Sheathing of the house with a block house. Block house finishing: material advantages and installation rules

The modern building market for home cladding has to offer different materials: tiles, stone, siding, plastic. But the simplest and most comfortable to use is the block house. In order to know how to properly sheathe a house with a block house, you need to have an idea about the material itself and the specifics of working with it.

Brief description of the material

Block house is one of the most popular building materials, which is convenient to use both for sheathing the house outside and inside, and all this is easy to do with your own hands, without involving the labor of hired workers.

By type of material blockhouse can be of three types: metal, plastic and wood. Their installation is slightly different.

The plastic block house is the lightest, respectively, and the crate for it can be made easier and simpler

Wood is environmentally friendly and natural material. Though wooden surfaces require additional processing, most people prefer to work with it.

Block house selection

Range wooden block house is so large that the question involuntarily arises, which material to choose.

In fact, this is influenced by two factors:

  • dimensions;
  • material.

After getting acquainted with the specifics in detail, you can make the right choice.


The convenience of panels of this material, first of all, is that they are already prepared for work: they have special longitudinal ends, which greatly facilitate installation.

The following sizes are available on the construction market:

  • wide panels 15 cm;
  • narrow panels less than 15 cm.

Narrow boards are used for indoor cladding, and wide boards are used for outdoor cladding, because. they are better protected from the wind. Of course, the price of wide boards will be higher.


The most common sizes are 3 - 6 m. It is possible to find siding in non-standard sizes, but most often this material can only be purchased on order. No installation will do without waste, but careful marking and calculation will help to minimize them.


In building stores, a blockhouse is usually measured in cubic, square, or running meters. When purchasing, it is recommended to carefully study the price tag, paying attention to exactly which surface the dimensions are indicated. After all the difference between the working or common surfaces is about 6–7 mm.

Sometimes the price tag indicates the price in terms of the total surface, which can cause problems when you have to sheathe the house with a block house. 6-7mm is a small difference, but in a large area, the difference can be several boards.


For outdoor work, coniferous wood is most often used. Among the most common and cheap materials are larch, pine and spruce.

It is believed that larch is the best material.

Its advantages are obvious:

  • high strength;
  • water-repellent effect;
  • resistance to the action of microorganisms;
  • durability.

Ancient Venice is all standing in the water on piles of larch, and for how many centuries without major repairs

The cost of larch panels is somewhat high. Pine and spruce are much cheaper, but the characteristics of these materials look more modest.

More about technical specifications pine and spruce, the differences between them can be seen in the table:

Basic properties of wood Pine Spruce
Color Reddish or yellowish White
Color stability Gets more intense over time Retains original color
Texture Pronounced Pronounced
Permissible humidity of dry molded products 480 kg per 1m3 430 kg per 1m3
Resinousness High content Reduced content
Knots and their location A small amount of A large number of
Rot resistance high Medium
Strength high Lower than pine
Reaction to machining Wood soft Wood is harder

Based on the data, it can be said that properties of pine exceed the parameters of spruce. Therefore, of the two economical materials, it is recommended to use pine.

On the market you can buy panels and hardwoods. But the price for them is much higher, because manufacturers usually release such goods on order and in small quantities.

For external facing works with a block house, it is better to purchase softwood panels trees of grade AB, because this is the best material, based on the price-quality ratio.

Storage conditions

You should pay attention to:

  • humidity level in the room;
  • use of pallets for storage;
  • the presence of packaging that protects the panels from dirt and dust;
  • Availability natural ventilation.

In case of violation of any storage conditions, it is not recommended to buy material.

How to sheathe a house with a block house

Having chosen the material and determined the size of the block house, you can begin to prepare the installation.

Required Tools

To perform the work, you will need the following set of tools:

  • nails (self-tapping screws) or kleimers;
  • hacksaw or electric saw;
  • level;
  • antiseptic solutions for surface treatment;
  • varnish or paint for finishing.

Flame retardants will protect the wooden block house from unnecessary ignitions

When working with chemically active solutions, it is recommended to use additional protective equipment in the form of gloves.


Like any construction work, the installation of panels requires preliminary preparation.

Surface preparation is carried out in the usual way:

  • cleansing from different kind spots;
  • treatment with antiseptic solutions.

With outer cladding wooden house the surface can not be leveled with siding, because. it will still be treated on top with a layer of insulation and crate.

wooden panels block house must be treated with special solutions to increase the service life.

Sheathing is best started approximately one year after the end of construction. It is recommended to caulk the surfaces of the house. Otherwise, no additional insulation can help, and the room will always be cool.

The preparation of the walls of houses made of bricks, foam blocks and other materials is somewhat different.

It consists of several stages:

  • surface cleaning from efflorescence;
  • leveling the walls with plaster to obtain a smooth and even surface;
  • installation of a metal crate.

The crate is leveled with a plumb line or level. The quality of further installation depends on how well the crate is executed.

If you plan to sheathe the house in full, you should prepare:

  • vapor barrier film;
  • crate;
  • thermal insulation;
  • windproof film;
  • counterlattice.

wooden or brick house you can not process it with a film for vapor barrier, it is more important to determine the type of insulation and choose the optimal thickness. Mineral plates are well suited for these purposes.

When choosing a heater, it is important to consider the thickness of the walls that will be sheathed. b. For example, if the thickness of the walls of a wooden house is 15 cm, it is recommended to use insulation with a maximum thickness of 10 cm, you can - 5 cm in order to save.

The thickness of the lathing laths depends on which insulation was chosen..

Since mineral insulation plates are located between the laths of the crate, their thickness must mutually correspond. For instance, if the thickness of the insulation is 5 cm, then the crate should have the same dimensions.

The next stage of preparatory work is covering with a windproof film and installing a counter-lattice. This is necessary in order to create a distance between the insulation layers and the sheathing, due to which ventilation will be naturally provided and soundproofing properties will improve.

Ventilation of the insulation layer greatly increases its service life

When all preparatory work completed, you can proceed with the installation of panels.

Features of block house installation

When installing the panels, it is necessary to position them so that the grooves are at the bottom, and the spikes are at the top so that moisture and dust do not accumulate in the boards.

Be sure to leave gaps between the last top and bottom panels for natural ventilation of the surface. Between the panels themselves, it is better to leave 5 mm distances to ensure the comfort of installation.

Nuances of fastening

The process itself does not cause difficulties and is performed quite quickly. The main questions that arise are related to how to fasten and carefully mount in the corners.

For thick wide boards, reliable fastening is required, so it is strongly recommended in such cases to use self-tapping screws with anti-corrosion coatings in the form of zinc or anodizing.

You can use nails as fasteners, which will somewhat reduce the cost of the overall cost of work. If nails and screws are visible on the surface, then clamps are used for concealed fastening.

Their use has a number of advantages:

  • no risk of damaging the treated surface;
  • ease of installation, because they are made exactly to the size of the panels;
  • reliability and durability;
  • aesthetic appearance.

The main disadvantage is the high price compared to other fasteners. But if there is no experience in installation, it is better to use clamps, because. when using nails and self-tapping screws, cracks and chips can easily form.

Finishing work

The final work is a surface treatment with varnish or paint to give an aesthetic appearance and increase the service life.

Metal and plastic blockhouse does not need final finishing.

How much does it cost to sheathe a house with a block house

Anyone who wants to sheathe a house with a blockhouse, with all its advantages, will notice that price it is quite democratic. The cost depends on the size of the surface, type, grade of material and the types of fasteners used. The cost of work when hiring specialists is low. Therefore, if there is not enough experience, it is better to turn to professionals.

How to sheathe the outside of the house with a block house with your own hands can be seen in more detail in the video:

A block house is a special type of house cladding that looks like a wagon board, on the one hand, which looks like a high-quality rounded log. Possessing high practical and aesthetic characteristics, the block house is the most demanded material today, and it is used both outside the house and inside. The main advantage of the material is the presence of a thorn-groove connecting system, so each owner can sheathe the house with a block house without much hassle.

When should this finish be used?

As a rule, if the building is made of bricks, sheets, slabs or blocks, there are no questions about why sheathe your house with clapboard. And here's how to deal with wooden frame? Definitely sheathe, here's why:

  1. In the case of building a log house "in the paw" inside the house, finishing will be required, the block house is ideal for this.
  2. If the log house was built from profiled timber, the finish will help achieve the “Russian hut” style and additionally protect the wall panels from negative impacts.
  3. For all buildings, a block house is an ideal finishing material that will last for many years, while it is easy to place additional heat-insulating material under the cladding.

Important! All cladding work can be carried out only after complete shrinkage of the structure.

When choosing a product on the market, you should be careful, many manufacturers offer a false log - an option that is not equipped with connecting grooves, which creates certain difficulties during installation. In the case of sheathing a house with a block house with your own hands, the procedure is simple, of course, if you do not have to create intricate structures.

Finishing: work in stages

How to sheathe a house with cladding, we will understand this in detail:

  1. First, the preparatory work, which consists in creating a preliminary crate. It will come in handy both inside the house and outside, depending on which areas get off.
  2. Square bars 30 * 30 mm are stuffed vertically in increments of 0.5-0.6 m, fastening can be done with nails, planks and do not forget about the processing of the bar.
  3. At this stage, it is worth deciding on the need for additional insulation and be sure to align the installation of the crate with a level.
  4. Once the crate on the walls is ready, proceed with the installation of the block house. Regardless of the type and type of panels, fastening always starts from the bottom to the top.

As for fixing the slats, there are two ways:

  1. Using Galvanized Claymore, which is bent into a groove with one part, the other is attached to the crate bar using a screw. After that, the panel is linked to the next one and the process is repeated. The positive aspects of the type of fastening are the strength and reliability of the masonry. Sometimes it is acceptable to use liquid nails to enhance strength. At the same time, the panel itself does not require screws and nails, so the risk of panel deformation is reduced to zero. Watch videos from professionals to understand the whole process in detail.
  2. The second option involves fastening the panel to the lathing bar with self-tapping screws. To do this, you need to make a hole in the board equal to half its thickness. After that, a screw is heated into the hole, and then the hole is caulked flush with the board, as shown in the video. Now the block house is securely fixed, while the screw head is not visible. The method is laborious and there is a risk of damage to the lamella during installation.

Advice! If you have extensive experience in facing work, you can apply the option of driving nails into the groove of the board at an angle of 45 degrees. The method is complex, requires skill and a minimal shift of the nail immediately injures the lamella.

There are several difficulties that can be encountered home master who wants to finish the walls inside the house with a do-it-yourself block house:

  • Docking panels in the corners. It is better to use special corners of the plinth, fitting parts of the lamellas under them. To do this, both walls of the corner are driven out, then the joint is hidden with a semicircular or flat element and fastened with liquid nails.
  • Particularly sharp corners should be hidden behind a wooden rail; it can be decorative if it is an interior decoration and plain in color if an external facade is clad.
  • Laying a panel fitted to the ceiling can also complicate the process a bit. If the ceiling is not finished, then in the process of facing all the irregularities will hide later, and if the ceiling is finished, the decorative cornice will skillfully hide the cracks.
  • Window openings and doors require the use of special platbands. Thus, all cracks and backlashes are hidden, and the risk of snow, rain and wind entering the room is minimized. Platbands can be mounted on nails, glue, self-tapping screws.

Regardless of the choice of technology, there is no need to carefully prepare the walls for cladding with a block house. The crate can be stuffed on old paint, plaster, uneven panels, the main thing is that the frame holds well, and everything else will be covered with a block house.

After completing the installation, it is better to walk with varnish on the surface. except additional protection, tint varnish will give the building the desired color scheme and complement the interior if the rooms in the house were lined.

Features of facing with a wooden block house

Wooden cladding requires its own technological subtleties:

  1. Do not use ordinary nails, self-tapping screws - they will quickly rust. It is best to use galvanized metal fasteners.
  2. The construction of the frame is an obligatory step; under the cladding, you can lay a heater, a vapor-permeable and windproof membrane.
  3. As soon as the installation of the crate is completed, the panels are laid out according to one of the methods described earlier.
  4. To prevent the possible process of decay, damage to the wooden block house, the panels should be treated with compositions at least once every 5-6 years.

As a rule, a block house goes well with the decoration of the basement with artificial stone, natural stone or slab finishing materials. The combination of siding and block house looks good.


There is a variant of cladding made of plastic, wood, metal:

  1. wooden blockhouse it is made from coniferous wood and has class A or B. The latter is characterized by the presence of cracks and cannot be used for exterior cladding - such material will spoil the very first winter.

Important! To pick up good material, it is worth looking at the thermal regime and strength. If these are strips with a “winter” indicator, then the strength of the material meets all the requirements of the customer: the panels will not crack, deform or peel off from frost.

  1. Metal blockhousenew material, which is devoid of the disadvantages of wood, but does not at all differ in the warmth and naturalness of wood.
  2. Vinyl blockhouse- the most popular product on the market finishing materials. The low price and high quality indicators made the products in demand. In this case, the developer can always choose the right shade. And if it is a stable manufacturer and supplier, the vinyl block house will stand flawlessly for decades without losing its original qualities.

Knowing how to sheathe a house with clapboard, looking at the photo and choosing suitable option decor, it remains only to clarify how much the material costs and proceed with the facade cladding, internal walls premises of your home. As you can see, the sheathing does not carry any difficulties, special tools and special knowledge are not required: to give the house a perfect look and achieve this with minimum investment- this is the main task that can be solved with the help of the "American lining", as the block house is also called.

The construction of houses from almost all materials requires cladding, from foam concrete cottages to wooden houses. The dilemma when choosing cladding materials is understandable, since there are many materials and all of them have their own characteristics.

In order for the finish to be beautiful, durable and heat costs to be minimal, house cladding with a block house can be used. Simple installation, which can even be done by hand, provides additional popularity to the direction.

Block house - these are panels that are made in a cylindrical shape from the front. The material is wood, rounded edges are cut from the trunk and used to form panels. FROM reverse side there are cuts that are made to eliminate the resulting condensate.

Raw materials can be different, depending on the type of wood, the texture of the wood is also different. Spruce, pine and deciduous varieties are considered the best, as they are denser, contain a lot of resins, which prevents the material from rotting. During the preparation of the material, the tree goes through the stage of impregnation with antifungal compounds. Additionally, a protective film is applied on the outside.

All elements are collapsible, and are joined by grooves and ridges. Installation is carried out on the crate, then it is enough only to use fasteners. can be performed using panels of the following sizes: 2000x90x20 mm, 2000x1400x30 mm, 2000x190x36 mm, 6000x90x20 mm, 6000x190x36 mm.

The price position largely depends on the class of the material, the highest quality, and, accordingly, the most expensive - A class. More available options- B-class.

If you sheathe the house with a blockhouse, the building will acquire:

  • Strength - the prepared sheathing is quite dense, can withstand strong impacts, even with minor damage, the material can simply be varnished, painted or sanded.
  • Excellent looking upholstery. Thanks to the shape and color of the wood, the building turns out to be very pleasant, cozy and even exotic.
  • The walls remain vapor permeable. When finishing with a block house, excess moisture will not form between the joints of the boards from the outside, as it can escape through the tree. If you apply paint, then the effect of vapor permeability will be minimized, so it is worth considering water-based acrylic options, as well as a hydrophobic type primer prepared on silicone.

Preparatory work

Sheathing a blockhouse with your own hands is not difficult, but you need to carefully prepare for the process of installing wood, then the facade will be durable. It is recommended to sheathe the facade, only 1 year after the erection of the building, then it will already be completely formed and dried, if cracks have initially started, the facade will not suffer from this.

To perform it, you must first take care of the caulking of log cabins of a wooden house. If this is not done, then even the insulation will not help keep the heat in the house.

At the first stage, it is worth deciding on the materials that will be needed during construction. Most of all, when choosing, you should pay attention to heat and vapor barrier. Sheathing itself involves the application of many layers to provide warmth and comfort in the house. So, the following layers will be present:

  • Vapor barrier film.
  • Crate.
  • Thermal insulation layer.
  • Film for wind protection.
  • Control grid.

If you plan to sheathe the house with a block house, which has walls made of wood or brick, then a vapor barrier film is not needed, it will only harm. The type and thickness of the insulation can determine the installation method and the amount of resources required. Best for this purpose mineral wool.

The thickness of the wall directly affects the thickness of the seal. If the house is wooden and has a thickness of 150 mm, then you will have to use 100 mm of thermal insulation, with savings you can use 50 mm. If the wall is sheathed even with a 50 mm layer of insulation, the house will have quite suitable and comfortable conditions.

To complete the sheathing, you will have to use a crate, the size of the bars for forming the frame depends on the insulation. The heat-insulating material is inserted into the cells in the lattice, so the thickness of the beam limits the amount of heat-insulation, it is so easy to determine its type in advance.

The thickness of the plate is directly related to the beam, if it has 10 cm, then the bars should have the same size. A windproof film is laid on top and closed with a counter-lattice. It is required to form a gap between the skin and the insulation, so normal ventilation will occur, and it also improves sound insulation.

Block house selection

When choosing a blockhouse, it is most necessary to look at several differences - the size of the strip, as well as the type of wood. When sheathing, it is important to know this, because there is a wide material (width 150 mm or more) and narrow (less than 150 mm). The outer walls, sheathed with a wide block house, look better, and the inner ones with a narrow one. Wall cladding with a wide-type block house will cost more, but integrity and aesthetic qualities are better.

The larch panel is considered the best sheathing, as it has a longer service life and greater density. Pine blockhouse sheathing is also quite good, although slightly inferior to larch.

Length plays an important role standard sizes- these are 2, 3 and 6 meters. Long boards are more expensive and provide more resistance to external factors, fewer joints. Short boards are popular due to their more affordable price.

Finishing a house is a very important operation, it must be carried out in compliance with all technical requirements, the quality of the facade depends on it. Finished in this way, the wall can be saved from the influence of negative, external factors, so saving is not worth it here.

What to consider when installing

First important nuance, which is worth knowing before sheathing a house with a block house is the location of the plates. It is necessary to carry out the finish so that the grooves are always at the bottom, and the spikes at the top. Thanks to this approach, the outer cladding will not deteriorate, because moisture and dust will not get inside.

Not everyone knows that it is necessary to sheathe a block with a house, observing the gap between the floor or ceiling and the sheathing material, then the air circulation will be as in ventilation system. Even between the strips of blocks, some slabs need to be finished so that a gap forms between them. If the house was sheathed without this consideration, deformations may appear during heating or humidity.

It is important to decide how we sheathe the wall, but there is no definite answer, since the type of material affects this. For thick boards, you will have to use reliable and large fasteners; self-tapping screws are ideal. The size will already have to be determined in place. At the same time, the sheathed house must use anti-corrosion screws, otherwise there will be rust streaks on the outside.

How to sheathe a house with a block house yourself?

Do-it-yourself sheathing of a house with block house siding is carried out in several stages, in fact, the principle is to fix all layers gradually. So, exterior finish looks like this:

  1. Use adhesive tape to stick a waterproofing coating that releases moisture only to the outside. The sheathed material should be glossy side out and fluffy side in.
  2. Further, a vertical crate is performed with an interval of 50–60 cm, depending on the shape of the houses. You first need to process the beams from pests and fungus, usually the manufacturer does this, but it is better to clarify this or do it yourself.
  3. In the sheathed cells there should be a heater, we put it there and fix it with “umbrellas”.
  4. To preserve the quality of mineral wool, it is necessary to protect it from blowing through in strong winds, so a windproof film with vapor barrier properties is nailed to the crate. A counter-lattice is fixed on top of it; the thickness is 30 mm. At the top and bottom, the sheathing material is cut off a little, so air vents are formed.
  5. It is necessary to install from top to bottom, although some do it the other way around, to prevent moisture from entering it is better to do it right. It is also important to ensure a horizontal position, for this you will have to use a level. Then it is worth repeating the measurements of the levels every 4–5 rows so that there is no shift. The lower 30 cm of the house must be finished with other material, for example, ordinary facing bricks or special siding.
  6. It is better to fix the block house with a clamp that is inserted into the grooves, as this is a lengthy procedure, self-tapping screws are often used. So immediately drill the crate with a drill of the required diameter, and then make the installation. To remove the head from the screw, you can use homemade sawdust glue.
  7. Joints can be specially sawn, but it is difficult. On top, you can simply lay a special corner.


Block house is durable and beautiful material for arranging the facade of the house, which is distinguished by simple, albeit time-consuming installation. The cost of the material is reasonable and provides an aesthetic appearance.

Block house allows you to give a stunning look to any home, even if it is built from ordinary building materials. After sheathing with a block house, it seems that the house is entirely built of logs, it is impossible to distinguish it from a natural log house. Sheathing the house with a block house can be done with your own hands.

It is worth noting that the original meaning of the word blockhouse was distorted. In the West it means frame houses, which are collected in a short time. At us the same term is applied first of all to finishing panels. For the production of the block house are used different types wood, coniferous wood is quite often used, so it will not be difficult to choose the right option for any home.

Block house type selection

Block house can be classified according to the type of material used:

  • wooden block house. Made directly from logs. At a woodworking plant, a log is processed according to the square in a circle scheme, that is, semicircular sections are cut along the perimeter of the logs, the rest goes to the manufacture of beams and boards, and sections with a semicircular surface are used to make a block house. Wood is impregnated with special protective compounds at the production stage, and the packaging eliminates deformation;

  • metal block house. In fact, it is a kind of siding - it only imitates the shape and surface of wood, installation is carried out according to the same method as the installation of siding panels;

  • vinyl block house - somewhat dull compared to natural wood. Installation is no different from the installation of siding and a metal block house.

Tools and materials for sheathing a house with a block house

Sheathing a house with a block house with your own hands is quite simple, for this you will need the following tools and materials:

  • wooden bars (section 40x50 and 30x40 mm), you can also use metal carcass, but most often preference is given to a wooden crate;
  • waterproofing film;
  • vapor barrier layer. Foil kraft paper is often used;

  • heat-insulating material, in principle, the device of a heat insulator layer is not necessary, but most often the sheathing with a block house is combined with wall insulation;
  • block house;
  • means for processing wood, despite the factory impregnation, additional processing of the block house will not be superfluous;
  • stain or varnish;
  • self-tapping screws, nails or kleimers;

  • platbands;
  • skirting boards (when sheathing a block house with inside walls);
  • corners for mounting on external and internal corners;
  • a hacksaw for cutting a block house (for large volumes of work, it is better to use a circular saw);
  • drill;
  • construction stapler;
  • screwdriver

Block house wall cladding technology

For proper wall cladding with a block house, installation work should be performed in the following sequence:

  1. Wall preparation. At this stage, the walls are cleaned of dirt. If wood cladding is outer wall, then it is necessary to carefully remove the remnants of the bark from the logs.
  2. A layer of waterproofing is attached to the surface of the wall. To do this, you can use a special film.

  1. A crate is placed on top of this film. As a rule, a wooden crate is used, although the use of metal profiles is allowed. The elements of the crate must first be protected from decay and insects by impregnation with special substances. It is recommended to use bars with a minimum section of 40x50 mm, this size is due to the fact that the thickness thermal insulation materials, as a rule, is equal to 50 mm. The step of the lathing bars should not exceed 50 - 60 cm. Mineral wool or other heat-insulating material is placed in the resulting cells.

Since there should be a gap between the blockhouse and the heat insulator layer, a second crate is stuffed on top of the crate already attached to the wall, but bars of a smaller section are used - 30x40 mm, the block house panels will later be attached to them. Before attaching the second layer of the crate, a vapor barrier membrane is attached to the entire surface of the insulation (using a stapler).

It is important not to confuse the location of the vapor barrier layer, foil kraft paper is located with the foil out.

  1. After that, you can proceed with the installation of the panels of the block house, the wall sheathing can be started both from top to bottom and in the opposite direction. At this stage, observance of the horizontality of the panels is of great importance, the slightest misalignment can spoil the whole positive effect of block house cladding. Especially carefully you need to control the horizontality of the first panel.

Sheathing of the outer wall is not carried out along the entire height, the block house is not brought to the ground by at least 30 cm. Stone materials are usually used to finish this section.

Even before starting the sheathing, you need to decide on the type of fastening of the block house to the crate, the speed of work and the percentage of marriage will depend on this. Between themselves, the panels are connected according to the tenon-groove scheme, but they also need to be attached to the laths of the crate. This can be done in 3 ways.

With the use of clamps. This will require additional labor, so the installation of the block house will be somewhat slower, but at the same time the risk of damage to individual panels is minimized.

With galvanized nails. Perhaps the most undesirable method of fastening, which can only be recommended to an experienced person. Nails are driven at an angle or perpendicular to the groove of the board. When using this method, the risk of damage to the elements of the locking connection of the panels is extremely high.

With the help of self-tapping screws. At the same time, a hole equal to the diameter of the self-tapping screw is drilled in the board at ½ of its thickness, then the block house is attached to the crate. Subsequently, this hole is masked using, for example, a mixture of glue and sawdust.

After installing and fixing the first row, its horizontalness is checked using the building level. In the future, horizontality can be checked every few rows.

To facilitate the sheathing of the house with a block house, it is recommended to position the panels in such a way that the spike goes into the groove from top to bottom. With this arrangement of panels, light tapping with a rubber mallet is enough to ensure that the panels are firmly connected to each other.

  1. Completion of the installation of the block house. The finishing touch can be considered the finishing of external and internal corners. In principle, you can try to butt-join the panels of the block house, but this will require careful sawing of the ends of the panels, which will lead to unnecessary labor.

In addition, the butt joint will not allow the panels to compensate for thermal deformations when heated. To save time, most often for finishing corners, special corners are used, which are attached to adhesive mixtures. This does not affect the aesthetic component.

The same approach is used when finishing window and door openings. Slots and other flaws are hidden behind the platbands.

  1. Despite the factory impregnation of the tree with protective compounds, many people prefer to cover the tree with an antiseptic again after the installation is completed. You can also use varnish or stain to achieve the desired shade of wood.

With the help of sheathing with a block house, even the most ordinary brick house easily turns into a natural log house. It will look like the builders have just finished laying the last logs.

The decoration of buildings involves the use of modern cladding, thanks to which the building not only acquires beautiful view, but also reliably protected from heat losses. On the construction market you can buy various materials for facing works, but the block house deserves special attention. The material is characterized by high operational characteristics. It is easy to install, perfectly emphasizes the style of any architectural building, giving it chic and individuality.

Features and Specifications

Block house is a unique decorative material. It is produced in the form of boards with a flat inner and convex outer side. Also, the device of the product includes docking parts (thorns and grooves), which provide reliable fastening, allowing you to avoid the formation of gaps and slots during installation. For the manufacture of a block house, various woods are used, but most often they choose raw materials from deciduous and coniferous trees, which are characterized by excellent aesthetic qualities, hardness and strength.

Boards undergo high-quality processing during the production process, so they are suitable for installation in any conditions. The main feature of the material is that it does not crack during operation. This is due to the fact that in the manufacture of a block house it is equipped with special grooves that relieve stress from the tree.

The material is released in various sizes, which makes it possible to use it for both interior and exterior decoration. Sheathing of premises, as a rule, is carried out using a wooden block house with a section of 46 * 180 mm, and metal or vinyl panels are chosen for exterior decoration of buildings.

The main characteristic of the boards is their class, which is determined by the quality of the wood and the way it is processed.

Therefore, on sale you can find products of two options.

  • Block house of the highest category. It is considered the highest quality, intended mainly for exterior cladding. Such boards are characterized by the absence of chips and holes.
  • Simple panels. Such products have a lower price, so often on the surface of such boards you can find a slight "fringe" or "hairiness".

It is also worth noting that the block house has different panel thicknesses, ranging from 20 mm to 50 mm. In this case, the minimum width of the boards is 70 mm, and the maximum - 190 mm. Before installing decorative wooden panels, they must be carefully processed: primed and coated with several layers of varnish or paint. After drying, the painted wood is sanded and covered with a protective layer, which must be renewed every 5 years.

Since the block house is available in a rich assortment of colors and textures, it can be used for sheathing any type of premises and buildings, regardless of the style direction. Look especially beautiful in this design country houses. Finishing is a real decoration landscape design. If you sheathe the walls inside the building with material, you will get an unusual effect, due to which the interior will be filled with comfort and homely warmth.

Types: advantages and disadvantages

Since the block house is made from various raw materials, it is divided into several types. The most popular is the material made from natural wood. The main advantage of such boards is their environmental friendliness. The basis of a wooden block house can be spruce, pine or larch, so choosing it for the exterior cladding of the house, you can get unusual decor with an imitation of a log cabin.

Depending on the quality of the array wooden panels subdivided into three groups.

  • Class "C". Boards have a well planed surface, without knots and other large defects. However, for this product, slight darkening, chips and scratches are allowed.
  • Class "B". Cloths are characterized by a low price, therefore, traces of mechanical damage, light and dark knots may be present on their surface.
  • Extra class. The boards are perfectly processed and devoid of any flaws. They are expensive, as they are characterized by high quality, which is achieved by a manual selection method.

Regardless of the class of production, the following advantages of a wooden block house can be distinguished:

  • good heat and noise insulation;
  • presentable appearance;
  • naturalness.

As for the negative properties, such boards are expensive, ignite easily and require antiseptic treatment.

If you plan a budget option for finishing, then the right choice become vinyl panels. They are sold by affordable price, imitate natural wood. The main advantage of the products is that before installation they do not need to be additionally impregnated with antiseptics and varnished. In addition, compared to wood, they have a longer service life and do not require special care. Since the vinyl block house is lightweight, it does not put pressure on the structure of the building.

The advantages of vinyl panels include:

  • a huge selection of textures and colors;
  • ease of installation;
  • durability;
  • resistance to moisture and ultraviolet.

There are few disadvantages of such a material: it is sensitive to temperature changes, requires compliance with a special installation technology, and the surface of such boards looks dimmer than an array.

A steel block house is considered no less popular. It is a curved profile painted to look like natural wood. Thanks to this material, it is possible not only to decorate the facades, but also to carry out high-quality thermal insulation. The main advantage of the product is its super strength, but like vinyl panels, the material is only suitable for exterior decoration, as it looks unpresentable indoors.

The advantages of steel panels include:

  • long service life;
  • affordable price;
  • simplicity installation work;
  • moisture resistance and fire safety.

However, despite the positive characteristics, steel elements also have disadvantages. They quickly heat up in the sun, and their installation requires the use of additional components.

Criterias of choice

The construction market amazes with a huge assortment of block houses, but in order to perform a high-quality finish, you need to choose the right material.

The product should not only have a beautiful appearance, but also have performance characteristics that allow it to last a long time.

  • A huge role in the choice of panels is played by their width. For facade cladding, it is better to choose a board with a width of at least 159 mm, and for interior decoration - 80 mm. For wall cladding in rooms, the use of wide panels is not recommended, as they visually reduce the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.
  • Particular attention must be paid to the type of wood from which the material is made. Larch is suitable for outdoor work, it is resistant to moisture, has an original texture and color. When decorating inside buildings, it is best to give preference to linden or oak. They provide excellent waterproofing and insulation of the room.

  • When choosing a block house, you must also specify the class of its wood. Perfect cladding can only be obtained from high-quality panels of the highest category. Therefore, all boards must be packed in a single film, have the same width and length. It is not allowed to purchase material on the surface of which there are cracks, knots and resin stains.
  • It is recommended to buy boards with a length of at least 6 m, this will reduce the number of joints during installation.
  • If the products do not have certificates, and the moisture content of the boards exceeds 20%, then they cannot be used for finishing.

Preparation and accessories

Before starting installation work, the block house should be prepared. For this, a short period of time is allocated for the acclimatization of the material. This usually takes several days. At this time, insulation, waterproofing are laid outside the walls and the material is calculated in a cube.

Also, the installation of panels provides for the assembly of a vertical crate from slats or bars. The distance between the frame elements should be 70 cm. To provide the necessary waterproofing, a thin frame is additionally attached to the self-tapping screws over the insulated crate.

To install the boards, you need to purchase certain components.

  • Universal straps.
  • Hanging profiles. Their fastening is carried out, as a rule, over window openings to protect the finish from moisture. If the facade consists of several levels, then profiles are used between transitions.
  • Starting bar. It is necessary for mounting the bottom row of boards.
  • Finish profile. It is placed along the edges of the wall to fix the last panels.
  • Connecting strips and corners.
  • Special fastening elements (kleimer and self-tapping screws).

Installation tools should consist of a standard set, including a tape measure, level, screwdriver, hammer and drill.

Technology and installation rules

When the crate is made, it will be possible to begin to mount the panels of the block house. Laying the material is a simple process, so the work can be done independently without resorting to the help of specialists.

To perform the installation correctly, it is enough to follow the installation rules. It is also important to ensure a solid fastening of the finish. Boards to the frame must be fastened with metal brackets or clamps. If the cladding is carried out with thick panels, it is recommended to use self-tapping screws coated with an anti-corrosion compound.

The installation of the panels begins with the fact that they are laid out in the room in such a way that the spike of each part is on top and the groove is on the bottom. This simplifies further workflow and reduces the risk of dust in the grooves. It is important to provide a small gap between the ceiling, floor surface and sheathing to ensure natural ventilation. You also need to leave gaps between the panels themselves when they are docked. This is done so that the skin does not undergo deformation during temperature changes and moisture on its surface.

It is worth considering that the exterior decoration of the facade requires such additional materials as a heater, antiseptic, primer and vapor barrier film. Before sheathing the house with a block house, you need to install a vapor barrier. The work is carried out with the help of staples and a stapler, with the help of which the film is fixed to the frame, forming an overlap of 10-15 cm.

If the block house is mounted horizontally, then the bottom corner should be sheathed first. The panel is installed on the profile and fixed along the entire length with a clamp, which, in turn, is attached to the crate with self-tapping screws. Then the second panel is inserted into the cutters, its groove should “look” down.

Observing the above technology, the entire wall should be sheathed. In some cases, the installation of the material is performed not with clamps, but with self-tapping screws. In this case, it is important to accurately join the panels by screwing in the screws at an angle of 45 degrees.

As for the design of the corners inside, they are decorated with a 5 × 5 cm beam or special skirting boards. At the same time, experts advise installing bars before sheathing. Thanks to this, the finish is more attractive.

We must not forget about the lining of window and doorways. The most important thing is to protect them from the penetration of dust, precipitation and cold air. It is better to choose platbands with carved patterns or unusual ornaments. They can be curly, round or flat.

The block house looks interesting in the interior of residential premises.

Such cladding is practically no different from the outer cladding, but is characterized by its own nuances:

  • for work, usually narrow panels are used;
  • internal and external corners are drawn up at the end of the entire installation.

It is not recommended to use a block house for decorating walls in rooms with high humidity. If the style provides for the presence of panels in the bathroom or in the kitchen, then they must be covered with a protective layer of varnish. To extend the life of such a sheathing, it should also be treated with mastic and stain.

Interior decoration it is advisable to update periodically. To do this, every 5-7 years it is applied protective layer before removing the old coating. The walls of the premises can be sheathed with boards both vertically and horizontally.

Can you make your own?

Though modern market represented by a chic assortment of block-houses, many owners of suburban housing prefer to make it with their own hands, rather than purchase it ready-made. At first glance, this may seem complicated, but if you have a small workshop and a woodworking machine at hand, then the process turns out to be quite doable.