Unusual turkey dish. How to cook turkey fillet

Turkey began to appear more and more often on our tables due to its availability - today you can buy a turkey in almost any supermarket or market. In this article, we will look at how to cook turkey fillet dishes.

Turkey meat - delicious dietary product. American movie buffs know that roasted turkey is a traditional Thanksgiving dish, but today turkey is inspiring more and more Russians to culinary exploits. Turkey meat is famous for its dietary properties. It is rich in protein, vitamins and minerals, and its cholesterol content is minimal. Turkey meat gives a long-lasting feeling of fullness, is easily digestible and provides the body with calcium, potassium and iron, so it can be recommended for diseases of the joints and anemia. Turkey is a hypoallergenic product that is ideal for baby food. Turkey also contains more sodium, which means less salt can be used in cooking, which is especially important for those who are on a diet or have blood pressure problems.

There are many recipes and ways to cook tender turkey meat - you can fry it, stew it, bake it, make salads and sandwiches out of it. For diet food, it is best to cook the fillet in the oven. As a side dish for turkey, it is best to use rice, potatoes and vegetables. Turkey goes well with dry wine and herbs. Tender white turkey meat is the perfect base for just about any seasoning mix. Turkey fillet goes well with thyme, oregano, sage or basil. If you are using fresh herbs, it is best to chop them coarsely and insert them under the skin of the turkey. Cooked turkey keeps well in the refrigerator, and leftovers can be used to make salads or burgers.

When we talk about turkey fillet, we mean, first of all, breasts. Turkey breasts tend to weigh significantly more chicken breasts- from 1 kg to 4.5 kg - so take this into account when you decide how much meat you need to buy. One turkey breast will be enough to feed two to four people, while two breasts will be enough for six or eight people. The average size portions of turkey breast - about 150-200 g per person. If you're buying a fresh turkey, look for tender, pink breasts with no blemishes. Choose frozen turkey fillets with no signs of freezer burn. Turkey fillets can be stored in freezer up to 9 months.

When using frozen turkey fillets, make sure they are completely defrosted before cooking. If you try to cook a frozen turkey, it will take an incredibly long time. Slow thawing in the refrigerator is the best method in this case. Typically, a completely frozen turkey fillet will thaw for about 24 hours in the refrigerator. Once thawed, the turkey can be stored in the refrigerator for several days before cooking. If you're short on time, thaw the turkey in the microwave or in a large bowl of cold water by changing the water every half an hour. Since defrosting at high temperatures(cold water bath and microwave oven) can stimulate the growth of bacteria, it is recommended to immediately cook thawed meat under such conditions.

Oven-baked turkey fillet is not only very tasty, but also very healthy. This option is perfect for those who are watching their figure or trying to lose weight. Cooking a turkey in the oven has its own characteristics, without knowing which it is difficult to cook delicious juicy dishes. The most common problem that housewives face when cooking a turkey in the oven is dry meat. But following some simple nuances of cooking this type of meat will allow you to avoid its dryness. Remember, the meat will be juicier if you bake it in a sleeve, in foil or with fruits and vegetables. It's also important not to overdo it with the oven's cooking time - usually between 20 minutes and 1 hour is enough, depending on the size of the fillets. When a turkey is cooked properly, its meat is tender and juicy. If you're roasting turkey fillets in the oven, add thickly sliced ​​onions and potatoes to it for a great side dish that doesn't require any extra time.

The use of marinade allows you to make the meat tender and fragrant. The marinade must be done at least one hour before the turkey is to be cooked. Use about 60 ml of marinade for every 500 g of turkey meat. Marinate meat 1 to 3 hours before cooking. After cooking, let the turkey stand at room temperature for 20 minutes, covering it with foil. During this time, the juices from the turkey will seep into the meat. If you skip this important step, you may end up with dry meat.

Delicious turkey fillet dishes will help diversify the diet, so we advise you not to hesitate and cook the meat in a frying pan with aromatic spices.

500 g turkey breast fillet,
1 small onion
1 garlic clove
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground ginger,
1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
2 tablespoons white vinegar
1/2 teaspoon brown sugar

salt and pepper to taste.

If the turkey breast is too thick, beat it with a meat mallet, placing the fillet in a plastic bag. Each steak should be no thicker than 1.5 cm.
Mix chopped onion, minced garlic, spices, vinegar, sugar and vegetable oil in a container. Add turkey and marinate for 30 minutes. Remove excess garlic and onion before frying. Fry the turkey in a hot pan for 4-5 minutes on each side.

A slow cooker helps not only save time and effort when cooking, but also make dishes more healthy. Using a slow cooker, you will get tender juicy meat that will retain all its nutritional properties.

300 g turkey fillet,
130 g carrots
120 g mushrooms
80 g onion
40 ml vegetable oil,
salt and spices.

Meat, carrots and onions cut into cubes. Cut the mushrooms into 4 pieces. Put everything in a slow cooker, add oil, salt, spices and close the lid. Select the "Frying" program, set the timer for 40 minutes and start the program.

From turkey fillet and vegetables, you can cook a wonderful stew that will be relevant at any time of the year.

2 turkey breasts, skinless
2 bulbs
1 celery stalk
2 carrots
2 potatoes
1 bell pepper
3 cups chicken broth
3 tablespoons flour
2 tablespoons of butter.

Melt the butter in a frying pan over medium heat. Add chopped onion and fry for a few minutes. Stir in diced carrots, celery and bell peppers and fry until tender. Mix in diced potatoes and flour. Pour in chicken broth and season with marjoram. Add diced turkey fillet and bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover and cook over low heat for 40 minutes.

The turkey prepared according to the following recipe is very high in calories, so serve it with a dietary side dish, such as stewed vegetables or rice.

Turkey fillet with mushroom sauce

4 turkey fillet steaks,
270 g champignons,
250 ml heavy cream
3 tablespoons flour
1 teaspoon garlic powder
20 g butter,
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
salt to taste.

Mix flour, garlic powder and salt. Pour the mixture onto a flat dish and roll the fillet in it.
Melt the butter in a frying pan over medium heat. Fry the fillets for about 10 minutes on each side.
Remove the finished fillet, add vegetable oil and chopped mushrooms. Fry for about 10 minutes. Add cream, chopped parsley and cook for about 3-5 minutes until thickened. Drizzle turkey fillet with mushroom sauce and serve warm.

Turkey fillet dishes are perfect for an everyday family dinner, as well as for a festive table. We are sure that the turkey fillet baked with prunes and mushrooms will become a worthy decoration of the table both on weekdays and on significant events.

Turkey fillet baked with prunes and mushrooms

500 g turkey fillet,
1 onion
150 g mushrooms
100 g pitted prunes,
2 cloves of garlic
dried thyme,
lemon peel,
vegetable oil,
spices, salt and pepper.

Fry the sliced ​​mushrooms for a few minutes in vegetable oil. Add minced garlic, thyme, half-ringed onion and fry for about 8 minutes. Mix with chopped prunes.
Rub the turkey fillet with salt and pepper and make a slit in the meat to make a pocket. Put the mushroom filling into the recess, secure with toothpicks, wrap the meat in foil and bake in an oven preheated to 190 degrees for about 1 hour. In the process of cooking, open the foil several times and pour over the meat with the secreted juices. During the last 20 minutes, fully open the foil so that the fillet is browned.

1 turkey breast with skin on (about 3 kg)
1 cup dry white wine or stock
3 garlic cloves,
2 teaspoons dry mustard
1 tablespoon dried rosemary
1 tablespoon dried sage
1 teaspoon dried thyme
1 teaspoon ground black pepper,
2 teaspoons of salt
2 tablespoons of vegetable oil,
2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Preheat oven to 160 degrees. Place the turkey breast in a baking dish. In a small bowl, combine the pressed garlic, mustard, spices, salt, vegetable oil and lemon juice to make a paste. Carefully peel the skin away from the meat and apply half of the paste directly to the meat. Spread the remaining paste evenly on the skin. Pour wine or broth into a mold.
Roast the turkey for 1 hour 40 minutes to 2 hours until the skin is golden brown. If the skin browns excessively during cooking, loosely cover the turkey with aluminum foil.
When the turkey is done, cover with foil and let stand at room temperature for 15 minutes. Cut into slices and serve.

Turkey fillet in tomato sauce- a quick, tasty and economical dinner for the whole family. Serve with boiled rice, mashed potatoes, fried potatoes or vegetables.

Turkey fillet in tomato sauce

4 turkey fillet steaks (about 170g each)
1 onion
1 garlic clove
5 tomatoes,
2 tablespoons of vegetable oil,
1/2 teaspoon sugar
salt and ground black pepper,

Heat oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Brown the steaks on both sides, about 3 minutes per side. Keep warm.
In the same skillet, saute the finely chopped onion and minced garlic until soft, about 5 minutes. Add chopped herbs, sugar, salt and pepper. Stir, bring to a boil and put the turkey in the sauce. Reduce heat and cook for about 12 minutes.

Turkey fillet in foil is an excellent dish for those who watch their weight and health. The turkey prepared according to this recipe is very juicy and contains a minimum of calories.

600 g turkey breast fillet,
1 lemon
1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
1/2 teaspoon ground chili pepper
1 teaspoon paprika,
1 teaspoon dried Provence herbs
2 tablespoons of vegetable oil,
15 g butter.

Cut the fillet into portioned steaks. To prepare the marinade, mix lemon juice, spices and salt in a bowl. Put the turkey in the marinade and leave for 10 minutes at room temperature. Turn over and leave for another 10 minutes.
Put each piece in foil and put a small piece of butter on top for juiciness of the meat. Wrap the edges of the foil and make an envelope.
Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 40 minutes. Open the foil and bake for another 10 minutes until golden brown.

If you have a small amount of turkey left, try making an unusual Thai-style salad with it. Pineapple and curry add an exotic touch to this salad.

250 g turkey fillet,
50 g rice
150 ml water or stock
1 small pineapple (800 g),
1 orange
green onion,
50 g mayonnaise,
150 g natural yogurt,
1 tablespoon curry powder
1-2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 tablespoons of vegetable oil,
salt and pepper to taste.

Boil the rice in salted water and let it cool. Fry the turkey fillet in vegetable oil, adding salt and pepper to taste. Pour in water or broth, cover and simmer for 15-20 minutes. Let cool.
Peel the pineapple, remove the core and cut into slices. Peel the orange, remove the film from the slices and cut into pieces. Cut the turkey meat first into slices and then into thin strips.
Mix mayonnaise with yogurt, curry, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Put meat, pineapple, orange, rice and chopped onion in a salad bowl. Mix with sauce and serve.

Try cooking turkey fillet dishes, and they are sure to become favorites on your menu. Take the suggested recipes as a basis and change them to your liking. You can stuff the turkey fillet if it is baked in a piece, finely chopped garlic cloves, or put vegetables along with the steak and wrap in foil - in fact, there are a lot of options. Try and enjoy delicious and healthy food!

Turkey, without which not a single Christmas table and Thanksgiving is complete in America, is becoming popular with us, but not all housewives know how to cook this meat so that it turns out delicious, soft and juicy. Since this product is considered light, low-calorie and hypoallergenic, it should definitely be included in the diet, especially when it comes to baby and medical nutrition. The fact is that turkey contains the least cholesterol compared to other types of animal products, and from one serving of poultry you can get 60% of the daily dose of vitamins and minerals. Although turkey meat is not the easiest to prepare, there are a few tricks that will help turn it into a favorite dish on the home menu.

Choosing a good turkey

If you are going at home and hoping to get a delicious dish, you should choose only fresh young meat. good quality. Make sure that the skin of the bird is light and smooth (not slippery), and the meat is dense and elastic.

The belly of a fresh turkey is usually moist and shiny, the carcass and scallop are light pink, the legs are smooth and gray, and the eyes are bulging and transparent, without cloudy spots. The tastiest meat is from a turkey, which is 16 weeks old and weighs 5–10 kg. You should not chase large carcasses weighing 35 kg - as a rule, these are “older” birds, the meat of which remains tough and dry even after several hours of cooking.

Ways to cook a turkey

Stew in pieces, boil, fry in a pan, bake in the oven, on a spit, in foil - stuffed or without stuffing. You can cook minced meat for cutlets, pies, meatballs or make pate, boiled pork, roll, schnitzels, goulash, stew and azu.

Fruits, mushrooms, chestnuts, liver, dried fruits, nuts, rice, potatoes and other vegetables are popular as fillings for turkey. The turkey is very tasty in fruit glaze or with various sauces, often this bird is stewed in wine or champagne.

The turkey has one unusual feature - the white flesh of the bird easily “adjusts” to the taste of other types of meat, and if you mix the turkey with chicken, beef or pork, it will be difficult to guess that there is a turkey in the dish.

Turkey Cooking Secrets

  • Buy a turkey no earlier than two days before cooking - at the same time, the carcass of a fresh bird should be thoroughly washed under water, wiped dry inside and out, covered with foil and refrigerated. A frozen turkey needs to be thawed slowly, either indoors or in cold water that needs to be changed periodically. Remember that a bird weighing 9 kg can be thawed for two days.
  • Never cook a cold turkey, as only meat at room temperature will be tender and juicy. Take the bird out of the refrigerator an hour before cooking.
  • Before roasting, it is better to pre-marinate the turkey so that it turns out to be more tender and tasty. As a marinade, water, wine, champagne, cognac with sugar, honey, spices, herbs, lemon and garlic. The turkey should be in the marinade for up to three days.
  • Instead of marinating, you can rub the carcass inside and out with a mixture of garlic, salt, olive oil and rosemary, leaving it for several hours to soak.
  • Stuff the turkey with stuffing (not too tight) and sew up the opening.
  • How to cook a turkey in the oven so that the meat is juicy? Place the bird breast down on a baking sheet, in a sleeve or in foil, set the temperature to 170-190 degrees and bake, pouring the resulting juice on the carcass.
  • The roasting time is calculated by the weight of the meat (including the filling) - add 18 minutes for every 450 grams.

Roasted turkey was a favorite dish of the Indian tribes, which is why, in fact, it got its name. Learning how to properly cook a turkey is easy if you practice more often. In addition, this bird is combined with all products, is highly nutritious and inexpensive price. And most importantly, it is quite possible to feed 10-15 people with it, which means you don’t have to worry about the festive menu. However, it is not necessary to wait until Christmas to enjoy delicious meat - cook it at least every week, try different recipes, toppings, sauces and turn on your own imagination!

Culinary community Li.Ru -

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Roast Turkey Recipe with Onion, Celery, Lemon, Rosemary, Sage and Thyme.

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Your attention is an easy way to cook a turkey with tomatoes quickly, tasty, and even serve it effectively. A real decoration for your table and good way surprise your guests with a new dish!

Fragrant turkey baked with apples is a popular dish that is traditionally prepared in America for Thanksgiving. However, the dish is so tasty that once a year is not enough for him :)

Air fryer turkey drumstick recipe. Meat in an air grill cooks very quickly and turns out very tasty.

Turkey with champignons is a universal dish. It is equally delicious on its own with a slice of fresh black bread and in combination with potatoes, spaghetti or rice.

Recipe for Christmas turkey with oranges. Turkey is a traditional Christmas dish that is traditionally baked in the oven.

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If you like Asian cuisine, then you will definitely like the recipe for turkey in sweet and sour sauce. It is prepared without the use of any hard-to-find ingredients.

Recipe for roasted turkey with carrots, garlic, cinnamon, cumin and yogurt.

Recipes from the program Dinner Party on the REN TV channel. The main course is prepared by Marina Moskvina, model.

Roast turkey is prepared from the body of a turkey (breast) without legs and wings. The recipe is simple. You will not need to make a filling, and as a result you will get juicy and fragrant meat.

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Turkey soup with cabbage is not only delicious, but also diet soup, widespread in the US and Canada, where the turkey is the number one bird. Really delicious - worth a try.

Turkey goulash is cooked with vegetables in about 40 minutes. Turkey meat is tender and juicy, and vegetables and spices will add a rainbow of flavors and aromas to the dish. Try making turkey goulash at home.

Turkey rolls are without a doubt one of my signature dishes and my true culinary pride. If you cook exactly according to this recipe, it will turn out insanely delicious.

You can cook delicious and very tender meatballs from turkey. You can fry them both in a pan and on the grill. These turkey cutlets are an excellent dish - the recipe is simple, but it turns out super tasty!

Turkey meat is considered dietary. It is very tasty and tender. I make turkey chops. They turn out tender and everyone in my family appreciated this dish. I offer his recipe.

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Turkey fillet cutlets are a great lunch idea. Turkey meat is considered dietary and even healthy, so you can safely cook cutlets from it without fear of extra calories!

To your attention - the easiest way to bake turkey thighs in the oven. A minimum of additional ingredients, a minimum of effort and all sorts of culinary dances with a tambourine. However, the result is excellent.

Want to cook something delicious without spending a lot of time in the kitchen? Then I bring to your attention tender and juicy turkey meat in a slow cooker.

This simple turkey ham recipe can be safely classified as a dietary dish - few calories, but tasty and satisfying. Excellent and healthy snack, besides, very delicate in taste.

Turkey steak with fresh vegetables- a wonderful lunch for those who want to eat tasty and look good. Cooking such a steak is a pleasure. Make your own turkey steak at home!

Turkey and celery salad - fresh, hearty, with many different flavors. This includes not only turkey and celery, but also sun-dried tomatoes, fresh rosemary. Yummy. Let's make mayonnaise.

Turkey Spaghetti Recipe - Cooking Baked Spaghetti with Turkey, Mushrooms, chicken broth, soy milk and parmesan cheese. Delicious Italian food for dinner!

Turkey salad with pineapple - fresh, bright, healthy and fragrant. It contains many ingredients that are beneficial to our body. We will fill such a salad with mayonnaise, but you can replace it with yogurt.

Turkey salad with mushrooms is fresh, bright, spring. As for mushrooms, I use fresh champignons, you don’t have to mess with them, they are juicy and fragrant. I will also add lettuce and cherry tomatoes.

Turkey heart salad is an easy-to-prepare, tasty and unusual offal salad. In addition to the turkey heart, it includes onions, carrots and spices. Dressed with mayonnaise. Let's try!

Turkey meat is low-calorie, dietary. Turkey jelly is very tasty, light, easy to prepare. Such a dish will decorate any everyday and festive table. Try it.

Turkey fillet salad refers to warm salads. We will fry the turkey fillet on a grill or a grill pan, add a fresh crispy salad and season with fragrant oil and spices. Simple, tasty and beautiful!

Turkey and Tomato Salad is an easy-to-make fresh salad. It is good to cook it being in the country, during the tomato season. Salad can be prepared with roasted, boiled or smoked turkey. Try it!

Modern supermarkets, wishing to attract as many new customers as possible, regularly update their assortment. Thanks to this, on their shelves, in addition to the usual chicken, you can see a turkey. Until recently, this tender and healthy dietary meat was available only to a limited circle of consumers. Therefore, not many housewives know how to cook a turkey breast deliciously. Recipes with fillet of this bird will be presented in our publication.

According to nutritionists, turkey fillet belongs to the category of easily digestible and useful products. This meat contains a unique complex of vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. Therefore, it should regularly appear on our tables.

Due to the fact that it appeared on store shelves relatively recently, many young housewives have no idea how to cook a juicy turkey breast. This is actually quite simple to make, as this meat is an excellent base for creating a variety of soups and stews. The turkey has a delicate, neutral flavor that makes it a great accompaniment to pasta, cereals, vegetables, mushrooms, and sauces. It is boiled, baked, stewed, fried in a pan or on the grill. To make the meat more juicy and soft, it is recommended to pre-marinate it. As a rule, soy sauce, kefir or good wine are used for these purposes.

It is desirable to bake a turkey at a temperature of 190 degrees. The time spent in the oven depends on the size of the piece. So, for every 450 grams of the product, you need to spend 15-18 minutes. So that the meat does not burn and does not dry out, it is systematically watered with the resulting juice or a specially made sauce. In addition, the fillet can not only be laid out on a baking sheet, but pre-wrapped in foil or placed in a sleeve.

To prepare a stuffed turkey breast, you can use cranberries with oranges, mushrooms with potatoes or liver, champignons with apples and nuts, or rice with prunes.

Potato soup

This simple yet nutritious meal is perfect for a family meal. To make this soup, you will need:

  • 320 grams of turkey breast.
  • Medium carrot.
  • 700 grams of potatoes.
  • Small bulb.
  • A tablespoon of good butter.
  • Salt, bay leaf and any spices (to taste).
  • Vegetable oil and filtered water.

Having figured out what to cook from turkey breasts, you need to understand exactly how to do it. The first thing to do is meat. It is thoroughly washed, cut into not too large pieces and fried in melted butter. Then the fillet is laid out in a saucepan, and grated carrots and chopped onions are loaded into the vacated pan. A few minutes later, the browned vegetables are moved to the meat and poured with three liters of boiling water. Diced potatoes, bay leaf, salt and spices are also sent there. Cook the soup over low heat until all the ingredients are soft.

Turkey in cream sauce

According to the technology described below, a tasty and nutritious dish is obtained, which goes well with many side dishes. It will surely attract the attention of those who still have not decided what to cook from turkey breasts for dinner. This time you will need:

  • 130 grams of hard cheese.
  • 130 milliliters of cream (10%).
  • 450 grams of turkey breast.
  • 30 g of good butter.
  • Salt and aromatic spices.

So, how to cook delicious turkey breast? The fillets are washed running water, blot with paper towels, cut across the fibers and lightly beat off. Then the meat is salted, sprinkled with spices and left for a couple of hours. The marinated pieces are fried in melted butter. Thin slices of cheese are laid out on a slightly browned meat and everything is cooked together in a covered frying pan. Literally in a few minutes, the fillet is poured with cream and simmered over low heat for a quarter of an hour.

Turkey meat with vegetables and mango

This unusual dish can not only diversify the daily menu, but also decorate the festive table. Therefore, it will certainly interest those who have not yet decided what to cook from gourmet turkey breasts. To create it you will need:

  • 1 mango.
  • Half a kilo of turkey fillet.
  • bell pepper.
  • A couple of large ripe tomatoes.
  • Olive oil (for frying).

To quickly and tasty cook turkey breast, you will need a marinade, which includes:

  • ½ teaspoon lemon juice.
  • Spices (to taste).
  • ½ teaspoon olive oil.

The washed meat is cut into not too thin strips and poured with a mixture of spices, lemon juice and vegetable fat. After some time, the marinated turkey fillet is fried in heated vegetable oil. As soon as it is browned, chopped Bell pepper, tomato slices and mango pieces. After five minutes, the fully prepared dish is laid out on a plate and served on the table.


This juicy and satisfying dish will surely appeal to housewives who want to learn how to cook delicious turkey breast. The recipe for its preparation is extremely simple and involves the presence of inexpensive ingredients. To play it, you must have at hand:

  • 600 grams of fresh turkey fillet.
  • 2 fleshy bell peppers.
  • Small bulb.
  • 3 cloves of garlic.
  • Tomato paste, salt, spices and vegetable oil.

The washed and dried fillet is cut into small pieces, fried in heated vegetable fat and transferred to a clean plate. Onion half rings and strips of bell pepper are sent to the vacated pan. All this is simmered on minimal heat, and then combined with spices, salt, meat, chopped garlic and tomato paste. Goulash is stewed for about half an hour, and then served with mashed potatoes or crumbly rice.

Chops with cheese

This recipe will interest those who are wondering what to quickly cook from turkey breast. It allows you to diversify the family menu with delicious and juicy meat, covered with ruddy cheese crust. To implement it, you will need:

  • 700 grams of chilled turkey fillet.
  • 2 eggs.
  • 100 grams of good hard cheese.
  • 2 large spoons of not too fat sour cream.
  • A pinch of starch.
  • Salt, spices and vegetable oil.

Having figured out what to cook from turkey breasts, you can begin the process. The washed meat is thoroughly blotted with disposable towels and cut into portions. Each of them is slightly beaten off, salted, sprinkled with seasonings and briefly removed to the side. Then each piece is dipped in a batter made from beaten eggs, sour cream and starch, fried in heated vegetable fat. The browned chops are sprinkled with cheese chips and simmered over low heat in a covered frying pan.

Chopped cutlets

For those who do not know how to cook soft turkey breast, we can recommend paying attention to the recipe below. Using it, you can quickly make delicious and juicy cutlets, which do not contain a single gram of bread. To play it, you must have at hand:

  • 400 grams of turkey fillet.
  • Large onion (preferably red).
  • Egg.
  • Salt, aromatic seasonings and vegetable oil.

Washed meat is cut into very small pieces and combined with an egg. Chopped onions, previously scalded with boiling water, salt and spices are also sent there. Everything is well mixed and spread with a spoon on a hot frying pan, greased with vegetable fat. Cutlets are fried for a few minutes on each side and served with porridge, mashed potatoes or a salad of seasonal vegetables.

Fillet baked in sour cream sauce

This option will certainly be appreciated by those who want to learn how to cook a turkey breast in the oven. The meat made in this way turns out to be surprisingly juicy and tender, which means that it is optimally suited even for a children's menu. To feed your family a delicious dinner, you will need:

  • 700 grams of turkey fillet.
  • Large onion.
  • Medium carrot.
  • 1.5 cups not too fat sour cream.
  • 1.5 st. l. mustard.
  • Salt and seasonings (to taste).
  • Vegetable oil (for greasing the mold).

The washed meat is cut into not too large pieces, salted and sprinkled with spices. Then it is laid out in a mold, greased with a small amount of vegetable fat. Sauteed vegetables are distributed on top and poured with sour cream mixed with mustard. Roast the turkey with sauce at a moderate temperature for 40-50 minutes. It is served slightly chilled with pre-boiled rice.

Fillet in kefir marinade

The technology described below will dispel the myths about the dryness and rigidity of white poultry meat dishes. Therefore, the recipe will certainly come in handy for those who have no idea how to cook a juicy and soft turkey breast. To make this dinner, you will need:

  • Kefir 2.5% fat.
  • Whole turkey fillet.
  • Salt and spices for poultry (to taste).

The washed fillet is blotted with disposable towels. Then it is rubbed with fine-crystalline salt and fragrant spices, poured with kefir and left for a couple of hours. Marinated meat is wrapped in foil and baked at a temperature of 180 degrees until fully cooked. Shortly before the end of the process, it is carefully opened so that it has time to brown.

Fillet in honey marinade

This dish will be a wonderful decoration for any celebration. It turns out to be extremely juicy and fragrant, and most importantly, very tasty. To prepare it you will need:

  • 2 kilograms of turkey fillet.
  • A couple of oranges.
  • 100 grams of honey.
  • 4 small apples
  • A teaspoon of granulated garlic.
  • Soy sauce and black pepper (to taste).

Want to learn how to cook turkey breast? The fillets are washed under cold running water and lightly dried with paper towels. It is then rubbed with a mixture of granulated garlic and ground pepper. Not earlier than after a couple of hours, the marinated meat is laid out in an oiled baking sheet. Nearby are slices of oranges and pieces of apples. All this is poured over with soy sauce, combined with natural liquid honey, and sent to the oven. Bake meat with fruit at 200 degrees for no longer than 50 minutes.

Fillet with prunes

This fragrant spicy dish is ideal for a festive lunch or a romantic dinner. The process of its preparation does not take much time and does not require special culinary skills. All you need is:

  • 1.2 kg turkey fillet.
  • 100 grams of prunes (pitted).
  • 2 medium bulbs.
  • 5 cloves of garlic.
  • Half a lemon.
  • 40 grams of refined vegetable oil.
  • 150 milliliters of dry white wine.
  • Salt, basil, rosemary and paprika.

And now we answer the question of how to cook a delicious turkey breast. It is well washed with cool water and blotted dry with disposable towels. Then the meat is smeared with refined oil and sprinkled with a mixture of salt and spices. All this is left for at least an hour and a half. After the indicated time has elapsed, the marinated fillet is placed in an oiled baking sheet and covered with pieces of prunes mixed with onion half rings, garlic slices and lemon juice. Bake the meat at 200 degrees for half an hour. After that, the piece is carefully turned over to the other side, poured with wine and returned to the oven for another 30 minutes.

Roll with nuts

This tender meat with aromatic filling can be used not only as a cold appetizer, but also as a main course. To prepare it you will need:

  • 3 kilograms of turkey fillet.
  • 20 thin slices of bacon.
  • 20 grams of good butter.
  • 2 onions.
  • 140 grams of smoked brisket.
  • A tablespoon of olive oil.
  • 50 grams of pine nuts.
  • 4 cloves of garlic.
  • Zest of two lemons.
  • 100 grams of breadcrumbs.
  • A bunch of parsley, salt and spices.

It’s not enough to know how to cook a delicious turkey breast, you need to carefully process all the ingredients. Heat olive oil and butter in a skillet. Then put chopped onion and pieces of smoked brisket there. As soon as they acquire a golden hue, crushed garlic, nuts, chopped parsley and citrus zest are added to them. All mix well and simmer over low heat. One minute later, salt is sent to the same pan, breadcrumbs and spices.

While the filling is cooling, you can start preparing the turkey fillet. It is washed well, blotted dry with disposable towels, cut, opened and lightly beaten with a kitchen hammer. The cooled nut mass is spread on top. The edges of the meat are carefully folded inward. A piece of fillet prepared in this way is tied with twine and wrapped in foil covered with slices of bacon. Bake the roll at 190 degrees for two hours. After that, it is completely cooled and cut into thin slices using a sharply sharpened knife.

Meat with vegetables

This recipe is sure to catch the attention of working housewives who are looking for a tip on how to cook a juicy turkey breast with a side dish. To play it you will need:

  • Kilo fillet.
  • 4 potatoes.
  • 200 grams of fresh white cabbage.
  • Small bulb.
  • Medium carrot.
  • 150 grams of sauerkraut.
  • A small zucchini.
  • Little eggplant.
  • A handful of string beans.
  • Bulgarian pepper.
  • 3 large spoons of adjika.
  • Salt, herbs, spices and vegetable oil.

Pre-washed meat is cut into not too large pieces and combined with chopped vegetables. All this is sprinkled with fine-grained salt and fragrant spices, and then poured with a mixture of adjika, chopped herbs and two tablespoons of vegetable oil. The resulting assortment is transferred to a baking sleeve and sent to a preheated oven. Cook it at a temperature of 180 degrees for two hours. During this time, the meat will become very juicy and have time to absorb the aromas of spices and vegetables.

Spicy fillet baked in the oven

This savory snack can be a great alternative to the usual sausage. To do this, the meat is cut into thin slices and spread on slices of bread, smeared with a thin layer of butter. To cook such a tasty and moderately spicy meat, you will need:

  • 1.5 kilograms of turkey fillet.
  • 2 large spoons of adjika.
  • 5 cloves of garlic.
  • 2 large spoons of refined vegetable oil.
  • ½ tsp hot red pepper.
  • 2 partial teaspoons of salt.

The pre-washed fillet is placed in a deep pan. There they pour salted cold water so that it completely covers the product, and leave it all for a couple of hours. At the end of the indicated time, the meat is carefully removed from the pan, patted dry with paper towels, small cuts are made in it and stuffed with garlic cloves. Then it is well rubbed on all sides with a mixture of hot red pepper, vegetable oil and adjika. The turkey fillet prepared in this way is wrapped in foil and sent to the oven, preheated to two hundred degrees. Thirty minutes later, the fire is turned off and the meat is left in the idle oven for another hour and a half. Then the fully cooked turkey fillet is removed from the oven, completely cooled and put in the refrigerator.

Aztec poultry is an important source of protein for the human body. Dietary turkey meat is prepared quite quickly, it is easy to cook a variety of healthy dishes from it without increasing your own weight, to the delight of loved ones.

Useful properties of turkey meat

Low-calorie turkey meat, which has a smooth fibrous structure and contains a minimum of fat, takes its rightful place in many modern health or medical diets.

Regular consumption of turkey is recommended for pregnant and lactating mothers, as it helps to saturate the body with essential vitamins (A, E, K, F of group B), numerous trace elements (potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron, selenium, manganese, iodine).

Phosphorus, in the amount of 100 g - almost like in fish. The high protein content of turkey meat is good for children and middle-aged people, but has its limitations for older people.

Turkey meat is universal, it can be cooked in any usual way - boil, fry, smoke, bake, cook minced meat for cutlets or meatballs. Turkey harmoniously combines with vegetables and natural herbs - thyme, basil, rosemary.

The calorie content of turkey significantly depends on the method of preparation of meat. The range is: 195 kcal. - boiled fillet; 285 kcal. - meat fried in oil.

Features of choosing and cooking turkey

In the supermarket (or market), it is better to choose chilled slaughtered poultry. Frozen meat loses some of its flavor and juiciness. To select a fresh, young turkey, just follow these simple rules:

  • pay attention to the color of the meat: the carcass of a really fresh turkey has a pink shade of gray; the legs and thighs of the bird should be substantially darker than the breast (because it is red meat);
  • in a young turkey, the brisket bone ends in cartilage, not hard bone; press on the upper edge of the carcass;
  • if the market has doubts about the quality of the turkey, lightly set the skin of the carcass on fire with a lighter - if the meat is treated with antibiotics, there will be a sharp smell of rubber.

When buying a freshly frozen turkey, pay attention to the following points:

  • the older the bird, the darker its fat;
  • there should be no ice buildup on the carcass;
  • there should be no bruising or spots on the carcass (this is evidence of repeated defrosting).

Turkey is a dietary meat, it has a rather lean, neutral taste. Therefore, for use in the festive menu, it should be marinated with fragrant herbs and spices. Due to the high sodium content in this meat, the dishes are tasty even with minimal use of table salt.

How to Roast a Whole Turkey in the Oven

As soon as it comes to a whole roasted turkey, associations with Thanksgiving, the celebration of Christmas, and a fun holiday feast immediately come to mind.

Let's start with the products:

  • carcass of a young turkey (about 5 kg);
  • 4 apples (preferably Antonovka);
  • 120 g of olive oil;
  • 70 g of honey;
  • a head of garlic;
  • 40 g of table salt;
  • 2 packages of spices "Italian herbs";
  • 5 g ground nutmeg;
  • 30 g of table mustard;
  • 5 g black ground pepper.

Cooking holiday dish takes about 8 hours, but part of this time the hostess will be free (pickling - 2 hours, baking - 4.5 hours). The calorie content of the dish is 235 kcal, the number of servings depends on the size of the turkey.

In order for a large bird to be properly soaked, it should be marinated in advance, at least 2 hours in advance (with an approximate carcass weight of 5 kg), more is better.

First, wash and dry the bird with a paper towel. Then we prepare the marinade from all the listed spices, salt, peeled, chopped garlic, honey and olive oil. We generously grease the turkey with marinade (outside and especially inside), leave to marinate.

My apples, cut into 4 slices, clean from seeds and partitions. Fold them around the carcass, directly into the marinade. After the specified time, we stuff the bird tightly with apples, connect and fasten the edges of the skin with wooden toothpicks.

Preheat the oven well first. We cover a deep sheet with foil, put the carcass stuffed with apples on it, pour 2.5 cups of water, completely cover the turkey with foil. We put the roast in the oven for 3 hours.

Turkey Fillet Dishes: Simple and Delicious Recipes

Turkey fillet cooks quickly, goes well with a variety of products, while containing a minimum of calories. The use of turkey fillet in the festive menu allows you to at least slightly reduce the overall calorie content of the feast.

Festive turkey fillet salad with feta balls

The original new salad will certainly decorate the festive table. He looks great on big platter, and for individual submission. Prepare the necessary ingredients (for 8 servings):

  • 350 g turkey fillet;
  • 200 g feta cheese;
  • 100 g of wheat croutons with garlic;
  • 150 g thick mayonnaise;
  • 2 tangerines;
  • 1 fork iceberg lettuce;
  • 250 g of bell pepper;
  • 1 leek;
  • 70 g fresh dill;
  • 5 g black ground pepper;
  • 15 g of garlic;
  • 30 g of toasted sesame;
  • 40 g soy sauce;
  • 80 g olive oil.

The salad is prepared in 40 minutes, the calorie content of the dish is 210 kcal.

Cheese balls can be prepared ahead of time. All that remains is to chop the vegetables, fry the meat, collect and season the salad.

Begin. Dill greens should be washed, dried with a towel, finely chopped. Peel and then mince the garlic clove. Mix feta with herbs and garlic, add black ground pepper. With wet hands, form neat balls with a diameter of 1 cm. Ready-made balls must be cooled for serving.

Cut the fillet across the fibers, into small sticks. For the marinade, mix 20 g of soy sauce, 40 g of olive oil, 10 g of sesame seeds. We send the turkey sticks to the marinade for 20 minutes.

At this time, prepare the vegetables. Wash and dry lettuce leaves, wash and clean peppers and leeks. Cut the bell pepper into strips, the white part of the onion into thin rings. Lettuce is better to tear with your hands. At the same time, we will clean 1 tangerine, disassemble it into slices, remove all films.

Refueling. Add to the mayonnaise 20 g of soy sauce, chopped garlic clove, black pepper. Squeeze out the juice of one tangerine. Mix carefully.

We heat the pan, fry the pieces of turkey on the remaining olive oil(on medium heat). The main thing is not to overdry.

Put vegetables, lettuce, turkey on a dish. Decorate with crackers, mandarin slices and feta balls, sprinkle with sesame seeds, pour dressing.

Turkey fillet with pineapple and cheese in the oven

Chops - always in honor. This recipe invites you to enjoy the extraordinary tenderness and original taste of turkey chops, without unnecessary ingredients. You will need a small set of products: (for 6 servings):

  • 1 kg of turkey fillet;
  • 1 can of canned pineapples (preferably rings);
  • 5 g dry ground ginger;
  • 10 g curry;
  • 70 g cream 33% fat;
  • 300 g of plain cheese;
  • 25 g salt.

Cooking time - 45 minutes, calorie content - 85 kcal.

Turn on the oven immediately. Cut the turkey fillet across the grain into thin slices (1.5 cm). Beat well, grease with a mixture of ginger and curry, pour cream and leave to rest for 5 minutes.

We cover the sheet with foil, measure the second layer of foil to cover the chops on top. We rub the cheese on a coarse grater, open the pineapples. Salt the chops on both sides, put them on a sheet. Drizzle each chop with cream. Put pineapple rings on top, sprinkle with grated cheese.

We close the sheet with a layer of foil, put the turkey fillet with pineapples in a hot oven. The foil must be removed after 20 minutes to brown the cheese. Roast will be quite ready in 30 minutes from the start of baking.

How to cook delicious turkey thigh with potatoes

A significant plus of the proposed recipe is that the garnish and festive meat dish are cooked at the same time, without much participation of the cook, on one sheet in the oven. The chef's task preparatory stage, and then - just keep an eye on the process, pouring fragrant juice over the roast. You will need the following products (for 6 servings):

  • chilled turkey thigh (about 1.5 kg);
  • 200 g of onions;
  • 30 g of garlic;
  • 70 g of chili pepper;
  • 10 g rosemary;
  • 10 g thyme;
  • 30 g of salt;
  • 175 g butter;
  • 150 g of vegetable oil;
  • 300 g potatoes (medium size).

A thigh with potatoes is cooked for 2.5 hours (including 1 hour for pickling, plus 1 hour for baking). The calorie content of the dish is 265 kcal.

Wash thigh well and pat dry with paper towel. Without breaking the outer skin, with a sharp thin knife we ​​make several punctures in the thigh, for deep penetration of the marinade.

In this recipe, not only meat, but also potatoes will be marinated before baking. We will prepare different marinades, since two goals are pursued: to make the turkey juicy and spicy; provide the potatoes with an appetizing golden brown crust.

First, prepare the marinade for the meat. Mix thyme, rosemary (without hard twigs) and part of hot red pepper (50 g) with butter (soft). Add minced garlic, salt, finely chopped onion, and part of vegetable oil (80 g), mix the mixture well.

Brush the turkey thigh generously with the marinade. It's just great if the spicy sauce is poured into the prepared punctures. Done, leave the meat to marinate for 1 hour.

We clean the potatoes, cut into 4 slices. Small young potatoes can simply be washed and dried, then cooked in their skins without cutting. In the remaining vegetable oil (70 g), add hot chili pepper (20 g), stir.

Brush the potatoes with this sauce and leave to marinate. It is better to salt the potatoes later, already on the sheet, just before baking.

Turn on the oven in advance so that it is really hot. Place the thigh on a large sheet, send to the oven. The meat will be ready in an hour.

Forty minutes is enough for potatoes, we will add it after 20 minutes, after salting it. During baking, the turkey should be poured over with melted fat as often as possible (3-4 times).

Recipes of minced turkey dishes

You can cook minced meat yourself, or buy ready-made. Most good option- buy chilled meat in the supermarket, where customers are twisting the purchased meat with an industrial meat grinder for free. The buyer saves his time, while he is always sure of the freshness of the purchased minced meat.

Diet cutlets in the oven

An interesting recipe for turkey cutlets with vegetables is prepared without the use of bread and butter. These bright cutlets are baked in the oven, so they do not contain carcinogenic substances. To prepare 10 cutlets you will need (for 5 servings):

  • 600 g minced turkey;
  • 1 egg;
  • 50 ml of fresh kefir 2.5% fat;
  • 1 yellow bell pepper;
  • 70 g fresh dill;
  • 50 g green basil;
  • 250 g potatoes;
  • 150 g carrots;
  • 120 g of onions;
  • 25 g salt;
  • a pinch of ground black pepper.

They can be cooked from ready-made minced meat in 50 minutes, calorie content - 190 kcal.

Turn on the oven immediately so that it warms up well. Peel and wash vegetables. Wash greens, dry with a towel, finely chop. Carrots and potatoes can be grated on the smallest grater, and it is better to chop onions in a meat grinder. Cut bell pepper into small squares. Lightly beat the egg with salt and black pepper.

Add a beaten egg, chopped vegetables and chopped greens to the minced meat. Knead the minced meat with your hands, almost as you usually knead the dough. Minced meat should lag behind the hands.

Cover the sheet with parchment. Shape into patties and lay out on a sheet. Put the tray in the oven for 40 minutes. Cutlets are ready when absolutely clear juice flows from them when pierced.

Roll with prunes and apples

From the prepared minced turkey, a juicy stuffed roll is obtained, which is good both hot and as a cold appetizer. You will need:

  • 700 g minced turkey;
  • 1 egg;
  • 70 g of semolina;
  • 5 g black ground pepper;
  • 40 g butter;
  • 15 g of salt;
  • 1 sour apple;
  • 150 g pitted prunes.

Cooking will take 1 hour, the calorie content of the roll is 230 kcal.

Turn on the oven immediately. Break the egg into the minced meat, add black pepper and salt. Add mango, mix well. We clean the apple from the peel, seeds and partitions. Cut into thin strips. Prunes cut into thin slices.

We spread the minced meat in an even layer of 1.5 cm on the foil moistened with water. We form a rectangle measuring 30 × 40 cm. Lay out the filling along the long side, carefully wrap the roll with the help of foil.

Carefully lay the roll on a sheet covered with foil, grease it with butter on top. Wrap in foil and bake in a hot oven. The total baking time is 40 minutes, after 30 minutes you can remove the top foil so that the roll is browned.

What to cook with turkey liver

From the turkey liver, it is worth preparing a tender pate, which is very popular with children. You will need a minimum of products:

  • 400 g of turkey liver;
  • 200 g butter (soft);
  • 150 g carrots;
  • 150 g of onion;
  • 20 g of salt;
  • 2 g ground black pepper;
  • 5 peas of allspice.

Cooking time - 45 minutes, plus a couple of hours for solidification. Calorie pate - 230 kcal.

Wash and dry the liver, peel and wash the vegetables. Cut the carrot into 3 parts, put 2 onions whole. Put the vegetables in a heavy-bottomed pot (or goose dish) first, then the liver.

Half fill with water, add allspice and salt. Put on medium heat, wait until it boils and remove the foam. Reduce the heat to a minimum, simmer the liver with vegetables for another 25 - 30 minutes under the lid. Turn off the gas and open the lid to cool the liver a little.

We scroll the hot stewed liver with vegetables through a meat grinder. Onions can be pre-pressed slightly. Stir the pate, add black ground pepper, gently add soft butter to the pate. We send the finished pate to harden in the cold.

Cooking turkey meat is easy, this product gives a wide field for the culinary imagination. A few tips to make cooking enjoyable:

  • if you need to quickly marinate the meat, place it in a plastic bag (along with the sauce), let out the air and tie the bag - the meat will marinate much faster;
  • in recipes from turkey fillet (or minced meat), it is preferable to use butter and sweet milk cream (the dish will turn out juicy);
  • if, according to the recipe, it is necessary to add vegetables to the minced meat, it is better to chop them using a meat grinder mesh with minimal holes.

Bon Appetit!

The recipe for a delicious turkey with herbs is in the next video.