What to do to make the child walk. Development of your child - library - Dr. Komarovsky

And again, a huge hello to everyone, my dear readers and guests of the site! One of you recently turned to me with a problem: my son is a year and a month old, and he still does not walk on his own, only by the hand, the pediatrician at the local hospital shakes his head, talking about a developmental lag, and his mother wrings her hands. I decided to devote a whole topic to this, as many mothers are very worried and want to know how to teach their child to walk.

For some, this is a whole science, while for others, everything turns out by itself, without causing worries and difficulties. Today we will consider in detail all the known methods to slightly “push” the baby to take the first independent step in life. Do you want to know all the tricks, as well as whether modern walkers are harmful? Then read and join the discussion on the forum after the publication!

Everyone goes, but mine doesn't

In a year, the “average” baby must learn a lot of tricks: hold a spoon, try to go to the potty, crawl and take the first steps in your life on your own. A whole evolution in such a short amount of time!

Perhaps we, adults, are not aware of how much effort, both moral and physical, this requires a little man. And we, of course, no longer remember ourselves in infancy. So we put forward excessive demands, saying to ourselves: "You should already be sitting, holding your back, talking like a neighbor Vanya / Petya / Vadik."

Moreover, everyone wants his child to be cited as an example, like this “Vadik”, so that he walks “ahead of the rest of the planet”, or at least down the street without support, confidently, as if already big. I want to ask: do you want a lot from a one-year-old baby? Or maybe he is not so temperamental, a little melancholic and lazy, and just wants to be “tame” a little longer, sit in a stroller or on his father’s neck?

You don't have to worry and, moreover, you don't have to worry. Better help the baby a little, unobtrusively, gently, as only a mother can. I will immediately answer the question of the worried mother who turned to me: everything is fine with your son!

The norm is the beginning of walking from 9 to 16 months, and even up to a year and a half. Therefore, be patient, but for now, read the main reasons that may delay your baby from the ability and desire to take their first steps.

  • Excess weight. A good appetite and chubby cheeks are, of course, good, but will such a strong man be able to keep his kilograms on still weak legs? Hardly. Of course, you can’t put a child on a diet a year, but slightly reduce portions and split up meals - completely. Let him have five meals a day with a lighter menu than a rich breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Swimming and crawling have a good effect on the development of leg muscles. Therefore, do not interfere if the baby on all fours tries to get around all the nooks and crannies of the apartment. Just remove all sharp and dangerous objects. You can even crawl with him, and then show how to get up from all fours.

  • Temperament which I have already mentioned above. Already at such a young age, it becomes clear how each baby is emotional and mentally developed. According to the observations of psychologists, sanguine and choleric people begin to sit and walk, and than their melancholy or phlegmatic peers.
  • Genes. What only we did not write off on these "genes", right? Ask your parents when did you and your spouse start walking? At 11 months? And why do you require your child to actively run around the yard at 9, while everyone is still sitting in strollers?
  • Weak immune system and frequent illnesses. Respiratory and viral infections greatly hinder the development of the child, and his desire to develop and do something is very dull. Therefore, at first in every possible way, and only then the strengthening of the muscles of the legs will happen by itself.
  • Problems with the central nervous system and the musculoskeletal system. Unfortunately, often a child cannot take a step without his mother's hand, not because of laziness, but because of serious developmental pathologies. For reassurance, at the next visit to the clinic, look to the surgeon, orthopedist and neurologist to rule out ailments.

Are walkers needed: Komarovsky's opinion

When can you understand that the baby is both mentally and physically ready to walk on his own and needs only a little help? Perinatal psychologists are asked to pay attention to the following factors: the ability to stand confidently in a crib, get up from your knees, walk around the apartment, grabbing the walls and backs of chairs and sofas.

By all indications, such a baby has very little left, he will soon walk, or even run around the apartment or the playground, full of delight and a sense of freedom.

Remember that the decision when to start is always up to the baby, but from you, dear moms and dads, you need very little:

1. Buy your baby good leather orthopedic shoes with an arch support and a hard back. The foot should be well fixed so that the baby can walk more confidently and at the same time put the legs correctly, do not rub blisters and do not “earn” flat feet.

2. “Barefoot” running around also contributes to the formation of the correct foot. On the carpet at home or in the country on fresh grass, such walking will give the baby indescribable pleasure, and will also help to give a little massage.

3. If your home is entirely laminate, parquet or other slippery surfaces, then it is better to purchase special socks or slippers with rubber soles for your child. Otherwise, when trying to take a step, he will slip, like an inept skater on a skating rink, he will get scared and for a long time will not dare to walk himself.

4. As for special reins or walkers, experts respond neutrally, stipulating that these are “things” for lazy or too impatient parents. The myths that because of the walkers the baby will get used to walking on toes or his legs will become crooked are complete nonsense. The height of all walkers is adjustable, and the legs will not change shape in such a short period of time.

Therefore, it is not worth comparing a baby with a cavalryman who spent half his life on a horse. The only thing Komarovsky warns about is that all these devices do not teach the child to fall at all, and then he will have to fall a lot more, and due to inability he will not be able to substitute and bend his arms a little at the elbows, and will slap flat, risking breaking his nose.

How to teach a child to walk: exercises

There are several parental tricks that will definitely teach the baby to stand on their own legs and walk confidently. Shall we try?

If the baby is 9 months old, then a wonderful exercise for good balance and coordination of movements is swaying on a fitball. The baby sits on it with his back to you, and you only lightly hold him by the hips.

· Children who are too lazy to stand can be helped with this. It’s good if the surface for pushing off with the legs is hard, so he will feel more confident. So, turn the baby back to you and, holding the breast lightly, pull the torso up. To make it more fun and productive, turn on your favorite children's songs.

· Some little lazy ones also need to be stimulated to get up from their knees. Notice the moment when the baby will be on his knees, for example, in a crib, show him his favorite toy that dances and “calls” him upstairs. Repeat several times.

· Toy strollers are equally interesting for both girls and boys. Therefore, buying one will be very useful. Plant a teddy bear, a doll or put a car there, let the baby take hold of the handrail and try to roll it. First with your support, and then on my own. You will be surprised how quickly he learns to carry it himself. Then try to distract him with something interesting or tasty, a very large percentage that the baby will come off the handle and go to you.

Limited space sometimes gives confidence to indecisive babies. If the house has a playpen - fine. “Launch” your child there, let him walk from one end to the other, not holding on. If there is no playpen, a hoop is quite suitable, as if “catch” the baby by throwing a hoop on it, and move it, stimulating the first independent steps.

It's good when the exercises go in the form fun game, and not a didactic lesson with a strict "teacher" mother. Reward your fidget with praise, pats on the head, kisses and see how this will give him strength and confidence.

In most cases, parents worry about their yet “walking” baby in vain, most likely, he does not have any deviations. He's just "waiting" for the right time. Soon it will run, so fast that you won’t catch up!

On this positive note, I say goodbye to you until new publications. I promise to return soon and discuss another interesting topic with you!

The first step is one of the most exciting moments in a child's development. Moms and dads always look forward to when their baby masters the skill of independent movement on legs. And at some point, parents begin to think about how to teach a child to walk so that he can do it without support.

At what age do children start walking

According to the conventional norm, based on statistical data, babies begin to walk between the ages of 9 and 16 months. But each child is individual, so going beyond the specified framework is not a mandatory sign of any developmental pathology. There are children who at 7 months stand on their feet, and after a while they are already walking. Others, on the contrary, do not yet master the skill of independent walking at the age of one and a half. It depends on various factors:

  • Heredity. Doctors usually ask at what age mom and dad mastered a particular skill. If one of the parents started walking late in childhood, most likely, the baby will also not be in a hurry to take the first step.
  • Body type. All skills are usually more difficult for strong children, so they also begin to walk later than their thin and light peers.
  • Gender of the child. Girls are often ahead of boys in development, this also applies to the skill of independent walking.
  • The degree of development of body muscles and sense of balance. This factor largely depends on the parents, who, with the help of exercises, can help the baby strengthen the muscles and learn to keep balance.
  • Temperament. Calm and contemplative children may crawl longer and go later than active toddlers seeking to satisfy their curiosity.
  • Psychological atmosphere in the house. Constant quarrels in the family can lead to stress in the baby. He will not try to walk on his own until he feels completely safe.

Lead and delay

Do not rush the child to stand up and take the first step. If this happens too early, not due to the individual characteristics of the baby, but because of the excessive activity and desire of the parents, the consequences can be negative. The muscles of the baby are not yet sufficiently strengthened and are not ready to withstand the weight of his body. This is especially true for overweight children. The result of such parental haste can be valgus deformity of the legs and feet.

Another situation develops when the child is already 16-17 months old, and he still has not started walking. Causes can vary from a baby's weakened immune system to more serious disorders, such as the effects of a birth injury. In this case, you can not do without the advice of specialists. If there are no developmental delays nervous system and the musculoskeletal system were not identified by doctors, the delay may correspond to the individual rhythm of the child's development.

How to tell if your baby is ready to walk

Before teaching a child to walk independently, parents should observe him to determine if he is ready for this.

The baby is physically and psychologically ready to start walking if he is able to:

  • get up on your feet, holding on to a fixed support, sit down from this position;
  • get up from your knees on your own;
  • stay upright for a long time;
  • stand without support;
  • make attempts to move by holding on to furniture or walls;
  • release the support to take 1-2 steps.

Preliminary preparation

The correct gait in a child must be developed even before he begins to walk. Special exercises will help the development of the baby's muscles and accelerate the development of the skill of independent walking:

  • Lay the child on his back and take him by the ankles with both hands. Bending the baby's legs at the knees, put them flat on the floor. Take 2-3 "steps", rearranging the legs forward, then back. Repeat 4-5 times. When performing this exercise, which develops the correct setting of the feet, it is important to ensure that the child does not tighten his toes.
  • Put the baby on the fitball with his stomach, holding it under his arms. Roll back and forth slightly, touching the crumbs' feet to the wall and stimulating him to straighten his legs when pushing away. Repeat 5-7 times.
  • Lay the child on his back. holding wooden stick at the height of the baby's straightened legs, ask him to reach the stick with his feet. The goal is to raise the legs at a right angle, without bending the knees.
  • Put the baby on the floor so that his feet are completely pressed to the floor. Take the child by the hands and ask to sit down, spreading his knees to the sides, then stand up. When standing up, raise the arms of the crumbs up so that he stands on his toes.
  • Put the child on the floor, pressing his back to him. With one hand, hold the knees, preventing them from bending, with the other hand, hold the stomach. Ask the baby to bend down to pick up the toy lying in front of him, then straighten up. Repeat 3-4 times.

Walking Exercises

The following complex is designed to be performed with children who stand confidently on their legs:

  • Put the child on the floor with his back to you, holding his stomach with one hand. With the other hand, take the baby by the shin, lifting the leg of the crumb bent at the knee. Hold in a raised position for 5-7 seconds. Repeat 2-3 times with the right and left legs.
  • Starting position - as in exercise No. 1. Holding the bent leg of the child with your hand, make a movement that imitates stepping over an obstacle (slightly straightening the leg forward and down). Repeat 3-5 times, alternating legs.
  • IP - as in exercise No. 1. Put a large book or a strong box 6-7 cm high in front of the child. Taking the baby’s leg by the ankle and bending at the knee, put it on the “step”, firmly pressing the foot to the surface. While supporting the child, help him lean on this leg, straightening it and rising on the box. Put the other leg next to you. Go down again and repeat 3-5 times with each leg. When it starts to turn out well, it will be possible to put 2-3 steps of different heights.
  • Turn the child with his back to you, holding under the armpits and placing his feet on his own. Walk a little around the room so that the baby can understand the principle and consolidate this movement for himself.
  • Put a small light ball in front of the baby. Taking the slightly bent leg of the child with your hand, hit the ball with it. Repeat 4-5 times with each leg. After that, you can invite the baby to try to hit the ball with his foot on his own.

When a child has mastered walking, it is important to ensure that his gait is correct: the baby should put his feet in parallel and not too wide apart.

Stimulating interest in walking

Until the baby understands that independent movement is an interesting activity, thanks to which you can learn and see a lot of new things, he will not have an incentive to learn to walk. Parents will have to be smart to encourage their child to break away from the support.

  • Offer a toy to a child standing near a support. The kid will take it with one hand. After that, offer him another, no less attractive toy. To take it, the child will have to let go of the other hand, standing without support.
  • Place several chairs at a short distance from each other, putting interesting objects on them. The child will be able to move from one of them to another. Over time, the chairs move further and further apart.
  • Joint games with parents are the most interesting thing that can be offered to a child. The kid will like to storm sofas together with mom and dad and overcome small obstacles from various home furnishings (pillows, rollers, etc.).
  • The example of other children who can walk and even run well will help to encourage the child to move independently. Let the baby watch how fun those who are no longer led by the hand are having fun on the playground.



These devices are designed more for the convenience of parents than for the development of children. Walkers give mom the opportunity to free her hands, watching the child, in order to have time to do something around the house. They soften blows on surrounding objects, provide the crumbs with some independence and mobility. The kid cannot fall or stumble on a sharp corner. But you can not leave the child in a walker for a long time, this can harm the child's body.

  • The process of teaching a child to walk will not be accelerated, since other muscle groups are involved in moving in a walker. The kid pushes off the support with the toe part of the legs, and does not step over, as it should be when walking. This can further provoke the wrong version of walking - on toes.
  • A child who is placed in a walker too early can miss out on the important developmental milestone of crawling. As a result, his muscles and joints will not be properly prepared for upright posture. In walkers, the vertical load on a weak spinal column increases, which in the future can lead to a violation of posture and more serious consequences.
  • With such a movement, the back muscles are not involved and strengthened, which can lead to problems with the spine.

For healthy children, it is permissible to be in a walker for no more than 30-40 minutes a day. Devices are categorically contraindicated for babies with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, suffering from rickets, having reduced or increased muscle tone, as well as children who still do not know how to sit confidently.


Unlike walkers in which the baby sits, wheelchairs are designed for children who stand confidently on their feet. The child pushes such walkers in front of him, moving freely. Kids like bright and interesting devices, because various educational toys are usually located on their front. With such assistants, even the most cautious children will be able to master the skill of walking without fear of falling.

Reins for children

Designed to support an unbalanced baby who is learning to walk. The device allows moms and dads to protect the crumbs from falls. At the same time, parents do not need to bend down and strain their backs.

The danger lies in the fact that with the help of such a leash it is impossible to teach a child to keep balance. He will get used to the fact that there is no need to be careful when falling. But the baby must learn to fall in order to avoid serious injury.

Choosing the first shoe

The right choice of first shoes is very important for the health of the baby's musculoskeletal system. It reliably protects the legs of the crumbs from mechanical damage, and also helps to shape the child's feet. High-quality and properly selected shoes will help to give the baby stability and make his first steps more confident.

To determine the size, you need to put the baby on a sheet of thick paper or cardboard and circle each foot with a pencil. With a cut out stencil, you can go to the store. If one foot is slightly larger, choose the size according to it.

It is better to opt for children's shoes that meet the following criteria:

  • made from natural materials;
  • light in weight;
  • has a high back for rigid and reliable fixation of the heel;
  • with a closed round toe;
  • the sole is non-slip and not overly soft, has a relief surface and a heel of about 0.5 cm;
  • securely fixes the leg in the ankle.

Many parents immediately buy orthopedic shoes for their baby. This type of footwear is therapeutic and is purchased only for medical reasons. The recommendation to wear orthopedic shoes is given by a specialist, taking into account the diagnoses confirmed by x-rays.

Do not buy shoes one size larger. In shoes that don't fit well and dangle on the feet, the baby will begin to tuck his socks inward, constantly keeping his knees in a half-bent state.

To teach your baby to walk, you must first prepare him for this. It is necessary to stimulate the child to new achievements, while focusing on his mood. If the baby refuses to do something, you can’t insist and force it, this can completely discourage him from moving around on his own and postpone the development of the walking skill for an indefinite time.

All children, even peers, develop differently: one baby will start walking by 9-10 months of age, and the other by a year. Some children even a little over a year are afraid to let go of their mother's hand and go without support. How to teach a child to walk?

Today I will tell you how to prepare the baby for the first steps, develop independence and interest in walking without outside interference.

Preparatory stage

A lot in the development of a newborn depends on what is laid in the first months of his life. Therefore, long before you teach your child to walk on their own, prepare the child's body for further stress.

A kid who moves a lot, shows perseverance in movements and actively behaves during the day, will begin to walk faster than his lazy and phlegmatic peers.

There are very simple procedures, the daily implementation of which will accelerate physical development:

  • Laying out on the stomach. From the first weeks of life, this should not be done, but when the child learns to roll over on his stomach, encourage him to spend as much time as possible. So it will strengthen the muscles of the neck and back;
  • Tricks is an exercise that is easy to do during routine moments, such as changing T-shirts or diapers. Starting from the age of two months, the child makes attempts to turns and coups. As a result, the muscles of the back, neck, legs and arms develop. Encourage flips, strive to turn these exercises into a fun game.
  • Active movements: starting from 4 months, the baby tries to sit down with the help of his parents, by 8-9 months he is already fully sitting. So that he does not stay in one place for a long time, invite him to reach out to the toy, crawl to it - so he will have an incentive to walk.
  • Walking together is great! Six-month-old children are very fond of crawling, any object that attracts attention makes the baby try to get it. Parents who encourage motor skills help the child explore new spaces. And this, in turn, encourages the baby to train faster movement options, such as walking.
  • Strong muscles - correct walking. In order for the legs to confidently hold their master, the baby must learn how to bend and unbend his knees, bounce with the help of his parents.

Top-top, stomp baby ...

Is the child already beginning to show independence, moving with the help of a support? Can he already, holding on to furniture, walk from one end to the other?

Many parents during this period come up with ways to teach a child to walk, so that in a little over a year he runs on his own.

First of all, the baby should feel the support of adults. For example, you can take his hand and go together: see how the cat washes, what can be seen from the window, who returned home after work.

Boys will be happy to walk and push a tolocar in the form of a car in front of them, and girls will have a puppet stroller, which is convenient to grab, walk and roll forward. When a child turns 11-12 months old, the question of how to teach walking may no longer be so relevant.

If there are still walkers in the house, you need to remove them so that the baby forgets what it is. The active walking phase should take place naturally, and not be limited to the seat and bumper of the walker.

Walkers are a very controversial device. In my opinion, this device does more harm than good: the baby cannot sit and walk properly in them, he constantly shifts the center of gravity, leaning on the walker.

Remember that the more you encourage your child to walk, the faster he will learn to walk. You can sit on your knees a few steps away from him and ask him to walk to his mother's arms. Children are very fond of such “hikes”, strengthening walking skills and cheerful laughter will definitely be guaranteed.

Choosing shoes

Little walkers need the right "boots". The choice of shoes should be taken very seriously, because how well the child feels in shoes depends on how quickly he starts and how correctly he will walk. The baby should wear shoes with pleasure, and therefore, you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. size (no need to buy shoes "for growth");
  2. heel height (should not be low);
  3. sole (elastic, with arch support);
  4. fastener (best of all, Velcro - they are more convenient to use).

The shoes themselves should be chosen together with the child so that he can walk in it, and you can see if the model is comfortable, how well it sits on the leg, and whether it leaves red spots on the leg. Doctors prescribe special medical or preventive shoes for children with orthopedic problems, and attention should also be focused on this point.

It is useful for a kid to walk barefoot at home, this is stop therapy and hardening “in one bottle”. Now extremely popular are rugs with different bulges that massage and strengthen the legs at the same time: teach your child to walk on them.

If you are afraid that barefoot the baby may catch a cold, then you can put on socks with a special sole, it has a rubberized pattern and prevents slipping on the floor.

Important! If the child is registered with an orthopedist due to improper placement of the feet, walking in special shoes can be prescribed even at home. In this case, you need to consult a specialist.

Psychological attitude of parents

The psychological subtext of the problem being covered is very important, because often parents begin to sound the alarm, look for a five thousandth way to teach a child to walk, what Komarovsky says on this topic and in general, why their child is not as smart as everyone else. Here are a few tips on how to overcome the "fussy parent" syndrome:

  • My baby is an individual. Understand that your Petya and neighbor Mitya are different people. Read more in the article, “Are we really so different?” If Mitya rushed like crazy from 10 months old, and Petya hesitantly and holding his mother's hand went to a year - this is not a reason to panic. It's just that the time hasn't come yet. Find out what to do if your child is afraid to walk alone >>>.
  • If the baby often stumbles, falls and does not want to let go of dad's hand for a walk, except for an orthopedist and a neurologist, you can consult an optometrist. Sometimes the baby cannot walk independently due to vision problems;
  • Constantly arouse the child's interest in walking, showing one's own example is one of the effective ways how to teach a child to walk without support. It's easy for kids to get carried away with something interesting, so just turn on your imagination and ingenuity.

Fixing bugs

It happens that parents, not understanding how to quickly teach a child to walk, come up with their own methods and make mistakes. Naturally, some mistakes do not help, but make it difficult for the baby to master the art of walking. Below is a ranking of the most common parenting mistakes that should not be repeated:

  1. Use of walkers and jumpers. Much has already been said about the former. In short, refuse to use them while the baby is learning to walk, or replace them with cars that can be pushed or play centers with a cognitive resource;
  2. Parents should not put babies on their feet too early in an attempt to teach them to walk. The kid will do it on his own when his muscles and bones get stronger. If this process is artificially accelerated, it is possible to promote the development of flat feet and disorders in the development of the spine;
  3. In addition, the little one should not “stand” near the support for too long - he needs to learn to squat, otherwise the foot may be deformed due to sprain;
  4. Poor quality shoes are a serious blunder for parents. On the shoes of children, especially small ones, you can not save in any case. Only high-quality orthopedic shoes help the musculoskeletal system develop correctly and encourage the baby to walk, making this process enjoyable;
  5. Hyper-custody can in no way contribute to independence, and mother’s nervous cries: “carefully, you will fall!” unlikely to give a crumb of confidence. The wider the horizons for traveling, the better, and my mother's hand should just be support and safety net.

As a rule, reasonable parents who avoid such mistakes know perfectly well how to teach a child to walk, this is clearly demonstrated on numerous videos on the network. They depict kids who happily stomp after their mother, push a puppet stroller in front of them and dance to their favorite music.

The first years of a child's life are the most interesting and touching. He starts to roll over, crawl, sit. By six months, the baby's teeth begin to climb, he gradually eats adult food. But the most interesting and crucial moment is the beginning of independent walking. After your child gets on his feet, he no longer needs to ask mom and dad to take him to the desired toy. Now he will choose the direction of movement himself.

But there are times when a child grows up, parents are looking forward to the moment when he stomps along the path, but this time still does not come. It's all about the unpreparedness of the baby. If his back, arms, legs and neck are not strong enough, there can be no question of any independent walking. So, when should a toddler learn this skill?

When does a child begin to walk independently?

Let's start with the fact that all children are different and they also develop in different ways. There is no single template - how many months the baby should make certain progress. However, there are norms for healthy children, which determine the approximate timing of comprehension of various skills.

So, on average, after 9-10 months, children are already confidently standing at the support. Closer to the year, most children begin to walk. However, there are those who master this skill after a year and three to five months. Most late deadline until which the child must learn to walk is a year and a half. It is believed that healthy children master this skill earlier. If your baby does not walk at one and a half, this is a serious reason to urgently contact a pediatric neurologist.

How to prepare your child for walking

The very first thing you should take care of is the baby's shoes. For a child to be comfortable and comfortable, he needs a pair of soft, light, but sufficiently strong and stable shoes. The first trampling should not hinder movement, should not be slippery or large in size. All this will slow down the process of starting walking. Please note that after the baby has stood on his feet, he needs shoes with arch support. So you save the crumbs from possible flat feet.

Walk a baby better at home. Remove all carpets and rugs from the floor that the baby can trip on. If a child walks on the floor in socks, he may slip. Therefore, it is better to choose socks with rubber soles. It is very good to learn to walk in nature or on the football field. It's spacious - the child can go wherever he wants. And a pleasant lawn will soften the blow from a fall. If you have the opportunity, learn to walk on the sandy shore - the sand also cushions perfectly and prevents injuries.

When walking at home, do not forget about obstacles that can ruin your baby's mood. Close the corners of the furniture with special silicone pads that will soften the blow if necessary. Think about sockets located at the height of children's growth. Since the beginning of independent walking, they must be closed with plugs.

If the baby does not stand on its feet and does not even try to do it, it may not be strong enough for this. To make the baby stronger physically, he needs to be trained.

  1. Encourage your baby to crawl. When a baby crawls, it strengthens the cervical and lumbar spine. Therefore, do not rush the child, let him crawl to his heart's content. Entertain him with a bright toy from the other side of the room, crawl with him.
  2. Do exercises with your child. Lay the baby on his back and bend his knees and ankles alternately. Rotate the legs at their very base.
  3. Walk more with your child at home and on the street, holding him by two handles. When the baby is comfortable enough, you can hold it with only one hand. So, gradually the baby learns to keep balance and coordinate movements.
  4. To show the baby the correctness of his future movements, put the child's legs on your feet. Step over in small steps, showing the baby exactly how to move your legs.
  5. It is very good to place supports around the house. For example, a child can hold on to the sofa, but cannot go to the kitchen, as there is nothing to hold on to along the way. To solve this problem, you need to put chairs around the house. The baby will move independently. This will not only give the child confidence, but also train his skill.

These simple exercises, performed daily, will give results very soon.

Muscle training massage

Many mothers know how massage has a positive effect on the child - after several sessions, the baby demonstrates new skills. To push the crumbs to independent walking, you need to do at least 10 massage sessions. Of course, a massage done by a specialist is more professional and will bring more benefits. However, if you do not have the opportunity to pay for the services of a massage therapist, you can do the massage yourself. It will also bring a lot of benefits.

  1. Warm up the room so that the child does not get cold. Undress your baby and lay him down on a hard, flat surface. Prepare a clean diaper and hypoallergenic massage oil. If you are doing a massage for the first time - talk to the child, soothe him with your voice, say sweet words. The kid must understand that nothing bad awaits him, his mother is nearby.
  2. Start the massage with the legs, or rather, the feet. Just rub your fingers and feet, remember them with your hands. Clench your hand into a fist and walk it over your foot. Next, use your thumb to work the back of your foot.
  3. After that, carefully remember your legs - you need to rub from the feet to the hips. If a child has a diagnosis of hypertonicity, the movements should be relaxing, soothing and stroking. If the baby is diagnosed with hypotension, the movements should be strong (but not painful). With this diagnosis, you need to do light spanking with the back of your hand. To tone the baby's muscles.
  4. After that, stretch your palms and arms. The execution technique is the same as with the legs. After massage on the hands, you can do some exercises physiotherapy exercises. For example, ask your child to hold onto a stick with their hands while slowly lifting the stick. This develops the strength of the arms, shoulders and neck.
  5. After that, work the front of the body. The chest should be slightly pinched, massaged with fingers, rubbed with rotational movements. Massage the abdomen in a clockwise direction to improve digestion.
  6. After this, the child should be put on the stomach and proceed to massage the back. With two thumbs of both hands, press the muscles along the spine. Do this carefully but confidently.
  7. Do not forget to massage the neck, especially if you notice that the baby turns his head only in one direction. This part of the massage is quite painful, but very effective.

A good quality massage lasts at least 15 minutes. It will certainly improve the health of your child and give him strength. After the massage, many children sleep a long and sound sleep. This is another indicator of good work.

After all these preparations, it is important to start walking itself. How to teach a child to walk? How can I encourage him to do this? There are a few tips to help you speed up the long-awaited moment.

  1. The most optimal way is to put the child between mom and dad and alternately call the baby one parent. For example, the child is near the father, and the mother calls her “bunny” in a friendly way. The kid will certainly want to get into his mother's arms and will try to walk towards her. It is important to ensure a small distance here - taking a couple of steps is much easier than 10. Gradually, the distance can be increased. When the child reaches the mother, the father calls him back.
  2. In the process of learning to walk, it is very important to treat the fall correctly. If parents rush to the baby after any bruise, the baby will perceive this as something terrible. The child must understand that falling is an integral part of life. Fell - do not panic. Help the child to get up, dust off his knees and get back into the fight. But beware of the baby from serious injuries. A strong fall can cause a child to fear pain and the baby will stop trying to walk for a long time.
  3. Learn to walk where your baby likes. Perhaps your child loves to walk in the autumn park and collect yellow leaves. Put on waterproof overalls - and go. There he will learn to walk much faster, for motivation. At home, you can beckon your child with your favorite toys.
  4. At the first stages, you can put on special leashes for your child, which prevent the baby from falling. But it is not recommended to use walkers - modern pediatricians believe that they are quite harmful to the spine.
  5. Encourage your child to walk. Going for a walk, give up the stroller. Pay attention to the crumbs of older children - how they run and walk. Do not rush to constantly take the baby in your arms.
  6. To make it interesting for a child to move around, you can give him a car on a string. Rolling it, he himself will not notice that he is walking on his own.
  7. Build mountain houses from pillows and blankets. Overcoming such obstacles develops the strength, agility and muscles of the crumbs.

These simple tips and rules will help you teach your child to walk as quickly as possible.

Know that all children are different and you do not need to compare your baby with neighboring children. Someone starts walking early, someone late - there is nothing to be ashamed of. Take care of your child and love him for who he is.

Video: baby learns to walk

There are several simple but effective exercises and methods that allow you to strengthen the children's spine, develop muscles lower extremities and stimulate the child's interest in learning about the world around him.

Read in the article of a child psychologist what are the most popular and common

early development methods

can be used in the first year of a child's life.

What is features of walking at an early or late age?

  • too early. It also happens that the child gets on his feet at the age of seven months, and after a couple of weeks he begins to walk. Doctors are wary of such "acceleration", worrying about the condition of the fragile spinal column. But you need to look at the baby. If it develops at a faster pace, then you should not particularly worry;
  • early. If the child went to 9 months, then it is also considered that his motor abilities are formed earlier than the normative terms. It is also not worth worrying, but only if the parents did not specifically stimulate the walking skill;
  • late. Walking at 16 months and even a little later is also considered the norm. This occurs in healthy children, but more often the delay in motor skills is associated with prematurity or high weight.

As soon as the baby masters the skill of independent movement, you can notice the difference between his walking and the walking of adults. The child will put his feet next to each other, "print" steps due to the inability to roll from heel to toe. This is fine.

If the baby is very clubfoot, walks on tiptoes, or has invented his own, not entirely adequate way of moving, you need to show him to an orthopedist and neurologist.

They will be able to assess the state of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems and advise the necessary therapeutic procedures, including massage and gymnastic exercises, swimming.

If the child did not walk at 12 months on his own, but at the same time develops normally, without neurological and orthopedic diseases, you should not worry too much.

As mentioned above, the ability to walk at 12 months is an average standard indicator. However, parents need to know What can slow down the development of the walking skill:

  • excessive fatness. The kids are recruiting excess weight due to ill-conceived diet, overeating and impaired metabolism. Unnecessary kilograms load the spine, as a result of which the child cannot take a vertical position;
  • temperament. Phlegmatic and melancholic children crawl and walk a little later than more "groovy" choleric and sanguine. A similar pattern arises due to the connection of motor activity with the characteristics of the neuropsychic organization;
  • genetics. Is Walking Delay a Family Trait? In this case, it is pointless to expect the child to develop the skill of walking as soon as possible;
  • climate. Residents of the southern regions of the planet, as a rule, master motor skills faster than natives of the northern territories;
  • fear. Children's walking is always accompanied by small setbacks in the form of stumbling, falling. Some kids, having gone through unsuccessful experience afraid to walk without parental support;
  • stress. Babies are sensitive to any change in the psychological atmosphere. Unfamiliar surroundings, family scandals, punishments and other unfavorable conditions lead to a stressful situation. The child will go as soon as he feels safe;
  • disease. Even a common cold weakens the baby. Some children even forget the skill after being sick for some time. However, after a couple of weeks, the skills easily return.

Pathologies in the development of the nervous system and the musculoskeletal system stand apart. In such a situation, it is necessary to constantly monitor the relevant specialist, take medications and physiotherapy.

If parents do not know how to teach a child to walk on his own, you should contact the doctor observing the baby. It is likely that he will recommend taking note of one of the the following popular teaching methods:

  • in shoes. Many experts recommend putting shoes on children before they start walking on their own. Naturally, you need to take only high-quality orthopedic shoes. Such shoes are made of natural materials, tightly cover the leg, are distinguished by the presence of a hard back and arch support that supports the arch of the foot;
  • barefoot. According to this approach, it is not worth rushing to put on a child's shoes, especially if the walking skill began to appear in the warm season. Walking with "naked" heels on a hard surface allows you to strengthen the ligamentous-muscular apparatus, joints, form the correct arch of the foot;
  • on a safe surface. The child moves unsteadily, so you need to limit his movement on slippery surfaces: tiles, linoleum, parquet boards. If the baby still slides on the floor, you need to purchase socks with rubber soles that improve traction with the surface;
  • in free territory. When the baby learns to walk, parents should provide him with space. This means moving away large items from the path of the young "traveler", as well as providing access to other areas of the apartment;
  • with reins. Parents who lead their child "on a leash" are subjected to all sorts of criticism, as well as sidelong glances from others. However, such a device can help if the baby is afraid to walk without support.

The popular TV doctor Komarovsky is not against the use of the reins by his parents. However, it indicates a serious drawback of such a device. The design prevents falls, and the child must learn to fall and get up.

Before you start learning, you need to make sure that the child is ready to learn this skill. You should not rush the baby, but you should not miss the most opportune moment either.

Signs of baby's readiness to walk: getting up from knees, being able to stand upright for a long time, trying to move around by holding on to furniture or walls.

The more signs of readiness are observed, the easier it will be to teach the baby to walk. And certain exercises will contribute to accelerated learning, which will be discussed further.

Much will depend on what the parents will lay at the beginning of it. life path. That is why, before quickly teaching a child to walk, it is necessary to prepare the child's body for subsequent loads.

A baby who moves a lot, shows activity and interest in learning about the world around him, will begin to walk faster than his peers, who constantly lie down and move little.

In order for the child to grow up more physically prepared and strong, you need to daily perform certain exercises:

  • laying on the tummy. As soon as the baby begins to roll over on his tummy, you can often lay him out in this position. This will strengthen the neck and back muscles;
  • coups. A child at 2 months is already trying to roll over while taking off clothes or changing diapers. Mom should encourage such “tricks”, because they improve the muscles of the limbs and the cervical and spinal region;
  • adopting a sitting position. At about 4 - 6 months of age, the child begins to sit down, and already at 8 months he is able to sit fully. When he is in a sitting position, invite him to reach for a doll or car.
  • crawl. The child, wanting to get the right object, tries to crawl. These are very important exercises, so parents should encourage the baby to move on all fours or in a plastunka as often as possible.

Strong muscles are the key to timely walking. In order for children's legs to be able to confidently hold their little master, the child must be taught to bend and unbend his knees, to jump with the help of adults.

How to teach a small child to walk? First of all, you do not need to insist, on the contrary, it is recommended to carefully monitor the development of the baby. The following activities will help improve walking skills:

  1. Fitball exercises. A child of 6 - 9 months can be seated on a large ball with his back to himself, supporting him by the hips. The little "rider" is swayed in different directions to train the vestibular apparatus and coordinate actions.
  2. From the age of 9 months, children can learn to stand on a hard surface. The child is turned back to itself, supporting the sternum. Then they lift him up so that he can rise from his haunches and straighten his legs. This exercise can be done with music.
  3. Also a 9 month old baby you need to be encouraged to get up from your knees. To do this, you need to attract his attention with the help of a doll or a typewriter, which is placed further away on the sofa. The child, trying to get a toy, gets up and tries to walk.
  4. Another question: how teach the child to stand without support. Experts advise to wait for the moment when the baby will stand at a reliable stand, and give him his favorite toy. Then he is offered another game item so that he is forced to let go of the support he is holding on to.

If the child is interested in walking before 9 months, do not interfere. Usually, kids who are already physically stronger are ready for new achievements.

The child learns and grows quickly, so you need to constantly come up with new activities.

Experts advise to some helpful exercises:

  • from 10 months, you can use an ordinary baby carriage (for girls) or a tolokar (for boys) to train the walking skill. The stroller pushes forward and the child follows. Parents also insure him from the back;
  • as soon as the baby learns to hold on confidently (for the tenth month of life), exercises with sticks are connected. The length of these devices is approximately 100 cm. The child grabs them, and the parent puts his hands on the children's hands. Rearranging the sticks forward, the baby learns to walk;
  • at 10 months, babies usually try to walk on their own, but some are afraid of large spaces. The child is launched into a hoop, and then this sports device is moved in such a way that the baby is forced to walk;
  • if the baby already knows how to walk (usually at 11 months), holding on to the parent's hand, you can teach him to move with obstacles. At a low height, you need to pull the rope, and the child must step over it.

Parents should monitor their children's mood. If the child is uncomfortable, he refuses to get up or walk, the exercises are postponed for a while.

First of all, you should take care of the safety of the child during the training of walking skills. The first tip - do not put the baby on its feet if it is still too small and not ready to move. What else needs to be remembered?

  • buy special shoes designed for walking. Avoid booties and soft sandals. Optimal shoes - lightweight, with a harsh sole. If the lower part seems slippery to parents, it can be sanded with sandpaper;
  • as already noted, avoid training walking on slippery surfaces to avoid injury and damage. In addition, some babies stop even trying to walk when faced with a surface that is too smooth;
  • an inexperienced "walker" should not encounter obstacles: steps, thresholds, carpets and other barriers. Only when the child learns to walk, you can come up with various obstacles, but at the initial stage they must be avoided;
  • you should also protect the baby from sharp furniture corners, large floor flowerpots, swinging doors and boxes and cans with household chemicals lying in cabinets, fragile items and hanging tablecloths;
  • refuse to use walkers, in which the baby will not walk, but ride, and very quickly. In addition, such a device will not stimulate the child to move independently.

Pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky is also convinced that walkers are useless in teaching a child to walk upright. Such a device helps only parents who seek to take a break from communicating with their child.

Learn more about the dangers

baby walker

and are they useful? to a small child, read the informative article by a child psychologist.

Taking care of children's safety, it is necessary not to go to the other extreme - excessive guardianship. Children should move independently, freely, and parents just need to help and insure the kids from injury.

Usually the learning process goes smoothly, but in some cases it is possible some issues to be aware of:

  1. Constant falls. The child is just learning to walk - therefore, he will fall due to ineptitude and underdevelopment of the vestibular apparatus. However, if the falls are too frequent, you can suspect poor vision and consult an ophthalmologist.
  2. Fear of walking alone. This usually happens with overly sensitive children. If the baby is frightened of something while walking or falls, you should not scold him, but support and stimulate him in every possible way to walk.
  3. Increased tone of the calf muscles. If the child walks on toes, you should consult a doctor. Is it due to muscle hypertonicity? In this case, the specialist will prescribe a special relaxing gymnastics and massage.
  4. Incorrect position of the feet. How to teach a child to walk if he constantly clubfoot, “fills” out or in the foot? These positions are incorrect, so it is important to consult with an orthopedist and conduct corrective classes.

Should a child be taught to walk? An unexpected question, since we wrote about training above. However, it should be understood that by teaching we mean more training if the baby develops at an optimal pace.

Purposeful training is necessary only if the child is late with the skill and the doctor prescribes special exercises. Remember that all children develop individually!

Your child is growing, developing, already crawling with might and main, and every parent is waiting for the moment when their baby starts walking on legs, takes the first step. Many parents try to help their baby walk and try to teach the child to walk on their own as quickly as possible. Let's figure out when to start preparing. We bring to your attention 10 simple tips which we hope will help you.

We already wrote a detailed article when children start walking, we advise you to read (to have a general idea)

No. 1 Lying on the tummy

Long before your baby takes his first steps, when he is only a few weeks old, you can start preparing his muscles for the work ahead. Make sure the baby spends 10 minutes a day on the tummy, either immediately or throughout the day. This action will help strengthen the baby's neck and back muscles. ( Reading: How to properly lay your baby on your tummy.

#2 Practice Flipping

Get ready to roll over during diaper changes! The baby will begin to roll over from side to side and try to go back as early as two to four months of age. Encourage him to roll over by holding the toy first over him and then moving it to the side to the limit. This will help the baby develop the muscles of the neck, back, legs and arms, prepare for the next step: the ability to sit. ( Reading: When the baby starts to roll over | We teach the baby to roll over at 3 - 4 months: simple acting exercises (+ video)).

#3 Encourage movement

Starting at about 4 months of age, the baby tries to sit with support or cushions, and at 6 months is able to sit up on his own. Help him sit up by gently pulling on the handles. Encourage your baby to turn in different directions, lean, sit with the toy, leaving it out of reach, strengthening his muscles and coordination.

#4 Let's go on a trip

From six to ten months, the baby will learn to crawl, lunging forward for the object that attracted his attention. Take advantage of this and place objects that are attractive to him further away, encouraging movement. Take a little tour of your home using your child's newfound mobility. Article about the initial period of crawling.

#5 Help Strengthen Leg Muscles

Your curious toddler will soon begin to stand up, leaning on different objects, such as furniture, your leg, or anything else to keep your balance. Usually children cope with this task at seven to twelve months. Help strengthen their leg muscles, allowing them to hold on to you, jump on their knees. Also teach your baby to bend his knees so he knows how to get back to the floor.

#6 Be a companion

When the child gains strength and is already well standing, he begins to move around the house, holding on to furniture and other objects. Now good time again to go on a "cruise" when he reached new heights. To teach a child to walk well, be a support to him, hold his hands and walk with him. This is also the perfect time to give him a push toy, such as a doll stroller to help him walk on his own, or a car with a handle.

When the child has begun to walk along the support, offer him a safe typewriter with a handle. The kid will follow her, holding the handles.

#7 Forget about walkers

It is not necessary, and even harmful, to accustom the baby to a walker. They can delay a child's development of walking because they narrow the hips and pelvis. In addition, walkers are sometimes dangerous; babies can roll up to a heater, stove, stairs or pool while in them. It seems that this design can make life easier for mom. But it's not. You have to constantly watch to see if something is wrong. Try to better use a stationary table for your baby's games.

#8 Choose interesting places to walk

Finally, the moment you have been waiting for has come: the child has let go of the walls, furniture, hands and taken the first steps on his own. Most children take their first steps between nine and thirteen months of age, and walk confidently between fourteen and fifteen months of age. Now, when he walks, get ready to see new amazing moments: how he kicks the ball or climbs up, down the stairs.

Top, top, the baby stomps ... The first steps are not very easy ... The baby looks touching, which, waddling from foot to foot, takes its first steps. Walking is another of the little discoveries in a child's life.

#9 Don't Compare

Not all children are the same. Some achieve success earlier, others later. The time it takes for a child to reach a certain milestone may depend on various reasons, such as body weight or even personality. Although it's not easy, try not to get frustrated or upset if your child falls behind other children. Keep in mind that the dates are approximate and not set in stone.

#10 Choose the right shoes

Go shopping for your first pair of walking shoes at the end of the day when your foot is a little bigger than it was in the first half. Let the baby dress and stand in new shoes. Make sure that it is spacious for him, does not press. Let him walk around the store a little, check for irritation, red spots on the legs. If there are stains, try larger size. Shoes should be suitable strictly for age, have a solid high heel, elastic soles with instep support, and a comfortable fastener. Details about right choice children's shoes.

At home, you can walk without shoes, it is useful, hardens. If you are afraid that the baby will slip, buy socks with rubber soles. They also prevent flat feet.

If a child falls very often while walking, constantly wants to walk only holding your hand, then one of the possible reasons may be poor vision, we recommend that you consult an ophthalmologist.

Read on for more tips on your child's development.

It happens that a child, when walking, does not step on the whole foot, but on tiptoe, many parents do not understand why their baby walks on toes, so check out the article - reasons and what to do?

Updated: Another popular problem is when a child is afraid to walk on his own, so read why he is afraid and what should be done in this case - link to the article

Video answer to the question:

"Hello! My daughter started walking at 11 months, she took a few steps herself without support, then she fell slightly and flatly refuses to walk on her own, only by the handle, and she can barely hold on to her finger, or lean on furniture, etc. At the age of one, they underwent an examination, everything is fine, the neurologist looked at the orthopedist, slightly valgus feet, underwent a massage course - no changes, we run, we rush by the handle. It is worth contacting a neurologist or a psychologist, or not touching the child, how will it go, will it go? Perhaps there are some special psychological techniques or games to overcome this fear? Thanks in advance for your reply."

Thesis conclusion:

  1. Don't rush your child.
  2. Develop an interest in walking.
  3. Find a role model.
  4. Hold it right.
  5. Refusal of "walkers".
  6. Walking without shoes.

Important! Read also: Children grow up very fast. Within a few months, your child will no longer lie in the crib, begin to crawl, then walk, explore new territories, first in his room, and then in the whole house, so it is very important to secure the house for the child. How to do it right, read in this article - how to secure a house for a small child

First baby steps. What time should a child start walking? Varvara Vladimirovna answers:

Patience to you, wisdom and happiness!


  1. Don't rush your child. All average indicators are a conditional benchmark. Therefore, even at 14-15 months it is quite normal for some not to walk on their own. The main task of parents at the initial stage is to wait until the child is mature in order to master a new skill. Haste can adversely affect the formation of feet, muscles, joints.
  2. Create a supportive, safe environment: remove anything that could be harmful, eliminate sharp corners, hide cords, and keep an extra close eye on the baby.
  3. Conduct physical training. No special exercises are required. You just need to timely train all muscle groups step by step from birth. Spread on the stomach, stimulate turning. Next, the child should sit down on his own from a prone position. And, of course, crawling plays a big role. The task of the parent is to encourage the physical activity of the child in every possible way. For example, attracting him with toys, forcing him to crawl around the room. And jumping on the parent's knees, which children love so much, is a great exercise to strengthen the legs. (How to make a newborn baby stronger: 4 basic exercises for developing baby strength and endurance)
  4. Massage well develops muscles and relieves tension in them at the same time. You can contact a specialist, or you can do it yourself.
  5. Encourage walking. You can show an interesting toy, and then put it on the table, for example, so that you can get it only by standing up. When the baby tries to take the first steps, the toy can miraculously move from the table to the sofa as soon as the baby approaches it. It's good to be outside more often. where you can watch other children who can already walk. In this case, it is better to leave the stroller at home. It is convenient to use special "reins". But only when the child is already walking. It is important to ensure that the body of the child does not bend forward or to the side.
  6. Encourage. Praise for success, the smile of mom and dad is the best reward. Do not forget about affectionate and enthusiastic words. The child deserves this for his first steps.

Things to remember when teaching a child to walk:

  • It is better to start walking barefoot. This leads to the correct formation of the foot. And simultaneously tempers the baby. Or wear socks with rubber soles.
  • For walks on the street, you should purchase high-quality and comfortable shoes with a tight back and make sure that they do not rub your legs.
  • No need to be tempted by walkers. Children often walk on their toes for a long time after a walker. And they refuse to learn walking skills in a timely manner.
  • During training, you do not need to hold the child by the armpits. More correctly for a brush, for a forearm or even for a hood.
  • And, most importantly, be patient. Don't force your child into a standard frame. But you need to be an assistant to him in everything, as soon as he himself is ready for new discoveries.

During the first year of life, the child goes through important stages of development in order to confidently stand on his own feet. He learns to roll over from his back to his stomach and back, tries to crawl, studying the world. Then he sits down, stands at the support, after which he takes the first uncertain steps. For each child, this process is individual and takes up to 11 months, so parents should not be equal to other children, allowing their beloved child to walk the path on their own.

The first steps of the child - an event that all parents are waiting for

The norm for mastering walking is considered to be 9-16 months, and the first attempts become a happy and important event for the whole family. Minor deviations should be taken into account:

  1. Very early period. It is not uncommon for a baby to stand on its feet at 7 months, and after a short period of time it is already walking. Relatives and friends are delighted, and the doctor warns of a possible danger to the fragile spine. In this case, you need to look only at the development of your child. If he is ahead of his peers in other respects, there is no reason for concern.
  2. Early period. If a child takes his first steps at 9 months of age, he has mastered the skills ahead of schedule. There is nothing wrong with this, in the absence of stimulation from adults.
  3. late period. The first steps even at 1.5 years old are considered the norm for a child. It is important to take into account the weight of the baby with which he was born, the general development and pathology. Premature babies often lag behind their peers.

For a healthy child, a late start of walking can also be considered the norm. You should not worry, because the child's body knows exactly when it is ready for such loads on the spine.

The time when the child begins to walk depends on the individual characteristics of the baby and on his desire to learn to walk.

None of the parents will sound the alarm if the child did not start at 6 months of age, but by the age of one they begin to be overcome by doubts. In the absence of pathologies in development, there is no point in worrying. The walking skill can be delayed for various reasons:

  1. Weight. A child can gain extra pounds as a result of poor nutrition, metabolic disorders or overeating. Reasonable physical exercise and standard portions will solve the problem. Weight puts additional stress on the spine. Swimming and active crawling are useful to teach such a strong man to take his first steps.
  2. Temperament. It is easier for cheerful sanguine people and mobile choleric people to change than for anxious melancholic people and slow phlegmatic people. They start sitting at 6 months of age. The desire to learn how to walk is inherent in emotionally and mentally more developed children.
  3. Genetics. If the parents went late, one should not demand Olympic indicators from the child.
  4. Fears. The problem may arise if the child is afraid to walk without outside support. It is likely that the baby fell and was badly hurt. It is important to be patient and not rush learning. It is enough to gently stimulate the child, showing participation and supporting him by the hands. The training will not end quickly, but will give a chance to overcome the fear of walking.
  5. Health. With weakened immunity and during the period colds You can't teach a baby to walk. You should not continue classes, even if the process has already begun. The child will surely forget everything that he knew before the illness, but the acquired skills will definitely return.
  6. Neurology and musculoskeletal system. An integrated approach will help to cope with the problem. It is necessary to correctly and timely diagnose the disease, undergo a course of treatment and connect restorative procedures.

If the baby is afraid to walk on his own, then parents need to support him by the arms.

It is impossible to identify the problem on your own, therefore it is advisable to contact a specialist at the first sign of a lag. The advice of friends and relatives in this case is unlikely to help.

Before you start learning, you need to make sure that the child is ready for a difficult process. You can’t rush the baby, but it’s also undesirable to miss the ideal month for classes. Good points it is considered lifting the crumbs from the knees, the ability to stand on their feet for a long time, trying to walk, holding on to furniture or a wall. The more favorable conditions for learning, the easier the learning will be.

How to fix the process?

Modern techniques allow you to arouse the interest of the baby in classes in a short time. The most comfortable option should be chosen by parents, based on the characteristics of the development of the crumbs:

  1. In shoes. Orthopedists advise putting on a child's shoes before he begins to walk on his own. Quality footwear made from natural material, has a rigid heel counter and an arch support that supports the arch of the foot. It is important to ensure that the leg does not dangle. You should not be surprised later that the child is afraid to walk if during the training period he rubbed his legs or felt discomfort. Properly chosen shoes also prevent the development of flat feet.

    Orthopedic shoes will make the process of walking for the baby more comfortable

  2. Barefoot. The older generation prefers the method when the baby walks with bare feet. The baby will always have time to put on shoes, and walking bare heels on the grass in the country will strengthen the ligaments, muscles and joints. In addition, the probability of correct formation of the foot is much higher.
  3. Surface. The first steps of the little one are accompanied by uncertainty, loss of balance and falls. You can reduce their number by choosing a safe surface. Slippery floors are absolutely not suitable for classes: tiles, linoleum, parquet. If the baby is afraid to walk, having “acquainted” with a smooth surface, you can put on socks with rubberized soles for him.
  4. Space size. It is necessary to expand the space for the "pioneer" by removing large items, and be prepared for the fact that the child is not limited to one room when exploring the apartment. In order to develop curiosity and the desire to conquer new territories in the baby, it is advisable to organize corners for recreation and entertainment.
  5. Artificial reins. There are no contraindications for the so-called "leash" if the child has begun to walk independently, but does not do it too confidently. Sometimes such support is indispensable if parents are not afraid of sidelong and puzzled looks.

Dr. Komarovsky voiced only one reason why the use of the reins is undesirable. Their design protects the child from falls, and being able to fall and rise is an important skill.

Stimulating exercises

Classes can begin when the baby tries to get up from his knees and stands on his legs. The decision to study always remains with the child, and not with the parents who want to rub their noses to friends and prove something to their relatives. Each baby is individual in its own way, and mom needs to accept him for who he is. Useful exercises will help to push the little one forward a little.

For an early age

  1. Fitball classes are suitable for children 6-9 months old. It is necessary to seat the baby on the ball, turning his face away from you and holding it by the hips. It is necessary to shake the baby in different directions to develop balance and coordination.
  2. From 9 months it is important to teach the child to stand. The surface from which the baby will be repelled by the legs must be solid. The peanut should be turned back to itself, holding it in the chest area. Then lift him up a little so that he rises from his haunches on his own and straightens his legs. To make learning fun, you can turn on the music. If the baby does not understand what is required of him, it is better to return to the exercise later.
  3. From 9 months, lifting from the knees is stimulated, if the baby is able to rise on his own, hold on to the support. The child's attention is attracted by the toy, after which it "runs away" and "sits down" in a chair or sofa. The kid should follow her, get up and take the toy.

Any exercises and activities should be fun and interesting for the child. For a later age

  1. From the age of 10 months, a toy stroller will be a useful purchase, regardless of the gender of the child. Pushchair riding is a useful skill when a toddler can walk with support. The stroller will slowly roll forward, and the little one will follow it. It needs to be backed up.
  2. When the baby will stand confidently, you can connect the exercise with sticks. The length of the sticks is about a meter, the baby holds on to them, and the hands of an adult lie on the arms of a child. Rearranging the sticks forward, the baby learns to walk slowly.
  3. If you visually limit the space, you can teach a child who is afraid to walk. The exercise is included in the complex when the baby is 10 months old, and he stands confidently. The baby is launched inside the hoop and stimulated to walk in different directions by moving the edges.
  4. If the child walks well, holding an adult by the hand, it's time to organize movement with obstacles. A rope is pulled between objects or furniture at a level comfortable for the baby. With the help of an adult, he must cross it.

When performing exercises, you need to monitor the mood of the child. If discomfort is noticed or the baby refuses to complete the task, it is advisable to postpone the lesson.

A wheelchair will help your baby take their first steps on their own. And parents need to support the child from behind Dangerous symptoms

Not to do without problems in the learning process. Parents should contact a specialist in situations where:

  • the child is not able to take a step without support;
  • the baby walks on toes (why does the child walk on toes?), not leaning on the entire foot.

To exclude possible deviations, a doctor's consultation will not be superfluous. The famous pediatrician Komarovsky claims that in most cases there are no pathologies. A video with his participation will help dispel parental doubts.

All children, even peers, develop differently: one baby will start walking by 9-10 months of age, and the other by a year. Some children even a little over a year are afraid to let go of their mother's hand and go without support. How to teach a child to walk?

Today I will tell you how to prepare the baby for the first steps, develop independence and interest in walking without outside interference.

A lot in the development of a newborn depends on what is laid in the first months of his life. Therefore, long before you teach your child to walk on their own, prepare the child's body for further stress.

A kid who moves a lot, shows perseverance in movements and actively behaves during the day, will begin to walk faster than his lazy and phlegmatic peers.

There are very simple procedures, the daily implementation of which will accelerate physical development:

  • Laying out on the stomach. From the first weeks of life, this should not be done, but when the child learns to roll over on his stomach, encourage him to spend as much time as possible. So it will strengthen the muscles of the neck and back;
  • Tricks is an exercise that is easy to do during routine moments, such as changing T-shirts or diapers. Starting from the age of two months, the child makes attempts to turn and roll over. As a result, the muscles of the back, neck, legs and arms develop. Encourage flips, strive to turn these exercises into a fun game.
  • Active movements: starting from 4 months, the baby tries to sit down with the help of his parents, by 8-9 months he is already fully sitting. So that he does not stay in one place for a long time, invite him to reach out to the toy, crawl to it - so he will have an incentive to walk.
  • Walking together is great! Six-month-old children are very fond of crawling, any object that attracts attention makes the baby try to get it. Parents who encourage motor skills help the child explore new spaces. And this, in turn, encourages the baby to train faster movement options, such as walking.
  • Strong muscles - correct walking. In order for the legs to confidently hold their master, the baby must learn how to bend and unbend his knees, bounce with the help of his parents.

Is the child already beginning to show independence, moving with the help of a support? Can he already, holding on to furniture, walk from one end to the other?

Many parents during this period come up with ways to teach a child to walk, so that in a little over a year he runs on his own.

First of all, the baby should feel the support of adults. For example, you can take his hand and go together: see how the cat washes, what can be seen from the window, who returned home after work.

Boys will be happy to walk and push a tolocar in the form of a car in front of them, and girls will have a puppet stroller, which is convenient to grab, walk and roll forward. When a child turns 11-12 months old, the question of how to teach walking may no longer be so relevant.

If there are still walkers in the house, you need to remove them so that the baby forgets what it is. The active walking phase should take place naturally, and not be limited to the seat and bumper of the walker.

Walkers are a very controversial device. In my opinion, this device does more harm than good: the baby cannot sit and walk properly in them, he constantly shifts the center of gravity, leaning on the walker.

Besides, it's not too safe, because it's not easy to keep track of the butuz, which is worn around the house in a walker. It will be much better to develop the attention and observation of the crumbs, to learn to walk on their own and without support. Fans of fashionable children's gadgets are advised to replace walkers with a game table with music and light. If you still decide to purchase a walker, find out when you can put your child in a walker.

Remember that the more you encourage your child to walk, the faster he will learn to walk. You can sit on your knees a few steps away from him and ask him to walk to his mother's arms. Children are very fond of such “hikes”, strengthening walking skills and cheerful laughter will definitely be guaranteed.

Little walkers need the right "boots". The choice of shoes should be taken very seriously, because how well the child feels in shoes depends on how quickly he starts and how correctly he will walk. The baby should wear shoes with pleasure, and therefore, you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. size (no need to buy shoes "for growth");
  2. heel height (should not be low);
  3. sole (elastic, with arch support);
  4. fastener (best of all, Velcro - they are more convenient to use).

The shoes themselves should be chosen together with the child so that he can walk in it, and you can see if the model is comfortable, how well it sits on the leg, and whether it leaves red spots on the leg. Doctors prescribe special medical or preventive shoes for children with orthopedic problems, and attention should also be focused on this point.

It is useful for a kid to walk barefoot at home, this is stop therapy and hardening “in one bottle”. Now extremely popular are rugs with different bulges that massage and strengthen the legs at the same time: teach your child to walk on them.

If you are afraid that barefoot the baby may catch a cold, then you can put on socks with a special sole, it has a rubberized pattern and prevents slipping on the floor.

Important! If the child is registered with an orthopedist due to improper placement of the feet, walking in special shoes can be prescribed even at home. In this case, you need to consult a specialist.

The psychological subtext of the problem being covered is very important, because often parents begin to sound the alarm, look for a five thousandth way to teach a child to walk, what Komarovsky says on this topic and in general, why their child is not as smart as everyone else. Here are a few tips on how to overcome the "fussy parent" syndrome:

  • My baby is an individual. Understand that your Petya and neighbor Mitya are different people. Read more in the article, "Are we really so different?" If Mitya rushed like crazy from 10 months old, and Petya hesitantly and holding his mother's hand went to a year - this is not a reason to panic. It's just that the time hasn't come yet. Find out what to do if your child is afraid to walk alone.
  • If the baby often stumbles, falls and does not want to let go of dad's hand for a walk, except for an orthopedist and a neurologist, you can consult an optometrist. Sometimes the baby cannot walk independently due to vision problems;
  • Constantly arousing a child's interest in walking, setting one's own example is one of the most effective ways to teach a child to walk without support. It's easy for kids to get carried away with something interesting, so just turn on your imagination and ingenuity.

It happens that parents, not understanding how to quickly teach a child to walk, come up with their own methods and make mistakes. Naturally, some mistakes do not help, but make it difficult for the baby to master the art of walking. Below is a ranking of the most common parenting mistakes that should not be repeated:

  1. Use of walkers and jumpers. Much has already been said about the former. In short, refuse to use them while the baby is learning to walk, or replace them with cars that can be pushed or play centers with a cognitive resource;
  2. Parents should not put babies on their feet too early in an attempt to teach them to walk. The kid will do it on his own when his muscles and bones get stronger. If this process is artificially accelerated, it is possible to promote the development of flat feet and disorders in the development of the spine;
  3. In addition, the little one should not “stand” near the support for too long - he needs to learn to squat, otherwise the foot may be deformed due to sprain;
  4. Poor quality shoes are a serious blunder for parents. On the shoes of children, especially small ones, you can not save in any case. Only high-quality orthopedic shoes help the musculoskeletal system develop correctly and encourage the baby to walk, making this process enjoyable;
  5. Hyper-custody can in no way contribute to independence, and mother’s nervous cries: “carefully, you will fall!” unlikely to give a crumb of confidence. The wider the horizons for traveling, the better, and my mother's hand should just be support and safety net.

As a rule, reasonable parents who avoid such mistakes know perfectly well how to teach a child to walk, this is clearly demonstrated on numerous videos on the network. They depict kids who happily stomp after their mother, push a puppet stroller in front of them and dance to their favorite music.