The leaves of the palm tree turn yellow what to do. Why does the palm tree turn yellow

In 1943, by decision of the Soviet government, Suvorov schools were created, "like pre-revolutionary cadet corps". Their creation was one of the measures to restore the national economy and carried mainly social function- the device of orphans, children of the Red Army, Red Navy, partisans.

Children were accepted from the age of 10-11, the training period was seven years. In 1956, the requirement to admit mainly orphans to SVU was removed, the period of study was significantly reduced, and for more than half a century (from 1956 to 2008) it was two to three years. In those years, 15-year-old boys entered the SVU, who already understood enough about life and it was problematic to “hang noodles on their ears”. As a result, 30-40% of SVU graduates did not connect their fate with military service (data for 2008).

When it became obvious that the SVU in its former form had become obsolete, and the issue of reforming cadet education began to be actively condemned. The proposals were different. In 2008, under the mute of the military reform A.E. Serdyukov and his family made an attempt to maximally demilitarize training in the SVU and transfer all this restless economy from the Ministry of Defense to the Ministry of Education. But then the public, represented by the retired generals, became actively indignant: letters to the President, requests to the State Duma, public hearings - in general, the favorite pastimes of people who have no personal life.

The public has been heard. Realizing that in Russian society this form of education is in great demand and prestigious, the Russian Ministry of Defense began to act in accordance with the principle "if the process cannot be stopped, it must be led." And now "presidential cadet schools" are being created and new ones are opened every year. Also, the Ministry of Defense returned to its structure a number of regional general educational institutions (Aksai Cossack and Omsk cadet corps, the North Caucasian SVU).

Now the Russian Ministry of Defense has 22 general educational institutions (Suvorov schools, cadet corps, presidential cadet schools), in which 12.7 thousand students study. This is more than in the days of the USSR, whose army was three times larger than the Russian Army. The term of study was extended to seven years. Six more IEDs are in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, one cadet corps is in the system of the FSB of Russia.

In 2008-2012, there was practically no competition in the SVU, since only children of military and civilian personnel were accepted, and only the Russian Ministry of Defense. At the same time, the Ministry of Defense positioned the Suvorov schools as constituent part social package for military personnel serving in remote regions.

In 2013, “at the request of the workers”, the reception of all comers was opened, and the pendulum swung the other way: 73% of the residents of Moscow and the Moscow region study at the junior courses of the Moscow SVU. A similar picture is in the St. Petersburg SVU: two thirds of the candidates are from St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region.

Parents by hook or by crook try to arrange their children - and so that they receive an education, and that they are accustomed to discipline, and that they do not fall under a bad influence. A small part of incorrigible romantics dreams that the son will follow in the footsteps of his father and continue the officer dynasty.

The competition is high, 3-5 people per place. Examinations, psychological testing, and a medical board to a large extent make it possible to select talented guys who will study well, successfully graduate from the SVU and enter military universities. For example, in 2013, the average score for completing the 4th grade among the children who entered the Moscow SVU was not lower than 4.5.

As a result, children enter whose parents were able to prepare them for admission - either because they regularly study with them, or because of their high income. But the paradox is that these guys, in principle, do not need such institutions - in their families they would receive both a better education and a more versatile cultural development.

And the saddest thing is that those categories of the population for which IEDs were created in 1943 cannot enter them under current conditions: the state of health, education level and psychological readiness are most often insufficient to successfully pass the entrance tests.

Why does the Ministry of Defense need this?

“That’s how it is,” said the soldier, “but what will you ask me for this, old hag?” After all, it’s not for nothing that you try for me!

“I won’t take a penny from you,” the witch answered. “Just bring me an old tinderbox, my grandmother forgot it there when she went down there for the last time.

(G.H. Andersen)

“Our country needs talented, educated, caring people who can set strategic goals and achieve them. It is these skills that are instilled in our Suvorov, Nakhimov, cadets and pupils. Our pre-university institutions, no doubt, train the intellectual, creative and managerial elite of Russian society.”

(T.A. Fraltsova)

“Educational institutions of this kind are designed to provide a new approach to educating future defenders of the Motherland. Within the walls of cadet institutions, education is carried out in the spirit of devotion to the Fatherland, a system of moral and spiritual values ​​and a sense of duty, civic responsibility and a patriotic state outlook are being formed, which makes them the basis for the formation of the future Russian elite, not only military, but also civil.

Ministry of Defense Russian Federation it has to fulfill the tasks facing it in the field of national defense in a very difficult socio-demographic situation.

First, over the 15 years of the 21st century, the quality of life in Russia has changed more than in the second half of the 20th century. IT boom, tsunami social networks, globalization. The consumer society that has developed in Russia aggressively spreads, on the one hand, individualism, superiority over others, the desire to turn life into an endless series of pleasures and other similar “values”, on the other hand, fear of illness, old age, death. Under this, the entire system of total advertising is built, aimed at maximizing consumption growth and a virtual ban on more meaningful values.

The Brave New World provides children with many more educational and leisure opportunities than their parents ever had. Today's schoolchildren were born and live in a relatively prosperous period, when the economic condition of many Russian families has grown significantly. The mobility of the most active part of the population has increased, as a result of which the tourism and other entertainment industries are growing.

No matter how the representatives of the older generations grumble, today's young people are no worse than themselves at this age - they are just DIFFERENT. Many employers, especially in large cities, are concerned that young professionals prefer to tailor their work environment to fit their lives, rather than the other way around. They want more return from their work and greater participation in decision-making, prefer a "flexible" schedule, tend to change jobs frequently. They tend to strive for an informal style of communication, a comfortable psychological climate, a free schedule, and finally, an entertainment component in any activity.

They want to get the maximum of various impressions and pleasures from life. Instead of climbing a once-in-a-lifetime career path, many young people are looking to gain broader experience in multiple areas. They are much less ideological and, as a rule, refuse to do what they are not interested in. And if they don’t like something, they immediately leave it. In the last century, such inconstancy was condemned, perseverance and determination were considered a value, but today this is no longer the case.

It is very difficult to fit these sociological features into the framework of military service associated with hardships and hardships. In principle, according to all opinion polls in any country, only 14-15% of men are prone to military service, discipline, existence within a clear hierarchy, where there is a need to perform various boring, unpleasant and even dangerous duties, as well as unquestioningly follow any stupid orders. Strict restrictions on the right to travel abroad imposed on military personnel also repel the most educated and mobile part of the youth from replenishing the ranks of the officer corps.

Secondly, there was a deep polarization of Russian society in terms of property status, clearly pronounced poles of wealth and poverty were formed, which led to the alienation of a significant part of the population and the appearance in the mass consciousness of a negative attitude towards social norms, including in the sphere of the country's defense.

The media, apart from state propaganda designed for some half-wits, no less stupid advertising and serials for elderly housewives; filled with tired "scandals, intrigues, investigations": parties in Courchevel, yachts and villas on the Cote d'Azur; astronomical theft of governors and ministers; a tent on Okhotny Ryad, filled with show business stars, athletes and someone's mistresses; one minister of defense, as it turned out, “broke the army apart” ©, the other (more effective) did not serve in the army at all - he immediately became a general and hero of Russia; and other, other, other.

Being in such an information environment does not evoke any patriotic feelings. As a result, very few smart guys - graduates of strong metropolitan schools - want to become military men.

Thirdly, it is worth noting a noticeable deterioration in the health status and level of physical fitness of modern schoolchildren. Many guys hardly go anywhere, but spend a lot of time at their desk/computer/tablet. Two-thirds of children, adolescents and youth do not systematically physical culture and sports. Many develop hypodynamia. According to the Ministry of Health, now only one out of ten graduates has no complaints from doctors. Half have various functional deviations, more than a third have something chronic.

Some say that this school has such a detrimental effect: uncomfortable furniture, heavy briefcases, an unbearable study load. Others claim that even before teenagers were not completely healthy, it was just that then medicine was not so generous with diagnoses. The truth is somewhere in the middle. But as a result, half of the pre-conscription youth do not meet the requirements of the army service, including in terms of fulfilling the minimum standards for general physical training.

Fourth, Russia, along with all of Europe, is slipping into another "demographic pit." The groans of the highest military leaders on the topic “women let us down, comrades” have been heard for more than a decade.

And where can the Ministry of Defense take those healthy and intellectually developed young people who will make the defense of the gains of capitalism a matter of their lives, and will perform their military duty "courageously, skillfully, with dignity and honor, not sparing their blood and life itself"? There is no competition for military universities, especially those that require the USE in physics / chemistry, as well as flight and naval ones. Reasons: candidates for the exam do not gain the required passing score; do not pass for health reasons; do not fit into the standards for physical training; on psychological selection receive the IV group.

Exploiting the desire of parents to shift the upbringing of children at the most difficult, transitional age to state shoulders, the Ministry of Defense is trying to orient children at a very early age for military service. And the seven-year term of study, from the point of view of the Ministry of Defense, has undeniable advantages. Children are easier to educate, develop volitional qualities and form an active citizenship. Many personal values ​​are formed between the ages of 10 and 15. At this age, a person still perceives the way of life and the model of his behavior for granted and is not critical of them. During this period, a system of values ​​is formed with which a person lives all his life.

The conditions of study in a closed military educational institution are characterized by a clear regulation of the daily routine, schedule of classes and regular meals, which creates favorable prerequisites for maintaining and strengthening the health of pupils. Against the backdrop of negative trends in the state of health of students in general education schools, specialists of the Military Medical Academy, as a result of many years of observation, have noted a systematic improvement in the indicators of the functional state of the body in pupils of the SVU-KK: senior students have significantly higher values ​​of indicators of the function of external respiration, dynamometry, the functional state of the heart vascular system, and even mental performance compared to first-year students.

Psychological testing from the moment of entering the school until graduation reveals a clear tendency to stabilize pupils' self-esteem, an increase in self-criticism and self-criticism, adherence to principles and purposefulness, an increase in the levels of neuropsychic stability and adaptation of pupils to study and military service. At the same time, the same studies reveal in pupils of senior courses decrease in independence, responsibility and awareness of duty.

Why do parents need it?

How parents imagine the cadet education system can be seen from the following quotes from Internet correspondence. In personal communication, parents expressed similar opinions.

“My sister is going to send her son to the Suvorov School so that the peasant grows up and stuff like that. Well, I'm completely in favor of both hands in this case. Suvorov is still and independence, and good physical fitness, and the character will be masculine. The training of such schools turns an ordinary jerk into a real man. Imagine, they are trained so cool there, they can jump from a helicopter on the fly from a height of the second floor, and then run and shoot.

“As far as I can remember my father, he constantly“ quoted ”the Suvorov and Nakhimov schools. Well, he is a former military man, so he knows a lot about this. Said that even the weakest guys with knee-deep snot from these educational institutions come out as real tough men. There's a lot of training there! But again, within reason, without cruel bullying.”

“The highest overall level of training based on the results of training is shown by “Suvorov” and other cadets. They study according to the “old” patterns, they are allowed not to comply (more precisely, to neglect if necessary) the modern standards of the Ministry of Education and Science when determining subjects and “hours”. Why? Because there is a goal - to prepare potential officers with sufficient theoretical and practical knowledge. Those. Suvorov schools do not do business on children. They want results. If you look at their daily schedule, you will see that they always have 6 lessons a day, regardless of the student's age. As a result, we get physically and mentally healthy graduates, the general level of which a couple of orders of magnitude higher than the graduates of all lyceums and UVK. Accurate writing, competent oral and written speech, excellent knowledge of the history of the Fatherland, the highest average score in technical and mathematical sciences in Russia. Further (second foreign, Latin, jurisprudence) depends only on them and on their choice. But most importantly, they have a BASE. Schoolchildren from ordinary schools have only an unsystematic set of knowledge “on top”.

Parents of pupils believe that SVU-PKU-KK practically does not differ from a closed private school for boys, but unlike a private school, everything is free here:

  • children are under round-the-clock supervision and protection, and do not hang around the streets;
  • quality education, homework is monitored by a teacher;
  • free 5 meals a day;
  • physical training and sports (about 10 sports sections) - also free of charge;
  • children go on excursions and museums for free, study for free in 20 hobby groups, learn to dance for free, etc.;
  • the hope that a real stern peasant will be made out of a squishy man;
  • prestigious!

In general, why pay money for your son's education in a good school (especially if they are not enough to pay off loans), if you can do it in SVU-PKU-KK absolutely free of charge. In addition, many parents are not ready to ACTIVELY engage in raising children in their free time. According to the results of the Levada Center survey (August 2014), outdoor activities are the lot of the minority: only 8% of the survey participants regularly visit gyms and fitness centers, even fewer play volleyball, basketball, football; only 9% visit theaters and museums; only 6% go to courses, lectures or self-educate.

At the same time, 79% of Russians spend all their free time in front of the TV and watch, as a rule, the three main state TV channels. Exactly the same figures were cited by the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2008 in its study “The Low-Income and the Poor in Modern Russia”.

Children who are unnecessary to their own parents end up in Suvorov schools, who try to place them in " good hands» on state-owned bread. Many are even willing to pay extra for a place for a child, apparently believing that they are sending him to an elite educational institution that will make a real man out of him. In addition, for some parents, the opportunity to send their children to institutions of this kind is also a tribute to the traditions and rich history of educational institutions.

At the same time, schools remain barracks, the same closed systems as any military unit that lives by its own laws. Therefore, if a child is faced with a difficult, insoluble situation for him, he simply has nowhere to go - the command will not protect him, and his parents will listen, but still return him back.

(V.D. Melnikova, member of the Public

council under the Ministry of Defense of Russia)

Do children need it?

“I remembered the Kyiv [cadet] corps, with all its external discipline, heavy moral atmosphere and a kind of moral “nihilism”, the law of which “not caught - not a thief” meant almost the same as “everything is permitted”.[…] Far away from us was the tearful, sickly company commander, Colonel Matkovsky, completely immersed in the affairs of the arsenal. As for the educators, they were elderly bearded colonels, limited to company duties, attending evening classes and conducting drill exercises. All of them lived within the walls of the building, were multi-family and seemed to had nothing to do with the army, or in general with the outside world. […]

When, a few years later, on the fields of Manchuria, I puzzled over my head, trying to understand the true causes of our defeats, then among other illustrative examples of our military system, I invariably got the picture of the May parade on the Field of Mars - this evil mockery, this criminal self-deception and props that had nothing to do with the war».

(A.A. Ignatiev. "50 years in the ranks." M., Military Publishing House, 1986)

“How the education system is built in our prestigious regional cadet corps, where the local elite determines their offspring based on their future career growth. Teenagers live on full state support, eat hard and learn the basics of political loyalty. For more effective assimilation of educational material, the cadets are divided into fives (almost according to Dostoevsky), who fight among themselves for points, those who lag behind experience double pressure - from educators and their fellow students, who do not forgive weaknesses and shortcomings. The output is sterile system man, variety of Mameluke and Red Guard. What do you think – who needs such a managerial layer in Russia?”

As soon as the right of out-of-competition entry of SVU graduates into higher military educational institutions was canceled, the public immediately raised a howl - and for good reason. For the higher (“a cut above”, “10-15 points”, “two orders of magnitude”) the level of general education of pupils turned out to be a myth. Wishful thinking was given either by the heads of schools or by the parents of Suvorov students (mostly mothers), but the data of objective control indicate a very, very average level of education in SVU.

For example, in an interview with the newspaper "Tverskaya, 13" (No. 40 of 04/02/2015, p. 9), the head of the Moscow SVU, Major General of the Reserve Kasyanov A.M. declares: “According to the results of the Unified State Examination in the main disciplines taken into account when entering universities, college graduates are 10-15 points higher than the average all-Russian indicators”.

Imagine, 10-15 points higher! However, upon detailed analysis USE results in the Moscow SVU for 2014 (they are set out in the Self-Examination Act, which is available on the official website of the MsVVU in the section “Regulatory Documentation”), it turns out that Professor Kasyanov A.M. he is simply being cunning: in Russian, mathematics, physics, and social science, the scores of MSVU exceed the average Russian ones by only 1.5 - 3 points on a hundred-point scale. This is within the statistical error.

In terms of history, indeed, the score of the MSVU is 12.5 higher than the average Russian one, but in terms of foreign language- 10 points lower. In 2014, there were no 100-point students at the MsVVU, only one graduate scored 98 points (in Russian). In other subjects, the maximum score was 77. In 2014, there were no medal winners at MsVVU at all. In any district of any region of our vast Motherland, there are schools with much better results. For information, the Moscow SVU in 2014 was recognized as the best pre-university educational institution of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

The results of the Unified State Examination of the St. Petersburg SVU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in 2014 are also almost equal to the average Russian ones: mathematics - 40.2 points, Russian language - 61 points, social studies - 52.2. Of the 44 schools in the Kirovsky district of St. Petersburg, the SVU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is in 37th place. Those interested in data on other SVU-KK of St. Petersburg (there are six of them) are referred to the site, which provides comparative results of the USE.

And, as already mentioned, attempts to compare SVU with average Russian indicators are incorrect in principle. Competitive selection is carried out in SVU-PKU-KK, and they need to be compared with those general education institutions in which competitive selection is also carried out - with language gymnasiums and other physics and mathematics lyceums.

Although the USE has been criticized, there is no other single line in real life, and admission to both military and civilian universities is carried out according to its results.

According to the experience of his studies at a military school, officer service, conversations with classmates, no excess of the level of general education of Suvorov students was noted. The slightly higher level of initial military training of Suvorov students for the 2nd year of the higher military school is leveled. Especially if the school is engineering.

Separately, it is worth noting the qualitative composition of the command and educators of schools. In the SVU of the 1943 model, most of the educator officers were front-line soldiers who taught the first sets of Suvorov what was needed in the war.

“Now the quality of education and the level of military discipline in a number of Suvorov and Nakhimov military schools, cadet corps, to put it mildly, does not meet modern requirements and does not satisfy the Ministry of Defense. Only last year (2007) 739 Suvorov, Nakhimov and Cadets were expelled from educational institutions, including 139 due to gross violations of statutory norms and personal indiscipline, including hazing. At the same time, the staffing of secondary educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense with officers today (in 2008) is about 80%. Of these, 20% have no experience in military service, have not received professional education as educators, and more than 40% of teachers have not even taken courses to improve their professional skills” (“Interfax”, 2008).

What has changed since then? Only that all the educator officers during this time were dismissed from military service and continue to work in their previous positions as civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defense. Their age during the same time increased by seven years. Many establishments are commanded by "elderly people." For example, the age of the chiefs of the Moscow SVU and the PPKK of the FSB of Russia is under 70, St. Petersburg and a number of other SVUs are under 60. I hasten to assure you that I treat each of them individually with the greatest respect.

But such a number of pensioners gathered together exceeds the critical mass, as a result of which the law of nature formulated by F. Engels is inexorably triggered - the law of the transition of quantitative changes into qualitative ones. All of them have extensive teaching experience. But when was the last time they commanded a real army unit and saw a live soldier? How many participated in the hostilities of recent years? I am sure that each of them knows perfectly well how to equip Russia, restore order in Ukraine and defeat American imperialism.

But none of them is able to raise a platoon of contract soldiers to attack. Is it worth listening to such educators when they give life advice? Unless you want to be just like them.

High competition and psychological testing upon admission contribute to the fact that many pupils of the SVU-PKU-KK have a high mental potential. However, the development of abilities above the average level in most cases requires an individual approach, and individuality is extremely rarely encouraged in a military environment - the laws of collective survival work here. And yet, many note the non-retrainability of graduates of the SVU: if something was "driven" into the "cadet" - it's forever.

Here is a typical comment: “With age, these differences are not noticeable at first glance, but there is something that does not disappear from their horny compartment until gray hair. It seems that their cerebellum turns into a tree (only for some it is rosewood, while for others it is a banal oak) ”.

In SVU, it seems, physical training and sports (about 10 sports sections) - but hardly a third of Suvorov students are involved in them, and even less participate in the Spartakiad of educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense - only 6% of pupils. Physical training of the rest in the amount of three regular lessons physical education per week.

In general, the value of formal education is incredibly overestimated. While practical knowledge and skills are indeed very important, the number of years spent in the barracks is unlikely to bring benefits comparable to the value of the time spent. At the subsequent stages of training and military service, everyone will be deeply indifferent to the fact of graduating from SVU / KK in the biography, as well as the USE scores and grades in the certificate. They will help a little when entering a military university, and this is where their role is completely completed. And few people will be interested in this fact after the freshly baked lieutenant accepts the first officer position. Rather, it will be another reason for reproaches for omissions in the service.

It seems that the Suvorov School, as a model of an ideal army, gives the pupil the opportunity to personally experience all the delights of military service and make an informed choice - to enter a military university or not. But the whole way of life in the SVU, and even more so in the PKU, is fundamentally different from what the pupils will face in real officer life, where there is much more not only freedom, but also responsibility and self-discipline.

The routine of the cadet corps is much more like being in an educational colony. The formalization of everyday life, layoffs once a month and other dogmas that cannot be changed have turned into an impudent self-sufficient force. Such a system of education deprives children of the free time they need for independent knowledge of the world and real life. Instead, they learn to follow orders without question and to be well-functioning cogs in the war machine.

Pupils are instilled with pride for belonging to their caste, respect for higher ranks and contempt for lower castes. ("shpakam"), as well as the values ​​of the military environment and the basics of behavior in it. All this corresponds to the purpose of the SVU-PKU-KK - "preparation for military or other public service."

Real knowledge gives a person real life, travel and communication with other people. So why would a young man who dreams of becoming an officer spend SEVEN YEARS of his only childhood in the barracks?

Each graduate must determine his own destiny, and no one else should influence his idea. This is a very important decision, and it must be clearly and correctly considered. It is necessary to weigh all the "pros" and "cons" and even then make your final choice in favor of one or another military or other institution. Small details and previously presented information are especially important, especially when you decide to become an officer or soldier.

Military higher educational institutions of Russia

There are many positive aspects to being an officer. What is the chic and beautiful uniform of employees worth. Also this good way become an adult and self-sufficient person, for example, who went on a solo voyage and decided to become an important and strong person. And how much adventure, excitement and romance are there in your work? That is precisely why a lot of young people tend to go to study at Suvorov and higher military schools. But, in addition to such colorful descriptions, there is also a dark side, which entails dangers and serious life changes.

The choice is yours

The list of military schools in Russia is quite large, and it is difficult to choose one of them. What would you prefer? The status of the position is high when you work in the Airborne Forces, special forces or marines. Adventures in the water or air strongly attract gambling and confident guys and girls. A good one will help raise your position and stand on your own feet, especially since higher education in our country free and "painless".

Good education, discipline, tolerance and collegiality are brought up already from the first theoretical lessons. The most basic criterion for all studies is knowledge. Each student, and especially a cadet, must study well and acquire knowledge of various disciplines.

Key Benefits of Military Education

In addition to all the above advantages, there are other positive aspects in such education:

  • A fairly high scholarship (the amount is approximately 16 thousand rubles). Not bad money, considering the fact that you are taught, fed and given an overnight stay;
  • High-calorie meals with a complete diet of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, a towel for each cadet for free;
  • In the future, a decent salary at the place of direction.

Today there is a fairly large list of military schools in Russia. Among the available offers, you can find the option that will suit the young man perfectly in all respects.

Schools to watch out for

There are many military schools on the territory of Russia. They are located in big cities. The most prestigious and popular are:

  1. Kazan Suvorov Cadet School (Kazan).
  2. Nizhny Novgorod School of Military Engineering Command.
  3. Novosibirsk Higher Military Cadet School.
  4. Naval School named after M. V. Frunze
  5. Engineering School of Military Communications named after G.K. Orzhonikidze (Ulyanovsk)
  6. Rocket School named after the Hero Major General Lizyukov (Saratov).
  7. Chemical Protection School named after Podvoisky (Tambov).

This is an incomplete list of all institutions where you can acquire certain military knowledge. After graduating from military schools in Russia, the list of strengths in a person increases markedly. In addition, there is much more experience and practice. Any situation is not a hindrance if you have the knowledge gained in a military school in your luggage. That's the whole list of military schools in Russia, which you need to immediately pay attention to.

Some nuances for admission

To enter the military service, you must have a great desire to learn and achieve the desired result. First, the necessary documents are collected according to a specific list. You need to write down the dates for passing the exams, reach and only then wait for the result of admission.

Also, if you need to decide on the scope of military service. Your fate will directly depend on this. Air forces, marines, communications, special forces - and this is far from full list military schools in Russia with various areas of specialization and training. According to their physical and moral preparation, each incoming cadet decides where it is best to go in order to become a person with a capital letter in the future. It is these people that the Russian Federation is proud of, and they are directly involved in the political life of the country. Do not be afraid to give back to the motherland, and it will reward you.

Where to go?

If there is a desire and an opportunity to reach the very pinnacle of military training, you can go to military higher educational institutions in Russia. In these universities you will have best preparation practical skills and theoretical knowledge. The very process of education will become unforgettable, as it is filled with adventures and various pleasant situations. Girls will be delighted with a young cadet in a beautiful and spectacular uniform. You can get such privileges and a huge store of knowledge in special universities, academies, higher military schools and institutes.

Prestigious universities

The most popular and demanded higher educational institutions are:

  • Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
  • Institute of the FSB of the Russian Federation (Novosibirsk).
  • St. Petersburg Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
  • institute).
  • branch of the Military Academy of Logistics named after General of the Army A.V. Khruleva (St. Petersburg).

Each educational institution has several departments with specialties. Depending on the class of training and opportunities, their number can vary from 1 to 10. But absolutely in each one you can get the highest level of knowledge and experience that will become indispensable in future work. Working for such government agencies like the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the FSB, you need not only to have a great store of knowledge, but also to have a desire to learn new things. Since laws are constantly changing, they need to be closely monitored and studied. Many aspects of the work require strong nerves and steely patience. So you need to take into account these details in the future, and even better when you enter. Higher military schools - they all produce excellent employees.

The best schools

Our country has a wide range of institutions. Below is a list of military schools in Russia:

  • Moscow Air Force School.
  • St. Petersburg military department for the development of criminal organizations.
  • Moscow military department for the development of criminal organizations.
  • Novosibirsk Command School.

Military schools in Russia: list

It also has several higher educational institutions for the education and training of the military. To be precise, their number is thirteen. The military schools of the FSB of Russia, the list of which is given below, are considered among the best:

  • Academy of the FSB of Russia.
  • Kurgan Border Institute of the FSB of the Russian Federation.
  • Institute of the FSB of the Russian Federation (Yekaterinburg).
  • Institute of Federal Security (Novosibirsk).
  • Moscow Institute of Information Technologies.
  • Moscow Academy.
  • FSB Institute (Novgorod).
  • FSB Institute (Novosibirsk).
  • Moscow Border Institute (PI).
  • Golitsynsky PI.
  • Kaliningrad PI.
  • Khabarovsk PI.

The higher military schools of Russia, the list of which is provided above, specialize in a high level of teaching and try to produce as many worthy candidates as possible.

Flight training

There is a good opportunity to undergo flight military training, a full course at a hospital. There are certain military flight schools in Russia, a list of which can be found in the military press or directly in the universities themselves. In such institutions, you can get the rank of lieutenant of the Russian military aviation, and if you wish, go further in your career and achieve higher ranks. Military flight schools of Russia, list:

  1. Borisoglebsk faculty of assault and front-line bomber aviation.
  2. Chelyabinsk branch of the Moscow Academy.

Suvorovtsy - a great start to a career

The most competent and achieving goals are the graduates of the Suvorov military schools. Here is the most thorough education, which makes it possible to achieve the position of general. A tolerant military with a cultural upbringing will carefully do all their work in the future. Suvorov military schools in Russia, the list is quite large, but a few should be noted:

  1. Moscow school.
  2. St. Petersburg School.
  3. Tver School.

In a military school after 11 classes

There is an opportunity to enter the military schools of Russia after the 11th grade:

  • Academy of Artillery Troops (St. Petersburg)
  • Moscow Military Institute (combined arms).
  • Command Engineering Military School (Tyumen).
  • Krasnodar military school.

In fact, there are a lot of such state institutions. Their list is more than one page.

Wherever you go to study and gain knowledge in the military sphere - the list of military schools in Russia will help you right choice. This profession is very much in demand in the country in the future for the defense and protection of its possessions. It's no secret that military people are capable of doing the impossible. Especially since there is room to expand. Inaccessible water spaces, a wide air atmosphere, a variety of ground units and much more need constant replenishment of personnel and valuable workers. Higher educational schools, institutes with different profiles, as well as academies will help to obtain the necessary knowledge.

Advantages and disadvantages

Every accomplished military figure will be proud of his diploma and knowledge gained in such institutions. The career ladder will not stand still. Thanks to all the skills and theory, any task will not bring labor.

Many young people go to work in various institutions, guided by thoughts of public service and decent earnings. But it is also worth noting that not all applicants have a desire to repay their homeland. Do not forget that any misconduct on the part of employees is punished much more severely than civilians. Therefore, you should control yourself and not succumb to impulses and nervous breakdowns. Many military men are subject to constant tension and quickly lose confidence in themselves. Stability nervous system and knowledge of the legal framework is an integral part of any employee.

In our turbulent times, parents are afraid to send their children to serve or study at military academies. They choose other more calm professions, for example, a mechanic or an accountant. But is it worth it to be so afraid for your children, perhaps their vocation in life is to serve their homeland and give themselves completely to it. Always consider the desire of your household, because they are part of your family. Do not be afraid to give your child to the service, because it is on it that he will acquire those qualities that should be inherent in all men.

The military, police and other public service workers are always under pressure and sometimes fail to properly assess the situation. It is in such cases that a carefully studied charter helps, therefore, when you enter an academy or institute, do not be lazy and learn all the information provided. She will help you in a difficult situation, and you can excel in the course with your knowledge.

At this point in time, everything related to the military forces and defense is quite prestigious. People in uniform can count on decent wages, benefits and allowances, on the provision of living space, and so on. In addition, the labor process itself is quite interesting in many ways. A few years ago, only guys were accepted for military training. But since 2013, girls have also been recruited to such educational institutions. Not all, of course, schools and academies have made this amendment, but our article was written for this purpose, to find out which ones.

What is a military school

For a given period of time, in the current system of education, it is possible to receive both a secondary specialized education and a much-needed higher education in our time. Including in the military direction. Schools (Suvorov) and cadet corps are the first. The second - institutes, academies, military command schools. All these institutions produce various specialists in their field: pilots, naval troops, engineers, command staff. The choice of a particular school depends on the intended profession.

Advantages of military schools

In addition to promising specialized education, military schools for girls can do no less than for boys. Special disciplines, teaching methods, increased attention to bearing and self-organization will help young people and girls to feel in advance the features of their future profession, learn how to properly manage their time, develop willpower and the right attitude to necessity and responsibilities. Not all life circumstances able to achieve such an effect in the education of character. Military schools for girls are a rather harsh school of life, but often it is simply necessary.

What is taught in military schools

Any educational institution should provide its students with both specialized knowledge and skills, and the basic ones necessary for a productive life in modern society. It is quite obvious that military schools for girls are useful not only for training in military craft. Emphasis is placed on it, but ladies should also study other areas of the cultural and scientific life of society. These include all the same standard subjects: Russian language and literature, mathematics at various levels, physics, chemistry, social studies and other subjects. They are equally taught in all educational institutions of any orientation. Emphasis will be placed on the knowledge necessary for the future profession. Accordingly, military engineers will study in depth the exact sciences, command personnel - psychology, social science and other humanitarian disciplines. Any military man must be fluent in the legal basis of his work. And also military schools for girls imply more rigorous physical training. This moment is very important for the future service.

Military school for girls: list (based on 9 classes)

To begin with, we will analyze the list of secondary specialized education schools. Military schools after grade 9 for girls:

  • Yekaterinburg Suvorov School;
  • Suvorov School in Moscow;
  • Suvorov School in Minsk;
  • Ulyanovsk School (SVU);
  • Suvorov School in Tver;
  • Suvorov School of the North Caucasus;
  • Kazan Suvorov School;
  • Suvorov School of St. Petersburg;
  • Military Space Cadet Corps;
  • Cadet Corps of Radio Electronics;
  • Rocket and Artillery Cadet Corps;
  • Military Music School in Moscow;
  • Cadet Corps (Railway Troops);
  • Nakhimov Naval School;
  • Kronstadt Naval Cadet Corps;
  • Military technical cadet corps.

However, getting into military schools after the 9th grade for girls is a big challenge. Some SVUs, as well as cadet corps, recruit students for geographical reasons. In others, there is still an opinion that there is no place for a lady in military affairs, and therefore young men are chosen during the competition for places. But still, a good half of the list is quite loyal to female students.

Schools based on 11 classes

Military schools for girls after grade 11 provide an opportunity to get a higher professional education in this area. The rating list of these educational institutions is headed by the Military Academy of Communications, named after Marshal of the Soviet Union S.M. Budyonny. This academy is located in the city of St. Petersburg. Postal and actual address: 194064, St. Petersburg, Tikhoretsky Avenue, 3. There is also a branch in the city of Krasnodar, address: 350035, Krasnodar, Krasina Street, 4. Training is conducted in the following areas:

  • Faculty "Information Communication Technologies and Special Communication Systems";
  • Faculty "Application and operation of automated systems for special purposes".

The form in which students study at the academy is full-time on a budgetary basis. The duration of study is 5 years. After graduation, students receive a diploma, indicating higher professional education of the state standard. Graduates are awarded the rank of lieutenant, as well as the qualification "engineer".

The next educational institution in the rating list "Military schools for girls after grade 11" is the Military Space Academy, named after A.F. Mozhaisky. The educational institution provides training in more than forty military specialties. The qualification fully complies with the requirements for the training of officers. Among the girls there is a fairly high competition for a place - seven people. Last year, only 30 girls were enrolled. However, the educational institution is considered one of the best in the country, and therefore it is really worth trying to enter.

In third place is the Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov in St. Petersburg. In this educational institution, girls who see their future as a military doctor will find a place for themselves.

The fourth place in the ranking is occupied by the Airborne Command School in Ryazan, named after General of the Army V.F. Margelov. This military school for girls implies the specialization "the use of communications units of the airborne troops."

The Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces named after Peter the Great takes the fifth place in the ranking. The Academy opened its doors to girls in 2015. Since then, she has a fairly wide list of specialties for the weaker sex.

Military specialties for girls

Not all areas of military schools involve the training of girls. But still, there are more than enough specialties to choose from. Among them are military cartography and meteorology for special purposes, taught in the universities of the East Kazakhstan region, general medicine, medical and preventive work, pharmacy and dentistry (this can be learned at the Military Medical Academy). Various communication technologies, radio engineering, information security are studied at the Academy of Communications. Constructions aircraft, control of ballistic missile systems, radio-electronic systems, ground-based space infrastructure, collection and processing of information, information support for analytical and computer technology, topographic and geodetic support and cartography, means of missile and space defense, automated command and control systems - such a wide range of faculties offers military students space academy.

How to get into military school

As in other higher educational institutions, military schools require results based on the results of the Unified State Exam. They vary depending on the chosen specialty. For the engineering specialty, the results of exams in mathematics, Russian language and profile in physics are required. For cartographic areas - geography, mathematics and Russian. For the medical profile, specialized chemistry and biology and a general Russian language are required. Managerial professions need results in the Russian language, mathematics, and, moreover, in social science. For admission, you must submit documents to the selected educational institution from July 1 to July 30. During this period, a professional selection and compilation of a competitive list of applicants is carried out. Of the documents, a certificate of secondary general full education, primary vocational, if there is a mark on passing a complete secondary, secondary vocational education is required. The next required document is a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Only persons with Russian citizenship are allowed to study at such an institution. And of course, it is necessary to submit the final scores of the exam.

Professional selection

Military schools pay great attention to physical training. Without a positive test for strength endurance, it is almost impossible to enter. How to enter a girl in a military school? The only way is to get the highest results in the exam, and not only pass the standards, but it is even desirable to surpass them. The competition in the military academies is quite high, which means that the girls should try to keep up with the boys in terms of their results.

Design nuances

Applicants are required to undergo a medical examination for health and fitness for training. Next, they will be tested for a psycho-emotional state. In addition, all candidates are given access to information that constitutes a state secret. If the applicant has not reached the age of majority, the consent of the parents to study at this educational institution in writing must be submitted.

Volsk school

The Volsk military school for girls conducts professional selection and entrance exams during the period from 1 to 20 July. First you need to apply to the military commissariat. The application is submitted in a special form at the place of residence. This action runs until April 20th. Applicants must attach an autobiography, a description, 6 photographs to the application, and also pass a medical examination. Candidates are assigned aptitude groups. Enrollment is carried out with groups of 1 and 2 degrees. From among the candidates of the third degree, they are enrolled only in case of a shortage of students.

Suvorov School

The Suvorov Military School for girls establishes the same admission rules as the cadet corps. Student places are primarily distributed among orphans or from single-parent and large families, as well as from low-income families. Applicants must meet the standards for health reasons, as well as for psychological factors. The remaining places are distributed among the rest of those who wish, based on performance indicators.

Girls and boys, wishing to have a military rank, enter military schools after the 9th grade.

These guys have a much greater advantage than their fellow citizens from 11 classes, because it is much easier to enter a higher military institution if you have a diploma from a technical school or college.

This article will talk about military schools after the 9th grade and not only.

The main educational institutions of Russia

Military education is divided into two types:

  1. Basic. It is divided into: cadet, suvorov and nakhimov schools.
  2. Higher includes varieties: institutes, academies, higher command schools.

Future warriors can delve into one of their chosen specialties in the following areas of troops:

  • land;
  • airborne;
  • marine;
  • railway;
  • rocket;
  • Cossack;
  • military-technical;
  • military musical troops;
  • military justice troops.

The main cities where the main educational centers are concentrated are: St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod and Moscow. Often, parents send their children to a military school because of the prevailing discipline of the barracks walls. When choosing a school, parents are guided by several criteria:

  1. Location of the institution (preferably closer to home).
  2. The age of the future cadet (after grade 9, not all military institutions can be entered).
  3. Requirements for applicants (in order to “pull up” grades in advance to the desired level).
  4. Deadline for submission of documents (reception of documents starts earlier than in secondary schools).

List of the best military educational institutions of the Russian Federation


Cadets start their military career at an early age (grades 4-5), after classes at a military school, the guys go home.

List of the best cadet schools Russian Federation (only for orphans and children of military personnel):

  • Anti-aircraft missile (Orenburg);
  • Krasnodar;
  • Stavropol;
  • Sevastopol;
  • Vladivostok;
  • Tyumen.


Suvorovites differ from the cadets in that these young guys, who graduated from the 8th or 9th grade, live in barracks, far from home.

The admission criteria are similar for cadets, as well as for Suvorov and Nakhimov students. List of the most famous Suvorov schools:

  • Yekaterinburg;
  • St. Petersburg;
  • Moscow;
  • Tverskoe;
  • Ulyanovsk;
  • Kazan.


Nakhimov - cadets of the naval school.

Studying in such an institution is incredibly prestigious.

After graduation, mid-level specialists enter universities without exams.

The best educational institution known throughout Russia is the Nakhimov School in St. Petersburg.

Requirements for applicants

The requirements for applicants who enter in order to become a cadet are not simple, it is necessary:

  • have the citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • suitable age;
  • good level of preparation;
  • positive test results (psychological, physiological).

Graduates of the 9th grade cannot start studying at their own request, as without fail, parental consent is required. If all stages of selection are passed, the cadet lives in the barracks. In case of non-compliance with the norms of behavior, he can be expelled.

The admission of girls to military universities is a rather complicated operation, only five out of 26 universities recruit. The rules for admitting girls are similar to the rules for admitting boys, the only difference is the level of difficulty in passing the standards.

After graduating from college, a girl can engage in medicine, control of a ballistic missile system, an automated command and control system, ground-based space infrastructure, as well as work. The study of boys and girls is different in that girls learn to work in the communication field related to the personnel department and the military.

Ministry of Emergency Situations

Graduates who dreamed of being firefighters or rescuers, there are also educational institutions according to their customs, for the Ministry of Emergency Situations these are:

  • fire and rescue college in Moscow;
  • fire rescue college in St. Petersburg;
  • Cadet Corps at the Academy of Civil Defense.

In order to join the ranks of the EMERCOM of Russia, it is necessary to pass the standards (shuttle run, 1 km run, long jumps, pull-ups) and exams in the necessary disciplines. Girls can apply equally with boys.


The requirements for students who want to get the title of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are quite high and are no different from the requirements of all military schools.

After graduation, graduates have a complete secondary education, and can already work as operatives, detectives, forensic specialists, and district police officers. The most famous educational centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are:

  • police college in Moscow;
  • Moscow secondary special police school of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;
  • training center of the Moscow Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the training of workers of the Higher Military District.

Note: in order to get a job in the future Federal Service Security (FSB), you must complete 11 classes, pass exams and pass a medical examination. It is very difficult to enter any specialty in this field.


To enroll in flight, you must complete 11 classes, pass exams in the Russian language, mathematics and physics.

The decisive factor is the indicators of health, psychological tests, as well as good marks in the exam. The most famous flight schools of the Russian Federation are located in Moscow, Ulyanovsk, St. Petersburg and Omsk.

The requirements for admission to the space school are no different from the flight. The best space educational institutions in Russia are located in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Omsk.

There are a large number of educational institutions of a military nature in Russia. Every year, the state is replenished with new specialists in various fields (the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Security Service, as well as institutions that graduate cadets, Suvorov and Nakhimov).

Every ninth grader has a chance to become a military man, but he must seriously think about the choice of his fate, because defending the state is difficult task not everyone can handle it.