Interesting and exciting safe experiences for kids at home. Ten fun experiments with fire Physical experiments at home with fire

All children, without exception, love mysterious, enigmatic and unusual phenomena. Most children really like to conduct interesting experiments, some of which do not seek help from parents or other adults.

Experiments that can be done with children

Not all experiences are suitable for children. Some of them can be a danger to the life and health of babies, especially preschool age. Nevertheless, under the control and supervision of parents or other adults, a child can conduct any entertaining experiment - the main thing is to carefully monitor compliance with the necessary safety requirements.

All scientific experiments are extremely useful for children. They allow young inventors to visually get acquainted with the properties of various substances and objects, chemical compounds and much more, understand the causes of certain phenomena and gain valuable practical experience that can be applied in later life. In addition, some of these experiments can be shown as tricks, thanks to which the child will be able to gain authority among his friends and buddies.

Water experiments for children

All people in everyday life very often use water and do not think at all that it has truly magical and amazing properties. Meanwhile, with this liquid you can spend incredibly with children. For example, boys and girls at home can do the following experiments:

Experiments with fire for children

With fire should manifest special care, but it is with him that you can put incredibly interesting experiments for children. Try one of the following experiments with your offspring:

Salt experiments for children

Entertaining experiments for children can also be carried out with bulk substances, for example, with salt. Children will definitely enjoy such experiments as:

Experiments with soda for children

No less spectacular experiments for children can be carried out with baking soda, for example, "Volcano". Place a small plastic bottle on the table and mold a clay or sand volcano around it. Pour 2 tablespoons of baking soda into a container, add approximately 50-70 ml of warm water, a few drops of red food coloring, and at the very end - a quarter cup of vinegar. A real volcanic eruption will happen before your eyes, and the child will be delighted.

Other experiments for children with baking soda can be built on the property of this substance to crystallize. To obtain crystals, You can use the same method as in the case of salt. To do this, it is necessary to prepare a dense soda solution in which the bulk substance no longer dissolves, and then place a metal wire or other object there and leave it for several days in a warm place. The result will not be long in coming.

Balloon experiments for kids

Often experiments and experiments for children are associated with various properties of balloons, such as:

Experiments with eggs for children

Some interesting experiments with children can be done using chicken eggs, for example:

Experiments with lemon for children

Anything can be used to conduct experiments. Interesting experiments with lemon deserve special attention, for example:

Experiments with paints for children

All kids love to draw, but it will be even more interesting for them to conduct entertaining experiments with paints. Try one of the following experiments:

We bring to your attention 10 amazing magic tricks, experiments, or science shows that you can do with your own hands at home.
At your child's birthday party, weekend or vacation, make the most of your time and become the center of attention of many eyes! 🙂

An experienced organizer of scientific shows helped us in preparing the post - Professor Nicolas. He explained the principles behind a particular focus.

1 - Lava Lamp

1. Surely many of you have seen a lamp that has a liquid inside that imitates hot lava. Looks magical.

2. In sunflower oil water is poured and food coloring (red or blue) is added.

3. After that, we add effervescent aspirin to the vessel and observe a striking effect.

4. During the reaction, colored water rises and falls through the oil without mixing with it. And if you turn off the light and turn on the flashlight, the "real magic" will begin.

: “Water and oil have different densities, and also have the property of not mixing, no matter how we shake the bottle. When we add inside the bottle effervescent tablets, they, dissolving in water, begin to release carbon dioxide and set the liquid in motion.

Want to put on a real science show? More experiences can be found in the book.

2 - Experience with soda

5. Surely at home or in a nearby store there are several cans of soda for the holiday. Before you drink them, ask the guys the question: “What happens if you submerge soda cans in water?”
Drown? Will they swim? Depends on the soda.
Invite the children to guess in advance what will happen to a particular jar and conduct an experiment.

6. We take the cans and gently lower them into the water.

7. It turns out that despite the same volume, they have different weights. That is why some banks sink and others do not.

Commentary by Professor Nicolas: “All our cans have the same volume, but the mass of each can is different, which means that the density is different. What is density? This is the value of mass divided by volume. Since the volume of all cans is the same, the density will be higher for one of them, whose mass is greater.
Whether a jar will float in a container or sink depends on the ratio of its density to that of water. If the density of the can is less, then it will be on the surface, otherwise the can will go to the bottom.
But what makes a regular cola can denser (heavier) than a diet drink can?
It's all about the sugar! Unlike ordinary cola, where granulated sugar is used as a sweetener, a special sweetener is added to diet cola, which weighs much less. So how much sugar is in a typical soda can? The difference in mass between regular soda and its dietary counterpart will give us the answer!”

3 - Paper cover

Ask the audience a question: “What happens if you turn a glass of water over?” Of course it will spill! And if you press the paper to the glass and turn it over? The paper will fall and the water will still spill on the floor? Let's check.

10. Carefully cut out the paper.

11. Put on top of the glass.

12. And carefully turn the glass over. The paper has stuck to the glass, as if magnetized, and the water does not pour out. Wonders!

Commentary by Professor Nicolas: “Although this is not so obvious, but in fact we are in the real ocean, only in this ocean there is not water, but air that presses on all objects, including us, we just got used to it to this pressure that we do not notice it at all. When we cover a glass of water with a piece of paper and turn it over, water presses on the sheet on one side, and air on the other side (from the very bottom)! The air pressure turned out to be greater than the pressure of the water in the glass, so the leaf does not fall.

4 - soapy volcano

How to make a small volcano erupt at home?

14. You will need baking soda, vinegar, some dish detergent and cardboard.

16. Dilute vinegar in water, add washing liquid and tint everything with iodine.

17. We wrap everything with dark cardboard - this will be the “body” of the volcano. A pinch of soda falls into the glass, and the volcano begins to erupt.

Commentary by Professor Nicolas: “As a result of the interaction of vinegar with soda, a real chemical reaction occurs with the release of carbon dioxide. A liquid soap and the dye, interacting with carbon dioxide, form a colored soap foam - that's the eruption.

5 - Candle pump

Can a candle change the laws of gravity and lift water up?

19. We put a candle on a saucer and light it.

20. Pour tinted water on a saucer.

21. Cover the candle with a glass. After a while, the water will be drawn into the glass against the laws of gravity.

Commentary by Professor Nicolas: What does the pump do? Changes pressure: increases (then water or air begins to “run away”) or, conversely, decreases (then gas or liquid begins to “arrive”). When we covered the burning candle with a glass, the candle went out, the air inside the glass cooled, and therefore the pressure decreased, so the water from the bowl began to be sucked in.

Games and experiments with water and fire are in the book "Experiments of Professor Nicolas".

6 - Water in the sieve

We continue to study magical properties water and surrounding objects. Ask someone present to put on a bandage and pour water through it. As we can see, it passes through the holes in the bandage without any difficulty.
Bet with others that you can make it so that water will not pass through the bandage without any additional tricks.

Commentary by Professor Nicolas: “Due to such a property of water as surface tension, water molecules want to be together all the time and it is not so easy to separate them (they are such wonderful girlfriends!). And if the size of the holes is small (as in our case), then the film does not tear even under the weight of water!”

7 - Diving bell

And to secure your honorary title of Water Mage and Master of the Elements, promise that you can deliver paper to the bottom of any ocean (or bath or even a basin) without soaking it.

26. We fold the sheet, put it in a glass so that it rests against its walls and does not slide down. Immerse the leaf in an inverted glass to the bottom of the tank.

27. Paper stays dry - water can't get to it! After you pull out the sheet - let the audience make sure that it is really dry.

Commentary by Professor Nicolas: “If you take a glass with a piece of paper inside and look closely at it, it seems that there is nothing but paper, but this is not so, there is air in it.
When we turn the glass upside down and lower it into the water, the air keeps the water from getting close to the paper, which is why it stays dry.

Friends, good afternoon! Agree, how sometimes it is interesting to surprise our crumbs! They have such a funny reaction to. She shows that they are ready to learn, ready to assimilate new material. The whole world opens at this moment before them and for them! And we, parents, act as real wizards with a hat, from which we “pull out” something amazingly interesting, new and very important!

What will we get out of the "magic" hat today? We have 25 experimental experiments there for children and adults. They will be prepared for babies different ages to get them interested and involved in the process. Some can be carried out without any preparation, with the help of handy tools that each of us has at home. For others, you and I will buy some materials so that everything goes smoothly for us. Well? I wish all of us good luck and forward!

Today will be a real holiday! And in our program:

So let's decorate the holiday by preparing an experiment for a birthday, New Year, March 8, etc.

Ice bubbles

What do you think would happen if simple bubbles that crumble in 4 years so loves to inflate, run after them and burst them, inflate them in the cold. Or rather, right into the snowdrift.

I give you a hint:

  • they will burst immediately!
  • take off and fly away!
  • freeze!

Whatever you choose, I say right away, it will surprise you! Can you imagine what will happen to the little one?

But in slow motion - it's just a fairy tale!

I complicate the question. Is it possible to repeat the experience in the summer in order to get a similar option?

Choose answers:

  • Yes. But you need ice from the fridge.

You know, even though I so want to tell you everything, but that’s exactly what I won’t do! Let there be at least one surprise for you!

Paper vs water

We are waiting for the real experiment. Is it really possible for paper to win over water? This is a challenge for everyone who plays Rock-Paper-Scissors!

What we need:

  • Paper;
  • Water in a glass.

Cover the glass. It would be nice if its edges were a little wet, then the paper will stick. Gently turn the glass upside down... No water leaks!

Inflate balloons without breathing?

We have already carried out chemical children's experiences. Remember, there the very first for very small crumbs was a room with vinegar and soda. So, let's continue! And we use the energy, or rather, the air that is released during the reaction for peaceful purposes.


  • Soda;
  • The bottle is plastic;
  • Vinegar;
  • Ball.

Pour soda into a bottle and pour 1/3 of vinegar. Shake lightly and quickly pull the ball over the neck. When it inflates, bandage and remove from the bottle.

Such an experience a small one will be able to show even in kindergarten.

Rain from a cloud

We need:

  • Bank with water;
  • Shaving foam;
  • Food coloring (any color, you can use several colors).

We make a cloud of foam. Big and beautiful cloud! Leave it to the best cloud maker, your child 5 years. He will definitely make her real!

photo author

It remains only to distribute the dye over the cloud, and ... drop-drip! Rain is coming!


Maybe, physics children are still unknown. But after they make the Rainbow, they will definitely love this science!

  • Deep transparent container with water;
  • Mirror;
  • Lamp;
  • paper.

Place a mirror at the bottom of the container. At a slight angle, shine a flashlight on the mirror. It remains to catch the Rainbow on paper.

Even easier is to use a disc and a flashlight.


There is a similar, only already finished game. But our experience interesting the fact that we ourselves, from the very beginning, will grow crystals from salt in water. To do this, take a thread or wire. And we will hold it for several days in such salty water, where the salt can no longer dissolve, but accumulates in a layer on the wire.

Can be grown from sugar

lava jar

If you add oil to a jar of water, it will all collect on top. It can be tinted with food coloring. But in order for the bright oil to sink to the bottom, you need to pour salt on top of it. Then the oil will settle. But not for long. The salt will gradually dissolve and “release” beautiful droplets of oil. Colored oil rises gradually, as if a mysterious volcano seething inside the jar.


For toddlers 7 years it will be very interesting to blow up, demolish, destroy something. In a word, the real element is for them. and therefore we create a real, exploding volcano!

We sculpt from plasticine or make a “mountain” from cardboard. We put a jar inside it. Yes, so that her neck fits the "crater". We fill the jar with soda, dye, warm water and ... vinegar. And everything will begin to “explode, the lava will rush up and flood everything around!

A hole in the bag is not a problem.

This is what convinces book of scientific experiments for children and adults Dmitry Mokhov "Simple Science". And we can verify this statement ourselves! First, let's fill the bag with water. and then we pierce it. But what they pierced (a pencil, a toothpick or a pin) will not be removed. Are we running out of water? Checking!

Water that does not spill

Only such water still needs to be made.

We take water, paint and starch (as much as water) and mix. The end result is plain water. Just don't spill it!

"Slippery" egg

In order for the egg to really crawl into the neck of the bottle, it is worth setting fire to a piece of paper and throwing it into the bottle. And cover the hole with an egg. When the fire is out, the egg will slip inside.

snow in summer

This trick is especially interesting to repeat in the warm season. Remove the contents of the diapers and soak with water. Everything! Snow is ready! Now such snow is easy to find in the store in children's toys. Ask the seller artificial snow. And don't ruin diapers.

moving snakes

To make a moving figure, we need:

  • Sand;
  • Alcohol;
  • Sugar;
  • Soda;
  • Fire.

Pour alcohol on a hill of sand and let it soak. Then pour sugar and soda on top, and set fire! Oh what a happy this experiment! Kids and adults will love what the snake comes to life!

Of course, this is for older children. Yes, and it looks pretty scary!

battery train

The copper wire, which we twist into an even spiral, will become our tunnel. How? Connect its edges, forming a round tunnel. But before that, we “launch” the battery inside, we only attach neodymium magnets to its edges. And consider yourself a perpetual motion machine! The steam locomotive drove off.

Candle swing

To light both ends of the candle, you need to clean the bottom of it to the wick from wax. Heat the needle over the fire and pierce the candle in the middle with it. Put the candle on 2 glasses so that it rests on the needle. Burn the edges and wiggle slightly. Then the candle itself will swing.

Elephant Tooth Paste

The elephant needs everything big and much. Let's do it! We dissolve potassium permanganate in water. Add liquid soap. The final ingredient, hydrogen peroxide, turns our mixture into giant elephant paste!

Let's drink a candle

For greater effect, we paint the water in a bright color. We put a candle in the middle of the saucer. We set it on fire and cover it with a transparent container. Pour water into a saucer. At first, the water will be around the container, but then everything will soak inside, to the candle.
Oxygen is burned, the pressure inside the glass decreases and

Real chameleon

What will help our chameleon change color? Cunning! Give your toddler 6 years decorate in different colours plastic plate. And you yourself cut out the figure of a chameleon on another plate, similar in shape and size. It remains not to firmly connect both plates in the middle so that the upper one, with a cut out figure, can rotate. Then the color of the animal will always change.

Light up the rainbow

Arrange the Skittles on a plate in a circle. Pour water into the bowl. just wait a bit and get a rainbow!

smoke rings

Cut off the bottom plastic bottle. And pull the cut edge balloon to get a membrane like in the photo. Light the incense stick and place it in the bottle. Close the lid. When there is solid smoke in the jar, unscrew the lid and tap on the membrane. Smoke will come out in rings.

colorful liquid

To make everything look more spectacular, paint the liquid in different colors. Make 2-3 blanks of colored water. pour water of the same color into the bottom of the jar. Then carefully pour vegetable oil along the wall from different sides. Pour water mixed with alcohol over it.

Egg without shell

Put a raw egg in vinegar for at least a day, some say for a week. And the focus is ready! An egg without a hard shell.
The egg shell is rich in calcium. Vinegar reacts actively with calcium and gradually dissolves it. As a result, the egg is covered with a film, but completely without a shell. It feels like an elastic ball to the touch.
Also, the egg will be larger than its original size, as it will absorb some of the vinegar.

Dancing little men

It's time to mess around! Mix 2 parts cornstarch with 1 part water. Put a bowl of starchy liquid on top of your speakers and turn up the bass!

Decorating the ice

We decorate ice figures of various shapes with the help of food paint mixed with water and salt. Salt corrodes the ice and seeps deep, forming interesting passages. Great idea for color therapy.

Launching paper rockets

We free tea bags from tea by cutting off the top. We set fire! Warm air lifts the package!

There are so many experiences that you will definitely find something to do with children, just choose! And don't forget to come back for a new article that you'll find out about if you subscribe! Invite your friends to visit us! And that's all for today! Till!

Did you know that for your convenience, Professor Nicolas has recorded many videos of interesting experiments for children with detailed descriptions and recommendations on how to conduct experiments correctly? The professor's cheerful and smart assistants will not only show, but also tell in detail how and how this or that process occurs - why liquids do not mix, but fold like a bookcase, why ice is called dry, and many other cognitive things.
Video experiments in chemistry will appeal not only to children, but also to their parents, because there are so many spectacular experiments - one feast for the eyes! Under each video there is a description of the experiment itself, necessary materials and ingredients, and most importantly - an explanation of the ongoing process. It is important for us that the child could figure out why this or that phenomenon occurs, understand the essence of the process - to awaken curiosity and interest in science. And let's not seem immodest to you, we manage to do it. Numerous positive reviews from parents are proof of this.
In our video library you can find and watch chemical experiments for children. We have made a selection of the most colorful and spectacular experiments, since chemistry is a science that has countless similar processes in its arsenal. But we never rest on our laurels, we constantly update and supplement the video sequence. Your feedback helps us a lot to make the selection even more interesting, entertaining and informative.
In addition, here you will find videos of entertaining experiments in physics for children. Teachers of the subject can use the video material we offer as a guide for conducting interesting experiments in the classroom. Students always perceive the topic with joy and attention when it is presented in an accessible, visual, easy-to-perceive form. You can see a spectacular physical experience once, and it will be remembered for a lifetime.
By the way, do you know how to pierce a bag filled with water with a pencil so that it does not leak out? Interesting? You can watch scientific experiments with water on our website, and you will find out that this is done easily and simply. And then you yourself can show your child an interesting hocus pocus. To do this, we recommend purchasing science kits for children, which we always have in stock and are not difficult to order. Just call us on the contact phone, or use the feedback form. Our managers will answer you very quickly, and very soon your child will be able to try on the role of a great experimenter.

Professor Nicolas continues to amaze
Oh, that irrepressible crazy Professor Nicolas! Like all professors, he is always on the lookout. Home experiments for children are his latest “developments”. On our site you can find many experiments that can be done at home, and which do not require particularly complex devices and ingredients. Look in the catalog, pick up what your child might like.
Experiments in the dark, in the fresh air, chemical reactions, experiments with pressure and liquid - this is only a part of what can be found in our video library. Older children themselves can search for what they like the most and try themselves as a real scientist. Why not? All scientists were also once children, and, most likely, they also conducted their childhood experiments. But in their time, it is unlikely that there were such visual aids as we offer you.
We receive a lot of questions from parents - is it dangerous to conduct entertaining experiments in chemistry, is it harmful to the health of the child? You can be absolutely calm - all experiments are carefully selected and thought out, primarily for safety reasons. There is an experimenter in every child who wakes up from time to time. Wouldn't it be better to take control of the situation, to allow simple experiments for children at home, which Professor Nicolas has chosen especially for children who want and love to experiment.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us for advice. We will be happy to provide detailed information on all points of interest to you. For communication, you can use contact numbers or a special form presented on our website. We promptly respond to any request, and we are very happy when we receive suggestions and wishes from our customers. This greatly helps to improve our work, to make it more efficient, clearer, and more informative.
You have the opportunity to subscribe to an interesting newsletter with experiences, as well as order an interesting show for your child. Our managers will select and advise programs based on your wishes, suggest how to supplement it. A confirmation will come to your phone and all the necessary information, and after the show there will be another call to find out how everything went, whether you and your child liked it.
You can also buy scientific kits for children from us for experiments - it will not be difficult for you. To do this, you just need to contact our managers by contact phone or use the feedback form provided on the site.
Our minimum order amount is 5,000 rubles. Delivery in Moscow and the nearest suburbs (up to 5 km from the Moscow Ring Road) is free of charge. If you want us to bring the order directly to the show, then in this case there is a 20% discount on the entire range without limiting the amount of the order!