Technical security systems. Light and sound annunciator - principle of operation, advantages Installation of sound fire annunciators

The main goal of security fire alarm and warning security systems of any modification, designed to protect residential or complex industrial and explosive facilities - to prevent the occurrence of a fire situation, as soon as possible to identify a fire at an early stage and avoid human casualties and property damage. Aggravating factors - the release of significant thermal energy and combustion products hazardous to human life - should be stopped as quickly as possible.

An increased level of constant danger dictates the development and design of various signaling devices that prevent the development of force majeure fire situations. In addition to thermal linear, speech, gas and combined types of annunciators, light and sound complexes, signal beacons, light and sound columns are very common and popular. The security and fire light annunciator is used to indicate the directions of evacuation of people in premises for various purposes - the light annunciator "Exit" is the most common among such devices.

Visual-sound signaling devices have found application in both industrial and domestic areas of life.

Scope of application of annunciators

A light and sound annunciator is a complex electronic device that allows you to visually display a pulsating or constantly lit light signal on the display and at the same time hear an audible alarm and is used in almost all modern systems security and fire and security alarms for the purpose of immediate evacuation of people from the premises.

Light and sound signaling devices are also widely used to inform about the expected occurrence of emergency situations - for example, the inclusion of water, gas or powder fire extinguishing systems.

Annunciators in without fail objects of mass congestion of people are equipped:

  • educational and medical institutions;
  • administrative buildings and public authorities;
  • shopping malls and catering establishments;
  • hotel complexes;
  • industrial facilities - plants, factories, production workshops.

Light and sound devices with a wide signal coverage area are installed on walls or other structures of large premises in places that provide maximum visual and acoustic coverage of the audience. It is necessary to provide for the absence of obstacles in the path of propagation of the sound channel and to ensure a contrasting perception of the inscription on the scoreboard or light bulb by the human eye in natural and artificial lighting.

Sound and light device

A modern fire alarm is a monoblock or collapsible design that has several key elements:

  • explosion-proof and impact-resistant metal shell;
  • multi-layered glass impact-resistant light board with an inscription on a bright red or green background and/or a pictogram, illuminated by LEDs. Depending on the settings, there may be a constant or pulsed glow;
  • pulsating sound emitter with set tonality and sound pressure over 85 dB.
  • switching compartment for connecting the cable directly to the connectors of the electronic board of the siren.

The design of the annunciator should provide for the continued operation of the device and in extreme conditions aggressive environments, as well as under the influence of critically low and high temperatures.

Common siren models


Light and sound annunciator Mayak 12KP of combined type is designed for optical and sound output of signals about the status of an object equipped with an alarm system. Light and sound annunciator Mayak 12KP must be installed by qualified personnel; when installed outdoors, it is necessary to provide the device with a protective canopy from atmospheric precipitation. The sound signal volume cannot be adjusted. Placement in explosive areas is prohibited.

The cost of Mayak annunciators, depending on the modification, varies from 150 to 450 rubles.


Lightning annunciator "Exit" Lightning 12 serves to designate evacuation routes and exits for people in any type of premises. The design, which has a collapsible body on a latch, provides for the possibility of replacing the inscription.

An explosion-proof sound annunciator (abbreviated as ZOV), which has the appropriate marking, issues optical and audible alarms in explosive rooms and open areas of class 1 and below to draw attention to the fire, radiation and other dangers that have arisen.

A climatic design option is provided for location outside buildings, it has a high sound pressure level of 105 dBA. Designed for operation in the temperature range of -55°С…+55°С and Rh up to 93% at 40°С.

Any room that provides for the presence of people in it must be equipped with appropriate fire and security alarm devices. Specialists responsible for ensuring the safety of people should opt for the proposed models of annunciators based on the categories of premises, technical regulations and regulations, installation features and the functionality of the annunciators themselves.

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About the method of intellectual provocation

People of a certain breed, who sincerely consider themselves smart, are very fond of using this method. It contains several simple tricks that allow you to feel without much effort not just smart-smart (so understandable), but also an order of magnitude smarter than your interlocutor.

First, ask questions, gentlemen. Regarding any, the most simple statement, you can ask five or more clarifying questions, the answer to each of which increases the number of new questions to infinity.
Someone says, "Beautiful weather today."
You: "What does "beautiful" mean to you? What do you understand by the word "weather"? Movement of air masses or the height of the mercury column? (the more scientific, the better) How is today's weather better than yesterday? How changes in the atmosphere can use your sense beautiful?" ("Die, motherfucker!")
Let him suffer, getting confused in words, realizing his insignificance and painfully re-reading the original phrase - where is there absurdity, or maybe he said something offensive? Thus, you kill three birds with one stone: you hint that someone does not know how to express his thoughts, that he himself does not really understand what he said, and the main, fattest hare, that he is obliged to you (since you, by definition, are cooler) to explain, report and defend your miserable point of view, otherwise you will recognize him as an idiot and exclude him from the List of the Living.

Secondly, there is a delightful technique called "friendly help" or "qualified advice." A careless person declares his problem, even the most trifling one, and asks for help. ("Ha, you got it, kid"). You ask him a lot of seemingly innocent questions, and then go on the offensive. You inform this unfortunate person that everything is not as simple as it seems. Everything is much worse. This problem comes from his deepest intellectual and moral inferiority, lack of culture and the most minimal knowledge about the subject. Moreover, this person is clearly and seriously ill, since THIS happens to him. And only the one and only luminary of our time can help him. ("Guess who?") If someone is gullible (and he is gullible, since he asked for help), then he is yours. You can start a session of public exposure and crucification of the poor fellow. ("And don't give a damn")
Brief example: Someone: "I bought new boots made of genuine leather, but they rub my feet. What should I do?"
You: “So you mean to say that the unfortunate animal died so that you could buy these shoes? And you still complain, ungrateful flayer? And where did you get the money for expensive shoes, stole or begged? the fire-eater tribes are starving, you're throwing a lot of money down the drain. Why don't you sue the shoe manufacturer and demand compensation for temporary disability? Why are you wearing shoes when many eminent scientists have proven the usefulness of walking barefoot? You feel contempt for those whose shoes worse than yours? Are you hoping to attract a stupid female with expensive shoes and copulate with her? Are you masturbating while looking at your shoes?!"
Whatever he answers, the verdict is: "depression against the background of a schizoid personality, aggravated by latent homosexuality." Treatment: come up with something especially vile.
Further. Constantly twist the opponent's statement as much as possible.
He: "I have a runny nose"
You: "Hussarsky? Do your parents know that you have gonorrhea?" In the future, call him in conversations with other interlocutors "our syphilitic" until he presents you with a certificate from a doctor. (However, if you want, you can declare it fake ...) Etc.

Never forgive typos. Find out for a long time and in detail what exactly the person meant by writing the word "handkerchief" instead of "handkerchief." Feel free to give a few detailed versions of what happened! But if you yourself were convicted of illiteracy, ignorance of the fact and lies, in no case do not apologize. Say that it was a typo, that the source is available to you, that you were just joking, and that he is a bore and an epileptic (well, just in case).

These and other techniques are very good, but sooner or later the person who uses them is faced with a rebuff. Resistance can be of two types: passive and active. In the first case, they stop responding to you, ignore your letters, which is rather unpleasant, but quite tolerable. In the second, you are unexpectedly and rudely sent to ……….. (usually this word is shorter, but who knows how far they will send you). You are furious! How! I didn't say a single bad word to that brute! I wanted to help him! A!

And this is where the difference becomes clear. Remember, in the first phrase it was written "people of a certain breed who sincerely consider themselves smart ..." Well, really smart people understand that they themselves asked for a compliment. And not smart people are terribly offended, becoming stronger in the opinion of universal ingratitude and stupidity, and continue in the same spirit.

Modern warning systems are complexes of equipment, the correct operation of which makes it possible to guarantee the timely supply of alarming information and the organization of an effective process of evacuating people. Depending on the characteristics of the object, warning systems can be quite simple and built using a minimum number of devices, or they can be a complex and multi-component set of equipment. However, regardless of the complexity and type of SOUE, the installation of annunciators is an integral part of any warning system. According to the requirements of SP 3.13130.2009, the installation of sound annunciators is mandatory for, installation of light annunciators -. And this is quite justified, because fairly simple and low-cost annunciators can effectively convey information about a fire and indicate the nearest evacuation routes, and therefore save people's health and lives. There are many more standards for installing fire alarms. , prescribed in the regulatory documents and must be observed. All these requirements, as well as the key features of each type of annunciators, will be considered further.

Most often, the installation of sound annunciators is carried out in structurally simple buildings belonging to the first type of SOUE, or in separate rooms of buildings with the SOUE system of types 2-5, which do not imply the possibility of permanent residence of people. As a rule, in such cases, there is no need for additional devices and the purpose of the system is to give an audible signal informing about the need to immediately leave the premises. It is possible to ensure the correct operation of the sound notification only by observing all the rules and current regulations for the installation of sound annunciators.

Standards for installing sound alarms

1. The sound pressure level at any point in the room should not exceed 120 dBA, but be at least 75 dBA at a distance of 3 m from the siren. When the sound level decreases, a person in the building may not hear the alarm signal, while exceeding the norm leads to a deafening effect and the creation of unnecessary panic during evacuation.

2. The sound level of the warning signal generated at a level of 1.5 m from the floor must exceed the value of the permissible constant noise level by at least 15 dBA. This item allows you to install sounders, taking into account the differences in noise pollution of various buildings and premises.

3. In rooms intended for sleeping, the sound level is measured at the level of the head of a lying person and should be at least 70 dBA and exceed the constant noise level by 15 dBA.

4. Installation of sound annunciators must be carried out taking into account the uniform distribution of sound over the entire area. The concentration of sound at one point and insufficient scoring of others is unacceptable.

5. Annunciators must be fixed exclusively to non-combustible capital structures, because in the event of a fire, combustible walls and ceilings can ignite or collapse along with the annunciators installed on them. Naturally, in this case, the operation of the warning system will be disrupted.

6. Installation of sounders on the wall must be carried out in such a way that the distance from the top of the device to the ceiling is at least 0.15 m, and to the floor - more than 2.3 m. There is a lot of controversy on this point, because the ceiling level declared at the design stage is not always matches the final one. And here the question arises - what to do if the ceiling height is less than 2.45 m and it is simply impossible to provide the necessary installation height for sounders? The answer is very simple - to mount the sirens on the ceiling, while ensuring reliable fastening to a non-combustible base (main ceiling).

Light annunciators in one form or another can be seen in almost any building. These can be simple light annunciators used in combination with sound notification, as well as various light panels with inscriptions or arrows. The installation of light annunciators "EXIT" is mandatory for all types of SOUE (except for the first), light signs for the direction of movement - for SOUE types 4 and 5. Also, in warning systems, special displays are often used to inform about the start of gas and powder fire extinguishing installations and the need to urgently leave the premises. Naturally, the installation of light signs does not solve the problem of warning in general, however, it allows people to focus on the presence of a threat and effectively organize evacuation, directing everyone to the evacuation exits.

Norms of installation of light annunciators

1. Light annunciators must be installed at a height of at least 2 m. This condition guarantees excellent visibility of the device and minimal risk of damage due to accidental mechanical impact.

2. Installation of light indicators "EXIT" is carried out directly above the emergency exits leading outside or to a safe area of ​​the building.

3. The installation of light indicators of the direction of movement is mandatory in corridors longer than 50 m (interval up to 25 m), in places where corridors turn, as well as in all smoke-free stairwells. Additional installation locations are determined by the design organization based on planning solutions buildings and possible evacuation scenarios.

4. During the stay of people in any auditoriums and demonstration halls, the light indicators "EXIT" installed in them must be turned on.

This type of annunciator combines the capabilities of light and sound annunciators and, as a rule, is used to reduce the amount of equipment and cable routes in order to simplify and reduce the cost of the system. So, if the noise level in the room exceeds 95 dBA or people in it are in noise-protective equipment, SP 3.13130.2009 regulates the combination of light and sound annunciators. In this case, the most appropriate would be the installation of light and sound annunciators. For small premises in which it is necessary to combine light and sound notification, the most appropriate solution would be to install the light and sound annunciator "EXIT" (board). Thus, it is possible to reduce the amount of equipment and cable products, while retaining all the functionality of the system.

Order the installation of sirens

All work on the installation of sirens must be carried out exclusively by certified specialists with experience in carrying out such work and all the necessary permits. in our company, you will receive high-quality advice, a miscalculation of the cost of work and any additional information, and you will also be able to order high-quality installation and connection of sirens.

Connecting an audible annunciator and a light annunciator to the Eritea Micra 2M and Eritea Mikra 3 alarms

Sound annunciator(howler for current up to 0.2 A and voltage 12 Volts) and light annunciator (LED lamp for current up to 0.2 A and voltage 12 Volts) are connected directly to the alarm device. Consider the connection using the example of a light and sound (combined) annunciator MAYAK-12-KP. The sound and light alarm control channels operate independently of each other.

With factory settings sounder when the alarm is processed by ZONES 1…4, it turns on for 1 minute, when the system is armed or disarmed, a short sound signal is emitted. RELAY 1 is used in the system to control the sounder, RELAY 2 to control the lighter. If the system does not provide for the connection of a sound or light annunciator, then RELAY 1 and RELAY 2 can be reprogrammed to solve other problems.

Change Control Options sound annunciator can be through the configuration program "Erythea Micra 3":

Connecting a street sounder to the Eritea Mikra 2M and Eritea Mikra 3 alarms

Consider the connection diagram of a street siren Ademco 702 to alarms Eritea Mikra 3 and Eritea Micra 2M. The current consumption of the siren is quite large, so we connect this siren through the built-in alarm RELAY 3 to an external backup battery. When RELAY 3 is triggered (we will set the relay 3 trigger time to 20 seconds so that the siren does not completely discharge the battery when turned on), the Ademco 702 siren turns on and operates from a backup battery. Connection schemes:

Go to tab 17 (RELAY 3) and configure the operation of RELAY 3 in the "HORNER" mode (the parameter is circled in red), set the turn-on time (the parameter is circled in green) and the number of the zone, when triggered in the "ARM" mode, the siren will be turned on ( the parameter is circled in blue, in this example the siren will turn on when an alarm occurs in ZONE 1).

Remote setting of sounder control parameters

If necessary, you can remotely adjust the sounder control parameters by sending an SMS message to the device's SIM card number in the following format:


  • N- number of the relay (1-6) that controls the siren (by factory settings -1);
  • p1p0- pause before turning on the howler (from 00 - 59 seconds, two-digit number, for example, seven seconds: 07);
  • m1m0-s1s0- Howler's operating time (minutes-seconds, for example, one minute: 01-00);
  • d- the "DELICATED HORROWER" mode is disabled (parameter = 0), or enabled (parameter = 1);
  • bip- parameter "Short-term beep when arming and disarming", the mode is disabled (parameter = 0) or the mode is enabled (parameter = 1);
  • s- "Turn on howler on alarm by" option:
    • 0 - howler work is blocked;
    • 1 - for ZONE 1;
    • 2 - ZONE 2-4;
    • 3 - ZONE 1-4.

Example. It is required to remotely set the following parameters for the operation of the sound annunciator (howler):

  • the siren is connected to RELAY 1;
  • pause before switching on - 3 seconds;
  • siren operation time – 1 minute 12 seconds;
  • mode "DELICATE HORROWER" is off;
  • the parameter "Short-term beep on arming and disarming" is enabled;
  • parameter "Enable horn on alarm on" - ZONE 1-4
The command looks like this:


Write the command without spaces as the text of an SMS message on the phone and send a message to the SIM card number of the device.

CM. Shchipitsyn
CEO of "System Sensor Fair Detector" LLC

In case of fire, the warning system is the link between the automatic fire alarm system and people. At first glance, bells, strobes and sirens seem to be the simplest components of a public address system, but in public and administrative buildings they are the only source of signals that call people for immediate evacuation.

The article presents the requirements of Russian and foreign regulatory documents for such systems, practical advice on the placement of annunciators, as well as the latest technology for determining the exit path by guiding audio signal.

Russian regulations

The general procedure for designing fire warning systems is defined in NPB 104-03 "Warning and evacuation control systems for people in case of fires in buildings and structures." The norms provide for 5 types of warning and evacuation control systems (SOUE), depending on the method of notification, dividing the building into warning zones and other characteristics. The sound or light-sound method of notification in the form of sirens and strobe lights is used in the most simple systems notifications of the 1st and 2nd type.

The characteristics of the annunciators must comply with the requirements of NPB 77-98 "Technical means of alerting and managing the evacuation of firefighters. General technical requirements. Test methods" According to the classification given in the document, annunciators are divided into light, sound, speech and combined. distance of 1 ± 0.05 m, should be set between 85-110 dB.

According to NPB 104-03, sound signals of SOUE should provide the sound level:

  • not less than 75 dB at a distance of 3 m from the annunciator, but not more than 120 dB at any point of the protected premises,
  • to ensure clear audibility - at least 15 dB above the permissible sound level of constant noise in the protected room (measurements are taken at a distance of 1.5 m from the floor level),
  • in sleeping rooms - not less than 15 dB above the sound level of constant noise in the protected room, but not less than 70 dB (measurements are taken at the level of the head of a sleeping person).

Wall-mounted sounders (Fig. 1), as a rule, should be mounted at a height of at least 2.3 m from the floor and at least 15 cm from the ceiling. In rooms where people are in noise protection equipment or with a noise level of more than 95 dB, sound annunciators must be combined with light ones, the use of flashing light annunciators is allowed. In buildings where there are deaf and hard of hearing people, light or light flashing annunciators are also used.

Degree of protection technical means notifications provided by the shell in accordance with GOST 14254 must be at least IP 41.

Foreign requirements for warning systems

The requirements of domestic standards for many components of fire alarm systems practically coincide with the national standards of other countries, but significant discrepancies remain for warning systems.

In European systems, a minimum alert signal level of 65 dB is allowed with a decrease to 60 dB in rooms with an area of ​​​​less than 60 m2, on landings and at certain points of limited space (Fig. 2, a), in rooms with working equipment, it is enough to exceed the noise level by 5 dB (Fig. 2, b), and not by 15 dB, as in Russian standards. In sleeping quarters (Fig. 2, c), the signal level at the head level of a sleeping person should be 75 dB, in contrast to the Russian 70 dB.

According to NFPA72 (National Code of Practice for fire safety USA, edition 1993) sound annunciators are installed practically within the same limits - at least 90 "from the floor level and at least 6" from the ceiling (1" = 25.4 mm). When installing combined light stroboscopic and sound devices, this requirement replaced by the appropriate requirement for the installation of stroboscopic devices.

In areas where mechanical equipment is in operation, an alarm signal level of at least 85 dB must be provided, as opposed to 75 dB for other rooms. In NFPA72, in addition to the "general" mode of operation of the alarm system, the so-called address mode is regulated. It is used for the posts of nurses on duty, security services, etc. The requirements for it are much lower: the alert signal level is not less than 10 dB above the average background noise level and not less than 5 dB above the maximum noise level for at least 60 s duration, but not less than 45 dB. These requirements can be guided by when calculating the alert system for service personnel based on warning signals about a fire hazardous situation, generated, for example, by analog addressable and laser aspiration SPS. Most modern sound annunciators from the world's leading manufacturers have the ability to adjust the sound level.

Sound warning systems

Type of sound signals of fire alarms
According to NPB 104-03, audible warning signals must differ in tone from audible signals for other purposes. In NFPA72, in order to eliminate the possibility of misinterpretation of an alarm signal, the type of audible signal used in fire alarm systems is standardized. The type of signal is periodic, each period is 4 s and consists of 3 pulses with pauses: sound signal 0.5 s, pause 0.5 s, sound signal 0.5 s, pause 0.5 s, sound signal 0.5 s, pause 1.5 s (Fig. 3). According to NFPA72, the total minimum signal duration is 180 s, according to NPB 104-03, the SOUE must function for the time necessary to complete the evacuation of people from the building.

Location of sounders
The number of sound fire alarms, their placement and power must ensure the sound level in all places of permanent or temporary stay of people in accordance with the requirements of NPB 104-03. The initial data for the calculation in the simplest case are the dimensions of the room and the minimum required level of sound signals, which is determined by the type of room (sleeping or working), the permissible noise level in it, etc. The table shows typical noise levels from the most common sources.

For example, for a bedroom with an exhaust fan, the required alarm level should be at least (55 + 15) = 70 dB. To do this, the siren signal must exceed the specified value by the amount of attenuation when it propagates to the most remote part of the room. The signal level at an arbitrary distance is determined by adding the passport value of the siren signal (by 1 m) to the signal attenuation value (with a "minus" sign) for a given distance . The value of the signal attenuation in dB at a distance L in meters, relative to its value at a distance of 1 m from the annunciator, can be calculated by the formula:

Thus, if the siren at a distance of 1 m provides a signal level of 100 dB, then at 10 m the attenuation is -20 dB and the signal level will be 80 dB.

When using several annunciators in one room, it must be taken into account that the value of two equal signals during in-phase addition increases by 2 times, that is, by only 3 dB. When using one siren for several rooms, it is necessary to take into account the attenuation of the signal when passing through the doors. According to the European calculation method, in the general case, the signal attenuation is assumed to be -30 dB - for fire doors, -20 dB - for standard doors(Fig. 4).

Light warning systems

There are no detailed recommendations on the use of light and combined light and sound annunciators in the domestic regulatory framework. To solve practical problems, you can refer to the American regulatory requirements.

When choosing equipment and determining the installation locations of light annunciators, it is necessary to distinguish between the type of premises: a sleeping room; a room other than a bedroom, or a corridor.

Location of light alarms in the premises
NFPA72 establishes extremely clear requirements for the total number of gates and the distance between them, depending on the type of room, its size, the luminous intensity of the siren and its installation location. In diagram 1, for rooms other than bedrooms, the minimum luminous intensity values ​​for 1, 2 and 4 wall-mounted sirens are shown.

When using two sirens, they must be installed on opposite walls; if more than two sirens are used, their light pulses must be synchronized. Synchronization of sirens in analog addressable systems is performed automatically, in traditional systems it is necessary to use an additional wire. In rooms 80x80 feet (approximately 24.4x24.4 m) and larger, where there may be more than two sounders, the distance between installed devices must be at least 55 feet (approximately 16.8 m).

In areas other than bedrooms, wall-mounted beacons should be mounted on walls 80 to 96 inches (approximately 2-2.5 m) from the floor and a minimum of 6 inches (approximately 15 cm) from the ceiling.

The requirements for ceiling light annunciators (Fig. 5) in terms of luminous intensity (in candela) depending on the size of the room are shown in diagram 2. These data can only be used when installing the strobe in the center of the room, otherwise the level of luminous intensity should be determined based on the room , the dimensions of which are equal to twice the distance from the siren to the farthest wall. When ceiling heights exceed 30 feet (approximately 9 m), NFPA72 mandates that beacons be installed either on walls or on special attachments so that the distance from the floor to the sounders does not exceed 30 feet.

The distances between the individual devices in the system and the exact mounting locations of the strobe lights depend on the size and configuration of the protected area or area. The stipulated requirements are based on the basic calculation for a square room. Gates are placed asymmetrically, but in such a way that each of them provided an alert in one of the quarters of the room (Fig. b, a). For this example the operation of the gates must be synchronized. If the gates are placed in the centers of the walls, the level of signals in the corners of the room will be unacceptably low (Fig. b, b). In rooms of arbitrary configuration, with the exception of corridors, for the calculation according to Scheme 2, one or more squares of such a size are used that the room of a given shape fits completely.

For bedrooms, wall strobes installed 24 inches (610 mm) or more from the ceiling should provide 110 candela and 177 candela if installed less than 24 inches (610 mm) away. Accordingly, the ceiling light annunciator must also provide a luminous intensity of 177 candela. In any case, the strobe should be installed no more than 16 feet (approximately 5 m) from the level of the pillow in plan (Fig. 7).

Location of light annunciators in the corridors
For corridors, 15 candela strobes must be mounted no more than 15 feet (approximately 4.5 m) from the ends of the corridor. The maximum distance between two adjacent gates must not exceed 100 feet (approximately 30.5 m). Moreover, any parts of the corridor in which there is a violation of the continuity of the view should be interpreted as separate corridors. Typical location of light annunciators in the corridors different kind shown in fig. eight.

Acoustic emergency exit indicators

All audible signals used during evacuation are alarms, they do not give information about the direction to the nearest fire exit, nor about its location. Such a goal is not set when using them, it is only necessary to sound at the required level all the premises where people can be.

The bulk of emergency exit signs (emergency lighting, markings, wall and door color codes, photoluminescent guide strips, etc.) involve only visual perception. But such signs become ineffective if part of the building is completely or partially filled with smoke or a person has vision problems.

The natural solution is to use special types of sound. For example, a broadband pulsed noise signal with a continuous spectrum over the entire audio range is quasi-white noise. The source of such a sound is easily and quickly determined by the human hearing organs, which makes this method ideal remedy to ensure quick evacuation. activated existing system In a fire alarm, a guiding sound source, placed at carefully selected locations, emits audible signals to help people find their way to emergency exits. The guiding sound technology is used by sound annunciators of the new ExitPoint class (Fig. 9).

The evacuation stage is transmitted by the frequency of pulses (ripples) of the noise signal. The "fast" pulsation speed mode is used to designate an evacuation exit, the "medium" speed mode - to create a direction of movement for the evacuation exit, the "slow" pulsation mode indicates an exit from the interior of the building (Fig. 10). In the pauses between the emission of a noise guide sound, speech information messages or additional sound signals can be played.

Messages (for example, "Exit", "Stairs up", "Stairs down", "Shelter area") or additional signals can inform people about what actions to take as they approach the siren (for example, the siren increasing in frequency (up stairs), a siren decreasing in frequency (down the stairs), a standard fire alarm sound signal - three single-frequency pulses with a pause (see Fig. 3). The type of additional sound signals allows a person to intuitively determine their meaning even in a stressful environment.

ExitPoint sound indicators do not replace traditional sound and light annunciators, but are used as auxiliary devices in the fire alarm notification system and speed up the evacuation process of people in the building. The sound signals of fire alarms have narrow spectra and practically do not interfere with the localization of ExitPoint broadband signals. When combined with a voice announcement, it is possible to separate the announcement by time, indicating in the text the technology for using ExitPoint guiding sound signals.

In conclusion, it should be noted that a competent approach to the process of designing a warning system in accordance with the Russian airbags will allow the use of foreign regulatory framework Application in warning and evacuation control systems of such the latest technologies, as a guiding sound, will be able to ensure the proper level of safety for people in the building.