Plants in the interior of your home. Indoor plants in the interior - "green comfort Placement of flowers in the apartment

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Geranium on the windowsill, which delighted the housewives 50 years ago, is long in the past. Now indoor plants in the interior are a trend in design, a kind of tribute to fashion. The trade in potted plants is a whole industry in which a lot of specialists are involved, trying to bring out and offer the buyer such a living decor that would look appropriate in any room, could be used to create one or another image of the space.

The most popular plants for the interior of the apartment

Among the flowering specimens at the height of fashion is the orchid. It fits perfectly into the interior, decorated in a classic style. For several years, lovers of ornamental plants have opted for dracaena, monstera, palm trees, ficuses. Anthurium and hippeastrum are in demand. Exotic fashion is more relevant than ever. The yucca has firmly settled in the apartments, and the bent bokarney is often found. They are often used as large outdoor flowers in living rooms or spacious kitchens. Such plants with a powerful stem look great in minimalist interiors.

Among the many indoor plants in the interior of the apartment, ficus looks best. It has wonderful decorative foliage, which all year round looks bright and attractive. Particularly popular at the moment are ficuses with variegated foliage. This plant benefits not only the external appearance of the space. It releases biologically active substances that purify the air from harmful bacteria.

In the photo of indoor plants in the interior, you can see how the monstera revitalizes the space. Its huge carved leaves bring a touch of southern exoticism to the room. And the unusual ability to be covered with droplets during the rain makes the monster even more interesting. This giant also benefits the home atmosphere, because the monstera can enrich the air with air ions, ozone, and oxygen. It is believed that she can save a person from headaches.

In children's rooms it is recommended to put violets, dracaena, saintpaulias. They perfectly moisturize the air, so with these colors you can do without an ionizer. Monstera, although it has a beneficial effect on the air, should not be in the nursery. After all, it is a poisonous plant. Cacti for the nursery are also not the best option.

Those who prefer flowering indoor plants in the interior of the house can be advised to purchase a camellia. If organize good care behind it, you can enjoy flowering for 2 months in a row. Among other flowering species in fashion are gardenia, echmea, stephanotis, clivia.

Plant selection rules

It must be remembered that a houseplant in the interior of a residential building should look organic, appropriate (see photo). When choosing plants for the living room, it is better to buy broad-leaved large species, for the kitchen - plants that can tolerate temperature changes. When decorating a bedroom, you should avoid a large number of indoor plants, especially those that absorb oxygen. It is better to put aloe or kalanchoe there. After all, they enrich the space with oxygen at night.

If you have purchased a beautiful plant, then it will independently attract attention, please the eye. If it is combined with other specimens, then it may get lost and cease to be so attractive.


The presence of indoor plants in the interior fills it with harmony and comfort. You can admire the beauty of wildlife at home, regardless of the dominant style. Even a modern design with an emphasis on conciseness and functionality will sparkle with new colors due to the organic presence of indoor plants.

And it will not necessarily be an oasis full of flowering, it is enough to choose indoor plants with an original pattern on the leaves or a peculiar texture in the interior, and home comfort will settle even in an industrial loft.

The window sill and primitive pot as a means of planting houseplants are a thing of the past. Now the interior is decorated with vegetation of various shapes and sizes. Unexpected interior results can be achieved due to its original distribution in the room.

The role of indoor plants in the interior

The first thing that comes to mind when considering the role of indoor plants is school knowledge about the ability of flora to release oxygen while absorbing carbon dioxide. But landscaping the interior of a living space is as many-sided and multifunctional as limitless ideas. landscape design. Houseplants- this important tool to achieve the harmony of space. Consider the most significant functions of indoor green spaces.

original zoning

Separate areas of the interior can be distinguished different ways. In addition to the play of color and texture, the installation of sculptures and screens, signboards of paintings, indoor plants successfully cope with the role of delimiting space. For these purposes, either a single large plant or a large ensemble of small flowers located in a group, but at different levels, is used.

Examples of interior organization will help you decide on your own design:

Comment! When zoning, it is important to achieve an effect so that the vegetation does not look apart, but blends smoothly into the overall interior design.

To distinguish between zones, shade-tolerant indoor plants are usually used, which do not suffer from a lack of natural light. These include:

  • fern;
  • cissus;
  • ivy;
  • arrowroot;
  • balsam;
  • philodedron;
  • saintpaulia;
  • myrtle;
  • boxwood;
  • alfalfa begonia.

Photos of shade-loving indoor plants with names are presented below:

Wizards of the atmosphere

Green spaces can emphasize the purpose of a particular room, create a relaxing atmosphere in the bedroom or living room, and, conversely, help to concentrate in the office.

Large citrus fruits look original near the living room sofa, the combination of greenery and fruits will create an attractive design picture. The interior of the kitchen will sparkle with new colors with decorative peppers and herbs. Strict sansevieria will balance the atmosphere in working area, potted plant photo below:

For a child, easy-to-care flowers are suitable. The interior of the bedroom will be filled with a romantic atmosphere due to the presence of camellia (pictured below), blooming roses, saintpaulia.

Regardless of the location, when choosing vegetation, they are primarily guided by their own taste. The main thing that appearance greenery liked the inhabitants of the room.

Space adjustment

Greenery can not only fill the interior with the right atmosphere, but also correct the visual perception of the volume of the room. Depending on the use of massive large plantings or a group of small flowers, the space feels completely different.

Experienced comments of experts will be useful when decorating the interior:

  • Large leaves of a voluminous palm tree act overwhelmingly on the interior of the room. The accent plant needs a lot of space, so it looks organic in spacious rooms with high ceilings.
  • Indoor plants with climbing shoots in hanging pots are associated with a soaring cloud. They look advantageous in the interior of low rooms, raising the ceiling visually. But it is better to place them in the background.

Separate names of climbing indoor plants are shown in the photo:

  • When choosing green spaces, they take into account the light transmission and general decorativeness of the bush, its ability to make the space heavier or make it more airy.
  • Greenery successfully masks unsuccessful areas of the design. When empty wall or a massive table become uninteresting, they can be successfully beaten with one indoor flower or the whole composition.

Photos of indoor plants will give you the opportunity to enjoy an organic interior:

Bright accents

Another purpose of vegetation is to advantageously emphasize the desired interior detail. An expressive accent can be a green bush, a tree or an exotic and newfangled specimen. It should attract and attract the eyes of those present with an unusual silhouette, due to the expressive texture or bright color.

The best representatives of indoor plants that play an accent role are:

Attention! Beautiful flowering plants successfully replace live bouquets in the interior.

Flowering houseplants suitable for this purpose are shown in the following photo with names:

A coffee table, bar counter or other element of the interior will advantageously decorate:

Apart from the flowering plant, an interesting emphasis can be placed on the decor of the pot.

Photos of highly decorative indoor plants below:

The size, shape, and texture of greens are far from all factors that determine the choice. There are many nuances that should be taken into account to achieve a harmonious design of the room.

Focus on style

The stylistic solution of the interior is one of the vectors that are guided by when choosing vegetation. Consider suitable options combinations:

  • The Japanese style is invariably associated with bamboo and bonsai. A photo of a houseplant is striking in its unusual appearance.

  • Oriental style is accompanied by pachira, the photo of which is presented below, and orchids.
  • The vintage interior will be organically complemented by a room rose.
  • The atmosphere of the classics will be decorated with flowering specimens. Stucco planters can act as an additional decor. For these purposes, hydrangea, violet, begonia, ivy, chlorophytum are suitable.

  • Dracaena and Bengal ficus look great in the Mediterranean interior.
  • The English and French direction is combined with lush vegetation like cyclamen or camellias.

  • Modern minimalism is also not complete without greenery. Here it is important to observe the measure and limit yourself to two or three large specimens. Suitable yucca (pictured below), dracaena or nolina.
  • Compositions of succulents are a suitable solution for strict high-tech.

  • In fusion style, bright houseplants are welcome, which are characterized by unusual shape. Croton, sheffler or arrowroot will become worthy elements of the interior.
  • Monstera, philodendron, voluminous ficus and palm tree are a good solution for colonial-style furnishings.

The proposed photos with the names of indoor plants will help you make the right choice for decorating your own interior.

The degree of illumination is an important factor in the choice of vegetation

The style of the room affects the choice of green spaces, but it is equally important to take into account the degree of illumination of the room, the interior of which is planned to be decorated with flowers.

Comment! In order for plants to reveal their beauty to the fullest, it is important to create optimal conditions for their growth and provide competent care.

The interior of a north-facing room, where there is a problem of insufficient natural light, is recommended to be decorated with shade-loving indoor plants. These include:

A well-lit interior of a room with south-facing windows can be decorated with:

  • haworthia;
  • aloe;
  • camellia japonica;
  • sambac;
  • prickly pear.

The space overlooking the east is decorated with the following indoor plants:

The east side forms the most optimal atmosphere for growing indoor plants.

The following specimens will decorate the interior of the room with a view to the west:

  • sansevieria;
  • date palm;
  • begonia;
  • asparagus;
  • gasteria;
  • eucalyptus;
  • jasmine.

The following photos will help you enjoy the beauty of the interior with numerous plants:

We take into account the functionality of the room

The purpose of the room also plays a role in the choice of indoor vegetation. For a spacious living room, ampelous views and large outdoor specimens are suitable. Sometimes one lush ficus or palm tree is enough for the interior. Small-leaved types of room greens are more suitable for the interior of the dining room. Spathiphyllum, hibiscus or Gusmania will bring a touch of wildlife into the atmosphere, and the process of eating will become even more pleasant.

Advice! For the bedroom, vegetation is selected that actively releases oxygen at night.

The hall and office are decorated with shade-loving indoor plants.

Whether to put flowers in the nursery, each parent determines independently, it depends on the age of the child and his physical activity. In any case, it is preferable to decorate the interior with unpretentious species without thorns that do not emit toxic substances.

The kitchen area can play a cruel joke on houseplant lovers. Often it upsets the owners of its small size. The spacious interior will only benefit from the presence of living greenery. But the specific atmosphere of the room requires a special approach when choosing plantings. Only those specimens that are able to withstand temperature extremes and high humidity. The photo below shows examples of indoor plants with names that successfully acclimatize in the kitchen:

In addition to the species presented above, all kinds of seasonings are planted in pots in the form of basil, mint, dill and parsley.

Installation methods

Even when using the same indoor plants, the interior looks different, depending on how they are placed. The window sill is far from the only place for living vegetation.

Designers offer to use several ways of interior design at once:

  • Nobody canceled the tradition of planting flowers in table or floor containers.
  • Ampel houseplants look organically in hanging planters.
  • Containers are used for the simultaneous planting of several small bushes.
  • Floor stands of various configurations look incredibly elegant. Here they experiment not only with flowers and pots, but also with the material used to make the structure. For some interiors, wooden products are favorably suited; a forged stand for indoor plants will become an exquisite design element.
  • As zoning in the interiors, vertical panels are actively used, which are braided with creeping plants.
  • Florariums or aquariums with miniature compositions of indoor plants look elegant and unusual in the interior.
  • Multi-level containers help lovers of living greenery in rooms with limited space.

Photo examples of interior design with indoor plants indicate a variety of ideas for decorating space:

Applications in interior design

To make your stay in the room as comfortable as possible, it is important to choose indoor plants that correspond to the ongoing activity. The bedroom needs a neutral environment; in the office, it is important to focus. The interior of the living room can be dynamic or calm, it all depends on the vital activity of the inhabitants of the room.

Living room

The living room space is optimally suited for active gardening. Preference is given to bright or large indoor plants. Description certain types will help you make a choice:

  • Zamioculcas, despite its African roots, will bring a European atmosphere to the interior of the living room. Counts ideal option as accent landscaping.

  • Vriesia really looks like a burning sword due to its extraordinary bright spike-shaped inflorescences. When installing a houseplant in a well-lit area, it will create the desired effect of a bright accent in the interior.

  • Anthurium is one of the shade-tolerant plants and will feel good even in the back of the living room. In addition to live indoor flowers, artificial specimens of this unusual plant can decorate the interior.

  • Decorative ficus foliage attracts attention throughout the year, even without bright flowering. In addition to being highly decorative, the flower is valued for its ability to release biologically active components that have bactericidal properties.

  • It will enliven the interior of the monstera living room, the large leaves of which immerse those present in the atmosphere of hot Africa. The droplets that appear on the leaves during the rain are really capable of bewitching others. Among the useful qualities, the ability of a houseplant to release ozone and oxygen, as well as eliminate headaches, is noted.

  • You can endlessly contemplate the exotic beauty of blooming orchids in the interior. Houseplants long time is at the peak of popularity and is not going to leave the podium.

  • Another blooming handsome man is hippeastrum. fashion trend on the design of space with exotic indoor flowers is gaining momentum like a snowball.
  • The minimalism of the living room will be emphasized by a noble yucca with a powerful tree-like stem.

Comment! A spacious living room is the most suitable place for outdoor planting in large containers. The rest of the premises are much less suitable for such landscaping.


The requirements for choosing indoor plants in the interior of the kitchen are the most stringent. The reason is the special climate of the room. The following vegetation will feel good:

  • asparagus;
  • aloe;
  • chlorophytum;
  • Cactus;
  • fat woman;
  • sansevieria;
  • aspidistra;
  • philodendron;
  • epipremnum.

The photo of the epipremnum, from which the panel is decorated, is striking in its spectacularity.


A large number of indoor plants in the interior of the bedroom should be avoided. The reason is that most species consume the oxygen necessary for humans at night. But there are exceptions - aloe and Kalanchoe. The activity of these specimens, on the contrary, is aimed at the production of life-giving oxygen in the dark. An added bonus is the healing properties of unassuming houseplants. The juice of fleshy leaves has a healing effect, various extracts increase the protective functions of the body.

If you want to decorate the interior of the bedroom with more decorative indoor plants, fit:

  • camellia, which is able to please flowering for 2 months;

  • echmea;

  • clivia;

  • stephanostis;
  • gardenia.

Photos of indoor flowers under the names will give an idea of ​​the beauty of the proposed species. But you should be prepared for competent care and the creation of appropriate conditions for flowers.


The need for the presence of indoor flowers in the interior of the nursery, everyone decides on their own. With a positive outcome, specimens are selected that have a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state of the child. For this purpose, it is worth paying attention to the following types of indoor plants:

  • fern and maidenhair. They are believed to have calming properties.
  • Crassula and cyclamen contribute to the development of diligence and creativity.
  • Violets and saline improve mood and eliminate depressive states.
  • Dracaena and saintpaulia humidify the air, so the ionizer in the interior of the room with these indoor plants is no longer needed.

The presence of cacti and monstera in the interior of a nursery is undesirable for various reasons. The activity of the child can provoke injections from contact with a prickly cactus, and monstera is considered a poisonous plant.

Advice! To place a nursery, two or three copies of compact indoor flowers are enough.


Insufficient illumination of the hallway forces you to look at shade-tolerant indoor plants. The interior can decorate:

  • Sansevieria, which is organic in any room. The hardiness of the "pike tail" allows you to grow it on the windowsill of the kitchen and in a poorly lit hallway.

  • Aspidistra, the modest beauty of the plant will successfully fit into the interior of the entrance area. If you want to increase the decorative effect of a houseplant, you can pick up an original pot.

  • Ferns, among the variety of indoor greenery, there are specimens that are not demanding on good light. The graceful form of vegetation will become a worthy decoration of the interior of the hallway.

  • Monstera. The plant looks attractive both in a single form and in a composition with small-leaved philodendron and saxifrage.

If the interior of the hallway is most often in the dark, it is better to choose artificial analogues of the above indoor plants, especially since the modern industry has learned to produce decor at a decent level. They look no worse, but the problems with care will completely disappear.


The presented indoor plants with photos and names amaze with a variety of forms. If you want to decorate the interior with specimens that are demanding on the amount of light, you can organize the backlight. This will become an additional element of interior decor and create suitable development conditions for the plants you like.


It is difficult to find such a house or apartment where there is not a single houseplant. For many centuries, people have been decorating their homes with plants, growing both single specimens and entire greenhouses, and many owners country houses build big winter gardens filled with flowers from all over the world.

There is no mystery in such love of people for the corners of wildlife. Plants are not only stunningly beautiful, they are also beneficial to human health. They purify the air, produce oxygen,. Plants also have a positive effect on mental health, calm and give a feeling of joy.

But in order to fully enjoy the beauty of wildlife in your home, you need to create a harmonious combination of plants and interior. There are many nuances here, which we will consider in this article.

Types of landscaping

First of all, you need to understand what types of landscaping can be created in an apartment or house. In general, there are only two of them:

  • horizontal
  • vertical

Horizontal gardening in the interior- this is the usual placement of plants on horizontal surfaces: window sills, shelves, tables.

This is a traditional way of arranging flowers familiar to everyone. The undoubted advantage of this method of placing plants in the interior is its simplicity: no special devices are needed, you can use the furniture and decor elements that are already in the apartment.

The traditional way of arranging plants

At the moment, in addition to the traditional options for arranging colors, designers offer and unusual ways landscaping, such as furniture with built-in planters. This placement of greenery in the house looks original and can bring a fresh stream to any interior.

Furniture decorated with plants

Certainly there are downsides. So, for example, when arranging plants on horizontal surfaces of furniture, too much usable area is used, which can be used for other purposes. In addition, the accumulation of bowls with flowers on tables and window sills clutters up the room and deprives it of visual purity.

In order not to clutter up horizontal surfaces and visually clear the space, you can use the following method of arranging plants.

Vertical gardening in the interior- this is the placement of house plants on special vertical devices (hanging planters, racks and supports for flowers) and vertical structures of the house (walls).

Vertical gardening allows you to completely unload horizontal surfaces, and structures for vertical placement of plants are often an ornament and highlight of the interior in themselves. There are many options for free-standing planters that can organically fit into almost any interior. Wooden, metal (forged) flowerpots, flowerpots, wicker from a rod are very popular. There are options both for one plant and for the whole group, which is very convenient if the size of the room is not large.

Examples of vertical gardening

One of the modern trends in interior gardening has become the placement of plants on the walls of the room, the so-called phytowall or green wall. The design of the phytowall is a wire frame filled with a substrate. The frame is attached directly to the wall, after which plants are planted on its entire surface. Planted plants are watered automatically using drip irrigation. Phytowall is pretty complex structure requiring both careful design and reliable technical solutions and inapplicable under conditions small apartments, but perfectly suitable as a landscaping option for offices, public spaces, large mansions.

Vertical gardening in public spaces

In more cramped conditions, a phyto-picture will help to decorate the interior - a smaller version of a phyto-wall, applicable in almost any room.

Vertical gardening in residential areas

The disadvantages of vertical gardening include a rather complicated installation of structures (phytowalls, phyto-pictures) and additional cash costs.

[!] The best solution for the interior there will be a combination of horizontal and vertical gardening, depending on the size of the room, the furniture placed in it, the number of windows and other factors.

Selection of plants for different types of premises

The right choice of plants for the interior depends on the characteristics of the room being decorated, such as:

  • functional purpose
  • dimensions
  • temperature regime
  • illumination

Plants are present both in the interiors of public spaces (offices, shops), and, of course, residential ones.

Selection of plants for the interior of a public space

The most basic criterion for choosing landscaping for offices (shops, restaurants, cafes, and so on) is the unpretentiousness of plants. It's no secret that public spaces lack proper care for green spaces: working people usually don't have time to take full care of flowers. In addition, often, for a long time, plants in offices are left completely unattended, for example, during the holiday period. Therefore, it is recommended to decorate public premises only with those plants that can easily withstand Spartan conditions of detention: changes in temperature and humidity, prolonged lack of watering, lack of top dressing.

What are the specific undemanding plants can you recommend for cultivation in office buildings? Here is just an incomplete list: sansevieria (mother-in-law's tongue), chlorophytum, aspidistra, zamiokulkas ( dollar tree), monstera, dieffenbachia. These are quite spectacular plants and, at the same time, able to be content with little.

Plants in the public interior

Selection of plants for a residential interior

One of the factors in choosing plants for a house or apartment is the functional purpose of the green space (living room, bedroom, kitchen, and so on). Let's take a closer look at the landscaping of each room.

Selection of plants for the hall, hallway

The main problem of almost all halls is insufficient illumination of the room and drafts, while the dimensions of the room are usually quite large. Large enough plants, such as anubias, aglaonema, various ferns, monstera, are best suited for the interior of the hall.

Plants in the lobby

Selection of plants for the living room

The living room is usually the largest and bright room in the house, so the choice of plant for the living room is almost unlimited. You can arrange green islands in the living room using existing furniture and window sills, or by creating flower arrangements on free-standing planters.

In the living room, you can place fairly large plants that are not suitable for other rooms in size, such as dracaena, ficus, monstera, and various palm trees. Small flowers can be combined into groups, thus forming green areas. Climbing plants located in hanging planters (ivy, tradescantia, zebrina, philodendron) will also be appropriate.

If the living room is not at the same time a bedroom, you can place strongly smelling, fragrant plants. A pleasant floral smell will be just right in the common room of the house.

In general, a fairly spacious and well-lit living room gives the amateur florist the widest possibilities for landscaping.

Plants in the living room

Selection of plants for the bedroom

The bedroom usually becomes a small room, often having only one window. Therefore, small-sized plants that adapt well to low light conditions are best suited for the bedroom. Such, for example, as saintpaulia (violet), clivia, begonia, ivy, nephrolepsis and others.

The room in which we sleep should be filled with fresh air. To maintain a comfortable microclimate in the bedroom, you can place plants that purify the air and release phytoncides - aglaonema, tradescantia, spathiphyllum, dendrobium orchid. At the same time, for placement in the bedroom, it is necessary to select plants that do not emit strong aromas that provoke insomnia or headaches.

Plants in the bedroom

Selection of plants for the kitchen

When choosing plants for the kitchen, it is necessary to take into account such factors as high humidity, drafts, temperature changes, various smells. Capricious and exotic plants, unnecessarily demanding on the conditions of detention, are not suitable for the kitchen. More unpretentious species that can withstand various climatic conditions are a great option for placement in the kitchen. It can be plants such as balsam, arrowroot, cyclamen, geranium, Kalanchoe, begonia.

For location in the kitchen, home plants that can bear fruit are perfect ( a coffee tree, different kinds citrus fruits, decorative pepper). Growing fruit plants can not only decorate the room, but also bring quite practical benefits.

Plants in the interior of the kitchen

Selection of plants for the bathroom

Plants in the bathroom

If you are the proud owner of a bathroom with a window, you can grow flowers in this room as well. Plants that prefer high humidity will be appropriate - cyperus, maidenhair, vriesia, various orchids, ferns and many others.

[!] When choosing plants for each of the rooms of a house or apartment, be guided primarily by the microclimate of the room (average temperature, air humidity), lighting conditions and the size of the room.

Plants in interior styles

Classic style characterized primarily by traditional interior solutions: more rigorous (classicism, antique style) or artsy (modern, baroque, rococo, empire). The classic interior is chosen by those who like luxury, solidity and respectability. Interiors in classical style replete with a wealth of details, but the color scheme, on the contrary, is distinguished by restraint.

For a classic interior, it is necessary to select traditional house plants, which are distinguished by lush foliage and magnificent flowering. Of the decorative leafy plants, various ficuses, monstera, hibiscus, oleander are best suited. As for the beautifully flowering specimens, azaleas, camellias, begonias and cyclamens will fit into the classic interior most appropriately.

Landscaping of a classic interior

Hi-tech, minimalism- a common name that combines many modern interior styles (constructivism, pop art, and others). The main features of newfangled interiors, in contrast to the classics, are clean lines, a minimum of details, high functionality and simplicity. Color options, at the same time, can be very different - both bright and contrasting, and rather restrained.

Often, plants are not included in minimalist interiors, but this can hardly be called the right decision - landscaping is appropriate in any interior, regardless of style. Original and exotic representatives of the kingdom of Flora, such as orchid, arrowroot, zamiokulkas, will perfectly harmonize with modern interiors. Do not overload the high-tech room with an excessive amount of greenery; one or two plants will be enough.

Plants in high-tech interior

Country, rustic, provence, mediterranean are interior styles characteristic features which are environmental friendliness, naturalness, simplicity and even some provinciality. The decoration is usually modest, not pretentious, and the color scheme is mostly light.

Home plants are the best fit for these styles, emphasizing the naturalness and naturalness of the interior. At the same time, you can not be limited to a small number of plants, it would be appropriate to arrange a large number of flowers.

The most harmonious for the country interior will be traditional, one might say old-fashioned, plants, such as geraniums, violets, balsams and begonias. From krupnomerov can advise hibiscus or ficus. Ampelous (creeping) plants will also look good.

Interior landscaping in Provence style

Japanese (Chinese style) style came into fashion not so long ago, but has already managed to gain popularity in our latitudes. Especially often in Japanese style the interiors of cafes and other public spaces are being carried out. This style is characterized by a combination of Southeast Asian traditions and minimalism. Free space with a small amount of furniture, wood trim and mats, discreet design - these are the main features of the Japanese style in the interior. Basically, natural colors are used, beige, brown, gray, sometimes a slight interspersing of bright accents is possible.

The main advice that can be given when choosing plants for a Japanese-style interior is not to overdo it. In the East, it is customary to admire the beauty of one flower, therefore, dense green thickets will not fit the Japanese interior at all. Arrange one or two orchids, azalea or indoor chrysanthemum - this will be enough. As well as possible, bonsai plants will fit into the Japanese interior. In this case, you can use not classic miniature trees, the cultivation of which is a very difficult process, but ordinary indoor flowers (shefflera, gardenia, euonymus, bokarney), formed in the bonsai style. Succulents, known for their sophistication and discreet beauty (aeonium, lithops, nolina, crassula, agave), will also fit in perfectly.

Japanese interior and plants

Planter selection

It should be noted that the interior of the room is decorated not only by the plant itself, but also by the dishes in which it is planted. Now there are many options for bowls and planters, suitable in style for any interior. A few tips for choosing a container for a plant:

  • If the monetary component does not matter, choose dishes for plants from natural materials. Ceramic bowls have a much more attractive appearance compared to plastic ones, and in addition, ceramics are much more useful for the root system than plastic.
  • In case your plants are already planted in ugly containers, but you are not planning a transplant yet, use decorative planters. Such planters can be made from the most different materials, such as wood, vine, metal, so it will not be difficult for you to choose the option that suits your interior.

Indoor flowers add color to our lives, create mood and home comfort. They can be of great benefit to their owners. Therefore, you need to choose them correctly, since certain types not only enliven the room, but also improve well-being, warm in the cold and simply delight the eye.

Useful properties of house plants

Here are the main ones:

  • Poorly ventilated rooms accumulate carbon dioxide. Flowers absorb it and saturate the air with oxygen.
  • Medicinal plant species treat cuts, burns, colds and other ailments.
  • In winter, the air in the room becomes dry due to the operation of the heating system, which affects the condition of the skin and well-being. Flowers help humidify the air.
  • We are surrounded by objects that can release toxic substances. The city air contains a lot of dust, exhaust gases, heavy metals from factories and enterprises. Plants purify the air, kill microbes with their phytoncides and absorb harmful impurities.
  • Popular beliefs endow indoor flowers with the properties to bring happiness, harmony, tranquility, etc. We have included in our review some plants that, according to signs, are useful for their owners.

Indoor plants: choose for yourself and loved ones


This is a well-known home doctor. It will help with colds, inflammation, is able to stop bleeding and heals wounds. Its juice is used to treat sore throat, heartburn, gastritis, gum inflammation and other diseases. It is often used for cosmetic purposes.


It is also very useful to keep in the house. This is a bushy plant with thin and bending leaves that have light stripes. It will help get rid of moldy fungi and pathogenic bacteria, purify the air from those present in it. harmful substances. Chlorophytum will bring peace and comfort to the house.


Great for growing in a pot on a windowsill. It improves appetite and stimulates the digestive process. Its leaves are good to use as a seasoning for various dishes and make tea with them.


many favorite plant fits perfectly into the interior of the kitchen and does not take up much space. Violet will clean and humidify the air from carbon monoxide. This flower is a symbol of peace and tranquility in family relationships. It is believed that white flowers help to get rid of sadness, fatigue and depression. Blue violets are suitable for creative people. They give peace, stimulate spiritual growth and strengthen character. Flowers red and Pink colour cheer up and are able to protect their owner from diseases.


It does an excellent job of collecting dust that settles on its leathery leaves. They are very easy to wash or wipe with a damp cloth. Ficus will saturate the room with oxygen, cleanse the air of unpleasant odors. It improves family relationships, calms and relieves anxious thoughts.


A beautiful liana, for example, scindapsus looks good in a hanging planter. It has green heart-shaped leaves with yellowish spots. It is unpretentious and perfectly cleans the air. Scindapsus transforms lazy energy into activity. It can be placed in the kitchen.

wax ivy

It is a climbing flower with hard oval leaves. It has white, pink or red inflorescences-umbrellas. The plant neutralizes negative energy in the house, protects the owner from troubles and purifies the air of germs.


Lush curly geranium has many healing properties. It scares away moths and evil spirits, relieves irritability, normalizes sleep and fights pathogenic bacteria. Her mere presence in the house attracts good luck and fulfillment of desires. The aroma of these flowers relaxes and relieves headaches. If the plant wilts, then it is believed that one of the household members may get sick.

fat girl

This plant can be squat or tall, with a thick stem. It is often called the money tree. The fat woman has small dark green leaves, which are located on the branches in a symmetrical manner. They are like small coins. Therefore, it is believed that a fat woman is able to attract material wealth into the house.

Sansevieria (mother-in-law's tongue)

Quite a tall plant with massive elongated leaves. They are monochromatic and have a dark green color. They also have light stripes in the middle or white spots. The flower improves family relationships and brings harmony. Its leaves are antiseptics, which is why they are widely used in traditional medicine. Sansevieria juice is used to heal wounds, and the plant is also able to stop the blood.


This bushy plant has a purple color. Its leaves resemble a flock of butterflies. During flowering, small white flowers-umbrellas appear on it. Branches of a flower can intertwine with each other. Oxalis leaves can be used in cooking, for example, added to salads. They taste like sorrel. The plant improves intuition, sharpens the senses. It can be held by those who wish to meet a soul mate and attract attention.

Cactus (Echinopsis)

It has a spherical slightly elongated shape. Its ribbed body is covered with small needles. If the cactus is well cared for, it will bloom towards the end of spring. And every year a shaggy soft arrow will appear on it, from which a bud with a wonderful aroma will then open. It will bloom up to 3 days. The cactus is placed near the TV or computer and in other places with dangerous radiation.


All citrus fruits calm the nervous system and relieve stress. The tree can be grown from a lemon or tangerine seed. Leaves, as well as fruits, are capable of exerting useful action. Plants secrete essential oils that help to calm, relieve stress and fatigue, ensure healthy and sound sleep.

myrtle or eucalyptus

These plants are perfect for the bedroom. Their leaves secrete substances that facilitate breathing and relieve bronchial spasms. It is very beneficial for people suffering from asthma and respiratory diseases.

It is customary to give myrtle to newlyweds, as it is a symbol of a long and happy family relationship. It must be carefully looked after so that the plant does not die and does not take well-being with it.


Thanks to her, the room will be filled with the freshness of a coniferous forest. This is a miniature pyramidal tree with soft needles. The plant perfectly cleans the air.


Many flowers, according to signs, bring harmony and love to the house. For example, spathiphyllum is a symbol female happiness. He helps the girl in search of her soulmate and maintains the relationship of a married woman.


This is a small 30 cm plant with heart-shaped leaves that will make its owner happy and bring her good luck in love.

dwarf pomegranate

It is believed that its fruits are able to strengthen marital relations if the husband and wife try them together.


It is recommended to put red flowers in the bedroom. They bring harmony and mutual feelings into the life of a married couple. Anthurium has glossy dark green heart-shaped leaves. It is believed that this flower will bring good luck to its male owner. Anthurium - a symbol of courage, male power, passion, desire for freedom and love.


It has long leaves and single folded flowers. She protects the house and generates joy and goodness, and also transforms negative energy into positive.


Red camellia will help to refresh the relationship. Her inflorescences look like peonies. The plant brings success in creativity and career.


It has small inflorescences of different colors. This is a real home doctor. The flower heals cuts, treats colds, regenerates the skin, relieves stomach ulcers and even varicose veins veins.


Houseplant with dark matte leaves, in which there are white blotches. Cyclamen inflorescences resemble butterflies, their shade can be different. Most often, one shade smoothly transitions into another. Flowers have a strong energy. They help to get rid of fears, depression, bad dreams.


This is a flower with large oval leaves, on which a corrugated pattern is applied. During flowering, small white or yellow flowers appear. The flower cleans the air well and absorbs negative energy. Signs say that Calathea creates a peaceful atmosphere in the family.

Plant and grow plants and flowers at home, and the atmosphere around you will be filled with positive energy and pleasant aromas!

Green representatives of the flora are able to bring freshness and lightness into the atmosphere of the room. Plants in the interior look natural, moisturize, purify the air in the apartment, bring a piece of nature into the house. Indoor flowers can decorate any room, the main thing is to choose the right specimens and arrange flowerpots.

Indoor plants in the interior of the house

A green oasis in the house creates a special aura. The role of indoor plants in the interior is determined by three functions:

  • they saturate the air with oxygen;
  • fill the room with aesthetics;
  • bring naturalness into the room.

Designers use indoor plants as a decorative element, they can be used as a tool for dividing rooms. Flower shops offer a variety of plants and accessories. The main thing is to create a floral design correctly - to compose compositions, pick up single, group, large, small, green or flowering specimens. For each room, certain varieties are suitable.

Plants in the interior of the living room

Hall - a spacious room and is designed to receive people. It is appropriate to purchase outdoor large broad-leaved or lush varieties in beautiful tubs. Shade-loving flowers are chosen for distant corners, and light-loving ones grow near the windows. Small specimens are placed on elegant stands, climbing varieties can be placed in hanging baskets. Decorative artificial plants for the interior are used anywhere in the room, regardless of the conditions of their maintenance.

You can create compositions from different living plants in the interior, arranged in a row, they can replace a partition and delimit functional areas. IN modern design actual single large plants installed in the middle of the wall or in the corner. They create a fresh accent in the room. For this, a sprawling fern, palm tree, dracaena, trees with interesting shapes are suitable.

Bedroom interior with plants

When choosing indoor flowers that will be installed in the sleeping area, you need to refrain from varieties with strong odors - they excite the nervous system. If the size of the room allows, floor displays from large or medium-sized specimens can be used in the bedroom. Flower pots on the bedside table, windowsill will look harmonious.

Interior decoration with indoor plants should help create a positive atmosphere in the room during sleep. and - are great for placement in the bedroom, saturate the air with oxygen, create an excellent microclimate and heal the body. But ferns are not recommended for the sleep zone - they emit carbon dioxide at night.

Plants in the interior of the kitchen

The dining area is a favorable place for fresh flowers, it has a sufficient amount of humidity and light. Indoor plants in the interior of the kitchen are often placed on the windowsill; for this, light-loving low varieties are selected. Curly greens placed in pots on the walls, refrigerator, cabinets can hang down beautifully, filling the room with freshness, creating an attractive natural oasis. It is actual to grow lemons, oranges, coffee, tea trees in the kitchen. A small planter with green grass or a blooming azalea can be placed on a dining table or bar counter.

Plant design in the interior of the hallway

From the corridor begins the idea of ​​​​a dwelling. Unpretentious and hardy house plants in the interior of the apartment will easily take root in the hallway. Broad-leaved or sansevier ( pike tail) will withstand partial shade in the corridor. If there is enough space in the hallway, then lush varieties are used for decoration, for example, some ferns. With a lack of space, small ivy placed on shelves or stands is relevant, they will change the atmosphere of the corridor beyond recognition.

Interior decoration with plants

Green flora ennobles the design of the room, brings notes of naturalness into it. Placement of plants in the interior of the apartment is made taking into account several factors - the background of the walls, the illumination of the site, the dimensions of the room. To create a composition, floor vases, wall planters, stands for a group of pots, shelves, pendants to the ceiling are used. Mounting on a window sill is the most common way. Plants differ in leaf size, growth method (drooping or tall), flowering options. The choice of varieties to create a beautiful oasis depends on this.

Climbing plants in the interior

Green hanging branches can create a luxurious natural carpet in the room. With their help, you can decorate a corner, decorate an empty wall, use it for zoning a room. Even single plants in the interior look spectacular due to their splendor. The most popular climbing varieties include indoor grapes, ivy, scindapsus, creeping ficus, bluebell, jasmine.

Climbing plants in the interior can beautifully braid stands, supports, have an interesting shape and shades of leaves, some delight with bright flowers. Most of these varieties are unpretentious, hardy, not demanding on the mode of lighting and watering. With their help, it is easy to create bright compositions and beautiful patterns on the walls, in hanging planters or pots using coasters.

Large plants in the interior

Turning a room into a colorful greenhouse is easy with large potted plants. Large decorative plants for the interior - ficus with fleshy leaves, various palm trees, boxwood, yucca, dracaena. Oranges are popular lemon trees, wild Rose, dieffenbachia. Flower growers can give indoor boxwood an original shape due to a special haircut.

Benjamin's ficus looks interesting, the trunks of which can be braided or spiraled, a banana that blooms for many months. Fashionable novelties - coffee tree or olive, kumquat with bright orange fruits. They are located in floor planters near the windows, in the corners of the room, near the sofa or coffee table. You can create original oases by making an ensemble of several pots of different sizes.

Compositions of indoor plants in the interior

Each flower needs a beautiful presentation, to present it in a favorable light, to find a place in the house where it looks beautiful and grows best. Modern phytodesign is used to create stylish compositions, plants in the interior are combined in one or more pots to create an oasis that is especially expressive.

You can decorate the room with a tall single flower, the bottom of the trunk in a floor vase is planted with moss or climbing green varieties. Several potted flowers can be placed on the windowsill or floor. Within the group there should be a large specimen with a dense crown, medium varieties should be grouped around it in longline order. Among low plants, flowering options should be present. To create a stylish oasis, no more than five planters are used.

Fans can create a vibrant composition using exotic beauties collected in an inflorescence and undersized coral pentas with a simple flowering or ordinary green ivy, from the thickets of which oriental buds on tall stems will beautifully grow. Even a few violets planted in flat planters, complemented by a small sculpture, make up an unexpected exposition.

Modern novelties of flower growers - florariums. They are transparent vessels in which heat-loving plants grow. tropical plants They don't need to spend a lot of time. The trendy trend in phytodesign is rutarium. A variety of roots, stumps, tree branches are used as a basis for installing pots with flowering varieties in niches hollowed out in them. The composition has a bizarre shape and looks natural.

Artificial plants for the interior

Decorative products that look no different from real flowers are popular for decorating room design. artificial plants in modern interior apply anywhere. They do not suffer from a lack of light, they do not need care, feeding, transplanting, they will not die from the presence of powerful illumination or lack of moisture. Artificial products amaze with their identity with the original - lush creepers, ferns, bamboo, bonsai or lemon trees, jasmine bushes, rice straws can decorate the most sophisticated design.

Plants in the interior are unique pieces of nature that harmoniously complement and enliven the home. The procedure for buying flowers must be carefully planned - do not fill the rooms with all kinds of pots in large quantities, but purchase several beautiful specimens, arrange them correctly and provide proper care. Then attractive greenery and bright flowers will ennoble the interior and will please the hosts and guests for a long time with juicy foliage, bright buds and clean air.