What can be done from the steering rack. Assembling a drilling machine from a steering rack with your own hands

Drilling machines are special devices that are used in working with metals, wood, plastic, etc.

With the help of a drilling machine, workers perform a huge number of functions that would take a huge amount of time to perform with improvised means.

Fortunately, the machine itself is not something too complicated in terms of design or assembly, and therefore it is quite possible to assemble it yourself. Moreover, a home-made drilling unit will not be much inferior to standard factory models.

1 General information

As the name implies, a drilling machine is mainly used for drilling parts. However, this is not its only function. It works by using the power of an electric motor.

The electric motor rotates shaft that transmits force to the spindle or the main rotational element of the machine.

Chucks, adapters, bushings and the drills themselves are already attached to the spindle. Thus, the machine is essentially a mechanism fixed in a stable position, which can drill substituted parts with its own hands for a long time.

At the same time, a person in working with him is only required to substitute the parts in time, adjust their position and the very operation of the unit. Agree, it is much easier and more convenient than if you had to work manually. Not only that, manual drilling cannot boast of high accuracy.

After all, a person must always choose the right angle of application of efforts. Moreover, an error of even a few degrees can be fatal. So and long time at this pace, even the most experienced worker will not be able to withstand.

It is a completely different matter when a drilling machine is used in the work. Here, you only need to fix the part in a vise (if the vise is not included, then you should buy them or make a home-made version with your own hands), and then start the machine.

The remaining actions, although they will require close attention from you, still take much less time and effort.

What is the fact that it was the invention of full-fledged electric machines that became a real breakthrough in the production of parts and mechanisms. Prior to this, industrialists could not significantly increase the pace of assembly, so manual labor simply did not give a sufficient impetus.

1.1 Machine design

The easiest way is to create a homemade drilling machine from improvised means. Moreover, in the work you will need not so many details. Yes, and the details themselves can be selected from everything that is at hand.

In this article, we will consider the assembly of the machine from the steering rack, as one of the most effective samples, if we consider home-made tools.

But first you need to deal with the design of the machine, as well as all its components. Without understanding these basic principles, you will not be able to cope with the work.

So, standard drilling machine consists of:

  • beds;
  • main frame guide;
  • holder for the working mechanism;
  • working mechanism;
  • additional elements (chucks, nuts, bushings, drills);
  • shock absorber or device that is used to manipulate the position of the drill;
  • vise (optional);
  • power supply (optional);
  • handles for rotating mechanisms, force transmitters, etc.

There is nothing complicated in the design itself either. The frame is fixed as a base. If we consider a desktop sample (and a home-made machine in the vast majority of cases is a desktop one), then the frame here will be both a base, a stabilizing factor, and a mount for fixtures such as a vice.

The main frame is also attached to the frame, on which the entire mechanism rests. A holder, all additional elements and a shock absorber are connected to the frame. If the shock absorber is adjustable, then a handle is connected to it.

In small machines, the shock absorber can be spring-loaded, but we are considering a more stable sample, where instead of a shock absorber, a steering rack from a VAZ car will be considered.

The machine engine itself is also attached to the main frame, and the spindle and all adapters are already brought to it. The power supply is only in models in which the engine is installed separately and cannot take on standard loads from the household network. Vices are also optional. Rather, it is simply necessary to use them, but they are extremely rare even with factory models.

2 Selection of suitable elements

It is necessary to assemble a home-made machine with their improvised means, so serious attention must be paid to the choice of individual parts for the design.

First of all, the material for the bed is selected. In light machines, such as PCB units, the frame can even be made of durable wood, having previously strengthened it with a steel plate and rubber feet. But since we are considering a much more serious unit, it is necessary to approach its assembly in a different way.

The bed here can only be selected from metal. Moreover, a heavy plate or something similar is suitable. It is necessary to drill holes in the plate for future vise and clamping bars.

The ideal option would be if you manage to buy a mobile one or remove the old bed from an ancient desktop machine. Look at your options here.

The main stabilizing rail is made from a corner or a channel. Its thickness should not be less than 3 mm. Only such a part is able to withstand loads, will not give vibrations and backlash.

The holder for the working mechanism is also made of steel. Here, the selection is already being made depending on the engine itself, which they intend to use. We will consider it a little later.

The main nuance in such a scheme homemade machine consists in the fact that parts from the steering rack of the car are used for its assembly. This is due to its compactness and unique capabilities.

When rotating, the steering rack can raise or lower the mechanism fixed on it. Moreover, the manipulations are carried out very carefully, down to the millimeter. Plus, many steering racks have the ability to loosen or increase tension, which leads to the ability to fine-tune its operation.

It is desirable to remove the handles from finished machines, but you can create them yourself. In the same way, if necessary, it is recommended to use production cartridges and bushings. Luckily, they are very easy to get.

2.1 Selection of working mechanism

Interestingly, the working mechanism in a homemade drilling machine can be not only traditional, but also significantly simplified. It's about replacing the motor and power supply. ready-made drill or unit for concrete drilling, metal, etc. These portable tools have almost the same dimensions as conventional drill. However, their power allows you to drill metal without any serious resistance.

All that is required of you in such a scheme is to attach the drill with several brackets, having previously fixed it in the correct position. It must be directed completely perpendicular to the base of the machine.

If the scheme of the machine from the steering wheel is considered, then the use of a drill is even more preferable here. And it will take you much less time to assemble it.

The second option is to install induction motor from some electrical device. Here, when assembling with your own hands, you will have to tinker longer. But in general, the technology remains the same.

2.2 Stages of assembling a homemade machine from the steering

Let us turn directly to the assembly technology of the machine. We take as a basis a scheme using a steering wheel from a VAZ car and a finished drill, which you just need to fix and connect correctly.

Stages of work:

  1. We deal with the bed, mount it in the correct position.
  2. We bore grooves and holes for future vise in the frame.
  3. We mount the main rail from a corner or channel.
  4. We attach the steering wheel to it.
  5. We mount the handles on the steering wheel, adjust its stroke.
  6. We install on the top of the steering mount for a drill.
  7. We mount the drill in the correct position, adjust the angle of its inclination.
  8. We finally fix the working mechanism.
  9. We bring all the wires, tighten the bolts, test the system.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this matter.

The process is greatly simplified by using ready-made solutions such as drill and steering wheel. In fact, you only need to put them all together and make sure that the assembly went well.

2.3 Differences when assembling a machine with an asynchronous engine

If you are going to use a separate engine, then you will have to think a little here. Although the engine itself creates efforts, they still need to be transferred somehow.

Often, in this case, the engines are mounted parallel to the steering, and the mechanism itself is installed on the other side. The transmission of forces is carried out due to the standard mechanism of two wheels and a belt. The spindle on the shaft can be taken from the factory, the cartridge and all other details are brought to it.

Also, the engine will probably need a separate power supply, which is located on the bed or near it. Yes, and it would be better to hide the entire structure under a metal or wooden case. To avoid possible clogging, breakdowns or accidents.

2.4 How to make a drilling machine from a steering rack? (video)

A vertical steering rack drill is a popular DIY solution because of the cheap and workable end result.

The scheme is assembled on the basis of the steering rack of domestic cars VAZ, Moskvich, Tavria, etc. as a rack and lifting mechanism. The belt drive, base, bracket, electrics are also made independently, and the electric motor is bought factory-made or removed from other equipment, for example, from washing machine. Other constructive solution The drive is a powerful drill with a multi-speed gearbox.

The advantages of this design are the low price, the availability of materials for the manufacture of all parts. Usually it is bought at secondary iron enterprises or found among production waste. It is better to buy a second-hand rail, because it will cost much less or look at flea markets for new ones that they just want to get rid of.

Cons is appearance- far from perfection and aesthetics, low accuracy.

As a result, we have the following picture:

  • the steering rack is used as a lifting mechanism;
  • the more massive the structure, the less vibration and the higher the accuracy;
  • a drill is used as a drive or a classic drive of a vertical drilling machine is made: from the electric motor through a belt drive, the rotation is transmitted to the spindle.

The choice of a drill as a drive gives us the opportunity to smoothly adjust the speed within the factory speeds, some models have a large torque that will allow drilling holes with a diameter of up to 20 mm, a reverse, and the spindle has a Morse taper, into which drills with a diameter of more than 13 mm can be installed with tapered shank.

Manufacturing process

Square tube post 150×150 mm

Parallel to the rail, a ø 20 mm round rolled shaft is installed in the bushings, and the carriage is welded to the shaft. WITH reverse side the carriage is screwed to the movable part of the steering rack.

The steering wheel is displayed at an angle of 90 degrees to the rack and is connected to the rack through a short cardan steering shaft from the VAZ 2107.

A welded table is installed on the rack with the ability to move vertically. As a modernization and improvement of the design, we make an adjustable platform on the table, on which the machine vice will be installed. The platform serves to adjust the installation of parts on the table relative to the spindle, because the machine is made independently in artisanal conditions and inaccuracies arise due to warpage after welding, poor fit during assembly, etc.

The base of the machine is made from rim from KAMAZ with a diameter of 508 mm, a width of 178 mm, and a weight of 26 kg. A rack is welded vertically onto the disk. The photo shows a powerful Rebir IE-1206ER-A hammerless drill, which allows drilling holes in metal with a diameter of up to 32 mm, and in wood - 70 mm, power 2000 W, with a maximum speed of 400 rpm.

With the right set of tools at home, you can perform a number of important jobs. But often the purchase of a factory model is impractical. One alternative would be a do-it-yourself steering rack drilling machine.

Difficulties in manufacturing a machine from a steering rack

The main problem is right choice accessories. For analysis the best option you should familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of factory models.

One of the negative aspects in the operation of factory drilling machines is a large backlash. This does not make it possible to make a hole with a diameter of up to 4 mm. This is due to the relatively small mass of the structure, which does not compensate for the vibrations that occur during the operation of the power plant. Modernization of the machine can lead to incorrect operation and, as a result, a quick failure.

For the manufacture of drilling equipment, it is necessary to consider the following nuances:

  • a device for changing the position of the working parts with an installed drill. One alternative is to use a steering rack or jack. A jack is necessary if a strong clamp should be applied to the part during drilling;
  • support table and stand for mounting the power unit. The main parameter for choosing components for the manufacture of these components is their reliability and relatively large mass. It is best to use channel and corners. As a base, a steel sheet with a height of at least 3 mm is used;
  • power point. For the manufacture of a drilling machine with your own hands, most often the choice stops at an electric drill. Alternative option may be a system consisting of pulleys and an electric motor.

Only after the components for the above components have been selected, you can proceed to self-manufacturing equipment.

To connect the components of the system, you will need welders. Mechanical fastening will not provide a proper indicator of reliability.

Making a drilling machine from a steering rack

At the first stage of production, a optimal model steering column. In the future, according to its dimensions, drawings of the entire structure will be drawn up. Currently, the steering column from the VAZ-2105 car is an option. You can buy a used model. The main thing is that it should not have chips and significant surface damage.

The recommended size of the working surface is 30*40 cm. The supporting parts are made of two channels 30*60*30 mm. To adjust the position of the structures, you can install legs of a special shape. The frame for attaching the steering rack is also made from a channel, but with a wide base.

When using an electric drill as a power unit, it is necessary to make an L-shaped footboard.

The steering rack is fastened to the rack with your own hands through the lugs located on the first structure. To mount the substrate under the drill, you can make a rigid fastening using electric welding. The choice of methods depends entirely on the specific design of a particular model.

  • the condition of the gearbox is checked first. Defective components must be replaced;
  • the total height of the rack should be 7-8 centimeters more than this parameter of the steering rack;
  • stroke is taken into account. Standard for the VAZ-2105 model, it is 210 mm;
  • to increase the comfort of operation, it is recommended to make a separate control unit for the drill.

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- equipment that will not be superfluous in any home workshop. You can assemble such equipment with your own hands from an automobile steering rack. Using a similar machine with a simple design, you can drill holes in metal, plastic and wood products, and process them with a milling tool. It is also important that, in terms of its technical capabilities, a home-made machine is not much inferior to serial models.

Design features of a homemade drilling machine

The feasibility of making a drilling machine with your own hands lies in the fact that, due to the simplicity of the design, such a device can be made from improvised means that are in any home workshop or garage.

Quite often among homemade devices for a similar purpose, you can find a drilling machine from a steering rack. Before proceeding with the manufacture of such a machine with your own hands, it is important to figure out which structural elements consists of drilling equipment.

In the design of any drilling machine, one can distinguish such constituent elements as:

  • bearing frame;
  • guide along which the main frame moves;
  • holder on which the working head is attached;
  • the working head itself;
  • a number of additional elements (cartridges, bushings, fasteners, etc.);
  • shock-absorbing device designed to ensure the return of the working head to its original position;
  • a device for fixing the workpiece on the surface of the desktop;
  • power supply, if required by the parameters of the electric motor used;
  • handles that transmit torque or force to the mechanisms of the machine.

In homemade drilling machines, the bed simultaneously performs several functions.

  • This element is the base on which all other elements of the unit are mounted.
  • Due to the massiveness of the frame, the structural elements of the machine are balanced, which is necessary to ensure its stability during processing.
  • The upper part of the base of the bed is used as a work table for equipment, on which clamping devices are located (most often).
  • The working head of the machine, as mentioned above, is mounted on the main frame mounted on the bed.

So that the main frame with the working head of the machine can return to its original position, a shock absorber with a handle fixed on it is connected to it. Many home-made drilling machines use a spring shock absorber, however, we are considering a design in which the steering rack, which is included in the package of domestic VAZ cars, acts as a shock-absorbing element. The use of such a rail allows for a smoother running of the main frame and working head, as well as stable and accurate operation of the lifting mechanism.

The electric motor of the homemade machine, which will be responsible for the rotation of the drill, is also attached to the main frame using a specially selected holder. Depending on which electric motor you will use to assemble your machine, a chuck for drills is selected for it and connected to the drive unit shaft using adapters. If the motor you are installing on your machine is not rated for the standard voltage electrical network 220 V, then for it you will need to choose the appropriate power supply.

As a clamping device in which the workpiece will be fixed, you can use a vice, which is the most versatile and reliable fixture.

How to choose accessories

So that the drilling machine that you assemble with your own hands does not cause any problems during operation and suits you with its technical capabilities, you need to select the appropriate components for its assembly.

Since the frame is the supporting element of the equipment, special attention should be paid to the choice of materials for its manufacture. The easiest option is to make a bed with your own hands. A metal plate of sufficient thickness may be used for this to be able to stabilize the entire apparatus.

As a stand to which it will be attached lifting mechanism your homemade machine, you can use metal corner or channel. The dimensions of such an element should be selected in such a way that it can withstand all the loads that will arise during the processing. The selected rack is welded to the surface of the frame, and the resulting connection is further reinforced with stiffeners.

To the bottom surface of the sheet, which will act as a bed, you can weld the legs and provide for the possibility of attaching them to the workbench. It is also necessary to make holes in such a sheet, with the help of which a vice or clamping strips will be fixed on it.

The type of construction of the main frame and holder, as well as the material for their manufacture, is chosen depending on which electric motor or ready-made drive mechanism you will use to equip your drilling machine. When making this choice, it is important to take into account that these equipment nodes will experience serious loads during the processing of the part.

The convenience of using a steering rack from a car for manufacturing consists not only in the compactness of such a device, but also in its technical capabilities. The rotational movement of the handle in this mechanism is converted into a very precise translational movement of its rod, which is able to raise and lower the working head of the drilling machine, while maintaining all the loads that fall on it. It is convenient that the work of many models of steering racks can be adjusted. This allows you to optimally select their characteristics for your drilling equipment.

It is best to select control handles for the mechanisms of a drilling machine from serial equipment, but it will also not be difficult to make them yourself. Naturally, the chucks for fixing the tool, as well as all bushings and adapters, must also be only factory-made.

Drilling head for a homemade machine

When making a do-it-yourself drilling machine based on a car steering rack, you can choose one of two design options for the drilling head. The first option involves using a machine tool or a portable device for making holes in metal or concrete as a drilling head. Such a device is securely connected to the steering rack rod and is used as a full-fledged working equipment head.

The second design option for a homemade drilling head involves the use of any electric motor, the power of which suits you. Most often, working electric motors from old washing machines are used for these purposes.

It should be noted that making a machine on which you install a serial drill with your own hands is much easier and faster than using a separate electric motor as a drive device.

How to properly assemble equipment

You can get acquainted with the stages of assembling a home-made drilling machine based on a steering rack and a serial drill in a video that is easy to find on the Internet.

You can also act in accordance with the following simple instructions.

  • First, a bed is made, to which legs are welded for reliable installation on a workbench.
  • In the metal sheet, which serves as the upper part of the base of the bed, holes are made for attaching clamps.
  • A carrier rack is welded to the base of the frame, which is additionally reinforced with stiffeners at the attachment point.
  • The steering rack from the car is securely attached to the carrier rack, a handle for rotation is mounted on it and its stroke is regulated.
  • A special mount is made for the drill, with the help of which the tool is attached to the steering rack in the place where it has mounting bolts. The corresponding video or drawings of such a device will help to make this mount, which is simple in design.
  • After the drill is connected to the steering rack, it is necessary to adjust the correctness of its spatial position relative to the surface of the desktop.
  • After assembly, the reliability of fastening of all structural elements is checked, and the machine itself is tested.

Machine assembly based on a separate electric motor

You can also make a drilling machine with your own hands with a separate electric motor as a drive. This is somewhat more difficult and longer than using a drill. A separate drive motor will require the manufacture of an additional platform for mounting on the back of the steering rack, as well as a frame on which the machine spindle will be placed, rotating in bearings.