How to clean a new refrigerator? How to wash the refrigerator? We get rid of the smell and maintain order Before turning on the new refrigerator, wash it.

The refrigerator compartment stores many foodstuffs, both raw and cooked. When placing containers, we do not always follow all the recommendations of manufacturers; aromas are mixed when stored improperly. In addition, you may not notice spilled liquid or expired food. All these factors become sources of unpleasant odors. Any hostess should know how to wash the refrigerator inside to eliminate the smell. Today, as always, the editors of will offer better ways solutions to this problem.

It is important to identify the source of the unpleasant odor

1 Why there may be an odor in the refrigerator: the main reasons

How to wash a new refrigerator before first use: features of different models

2.1 Features of cleaning the chamber with the "No Frost" system

2.2 How to clean the inside of a conventional refrigerator

3 What chemicals can be washed inside the refrigerator to eliminate the smell

How to quickly get rid of the smell in the refrigerator using folk remedies

4.1 How to remove a lingering unpleasant smell from the refrigerator with vinegar or soda

4.2 How to get rid of a strong unpleasant smell in the refrigerator: ammonia or lemon juice− the best means

4.2.1 Ammonium chloride

4.2.2 Lemon

4.3 How to Quickly Eliminate Mold Smell in the Refrigerator with Soap and Hydrogen Peroxide

4.3.1 Hydrogen peroxide

4.3.2 Laundry soap

The better to wash the freezer of the refrigerator after defrosting and what to look for

6 How to remove the smell from the refrigerator with natural and industrial odor absorbers

7 Cleaning intervals and odor prevention

8 Conclusion

Why there may be an odor in the refrigerator: the main reasons

To effectively and quickly remove the smell from the refrigerator, it is desirable to understand the cause of its origin. Two main groups can be distinguished:

Factory - manufacturers warn about this in the instructions, in addition, there are also recommendations for its elimination. Often it is enough to wipe the surfaces with a damp cloth using any detergent composition;

Domestic causes - the smell appears due to the storage of expired products, and also, if the food is not covered with a film, spilled and uncleaned liquids.

How can I wash a new refrigerator before first use: features of different models

Many people think that new equipment does not need cleaning, but this is not so. The production of refrigerators is not considered to be sterile, in addition, storage and transportation leave their mark. Therefore, almost every new equipment has a specific smell. If you do not get rid of it before use, the aroma will be absorbed into the products that will subsequently be stored in the chamber.

Features of cleaning the chamber with the "No Frost" system

The modern “No Frost” system is freezing without ice, the equipment is equipped with innovative ventilation, which eliminates the problem of defrosting. But no matter how good the system is, many users are faced with the real problem of how to remove the bad smell in the new refrigerator. The main reason is the condensate tray, it is located in a hard-to-reach place, sometimes it is necessary to dismantle the back panel of the refrigerator to clean it. Owners of equipment should monitor the expiration dates of products. It is necessary to defrost such a unit twice a year.

For the "No Frost" system, it is desirable to clean surfaces using folk recipes

How to clean the inside of an ordinary refrigerator

You can use the following tips on how to wash the refrigerator so that there is no smell:

using a detergent, wipe the surfaces: shelves, drawers and grates;

do not forget about cleaning the back panel and freezer compartment;

the door is given more attention, especially to the trays and containers that are placed on it;

after cleaning, rinse the surfaces with water and wipe dry;

if after manipulations the smell has not gone away, you need to wipe the surfaces with soda powder, lemon or vinegar;

you can connect the refrigerator and lay out the products in it after 4 hours, in summer the time for its complete drying is reduced to 1-2 hours.

During the first cleaning, attention should be paid to the little things.

What chemicals can be washed inside the refrigerator to eliminate the smell

Today, the trading network offers a wide range of products household chemicals, which effectively remove the smell in the refrigerator at home. But before you make a purchase, you can use any liquid that is designed for washing dishes. In its composition there is a fragrance, sometimes this method is enough. If desired, you can buy any drug. In most cases, they are available in spray form for more convenient use. Additionally, the composition contains a flavoring agent that helps to destroy bacteria.

How to quickly get rid of the smell in the refrigerator using folk remedies

In the event of the appearance of a “flavor” from the chamber, there is no need to rush to the store for household chemicals. Help to deal with it folk recipes. Before eliminating an unpleasant smell in the refrigerator, you should disconnect the appliance from the power supply, empty it of the contents, and also take an inventory of products.

How to remove a lingering bad smell from the refrigerator with vinegar or baking soda

Soda is the first aid in many difficult situations in the kitchen, it should be in the arsenal of every housewife. Before removing the smell from the refrigerator, you need to follow these steps:

Prepare a mixture at the rate of 80 g of powder per 1 liter of water.

Remove the grates and shelves and wipe them with the mixture, and also process the internal surfaces and the door of the refrigerator.

Dry everything with a towel.

Vinegar also provides invaluable help in the fight against odor. First, dilute the 9% solution with water in equal proportions, then process the entire chamber with the composition and wipe it dry.

Faithful assistants in the fight against odor

How to get rid of a strong unpleasant smell in the refrigerator: ammonia or lemon juice are the best remedies

Strong odor is eliminated with the following homemade recipes.

ammonium chloride

Add 1 ml of ammonia to 100 ml of water, then rinse the internal surfaces with the finished composition. After that, dry everything, and leave the refrigerator open for a while to ventilate.

Ammonium chloride is diluted in a ratio of 1:100 Lemon

Squeeze the juice of half the fruit, dilute it in 1 liter of water. Wipe the inside of the chamber with the resulting solution. At the end of the process, be sure to dry everything.

Lemon perfectly eliminates odor and deodorizes the camera

How to Quickly Eliminate Mold Smell in Your Fridge Using Soap and Hydrogen Peroxide

If you are faced with the question of how to wash the refrigerator from the smell of mold, which could arise due to condensate or a spoiled product, hydrogen peroxide or soap will come to the rescue.

Hydrogen peroxide

Can be diluted in 1 liter of oxen 1 tsp. peroxides. To enhance the effect, add 1 tsp to the composition. vinegar. Thoroughly treat all surfaces with the prepared solution, not forgetting about the accessories, drawers and gratings.

Laundry soap

Everyone is familiar with the detrimental effect of an alkaline environment on any microorganisms, including fungus and mold. The procedure is as follows:

Grate a little laundry soap on a coarse grater.

Dissolve the gruel in a small amount of warm water.

In the evening, treat all surfaces with the composition and leave to act until morning.

Rinse with clean water and wipe dry.

To clean, just rub half a bar of soap on a grater.

The better to wash the freezer of the refrigerator after defrosting and what to look for

The appearance of an unpleasant aroma in the freezer can provoke a sudden power outage at a time when the owners were absent. All food will go bad after defrosting. Before you eliminate the smell in the refrigerator, you need to turn off the equipment, defrost it and throw away everything that has gone bad. For cleaning, you can use any of the above options, paying special attention to places where liquid from thawed foods could leak. Treat all gum and crevices, then rinse clean water and wipe the camera dry. And only after that the question of the smell will be removed.

The camera needs to be defrosted first.

How to remove the smell from the refrigerator with natural and industrial odor absorbers

You can make an odor absorber for the refrigerator with your own hands from improvised means.

Recipe Ingredients

Cooking method

Activated carbon

Grind a few tablets, pour into small containers and place on the shelves.

Are you trying to figure out how and with what to wash the refrigerator in order to get rid of old stains and a specific smell? But to wash kitchen appliances, you need special household chemicals without aggressive chemicals - the walls and shelves of the unit are in contact with food, right?

Which is better - using "grandmother's" methods or buying detergents in the store? We will help you understand the issue of caring for the refrigerator - in this article we will analyze the rules for carrying out cleaning activities, consider the variety folk ways, as well as explore the arsenal of purchased funds.

Cleanliness is the key to health. This statement becomes an axiom when using household kitchen appliances. A clean refrigerator is the key to keeping food fresh and free of unpleasant odors.

To prevent the unit itself from causing food poisoning, it is necessary to monitor the condition of all compartments refrigerator cabinet And freezer.

In order not to risk the health of the household and not to start the state of the kitchen assistant, experienced housewives recommend sticking to a simple cleaning schedule.

Features of daily care

Maintenance comes down to the timely removal of "fresh" streaks and stains - it is much more difficult to remove dried dirt.

It is advisable to wipe the refrigerator handle with a disinfecting wipe or treat with an antibacterial spray after 1-2 days.

Minor contamination should not be underestimated – pathogens and pathogens rapidly develop, spread and infect stored food

Task for the week

Front test purchase products, the contents of the refrigerator should be audited. It is necessary to get rid of stale products and clean the shelves from traces of dirt.

General cleaning of the refrigerator

The frequency of cleaning depends on the intensity of use of the refrigerator, the load of its products and the type of cooling system. The frequency of general cleaning of the refrigeration compartment is once every 3-4 months, freezers - every six months.

In order not to spend half a day on cleaning, washing of various parts can be carried out in different days, for example: on Wednesday, clean the boxes for vegetables, on Friday - the shelves, etc.

Folk methods for removing contaminants

The inner walls of the unit are in contact with food and utensils, therefore, when caring for the device, it is better to refuse chemically aggressive preparations.

When thinking about how to wash and disinfect a refrigerator, do not forget about proven and safe folk remedies: baking soda; laundry soap; tooth powder; ammonia.

Remedy #1 - Baking Soda

Using baking soda as a household cleaner is not new.

Sodium bicarbonate will perfectly cope with many types of dirt, unpleasant odors and return whiteness to the plastic elements of the refrigerator.

The resulting solution should be applied to the stain, left for half an hour, and then lightly rub the contaminated area.

Remedy #2 - soap emulsion

A similar effect, like baking soda, also has a mixture prepared on the basis of laundry soap. Grate a small bar and pour warm water over the chips.

Shake the mixture, moisten a rag in the solution and wipe the shelves. Soap composition is good for cleaning rubber seals. To remove dirt from the folds, you can use cotton swabs.

At the end of cleaning, soap deposits must be washed off the surface. And then wipe the coating dry with a gauze cloth.

Remedy #3 - Toothpaste

Toothpaste can clean more than just teeth. This hygiene product will help remove dried stains and restore shine to plastic. Apply a small amount of it on a sponge, process pallets and boxes with the composition.

Clean the removable elements, rinse them under running water, and then wipe with a dry cloth.

Tooth powder has a more effective effect. Due to small particles, it will be possible to remove old stains. The powder is pre-mixed with water - the texture of thick sour cream should form

Remedy #4 - ammonia

Ammonia can also become effective option to perform cleaning procedures in the refrigerator.

The tool will help remove food residue, mold and yellowness. Contaminated areas should be abundantly moistened with ammonia, wait half an hour and rinse.

When using ammonia as a mold control agent, the surface treatment procedure should be repeated a couple of times.

Review of the best household chemicals

Many housewives use dishwashing detergents to clean the freezer and refrigerator compartment. But these drugs are not always effective enough and require thorough rinsing.

Manufacturers of household chemicals have developed a series of specialized products: gels, sprays and wipes. Among them, both universal hygiene preparations for all elements of the refrigerator, and disinfectants with an antibacterial effect.

Consider the better to wash the refrigerator, which products require mandatory rinsing, and which do not. A user review will help you make the right choice.

No. 1 - EdelWeiss

EdelWeiss - washing substance Russian production. Suitable for microwaves, refrigerators and freezers.

The sprayer works in two modes: spray and foam. The emulsion is applied to a dry surface, and after half a minute it is thoroughly wiped with a soft cloth.

Distinctive features of EdelWeiss:

  • neutral PH, absence of alkalis and acids;
  • moderately flavored - after processing there is no smell of chemicals;
  • liquid consistency, transparent color;
  • economical spending;
  • resists many types of pollution.

During storage, the container should be placed vertically, otherwise the packaging may leak.

No. 2 - TopHouse set

TopHouse is a whole set of German companies for getting rid of various kinds of stains.

Designed to quickly remove external and internal contaminants on car refrigerators, household refrigerators and food containers.

The set of "two" includes a liquid cleaner and a napkin made of cotton with viscose (32*32 cm). The troika set is supplemented with a helium odor absorber

The tool is popular and has received many positive reviews from users.

Main advantages:

  • fights with old fat, dirt;
  • suitable for rubber seals;
  • destroys bacteria and unpleasant smell;
  • does not require subsequent rinsing with water;
  • gives gloss to plastic coatings.

Cleaning with the TopHouse set is not a hassle - the high-strength cloth has a special structure, it cleans the remaining dirt from the surface well.

№3 - Refridgerator cleaner from Light House

Refrigerator cleaner. A universal preparation from Light House for putting things in order inside the refrigerator and cleaning the outside.

The tool is relatively inexpensive, economical to use and effective. The foam is applied to the dirt, and after 2 minutes it is washed off with a sponge. An additional plus - leaves an unobtrusive aroma and does not require rinsing with water.

No. 4 - EFSTO tool

EFSTO is an affordable solution for a quick refrigerator wash. Suitable for periodic cleaning without defrosting equipment.

The product does not contain abrasive components - does not leave scratches on plastic boxes and glass shelves.

EFSTO contains sodium laureth sulfate and chlorine derivatives, so when spraying and cleaning, you should use protective equipment - rubber gloves

No. 5 - spray foam from Luxus

Spray foam "Clean refrigerator" manufacturer Luxus for cleaning glass, metal and plastic elements refrigerator. Effectively fights food contamination: grease, stains from fruits and vegetables, streaks from fish and meat.

The basis of the product is plant extracts. Due to this composition, the drug decomposes into safe components.

"Clean Cooler" is produced in three flavor variations: lime, mint and grapefruit. Bottle volume - 500 ml

To remove stubborn dirt, the manufacturer recommends applying the product in the form of foam and leave for 5 minutes. To "refresh" the coating and give shine - just spray the liquid and wipe the surface dry.

"Clean Fridge" has conflicting user reviews. Some praise the drug for the elimination of odors and safety of use, others note that in order to achieve the effect, you have to use a lot of funds and make physical efforts.

No. 6 - cleaner from Limpiya

Inexpensive foam spray with bactericidal action called "My sweet home" from Limpiya. Thick foam should be applied to the contamination and left for 3-15 minutes.

The time of action depends on prescription and stains. After processing - wipe with a damp cloth.

Cleaning foam does not leave streaks and pungent odors, qualitatively removes food residues. The only drawback that users note is that it is difficult to find on sale

No. 7 - Denkmit Feuchte napkins

For express cleaning daily care Denkmit Feuchte wet disposable wipes are perfect.

Denkmin wipes remove dirt, eliminate unpleasant odors, and are suitable for cleaning the interior and front of the refrigerator

All Denkmin products (Germany) are of high quality and are in demand by consumers. The disadvantage is the high cost, for one package of 25 napkins you will have to pay about 4 USD.

No. 8 - House Lux napkins

A worthy alternative to the German counterpart is offered by the Russian company Avangard. House Lux napkins produced by this company are suitable for quick cleaning microwave ovens, refrigerators, air grills and ovens.

House Lux cope with oily dried stains - during cleaning, a little foam forms on the surface. After treatment with a napkin, it is advisable to wipe the surface with a damp cloth.

The canvas is safe for hands, the material does not have an irritating odor and is used sparingly. Shelf life - 3 years, estimated price - 1 c.u.

Effective odor control

Untimely cleaning and improper storage of products often cause extraneous odors in the refrigerator. The smell may appear if the switched off unit has stood for a long time with the door closed, or if it is clogged drainage system. Regardless of the source, a general cleaning of all equipment is required.

To prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor, specialized household chemicals are used or folk proven methods are used.

Purchased fresheners and odor absorbers

Only devices designed for use in kitchen appliances are allowed for proximity to food products. It is unacceptable to place appliances intended for refreshing rooms and furniture in the refrigerator.

The following types of absorbers-fresheners are on sale:

  • gel granules;
  • indicator egg;
  • dispensary neutralizer;
  • ionizer.

Gel compositions for the refrigerator

They are a compact plastic container with helium content.

The device does not change the natural flavor of the food, and at the same time, effectively eliminates persistent odors of garlic, fish, dairy products.

Gel filling neutralizes odors for three to four months. The absorber can be installed on the shelf of the refrigerator door or fixed to the wall - Velcro is provided on some models.

Filter container or indicator egg

It performs two functions: it absorbs unpleasant odors and signals a change in temperature in the refrigerator. With an increase in degrees, the container acquires a blue-violet color, with a decrease, it becomes white.

The charcoal filter takes on the role of odor neutralization. To keep the absorber effective, the filler should be renewed every one and a half months.

Dispensary odor absorber

The device consists of a plastic case and a carbon filter. As a rule, it is sold complete with replaceable cartridges.

The active action of the carbon absorber is about 3-5 months - depending on the workload of the refrigerator with products. The dispensary is absolutely harmless and can be placed as close as possible to the products

Ionizer to absorb foreign odors

The odor neutralizer is battery operated and does not require constant presence in the refrigerator. To maintain freshness, it is enough to place the device in the chamber for 10-15 minutes a day.

Manufacturers of ionizers assure that the device not only removes extraneous odors, but also prevents premature spoilage of products.

Effective hand tools

Knowing the absorbent and deodorizing abilities of some products, it will be possible to create an effective odor neutralizer with your own hands.

Most often, housewives resort to lemon, rye bread, activated charcoal, soda and coffee beans. Selected products are placed in an open container, and the container itself is installed in the refrigerator

Gives a good result Apple vinegar. The concentrate must be diluted with water, and then wipe the shelves and walls of the unit with a solution.

Can be used instead of vinegar ammonia or lemon juice. The refrigerator must be completely dry before loading food.

Using improvised means, you can create an aromatic diffuser.

For work you will need:

  • orange or grapefruit;
  • soda or salt;
  • citrus essential oil.

Cut the orange in half and carefully remove the pulp, being careful not to damage the peel. Fill an impromptu basket with a soda-salt mixture and add a few drops of aroma oil to the filler.

Soda and salt absorb unpleasant, old odors well, and citruses fill inner space refrigerator freshness. It is better to install the basket in the door, so as not to overturn it and not to scatter the filler

We reviewed more methods for getting rid of unpleasant odors in the refrigerator in.

Refrigerator cleaning procedure

Current cleaning does not cause much trouble and difficulty, which cannot be said about the general wash with defrosting. The whole process can be divided into several stages.

Step #1 - Freeing the Cameras

Before washing the refrigerator chamber inside, the unit must be turned off or the thermostat must be switched to defrost mode.

Remove the contents of the compartment and transfer to a basin with ice. At this stage, it is appropriate to revise the products - discard the expired ones, take the contaminated containers to the sink. Remove all removable items.

Step # 2 - defrosting the unit

After turning off the refrigerator, you need to open the freezer door wide open, remove the food.

Some models of equipment have a tray for collecting melt water. If there is no such container, then you should put a basin under the “ice” shelf or lay out a towel to absorb liquid

It remains to wait for a complete defrosting. To speed up the process, you can put a heating pad in the chamber or spray ice from a spray bottle with hot water.

Step # 3 - cleaning the drainage and walls

Apply to the inner surfaces of the chambers detergent leave for a couple of minutes and wipe with a soft sponge. If necessary, clean the drain hole with a small brush.

Step #4 - Washing Interior Compartments and Shelves

It is advisable to place heavily soiled elements in a soapy solution or treat with a cleaning agent and leave for 20 minutes. After - clean with a rag, and if necessary - repeat the procedure.

The seal is wiped with warm water; when cleaning the element, you should avoid using vinegar and solutions based on it. If during the cleaning process you notice that the sealing gum is defective or does not fit snugly, it will be damaged instead.

Step #5 - Cleaning the Door

At this stage, all external elements are cleaned from stains, stains, fingerprints and other types of contaminants.

The final stage of cleaning - washing outside doors. The lid of the refrigerator must be wiped of dust, and the door and handle must be cleaned of dirt.

In conclusion, it is necessary to let the equipment dry, put the products back on the shelves and connect the unit to the network.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

A detailed video instruction on the care of technicians will help organize a "bath day" for the refrigerator:

Using effective remedy for cleaning the refrigerator, routine cleaning in the kitchen will no longer seem like an overwhelming task.

Do you have questions about refrigerator maintenance? Feel free to ask them under this article - our experts and other site visitors who understand this issue will try to help you.

« How to wash a new refrigerator and should it be done before the first use?”- a question that every housewife asks at least once. The fact is that after manufacturing at the factory, household appliances are almost immediately packaged in tight boxes without normal access to fresh air. During the stay in the box, the refrigerator acquires a rather unpleasant smell of plastic with an admixture of the aroma of production.

Many people ask if a new refrigerator needs to be washed inside and out before using it for the first time, and the answer is definitely yes. Household appliances do not just need to be washed, they need to be disinfected. In the process of washing, the unpleasant odor will also go away.

Reasons for washing a new refrigerator:

  • pollution that appeared during transportation household appliances;
  • specific smell of a new product;
  • technical dust and dirt resulting from production.

In the article, we will look at how and with what you can wash a new refrigerator at home with household chemicals and improvised means..

My new refrigerator before the first use

Washing a new refrigerator before turning it on for the first time is quite simple, because only the purchased equipment does not have serious contamination obtained during operation. That is why washing household appliances is quite simple.

Household chemicals

Today, there are a lot of different household chemicals, which are widely used to clean various surfaces in the house. In the store you can even buy special detergents exclusively for the refrigerator. With this tool, you can also wash household appliances before using them for the first time.

Instructions for use are identical for almost all detergents:

  1. The first step is to install the refrigerator and clean it with a dry cloth from dust and small debris, if any.
  2. Next, you should dilute the purchased product in warm water. We collect liquid in a small basin, add detergent and stir it.
  3. With a soft sponge or cloth dipped in soapy water, carefully treat all surfaces inside the refrigerator, especially wiping plastic trays and shelves from all sides with high quality.
  4. After cleaning with detergent, the new refrigerator must be additionally rinsed with clean water to get rid of soap stains.
  5. At the final stage, we wipe the walls and shelves with a dry towel so that there is no water left.

After washing, leave household appliances alone for several hours by opening the doors of the freezer and refrigerator. In this case, household appliances will ventilate by themselves, and the unpleasant smell of new plastic will disappear. Until then, do not include household appliance in the network and certainly should not be placed on the shelves of products.

There are three main types of household chemicals for the refrigerator: liquid, helium and pasty. Do not use abrasive detergents containing acids. In this way, you can damage the plastic walls of the refrigerator.

Folk remedies

You can also rinse and disinfect the refrigerator after purchase using folk remedies. The simplest and effective method is the use of baking soda. Such a detergent is affordable and completely safe, as it is not an allergen.

To properly process the refrigerator with baking soda, follow the following step-by-step instructions:

  1. First of all, as in the case of household chemicals, the refrigerator must be cleaned of dirt and dust with a dry cloth.
  2. Pour a liter of warm water into a small enameled basin, add about one hundred grams of baking soda to the liquid, stir the liquid thoroughly.
  3. If the refrigerator is equipped with shelves that can be removed, then we do this and wash the elements of household appliances separately. Use a new soft sponge or flannel cloth to clean the walls and shelves.
  4. Be sure to wipe the inside of the refrigerator with a dry cloth to get rid of excess water.

After treatment with soda, it is not necessary to rinse household appliances with clean water, but this can be done if desired. We ventilate the refrigerator for several hours, and then turn it on and use it for its intended purpose.

Baking soda is an all-purpose cleaner that not only cleans and sanitizes the inside of your refrigerator, but also completely absorbs bad odors.

Note! In the process of washing the refrigerator and freezer, you should wash the rubber gaskets very carefully so as not to damage them. Otherwise, you can ruin household appliances even before the first use.

With an unpleasant smell in the new refrigerator, a solution of nine percent vinegar will help to cope. We dilute a few tablespoons of vinegar in a liter of water at room temperature, after which we treat the shelves and walls of household appliances with liquid from the inside. The acid will eliminate all unpleasant technical odors, and airing will help eliminate the smell of the vinegar itself.

Do not put food in the refrigerator immediately after turning it on. Wait until the temperature in the cells returns to normal, which can take about half an hour. After that, fill the refrigerator with food.

Remember! If, when choosing a refrigerator, you felt that a very strong and persistent aroma comes from household appliances, this is definitely a reason to abandon the chosen model. In this case, the manufacturer used low-quality materials to reduce the cost of production. Surely you will not be able to get rid of persistent technical aroma even after several years of using such a technique.

Having studied the proposed material, now you know how and with what you can properly wash a new refrigerator at home before turning it on for the first time and whether it needs to be done.

Every hostess is faced with the question of how to wash the inside of the refrigerator. To eliminate various odors and stains from food, many tools are used. And no wonder, because the refrigerator must be clean.

Cleanliness is the key to health

A clean refrigerator is clean food that is stored in it. After all, pathogenic microorganisms actively multiply in spoiled products, quickly move to fresh ones. This not only reduces their fitness, but can also cause food poisoning for all family members. At the same time, the risk of poisoning increases significantly if the family often eats meat and fish products. They actively develop Escherichia coli.

What to use for washing?

Therefore, the refrigerator must always be kept clean. Wet cleaning should also be carried out regularly. But what to wash inside the refrigerator?

The outside of the refrigerator should be regularly cleaned of dirt and dust. For this purpose, you can use various tools that are designed to washing machines, stoves or other equipment. Do not use products containing chlorine and abrasives. You can also use substances that can be found in any home:

  • soda;
  • laundry soap;
  • detergent for dishes.

To prepare the solution, the soap must be crushed. So it will quickly dissolve, which means that the solution will be easy to prepare. The sponge is moistened in it, slightly squeezed out and all surfaces of the refrigerator are thoroughly wiped. Make sure that water does not flow under the back wall. After the surface is washed with a sponge dipped in clean water and wipe with a dry cloth or microfiber cloth.

Other means are used in a similar way.

In addition, you should develop a cleaning schedule to help keep your refrigerator tidy and clean. And of course, decide how to wash the inside of the refrigerator in order to destroy the smell and pollution.

Dishwashing liquid

The refrigerator is emptied of food. All pallets, pull-out shelves should be removed and transferred to the bathroom. Here they can be easily washed with refrigerator detergent. The stain removal algorithm is simple:

  • Dissolve dishwashing detergent in warm water.
  • Apply the resulting solution to the surface with a sponge and thoroughly wash off all stains and food debris.
  • After all the shelves and trays are well rinsed under running water and wipe dry.

If a stain remains on the surface that has not been removed after treatment with a soapy solution, this place should be additionally treated with special antibacterial detergents for washing the internal surfaces of the refrigerator.

Special sprays and wet wipes

Manufacturers of household chemicals have also developed special wet wipes and sprays. They are used to clean all surfaces of the refrigerator. With their main task (cleaning), they cope as much as possible. In addition, every housewife can at any time get a damp cloth and easily remove the old dried stain on the refrigerator shelf. Such tools take a minimum of time from modern housewives.

To disinfect the interior of the equipment, manufacturers recommend using special antibacterial sprays. They quickly and effectively clean all surfaces inside the refrigerator.

Cleaning products

Today, many manufacturers strive to satisfy their consumers, to make their life as easy as possible. And it's no surprise that you can find a lot of cleaning products designed for the refrigerator on the shelves of supermarkets. After all, modernity makes you live quickly, and home life there is no time at all. Therefore, many cleaning products are available in special containers with a spray. This model allows you to quickly clean the refrigerator from contamination, because it is not necessary to get all the containers from the equipment. All you have to do is spray the detergent onto the surface and wipe it off with a clean microfiber cloth.

Most manufacturers claim that immediately after such cleaning, you can load the refrigerator. But experienced housewives believe that the surface should be wiped with a sponge with clean water, because household chemicals were previously used.

Folk remedies for cleaning

Many housewives believe that the refrigerator is the place where all food is stored, so there should not be chemicals, because they leave a smell that can be absorbed by dishes or vegetables. Therefore, many women still recommend using improvised folk remedies. So, what can you wash inside the refrigerator:

  • soda;
  • apple cider;
  • toothpaste.

Baking soda

This tool was actively used for cleaning by our parents. Old stains from food and stains from the previous wash, an unpleasant smell inside the refrigerator - baking soda quickly copes with this.

Soda should be diluted in warm water. Moisten gauze in this solution, lay it on the site of contamination. After 20 minutes, this place can be rubbed and washed off with warm water. The surface should be thoroughly dry.

Baking soda can soften the oldest stains, which can then be easily removed with warm water.

apple cider

Many will now be surprised that apple cider can be used to clean the refrigerator. It copes with various contaminants in the same way as special household products.

To clean the refrigerator, it is enough to dilute 1 cup of apple cider in 1 liter of water. After wetting the sponge in this solution, thoroughly wash all internal surfaces: drawers, strips, doors. After all surfaces are wiped with clean water and wiped dry.


Someone may be surprised, but all old dirt can be quickly removed with toothpaste. Everyone knows that the refrigerator cannot be washed with coarse abrasive products, because it is undesirable to damage or scratch the surface. For these purposes, it is great to use toothpaste, because this soft abrasive will easily remove any stains, while maintaining the integrity of the surface.

To remove stains on the sponge, you need to apply toothpaste. Thoroughly wipe the dirt on the inside of the refrigerator. It is better to pull out all removable parts in advance and clean them in the bathroom. After removing the stain, the surface must be thoroughly rinsed with clean water and wiped dry.

Cleanliness chart

Many have already decided how to wash the inside of the refrigerator. But in order not to often resort to such a procedure, you should maintain cleanliness and carry out a small cleaning according to the schedule. With it, you will know exactly how often you will have to clean the refrigerator. Cleaning records should be included in the schedule:

  • daily;
  • weekly;
  • irregular.

Daily cleaning lasts no more than 5 minutes. After all, there is always free time in the kitchen. For example, you want to make tea. Before the water boils, you can open the refrigerator and check all the shelves for stains, drips and dirt. Fresh stains are much easier to remove than old ones.

Wipe the handle of the refrigerator, because it is here that a large number of harmful microorganisms accumulate. You can use wet wipes or a special antibacterial spray.

The weekly tasks consist of checking the shelves of the refrigerator before heading out for the next week's groceries. Throw away all stale food.

Irregular tasks are to carry out a general cleaning of the refrigerator. Do you have free time? Take out food, all shelves and drawers. Every detail must be well washed.

Making a schedule will help reduce the time it takes to clean the refrigerator. For example, on Tuesday you can wash all the drawers, and on Friday you can wipe down the trays and shelves. So your refrigerator will always be clean.

Means for effective odor elimination

Many people know that an unpleasant smell often appears in the refrigerator. Many housewives want to cope with it quickly and easily. Therefore, you need to know how to wash the refrigerator inside in order to destroy the smell from the inside of the refrigerator compartment. For this you can use:

  • vinegar;
  • citrus;
  • ammonia.

Lemon juice or acid

For those who do not know what is the best way to wash the refrigerator from an unpleasant smell, many housewives advise using citrus or citric acid. It is enough to squeeze the juice of 1 lemon into the water to wash the camera. In the absence of citrus fruits, you can add 1 pinch citric acid. This method will effectively cope not only with an unpleasant odor, but also with various contaminants. The solution should not be rinsed off again as it will leave a pleasant citrus fruit smell inside the chamber.


Table vinegar for domestic housewives is a universal remedy. It will quickly clean the chamber of an unpleasant smell. To do this, it is enough to make a solution with water in equal proportions. After that, wipe the surface again with warm, clean water, and then wipe dry. Therefore, our mothers said: "I always use vinegar in my refrigerator!"

ammonium chloride

Many do not know how to wash the refrigerator inside after defrosting. You can use the above methods. But this method has also proven to be effective.

All plastic parts can long time exude an unpleasant odor. You can get rid of it with the help of ammonia. To do this, all surfaces should be wiped with a piece of gauze dipped in ammonia. Afterwards, the equipment door should be left open to allow the odor to dissipate.

Doing household requires a lot of skills and knowledge, among them the knowledge of how to clean the refrigerator. The procedure is not to say that it is difficult, but it must be performed regularly, otherwise the refrigerator will turn into a concentration of unpleasant odors and harmful bacteria.

Regular cleaning

First, let's say that you need to keep the refrigerator clean every day, and for this:

  • do not put dirty dishes on the shelves;
  • wipe up occasional drops of grease and liquids;
  • immediately and ruthlessly throw away products that you doubt.

If you are young and you still do not have the proper experience, but you want to know how to properly wash the refrigerator, then take a closer look at how your mother or grandmother does it. Many housewives periodically take out the shelves and wipe them if they see severe pollution. At least once every 5-7 days it is necessary to wash the door from the outside, since we often take it and leave traces.

A new appliance must be washed and ventilated before use. This will help get rid of stale odors and factory dust.

mine slowly

With daily and weekly cleaning, everything is clear, but how to wash the refrigerator when it's time for general cleaning? In this case, it is important to follow the sequence of actions correctly.

  1. First of all, unplug the refrigerator to defrost it. The defrosting process is carried out every few months and is necessary for any model.
  2. After that, open the doors and take out all the products. Here it must be said that if you plan to wash the refrigerator in the coming days, then you do not need to fill it to capacity with food, buying for the future. Products must be placed in a more or less cool place so that they do not have time to deteriorate during the time when you wash and clean the shelves. In general, it will be correct to put some products in a container that does not conduct heat well.
  3. Remove all shelves, stands and containers. They will need to be washed separately and dried thoroughly.
  4. The next step is to wash the refrigerator inside. Here the question arises of how to wash the refrigerator, which product to choose so that it is safe for health and well removes adhering food residues, as well as other dirt. A solution of baking soda in warm water works best.
  5. When you wash inside, pay attention to every corner, every recess, sealing parts, door, so that there is no food left for bacteria to grow.
  6. Be sure to wash all exterior surfaces to remove fingerprints, accidental splashes and dust. It will be right if you vacuum or clean the back wall, the space under the refrigerator and on top of it with a long-handled brush.
  7. At the final stage, it will be necessary to wipe everything with a sponge with clean water and then dry with a soft cloth. Inspect everything and check if you managed to wash off the dirt well. If traces of some foreign smell remain, then you can wipe the shelves with a slice of lemon and ventilate the cooling unit for several additional hours.

As you can see, these seven points fit the main recommendations on how to clean the refrigerator. On average, the procedure takes about an hour, but it all depends on what size refrigerator you have and how hard it was run.

It is possible to return shelves and products to their place only after complete defrosting, however, we will not count the time for waiting for defrosting, since there are different models refrigerators and different ways defrosting.

What tools can be used

Let's take a closer look at the tools that help us wash plastic, glass and metal parts. For example, how to wash the refrigerator if something is strongly stuck to it or an unpleasant smell appears?

Abrasives should not be used. Also, do not use inside washing gels and other liquids that have a strong odor are stuffed with flavors. If the contamination is strong, it is best to simply soak it properly and then rub the area with a soft sponge.

Add a little vinegar to the warm water you wash with to rid the appliance of odor. Vinegar will also help sanitize and clean everything. In this way, it will be quite effective to wash a new device. In general, the question of how to properly wash the refrigerator is largely related to three questions: how to eliminate unpleasant odors, restore whiteness to shelves and kill harmful microbes.

The best remedy, as already mentioned, is soda dissolved in water. One large spoon is poured into a liter of warm water and mixed well. Powders should not be used, as they are poorly washed off and can get on products. Bleach and other caustic substances are also not recommended as they may damage plastic and rubber parts.

Video: washing the refrigerator using soda