How to stick wallpaper on the wall with your own hands. Wallpaper pasting or wallpapering how to do it right Proper pasting

First, before repair, you need to think carefully about everything, decide on the design and interior, for example, it is important to choose the right new wallpaper and produce preparatory work. Most importantly, be more patient. If you have a budget limit, then it is possible to paste the wallpaper yourself at no additional cost. How to do this correctly, you can find out by studying this presented to your attention verbose way. All you need is patience, accuracy, a minimum set of tools and knowledge of some points that will be described below. We will try to answer in detail how to glue the wallpaper with your own hands and without bubbles :-)

Wall preparation

In many ways, the quality of wallpapering depends on the original purpose of the premises and the requirements of the customer, if the repair is not done for yourself. So, if the premises will be used for auxiliary purposes, and there are no quality requirements at all, then old technologies can be used here. Partially tearing off the old wallpaper, anointed the wall and the sheet, and glued it on. But if the repair is carried out in a cultural room or for yourself, then sticking wallpaper anyhow as your own conscience will not allow. Then it is necessary to resort to the help of professionals, hire workers and so on. But if there is no extra money, then it is completely possible to wallpaper with your own hands. The first step is to prepare the grounds.

The quality depends on the original surface. finishing works. If the wall is uneven, then these irregularities will be clearly visible on the wallpaper. This should be taken into account.

To properly glue vinyl wallpaper, the first step is to. This can be done with plaster, putty, etc. After leveling, a surface is recommended. This may not be done if the wallpaper is light. For example, paper. But today, fiberglass, non-woven or vinyl are increasingly being used. They, as a rule, belong to the class of heavy wallpaper, so they require a reliable and very strong base. Plus, during subsequent repairs, there will be no problems such as chips of putty in layers when removing old wallpaper.

If the wallpaper is light, then instead of the primer, you can use the same wallpaper glue. Just pre-smeared them on the wall and dried.

In order to glue wallpaper for painting with your own hands with high quality, especially for fiberglass, fiberglass or non-woven, you need a clean and smooth surface without spots and protrusions. After all, even after applying several layers of paint, these spots will still show through. Therefore, the surface must be 100% puttied. At the same time, it acquires a perfectly white color, becoming an excellent springboard for further work.

So, the surface is prepared and soaked abundantly with soil. We will understand further how to glue high-quality wallpaper with our own hands.

Self pasting methods

Throughout the history of mankind, various options for wallpapering have been developed. The choice, of course, of a specific method depends on the availability of a particular tool. Consider the most effective method when even one master can handle this work. But for its successful work, the following tools will be required:

  1. Stationery or assembly knife with sets of blades. They must be purchased at the rate of 1 pack per 1 room.
  2. A ruler, it is better to use a flexible one in a plastic casing. They were specially designed for this kind of work.
  3. Level. One of the most important tools in the arsenal of any master. In early technologies, a plumb line was often used, but due to the inconvenience of using it, it was no longer used. The level was still used for horizontal elements, so why not use it for vertical ones as well.
  4. Pencil.
  5. Sponge or cut from clean gauze or any other non-dyeing fabric.
  6. Bucket for glue.
  7. Roller for applying glue with medium pile.
  8. Smooth rubber roller narrow for rolling joints.
  9. A wide smooth roller for leveling wallpaper and venting air from under it.
  10. A brush for wallpaper, if pasting with delicate materials is carried out.
  11. Roulette.
  12. Often, experienced craftsmen use a cone-shaped roller to more effectively level the wallpaper.

So, having found all the necessary tools and purchased the required number of wallpapers, you can get down to business. To beautifully paste wallpaper, you need to correctly calculate their number. This can be done according to special tables based on the fact that with a ceiling height of 2.5 m, 4 sheets of canvas are obtained from one roll without selecting a pattern. Correctly calculate the number of wallpapers will help.

This moment plays a big role, since there may be a shortage of 1 roll at the end of all work. And the remaining pieces for gluing wall sections above windows and doors will not be suitable.

How to calculate the required number of wallpapers?

In fact, everything is quite simple. It is necessary to measure the parameters of the walls of the repaired premises to determine their area. Next, subtract from it the area occupied by doors and windows. Plus add some margin. And if the wallpaper is with a pattern, then it is better to conditionally count 1 tube - 3 sheets. The width of the tubes can be different and is indicated on the package, as well as the length.

Counting the number of wallpapers

In order for the wallpapering technology to be observed, and the canvases not to peel off after a year, it is necessary to read in the instructions what kind of glue to use. At the same time, its packaging will also say what types of wallpaper it is intended for and how it is bred. This is an important and decisive point, so you should read the recommendations and instructions.

It must be remembered, if too lazy to read the instructions, that 1 pack of glue is diluted in 1 bucket of water (10 l). At the same time, it should be cold, and when adding glue, it must be continuously and intensively stirred. This will allow it to swell well and no lumps form.

Wallpapering procedure

Sticking wallpaper is not something difficult, but it is still necessary to follow certain recommendations. Wallpapering steps:

How to wrap corners

3D Wallpaper

Wall decoration with wallpaper different types Today it is one of the most popular design moves. This room design technology makes it possible to combine ornaments, colors, textures, as well as place the material on the walls in various variations. Everyone wants their home to be as comfortable and unique as possible. To create a pleasant atmosphere in the room, many design tricks are used. These include sticking wallpaper of two types. Before you should decide exactly how you want to see the room after the repair is completed, visually or on paper by combining the textures and colors of the wallpaper. In addition to this, you need to decide on the functions and characteristics of the room, think in detail about the options for sticking wallpaper of two types, taking into account the dimensions of the room and the features of its layout. There are many ways to combine wall decoration. Today we will look at several universal variations. But, before that, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the rules for a spectacular and competent combination of wallpapers.

Rules for competent combination

Neutral, muted colors are ideally combined with rich, "concentrated" colors.

  1. Wallpapering the walls with wallpaper of two types implies a successful combination of abstraction with geometric shapes and textured surfaces with floral patterns.
  2. Wallpapers of the same quality look very good, which differ in shades and texture.
  3. There will be no problems with the choice of edging and beautiful joining of the canvases if the wallpaper strips are of the same thickness.
  4. The combination of different wallpapers should speak about the functional purpose of the room, look with the general style of the living space and have “echoes” in the interior.
  5. If you plan to decorate a room with a panel of wallpaper with rich colors, then you should “dilute” it with a material of one tone.

Pasting walls with wallpaper of two types

So, how to glue two types of wallpaper? What is the best way to place them on the walls? Let's look at a few generic options:

  • Vertical placement of two types of wallpaper. This combination will look great in the living room or hallway. Usually, for this technique, canvases of different colors and with different ornaments are used, but they are identical in thickness and texture. Two most optimal solutions for the interior are allowed: contrast - different colours wallpaper and monochrome - wallpaper similar in shades;
  • Horizontal gluing allows you to combine material of different thicknesses. For example, the lower part can be decorated with wallpaper in a deep, dark color, and the upper part can be decorated with light-colored textiles. The "border" between the canvases is decorated with a border. The interior of the bedroom and wallpaper of two types in a horizontal combination is what you need;
  • Also different wallpapers can be glued with inserts, thus focusing on a specific area of ​​​​the room. For instance, work zone in the kitchen it is decorated in one color, and the rest of the space in another; Patchwork technique - a strict combination of wallpaper. Design work begins with gluing the “flaps”, then the rest of the wall background follows.

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Pasting the walls with wallpaper with your own hands, and how to glue the wallpaper correctly

Well, starting the topic of wallpapering, we immediately come across such a concept as “oxymoron” (a combination of incongruous) - moreover, the concept is widespread and does not cause any objections. And think about it: wallpapering or wallpapering. The name of the material comes from the fastening technique - upholstering - and suddenly pasting. But indeed, not so long ago, the wallpaper was made of cloth and was not glued, but nailed. We will not teach you how to nail wallpaper, but we will certainly teach you how to glue wallpaper correctly!

7. Questions about wallpapering the walls.

Gluing wallpaper is quite simple, having the necessary information, hands and head. We hope that wallpapering the walls will give you not only the experience of repair work, but also give you positive emotions. And we think that you can stick wallpaper with your own hands not much worse, and maybe even better than professional craftsmen. After all, you are also a master, albeit a home one. If you don't have wallpapers yet, we recommend buying wallpapers from Leroy. prices are among the lowest and the selection is amazing!

Wallpapering begins with surface preparation. And if you want to get a coating that is classified as “high quality”, this is the stage where you will have to make the most effort. If the base is from GKL ( drywall sheets) - its quality, as a rule, is already quite good - it is worth doing only puttying drywall walls. If the wallpaper is to be glued on ordinary walls, the surface is preliminarily cleaned, dust-free, primed and then plastered (for example, "rotband") is brought to the required smoothness. We discussed all this in detail in the materials on leveling walls. priming and, of course, puttying.

By the way, the SNiPs (Building Norms and Rules) of the Soviet times for high-quality finishes required that when a two-meter rail was applied anywhere on the surface, the deviations were no more than one and a half millimeters in height or depth and no more than in two places. No less stringent requirements were for the observance of the verticality of elements, right angles, etc.

Everything said in the preceding paragraph is not idle verbiage. If the surface is not perfectly even, then it will not be easy to paste the wallpaper with high quality, and the beauty will no longer be the same. These are not nit-picking and not signs of backward covens, it's just that paper does not stick evenly to a curved surface. It is possible to partially correct the flaws in the preparation, but more on that below.

Many have heard that wallpaper should be glued from the window. This is not entirely true. More precisely, not at all. Pasting starts from the light source, the most involved during the day. Now this is much less relevant, but twenty years ago, when most wallpapers were glued with an overlap, the illuminated edge of the seam was less noticeable.

It really makes sense to glue wallpaper from a light source if the walls are uneven. In this case, the panels will “crawl” on top of each other in some places and give a noticeable seam. Especially when sticking thick wallpaper with a pronounced relief pattern. Therefore, if possible, the wallpaper must be adjusted exactly "butt". Wallpaper well impregnated with glue can be stretched a couple of millimeters, sometimes this is enough to prevent a seam. But, we repeat, without high-quality surface preparation good quality coverage cannot be achieved by any tricks.

Wall marking for wallpapering

The hardest part is the markup. There are usually four interior corners in rooms. We begin to glue from the one closest to the window (well, or to the light source, which again is not necessary if the wallpaper is in a joint), after checking its verticality. For greater clarity, you can step back from the corner of a centimeter - one and a half and on the wall from which we start pasting, draw a vertical line with a pencil using a level, plumb line and a long rail. This line will immediately show you where the corner is littered from the vertical. Or confirm its ideal verticality, which, however, is unlikely.

By the way, the inner corner - that is, the corner between the two walls of the room - in our opinion, in construction is called husk. The outer corner - for example, the angle between the wall and the slope of the window - mustache.

We mark a point on the angle line in the place where it is as far as possible from our drawn vertical, a point and, using the building level, draw a horizontal line from this point, on which we set aside fifty-three centimeters. Fifty three, that's if you use ordinary wallpaper 53 cm wide (yes, the width of the wallpaper roll is not 50, but 53 cm): paper, washable with vinyl coating, etc. If the wallpaper has a different width, we set it aside accordingly.

Putting aside 53 cm, we get another point. Using a level or plumb line, we draw a vertical through it along the entire height of the wall. Hooray! You got the vertical border of the first sheet of our wallpapers!

Further - easier. Having decided where the wallpaper will end in relation to the ceiling and floor (usually the bottom of the wallpaper is limited to the baseboard, and the top to the taste of the owner), we beat off horizontal lines at these levels. The distance between them will give you the length of the panels. The main markup is finished!

Cutting wallpaper and applying glue

Next comes the time of cutting and spreading the panels with glue. We unwind the roll on the floor and, having measured the desired length of the panel, cut it off. Then we take the next roll and roll it out next to the first canvas, adjusting the pattern, and cut it along the length of the first panel. In the same way, we cut five to six canvases. The number of strips should be calculated in such a way that the last strip does not lie on the next corner (husk) of the room.

A roll of wallpaper has a length of ten meters and a little. Beginners in wallpaper business usually believe that at least four panels will be obtained from a roll, which will cover two meters of the wall. Alas! Don't be fooled. Three panels come out of a roll, unless the pattern of the wallpaper makes adjustment unnecessary. From experience: usually, to match the pattern, the strips have to be shifted relative to each other by 10-25 cm. That is, very rarely the last piece from the roll will be long enough for use.

At best, the last piece will be about two meters long. But there is good information: in a standard room there are also windows and doors, and this is where the remnants of the rolls are used.

We put the cut strips on top of each other and grease with glue. Glue is easy to apply paint roller co medium length pile or brush - maklovitsa. When applying glue, the principle of "glue does not happen much" applies. Of course, without fanaticism! The strip must be smeared thoroughly so that not a single dry piece remains. V Lately colored adhesives appeared, discoloring when dried. A very convenient thing: you can see where it is already missed and where it is not.

Having smeared the strip with glue, we fold it with an “accordion”.

Video: Sticking wide wallpapers of two types on the walls in the kitchen

Getting Started with DIY Wallpapering

We turn over a pack of our "accordions" so that the first one is on top. We wait five minutes. We take the first page, stand on a chair, stool, stepladder. According to the figure, we determine where the top of the strip is, take the strip with two fingers on each side, not reaching five centimeters to the top (if you take it by the very edge, wet paper can tear), so as to capture only one layer. Then we raise the folded strip to the very ceiling and, gently shaking, let it unfold to its full length. Carefully bring to the plane of the wall and apply to the upper horizontal line. In this case, the side cut of the strip is combined with a vertical line (the same one that is 53 cm). We get off the stool, chair, stepladder. We achieve the coincidence of the strip with the vertical line along the entire length and gently smooth it.

Smoothing should be done with a special plastic spatula, and not with a rag or hand. It is better to use a rubber roller. Smoothing the strip, we move the spatula from top to bottom and at the same time from the center to the sides - a kind of "herringbone". You do not need to press hard so as not to damage the wallpaper. The main task of smoothing is to remove trapped air from under the paper and smooth out large creases. After drying, the wallpaper will shrink and stretch, while small wrinkling will disappear.

Rags, however, are also needed, and not just one, but three or four. And to be constantly nearby - wipe your hands, the floor from glue, a spatula, etc.

Continuation and completion of pasting the walls with wallpaper with your own hands

The first lane is the hardest. From the side of the husk (inner corner) we iron it, carefully pressing it into the corner. If the corner is heavily littered, and the strip comes onto the adjoining wall by more than a centimeter, it is necessary to make cuts along the overlapping part from the edge of the strip to the corner line. The stronger the overlap, the more often the cuts. Criterion: the strip should not wrinkle when pressed with a spatula.

You should not worry about the quality of the cuts (and it will be disgusting: scissors cut wet paper very badly). The strip from which you will start pasting the perpendicular wall will close the flaws of the previous one.

To stick the next strip, you do not need to beat off the vertical line: the previously glued strip is used as a template. As already mentioned above, when gluing, the strips are stretched so that their edges are pressed tightly, but do not overlap each other - this will have to be done if the base has noticeable bulges and depressions - that is, we do “butt”.

The edges of the wallpaper are a capricious moment. They often do not stick well and move away when dried, forming noticeable gaps. To eliminate this flaw, there are several subtleties: when lubricating, glue is applied from the middle of the panel to its edges, paying special attention to the edges. In addition, the surface must be primed before wallpapering. This can be done with wallpaper glue (in this case, it is diluted a little more liquid), and with a deep penetration primer. Sometimes, when sticking expensive high-quality wallpapers, their joints are pre-glued with a tape of thin paper. And, finally, the last frontier in the fight against marriage at the edges: after gluing five to seven panels, once again thoroughly smear the edges with glue using a thin brush.

Questions about wallpapering walls

In conclusion, about pasting the walls with wallpaper

Basically the most important points we tracked the stickers. Common sense and logic will tell you the nuances. Well, and one more thing, the landing rule is to get involved in battle, and it will be seen there! Good luck to you, just ask. if something is not clear! Also on the site there is information about the alignment of the walls. wall plastering. wallpapering the ceiling. about removing old wallpaper and much more.

Based on materials from the site:

How to hang wallpaper on the walls. Surface preparation for wallpaper.

Before sticking the wallpaper, you need to prepare the surface, free up space from excess debris and old wallpaper, if any. If you are not a professional in the field of wallpapering, then first look at books, videos, the necessary literature, and then you can proceed directly to the work of wallpapering.

When removing old wallpaper, pre-moisten them with soapy water, wait until they soften. Then use a metal spatula and remove the old wallpaper. If the wallpaper is not all softened and cannot be quickly removed, then take it, wet a rag with warm water and soak the walls again.

You can also use an iron and iron it through a wet cloth.

The complexity of surface preparation depends on the type of wallpaper and on the service life of the last repair and wall putty. If the repair was done a long time ago, then you can prepare the surface not as quickly as you would like. For example, if your walls are painted with oil paint or enamel before wallpapering, then use sandpaper before gluing.

You can easily remove whitewash with a regular sponge and warm water, provided that the water changes frequently. Carefully remove all defects and cracks in the wall with wallpaper glue and a primer. Plastered walls should be cured for at least six weeks.

After that, a flat surface must be primed with a special compound or glue. When starting wallpapering, it is necessary first that the surface of the wall is even, clean and dry.

Choosing the right wallpaper glue.

Choose your glue carefully.

You should know which company to choose and under what types of wallpaper to glue. At right choice glue, you will prevent the risk of peeling the wallpaper, it is important that the wallpaper sticks firmly and for a long time. Consider the types of adhesives, what they are and what quality manufacturers offer. When choosing a glue, pay attention to what wallpaper it is suitable for, usually the box says for what types of wallpaper this or some other glue is used.

There is nowadays a universal glue that is suitable for almost all wallpapers.

There may also be an individual adhesive designed for vinyl or non-woven wallpaper. Some instructions indicate on the box that the glue is suitable for either light types of wallpaper or heavy ones.

The only difference is that these types differ in the composition of the adhesive and each manufacturer guarantees its quality, that the color will not change during application and guarantees its reliability. There is a household glue that can include an indicator, it is necessary for coloring the water, the resulting solution, it dries quickly and discolors, which gives it a huge advantage over other types of adhesives.

Such glue is easier to apply to the wallpaper, especially if it concerns its edges.

Type of wallpaper.

Today, shops and markets offer a wide range of wallpapers.

Each buyer or client will be able to choose what suits him best, the color palette is the most diverse, even a picky buyer will find what suits him.

Wallpapers are of the following types: paper, vinyl, non-woven, acrylic, textile, metallized, cork, glass, structural, liquid and recently gained popularity among young people photo wallpaper.

The type of wallpaper will depend on what room they are intended for.

It will be either an apartment or an office space. Paper, non-woven and vinyl wallpapers are well suited for an apartment. They have a guarantee of about 10 years, they will not turn yellow and will last long enough, everything will depend on the temperature in the room, and if the neighbors do not flood you, then with the right choice and gluing, the result is obvious. Wall mural will allow you to stand out among others, you can choose your portrait or any other picture. Anything, if you like it.

We are preparing a set of tools for wallpapering.

At first glance, it seemed that there was nothing special about wallpapering that you could not paste, but before you start, you should have the following set of tools. These include: a paint or pressure spatula, a special brush, scissors, a tape measure, a glue brush, a special roller for leveling the seams.

For example, using a paint spatula, you will remove the rest of the paint from the old wallpaper, under which the putty will directly do. Using a brush, you will dip in glue and apply the resulting composition to the wallpaper. A tape measure will allow you to measure the distance and understand how many rolls you need to wallpaper.

With a roller, you will align the walls so that everything is even and smooth. With all necessary tools, you can easily paste the wallpaper yourself at home.

Wallpapering in the apartment and in the house and how to glue wallpaper correctly.

So, all the walls are plastered and leveled, now you can safely proceed to wallpapering.

You have already measured everything and decided how many rolls of wallpaper you will need, what type of glue and what kind of wallpaper you will use.

To begin with, you should dilute the glue, following strictly the instructions indicated on the box itself.

Usually glue is poured into warm water, stirring constantly until the resulting consistency. It is necessary to take into account the amount of water and temperature, which will allow the adhesive to be used correctly. We apply glue on the wrong side of the wallpaper, depending on the types of wallpaper, it will be possible to apply glue on the wall with a brush, where the wallpaper itself will be glued directly.

Wall-paper before pasting needs to be sustained within 5 minutes and only then to glue. For wallpaper, the most optimal temperature is about 20 ° C. Repair, which is done in a private house, will allow you to control the whole situation when wallpapering. Under your control the temperature and humidity of the air, using a heater, if in winter time. And by ventilating the room.

There are also no restrictions in the apartment, but it is better that the room is prepared in advance for the work of wallpapering and that nothing else interferes. A lower temperature will cause it to take longer to dry, and more high temperature separation of the sheets at the joints and the appearance of bubbles may occur. Before work, it is best to cut all the canvases into the necessary pieces and apply to the wall surface with the side where the glue was applied.

All appeared wrinkles, smooth with a wallpaper brush. It is best to start gluing from the window, all wallpaper joints and patterns should match. Smooth all edges with a roller. Remove remaining pieces with scissors.

So, do the work on all the rolls, wait a while and, if necessary, go over all the wallpaper again and smooth it out, slightly pressing.

It is quite difficult to evenly glue all the corners and get to those places where wallpapering is required.

How to glue wallpaper

Using a ruler, measure the distance and cut out the piece you need. All gluing of corners should be done only after applying the main wallpaper, giving them elegance and beauty. A hard-to-reach place can become inner part doors where you need to stick, but so that everything looks without extra sticking pieces.

If time has passed, the wallpaper has peeled off, then you should apply more glue and hold it, pressing the glue to the surface that is glued.

How to glue wallpaper!

The most common type of wall decoration is wallpapering. This is due to the huge variety of colors and wallpaper patterns, as well as the ease of performing wall decoration work. Wallpapering is a simple process, you can do it yourself, without resorting to the help of specialists.

Wallpaper selection

Before starting work, you need to determine the required amount of material. Another fifteen percent is added to the calculated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls to be glued.

The total number of rolls should always be rounded up, but it is better to keep one roll "in reserve".

Now you need to deal with the color and material of the wallpaper.

There are several types from which you can choose the most suitable option.

  • The most common wallpaper is paper. They are notable for their low cost, however, the ingress of a small volume of liquid leads to a loss of the relief of the drawings.
  • Main advantage liquid wallpaper consists in their immunity to light and the absence of the need for special care for them.

  • Washable wallpapers are characterized by the ability to retain moisture.

    This material is especially good for bathrooms and kitchens.

  • The peculiarity of velor wallpaper is softness and good ability to retain heat.

    However, they must be systematically cleaned with a vacuum cleaner.

  • For polymer wallpaper is characterized by durability, water resistance and a slight degree of contamination.

It is better to give preference to wallpaper of a large width, since the gluing process will go faster and the number of joints will be smaller.

It should also be borne in mind that the horizontal pattern makes the room optically wider, while the vertical one visually raises the ceiling. When buying wallpaper, you need to ensure that all rolls are the same.

Preparatory work

Before starting work, you need to clean the walls of old wallpaper and level them using plaster, primer or other compounds.

Often, wallpaper glue is used as a primer, which is diluted with plenty of water for this purpose. As a rule, the mixing ratios for gluing and for the primer are indicated on the packages with glue.


After carrying out all the preparatory work and having prepared the glue, you can start decorating the walls with wallpaper.

Make sure that there are no drafts in the room, as they can cause the strips of material to peel off. Since earlier the pasting of the walls was carried out with an overlap, it was necessary to start work from the window. Now the wallpaper is glued end-to-end, so it doesn’t matter where to start work from.

You can cut the wallpaper, the application of which does not require adjusting the pattern, to size.

In this case, the presence of doorways must be taken into account. If the pattern still needs to be selected, then you need to leave an allowance of one centimeter on each side. Excess material will be cut off after gluing.

You can carry out gluing from the window.

Previously, a vertical line is drawn on the wall along the plumb line. The distance to the corner should be equal to the width of the strip of wallpaper plus one centimeter left to overlap on the adjacent wall.

Lubricate the strip with glue, leave for a while for better impregnation.

For paper wallpaper five minutes will be enough, for vinyl - eight, textile - ten. After that, we apply glue to the wall and apply a strip along the drawn line. Then it is necessary to smooth out the glued strip with a roller. When wrinkles are formed, the wallpaper must be torn off and glued again.

Excess glue is wiped with a wet cloth and the protruding parts of the glued strip are cut off.

Further processing occurs in the same way. The strips are attached end-to-end, after which they are carried out with a roller.

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Often, after a while, our repair ceases to look as attractive as at the very beginning.

Wallpapering: technology for each type, scheme, calculation table

The plaster is crumbling, the wallpaper is peeling off in places. But this is not a reason to start a new repair, you can simply fix the old one and extend its life for a few more years.

Why is the wallpaper lagging behind the wall?

Most often, the reason is inaccurate observance of the instructions for gluing.

This is especially true for heavy types of wallpaper that require special glue and additional materials, For example, paper strips at the joints.

Also, the reason may lie in insufficient surface preparation or uneven application of glue.

The departure of wallpaper is sometimes due to the dampness of the room. In bathrooms and kitchens, the wallpaper peels off often and thickly. And what to do if the wallpaper has peeled off and we are not planning repairs yet?

How to glue lagging wallpaper?

Timely restored wallpaper joints can save time and money.

At the same time, it is important to choose right glue and tools. So, how to glue peeled wallpaper: you need a special glue, it is preferable to choose a well-known manufacturer. You will also need a small roller specifically for rolling joints.

We remove the glue that has come out with a damp sponge. If you glue PVA, dry the seams with an additional hairdryer and then go over the roller again.

Let the wallpaper dry, while avoiding drafts.

Mini repair completed!

H well, starting the topic of wallpapering walls, we immediately come across such a concept as “oxymoron” (a combination of incongruous) - moreover, the concept is widespread and does not cause any objections. And think about it: wallpapering or wallpapering. The name of the material comes from the fastening technique - upholstering - and suddenly pasting. But indeed, not so long ago, the wallpaper was made of cloth and was not glued, but nailed. How to nail wallpaper, we will not teach you, but how to glue wallpaper right - we will definitely teach!



Gluing wallpaper is quite simple, having the necessary information, hands and head. We hope that wallpapering the walls will give you not only the experience of repair work, but also give you positive emotions. And we think that you can stick wallpaper with your own hands not much worse than with professional craftsmen. After all, you are also a master, albeit a home one. If you don't have wallpapers yet, we recommend buying → wallpapers in Leroy, prices are there one of the lowest and the selection is amazing!

Preparing walls for wallpapering

Wallpapering starts with → . And if you want to get a coating that is classified as “high quality”, this is the stage where you will have to make the most effort. If the base is made of GKL (gypsum plasterboards) - its quality, as a rule, is already quite good - it is worth doing only →. If the wallpaper is to be glued to ordinary walls, the surface is preliminarily cleaned, dusted, primed and then plastered (for example, “rotband”) is brought to the required smoothness. We discussed all this in detail in the materials about → , → and, of course, → .

By the way, SNiPs (Building Norms and Rules) of the Soviet era for high-quality finishes required that when applying two-meter rail in any place of the surface, the deviations were no more than one and a half millimeters in height or depth and in no more than two places. No less stringent requirements were for the observance of the verticality of elements, right angles, etc.

Everything said in the preceding paragraph is not idle verbiage. If the surface is not perfectly even, then it will not be easy to paste the wallpaper with high quality, and the beauty will no longer be the same. These are not nit-picking and not signs of backward covens, it's just that paper does not stick evenly to a curved surface. It is possible to partially correct the flaws in the preparation for wallpapering, but more on that below.

Many have heard that wallpaper should be glued from the window - this is not entirely true. More precisely, not at all. Wallpapering starts from the light source most involved during the day. Now this is much less relevant, but twenty years ago, when most wallpapers were glued with an overlap, the illuminated edge of the seam when wallpapering from the window was less noticeable.

Questions about wallpapering walls

In conclusion, about pasting the walls with wallpaper

Basically, we tracked the most important points of pasting. Common sense and logic will tell you the nuances. Well, and one more thing, the landing rule is to get involved in battle, and it will be seen there! Good luck to you, ask if something is not clear! The site also has information about, and much more. Ask questions or email. Send your works, photos, we will publish them on the site. Good luck to you and good luck to your family!

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Not only a professional can glue wallpaper correctly, but also a person without special building knowledge and skills. The main thing in this is to follow a certain sequence, be patient and approach the implementation of each stage with full responsibility. Only in this way you will get an excellent result.

As in any construction business, the first stage is rough preparatory work. Before you start creating, you need to prepare your canvas well, namely the wall for pasting, the accuracy and aesthetic appearance of your repair will depend on this.

Step one - rid the walls of the old coating

If you are renovating a newly commissioned new building, you can skip this step. If there are old wallpapers on the walls, you will have to get rid of them.

It is not recommended to peel off the walls on old wallpaper, as this creates a risk that under the influence of moisture and glue the old layer will peel off or blister. In addition, it is quite difficult to achieve a perfectly flat surface of the walls.

To remove old wallpapers, we need:

  • Spatula or knife with a wide blade;
  • Rags and sprayers;
  • Soap solution.

The process is very simple. Rags and sprayers need to thoroughly wet the walls (soap solution will act as an adhesive solvent), and remove a layer of old wallpaper with a spatula or knife. When wet, it will come off very easily.

Do not forget that painted walls are also not best surface for a new layer of wallpaper, so you have to get rid of the paint. Sanding or priming - not the most better ways cleaning the surface, using a building hair dryer or grinder- quite laborious and "dirty" cleaning methods, not to mention the fact that you have to breathe paint fumes or dust, which can cause poisoning. The ideal way to remove paint from walls is with a special wash.

After cleaning the walls from the old layer, you can see how the wall is suitable for pasting, what cracks and dimples need to be leveled and puttied, and this is the second step.

Step two - puttying and leveling the walls

The second step depends entirely on the level of evenness of the walls. If the walls are completely crooked, then most likely you will have to resort to the help of professionals who will level the walls with drywall or plaster on beacons.

Even if the level of the walls is normal, only the surface itself leaves much to be desired (for example, it is in small irregularities, chips or dimples), you still cannot do without putty or any leveling mixture.

For more information on how to prepare the walls and align them, see this video tutorial.

Step three - sanding the surface

In order to prevent grains of sand and particles of putty from showing through under a new layer of wallpaper over time, the leveled surface must be thoroughly sanded. This can be done by gently pressing with a grater or sandpaper - with wide semicircular movements until visible flaws are eliminated. Residues should be removed with a long bristle brush.

Step four - primer

It would seem that you can stop at the third step, but for better adhesion to the surface and greater stability of the putty, a primer on the walls is also needed. In this capacity, either diluted wallpaper glue or a special primer solution can be applied. The primer is evenly applied with a roller on the entire surface of the wall and left to dry for about a day.

The third and fourth steps are detailed in the following video:

This completes the preparatory work, and you can proceed directly to wallpapering.

We glue the wallpaper correctly

There is no single pasting algorithm for all types of wallpaper, each has its own characteristics and nuances. Let's consider them in more detail.

paper wallpaper

The classic version of cosmetic wall decoration is paper wallpaper. This is an inexpensive, environmentally friendly, breathable material that does not cause much difficulty in application. Glue paper wallpaper as follows:

  • The roll is rolled out on the floor with the wrong side up, with a pencil and tape measure the height of the wall is + 10 cm (error);
  • Use a knife or scissors to cut the roll into pieces, usually 4 strips per roll, if you do not need to select a pattern. If the picture is on the package, as a rule, the tolerance is indicated in centimeters.
  • The wall is marked with a pencil and a tape measure so that the pasting is as even as possible.
  • We dilute the glue, according to the proportions indicated on the package, and evenly apply it to the strip, paying special attention to the edges. Let it soak for a couple of minutes.
  • Using a roller, carefully apply the strip on the wall, without damaging the paper, which is especially sensitive after getting wet.

It is very important not to overexpose the paper-based wallpaper, otherwise you risk bubbles and uneven pasting. The maximum amount of wet wallpaper should lie - 5 minutes, then they need to be quickly glued to the wall.

During pasting, do not forget to also close windows and doors to avoid drafts, due to which they may not “grab” the walls due to the quick drying of the glue.

Vinyl wallpapers

Cutting rolls of vinyl wallpaper is no different from marking paper, so just repeat the first 2 points of the previous section “Paper Wallpaper”. In the case of a pattern, you will have to glue one strip at a time, choosing the pattern of each subsequent strip. Next, glue the vinyl wallpaper like this:

  • We prime or coat the wall with a thin layer of glue, let it dry for 15-20 minutes;
  • We coat the cut strip and apply it to the wall with a roller;
  • Subsequent strips, unlike paper wallpaper, are applied end-to-end, without overlapping one another.

All layers of glue - both on the wall and on the wallpaper, must be applied in a very thin layer so that its remnants, when rolled out with a roller, do not fall on the outer surface and leave no marks, especially on light wallpaper.

Smooth the wallpaper, if bubbles appear, from the center to the edges.

The final touch will be trimming the excess wallpaper at the plinth. It is worth doing this with a sharp blade only when the wallpaper is dry to avoid “chewing” them.

Non-woven wallpaper

Non-woven wallpaper is glued in the same way as vinyl wallpaper, only for them it is not necessary to coat the strip itself, since it already contains a binder polymer, it is enough to moisten the wall with special glue.

Wallpaper for painting

There are 2 types - or vinyl, so we paste them, according to the above instructions. Before applying the paint, let the wallpaper dry perfectly, ideally about a day. Choosing paint for interior decoration water-based acrylic houses are optimal. They do not give smudges, fit perfectly and do not hide the texture of the wallpaper.

Pasting on drywall

One of the options for finishing drywall is. They simply, easily and very evenly lie on the surface of the drywall, if the seams between the sheets are first sealed. However, those who decide to change the wallpaper in the future will be in for an unpleasant surprise. They lay down easily when pasting, but they are dismantled along with the layer, so it is advisable to treat the surface with plaster before applying. Otherwise, be guided by the type of wallpaper that you will be gluing.

We glue unusual wallpapers

We paste over the ceiling

I want to note right away that alone better ceiling do not glue, especially if you are new to this business. we prepare in the same way as the surface of the walls before pasting, i.e. we clean from the old layer (paint, whitewash or wallpaper), putty the bumps, if any, and be sure to prime the surface.

  • It is advisable to draw a control line (the place where the first strip is pasted), which you will be guided by. For less visibility of the joints, glue, starting from the window and moving towards the opposite wall.
  • To facilitate the pasting process and not to wash the glue out of the head later, when smearing, fold the strips with a snake, approximately 30-40 cm each, so that the smeared folds come into contact with each other. And then gradually unfold the wallpaper when sticking.
  • We align and expel the bubbles in the applied strip with a roller from the center, moving towards the edges.
  • Cut off the excess on the wall with a sharp blade after drying.

On a note! Before starting work, turn off the electricity, close the windows and put on clothes with wide pockets with everything you need (roller, knife, rag) so as not to jump up and down the ladder for the tool.

Customizing the drawing

How to glue wallpaper with a pattern? There are two options.

  • Stick the first sheet on the wall, and when measuring the second, combine the pattern directly on the wall;
  • Combine two non-glued strips on the floor and only then glue.

It is advisable to glue the strips end-to-end so as not to disturb the geometry of the pattern.

We stick photo wallpaper

Wall murals in the interior are not only original design decision, but also the ability to visually expand the space. With their help, you can “open” a window to a Garden of Eden full of flowers, create a delightful view of the city landscape, turn a doorway into an arch, or change the ceiling to a blue sky with clouds.

Examples of interesting interior solutions with photo wallpaper can be found in the video below:

A few tips for pasting photo wallpapers:

  • It is better to glue photo wallpapers with special glue so as not to spoil the extremely thin canvas;
  • We stick them on a perfectly flat, prepared, puttied surface;
  • Be sure to mark the surface of the wall in centimeters, as indicated in the instructions. We start from the window. Horizontal and vertical lines should form even right angles of 90°.
  • We cut off the white stripes along the edges of the photo wallpaper;
  • We coat the parts of the photo wallpaper, do not wait, as in the case of other types, immediately paste them on the wall.
  • Gently smooth with a roller and a rag, without damaging the fragile surface of the wallpaper.

Where to start and how to glue in the corners

How to glue wallpaper?
Relative to the windowRelative to canvas wallpaperRelative to the corners
Wallpaper on the ceilingWe begin to glue from the window, moving towards the opposite wall so that there are no noticeable overlaps.It is best to glue wallpaper on the ceiling, starting from the center and gradually moving towards the edges, so symmetry will be observed, and the final work will look neater.It is better not to start from the corners, because. there is a risk that the strip will go crooked.
WallpaperAs a rule, they are glued from the window, since the joints are not visible this way.We begin to glue from the ceiling, but we level not along the ceiling line, but along the first strip of wallpaper. That is why it is so important to stick it evenly.

In the future, if the wall is not even, it is better to glue the corners with separate cut pieces of wallpaper.

By adhering to these simple rules, you can accurately, quickly, and most importantly, qualitatively, make your own cosmetic repairs.

Wallpapering remains the most common way of interior decoration of an apartment. Despite the wide selection finishing materials, it is wallpaper that is preferred by most consumers, since wallpaper is practical, simple, convenient and effective. A variety of materials, textures and colors of wallpaper does not leave indifferent even the most fastidious customer. WITH step by step instructions about how to glue wallpaper correctly, I will introduce you today in this article.

Types of wallpaper

The technology of wallpapering walls is simple and accessible to everyone. However, before starting work, it is necessary to understand the variety of wallpapers presented on modern market. The nuances of working with the material may depend on this knowledge.

  • Paper wallpapers. Most cheap option, they cannot be washed and they do not retain their original appearance for long, but working with wallpaper is simple, no additional skills are required.
  • Non-woven wallpaper. Paper base, non-woven fibers. Wear-resistant, washable. Easy to stick: glue is applied only to the wall.
  • Vinyl wallpapers . Durable, not afraid of moisture. But they do not allow air to pass through, which is why it is undesirable to use in a children's room.
  • Acrylic wallpaper. The words of acrylic on the surface of the wallpaper are thinner than vinyl, which is why they “breathe” better and can be hung in a children's room.

  • . Very strong and durable wallpapers, allow dozens of stains, are not afraid of water and fire.
  • Textile wallpaper. Thin fabric applied to paper base. High price and chic appearance However, such walls must be protected from water, mechanical stress and odors.
  • . The most original representative of the wallpaper is a plastic paste of cellulose and dyes. The natural composition, and the absence of the need to level the base are the main advantages. Installation requires skill and minimal experience.
  • Wall mural. They are high-format photo printing on self-adhesive material. They make the room original and impressive.

Preparatory work

Wallpapering begins with the preparation of the walls.

  • The electricity needs to be turned off in the room being renovated. Remove pictures from the walls, unscrew sockets and switches.
  • Removing the old coating is an important step. New wallpaper, pasted on old ones, will not last long, will begin to bubble and peel off after a while. If the base is covered with wallpaper - first tear off the sheets, picking up with a spatula, and then moisten the remaining pieces of wallpaper with warm water and remove after the glue has soaked. If the base is painted - use special chemicals to remove paint from the walls, or an electric tool with an emery nozzle. Vinyl wallpapers are waterproof, to remove them, you must first remove the vinyl outer layer, and then soak and remove the paper backing.
  • Wall preparation is completed with leveling. In case of small differences, use putty for spot alignment. Otherwise, the base is leveled in several layers of putty, after which it is treated with sandpaper and the resulting layer of dust is removed.


The process is simple, but follow the basic rules of wallpapering so that the result pleases for a long time.

  • The wall needs to be primed. The primer is a weak solution of glue, it is needed to improve the adhesion of the wallpaper to the base. On the adhesive package you will find instructions on how to prepare wallpaper paste or wall primer.
  • The rules for gluing depend on the type of wallpaper chosen. The manufacturer of wallpaper or glue always indicates the recommendations on the packaging, and follow them. If the glue is applied to the wallpaper, then for gluing the wallpaper canvas must be rolled up with the adhesive side inward. If the glue is applied to the wall - do not exceed the width of the canvas so that the glue does not have time to dry.
  • It is important to stick the first sheet perfectly evenly, use the building level. Align the rest of the sheets according to the first.

  • For pasting corners with wallpaper, glue two sheets overlapping and firmly press against the wall. With a sharp knife cut through both sheets, remove the excess, the sheets will join end-to-end.
  • Mark the locations of the sockets on the wallpaper sheet with a pen. After drying, carefully cut a hole that will hide behind the decorative strip.
  • For pasting the corners of doors and windows - leave a small margin of wallpaper so that it goes to the corner. If a battery is encountered as an obstacle, paste over the area accessible to you behind the battery.

This completes the wallpapering of the room. It remains only to be patient and wait for the wallpaper to dry completely, this process can take up to 4-5 days. Do not open the windows in the room at this time to eliminate the risk of peeling the canvas.

Wallpaper, pasted in accordance with all the rules, will last on the wall until the next planned repair, delighting with its original appearance, coating quality and reliability.