Ivy in the apartment. Indoor ivy: is it possible to keep at home, signs

Ivy (chedera) has been known to mankind for a very long time. In ancient Egypt, this liana was a cult object and symbolized immortality, and in Greece, wreaths were woven from ivy, which were worn at feasts.
In those days, it was argued that an ivy sprig placed on the chest of a sleeping woman would not allow her beauty and youth to fade quickly.
Hedera was mentioned in works of art: on the grave of Isolde and Tristan, a vine and a lash of ivy intertwined with each other.
Hedera perfectly cleans the air in the room, absorbing harmful fumes, so it should be in every kitchen. About what types and varieties of ivy are, how to grow a vine in your apartment and how to care for it, you will learn from our article.

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Planting and caring for ivy

  • Bloom: decorative leafy plant.
  • Lighting: for forms with green leaves - partial shade or shade, for variegated - bright diffused light or light partial shade.
  • Temperature: during the growing season - 22-24 ˚C, coolness is needed in winter, but not lower than 13 ˚C.
  • Watering: regular, moderate.
  • Air humidity: increased. The plant needs daily spraying, and when kept in a warm room in winter, the pot should be kept on a pallet with wet pebbles.
  • Top dressing: from March to August twice a month with complex fertilizers for decorative and deciduous plants.
  • rest period: in winter.
  • Transfer: young plants are transplanted annually, adults - as needed, when the pot becomes cramped.
  • Reproduction: mainly vegetative: layering, shoots, apical cuttings.
  • Pests: aphids, scale insects, false scale insects, cyclamen and spider mites, mealybugs, greenhouse thrips.
  • Diseases: loss of decorativeness due to poor care and improper maintenance.

Read more about growing ivy below.

Plant ivy (lat. Hedera) genus of the Araliaceae family is a climbing evergreen shrub, reaching a height of thirty meters in nature. About fifteen species of ivy are known, growing in the subtropics of Europe, Asia, Africa and both Americas, mainly in shady moist forests. The ivy flower has been known to mankind since time immemorial: among the ancient Greeks, it was an emblem of fun and love, the plant of Bacchus himself - poets wore ivy wreaths at celebrations and feasts. Evergreen ivy was also popular as medicinal plant. Modern designers are actively using ivy in floristry, and in the design of rooms and gardens. In room culture, climbing ivy is also popular, since both a novice grower and even a child can handle the care of the plant.

Indoor ivy - description

Houseplant ivy is most often represented by the common ivy (Hedera helix) with a climbing stem and dense brushes of aerial roots on the underside of the stem, with which heder ivy is attached to its support. The leaves of this species are alternate, simple, shiny, leathery, lobed, dark green in color with lighter veins, but there are also variegated forms. An ivy leaf can have three to seven lobes. Small, greenish-yellow flowers are collected in umbellate, corymbose or racemose inflorescences, but you will not see them - ivy does not bloom at home, so you do not have to collect ivy seeds either.

Indoor flower ivy has more than a hundred forms, which differ in size, shape of leaves and their colors.

Ivy - is it possible to keep at home

Ivy properties

Ivy has long been known to mankind for its healing properties applied in folk medicine. Ivy is also used as a raw material for the manufacture of medicinal preparations and cosmetics. Scientists have proven that the substances contained in the wood of the plant successfully relieve spasms, so wood preparations are used in the treatment of acute bronchitis. And ivy leaves have antifungal, antitumor, antibacterial and expectorant properties. Emollient gels from ivy leaves and wood are used as an additional remedy in the treatment of purulent dermatoses, obesity and cellulite.

However, be careful, because poison ivy, or rather, its fruits, which children mistake for edible berries, cause poisoning.

Ivy - signs

The OBS agency (one grandmother said) claims that the indoor flower ivy is a male, an energy vampire, that it attracts loneliness and other misfortunes to the house, and if you do not like this plant, you can convince yourself and others that you do not want to keep ivy at home because you love your husband and take care of your family. But historical documents state that in ancient world- Greece and Rome - ivy just symbolized fidelity and happiness in marriage, and in the east it is still considered a source of vital energy. Which signs to believe, choose for yourself.

I’ll add on my own that caring for home ivy is so simple, and its decorative qualities are so undeniably high that it would be foolish to refuse to grow ivy in an apartment. In addition, ivy can be kept at home in a place where he will not be able to absorb your energy (if he does this at all) - for example, in the kitchen, where ivy will have to clean the air of carcinogens and other harmful impurities day and night.

Ivy care at home

home ivy care

If you do not know how to care for ivy, listen to our recommendations. One of the main advantages of ivy is its shade tolerance, because this is a rather rare quality for plants. Home ivy can be placed in the back of the room, and it will feel great there. This, unfortunately, does not apply to variegated forms, which just need good lighting, otherwise their leaves become uniformly green.

Ivy is also undemanding to watering: it is easier for it to transfer dry soil than excess moisture in the roots, so for those who love or have to leave home often, ivy is an ideal plant. However, the plant still needs moisture, and if your attacks of forgetfulness become too frequent, a brown edge will first appear on the edges of the plant's leaves, and then they will begin to dry and fall off. Watering should be in summer time so that the soil always remains slightly moist. In winter, the top layer of soil should dry out slightly.

Ivy does not like dry and hot air, best temperature for a plant 22-24 ºC. V winter time ivy can feel fine in a cool room with a temperature of at least 13 ºC, but in a plant located near heaters, the leaves on the stems grow at large intervals, which makes it unattractive, so caring for ivy in such conditions involves not only timely watering, but also daily spraying of leaves with soft settled water.

When wintering a plant in a hot room, it is best to place the ivy in a pot on a pallet with wet pebbles or expanded clay. If the room is too hot in summer, spray the plant as often as possible, sometimes give it a shower, including for hygienic purposes.

From March to August, twice a month, ivy is fed with a complex fertilizer for decorative foliage plants, however, keep in mind that excess fertilizer can lead to the loss of decorative qualities of ivy, as its leaves become too large.

Planting and transplanting ivy

Ivy is transplanted when the roots of the plant begin to crawl out of the drain hole of the pot or you notice that the plant has stopped developing. You can, of course, not wait for these hints, just transplant young plants annually, those that are older, once every two years, and in adults, ivy simply change the top layer of the substrate in a pot to a fresh one without transplanting. The soil for ivy is preferable of the following composition: humus, leaf, sod, peat soil and sand in equal proportions.

Transplantation is carried out after a dormant period, in March or April. The pot is chosen two to three centimeters larger in diameter than the previous one, and a thick layer is placed in it. drainage material. Before transplanting, water the plant abundantly so that the entire earthen clod gets wet, then carefully transfer the plant with a clod into a new pot, add the required amount of soil, flatten the surface of the soil, leaving a groove for water under the walls of the pot. After transplanting, the plant should be watered and sprayed, and then put in a permanent place, protected from drafts and direct sunlight.

Ivy propagation at home

Ivy is propagated by vegetative methods: cuttings, shoots and layering.

Propagation of ivy by apical cuttings

The ends of shoots about ten centimeters long are cut from ivy, planted in a mixture of sand and hardwood, covered with a transparent cap on top - a plastic bag or a glass jar - and kept at a temperature of 15-20 ºC, keeping the soil moist, but not wet. Those cuttings that had aerial roots before planting are best rooted. Rooted cuttings are transplanted into pots with soil mixture for adult ivy, several pieces. Ivy cuttings take root well in water.

Reproduction of ivy shoots

There is a way to grow several shoots from one. To do this, cut off a whole shoot of ivy with eight to ten leaves, make a longitudinal incision along it, lay the shoot on the sand with the cut down and press it to a depth of 1.5-2 cm, leaving the leaves above the ground. During germination, you need to ensure that the soil is moist. Within two weeks, the shoot should form roots along its entire length, as evidenced by the growing top of the shoot. The shoot is removed from the sand, cut into segments with roots and at least one leaf, and planted three in one pot with a diameter of 7-9 cm.

Reproduction of ivy by layering

How to grow ivy from layering? In the same way as from the shoot, only in this case the shoot is not separated from the mother plant before the start of the process and is not pressed into the soil, but a longitudinal incision is made on it and pressed against the soil surface with staples. The layering is separated when roots appear throughout the shoot, and transplanted into a separate pot.

Pests and diseases of ivy

Ivy is a fairly disease resistant plant. Troubles arise in him only if you chronically neglect the observance of the conditions for growing the plant. So, with a lack of lighting, the variegated forms of ivy lose their variegation and become green, and chronically dry soil can cause leaf fall, as too dry indoor air can cause bald stems with sparse and small foliage.

If after the first spraying you could not achieve success, repeat the procedure after 3-4 days. If this is not enough, instead of spraying, rinse the entire foliage in a basin with an insecticide solution.

Types and varieties of ivy

We bring to your attention the most popular types and varieties of ivy in room culture.

Common ivy (Hedera helix)

Flexible, creeping evergreen liana with alternate simple three to five-lobed leathery leaves of dark green color with a network of light green veins. Has a huge number of forms. The most interesting varieties:

  • Kholibra- dwarf ivy with tiny three-lobed leaves with a whitish pattern;
  • Eva varieties and Mona Lisa- ivy with almost yellow leaves;
  • grades Anniversary, Glacier- ivy with spotted leaves;
  • grade Ivalace- ivy with corrugated leaves;
  • grade Harald- ivy with oval, almost rounded leaves.

Colchis ivy (Hedera colchica)

Also an evergreen climbing plant with thin shoots, large shiny leathery dark green leaves up to 25 cm long and up to 17 cm wide, sometimes three-lobed, but more often whole, smelling of nutmeg. Popular varieties:

  • Dentata Variegata- a variety with oval-shaped leaves and pale yellow edges;
  • Sulfur Heart- large leaves of this variety of light green color are slightly wrapped with edges down, and yellow-green stripes run along the veins;
  • Arborescens- light green drooping shoots and oval leaves.

Canarian ivy (Hedera canariensis)

Evergreen climbing plant with dark green leaves up to 15 cm wide and up to 12 cm long with light green triangular veins. It is used for interior decoration, ampelous, ground cover and vertical gardening. It does not have aerial roots, so it needs a strong support and regular pruning. Varieties:

  • Gloire de Marengo- a large climbing plant with reddish stems and large three-lobed shiny leaves with whitish-green strokes along the edges;
  • Striata- a variety with light - green or yellow - spots in the middle of the leaves;
  • golden leaf- two-tone green leaves in strong light cast gold;
  • Brigitte- a variety with small dense star-shaped leaves on graceful shoots - looks best in hanging structures.

Pastukhov's ivy (Hedera pastuchowii)

It is also used for decorative gardening, but is found in culture, especially indoors, infrequently, and therefore is listed in the Red Book of Dagestan and Russia. Its leaves are whole, thin and leathery, up to 10 cm long. The upper part of the leaf plate is brighter, the lower part is lighter. On the lower shoots, the leaves are rounded, heart-shaped, on the upper ones they are different: broadly ovate, lanceolate, rhombic and ovate-rhombic.

In addition to the described species, Swedish ivy, English and Devil's ivy also exist in culture.

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A decorative, hardy and fast-growing evergreen climber won the hearts of flower growers. Ivy fits perfectly into the design of any room. It is used to create vertical gardening, flower arrangements, as an ampelous plant. Stem trees and green statues of the most bizarre forms are created from fast-growing varieties. But is it possible to keep a flower at home? Let's find out.

Indoor ivy is a vine with leathery three- and five-lobed leaves. Some of its species reach 20 m in length. Many have aerial roots with which they climb and hold onto vertical supports.

Flowers are usually inconspicuous, with a specific smell. Ivy berries are inedible, poisonous to humans, although some birds and animals eat them.

The leaves, depending on the species and variety, can have a wide variety of colors: shiny dark or light green, plain and pinnate, green with a white or yellow border, and white with a green border. Breeders have bred varieties even with purple foliage.

Care for indoor ivy

In order for the acquired plant to acclimatize more easily in new conditions and please with violent growth, it is necessary to observe all the subtleties of care.

Lighting and temperature

Home ivy - shade plant, can decorate the dark corners of rooms with greenery, where other plants will not survive. T However, good lighting is necessary for plant growth., and the feathery forms of ivy in the shade lose the contrasting color of the leaves. Direct sunlight is also dangerous, as it can leave burns on the leaves.

In summer, plants feel comfortable at a temperature of 22 to 25 ° C, in winter it is preferable to keep them in a cooler room - from 15 to 18 ° C.

Watering a flower

Ivy, a child of the tropics and subtropics, needs good watering. In summer, the soil in the pot should be slightly damp. Periodically, the liana is washed under a warm shower, covering the ground in a pot. waterproof material, or sprayed. It is advisable to put a pot of ivy in a tray filled with pebbles. Water should be poured into it so that the pebbles are wet, but the pot does not stand in the water. This will increase the humidity of the air, and at the same time the roots will not get wet.

Ivy does not like waterlogging or drying out. With a lack of moisture, ivy leaves wilt and become soft. To correct the situation, it is necessary to water well and give him a warm shower. After this procedure, the leaves will restore their original appearance.

Ivy living wall

It is also not worth flooding the plant. Stagnation of water and acidification of the soil due to excessive watering have more tragic consequences: the death of the plant due to rotting of the roots. In this case, only propagation of ivy by cuttings is possible.

The rest period of the vines is mild, so watering is significantly reduced, but the earthen coma is not allowed to dry out completely. Water after the top layer of soil in the pot is dry. Instead of showering and spraying, ivy leaves are wiped with a damp cloth.

Soil and transplant

Good growth and decorativeness of the plant depend on the fertility of the soil. The soil for ivy needs loose and permeable. At the bottom of the pot, drainage from fine expanded clay is necessarily laid out with a layer of at least 3 cm.

To prepare the soil, mix in equal amounts:

  • humus,
  • leaf earth,
  • peat,
  • sand.

Fill the pot with soil mixture 2 cm below the edge. Small pebbles are laid out on top of the ground, which will protect against excessive evaporation of moisture and perform a decorative function.

Whole house covered in ivy

top dressing

Lianas are responsive to feeding. In the spring, they are fed with nitrogen fertilizers, in the summer months - with complex fertilizers, and closer to winter - with potash fertilizers every 2 weeks.

In winter, during the dormant period, the plants do not fertilize.


Reproduction of vines is not difficult.

Cuttings and apical shoots

This is the most efficient way to propagate ivy. You can cut the branch of the vine into cuttings 10 cm long or use for propagation apical cuttings 10-20 cm long, cut during pruning. They root perfectly in a vase of water. For better root formation, a growth stimulator is added.

After the roots appear, the cuttings are planted in pots.


On the branch of the liana, without separating it from the mother plant, a longitudinal incision is made, pinned to the ground with a bracket and covered with earth. Water regularly. After the roots appear, the branch is cut off and transplanted into a separate pot.

Dropping stem cuttings

Ivy room at home

A stalk with 8-10 leaves is cut from a young branch and buried horizontally in a container with sand. The stem should be buried, and the leaves should remain above the surface. Water regularly. Roots should appear in two weeks.

The stem is carefully dug up, cut into cuttings with a leaf and roots, and planted in pots.


Seeds are soaked for two days in a damp cloth moistened with water with the addition of a growth stimulator. After germination, they are planted in small pots with soil. Contain at a temperature of 23-28°C.

Popular types of home ivy

  • Colchis is a liana with rather large solid or three-lobed leaves, 15-18 cm wide, up to a quarter meter long. The leaves are oval or three-lobed with a characteristic musky aroma. The aerial roots of the creeper give it the opportunity to stay on a support and climb to a height of up to 25-30 m. It blooms with small flowers with a specific smell, collected in inflorescences in the form of an umbrella.
  • Canarian - it is also called Algerian. A fast growing vine with large leaves in a variety of colors from solid green to feathery yellow or white green. It does not have aerial roots, so it needs support. The plant needs intense light and high humidity, but will survive a little shading. Ivy needs pruning, otherwise it takes on a sloppy look.
  • Ordinary - the colors of 3-5-lobed leaves are varied: from plain dark and light green to pinnate with a white or yellow pattern, they may have a border. It blooms with small greenish-yellow flowers collected in an umbrella. Berries up to 1 cm, poisonous.
  • Pastukhova - the liana has aerial roots, with the help of which it braids vertical supports. The leaves are leathery, bright green, 6 cm wide, 10 cm long, of various shapes: lanceolate, rhombic, ovate, mixed. It blooms in inflorescences in the form of sparse spherical umbrellas. The inflorescence has 5 to 20 flowers. In place of the inflorescences, fruits are formed - berries up to 1 cm in diameter, black with a purple tint, very poisonous.

Among the huge variety of species and varieties of ivy, it is not difficult to choose a plant to your liking, which will decorate the house and will delight for many years.

In ancient times, people often showed their powers of observation, noticing various signs, noticing coincidences, and so on. All this formed the basis of numerous superstitions, which are also used in modern world. Not spared and houseplants, including ivy. A large number of legends are associated with it, in which many people believe. This plant is considered the most common and popular, since with the help of beautiful, climbing vines you can decorate not only household plot and any interior.

Signs about indoor ivy

People believe that plants are alive, so they contain a certain energy that affects a person to a greater or lesser extent. Houseplant ivy is an energy vampire that lives on human energy. Although you can find a radically different opinion, according to which the flower itself has high potential and supplies its owners with confidence. In general, ivy can be attributed to useful indoor plants, as it takes away negative energy from a person, which in some cases is very important.

A flower such as indoor ivy will be appropriate in the home of people who are often overwhelmed with various emotions, and they do not know where to spend their excess energy. It is worth paying attention to parents who have hyperactive children. The plant will act like a sedative.

Other signs about the ivy houseplant:

  1. It is not recommended to start him on single women, as he will do his best to alienate all men. Often ivy is called "husband".
  2. Ivy is a symbol of resilience and vitality, so it is recommended to place it in office space.
  3. The plant helps to process someone else's energy that enters the house from the outside. In this case, ivy can be used as a cleanser.

Indoor plants can tell a lot about their owner, moreover, they can change the fate of a person. Some plants should be feared like fire and not allowed to take over the house, while others should be cherished and cherished, reinforcing their positive energy directed at a person.

Ivy, according to popular belief, is considered the most controversial plant. A lot of contradictory signs and judgments are known about him, some people consider him an assistant and protector, others consider him a worst enemy. How to understand this dilemma and determine the place of this green subject in your own life? Very simple! You just need to find out two opposing opinions and choose which one is closer specifically to you. After all, as you know, what happens to a person is exactly what he firmly believes in.

good omens

  1. If there is ivy in the house, then goodness and mutual understanding will reign in it. This indoor plant feeds on negative energy and thereby smooths out all sharp corners family life, reduces the number of conflicts and divorces;
  2. Ivy calms overly excitable people, it is recommended to have it in a house where hyperactive children live;
  3. If you keep it in your office, then things will go uphill, since This plant is a symbol of fortitude and the personification of vitality.;
  4. Getting ivy to an unmarried girl means gaining a chance for a successful marriage;
  5. To take care of him by a married woman means to save yourself from adultery, slander and many other troubles;
  6. If such an ambiguous vine is planted in the house of a timid person, then his self-confidence will increase.
  7. If an outsider came into the house with bad intentions, then ivy will neutralize this negativity and cleanse the surrounding space.

Oddly enough, the signs of ivy in many countries are interpreted differently.
, some believe that this plant brings good luck, others are sure that it spreads evil.

bad omens

  1. Having an ivy is like having an energy vampire, it will feed on your positive energy, converting it into negative;
  2. A whip weaving along the wall in the house of an unmarried girl - steals the happiness of its mistress, repels men and does not allow her to get married;
  3. For a married woman, he is the first enemy, as he drives her husband out of the house and destroys the family.
  4. If a liana falls from a large, strong plant, for no reason at all, then this portends financial difficulties and large losses of money.
  5. Ivy feeds on the energy of its owner and all the people living in this house. If you keep it in your room, then you can permanently lose strength;
  6. Oppresses nervous system and makes melancholic even more withdrawn and vulnerable;
  7. If ivy is poorly cared for, then its negative impact is multiplied many times over.

What else can you learn with ivy?

Ivy is often used during divination and magical rituals. He is especially supportive of the males and is ready to give answers to many questions. If a man wants to tell fortunes on his beloved, then popular belief, you need to turn to this particular plant for help. Pick 10 leaves on a dark evening, put 9 of them under your pillow, and take the tenth out into the yard. Thanks to these simple actions, you can see your love and destiny in a dream.

In ancient Rome, there was a sign that ivy was able to preserve beauty and youth for a long time. In order to be beautiful and successful, women pinned a branch plucked from it to their chests.

Is it worth it or not to plant ivy at home?

In the modern world, everything is far from clear. Someone does not believe in signs at all, someone lives constantly guided by them. If you look at it, then signs are just small tips that help a person navigate in life and slightly move the veil of the future.

If you want to have ivy on your windowsill, then don't be afraid to do it. Each person has his own plant, which is combined with the name, date of birth and, in general, with fate. Perhaps ivy is exactly your plant, in which case it will undoubtedly benefit.

If you have been growing ivy for a long time, but you have just learned about the existence of bad omens associated with this plant, then you should not listen to them, because before your pet did not create inconvenience, which means you should not get rid of it.

Indoor ivy, or Hedera, is one of the most popular plants among flower growers, belonging to the genus Ivy (Hedera) and the Araliaceae family (Araliaceae). This evergreen and climbing ornamental shrub culture includes several well-established varieties at home, which differ in the shape and size of the leaves, flowering and the length of the aerial part.

general characteristics

The plant belongs to the category of rather heat-loving species. therefore, in the southern regions with favorable soil and climatic conditions, ivy is grown not only at home, but also as an unpretentious and highly decorative landscape plant.

Botanical description of indoor ivy

A creeping shrub culture is able, through its adventitious roots, to cling firmly to walls, the trunk of trees, and specially installed supports. On the stem part are dense and leathery leaves. The plant has two types of leaves. Non-flowering branches bear leaves of dark green color, angular-lobed shape. Flowering shoots form light green, whole, lanceolate, oblong or ovate foliage. Stipules are absent.

Flowers are relatively small. They are collected in the apical part of the branches in corymbose or racemose inflorescences, as well as heads different sizes. A flower with a small bract or without it, have a not too developed, whole-marginal or five-toothed calyx. After flowering, black or yellowish berries are formed, which contain from two to five seeds.

The main types of plants

Despite the fact that caring for home ivy of any variety is absolutely not difficult, amateur flower growers prefer to keep in the house only the most unpretentious to external conditions and undemanding in care, highly decorative and flowering species. English ivy is one of the most beloved ornamental plants among flower growers, but in the conditions of home floriculture, the cultivation of an ordinary species is more often carried out.

Species characteristic

Varietal features


The culture is represented by a flexible creeping type, evergreen liana. The leaves are alternate, simple, three- and five-lobed, leathery. The leaf plate is dark green, with light green veins

Dwarf plant with small three-lobed foliage and whitish patterns on the surface


Medium vigor plant with spots on the surface of green leaves

Highly ornamental plant with characteristic corrugated leaves

On fairly long branches are rounded oval leaves.


An evergreen climbing culture with thin shoots, large and shiny leathery leaves of dark green color. The foliage is three-lobed or whole, with a nutmeg aroma

"Dentata Variegata"

A cultivar with slender branches bearing oval leaves with pale yellow margins.

Sulfur Heart

Large leaf variety. Foliage is light green with slightly curled down edges and yellow-green stripes along the veins.

The variety has light green drooping shoots and oval leaves.


The ordinary subspecies is represented by a climbing plant, which is distinguished by rather large, triangular-shaped leaves. The foliage is dark green in color, with characteristic pale green veins.

Variety with a large aerial part and reddish climbing shoots. Large three-lobed leaves have a whitish-green shading on the edges


The varietal feature is small and dense star-shaped leaves and graceful branches.

"Golden Leaf"

The variety has two-color foliage and in good light a golden tint forms on the leaves.

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Signs: is it possible to keep indoor ivy at home

The attitude of flower growers to indoor ivy is ambiguous. There are both positive and negative signs associated with this ornamental plant. Connoisseurs of indoor ivy note the following positive aspects of its indoor cultivation:

  • in houses where ivy is grown, goodness, harmony and mutual understanding always reign between all family members;
  • perennial absorbs negative energy and reduces conflict and the number of divorces;
  • culture is able to calm excessive excitability and has a positive effect on hyperactive children;
  • ivy is a symbol of fortitude and personifies vitality, so they are perfect for decorating workrooms;
  • unmarried girls - the owners of a decorative perennial, very quickly and successfully find their family happiness, married women save their family from adultery and the hypocrisy of the spouse.

How to care for ivy (video)

There are also “bad” signs, according to which the plant is not at all intended for home cultivation:

  • ivy is an energy vampire plant, and it uses the positive energy of the residents, after which it converts it into negative energy;
  • weaving culture steals happiness from women and, pushing away men, does not allow you to find your family happiness;
  • with poor care, climbing cultures attract financial difficulties and large financial losses to the house, causing illness and depression.

There is no scientific evidence of the positive or negative effects of ivy, so each grower must independently decide on the cultivation of indoor ivy.

Ivy care at home

Even beginners and inexperienced flower growers can take care of indoor ivy. The plant should be placed in a cool room with good lighting. The optimum temperature in summer is 18-20 ° C, and in winter it is allowed temperature regime within 7-9°C. Almost all species are unpretentious and quite easily tolerate errors in care, and to maintain decorativeness, it is enough to create favorable microclimatic conditions, as well as systematically water and fertilize.

Landing and transplant

To properly plant indoor ivy, you need to prepare high-quality planting soil and a flower pot. It is recommended to use clay or peat soil for cultivation with good air permeability and friability. Planting and transplanting is best done in the spring. It is necessary to transplant the culture when the root system has sprouted through the drainage holes or the aerial part has stopped in its development:

  • remove carefully root system from an old pot;
  • carefully remove adhering soil from the root ball and conduct a visual inspection of the roots for damage;
  • transplant the plant into a new pot that is filled with a drainage layer and a moist nutrient soil mixture.

How to transplant ivy (video)

Watering and feeding

For irrigation, settled water at room temperature is used. The plant is quite moisture-loving, so you need to take care of regular spraying and bathing. Irrigation measures are carried out as the earth dries up a couple of centimeters deep. In winter, the intensity of irrigation should be significantly reduced or completely abandoned.

Fertilizers are applied from the beginning of spring to the end of the summer period. For top dressing, complex fertilizers are used, suitable for growing any decorative and deciduous crops. The application is made every couple of weeks. A good result is given by systematic feeding with mullein infusion.

Other events

Pruning and shaping the bush is required for outdoor specimens. In the conditions of indoor floriculture, pruning is carried out only at the stage of active growth processes which enhances growth indoor flower, and also promotes the formation of new shoots and a significant number of inflorescences. You also need to get rid of all old or damaged branches, cutting them to the very base.

How to propagate indoor ivy

Reproduction of indoor ivy is carried out by apical or stem cuttings, in the spring. To properly propagate a decorative perennial, you need to cut the apical cuttings and place them in the ground. By cuttings, the plant reproduces quickly enough, and the cuttings rooted in the soil must be planted in a permanent place in flower pots, filled with a nutrient mixture based on peat, medium-grained sand, high-quality humus and soddy soil.

Major diseases and pests

Despite the fact that indoor ivy is an unpretentious and very hardy plant, beginner gardeners may experience the following problems when growing:

  • too abundant watering in combination with low temperatures, as well as excessive fertilization, can provoke massive and rather strong yellowing of the foliage;
  • insufficient lighting and the location of the indoor flower in full shading often causes a complete loss of decorative attractiveness of variegated varieties;
  • lack of moisture, too dry air in the room and high temperature conditions are the main reason for the formation of characteristic brown spots on the tips of the leaves;
  • if the leaves on the branches are too far apart, then the cause is most likely insufficient lighting.

Types of ivy (video)

When choosing a variety, you need to remember that all natural species are the most winter-hardy and resistant to diseases or pests, and common ivy in the cold season changes the green color of foliage to red tones. If we take into account the varietal characteristics of the culture and adhere to the cultivation technology, then any species will become a worthy and durable decoration of the home interior.