Elevated red blood cells in early pregnancy. Why are red blood cells low during pregnancy? Causes and methods of normalization of red blood cells

Body future mother experiencing a double load every day. Her organs provide the vital activity of both the mother's body and the body that develops in the womb of the baby.

In order not to miss any violation in the health of the pregnant woman and the fetus, the attending physician constantly prescribes tests.

From the moment of registration, a woman undergoes a lot of examinations, especially often. Sometimes, in the results of the study, laboratory assistants indicate that red blood cells have appeared in the urine - this is a fairly common phenomenon during pregnancy. Could this mean that some dangerous pathology is developing?

The kidneys function as natural filters. They pass blood through themselves, from which plasma with some solutes is filtered out in the renal glomeruli.

In the tubules, many compounds return back to the bloodstream. The result is urine, which contains water, salts, some decomposition products of organic compounds.

As a rule, blood cells do not enter the urine, or they are found there in extremely small concentrations. In humans, in the absence of pathologies, 1-3 erythrocyte cells can be detected in the field of view during examination.

This is considered normal, since red blood cells can enter the urine by accident, without inflammation or damage. If the amount exceeds the specified rate, then you need to look for the cause - the presence of blood in the urine.

You should not try to decipher the tests yourself, you need to ask the doctor which indicators are considered normal in this examination and which are not.

Causes of high red blood cells

Erythrocytes can penetrate the walls of the renal glomeruli, tubules, or mucosa of the urinary ducts.

Erythrocytes enter the urine in the following diseases:

  1. (stones injure tissues);
  2. nephrotic syndrome (renal glomeruli are affected);
  3. (accompanied by inflammation);
  4. kidney infarction (accompanied by necrosis of the kidney tissue);
  5. (they compress or rupture blood vessels);
  6. injury to internal organs.

During pregnancy, the list of causes of hematuria is expanding due to the special physiological state of the woman. The uterus, which increases daily in size, compresses the tissues and organs of the abdominal cavity. Fine structures can be pinched, for example,.

For this reason, urine does not flow normally, congestion develops. By themselves, they can cause hematuria. But stagnation can also provoke other pathological phenomena - the development of inflammation, accumulation.

A factor that greatly affects the functioning of almost all organs during all nine months is hormonal changes.

Hormones play a crucial role in maintaining pregnancy, developing the placenta, and preparing the mammary glands for their active work in the future.

But many other organs are also susceptible to the action of these biologically active substances. For example, the relaxing effect of progesterone, which is aimed at removing the tone of the uterus, is reflected in the ability of the intestine to peristalsis and the smooth muscle cells of the bladder to contract and empty. Violation of the outflow of urine for this reason causes all the same congestion.

The expectant mother should exclude factors that can provoke hematuria and the causes of its development (injuries, bad habits, contributing to and tumors).

The immunity of a pregnant woman is extremely vulnerable. The body spends a lot of energy to keep the baby alive, and if he lacks something (vitamins, energy reserves, trace elements), this all affects the mother's immune defense. Decreases both general and local immunity.

The urinary organs are at a higher risk of developing infections.

Infectious inflammation can provoke damage to the filtering system of the kidneys.

And another factor is the increase in the amount of fluid circulating in the body.

There is more blood, lymph, tissue fluid. The kidneys are forced to pass large volumes of blood compared to the load before pregnancy. This can reduce their stamina, causing new pathologies to appear or old chronic diseases to aggravate.

Why is it important to have regular urine tests?

Pregnancy is a reason to include a pregnant woman in the risk group for many diseases.

If the probability of developing pathology is increased, then it is necessary to conduct periodic examinations that can identify the pathological process at the start of its development.

After all, some diseases do not immediately manifest symptoms, but at the asymptomatic stage they can be detected using laboratory tests. Therefore, gynecologists who observe the development of pregnancy regularly refer the woman for examinations. Urine tests are very informative, and they can tell the doctor about those changes in the body of a pregnant woman that she has not yet noticed.

After the expectant mother has received a referral for the delivery of urine, she should complete the analysis on time. Regular examinations will help build a general picture of the course of pregnancy, which means that you cannot skip or delay your next visit to the laboratory.

Before the first test, you need to consult a doctor about the rules for taking biomaterial - this greatly affects the reliability of the results.

If a woman missed the examination, not completing it within the specified time for good reasons, this should be reported to the doctor. In the case when the expectant mother deliberately refuses tests, this makes her responsible for the untimely detection of possible pathologies in her and the child.

Treatment Options

If the results of the tests were disappointing, and more than 3 erythrocyte cells were found in the urine in the field of view, the doctor may prescribe a second analysis and additional diagnostics. In the case when deviations are confirmed, it is necessary to collect all available information about the condition of the pregnant woman in order to determine the cause of the deviation.

After establishing the diagnosis, the doctor chooses the optimal treatment regimen. infectious diseases treated with antiviral drugs. With inflammatory phenomena in the renal tissue, anti-inflammatory therapy is needed.

The choice of treatment tactics for urolithiasis and neoplasms depends on the stage of development of the disease. If surgery is required, the doctor must comprehensively assess the condition of the mother and baby.

If possible, all radical treatment measures that can harm the fetus are postponed until the postpartum period.

On the other hand, the condition of the future mother should not be allowed to worsen, as this can be dangerous for her and the life of the baby.

If you suspect severe illness or their immediate diagnosis in a pregnant woman, the doctor recommends hospitalization.

It is impossible to refuse it, since a woman will not be able to carefully monitor the condition and carry out all the necessary procedures. It is better to stay under close supervision for some time.

The expectant mother is responsible for her baby, so she has to follow the doctor's recommendations even more carefully so as not to harm the baby.

Expectant mothers undergo many different examinations throughout their pregnancy and regularly take urine and blood tests. The latter can tell a lot about the state of a woman's health.

Increased or decreased red blood cells in the blood during pregnancy is one of the important indicators that a specialist in a narrow profile will pay attention to. Let's talk in more detail about the second option.

What are erythrocytes?

This is what red blood cells are called. It is this component that occupies the largest part in the composition of the blood (45%) and stains it.

Red blood cells in human blood perform very important functions. They contain hemoglobin, which helps carry oxygen throughout the body and removes carbon dioxide.

Norm or pathology?

Changes in a woman's body during pregnancy can lead to the development of unusual phenomena for her, including a decrease in the level of red blood cells.

It is worth noting that this is not so rare. According to statistics, during pregnancy, erythrocytes in the blood are lowered in 40% of women! And it's very easy to explain. During the period of bearing a child, the total volume of blood in the body increases. Its liquid part does this faster than the formed elements (erythrocytes, leukocytes, and so on). In this case, experts talk about a false decrease in the level of red blood cells.

But there are also pathological reasons for a decrease in the level of red blood cells in expectant mothers. They will be discussed below.

Limits of the norm

A general blood test in pregnant women should show approximately the following results:

  1. In the first trimester (* 10 12 / l) - 3.5-5.4;
  2. In the second trimester (* 10 12 / l) - 3.2-4.8;
  3. In the third trimester (* 10 12 / l) - 3.5-5.0.

By the way, in non-pregnant women, the rate of erythrocytes in the blood is within (* 10 12 / l) 3.9-4.7.

Causes of the problem

Reduced red blood cells in the blood during pregnancy can be the result of a number of reasons:

All these pathologies will noticeably affect not only the health of the pregnant woman herself, but also the body of the still not fully formed fetus.

When to sound the alarm?

During pregnancy, low red blood cells can be detected only after a blood test. However, there are several signs that can tell about the presence of a problem and alert a woman:

  • constant lethargy;
  • causeless weakness;
  • drowsiness and desire to go to bed immediately after getting up in the morning;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • dry and pale skin;
  • inhibited reactions;
  • fainting states.

The presence of at least a few symptoms from the list is a reason to urgently consult a specialist! Timely assistance can help various problems in pregnancy and fetal development.

The consequences of a decrease in the level of red blood cells

No need to think that low red blood cells in the blood during pregnancy is not such a big problem. Such a phenomenon can lead to the development of dangerous complications.

Decreased red blood cells early dates can lead to improper formation of the internal organs of the baby, the development of various pathologies and even termination of pregnancy.

In the last trimester, a decrease in red blood cells in women increases the risk of developing fetal hypoxia, complications during the birth process (weak labor, external hemorrhages), and death of the baby during the first day after birth.

The pathology also affects the well-being of the expectant mother (all possible symptoms were discussed above).


Before prescribing treatment for low red blood cells during pregnancy, the doctor will refer the patient to a second blood test. This will help eliminate a possible error or once again confirm the existence of a problem. A pregnant woman will have to follow a few simple rules before taking the test:

  • avoid emotional upheavals;
  • minimize physical exercise;
  • during the day do not eat new or junk food.

The analysis must be done in morning time, on an empty stomach (after eating, at least 10 hours should pass). At the same time, it is allowed to drink clean non-carbonated water.

The treatment regimen will depend on the cause that provoked a decrease in red blood cells in the blood during pregnancy. If it was an unbalanced diet or an inactive lifestyle, the specialist will give the woman general recommendations regarding diet and permitted physical activity.

The diet of a pregnant woman should contain a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. Do not give up daily walks in the fresh air.

In infectious and other diseases, the focus is on their treatment. The level of erythrocytes, in this case, will have to recover on its own.

If the occurrence of a problem is associated with severe blood loss, specialists will select a special therapy for the speedy recovery of the patient's body. It can be various iron-containing drugs and vitamins that will contribute to hematopoiesis. In addition, such patients will be advised to drink plenty of fluids and introduce foods with a high iron content into the diet: dried mushrooms, beef liver, cocoa, green beans, strawberries, blueberries, beef, rabbit meat, carrots, eggs.

In the presence of serious health problems, such as anemia or malignant neoplasms, the treatment of a pregnant woman will be carried out in a hospital and under the constant supervision of medical personnel.

Folk methods

It is possible to eliminate the deficiency of erythrocytes with the help of effective folk methods. Before using them, you should consult your doctor!

Infusions and decoctions are highly effective in combating the problem. medicinal plants: lungwort, strawberry leaves, rose hips, burnet rhizomes. You need to take them twice a day.

We must not forget that folk remedies can also have side effects. For example, strawberry leaves are able to lower the already low blood pressure. Therefore, a pregnant woman should be as careful as possible. Also, such drugs can be used for no more than three months, after which it is important to take a break.

A mixture of nuts, dried fruits and honey copes well with the problem. Must be mixed in equal proportions walnuts, dried apricots, prunes and honey. The mixture should be eaten two teaspoons three times a day.


On the day when a woman finds out about her interesting situation, she must understand that from that moment she is also responsible for the health of her unborn baby. Therefore, in no case should you refuse to take tests that are regularly prescribed by a specialist. It is also equally important to do everything possible to protect yourself as much as possible from a decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood. In this case will help:

Finally, it is worth recalling once again that expectant mothers during pregnancy should treat their health with special care, seek medical help in a timely manner and take all the tests prescribed by them on time.

Red blood cells in the urine during pregnancy are a very important indicator, especially when it comes to women who have signs of anemia. The reasons for this increased attention lie in the fact that the number of red blood cells affects oxygen saturation. Erythrocytes in the urine during pregnancy is a very important indicator not only for the expectant mother, but also for the child. The fact is that the level of hemoglobin affects the correct development of the fetus and the condition of the expectant mother. Under no circumstances should erythrocytes leave the bloodstream, so the norm of erythrocytes in urine in women is their absence.

It should be noted that the increased content of red blood cells, that is, their detection in the urine, does not always have pathological causes. Sometimes this is due to physiology, in particular, with the uterus, which begins to grow actively. Due to the rapid increase in size, there is a compression of the ureters and bladder. This provokes congestion.

As a result of this condition, there may be impaired blood circulation, therefore, the kidneys are characterized by impaired filtration. As a result, the analysis demonstrates the presence of red blood cells in the urine. It is worth emphasizing that this condition is not a pathology, and does not pose any threat to the health of the expectant mother or child.

Another safe reason for the appearance of red blood cells in the urine can be a rapid change in hormonal levels. You don't have to worry about this either. In this case, single erythrocytes will be found in the urine.

However, often stagnation of urine can provoke the formation of stones and sand. It's not so harmless anymore. The fact is that such solid formations lead to injuries of the urinary tract, and this condition requires immediate treatment.

It is worth emphasizing that often women do not have any complaints, however, as soon as a stone or sand begins to move from a place, severe and acute pain will appear. Due to such an injury, a large number of red blood cells appear in the urine, its color even approaches bloody.

List of dangerous diseases

If we are not talking about functional changes in the body, and the reasons are hidden elsewhere, then most likely it is worth checking for inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system. Most often, such problems of an infectious nature cause pain, pain, burning, and problems with urination. To all this, pains in the lumbar region and lower abdomen are added, often a person can feel weak, a headache appears.

The most common causes of red blood cells in the urine of a pregnant woman are:

  • cystitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • venereal infections.

It should be noted that in such cases, treatment is strictly prohibited. folk remedies or self-medication, since serious harm can be done to the health of the mother and child.

The causes of hematuria can be not only an infection. Often this condition manifests itself in hypertension, diathesis of a hemorrhagic nature, fever, anemia, thrombosis, diabetes mellitus and a number of other problems.

Modern physicians distinguish one and a half hundred conditions that can cause the appearance of red blood cells in the urine. Some situations require a survey of all systems in order to make a correct diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

Hematuria and pregnancy

It is worth noting that any analysis can be erroneous, especially if the preparation for its delivery was incorrect. Not always the changed color of urine signals the presence of red blood cells. Sometimes the color may change due to the foods included in the diet. Most often, a general analysis is recommended first.

If red blood cells within it have been identified, the doctor may recommend a three-cup test. It is carried out to identify the nature of the origin of red blood cells. In particular, the delivery of analyzes is carried out in three containers.

If red blood cells are present in the first portion of urine, then we are talking about lesions of the urethra. Finding them in the second container indicates damage to the kidneys or ureters. If red blood cells were found in the third portion, then we are talking about problems with the bladder.

In addition to the direct number of red blood cells, their structure is also assessed. Normally, indicators during pregnancy in the blood can be from 3.8 to 5.5 10 to 12 degrees / l. Values ​​both higher and lower may indicate the presence of pathology.

It is worth noting that it is also worth calculating the hematocrit of the blood. Within its framework, the ratio of red blood cells to the total blood volume is indicated, percentages are used to express it. If this figure exceeds the level of 45 percent, then the pregnant woman will need to be hospitalized immediately.

In this case, infusion therapy is prescribed, in which blood thinning occurs. This helps to improve the nutrition of the body of the woman and the fetus. In general, a pregnancy proceeding in accordance with the norms should not be distinguished by any abnormal tests.

Additional Research

If erythrocytes were found in the urine of a pregnant woman, most likely she will have to undergo a whole range of additional studies. In particular, it is necessary to fully examine the reproductive system.

Examination of the cervix, colposcopy. It is necessary to perform sowing, vaginal smear, check for genital infections. V without fail an ultrasound of the kidneys will be required, as well as a detailed urinalysis according to Nechiporenko. It is very important in this case to comply with all the rules for its delivery.

In particular, the collection is carried out in the morning. Washing is preliminarily performed, douching should be excluded. Before starting to collect urine, it is recommended to cover the vagina with a gauze swab.

The first portion of the material is released into the toilet, the rest is collected in a container. The last portion is also not required. If there is no possibility of correct collection at home, you have to use a urinary catheter.

The same donation scheme should be used for a routine, general urinalysis. The analysis according to Nechiporenko will allow you to find out the quantitative ratio of red blood cells. It is worth emphasizing that many diseases identified with such an increase are treated inpatients.

Erythrocytes are red blood cells in human blood, and their constituent hemoglobin gives it its red color. One of the important indicators is the determination of the content of red blood cells in the urine during pregnancy. According to medical terminology, this condition is referred to as hematuria. The penetration of erythrocytes into the urine does not always indicate the development of a pathological process. Often, hematuria is a completely physiological condition due to cardinal changes in the body due to pregnancy. But a significant increase in comparison with the norm indicates a pathology. In this regard, it is necessary to pay attention to the work of the kidneys and organs of the urinary system.

There are 2 types of hematuria: micro and macro. If there is a small amount of blood in the urine and it is impossible to determine traces of red blood cells without an appropriate analysis, then this is regarded as microhematuria. In this case, the urine of the pregnant woman will be of a normal color, and the analysis will reveal no more than 5 red blood cells in the field of view. Gross hematuria is characterized by the fact that the blood in the urine will be visible even without analysis, i.e. its shade is closer to red. In severe cases, the color of the excreted urine becomes dark brown, up to black.

Depending on how the pathology under consideration manifests itself in women, hematuria has the following forms:

  • resistant;
  • recurrent;
  • isolated;
  • painful;
  • painless;
  • mixed.

A persistent increase in erythrocytes in the urine is characterized by a long continuation: the pathological composition does not change for some time. With a recurrent form of the disease, hematuria has a periodic manifestation, subsiding and reappearing after a while. At the same time, during the period of remission, urine becomes of normal composition and color. The intensity and severity of relapses depends on the state of the woman's immunity.

The isolated form of hematuria is characterized by the presence of traces of blood in the urine without other, unnecessary inclusions, such as protein or cylinders. Painful hematuria is characterized by painful urination in combination with the same sensations in the lumbar region. With a painless form of pathology, a woman does not experience any discomfort, but there is blood in the urine. There is also a mixed form of hematuria: it is combined with proteinuria. In addition to erythrocytes, protein and other components are present in the urine, which indicate an inflammatory process in the urinary organs.

What causes an increase in red blood cells

The erythrocytes are responsible for normal level hemoglobin in the blood and providing cells with oxygen. If urinalysis revealed the presence of red blood cells, it is necessary to find out what caused their migration. This pathology can be of 2 types - true and false. In the first case, the causes of its formation are caused by mixing blood with urine. With true hematuria, red blood cells are processed in the renal canals and, mixed with urine, go outside. Hormonal changes and an increased load on the kidneys and urinary system can provoke such a violation.

Everything possible reasons, leading to the appearance of red blood cells in the urine during the period of bearing a child, can be divided into 3 groups:

  1. Renal. They are associated with various kidney diseases.
  2. Postrenal. Caused by dysfunction of the urinary tract.
  3. Somatic. The factors included in this group have no direct connection with the urinary system.

The somatic causes of hematuria are due to the fact that a certain reaction is produced by the kidneys to various diseases, but they themselves are not directly involved in the pathological process. In this regard, 3 options for the source of platelet penetration into the urine can be considered - this is thrombocytopenia, hemophilia, or intoxication of the body. In the first case, there is a decrease in the total number of platelets in the blood, which leads to a violation of vascular coagulability. The result of this is the penetration of blood elements into the urine.

Hemophilia is also associated with decreased clotting, with the only difference being that thinned blood passes through the glomeruli. General intoxication of the body leads to an increase in the permeability of the renal glomeruli, and due to this, erythrocytes enter the urine.

Renal causes are due to one of the following kidney diseases:

  • glomerulonephritis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • cancerous tumor in the kidney.

The postrenal origin of erythrocytes is explained by the possible presence in the anamnesis of a pregnant woman of pathologies of the bladder or urethra.

Kidney pathologies as a source of hematuria

If red blood cells in the urine are increased during pregnancy, then most often the prerequisite for this condition is kidney pathology. These include glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis. In the first case, we are talking about acute or chronic inflammation of the renal glomeruli. Kidney tubules and interstitial tissue are not involved in the inflammatory process. With this disease, the filtration of the kidneys is blocked, and red blood cells, sugar, protein and nitrogenous substances penetrate into the urine from the blood.

An additional sign indicating glomerulonephritis is the presence of granular-type cylinders in the urine test. At the same time, the pregnant woman has swelling on the face, nausea, vomiting, and increased blood pressure. In addition, there is limited urine output.

Glomerulonephritis can be acute or chronic. The acute form of the disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • headache;
  • dyspnea;
  • lower back pain;
  • swelling of the face;
  • oliguria;
  • pressure surges;
  • temperature increase;
  • change in color of urine to reddish-brown.

As for chronic glomerulonephritis, during pregnancy, its exacerbation is quite rare. Almost always clinical manifestations it will be the same as before pregnancy. This renal pathology can adversely affect not only the course of pregnancy, but also the condition of the fetus. A woman has a high risk of developing late preeclampsia and premature birth.

Pyelonephritis is one of the most common causes of elevated erythrocytes in the urine. This disease refers to infectious lesions of the kidneys, which are caused by exposure to pathogenic bacteria. Pyelonephritis can affect one or both kidneys at the same time. In this disease, the inflammatory process affects the pyelocaliceal system of the kidneys. Acute pyelonephritis in a pregnant woman occurs with the following symptoms:

  • dull or sharp pain in the lower back, which increases with movement;
  • change in the color of urine;
  • unpleasant and pungent smell of urine;
  • temperature increase from 38 to 40 °C;
  • loss of appetite;
  • general weakness;
  • chills.

The disease can also occur in a chronic form, while the above symptoms may be absent. But erythrocytes will always be detected in the urine.

Signs and Diagnosis

The clinical manifestations of an increase in red blood cells in the urine of a pregnant woman depend on what was the root cause of this condition. Symptoms of hematuria are:

  • soreness;
  • burning sensation when urinating;
  • temperature increase;
  • darkening of the color of urine.

With hematuria, pain is concentrated in the lumbar region, closer to the kidneys. Sometimes the pain can be given to the genitals and lower abdomen. The latter may indicate that a kidney stone has formed. Painful sensations are a direct indication of the hospitalization of the expectant mother to prevent abortion.

Burning during urination is hallmark macrohematuria. In the vast majority of cases, the pathology under consideration is accompanied by an increase in body temperature. This indicates the course of the inflammatory process. The color of urine in hematuria ranges from pale pink to dark brown and may contain blood clots.

Diagnosis of pathology is carried out by urinalysis. In this case, macrohematuria can be determined visually by color. Microhematuria is detected by microscopic analysis of urine sediment. If blood is present exclusively in the first portion of urine, then this is a sign of initial hematuria. Its source is the pathology of the urethra or its inflammatory diseases. If blood is released at the end of the act of urination, then this may indicate cystitis or a neoplasm in the bladder. If blood is released throughout the entire act of urination, then this indicates a pathology of the kidneys and lower urinary tract. This condition is called total hematuria.

As additional diagnostic measures to identify the causes of the development of the pathologies under consideration, the following procedures are carried out:

  • colposcopy;
  • smear from the vagina;
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys;
  • urinalysis according to Nechiporenko;
  • bacterial culture of a smear from the cervix.

Urinalysis to determine red blood cells

Hormonal changes that occur with the onset of pregnancy can disrupt the functioning of internal organs and cause various ailments and problems if the woman was not healthy before pregnancy.

It is for this purpose that it is necessary to take tests during pregnancy. In particular, timely detection of an increase in erythrocytes in the urine will prevent and subsequently avoid various complications not only for the condition of the woman, but also for the fetus. It is known that this period is characterized by a weakening of the immunity of the pregnant woman, and the penetration of the infection can harm not only her body, but also affect the condition of the developing fetus.

It is important to have your urine tested regularly. Erythrocytes in the urine during pregnancy should not normally be contained. But their presence in the field of view up to 3 is allowed. In this case, a re-analysis is required. If even then red bodies are detected in the urine, then this will be the basis for finding out the reasons that caused their presence.

In order to avoid obtaining false results of the analysis, it is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations when collecting biological material:

  1. Urine collection should be carried out after waking up in the morning.
  2. Wash before urinating.
  3. A sterile container should be used to collect the analysis, it can be purchased at a pharmacy.
  4. Before urination, the vagina is covered with a gauze pad.
  5. An average portion of urine is collected, the initial stream must be skipped.
  6. The lid of the container closes tightly. The material must be delivered to the laboratory no later than 2 hours after its collection.

If erythrocytes are again found in it during the second urine test, then it will be necessary to conduct a study according to Nechiporenko. The preparation and procedure for collecting urine is the same as described above. If the test is positive, then the woman is placed in a hospital for further examination and treatment.

How to lower the level of red blood cells

An increase in red blood cells in the urine during pregnancy is a good reason for a thorough examination of a woman. It is important to understand that this is only a consequence of a violation. And to eliminate the pathology in question, it is necessary to find out as soon as possible the source of penetration of blood cells into the urine. If during the diagnostic procedures it was revealed that hematuria is not caused by physiological causes, then you should not try to solve the problem on your own, as this is fraught with development undesirable consequences. The solution to the problem is within the competence of the doctor, and depends on the causes that caused the pathology.

If its source was the lack of a full-fledged treatment of previously existing inflammatory diseases of the urinary system, doctors will decide when and what therapeutic measures should be taken. In some cases, depending on the duration of pregnancy, treatment is delayed until the postpartum period.

Carrying a baby is a rather difficult and responsible period. Any pathologies that arise at this stage in the mother can lead to adverse consequences for the fetus. The appearance of red blood cells in the urine is a prerequisite for urgent medical attention.

Why do red blood cells appear in the urine?

Normally, there are practically no red blood cells in the urinary sediment. Only a small concentration is allowed. These blood cells appear in the urinary sediment as a result of various pathologies. Most often these are diseases of the kidneys and urinary organs.

If red blood cells are elevated in the urine, then doctors call this condition erythrocyturia or hematuria. It is extremely unfavorable. In expectant mothers - even dangerous. The development of this pathological condition is often accompanied by the formation of pathologies in the fetus.

Erythrocyturia can be of varying severity. It depends on how many red blood cells appeared in the urinary sediment.

If this amount is insignificant, then doctors call this condition microhematuria. A large accumulation of red blood cells leads to the development of a more dangerous condition - gross hematuria. In this case, it can be seen with the "naked" eye.

Erythrocytes are red shaped blood cells. They are necessary for the body to carry dissolved oxygen to all internal organs. A baby growing in the mother's tummy requires a lot of nutrients for its development and growth, which are carried by red blood cells. The general system of blood flow leads to the fact that the pathology of the mother can manifest itself in her baby.

During the gestation of the baby, the need for oxygen supply increases many times over. This feature is largely due to the daily changing physiology and anatomy of the fetus. Inadequate intake of substances due to various pathologies of the mother leads to severe hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the baby.

Reasons for the appearance

Doctors distinguish several clinical variants of hematuria. True pathology is called, which occurs in the distal (distant) parts of the kidneys and the initial part of the urinary tract. The erythrocytes that appear in the urinary sediment are called already “processed” by specialists.

If the pathological condition was caused by pathologies that have arisen in the underlying sections of the urinary tract, but it is called untrue hematuria. The red blood cells that appear in the urinary sediment are called "fresh" or untreated kidneys.

A variety of pathologies can lead to an increase in erythrocytes in the urine. Quite often, this condition leads chronic glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis. These pathologies arise due to damage to the kidneys. They are quite common in women. As a rule, these diseases can manifest even before pregnancy.

Inflammatory processes in the urinary tract are also quite common cause leading to the appearance of a large number of red blood cells in the urinary sediment. Various bacterial infections most often lead to damage to these anatomical structures.

Also, traumatic damage to the urinary tract can lead to the development of inflammation. In this case, microinvasive intervention by urologists may also be required.

Chronic cystitis, accompanied by frequent exacerbations, can also cause a large number of red blood cells in the urine. This pathology is accompanied by multiple adverse symptoms. In a sick woman, urination becomes very frequent, portions of urine become small in volume. A "pulling" pain syndrome occurs in the lower abdomen.

Urolithiasis, accompanied by permanent damage to the urethral mucosa, can lead to multiple lesions. This is manifested by the fact that erythrocytes appear in the urinary sediment. Also, with this pathology, the indicators of the general analysis of urine change. Oxalates or urates may appear in it, and during exacerbation - leukocytes.

Not only pathologies of the kidneys or the urinary system lead to the appearance of erythrocytes in the urinary sediment. Diseases of the reproductive organs are frequent pathologies that contribute to the appearance of erythrocyturia in pregnant women. Erosion of the cervix is ​​accompanied by trauma to the internal epithelial lining. This condition leads to the frequent development of microbleeding, which is manifested by the appearance of red blood cells in the urinary sediment.

Colpitis and vaginitis are quite frequent illnesses reproductive organs, which can lead to the appearance of red blood cells in the urinary sediment. Perhaps this is mainly due to improper collection of urine. In order to prevent this, doctors recommend covering the opening of the vagina with a cotton swab when collecting the analysis.

Various sexually transmitted diseases that occur with damage to the organs of the urinary and reproductive systems also cause an increase in leukocytes in the urine. It is possible to identify these pathologies only by contacting a doctor.

To establish a diagnosis, a whole complex of various laboratory tests is required. It is important to note that if such a disease has been established, then both partners should be treated at once.

On the later dates pregnancy erythrocytes often appear in the urine. Usually this situation occurs in many expectant mothers. It is due to the growing pressure of the uterus on bladder and urinary tract. This leads to compression of these organs and pronounced fluid stagnation, which is manifested by erythrocyturia.

Long-term use of certain drugs- Another reason for the appearance of red blood cells in the urinary sediment. This situation manifests itself both in early and late pregnancy. Quite often, long-term use of hormonal drugs leads to the development of this type of pathology.

Diseases of the internal organs can also cause the development of erythrocyturia during pregnancy. Women suffering diabetes, even before conception, have a significant risk of high levels of red blood cells in the urine. The uncontrolled course of this pathology is very dangerous for the intrauterine development of the baby..

Systemic metabolic disorders and pathologies can also lead to hematuria. One of these diseases is gout, accompanied by a high concentration of urea in the blood. During an exacerbation of this pathology in a pregnant woman, red blood cells in the urine may be increased.

Erythrocyturia can also be caused by various adverse effects of the external environment. These include prolonged debilitating stress. Depletion of the nervous and immune systems leads to an aggravation of multiple problems in the work of the urological tract and other internal organs. Ultimately, this can lead to the appearance of leukocytes and erythrocytes in the urine.

In some cases, certain types of anemia can cause blood in the urine. Systemic and rheumatological diseases are also triggering factors for the development of erythrocyturia. Systemic lupus erythematosus is a pathology that occurs with kidney damage. In this case, there is no way to do without adequate treatment.. When prescribing therapy, doctors always take into account the possible risk medicines for the fetus.

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In some cases, erythrocyturia is an extremely unfavorable symptom and indicates a threat to the life of the baby. In such situations, as a rule, not individual red blood cells appear in the urine, but blood. This can happen at the onset of uterine bleeding. In the later stages, an incipient placental abruption may appear in this way. This means a strong threat to the fetus.

How to determine?

To detect the initial manifestations of hematuria is enough difficult task. With single erythrocytes, this is practically impossible to do. To detect small hematuria, a general urinalysis is required. This study can be done both in a regular antenatal clinic and in a private laboratory.

The turnaround time for this analysis is usually short. The readiness of the result is possible within a few hours or by the end of the first day from the date of delivery of the material. Collect urine for analysis only in a clean, dry container with a screw cap.

Urinalysis is the basic test required to detect hematuria. Normally, the urinary sediment in women should contain no more than 1 erythrocyte in the studied field of view. During pregnancy, this figure remains the same. Any deviations from normal values ​​are already considered pathological.

With an increase in the level of erythrocytes in the urinary sediment to five units, experts speak of the presence of microhematuria. Higher rates already indicate the manifestation of gross hematuria. Both of these pathological conditions require mandatory additional diagnostics.

For this, doctors, as a rule, prescribe to hand over material for conducting a study according to Nechiporenko. This test is more accurate in terms of calculation and helps to accurately determine the severity of the violations that have arisen. Both a therapist and an obstetrician-gynecologist who observes a woman during pregnancy can prescribe such an analysis.

What to do with an increase in red blood cells in the urine?

A high level of red blood cells in the blood is a mandatory reason for referring a future mother to a urologist. This is necessary to exclude diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, which most often lead to the appearance of this symptom. Also, the woman must be examined and consulted by a therapist.

One analysis is not yet the basis for establishing a diagnosis. The appearance of red blood cells in the urine requires a mandatory recheck. For this, a repeated general urinalysis is prescribed, and, if necessary, other laboratory tests, including a study according to Nechiporenko.

After establishing the diagnosis, the doctors will make up a whole complex of drug therapy. If a bacterial infection has become the cause of the pathology, the appointment of antibacterial drugs will be required. Nevertheless, it is undesirable to prescribe antibiotics in the first trimester of pregnancy, when all internal organs and systems are still laid in the fetus.

Traumatic pathologies are treated by urologists using microinvasive technologies. The resulting attack of urolithiasis with the passage of a stone through the urinary tract requires urgent hospitalization of a pregnant woman in a hospital. To relieve the pain attack, you will need to prescribe painkillers and antispasmodics.

Moderately active urinary tract infections may require only the appointment of uroseptics. Preparations of choice for pregnant women are products containing herbal ingredients. Medicinal herbs and berries are used as a course and normalize urine values ​​in a fairly short period of time.

Cowberry leaves and berries, cranberries, as well as ready-made pharmaceutical preparations can be used as medicinal decoctions. Such multicomponent agents include, for example, "Canephron". Its course use allows you to normalize urination and reduce red blood cells in the urine.

If any disease of the internal organs has become the cause of the appearance in the urine, its treatment will be required. With the onset of bleeding from the uterine vessels, the expectant mother must be hospitalized in a hospital due to a strong threat to the life of the mother and baby. In this case, emergency therapy is carried out by obstetrician-gynecologists.

Of course, it is necessary to monitor the erythrocytes in the urine. For this, the expectant mother should only visit regularly women's consultation and my obstetrician-gynecologist.

Negative dynamics and an increase in the number of erythrocytes in the urinary sediment may be an indication for an ultrasound examination.

In the next video you will find an interesting webinar on the above topic.