How to effectively spend a fasting day. Effective Fasting Days for Weight Loss - Best Diet Options

Probably, each of us is familiar with the involuntary feeling of awe and excitement before the next beach season, when all our winter and holiday sins become clearly visible. And then the thought comes to mind: “We should unload!” But how to spend fasting days correctly, that is, so that the next extra pounds do not follow “unloading”?

By the way, regular fasting days will not interfere even with those who are in excellent physical shape, because they cleanse and rejuvenate the body, relieving it of the unpleasant consequences of malnutrition and bad habits.

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How to spend fasting days for weight loss correctly

Unloading is essentially the same, only it is based on the use of one product of animal or vegetable origin during the day. The main requirement for the product is its low calorie content. The principle of separate nutrition allows the body to process incoming food in a minimum time and get to fat deposits, toxins and toxins, breaking down and removing them as unnecessary.

Options for effective fasting days for weight loss

Protein fasting days

The greatest benefit for maintaining a slender figure is brought by protein unloading of the body, the basis of which can be lean meat, fish, poultry, legumes and, of course, abundant water intake (at least 2.5 liters per day). Portions should not exceed 150-200 grams, and between meals should be at least 4 - 5 hours. Among other things, protein fasting days are quite diverse, here is an approximate diet:

Breakfast: smoked veal - 100 grams, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, pure coffee without additives and sugar.

Lunch: boiled beef - 150 - 200 grams, a glass of mineral water, green tea.

Snack: boiled chicken fillet - 150-200 grams, choleretic tea, a glass of mineral water.

Dinner: a glass tomato juice, beans stewed in tomato - 200 grams.

If this is your first fasting day, you can diversify your diet with a salad of fresh vegetables.

Fish fasting days indicated for those who suffer from atherosclerosis, diabetes and obesity. Any will do a variety of fish, most importantly low-fat (hake, perch, bream, pike perch, cod, pike). Divide 600 grams of boiled fish fillet into 6 equal portions - this will be the menu for the whole day. From drinks you can drink water, coffee without sugar, tea with milk, rosehip broth.

Buckwheat unloading allows you to effectively cleanse the gastrointestinal tract, improve metabolism and lose up to 500 grams excess weight. You need to be careful when using buckwheat porridge and kefir at the same time, since such a combination weakens the intestines, allowing you to get rid of stagnant metabolic products and improve peristalsis.

Pour one glass of buckwheat with two glasses of water and cook porridge in the evening without adding oil and salt. Divide the finished dish into 6 parts, eat during the day, washed down with 1% kefir (you need 1 liter). In addition to kefir, you can drink purified or mineral water, herbal tea.

After plentiful vozdeleniya and libations it is desirable to sit one day on an apple diet. It will allow you to get rid of toxins and toxins that clog the intestines and burn about 200 grams of body fat.

You will need 1.5 kilograms of apples, a third of which must be baked in the oven without adding sugar. Baked apples are rich in pectin, which greatly enhances the cleansing effect. Divide the rate into 5 - 6 parts, and do not forget about the water, the volume of which should be the usual 2.5 liters.

Unloading day on apples is contraindicated in case of hyperacidity and any diseases of the digestive tract.

Curd days are useful for many diseases: diabetes, gout, nephritis, obesity, hepatitis, uric acid diathesis, poor circulation, stomach diseases and gastrointestinal tract.

Unloading cottage cheese day to remove from the body from 500 grams to 1 kilogram of weight, add vigor and improve skin color.

There are several options for curd unloading:

First: 600 grams of 9% cottage cheese mixed with 60 grams of sour cream are consumed in 5 - 6 doses. Sugar, syrups and sweet mousses are not added. From drinks - water, kefir, rosehip broth, milk.

Second: mix 400 grams of fat-free cottage cheese with 1 - 2 teaspoons wheat flakes or pre-steamed wheat bran. You can also add apples, prunes or dried apricots to cottage cheese, replacing sugar with them.

Third: the number of meals - 5 times, for each meal, eat 60 grams of 9% cottage cheese and drink a glass of milk.

There are many popular methods of losing weight: various diets, nutrition systems, health-improving methods, sports complexes, radical approaches. Fasting days are gaining particular popularity, they require restrictions for one day a week, help fight excess weight and cleanse the body. We will teach you how to do the right unloading day with health benefits and weight loss.

What is a fasting day and what is its use?

Carrying out a fasting day involves eating a limited amount of certain foods that are easy for the body. Do not confuse with fasting. Fasting occurs after 2-3 days total absence food intake, and during the fasting day, the diet is limited during the day. Such restrictions have their advantages:

  • help in the fight against excess weight, especially during periods of "plateau", when the weight ceases to go away in a certain period;
  • promote the removal of toxins and toxins;
  • provide the body with rest from the need for daily processing of a huge amount of food;
    allow you to train willpower.

The choice of product is based on personal preferences. Their efficiency is about the same. The most difficult thing is to endure the whole day on one liquid or watery vegetables, but it is much easier to unload on proteins or cereals. Experts advise using two groups of the same type of products in the menu for the greatest comfort.

Top 5 best options

The most popular for unloading are fruits, vegetables, dairy products and cereals.

protein day

A protein day is not accompanied by a feeling of hunger and therefore passes more easily. There are a lot of options for such unloading for weight loss:

  • you can combine kefir and chicken. From 300 grams of boiled fillet, cut into cubes, a small amount of parsley and a liter of kefir, okroshka is prepared, which you need to eat all day;
  • on meat. Daily diet - 400 grams of boiled meat without salt;
  • on fish - during the day you need to eat 400 grams of boiled low-fat fish.

On buckwheat and kefir

Unloading on kefir is popular after overeating, but eating kefir alone all day is difficult. That is why it is better to turn to a simpler, but no less effective option- add to diet buckwheat porridge. Porridge should be prepared in the evening: pour 250 grams of washed cereal with boiling water, cover with a lid. For better steaming, the container should be wrapped in a warm blanket.

You can start in the morning by dividing the porridge into 5 parts and eating it at regular intervals with a glass of kefir (fat content up to 2.5 percent). This diet option cleanses the body well, gives a feeling of lightness, and is easier to tolerate.

Useful unloading on cottage cheese

Cottage cheese contains a large percentage of protein, which eliminates the feeling of hunger and promotes fat burning. It is impossible to choose completely fat-free cottage cheese for unloading; it is better to choose a two percent one. For a day, you need to eat 400 grams of cottage cheese and 2 apples in 5 doses. For pregnant women, the cottage cheese day is the most gentle, but it is better to consult a doctor and not take risks.

on apples

Apples contain metabolism stimulators (vitamins C, B-groups, E, P, organic acids, carotene, micro- and macroelements). The presence of fiber provides a cleansing effect for the body. To cleanse the body, you will need one and a half kilograms of fresh or baked apples. The number of doses is 5. You can supplement the diet with a liter of unsweetened compote (without sugar).

On cereals

The most popular cereals are rice, buckwheat and oatmeal. The risk will not suit people who suffer from frequent constipation, but buckwheat and oatmeal are quite versatile. Consider the features of the diet for cleansing the intestines:

  • per day you need to eat 700 grams of oatmeal on the water (without oil, sugar, salt);
  • a glass of boiled buckwheat is divided into 3-4 meals;
  • for a rice day, it is better to choose an unpolished product (150 grams per day is enough).

When is the best time to start a fasting diet?

To achieve a positive result from a fasting day, you should properly prepare for it. Great importance has a mental attitude. The most difficult aspect is not the hunger itself, but the fear of it.

Days for unloading are best planned in advance. It is desirable that strong physical and psychological stress is not expected on the chosen day. Everything should take place in peace - on weekends or during holidays, when there is an opportunity to protect yourself from most things. It is better to prepare food the day before, then no sudden chores can affect your diet.

The opinion of nutritionists and doctors

When respecting the unloading periods, it is necessary to follow certain rules so as not to harm the body:

  • fanaticism is unnecessary, it will be enough to implement the event once a week;
  • physical activity on the selected day should be avoided;
  • the amount of food depends on the type of unloading chosen, but on average, the volume of vegetables and fruits eaten should not exceed two kilograms;
  • remember to drink enough water;
  • After the end of the day, you should not immediately start eating in large quantities. For the body, this will be too much of a shock.

It is necessary to adhere to certain limits of the reasonable at all times.

Undoubtedly, before introducing fasting days into your life, you should consult a doctor for advice. There is always a possibility of contraindications due to the presence of diseases. In order not to risk it, it is better to refuse such activities during pregnancy and lactation, with diabetes, problems with the functioning of the kidneys and liver.

Anyone who has ever thought about losing weight or leads a healthy lifestyle has heard about fasting days. They are a great opportunity to cleanse the body, as well as get rid of a couple of extra pounds. It is very useful to arrange fasting days for weight loss, and not only for the figure, but also for health in general, because they allow you to:

  • remove toxins from the body;
  • lose weight;
  • adjust the body to a new diet;
  • train willpower;
  • get ready for the diet.

Making a fasting day at home is not difficult. The most important thing is to choose which one will have to be consumed during the day. Unloading days are varied. When choosing, you need to focus on your own taste preferences and the effectiveness of the techniques. Study the feedback and results of women who have practiced different types draw conclusions and proceed.

What to remember

For the first time, it will not be easy to withstand the new menu, because the body is used to receiving a certain calorie intake, and suddenly it has decreased several times. However, with each repetition, the woman will feel better and better. To speed up the adaptation process, it is important to understand how to properly arrange unloading for the body. There are easy rules for this:

  • You can spend fasting days 1-2 times a week. Do not overdo it. If you get carried away and adhere strictly to the menu more often, you can harm the body, disrupt metabolism, provoke an exacerbation of diseases of the digestive tract.
  • Eliminate physical exercise. Fitness, running, power sports - we forget about all this during unloading. The body needs to rest and also focus on converting energy from a minimum amount of calories.
  • Eat small. How often can you eat? Ideal Solution- 5-6 times a day. Such a system will allow you not to feel hungry and eliminate overeating.
  • Whatever unloading recipes you use, any of them have tolerances. For example, if you are tormented by hunger, it is still far from eating, drink a glass of kefir.
  • Drink water. It is important to maintain fluid balance. The daily norm is 1.5-2 liters, most of this volume should be drunk before 15:00.
  • Do not use laxatives or diuretics, let the body cleanse itself.

Control the amount of food you eat. single standard no, but it is important not to exceed 2 kg if you sit on fruits, and 700 grams when eating protein foods. It is difficult to say exactly how many kilos are dropped when unloading the body. Someone manages to get rid of 2-3 kg, others only from 500 gr.

It is very important to correctly switch from unloading to a regular diet. Do not immediately pounce on food, absorbing everything in unlimited quantities. Keep yourself in control, control what and when you eat. This is the only way to protect the body from stress.

What to eat on fasting day

There are many options for unloading days. If you are interested in what types there are, then you should know that according to the composition of the products they can be divided into carbohydrate (cereals, fruits, vegetables), protein (meat, sour milk) and combined. For beginners, the best options are meat, fish, cottage cheese. They are not only tasty, but also satisfying. To withstand such a regime is much easier than sitting on cucumbers, persimmons or tomato juice.

It is useful to alternate unloading on different products. A fasting day will bring a guaranteed effect:

  • On kefir. This product is often recommended by nutritionists for weight loss. Kefir regimen helps to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The product contains useful lacto- and bifidobacteria. On the day you need to drink 1.5-2 liters of drink and water. For those who find the option too harsh, there are others. Kefir goes well with cereals.

  • On buckwheat. The buckwheat method has a mild effect. 250 g of cereal should be washed and pour boiling water over night. In the morning, the excess liquid is drained, the porridge is divided into 5 servings, which must be eaten during the day. You can drink buckwheat with kefir. According to a similar scheme, you can arrange a fasting day on rice, oatmeal. But rice and another option for unloading on cereals requires boiling cereals.

  • On apples. There are several variants of the apple program. You can use only apples (1.5 kg) and water during the day. Another way, softer, apples + kefir. And the third - an unlimited number of apples and tea. You can use kiwi instead of apples or combine them.

  • On curd. During the day, it is permissible to use 600 grams of cottage cheese and 60 grams of low-fat sour cream. This volume should be divided into 4 servings. You can supplement the menu with coffee with milk and rosehip broth. Curd mode can be combined with fruits and dried fruits. In this case, the daily diet consists of 400 grams of fat-free cottage cheese and 400 grams of fruit.
  • Fruit options and a vegetable fasting day are very similar. It is allowed to eat no more than 1.5 kg of fruits per day. It is better to use them fresh or baked. From fruits, banana and grapes are prohibited, and from vegetables - potatoes.

These examples will help you in drawing up your schedule of fasting days. During the week, try to stick to the principles healthy nutrition, play sports, walk more in the fresh air, avoid stress. An integrated approach will allow you to quickly acquire the desired forms and improve the body.

All experts in the field of weight loss note that the most effective fasting days are those that do not cause moral and psychological discomfort. To cope with the transition to a limited diet, even for a day, advice from Elena Malysheva will help. Famous TV presenter and the nutritionist insists that the effect of fasting day will be provided that you maintain a positive mindset and are in a good mood. Also be sure to:

  • eat fractionally;
  • make time for light physical activity;
  • drink a lot;
  • give up sweets and flour, conservation, fast food, spices and seasonings;
  • add greens to the diet;
  • reconsider cooking methods, abandon frying, preferring baking, steaming, stewing.

Malysheva offers a lot different schemes unloading the body, among which there are protein and vegetable options. An unusual program can be called a "bitter diet." Guaranteed weight loss per day 1 kg. You can eat 5 grapefruits, drink 2 liters of water and 10 cups of green tea.

Watch the video:

The program of Margarita Koroleva is a huge success. She is a highly qualified nutritionist with 20 years of experience. Margarita works not only with ordinary people, but also with celebrities. She brought many new and effective rules to the weight loss system. The well-known program of the Queen is a fasting diet for 9 days, in which the first three days you can eat only boiled rice, the next three days - meat products, and the last three are only vegetables. In just nine days, you can get rid of 5-6 kg.

Unloading the body can be arranged every 7-10 days. Also, be sure to help your body after the holidays and overeating. One day on a mono-diet is an opportunity to change yourself and your body for the better. Experiment, try different variants and enjoy the result, which will be noticeable not only for you, but also for others.

Unloading days allow you to quickly lose weight by 2 - 3 kg in a short time. You can follow them twice. in Week.

Fasting days differ in terms of the composition of the food consumed:

    there is a carbohydrate fasting day (we eat apples, watermelons, cucumbers and other fruits and vegetables);

    fat fasting day (we eat sour cream, cream, dairy products, cottage cheese, yogurt, curds);

    proteins th fasting day - we eat meat, kefir, fish.

When choosing products for a fasting day, be guided by your taste and the desired result ( cucumbers give a plumb line up to minus three kilograms, a river gives a plumb line up to one and a half kilograms per day).

If you don't want to just lose weight a couple kilos but also start actively lose weight - observe fasting days on meat, cottage cheese, sour cream e. Such an unloading of the body easy to perceive thanks to the feeling satiety, but the effect they give the same as lower calorie foods.

Suitable for a pregnant woman unloading days for cottage cheese, sour cream, fruits and vegetables.

help with:

    abundant gluttony,

    end of diet

    regular weight control.

Today women need effective fasting days, tk. due to stress and depression, women often gain weight, and with the help of such days they can quickly lose weight.

Attention: lose weight during fasting day you are not due to fat loss, but due to t removal from the body superfluous water, accumulated slag(decay products of substances, toxins, undigested food), accumulated in the intestines, etc.

Unloading day on cucumbers

Cucumbers will help digest animal fats, cleanse the body. They have a lot of potassium, which accelerates the movement of water in the body.

Cucumber has a diuretic effect, lowers blood pressure, removes edema, its use is preventive inflammation and dystrophic processes in the myocardium. Cucumber has a mild effect on the body with heart rhythm disturbances.

This unloading day can be observed more often once a week because it is highly efficient.

Efficiency p unloading day on cucumbers - up to minus 3.5 kilograms.

Cucumber is unique, because in it contains a minimum of calories plus tartronic acid - a substance that slows down the process of converting carbohydrates into fats.

Unloading day on about cucumber is best done at home, without physical and mental stress.


In option number 1: we eat one and a half kilograms per day fresh cucumbers, two from boiled chicken eggs, cooked hard boiled. Cucumbers are divided into five receptions. Eggs preferably eat during lunch or dinner.

Option number 2: we eat a kilogram of fresh cucumbers, 500 grams of tomatoes per day, dividing them into five meals. You can make a salad with vegetable oil.

Belkovs th unloading day

This unloading day is very efficient, because Christmas trees - this is the main element of the diet, which is the main building material body cells.

The building blocks of proteins are amino acids. There are 22 in total and nine of them irreplaceable, i.e. n can be synthesized by the human body independently (these are leucine, histidine, isoleucine, glycine, tyrosine, valine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine). This set of amino acids can be obtained if you combine plant and animal foods correctly.

The human body's need for protein is about a gram per kilogram. body weight (proteins should be 30% off daily allowance calories, of them should be 2/3 animal proteins and 1/3 proteins must have vegetable origin).

Attention: if the proteins enter the stomach first, then there will be an acceleration metabolism by 15% (If carbs come in first, your metabolism will slow down).

If the body is observed deficit protein - muscles suffer, nervous system, cardiovascular system.

Pros of protein fasting days:

    don't feel the feelings hunger, because proteins are digested slowly and blood sugar levels are at the same level.

    There are many types of protein foods, so you can easily choose suitable diet.

Spruce unloading days and must be observed twice per week (with a break of three days).

Attention: before observance of protein fasting days consult With doctor about the presence of individual contraindications.

You can unload not only on solid protein food, but also on liquid: black coffee without added milk and sugar(a couple of cups a day) tea without sugar, oh wild rose creature, mineral water without gas.

Unloading day on cottage cheese

When using n low-fat dairy products produced in the body Calcitriol is a hormone that speeds up fat burning.

In a day you need to eat four hundred - six hundred grams low-fat cottage cheese, dividing it into four servings one hundred - one hundred and fifty grams.

You can add to your diet sweet and sour fruits ( berries) or finely chopped greens. Can you make a casserole.

Unloading day on meat

During the day you need to eat three hundred - four hundred gram boiled lean meat (veal, g ovyadin i, skinless chicken fillet) without adding salt, dividing it into five servings.

You can add to your diet low-calorie vegetables: cabbage, cucumbers, green peas, tomatoes, etc.

At night, you can drink a glass of low-fat yogurt.

Unloading day on fish

Four hundred grams of boiled lean fish(cod, haddock, carp, zander) divide for five servings.

You can add vegetables to the diet (but without butter, salt, sauce).

At night, you can drink a glass of low-fat yogurt.

Unloading day on cheese and eggs

Breakfast aem: one hundred grams of low-calorie cheese, a glass of tea with a piece of sugar,

Dinner we eat: 2 eggs, from boiled soft-boiled, a glass of tea with a piece of sugar,

Dinner we eat: two hundred grams of low-fat cottage cheese, a glass of tea with a piece of sugar.

Mixed Protein Fasting Day

Breakfast aem: one hundred grams from boiled lean meat without salt, protein shake, a glass of coffee (without sugar and milk),

2nd breakfast: still mineral water, two hundred grams of boiled meat, tomatoes + greens, tea without sugar,

Dinner aem : two hundred grams boiled skinless chicken breast, salad with Chinese cabbage, non-carbonated mineral water,

Dinner aem : two hundred grams boiled white beans, a glass of tomato juice.

Meals every four hours.

Fasting day on kefir

You need to drink up to one and a half liters per day oily kefir, dividing by five servings.

The effectiveness of this unloading days - up to minus two kilogram. Plus work gets back to normal. intestines.

Drinking mode - can drink up to 500 ml non-carbonated mineral water.

Kefir very useful it helps not only to lose weight, but also revitalize the body - normalize pressure, improves intestinal microflora.

It has only one disadvantage - laxative action, therefore it is better not to plan meetings and trips for this day.

Unloading day on kefir and cottage cheese

Breakfast aem : three tablespoons low-fat cottage cheese, a glass of low-fat kefir

2nd breakfast: a glass of low-fat kefir

Dinner aem : three tablespoons low-fat cottage cheese with berries, a teaspoon of honey

Snack: a glass of low-fat kefir

Dinner aem : three tablespoons low-fat cottage cheese, 1 tsp honey, a glass of low-fat kefir

Before going to bed: a glass of low-fat yogurt.

Unloading day on fruits

Due to the high fiber content, fruits cleanse the body of toxins well. Unloading day on fruits will save you from two to three kilograms excess weight.

Each fruit especially helpful and has its own characteristics.

It is advisable to eat more domestic fruits, because exotic fruits are more difficult to digest often cause a allergies. In addition, sellers process them with certain compositions. to extend the shelf life (provoking poisoning).

Attention: it is better to eat fruits with a peel, because it contains a lot of dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals.

The maximum duration of this type of unloading is two day.

Remember to comply drinking regime.

Unloading day on apples

We eat up to two kilograms of apples per day(can eat fresh or bake).

Efficiency p unloading day on apples - up to minus three kilograms.

Frequent consumption of apples increases in the intestine a special type of bacteria preventing decay process, helping food to be digested more qualitatively. Those. This is a direct prevention of the appearance of excess weight.

If you eat three apples a day (in addition to diet) - you are thinner the faster.

Advantages of a fasting day on apples:

    apples contain iron, many vitamins,

    apples help to reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol,

    apples contain flavonoids (quarcetin, naringin) that protect lung cells from cancer.

Disadvantages of a fasting day on apples:

- stimulation of appetite.

Drinking mode: for day use up to one and a half liters clean water without gas.

Unloading day on peaches

For a day you need to eat up to one and a half kilograms of peaches.

Peaches have a lot of iron, potassium i, carotene (which is good for the eyes).

This fasting day normalizes carbohydrate metabolism in the body, has a positive effect on the work of the cardiovascular system, improves the conductivity of nerve endings.

But: peach has a lot of sugar, Therefore, it can not be eaten with diabetes.

Unloading day on apricots

For a day you need to eat up to one and a half kilograms of apricots.

In a pricot there are organic acids, vitamins (provitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin P).

And pricots prolong life, prevent aging of the body, positively affect the composition of the blood.

Unloading day on fruit salad

A day you need to eat up to one and a half kilograms of fruit in the form lettuce. For refueling take lemon juice or low fat yogurt.

Unloading day on fruit juices

For unloading no choice on juices purchased juices, you need to prepare them yourself. You can drink two liters of juice per day(sugarless).

Contraindication to observance of unloading on fruit juices: diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Before spending these fasting days, visit a doctor!

A fruit fasting day improves the functioning of the body, removes harmful accumulations. But, do not get carried away with unloading!

Unloading day on oatmeal

Ove s is one of the healthiest cereals. He normalizes blood sugar, normalizes the exchange fats.

Unloading day on oatmeal very effective! He allows you to lose weight without feeling hungry.

Calorie content of oatmeal - 352 kcal per hundred grams of product. But, those calories don't turn into fat!

Oatmeal contains a lot fiber, which cleanses the body. It contains essential amino acids, sugars, unsaturated fatty acid, vitamins (PP, E, B1, B2, B6, B9, E, H), minerals (iron, zinc, iodine, fluorine, etc.).

A fasting day on oatmeal can be observed every week, then the body will be cleansed of toxins and toxins, the work of internal organs, skin will return to normal becomes more elastic .

Contraindications to observing a fasting day on oatmeal: a tendency to constipation (in this case add a side dish to the diet from vegetables, fresh fruits, natural juices).


During the day you need eat oatmeal without salt and oil, drink plenty of unsweetened liquids (still water, unsweetened green tea, rosehip broth). Liquid do not drink immediately after consumption porridge - only 30 minutes after.

You can add some fruits (preferably green apples), dried fruits.

Proper preparation oatmeal:

We take two hundred grams oatmeal and cook until tender, or brew with boiling water. Neither with ol, nor sugar, nor seasonings, nor oil can be added.

The proportions of flakes with water are 1: 2.

Unloading day on potatoes

This unloading day helps to cleanse the intestines, lose weight a little, not while feeling hungry.

This type of unloading is useful for hypertension, nephritis, circulatory failure.

R unloading a day on potatoes is very useful. Potatoes contain essential amino acids, carbohydrates, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, PP, E, C, H), minerals (iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, zinc, etc.).

Calorie content of potatoes - 72.7 kcal per hundred grams of product.


Option #1:

During the day we eat 1.5 kg of baked potatoes, dividing it into five parts. Can be added to potatoes fat sour cream.

Indications for compliance with this unloading options:

    heart disease with circulatory failure;

    kidney disease (potato has a diuretic effect).

Option #2:

Breakfast aem : a glass of low fat milk

Dinner aem: three hundred grams of mashed potatoes,

Dinner we eat: salad (potatoes, egg, dressing - vinegar + vegetable oil + black ground pepper (the maximum potato rate is 250 grams).

Drink plenty of unsweetened liquids throughout the day.

The effectiveness of this diet option is minus three hundred - five hundred grams per day.

Option number 3

In the diet for the day, five hundred grams of potatoes (boiled or baked in their skins), rosehip broth, still water.

During the day we make four meals.

How to prepare a baked potato: wash thoroughly, peel, cut in half, put on a baking sheet, sprinkle it with dried dill. V pre-pro preheated oven bake it thirty minutes. Season the potatoes with sauce (olive oil + lemon juice + crushed garlic clove + finely chopped greens).

Contraindications to observing the potato fasting day:

    Urolithiasis disease,

    tendency to flatulence

    Intestinal diseases during exacerbation (colitis, enteritis, enterocolitis),


Ryazhenka is very useful fermented milk product. It will allow you to lose weight and cleanse the body.

Ryazhenka has a lot of vitamins (A, C, B1, B2, PP), proteins, minerals (iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus).

Ryazhenka saturates well, removes the feeling hunger, normalizes work digestive system, improves intestinal motility, brings back to normal intestinal microflora.

Unloading day on fermented baked milk and fruit

It is easily tolerated, because ryazhenka provides the necessary energy, and fruits cleanse the intestines (thanks to insoluble and soluble dietary fiber).


Breakfast aem : watermelon pulp, glass ryazhenka,

Dinner aem : glass of apple juice without sugar, banana, 150 grams of strawberries (or other berries, such as raspberries),

We reap: one hundred grams of Brussels sprouts,

At night: a glass of cocktail (fermented baked milk, berries).

Between meals we drink a lot of liquid: non-carbonated mineral water, decoction of herbs, tea.

Unloading day on fermented baked milk and water

Duration unloading - one - two days.

This type of unloading is especially useful. people with digestive problems.

Ration: one and a half liters of ryazhenka, n still water (no restrictions).

Contraindications to observing a fasting day on fermented baked milk:

How to cook d home yuyu ryazhenka at?

To prepare it, we need: three liters of milk, four hundred grams of sour cream.

V thick-walled saucepan bring milk to boil mix, reduce the fire. We leave milk to stand on the slow fire. warming up m product before acquisition by him handsome Wow creams Wow shade. We are filming fire milk, let's give a little cool down. We pierce foam, pour in sour cream through the hole (the product is not mix). Ryazhenka in the morning at you can drink.

R unloading day on a chicken

This type of unloading helps with adjust weight, while feeling it hunger.

Unloading a day on chicken is very useful for the body - it has almost no contraindications, chicken easy digestible, it has a lot essential amino acids, protein a, vitamin ov(A, PP, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, H), micro elements and macronutrients ( glands O, calcium th, magnesium th, zinc, sodium, fluorine, phosphorus).


Duration - one to two days in Week. During all this time we eat homemade boiled chicken without skin up to seven hundred grams (divided by five at yo mov food).

Allowed drinks: mineral water without gas, decoctions herbs, rosehip infusion, green yo tea.

Prohibited products: with sugar, salt.

Also allowed use broth from homemade chicken without salt - it has masses at medicinal propertiesimprovement works s of cardio-vascular system, normalization of work digestive organs.

The effectiveness of the unloading day on the chicken - minus 500 — 800 gram in a day.

Subject to this unloading and active exercises sports can accelerate the loss adipose tissue.

R unloading day on buckwheat

Efficiencybefore minus one and a half kilograms.

G river a contains a bunch of beneficial vitamins and microelements. On buckwheat, the body will not be "depressed")))

Proper preparation buckwheat: to rupu ( whole grain - core) steaming eat! In the evening flood m 1 part buckwheat 2 parts boiling water O put m swell until the morning.

Advantages buckwheat unloading day:

    high use of the product;

    buckwheat - it is "slow carbohydrate", which is good saturates, does not increase I am blood sugar, those. you will be fed prolonged time.


- no more than one and a half kilograms per day.


We eat an unlimited amount of buckwheat, but without additions salt, butter, milk, sauce a, seasonings

We eat a cup of steamed buckwheat every three hours.

Drinking regimen: up to minus two liters clean water without gas.

Hello everyone! I'm sure many of you are concerned about the question of how to keep weight even after dieting. And so that everything is without harm to health and constant restrictions. Indeed, often, having thrown off a few kilograms, it is very difficult for us to keep the result. Fasting days will help you with this. If you do everything right, you will lose weight and keep the desired weight for a long time. So, consider: fasting days for weight loss reviews results, opinions of nutritionists.

In fact, unloading is useful for everyone. Even if you are not overweight and you are basically satisfied with your figure. Unloading days allow:

  • lose from 1 to 3 kg;
  • improve metabolism, . Since the intake of necessary calories is limited, the body consumes its own fat reserves;
  • regular unloading teaches us to eat in small portions, without overeating;
  • normalize mineral and acid-base metabolism.

Many nutritionists consider fasting days to be a great alternative to diets. If you perform them regularly, as well as balance the main diet, you will definitely lose weight. In the future, this will not get better again.

Such days become useless only if after them you overeat again.

You have to understand that fasting day is a low-calorie diet that is tougher than diets. That is why it only lasts one day. If you continue to sit on such a diet for several days, it is already very unhealthy.

If you continue to sit let's say on one yogurt for a week, you can earn an ulcer. Fall from a hungry faint, get indigestion, etc.

I advise you to read the article about - despite the name, with it it is allowed to diversify the diet with additional foods.

How much you throw off directly depends on the product that you eat all day. So on kefir you can throw off up to 1 kg per day. If you eat only apples all day, you will lose weight by 1-1.5 kg. But the record holder for getting rid of kg is a cucumber. It is difficult to sit on some cucumbers all day, because they have almost one water. But the result of such unloading is 2 kg. But on buckwheat it turns out to throw off up to 1.5 kg.

Reviews of those who have lost weight

This method of losing weight is quite effective. This is evidenced by the reviews of those who have tried it.

Aleftina : I am on a low-calorie diet once a week. I drink green tea, eat only apples. It is difficult to endure, but if you want everything is possible. I lose 1 kg, mood good straight flutter)))

Shurik : Sat on Saturday mineral water. I honestly endured the whole day, but at the end I almost threw back my hooves. Weakness, dizziness, I wanted to lie down and lie down all day. How do you sit on these unloadings?

Sara : Once a week I arrange such a hunger strike for myself. I'm determined not to eat all day. I drink a lot of water. the main thing is to distract from the thought of the zhrachke. After that, I feel a lightness in my body.

Alinka : I tried to fast on the mineral water "Narzan", the day passed easily. I lost 4 kg, once a month I arrange such “hungry” days for myself. If you continue to eat right, the kilograms will not return.

Dasha: I have a fasting day on cucumbers and buckwheat - I eat it and cucumbers, I can lose up to 2 kg.

Kira : It's not hard for me to stay on a starvation diet. I eat a little buckwheat every hour, you can have 2 apples a day, well, water or tea. I usually lose about 1 kg!

Rome A: I do body cleansing regularly 1-2 times a week. In the summer I try to sit on fresh fruits or vegetables, usually I choose one kind. At the end of summer, you can make a watermelon day. Well cleanses the kidneys, well, lose weight in one. removes toxins well and promotes weight loss. I do unloading on it and on buckwheat

Guru : I have a fasting day every week, it is convenient for me to do it on Wednesday. I drink kefir all day, and for breakfast on ordinary days I have oatmeal. I lost weight, I feel great and I don’t exhaust myself with diets))

How to make unloading efficient

Which products will give the most effective result? Everything is very individual, by testing you will be able to choose the right option for yourself.

Regardless of the choice of products, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • To cleanse the body and lose weight, one day a week is enough. If you need to throw a lot - twice a week, but no more!
  • On low-calorie days, you don't need to exercise. The body will experience stress anyway. Moreover, the lack of nutrients during intense exercise will lead to catabolism of muscle tissue. You shouldn’t lie on the couch all day, but you shouldn’t pull dumbbells either.
  • It is easiest to clean on a weekday when you are busy with work. To not think about food all the time. Divide the amount of food for the day into 5-6 servings. Try to eat often and in small portions. If hunger is unbearable, you can drink a glass of kefir.
  • Drink more water so you eat less. If you drink 1 glass before a meal, you will stay full. Drink most of it in the morning. At night it is better not to load the kidneys.

After a fasting day, a day with a low-calorie menu should follow. If, after cleaning, you eat to satiety - consider you were starving in vain. The goal of such "hungry days" is not just to save you from 1-3 kg, but to teach you not to overeat. Regular fasting will help you reduce your usual portions and rethink your diet. Give preference raw vegetables, fruits, lean meats, fish, etc. Try to cook with a minimum of oil - boil, bake, steam.

It is important: Do not use a diuretic or laxative on the days of unloading. These drugs will disrupt your water-salt balance.

We can say that cleansing the body is additional way weight loss. The main thing is a balanced diet and physical activity.

Options for fasting days for weight loss

On the Internet, you can see a lot of options for such “hunger strikes”. I will say right away that you should not sit on the water. This type of unloading is gradually achieved with an absolutely healthy gastrointestinal tract. If you have an ulcer or gastritis, you can aggravate the disease. And in general, this type of cleaning is very extreme. And now let's move on to the proven options. So, the most effective fasting days for weight loss.

Elena advises three very effective ways cleanse your body. Each option is good in its own way. I would alternate them, however, if all three suit you. But let's talk about everything in order.

Cleansing and losing weight on chicken. The effect of losing weight is achieved due to protein, which is very abundant in chicken. The body burns more calories to digest it than it receives. Due to this, you will definitely not be hungry 🙂

The chicken carcass must be boiled without spices and salt. Then divide it into 6 equal portions. During the day you should eat them, plus we drink green tea or plain water. For a day with such a menu, you can lose about 800 g of excess weight.

"Brush" on vegetables. The name of such a day speaks for itself - the salad will clean your body like a brush. For cooking, take 500 g of vegetables. It should be celery, beets and carrots. Vegetables must be raw, they can not be boiled. Grate the carrots and beets, and chop the celery. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Divide the salad into 6 equal portions and eat every 2 hours. As on a protein day, drink a glass of water an hour after eating.

The effect of such a menu is very simple. Vegetables contain. It fills the intestines, causes a feeling of satiety, but is not absorbed. At the same time, it perfectly cleanses the intestines, taking with it all toxins and toxins. On this day, you can lose about 1 kg. No wonder there is a very effective celery diet.

Unloading day on grapefruit. I’ll make a reservation right away: with an ulcer, gastritis and high acidity, it is impossible to cleanse the body in this way. Citrus fruits can cause an exacerbation. But, if everything is in order with your gastrointestinal tract, this is one of.

On this day, you need to eat 5 grapefruits, drink plain water and green tea. As in the previous menu, the emphasis here is on the property of fiber. But grapefruit has a lot of it. Even half of this fruit will make you feel full. This is due to the bitter taste, which reduces the ability to devour an extra slice. And if you ask him green tea you won't want to eat for a long time.

Attention! This fruit stimulates the action of statins. These substances are included in drugs against cholesterol. Therefore, if you are taking such drugs, coordinate grapefruit unloading with your doctor.

I advise you to watch the video with Elena Malysheva.

She and her assistants very clearly explain the effect of the above fasting days.

Nutritionist Margarita Koroleva also considers fasting days useful for losing weight. Cleaning can be done on vegetables, fruits, cottage cheese, tomatoes, meat or milk. It is best to rotate the menu and pay attention to efficiency. Leave what suits you best. Try a vegetable diet one week, a dairy one the next, and so on.

Only the Queen claims that it is bad to starve completely. Because this leads to a slowdown in metabolism, and our body tries to conserve resources. Then it is very difficult to swing a slow metabolism. Therefore, during unloading, eat often, in small portions.

Here are options for such days from Margarita Koroleva:

fruit weight loss- you need to choose one type of fruit from pineapples, oranges or apples. You can eat no more than 1.5 kg per day. Break fruit into 6 servings. Don't forget to drink 2.5 liters of water.

On vegetable day- Eat raw vegetables . Choose foods rich in fiber. You should eat 1.5 kg of vegetables per day. It is better to make a salad out of them, which can be seasoned lemon juice. Break the dish into 5-6 servings and do not forget to drink a lot.

V unloading day on cottage cheese- you can eat no more than 600 g of this product with a low% fat content. For each meal you should have no more than 100 grams. You need to eat at least 6 times a day. It is allowed to drink 2-3 glasses of tea in addition to water. Naturally, sugar should not be added to the drink.

Cleansing the body with tomato juice- the method is quite hard. 1.5 liters of tomato juice you should divide into 6 doses. Salt cannot be added to the drink. With increased acidity and pancreatitis, this type of unloading is not suitable.

meat day- not as hungry as tomato. Suitable for any lean meat. Boil 400 g and divide into 6 doses. Only salt, soy sauce and spices are not added. Let's not forget to drink water.

Sour milk day- only 1% kefir is allowed. Drink one glass with every meal. During the day you should drink 6 glasses. To do this, you will need 1.5 liters of sour milk.

How to lose weight on buckwheat

Another great way to cleanse the intestines and lose weight is a day on buckwheat. Nutritionists advise not to cook this product, but to steam it. When cooked, buckwheat loses some useful properties. Rinse the cereal thoroughly before steaming. Buckwheat is steamed on the eve of the unloading day.

Take 250 grams of the product and pour two cups of boiling water, then close the container tightly with a lid. Wrap in a thick towel or blanket. In the morning you will get a decent portion of porridge. Divide it into 4-5 doses, do not forget to drink water and green tea. I also advise you to read about and its variations.

Unloading on oatmeal

On such a day, you can lose about 500 g of weight. It is easily tolerated, oatmeal perfectly saturates and cleanses the intestines. Take a glass to prepare oatmeal Hercules. Pour them with 750 ml of water and cook over low heat. Don't add any spices. Divide the porridge into 5 doses and eat throughout the day.

My favorite unloading scheme

I also have a proven version of a fasting day. I will gladly share them with you. I like to cleanse the body with buckwheat and low-fat kefir in a volume of 1 liter.

At night, I pour a glass of buckwheat with two glasses of 1% kefir. In the morning, buckwheat swells and it turns out quite a tasty porridge. And the remaining yogurt can be drunk during the day.

Divide the porridge into five meals. You can also drink plain water on this day. Unloading is not as hungry as if you were drinking only kefir.

What fasting days do you practice? Share tips and recipes, let's discuss. I also met unloading on chocolate, but I doubt it. I have not seen a single recommendation of nutritionists-doctors regarding this method. But there are a lot of negative opinions. On such unloading, the liver is put under attack. Also, your pancreas will not be delighted with such a “cleansing”. And then even dark chocolate is carbohydrates. It's hard for me to imagine how to lose weight on them.

Be healthy and lose weight with pleasure! Let's not forget. There are many relevant and interesting topics for discussion ahead, bye-bye.