Does mint help with menstruation? red calendar day

Mint is a fragrant herb that has found its application both in everyday life and in cosmetology. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Perhaps this is the most popular and beloved herb. Among the large number of its species, pepper and curly are more often used. What are its useful and medicinal properties?

  • Firstly, mint is 60% composed of essential oil menthol, as well as ascorbic acid, tannins, carotene, etc.
  • Secondly, it contains vitamins A, C and B.
  • Thirdly, it includes macro- and microelements, such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, phosphorus, etc.

Mint - useful and medicinal properties and contraindications for men and women

  1. Relieves headaches, nervous agitation, relieves insomnia and improves mood
  2. Has bactericidal properties: used for prevention and treatment colds relieves inflammation of the gums
  3. Reduces intestinal flatulence, nausea and vomiting, and relieves constipation, colitis and diarrhea
  4. Able to heal small wounds, eliminate inflammation on the skin and relieve itching
  5. Has a diuretic and choleretic effect
  6. Normalizes the work of the cardiac system - improves blood circulation and dilates blood vessels
  7. Tones the body and improves appetite

IMPORTANT: like any remedy, mint has contraindications for use. And they should not be abused!

Women those suffering from a disease such as varicose veins should not use mint in any form. men it is worth limiting the use of grass, so as not to disturb your sexual health. But both the female half and the male half, it is contraindicated to use mint for hypotension. Also, do not use mint with constant lethargy and drowsiness.

How does mint affect testosterone in men?

There is a belief that mint has a negative effect on potency in men, reducing testosterone levels. There is no consensus among experts on this issue. But what any doctor will say with confidence is that only its daily use can lead to a decrease in potency, and not in small quantities. On the contrary, mint increases the sexual function of men, especially in those who suffer from neurosis and constant depression.

Mint: lowers or increases blood pressure?

Menthol in the composition of mint, namely in the leaves, has a relaxing and tonic effect. It dilates blood vessels and relieves their spasms, calms the increased heartbeat and thereby normalizes blood pressure. Thus, mint lowers blood pressure.

IMPORTANT: people with hypotension should not consume peppermint tea in order not to worsen their condition

Mint - useful and medicinal properties and contraindications during pregnancy

Not every pregnant woman wonders if it is possible to drink mint tea or eat products containing it. After all, it's delicious! To this question from doctors different opinion. Some warn, others advise. What is useful mint during pregnancy?

  • eliminates nausea
  • relieves heartburn
  • fights intestinal flatulence
  • treats constipation and diarrhea

Peppermint contains steroid hormones such as estrogen. They are able to stimulate labor activity, thereby leading to premature birth. That is why some doctors do not recommend the use of this fragrant herb. But until now, there have been no reviews or cases that would speak of any negative consequences for the child and the pregnant woman. The only contraindication- use peppermint essential oil.

IMPORTANT: for the preparation of drinks, pharmacy mint must be used, which does not contain impurities and flavors

Benefits of mint while breastfeeding

Mint and GW

When becoming lactating, it is very important to include in your diet those foods that will help this. Peppermint tea is a great remedy for this. But at breastfeeding you need to brew a drink with curly mint. It does not contain menthol, and thus does not have any effect on the condition of the child.
But if you are a lover of fragrant mint tea, then you can afford to drink a cup once a week. In this case, lactation will also increase.

IMPORTANT: regular drinking of peppermint tea in small doses will lead to the cessation of lactation

Why is it better to drink spearmint tea instead of peppermint tea?

  1. It does not lower the baby's blood pressure
  2. Does not affect his hormonal system, which is important when feeding boys

How to use mint with ginger for weight loss: recipes

Ginger contains an active substance - gingerol, which regulates metabolism and promotes weight loss. Mint in the composition of the drink improves digestion and heals the intestinal mucosa and stomach.

Ginger mint tea recipe

Ingredients for the drink, based on 400 ml of water:

  • 4 cm ginger root
  • 2 sprigs of mint
  • 3-4 lemon slices
  • 1 tbsp honey


  1. Ginger cut into slices or chopped on a grater
  2. Put in water and bring to a boil
  3. Cook on low heat for 10 minutes. and turn off the stove
  4. Add mint, lemon and honey
  5. We let it brew for 20 min.

For a visible result, the finished drink is consumed 4 times a day for half an hour before meals. Drink 100-150 ml for a month. Warm in winter, chilled in summer.

Water Sassi from ginger


  • 2 liters of clean drinking water
  • 1 tsp ginger
  • 1 cucumber
  • 8-10 mint leaves
  • 1 lemon

Cooking method:

  1. Ginger finely chopped or minced
  2. cucumber peel
  3. Lemon cut into slices
  4. Put all ingredients in a glass container
  5. Put in the fridge until the morning

How to improve blood circulation with mint: a recipe

Blood supplies nutrients and oxygen to the cells of the body. Violation of blood circulation leads to the development of hypertension and atherosclerosis, which in the future can lead to stroke and heart attack. For the prevention and improvement of blood flow, it is recommended to use herbal infusion.


  • 25 ml mint tincture
  • 30 ml "Corvalol"
  • 50 ml tincture of eucalyptus
  • 100 ml tincture of evasive peony
  • 100 ml hawthorn tincture
  • 100 ml valerian root tincture
  • 10 cloves


  1. Mix all ingredients in a glass bowl
  2. Put her in a dark place for a couple of weeks
  3. Shake periodically

Before use, dilute the tincture with water (30 drops / 100 ml). Drink within 30 min. before meals 3 times a day.

Recipe for the use of mint for hypertension and high blood pressure

In order to reduce high blood pressure, you will need the following ingredients:

  • fresh mint leaves (2-3 pieces) or 1 tsp dry pharmaceutical mint
  • a glass of boiling water
  • 1 tsp honey (optional)

Cooking method:

  1. pour mint into boiling water
  2. let it brew for 10 min.

For the prevention of hypertension, the drink is consumed in a course of 2 weeks. You should drink half a glass at lunch and in the evening.

Recipes for the use of mint for colds, coughs, runny nose, fever, tonsillitis

A decoction or syrup of mint has a bactericidal effect on colds and tonsillitis, lowers the temperature and improves sputum discharge. So with a dry cough will help mint milk drink:


  • about 5 liters of milk
  • 20 gr mint


  1. In a teapot, brew mint with boiled milk
  2. Wrap in a towel and put away in a dark place
  3. We insist 30 min.

Drink the finished infusion should be three times a day, preheated.

mint syrup facilitates breathing in rhinitis and eliminates cough. Adults are advised to consume no more than 5 tbsp. per day, children 1 tsp. and only after consulting a doctor.

Mint Syrup Ingredients:

  • Bunch of fresh mint


  1. Take a mint and pour it cold water, rinse it 3 times (change the water each time).
  2. Then you need to dry the mint, then grind it (its volume should be 1 cup).
  3. Pour water into a container and add mint, bring to a boil. Add sugar to taste. Boil 20 min.
  4. Cool and strain. The syrup is ready.

An excellent remedy when it appears first signs of a cold, will take a bath with oils. To do this, you will need: dissolve 4 drops of mint and eucalyptus essential oil in 1 tbsp. milk and add to water.

The use of mint for gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis: recipe

Mint tincture improves the functioning of the digestive system, normalizes the work of the stomach and intestines. It is useful to drink it for the prevention of gastritis, pancreatitis and cholecystitis. This recipe for making tincture is the easiest.

For the prevention of gastritis:


  • 5 gr mint
  • a glass of boiling water


  1. Pour boiling water over mint
  2. Close tightly and let it brew
  3. Drink 1/3 cup in 30 minutes. before meals, three times a day

With pancreatitis and cholecystitis herbal preparation is being prepared. Ingredients:

  • 1 part dill seeds
  • 1 part chamomile
  • 3 parts peppermint


  1. Pour the ingredients in 1 liter of boiling water
  2. We remove the tincture in a cool place for a day and let it brew
  3. We filter and drink 200 ml per day, in a warm form

Keep the collection in the refrigerator for no more than a week so that it does not lose its properties.

The use of mint for poisoning, diarrhea, vomiting in children: a recipe

Vomiting in a child can open with poisoning, infectious diseases, or as a result of long-term use of any medication. In order to stop an attack, a child can be given an infusion of mint, which is very simple: 1 tbsp. brewed with 1 cup boiling water. The broth must be insisted and given 1 tbsp. 3 times a day.

Mint for bloating

Constant flatulence causes discomfort, this is primarily due to nutrition. Mint infusion will help reduce gas formation. To do this, brew fresh chopped mint with a glass of boiling water and drink instead of tea. You can add lemon or honey.

The use of mint for toxicosis, nausea: a recipe

Perhaps every woman has experienced toxicosis during pregnancy. He can manifest himself in varying degrees of severity. You can help yourself not only with medications, but also with folk remedies. For this, for example, mint tea is suitable.

Recipe: We brew 15 g of mint in 200 ml of boiled water. Let it brew a little and drink in small sips when nausea appears.

But not only pregnant women are familiar with the feeling of nausea. To get rid of this feeling, mint tincture on vodka is suitable.


  • 10 g fresh mint or 30 g pharmacy
  • 200 ml vodka


  1. Pour vodka over mint
  2. Remove the mixture in a dark place for a week
  3. Take 20 drops in a glass of water 1-2 times a day

The use of mint for cystitis

A sedentary bath made from herbs such as calamus root, hop cones, chamomile flowers, St. John's wort and mint will help relieve pain from cystitis. Take each herb 5 tbsp. and pour 2 liters of boiled water. Let it brew for 1 hour. Strain and add to a bowl of water. Take such a bath should be 3 times for 15 minutes.

The use of mint for edema

The diuretic property of mint helps to remove excess fluid from the body, and thereby relieves puffiness, and also normalizes the functioning of the kidneys. To do this, prepare a dry collection of herbs:

  • 2 tbsp peppermint
  • 2 tbsp calamus rhizomes
  • 2 tbsp black elderberry flowers
  • 3 tbsp linden flowers
  • 1 tbsp nettle leaf

In 250 ml of boiling water, add 2 tbsp. mixture, immediately remove from heat and leave for 1 hour. Drink 1/2 cup 2 times a day.

The use of mint for a hangover, alcoholism

As a rule, hangover cider is removed folk remedies: broth, brine, soda, etc. A mint drink will relieve a headache, normalize the digestive tract and relieve nausea. Mint tincture diluted in water (20 drops per glass of water) or mint tea brewed according to the classic recipe will help to quickly alleviate the condition.

Peppermint not only helps with a hangover, but also helps to get rid of alcohol addiction. It removes toxins from the body, and thus heals its organs. One of the recipes, the following herbal collection:


  • 3 parts mint
  • 3 parts St. John's wort
  • 3 parts thyme
  • 3 parts dandelion roots
  • 1.5 parts wormwood leaves
  • 1 part centaury
  • 1 part angelica roots
  • 1 part juniper fruit


  1. Mix all parts
  2. Take 1 tbsp. collection and pour 250 ml of boiling water
  3. Wrap the container, leave for 30 minutes. strain

Take a decoction of 1-2 tablespoons. up to 10 times a day. The course of such treatment is 2 months

A decoction of wild rose and mint for hepatosis of the liver

It is possible to cure hepatosis of the liver in the early stages with folk remedies, while it is important to follow a diet and drink herbal preparations, and not herbs separately.

A decoction of rose hips and mint. Ingredients (in equal parts):

  • Rose hip
  • Birch buds
  • Immortelle
  • stigma of corn


  1. Grind components
  2. Brew in 1 liter of water
  3. Leave for about 3 hours, strain and drink instead of tea

Peppermint for Type 2 Diabetes

At diabetes the usual infusion of mint is used, but stronger. Add 3 tbsp to a glass of boiling water. pharmacy mint. Insist and drink 3-4 times a day before meals.

The use of mint for tachycardia, arrhythmia

To get rid of problems with heart disease, such as tachycardia and arrhythmia, herbal preparations and tinctures will help at home. To restore the rhythm and frequency of heart contraction, you can make the following collection:


  • 1 tbsp three-leaf watch leaves
  • 1 tbsp peppermint leaves
  • 1 tbsp valerian root


  1. Mix ingredients
  2. Brew 1 tbsp. mixture with a glass of boiling water
  3. Insist

Take an infusion of 1 tbsp half an hour before meals.

IMPORTANT: the treatment of arrhythmia and tachycardia is a long process, so it is important to follow the course of treatment.

Prescription drug collection for tachycardia.

Ingredients (in equal parts):

  • Mint leaves
  • Valerian root
  • Melissa inflorescence
  • hawthorn inflorescence
  • yarrow


  1. Connect components
  2. Pour boiling water
  3. Insist 40 min. and strain

Drink medicinal collection 1/2 cup 3 times a day.

The use of mint for heavy periods

With heavy and painful periods, mint infusion will help. To do this, you need to brew 20 grams with a glass of boiling water and insist. After 2 hours, squeeze the leaves and drink during the day every three hours, 1 tbsp.

Using peppermint for headaches

A decoction of herbs basil, cloves and mint will help get rid of a headache. The ingredients are mixed 1:1. You can make an alcohol tincture of mint and smear whiskey with it.

Ingredients for Spirit Mint Tincture:

  • 40 gr mint
  • 300 ml triple cologne

Preparation: mix the ingredients and put in a dark place for 10 days. Then squeeze the leaves and apply the infusion.

Mint for insomnia: recipe

Phytotherapeutic herbs, one of which is mint, will help to overcome insomnia. If you choose to drink mint tea, then the course of admission is from 2 weeks to a month. You can use mint in combination with other herbs. For example, a flavored pillow helps very well with insomnia in both adults and children. To do this, the van will need herbs such as: mint, valerian, yarrow, sage and lavender. Grind all the ingredients and place them in a pillowcase. You can sleep on such a pillow and put it next to you.

Mint for itchy skin: recipe

Taking a bath with fresh mint leaves and a couple of drops of its essential oil will help relieve itching. You can also apply peppermint essential oil pointwise to the affected area of ​​the skin or wipe it with a decoction of the herb.

Mint for acne: a recipe

To dry acne on the face and relieve inflammation, a cleansing mint mask will help.


  • 1 tbsp yellow clay
  • 2 tsp grape oil
  • 2 tsp almond oil
  • 1 drop lemon oil
  • 2 drops of peppermint essential oil
  • 1 tbsp water


  1. Dilute the clay to a state of sour cream
  2. Add oils
  3. Apply the mixture on the face for 15 minutes.
  4. Rinse with warm water and apply moisturizer

Mint for dandruff: recipe

Mint rinse will help fight dandruff, and also give curls softness and silkiness. It will strengthen the roots and eliminate the process of their loss, improve blood microcirculation and cleanse the skin of sebaceous deposits.

Rinse Ingredients:

  • dried mint leaves
  1. Pour the leaves hot water, at a ratio of 1:4
  2. Let it brew for 30 min.
  3. Rinse hair without rinsing

Mosquito mint: recipe

By adding a couple of drops of mint essential oil to the body cream, it will get rid of the “annoyance” of midges and mosquitoes. But if the insect still bitten, then this recipe will help to remove the allergic reaction to the bite:


  • 10 drops tea tree oil
  • 10 drops peppermint
  • 5 drops of bergamot

Preparation and use: mix the components and apply to the affected area, you can repeat it several times.

Mint for fleas, in the apartment: a recipe for use

Fresh peppermint stalks will help drive fleas out of the apartment. They need to be laid out throughout the house, especially under carpets and furniture. If it is not possible to use fresh mint, you can make a sachet from dry mint.

Mint from mice in the apartment: a recipe for use

Rodents do not tolerate the persistent smell of peppermint essential oil, so it can be safely used to combat them. Let's talk about a couple of recipes.

Recipe number 1. Ingredients:

  • 50 ml fatty vegetable oil
  • 20 drops of peppermint essential oil

Preparation and use:

  1. Moisten a cotton pad or piece of cotton with the mixture
  2. In the place of the outing of the animal, lay the cotton wool and fix it with tape.

Recipe number 2. Ingredients:

  • 15 drops of peppermint essential oil
  • 400 ml water
  • 10 ml alcohol

Preparation and use:

  1. Mix ingredients and pour into a spray bottle
  2. Process them with all possible outings, plinths and food storage places

IMPORTANT: do the procedure 2-3 times a week, once is not enough

In conclusion of the article, I would like to note the large scope of mint. If you don’t already have essential oil or dry mint on your shelf, be sure to get it.

Video. Unusual properties of mint

Peppermint - medicinal plant related to perennials, belongs to the Lamiaceae family. In the people Mint is called “holodka”, Cold Mint”, Peppermint is also known under the name “English Mint”.

In total, more than two dozen plants belong to the Mint genus, and Peppermint is considered a hybrid originating from its wild relatives - water and garden Mint.

In height, the plant reaches from 0.3 to 1 meter. The stem of Mint is hollow, in cross section - a tetrahedron, densely covered with leaves, sometimes with small hairs. root system It is a creeping rhizome branched in a horizontal plane and thin roots. Mint leaves are oblong in shape, with a heart-shaped base, a sharp end and serrated edges. The foliage is green, rather dark, occasionally has a dark purple hue. The plant blooms with small flowers of pale purple or light pink color, inflorescences are located on the tops of the shoots. The flowering period begins in June and ends in September.

Peppermint has been cultivated for a long time, it can be found in front gardens, and in vegetable gardens, and in gardens. Mint is often grown for the purpose of harvesting medicinal raw materials, as well as for food and cosmetic purposes. The plant prefers moist, even swampy soils, with lime and clay impurities.

Procurement and storage

The harvest period for Peppermint begins with the onset of flowering, usually lasting July and August. Most essential oils are found in the plant when a significant part of the flowers has not yet blossomed, but has just entered the budding stage, and foliage continues to grow. Upon completion of this stage, the concentration of Essential oils in the plant begins to decline.

The aerial part of the plant is harvested by cutting it and then drying it in the fresh air or in dryers. Ready-to-use medicinal raw materials have a green color, gleaming glands with essential oil can be seen in the lower part of the leaves. With proper storage, the healing properties of raw materials are preserved for two years.

Usage history

Mint has been distributed throughout the world since ancient times. Bunches of this plant have been found in the tombs of Egyptian pharaohs, Mint is mentioned in the Bible. The Latin name for mint, Méntha, is rooted in myths. Ancient Greece and Rome. The plant was named in honor of the nymph Minta - the patroness of clean springs and fast transparent rivers, endowed with the talent to heal and give strength. According to legend, the god of the underworld, Hades, fell in love with Minta, and his wife Persephone, inflamed with jealousy, destroyed Minta. Where the nymph died, a fragrant plant has grown that can enlighten the mind and excite the senses - Mint.

The Greeks planted mint near their dwellings, its leaves were collected and used as an aromatic and refreshing agent. Tables were rubbed with mint, water infusion of the plant was sprinkled around the house before the arrival of honored guests - it was believed that the mint aroma improves mood and gives the mood for a pleasant conversation. A mint wreath was considered a means to improve mental activity and often flaunted on the heads of the wisest people, among them the famous scientist Pliny the Elder. Mint wreaths were used until the Middle Ages - they were worn by students to facilitate the comprehension of complex sciences. The Romans adapted mint as a condiment and ingredient in various meat dishes and desserts.

To beat off the smell of alcohol, they chewed a mint leaf. The "father of medicine" Hippocrates advised mint infusions as a whitening agent for teeth.

The ancient Hebrew traditions of using Mint included a culinary and perfumery aspect - they cooked the Christmas lamb with it and used it to make perfume. In general, the culinary use of Peppermint has rivaled the medical use throughout history. In the Middle Ages, mint served as a food coloring and spice; in eastern countries, mint was added to traditional sweets and drinks. Refreshing mint drinks are also traditionally popular in the Americas, and the Italians insisted on wine for it.

The medicinal properties of Mint were most revered in Arabic medicine, as well as among the healers of China and Japan. The famous Persian physician Avicenna wrote that mint is good for the stomach, helps to cope with hiccups, has a beneficial effect on digestion, stops vomiting and bleeding, and cures jaundice and headaches. Mint also, according to him, helps with varicose veins and swelling, improves appetite and has a cleansing effect on the body. The famous medieval European medical treatise “On the properties of herbs” poetically describes the properties of Mint as an excellent remedy for liver diseases, asthma, diarrhea, colic and nausea. Peppermint was recommended externally for the treatment of scars and scars on the skin.

Mint was also valued by Russian herbalists primarily as a means to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as a good sedative, necessary for nervous and cardiovascular diseases. The restorative properties of Peppermint have also been used in the treatment of various ailments. In traditional Russian medicine, a wide range of Mint-based preparations is known - decoctions, infusions on wine and vinegar, as well as leaves crushed to a powder.

Mint was also used in Russian cuisine as an aromatic seasoning for soups, drinks, and pastries. For strong restful sleep dried sprigs of mint were placed in pillows. Mint was taken with them to the bath to create healing vapors that are useful to inhale. They say that the “mint” bath was especially respected by Emperor Peter the Great.

Chemical composition

Of particular biological value in the composition of Mint is Essential Oil, the content of which is especially high in flowers and, secondly, in leaves. Peppermint oil contains menthol, natural acids - valeric, acetic, biologically active substances from the group of terpenes, terpenoids. The content of Tannins, various Resins and Bitters is high in Mint. Also in the plant there are Phytoncides, carbohydrates, flavonoids, polyphenols, Saponins. Hesperidin and carotene strengthen the walls of blood vessels, the amino acid arginine strengthens the immune system and increases the ability of tissues to regenerate. The vitamin composition of Peppermint includes Ascorbic acid, Vitamin P and others, and the trace element set includes various metals, including copper and manganese.

Application in medicine

Mint is most often used for medicinal purposes in the form of tinctures and water infusions, as well as Essential Oil. Peppermint is an ingredient in many herbal preparations and medicinal teas. Currently, there is also a wide range of drugs containing Peppermint - from tablets to pencils, drops, ointments, complex agents, including the well-known Validol, Corvalol and others.

Peppermint is prescribed to improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines, it has the ability to relieve flatulence, stop attacks of nausea and heartburn, relieve spasms and colic in the digestive tract. Menthol contained in Mint has a beneficial effect on intestinal motility, and also exhibits antiseptic properties, inhibits the reproduction of putrefactive microorganisms. Studies show that Peppermint slows down the growth of Helicobacter pylori, Salmonella, Escherichia and some Staphylococcus bacteria. In addition, the use of Peppermint serves the purpose of increasing appetite and improving the secretion of digestive enzymes. The choleretic properties of Peppermint make it a good remedy for diseases of the biliary tract and liver, it helps to eliminate toxins and stimulates metabolism. Peppermint has diuretic properties, so it is used as part of fees for kidney stones and other diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract.

Mint's ability to dilate blood vessels is used in the treatment of various heart diseases, in particular, hypertension, angina pectoris, atherosclerosis, to prevent an increase in intracranial pressure, and also to improve cerebral circulation.

Another important property of Mint is soothing. Peppermint is an indispensable remedy for sleep disorders, various problems with the nervous system, including during menopause in women. The substances that make up Mint contribute to the production of serotonin - the “hormone of joy”, which allows you to defeat a depressive state, hysterical and neurotic symptoms. Peppermint is also recommended for simple overwork and psychological decline - it gives strength and improves mood, relieves anxiety and irritability. At the same time, Mint helps to get rid of headaches, including obsessive migraines and even dizziness.

The analgesic effects of Peppermint are also manifested in muscle pain - in this case, Peppermint Oil works well as a component of Massage Oil or as a bath flavor. The antispasmodic effect of Peppermint causes relief from menstrual pain, while at the same time, Peppermint helps to get rid of too heavy periods. With toothache and stomatitis, mint infusions for rinsing the mouth help well, they also have an antibacterial effect, help prevent caries, and at the same time freshen breath and whiten teeth.

For organ diseases respiratory system Peppermint is used as a mucolytic agent that helps to remove sputum. At the same time, Mint helps to reduce inflammation, therefore it is prescribed for laryngitis, cough, bronchitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis and tuberculosis. In asthmatic disease, the use of Peppermint helps to facilitate breathing.

During pregnancy, Peppermint helps to cope with toxicosis.

External use of Peppermint includes complex therapy for burns, dandruff, and various dermatological problems. The antibacterial effects of Peppermint are manifested in the treatment of various forms of acne, allergic dermatitis. Compresses, lotions, face masks, which include peppermint, help get rid of inflammation and relieve itching, including that that occurs after the bites of blood-sucking insects.

plant parts used

  • Grass



For part of the plant - Grass

General recipe.

1 tablespoon of chopped herbs pour 250 ml. boiling water, insist 1 hour, strain. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day, 15 minutes before meals.

With hypertension.

2 teaspoons of chopped herbs pour 200 ml. boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for 2 weeks.

With arrhythmias.

Pour 1 teaspoon of chopped herbs with 1 cup of boiling water, insist, wrapped for 20 minutes, strain. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day. Use for a long time, up to 1 year.

With uterine bleeding.

Pour 1 tablespoon of chopped herbs with 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day before meals.

With diarrhea.

Pour 1 tablespoon of chopped herbs with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 40 minutes, strain. Take warm, small sips of 1/2 cup in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bedtime.

With cholecystitis.

Pour 1 tablespoon of chopped herbs with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Take 3-4 times a day in small sips.

With gastritis.

10 grams of chopped herbs pour 1/2 cup boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

With biliary dyskinesia.

Pour 2 teaspoons of chopped herbs with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Drink the entire infusion, in small sips, throughout the day.

With gallstone disease.

Pour 1 teaspoon of chopped herbs with 1 cup of boiling water, insist in a thermos for 30 minutes, strain. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day, 15 minutes before meals.

With colitis.

Pour 1 tablespoon of chopped herbs with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain. Take 1/2-1 cup 3 times a day, 20 minutes before meals.

With depression, stress, nervous exhaustion.

Pour 1 tablespoon of chopped herbs with 1 cup of boiling water, simmer for 10 minutes, strain. Take 1/2 cup morning and evening.

Tea. It is used as an effective gastric remedy for nausea, urge to vomit, bouts of vomiting, gastrointestinal diseases, flatulence, spasms. Tea promotes the outflow and secretion of bile.

Pour 1/4 liter of boiling water over 1 tablespoon (with a slide) of chopped herbs, leave for 10 minutes, strain. Take warm 1 cup 3 times a day.

Tincture. With neuralgic pains, nervous overexcitation, with nausea, as a sedative and analgesic.

Grind the grass to a powder state. Take 1 part of the powder, pour 20 parts of 90% ethyl alcohol, insist in a dark, cool place for 14 days, shaking occasionally, carefully drain the precipitate without shaking. Take 10-15 drops 2-3 times a day.

For washing. For dry, flaky skin.

Pour 2 tablespoons of chopped herbs with 2 cups of boiling water, simmer for 10 minutes, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Wash with decoction in the morning and evening.

With acne, enlarged pores.

Pour 1 tablespoon of chopped herbs with 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 40 minutes, strain. Soak a napkin (you can use a handkerchief) in the infusion and apply it on your face without squeezing, keep for 20 minutes. Apply 3 times a week, 15 times is enough.

Foot baths. With edema, fatigue of the legs, such baths prevent sweating and fungal diseases of the legs, strengthen the feet, and have a positive effect on the entire body.

Pour 100 grams of chopped grass with 3 liters of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Pour warm water into a basin (possibly in a bucket) (the water level together with the infusion should hide the knees) and pour out the infusion, lower the legs for 20 minutes. After the procedure, rinse your feet with cold water.

With any failures in the genitourinary system in women, the menstrual cycle is often disturbed. Patients complain of heavy periods and are looking for ways to stop them at home. This is done both medically and with the help of folk remedies.

Causes of heavy menstrual bleeding:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • thyroid disease;
  • polyp of the cervix and endometrium;
  • liver disease;
  • oncology;
  • the use of intrauterine rings, loops, spirals;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • excitement, stress;
  • climate change;
  • hereditary factor;
  • excessive physical activity.

Prolonged blood loss threatens the body with iron deficiency, subsequently anemia. The quality of life can greatly deteriorate due to a sharp decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Is it safe to stop menstruation prematurely?

For premature stopping of menstruation by medication, strong indications are required. These include heavy discharge exceeding 150 ml per day. The condition causes anemia, diseases of the genitourinary system. It is also allowed to take drugs if the duration of menstruation is more than 7 days with diagnosed infectious and fungal diseases.

It is forbidden to use drugs that stop menstruation prematurely if:

  • genital bleeding of unknown etiology;
  • arterial and venous thromboses;
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • liver pathology;
  • oncological diseases.

How often can I use menstrual stoppers?

This method of delay is allowed to be used no more than 2 times a year. If you postpone the process for more than a week, the likelihood of hormonal disorders in the body increases.

The hormonal background is not affected by drugs that stop bleeding on the first day of use. They harm the vascular system of a woman. It is not recommended to use funds to stop heavy periods more than 1 time per year.

Parsley, mint and raspberries for heavy and long periods

To avoid serious problems due to blood loss, you need to know how to stop menstruation. Herbal decoctions are used at home. Means from parsley contribute to the expansion of blood vessels, the removal of toxins from the body and salts from the joints. It is recommended to apply in case of failures in the work of the female reproductive system.

Decoction preparation method: Boil 20 g of parsley seed in 300 ml of water for 15 minutes. Cool and strain. With irregular and heavy menstruation, take 40 ml up to 6 times a day at regular intervals. A decoction of parsley is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. The danger is for those who have frequent miscarriages.

If menstruation is accompanied by profuse discharge and aching pains, instead of drinking from parsley, a decoction of mint is prepared. This is a natural pain reliever. Cooking method: in a glass hot water put a small spoonful of dry mint leaves and infuse for half an hour.

Every 3 hours, the remedy is drunk on a teaspoon until the symptoms disappear. Contraindicated in women suffering from low blood pressure. With prolonged menstrual bleeding, a decoction of raspberry leaves will help. They contain astringent tannins that treat menstrual cramps.

Cooking method: 20 g of raspberry leaves are brewed in a glass of boiling water for 7-10 minutes, you need to drink 70 ml per day, dividing the intake into 3 times with an interval of 4 hours. As an anesthetic, 10 g of mint leaves are added. The remedy is contraindicated for those suffering from nephritis, constipation and nasal polyps. With stable hypotension, it is forbidden to add mint to the medicine.

Nettle decoction to stop menstruation for 1-3 hours

Nettle decoction is one of the most harmless ways to stop menstruation at home for several hours, because it does not harm both hormonal background organism, and does not affect the menstrual cycle. The effect lasts up to 12 hours.

Many women are interested in how to stop menstruation at home. For this purpose, a decoction of nettle is suitable.

Nettle has a hemostatic property, normalizes the monthly cycle, prevents ectopic pregnancy, expands the lumen of the fallopian tubes. Decoction drink as tea for 2 days. Method of preparation (for a day): add 40 g of dry nettle leaves to 600 ml of boiling water, heat in a water bath and boil for 5 minutes. This volume is enough for 5-6 doses every 2 hours.

The decoction is contraindicated in:

  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • pregnancy:
  • malignant tumors;
  • cardiovascular diseases (thrombosis, thrombophlebitis).

Stopping menstruation for 1-3 days with a decoction of water pepper

Water pepper leaves have hemostatic properties, promote healing of wounds on the mucous membrane, and prevent decay processes.

How to prepare a decoction of water pepper: 5 tablespoons of herbs are boiled over low heat in 0.5 liters of water for 5 minutes. Then the broth is infused for 3 hours and filtered through a sieve or gauze. The finished product is started to be taken 4 days before the expected menstruation, 40 ml (or 45 drops of alcohol tincture) 3 times a day. The first dose is taken on an empty stomach, the rest - half an hour before meals.

Water pepper is poisonous, and if abused, it harms the body, so the decoction has a number of contraindications:

  • anemia;
  • hypertension;
  • kidney failure;
  • constipation.

In case of intoxication, symptomatic treatment is carried out - gastric lavage, intake of absorbent drugs, droppers with saline to restore fluid levels.

How to stop periods at home for a day with lemon

To delay the arrival of menstruation for a day, 5 days before their start of the natural cycle, put your feet in a basin of cold water for 10 minutes, eat a lemon without sugar, drinking tea or water at night. Cold water contributes to the active action of vitamin C.

This method should be used with caution because:

  • lemon can provoke severe allergies;
  • with inflammation of the throat, there is a high probability of getting a burn;
  • lemon is contraindicated in people with stomach diseases (ulcer, gastritis, pancreatitis).

Recipes with honey to stop menstruation

Honey in combination with other components is a safe natural remedy for stopping menstruation. It is recommended to use May honey, the beneficial substances of which have antipyretic, hemostatic and analgesic properties.

Recipe 1. Pharmacy medicinal bead is brewed - 250 ml of boiling water per 30 g of grass. The decoction is mixed with honey in a ratio of 1:1. Such a drink will be useful for aching pains in the uterus.

Recipe 2. A decoction of viburnum bark with honey enhances the tone of the uterus, has an antiseptic effect, promotes vasodilation. To prepare a decoction, a tablespoon of the plant is brewed in 300 ml of boiling water for 10-15 minutes, then take half a glass with the addition of 10 g of honey 3 times a day.

Recipe 3. Badan thick-walled has an astringent, hemostatic effect. In combination with honey, it calms the nervous system and prevents spasms. A decoction is prepared from 20 g of a dry plant and a glass of boiling water. Cook it over medium heat for 5 minutes. Drink 20 ml 3-4 times a day.

Use caution in recipes with honey for:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • pollen allergies;
  • urolithiasis;
  • elevated body temperature;
  • acute gastritis, pancreatitis.

How to delay your period by a month with birth control pills

With continuous use of contraceptives, you can postpone the onset of menstruation by 1 month. The maximum permitted duration of continuous use of the combined oral contraceptive(COC) is 120 days, after which it is necessary to allow the body to reject the layers of the endometrium for 4-7 days.

Most effective drugs for this purpose: Yarina, Midian, Belara, Novinet, Regulon. Less effective - Jess + (to achieve the desired result, you need to drink only active tablets).


  • oncology;
  • kidney failure;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • hypersensitivity to the active substance or any component of the drug;
  • thrombosis, thrombophlebitis;
  • diabetes.

duphaston to stop menstruation

At home, Duphaston is considered the safest medicine for both inducing and stopping menstruation. It prevents the growth of the endometrial uterine layer.

When stopping long bleeding, the use of Duphaston does not affect the consistency of the blood, which minimizes all possible risks.

The result is the cessation of premenstrual pain, the safety of ovulation on time. Use the drug inside for 5-10 days, 10 mg 2 times in conjunction with estrogens.

Norkolut with long periods

Norethisterone - the active ingredient of Norkolut, directly affects the uterine mucosa, maintaining it in the premenstrual phase. The action of Norkolut is aimed at blocking the production of hormones responsible for the maturation of the egg and its release from the ovary.

It relaxes the walls of the uterus, reducing its tone. Eating does not affect the absorption of substances, but in order to avoid nausea and other side effects, the tablet should be taken before bedtime.

The duration of the drug is 7-12 days, 10 mg per day.

Dicynon to stop menstruation

The components of Dicinon reduce the fragility of the vascular mucosa and susceptibility to external influences. The effect is achieved due to the work of polysaccharides, which enhance the action of the intercellular substance.

Dicinon's regimen for normal, but long periods is limited to 1 tablet per day until the symptoms completely stop, but not more than 10 days. The effect occurs 2 hours after ingestion, after intravenous or intramuscular injections - after 10 minutes. The effect of the drug lasts 6 hours.

Tranexam during menstruation

Tranexamic acid, which is part of the drug, does not prevent the collapse of the walls of capillaries and blood vessels. It binds the blood, which contributes to its slow flow. The manufacturer does not recommend the use medicine longer than 3 consecutive months.

Mode of application: 4 tablets per day are taken with an equal time interval from the onset of menstruation.

If the discharge is abundant, then the dose is determined depending on the type of disease that caused the pathology.


  • take 4 tablets once, then - 1 every 8 hours;
  • with a normal blood consistency and the appearance of complications from the visual system, the daily dose of Tranexam is reduced to 3 tablets per day.

The effect of the drug Vikasol on the menstrual cycle

Vikasol is a drug that acts as an analogue of vitamin K. It is involved in the formation of prothrombin. Vikasol to delay or stop menstruation at home threatens the development of vascular diseases.

Its action is aimed at stabilizing blood clotting parameters. Vitamin K deficiency leads to bleeding, stimulating the synthesis of prothrombin in the liver and the appearance of thrombosis. The drug does not always have a positive effect on the body.

Some facts about the drug:

  1. Vikasol does not stop menstruation instantly. Its effect is achieved after a day. There is a risk of significant blood loss. The medicine in this case will be useless. Vikasol is able to stop bleeding only with vitamin K deficiency.
  2. The indiscriminate use of Vikasol is fraught with serious functional disorders in the body.
  3. The drug is outdated, when taken, it is highly likely that side effects, and menstruation does not stop: allergies, urticaria, tachycardia, high blood pressure.

You can take Vikasol regardless of food.

Etimsylate for profuse discharge

Etamzilat helps to increase the strength of the walls of blood vessels, blood microcirculation in tissues and cells, and prevents the formation of blood clots. Active substance triggers the production of a substance that accelerates blood clotting.

With heavy menstruation, the drug changes the consistency and composition of the blood. Unlike analogues, Etamzilat thickens the blood, sticking together platelets, but does not clog the walls of blood vessels. The effect of the drug occurs within half an hour after taking the pill.

Etamzilat with heavy menstruation is taken according to the scheme:

  • with spotting, slightly exceeding the norm, take 0.03 g at a time;
  • with abundant and long discharges, 0.045 g per day is prescribed with an interval of 6-8 hours.
  • heavy menstrual bleeding requires an intravenous or intramuscular injection of the drug: a single dose is 125-250 mg of a solution that is injected into a vein or muscle every 6-8 hours.

Etamzilat tablets during menstruation should not be taken on an empty stomach. It is correct to do this during or immediately after a meal.

How to distinguish menstruation from bleeding?

If you confuse heavy menstruation with pathological uterine bleeding, then there is a high probability of earning iron deficiency anemia.

You can distinguish bleeding from heavy periods by characteristic signs:

  1. Volume of blood loss. With normal menstruation, daily blood discharge does not exceed 50 ml, with abundant - up to 80 ml. Bleeding is considered to be a blood loss of more than 80 ml, in which case the maximum volume gasket must be changed every hour. The condition is fraught with iron deficiency anemia.
  2. Start time. The minimum period of the menstrual cycle is 21 days. If bloody issues started earlier, this is considered one of the signs of implantation bleeding. The volume of homogeneous blood released more than a couple of drops indicates intermenstrual bleeding.
  3. Color and texture. During menstruation, the blood is burgundy and thick, and during bleeding, it is bright scarlet and liquid.
  4. duration. More than 7 days is considered a pathology.
  5. Decrease and increase in volumes. In the first 2-3 days, the volume of released blood during menstruation increases, then gradually decreases for 2-3 days.

With signs corresponding to the first paragraph, an ambulance call is mandatory, in other cases you can wait for a scheduled appointment with a gynecologist.

When is medical help needed?

Medical attention is needed when there is:

  • systematic heavy menstruation with a large volume of blood clots;
  • change pads every half an hour;
  • there is a high body temperature, fever and fatigue;
  • the amount of blood released exceeds 80 ml per day;
  • profuse menstruation after a long delay;
  • blood with clots, cuts and high temperature during the climax.

If, after treatment at home, it suddenly became ill, it is necessary to contact a gynecologist as soon as possible to stop menstruation.

Neglecting the help of a specialist at a critical moment contributes to the progress of anemia, the occurrence of endometritis, reduces blood clotting, which in rare cases leads to death.

Video on how to stop periods

Reasons for long periods:

How to stop menstruation:

IN traditional medicine a huge number of different herbs are used, but not all of them are so useful that official medicine uses them. One of the most famous and at the same time useful plants is mint.

This fragrant herb and how it affects health will be discussed in this article.

Photo and description

Mint is a very fragrant plant, which, due to its healing properties, is widely used in medicine.

The composition and calorie content of mint

The energy value mint is 70 kcal per 100 g. The plant contains such a number of basic elements:

  • proteins - 3.75 g;
  • fats - 0.94 g;
  • carbohydrates - 6.89 g.

In addition, the composition contains the following substances:

  • NFA - 0.246 g;
  • water - 86.65 g;
  • ash - 1.76 g;
  • dietary fiber - 8 g;
  • vitamin PP - 1.706 mg;
  • acetylic acid - 31.8 mg;
  • B vitamins - 0.82 mg;
  • vitamin A - 212 mcg;
  • manganese - 1.176 mg;
  • zinc - 1.11 mg;
  • copper - 329 mg;
  • iron - 5.08 mg;
  • potassium - 569 mg;
  • phosphorus - 73 mg;
  • potassium - 569 mg;
  • calcium - 243 mg;
  • sodium - 31 mg;
  • magnesium - 80 mg.

Benefits for the body

Mint's health benefits lie in its unique composition: it contains many vitamins and elements that a person needs to maintain health. Consider what exactly and in what cases peppermint is useful for the human body.


Mint contains a large amount useful substances which have a beneficial effect on the body. However, the effect of this fragrant herb on the stronger sex must be considered individually. It is believed that mint has a negative effect on male potency. Today, the opinions of many scientists on this issue are ambiguous: some are sure of the dangers of this plant, while others believe that consumption in small quantities will benefit the male body.
Consider the benefits of eating mint:

  • improvement of the digestive tract;
  • normalization of the general condition of the digestive system;
  • improving the state of the nervous system;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, in particular, a decrease in the level of sweating of the feet.
Knowing about the benefits and possible harms of a fragrant plant, everyone decides for himself whether to use this herb or not.

Important! Fans of natural mint drinks are advised to remember the relaxing effect of this plant, which helps to weaken attention and reduce reaction, which is important while driving.


The beneficial qualities of mint for women are also due to the presence of biologically active compounds in the composition. The most important is menthol, which is extracted from mint in the form of an essential oil. Most often, mint tea is made from this fragrant herb, which has not only a pleasant taste, but also benefits.
This drink helps to solve a number of the following women's problems:

  • remove pain during menstruation;
  • minimize the symptoms of menopause;
  • treatment of inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs;
  • remove extra pounds;
  • overcome insomnia;
  • get rid of headaches;
  • reduce excess body hair growth.
In addition, mint teas and other products based on this plant have beneficial effects on the appearance.
Tonics, lotions and masks help the skin:
  • remove irritation;
  • refresh;
  • normalize the functions of the sebaceous glands;
  • eliminate oily sheen;
  • smooth wrinkles;
  • minimize age-related skin aging.

Did you know? Peppermint extract is present in the formulations of a large number of pharmaceuticals that are prescribed for heart problems, disorders in the nervous system, and symptoms of SARS.

Benefits of mint in tea

Consider how mint is useful for both women and men, if you add it to different teas or supplement it with additives.


Black tea has useful properties and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system. Mint, when added to black tea, enhances all its qualities. Black tea with mint tones and cleanses the body of bad cholesterol. After drinking a cup of the drink, the headache decreases and fatigue disappears. Also, black tea with mint strengthens the immune system, is a strong antioxidant.


Green tea contains about 500 different elements and a large number of organic compounds. Many of them give the body a surge of strength and add vigor. Theine in the composition of the drink activates physical and mental activity.

In this case, the addition of mint will make the drink lighter, while saturating the body with a large amount of nutrients. This tea is recommended at night to relax the body and allow you to fall asleep easily.

With additives (lemon, ginger, honey)

Any additives that are added to a mint-based drink will only bring additional benefits, since lemon, ginger and honey strengthen the immune system. Also, with the help of these products, colds are treated without taking medications, if you start using them immediately after the first symptoms appear.

Health drinks

In addition to adding fresh leaves to drinks, various drugs are also made from mint. Consider what benefits they will bring to the body and whether there can be harm from them.

Infusion and tincture

Peppermint tincture has many uses due to its healing properties. In addition to medicinal purposes, it is also used in cosmetology.

Tincture is used in such cases:

  • strong emotional shock;
  • problems with the gallbladder;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • inflammation of the mucous membranes;
  • migraine and neuralgia.

Inside take no more than 10 drops, which are diluted in ¼ cup of water. Drink it should be no more than 3 times 30 minutes before meals. You can buy peppermint tincture in a pharmacy ready-made or make it yourself.
To prepare an infusion or tincture, you must first prepare the leaves. It is necessary to collect during flowering. The following remedies are made from dried leaves:

  1. Alcohol tincture. It is prepared from 50 g of leaves and 250 ml of alcohol. The components must be combined and infused in a dark place for 14 days. After this period, the tincture should be filtered and taken orally 30 drops.
  2. Water infusion. Pour 10 g of leaves into 500 ml of water. Put on fire and boil for 15 minutes. Then leave to cool completely and strain. Take an infusion of 1 glass 1 time per day.

Subject to the dosage and the absence of contraindications, these drugs will only benefit.

Video: How to make mint tincture

A decoction, unlike an infusion, has a high concentration of nutrients and is used when it is necessary to have a deep effect on the body. With its help, you can help in the treatment of many diseases, as well as solve some cosmetic problems.

To prepare a decoction, pour 1 tablespoon of mint into 500 ml of water, boil for 10 minutes, then it is recommended to insist another 15 minutes in a closed container. Strain before use. Use the resulting composition in half a glass three times a day.

Is it possible to drink when planning a pregnancy

When planning a pregnancy, doctors recommend completely eliminating mint in any form from the diet. This warning is due to the presence of menthol, which inhibits the action of gonadotropic activity in the hypothalamic-pituitary system, and thus reduces the action of hormones important for full conception.

At the same time, mint normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, strengthens the immune system and the nervous system, which positively affects the state of the whole organism. Based on this, each woman should personally decide whether to use mint or not.

Mint for pregnant women

For many who know about the properties of mint, the question often arises: is it possible to drink tea from this plant while carrying a baby? Consider whether this drink is suitable for pregnant women and what features of use, depending on the period.

In the early stages

At the beginning of pregnancy, peppermint helps with toxicosis, which manifests itself in the form of morning sickness. Since it is a mild anesthetic, there is a slight effect on the gastric mucosa. To alleviate the unpleasant condition, you can use the following means:

  1. Cool tea. It is consumed before meals.
  2. Warm decoction. You can not only drink, but also use for simple rinsing.
  3. Fresh leaf. It is rubbed between the fingers and the aroma is inhaled.
There are no contraindications, unless there are some individual restrictions. With the permission of the doctor, you can enjoy your favorite drink, which will help solve some problems with the body.

Important! Drinks can be prepared not only from fresh or dried leaves, but also from pharmacy mint, which is packaged in convenient tea bags.

At a later date

For pregnant women in the 2nd trimester, mint helps with feelings of heaviness in the abdomen, as well as bloating and diarrhea. To reduce these unpleasant sensations, it is enough to add a few fresh leaves of this fragrant plant to a salad or other dish that cannot be cooked.
At this time, the use of mint is allowed in such cases:

  1. When itching appears on the abdomen as a result of a strong stretching of the skin, and on the legs, due to problems in the gallbladder.
  2. During times of fear and anxiety. And as you know, these feelings often accompany a woman during almost the entire period of pregnancy.
When the pregnancy reaches the 3rd trimester, it is better to give up mint, as the relaxation received from this plant can cause premature labor.

Depending on the species, mint affects lactation in different ways. Substances from peppermint, after being consumed by the mother, will certainly enter the baby's body and have a negative effect in the form of lowering blood pressure.

In addition, menthol while feeding a baby can cause heart rhythm disturbances and even lead to cardiac arrest. In addition, estrogen is present in menthol, which suppresses testosterone, therefore, it is undesirable to feed a boy with such milk. However, despite the disadvantages, tea with two mint leaves is useful when breastfeeding, as it causes a rush of milk, which is important for unstable lactation.
Curly mint, unlike the previous species, is completely harmless to a nursing mother. The presence of carvone in the composition of this type of mint instead of menthol makes it useful for HB, as it stimulates lactation. However, it is always necessary to monitor the condition of the baby during feeding, and if any discomfort appears, it is immediately recommended to stop drinking any mint-based drinks.

What heals and is it possible to drink mint

Due to the huge amount of useful substances in the composition, mint tea is used in the treatment of many diseases. Consider what mint heals from and how to properly take these healing drinks.

Did you know? The mint family also includes rosemary, basil, valerian, and oregano.

With a cold

Peppermint tea is an excellent remedy for strengthening natural immunity during colds. When coughing, a fragrant drink, in which honey can be added, can relieve inflammation of the mucous membranes and make breathing easier.

With menstruation

A mint-based drink not only has a pleasant aroma, but will also help reduce pain and remove other problems that arise at this time. Getting rid of pain occurs due to the presence of menthol in mint - one of the main components that has good antispasmodic properties. To obtain the desired effect, it is enough to drink 1 cup of mint tea 2 times a day.

Under pressure

People who suffer from high blood pressure also need mint tea. This is especially true in hot weather. The popularity is due to the vasodilating effect, due to which the pressure decreases. It is important to understand that such a drink is forbidden for hypotensive patients, it can be consumed only at elevated pressure.
The drink is prepared from 10 g of leaves (dry or fresh), which are poured into 250 ml of boiling water. After 15 minutes of infusion, it is ready for use. With high pressure, it is allowed to drink up to 3 cups of such a drink per day.

For stomach problems

For the treatment of gastrointestinal ailments, peppermint-based formulations are most often used. In addition to the essential oil, its leaves contain a large amount of vitamins, trace elements and amino acids, which are useful for hyperacidity stomach. With the help of these substances, spasms are relieved and colic is reduced, as well as appetite increases and an anti-inflammatory effect is exerted. Most often, peppermint is used to treat:

  • gastritis;
  • duodenitis;
  • gastroenterocolitis;
  • ulcers.
The drink is prepared in the same way as for other problems with the gastrointestinal tract (this will be discussed below). Reception, which is recommended by doctors, is 3 glasses a day.

For constipation

Thanks to its relaxing qualities, this tea, drunk before bedtime, will help to relax the intestines and, as a result, solve the problem the next morning, without the use of medications.

For heartburn

Doctors do not recommend using mint for heartburn, despite the fact that it helps with stomach cramps, as well as nausea and vomiting. This plant stimulates the appearance of appetite and, accordingly, the production of gastric juice. All this leads to an increase in the work of the glands of the stomach, which means that it will further provoke the manifestation of heartburn.

With diarrhea

Due to its composition, mint-based tea allows you to cope with gastrointestinal diseases, which are accompanied by flatulence, spasms and stools with an unpleasant odor. Most often, after drinking already 1 glass of tea, most of the unpleasant symptoms are eliminated.
The drink is prepared from 20 g of plant leaves, which are poured into 250 ml of boiling water. Insist in a closed container for 10 minutes, and then consume. Within 1 day it is allowed to drink up to 3 glasses.

From insomnia

The benefits of mint tea have been known for a long time, and people have been taking this drink before bed for many centuries. This tea will make the rest calm and long due to the sedative effect, thanks to which the body relaxes and calms down, the tension accumulated during the day goes away.

To prepare a drink, 20 g of leaves are poured into 500 ml of boiling water. Insist for 5 hours, and after straining, use half a glass before bedtime.

Harm and contraindications

Mint, like other medicinal plants, has a number of contraindications that you need to know so as not to harm your health. Negative properties can be manifested by the following signs:

  • itching and skin rashes;
  • respiratory failure;
  • nausea or vomiting;
  • bronchospasm;
  • skin redness;
  • Strong headache.

To prevent this, you need to know about known contraindications:

  • individual intolerance;
  • low blood pressure.

So, now you know about all the beneficial qualities of mint and you can easily use it in a variety of cases. The main thing is to follow all the rules for its use and not to use it if there are contraindications.

If we take into account that in modern women, the menstrual function turns on after 11 years and stops at the sixth decade, on average, about 8 years of continuous critical days "runs" over a lifetime. Let's try to live them with maximum comfort!


  • Do you consider your period a reason to cancel your fitness club or an intimate meeting?
  • In vain. Modern means Feminine hygiene products are not designed to keep you super active, swimming in the pool or even having sex with a tampon in your vagina, although some people find it very convenient.
  • Allow yourself to relax and “get sick”, if only for the sake of preventing such an unpleasant and very common disease as endometriosis.

Its connection with menstruation has been proven.

It turns out that during critical days, menstrual blood enters the abdominal cavity through the fallopian tubes. Together with her, pieces of the endometrium can also get there, take root and continue to lead the same “lifestyle” as in the uterus, going through all stages of the monthly cycle, up to the expected menstruation.

When the time comes to release blood, it accumulates in a closed space, tissue reaction begins, the formation of nodules. The uterus, tubes, ovaries, and even other organs can be affected. Although the latter is rare - the farther the organ is from the uterus, the more unlikely the "shot" of the endometrium.

True, this does not happen to everyone, but who among us has never been ill with anything, has not had a cold of the appendages, or has not been subjected to some kind of intrauterine procedure?

These are all risk factors. More than half of the ladies, alas, have endometriosis at one stage or another.

Its development provokes any overload during menstruation. Try to move less during this time. Eliminate sports, entrust household work like mopping to one of the relatives, do not run after the trolleybus and do not lift your legs unless absolutely necessary.

Even if on critical days you feel at five points, the body still continues to work, getting rid of the “used material”. For the same reasons, try not to use tampons at least on the days of your heaviest bleeding.


We also have big problems with this. Of course, most beautiful ladies know how to keep secluded parts of the body clean, but often they do this with soap, tap water and a douche.

Usage special means for intimate hygiene, we somehow do not accept. But soap and chlorinated water destroy the natural microflora of the vagina and completely deprive the protection against bacteria. It has been proven that a woman with a healthy vaginal mucosa even has a lower risk of contracting AIDS: one in 150 contacts!

The most common cause violations of the acid-base balance in the vagina - getting into it while washing away soap suds. It's not scary if this happens once. But constant alkaline "blows" lead to serious violations of the microflora and, accordingly, to dysbacteriosis.

In about half of the cases, the first symptom of dysbacteriosis is an unpleasant "fishy" smell that cannot be eliminated by any home remedies. But dysbacteriosis for the time being may not smell, except that the usual daily discharge will become a little more abundant.

Gynecologists say that a simple washing procedure should always, and especially during menstruation, be carried out according to certain rules:

  • wash with warm water with cleanly washed hands at least 2 times a day in the direction from the pubis to the back, use only intimate gels with plant extracts for this purpose, which do not cause dryness and irritation, refresh and eliminate odor. Look for bitter almond oil gel. Even in ancient times, women knew that its aroma neutralizes unpleasant intimate odors. Soap can only wash the skin around
  • do not direct a strong jet of water into the vagina. Not only does it wash out the protective lubricant, but it also allows harmful bacteria to enter the uterus, increasing the risk of inflammation.
  • sponges and washcloths you absolutely do not need. They can cause microscopic scratches on delicate and sensitive skin. For the same reason, do not wipe off the moisture after washing, but blot it with a soft towel.


If your period is too heavy and you're sure it's not abnormal uterine bleeding, try reducing blood loss with these remedies:

  • take 2 tablets of calcium gluconate before meals and a tablet of ascorutin (a complex preparation containing vitamins C and P) after meals 3 times a day brew herb shepherd's purse, knotweed or nettle or a mixture of raspberry leaves and peppermint (1: 1). Start taking these infusions 3 days before the expected start of your period and throughout your period: herbal drink - 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day, and raspberry and mint tea - as much as you like. Enhance the healing effect of herbal tea 1-2 tablespoons of "live" viburnum, mashed with an equal amount of sugar
  • corn stigmas have a good hemostatic property. Prepare an infusion from them (a tablespoon per glass of boiling water) and take a tablespoon 6 times a day every 3 hours
  • on the eve and during menstruation 60 times a day for 2-3 seconds, press intensively with the tip of your index finger on a point located in the middle of the hollow connecting the base of the nose with the upper lip.


Nothing annoys a woman more than an unstable menstrual cycle. How does it feel to shiver every time your period is late again?

Yes, and “extracurricular activities” promise little: just plan a trip to the beach or a date - like bam! - greetings from the native nature. Do I need to put up with it?

Hardly. Under the guise of such whims, the first symptoms of female ailments can be hidden, which it would be nice to know about in advance. Yes, and purely psychological reasons also matter.

Try to adjust your clockwork yourself.

  • In the last 10 days before the start of the expected menstruation, take 0.4 g of vitamin E (tocopherol) an hour after breakfast, which stimulates ovarian function. If you can, stand on your head: this activates blood circulation in the pelvic organs and stimulates uterine bleeding due to postural (caused by body position) drainage. A similar effect is given by exercises like "birches"
  • In anticipation of menstruation, actively indulge in the joys of love and reach orgasm as often as possible: it causes a reflex contraction of the uterus and may well provoke the onset of another menstruation. This is useful in any case: a rich sex life relieves premenstrual tension and discomfort during menstruation
  • Specialists in biorhythms - chronotherapists advise calling on the moon for help. Always sleep in absolute darkness and only in the last 3 days of your menstrual cycle artificially create the effect of a full moon. Turn on a dim (15W) night light next to your bed or a dim (40W) light in the hallway, leaving your bedroom door open.
  • During a period of great mental stress, when you have to get enough sleep and sit at a computer for more than 6 hours a day, strengthen the nutrition for the brain (it, along with the ovaries and uterus, is also responsible for menstrual function). Take supplements that include B vitamins, lecithin, glutamic acid, ginkgobiloba extract, gotu kola extract, coenzyme Q10, trace elements - magnesium, copper, zinc, chromium.
  • Are you on a low-fat diet and trying to lose weight by any means? Expect delays. After all, the sex hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle are produced from cholesterol, which is simply not found in low-fat foods. And 15% of estrogen (the main female hormones) is formed in the subcutaneous fatty tissue. The desire to drastically reduce the body's fat reserves reduces their number and makes periods more rare, scarce and painful. With strict diets and intensive sports, it is necessary to take additionally fish fat, vitamin E, linseed oil, phytoestrogens, brewer's yeast, trace elements - iron, calcium, selenium, iodine
  • Check your first aid kit: some medications can also disrupt the menstrual cycle. These are antidepressants, antiulcer drugs, Thai pills and all other "weight loss" drugs, as well as hormones.

7 alarms...

  • Profuse menses with clots.
  • increasing their duration up to 6-7 days or more.
  • the interval between them is less than 3 weeks (from the first day of the previous menstruation to the beginning of the current one).
  • the appearance of blood between periods.
  • measured and severe pain during menstruation, especially if it was not there before.
  • Resumption of bleeding after a year's break in menopause.
  • Any other changes in the nature of the discharge.

...and 6 of its sources

  • Pathological process in the uterus - fibroids, polyps, endometriosis, cancer.
  • Violation of the functions of the liver, endocrine glands, blood coagulation system (malfunctions in the mechanism that stops bleeding).
  • Diet with a predominance fermented milk products(yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese), which cause the liver to produce enzymes that prevent blood clotting.
  • Taking certain medications (aspirin and other substances that dissolve blood clots).
  • Deficiency of vitamins C, P, K, calcium and other biologically active substances and minerals that regulate the process of thrombosis.
  • Spontaneously interrupted pregnancy or condition after an abortion.

The main thing is not to delay the visit to the doctor, it is the early diagnosis of various menstrual irregularities that will allow timely elimination of the cause of the development of various complications of the female reproductive system.