Is it possible to keep a pike tail flower at home? What is the harm or benefit of the flower "Pike tail Flower mother-in-law's tongue and care at home.

Mother-in-law's tongue, "snake skin", "pike tail", "devil's tongue", "Indian sword", "leopard lily" - this is what they call the evergreen plant Sansevieria (with an emphasis on the second "e"), which can often be found on windowsills lovers of home greenhouses.

Beautiful name perennial flower received from a prince named Sanseviero, who lived in the eighteenth century. By the way, in Africa, strong ropes and ropes are made from this plant, and coarse fabric is also obtained. All other names sansevieria acquired because of the unusual appearance.

This plant has long thick leaves, similar to a pencil rod, a spoon or long tongues, among flower growers the “mother-in-law’s tongue” with oval leaves is popular, on a dark green background of which you can see light green stripes, in other species strips of beautiful silver can be found. colors. The end of each leaf of the “pike tail” is sharp and if the tip is broken, then the sansevieria will grow more slowly.

Every novice amateur grower who wants to see a new plant in his house will definitely find information not only about care, but also scan new flower about its energy. As usual, flowers have a special magic and can affect the emotional background of the owners and the aura in the apartment in different ways.

I must say that a sufficient number of interesting signs and superstitions are associated with sansevieria, having learned about which flower growers can decide for themselves whether to start a pike tail at home or not.

It is so customary or accepted among the people that no matter what the mother-in-law is, many jokes are still associated with her. In particular, it is believed that the mother-in-law loves to chat and gossip. Apparently, someone saw the long leaves of sansevieria and jokingly called them mother-in-law's tongues.

This name was quickly assigned to the flower, and from here came the sign that if you start a sansevieria at home, then they will often gossip about the family, scandals and quarrels will begin that will end in divorce.

Opponents of this opinion, on the contrary, argue that the pike tail will only kindle a fire in the hearth, improve communication between spouses, and make the family indestructible.

If an enemy has appeared at work who strives to prick you with his statements, just put sansevieria on your table. They say it will help get the enemy out of the way and make your life at work calm.

It turns out that the mother-in-law's language absorbs all the negativity coming from people and improves relations between the participants in communication.

If you were given mother-in-law's tongue leaves, then put them under your pillow and sleep for three nights in a row. Such a gift can be perceived as a real declaration of love. If the parents of the husband or wife give the couple a sansevieria, then the spouses will immediately stop quarreling.

A girl who is not sure about the feelings of her beloved can easily check this by choosing any piece of mother-in-law's tongue. If in thirty days the leaf does not wither and fall off, then the guy loves, and everything will work out.

According to another belief, an unmarried woman should not start a mother-in-law's tongue, otherwise no one will ever put on her wedding ring on the finger.

There is a popular belief that a flower in the house will lead to frequent conversations about money between spouses. If a woman gives a pike tail to spouses, then she wants to destroy their family, and if the mother-in-law's tongue was inherited by a couple from other residents, then it will become a real home talisman.

The benefits and harms of sansevieria in the house

Benefits at home:

Harm in the house:

  1. Sansevieria contains the substance saponin. In small doses, it is valuable and useful, but in large quantities it becomes a real poison! Doctors use saponin very carefully, and medicinal preparations with this component are not recommended for children and pregnant women.
  2. Powerful energy is sometimes destructive. It is because of her that the pike tail is advised not to be kept in rooms where adults or children sleep: the strong aura of the flower will knock down any dream.
  3. Trouble will begin with domestic cats and dogs if they decide to eat the leaves of the mother-in-law's tongue. Pets will start vomiting, diarrhea and intestinal upset.
  4. It is also necessary to protect small children from the flower, they will also suffer, deciding to taste the sansevieria leaf.

Is it possible to keep a pike tail at home and where to put it according to Feng Shui

If you are guided only by positive signs that are associated with mother-in-law's tongue, then keeping a pike tail in your apartment is not only possible, but necessary. After all, sansevieria takes away all the negativity coming from people and things, giving positive energy to the household. In addition, according to Feng Shui, sansevieria will bring wealth and good luck to the house.

When choosing a place for this flower, remember that it is better not to put a flowerpot with mother-in-law next to the bed. A suitable place would be a niche under the window, and the kitchen windows should face the courtyard. This minimizes gossip around your family.

Well, if sansevieria appears in your workplace. Thanks to this, efficiency will increase, quarrels with colleagues will stop, colleagues will not pester you on stupid questions.

Signs on the state of the flower

If you saw white arrows with flowers on your sansevieria, rejoice: a white streak has come for you and your family. Mother-in-law's language thus simply screams that it's time to start something new, change your life for the better, and promises that any undertakings will be crowned with success.

If the mother-in-law's tongue bloomed in winter, this does not bode well. The owner of a blooming sansevieria is in for trouble, trouble, failure and disappointment.

The yellowed leaves of the pike tail predict parting.

If the flower began to fade, hurt and wither, urgent measures must be taken to restore a comfortable psychological situation in the family. The mother-in-law's fading tongue warns the owners of the coming illness.

flower care

Sansevieria is an unpretentious plant, able to adapt to any conditions, but this flower needs some care.

This plant will not be damaged by excess color, but if the window sills are located in the south, then it is better to move the pot into the shade. If there is a lot of yellow on the leaves of the mother-in-law's tongue, then less light is required. If you want to protect your flower from burns, then it is better to protect the sansevieria from direct sunlight.

Sansevieria can survive a week without water, so you should not water it often, otherwise the flower may rot. If the flower is standing in the cold or in the shade, it should be watered less often, the tongue hates spraying the mother-in-law, but you can wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.

The soil for the flower should dry out quickly and be low-nutrient. Choose soil for your mother-in-law that is suitable for growing cacti. The main thing is that the ground should be light.

The pot for sansevieria should be wide, but not too big and deep. There should be large drainage holes at the bottom of the pot.

Everyone can make a choice: to start an unpretentious sansevieria in the house or to postpone the acquisition. People who think in a positive way always keep in mind the most positive qualities of this beautiful plant, including its healing properties. The main thing is not to self-medicate, I use sansevieria, but be sure to consult a doctor. Remember that any plant needs to be looked after and done correctly, and then no superstitions are terrible.

Expert florists, who treat their profession not just as a pleasant pastime with flowers, but as a real spiritual contact with plants, believe that the most favorable plants for the home are those whose leaves stretch upwards. It turns out that such flowers stimulate thinking and generate creative ideas.

And after all, one of the most superstitious plants, the pike tail, is just one of those. Most of the fears about growing this flower and a rotten egg are not worth it. And the culprit in their occurrence is the one who came up with this unfavorable nickname - "pike tail" or, even worse, "mother-in-law's tongue." In fact, the pike tail plant is called very elegantly - sansevieria.

Signs with a pike tail

A lot of good signs are associated with a pike tail. Basically, it is believed that as soon as you get this plant at home, then immediately all the problems, quarrels, misunderstandings will remain in the past. Sansevieria, as if, absorbs them with its long, sharp leaves, which act as an antenna to capture home negativity.

When flowers appeared on your pike tail, it means that it's time to take on new beginnings. It is believed that sansevieria blooms only in a favorable environment, and even then, infrequently, so if it bloomed, you can assume that the plant has blessed the realization of your plans.

True, the only unfavorable time for flowering is winter. Then the flowers of the pike tail say that discord is approaching in the family due to the excessive care of some relative.

But no matter what the signs associated with the pike tail flower promise, remember - a plant that heals cannot harm a person. And sansevieria is what heals. The plant has an antibacterial and healing effect - the pike tail, no worse than the well-known "healer" of aloe, heals wounds and eliminates burn marks.

Why "mother-in-law's tongue"?

The second most popular name, after the nickname "pike tail" is mother-in-law's tongue. Of course, outwardly, the leaves of the plant really resemble long tongues, leaves with yellow rims look especially impressive.

Some people mistakenly believe that since the tongue looks like a mother-in-law, it means that with the advent of a flower in the house there will be no passage from quarrels, gossip and scandals. It turns out the opposite is true.

Mother-in-law's tongue "cleanses" the house and tenants from quarrels and gossip. If around you Lately too much extraneous noise - get a pike tail at home (mother-in-law's tongue) and mother-in-law, that is, sansevieria, will deal with intrigues and their distributors.

Pike tail care

But it is not enough to know about the signs associated with the pike tail flower, in order for the plant to become prophetic, it is necessary to provide it with due attention and care. Pike tail or mother-in-law's tongue (the second name reveals the essence of the flower much better) - the plant is unpretentious, ready and able to survive even under the most adverse conditions. But it will be pleasing to the eye and bring good luck to the house only if the rules of maintenance are observed.

And the rules look like this:

  • grows well in bright spaces, at a temperature not lower than 15⁰;
  • with a lack of color, the pike tail loses its bright color, the golden rims of the leaves disappear;
  • in spring, direct sunlight can be fatal, because the flower has lost the habit of such light during the winter - burns on the leaves may occur;
  • the ideal combination for a pike tail is dry air, a minimum of watering;
  • as for watering, it is necessary to water the pike tail only when the topsoil dries up, and in winter it should be watered no more than once a week, otherwise the root will rot;
  • fertilize the plant during the spring-summer-autumn period twice a month with additives for cacti;
  • the best pots for sansevieria are shallow, wide trays, as the rhizomes of the flower grow on the sides.

Maintaining a harmonious balance of energy within the home is extremely important. The pike tail flower is interesting in this regard, the signs associated with keeping it in the house are quite diverse and entertaining. The harmonious background in the apartment fills the house with comfort, making all the people living in it happy. I want to come back to this house again and again. Properly selected flowers for the apartment help to maintain a favorable atmosphere.

Sansevieria is unpretentious in everyday life, does not require special attention and care. Many housewives are afraid to grow it at home, because they know the signs according to which it is believed that the so-called "mother-in-law's tongue" brings quarrels, discord in the family, anger and bad mood. However, according to another version, the pike tail (also called sansevieria or "mother-in-law's tongue"), thanks to its long leaves, removes the negative, pulling it out of a person. The plant feeds on negative energy, regenerating it into positive.

Flower energy and its meaning

This flower adapts to any conditions, grows well in them, without requiring strong care from the owner. According to signs, he feeds on the negative energy of his owners: he "eats" anger, resentment and anger, sets in a benevolent mood, makes people hospitable.

So that the pike tail does not harm with its energy, it must be placed in the house in the right place. This is considered a loggia or a room for receiving guests. The flower is ruled by the planet Mercury, whose energy contributes to the purification of thoughts. A plant placed in the bedroom contributes to restful sleep and good thoughts. It sets in a creative way, makes the house more comfortable, calm. Guests and owners of the house will become more welcoming, friendly and joyful. The "antennas" of the flower - its long sharp leaves - will absorb all the negative energy, it will recycle it and fill the house with positive.

Signs say that with the help of a pike tail you can get rid of ill-wishers.

To do this, the plant can be put on its own workplace, and it will help you focus on work, achieve success and realize creative ideas.

The pike tail feeds on energy, while it rarely gets sick. It helps to tune in to a creative, creative way, learn to understand each other, cherish loved ones, forget insults and quarrels. The energy of the space in which sansevieria lives will become more positive, noble and calm.

To get rid of noise, deceitful people, from everything that prevents you from concentrating on your creativity and your own goals, according to old signs, it is the pike tail located in the working area that will help.

What does pike tail bloom mean?

There are a lot of answers to the question why the pike tail blooms.

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Our great-grandmothers believed that the significance of such an event for the family and the owner of the flower depends on the time of the year that the flowering fell.

The most unfavorable of all is the winter period.

Such an event, which occurred in the cold season, according to signs, promises discord in family relationships, quarrels, scandals. When the plant is in the office, its flowering means squabbles between employees, scandals, intrigues and gossip.

The reason may be excessive guardianship on the part of loved ones, the desire to intervene in the affairs of any family member or employee of the team, which will be met with negativity from the latter.

Pike tail - extremely unpretentious plant, it does not like abundant watering and care, preferring not to be touched much, allowing it to grow on its own. So the person in whose house this flower bloomed wants not to be baked, not to show excessive care for him, which will only irritate and cause anger.

Usually the plant blooms only with poor care and extremely rarely, this is an out of the ordinary event in his life. However, there is an opposite opinion, which says that the flower blooms only with exceptional care. Such an event, which occurred at any time of the year except winter, means good luck and success in everything.

A blooming pike tail indicates that you need to change your life, embark on the most risky projects, and all of them will have a successful implementation. Signs say that a favorable atmosphere in which, as it is believed, any rarely blooms flowering plant, including sansevieria, contributes to good luck in business.

If you want to buy a pike tail flower for yourself, signs will help you better know what kind of plant it is. Some superstitions seem implausible, but some are worth listening to if you want to get yourself a mother-in-law tongue plant.

Sansevieria is the real, scientific name of this plant. The people call him differently: pike tail, snake skin, mother-in-law's tongue, Indian sword, and so on.

It was these, not particularly pleasant names that caused the appearance of various negative legends and beliefs associated with this plant. The only thing that is really true is that the leaves of the flower actually strongly resemble in their own way appearance extended tongues.

Why exactly the language of the mother-in-law? It's no secret that the mother-in-law is a very restless, far from always positive family member. Most men agree with this. It is likely that in everyday life the flower got such a name due to the fact that it looked like a long tongue of a mother-in-law who is constantly trying to harm, "help with advice", get into family affairs.

It is possible that the plant received such a name as a joke, but the name has taken root and is used to this day. However, it doesn’t matter whether the plant was named jokingly or not, today many people believe that having a Sansevier at home is the same as letting a mother-in-law on the threshold.

The house will be full of gossip, quarrels, the family will collapse very quickly. However, today there is no reason to believe this sign. As in the case of stephanotis, the sign contradicts itself.

Since, according to people who got a pike tail, all quarrels and strife with the advent of a flower from the house disappeared. Understanding, love, harmony and tranquility came to the family.

The flower got its name "pike tail" precisely due to its resemblance to this fish.

It's no secret that some plants can be kept in an apartment, and some can't. You have probably read signs about indoor flowers. First of all, the main goal of those who acquire a home flower is to restore harmony in the room.

Quite often, if people quarrel in the house, then the atmosphere is uncomfortable, unstable, family members do not particularly want to return to such an apartment. It is the correctly chosen and correctly placed plant that will help restore peace to the house. Mother-in-law's tongue is a very simple and unpretentious plant.

Indeed, it can adapt to a variety of habitat conditions.

Many bioenergetics insist that the flower is powered by the energy of the room in which it is located. However, do not be afraid, the plant only needs your negativity, aggression and anger. Coming home in an irritated state, you will feel how in a few minutes you feel good and calm.

This is the magic property of mother-in-law's tongue. And its elongated leaves are like antennas, tentacles take all the negativity out of you, absorb it and instead radiate positive, creative energy.

The pike tail can absorb not only negative energy, but also evil thoughts. The presence of a plant in the room is indispensable for creative individuals, as it inspires, gives strength to move forward. The flower will suit teachers and students, those who need to constantly absorb new knowledge, generate new ideas.
The plant helps to quickly assimilate knowledge and has a beneficial effect on memory. Sometimes you can hear that due to the fact that the plant itself has the ability to survive in any conditions, it transmits this quality to all other inhabitants of the house. In this case, people increase adaptive abilities, resistance to various diseases.

Sansevieria sometimes even helps the owners get rid of enemies. If you have an obvious ill-wisher in the office who constantly interferes with work, finds fault and tries to ruin your relationship with the team, then put your mother-in-law's tongue on your desktop (or next to it).

It will be an excellent amulet that will protect against enemies and enemies. In addition, the pike tail will prevent the spread of gossip and will prevent people who interfere with you from contacting you.

Flowering mother-in-law's tongue

This is considered a real bad sign, a warning from above that something negative might happen. The appearance of flowers in the middle of winter suggests that strong quarrels with loved ones are possible. Most often, this is a discord in relations with a spouse. Less likely to be conflicts in the workplace, with colleagues.

It is possible that you will be the cause of the quarrels, since your excessive desire to take care of relatives or colleagues will not be appreciated, but will only annoy. In fact, the flowering of sansevieria is far from the best indicator, if only because it happens only with incorrect care.

Similarly, the plant says that it does not have enough moisture or light. However, bioenergetics are sure that blooming in spring, in summer, in autumn, plants speak of a possible wedding, the birth of children, receiving very important good news. It may also indicate that the atmosphere in the room is as favorable as possible.

As we can see, mother-in-law's tongue is far from the worst plant. It helps to get rid of excess negativity, to bring good luck and peace into our lives. It is possible that it is thanks to him that you will be able to return harmony and stability to your relationship.

Potted flowers can not only decorate and complement the interior of the room, but also perform quite important functions. One of them is humidification and air purification. In addition, many people believe that some plants are endowed with magical properties. For example, a fairly large number of superstitions and signs have accumulated around the “pike tail” flower.

Another name for the flower is or snakeskin. In ancient times it was called the Indian sword. Perhaps it was precisely such similarities with various objects that gave rise to a large number of rumors about the unusual properties of this plant.

Signs and superstitions about the mother-in-law's language

Since ancient times, a large number of jokes about mother-in-law have accumulated among the people. It doesn't matter if it's good or bad. At one time, it was believed that the mother-in-law was a very talkative person, which is probably why the flower got its name, since it has the formulas of a very long tongue, but pointed at the end.

Also, it was this name that gave rise to the sign that if the family, soon they will gossip about it very often, which will provoke scandals and quarrels. But some believe that the plant, on the contrary, will refresh people's relationships and add a faded passion to them. If a person has an enemy at work who is trying in every possible way to substitute before his superiors, he is recommended to put sansevieria on the table.

It is believed that she is able to help remove the enemy from the road or make his attempts to be useless. In addition, the pike tail can absorb the negative energy that comes from others and improve relationships between friends or lovers.

Note! If a person falls into the hands of the leaves of the plant, they can be put under the pillow and sleep on them for three nights in a row to improve the emotional state. Previously, such a gift was perceived as a declaration of love. If there is discord in a married couple, they can be presented with sansevieria, and soon the quarrels will disappear.

Pike tail at home: folk signs

Speaking about the signs that relate to the pike tail that they have in their home, they talk about the following:

  • people say that sansevieria is able to absorb all the negative energy around;
  • some believe that the pike tail flower is endowed with magical properties therefore he is able to heal diseases;
  • sometimes people claimed that the plant helped them cope with high blood pressure and headaches;
  • if the leaves of the flower are dried and regularly put under the pillow, the person becomes more emotionally balanced, and constant headaches disappear forever.

If you do not take into account superstitions and signs, the pike tail located in the house can also become an invaluable assistant. In medicine, sansevieria is used as a medicine. It helps to cope with pain in the stomach, as well as relieve inflammation in the oral cavity.

As for the juice of sansevieria, it heals wounds, relieves skin itching and helps to overcome colds. In addition, the flower is used to treat certain gynecological diseases. If the plant blooms, we can assume that its owner is very lucky. The house will always have a pleasant aroma of vanilla, which is a good prevention from infectious diseases respiratory tract.

Pike tail: breeding features

Reproduction of mother-in-law's tongue is quite simple, namely with the help of division of the rhizome, leafy cuttings and side shoots. The easiest way is to cut the rhizome in such a way that each half has its own growing point. In addition, you can find a child process and simply separate it.

Pike tail: harm

In addition to positive properties and energy, (another name for a flower) is also able to harm the house. Before you start growing it at home, you need to know that the plant contains the substance saponin. If we talk about its small doses, it is harmless and even useful, but in large quantities it is a poison. In medicine, it is used very carefully, but in inept hands, saponin can provoke irreparable consequences.

In this regard, if there are small children in the family, they should by no means have access to sansevieria. It is also worth noting that the powerful energy of a plant is sometimes destructive. In this regard, the flower is not installed in the sleeping rooms, as it will constantly interrupt it. If there is a pet in the house, they will start to have big health problems when they accidentally bite off a leaf of a plant.

Sansevieria is a plant with succulent leaves. The plant got its name in honor of the name of the Prince of Italy San Severo Raimondo de Sangro, who contributed to the development of botany.

It comes from the tropical latitudes of Africa. In the homes of Russian amateur gardeners, three-lane sansevieria is most often found. The plant is also called mother-in-law's tongue or pike tail due to its external features.

In Europe, they began to breed about two hundred years ago as an ornamental houseplant. Sansevieria is interesting for its unusual flowering pattern and the ability to give the rare and fleeting beauty of its climax of development.

    Does the pike tail bloom?

    Sansevieria blooms rarely.
    Important conditions for successful flowering pike tail are:

    • good illumination;
    • proper care;
    • Fresh air.

    The plant is capable of development in semi-dark lighting, however, for the release of the peduncle, certain conditions must be observed. bright sunlight plays a decisive role here.
    The plant forms peduncles when localized in the segment of the greatest illumination. Window sills of southern, western and eastern windows are well suited for this.
    good light also favors the formation of a rich color of the leaves. But it should be remembered that too hot sun can harm the leaves. In winter, the lack of sunlight is easily compensated by artificial lighting.

    In the care is quite unpretentious. Needs in moderate watering. Sansevieria is a succulent plant that retains moisture in its cells. Excessive moisture must be avoided, otherwise it will have a bad effect on the root system of the plant.

    In summer you can put to fresh air. This will favorably affect the vital activity of the plant and the formation of new leaves.

    When and how does it bloom?

    When flowering, it shoots an oblong arrow, on which ripening small whitish-green flowers with fragrant drops of nectar under them are often located. Small flowers against the background of large bright leaves look amazing. The shape of the flowers are similar to lily flowers. Their aroma is delicate. An amazing feature of flowering is the blooming of flowers in late time days.


    What time of year?

    Sansevieria blooms most often in the warm season.

    With a good content and an abundance of daylight, sansevieria is able to release a peduncle in the spring, around April or May.

    How many times does the plant bloom (per year, in its entire life)?

    Each rosette is able to bloom the only time in my life. After the formed peduncle, the rosette stops growing and dies off after a while. The plant will no longer grow in height, increasing only the lateral stolons. And flower growers use faded rosettes to propagate plants.

    How long does flowering last?

    Process intensive flowering sansevieria is approximately a week of 5-7 days.

    Smell when flowering

    Fragile flowers, painted in cream color with greenish tint, thin out a very pleasant smell. A delicate aroma resembles a vanilla smell that can spread throughout the room.

    Care after flowering

    Does the plant need pruning after flowering?

    As soon as the mother-in-law's tongue blossomed flower stalk must be cut off. And faded rosettes are used for plant propagation. Otherwise, the care of sansevieria at the end of the flowering period is no different from the maintenance before the blooming pore. Requires moderate watering and transplanting no more than 2 times a year.
    When transplanting, consider the size of the pot in which the plant is transplanted. The dishes should not be much larger than the previous one, since flowering will come only when the entire volume of the pot is filled with roots. In addition, she prefers a permanent place of residence. And the leaves of the plant must be kept clean.


    So, for successful flowering, the Teschin Tongue flower needs excellent lighting, the necessary care and good air ventilation. In response to due attention, this indoor plant will give a bright long-awaited flowering and delight with the delicate aroma of its elegant flowers.

    Flowering on video

    You can take a closer look at the flowering of Sansevieria in the following video:

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Since ancient times, it was believed that some flowers can be kept in the house, while others cannot. And there are many signs associated with each house plant. Centuries and decades later, not much has changed in matters related to the benefits and harms of keeping domestic plants. The profession of florists, interior designers require certain knowledge in this area. According to many modern theories, for example, Feng Shui, it is believed that there should be spiritual contact with plants. Probably, many have noticed that some indoor flowers do not grow well in the house, or even die, and some of them worsen their health and mood.

From this point of view, plants with leaves growing upwards are considered the most favorable. One of the richest in signs of a flower is a pike tail. There are many fears about growing it at home, but most of them are unfounded. Pike tail is a plant, nicknamed by the people, in fact it biological name- sansevieria.

Despite the fact that the birthplace of this sansevieria is America, this foreigner has taken root well in our climate. It is unpretentious, and it can be grown not only in apartments, but also in schools, hospitals, offices and other similar institutions.

Origin and use of sansevier

The birthplace of the flower is the entire American continent. About 250 species grow in this territory, which have different lengths of leaves - from 15 cm to 10 meters. Different kinds live in tropical, desert and semi-desert regions.

Sansevieria is used not only as home flower. For example, in Mexico, which is also considered the birthplace of this flower, this is the oldest cultivated plant, its fibers are used to produce ropes, ropes and coarse fabrics.

Mexico is famous for its national drink, tequila, and sansevieria is used in its production. In Russia, this flower is called a pike tail, as its leaves really look like tails. It is widely used in floristry and the creation of interiors and indoor gardens.

Its showy large leaves act as a green backdrop against which smaller potted plants are placed. Such compositions look very impressive and give the impression of real thickets. V summer time plant pots are put outside, where they decorate artificial landscapes.

The benefits and harms of sansevieria

At home and in public institutions, sansevieria is the most common resident. It is believed to have various beneficial properties.

Air filter

All green plants possess this property, since the process of absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen is inherent in them. But sansevieria has advantages over other flowers. A rich green color means that photosynthesis in the leaves is faster, which means more oxygen is being produced. Large wide leaves have a large area and absorb more carbon dioxide.


It contains biological substances - saponins. They are poisonous, but with their proper processing and use, their beneficial properties are used in various diseases. Saponins have an anti-inflammatory effect and are used for the production of various medical products, for example, expectorants, diuretics and choleretic, laxatives.


Useful properties have generated a lot of recipes traditional medicine based on sansevieria, which help with cystitis, otitis, inflammation.


Useful properties of sansevieria help to strengthen the immune system.

As a hemostatic agent

The green leaves are peeled and applied to wounds and cuts, the effect is similar to that of plantain.


In the composition of cosmetics - liquid soap, shampoo. Saponins have foaming properties.

Sansevieria products should not be used during pregnancy, as it can provoke its interruption.

Folk omens with a pike tail

Folk signs say that a pike tail can be settled in a house. And thanks to the properties and beauty that it possesses, this houseplant must be kept at home.

There are several signs associated with the plant, and they are all good.

  1. As soon as this flower appears in the house, all quarrels and swearing will leave the house. Many fear that “mother-in-law’s tongue”, on the contrary, brings quarrels and discord into the house, attributing these properties to the name.
  2. Mother-in-law's tongue has blossomed - the time has come for new beginnings. It is believed that it blooms only when the situation in the house is favorable, and even then this rarely happens.
  3. The flowering of the pike tail is considered unfavorable in winter time. Then it is believed that there will soon be discord and quarrels in the family.
  4. Another sign says that mother-in-law's tongue can rid the house of insincere and envious guests. After the appearance of a flower in the house, such people will stop visiting it. And if at work one of the colleagues constantly finds fault, then it is enough to place sansevieria on your desktop and the person will fall behind.

It is also believed that the pike tail, also called mother-in-law's tongue, drives gossip and quarrels out of the house. Therefore, holding this flower is beneficial in all respects for both health and peace in the family. These signs are associated with the opinion that the mother-in-law's tongue feeds exclusively on negative energy, thus clearing the space around it from it.

plant care

Despite the fact that the homeland of sansevieria is a country with a hot and tropical climate, this houseplant also feels great in cool areas. Taking care of her is not difficult. The flower is not picky about watering, it is enough to water it once every three weeks. But, even if they forgot about watering, he will be able to do without water for some time thanks to his juicy leaves that have accumulated moisture.

Pests are practically indifferent to this plant, rather because it is difficult to bite through. The leaves are very tough, with a thick skin, and the juice inside is poisonous. As a result, pest control is kept to a minimum.

The flower loves bright places and the air temperature is not lower than 15 degrees Celsius. When there is not enough light, the color of the leaves becomes light green. In the spring, when the sun is especially bright, it should be protected from its direct rays, otherwise the leaves may get burned.

The homeland of the flower is dry areas, so dry air and a minimum amount of moisture will be suitable conditions for it. From frequent watering, its roots can rot, the optimal frequency is no more than once a week, and even less often in winter. When choosing a pot for sansevieria, preference should be given to shallow, wide enough pallets, then the rhizomes will freely grow to the sides.

The leaves of the mother-in-law's tongue have a waxy coating, therefore they become the object of collecting dust, which impairs the breath of the flower. To help the plant, you need to sometimes give it a warm shower to wash off all the dirt. Preliminarily, the pallet with soil is wrapped with a film so as not to flood it.

Contrary to the opinions that mother-in-law's tongue should not be kept at home, this plant has a number of useful properties. And even if sansevieria is not useful for medicinal purposes, then fresh air at home and the view of beautiful lush greenery is guaranteed to the owners. And if you believe the signs, then a positive aura and peace, and happiness too.