Properties of wax candles in folk signs. How to make a wax candle with your own hands? Cones and colored stripes

Natural beeswax candles, which originally had a purely utilitarian purpose and were used as the simplest sources of lighting, in addition to the main function, began to perform other tasks (decorative, emotional, ritual), which made them indispensable in everyday life. Let's try to figure out how you can make wax candles with your own hands at home, what are their advantages and differences from paraffin candles.

Golden yellow candles, dyed in natural tones with particles of honey and pollen contained in the wax, made from a natural product without the use of any chemical dyes, artificial flavors, foreign additives and impurities, are used in a variety of situations and for different purposes.


When it comes to wax candles, the first thing that comes to mind is candles, which are most often used in religious rituals, both in church and at home. They are made only from natural raw materials from the apiary without any additives.


Their name speaks for itself. They are simple in form (usually elongated in the form of a cylinder), functional, well illuminate the room. They are used most often when there is no electricity.


This is the most common type of wax candles. They are used at home as a source of light to create romantic mood and special atmosphere, as well as how interesting decoration interior. These candles are varied in shape, dyes and flavors can be used in their manufacture.

Candles for traditional ceremonies, rituals and rituals

Dinner candles made with dyes and fragrances are created at dinner lung effect subdued lighting and are used as an additional decorative element.

Tea candles, due to their compactness and lightness, were originally intended for heating and maintaining the required temperature in a special teapot for festive table. Now they are adored by romantic and dreamy natures, who often use them to create coziness and a special atmosphere indoors, at the table and even on the water (they are very light and hold well on the surface of the water).

What do these types of candles have in common? All of them can be made from a natural product - extracted in an apiary. Nothing else is able to replace their ability to fill the house with a delicate honey aroma. And the very process of pouring golden liquid beeswax into molds is akin to meditation, ending with the moment of placing a thin wick in the center of each candle.

Read also: How to use beeswax ear candles?

What are the benefits of beeswax candles?

What benefit, besides aesthetic pleasure, can wax candles give us?

Their subtle unobtrusive honey-floral aroma is provided by the particles of products produced by bees in the apiary that are part of the beeswax. Such natural aromatherapy calms and relaxes, creates a favorable atmosphere in the house.

Such candles burn very cleanly and longer than paraffin candles, without releasing any harmful substances into the surrounding space. And they do an excellent job with their functional task of lighting the room.

Wax candles help maintain and restore health, filling the house with an aroma that can affect microorganisms when burned, due to the fact that the wax contains propolis residues, resins and other beneficial substances that are in the beehive in the apiary. This feature allows the use of candles in traditional medicine as a healing agent to stimulate the body, to improve mood.

Wax candles not only give us a soothing and peaceful atmosphere, but also make the air in our home cleaner, providing a healthier atmosphere. This is explained very simply. Burning, wax candles emit negative ions, which easily neutralize the positive charge contained in dust and polluting microparticles in the air.

By the way, it is this principle that is used in the operation of some air purifiers and water filters.

When burning wax candles, the content of dirty impurities in the air decreases, and it becomes cleaner. A favorable atmosphere is created in the room, which contributes to a more comfortable stay in it for people suffering from allergies and asthma.

There is evidence that burning a couple of wax candles in a room for a while made it easier for an allergic person to tolerate a component that causes a constant allergic reaction (for example, the presence of a cat), and to feel more comfortable for asthmatics.

In addition, the pleasant sweetish and light aroma of candles, consisting of 100% pure natural wax without fragrances, dyes and other additives, does not irritate at all.

Of course, high-quality beeswax candles are not cheap, but health care is a more weighty argument for many. When purchasing ready-made wax candles, you need to carefully study their composition. Sometimes, candles are given out for a pure product, which are only 50% made up of beeswax and contain not entirely safe paraffin.

Cons of paraffin candles

Conventional candles, which we use most often, are made from paraffin wax, which is a by-product of petroleum refining. In terms of its chemical qualities, it is a rather environmentally unfriendly and highly toxic product that can pollute the air we breathe in the house.

The technology of its extraction is as follows: paraffin is extracted in the process of oil refining from the lowest layer of an oil well. This black mass contains many toxins in its composition. Further, the raw material is bleached and treated with benzene and other preparations containing carcinogenic substances. Further processing in order to give the resulting waste an attractive presentation, aroma and color is also carried out by chemical means.

Read also: How to melt natural beeswax at home?

As a result, we, unsuspecting, get a beautiful, completely innocent-looking candle that contains dangerous toxins. Some of them are released during its combustion and are carcinogenic.

What is the danger of toxic effects of paraffin candles?

Paraffin candles with frequent and prolonged use can cause certain health problems. tiny particles harmful substance easily and imperceptibly enter the lungs of a person, which can cause irritation of the respiratory tract and allergies.

As for the dyes and aromatics that are added to paraffin candles, they are also not always safe. During combustion, such a candle can release toxins that are formed when the molecular structure of oils changes when heated.

And these are not the only disadvantages of burning paraffin candles. When burned, they emit toxic fumes and microscopic particles of soot, which over time leave dark spots on ceilings, walls, furniture and interior items, and also settle in the human lungs.

How can you protect yourself in this situation? Either do not use paraffin candles without special need, or try to learn how to make healthy and safe candles yourself.

We make candles from wax with our own hands

Candle making is a fun activity. For example, you can take a break from pressing matters for a while or make an original and useful gift for yourself or your loved ones with your own hands.

Of course, without mastering at least a minimum of small secrets and various wisdoms invented by savvy masters (and a lot of them have accumulated over the years), one cannot achieve a good result. But you can still try and you should. The process of mastering the art of making wax candles is simple and exciting. And, perhaps, for someone it can become a favorite pastime.

In order to guarantee a pure product with healing properties, for the manufacture of candles, only natural beeswax is required. It is best to purchase it from those who are directly involved in beekeeping. That is, from trusted beekeepers who can offer the right beeswax (this may depend both on the season and on the amount of pollen contained).

So, how to make beeswax candles at home? Let's consider several ways.

Wax skating

For the manufacture of this method, fragrant foundation is used. Wax sheets are slowly twisted and, under the influence of the heat of the hands, slowly form the intended shape of a candle of the desired thickness. Even a novice master can cope with such a task.

To make, you will need a wax sheet, twine (cotton or jute) for the wick (you can use a ready-made wick for candles), scissors and a tablet candle to soak the wick in molten paraffin for better burning.

We purchased candles from various churches and a honey shop and experimented to see which candles were actually wax.

Unfortunately, in our time to meet 100% wax candles good quality extremely difficult. All over the world preference is given to paraffin candles, they are cheap, but all the advantages of paraffin candles end there.

Paraffin is a derivative of oil, in addition to paraffin, the composition of the candle includes a large set of chemical wax substitutes, stearin and fragrances. When burning, such candles release toxic substances, and paraffin itself is a carcinogen when burned. Now think about what the candles that we love to light on birthday cakes are made of? And they do drip into the cake when burning.

Candles made from real raw beeswax are not only safe, but also healthy! Such candles include propolis, which gives a special smell to candles and when burned, evaporating, cleans and disinfects the air in the room and has a beneficial effect on the entire human body.

How can you tell wax candles from paraffin candles?

The experiment involved:

1. Control candle - a candle made by the owner of the Old Believer Church by hand from the raw bee wax of our bees in the Russian Taurus. (Read the production of our wax candles in the previous article)

2. Factory-made wax candle from refined wax, bought in a church on the square in 1905.

3. Half-wax candle from the church on the square in 1905 (The percentage of wax in the candles turned out to be low).

4. Candle “wax” from a honey shop, as it turned out in the experiment, paraffin with other wax substitutes and perfume.

5. Festive paraffin candle from the church on Goncharny Lane.

6. The Jerusalem candle, burnt with holy fire, bought in the same church, turned out to be 100% paraffin.

The experiment showed:

1) By smell:

1. Our raw wax candle has a strong natural wax scent that can be felt when the candle is held up to the nose.

2. The factory candle has a very slight wax smell, almost no smell, as it is made from purified wax, from which all impurities that give such a unique aroma to our candles have been removed.

3. The semi-wax candle is odorless.

4. "Wax" from a honey shop has no smell.

5. Paraffin candle is odorless.

6. Jerusalem paraffin is also odorless.

2) Touch:

1. Our candle is slightly rough, pleasant to the touch, waxy.

2. The factory wax candle is smoother but also natural to the touch.

3. Semi-wax is less pleasant to the touch, more like paraffin.

4. "Wax" from a honey shop is unpleasant to the touch, it also resembles paraffin more

5. and 6. Paraffin to the touch like soap, very unpleasant, greasy.

3) When cutting with a knife:

1. Our candle is easy to cut, like plasticine, it does not crumble on the cut

2. Factory candle behaves the same

3. Semi-wax is a little more difficult to cut, it is more solid.

4. "Wax" from a honey shop is cut normally.

5. Paraffin is cut in the same way as semi-wax. Apparently, in addition to paraffin, there are other wax substitutes in the composition, which make the candle closer in properties to wax.

6. Jerusalem candle behaves like 100% paraffin, crumbles when cut, there is no plasticity.

4. When burning:

1. Our candle burns evenly, does not flow (does not cry), melts when burning, forming a drop of wax inside the candle. During combustion, it periodically crackles. Burns slowly. Gives a very faint smell of wax. The candle is easily placed on a drop of wax on a glass surface.

2. The factory light is also on.

3. Semi-wax burns a little faster.

4. "Wax" from the honey shop burns very quickly. It was not possible to put it on the surface, the droplet instantly froze, indicating a paraffin origin, greasy to the touch.

5. Paraffin burns quickly, flows, but there is a drop during melting, which also indicates the presence of other impurities in it besides paraffin. Does not smell when burned. I also failed to light a candle.

6. Jerusalem behaves like pure paraffin, burns very quickly, as if evaporating in the air, without forming droplets. Does not smell when burned. Failed to light a candle.

5. If you hold glass over a candle flame:

1. Our candle does not give soot or gives a very slight subtle darkening of the glass.

2. Factory candle also.

3. Semi-wax smokes glass moderately

4. "Wax" from the honey shop heavily smokes the glass, it turns black

5. Paraffin strongly smokes the same as the previous candle

6. Jerusalem paraffin also gives a lot of soot on the glass.

6. When extinguishing a candle:

1. Our candle gives off a natural, waxy scent in places.

2. factory also

3. Semi-wax gives a slight unpleasant paraffin odor.

4. "Wax" from a honey shop gives a strong unpleasant paraffin smell

5. and 6. An even more unpleasant strong smell.

7. Plasticity of the candle:

1. Our candle is very plastic, bends easily, and does not break or crumble.

2. factory also

3. Semi wax also

4. “Wax” from a honey shop is quite plastic, but crumbles when broken

5. Paraffin plastic, indicates other impurities

6. Jerusalem immediately breaks and crumbles, there is no plasticity, indicates 100% paraffin.

You can now buy natural wax candles from raw wax in Yekaterinburg in our online store.

Good day dear friends! It's almost winter now. Many beekeepers are now preparing for the next season: they are repairing the frames, stringing wire into them, buying some equipment, inspecting their farm, including the honeycomb one, melting the wax, etc. So I recently drowned wax in my small one. Immediately after that, the thought arose: where else can beeswax be used, except for how trite to change it to honeycomb? It turns out that you can make candles from natural beeswax with your own hands.

Candles with their own hands. Why and who needs them?

Many may ask: “What is this for?” Well, at least in order to please yourself and your loved ones, as a maximum - to get additional profit from the apiary.

friends, soon New Year! I don't even believe it. Many people associate this holiday not only with fun and holidays, but also with fuss, with gifts. No one wants to deprive loved ones, leave them without attention. But after all, not always and not everyone has the opportunity for this, including the material one. Here's an idea for you: make wonderful fragrant candles with your own hands from natural beeswax, not from paraffin, not from boring chemicals, but from an environmentally friendly natural product and give it to your loved ones! Back in school, primary school, our first teacher Svetlana Alexandrovna told us: “ Best gift this is the one that is made with your own hands and with love!”. Thanks her! I remember these words for the rest of my life.

The second option may be to use the resulting product(s) for commercial purposes. The product line on the counter of the beekeeper should always strive to expand. The market does not stand still. The buyer has become picky, choosy (or vice versa illegible ...), demanding, capricious and stingy. Including stingy and in relation to their health, but that's another topic. The buyer needs to please and hit right on target, to identify and satisfy his needs for the here and now. Why not put five candles on the counter? Beautiful, quite original (so far), exclusive. I think it makes sense.

How to make a wax candle with your own hands?

I, as usual, went the way of the least material costs. It is known that molds are needed to make candles. Most often they are made of silicone. After the wax has cooled, it is very easy to remove the silicone mold from the finished candle. Plastic molds or other molds made of hard, non-elastic material can be problematic.

So, where do you get these molds for making candles? Ideally, of course, it is better to buy them in a store. There is a wide choice of shapes and sizes. There is room for fantasy. But there is one point that at the initial stage can repel - the price. The price varies on average from about three hundred rubles to three thousand for one form.

I chose a different option. I went to one of the hardware stores and saw silicone mold for baking. I thought, "Why not?" It cost about 300 rubles. But there are six different options candle molds. That is, one comes out to about 50 rubles. Bought.

And here is the view from inside.

Then there was the question of choosing a wick. I have never made candles and after thinking a little I came to the conclusion that the wick should be made of natural material, since synthetics will surely burn with the release of an unpleasant odor. Nothing better came to my mind than to buy a jute cord. Two hundred meters in the coil came out about 60 rubles. Pennies. The cost of such a wick does not even need to be taken into account when calculating the cost of one candle.

I came home, took some wax and put it in a glass jar, and put the jar in a saucepan. That is, he made a water bath. Of course, it’s better not to use glass, it can burst, but I didn’t immediately orient myself. Probably because I wanted to quickly try to make a candle with my own hands))

While the wax was melting, I chose the prettiest mold and prepared it. Immediately made a hole for the wick. I did it with a fountain pen refill. He, by the way, was also useful to me in the future. It’s more convenient, of course, with an awl or a carnation, but it was too lazy to go to get it)))

I made a hole right in the middle. It is important. Then he threaded the future wick into it.

The tail of the wick took out a centimeter by 2.5-3. Then he again took the rod from the fountain pen and fixed the wick on the inside of the mold.

The wick must be stretched strictly vertically. If this is not done, then the candle will not burn evenly.

By this time, the wax had just ripened. It remains to carefully and evenly pour it into the mold.

Yes, the form must lie on a horizontal surface. Our candle should turn out to be even.

Literally immediately, the wax began to cool, forming a beautiful pattern. Wife looked at this beauty with rapture))

Well, the wax is almost frozen. There is no need to rush to take the form. Our candle is still soft and can be inadvertently deformed.

While the wax was curing, a small amount of it flowed out through the hole we made for the wick. It turned out not to be critical. So I left our candle to cool.

Here you go. Came in a couple of hours, when the mold had already cooled down. A sign was a noticeable decrease in the size of the candle itself and a small distance appeared between the candle and the mold walls.

Can be taken out. Here's what happened. From above, near the wick, I had to trim a little with a knife, since the wax turned out to be not quite clean and there was a little honey and water in it, which flowed down to the bottom of the mold and occupied part of the cavity there. The first pancake is lumpy. Now I will know that the wax should be as pure as possible. Yes, I trimmed the length of the wick a little more.

Everything, the candle is ready! To my surprise, it even caught fire and did not go out))) You can have a candlelit dinner.

So, a brief summary on using this method of making candles from wax with your own hands.:

  • ease of manufacture, low cost and availability for the beekeeper of everything necessary is a definite plus;
  • wax must be clean, without impurities;
  • the wick must be made of natural materials;
  • the form must be placed strictly horizontally, and the wick strictly vertically;
  • do not rush to remove a hot candle from the mold;
  • minus - poverty of variants of forms.

Conclusion: it is possible to use this method for domestic purposes and for experimental purposes, to analyze the market (demand). However, later it is worth looking at with a more pronounced and interesting volumetric texture and theme.

Well, now, as promised, an interesting crossword puzzle. The first five people who send me a free-form list of correct answers to email, will receive an electronic collection of Beekeeping magazines, consisting of 333 issues of this legendary magazine!

My email address is on the page

Please do not write answers in the comments!

Since the discovery of fire, mankind has been looking for ways to maintain it. At first, this function was performed by a torch in which resin burned. It was poured into the recess of the wooden handle. However, the torch was short-lived due to the burning of the handle. The resin began to be poured into clay and glass vessels. Along with the resin, animals burned and, moreover, a piece of moss, a bunch of plant fibers, and then a piece of twine or a strip of cloth fell into the burning material. This prototype of the wick laid the foundation for wick lamps.

History of the lamp

The first lamps were not perfect. They smoked terribly, and the light from them was weak and often went out.

Later, the clay bowl turned into a closed teapot with a wick inserted into its spout. Thus appeared for several hundred years, which became the best source of illumination. Its flame was brighter, but when burning, the lamp smoked. Soot helped to overcome the invention of lamp glass.

History of the candle

Another descendant of the torch is the candle. At first, candles were made from wax or tallow. They appeared in the X century AD. The easiest way to make tallow candles. The wick fell into the melted lard, was taken out, the lard solidified on it. And this procedure was repeated several times to create a candle of the required thickness. Much later appeared special forms for candles into which melted wax or lard was poured.

There was little light from the tallow candle, but a lot of soot. Because of this, several of these candles were usually lit at the same time in the room. Then the chandelier was invented - a candlestick that has branches for fixing several products.

Material for replacing fat was required for a long time, but was found at the dawn of the 19th century. For candles, stearin began to be used, which was integral part fat. Thus, the stearin candle was born. When it appeared, it instantly gained popularity, displacing greasy. She burned brighter, while not giving soot and not getting her hands dirty. Stearin candles surpassed their predecessor in all respects. And they began to be applied everywhere.

Many argue about what came first - a kerosene lamp or a stearin candle. from which candles were made almost immediately, was invented in 1816. Kerosene replaced oil in lamps only in the middle of the 19th century.

Candle Properties

At first, wax and paraffin served as the material for candle production. Later, stearin was used. Paraffin and stearin have different physical and chemical characteristics, which affects the difference in candles made from these materials.

Paraffin is a product of oil refining, which is a mixture of various hydrocarbons. Stearin contains glycerin and stearic acid. It belongs to esters. This caused their different melting points: for paraffin, from 36 to 55 °C, while for stearin, from 55 to 72 °C. This makes stearin products harder, allowing better shape retention. At the same time, a stearin candle reaches 1500 ° C, and a paraffin candle - 1400 ° C.

In candle production almost no pure paraffin and stearin are used. More often they are mixed in various proportions. Stearin candles are usually used, the composition of which is 96% palm oil and 4% paraffin.


How to distinguish a stearin candle from a paraffin one? In life, paraffin is distinguished from stearin by the use of alkali. When the alkali reacts with stearin, the result is soap, which precipitates under the action of acid. Paraffin is neutral with respect to the alkali solution, so nothing will change.

Stearin is most often used as a raw material for the manufacture of various decorative products.

DIY manufacturing

If in the old days candles were used to provide normal lighting for rooms, today stearin candles are increasingly becoming an interesting decor element that can create a romantic or solemn atmosphere.

Now in specialized stores a lot of candle production items are sold, both the simplest ones and those that amaze the imagination with their quirkiness and originality. At the same time, such decorations are quite amenable to self-manufacturing using simple materials that are freely available. Do-it-yourself creation of this decorative element does not need too much financial expenses and does not take much time. At the same time, by giving free rein to your indomitable imagination and putting your soul into your work, you will create an unprecedented thing that can give joy to you and others.


We will work miracles from stearin, paraffin or wax. For people who are new to making candles, it is best to start their experiments with paraffin, as it is the easiest to work with. Paraffin is either bought in a store, or obtained from ordinary household colors or their cinders.

Also, stearin is easy to get from the ordinary. To do this, you need to grate the soap on a coarse grater or cut it with a knife. Next, the resulting chips are placed in a metal container, completely filled with water and sent to a water bath for melting. After dissolving the soap, it is removed from the fire, after which vinegar is added to the resulting composition. A mass of thick consistency will appear on the surface, which, after the final cooling, can be removed with a spoon. This substance is stearin. It must be washed running water and wrapped in a clean cloth to remove excess moisture.


The best wick can serve as a thick cotton thread. You can use twisted or woven floss. artificial materials they are absolutely not suitable for creating a wick, as they quickly burn out, while emitting a disgusting smell. The easiest way to get a wick is from ordinary candles.

Form, dyes, dishes

A variety of containers can serve as a form. These can be sand molds or coffee cans. If you want to make the decoration tapered up or round, you need to take a container that is used as a mold, such as a plastic ball. It is necessary to make a longitudinal incision and make a hole in the upper part of the mold, having a diameter of at least ten millimeters, so that the composition can be poured there without hindrance.

As dyes, you can use wax crayons, or natural substances, for example, cocoa. Dyes based on water or alcohol are not suitable.

You will also need dishes: a pot or bowl of small dimensions is quite suitable. It is important that it is conveniently placed in a water bath.

Candle making at home- an exciting and not too expensive hobby. One of the most popular directions in making candles with your own hands is candle making from wax or paraffin.

Candles made of these materials are solid and keep their shape, which opens up the widest scope for the imagination of the craftsmen. Such candles can be molded into a wide variety of shapes, made multi-colored, decorated various materials, as well as carving. Traditionally, such candles are an invariable attribute of weddings and other celebrations.

Make a candle with your own hands in general, it is not difficult - you need to melt the wax or paraffin, pour it into the mold, install the wick and wait for it to solidify.

Can be purchased to make candles finished materials: candle wax or candle wax-stearin mass and wicks. You can also buy ordinary inexpensive candles, carefully cut them into several pieces without damaging the wick. Carefully remove these parts from the wick and the main ingredients are ready. The candle mass will be melted down and the wick will be used in a new candle.

It is possible and make your own candle mass and wicks.

For the preparation of candle mass, paraffin mixed with stearin is usually used. Optimum proportion: 80% paraffin and 20% stearin. This composition allows you to get strong, long-burning candles that do not melt much when burned.

A more expensive version of the candle mass is beeswax. Such a candle is completely natural, which, of course, is a big plus. It should be remembered that beeswax is always yellowish, up to almost orange. For the manufacture of colored candles from wax, you should choose wax as light as possible, the colors will be delicate, pastel. If it is planned to make a white or brightly colored candle, then paraffin and stearin must be used.

How to make a wick is told.

Candles are made by pouring molten mass into a mold.

It is necessary to melt the candle mass in a water bath, avoiding overheating and observing safety precautions. The water level in the water bath must be maintained, carefully adding water as needed, water is poured without reaching the top of the container. The optimum temperature for pouring into the mold is about 80 degrees. Pour the candle mass into the mold in one step so that the joints of the layers do not form. Filling is carried out in the center of the form. The mass solidifies from the edges to the center, at this time a small depression forms around the wick. Usually it is filled with a new portion of the mass.

Before topping up the candle mass, it is advisable to pierce the candle around the wick in several places (depending on the diameter of the candle) without reaching a couple of cm to the bottom - this way more air will come out of the candle and it is likely that the candle will no longer shrink and will not have to be topped up again.

  • The process of cooling the candle should not be accelerated, otherwise the candle may crack.
  • The mold must be clean and dry!

The prepared mold for pouring must be lubricated with a special lubricant (containing silicone) or dishwashing liquid - this will make it easier to remove the candle from the mold.

Before pouring the candle mass, a wick is installed.

It should be located exactly in the middle future candle. Often the form has a small hole in the place of the future top of the candle (in such forms the candle is poured as if upside down), then the wick is pulled into this hole and a knot is tied. At the top of the mold, a structure of holders is installed (toothpicks or orange sticks are often used), to which the second end of the wick is wound, and thus the wick is stretched and fixed in the right place.

If there is no such hole and the candle is poured from the bottom to the top, then the wick is “glued” to the drop of wax from below, and the same retaining structure of sticks is on top. You can also use the wick, which is already placed in the holder, and install it on the bottom of the candle, and on top - well, the same design of sticks)))

Easy to use clothespin.

And of course, there are special devices:

The melted candle mass is very liquid, therefore it flows even through small holes. Therefore, when pouring a mold with a hole and a knot, it is recommended to first fill in a small portion of the candle mass, let the leaked wax melt again. Well, then fill the candle completely.

As forms, masters use both special forms, including very complex shapes, and molds for soap and various improvised materials - cans, boxes, paper cones. Even eggshells can make a great shape!

Forms for candles can be detachable or solid.

If a detachable form is used, then it is necessary to remove the candle from it without waiting for complete solidification. The half-hardened candle is removed and the growths are cut off with a carefully heated knife at the junction of the mold. Then the candle is placed on a flat surface until it cools completely.

Candles are removed from solid forms after complete solidification. The candle mass shrinks slightly, so the candle is removed without much effort. If, nevertheless, it is impossible to pull the candle out of the mold, then the mold can be gently tapped on the table or briefly dipped in hot water.

Candles may not be removed from the mold, if so intended, for example, colored candles look great in glass cups.

Candles can be made in different colors.

They can only be dyed with fat-soluble dyes, which are added to the melted mass. If you are making a candle with essential oils, then it is recommended to add oils first, and then dyes.

Candles can be filled in layers. After the previous layer has partially hardened, a new layer is poured onto it, the temperature of which should be 75-80 degrees - the new layer should slightly flood the previous one in order to adhere well to it, but not deform it too much.

For the manufacture of carved candles, they are made multi-layered, with multi-colored layers. New layers on a candle are obtained by dipping it into a melted mass with a new color. Dipping should not be long - otherwise the previous layer will melt strongly.

You can decorate candles in a variety of ways.

Cereals, shells, dried flowers, beads are used.

One of the most popular decorating methods among beginners is candles with coffee beans. A smaller form is installed in the form, coffee beans are poured into the space between the forms and filled with wax. After curing, the smaller mold is removed, a wick is placed in the center, and the space is filled with wax. After complete cooling, the walls of the mold are heated (with a hot hairdryer, for example), the wax flows down from the walls and the coffee beans are exposed along the edge of the candle. Then the candle is removed from the mold.

The external decor for candles is done quite simply - the wax on the candle is heated with a heated tool and the elements are glued there.

For decor using decoupage technique, the paper is smoothed with a heated spoon.