainly used for rigging and installation of power transformers, synchronous compensators and other heavy equipment, when these works cannot be performed by cranes.

According to the design, jacks are divided into rack, screw and hydraulic. The rack jack consists of a fixed base 1 with a welded vertical gear rack 4, a lifting body 3 with a gearbox and a handle 2. The load is lifted on the upper central head or on the lower leg.

Rice. 8. Rack jack

The presence of the lower paw favorably distinguishes the rack jack from other designs, as it allows lifting loads with a low location of the supporting surfaces. To lift the load, rotate the jack handle clockwise. In this case, the rotation is transmitted to the gear, which, rolling along the rail 4, lifts the gearbox and the body of the jack with the load along with it.

When the turning force on the handle is released, a special pawl keeps the handle from reverse rotation under the pressure of the load through the ratchet disc and thus prevents the load from falling. However, for safety reasons, do not remove your hand from the handle while the load is being raised or lowered, or while the load remains in the raised position.

The screw jack (Fig. 9) consists of a body 1, a load screw 2 and a handle 3 with a ratchet, a pawl and a fixing rod with a spring. The load is lifted by turning the handle counterclockwise. In this case, the load screw 2 rotates in the fixed inner screw and the movable screw with the head of the jack and the load resting on the head is lifted. When lowering the load, switch the pawl lock and rotate the handle in the opposite direction.

Rice. 9. Screw jack

The hydraulic jack (Fig. 10) consists of a housing 1, a reservoir 2 and a pump 3. In a hermetically sealed reservoir 2, a pump 3 and a cam shaft 6 are mounted. valve 8 into the body under the piston 4. The piston, rising, lifts the load. To lower the load, the liquid is passed back into the tank. The liquid is filled through plug 11, and drained through plug 5. To fill reservoir 2, industrial oil is used.

Rice. 10. Hydraulic jack

Telescopic towers and hydraulic lifts

Telescopic towers are mainly used in the performance of outdoor switchgear busbar work. Telescopic towers provide safe working conditions when lifting workers with tools, fixtures and loads for work at height, and also provide favorable conditions for high-performance work when installing garlands, wires and fittings.

Compared to telescopic towers, hydraulic hoists with an articulated boom have the greater advantage that their design allows, thanks to the presence of an articulated boom, to move the cradle with the load in the raised state in any direction without moving the hoist.

Homemade lifting devices are an indispensable tool for a garage in which a major car repair is planned. With the help of such an auxiliary device, you can easily remove the engine of the car, lift the edge of the body or even the entire car.

Easy-to-make home-made lifting mechanisms facilitate and speed up work several times not only in the garage, but also near the house. They are indispensable in construction and repair, moving construction debris, unloading heavy loads.

Types of lifting mechanisms

Before you start assembling a garage crane with your own hands, you should choose which mechanism suits you best. Lifting machines belong to a fairly important category of industrial and household equipment. They are designed to move various cargoes in a vertical or oblique direction. A useful feature for motorists is the ability to move a load suspended on a hook to the side, thereby freeing up space for work. When designing a lift for a car, it is advisable to supplement it with a similar option - this way you can expand the list of actions performed in the garage.

The purchase of a ready-made lift entails significant financial costs, so many garage owners are interested in the question of how to make such a mechanism themselves. First you need to figure out what types of devices exist, how they differ from each other, and what functions they have. Classification is carried out according to various criteria: principle of operation, purpose, type of drive. Consider the most common types of lifting machines:

  1. Blocks are manual mechanisms that use only the strength of human muscles to lift the load. The structure of the block is known from the school curriculum: it consists of a wheel with a recess around it, rotating around a fixed axis. A rope, rope or metal chain passes through the recess. The force required to lift weights decreases exponentially along with the increase in the number of blocks in the system.
  2. A jack is a simple lever device used to raise one side of a vehicle. Jacks can be both manual and hydraulic, pneumatic and electric.
  3. Hoist - manual or mechanized device, consisting of a system of interconnected blocks. Depending on the number of individual wheels (pulleys), hoists are divided into two-, three-, four-pulley, etc. The maximum number of pulleys that such devices use is 12. An industrial type of hoist - chain hoist is often used to move goods on ships.

In addition to standard lifting devices, there are specialized installations:

  1. The hoist is an improved hoist equipped with an electric drive. Thanks to this addition, the power and carrying capacity of the mechanism increases, and when the hoist is placed on a horizontal I-beam, it becomes possible to move goods along the premises.
  2. The crane is an elementary device that works on the principle of a lever. A hook is attached to one end of the lever for hanging the load, and a counterweight is attached to the opposite end. The height of lifting loads largely depends on the position of the mechanism itself, since the length of the lever stroke remains small. With the help of a crane, you can not only lift weights, but also move them along the trajectory described by the radius of the lever. Often a crane successfully replaces a crane, but due to its large dimensions, its use in a garage is not practiced.

What characteristics should a garage lift have?

Since the device will be used in the rather cramped conditions of a standard garage, certain requirements are put forward for it. Firstly, it should not be too large - such car lift, despite its high power, takes up a lot of space, which is very undesirable in such a small area. Secondly, it is recommended to give preference to mechanisms with a small vertical stroke, otherwise you risk hitting the ceiling with them.

The second requirement is carrying capacity. It is calculated based on the types of work for which the car lift is being developed. The dimensions of the mechanism also depend on the purpose. If a conventional jack is also suitable for a simple wheel change, then for larger work you will need a car lift with a platform, although for such responsible actions it is recommended to resort to the help of professional equipment.

Materials and tools

When designing a garage lift with your own hands, you need to have in your arsenal not only drawings of the future device, but also arm yourself with a set of tools and high-quality, load-resistant materials. First of all you will need:

  • welding machine;
  • grinder with a cutting wheel for metal;
  • bolts and nuts for fastening;
  • steel pipes with a diameter of 40-50 mm;
  • steel corner or profiled pipe with a section of 35-40 mm;
  • cable;
  • homemade winch for the garage (you can also purchase it, the factory-made version will be more reliable).

As the planned homemade garage winch becomes a reality, the list of accessories for it may change slightly, depending on your specific requirements for the mechanism.

Once upon a time, a working option for building my house was a bar. And calculating the savings, I worked out different variants, including how to assemble a wooden house alone. Of course, this is not very convenient, but the budget was very limited. I refused the "zakidnyak" technology, therefore, I thought about the lifting device, I was looking for suitable solutions around and on the Internet.

Lifting logs of 100-150 kg can be done by one person using simple devices. And if there are forest trees and a crane on the site, it is difficult to do without such devices.

For example, this log house was assembled by a person completely alone. At the same time, the crane did not rearrange, it stood all the time in one place.

Drawings of another device, light and mobile:

And here is their embodiment in matter :)

The same thing, but when, in addition to “putting on” the wall, there is also the opportunity to install it on a plane:

Fixture drawings:

The original solution from improvised means, according to which the log, like on a bicycle, “rides” up :)