A set of exercises "bodyflex" for weight loss of the waist, abdomen, hips. Breathing exercises bodyflex: breathe and lose weight

What do we know about what Bodyflex breathing exercises are? There are many ways to lose weight and this is one of them. It is based on a certain diaphragmatic breathing and special exercises. This ensures improved ventilation of the lungs. If you follow all the recommendations, then in a short time it is quite possible to remove excess fat deposits on the hips and waist. Let's see how simple gymnastics allows you to achieve great results without complex physical activity and debilitating hunger strikes.

What is bodyflex breathing exercises?

Bodyflex is a breathing exercise based on aerobic breathing in combination with exercises that put a load on certain muscle groups. In such movements, the main work is provided by the movement of oxygen.

This technique was invented and developed by Greer Childers, a mother of many children from America. Breathing exercises for weight loss, bodyflex includes special breathing with the stomach.

The technique works like this: a breath is taken and the breath is held. At the same time, carbon dioxide accumulates in the cells. This process speeds up metabolism and improves well-being. Interestingly, during normal breathing, the lungs are only half filled with air.

At the beginning of training, it is necessary to stimulate metabolic processes, which will improve the metabolism in the body. After activating the metabolism, you can start working on problem areas.

To start exercising, you need to wait about three hours after eating.

Advice! To get the desired result, you need to devote no more than 20 minutes of effective exercises per day. An important condition is regularity, gymnastics is performed every day. You will notice the first positive changes after a few weeks of constant training.

The nuances of breathing techniques

How bodyflex breathing exercises are done, you can look at the video. Before proceeding to the complex, it is important to learn the basic rules of breathing.

This technique includes the following steps:

  1. To get rid of the air in the lungs, you need to exhale through your mouth.
  2. Inhalation is done through the nose. It must be sharp and fast. In this case, the lungs should be filled to capacity. Correct movement can be determined by a noisy breath.
  3. The lips are compressed and then opened, and a strong exhalation is made. This tenses the abdominal muscles. When you exhale, you should hear the sound "pah". It does not affect the throat and lips.
  4. Then the abdomen is drawn in and at the same time the breath is held. The stomach must be drawn in very strongly.
  5. Inhalation is performed along with the relaxation of the press. Air passes into the lungs with a sound like a sob.

Advice! Remember that the exercises are carried out at the stage of holding the breath, when the stomach is drawn in.

Advantages of bodyflex

The essence of this technique is to master correct breathing. Aerobic type of breathing promotes the burning of body fat. In this case, the effect is enhanced when performing special exercises. Isometric exercises cause tension in one muscle group, while isotonic exercises cause tension in different ones. There are also stretching movements that make the muscles more elastic.

So, let's look at the main benefits of bodyflex:

  • Improves metabolic processes in the body.
  • The functioning of the circulatory system is stimulated.
  • The abdominal muscles become stronger.
  • The body is enriched with an additional volume of oxygen.
  • The layer of fat between the organs is removed.
  • Over time, you can get rid of cellulite.
  • All internal organs are actively massaged.
  • The tone of the intestine increases, which allows to reduce its size.
  • The intestines are actively released from toxins, and constipation disappears.

Advice! With regular training, tissue swelling will first disappear, and then fat deposits are replaced by muscles.

Bodyflex gymnastics contains active exercises. They can be done in the morning or in the evening, but only on an empty stomach.

So let's get started. Try these moves:

  • The facial exercise is called the lion. With its help, it is possible to tighten the outlines of the face. The legs should be placed shoulder-width apart, and it is important to tilt the body forward, and place the hands slightly above the knees. Is being done breathing exercise and the stomach retracts. Roll your eyes up and stick out your tongue.
  • With the help of lateral stretching, you can work on problem areas. In this case, three turns are made in each direction. The starting position is the same as in the first case. The elbow of the left hand falls to the left knee. That's where the weight comes in. The right leg should be taken to the side, and the right arm extended over the head away.
  • Elbows and knees should be placed on the floor. While holding your breath, you need to raise your leg as high as possible. It should be fixed at the top point for 8 seconds.
  • Exercise diamond lets you clean excess fat from hands. To do it, you need to put your feet shoulder-width apart, and join your hands in a circle. When pulling in the abdomen, you need to strongly rest your fingers and count to 10.
  • Effective exercise for the inner thighs. You need to sit on the floor and lean your hands behind you. In this case, the legs must be spread very widely. Socks need to be pulled towards you and away from you.

  • Helps to lose weight exercise for the press. In the supine position, you need to bend your knees, and stretch your arms forward. In this case, the head does not come off the floor. Then the main exercise is done, arms and shoulders rise up. It is necessary to fix the body in this position. This exercise must be done at least three times.
  • A simple scissors exercise will help to achieve excellent results. You need to lie on your back, and straighten your legs. With tension in the abdomen, it is necessary to raise your legs and swing your legs on a count of 10.

Advice! To use bodyflex, it is not necessary to change the diet. But you need to remember that taking birth control can reduce the effect of exercise. Also, in the absence of regularity, the weight may return.

Rules for good results

The following tips will help you achieve the desired result:

  1. Regular exercise is required.
  2. Loads should be regular.
  3. Right choice exercises.
  4. All muscle groups are involved.

Bodyflex is not boring, you can do it all the time. This technique will allow you to always stay slim.

Advice! The original technique rationally combines useful breathing exercises and stretching.

Greer Childers technique

Bodyflex breathing exercises were first developed by Greer Childers. She wrote a book on the subject and released a special video course. According to reviews, such exercises can reduce body volume and make the stomach flat.

This set of exercises is suitable not only for women, but also for men. Greer has been teaching his program for over 15 years. Many argue that, in addition to losing weight, this technique allows you to quit smoking.

It turns out that the lack of oxygen reduces immunity, and also causes indigestion and contributes to early aging. During gymnastics, oxygenated blood reaches the working muscles. In this case, fat cells are burned.

During exercise, you need to hold your breath, as it is in the blood that carbon dioxide accumulates. Arteries acquire the ability to fully absorb oxygen.

Advice! In addition to bodyflex, such gymnastics as oxysize is popular. Both techniques differ in their impact on different muscle groups. It is believed that oxysize is more suitable for girls with problems of fat deposits at the waist or in the abdomen. And bodyflex is especially effective in reducing the hips.

A set of exercises with Marina Korpan

Breathing gymnastics bodyflex was finalized by the trainer Marina Korpan to the ideal weight loss system. At a young age, she suffered from excess weight and tried to lose it with strict diets and many hours of training. Since it was not possible to achieve the desired effect, the girl gradually switched to the bodyflex method, as the most effective one.

She developed new principles of breathing based on yoga pranayama. Marina Korpan considers it a big mistake to change your diet, and recommends changing your attitude to food. At the same time, you need to eat slowly, in small portions and do not eat at night.

Useful gymnastics was complemented by dynamic exercises, as well as some sports elements. In addition, Marina Korpan's set of exercises is recommended not only for healthy people. With the help of healing gymnastics, you can solve health problems. The most important advantage of gymnastics is the restoration of the skin even with active weight loss.

Here are the main stages of such breathing exercises:

  1. The legs are placed shoulder-width apart. Then the shoulders are turned, and the lips are pulled out and a noisy exhalation is made. In this case, the stomach is maximally retracted.
  2. Exhale with a short pause, and then inhale, as it were, into the stomach. In this case, the stomach is inflated and protrudes forward.
  3. Lips need to be compressed, and then open and tilt your head back. In this case, the air is forced out of the lungs. The abdomen is drawn in and pressed under the ribs.
  4. It is necessary to hold the breath while counting by 10. In this case, the stomach is drawn in, the muscles of the perineum are compressed, or the chin is attracted to the chest.

Are there any contraindications?

With proper observance of the technique, it can be used to get rid of some diseases. These are fibroids, frequent colds, prostatitis and endometriosis.
But there are also some contraindications. If, under stress during exercise, a deterioration occurs, then the load should be stopped. Consider possible fluctuations in pressure, as well as the condition after surgery or pregnancy. With an exacerbation of chronic diseases, exercises should also not be started. Also, a similar complex is not recommended for heart failure and arrhythmias.

Advice! Breathing exercises help to eliminate toxins that are present in fat cells. They are converted into a gaseous state, and then exhaled when using proper breathing.

If you have health problems, please consult your doctor. It is important to carefully study the technique of the exercises. Especially in the first lessons, you need to take such a position so that dizziness does not occur.
It is recommended to keep a diary where you write down the changes that occur in the body.

Holding your breath for 8 seconds is of great importance. You can try to do it with a stopwatch, and then move on to the main body.

Exercises should be performed not only on an empty stomach, but also drink a glass of water half an hour before class. During the day, also do not forget to drink the required amount of water.

Do not be lazy and try simple exercises. A little effort every day is a guarantee of great results.

A woman is like a cat, she will sacrifice everything for her own interests. And the interests of a woman, as a rule, tend to one thing, to the fact that you need to be beautiful at any age and lure men with your unique figure. The grace and elegance of a woman is the basis for harmonious family relationships, as well as the root of success in the business sphere. There are many ways to improve your figure. Today we want to announce a couple more for you. simple secrets and talk about what bodyflex - exercises for weight loss.

What is bodyflex?

Bodyflex, this is the name of a universal technique focused on maintaining the body and the human body in excellent condition. Bodyflex teaches you how to breathe correctly, which makes a significant contribution to our body. Using this method, you can not only get rid of excess weight, but also relieve fatigue, get rid of depression or guilt, cheer up, etc. Exercise compensates for the lack of oxygen in the body, slows down metabolism, and has a positive effect on skin condition.

As a result of breathing exercises:

  • blood circulation improves
  • normalizes metabolism
  • puffiness of the face disappears
  • evens out and improves skin tone
  • fatigue is relieved
  • the general tone of the body increases.

What is the essence of the bodyflex technique?

The success of the bodyflex technique consists in aerobic breathing in combination with isometric and isotonic exercises and postures. Enrichment of the human body with oxygen occurs due to aerobic respiration. Isometric and isotonic poses allow you to achieve stretching and tension of the muscles.

During exercise, the following happens to the body: oxygen, together with the blood, enters the place of tension, fats are actively broken down, toxins are removed from the body, and muscle tissue is toned. This effect is explained by the fact that fats, in turn, can be called an excellent “fuel”, and oxygen is the best “burner” of calories.

What will the experts say?

Alec Borsenko, a well-known colon specialist, describes bodyflex as one of the best methods available for oxygenating the body. The aerobic effect can be achieved five times faster than when running, where up to 700 kilocalories can be burned within an hour. Aerobic breathing, in turn, allows you to get rid of at least 3500 kilocalories and at the same time massages the internal organs and activates the lymph flow. As a result, in addition to excess weight, you are charged with energy and good health. Note that with aerobic respiration, appetite does not increase, which is typical for intense physical training.


Like any other technique, the aerobic breathing system has the following contraindications:

  • pregnancy
  • high pressure
  • hernia
  • postoperative period
  • heart disease, arrhythmias
  • exacerbated chronic diseases.

Some difficulties

If you begin to master the technique on your own, and not with a specialist mentor, be prepared for some difficulties:

  • In the first stage of breathing, you may cough, wheeze, or mucus. You have nothing to fear, for beginners - this is quite normal.
  • In the first days of exercise, you may notice dizziness. If this begins to cause you inconvenience, you must abandon the body flex for a while. You should start training only when your condition improves.

We want to emphasize that bodyflex exercises are best performed on an empty stomach, even before breakfast, 10-15 minutes after waking up. Compliance with this rule will improve the effect by 40%.

Breathing stages of the bodyflex technique

Bodyflex complex includes 12 exercises that are based on the art of proper breathing. Before performing all these exercises, you need to master only 5 stages of proper breathing.

  • Stage 1. Having gathered your lips “in a tube”, slowly, in equal proportions, exhale the air accumulated in the lungs.
  • Stage 2. Leaving your mouth closed, take a quick and sharp breath through your nose, fill your lungs with air. Please note that the exercise will be performed correctly if you hear noise when you inhale.
  • Stage 3. When the lungs are completely filled with air, slightly raise your head up. Squeezing your lips, bite them a little. Inhale sharply. Open your mouth wide and begin to exhale. Exhalation should be accompanied by hissing sounds coming from the diaphragm.
  • Stage 4. After exhaling the air accumulated in the lungs, leave your mouth closed and hold your breath, holding it throughout the stage. Tilting your head, try to draw in the stomach, imagining how it, along with other internal organs, hides under the ribs. This exercise allows you to flatten your stomach. Breathing should be held for 10-12 seconds. Then, standing up straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart, imagining that you want to sit on a chair. Leaning forward, rest your hands on your knees bent at the knees. Leave your buttocks back. The palms should be located 2.5 centimeters above the knees. This pose is ideal for abdominal contraction exercises.
  • Stage 5. Relaxing, inhale and release the abdominal muscles. As you inhale, you should feel your lungs fill with air and hear sobs.

When performing aerobic breathing, always inhale only through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

12 bodyflex exercises

After successfully mastering all five stages of breathing, you can proceed directly to the exercises themselves.

  • "A lion".

Purpose: strengthening the body, face, neck, getting rid of double chin.

Starting posture. In a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart, hands resting on the legs (as in the 4th stage of breathing). A breath is taken, the breath is held, the stomach is drawn in. Then you need to take the position of the main posture.

Main pose. Round your lips. Open your eyes very wide and lift them up to tighten the muscles under your eyes. Lower the rounded lips down and stick out the tongue as much as possible without relaxing the lips. Hold this pose for 10 seconds. Repeat five times.

  • "Ugly grimace".

Purpose: strengthening the muscles of the neck, getting rid of the second chin.

Starting posture. Standing straight, bring the lower lip over the upper. Push your upper lip forward, at the same time stretching your neck until you feel tension in it. Raising your head, imagine that you want to kiss the ceiling. As a result, you will feel a stretch from the chin to the chest.

Then, take a breathing pose: spread your legs, place your hands above your knees, secure your buttocks in a position as if you are trying to sit down. Hold your breath, pull your stomach in and move on to the main pose.

Main pose. Fix the neck and chin as in the starting position. Standing straight, throw your arms back and raise your chin to the ceiling. Repeat the exercise 5 times, holding your breath for 10-12 seconds.

  • "Side stretch".

Purpose: strengthening the lateral muscles of the body.

Starting posture. Feet shoulder-width apart, knees bent, palms are 2.5 centimeters above the knees, buttocks - as if you want to sit down. Do a breathing exercise, then draw in your stomach and proceed to the main pose.

Main pose. Lower left hand so that the elbow is located on the bent knee of the left leg. Stretching your right leg to the side, pull the toe, but do not lift the sole from the floor. The weight of the body should be transferred to the bent left knee. Raise your right arm, stretching it as high as you can above your head, to feel the tone of the lateral muscles, from the waist to the armpits. Hold the pose for 10-12 seconds. Do the exercise three times to the left, and three times to the right.

  • "Pulling the leg back."

Purpose: strengthening the muscles of the buttocks.

Starting posture. Dropping to the floor, lean on the palms of your hands and knees. Dropping onto your elbows, stretch your leg back without bending your knees. The weight of the body should be on the arms and elbows. Raise your head, look ahead. Perform all five stages of the breathing exercise, i.e. exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale sharply, hold your breath. Pulling in the stomach, go to the main pose.

Main pose. The straightened leg is laid back as high as possible. The buttocks are connected and tense. Fix this position and hold your breath. Bring and spread your buttocks. Do the exercise for 10-12 seconds. Exhale and relax your leg. Do three times for each leg.

  • "Seiko".

Purpose: strengthening the muscles of the outer side of the thigh.

Starting posture. Standing on all fours, stretch your right leg to the side, leaving the angle straight. Place your right foot on the floor. Hold your breath, draw in your stomach and proceed to the main pose.

Main pose. Make your right leg parallel to the floor. Pull it forward, trying to ensure that it is in front of your eyes. Keep your leg straight. Hold this position for 10-12 seconds. Repeat the exercise three times on each side.

  • "Diamond".

Purpose: strengthening the muscles in the arms.

Starting posture. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms closed in front of you. Elbows are held as high as possible, for this, slightly round the back. Hold your breath, pull your stomach in and move on to the main pose.

Main pose. Rest the fingers of your left hand on the fingers of your right hand. Muscle tension should diverge from the wrists to the arms and chest. Hold in this position for 10-12 seconds. Relax and repeat the exercise three times.

  • "Boat".

Purpose: strengthening the muscles of the inner thigh.

Starting position: Sit on the floor with your legs apart. Without lifting your heels, pull your socks towards you, then point them in different directions for additional stretching of the inner thigh muscles. Place your palms behind your back and lean on the floor. Keeping your arms straight, begin the five-step breathing exercise. Bend your head, draw in your stomach. After holding your breath, move on to the main pose.

Basic pose: Bring your arms out from behind your back, leaning slightly down. Put your hands in front of you. Without taking your fingers off the floor, move forward, trying to lean lower with each step. Soon you will feel how the muscles of the thighs are stretched. Having fixed the position, hold out in it for 10-12 seconds. Exhale. Put your hands behind you. Repeat three times.

  • "Pretzel".

Purpose: the formation of a graceful waistline, strengthening the muscles of the thigh.

Starting position: sit on the floor "in Turkish". Keep your head straight. Take your left hand behind your back, and with your right hand, grab your left knee. After doing a breathing exercise and holding your breath, draw in your stomach. Move on to the main pose.

Main pose: transfer the weight of the body to the left hand. Right hand pull your left knee up while bending your torso in your left side until you can look back. After holding this position for 10-12 seconds, start doing the exercise again. Repeat the exercise three times for each leg.

  • "Hamstring Stretch".

Purpose: elastic muscles of the back of the thigh

Starting pose: in the supine position, make your legs perpendicular to the floor. Pulling up to your feet, grab your hands on the calves of your left and right legs. Without looking up from the floor, do a breathing exercise. Pulling in the stomach, go to the main pose.

Basic posture: legs are straight, arms are gently reaching for the head, without lifting the buttocks off the floor. Lock the position for 10-12 seconds. Exhaling, return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise three times.

  • "Abdominal Press".

Purpose: strong abdominal muscles.

Starting position: Lie on your back. Raise your straightened legs so that your knees remain bent and your feet are firmly planted on the floor. The distance between the feet should be 30 centimeters. Stretch your arms up without lifting your feet from the floor. After completing the breathing exercise and drawing in the stomach, go to the main pose.

Basic posture: straight, arms extended upwards. Stretching your arms, your shoulders should rise and come off the floor. The head must be tilted back. Focus on an imaginary point on the ceiling. When fixing your gaze, try to break away from the floor as much as possible. Then, get down on the floor. When your head touches the floor, rise again. Leaving your head thrown back, raise your arms up and freeze for 10-12 seconds. Repeat the exercise three times.

  • "Scissors".

Purpose: strong press.

Starting position: lying on the floor, stretch and close your legs. Place your hands under your buttocks to support your back. The head and lower back should lie on the floor. After doing the breathing exercise, pulling in the stomach and holding your breath, go to the main pose.

Basic pose: Raise your legs 10 centimeters off the floor. Do leg swings in the form of scissors for 10-12 seconds. Exhaling, repeat the exercise three times.

  • "Cat".

Starting posture: kneel and palms of hands. The back should remain straight. Keeping your head straight, do the breathing exercise. Holding your breath, draw in your stomach and stand in the main pose.

Basic pose: arching your back and tilting your head, fix your position for 10-12 seconds. Repeat three times.

We believe that after doing a few breathing exercises, you will understand how difficult they can be for you to perform. However, we hasten to assure you that it seems so only at first glance, because the result is worth it. Do not resist and do not be lazy, you will succeed! You will emphasize your figure without debilitating diets and significantly improve your health!

This is a specially designed set of exercises and postures, which is performed in compliance with special diaphragmatic breathing, which enriches the body with oxygen. To complete the complex and achieve the desired effect, just a quarter of an hour a day is enough, and at home.

The method is based on the use of the properties of oxygen, which, getting into the body in large quantities, begins to actively break down body fat, improves blood circulation and speeds up metabolism. As a result of a combination of proper breathing and appropriate exercises, the body actively burns fat in areas of the body that are tense during exercise.

Why do we spend hours running or pedaling an exercise bike? In order to achieve a sustainable aerobic effect, that is, to start the process of fat burning in the body. Bodyflex allows you to achieve the effect of fat burning in 15 minutes, and the results are amazing. You can do regular aerobics for two hours or run for an hour, or you can perform a fifteen-minute body flex complex - the effect will be the same, namely: you will lose 600 Kcal. Of course, you will not feel any fatigue or exhaustion, as after running or traditional aerobics.

The effect of exercise:

  • fatigue and depression disappear;
  • mood and vitality rise;
  • blood circulation improves;
  • muscles are toned and strengthened;
  • there is a massage and normalization of the work of internal organs;
  • puffiness of the face decreases and skin color improves;
  • shortness of breath disappears;
  • you become stronger, stronger and healthier.

If you enjoy going to the gym or jogging in the morning, run and work out! But on a day when you have no time to visit the gym or do a thorough workout, give body flex only a quarter of an hour - and you will feel the effect.

So, you looked through the articles, leafed through the book of the ancestor of the Greer Childers method and decided that you can handle the 15-minute complex quite well.

Have you ever noticed that two people of the same height and weight can look completely different? One has a toned body and slim stomach, the other has hanging sides and flabby buttocks. And it’s not about weight at all, but about general muscle tone and skin condition. Bodyflex primarily tightens the body and reduces its volume. So forget about the scales and start with measurements.

Write down in a notebook the measurements of the waist, upper (5 cm above the waist) and lower (2 fingers below the navel) parts of the abdomen, hips (measure in the bikini area) and the most magnificent part of the leg. It’s better to have someone at home measure you - then the numbers will be more accurate.

To monitor progress, it will be enough to measure your volumes once a week. Another in a good way notice the result will be a pair of trousers that has become tight for you. Try them on a week after the start of classes - let this be an additional incentive and motivation for you.

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Starting to master the complex itself, you need to learn how to breathe correctly, because you will have to breathe aerobically, taking this or that position, and for this you need to understand the technique of breathing itself. The description of the breathing technique is quite lengthy, although the inhalation-exhalation itself takes about 15 seconds.

Take something like the position of a volleyball player waiting for the ball: feet shoulder-width apart, knees bent, lean forward slightly, pushing your buttocks back, rest your hands on your knees.

  • gather your lips into a tube and exhale slowly, trying to completely empty your lungs of air;
  • then purse your lips and exhale sharply and noisily through your nose, trying to fill your lungs with oxygen "to the brim". It is the breath, this aggressive drawing in of air, that accelerates the aerobic process, so the breath is the most important part of the exercise, it must be powerful and noisy;
  • after filling the lungs with air, slightly raise your head, compress your lips and try to exhale all the air from the very depths, from the diaphragm. To do this, open your mouth wide and exhale from your diaphragm, not your throat. When you master this complex exhalation, you will hear the sound “groin!” or rather, "pha!";
  • at the next stage of the exercise, you need to hold your breath by closing your mouth. Tilt your head forward, pull your stomach in very strongly and, as it were, lift it up, under the ribs. Thus, you create a vacuum inside. Count to ten. It is at the moment of retracting the abdomen and holding the breath that the exercises of the complex itself are performed.
  • then relax the abdominal muscles and inhale. When performed correctly, air will rush into the lungs with a sound similar to a sob.

At first, you will not be able to do everything correctly and efficiently. Nothing wrong. To learn aerobic breathing, you need to practice several times. Slight dizziness and coughing is also normal in the first workouts: the body gets used to the increased amount of oxygen and cleans the airways. Over time, this will pass.


  • pregnancy (some stances and stretches can be performed, but without aerobic respiration, to avoid stress on the abdominal wall);
  • chronic diseases (hypertension, arrhythmia, asthma, etc.);
  • trauma and recent surgery.
Negative moments of bodyflex:
  • they get addicted to it like a drug, and then the training regimen must be constantly adhered to (that is, it is impossible to part with the body flex, otherwise excess weight and lethargy may return);
  • people with a slow metabolism or taking drugs that slow down the metabolism experience less results;
  • holding your breath is a stress for the body;
  • bodyflex does not work at all on experienced athletes and is ineffective if you only need to slightly correct the figure, since the complex is focused on burning fat;
  • it is strictly forbidden to increase the intensity of classes (you can not include additional exercises, except for those recommended);
  • has contraindications (requires a doctor's consultation).

Positive moments of bodyflex:

  • the program is good for women who have given birth and for those suffering from low blood pressure;
  • the complex takes only a quarter of an hour a day;
  • suitable for those who are going to quit smoking, as it clears the lungs well;
  • special sacrifices in nutrition are not needed, but food licentiousness is not allowed.

The Bodyflex breathing exercises program is so simple and effective that it takes only 15 minutes to complete the entire set of exercises, and even a very busy person can afford it.

Versatility is perhaps one of the main distinguishing features of the Bodyflex exercises. It can be performed by people of any age and build, often with physical limitations.

And you do not need to find the time, funds and motivation to go to gym, and then, looking at young girls, sing through teeth: “Well, why come here so beautiful?” The only inconvenience of bodyflex is noisy breathing, but this is also easy to deal with: just isolate yourself in a separate room or in the bathroom and turn on the music. And the family will get used to leaving you alone with the complex, which will help get rid of many complexes.

With the help of bodyflex exercises, you can also train your face. You will get rid of loose skin, sagging cheeks and double chin. The skin of the face and neck must be tightened simultaneously with the body. As you know, the skin is the largest organ of the body, and at any given time, a third of the body's blood passes through the skin. By increasing the amount of oxygen in the blood, as well as the supply of nutrients to all organs, we also tighten the skin, making it more elastic and younger in appearance.

This system offers only two exercises to work on the muscles of the face, but these exercises are worth the whole complex.

  • "A lion". The starting position is the already well-known volleyball player's position, in which we perform the breathing exercise described above and assume the main position. Its purpose is to work with the cheeks, the area under the eyes, as well as wrinkles around the nose and mouth. That is, in this exercise, the upper part of the face is more involved. To do this, gather your lips in a circle, open your eyes wide and look up to tighten the muscles and skin under the eyes. At the same time, lower your lips in a circle down, straining your cheeks and nose, and stretch your tongue to the maximum, trying not to relax your lips. This pose must be held for eight counts and repeated five times.
  • "Ugly grimace" for beauty. If you do the second exercise correctly, your neck and the entire area under the chin will hurt the next day, because this time you will involve the entire lower part of the face. First master the exercise without breathing.
  • "Monkey". Stick out your lips, pushing your lower teeth forward. Stretch your neck to a well-perceptible tension in it - from the tip of the chin to the chest. When you master the exercise, do it while holding your breath: do a breathing exercise, pull in your stomach, raise your head up, throw your arms back (for balance) and “kiss” the ceiling. As many as five times.

The two exercises described are incredibly effective for tightening and contouring the face. They can be performed without breathing practice, for example, by pedaling an exercise bike at home or going down in an elevator. True, it is better that no one sees you at the time of their execution. Even you.

The practice of bodyflex has not only supporters, but also opponents. Opponents believe that holding the breath during exercise does not saturate the body with oxygen, but rather leads to oxygen starvation.

Now you have an idea about the basics of proper breathing in the bodyflex technique and are ready to move on to performing complex exercises. Carefully read the description of each exercise, watch the video, try the pose without breathing, then with breathing. Do all exercises three times in each direction. And do not forget to restore your breath after each breath.

Breathing technique Bodyflex:

You can start the complex with exercises for the face and neck, which are described in detail below. They can also complete the main exercises. See the whole complex in a virtuoso performance of instructors.

With age, you suddenly begin to notice that the waist is "spreading", acquiring fat, and even regular workouts do not give the desired effect, fail to lose weight.

Yes, we have strengthened the muscles with physical exercises, but the fat still stubbornly remains in its favorite places: waist, hips, abdomen. Muscles begin to grow under a layer of fat, and as a result, the body becomes even more massive, not leaner.

This is due to the fact that the person does not breathe deeply enough and mostly incorrectly. As a result, the muscles are not fully supplied with oxygen and do not receive the necessary nutrition. And in addition, after the next fitness classes, a "brutal" appetite appears, because. glucose levels drop, and there is an irresistible feeling of hunger, which negates the results of training.

If this is your case and the fat stubbornly lies in its place, despite food restrictions and physical exercise so it's time to get busy bodyflex for weight loss. This is an exercise program based on deep breathing, which increases the supply of oxygen to the blood, thereby helping to burn fat and maintain health. Bodyflex does not require special sports equipment and devices and takes only 15 minutes a day.

Bodyflex exercises are aimed at reducing body volume, tightening muscles and burning fat, and not for rapid weight loss, as is the case with diets and muscle loss.

Bodyflex exercises will give you energy and help you get a good body shape.

Breathing exercises Bodyflex for weight loss

American Greer Childers came up with a unique BodyFlex exercise system that can boost metabolism, develop muscles in an aerobic state and get rid of body fat. Greer Childers described her system in book "A magnificent figure in 15 minutes a day!" which immediately became a bestseller in many countries.

Greer herself, with the help of exercises, bodyflex, was able to change the size of clothes from 54 to 42 without following any diets. To be honest, looking at the flexible, thin Greer, I can’t believe that she was of such volumes.

How does Bodyflex work? What causes weight loss

Respiratory gymnastics program Bodyflex is based on the principle of burning fat, lengthening muscles and saturating cells with oxygen through aerobic respiration in combination with isotonic, isometric and stretching postures. Isometric exercises tighten one muscle group relative to another muscle group or relative to an immovable object, while isotonic exercises use the body's own resistance.

The program includes 12 basic exercises to be performed on an empty stomach, you can drink a glass of water or tea for 15 minutes every day. To increase the effectiveness of bodyflex, exercises can be performed 2 times a day, but on the condition that you have not eaten anything for 2 hours before.

Breathing exercises Bodyflex reduces appetite, allows you to get rid of fat deposits up to 20-30 cm in volume within 1-2 weeks. The main goal of the program is to strengthen and tighten the muscles of the body. Simultaneously metabolism is restored, strengthened the immune system, improves blood circulation and bowel function, slows down the aging of the body.

The Bodyflex system is useful for almost all age categories, including people with physical limitations, for example, with back problems.

The process of losing weight, or rather, getting rid of fat, can slow down a weakened metabolism, for example, when taking birth control pills and certain types of antidepressants, medicines to treat thyroid gland. But with regular bodyflex exercises, the results will definitely be, perhaps in a few more long time. Aerobic respiration will just help to change metabolism and speed up metabolism.

Because breathing is important integral part bodyflex, first you need master the technique of five-stage breathing: exhale, inhale, exhale strongly, hold your breath, lower your head, draw in your stomach. Then immediately take the desired position, hold your breath and stay in this position for 8-10 counts.

When the breathing exercise becomes easy for you, you can proceed to the study basic exercises of the "Bodyflex" complex. You can change the exercises, simplify, complicate or choose exercises for your problem areas.

Bodyflex and nutrition system

Some features of the bodyflex breathing system: how exercise affects diet how the body gets used to the activity.

Most fat is burned in the first week of training. During this period, the manifestation of increased appetite is possible, in the future, the body gets used to classes and the opposite effect is observed, a decrease in appetite with excellent health and a surge of vigor after classes.

Of course, for weight loss, you should refrain from a large amount of sweet, fatty and starchy foods, introduce more vegetables, fruits, fermented milk products. In reasonable small quantities, the use of any product is acceptable.

Bodyflex. Points for measuring body volumes

Before starting bodyflex measure your volumes and repeat measurements in a week.

1. Upper abdomen (5 cm above the waist).

3. Lower abdomen (2-3 cm below the navel).

4. Hips (at the widest point).

5. Legs (the most voluminous part).

6. Legs above the knee (optional).

Every week control measurements of body volumes when doing bodyflex, write in the table:

Initial dimensions 2nd week 3rd week 4th week 5th week
Upper abdomen

After 1-2 weeks, namely, in the most problematic for most women and men, the middle part of the body with proper bodyflex exercises volume will decrease significantly.

Note: Before menstruation, the abdomen is slightly enlarged, so the measurement results may not be accurate, please pay attention to this.

To control proper breathing and exercise, you can DOWNLOAD Basic Exercises for FREE. Video lesson Greer Childers. Explanations for the exercises in Russian are in the archive.

You can also download other Greer Childers training video tutorials of the Bodyflex Plus exercise complex for free:

  • Video tutorial Bodyflex Getting Started - training in the technique of proper bodyflex breathing, simple exercises on a chair and with a jimbar
  • Video lesson Bodyflex The workout - daily program "Bodyflex on the couch or workplace"
  • Video lesson Bodyflex Upper body - Bodyflex program for problematic upper body (chest, abs, arms)
  • Video lesson Bodyflex Lower body - Bodyflex program for the problematic lower body (thighs, buttocks, legs)

Daily workout "Bodyflex Plus in the workplace"

Bodyflex. New bodyflex. All materials on Bodyflex

NEW sets of fat-burning exercises Slimming Secrets Greer Childers Shapely Secrets and Shapely Secrets Abdonda.

To get started, decide on the time, you only need 15 minutes, and it's better if it's in the morning. It is worth remembering that the exercises are performed on an empty stomach, if it is problematic to do it in the morning, choose another time of the day, but only eat nothing for two hours before training. No special equipment is required, any clothes that are comfortable for you will do.

Before starting the complex bodyflex exercises , measure yourself: waist, abdomen, hips, arms and legs. Write down the data. This is to watch your figure change, measure every seven days. Remember that this program is aimed at dropping body fat and extra centimeters at the same time. The main thing is the volume reduction.

To begin with, consider the bodyflex breathing technique. Get into the initial body flex position. Put your feet shoulder-width apart, bend forward, resting your hands just above your bent knees, take your buttocks back - as if you are going to sit down. Breathing is performed in five stages:

Slowly exhale all the air from the lungs through the mouth;
Breathe in as much air as possible quickly through your nose;
Then quickly exhale all the air with force from the diaphragm;
Pull your stomach in and hold your breath for 8-10 counts (seconds);
Relax and breathe.

1.Lion Get into the initial body flex position. Perform the breathing exercise, and then move into the main pose of the exercise.

Basic pose: This pose is designed to work on the face, cheeks, under the eyes, wrinkles around the mouth and nose. We will first collect the lips in a small circle. Now open your eyes very wide and lift them up as if you were tightening the muscles under your eyes. At the same time, lower the circle of the lips down, thereby straining the cheeks and nasal area, and stick out the tongue to the limit without relaxing the lips. Hold this pose for eight counts. The pose is performed five times.

Make no mistake:

  • Don't open your mouth too wide. The circle should be very small, as if you are surprised.
  • When you stick your tongue out as far as possible from a low small circle of lips, you should feel how the muscles stretch from the area under the eyes to the very chin.
  • When performing this exercise, you can either remain in the initial breathing position all the time, or straighten up after drawing in the abdomen. Standing, perform the main pose for eight counts, and with an exhalation, return to the starting pose.

2. An ugly grimace. This exercise will help you get rid of the double chin, sagging and wrinkling of your neck. Stand in the starting pose, do the breathing exercise, and smoothly move into the main pose of the exercise.

Basic pose: stand up straight, move your lower teeth behind your front teeth and stick out your lips, as if you are trying to kiss someone. Sticking out your lips, stretch your neck like a stubborn bulldog until you feel tension in it. Now raise your head and imagine that you are about to kiss the ceiling. You should feel a stretch from the tip of your chin all the way to your sternum. The next morning, do not be surprised, the neck will hurt, I will sharpen that the neck muscles have never worked before. Do the exercise 5 times.

Make no mistake:

  • Do not close your mouth, you just need to cover your upper teeth with your lower teeth and push your lips forward.
  • When reaching for the ceiling, do not stand on your toes, stand on a full foot.
  • Between repetitions, return to the main breathing pose.

3. Lateral stretch. This exercise will help you say goodbye to flabby muscles at the waist and sides. Stand in the initial position, perform a breathing exercise, draw in the stomach and smoothly move into the main pose of the exercise.

Basic pose: Pull the right leg to the side, keeping the feet on the floor, on the toe, and place the left hand on the elbow on the bent knee. Transfer the weight of the whole body to the bent knee. Now raise your right arm and stretch it over your head, you should feel the muscles stretch from the waist to the armpit. Do the exercise three times on each side.

Make no mistake:

  • To properly stretch, do not bend your arm above your head at the elbow.
  • Try to find balance, the posture must be correct and do not lean forward

4. Pulling the leg back. This exercise helps to tighten the most problematic areas of the body: the buttocks and the back of the thigh. The starting position for this exercise is a little different: get down on the floor, leaning on your palms and knees. Now get down on your elbows. Stretch your right leg straight behind you, pull the toe towards you and do not bend your leg at the knee. Your weight should be on your elbows and hands, looking at the floor. Next, perform a breathing exercise, draw in your stomach and take the main pose.

Main pose: lift the right leg abducted from behind as high as possible, the toe towards you. To create tension in the buttocks, squeeze them. Hold this position for 8-10 counts. Release your breath and lower your leg down. Do the exercise three times for each leg.

Make no mistake:

  • Do not forget that the sock is always pulled over with a “hatchet”.
  • The leg should be straight and taut, like a string, do not bend the leg at the knee.
  • Start counting only when you lift your foot up

5. "Seiko". This exercise is great for stretching. outside hips. Stand in the starting position: you should stand on outstretched arms and knees, take your straight right leg to the side at a right angle. Perform a breathing exercise, hold your breath, draw in your stomach and move into the main pose.

Basic pose: Raise the outstretched leg to the level of the hips and pull it forward to the head. The leg is straight, the toe is pulled over. Hold this position for 8-10 seconds. Breathe in, relax. Do the exercise three times on each leg.

Make no mistake:

  • Do not bend your leg at the knee, it should be straight.
  • Try to raise your leg as high as possible.
  • When doing this exercise, keep your arms straight, if it is very difficult, you can deviate in the opposite direction.

6. "Diamond". This exercise will help you strengthen your arm muscles (biceps and triceps) and tighten your chest muscles a bit. Take the starting position: stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, close your hands in front of you. The elbows do not hang, and each finger is connected to the finger of the other hand. Hands touch only with fingers, not palms. You can round your back a little. Do a breathing exercise, hold your breath, draw in your stomach and take the main pose.

Basic pose: rest your fingers against each other, with all your strength. Feel the muscles in your arms and chest tighten. Hold for 8-10 seconds, inhale and relax your hands. Repeat the exercise three times.

Make no mistake:

  • Touch only with your fingertips.
  • Don't drop your elbows. If the elbows are lowered, then only the pectoral muscles will work for you, and the muscles of the arms will not work.

7. "Boat". This exercise perfectly tightens the flabby muscles of the inner thighs. Take the starting position: sit on the floor, open your legs in different directions as wide as possible. Do not take your heels off the floor, pull your socks towards you. Place your straight arms on the floor behind you in the palm of your hand. Perform a breathing exercise, hold your breath, draw in your stomach and take the main pose.

Basic pose: put your hands on the floor in front of you and bend at the waist. Slowly move your hands forward, leaning gradually lower and lower. You should feel the muscles in your inner thighs stretch. Hold at the end point for 8-10 counts, inhale and repeat everything again. Do the exercise three times.

Make no mistake:

  • Stretch very carefully, no sudden movements, to avoid injury.
  • Don't bend your knees.
  • Do the exercise according to your abilities, take your time, listen to your body.

8. "Pretzel". This exercise to tighten the outer surface of the thighs, and will also help to reduce the volume of your waist.

Take the starting position: sit on the floor with your legs crossed at the knees. Place your left leg, bent at the knee, on top of your right leg, also bent at the knee. Put your left hand behind your back and put it on the floor, and with your right hand take yourself by the left knee. Do a breathing exercise, hold your breath, draw in your stomach and take the main pose.

Basic pose: your weight is on your left hand. With your right hand, pull your left knee up and towards you as close as possible, and bend your torso at the waist to the left, look back. In this position, you will feel how the muscles of the outer surface of the thigh and waist are stretched. Hold this position for 8-10 counts. Exhale and start again. Do this exercise three times with your left leg on top and three times with your right leg.

Make no mistake:

  • Try to pull your knee up and forward.
  • When you bend at the waist, try to look as far behind your back as possible.

9. Stretching the hamstrings. This exercise perfectly works out one of the most problematic places in women - the back of the thigh, since this is where the formation of cellulite occurs. Take the starting position: lie on the floor on your back. Raise your straight legs up, pull your socks towards you so that your feet are flat. Reach your hands to your legs and grab your calves (if you find it difficult, you can keep your hands behind your knees). Do not take your head off the floor, do a breathing exercise, pull in your stomach and take the main pose.

Basic posture: legs remain straight, gently, without jerking, pull your legs closer to your head with your hands, while not lifting your buttocks off the floor. You should feel a stretch in your hamstrings. Hold at the end point for 8-10 counts, inhale, relax and return to the starting position. Do the exercise three times.

Make no mistake:

  • Don't bend your knees, this will be the hardest one to start with, but your main goal is a straight line from your buttocks to your feet.
  • Keep your head and buttocks off the floor.
  • The toes are pulled over.

10. Abdominal. This exercise works both the lower and upper abdominals. Take the starting position: lie on your back and straighten your legs. Bend your knees, feet firmly pressed to the floor at a distance of 30-35 cm from each other. Raise your arms above your head, do not take your head off the floor. Do a breathing exercise, hold your breath, draw in your stomach and take the main pose.

Basic pose: lift your shoulders and shoulder blades off the floor, stretch your arms to the ceiling. The head is thrown back. Try to get off the floor as high as possible, stretch your chest up. Having reached the end point of the exercise, linger here for 8-10 seconds. Now lower yourself slowly to the floor - first your lower back, then your shoulders, and then your head. Do the exercise three times.

Make no mistake:

  • To avoid injuring your neck, keep your head tilted back. Raise your chin.
  • When doing the exercise, do not sway.

11. "Scissors". This exercise is for the lower abdominal muscles. Take the starting position: lie on your back on the floor, stretch and close your legs. Place your hands palms down under your buttocks so as not to injure and support your back. Do not raise your head and lower back. Do a breathing exercise, draw in your stomach and hold your breath. Now move into the main pose.

Basic pose: raise your legs together above the floor by 8-9 centimeters. Do scissors: wide leg swings to the sides, like scissors, so that the legs are one above the other crosswise. Pull your toes away from you. Do this for 8-10 counts. Exhale. Repeat three times.

Make no mistake:

  • To avoid hurting your back, always keep your hands under your buttocks.
  • Do not lift your legs high, so you take the load off the abdominals, best option 8-410 cm from the floor.
  • Don't raise your head, it should be on the floor.
  • Swing quickly and spread your legs as wide as possible.

12. "Cat". This most useful exercise of all, as it includes the back, hips and abdomen. In addition, it is very helpful for those who have back problems. Stand in the starting position: rest your hands and knees on the floor. Palms should be on the floor, arms straight, back straight. Keep your head down, look straight ahead. Perform a breathing exercise, hold your breath, draw in your stomach and take the main pose.

Basic pose: tilt your head and at the same time arch your back, raise it as high as possible, you should look like an angry cat. Hold this position for 8-10 counts. Exhale and relax your back. Repeat the exercise three times.

Make no mistake:

  • This exercise is done smoothly, looks like a rolling wave.