What amino acids are for and how to take them. Amino acids for muscle growth and weight loss - sports nutrition

    Amino acids are complex organic substances consisting of a hydrocarbon skeleton and two additional groups: amino and carboxyl. The last two radicals determine the unique properties of amino acids - they can exhibit the properties of both acids and alkalis: the first - due to the carboxyl group, the second - due to the amino group. Now that we have figured out what amino acids are from the point of view of biochemistry, let's look at their effect on the human body and their use in sports.

    For sports, amino acids are important for their participation in. It is from individual amino acids that our bodies are built - muscle, skeletal, liver, connective tissues. In addition, some amino acids are directly involved in metabolism, for example, arginine is involved in the so-called ornithine urea cycle - a unique mechanism for the neutralization of ammonia formed in the liver during protein digestion.

    • From tyrosine in the adrenal cortex, catecholamines are synthesized - adrenaline and norepinephrine - hormones whose function is to maintain the tone of the cardiovascular system, an instant response to a stressful situation and, as a result, the preservation of the life of an individual.
    • Tryptophan is the precursor of the sleep hormone melatonin, which is produced in the pineal gland - the pineal gland, in the brain. With a lack of this amino acid in the diet, the process of falling asleep is greatly complicated, leading to insomnia and a number of diseases caused by it. You can list for a long time, but let's focus on the amino acid, the value of which is especially great for athletes and people who exercise moderately.

    What is glutamine good for?

    - an amino acid that limits the synthesis of the protein that makes up our immune tissue - lymph nodes and individual formations of lymphoid tissue. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of this system, because without proper resistance to infections, there is no need to talk about any training process. Moreover, every workout - no matter professional or amateur - is a dosed stress.

    Stress is a necessary phenomenon in order to move our “balance point”, that is, to cause certain biochemical and physiological changes in the human body. However, any stress is a chain of reactions that mobilize the body. In the interval characterizing the regression of the cascade of reactions of the sympathoadrenal system (namely, they personify stress), there is a decrease in the synthesis of lymphoid tissue. Because of this, the decay process in it exceeds the rate of synthesis, which means that immunity weakens. So, an additional intake of glutamine helps to minimize this not entirely desirable, but inevitable effect. physical activity

    Essential and non-essential amino acids

    In order to understand why essential amino acids are needed in sports, you need to have general ideas about protein metabolism. Proteins consumed by humans at the level gastrointestinal tract processed by enzymes - substances that break down the food that we have consumed.

    In particular, proteins break down first to peptides - separate chains of amino acids that do not have a quaternary spatial structure. And already the peptides will break down into individual amino acids. Those, in turn, can be absorbed by the human body. This means that amino acids are absorbed into the blood, and only from this stage can they be used as products for body protein synthesis.

    Looking ahead, let's say that the intake of individual amino acids in sports helps to shorten this stage - individual amino acids will be immediately absorbed into the blood and synthesis processes, and, accordingly, the biological effect of amino acids will come faster. There are twenty amino acids in total, forming the full spectrum of the latter. In order for the process of protein synthesis in the human body to become possible in principle, a full spectrum of amino acids must be present in the human diet.


    From this moment on, the concept of indispensability appears. Essential amino acids are strictly those that our body is not able to synthesize on its own from some other amino acids. That is, there is nowhere for them to appear, except from food. There are eight such amino acids plus 2 partially replaceable ones. Consider in the table which products contain an amino acid and its role in the human body:

    Name What products contain? Role in the body
    Nuts, oats, fish, eggs, chicken,.Reduces blood sugar.
    Chickpeas, lentils, cashews, meat, fish, eggs, liver, meat.Restores muscle tissue.
    Amaranth, wheat, fish, meat, most dairy products.Takes part in the absorption of calcium.
    Peanuts, mushrooms, meat, legumes, dairy products, many grains.Takes part in exchange processes of nitrogen.
    Phenylalanine, nuts, cottage cheese, milk, fish, eggs, various legumes.Memory improvement.
    ThreonineEggs, nuts, beans, dairy products.Synthesizes collagen.
    , eggs, meat, fish, legumes, lentils.Takes part in radiation protection.
    tryptophanSesame, oats, legumes, peanuts, pine nuts, most dairy products, chicken, turkey, meat, fish, dried.Improves and makes sleep deeper.
    Histidine (partially replaceable)Lentils, soybeans, peanuts, salmon, beef and chicken fillet, pork tenderloin.Takes part in anti-inflammatory reactions.
    (partially replaceable)Yogurt, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, Swiss cheese, beef, pork, peanuts.Promotes the growth and repair of body tissues.

    In sufficient quantities, they are contained in animal sources of protein - fish, meat, poultry. In the absence of such in the diet, it is highly advisable to take the missing amino acids as sports nutrition supplements. This is especially true for vegetarian athletes. The latter should pay a lot of attention to supplements such as BCAAs - a mixture of leucine, valine and isoleucine.

    It is for these amino acids that “drawdown” is possible in a diet that does not contain animal sources of protein. For an athlete, whether a professional or an amateur, this is absolutely unacceptable, since in the long term it will lead to catabolism from the internal organs and diseases of the latter. First of all, the liver.


    Non-essential amino acids and their role, consider the table below:

    What happens to amino acids and proteins in your body?

    Amino acids that enter the bloodstream are distributed primarily to the tissues of the body, where they are most needed. That is why, if you have a "drawdown" in certain amino acids, taking additional amounts of protein rich in them, or taking additional amino acids, will be useful to you.

    Protein synthesis occurs at the cellular level. Every cell has a nucleus, the most important part of the cell. It is in it that the reading of genetic information and its reproduction takes place. In fact, all information is encoded in a sequence of amino acids.

    How to choose amino acids for a simple amateur who moderately goes in for sports 3-4 times a week? No way. He just doesn't need them. At the present stage of human development, it will be more important for such an amateur, first of all:

  1. Start eating regularly at the same time.
  2. Balance your diet for proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
  3. Eliminate junk food and junk food from your diet.
  4. Start drinking enough water - 30 ml per kilogram of body weight.
  5. Avoid refined sugar.

These seemingly banal manipulations with the diet will bring much more than adding any supplements to the diet. Moreover, these very additives, without observing these conditions, will be absolutely useless. How can you be sure which amino acids you need when you don't know what you're eating? How do you know what cutlets are made of in the canteen? Or sausages? Or what kind of meat is in a patty in a burger? Let's not talk about pizza toppings. Therefore, before drawing a conclusion about the need for amino acids, you need to start eating what you have prepared yourself, from simple and clean foods. Well, follow the steps above. The same goes for protein supplementation, if you have protein in your diet, in the amount of 1.5-2 grams per kilogram of body weight, you do not need any additional protein. It is better to spend money on buying quality food.

It is important to understand that protein and amino acids are not pharmacological drugs!

These are just sports nutrition supplements. And the key word here is additives. They should be added as needed. And in order to understand whether there is a need, you need to control your diet. In case you have already gone through the steps above, and realized that you need to add something to the diet, all you have to do is go to a sports nutrition store and choose the appropriate product according to your financial capabilities. The only thing you should not do is buy natural-flavored amino acids - they are quite difficult to drink due to their extreme bitterness.

Harm, side effects, contraindications

If you have diseases that are characterized by intolerance to one of the amino acids of the spectrum, you know about it from birth, just like your parents. This amino acid should be avoided further. If this is not the case, it is stupid to talk about the dangers and contraindications for dietary supplements.

Amino acids are an integral part of protein, protein is a familiar part of the human diet. Everything that is sold in sports nutrition stores is not pharmacological preparations! And talking about some kind of harm and contraindications is the business of old women on a bench at the entrance. For the same reason, we will not consider such a concept as side effects amino acids - it is simply not consistent.

Soberly approach your diet, activities, life! Be healthy!

As you know, protein is one of the main building materials that make up the human body. This component is included in the structure of every cell and organ, of any living being on the planet. Without proteins it is impossible to imagine the existence of living matter.

Once in the digestive tract, the protein, the molecule of which, by the way, has a very bizarre structure, is broken down into amino acids. It is the latter from the mucous membrane of the intestinal wall that are absorbed into the blood. Further, with the bloodstream, they reach the liver, where the processes of primary protein biosynthesis take place.

Each protein molecule has a unique sequence of amino acids. Only if you have all the necessary structural components the process of protein biosynthesis becomes possible.

Functions of amino acids

Since amino acids are the structural elements of proteins, it is possible to talk about their functions only in the context of the latter. So why do we need them?

Proteins are needed by the human body for many functions.

Firstly, the plastic component. Without proteins, it is impossible to imagine the processes of renewal of tissues and organs.

Secondly, they play the role of neurotransmitters, participating in the processes of transmission of a nerve impulse from one neuron to another.

Thirdly, without them, the process of biosynthesis of many hormones becomes impossible, and given that the latter play a regulatory role in relation to all organs, it becomes clear that the entire body suffers with protein deficiency.

Types of amino acids

Biochemists divide amino acids into two overarching categories: essential and non-essential. From the name alone, it already becomes quite clear that some can synthesize in our body with you, while others, unfortunately, cannot. As a result, it becomes obvious that the value of the irreplaceable structural components of the protein is difficult to overestimate.

Below, I will look at what substances fall into each of the categories mentioned above, as well as list the products that contain them.

Essential amino acids

Valine. This substance is necessary for the processes of hormone biosynthesis thyroid gland and adrenals. This amino acid, present in sufficient quantities, can improve mood, increase efficiency, stimulate the immune system, and besides, it has an antidepressant effect. A large amount of valine is found in meat, caviar, hard cheeses, and sunflower seeds.

Leucine. This amino acid is simply necessary for the implementation of regenerative processes that occur during wound healing, as well as for the consolidation of bone fractures. In addition, it is involved in glucose metabolism. Its deficiency is often found in patients diabetes mellitus. This substance is found in large quantities in the following products: meat, poultry, chicken eggs, caviar, legumes, soybeans, sunflower seeds.

Isoleucine. Without it, it is difficult to imagine the processes of biological utilization of cholesterol; indirectly, it also affects carbohydrate metabolism. To get the required dose, you should consume as many foods as possible, such as: meat, poultry, seafood, legumes, feta cheese, soy.

Lysine. Without this amino acid, it is impossible to imagine the normal functioning of the immune system, since it is involved in the formation of antibodies. With its lack, the mental activity of a person suffers. You can get the required dose of this substance from the meat of rabbits, piglets, poultry, fish, caviar.

Methionine, necessary for the processes of biological utilization of fats. In addition, it effectively lowers cholesterol levels. Without it, it is impossible to imagine the processes of biosynthesis of adrenaline - a hormone that stimulates the body to fight stress. This substance is found in foods such as: meat, hard cheeses, caviar, fish, legumes and soy.

Threonine. This amino acid is involved in the biosynthesis of muscle tissue. With its deficiency, a delay in human growth and development is inevitable. In addition, this substance has a stimulating effect on the gastrointestinal tract and normalizes the liver. You can get the right dose of threonine from the following products: fish, seafood, meat, caviar, eggs, legumes.

tryptophan participates in the biosynthesis of hemoglobin - a substance involved in the transfer of oxygen from the lungs to tissues and organs. With its deficiency, the immune and nervous systems suffer. In large quantities, this substance is found in the following products: porcini mushrooms, fish, meat, chicken eggs, nuts.

Phenylalanine. Participates in the biosynthesis of thyroid and adrenal hormones. It is noticed that its deficiency reduces mental activity and resistance to stress. A large amount of it is found in the following products: meat, poultry, chicken eggs, hard cheeses, cheese.

Non-essential amino acids

Alanine. Its deficiency leads to rapid fatigue during mental stress.
Arginine. This substance stimulates the immune system, and it is also noticed that it can have an inhibitory effect on cancer cells.
Asparagine. Participates in the transmission of nerve impulses, has a stabilizing effect on the central nervous system.
Glutamic acid participates in the transmission of nerve impulses in the central nervous system.
Serene. This substance affects fat metabolism, as well as the rate of growth of muscle tissue.


Deficiency, as well as an excess of amino acids, are pathological conditions in which the work of many systems and organs of the human body is disrupted. Unfortunately, some diets long-term use can lead to deficiencies in essential amino acids. To prevent this from happening, you should strictly adhere to the timing of food restrictions. Respect the principles proper nutrition and be healthy!

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Amino acids are regarded as tiny gold nuggets that can give superhuman strength to those who develop the muscles of the body on a daily basis. Sports nutrition and nutritional supplements, shakes and capsules contain amino acids and are popular among athletes.

What are amino acids and why are they needed?

The human body is 20% protein. It is necessary for the normal functioning of the body and the coordinated work of all systems. building block proteins are called "amino acids" - an organic compound necessary to build the structure of the cell. Without amino acids, the process of transporting nutrients is impossible.

What else do humans need amino acids for?

  • for the production of protein and enzymes;
  • psychological background (mood);
  • sleep quality;
  • concentration of attention;
  • sexual activity;
  • wound healing;
  • restoration of muscle fibers;
  • healthy bones;
  • beautiful skin and hair.

Any disease is the result of an imbalance of essential substances in the body. Amino acids are responsible for the correct process of their intake and balance. When protein is consumed, it breaks down inside the gastrointestinal tract into individual amino acids, from which proteins, hormones and digestive enzymes that the body lacks are synthesized in the human body.

This complex biological process is called protein biosynthesis. The body must constantly receive different amino acids through a varied diet, dietary supplements and own production(biosynthesis).

The value of amino acids in the human body

The goal is that amino acids enter the body and are in the correct combination. If one type is not available or not enough, protein production slows down, metabolic processes are disrupted, and the rate of elimination of decay products and toxins decreases. The elderly are not the only ones who suffer from this. Young people also feel a lack of nutrients, the following signs help to determine their limited intake:

  • problems with body weight;
  • worsening appearance hair loss, brittleness, dryness;
  • poor skin condition;
  • insomnia;
  • mood swings;
  • decreased potency/libido;
  • arthritis;
  • diabetes;
  • hypertension, etc.

The function of amino acids goes far beyond the definition of "building blocks".

The benefits and uses of amino acids

Depending on the possibility of protein synthesis in the body, amino acids are divided into groups. In the first, essential proteins are isolated, these are food proteins that contain the amino acids necessary for a person, which our body is unable to produce on its own. Their intake provides a diet and another exogenous source.

Essential amino acids:

  • 1. Phenylalanine. It has an analgesic and antidepressant effect. Precursor of the synthesis of norepinephrine and dopamine, two chemical substances brain necessary for good health.
  • 2. Valine, isoleucine and leucine are simultaneously classified as essential and branched chain (amino acids bcaa). Prevent the breakdown of proteins in muscle fibers during exercise. Additional intake of valine provides a quick recovery of the body, reduces muscle damage.
  • 3. Threonine. The source of the synthesis of glycine and serine, without which the normal construction of collagen and muscle fibers, elastin is impossible. Threonine strengthens the heart muscles, ligaments in the body. With its help, teeth and bones retain their strength for a long time.
  • 4. Tryptophan. Precursor of serotonin, a neurotransmitter in the brain. Helps to suppress pain, soothes, improves sleep. The main reason for the presence of tryptophan in sports nutrition is the ability to increase pain tolerance and performance during hard training.
  • 5. Methionine. Helps eliminate fat. It contains sulfur, which is essential for the production of the antioxidant glutathione. Methionine is required by our body to make two other sulfur-containing amino acids, cysteine ​​and taurine. Without them, the body is unable to effectively eliminate toxins, synthesize strong, healthy tissues, and prevent cardiovascular disease.

Methionine is a lipotropic amino acid that helps the liver, prevents the accumulation of fat in the body and ensures normal functioning to eliminate toxins from the body. Methionine supports liver function by regulating the intake of glutathione, which is necessary to neutralize toxins in it.

  • 6. Lysine. Promotes healing of mucous tissues. Helps to secrete growth hormone, increases the rate of muscle recovery.
  • 7. Leucine is one of the main and largest amino acids, actively involved in the synthesis and restructuring of proteins. Necessary for normal life and maintenance / growth of muscle mass.

Non-essential amino acids are produced by the body itself in the quantities that are needed. There are few of them, only four types: serine, glycine, alanine, aspartic acid.

The third group includes amino acids that are necessary for a person, but which the body produces in small quantities. Their deficiency negatively affects the human condition, especially in people who lead an active life.

The stock runs out quickly and needs to be constantly replenished. Amino acids of this group are considered to be conditionally essential:

  • 1. Arginine. Necessary for the synthesis of nitric oxide. Expands blood vessels, increases blood flow and exercise tolerance. Arginine is involved in many metabolic processes, improves blood circulation, strengthens the immune system, increases male libido. Arginine speeds up the fat burning process and lowers cholesterol. Lack of arginine leads to the development of osteoporosis in older women.
  • 2. Histidine. Histamine precursor, has antioxidant properties and plays a key role in the synthesis of carnosine. Histamine helps fight cell damage caused by free radicals during exercise. Carnosine helps turn lactic acid into usable "fuel" for use by muscles during exercise.
  • 3. Tyrosine. dopamine precursor. When the muscles of the body are incapable of further stress, tyrosine turns on the "work" and increases the efficiency and speed of muscle recovery. Athletes are ready for long and hard loads without the danger of "overtraining".
  • 4. Glutamine. The most massive amino acid found in muscles. Her share of responsibility is to maintain human immunity at a high level, quickly restore muscles and stimulate protein anabolism. With age, production slows down, so an additional source of obtaining is needed.

Glutamine slows down the aging process. The supply of this amino acid is important for supple skin. With a lack of available glutamine, the body gets the protein it needs from muscle mass and converts it into glutamine and energy. Muscle protein is destroyed, the fibers become thinner, the skin sags.

Scientists call glutamine the “internal fountain of youth.”

  • 5. Proline. Improves tissue properties, promotes wound healing and skin density.
  • 6. Cysteine. Forms collagen in tissues, improves the elasticity of ligaments and tendons. Needed for muscle building and fat burning.

It is impossible, or almost impossible, to build muscle tissue, recover from physical activity and maintain muscles during the "drying" period without the intake of the required amount of amino acids in the body. An important role is given to bcaa amino acids, which are not metabolized in the liver, but in the muscles. They serve as a source of energy during training and prevent premature destruction of muscle fibers.

BCAAs are essential for exercise efficiency and exercise tolerance. With additional intake into the body, tests show an increase in the number of erythrocytes in the blood, hemoglobin, hematocrit and serum albumin.

It has been proven that there is a rapid restoration of strength in the muscles, the destruction of protein fibers slows down even during periods of intense exercise, lipid oxidation increases, which contributes to weight loss.

When gaining muscle mass

Amino acids should be taken shortly before and after training. Sometimes there is an additional intake in the morning. The rest of the time it is better to use protein.

When losing weight

To speed up the process of losing pounds, provide frequent intake of amino acids. The main task is to reduce the desire to eat, suppress catabolism, but preserve the muscles. Required morning reception, before and after exercise in the gym, between meals.

Doses of amino acids

A complete diet fully covers the human need, but when it comes to athletes and bodybuilders, an additional source of amino acids is needed, they are consumed faster.

There are several points to consider:

  1. When taking protein mixtures, there is no need for additional amino acids. The only exceptions are BCAA amino acids(valine, leucine and isoleucine), which restore "gaps". It is enough to take them only on the day of training.
  2. The dose is calculated based on the body weight of the athlete. With a weight of 60 kg, the daily portion will be 14 grams, with an increase in weight, the dose also increases. A heavyweight will need up to 30 grams per day. Important: we are not talking about the weight of the drug, but the mass of the amino acid. The information is different, information is obtained from the instructions on the package.
  3. The dose per day is divided into 2 doses. The first is taken in the morning after sleep, the second at the end of the workout.

Preparations containing amino acids may look different: tablets, capsules, gels, solutions, etc. There is no significant difference between them, only in the features of administration.

Contraindications and side effects

It is difficult to exceed the dosage of amino acids, because the manufacturer attaches to each package detailed instructions. In rare cases, undesirable effects from the application are possible:

  • impaired renal function (exceeding the daily dose of BCAA amino acids);
  • increased intake of glutamine has a stimulating effect on the body;
  • Excessive content of glycine "lulls" the body.

Test for yourself side effects amino acids is possible only if the daily dose is repeatedly exceeded (several times).

The role of amino acids is significant not only for sports and active people. A balanced diet provides the necessary amount of dietary protein for normal life. The additional intake of nutritional supplements allows athletes and bodybuilders to restore their strength faster, conduct training more productively, maintain tone, health and achieve high results.

The human body is made up of cells, which in turn are made up of protein and protein, which is why a person needs protein-rich nutrition so much in order to replenish spent reserves. But the protein is different, there are proteins that do not carry value for the body, and the value of the protein is determined only by the number of important amino acids. Amino acids are obtained from dietary protein, only it can be synthesized in the human body.

Amino acids are structural chemical units formed from proteins. In nature, 150 types of amino acids are known, but a person needs only 20 of them, in turn, our body has learned to independently produce 12 amino acids, provided that the body has enough of the necessary substances. But the remaining 8 amino acids cannot be reproduced, they can only enter the body from the outside, such acids are called essential and come with food.

What are amino acids for?

Amino acids are needed for protein synthesis, protein is built from them for the whole organism, all our flesh is built from the resulting protein, this includes ligaments, glands, tendons and muscles, hair and nails, every organ of the body. It is important to understand that the resulting proteins are not all the same, and each formed one already has its own purpose for a specific purpose.

Another important function of amino acids is their indispensability in the work of the brain; in fact, amino acids act as neurotransmitters, as if passing nerve impulses through themselves from cell to cell. It is also worth knowing that vitamins and useful material can only function properly when there are enough amino acids of all kinds in the body. Of the total number of amino acids, there are those that are responsible for the muscles, building them and supplying them with the necessary energy. Of all the 20 amino acids, it is worth highlighting the especially important ones: methionine, tryptophan and lysine, in order for them to function correctly in the body, they must be combined in the following proportion: 5:5, 1:3, 5.

The role of amino acids in the body

  • Alanine- this amino acid is an energy source for nervous system and the brain. She is also responsible for strengthening the immune system, because. capable of producing antibodies. Alanine is involved in the metabolism of organic acids and sugars.
  • Arginine- an amino acid responsible for muscle metabolism, indispensable for the restoration of cartilage tissue, restores and maintains the skin, strengthens the heart muscle and ligaments, plays an important role in immune system stops tumor development.
  • Asparagine- is fully responsible for the work and regulation of processes in the central nervous system.
  • Valine- an amino acid responsible for maintaining nitrogen metabolism in the body.
  • Gamma aminobutyric acid- indispensable in cases of arterial hypertension and epilepsy.
  • Histidine- this substance puts protection from radiation, is a builder of white and red blood cells, plays an important role in immunity. By the way, histamine is derived from histidine.
  • Glutamine- an amino acid that is important for proper acid-base balance, in addition, it is very effective in helping to reduce cravings for smoking and alcohol.
  • Glutamic acid- necessary in case of ulcers or muscle dystrophy.
  • Glycine- Responsible for the speedy recovery of damaged tissues.
  • Isoleucine- Necessary for proper regulation of blood sugar levels.
  • Leucine- accelerates the recovery or treatment of muscle tissue, bones and skin.
  • Lysine- necessary for the proper absorption of calcium, properly distributes it for the growth and nutrition of bones. It is also necessary to strengthen heart tone, enhances the body's resistance, lowers the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.
  • Methionine- needed for the treatment of allergies of chemical origin, as well as for osteoporosis.
  • Proline- Responsible for strengthening the heart muscle.
  • Serene- balances exchange fatty acids and body fat.
  • Taurine- is simply necessary for hypoglycemia, with atherosclerosis, is responsible for the metabolism of bile acid.
  • Threonine- necessary to maintain immunity, regulates the metabolism of proteins and fats, prevents the deposition of fats in the liver.
  • Tyrosine- very useful if a person has chronic fatigue, this amino acid is in front of thyroid hormones, it is also responsible for the formation of adrenaline and norepinephrine.
  • tryptophan- useful for cores, as well as for chronic insomnia. In general, tryptophan synthesizes a huge amount of vitamin PP in the body, it stands directly before the neurotransmitter serotonin. It is serotonin that is responsible for the emotional state of a person, with a lack of a person falls into depression.
  • Cysteine- necessary for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, used in the treatment of cancer and arterial disease.
  • Phenylalanine- this amino acid promotes blood circulation, is used in the treatment of migraines, improves attention and memory, participates in the formation of insulin, and depression is treated with it.

Products containing amino acids

Of the 20 amino acids, 8 must be delivered to the body with food: isoleucine, threonine, valine, phenylalanine, lysine, tryptophan, leucine, methionine are essential acids. There are foods that contain the three essential amino acids, methionine, tryptophan, and lysine, in almost perfect proportions.

Here is a list of these products:

  • meat 1:2.5:8.5;
  • chicken egg 1.6:3.3:6.9;
  • wheat grain 1.2:1.2:2.5;
  • soy 1.0:1.6:6.3;
  • fish 0.9:2.8:10.1;
  • milk 1.5:2.1:7.4.

In general, essential acids are found in many products:

  • valine in mushrooms, milk, grains, peanuts and soybeans;
  • isoleucine, abundant in chicken, almonds and cashews, liver, lentils, rye, meat, and many seeds;
  • leucine is found in brown rice, fish and meat, lentils and nuts;
  • lysine in meat, milk, wheat, fish and nuts;
  • methionine is found in meat, milk, legumes, eggs;
  • threonine in milk and eggs;
  • tryptophan in bananas, dates, peanuts, meat and oats;
  • Phenylalanine is found in soy, chicken, milk, beef, and cottage cheese.

Phenylalanine is part of aspartame, it is a sweetener, but of very incomprehensible quality.
Amino acids can be obtained from dietary supplements, this is especially recommended for those who are on a diet or vegetarians.

If for some reason you do not consume animal protein, then:

  • to replenish the body, take dietary supplements, where there are amino acids;
  • eat nuts, seeds, legumes;
  • be sure to combine foods with protein, for example, soy meat, beans, rice, chickpeas, etc., thus combining them with each other you will get all the necessary amino acids from a number of essential ones.

It is worth clarifying that food proteins are non-native and native.

  • Non-native proteins are considered inferior, they have few essential amino acids, but they are very useful and rich in substances and vitamins. They are found in cereals, nuts, legumes and vegetables.
  • native proteins- These are complete proteins, in which there are a lot of amino acids of the irreplaceable series. They are fashionable to find in seafood, meat, poultry, eggs, in general, in everything that contains animal protein.

The liver produces the following amino acids: gamma-aminobutyric acid, alanine, proline, arginine, taurine, aspartic acid, citrulline, ornithine, glutamic acid, asparagine, tyrosine, cysteine ​​and others.

If the body lacks amino acids

It is known that 12 amino acids are produced by the body in the liver, but they are not enough for the full life of the body, they must be supplied to the body without fail.

The reasons for the lack of important amino acids are:

  • frequent infectious diseases;
  • stress;
  • aging;
  • the use of certain medications;
  • disorders in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • trauma;
  • nutrient balance problems
  • fast food abuse.

Due to the lack of one acid, the necessary protein is not produced, therefore, amino acids are selected from other proteins and disrupt the functionality of other organs, muscles, heart or brain, and this flows into a disease, and also introduces an imbalance. Protein deficiency in childhood leads to physical and mental disabilities.

With a lack of amino acids, anemia appears, the amino acid decreases, and skin diseases appear. With an acute shortage, the body draws its reserves, as a result, exhaustion, muscle weakness, etc. occur. As a result, the development and construction of muscles, digestion is inhibited, depression occurs, and so on.

Not all athletes clearly understand what amino acids are for, and some may even get confused in the terminology. Also, there is still a lively debate about whether amino acids are needed or can we limit ourselves to protein? In order not to create even more misconceptions, as well as to sum up how important amino acids are in the form of a supplement, we will consider everything in as much detail as possible.

Why are amino acids needed?

What are amino acids? If you describe their role as simply as possible, then these are the substances that make up all the proteins in the body. Any protein that enters the body with food is broken down into amino acids during digestion, which are necessary for the operation of all body systems and tissue renewal, therefore the question of their relevance and importance is initially incorrect. From this it is already possible to draw a simple conclusion and understand why an athlete needs amino acids, since muscle mass, strength, speed and other characteristics are important in almost any discipline.

What are the benefits of amino acids? More muscular body, less fat, better well-being and good health. They are equally important for both children and the elderly, and even more so for those who play sports.

When playing sports, the body spends much more resources, and also requires more nutrients for recovery, so the need for amino acids only increases. They contribute:

  • A set of muscle mass;
  • fat burning;
  • Slow down catabolism;
  • Increase in strength indicators;
  • Speed ​​up recovery.

Moreover, amino acids are needed simply so that the muscles can function properly, even while walking.

It is the question of choice that causes the most discussion and controversy, since many people and even athletes still do not fully understand the difference between protein and amino acids, considering them to be different supplements. Of course, this is not the case and there is a lot in common between them. In fact, protein is the same set of amino acids that is present in the amino acid complex, but only with the condition that it is absorbed more slowly. Simply put, the difference between protein and amino acids is only in the speed of their assimilation. If in bodybuilding and other strength sports the rate of assimilation plays an extremely important role and amino acids still have an advantage, then in other sports this is just an unnecessary financial expense. It's no secret that amino acid complexes are much more expensive than even the highest quality protein, in addition, most manufacturers offer small portions, which clearly shows that amino acids should be taken only in the most important cases, namely in the morning and after / during training. Another very dubious plus of amino acids is that they usually lack fat, carbohydrates, and they are also cleared of lactose, although any high-quality protein can boast of this.

After drinking a regular protein shake, after breaking down the protein into smaller compounds (aka amino acids), you will get the same that the supplement gives, but for much less waste. If we talk about really useful and essential amino acid complexes, then BCAA will be the undisputed leader. This supplement consists of three branched chain amino acids (Leucine, Isoleucine, Valine) that play a direct role in the formation of muscle tissues. It allows you to accelerate protein synthesis, improve mass gain, strength, fat burning, and also block catabolic processes.

From this we can draw a simple conclusion that BCAAs are just as necessary as protein, and not only for athletes, but for all people. At the same time, the simultaneous intake of protein and amino acids will be extremely illogical, since such a scheme will deprive amino acids of their main advantage - the speed of assimilation.

Amino acids are a rather convenient thing that we recommend including in your sports kit, if only because they allow muscles to recover quickly after a workout and protect them during the “starvation” period. Whether to buy protein with them is already your decision, but this is not at all necessary if you are taking an amino acid complex and BCAA.