Why do I keep losing small things. I keep losing everything

Some of us constantly lose things: keys, phones, gloves. The umbrella carefully taken in the morning remains in the cinema, the ring is on the sink in the ladies' room, someone even manages to forget the wallet in the store: she paid, put it on the counter and was gone. What are the reasons for such absent-mindedness, is it possible to somehow train yourself to stop losing what you need?

Why do we all forget

Why do we all forget

There are people who remain focused under any circumstances, and someone literally suffers from their inattention. According to neuropsychologist Chris Moulin, some of us are simply more scattered to begin with. However, external factors can fertilize fertile soil and exacerbate the problem. Today it is fashionable to blame the frantic pace of life for literally everything, but in our case this is almost the main thing. High employment, multitasking, stress and fatigue make us more forgetful. At work, we think about how to do everything, every now and then switching from work issues to household chores and personal problems: to be in time for the store before closing, make an appointment for the doctor in the morning, and on the weekend - for a haircut, pay for the child's courses, let the nanny go . So we have less mental strength and psychic energy to remember where we put this or that thing. But this can be dealt with.

Invest Wisely

Invest Wisely

Invest in things that really matter to you. So you will constantly pay attention to the fact that they are not forgotten anywhere. Buy an expensive wallet, a housekeeper, mobile phone, trendy gloves or umbrella. The more attached you are to a thing, the less likely you are to leave it somewhere. For some reason, this trick does not work with gifts, even if they are very expensive. Therefore, it is important to purchase a thing at your own expense, and invest not only financially, but also emotionally. It is better to look at a number of models before buying, choose and estimate for a long time. And then you yourself will notice how every five minutes you will check whether your valuable acquisition is in place. But still, try to play it safe: put your business cards in your wallet, buy a mobile phone case with a pocket and leave your coordinates there too. More often than not, we think of people worse than they really are. And if you really forgot something dear to you, and did not become a victim of a pickpocket, then there is a high probability that the finder will want to return it to you.

Organize yourself

Organize yourself

It's much easier to stop forgetting things when you rely on more than just your memory. To achieve this, start organizing your supplies on your desk, at home, and inside your bag. As you know, whoever has order at home has order in life and in his head. Also form some habits and set small rules. Come up with something for each own place: work pass and subway card - in the left pocket of the jacket, passport, wallet and phone - in the inner compartment of the bag, preferably with a zipper. Do not throw away checks for large purchases, keep a small box for them at home. Important documents such as health and pension insurance cards or birth certificates should also be kept in a designated place.

Watch out for the bad mood

Watch out for the bad mood

Do you remember that moment when you started losing things all the time? Or have you always been so distracted? Chris Moulin argues that, under certain circumstances, absent-mindedness can be a sign of incipient depression. The situation is exacerbated if you work under stress or are close to emotional burnout. In fact, the beginnings of depression are easy to determine, this can be done even without the participation of a specialist. The first wake-up call is a sleep disorder. According to psychiatrists, almost all exacerbations of profile diseases begin with it. More often it is difficulty falling asleep, insomnia, less often - constant drowsiness, inability to wake up. Sometimes a person can sleep more than twelve hours a day and not get enough sleep. In any case, track your sleep and mood throughout the day. When depressed, people usually feel much worse in the morning and notice that their mood evens out in the late afternoon. In this case, you will have to consult a doctor so that he can prescribe you maintenance therapy.

Why am I losing everything? Where do things, tools, documents disappear? I can not find. What to do about distraction?


Why am I losing everything? Where do things, tools, documents go? What to do about distraction?


I can't find my things, I'm losing everything. I can lose my phone, documents, money. I can't find tools and things at home. What to do?


We will lose everything

As I have already said, attention disorders are a natural consequence of a greatly increased Lately information flow. Our brain has not yet adapted to these changes, and technology has not learned how to intelligently filter and process this information for us. Different people have attention disorders to varying degrees. Some are more receptive, some less.

Some people go into a stress spiral, as I call it. So, a person has lost something, cannot find it. Some spit and relax. But some begin to think about it, to concentrate on it. When you again need to find or save something, not to lose, then instead of concentrating on your task, such a person begins to think about how he loses everything, cannot find anything. Accordingly, stress arises, which contributes to even greater forgetfulness.

In such a situation, the path of small improvements helps very well. If you manage to improve the situation a little, then your mood will improve further. Well, an improvement in mood will lead to an improvement in concentration. The spiral will begin to unwind in the other direction. You may even eventually become a master of concentration.

How to stop losing things? Simple Steps

How to quickly improve the situation with absent-mindedness? Five easy steps.

Change your diet. Drink calming nutritional supplements. Eliminate overeating, stimulants that cause rapid jumps in nervous activity, such as coffee. If you are unbearable without a stimulant, drink Far Eastern lemongrass tea. It stimulates much more gently than coffee, but for a longer time. Be careful, it can cause an increase in blood pressure, although not as strong as coffee, and insomnia. It can be combined with sedative nutritional supplements. It turns out very well. In the morning a cup of lemongrass, in the evening something soothing. Eliminate alcohol and psychotropic drugs.

Limit the flow of information. Watch less TV, read less, use the Internet and phone less. Walk more, relax. Moderate exercise will help.

Eliminate the possibility of losing key items outside the home. In order not to lose things in thought, I tie them. Now such coils are sold on springs, from which a thin, strong thread is pulled out, if you pull it. And if you let go, it retracts. Usually they are used for attaching badges. I have a wallet, a wallet with a passport and a mobile phone tied to my pockets on such coils. I tightly adapted the coil itself to a good safety pin, and cut the rope from a toy plastic head and tightly tied it to my wallet / purse / mobile case. I put an object in my pocket, immediately fasten a coil from it to the same pocket. Now I don't worry about losing these important things, I don't spend my attention on them and I don't feel stressed. One day a pickpocket pulled out my wallet with my passport. But he didn't take it far. And he took away a bruise under his eye.

Get standard places for items. Each time after you have used one or another item, put it in its usual place.

Delete everything foreign objects out of sight. Provide yourself workplace. Whatever you do, first prepare your workspace. Remove from your field of view all objects that you do not need now and can distract you.

These simple tips will help to quickly improve the situation with absent-mindedness. And then remember about the spiral unwinding in reverse side. Do not worry.

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In this article, we will look at ways to store important things so that they are always at hand and never get lost. general principle organization of effective storage is considered to be sorting things according to their intended purpose and storing similar items in the place where they are most often used. For example, to clean up the shelves in the bathroom, put in small separate baskets different types cosmetics: shampoos, hair balms, shower gels, skin care products, etc.

However, even the most perfect system cannot eliminate the influence of the human factor and give a 100% guarantee that some very important object will not disappear. Especially often things are lost by scattered creative people who live in their own world and do not follow the established rules. In such cases, technical progress comes to the rescue - many affordable original devices have been invented to search for frequently lost items. For example, special small StickNFind Bluetooth stickers, with which you can find a lost item within a radius of up to 30 m, or sets of key fobs for the most frequently lost items, which help to detect the loss by the sound signal emitted by the key fob.


The main champion of disappearing at the most inopportune moment is, of course, the keys. A set of house or car keys is traditionally lost before leaving for work or traveling to an important meeting. The keys to the dacha disappear without a trace when you return from work early on purpose in order to have time to get to it without the legendary Friday traffic jams. In the life of every person there are many cases when, at the most crucial moment, you had to give up everything and spend a lot of precious time looking for keys.

To avoid such problems helps the key holder, located near front door where all the keys and key fobs from barriers and gates are stored. For those who are unable to store the keys in a strictly defined place, it makes sense to get a search key fob, which we talked about above.


Points are lost even more often than keys. It is especially difficult for nearsighted people who, having lost their glasses, cannot find them because they see poorly. To avoid such annoying situations, have strictly defined places for storing glasses in each room and try to leave them only there. If you can’t put the glasses in a certain place (for example, something is already there, so the glasses had to be put in another corner or on another shelf), get special stands or holders. It is desirable that the coasters are bright enough to attract attention - this will greatly facilitate the search. It makes sense to take care of the availability of spare glasses specifically for the search: they should be stored in a safe place, and you need to get them only in order to find a lost pair of glasses.

Mobile phone

Phones at home are often lost, but usually they are easy to find: you just need to call it and find the device by sound. Everything becomes much sadder if the phone is dead and it is impossible to call it. To prevent such situations, make sure that the phone is always charged and try to store it in some specific place that is convenient for you. The task can be facilitated by special cute phone stands that decorate the interior and allow the phone to stay in its place.

Remote control for TV, air conditioner and other equipment

Most often, the remote control from the TV is lost, and in the most mysterious way. The search zone, unfortunately, is not limited to the space around the sofa and chairs opposite: the remote control can “leave” to the kitchen, to another room, to the hallway and even to work, accidentally getting into the bag of the most absent-minded family member. Someone advises tying the remote long elastic band to a sofa or chair. However, this does not look aesthetically pleasing, so our interior blog cannot support such an idea. Another popular advice on the Internet is to attach a filled gel ball. This, of course, will look very festive, but it will not fit into every interior. Our advice is to allocate a permanent place for the remote at the TV or on coffee table. Or organize the storage of remotes on special stands. In case someone often forgets to return the remote to its place, you can attach a search beacon to it, which we talked about at the beginning of the article.


Frequently used documents (passports, rights, travel cards, bills for public Utilities etc.), as well as important papers that are rarely needed, which is why people often forget where they were last put (TIN, USNO, military ID, diplomas, birth, marriage, property registration and etc.). The organization of reliable places for storing documents will help to solve this problem.

For infrequently used important documents, pick up a capacious box where A4 papers will fit. The number of documents will be quite large, so it is more convenient to sort them into files or thin folders. For example, for each family member it is convenient to have a separate folder with personal documents, as well as separate files for documents for an apartment, car, cottage, etc. This valuable box must be securely hidden so that only adult family members know about its whereabouts.

For frequently used documents, get another organizer, drawer or box. Hiding such documents too far does not make sense - just put them in an easily accessible place in drawer table or cabinet door. Leaving the documents completely in plain sight, of course, is not worth it.


If you keep savings at home, then you need to choose a safe place to store them, realistically assessing all the risks and the quality of home security systems. For money for current expenses, it is better to use a convenient, pretty box, placing it out of sight, but still in a fairly accessible place.

Usually, money is lost inside the house, when a person often begins to shift his savings from one reliable place to another, even more reliable. Or puts them in different safe places, and then can't remember what he put where. This is especially true for pensioners. If your elderly relatives constantly lose their savings in the apartment, do not be lazy, organize a good hiding place for them so that they do not worry or worry.

Wallets, plastic and discount cards

As a rule, women do not lose such things: they keep all their cards in their wallet, and their wallet is in their purse. But many men carry a wallet just in their pocket. Returning home, they throw it in the first place that comes across, and then they don’t remember where exactly they put it for the last time. Especially absent-minded people will find it useful to attach a search beacon to their wallet. In other cases, it is enough to track where your husband most often drops his wallet and allocate a convenient storage place nearby. First, the husband will learn, without your help, to find the wallet that you carefully put in place, and after a while he himself will begin to leave it there.

As for plastic and discount cards, it is best to carry them with you all the time: with the modern rhythm of life, it is quite difficult to predict in advance when you will need them. Those cards that you are afraid of losing can be put in a box with money for current expenses.

Chargers and wires

In order not to constantly look for chargers, wires and cords from different gadgets all over the apartment, it is very useful to create with your own hands or purchase a ready-made charging station, as well as make a small organizer for wires.


Each Internet user accumulates over time a lot of passwords from different mailboxes, social media accounts, personal accounts in shops and banks, etc. Unfortunately, for security reasons, you cannot use the same password everywhere, and it is impossible to remember them all. In order not to constantly lose or restore passwords, they can be written to a file on the computer's hard drive (you can also put a password on it) and / or on paper hidden in a safe place (for example, with documents).


Now it is very easy to find convenient devices for compact storage of jewelry: neat jewelry organizers and beautiful stands for jewelry. Keeping jewelry in its place will protect them from loss and breakage.

Socks, shoes and clothes

Most often, one sock out of a pair is lost without a trace. It is unrealistic to fight this phenomenon, but you can minimize the harm from loss by buying many pairs of identical socks at once. Then the lost sock can be easily replaced with an identical one. When the number of, for example, black socks drops to a critical few pairs, a new batch of identical black socks is bought with a large margin.

Clothes and shoes are also sometimes lost if you do not organize their storage in the wardrobe. You can read about how to organize convenient and efficient storage of things in our articles "" and "".

Cutlery and small kitchen appliances

Some lose teaspoons without a trace, others lose knives, openers, scissors, potholders and even lids from pots and pans all the time - everyone has their own list of items mysteriously disappearing from the kitchen, and it can be continued endlessly. There are 3 main ways to deal with such losses:

  • Organize a convenient storage system, where each thing has its own strictly defined place. For example, all lids will be visible if you store them on special holders or use a small plastic dish rack inside the cabinet as a stand for lids. Openers also abruptly cease to be lost, as soon as there is a permanent convenient place for them in the kitchen.
  • Regularly return to their places all the dishes that family members take around the apartment.
  • Have a large supply of the same cutlery that constantly “leave” the house for the country house, for picnics, along with treats for friends and relatives, etc. Teaspoons, for example, are sometimes accidentally thrown away with old packages of sour cream and cottage cheese.


In order not to listen to the husband’s constant complaints that he again lost some important tool, spare no expense and buy a large convenient box to store them. Put all the tools found in different parts of the apartment without hesitation into it. It is very useful to purchase a small organizer for nuts, screws and other small items - this way you will clear the apartment of screwdrivers, hammers and pliers lying around at every step and save yourself from regular searches for all this stuff , which is necessarily lost at the most necessary moment.

Useful little things

Roulettes, matches, threads, needles, buttons, pens, scissors and other small useful things that you constantly have to look for somewhere also require the organization of a convenient storage place. For example, all sewing accessories will fit in a small organizer or in a jewelry box and immediately stop getting lost. There should be a lot of scissors in the apartment: in the kitchen for cutting meat, in the first-aid kit for dressings, in a box with sewing tools, in a cabinet in the bathroom and in an organizer with stationery. Pens, pencils, markers, paper clips, a stapler with brackets, a glue stick, transparent files for documents and other stationery can easily fit in a small neat box on a computer or desktop. A tape measure, flashlights, ropes and other household items will be perfectly stored in a shoe box on a shelf in the hallway.

Photo: ikea.com, lisaangel.co.uk, etsy.com, bagus.dk, amazon.com

You will not find in any textbook of the school curriculum the answer to the question "How to deal with absent-mindedness?". You may be prompted by the desire to understand - “Where do things disappear in your apartment?”. There is little funny in this, except in Marshak's poem about an eccentric man from Basseinaya Street, who, due to his inattention, several times ended up on the same platform.

Gloves, umbrellas, phone, keys, jewelry - all this is lost at lightning speed, you only have time to follow and buy. To overcome absent-mindedness and inattention, you need to understand the reasons for their appearance and finally pull yourself together.

Why are we losing everything?

As a child, you could give yourself slack and write off your absent-mindedness for wandering in the clouds. But adulthood requires us to come down from heaven to earth, no matter how much we object. Needless to say, lost rights threaten with a considerable fine and big problems with traffic cops, lost keys to an apartment - calling a locksmith and buying a new lock, losing a phone - access to your personal information, including bank cards.

According to neuropsychologist Chris Moulin, some people are inherently more scattered than others. Add to this external factors, such as the frantic pace of life, routine, multitasking, stress, fatigue, high employment, and you will understand why we often lose something. At work, you have to think about several things at once, trying to solve work moments, everyday problems, housework. Naturally, the brain forgets unnecessary information - where did you put the phone and whether you took an umbrella with you.

Psychologists also distinguish two types of absent-mindedness: imaginary and genuine. In the first case, forgetfulness is attributed to excessive concentration, when a person devotes a lot of time to something specific, forgetting about minor details. Professors, executives, scientists, businessmen, and politicians often suffer from this kind of absent-mindedness. In the second case, absent-mindedness can be caused by health problems: overwork, illness respiratory system and nasopharynx, neurasthenia, psychosis, chronic fatigue, lack of sleep.

How to stop losing things?

First of all, you need to figure out - are you yourself an absent-minded person or is it caused by external factors. Maybe it will be enough for you to just have a good rest, so that a clear mind and a sober memory come to replace cloudiness? Along with rest, start taking B vitamins and folic acid. Meditation, as a way to train memory, is also suitable.

Refuse to do several things at once. Do only one thing, do not spray on other, less important activities. You need to start execution only after a clear, well-thought-out plan of action, saying it to yourself - this will take time, but you are unlikely to forget what you wanted to do.

Put everything in its place. A very wise decision is to give each thing its place. So you don’t have to remember where you put your passport or keys yesterday and put your house in order. Get special boxes for documents, checks and invoices.

Block all attempts of the brain to switch to something else and try to be in the clouds. Come up with conscious situations and associate objects with certain actions.

Do not accumulate things, postponing them for later. A task has appeared - complete it. A lot of unfinished business clutters up memory, scatters attention and does not allow you to focus on important things.

Use hints and reminders. Set a reminder for an important date or event on your smartphone. At the right time, they will work and remind you of the case.

In order not to forget things in minibuses, hospitals, metro, cafes and other places outside the home, follow these recommendations:

Do not put anything in your pockets - they will not replace the bag, but the phone can easily fall out of your pocket. You can also forget about the contents of your pockets and send the thing to the laundry - then the money and documents will be irretrievably damaged;

Check the integrity of the lining of the bag;

Do not make a frantic search for something in your purse in front of everyone (usually, this happens in public transport when you need to transfer money for a fare). Prepare a trifle in advance;

Think of a place for things: keys - a small inner pocket of a handbag, wallet, phone and passport - an internal zippered compartment, a work pass and a subway pass - in the back pocket;

Be sure to put everything in a bag or bag as soon as you stop using the thing. We got on the bus, closed the umbrella and put it in the bag; took off gloves - into a bag, talked on the phone - do not turn it in your hands, but put it in a bag, paid for the fare - wallet in a bag, etc.

Make friends with things. It sounds strange, of course, but according to statistics, we more often lose things that we don’t feel anything for (or even worse, we hate). You treat your favorite things more reverently, you double-check their presence 100 times. Buy an expensive and beautiful wallet, a funny keychain, a stylish cane umbrella. You will not notice how you love things and stop losing them.

The loss of an item is often a warning. Centuries of observations have developed in folk omens, and now we can use the wisdom of our ancestors so as not to miss a single important detail from life.

Our ancestors believed that each item has a unique power. Rings, earrings, watches, scarves and gloves - the loss of these everyday items can warn us of danger or show us the path that will lead to happiness and well-being.

Why is the pen lost?

Why the earring is lost

A man who has lost an earring should be attentive and prudent in business. Lost decoration warns of the danger hanging over you of losing material well-being and power.

An unmarried girl who has lost her gold jewelry can expect to get married soon. A silver product promises a long period of relationship, and jewelry speaks of the imminent approach of a romantic relationship and subsequent love.

If the jewelry is made of silver and suddenly lost, then the owner of the loss will be lucky in love. For married women, such a loss will result in harmony in family relationships.

Married woman, who has lost her earrings, runs the risk of parting with her soul mate if the jewelry was donated by her husband. If the products are purchased independently, then negative consequences should not be expected.

Life difficulties are promised by the loss of an earring from the left ear.

If you have lost the jewelry from your right ear, then this will bring the girls a quick marriage. But a married lady runs the risk of divorcing her husband.

What does the loss of a glove mean?

If a person suddenly loses a glove or mitten, this means that his problems will soon be resolved, troubles will recede and give way to new achievements.

The loss of a glove from the left hand promises disagreements with a loved one, which can lead to divorce or a break in relationships.

If a glove is lost right hand, then the owner should wait for the end business relations. This may be dismissal, termination of cooperation and other troubles at work.

What does the loss of a bracelet mean?

If the bracelet is lost due to a malfunction of the locking mechanism, then you should prepare for conflicts at work.

A girl who has lost her jewelry will soon meet her lover.

If you dreamed that you lost your bracelet, then this dream promises a lot of minor troubles.

The loss of a gold bracelet speaks of new pleasant prospects for the future.

Loss of money: folk signs

The loss of a small amount of money promises soon conflicts in the family or at work.

A large amount of money you have lost indicates that all your problems will soon be resolved and a white streak will come in your life.

Why is the scarf lost?

Lost scarf light color- look forward to a soon happy vacation with the whole family.

A woolen product of dark shades that you have lost promises parting with your loved one for a long time.

The loss of a colorful scarf speaks of large expenses on a long journey.

A red scarf warns of sudden adventures that your relatives may get involved in.

A dangerous situation on the road is promised by the loss of a blue or green scarf.

A suddenly missing yellow scarf indicates that you are about to part with a loved one.

What does the loss of a brooch warn about

A brooch lost outside the home indicates that it is time for you to change your occupation. Your talents are not fully developed, and you are wasting time not doing what you will really succeed in.

A married woman who has lost a brooch should pay attention to her loved ones. You are too protective of them, give them a little more freedom.

If you have lost an expensive piece of jewelry, you should think about how to behave more modestly in thoughts and actions, as well as stop standing out too much. Do not dress up too frankly, showing your superiority or emancipation.

A stolen brooch promises failures and miscalculations in important matters, as well as your plans can be violated for a variety of reasons.

Loss of a mirror: what the signs say

The loss of a pocket mirror promises girls loss. They can lose not only money and personal values, but also part with their loved ones.

According to the sign, the loss of a mirror promises the owner an early disappointment or sadness, concerning both the financial and love spheres of life.

The disappearance of the mirror can be a warning. You are too immersed in your problems and do not notice what is happening around. You should pay more attention to family relationships.

Needle loss

If you have lost a needle without a thread, then joyful events await you.

The needle and thread is lost for an early separation from loved ones.

Why is the ring lost?

According to signs, the golden ring is lost before breaking off relations with a loved one.

The loss of a silver jewelry speaks of an imminent parting with relatives on a long journey.

If a man loses the ring, then financial problems and loss of status at work await him.

Jewelry that disappeared suddenly indicates that luck has turned away from the owner of the jewelry.

A ring that has slipped off your finger indicates that you have not kept your promise.

If the ring broke into pieces, then you were negatively affected. You should conduct a ritual of purification from the evil eye and damage.

The loss of a wedding ring speaks of problems in the family. You should prepare for the illness of one of the household members or a conflict with your spouse, children or your parents.

Lose an umbrella: folk signs

Judging by the sign, the loss of an umbrella means the end of the misfortunes that happen to you.

The loss of an umbrella that protects from the Sun promises a strong marital relationship without betrayal.

The girl who lost her umbrella will have to choose from a limited number of gentlemen, and her romantic relationship will pass without a heat of passion.

What portends the loss of a wallet

According to the legend, the loss of a wallet with money promises good luck and a quick reward.

An empty wallet that suddenly disappeared speaks of the approach of trouble. A small amount of money in a lost purse may be a hint of excessive stinginess or greed of the owner.

Loss of the chain: what signs warn about

Our ancestors believed that the loss of the chain bodes trouble for the owner.

Often, the decoration disappears before significant events in life, leading the owner to the idea that he needs to change his mind regarding some important decision.

A lost chain, along with a cross, is a warning about negativity. The ancestors believed that in this way the cross took over all evil, averted misfortune and misfortune. You need to use amulets against aggressive people.

Loss of a knife: folk signs

A man who has lost a knife is in danger of undermining his health. It is necessary to strengthen the biofield in order to ward off diseases from oneself.

For a woman, such a loss promises a series of minor troubles.

The loss of a knife at home indicates that your brownie keeper is offended by something. You need to appease him.

What promises the loss of a comb

According to popular beliefs, the loss of your comb in a strange place can be a threat to you. You may be negatively affected.

If several cloves are broken on the comb during use, then you need to strengthen your health.

Losing a scallop can also turn into a public scandal for you.

Loss of a button: what signs warn about

The sign says that a person who has lost a button from his clothes will soon meet with an aggressive opponent. You can avoid trouble by replacing the loss with a new button.

A spouse who has lost a button may be embroiled in family scandals.

Abrupt changes in life are promised by a button that came off on the street during a walk. But what they will be depends on your actions.

Why is the cross lost?

According to one of the signs, the loss of a cross promises drastic changes in a person’s life, a change in his interests and priorities.

Orthodox people believe that loss pectoral cross indicates serious misconduct that needs to be corrected as soon as possible.

For older people, such a loss can lead to material hardship. However, if a needy person suddenly loses the cross, then soon he will find what he needs.

Our ancestors believed that the loss of the cross indicates that a person should make more efforts to achieve the goal, as well as take care of those who need it.

What does the loss of a key mean?

Young people who discover such a loss can count on drastic changes in their lives. Responsible decisions await them, change social status. So, girls and boys can decide to start a family.

The loss of the key during a series of failures speaks of the imminent successful completion of all difficulties.

The loss of the keys to work promises a person new opportunities, contracts, wage increases and other pleasant changes.

According to the sign, people who have lost their keys before a significant event in life can count on a successful outcome.

The keys lost by couples promise a long-awaited move.

Losing keys during a move promises trouble in everyday life.

What portends the loss of hours

Our ancestors believed that the loss of a watch makes a person think that he is wasting his time. He should reconsider his attitude to life and stop wasting a precious resource, start moving towards his goal.

Often, the loss suggests that you should hurry up to complete the work you have begun on time.

Also, the missing clock may indicate that you are on the verge of a new life, and you need to gather strength for a new breakthrough.

What does the loss of the icon mean?

Most often, the loss of such a value indicates that the evil directed at you has been warded off. However, you should think about the fact that you are surrounded by ill-wishers. Seek help from the Higher Forces, ask them for protection.

Loss of a heel: signs

The most obvious sign is the loss of a heel in a hurry. She says that you should not rush, or even better, abandon the trip to where you planned.

A missing heel from beautiful shoes may indicate that you will soon be the happy owner of a new thing.

Lose scissors: signs

Lonely people who have lost scissors, according to signs, can prepare for a new life stage that will be happy.

The loss of scissors in the house indicates a person who will climb into your life, bother you with advice and moralizing.

Joyful changes in life await a married couple if one of the family members has lost scissors.

The loss of scissors in a dream often promises getting rid of bad thoughts.

The loss of old scissors can turn into a series of troubles and sad news.

Loss of a sock

According to a sign, socks that disappear from a married couple promise imminent scandals and a showdown.

Also, the loss of one sock can promise difficulties in life that you will need to overcome alone, not counting on the help of loved ones.

A missing pair of socks promises changes, not always positive ones. However, if you find a thing, then the problems will soon be resolved in your favor.

If you have lost points

One of the interpretations of the sign suggests that a person will have to face difficulties on the path of life face to face.

According to another version, the loss of glasses warns a person against the spread of gossip. Avoid verbosity and details about your life and the affairs of your loved ones around strangers.

Lose a scarf: what the signs say

The loss of a handkerchief is a good omen. She says that the loss will take with it minor troubles from life.

The scarf that you use as a headdress can get lost in front of an unpleasant situation. You can get into it under the supervision of a large number of people.

If you lose a handkerchief made of thick wool or other material, this means that you are missing out on a good deal.

The loss of a light scarf made of fine wool and other weightless material suggests that you should pay attention to the little things. They contain the answer to your main question.

Belt loss

Our ancestors believed that the loss of the belt promises imminent illness.

If your leather belt is missing, then serious injuries await you.

A thin fabric belt indicates the approach of colds.

Another interpretation of the sign for the unmarried: you will have a child, but out of wedlock.

Losing a belt can promise an early meeting with personal enemies or people who harmed you earlier.

Lost phone

A more modern sign also has several interpretations. According to one of them, such a loss makes a person stop the frantic pace of life and take a break to rest.

Losing your phone can open your eyes to friends, among whom you will find manipulators.

The loss of a cell phone often turns into gossip addressed to you.

Cap loss

Our ancestors associated the loss of a hat with "loss of head". This meant that a strong love awaited a person.

Loss can indicate to a person the need to make an important decision without delay.

If the headdress is missing at home, then try to make contact with your brownie. Keep an eye on the house and put things in their places. Otherwise, domestic troubles may await you.

These signs reflect only part of the richest folk heritage. Watch for changes in your life and do not forget about the Signs of Destiny

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