How to decipher sowe for fire safety. Project of an automatic fire alarm system for a business center

Our company is working on the preparation project documentation for systems automatic installation fire alarm And warning and evacuation control systems. We develop APS and SOUE as part of project documentation, and also carry out a working draft APS/SOUE for system installation. Our company designs fire alarms and warning and evacuation control systems for various facilities, both for civil buildings (shopping malls, office buildings, residential buildings, hotels, sports and recreational and other facilities), and industrial buildings(warehouses, workshops, industrial and warehouse complexes, administrative and residential complex).

Automatic fire alarm installation /
Warning and evacuation control system

Modern construction practically does not involve solutions where a security system would not be used automatic fire alarm system.

The presence of a fire alarm system and the complexity of its execution is regulated by the regulatory document SP 5.13130-2009 "Automatic fire alarm and fire extinguishing installations".

Project AUPS is performed in two stages. In the project documentation, structural diagrams of the fire alarm are carried out, while in the implementation of the working project, it includes structural and circuit diagrams fire alarm, floor plans of the building with the location of equipment, sensors and cable lines, equipment specification and cable magazine.

Project automatic fire installation signaling must comply with all modern requirements and standards in the field of fire protection, and also include aspects such as maintainability and the possibility of modernization.

In practice, three types of fire alarm installations are used: threshold, address and address-analogue. The latter, however, is the most progressive and frequently used. The fact is that, unlike the threshold alarm, with a given threshold for operation at a certain temperature, or the address alarm, which also works with threshold detectors, but according to the address scheme, the addressable analog AUPS is an intelligent fire alarm installation. The fact is that in the addressable analog signaling, the detectors monitor various parameters and transmit them to the head unit, which analyzes the general state and, depending on the program, can make certain decisions. This in turn allows you to most effectively prevent any fire or smoke.

Initial data for project implementation automatic fire installation signaling are floor plans, architectural sections, technological plans, explanatory note AR, explanatory note TX, section Measures to ensure fire safety, Special specifications, sections on engineering systems - smoke removal, fire extinguishing, electric lighting, power supply, water supply, and other engineering sections.

To alert people about a fire in a building, a warning and evacuation control system is used. SOUE informs about the occurrence of a fire in the building, with the help of light panels indicates evacuation routes and exits, serves to broadcast signals civil defense and emergency situations, as well as broadcasting on-duty messages and announcements.

The project of the warning and evacuation control system is included in the design documentation, including in the PPM section (section 9 of the RF GD No. 87). SP 3.13130-2009 "Fire protection systems. Warning and evacuation control systems in case of fire" determines the need SOUE installations in a buiding. The working draft of the SOUE contains structural and schematic diagrams, plans for the placement of equipment and cable lines, specifications, and a cable magazine. To perform the RP, sections of AR, TX, EOM, PPM, STU, AUPS are required (if the SOUE and AUPS systems are separate, SOUE - 3, 4 or 5th type).

The system for warning and managing the evacuation of people in case of fires in buildings is classified into five types. SOUE of the first and second type These are sound and light warning systems. Sirens and other similar signals are used as sound alerts, and light alerts include “Exit” light annunciators and may also include flashing light displays, signs of the direction of movement during evacuation. SOUE of the third type(the most common type of SOUE), instead of sound sirens for notification, it uses loudspeakers to transmit text notifications (the so-called voice notification method). Systems of the fourth and fifth types are also speech SOUE, but contain additional elements of warning and evacuation control. The most complex system of the fifth type includes: voice notification, sound sirens, flashing annunciators, "Exit" display, signs of the direction of movement during evacuation with a changing semantic meaning, division of the building into warning zones, communication between the control room and warning zones, control of all systems from the control room fire protection, and the multi-variant evacuation of people from different warning zones.

We will analyze the SOUE systems, decoding, fire extinguishing, taking into account the Code of Rules SP 3.13130.2009. You can read it in PDF format at this link:

Why do we, non-professionals, need to know some of the nuances of the fire service? The answer is simple: knowledge of the basic provisions of the Fire Safety Rules is always useful to any person. The integrity and safety of one’s own, other construction projects, and most importantly, the life and safety of other people sometimes depend on this knowledge.

Now specifically about SOUE (APS and its decoding are not yet considered in detail).

Decryption SOUE looks like that: warning and evacuation control system.

An ordinary developer thinks little about it, he is interested in purely construction aspects of his cottage or country house. However, anyone needs to know the basics of this system. This will help save your own life and save the lives of others.

True, one should not forget that SOUE is only one of the components of an integrated (general) security system. Its configuration directly depends on the specifics of a particular object during fire fighting.

In practice, the fire protection system plays a very significant role in terms of overall fire protection. Among the tasks performed by it, in addition to the function of warning about an impending fire danger, there is also the task of quick and correct evacuation of people.

In the realities of today, SOUE is a mandatory component the whole complex of necessary security of various buildings and buildings in which people stay.

The system is designed for emergency automatic alerts all personnel in the event of an emergency or other force majeure. Second the main task systems - the organization of the right management movement and movement of all evacuation flows from buildings and premises to the safest zone at the moment. Such zones can be the adjacent factory territory, a street, an overpass, a balcony, a neighboring room, remote from the fire by a wall.

Today, there are five types of SOUE. They differ from each other in terms of technical equipment. Differences also lie in the methods of notification, as well as in the methods of managing evacuation and fire fighting.

The first type of SOUE.

Such a system is directly linked to the alarm system, which is mounted in standard places in the building. In this embodiment, the APS is, in fact, the primary system that makes a specific sound-on control device work. Its decoding looks like this: automatic fire alarm.

Second type.

In it, to the sound signal, the function of issuing information using a light board (usually with the inscription "Exit") is added.

Third type.

In this case, during an emergency, including a fire hazard, a pre-recorded voice broadcast is activated with a notification about what and how to do it right this minute.

Fourth view.

This system is similar to the third type, but technically more complex and has somewhat advanced functionality (partially related to fire fighting).

The fifth type of SOUE.

This is even more functional system with a built-in ability to manage the process of evacuating people as efficiently and quickly as possible.

The composition of the components of the SOUE depends on the type of device. It may include sound or (less often) light, and sometimes universal annunciators. Plus, there are ASP devices, sound amplifiers, control panels, plus various other automatic machines, in addition - microphones and (if necessary) independent power supplies.

This is in general terms the decoding of SOUE. Fire extinguishing after its operation is carried out according to pre-established rules.


Fire alarm

The automatic fire alarm system is designed to detect the place of fire or smoke and report the place of its occurrence on control panel. In the event of a fire, fire detectors installed in the protected premises are activated and give a signal to the control panel. To ensure the protection of the premises and the possibility of generating commands to turn on the fire alarm system and control engineering equipment, fire detectors are installed in each protected premises. The choice of fire detectors was carried out in accordance with the characteristics of the protected premises, the nature of fire hazardous materials, and the technical data of the detectors.

Fire alarm systems are divided into analog and addressable according to the method of positioning the fire.

Types of fire alarm

There are three types of fire alarms:

1. threshold;

2. address-questionnaire;

3. addressable analog


The principle of the threshold fire alarm device is that each of the fire detectors (sensors) has a built-in response threshold. So, the thermal sensor will work when a certain temperature threshold is reached, set individually for it. The threshold system is designed in such a way that in the center of the so-called "star" there is a control panel with control loops (beams) extending from it, each of which has a certain number of sensors mounted (in most cases there are no more than 30 of them). If one of these sensors is triggered, the entire loop of the device will also be triggered. But it is further necessary to look for the localization of the fire with your own hands - the automation of the system is limited to this.

System Benefits A: The equipment is inexpensive.

disadvantages: low information content of the system, as well as the inability to control the state of the sensor at any time.

Address polling

If in the threshold fire fighting system the control panel monitors changes in the loop parameter, the address-polling system independently generates requests about the state of the system elements that are sent to the sensors. In the address-interrogating signaling, the sensors are connected by a loop into a ring. The system can generate "Normal", "Fire" and "Fault" messages.

System Benefits: greater information content, the implementation of constant monitoring of the state of the sensors. Also, this type of alarm corresponds to the combination of "price-quality".

disadvantages: the system reacts to fire or fire later than the analog addressable substation.

Addressable analog

This is the best PS so far. It has not only all the technical advantages of the previous types of PS, but also a number of its impressive advantages. The main difference in the design of the system is that the decision on the alarm signal is made not by the sensor itself, but by the control panel that received a signal that is different from the norm. There is a continuous connection between the control panel and the sensors, due to which the panel constantly receives changes in the monitored parameters and analyzes any changes.

System Benefits: early detection of fire, less material consumption during installation, less installation work, continuous monitoring of the performance of sensors.

disadvantages: high price.

Warning and evacuation management system in case of fire (SOUE)

SOUE is a complex of organizational measures and technical means, designed to timely inform people about the occurrence of a fire, the need to evacuate, ways and sequence of evacuation. Warning system - a set of warning means that performs the function of simultaneously bringing voice messages, sound and / or light signals to a large number of consumers. Notifying people about a fire, managing the evacuation of people and ensuring their safe evacuation in case of fire in buildings and structures should be carried out by one of the following methods or a combination of the following methods:

  • supply of light, sound and (or) speech signals to all premises with permanent or temporary stay of people;
  • broadcasting specially designed texts on the need for evacuation, evacuation routes, direction of movement and other actions to ensure the safety of people and prevent panic in case of fire;
  • placement and provision of lighting of fire safety signs on evacuation routes during the standard time;
  • inclusion of evacuation (emergency) lighting;
  • remote opening of locks of doors of evacuation exits;
  • providing a fire post (control room) with fire warning zones;
  • other means of evacuation.

Depending on the method of notification, the division of the building into warning zones and other characteristics, the SOUE is divided into 5 types. The choice of the type of SOUE is carried out depending on the functional purpose of the building (structure), capacity (number of seats), number of visitors, fire compartment area, number of storeys, building category for explosion and fire hazard in accordance with Table 2 of SP 3.13130.2009.

Notification methods: sound (siren, tinted signal, etc.), light (flashing light annunciators, “Exit” light annunciators).

Notification methods: sound, light (flashing light annunciators, “Exit” light annunciators, fire safety evacuation signs indicating the direction of movement).

Notification methods: sound, speech (transmission of special texts), light (flashing light annunciators, “Exit” light annunciators, fire safety evacuation signs indicating the direction of movement);

Feedback of fire warning zones with the fire control room.

Notification methods: sound, speech, light (flashing light annunciators, “Exit” light annunciators, fire safety evacuation signs indicating the direction of movement, light annunciators indicating the direction of movement of people, with a changing semantic meaning);

Division of the building into fire warning zones;

The possibility of implementing several options for evacuation from each fire warning zone.

Notification methods: sound, speech, light (flashing light annunciators, “Exit” light annunciators, fire safety evacuation signs indicating the direction of movement, light annunciators indicating the direction of movement of people, with a changing semantic meaning;);

Division of the building into fire warning zones;

Feedback of fire warning zones with the premises of the fire post-control room;

The possibility of implementing several options for evacuation from each fire warning zone;

Coordinated management from one fire control room of all building systems related to ensuring the safety of people in case of fire.

  • Sound.
  • Light.
  • Combined.
  • Speech.

Types of warning systems

  1. The first and second types of alerts are light and sound alerts. That is, on a signal from the ASPS (automatic fire alarm system) or ASPT (automatic fire extinguishing system), sirens (sound alarms), strobe lights or beacons (light alarms) or combined alarms (light and sound in one body).
  2. The third, fourth and fifth types of notifications are speech of varying degrees of complexity. That is, instead of a siren, a recorded message is broadcast at the facility. The third type of notification is the simplest voice notification, and the fifth type of notification is used on objects that are exclusive in complexity.

The choice of the type of SOUE depends on the purpose of the building, the number of storeys, the number of people arriving in it or the category of explosion and fire hazard (for industrial buildings).

SOUE structure

The warning and evacuation control system in case of fire consists of central equipment to which one or more warning loops are connected. Depending on the types of notification, either light-sound or voice annunciators are used in the loops. In the event of an alarm, that is, in the event of fire or smoke, the fire alarm system or AUPT issues a control signal to the central equipment of the SOUE. The central equipment generates a signal broadcast by annunciators.

Composition of SOUE

  • Text part.
  1. General data (General part; Basic technical solutions; Installation instructions).
  2. Electroacoustic calculation.
  3. Specification.
  • The grafical part.
  1. List of drawings.
  2. Structural diagram of SOUE.
  3. Scheme of external connections.
  4. Plan for the location of equipment and laying routes.
  5. The territory of a detached building.

What objects require