Where is the best place to meet? Where and how to meet a girl: tips, examples

The problem of female loneliness is as old as light. If you are tired of him and crave male warmth, you need to look for him somewhere. Where to go on a successful hunt to get acquainted with a decent and worthy man? We will answer this question, taking into account what goal you set for yourself. You will find a list of the best places to meet a man for one evening, for a serious relationship and with the rich. All in your hands!

Consider a few of the most "fish" places:

  • Trainings, seminars, master classes- if a person visits such places, he is purposeful, ready to develop, and most importantly, if he has any shortcomings, he is aware of this and tries to correct them.
  • Museums and exhibitions- obviously normal people who love art come here.
  • Karting clubs. If a man likes to visit them, we can conclude that he drives his own car much more carefully and does not risk in vain, since karting is a place for an adrenaline rush.
  • At work, in the office, or in negotiations. Take a closer look at others, business partners and their colleagues.
  • Holiday novels- a way to have a good rest, and sometimes create a family. True, distance is an obstacle, because sooner or later you will have to go home.
  • indoor ice rink. It doesn't matter if it's winter or summer, there will always be fans of skiing.
  • The shops- grocery, clothing, furniture. At young man you can always ask for advice on what is better to choose or, conversely, help him decide on a purchase.
  • Sports bars. Fans of football, hockey, Formula 1 races gather here. Here you will find a lover of an active lifestyle.
  • City parks and squares. In these places, the MCH can ride a bike, rollerblade, run, walk the dog.
  • Acquaintance in public transport. This is especially true if you ride the same bus, trolleybus or tram every day at about the same time.

If you are a homebody and a single mother, then it remains to pay attention to the free relatives of your child's friends, godson, nephew at school or kindergarten. Perhaps he goes to some circle where you can also meet the guy of your dreams. You can also walk with him on playgrounds or visit children's cafes. But be careful: do not run into a married man!

Where to find a decent wealthy guy

Rich men visit expensive and elite clubs, restaurants, pubs and bars, fitness clubs. Also among their favorite places may be bookstores, tea boutiques, golf clubs, yacht clubs. It should be borne in mind that your “victims” are busy most of the time, so they get out somewhere only on vacation or for work. You can try your luck at business forums, trainings for managers, training courses.

Where to meet a young man for one evening

If you just want to have a nice evening, you can visit a rock concert, go dancing in a nightclub or go to a party by the river, sea or lake in the warm season. You should also try your luck at the fan clubs of your favorite bands or sports teams, especially football. Pretty decent guys can go there.

Do not write off speed dating - it's interesting, unusual, although it smacks of adventure.

Another place to meet a decent man for a frivolous relationship is friendly parties, alumni meetings, city holidays and events.

Where to look for a partner without leaving home

Are you very shy or are all parties and noisy places not for you? Or just spend too much time at work? Do you rarely leave your house further than you go to the store? Then pay attention to online dating! Here's where you can find an interesting interlocutor, virtual communication with which can develop into a real one:

  • Social networksvk.com, ok.ru , ru.facebook.com . On these sites you can meet foreigners; This type of communication will also help to learn another language. Friends of friends, communities, groups, interesting pages - all this makes it possible to find a person of interest.
  • Dating sites - the most popular include loveplanet.ru , love.ru , fotostrana.ru , mamba.ru , datingstyle.ru . There are a lot of people who want to get acquainted on the sites, the main thing is to select candidates correctly.
  • Online chats- secret4u.ru, chatvdvoem.ru, livechat.su. This is the most fast way make friends and learn to communicate. In chats, communication itself is important first of all, and only then how a person looks, so develop communication skills.

Do you want to receive step by step instructions How to meet successful men? We advise you to check out the new free video course Alexey Chernozem "12 laws of seduction for women". From the course you will learn how to attract his attention, push him to get acquainted, interest and captivate.

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In order not to blunder, we have prepared an article for you on the topic. You will learn where to start the search, what precautions should be taken, what to write in the original to the interlocutor, etc.

Want to ? Then a simple "hello" is not enough, you need something more fresh. In another article, we talked about how to surprise a man and how to keep his interest.

To charm your chosen one, use. You will learn which tricks are allowed and which are not, and how to protect yourself when manipulating.

If you want to succeed, it is very important to learn to understand by. We talked about the intricacies of verbal communication earlier.

But now the long-awaited moment has come: you were invited on a date. so as not to spoil anything? Here you will find a list of suitable and forbidden topics.

In order to meet a man in real life, you should not be afraid of communication. If you like someone, don't be shy, approach him, maybe he likes you too. In most cases, men are not opposed to getting to know them. Believe me, often they are afraid to come up first no less than you.

The advice is a little banal, but sensible: the video blogger offers to get acquainted through acquaintances, in libraries (who goes to them now!), in museums, etc.

In any situation, remember that you are a woman, you can do anything, you are different, you are a mystery. I wanted to smile - smile, wink at a man - be sure he will notice this and he will be pleased. And finally, you can not go anywhere at all, because very often, if you really want something, it just doesn’t come true.

Most girls from childhood dream of meeting perfect man of your dreams. Creating a family is the main goal of our whole life and, probably, its meaning. People are full-fledged individuals, but the loneliness that we face at home, in bed and inevitably in the shower pushes us to look for a partner.
Real life, a fast-growing society, work and the constant demand to be better and do everything in time take away our emotions and strength, and as a result, time. With the understanding that in the society around us it is quite problematic to meet a soul mate, the question arises: "Where and how to meet a man?". Consider a simple strategy for finding the right man for you and where to get to know him better.

We conquer a man at first sight

I'll tell you where to meet in Moscow. The capital is a fairly large city, which attracts many foreigners and students. The girl only needs to choose the role of a tourist for herself and be open in communication. Imagine that you are in an unfamiliar city for the first time and let's say you get lost or just need the help of local residents. It’s also not worth replaying, because it will look silly and is unlikely to please the opposite sex. All you need to do is ask the men you are interested in the following questions:

"How to get to the street…?"
“Tell me please, where is…?”
“How can I quickly get to…?”

I write about men plural, because not everyone you approach will meet and propose to marry. Accordingly, be prepared in advance that they may not pay attention to you, and of course the reasons may be different. A man may not be free, be very late somewhere, or he is not at all interested in women, but it is possible that you are not interested in him. A woman must be well-groomed, with clean and pleasantly smelling hair, a “calm” manicure and decently dressed (just not sneakers and not shoes for strippers). When your appearance attracts rather than repels, then this significantly increases the chances of meeting a man. Interest and desire to meet a girl reappears within 5 seconds, and you should use them to the maximum.

Pay Attention

The answer to the question: "Where is the best place to meet?" No, but there is a little trick that you need to use. People unconsciously withdraw from society, are puzzled by personal issues, work and things that are important to them. At such a pace of life, men are often immersed in their thoughts and live their days according to the same scheme, in the same mode. Our goal is to break the chain of monotony and add ourselves to a man's life. How to do it? If you are shy or do not want to violate the principles where a man should be the first to get acquainted, then you only need to say hello. Yes exactly. Greet men from your neighborhood, at work, in places where you usually have fun. With a single word "hello" you draw attention to yourself and show your openness to conversation and acquaintance.
After the greeting, if the man answered you with a smile and is in no hurry to pass by, you can safely continue the conversation on the following topics:

“How often do you rest in this place?”
"Are we neighbors? Do you have a dog?
"What city are you from? How long ago did you move and why?
"How do you spend your free time?"

Simple and unobtrusive questions will help you get to know a man better. If you are interested in a man, then hint that you can see each other again. In conversation, say a couple of sentences about where you are, such as "I come here every Friday" or "lunch at work at two in the afternoon."

Let's get in touch. Reachable Woman

Have you noticed that men are more likely to get acquainted with simple girls? When a man wants to approach a woman of interest, he is quite worried and, in order to avoid refusal, he initiatively chooses an open, not pretentious girl with pouted lips and an unapproachable way. Light and open nature always has to communicate, so mice have been married for a long time, and wild cats are alone. It is easier for men to get acquainted with a girl who is less attractive to him than to hear a refusal from a beauty that attracts him.

From an early age, boys are taught about bravery and courage. They grow up, mature with an understanding of themselves as a victorious warrior and not everyone dares to lose to a woman. Friendly communication and a smile will reduce a man's fear of being rejected to a minimum. The main thing is not to confuse openness for communication, meetings, pastime and sexual availability. Open flirting with a man looks like a hint of intimacy, and it is important for us to get to know a decent man.

Train yourself to be polite to all men, tell them that you were glad to see or wish have a good day. With such manners you win over yourself and internally become more sociable and free to make acquaintances. After such meetings, men feel important for a woman and it is incredibly pleasant for them.

Criteria for selecting a future husband

Women for whom the profession or hobbies of the future husband are important will find it easier to find a man. Yes, the search circle is narrowing, of course, but the main thing is you know where to meet a man who will be of interest to you. Places where to meet a man can be divided according to your preferences.
If your ideal is a pumped-up man without bad habits, feel free to go to a sports club or stadium. But it will be better if you already have at least a little sports training, since men should also choose us. You can feel free to ask a man for advice on pumping up muscles during a break between exercises, and I'm sure that everyone will respond. If you go to the gym, this is the best place to meet. Active sports people often like to discuss their achievements and tell beginners how to perform exercises.
Decided on a profession for your man, then attend the appropriate trainings and specialized events.
The place where they met plays a big role for a man, because he would not want his woman to walk around the bars at night. But meeting at a beer festival is another matter entirely.

10 places to go to get acquainted:

Travel definitely occupies the first step among the places for dating. Going on vacation, everyone is set to communicate and have fun, but remember that such acquaintances can be confused with a holiday romance, which often has no continuation.
Dating in educational institutions preferred by both men and women. If you are not a young student for a long time, then pay attention to teachers and staff, as well as students of the correspondence department.
Interest clubs are the best place to meet for those who dream of meeting not only their husband, but also a person with common hobbies. These can be courses in psychology, improving computer skills or massage lessons.
Airport, think who wants to get acquainted in such a fuss? Many people wait for their flight for hours or shop in the duty-free zone and will not mind at all meeting and chatting with someone.
Many men love to shop and are real shopaholics. Supermarkets and boutiques with fashionable clothes are a great place to meet a man and be sure that your object of liking will always look good and stylish.
Dating at work is quite common, but office romances are not a simple thing. It's good when everything is fine, but it happens that relations between employees are forbidden and you have to hide feelings. The fairy tale does not always end as you want, so in the event of a break in relations, it is worth evaluating further joint cooperation.
Entertainment centers where you can relax, go rollerblading or play bowling attract a lot of people. In such places, you can almost unmistakably identify free men, because they often come here either in couples or with friends.
Men, men and again men are the thoughts of a woman who enters a billiards club. If you do not want to create competition for yourself and take a girlfriend, then a cool option would be to hire a coach for an hour. A great opportunity to learn the game, and a woman with a cue always attracts the eyes of men.
You can have a good time and meet a man in the pool. To get started, buy a one-time subscription and find out in which group and at what time there are more men and feel free to go to conquer a swimmer with your forms.
And completes our list of places where to meet in Moscow -. By visiting such an event, you will meet a dozen men who, just like you, are looking for a soul mate.
What women's professions attract guys?
A person who is trusted not only with property, but also with life is an insurance agent. A sexy girl at the workplace will clearly cause a desire to meet and take her phone number.
All men like to buy cars, and when they are sold by a girl who understands big toys, they like it doubly.
Working in law enforcement agencies a woman attracts with her strong character and ability to solve unexpected situations. For men, a woman in uniform evokes various fantasies and desires.
Doctors, nurses are people who care and treat us and this certainly attracts most men. On a subconscious level, they want good, affectionate woman who will always help them.

A benevolent and friendly woman will be able to meet any man, because she always remains the standard of femininity and the keeper of home comfort, which is very important for family happiness.

Fast Life Blog Editor
Love Successful

Moscow is the capital of our vast country. Every day more and more new faces come here in search of happiness. Among them there are a lot of beautiful students and just girls who decided to take a step forward in their lives.

Someone does not like Moscow for the huge number of people and the atmosphere of constant haste. But, my opinion is that the pluses of Moscow outweigh its minuses. There is a very beautiful architecture and a huge number of places where you can just walk and enjoy beautiful views to the city. Everyone will find in Moscow what he likes.

Below, you can get a book by Anton Inozemtsev, in which he tells his life journey from a nerd to a successful man. And a lot of other nice bonuses!

And definitely don't forget about beautiful girls, there are more of them than anywhere else! In this article, we will look at the main places for dating in Moscow, and you will learn how to do this from our other materials that can be found on the site.

Probably the first sight where a backpacker goes in the capital is Red Square. But for dating, this is not the best location. There are a lot of foreign tourists here who are not very interested in this.

To make fun, take pictures - yes, but no more. Very close is Manezhnaya Square. Every self-respecting man should meet a girl in Moscow at Manezhka. But, despite the high competition among other guys, the playpen remains very good place with high traffic, and I consider it an excellent training ground for dating. Next, you can take a walk in Alexander Garden, here people walk at a leisurely pace and are not in a hurry. Also in the summer there are a lot of girls who just relax on the grass and are ready to get acquainted.

The center of the capital (within the Garden Ring) has now been made very comfortable, and most importantly, pedestrian. Per Lately Numerous pedestrian zones have appeared, along which it is pleasant to stroll at any time of the day. Among them, the most crowded and conducive to acquaintance are:

Each of these streets is very well equipped, and most importantly, on them you can meet many beautiful girls walking slowly there.

Also, for lovers of nightlife, throughout all these streets there are bars and various nightclubs where meet girls in Moscow at night so it's there. Among them are such as:

  • Gipsy
  • Jagger
  • The Rolling Stones
  • Chesterfield
  • Propaganda
  • and many others. others

Looking for a place to meet in Moscow in spring or summer? Go to the park!

Probably my favorite part of the city is the parks. There are a lot of them and each has its own unique atmosphere and advantages.

The most popular park in the capital is Gorky Park. It is especially good in this park in the warm season. Where there are many girls in Moscow, it is there. A huge number of pretty girls in dresses and shorts who come here just to walk, and some - especially for new acquaintances. The park has a large number of leisure activities, from relaxing reading a book on a bench to energetic dancing on the embankment.

V winter time The year is also very good here, one of the largest ice rinks in Europe is being constructed in the park, where anyone, for a relatively small amount, can try himself on the ice. Skating rink in PG, one of the most romantic locations where you can meet a girl in Moscow.

Muzeon Park goes right after Gorky Park. For me personally, it's like one place, and I don't separate them. As well as the Neskuchny Garden, it is a great place for a relaxing walk and a breath of fresh air.

I think this article will be useful to you

- material from Alexander Panfer

* All written at Mens University, just years old personal experience. Application threatens development - be careful!

Good places for dating are also Sokolniki Park and VDNKh. They have a rather impressive territory, but if you don’t go too far, then there will be enough people, and at the same time girls.

The place where in Moscow you can meet a girl and immediately arrange a cool walk is Sparrow Hills. Weddings and graduations are often held here. And all why? Yes, because from the observation deck it opens beautiful view a city that absolutely everyone should see at least once in their life.

In addition to the central ones, there are more distant from the center, but no less beautiful parks.

  • Fili Park
  • Kuzminki park
  • Izmailovsky park
  • Troparevo
  • Bitsevsky forest
  • Vorontsovsky park.

For those who prefer winter hunting, there is always a problem - how to meet a girl in Moscow when it gets cold? Street zones, with the onset of cold weather, unfortunately, are empty and everyone is smoothly moving to shopping and entertainment centers and malls. But this is good that places for dating in Moscow are not limited to streets and parks.

The best places for dating are like 3 whales that keep the whole cold season going. This:

  1. Shopping center Okhotny Ryad
  2. TC European
  3. Shopping center Atrium

There are no major differences between them. Hundreds of girls flock to each of them in search of new clothes and other purchases. Although, recently, Afimall has also been added to this trio.

The two most expensive shopping centers are TSUM and GUM. Sometimes you can find there famous people who came to pamper themselves too.

Where do they meet girls in Moscow besides the central shopping centers?

There are more distant shopping centers, but quite suitable for dating, such as:

  • metropolis
  • Capitol
  • Mega Belaya Dacha
  • Golden Babylon
  • Avia-park

Do not forget about dating in public transport. The metro transports millions of people every day, and among them there are a huge number of beautiful girls who are traveling from school, work and do not know how to spend the rest of the evening. The same can be said about buses, trolleybuses, trams, electric trains and minibuses. In this transport, oddly enough, I met most of my girls. Therefore, the answer to the frequent question How to find a girl in Moscow will be - absolutely everywhere.

By the way, I hope you watch your body and go to the gym? If yes, then you are killing two birds with one stone. You have a good shape, as well as the opportunity to meet slender and figure-conscious girls.

Do not forget also about your spiritual development. Attend various exhibitions, master classes, seminars, etc. In addition to your own development, you can meet girls who, just like you, have a craving for knowledge. And smart girls, in our time, unfortunately, are a rarity! Where in Moscow to meet exactly such girls is at such events.

If you are too lazy to get out of the house somewhere. You can try dating sites like mamba.ru and loveplanet.ru. But personally I do not advise you to do this. Better get your ass off the chair and take decisive action that will give you the maximum result!

Where to find a girl in Moscow when you are on the road? Places where the girls are with you in a closed room and they have nowhere to run. We are talking about buses, minibuses, trains and, of course, about the "dungeon".

The best metro stations for dating in Moscow, where there are a lot of girls, are those that are within the ring. Also, it is better that the station has several transitions to other branches and benches are installed on the platform.

For example, the Arbatskaya metro station is suitable for all points.

In the Metro, you will see a girl who just rushed headlong down the escalator at the speed of a mustang in order to have time to jump into the car and now she is going to shake in the train for half an hour on her way to work or school.

In case of success, you will have time to talk and exchange contacts, in case of failure, you will change the car at the first station, so as not to embarrass either her or yourself. Also, if you live in the suburbs and get to the center by train, you have the opportunity to pass from the beginning of the train to the end in combined cars.

In one trip, you are guaranteed to find an attractive girl if, instead of putting a headset in your ears and burying your face in your phone, you will conduct local reconnaissance.

Thematic places and events

Where do adults meet in Moscow? old way find a girl with similar interests - go to a place where people are fond of one thing.

This is a fitness club did you want a fiton?), a rock band concert, a fashion show, an exhibition, a master class for origami lovers, circles for board game lovers and anything else, depends on personal preferences.

In such places it is easy to start a conversation, because there is something to ask or discuss. This method is especially good if you use status in this get-together. You can make an acquaintance by offering help to an inexperienced girl.

Anytime and anywhere

You don't have time to drive downtown and look for girls? A comfortable option for a place to meet a girl will be your usual route in Moscow.

On the way to work, study, in the subway, in traffic, underpasses, next to your house, neighboring offices, cafes next to work, you have probably come across sultry beauties more than once, to whom you were drawn.

Do not miss the opportunity and spend time from work to home with benefit, make acquaintances wherever you are. Experienced guys who have been seriously interested in seduction for a long time rarely get out into the “field”. They have enough of the usual route, by the evening of an ordinary gray Tuesday they do not have a single phone number in their address book.

Now friend, you know where in Moscow you can seduce a girl! Any excuses about the fact that there are no girls anywhere are no longer accepted.

It's time to comb your hair, put on your best T-shirt and go hunting, since you now have plenty of places to approach.

List of shopping centers, clubs, bars, parks

Centre: Red Square, Manezhnaya Square, Alexander Garden, all nearby streets and alleys, Kitay-gorod.

Streets with bars and cafes: Kuznetsky bridge, Arbat Old and New, Nikolskaya.

Tim decided to tell something interesting)

Parks: Gorky Park, VDNKh, Sokolniki, Muzeon, Sparrow Hills + Izmailovsky, Fili, Kuzminki (there are fewer people here)

SEC and malls: European, GUM, TSUM, Okhotny Ryad, Atrium, + Mega (Belaya Dacha, Khimki), Capitol, Golden Babylon, Afimol City, Metropolis.

Acquaintance on Okhotny Ryad

Nightclubs for dating and bars: Gipsy, Jagger, The Rolling Stones, Chesterfield, ICON, Prapaganda, Mix and more. others

Transport: Metro, minibuses, buses, trains.

Thematic events: Fitness rooms, exhibitions, galleries, concerts, master classes, seminars, etc.

Top Sites: Mamba.ru, Loveplanet.ru.

Now we can talk about in which clubs in Moscow it is better to get acquainted. In addition to clubs, we will also touch on the topic of bars. To begin with, the club is an institution that pulls more like a restaurant, and there is good music, tables where you can sit. And in bars there are mostly no tables, there are bar counters and people drink alcohol more.

For me personally, dating in a bar is the easiest thing there is. There the atmosphere itself is conducive to acquaintance.

By and large, they go to clubs and bars for the sake of dating and just to break away. So let's say let go of everything, move away from the work week and just spend time in the company of positive people.

Has anyone seen a sad person in such an establishment?

Clubs in Moscow for dating girls are waiting for you every now and then, when you come and pick up your booty (booty means dating, I exaggerate of course). Students who come from other cities immediately ask in which club in Moscow the girls are filming, no, the word “shoot” is not the most suitable and you have to correct them where you can meet a girl. Now I will give you specifically the names of the clubs in which I myself practiced and practice with students in the night training on club dating:

    • Gipsy
    • Jagger

With the guys in Jager

  • The Rolling Stones
  • Chesterfield

Now that you know the names of the clubs, it's time to get ready...

Club dating is a little different from street dating, as there is alcohol there and, as I said earlier, it has its own atmosphere.

What I'm talking about, you can meet on the street, chat for a couple of minutes and disperse, taking her number, in the club the same scheme will not work for the reason that the girl in the club is hot, she is ready for new sensations and, in a word, she is looking for adventure on her head ... and then you came up, took her number and just disappeared.

IMPORTANT! In the club, you need to be more directive and declare your intentions more directly.

Well, you have identified a club where there are a lot of girls and decided to go hunting, a common mistake guys make is not getting on the same wavelength with a girl. Like this? She comes off, she is well relaxed, in a word she is on a positive wave. The guy, perhaps, is on his own wave, there are a lot of things spinning in his head, he thinks (who to approach, how to approach, what to say), for a girl, such people are like strangers, because this guy is on his wave, and the girl is on hers.

That is, you need to join the same wave, so to speak, calibrate it, and then build communication correctly, namely, as you said earlier, conduct a conversation and declare your intentions as a man.

There are, of course, clubs in Moscow where women rent men, but this is already a striptease club, and I am familiar with this type of entertainment firsthand, since our friend Panfer worked there for 5 years and told how women themselves rent men there, but this is not simply.

This is Panfer

Now you know the clubs in Moscow, where there are always a lot of girls, you know how to get acquainted correctly.

Conquering MSC bars

This section will be devoted to bars where you can meet a girl. Above, I wrote that there are no seats in bars as such, there are chairs at the bar counter, where acquaintance takes place - communication.

The advantages of dating in a bar are that, where alcohol flows like a sea, the girls are liberated and very open to communication. Again, street dating format will not work in a bar.

A common problem among guys is noisy music and you have to yell in the literal sense ... A small life hack to avoid this, when communicating with a girl, try to speak more slowly and confidently!

After you see that she is making contact, try to change the location inside the club, well, move to the corner where the music plays less loudly and continue your communication there. At this time, the task is to interest the girl so that she understands why she communicates with you.

In fact, there are a lot of dating bars, wherever you go, there are girls everywhere, and normal ones. There are several best bars for acquaintance, namely: on the chamberlain lane Let’s go bar, in the same place nearby Ugly Cayote. On weekends, we pass by these bars, pull out the girls and get to know each other. This suggests that everything is simple there and you need to go and try.

Tim decided to get acquainted and show a master class)

Also suitable for Moscow bars for meeting girls MUMIY TROL on Tverskaya. We often go there, got along well with the administrator, and the students hung out there more than once and took the girls away. Everyone there already knows us by sight.

I will not stop repeating, there are a lot of places for dating, the main thing is the skill to get to know each other correctly, or, so to speak, a theory that gives you the opportunity to get to know each other correctly and seduce girls.

Where do you most often meet?

Putting into practice some simple tips, you will learn how to easily make acquaintances with the girls you like. In some situations, you can prepare for an acquaintance in advance, but it also happens that you have to act spontaneously. How to feel confident in any cases and not miss your chance to make an interesting acquaintance?

How to choose a place for effective dating with girls

1) Night club. Any frequenter of nightclubs knows perfectly well that you can often meet interesting girls there. It is important that a nightclub is the place where most single women hope to meet a guy for a relationship. In general, if you see a bored girl or a group of friends in a nightclub, then there is a very high probability that they will not mind meeting you. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that club visitors who easily make contact with strangers do not always count on a serious relationship. However, perhaps you yourself are not yet striving to have a permanent girl in your life, and you are also not in a hurry to burden yourself with a long romance.

2) Work. It is possible that your potential partner has already met you more than once, you just either did not pay attention to her, or for some reason did not dare to get acquainted. Pay attention to the girls you have to deal with at work. Some men lament that they can't make time to start a relationship, because they are almost always at work. By the way, not all corporations encourage romantic relationships between their employees, but if your company does not have such strict restrictions, it makes sense to use this.

3) Park. A walk in the park can be not only useful for you, but also a very productive pastime for finding new acquaintances. Girls who walk through the park area, as a rule, are in no hurry, so you can easily approach one of the people you like and start a conversation. Usually the park has a very friendly "light" atmosphere that will set you in the right mood.

4) Sports, dance sections. It is also a very good place for dating, where you can most often meet active and purposeful girls. If you are dreaming of such a companion, then the sports section or dance lessons will be a wonderful choice. As you know, common hobbies bring people together, and besides, you don’t have to look for a topic for a conversation for a long time in such a situation.

5) Dating sites. If you set out to find a girl for a relationship, then you should not discount dating sites, which are now a great many. V modern world more and more couples find each other in the virtual space, and you may well follow this example. Try not to delay too much at the initial stage with correspondence, but also “do not rush right off the bat” - just a day or two of correspondence and subsequent phone exchange in order to make an appointment.

6) Internet. Perhaps, for some reason, you are suspicious of dating sites, but you do not have enough time to meet girls in public places and so on. In this case, ordinary social networks, like VK, can help you. In the search, “drive in” the parameters by which you are looking for a girl - approximate age, marital status, city of residence. Try to write to the users of the Network you like - it is quite possible that they will easily make contact. However, to increase the chances of this, give preference to girls whose status indicates that they are "single" or are "actively searching."

7) At a concert. Going to a concert of some musical group, you have a high chance of meeting a girl. However, it is worth noting that it is quite rare for the fair sex to attend such events alone, preferring outings with friends. That is why, in order to feel more confident, you can also go to a concert with a friend or in a company - however, this is not necessary if you already feel free in any situations.

Where can you really meet a guy?

With a rich girl

If it is fundamentally important for you that a potential lover is certainly rich, then visit elite places. As a rule, girls with a very modest financial income do not dine in expensive coffee houses, do not visit sports complexes, the price of a subscription in which is close to the average salary in the country. In general, for sure, the essence is clear to you: wealthy people often live in places where you need to pay a substantial amount for staying.

With a young beautiful girl

In fact, there are a lot of young and beautiful girls and you can meet them almost anywhere. If you are looking for a person no older than 20-22 years old, try to walk more often in parks adjacent to universities, as well as visit coffee shops in these areas - in such places you have a high chance of meeting a student. However, there are many young and beautiful girls in other places - gyms, nightclubs, various clubs of interest, and so on.

With a normal girl for a serious relationship

If you want to meet a girl for a serious relationship, then you can still take into account dating sites. Choose the profiles of those girls who have recently registered, and do not "sit" on these sites for months. Of course you can meet interesting options and in the second case, but there is also a risk, among the guests of the portal to meet girls who are set up for short meetings or have such high demands on a partner that it will not be easy to get them not only a relationship, but also an elementary meeting. Well, in general, “normal” girls are still the majority and they are daily in public transport, cafes, shopping centers, ice rinks, theaters and other places.

With a girl for the night or for permanent sex

Perhaps you are in no hurry to burden yourself with a serious relationship, or you already have a couple, but for some reason you decided to find a one-night stand or a permanent lover. In the first case, nightclubs can help you. Of course, not all nightclub goers are ready for one-night stands, but they are regularly found there. It is not difficult to identify a girl who is ready for such adventures: she is defiantly dressed, relaxed and easily makes contact. There you can also meet a girl for constant sex, but to simplify your task, it is better to turn to the already mentioned dating sites - some of its visitors are also looking for only intimate relationships with a man, and directly indicate this in their profile.

Dating on the Internet

How to choose the best free dating site

There are many free dating sites on the web. At the same time, it is worth noting that even they have some paid features for those who want to slightly or significantly “advance” their profile. Many sites have such a system: “On the first day of registration, your profile is on the first pages of the portal, however, the profile gradually “goes down”, and the most desperate or stubborn users will be able to find it. For some small amount (the price is different on different sites), you can secure a permanent place for your profile on the first pages. If you do not want to do this, then you simply should not rely on the fact that the girls themselves will find your profile and look for the chosen one among the proposed options. One of the most popular dating sites in the CIS is Mamba.

Dating on forums and social networks

If you definitely want to meet a girl on the Internet, then you can be understood. Usually you can prepare for such an acquaintance - there is no spontaneity, there is an opportunity to think over your answers, to show yourself in a more favorable light. For this purpose, it is not necessary to go to a dating site - ordinary social networks and forums are no worse, but in some ways better. With such communication, you will feel more at ease, however, like your virtual companion. Dating sites cause discomfort for many due to the fact that each participant in the conversation knows exactly the purpose of the correspondence, but it's just that everything is different on the social network - there is still room for some intrigue.

Where to meet a woman

If the man is 30 or older

If you think that it is no longer suitable for you by status or age to look for a girl in a noisy disco, then, of course, you should pay attention to quieter places. Some women in the evenings like to relax in sushi bars, visit the theater, art exhibitions. Many women try to keep themselves in good physical shape, and for this purpose regularly attend yoga classes or gym. Taking this information into service, you can easily find a potential life partner. However, it is important to remember that you do not need to limit yourself to any specific framework when meeting you - the ideal woman for you can meet you almost anywhere.

If a man is married, but looking for a mistress

If you are already married, but need a relationship with another woman, then where you look for a potential lover depends on how much you fear that this relationship may be revealed to your wife. Perhaps you and your spouse are in an open relationship, you are sure that she will not leave you in any case, or you are simply ready for the marriage to break up - in this case, it does not really matter where exactly the acquaintance with another woman will take place - in a hookah bar, sushi bar or on a city street. If you want to keep your connection on the side a secret, then, of course, it is important to take some precautions. An ideal option for you may be a person who is also married. Such women, tying up a relationship with another man, are well aware of how important conspiracy is. married girl perfect if you are looking for a permanent mistress.

Statistics: where people meet most often now and why

  • Statistics say that more than 25 percent of people find a mate in public places. In general, there is nothing surprising in this, because the more people around, the more likely it is to meet someone. We can talk about a cafe, a club, a sanatorium, a gym and many other crowded places.
  • More than 20 percent of people have found a "soul mate" directly performing their professional duties. Perhaps you do not notice some charming employee! Dating at work is quite understandable - potential couples have the opportunity to "look closely" at each other, to see some significant nuances for themselves, to assess the financial capabilities of a partner (for many, this point is very significant).
  • About 17 percent of couples met during school or student days. Many lovers manage to save their relationship and subsequently marry.
  • Approximately 16 percent of people met not without the help of friends. As a rule, men and women have a positive attitude towards this method of searching for the “second half”, since they can learn some details about potential chosen ones from a friend in advance and be sure that no surprises await them later.
  • At least 15 percent of people get acquainted on the World Wide Web, and every year this figure is only increasing. Increasingly, men and women spend time in in social networks, and, accordingly, they make acquaintances there. There are many reasons why this is convenient. Firstly, there is time to “look closely” at the object of sympathy, think over your answers, learn well about the tastes and interests of the person you like even before meeting her, and so on.

Top 10 places to meet girls

1) Street. Most girls can be found on the street. It is enough just to approach the townswoman you like and ask for her phone number. It is possible that she does not want to meet you, but in a minute you have a chance to try your chances with another girl!

2) Night club. In the relaxed atmosphere of a nightclub, girls most often willingly make acquaintances, and even strive for it themselves. Another thing is that in nightlife it is not always possible to find a person who is set up for a serious relationship, but sometimes it still happens.

3) Theater. If you dream of meeting an intelligent and "sublime" girl, then hurry up to get a ticket for any theatrical premiere - so you have every chance not only to fulfill your dream, but to enrich yourself culturally.

4) Cafe. Visit any cafe in the city center. Choose a popular and crowded place - for sure, you can meet an interesting person there. Also, don't discount cozy coffee shops.

5) Gym. Is your goal an active and athletic girl? In this case, it is obvious that you should visit the gym - there you have every chance of meeting a girl who is passionate about sports. However, other sections are also suitable - tennis, swimming pool and so on.

6) Shopping center. Shopping centers usually have cafes, shops, beauty salons and many other places that are usually of interest to girls, so by going there, you increase your chances of making an interesting acquaintance.

7) Dating sites. Dating sites are created for this, so that people have the opportunity to meet there, make a date and, possibly, subsequently start a relationship. It is possible that you will be lucky, like millions of other Internet users, and on such a portal you will be able to find personal happiness.

8) Concerts. Often the atmosphere at concerts is very conducive to communication. If you get to the performance of some lyrical performer, then you will surely be able to meet a romantic girl there.

9) Resorts. At the resort, many girls traveling alone or with friends are also quite set on an interesting acquaintance. The difficulty may lie in the fact that you can meet a girl not from your city, and subsequently a long-distance romance will await you. However, even from such relationships, an amazing love story often turns out.

10) Exhibitions. Many girls like to visit modern art exhibitions - both alone and in the company of a friend. Such a pastime is becoming more and more popular, and usually several such events take place in megacities at once.